#it fixed after relogging but. god
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it's always Scarlet. why is it always Scarlet.
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rathwald · 4 years
Someone wanna help with a bug?
I am pretty much blocked off from being able to get to Argus.
The bug just is out of GM hands or something because all I am getting is automated answers in the ticket. 
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You see these floating NPCs? This is where Vareesa is supposed to be in the Hand of Fate questline. After I turned that in, she straight up VANISHED with the entire ship and left my ass and all the NPCs in the water. Unable to get the next quest (Two If By Sea), I *cannot* access the special Exodar phase.
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Has anyone dealt with this bug? Know how to fix it?  Things I tried: -Relogging -Disabling all Addons -Pulling a Ticket (they told me just o report a bug and god knows how long it will take for them to fix this) -Reporting a Bug (which will take forever)
My last alternative is *begging* a GM to put the next quest in my journal. RIP, I just want to farm on Argus :(((
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littlebird-99 · 5 years
She's Not My Moon
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Dean X Reader
Summary: Y/n and Deans fight continues... Where will that take them?
Warning: Angst, language, broken hearts, plot twist(not sorry)
A/n: please don't repost my work, I worked hard. Relogs are and spread the word, so please, if you enjoy, please think of reblogging. Read more here
Part 1
♡.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。♡
She gasped out, trembling, shoving him off, “You really think I could forget you saying that you love me? God, I ha… I have to go” she says moving and opening the door.
“You hate me huh?” he muttered, no longer trusting his voice, “Alright, fine, you hate me, that’s fine, but you want to know something? I still love you, nothing will change that, I’m sorry.” 
“Can you please stop telling me you love me? Just stop please,” her voice choked out. He moved closer, shaking his head and closing the door, caging her between him and the door.
“I need you,” he confessed, eyes meeting hers, tears falling down and he quickly wiped them off. “I never meant to hurt you.” He moved, wiping the tears from her cheeks, he closed his eyes for a quick second, “It’s constantly been you,” he says, opening his eyes as he glanced down at her, “you’re what I think about, morning, noon, and night Y/n,” he spoke.
“So yeah, if I could go back, and do it all over, I would. I would tell you the right way on how I feel, and I definitely wouldn’t have slept with you drunk and had our first time be special,” he stated and moved to kiss her forehead gently.
“So, please, don’t leave me,” he whispered softly. She peeked up at him, shaking her head before she nodded softly, she went to say something, but he stopped her, “Are you going to hate me if I do this?” he asked, she tilted her head to the side at this question, before shrugging.
“It depends on what you plan on doing, Dean, but it's likely I will…" she whispered, before moving to you'll away from him, not wanting to hurt him. 
He shakes his head and pulled her back, crashing his lips against hers, “Please be mine. I can’t do it, I can’t let you leave me.” her hand reached and collides against his cheek, tears in her eyes. 
“I love you… that’s why I should leave Dean,” she declared. He shook his head, biting his lip before he nods, looking down at her.
“You be the sun. I’ll be the moon- just let your light come shining through; and when night comes, just like the moon. I’ll shine the light right back to you," he whispered. She froze, “Yeah… that’s your favorite poem, I had so much trouble remembering that, " he explains. 
She glanced down, biting her lip before she smiled softly, “I need time to myself, Dean. Take some time to figure out what I need, and want,” she whispered, “I’ll see you soon Dean.” she grabbed her bag, reaching for the door, “Bye Dean” she spoke.
"You… you walk out that door, don't you ever.. Ever come back!" His voice trembled, glaring at her. She felt the lump in her throat grow as he said this. "Don't worry… I'll leave, but know this Dean, " she started. "I'm not angry at you, just at myself, because I knew… God, I fucking knew this would happen, but I let myself fall for you anyway.." She choked out before the door slammed behind her.
Dean watched as the door closed and felt his stomach churn, shaking his head, before he turned, looking between everything, before pushing the tv off the stand, throwing the lamp across the room as tears fell down his cheeks.
Y/n's POV
She shakes her head, quickly running for a different motel, she moved, getting a room and going to lock it but someone's foot in the door, looking up she meets soft Hazel eyes. 
Her voice cracks, trying to tell him to leave but nothing comes out, he moved forward picking her up, holding her close as she cried into his shirt. 
After a few, she pulled away, shaking her head as she looked at her hands. He held her close, not letting her pull away, rubbing her back gently.
She finally calmed down and shakes her head. "I'm an idiot Sam. I  shouldn't… I should've known better, God I thought I did know better than to fall for Dean Fucking Winchester…"
Sam shakes his head, looking as he tucked a piece of hair behind her head, "honestly if you ask me, you both need each other, you complete each other, but you don't see what other people see."
She let out a half sob, half laugh as she cried more. "Well, fuck, Sam seriously, just leave me alone, please. I can't! And don't act like you know what happened in that room. He told me to leave, he told me to never come back!" She yelled, shoving the youngest Winchester away from her as she stands il and walks to the bathroom.
"You… You better be gone when I come back out, I'm not going back to him, fuck his feelings, because he just walked all over mine!" She yelled, before slamming the door, sliding down it as tears filled her eyes.
Sam shakes his head, looking down as he listens to her sobs, he couldn't believe this was happening, he stands up, moving for the door. "Just remember, he might not love you anymore, but you still have me" he whispered.
Hearing Sam she sobbed harder, burying her face into her knees, shaking her head roughly, trying to block everything out as she does. 
Sam's POV
Sam wandered back to Y/n's old room, chewing his cheek, concerned about what his brothers going to look like. He takes a deep before reaching the room, his eyes opening he frowned, walking in as he sees the rooms destroyed and his brothers in the middle of the floor. 
"Dean…" he said gently, earning a growl from his brother. He moved next to him, sitting in front of him on the floor, just sitting waiting for him to talk first.
After a while, Dean glanced up at Sam, biting his cheek, he scoffed, "the… the saddest thing, Sammy, is that when I told her that I loved her, she thought I was lying. She never believed that someone could love her." 
Sam shakes his head, "she never believed that you could love her Dean" he told him, looking at his hands. "I'd tell you to go after her, but that would be a mistake. You both said things, I'm sure, but it's going to take years, for both of you to calm down."
Dean rolled his eyes, "wanna know what I think?" He asked, "it would be better if we never had met!" He yelled, standing up quickly, "she started this shit, Sam. I did nothing, I didn't do shit but speak the truth and she turned it around on me. So fuck her! Fuck my feelings, and fuck… f-fuck usher" he cried. 
Sam quickly jumped up, pulling his brother into his arms, hugging him as he cried, he couldn't stop his own from falling as he listened.
"This… it never would have happened if we never saved her from this witches Sam" he growled, Sam pulls away, "you don't mean that Dean."
Dean pulled away, "oh yes I do. Oh I definitely mean it, my heart wouldn't be fucking aching because she got jealous of some stupid bartender. This. Is all her fault, all of it." 
Sam looks down, shaking his head, "it's both of your faults Dean… you slept with her drunk, admitted your feelings drunk, and then flirted with someone else. And Y/n, well, yes, she was jealous, but she shouldn't have said whatever she said, or had done. It was both of you, and only you, and her, can fix what the other did."
Dean scoffed, his chest heaving as he fights more tears. "The day… the say I speak to her? Will be the day I'm dead Sam." Sam nodded, "alright… we'll see about that, and when the day comes. I'll prove to you that you're not dying, or are dead."
5 Years Later
Sam was right, Dean didn't want to admit it, but he missed her, he missed the way her hair smelled, the way she sang along with him in the car, her smile, god, her laugh, and just her in general.
So, when Sam was visiting Jody and Donna, Dean decided to go and find her. And he did, at the grocery store.
Her hair was longer, her smile finally reached her eyes, but only because of the baby in the cart in front of her. 
He moved and pretend to crash, looking up he smiled softly. "Hey, Y/n…" he says gently, looking into her Y/e/c eyes, making his heart beat faster. Her smile faded as she met his eyes. 
"D-dean.." She whispered gently, looking at the baby in the cart, quickly covering them up. "What are… what are you doing here?" She asked.
"You look good, beautiful even," he said gently, not answering her question. She nodded, "answer me…  how'd you find me if you never wanted to see me again Dean?" She asked. 
"The truth?" He questioned, "I followed Sam." He stated, shaking his head as he looked down, a frown on his face just as his brother comes up, "Hey baby, I found the… fuck."
"Hey Sammy," he said softly, "thanks… for not telling me anything" he stated, "I had to learn… god, when did this happen?" He asked. 
Y/n looked down, fighting her twats, "a year ago…" Sam whispered, moving to wrap his arms around my girl. "You proved me wrong, Dean, I thought you would have gone to her sooner, and I waited for you too… but we got talking I didn't push her away and after a while… everything fell into place'' he stated softly. 
Dean scoffed, biting his cheek, looking down as she refused to look at him, soon the baby started to cry and Sam took then out, and God, the baby looked like her, but with his eyes, it had to be his. "I'm going…. Listen, Y/n i'm sorry, about everything back then, I know… I was an ass, and i'm sorry" he said before he quickly left.
"She's no longer my moon…" he whispered to himself as the tears started to fall down his face, and hers. 
Tags: @donnaintx
@thoughtslikeaminefield thought you'd like to read the second part since I left the part one with the cliff hanger!
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annakie · 5 years
Notes on a blog cleanup.
I’ve been going back through my earliest blog posts (I joined this hellhole in May, 2011) to try and find a particular post I made, and decided to do some cleaning up of the early-blog cringe. Then I got a little addicted to it. 
So I started keeping this running log of notes as I went through.  Enjoy.
Basically the first few months my blog was more or less just a Doctor Who blog.  Just going back reliving those early Doctor Who memories, back when Season 7 was airing... and tumblr was at the height of the Doctor Who craze.  I’m only deleting the cringe-est of cringe posts from back then.
Fuck, this is making me want to rewatch Doctor Who.  I haven’t rewatched Doctor Who in like a half dozen years.  Probably more.  I mean I still keep up with the show when it airs but except for a few select episodes (mostly The Husbands of River Song, I’ve seen that like five times, it’s so good) I almost never actually go back and rewatch episodes.  This is a bad idea.
Also remember when we all felt the need to comment completely useless things on people’s posts who clearly didn’t care or add to the conversation.  Did a lot of that.  Deleting a lot of this unless it’s something I actually want to remember for some reason.
Any proof also that I may have liked Bedknob Cumberbund.  Only a few Sherlock posts but yikes?  Was that me?  Luckily no SuperWhoLock so far, but not surprising because I watched Supernatural enough to catch up to it and watch like season 8 live, and I think I tapped out mid-season 9 and was never THAT into it.
Adam Baldwin Appreciation Post... DELETED.  Yikes.
Apparently I once tagged something “otp3”?  *facepalm*
Found a post I reblogged where someone was DEMANDING CREDIT if someone reposted any pics from a set of pics of an actor because they spent a lot of time working very hard.... removing the watermarks from the pictures.  Imagine demanding credit for stealing the credit from someone else’s work.  Nowadays I’d just block the OP if I saw that on my dash. 2011 tumblr was a lawless time.
Getting in a few months to where I THOUGHT I had started tagging my posts, but instead I was reblogging with other people’s tags when that was able to be automatic.  I keep finding posts with like super thirsty tags that I am 99% sure were not mine, and deleting the tags or usually just the entire post.  Also lots of times I just kept tags that were like “mine” for things I clearly did not make myself.  Been kinda lazy about fixing this.
A LOT of “this post has been hidden for possible adult content” posts, and there’s no way to either see the post or delete the post.  Neat.  Also I’m sure almost none of them were anything objectional because even back then I didn’t relog NSFW stuff ever?
Oh no I’d reblogged a “Wake me up when September ends “joke” post.  Sorry Greenday.  Deleted.
Fuck, I’m rewatching Doctor Who.  How did this happen?  I’m on Aliens of London already?  This is so bad.  Why am I doing this?  Oh, nostalgia.
God I used to be so salty about Doctor Who / people who were assholes about Martha Jones.  I’d actually forgotten just how bad I was about that.  On the other hand, holy shit people were assholes about Martha Jones and I’d forgotten how shitty people were in her tag.  Even back then I’d block those OPs but still.  Yikes on both sides.
I’ve deleted over 300 posts now and I just made it to October 1st, 2011.
This is giving me the opportunity to go back and tag a bunch of posts as personal posts though so that I have a better record of what I was doing back then, which is nice.  I didn’t really start tagging personal posts as much until probably 2012.  Finding some pretty good memories that I’m glad I am tagging for keeps.
Hahaha remember when Netflix was going to rebrand the dvd side of their business as Qwickster?  My blog does.
Tags on a HIMYM post about shipping Ted and Robin more than Barney and Robin?  Definitely not mine. Ick.  Also remember having good feelings about HIMYM before the finale gut-punched your love of the show out of you?
October 15, 2011 I reblogged a post about Elizabeth Warren.  I was clearly ahead of my time.
There’s so many posts now that are just broken because the posts are deleted or because things were reblogged as links.  Remember when that was a thing?
Anyway I’m on Boomtown now and uh, Micky Smith is still great?  I can’t believe people hated him after the first episode where he was (understandably, humanly) cowardly.
Early December 2011 and I’m getting real tired of my own fandom wank.  I cared so much about a fictional character.  Kind of not regretting deleting more of this but hey I wrote a lot of essays, why not keep that proof?
Also I’ve started requeueing some good posts from way back when now, so expect a blast from the past on your dash starting a couple of weeks from now.  It’s a bit hard finding stuff that’d be considered truly good even today since gif size was so much smaller back then.
Seeing so many old familiar names of mutuals on my dash is nice though.  I miss some of these people... and a few are still around.  Hi there, friends I made through Doctor Who in 2011!
January 11th 2012 - I was watching Supernatural and damnit I reblogged something SuperWhoLock.  I hate you, January 2012 Me.  (OK actually I don’t because January 2012 me made a courageous decision that changed my life for the better in so many ways, but I’m still judging her choices in tumblr posts.)  At least the blog overall is starting to go down to like 60% Doctor Who and 10% Parks and Rec and 30% Other, including some socially conscious posts.  The cringe has lessened, but still there.
Also I’m on The Parting of the Ways, and yeah season 1 of New Who was just as uneven as I remembered it.  Eccelston did the best he could with what he was given, which was sometimes great, and the rest of the main cast was admirable as well.  Mickey, still underrated.  Captain Jack... still amazing.   And the Doctor did him so, so wrong by leaving him behind.  Gah. 
Anyway, in two nights I’ve now gone back over 750 pages of 15 posts per page, I’m on page 2488 of 2981.   I’ve deleted over 600 posts (40 pages worth) because they were dumb, bad, irrelevant, broken or just something I no longer want on my blog anymore.  I’m still only in mid-January, less than 8 months after this blog was started, but also I think I’m getting near the point of where I set up a queue and did a lot less post-spamming.  I may pick this project back up sometime next week, since I’m about to have a very busy rest of the week. I think the worst of the cringe is past, though.
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