#it feels silly bc i think id still be spending more money and i dont want extra electronics
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itsalwaysdark · 4 months ago
its so embarassing likee. going to talk abt a feeling you have but you already know ppl will be like Oh that sounds like depression lol and its like. well yes . i know . trust me i am so aware i am depressed . but its still like a thing ive been thinking abt and wanting to talk abt but ik itll just be like Ok hun 👍. idk idk what response i would want tho ig FNFNFNF
#not anything serious i was just thinking how like. idk. this is gonna sound rly stupid#but for me personally like. sometimes. How do i phrase this without sounding rly evil#i think obv ppl can spend their money however they want but like. its kind of hard 4 me to grasp sometimes like. there r things that ppl#spend a lot of money on bc it makes them happy like umm. vacations or pets or hobbies or whathaveyou. and obviously thats fine but#i iust feel like its all so. temporary and like. idk. idt im ohrasing this right at all i just likee. the thought of working all year to#afford to take a vacation and then working again to afford another vacation just makes me feel like i want to die. like. idk... i like#vacations we dont need to go on them a lot but ig its just like. everything we do just feels like a waste of time. not in like a Ohh you#should be doing more work Obviously its just like. idk. maybe it is just me. but i feel like im just waiting until i die and can be done#with it i guess. and everything i do is just to fill time until that happens. yk ? which is silly bc of my whole. Thing i cant talk abt#but ppl talk abt like. going out and partying or going on vacation or whatever and i like. I like those things its nice when they happen#but they dont rly make me longterm any happier i guess. everything just feels like another thing im doing. idk. this rly isnt coming out the#way it is in my head. and Again i know this is just depression shit or whatever im just like. its all exhausting. it just makes me feel so#tired. to think abt working and working and working so i can pay to be alive and i can save to do one fun thing every so often to keep me#sane enough to keep working and working and working and i probably wont ever be able to retire itll just be. work. and then ill die. yk.#but i feel like the vacations and stuff dont like. refresh me very much. maybe its just bc ive only been on one 'vacation' as an adult and#it was just like. coming home to see my family. and realizing id have to move back home yk..#+ like. my mom nd my gran taking me out for a weekend when i lived up there#nd those things were nice and all but once its over its like. it doesnt fuel me to keep going it doesnt make me feel any better abt having#to work for the rest of my life#ik im being ridiculous bc im literally unemployed and i cant even get up off my ass to get my stupid fucking ged so i can get a job and be#Useful to my family its just like. idk.... i try so hard to be like Oh nothing mayters and thats why everything matters type thing like. Yes#all things end and the point is to just try to be happy until it does#but i feel like it just doesnt happen for me. i feel like any happiness i feel is so insanely like. it happens and then its gone. and its#back to just. the knowledge that im still fucking stuck here. and i will be until it happens. yk. i play video games tomoass the time until#i go back to sleep then i wake up and i make a spreadsheet to pass the time until i go back to sleep#and everyday just feels like passing the time until i go back to sleep and itll just keep going until it happens. and its nice to have nice#days but whats like. the point. yk. everything just ends#IDK. this is all very whiny im sry. ive just been feeling it a lot lately . i hope this doesnt feel like me being like Ohhh you ppl r so#dumb participating in hobbies and going out and having fun dont you know yr gonna DIE? thats not what im trying to be like#its just like. i feel like it doesnt make me as happy as it does other ppl like. none of it refreshes me or makes me want to keep going
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oars · 1 year ago
wondering if maybe i should get a refurbished tablet to draw on so when i buy a laptop i want to actually run things i wont have to be so focused on it also being a 2 in 1 touchscreen
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annashipper · 6 years ago
JT Anon
Anna:  JT sent me a very ranty submission in reply to this ask (LINK), so I’m including the ask herein for easy reference:
Nonny:   if they did go home together they could both have used the back door, no? why the pap op? to help publicize kubrick event, perhaps? also, she might have stayed in nyc because she has friends to see and didn’t need to rush back two days after met gala. we don’t know whether whole family, including nanny, didn’t come to nyc cause we didn’t see anyone, including BC, arrive at JFK. so it’s possible they all arrived together and left separately. details.
JT Anon:  but nonny this is the problem, we ALWAYS have to think of some excuse as to why ben is travelling alone, and surely they must have just arrived together (or left together). the fact of the matter is, ben went on record to say that if he is EVER away form the kids for more than a day or two, he has the entire family w him. full stop. that is what he said. and yet immediately after he said that we have not seen him travelling w his kids once. not once. in fact we’ve never seen ben and sophie complete a trip together since she gave ‘birth’. its always only on one end. also between you and me, the idea that these two have to have a nanny w them 24/7 because they can’t simply parent their kids w out other adults is hellah sad to me. i know they would be going to events etc, but still.
maybe thats why BC doesn’t have any anecdotes about his kids, he doesn’t actually spend any time w them at all. he is constantly farming them off to other people
personally, while im w anna in that i think the majority of enty stuff is pr fed, if i were to believe that the kids were real and living w him, then i believe enty when he says ben is just simply lying. mainly because only a pretty nasty guy would drag his tiny newborn infants onto multiple flights into different time zones, only to ditch them w the help and not parent them on said flights
I also agree w enty that he is lying about having his kids w him everywhere because we just haven’t seen it. it just simply doesn’t make sense that a man would go to all the trouble to hire very expensive 24/7 hour help (because, again, who wants to be left alone w their kids? not ben. not sophe. if what ben says is true, these two are not hands on parents. we have a lot of proof of that) only to arrive and leave w them sep every single time. i mean, what sort of man disrupts his kids like that so he can feel like he is being a god father, all the while not even bothering to sit w them on a plane? like if ben cant even get on and off a plane w his kids…
in this case, the simplest ex is likely the truth. he is lying. we have photographic evidence of bens travels, and since saying he is never w out them, we have actually never seen him w them.
if you believe that the kids are real, and that ben is not such a horrid parent that he immediately leaves the plane, ignoring his kids and walking off in front of cameras for pap shots, leaving either w a nanny or both sophie and a nanny to struggle w the kids (out the door w no paps? if he is private, and the kids have found a way in and out of the airport w out paps…why don’t they all do that…since they don’t want attention)
this brings us back to those little calendars of travel we have of ben. assuming the kids are real, ben has left his kids for literally MONTHS. months. If you add up all the weeks he took off, its been MONTHS he has left his kids, from the min they were born. he has left his kids for months, because i do not believe he has had them w him (and ben, if you drag kids through an airport now its not going to convince me). we have proof he lied and doesn’t take them w him.
If I were to believe the kids were real, then at this point i would think that all of that talk about finding his love and finally rocking his babies in his arms were stories for branding purposes. (i happen to think they were, however i always assumed there was some mild truth to it and they just hammered it to make him likeable to his female fan base, that the topic didn’t actually loom that large in his head) and because he branded himself as being desperate for love and babies, when sophie turned up preg, likely not by him, he had to double down on it. plus i also think he saw attention and big ass dollar signs. i think he and his team know that sophie causes this little discussion, and they are very happy to keep her around, and seen exactly the way she is to cont this steady stream of attention and eyeballs on his articles and pics that have her just off to the side. then not, then to the side again.  
hence the stories that he travels w his kids when we can see he does not
hence the stories that he rushes to give them a bath every night when we can see him away from home at at events were that isn’t possible.
hence all the other anecdotes from him about kids that are impossibilities and lies
if i were to believe the kids were real, i would believe that he is not a hands on father. that he does not spend much time, if any at all, w his kids. that he has round the clock care raising them. that he isn’t that interested in being a parent, and his stories are just keeping up w previous branding that was also untrue.
I personally always thought that pining for love and a family thing was for branding for his female fanbase, and if his kids and marriage are real, then i tend to believe it was less true and more branding  than i had originally thought
I think this is why so many of the nans have to tangle and pin red string onto dates and locations when seeing ben travelling alone and not out w his kids and saying things about kids that make no sense. they bought the pining for love and a kid thing hook, line and sinker. they thought it was the absolute truth. it never occurred to them that bens team took “yeah , sure id like a wife and kids one day” and turned it into “Ben weeping out of loneliness wants nothing more than to find his soulmate and rock his babies it consumes his heart!” because the response from his fan base was positive.  Because they bought this story and didn’t for one second think anything about bens personality was tweaked and manufactured, they can’t entertain the idea that now, now that he has found his heart (he TOLD them he lovedher! He SAID we HAVE to love her too!!!) and has kids, that his behaviour wouldn’t match whatever fairy tale they have in their heads.
they cannot accept that ben leaves his kids for weeks on end, so there MUST be some convoluted story of sophie CONSTANTLY staying behind w a nanny to visit friends when they are in NYC. They have to CONSTANTLY have the nanny w them 24/7 because there is no other way to explain them being in these places and not having their kids. They MUST only be out when they are seen, because they have to explain why he would bring his kids to NYC, only to leave them every night and every day to shop and eat.
I dont know what they’ve come up w to explain the fact that ben has now had 2 or 3 children and has not a single story about parenting that makes sense.
if you believe the kids are real, then the reality is this is not a man who spends time w his kids. his stories suggest he doesn’t even know them frankly. his stories about them make absolutely no sense. anyone who has done a daily routine w kids from ages birth to 8 knows that what he says makes no sense, and there are very specific things he has not said that he could absolutely say w out it being some invasion of privacy
I think nans just don’t want to accept that ben is not a loving hands on father. he doesn’t spend that much time w his kids. he would rather go work and party and vacation and socialise. he is perfectly happy to leave his kids w hired help constantly. he is perfectly happy to go on constant vacations and leave his kids. he isn’t all that interested in being w them during the day.
I think they also don’t want to accept that, like thousands of celebs before them, he sees these kids as a money making opportunity. that doesn’t mean he is forcing them to perform, but he can monetise them, and he has. he has tried to sell their pictures, he is using these silly stories for clicks, he hires paps. he has branded them into his image to make cash, while not spending much time w them
its actually not that hard to believe, it would be what makes the most sense in this situation. ben has kids he doesn’t really care for, isn’t’ interested in parenting. he has the cash to throw at people so he isn’t responsible for them, and he monetises them in as many ways possible to at least get some cash money out of this situation
its only people who believe the branded intimacy that have to spin in circles to make this not that. people who bought the idea that out of all the celebs on earth, he was not branded. they really super duper know him for real. they can tell he is totes genuine, he would never lie to them, he really does love his fans on some intimate level (how on earth?).
admitting that ben is a liar, that he does call the paps, that he does monetise his personal life, that he does brand his kids, that he isn’t the family man he says he is would be to admit that they were wrong about having some sort of understanding about a public figure that is more intimate than is actually possible. they would have to admit that, just like thousands of fans before them, they were suckered into not only thinking HE was special, but THEY are too.
and now before anyone gets on our cases and starts spitting on their computer screen as they shout “BIT RICH FOR YOU GUYS WHO ARE OBSESSED WITH HIM AND HIS FAMILY!!!!!!” There is a difference. We simply happen to take what he is saying and think its nor true and that he lies.We work w what we see.
Having said that, there ARE people who are skeptical of this whole thing who DO take it too far and think they they have some sort of connection w ben. The only broad thing I will say about that is, when discussing ANY public figure, if someone truly does believe that there are somehow secret messages being conveyed from said public figure, either from clothing choices, word choices, gestures, and that those secret messages have special meanings for that person because there is some sort of understanding between them and the public figure, despite no actual contact, i would HIGHLY encourage people not to engage w this person. don’t’ make fun of them, don’t’ attempt to talk them out of their thought process, it won’t work. just cut off communication about said public figure
sorry, this was a long one anna!
J travels w her dogs and actually leaves the aiport w them T anon
Anna:  I cosign 99.9% of what JT had to say above.  Especially these two parts:
the fact of the matter is, ben went on record to say that if he is EVER away form the kids for more than a day or two, he has the entire family w him. full stop. that is what he said. and yet immediately after he said that we have not seen him travelling w his kids once. not once. in fact we’ve never seen ben and sophie complete a trip together since she gave ‘birth’. . . . ben has now had 2 or 3 children and has not a single story about parenting that makes sense.
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fentonio · 7 years ago
red yellow green :^)
putting this in a read more bc theres a lot o questions :^)
how was your first kiss? mm unless u count a like, 1 second peck from a boy in 1st grade idk yet ;p that one was funny tho
what do you love about yourself? i love that people feel comfortable talking to me about things. like, i love that people see me as trusting and a person to go to for both fun and comfort. i love looking at my growth too, like while i’m still not 100% happy with everything about myself, i’ve come a long way in recent years.
when’s the last time you warmed your hands in front of a fire? god its been 2 long thats for sure, probably summer?? man i miss campfires w/my friends
would you rather watch a sunrise or sunset? there’s a part of me thats like “sunrise bc i dont see em as often” but nothing beats a summer sunset at like 9 pm
what’s the best thing about summer? i love so many parts of summer!! i love the warmth, i love going swimming, i love running around all day with friends and sitting in the grass barefoot after a long day and dancing as the sun goes down and just those unbothered moments of freedom and joy... say what u will but summer’s still my fave season
if you could have any view from your bedroom window what would you choose? tbh i’m really happy with my one at home, it’s just trees and sky and my beautiful backyard... i guess something where 0 manmade things r in sight
what’s your favorite thing to do on a sunny day? if its warm get out and hang with friends! go swimming, have a picnic! i wanna have a picnic so bad @rosebeaches​ lets have a picnic when it gets warm again
what do you consider lucky? umm black cats, the number 13... frogs r definitely good luck! usually small things that i notice throughout the day im like “thats a good luck sign”, ex. driving thru my valley and seeing cows. cows r 100% good luck. :^)
what made you smile today? seeing friends!! dq blizzards and purple corduroy painters pants!!! hell yeah!! 
what makes you happy? spending time with people i love, music things (making playlists & playing instruments & stuff), drawing, reading silly stories, video games, dancing, singing... lots of things make me happy tbh!
what’s your favorite thing to do outside? i like going on walks and exploring
do you like camping? tbh ive never officially “been camping” besides like camp stuff they did thru school, which idk if that counts that much?? i think i would enjoy it if my body cooperated
what would you spend $1,000 on? adfkghsdfkjgljf the concept of spending that much money is so.... overwhelming tbh like idk if i can say??? if this is in the future and i’m financially stable as hell then id def spend it on gifts for my friends/family.... if now i’d probably still spend some on friends and probably save the rest lmao
what’s your job, or what do you want to do as your job? dream job would b movie director with a lot of power over what I can Do, or a video game designer/writer or something... or something involving psych... idk the dream is still writing cool media people love
what’s your favorite article of clothing? umm it might b my beautiful 80s/90s blue-and-black sweater... i love that thing so much it’s fucking gorgeous, like its just so GOOD
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kennothythebard · 8 years ago
Things I’ve learned about writing DEH characters
So while researching for and writing “A Worthy Explanation” (pls read i crave validation) I’ve noticed a lot of little things that I don’t always see mentioned in writing guides for these characters so I thought I’d point some of these out. Idk how love this is going to be so I’ll prolly put a cut here.
I like to create kind of a “loneliness chart” and graph the kids on it (looks kinda like those political alignment things). On one axis theres introverted vs. extroverted, and on the other theres like polite vs. rude I guess? But in summary: Evan is introverted polite, Jared is extroverted rude, Alana is extroverted polite, Connor is introverted rude, and Zoe... is just kinda generally lonely. Where she falls really depends on what’s going on with her (but she typically is a less extreme introverted rude than Connor).
Obviously each character has their own faults, but I often see these faults viewed quite selectively, see “cinnamon roll evan” and “fucking larry” for two very different examples of this phenomenon. Evan is not perfect and always trying to be nice, and Larry is not a super abusive parent who deserves no happiness in this life. They’re both complex and it’s hard to let go of our misconceptions to write truer to the characters (e.g. I really, Really don’t like Larry. I see him as a lousy father who just kind of chose to be “the strict one” but does nothing but criticize and dole out punishment, ignoring his kids any other time), but that’s an important part of deh, is that people aren’t always what we perceive them to be.
Evan is often viewed as like a cinnamon roll, but in act 2 especially Evan gets mean. Like, he’s dismissive and rude and angry and just a jerk. Evan can be just as bad if not worse than some of the “angrier” characters
Ppl often talk about his lying as his biggest character flaw, but I’d argue that most of the lying we see in the show just stems from the one lie which he was kinda forced to make bc he was in a bad place (i mean, thats pretty much the entire point of awe).
The character flaw that I don’t see discussed enough is that he’s ashamed of his mental illness. He’d rather pretend it’s not there, even when it impacts every part of his life. He doesn’t do the letters the way his therapist assigned them, he’s apprehensive towards medication and stops taking it, and basically feeds into his self-destructive tendencies, arguing his mother sees his as “broke” or something to be fixed.
I love writing Jared
There’s already a lot about what a complex character he is and stage directions, but one thing that most people notice is his actions frequently contradict his words. Take the sincerely me reprise at the start of act 2. Why would he try to insert himself into the narrative at this point? What good would that do at this point? When evan dismisses him he gets annoyed and defensive. He says that he can’t do anything until Monday because he’s hanging with his camp friends (whom he claims are his “real friends,” a term he will later ascribe to himself regarding Evan in Good For You), and when Evan dismisses him again he tries to offer to help with the kickstarter, but is quickly shot down once more by Evan. Despite what seems to be a natural ending place in the conversation, he insists on continuing to talk with Evan, and when Evan cuts him off again he becomes rude and slightly threatening. This happens over the course of maybe three minutes and it’s one of the most insightful scenes to jared’s character
When writing a canon-compliant Jared, his actions and thoughts should conflict with his words. He cares about Evan but he’d never say that out loud (in more canon-compliant fics), and it hurts when he’s pushed away, which he responds to with anger.
Zoe is one of the most difficult characters to write, imo.
She’s often portrayed in a slightly sweeter, saccharine way in fanon as just like a fun, silly girl who is just a tad sarcastic, but really you can tell that she’s Connor’s brother. She’s angry, blunt, unafraid of speaking her mind, etc. Yes, she is funny and kinda sarcastic, but her sarcasm isn’t always of the funny variety. She’s obviously angry at her parents, but this often comes across as a “doesn’t love them” variety of anger when her real feelings seem to be much more complex. 
Basically, I’m still learning a lot about writing her but I think just like the other kids she’s a little lonely, so Evan comes along and he’s there and that’s enough for her. She has such a wide range of emotions that I don’t feel are always accurately represented, even by me. (especially by me)
Hella, hella lonely. Covers it up by talking to people and doing extracurriculars. Sure, “college apps” is her excuse for why she does so much, but it’s not the real reason. If she keeps busy, she doesn’t have to be alone with her thoughts. But at the same time she has similar fears to Evan about people seeing the worst of her. “Close acquaintances” seems to be a statement about how little she makes friends, but I also see it as a defense mechanism. If she remains “close acquaintances” with people, she’ll never have to be their friend and they’ll never have to see the worst of her.
She’s cheerful and annoying, but in the way that pisses high schoolers off. Like, we all knew that one kid who was just way way too nice, and most of us were like “yeah ok they’re pretty cool i guess” but like some people just hated their positivity. It also doesn’t help that she tries to insert herself in situations she hasn’t been invited in, and does some questionable things to help her accomplish her goals. (Evan/Alana contrast: Evan does questionable things to accomplish internal goals, Alana does them to accomplish external goals)
Gets easily distracted. Forgets to sign Evan’s cast in scene 1. Her mind has a million different thoughts at any given moment. It wouldn’t be out of line to headcanon ADHD Alana (some of the things she does reminds me of the things I do when I forget my meds).
We don’t see a lot to really get a huge insight into his personality. We know he was angry and had some serious mental illness.
We also know that he could recognize when he went too far and would go out of his way to make amends. (Why was he in the computer lab? Why did he sign Evan’s cast?) He may recognize a kindred spirit in Evan.
Clearly he doesnt hate his family (he goes to school despite not wanting to go, and seeing Zoe’s name is what sets him off showing possible concern), and it would not surprise me to learn that he thought his family would be better and happier without him. He clearly has intense emotions and reactions even to things that might seem minuscule or inconsequential. When writing him in canon, I think of a rubber band stretched too tight, and any characters action could loosen or tighten the pulling.
Such an emotional character, I nearly break my own heart when I’m trying to writer her.
Theres two odd kind of paradoxes in a parent-child relationship like that between Heidi and Evan. For Heidi, the paradox is that the more she wants to do for Evan, the less she can actually be there for him. For Evan, he wants his mother to succeed and loves her so much that he might even encourage her to not worry about him or spend time with him, but then resents that she’s never there. Or at least when he meets a mother who can provide and be there.
Heidi pretty much worries herself sick over Evan. Evan comes before everything else in her life, and so it’s easy for her to feel like she failed him, which is a huge reason for her intense reaction in Good for you: evan has just confirmed her fears that she’s failed him.
Heidi tries so hard, but she isn’t perfect. She’s clearly very sensitive about money or about Evan’s father, and this sensitivity can easily change to anger or passive-aggressiveness. She has deep insecurities that we may never see or fully comprehend.
Mom. like shes completely a mom. like, “can i speak to your manager?” type mom.
Loves her kids and tries to be supportive but struggles communicating with two very headstrong, sarcastic kids
she probably wouldn’t say this, but takes connor’s death very personally. wonders why he would do this to her 
Is desperate for her children to listen and understand her. Which Evan is more than willing to do.
A little bit selfish? Like, thinks about what will make her better rather than accepting everybody grieves differently
Fucking larry. I don’t like him and he’s the hardest character for me to write.
Ok since I made such a big deal about it in the intro i’ll try to be nicer than id normally be
A masculine archetype. Sports dad, wants sports son, which Connor isn’t
He’s got some really ableist/misogynistic tendencies that causes the intense demonization of him in the fanon but I mean... he could be worse i guess? (that’s literally the best i can say about that so yeah i dont like him at all)
Really just oblivious. Completely ignored Connor’s need for help, does not know how to read a room, you could say he frequently has a foot in his mouth if it weren’t so intentional.
I mean...probably a good guy if you can get past all that stuff? just really, really self absorbed.
yikes that was long. Again, not really a guide, just some things I think about when writing these characters. if you read this far at all thank you for indulging me this much.
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lycanrox · 8 years ago
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 29, 32, 33, 34, 37, 56, 59, 60 (lol), 69, 74, 75, 85, 86, and 95!
4. What is your life goal?idk, to make my bfs happy and to live an average life w/o my disabilities holding me back5. Do you have any expieriences with a famous person?im related to the guy who made the sobg Monster Mash, i met the lead singer of rise against, i met the bassist for thousand foot krutch and i met the lead singer of fun. ! theyre allc ool dudes but that was in like 20106. Do you play any sports?i cant anymore bc of my disabilities but i used to be a runner and i swam a little7. What's your worst fear?i have a lot of fears but i dont know what the worst is.. its probably not veing able to take care of myself as an adult8. Who's your biggest inspiration?honestly,? not to be edgy or anything but nobody because i havetn really found anyone who i can look up to9. Do you have any cool talents?i can make my face look like it has foreskin bc of my double chin 15. What's the best dream you've had?umm!!! idk!! a lot of times good dreams make me sad bc they arent true :-( but probably any ones involving realistic situations w my bfs17. Do you have any pets?ya!! at my house i have a dog and his name is sparta, he is so fat and good. i have two cats at my dads house but theyre technically my dads gfs cats so :-/ BUT i lovr them still20. Are you considered popular?not really, im kinda infamous actually nobody likes me, not to be emo or anything21. What is one of your bad habits?destructive impulse decisions22. What's something that makes you feel vulnerablenot wearing my binder or having people (who arent oliver and shae) see me w/o pants on (those two bc theyve seen me pantsless more times than i can count)23. What would you name your children?idk im gonna replace "children" with "pets" bc its more realistic BUT... i wanna give them silly names like beans and meatloaf, i love funny names like that its so pure29. who does your main family consist ofdoes this mean like who i live with? if so then my mom n stepdad but if u mean like mentally... i dont have a cpnnection w anyone in my family bc of a lot of stuff BUT i love my half-sister more than anything, so just her ig32. Do you like rollercosters?yes but i hate lines 3-:33. Can you swim? yeah but it hurts... im gonna try to get back into it soon bc its actually good for ur joints, i just need to et used to it34. What would you do in the event of an apocolypse?if i was w someone id depend on them but if i was alone id accept my fate tbh, i cant take care of myself37. What's your favourite colour?wanna hear smth funny? its pastel pink. im so edgy and my blog is so dark n stuff but my favorite color is pink. pastel pink. i love it56. What's your favourite animal?i love all animals!! but i rly love otters ... that MIGHT be my fav animal but dont quote me on tht bc i love puppies59. Do you have good friends?yes! i love my friends theyre all so good!!!60. Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group?what the fuck is an lgbt69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?theatre !!!!! idc if thats technically work it makes me happy!74. When was the last time you travelled somewhere new?when i went to TN to visit ollie back in november!!75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?my mom85. What motivates you to succeed?my bfs, i need to be here to support them86. What dream that you’ve had has resonated with you the most?i dont remember my dreams often so i dont know... most of my dreams are psychological nightmares and i try to Repress them bc i hate thinking abt it.95. What would you do if you would be invisible?shit idfk!!! probably sneak onto a plane to go see oliver TBQH..
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