#it didn’t make sense in acosf tho
vidalinav · 8 months
You see… none of the tiny interactions between the IC and Nesta bother me because of how literally impulsive I saw her being written as in this book. I think it’s hilarious and good content, but this girl literally did whatever the fuck she wanted. Sure at times she was like playing nice and seemed to be working with the team… but when amren was like you said what you said now leave I was like BITCH. BUT THEN I saw Nesta literally just say whatever came out of her mouth while azriel was like… maybe we shouldn’t be telling this random alien who keeps escaping these things, and then I read her just randomly putting on a weapon even though she legit says that it worries her in acosf and she probably shouldn’t be having it, and she just is like 🤷🏽‍♀️ a lot of the time that she almost gets caught in a booby trap. She just gives the mask away (with good reason) without consulting anyone. So it made a perfect amount of sense to me for Amren and Azriel and Rhys and even Cassian (tho he did literally nothing- basically nonexistent) to be like… uhh Nesta I’m questioning these decisions. Especially because it doesn’t sound like this is the first time.
Do they do it nicely? No. But do these interactions remind me of someone yelling at a toddler putting their hand on the stove after someone’s told the toddler they’d burn themselves? Yes.
But do I want Nesta to keep putting her hand on the stove? Also yes.
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gwyns · 6 months
“i don't think it'll be announced as a "gwynriel" or "elucien" book or whatever. it'll be announced like acosf was, as the mc's book.”
I didn’t mean Sarah would announce it like that! I should’ve clarified more, I’m sorry! I think when she does release the book title it should give us a good gauge as to who the mc of the book is. I think the novella will be Mor’s and the full length books will definitely be Azriel’s and Elain’s. The ship wars definitely won’t end, they might get more hostile, but I want to hope maybe things will improve and become more positive. I would like the next book to be Azriel’s, and after Silver Flames and HOFAS, I think it’s more than likely his, but who knows. It could very well be the novella (I would actually laugh in amusement & I think I saw somewhere that said Sarah talking about how she wouldn’t mind the releasing a novella after SF I could be wrong tho but I thought I saw it) or Elain’s book.
oh no need to apologize! i wasn't talking about you specifically, more so the fandom as a whole because some seem to think she'll announce the couple with the book and i'm sorry but that's not going to happen lol. it wasn't directed towards you at all <3
but i agree! i do think the title will help us figure it out, honestly i'm scared for the announcement, i just know it'll be chaos no matter what and it makes me anxious just thinking about it 😭
agreed again! i've thought az was next since a couple of weeks after acosf and hofas only reinforced this for me. like yeah elain does have some setup but i find it odd she was hardly present in acosf and not there at all in hofas if she's next. i find sjm shining a spotlight on az and his struggles similar to what she did with nesta in acofas. we know elain isn't well either but she's hiding it for now whereas az is letting it directly affect him. he's getting worse and acting out
of course, i could be totally wrong and elain is next but... idk it just doesn't make sense to me narratively. like why would koschei be killed halfway through the spinoffs when he's seemingly meant to be the big baddie? it makes much more sense to me if gwynriel dealt with the illyrians, ramiel and maybe the remaining queens first. throw in an autumn court subplot and boom, bam! we got a way to setup the elucien book
nobody better get upset at me putting gwynriel in the autumn court or i will go full bitch mode, gwyn has autumn court heritage too, it's not me taking from elucien so shush
honestly her releasing a novella would be the biggest troll ever and i'd laugh so hard. many are frustrated and i get it but acotar is my favorite series so i don't mind waiting since i don't want it to end just yet 😢
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lunainfortuna · 8 months
In the interview she mentions how she brings characters close to kissing and it just doesn’t feel organic right it feels like she’s smushing two dolls together and I feel like the acosf bonus of Elain and Azriel interacting WAS that. Like they didn’t even kiss and from Azriels pov we see he hadn’t even thought of her further than jacking off. I just didn’t get a sense from his thoughts in his head that he didn’t see her as his beyond the whole 3 brothers and 3 sisters. Then he proceeds regift the necklace. It’s like she considered el/riel then changed her mind when she felt she was forcing it. Then she goes on to mention if the bond can be love AND fate?
It’s hard because as you said the comment she made sounds like she’s feeding into the shipwar because it can lean on either side depending on how you see it but I hate how el/riels immediately act as though anything is confirmation they’re over confidence is actually what makes me feel they’re not so confident
I don't know if she was thinking about the bonus chapter when she said this (since it also applies to Lucien and Nesta), but damn lol she described it. I felt like I was reading it all over again. Not to mention that like you said, Azriel is not really invested in Elain - he doesn't think of her as more than a prize.
Now, in my opinion, she has never considered Elriel to be endgame or smth. I think that in the bonus she just wanted to show us that they do not belong together, you know? Like she was saying: see? that's bad. But with Gwyn, it works! There's joy and growth.
And, yeh, it's really hard. The question about rejecting a mate itself was bad to the current state of this fandom lmao. But I liked her answer. I really did. Unfortunately, I liked it, but elriels liked it as well 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 for them must be even harder tho because we have everything on our side. That's why they are desperate. And that's why they try to make every single thing about Elain.
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stargirlfeyre · 1 year
I’m in no rush for the next books bc if she wrote ACOSF that shitty who knows what else she’ll write from other character POV’s. I can see her just turning every single fan group against eachother eventually, Like imagine if Elain argues with Rhys or Feysand over Rhys telling Az not to pursue her just yet? I could possibly no longer like her over something like that & it’s why I hope it doesn’t happen bc i’m trying to give her a chance. Or if Az keeps being annoying & reckless disobeying understandable orders? He may get on my last nerve. I’ve had it with people in the family acting up bc Feyre started a new family to get away from BS didn’t she SJM? Or if Lucien gets a POV excusing how he treated Feyre shitty or mocking or villainizing Feyre & The IC like Nesta did? If I catch Vassa talking shit since she’s already done off as annoying in Acowar & since we know Lucien is keeping information from Feysand since they said “He’s basically loyal to them now” Or Lucien still riding Tamlins too despite him being Feyre’s abuser….
There’s SO many ways these new POV’s can piss me off so I don’t mind waiting either. I even hope Bryce’s POV of them all isn’t shallow petty or annoying since even tho she’s sweet…She’s annoying to me in CC. She’s the one SJM heroine I’m not all that impressed with but I’m hoping I like her more in CC3..She’s making it seem like Bryce is unhappy there in the book synopsis already which I get bc she’s going thru it but also…SJM..Don’t piss IC fans off once again. ACOSF was the last straw for me next time..I will not hesitate to call her out for petty writing decisions.
I just….don’t fully trust this author at all with how ditzy & careless she can seem with recent books and how bad that damn rite was or how she barely fleshed out Cassian, or how it’s over sexualized or how the plot climax was underwhelming & ass or how Cass seemed rude to the IC at certain parts w always doubting and questioning every move they made even if they made sense, or how she made Nesta seem all close with Rhys when we all know Rhys would be sweeter but not THAT extra miss girl... Or the “Hehe I thought it’d be fun for Az Nesta and Cass to have a threesome & I couldn’t put it bc my editor 🫤🤭” Like girl stfu I’m so sorry to say this but..why would that have made ANY sense? Tacky..”Let me self insert into Nesta for a Bat bot threesome fantasy the younger sister and friend may have a crush on” ……..CRICKETS. Barely trained having Az say they were trained enough to make it against ILLYRIANS…
Every day I understand more & More why authors don’t interact with her much or if she does have drama among other authors bc If I read that book as an author I wouldn’t be able to take her writing seriously. Feyre got blessed with her series bc these spin-offs are embarrassing kinda…Feyre’s books only lacked in showing us her power or more of Rhys’ power..Or that she shoved her sisters drama back into her NEW life.
Anyway Rant over I love ur acc ❤️
Sjm being so reckless with this series that people no longer trusting her to do right by it is so hilarious to me. Like she needs to tap into whatever she was on when she wrote acomaf and get to work. My biggest fear is waiting years for this book just for it to be complete trash.
And I agree the way Mass’ writing (when it comes to acotar) has regressed since the main series, especially acomaf, is staggering. The issues with Feyre books are more minor or little annoying things while the issues with acosf are…insane. The excuses the main characters makes for her own behavior, ignoring plot lines in prior books, throwing in details that directly goes against what was said in prior books, the lackluster romance that seemed so much better when it was seen from the pov of someone else. I just wonder if when sjm’s editors were reading acosf for the first time, they ignored everything that was blatantly wrong with it because “oh smut🤩”.
Honestly I don’t think it would happen but if Elain and Azriel do end up I’m some drama with Feysand I’m siding with Feysand idc.
And I haven’t started CC yet. I’ve seen a few spoilers but I can’t really judge Bryce’s personality right now.
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nightcourtreader · 11 months
about your previous anon ask: I had quite different journey in regard of Nesta than you. is it weird that now I hate nesta? I mean tumblr ppl made me hate her so much right now and when I read acosf for the first time I fell in love with her but I didn't forget what she'd done to ppl around her specially Feyre but I forgave her. bc I understand her, her self-loathing, her lack of action to prove someone wrong even tho it might hurt herself or others. but like I said I also never forgot how she was in the first book. after coming here I just saw how ppl, specially her stans, misunderstood her how they turned her in to this saint that she has done nothing wrong but that was not sjm intention. Nesta hated herself for how she treated Feyre and here are ppl calling her queen for those behavior or how they say Feyre wanted to hurt herself and act like a victim while they were in the cabin. I even saw someone say that Feyre had no right to tell Nesta not to marry Tomas before she left for spring court or the way she imprisoned her at the house of wind (do they know what imprison means? whatever Nesta's situation was I'm sure as hell wasn't being imprisoned) and it's funny that Nesta was thankful for her bc she was one of the reasons she turned into this person that she is now.
a very similar thing happened between me and my younger sister and even tho I was mad at the time I'm always going to be grateful for her. if I see someone is drowning themselves and it doesn't matter the amount of time I gave them to heal themselves to overcome their trauma and now their actions are reaching me as well? Imma try to help them myself in whatever way I can even if it's unwanted. it might not be right to force ppl to do things but it's been effective as we saw in acosf and how Nesta was grateful to both Feyre and Rhys at the end.
and I can't love Nesta freely or without this ugly image these Nesta stans pictured for her. or tell others without someone coming at me telling me their distaste for Rhys & Feyre or IC in general.
idk maybe it's just me. maybe this is how sjm intended, to make Feyre the bad guy in Nesta's story. to make Nesta and Elain in the right for not helping Feyre bc they're not parents of Feyre and they shouldn't have a little sympathy and help their sister in difficulty bc that's what a human being does and not a selfish one and call their sister half beast or whatever...
yeah anyway sorry for the rant maybe I should reread acosf and try to forget those ugly comments and try to love her again but it's quite hard. I hate that HER STANS taint her character for me :')
I completely understand. I think it’s perfectly fine to not like her. I think it’s valid reasons not to like any character in this series.
Like I think people like to argue ohh nesta is just mean in the first acotar book, but to me she was still mean up until her book. I do not give her credit for telling Feyre about the pregnancy because she also, alongside the IC, agreed not to tell Feyre in the beginning & she only did it so she could hurt someone because she was hurt by Armen. It’s not a good thing when you don’t do it for the right intentions.
I know everyone is like ohh but Rhys threaten her and blah blah and told everyone to be quiet, but nesta also threaten Feyre because of Elain. Nesta isn’t only at fault about the whole pregnancy thing either tho. I think EVERYONE (Rhys & IC included) was fucked up, besides Mor since she was gone & Elain because I don’t even think she even knew or was told. But I think it makes sense for nesta to still be mean because her healing journey didn’t start until acosf.
I think when you read the series, in my opinion, if you think nesta is a saint, or any of the characters for that matter are saints who can’t do anything wrong than you are reading the wrong series. I think a lot of stans have trouble accepting that their fav characters has done wrong in the series & I get it that their fav character might have been wronged by others but we’re not talking about that, we’re talking about what the character has done. Like I’m a Feyre girlie, but I can accept that my girl has done some fucked up shit and this series. Rhys too.
The thing some people don’t understand is that nesta herself didn’t want to be that mean, bitter, angry person. She didn’t wanna lash out of people. She only said those things for self satisfaction that only lasted for a few minutes at most. Nesta also knows she wasn’t a good person and wanted to get better, that was the whole point of acosf. I know a lot of people are mad she’s with Cassian and she’s still in the night court but in my opinion the night court really fits her. People think she changed herself to fit Cassian’s standards and I don’t think that is true either. I think nesta just added to herself.
I also don’t think that nesta verbally abusing Feyre is a Queen moment to me. I know a lot of people didn’t think she did, but to me she did. It’s just really messed up. I know a lot of people don’t like Feyre and glad that nesta talked down on her, but nesta literally didn’t like doing that stuff. And if it was Feyre saying those things all hell would have broke loose.
But I think nesta behaved that way with Feyre because she knew Feyre did all the things she wouldn’t allow herself to do, and I think she acknowledges this. Feyre herself stated that they are two sides of the same coin, Feyre and nesta are so similar to each other in my opinion.
I know a lot of people say it’s the Archeon’s parents fault for what happen to the sisters in the cabin and I whole heartily agree. Papa Archeon should have gotten his ass up and did something, but I don’t think nesta & Elain made the situation any better. Refusing to help to spite your father knowing he’s not going to help what so ever is not a good enough excuse for me.
Also, Feyre telling nesta about Thomas is something nesta was thankful she did say. Why wouldn’t Feyre tell her sister that the man she has every intention on marrying has an abusive father? Abusive tendencies can be given to the next generation. We see how Thomas turned out to be, so why would we want nesta subjected to that?
Honestly I do agree with the fact that Feyre & the IC could have went about it another way with nesta & the house of wind, but I can also see it as involuntary admission, which is something that happens in the real world where people are admitted to a facility because they are a danger to themselves and they are admitted against their will.
I don’t think nesta was going to get better on her own, she was too stubborn. A lot of people argue that Feyre was given months to heal and stuff and I get that but nesta & Feyre aren’t the same, nesta is way more stubborn & I feel like why would they let nesta intentionally suffer knowing they could help her? If they didn’t help nesta, she would’ve been like that for years and it wouldn’t have been healthy! She would have destroyed herself. And in the end nesta is glad they gave her the help because she knew she wasn’t going to do it on her own!
I think that it was intentional that SJM wrote nesta & Elain to be like the bad sisters in acotar. Its very obvious that she wrote them like that to not be liked. I think she didn’t plan to do a spin off on the sisters at first. But then she did.
I don’t think Feyre was the villain of nesta’s story, I think it’s very obvious she and the IC are not the villains of nesta’s story no matter how bad people want them to be. I understanding not liking the method of what they did with the house of wind, because 10,000 steps is a bitch to go down, but nesta literally did it when she was mad and going to confront Armen. If she was really mad enough about staying I think that she could have left. Could have left the night court. I think the times she wanted to leave the house was to go get alcohol, something she didn’t need and that’s the reason SJM didn’t have her go all the way down the stairs.
And I do agree that some nesta stans do make it hard to like her. I do think it’s ok if you don’t like the IC or Feyre and like nesta. But I don’t like really seeing bashing posts about Feyre and the IC unless it’s accurate information about it because people like to make up and expand stories to tell why they don’t like them.
So my advice is to block and filter things you don’t like seeing to enjoy your experience. That’s what I do and it has made my experience on here so much better. I also try to move on when I see things I don’t like on other social media because people like to pull out of the ass things. Like maybe reread and see if you like nesta yourself without being influenced by others opinions and it’s ok if you still don’t in the end, your opinion is valid.
I would just look at it like all the characters are fucked up but can I still like them after the fact?
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loki-maybe-highkey · 3 years
I don't get why people (y'all already know who Im talkin bout 🤡) call Azriel toxic and an entitled prick. Like I waited and heard both sides of the story but now it's clear to me that these arguments were made to serve only one purpose: justify the other ship and invalidate Elriel because they hate Elain.
Hop in y'all it's story time. This is so long but I need it to make sense so shhh
Lemme start with a real life example and experience kay? So, I have a friend, let's call him X. Me and X have known eachother for over 5 years and we're super close. A couple years ago he told me that he's attracted to me but in a physical way (there's more to this story but it's kinda irrelevant). Anyway, the attraction was mutual (atleast to some extent on my part) and we almost hooked up. I wasn't exclusively in a relationship at that time but I was talking to someone so he thought better of it because he didn't want to ruin whatever I had going on with the other person. With that being said I did end up dating the other person and me and X continued to be friends without being weird and he was still attracted to me. He kept his thoughts to himself because I was with someone and later (like after my relationship ended) admitted that even though he felt terrible he would often fantasize about me and was jealous of the other guy. (which is completely normal because he's an adult and he didn't act on those impulses out of respect for me and no this doesn't make him a creep either idk what world y'all live in but you can't control someone else's thoughts).
Just putting it here incase people wanna call me out for being a rape apologist or SA denier- I don't condone any of those things and would never be ok with stalking/harassing or any weird behavior that guys unfortunately think is ok sometimes.
Now to Elriel's situation and what we see in the books. In Acofas, Rhys asks Azriel about his opinion on Lucien dealing with Graysen and Az says
"why should I be the judge of that".
He doesn't track Lucien because he values Elain's privacy. We then have those small Elriel moments in Acofas that show that Az atleast cares about Elain (the wishing her a happy solstice scene, the potatoes thing, and the gift exchange). In Acosf, we see Az is super protective of her but still keeps his distance. In Az's bonus chapter, Az again keeps his distance, doesn't give Elain her necklace infront of everyone because Lucien is present and it's mentioned many times in the chapter how 'wrong' he feels because Elain is a mated female and Az shouldn't feel that way about her.
Now about the argument with Rhys right after (this is where most the entitlement and toxic theories come from so). Az NEVER said he was entitled to Elain. He questioned the cauldron not because he wants Elain to be his mate but because her mating bond with Lucien is preventing him from being with her. Rhys asks him
"You believe you deserve to be her mate?"
And Az replies with how he thinks Lucien is not good enough for her and Elain isn't interested him in either. I don't see anything toxic about being jealous of the man that is in the way of you being with the woman you want to be with.
Also notice how in Acofas Az doesn't give his opinion on the situation but gets defensive and deflects Rhysand's question with another question. In his bonus chapter he only voices his thoughts AFTER he gets Elain's explicit consent. Instead of being a 'horny asshole' and 'weird alphamale' he doesn't project his thoughts and desires on anyone and only after he's certain that Elain wants him too does he admit to Rhys about how he feels. Like COME ON.
In conclusion, there is NOTHING wrong with two consenting adults to be attracted to eachother whether it is a just a physical and sexual attraction or something more. In my case, X being attracted to me doesn't mean that he doesn't care about me beyond his desire for me nor does it mean that he doesn't see/respect me as a person aside from that almost exactly like we're shown multiple times in the books that Az cares about Elain beyond his late night fantasies. Just like X kept his distance unless I clearly told him that I wanted to be with him Az takes active measures to stay away from Elain because he doesn't know for sure if she wants him or not. Me and X had history before the whole attraction thing and we're still friends just like Az and Elain are friends no matter how much anyone denies it. He listens to her ramble about things she loves and if y'all know dudes then you know they only sit there and listen to your shit because they care about you. (Again talking from experience since I've mostly had only guy friends all my life and they agree with this statement) if a guy isn't interested in you or if he doesn't deeply care for you he ain't gon waste his precious time to listen to you talk about your shit nor is he gonna make an effort for you. Our boy Az stays up with Elain for hours and listens to her talk about gardening and her plans and what not. He actively seeks her out and treats her like a normal person when others deem her crazy. From what I know he ain't doing that just to be "nice" and because he feels bad for her. Nope.
I can't believe I gotta make this clear after all that but Az still fantasizing about Elain even tho she has a mate doesn't mean he's weird or disgusting it means he's a person with feelings and desires and urges (some of which may even be out of his control) and him being decent enough and not pressuring her into anything (he didn't do anything in the bonus chapter that Elain didn't want).
He's been suffering for 500 years having loved Mor unconditionally without him getting any love back and now that he's over her and wants to pursue someone else he's toxic and bad all of a sudden. Make it make sense please.
He isn't toxic, he's frustrated (sexually 😂). He's not entitled, he's desperate. He isn't weird or disgusting, he's just a lil thirsty for the girl he likes. He isn't obsessed or crazy, he's about to be in a situation where he doesn't get the girl he wants (again) and he doesn't know what to do.
If y'all made it this far, thanks for coming to my ted talk. Peace out mfs.
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bookstantrash · 4 years
A/N: Shoutout to all of those beautiful, incredible supportive and awesome people who encouraged me to write this Emeriel (Azriel x Emerie) one shot. I really like this crackship, and I’m hoping we see more of Emerie in the next acotar books.
With this, I’m officially in ghost mode till acosf and for some time after its release (probably a month). My askbox and dm are open for prompts tho! So feel free to send me any writing requests!!
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Falling in Shadows
Azriel was lost.
Not lost as in ‘I don’t know the Cauldron where I am’. Not in the physical way lost.
No, Azriel was lost in the emotional way. Lost as in ‘What the Cauldron I am feeling?’
If he was to be honest with himself, he had been feeling like that for quite some time now. Ever since Cassian had asked him to go to that wooden building and spied a certain female through the clothier’s window.
Azriel was usually uncomfortable around other Illyrians. He sometimes forgot he too was one, his hatred for his people in some occasions being so unbearable he found himself a youngling once again, locked in that dark cell, denied the skies.
How could he be an Illyrian, feel like one, when his own people had cast him aside? Had tried to strip him of his heritage?
That was one of the motives he avoided going to Windhaven. But after that day he visited Cassian and Nesta — he was surprised to see how their relationship was going, despite the circumstances that had made Nesta go to Illyria — Azriel found himself looking for reasons to be in Windhaven.
All because of her.
Because of Emerie, the fierce owner of that clothier.
Once he had gotten inside the shop, Azriel had willed his shadows to fade — few were the Illyrians and Fae not afraid of them, afraid of him and his job in the Night Court — and tucked his wings tight. He knew how the Illyrian females were treated. How they were supposed to look down and not talk back when in the presence of a male. He didn’t want any other reason to scary the shop owner.
To his surprise, however, he was met with a different scenario. An Illyrian female who didn’t look down, was not afraid to speak her mind and didn’t cower in his presence.
Emerie didn’t even bat an eyelash at him or his shadows, not even glancing at his scarred hands when he handed her the money — an act he was already used to.
Azriel was in and out of the shop in less then five minutes.
He met her again some time later, having tea with Nesta when came back to Windhaven. They exchanged a few words and he got even more curious about her.
And then, before he had even noticed how, they had become friends.
Azriel would pass by her shop whenever he went to visit Cassian and would chat with Emerie, sometimes joining her and Nesta for tea — Azriel dragged Cassian with him when that happened, a little scared to be beneath the sharpe of gaze of both females by himself.
Not that he told Cassian, or anyone else for that matter, the truth. He’d rather swim naked in one of Windhaven’s deathly cold lakes.
Azriel had female friends, so it was not like he was embarrassed around Emerie because of that. Feyre was his friend, as was Elain — although Feyre seemed to think there was something between him and her sister, they were only on friendly terms. Elain was still processing what had happened to her, being Made and losing everything she had, not to mention Graysen. The man was one of the finest pricks he’d ever met, but love was not rational.
Azriel and Elain understand each other in some level, her being a seer and him a shadowsinger. But nothing more.
And then there was Morrigan. He’d been in love with her. Once. And he knew she didn’t see him like that.
His feelings had faded over time, leaving only respect and brotherly affection towards her. Azriel knew he sometimes overreacted when it came to Eris, but it was not due to a lover’s anger. No, he felt guilty of what Mor had been through, years ago. He was her friend and couldn’t help her when she needed the most.
His love towards Mor may have changed, but it still hurt to see that she was keeping something from him and flirted so shameless in front of him as to keep him away. Whatever it was that she had to say, he’d understand. So he’d wait, until she was ready to talk to him.
When it came to Emerie, however, he felt something. Something different. Something he could not quite place.
Azriel also felt fear.
Fear of what that feeling may represent. Of what Emerie thought of him. He had to keep himself in check around her, least he loose control of his shadows, who always seemed to get agitated whenever they were together.
Sighing, he shook his head to try and rid himself of these thoughts. He could feel an headache coming, and he had to wake up early to met Cassian and the Camp Lords for a meeting regarding the Blood Rite. He needed sleep.
His feet, on the other hand, had other ideais. Before he knew what he was doing, they had taken him on the way to the small craftsman center of the camp, where Emerie’ shop was.
Maybe he could say he had thought of saying a quick hello, see how the things were going with her sells.
“It’s not that late yet. And I didn’t come today to see her. So a late night tea won’t hurt, right?” Azriel thought, trying to calm himself down.
He sent one of his shadows ahead to see if there was any light on the clothier, just in case. If it was off, he’d take it was a sign to leave it alone and go rest.
But when it returned, Azriel felt his blood run cold, and he quickly moved through the shadows to get there faster. And the scene in front of him made his heart stop.
The shop windows were broken, as was the door, and he could see some of the clothes thrown on the floor by the door.
Azriel heard screams.
Heard Emerie screaming.
He entered the shop to find her being restrained by a male, while two others ransacked the place.
Azriel did not fail to notice how the male holding her looked pissed. Maybe due to his bloody nose and black eye.
Azriel smiled internally. His girl would not go down without a fight it seemed.
“And just what do you think you’re doing” he said, announcing his presence.
Four pairs of eyes looked in his direction, and he got smug satisfaction at the clear fear that shined in the males’ eyes.
Specially when they saw Azriel unsheathing Truth Teller and gave free rein to his shadows.
However, in Emerie’s dark brown eyes he only saw relief.
“Close your eyes Em” he said.
And then Azriel exploded.
He had the two males pinned down by his shadows in no time, bounding their wings and squeezing their throats strong enough to leave them breathless.
And a little purple.
But the one that held Emerie... that one he would take his sweet time.
Appearing behind the male — which quickly released Emerie in hope to attempt an escape — Azriel slammed him down in the polished counter.
“What should I do with you” he snarled, bringing Truth Teller dangerously close to the male’s throat, making a thin cut in his skin.
“P-please,” the male whimpered “have mercy”
“Did you show mercy to her? Did you?!” Azriel shouted, pressing the knife harder “I should Clip you. I should Clip all of you and take my sweet time doing it”
He heard the other two males struggling against his shadows, trying to get away again. Azriel only whiled them to tighten their grip, and he swore he heard one start to cry.
“You will never appear here again. You will not bother Emerie any longer” he leaned down to whisper in the male’s ear “You will tell that to your other friends. To anyone who has ever messed with her. And if I hear that you came back — and trust me, I will — I will hunt you down myself”
“Are we clear?” he added, letting his threat sink.
“Y—yes sir” the trembling male managed to gasp through Azriel’s hold on his neck.
“Go” he said, freeing all three, who quickly left the place, running for their lives.
Azriel then turned to find Emerie with her eyes open, staring at him.
He froze. She had seen him. Had seen him act as the High Lord’s spy master. Had seen him being territorial and scary and—
“I think I’ll have to redecorate” was all Emerie said, her voice trembling a little.
Azriel couldn’t believe it. She had been attacked, her shop destroyed and she had time to make a joke.
He shook his head in disbelief and stopped in front of her, holding himself back to not touch her to see if she was hurt anywhere.
“Are you—”
Her knees gave out before he could say anything else, and he quickly caught her in his arms.
“You put your arms around me and I literally felt my kneels buckle, this is so pathetic” she scoffed, looking at the floor.
“I usually can handle it on my own” she shook her head “Nesta taught me some self defense moves. I can’t leave the shop to go for the training ring and I have no desire to be a warrior”
“This...this was the first time that more than one came” she added in a soft whisper.
Azriel felt a calm rage settle in his bones.
“This is not the first time something like this has happened,” he wanted to shake her until she got some sense in that stubborn head of hers “and you didn’t tell anyone about it”
“As I said, I usually can handle it” she snapped back, finally meeting his eyes “I was closing the shop when they appeared. I tried to fight back, but I only managed to punch one before he restrained me. If you hadn’t appeared I—”
She didn’t finish that sentence, bitting her trembling lip to keep herself from crying.
“You are one headstrong and fearless female, you know that?” he said, daring to hold her closer.
“I was scared”
And to Azriel’s surprise she buried her head on his chest, gripping his leathers for her dear life, her body shaking with silent sobs.
“I know Em” he murmured, one hand caressing her hair in comfort.
His shadows closed the door and gathered the clothes on the floor, putting them on the counter.
“I’m going to take you upstairs, okay?” he asked softly, and Emerie just nodded her head.
Gathering her in his arms, Azriel climbed the stairs to the upper part of the shop, where Emerie lived.
He decided to place her on the sofa. He didn’t want to invade her personal space and walk into her bedroom.
He carefully sat on the sofa, adjusting Emerie in his arms so she’d be comfortable. By the looks of it, she wasn’t letting go of him soon.
Not that he was bothered by that.
“Em...it’s okay. You’re safe now” he tenderly raised her head, both hands cupping her cheeks and brushing away her tears.
“Thank you. For arriving when you did” she sniffed, but then reality seemed to fall on her “Why where you around here at this hour?”
Azriel felt the tip of his ears getting hot, and he almost faded back in the shadows.
“I wanted to see you” he mumbled, so low he hoped she had not heard him.
“What was that?” she asked, and by the way she was trying to suppress a grin Azriel could tell she had heard him loud and clear.
“I’m not repeating it” he said, feeling his whole face getting hot
Emerie laughed, and the sound of her laugh was enough to put Azriel at ease.
“I wanted to see you too” she confessed, looking deep into his eyes.
Azriel could swear his heart skipped a beat at her words.
“You did?” he softly asked, afraid this was all a dream and he’d soon wake up.
“Yes” she said, and tenderly took one of his hands on hers, not flinching at the scars on them “I wanted to hear your voice”
She kissed his fingers.
“I wanted to see you trying to come up with topics to talk with me”
She kissed palm.
“I wanted to see your shadows acting all agitated and you trying so hard to control them thinking I’ll be bothered but,” Azriel took a sharp breath when she kissed his wrist “they’re not a bother. I’m not afraid of them. I like them”
Azriel was falling. He was spiralling down into himself, all the way to his shadowed heart.
“You like them?” he asked so quietly, fear lacing his every word.
“I do. They’re part of you Azriel” she interlaced their hands “What is there not to like?”
Azriel felt like crying. He felt like crying because for the first time someone outside of his family had looked at him and actually seen him.
Not a monster who killed and spied and tortured for his High Lord.
Not an Illyrian who was a traitor to his own race.
Not the quiet friend who was satisfied to be in the shadows.
Not a protector doing his duty.
Emerie saw him.
She saw all the good, the bad and the awkward Azriel so desperately tried to conceal.
And she was not afraid.
“Can I hope then?” he dared himself to ask, resting his forehead against hers “Can I hope you feel this? This feeling that I can’t quite place?”
“You can” she answered “Because I hoped you felt the same thing”
Azriel still did not know how to name this feeling between them yet. But he was sure of one thing.
He was dying to know what it was.
And Emerie would help him in every path of this discovery.
Emeriel Tags: @julemmaes @angrypotatofairy @illyrianwitchling @moe8 @thewayshedreamed @ko0mbayamylord @rosegoldannie @fourshizzle149 @arin1030 @elide-lochan-salvaterre @the-bookish-deer
Fixed Tags: @sayosdreams @thewayshedreamed @sjm-things @perseusannabeth @arin1030 @caotica-e-quieta @vidalinav @swankii-art-teacher @ireallyshouldsleeprn @duskandstarlight @greerlunna @thegoddessaltenia @dayanna-hatter @verypaleninja @awesomelena555 @courtofjurdan @allilal @sensitiveillyrian @moe8 @illyrianwitchling13 @silvernesta @bri-loves-sunflowers @queenestarcheron @imwritingthesewords @vasudharaghavan
{I ended up creating an Emeriel tag list, so please let me know if you want to be added in either the Emeriel or my Fixed Tag list}
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jvwhyte · 3 years
The Elriel stans confuse me. And if that offends you kindly fuck off.
My first issue. Azriel still had feelings for Mor in ACOFAS:
' Azriel chocked on what i could have sworn was a laugh, his normally shadowed face lighting up as Mor bustled in, pink with cold and puffing air into her hands. '
' I had to look away to keep from laughing. Az, to his credit, gave Mor a smile of thanks, a blush creeping over his cheeks, his hazel eyes fixed on her. I looked away at the heat, the yearning that filled them. '
This is roughly 9 months or so before ACOSF. In this time Azriel and Elain would have both formed feelings for eachother however even Az says:
' They'd exchanged look, the occasional brush of fingers, but never this. Never blatant, unrestricted touching. '
So we know that they've never actually made a move on each other but why now? Why in a bonus chapter that not everyone is going to see? Why not in 'their' book huh?
' Wrong—it was so wrong. He didn't care.
RED FUCKING FLAG. He knows it's wrong but he's letting his desires take control of him. Also where the fuck did either of them ask consent?? Bitch i thought you lot had more respect huh 🤔 You better not treat my Gwynnie this way stud.
' he hadn't gotten that far in his plannings, certainly not beyond the fantasies he pleasured himself to. '
With this final quote all imma say is WHAT THE SHITTING HELL. When i read his bonus chapter i was confused as fuck. They went from friends in which i believe he felt guilt towards for being unable to save her from becoming fae to all of a sudden sexual desires?? Their whole relationship has progressed off page. A novel in which they're canon seems daft because they already have feelings. We don't know if they have the same interests, do we know whether they see themselves spending the rest of their lives together? do they even love each other? does she know he can sing? Do they make each other laugh? Does he feel the rawest form of himself around her? There's just so much empty spaces between the progression of their relationship that it would be stupid for SJM to give them their own book. They'd end up like Nessian and have 700 pages of smut. Which leads me to another subject.
Azriel is looking for a mate. A bond. He feels as though because his two brothers had two sisters he's entitled to the third. He has been indirectly rejected by the same girl for the past 500 years. This man is a little touch starved. He's trying to start a relationship with sexy times which will not work for two reasons:
1. Elain is still healing, she wants real love too. She doesn't want to have a relationship based off sex. She's an emotional person, she feels a lot and i highly doubt she'll enjoy having a relationship based off sex. (This worked with Cassian and Nesta because that's the type of people they are. Nesta enjoyed sex as did Cassian so they let out their frustrations on one another. It was also Nestas coping mechanism but that's a whole other post)
2. Az needs to learn to not think with his dick. I get that's he has needs but he also needs to learn that when love comes along he'll find it. He can not force that sort of relationship because he thinks it makes sense. I do not doubt they have feelings for each other, they definitely arouse each other, but it's not LOVE.
Also Gwynriel makes so much more sense. He's looking for someone to love, turns out she's been there all along. Also i want an overprotective female for once (whats with all these men thinking they can growl and shit, get that the fuck away from me). Anyways stan lesbians. (Not Mor tho cause that coming out scene was atrocious. SJM: yeah i'll give you representation, *proceeds to give us a lesbian who has only has male love interests and sleeps with men regularly just so that her friend who's madly in love with her can back off*) *sighs* This book series will literally be the death of me.
Anyways,,,,stan Gwynriel. Also stan Elain (Execpt for ACOSF cause 😒😒). And most importantly stan my King: suriel.
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fandomtrxsh19 · 3 years
So, when I read ACOSF, I made kind of play by play notes as a listened to it( I read the audiobook) so.........here’s the chaos
WHOA there’s a LOT of swearing in this
“It’s SEVEN in the morning gods damn it” -nesta archeron
Feyre and Rhys have 5 houses? Not surprised...
full, inviting breasts......BIG BOOBS OMG CASSIAN YOU HORNY SON OF A BITCH
7 siphons to keep his magic under control? Dayum
So, she rode this unnamed male like a fucking roller coaster?
Depression sex? Depression sex
“Her father was ashes in the wind” DAMN THATS EDGY
“A moment of release among the darkness inside her” NESTA BBY THIS ISNT HEATHY
“She avoided both of them” not surprised
So, depression sex and depression alcohol? Yup
*checks chapter count* 80 CHAPTERS??!?! Oh shit this is gonna be a triiiip
Feyre trying to apologize to nesta........she’s trying
“You’re done, Nesta” The fuuuuuck.....
So, nesta’s moving and training with cassian...........Feyre, this isn’t a good idea omg
Feyre holy shit what the fuck are you doing, you TOTAL HELICOPTER SISTER?
“I never want to speak to you again!” damn
she has brown eyes? Ok
nesta knows about mor NESTA KNOWS ABOUT MOR!!!
“I am worthless and I am nothing. I hate what I am.” DAYUM I’ve been in that exact mindset numerous times. I can relate, Nesta
Briallen? Who the fuck is that?
Scars being trapped in magic? Good fuck that’s dark
“Ooh a dark skin character? Lit
Is her name Emery?
“I am the monster your fear” BBY OMG GET THERAPY
Gwyn? Seems a bit aloof
“Two gentle conversations” GOOD JOB
Fairy lights omg lol
Nesta reading smutty books.....I’m imagining this omg
“All she wanted to do was touch him” OOOOOHHHHH NESSIAN
“All I need is a hot meal and a good book.” Mood
Nesta’s worried about Mor??? REEEEEEE
“Nesta needed Feyre more than she realized.“ OOOOOOO
They’re bound by magic on the body?? Ooh
“I don’t hate you too,Cassian” OMGGGGGG REEEEE
“You might be my only friend.” HMMMMMMM
*hears how cassian was born * OMG HOLY SHIT CASSIAN
*hears cassians backstory* DAMN THESE CHARACTERS NEED THERAPY
“I’ve loved you since the first moment I held you in my arms.” HMMMMMMMM
I’m loving this Nessian sparring training.
Elain has small boobs........same
“I thought I would drop by to see how you were doing.” AWWWWWWWWW
Yayy.....awkward sister talks........
“She was the monster.” Nesta.............I can relate.
Nesta’s angry at Elain.............
Elain’s trying to reach out and Nesta’s denying it.
“No more seeing her sisters without her permisson.” That’s smart.
Soooooooooo......Rhys is now a German Shepard.........?
“Use that training and make me.” OOOOOOOMGGGGGG
Rhys is overprotective of Feyre and shields her......daaaaaaaaaaaaamn
“What exactly happened in the cauldron?” FEYRE BAD IDEA BAD IDEA BAD IDEA
Again, Nesta, ✨THERAPY✨
Put a stop to what, D-does the IC know of the ✨depression smut?✨
“There was touching, but with her permission” WE 👏STAN 👏A KING👏
“Who do you think I am?” “A drunk fool who’s wasting my time?” OOOOOOOHHHHH SHOOTS FIRED!!!
Emery and Nesta to Emery’s cousin: GO HOME YOUR DRUNK ASSHOLE
*hears Nesta’s grand✨mama✨* me: grandmama, it’s me....ANASTASIA
ugh the tool
“Baby making” hehe lol
“Nesta like gwyn”...............could she also be biiiiiiiii??????????!!!!!! YAY FIRST FRIEND IM PROUD OF YOUUUUU
Alright, Meryl is BITCH
“She’s failed everything.” BBY
Nesta must’ve been petrified being surrounded by fire
It’s a dream? THE FUCK
Cassian saw HER TRAUMA?????? FUUUUUUCK
Why is Rhys angry about the wing thing?
Ohhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiit the tool
*hearing the possibilities of half Illyrian baby* OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH FUUUUUCK OMG
“I loved it when you fucked my mouth cassian?” GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH NEEESTAAAAA THIS ISNT HEALTHY
“What could go wrong?” DONT JINX IT
fairy monsters? OHOHOHOOOO
BLACK EYES???? Fuck fuck are they in the cauldron?
OMG THE KELPIE IS DOING SHIT TO NESTA!!! Are they on the cauldron?
death HERself........badass
“Because you and cassian has been giving each other sultry looks all morning” SHE KNOWS
“For the first time in her life, she finally felt good in her own skin.” GROWTH
Omg Nesta created a swooooord!!!!! Cool
“I can’t lie to her!” SIIIIIIIMP
“I’d be careful when fucking her.” Oh amren
“You will not touch us.” YES TELL HIM
“I can’t believe Feyre ever loved tamlin.” ME TOO
“Elain saw everything Nesta did.” Daaaaaaaaamn
Nesta messed up and I think she realizes that
Rhys is pissed now and wants to kill Nesta....SHIIIIIIIT
Nesta: heads for a tavern me: NONONONONO GODS DAMN IT YOU’VE COME SO FAR
“I will fight for him. For us. Until I can’t anymore.” FEYRE IS GONNA BE A GREAT MOM
“Wishing to disappear into nothing.” I’ve been there.
“Cassian knew Nesta hated herself, but didn’t know how sometimes she wanted to unexist.” I RELATE TO THAT SHIT
“She had been born wrong.” AWWWWW BBY SHIIIIIT
“Was she worth being counted?” I CAN RELATE
*hearing Nesta blaming herself for her fathers death and for the horrible things she’s done, saying she can’t fix it* SHIT IM CRYING (I’m not joking)
*hears Cassian calmly reassuring and comforting her* AWWWWW I NEED THIS QUOTE
(I really needed that cassian talk. I literally wrote most of the quote down just in case. Thank you SJM)
“After he’d fucked her with her fingers...” O NONONONOOO
*skips to chapter 52*
Lanthis??? Who the fuck is that?
“Gwyn and Emery are my friends” SHES GROWN SO MUCH!!!
cassian and Nesta really went *yeet* .......... I’m sorry
THE SWORDS NAME IS ADORAXIA!!!!!!!!!!!sounds like a dnd character IDEAS
Rhys vs Cassian standoff *western duel music starts*
Did Elain have a vision? DID SHE???
Mor teaching Nesta the waltz? NESTA AND MOR CAN NOT HATE EACH OTHER
Are they back at their childhood home? Because oooooooooooof ✨ childhood trauma✨
MOR AND NESTA HAVING A CONVERSATION YAY!!!!! (This’ll make rping them so maybe easier)
“We’re in a book!” Holy shit they know. HIDE THE FANFICTION
The relationship between Nesta, Emery, and Gwyn is so wholesome
“Oh FUCK you” .... NESTA
“I was just checking on dessert” MOOD
I sense tension between amren and Nesta
“I’m not with you.” Lier
A SNOWBALL FIGHT WITH THE BATBOIS??? Holy shit they do have one(1) brain cell
A sleepover with Emery, Nesta, and Gwyn? SIGN ME UP
“Do it for the miniature Pegasus!” INSIDE JOKES
OOOOHHH i see the gwynriel ship
Alright 2 months til FEYSAND baby
The mating bond between cassian and Nesta?????.............
So, Nesta’s afraid she’s gonna loose her humanity?
“High Fae bitch” PUT THAT ON A SHIRT
oh Cassian you restless bastard you
*hears Emerie’s backstory and their heart to heart* AWWWWWW I LOVE THEM
“The morrigan.” The fuck Eris?
“She’d hit the archway of stone” OOOOOOOOOOF
“For being my friends when I didn’t deserve it.” AWWWWWWWWWW
What about Feyre’s pregnancy???? Hewwo?
“Lord of bastards” heh true that’s cassian alright
Wait, OTHER set of wings
“Now, I’m going to slit your little throat.” FUUUUUUUUCK NONONONOOOOO THIS ISNT CASS FUUUUCK
What’s the trove?
Nesta’s pissed.....MAGIC TIME
wait wait wait wait wait HES NOT STABBED HELL YEAH!!!!
“You are my mate, Cassian.” ITS ABOUT FUCKING TIME
Nessian: kissing when the world is in ruin
“She started bleeding hours ago. “ BABY TIME???
*hears the blood and feyre’s appearance*!FUUUUUUUUUCK
“Silent babe?” Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Nesta Nesta Nesta What the fuck are you doing???????? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
WHOS the female voice?
“ I love you, Feyre” SHE DID IT IM SO PROUD!!!!!
What is she doing what is she doing what is she doiiiiingggg?
feyres alive? FEYRE’S ALIVE!!!!!!!
*the sister hug* AWWWWWWWWWWW
How much did the Cauldron take from Nesta, tho?
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bookofmirth · 4 years
everyones entitled to their opinion but the amount of people who have been saying how “confusing” az’s chapter is and how sjm’s a bad writer for writing it that way honestly annoys me? you said you felt vindication when you read it and tbh, same, it confirmed everything i thought since acowar and made perfect sense with what we know of az as a character - that he’s deeply traumatized and incapable of creating and maintaining healthy relationships (as of rn). but beyond that, i dont see how it was unclear in the terms of which ships will be endgame?? before that chapter i was still uncertain and thought it could go either way (tho i was leaning to elucien bc of the already existing bond), and now im pretty certain its not gonna be elr*el in the long term. idk, i just feel like a part of fandom has built their own vision of the characters and future events that isn’t supported by text and now that theyre disappointed it isnt canon, they blame sjm for it? i really dont think it was a confusing chapter at all, i thought her intentions were perfectly clear with the types of tropes she used, i dont think its fair to say it was badly written just bc it didnt support their fanon ideas that was built more on headcanons than actual textual evidence... idk if i sound mean lol but just my 2 cents, obviously it doesnt go for everyone i feel like a certain part of fandom has a certain version of characters in their heads that they consider as canon bc they want to see them that way, but they aren’t really the same as the actual characters we’re presented in their story
Anon, I am going CRAZY over here.
I’ve been trying to figure out why I take on some arguments and others I don’t, and it basically comes down to 1) what is supported in the text, 2) people’s very wild interpretations of the text, and 3) people confusing their interpretation, fanon, what have you, with canon. 
I actually make my students read this article before they respond to a text because it’s super important to understand what, exactly, they (and we) are responding to. It’s nothing to do with literary criticism, but it still has bearings here because people are taking lines of text and imposing these wildly different meanings that have zero support. Like I mentioned in this post, we cannot say why Elain’s face gets tight or she shrinks from Lucien. There is literally no evidence one way or another, so I could that she like....... has a bad problem with farting when he’s around and is embarrassed. And who’s to stop me????
And you’re right, the problem here is that they think they are responding to canon, when actually it’s this wild interpretation of canon that began before acowar even came out, for the sole purpose of furthering hate on Mor. It had nothing to do with actually, genuinely liking it. But it’s grown into this monstrosity we see today and yeah... people are literally making posts where their “evidence” is two people being a room together and noticing that fact = endgame super romantic ship.
And that’s totally different from actually acknowledging the bare minimum of evidence, and saying “fingers crossed I hope it happens because I love it!!” That would be fine. I literally do not care if people do that. I do care when they willfully misinterpret what’s on the page and try to act like 1) they have found facts, and 2) they pretend like that “fact” should have any bearing on what other people ship. 
So, re: Az. 
I literally made this argument four years ago lol and if you read it real quick you can see that that ship came about (in January 2017) not because of all this “evidence” people found in acowar, which didn’t exist yet for us, but before that for other fandom, fanon reasons. 
And since acowar came out, I’ve pretty much avoided talking about Az because I know that somehow, the fact that he’s dark and twisty is.... controversial??? Yeah, I compared him to Tamlin and I still hold to that (I saw a vagueblog about my idea and I still think that comparison is accurate, but anyway). But people just? Don’t want to hear anything like that about Az. Even though that’s literally what we are given.
There is nothing wrong with saying that he’s dark af. In fact, all of the evidence we have from the book is that he is not only dark, but that he is increasingly  losing control. There was the blowup in acowar, and the increased disrespect of Rhys (and Feyre) in acosf, refusal to take orders from someone he is supposedly so loyal to. Even back in acomaf there were multiple signs that Mor was concerned about bruising his ego (literally the first thing that Mor says about Az is that he would want to know something, I’m not going to look it up but the implication was that he would be upset if he didn’t know).
From acosf:
Az had a vicious competitive streak. It wasn’t boastful and arrogant, the way Cassian himself knew he himself was prone to be, or possessive and terrifying like Amren’s. No, it was quiet and cruel and utterly lethal. (pg. 254)
“He’d tortured it out of someone. Of many people.” (pg. 224)
“Some silent conversation passed between him and his mate, and Cassian knew Rhys was asking about the torture - apologizing for making Feyre witness even the ten minutes Azriel had worked. (pg. i lost my place idk)
“Opening movements in a symphony of pain that Azriel could conduct with brutal efficiency. (pg. 375)
So asdkhasldkjasda if only we could STOP saying that Az is actually a dark soft boi and just acknowledge that he’s fucked up and that him being with ANYONE at this point would potentially be harmful to that person, be it Elain or Gwyn or whoever? That chapter did NOTHING but continue a line of character development that had already been in place, and I get the need to romanticize dark boys, but idk, don’t pretend he’s something he’s not.
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ratabrasileira · 3 years
I have this... question and theory (although I'm afraid it doesn't make so much sense)
Why did Rhys suggest the intervation for Nesta?
Firstly, I think to be really odd how ACOSF described that Rhys was there and *plimm* a PowerPoint presentation about "How to Deal With My Sister-In-Law Behavior?":
Rhys had laid a comforting hand on Feyre’s, squeezing gently before he looked at Azriel, and then Cassian, and laid out his plan. As if he’d had it waiting a long, long while.
OMG, did he spend the night awake to plain about this?? I think that he secretly cared for Nesta, even if a little! And I'll explain why:
We have Rhys' POV in ACOFAS:
Not that anything was happening on that front. Not anytime soon. Nesta had made it clear enough she had no interest in Cassian—not even in being in the same room as him. I knew why. I’d seen it happen, had felt that way plenty.
I'll admit that I got lost in the interpretation... Firstly I though that Rhys understood Nesta in trauma's regards. And now I'm confunsed, is he saying about romantice/mate bond or the trauma indeed? lmao I'm sorry this will ruin the fundament of my theory.
Anyways, if it's about trauma, then I'm "right" to say that... He passed through the same that Nesta did. He saw himself in her, not just about the trauma, but also the power (here is the part where I may be delusional)
Here Mor says:
“We got sent up here for ‘reflection’ when we were younger,” Mor said. “Rhys used to smuggle in books and booze for me.”
Reflection= Isolation.
This is how Mor and Rhys learned how to deal with their bad behaviors. And Nesta was having a bad behavior.
Anyways, here, I'm afraid to say, may have a headcanon...
“It seems like you have a great deal of magic constantly in use at once.” A shrug. “It helps me work off the strain of my power. The magic needs release—draining—or else it’ll build up and drive me insane. That’s why we call the Illyrian stones Siphons—they help them channel the power, empty it when necessary.” “Actually insane?” I set aside the empty stew bowl and removed the lid from the meat pie. “Actually insane. Or so I was warned. I can feel it, though—the pull of it, if I go too long without releasing it.”
We know that Rhys is the most powerful High Lord in the history and that Nesta is 3847298347x more powerful than him. We also know that Nesta used Sex and Drugs (not rock in roll I guess, but music [Rhys likes music too]) to calm down her powers. Tell me.. Why didn't Rhys do the same?
This post says how simillar Rhys and Nesta can be and I trully believe that in power regard, they can act alike.
Also, Rhys is very thankfull to Amren teaching him how to control the power. This only leads me that boy wasn't good at controlling it, and as Nesta said, drinking and fucking was good to calm the power down —I believe that this is personal, tho, look to Elain (unless... 👀), but still, they may cope in the same way.
Anyways, I wrote this fic about Rhys dealing with his power when young and I used Nesta's behaviour as... inspiration (not the best word).
In the end, Rhys may see himself (and acknowledge that) in Nesta.
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bookofmirth · 4 years
i think we all read sjm for the characters, not the plot, putting that aside, yeah, it's obvious that in acowar she set up the next books that were not hinted at before.
as for mor and az tho, i don't really know what sjm was thinking, bc when i first read acomaf (2016?) we all shipped moriel, but looking back, they had 500 years to solve their issues and didn't. maybe mor is eris' mate and sjm was planning to have that be what stopped mor from being w az? and then she was called out for the lack of rep and decided to make mor sapphic? i don't really know and maybe i never will. i love sapphic mor tho, and i'm glad that sjm chose to have ff rep (bc usually female authors tend to chose mm every fucking time).
also, i can see that in acowar sjm started building up the azriel x elain x lucien conflict. and I'm a firm believer that the next 3 books she sold were nesta, elain and mor, but that's just speculation.
my guess is, with the hints we've been getting since acowar, next book is elain, azriel and lucien pov (bc i know about marketing and this is the perfect way to get both eluciens and elriels to buy the book), and then we'll see what happens.
now, emerie was introduced in acofas and she will be mor's love interest, that's for sure. as for gwyn, we don't know when sjm came up with her, but since there weren't crumbs (that i could find at least), maybe it was during acosf. that doesn't mean she won't get her book though.
i just want sjm to have an interview when the last acotar book is out and spill the tea like she did with tog😭😭
There are definitely clues in acomaf that something was rotten in the state of moriel, but if the issue was that Mor is fundamentally different than we understood her to be, then she needs to stay that way for the next two books. We know she’s gay! Maybe sjm did have another reason to make that not happen, idk. Maybe it was never her intention - perhaps she never intended it to become a thing and just didn’t know *why* it wouldn’t become a thing yet. Then once she did, she threw the queerness out there like a “here’s the explanation!” without then thinking about how that should change the way we and the characters interact with her from that point on. I, too, doubt that we’ll ever get the answers we actually want.
Personally, I also appreciate that Mor is queer. From a writing standpoint, wtf. It was fine when all we had was acowar. It’s not longer fine with me when we have acofas and acosf and no whisper of it since.
I really wish that the next full length books would be Elain and Mor, because tbh I don’t want to read about Az being toxic. I had enough of that having to read Chaol’s POV. I only read ToD once, but I remember being genuinely uncomfortable until he and Nesryn broke up because he was treating her like shit. I don’t want that experience again! Idgaf how much I used to like Az, or how intriguing he is as a character (because he is, I just.... don’t really care about him like I care about Elain, Gwyn, Lucien, and Mor). 
TBH I really like that idea though, of the next book being a split between Az, Elain, and Lucien? Because then tbh, everyone would be happy, at least initially. I don’t like the idea of it being a love triangle - not even, considering Mor and Gwyn it’s more like a love pentagon. I would totally enjoy that if we just knew right away that it was going to be elucien and gwynriel in the end because like I said, even though I theorized that he and Elain could be a thing before they all get their HEA elsewhere, I don’t want to see that happening on the page! He’s not in a place for a healthy relationship and so I 100% don’t want to see him taking out his shit on Elain, or on Gwyn, à la Chaol! 
Good point about Gwyn and there not being crumbs. I’ve seen people suggest that she only exists to make people doubt el*iel which is GROSS I’m sorry, but can this wonderful, intelligent, adorable, lovely female character exist for reasons other than to just fuck with the readers who ship that one ship??? 😅 wtf Let’s just ignore her entire character development and arc in the whole book. She’s really only important for what she does or doesn’t mean for a ship. 🙄
Maybe we will get our wish and she’ll explain all these decisions later on. Even better, maybe she won’t have to because it will make sense! I’ll hold out hope mostly because I’m stubborn. 
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