#it did not enterntain me for long.
regigigaz · 11 months
I feel a little weird tonight.
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nobody303 · 2 years
Hello, To Anyone Reading This! :)
It has been a while since I last posted anything, but the simple reason behind my inactivity is that, I didn't know what to post.
These last few weeks, I have been caught up with school, and there was just nothing interesting happening to me.
Today, I have decided to give an update on the small things I have done, during February, if anyone is interested.
A few weeks ago, me and my friends, decided, to try out DnD (Dungeons and Dragons). I have not read the rules of the game yet, (there is a 148 pages long file, filled with rules 0.0) but I have almost finished making my character! (With help from my friends, of course)
Valentines day was just like any other day. I did want to post something here that day, but after re-reading everything that I wrote, before posting it, I hesitated. Whatever I had to say about Valentines day wasn't that interesting, and just not that good of an argument, so I decided not to post it.
One of the most interesting things that happened to me since the last time I was on here, is that I found a cult ( or something like that ) on instagram.
It's very interesting, I don't really understand what It's fully about yet, but I have managed to join, I think?
I texted the owner of the page, asking them how to join, and while I was expecting a long message about what that page is about or something like that, all I got for response was, "Find the hidden link". After a few minutes of searching the page and everything in relation to it, I found another, privated account, and asked to follow.
Today, my following request was approved, and It looks like this is what I was supposed to find, but the whole thing looks very new.
Of course, I don't take it that seriously, I just got curious, so I hope to find out more about it.
A friend reccomended me to try out a game, and see how I like it. The game is called "Everskies". I believe that It used to be popular, back in 2015-2017, because I had memories of seeing this game a lot, around those times, but last week I have made my very first account there.
From my experience, It's a great game, I enjoy making different outfits with various themes, and joining competitions.
What I enjoy the most, are the writing competitions. I think most of theme are pretty neat! :) I have joined a lot of different competitions, since I made my account, and so far, I have won a writing competition, and got #1 place! :)
That's probably all the mentionable and somewhat interesting things, that happened last month, that I would want to post about.
It's probably not good enought to enterntain anyone, but If you did read it, thank you, and I would also be interested in knowing anything interesting, that has happened to you, if you want to write about it to me! :)
Have a good day! <3
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love-geeky-fangirl · 3 years
All 18 episodes of Euphoria ranked from worst to absolute masterpiece
The absolute dumpsterfire:
All My Life My Heart Has Yearned for a Thing I Can Not Name (2x08) what was this mess of a finale, seriously? It hasn't resolved a single thing, Nate had a gun with him while speaking to his dad for no reason (Chekhov who?), Maddy and Cassie had a big fallout but now they're suddenly friends or what? What did Maddy mean by: "Don't worry, this is just the beginning"? Was it a threat? Or a warning? Rue suddenly doesn't owe a very dangerous drug dealer 10k? How did the scene of Rue and Lexi speaking after the play end up in the play?? I didn't even know who died, I actually thought it was Fez (and I know my friend was just as confused as me) until I looked it up on the Internet. Sorry, but that's bad writing. Also why was 10% of this episode wasted on a random song, like If get it, the guy can sing. But that doesn't mean I wanna see his concert, jeez. It's just an overall mess.
A Thousand Little Trees of Blood (2x06) filler. I have nothing more to say. Except Jesus Christ they made Kat into a real bitch.
Out of Touch (2x02) I literally did not remember anything about this episode and had to look up what happened which is a bad sign.
Ruminations: Big and Little Bully's (2x03) also filler just slightly funnier
Okay ones:
You Who Can not See, Think of Those Who Can (2x04) enterntaining and a real rollercoaster. I love the artsy shots in the end, especially Lexi in the theater and Cassie with the flowers. However this is the episode where Jules cheats on Rue with a boy so I'm ranking it low.
Trouble Don't Last Always- I liked the cute Rules fantasy sequence at the beginning and how the door opened and we found out it's actually not real and Rue is doing drugs in a diner bathroom. I loved how Ali called her out but the conversation was just a bit too long. They could've cut it much shorter.
Fuck Everyone Who's Not a Sea Blob- more enterntaining and aesthetically pleasing than Rue's special episode and we finally got some insight into Jules's head. But the random sex fantasy in the end went on for way too long and also the alcoholic mom bit seemed to be just thrown in to get sympathy for Jules because Sam Levinson noticed that she isn't very popular.
The Next Episode (1x06) obviously the Halloween costumes were iconic but I still feel like this is the weakest season 1 episode. At the beginning it's telling us McKay's backstory but the entire episode turns out to be more about Cassie. That weird hazing thing happens that is never mentioned again and the scene that follows is rapey and uncomfortable to watch.
This is where it gets interesting:
Stand Still Like a Humming Bird (2x05) raw, real with heavy subject matter. I mean it was very well written and executed, everyone's performances were great, but it's not exactly an episode I would like to go back to and rewatch. Once is enough in this case.
Trying to Get to Heaven Before They Close The Door (2x01) a promising start of the new season. Everyone's makeup and outfits were great, the tension during that bathroom scene was unbelievable and not to mention this was the beginning of Fexi. However the Rules reconciliation felt contrived and why did Fez not face any consequences for beating Nate up almost to death?? Seriously, it was a way too long and graphic scene that lead nowhere.
Stuntin' Like My Daddy (1x02) this is from the time where every episode was good (seriously, it's so hard to rank season 1) but some were better than others. This is the latter case. For one it follows our least favorite character (although we do feel some sympathy for him in his cold open) and two that Kat's argument with her principal was so cringy, like sorry but I can't imagine anyone winning an argument this way in real life.
Pilot (1x01) great pilot in terms of setting things up and introducing the characters, it's just that it was way too much from the start. The sex scene between call and Jules was gross and the opening and the first few lines felt like they were written by a 15 year old Wattpad writer trying to be edgy. But obviously, it's a good episode that got us hooked into the show.
Made You Look (1x03) how can we forget: "Fezco open the door! You did this to me!" One of the most heartbreaking scenes in tv history. Also Rules' first kiss! But it's also the beginning of Kat's sex work phase which was a very badly written storyline. Not to mention the young and impressionable audiencie that wildly misunderstood the point. Also this is the episode where Jules is falling in love with Nate (aka Tyler) and gets mad at Jules when she advices her not to meet him after dark at an abandoned place. So I'm mixed on this one.
'03 Bonnie and Clyde (1x05) again, very heavy subject matter. This is the episode where I first started liking Maddy. I liked how they showed the abusive relationship realistically and not through rose colored glasses like they usually do in teen dramas. They actually made Maddy a mess and not had her look amazing like they usually do on tv. And the girl who played younger Maddy is casting done right.
The masterpieces:
And Salt the Earth Behind Us (1x08) a much better finale then the second one. While it left things open and unfinished it was alluding to more. How can we forget the musical number (here it actually made sense) and the iconic shot of Jules leaving Rue at a train station with glitter tears streaming down her face (" 'cause I knew you, stepping on the last train, marked me like a blood stain...")
The Trials and Tribulations of Trying to Pee While Depressed (1x07) detective Bennet and Howard!! Iconic if you ask me. The girl who played young Cassie in the flashbacks is another example of casting done right. The dream sequence of her ice skating was gorgeous. While this is a very sad one with Cassie's abortion storyline and Rue ending up in the hospital, it also gives us much needed comic relief with the whole detective Bennet thing.
The Theater and It's Double (2x07) Lexi's play!! The one thing that exposed all of us and made us realize how we're also Lexis, bystanders and wallflowers in our lives. Fez planning to go with flowers and her saving him the best seat in the house was just so... The best season 2 episode by far. Actually one of the best. If you ignore the fact that Lexi is exposing her sister and all her friends in front of the whole school and their teachers it's really fun to watch.
Shook Ones Pt II (1x04) aka the carnival episode. The best most aesthetically pleasing one that also has a plot and a story to tell. I have no criticisms of this episode, it's just the best. A true masterpiece.
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Sorry for the amount😅:
2. do you believe in soulmates?
4. describe your dream house
13. do you have a signature in your style/everyday outfits?
14. do you have any pets? if not, do you want some in the future?
30. do you always remember your dreams?
44. do you like it when you’re awaken by the sounds of birds chirping?
50. even numbers or odd?
oh no its ok !! and thanks sm for sending them <3
2. i think that this is a concept i have always been afraid of, as an aromantic and romance-repulsed person, being shown these types of things that have always at their vore been romance-focused made me rather sick, given that a future in which i would be destined to be forcefully in a romantic relationship with someone was not that appealing to me as i was younger, but with time and lots of processing and thinking and specially like. actually maturing and growing up, i grew to appreciate and truly sympathize with such a belief ! and i do have to say that i have my own positive yet nuanced views upon it as of today, but hope that in the future ill come to see this as something i can wholly believe in ^^"
(omg this i was way too long sjxnsjxhs)
4. maybe a house in which it may have more than one floor so that things wont be too much into each other, but that its still able to make things look comfortable and not so far out of reach, not too spacious. where i will have the proper space to grow my roots in, but also house those who i love, even if temporarily, being a place where i can have my own little world to exist in but also share with others too. maybe have it be in a more warm setting/atmosphere or even aesthetic, and where i can find the sun through the windows when waking up and the moon shining close to any and all slight wodden fissures when i go to sleep, choosing to carefully stupid outsides activities from my own - and as those are very potent sources of energy, my plants would absolutely thrive but also my crystals would always have a place to take energy form and be properly charged.
13. not really, but i do like to think about that specific meme where im the type of gay to wear more open and bigger shirts, whilst choosing to wear shorter pants/shorts that hug more at my features, if that makes sense haha its probably the body dysmorphia that made friends with my gender dysphoria, but i did come to enjoy wearing clothes like that ngl ! maybe like for upper parts i usually choose things like big t-shirt or smocks (the only possible word i could find in english), with more excess in fabric, ones that look pretty and flow-y when met with the soft yet constant wind. (and as for pants and things like that i usually choose leggings or more fitting jeans as well)
14. i do !! my dear and beloved cat sol <3 (if you want photos i can totally send them to you later haha) hes very energetic by night so i try and enterntain him while im still awake, but mostly by morning likes to lazily walk around the house and snuggle with me in bed ;u;
fun fact ! his name is sol because my mom decided that and would not take any other suggestions and also bc hes orange :)
30. not really, but i do have some more traumatic and memorable ones that tend to stick to me throughout the years. most of the time i remember most of the atmosphere and ambience than the actual course of narrative they take or people that are part of it. dreams are a very touchy subject for me as i never really had any "good" ones since a long long time, as they always turn out to a more negative side no matter how things are going. but i do remember some of them at least, and i think that only happens because of them being nightmares and not just. ordinary or "good" dreams.
44. really really depends sjxnsjxhs some tones can be way too much for me and contribute greatly to an early headache (from the factor that im very sensitive to sounds), but some can be quite pleasant if not so high pitched or constant ! there is one sound made by a very common bird where i lived that gives this very saddening yet terribly nostalgic feeling, and i think thats one that no matter how many i hear ill always be kind of happy to wake up to it, just so i can remember a bit more about the past while i stir awake yet try and not think much about anything else around me, just the memories.
50. even numbers, of course ! and that is because most of them are very warm to me and bring a lot of comfort stability, for some reason haha (specially four, two and five). maybe given both my ocd and synesthesia i find that building patterns within things that make my brain feel more at ease and peaceful can always bring a lot better results than with ones that im not that ok with or that bring more of a cold tone to the atmosphere in general (just like nine, seven and one)
aand i think thats it ! ^^
i hope you get to enjoy my answers, even if they came to be this long sjxsjxhs
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kittanimo · 6 years
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Look! I did a thing today!
ShapeTale belongs to me ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ You are allowed to use my characters for enterntainment purposes as long as you credit me
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janethepegasus · 6 years
BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU RP Thing: Chaos Akuma
An RP me and @pika-ace did relating to the BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU where an Akuma (that’s basically Discord but his chaos powers are amped to an 11) distorts the city and the Armada into whatever he desires.
(An Akuma flies through the sky and finds someone to possess, a couple of seconds later, there was a mini-sonic boom and slowly, the city and everything in it, starts
to distort into strange and surreal things, even logic itself was being distorted.)
(Everyone starts to warp and change)
(Jordan suddenly feels a stinging pain inside of him and winces)
Eric: You okay...? (Eric feels a headache coming on and winces)
Jordan: *winces* N-No...not really...! *curls up from the pain and he notices claws were forming out of his fingers*
Eric: Jordan! What- (Eric falls to his knees, clutching his head)
Jordan: Will...!! *winces in pain as ears and a tail start growing on his body*
Eric: J...Jordan... (Eric can feel his concern melting away, even thought deep down he still feels it, and metal start to climb his skin)
(Fangs started to grow on Jordan's teeth and parts of his body had fur growing)
Jordan: *internally* What the fuck...?! I thought...Joe fixed this... *curls over in pain*
(Eventually, the pain stopped and Jordan looked at himself, he transformed into a half man half wolf. having the senses of a wolf but keeping his intelligence as a
Jordan: Wha...What the hell?!
(Jordan looks and sees that Eric is transforming into an android)
Jordan: Oh my god Will! *he holds him* Eric: J...Jordan...!!
(Eric slowly reaches out towards Jordan)
(His hand becomes metal and his eyes glow blue)
Jordan: Will...?
Eric: *voice becoming stiff* Jordan...
Jordan: *his wolf ears drooping* Uh...Will...?
Eric: *robot voice* Analyzing symptoms of Jordan Ellis, designated spouse or partner.
(Jordan looks at Eric, confused and a little bit scared)
Eric: Analysis complete. Energy readings signify an akuma.
Jordan: Well no shit, Peach, why else would we turn into this?! *gestures his body and Eric's body*
Eric: Analysis also confirms that others are having similar effects, some more drastic than others
(Jordan tenses up at the thought of Michael or others he cares about, going through similar or more drastic transformations)
(Jordan pulls out his phone to the group chat where the chat is already blowing up with reactions and screaming)
Jordan: Oh god...
(The chat is pure chaos)
Jeremy: *text* H E L P, S M A L L  A S  A  K I T T E N DX
Anton: *sends of photo of his scarred eye open but it has TV static, while the rest of body has wires in his body* I have NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL I TURNED INTO!!!
(Amongst the chaos, Jane sent a video in the chat, in the video, “Eric” was holding the camera in from of “him”)
Jordan: The fuck?!
(In the video, "Eric" explains that "he's" Jane, but the magic of the chaos akuma turned her into a shapeshifter, allowing her to turn into whatever she desires. Then,
near the end of the video, she shows what the chaos magic did to Joe, she turns the camera to the table, there a book lays on the table. And Jane says that the magic
made a magic book and now Joe is sealed within it, with his only way of communication is to write words on the blank pages.)
Jordan: Jesus, what a shit show...
Lin: *text* Everybody turned into some kind of freak show, thanks to that Akuma! XS
Kirsty: *text* You can say that again! (She sends a video of the trinity showing that she’s about three inches tall and the trinity have become living representations of ‘see no evil, hear no evil, and
speak no evil’. Philip has no eyes, Sebastian has no ears, and Max has no mouth)
Jane: *text* Holy shit! O_O
Kirsty: *text* I KNOW!! And do you know how hard it is to use a touch screen when you’re this tiny??? >:(
Jeremy: *text* I'm kinda having the same problem cause, ya know, I'M THE SIZE OF A KITTEN RIGHT NOW?!
Jane: *text* Dad says we should all meet up and asses the damage before going after the akuma
Jordan: *text* Alright, see you all there!
Jordan: C'mon Will!
Jordan: Let’s go! Eric: Affirmative.
(They transform and head out and meet with the others in less than graceful fashions due to their deformities) Dasher: *runs backwards to where they are and slams into the wall as a result* OW FUCK!!
Timber: Woah! You okay Speedy?!
Dasher: No! My running is completely fucked up!
(Dasher slowly backs up, wincing at the hard blow) Dasher: *softly* Ow ow ow ow ow...
Stag: At least you can fucking SEE!!! (Gestures to Cloudy who is literally a walking ball of wool)
Cloudy: Help :^(
Atlantic: *points to Stag* Mmmmph mmm mmm mmmph. (You're not much better off) (Stag's horns are huge, weighing down his head so much that he has to drag them along)
Stag: Oh Maxie, these *gestures the horns* may be bad, but trust me, "down below" i had it the worse. :/
Atlantic: Mmmph mmmph mm mmm mmmmm mmmmmph!!! >:((((( Scarlet: WHAT?! Jade: Please, you don't have to shout....although *puts hands where his eyes used to be* it gives me a better idea of where you are...but who am I kidding you're not
hearing any of this... Scarlet: WHAT?!
Inferno: Why even complain about this?! We all *suddenly his voice turns into a female's voice* have some kind of problem thanks to the *turns back into a male voice*
Akuma fucking us up! >:(
Leo: Whoa that's weird... Ace: Honestly I think he has it the best. (Ace is now part pigeon and the size of one too, carrying Swan in his feet who is now a plushie)
Leo: ...At least Post can be the one thing he loves. :/
(Hound whines as he's now a dog but with his human head) Hound: I want my apposable thumbs back! D'X
Volph: Same here! I think? (Volph is now an anthro fox, her fox tail sticking out with her nine tails of her costume)
Maiden: *who has a legit unicorn head but a human body* Let's just find this asshole and be done with this...
Draco: Let's just be careful of how we traverse this chaos driven terrain...especially me... *parts of Draco's body is covered in stained glass, not only that, he's a
bit fragile, a simple fall would shatter him into pieces*
Striker: I second that... *Striker has become part stone like a griffon statue*
Jane: *who's taken the form of Makoto from Danganronpa* Yeah, everybody got a little form change thanks to him... *she looks at the magic book that she's holding*
...At least you guys can move around, unlike Dad who's...probably gonna be immobile until this is over... :/
Kirsty: *climbs on Jane's shoulder* I can't even move without fear of being stepped on. Christine at least has wings. *points to Papillion who's now the size of a
Papillion: Well yeah, the world does seem a bit more dangerous if you're SUPER tiny. :/
Tiger: DOES NO ONE REMEMBER THAT I'M PERMANENTLY ON FIRE?!?!?!?!?! *his whole body is up in flames*
Jane: ...Oh yeah, forgot about that. :/
Pacific: *mouth is full of giant shark teeth expanding his mouth and his lips* My dentist is gonna KILL ME!!!
Ursa: *body was buffed up and generally he looked like a bear man* Now i know how it feels to be the strongest man in the whole armada... *glares at Timber*
Timber: Oh fuck you too, Matt >:(
(Ursa and Timber glare at each other)
Natura: Guys cmon not now! (Natura has turned into the deer god from Princess Mononoke)
Aqua: Yeah, you can do it later AFTER we’re back to normal! XS (Aqua’s hair is now multi-colored, SUPER long, and are thin like spaghetti)
Karma: Yeah... (Karma’s physical body is gone, but his costume and mask are still visible)
Timber: *huffs* Fine...
(They head off the best they can to look for the akuma)
(Jane taken the form of Wise Owl to catch up with the group. Seeing everyone struggling to look for the Akuma in their current state, Joe’s written words in the magic
book were filled with distress and worry for the Armada)
Jane: Awww don’t worry dad, they’ll be okay
Joe: *written down* Are you sure my dear?
(Jane looks up as Jade trips and falls due to blindness and Tiger sets a nearby object on fire) Jane: ...Yeah...they'll be fine O_O
Joe: *written down* I hope so...with these deformities this akuma has bestowed upon them...i just pray to god that they'll be okay by the end of this...
(After a good while of struggling, they hear laughing) Akuma: Oh this is just priceless XD
Timber: *ears twitch* I hear him!
Kirsty: Well duh, he's right above you. *points to the akuma laughing above them*
Akuma: *laughs* Oh god, you all look HILARIOUS!! XD
Atlantic: *muffled ranting* Akuma: What? I can't quite...you got something... *points to his mouth* Oh wait, you have NOTHING XD
(The akuma laughs at Atlantic, while Atlantic fumes with rage)
Timber: You're going down, I think is what he means to say >:(
Akuma: Oh really? You deformed weirdos are gonna take ME down? HA! You guys couldn't even crush a cockroach with these new forms of yours! XD *keeps laughing* Joe: *angrily writes* HEY!! Do NOT insult my children!! >:(
Jane: Sheesh Dad... O_O (Leo hisses and yowls quite pitifully, only fueling the akuma's laughter)
Dasher: You think THIS is FUCKING FUNNY?! >:(
Cyber: Affirmative; analysis confirms that these transfigurations to our bodies are only intended for enterntainment
Draco: So he turned EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US into some kind of JOKE?! >:(
Cyber: Affirmative. Hound: Quit acting so calm about this!!!
Cyber: *looks at Hound, curiously* What do you mean? This is my default voice.
Kirsty: Hey! Are you guys gonna kick his ass or what?!
Akuma: *laughs* There's no WAY these fools are gonna beat me! There's NO way they can smack me around with those silly forms of theirs! XD
(Cyber wordlessly raises his hand and shoots a lightning blast and it hits) Cyber: Target acquired. Akuma object termination in progress
Akuma: GAH!! Why you...!! *his arm morphs into a giant arm made out of vines and he grabs Cyber with the large fist made out of vines*
Timber: WILL!!
(The Akuma lifts Cyber up and starts throwing him around, slamming him into nearby buildings)
(Cyber keeps a straight face almost throughout the whole thing) Tiger: My GOD man, you’re being pummeled!! DONT YOU CARE?!?!
(The Akuma keeps throwing him around until he stops, his vine arm detaching from his body, a new arm immediately grows in its place, and the vines tie around Cyber’s
body. The vines slowly tighten their grip on him and spikes start to pop out in some places)
Timber: LET GO OF MY PEACH!!! (Timber leaps up with his claws and slices through the vines and catches Cyber, landing safely)
Timber: *to Cyber* You Okay, Peach?
Cyber: *stares at Timber in slight shock* A...Affirmative...
Timber: Good... (The Akuma looks at the Armada in slight amusement) Akuma: So ya weaklings think you can stand up against me? >:3
Dasher: Hell yeah we can!!
Akuma: Well I hope you have a little plan to do so, cause I’m gonna make this world turn against ya! >:3 (The Akuma snaps his fingers and suddenly, the ground below them turned into thick chocolate sauce)
Leo: Oh COME ON!!
(They struggle through the chocolate to get out of it, but the fact that Tiger is on fire, causes the chocolate to get a bit hotter)
Pacific: Dude, get OUT of the chocolate!! Tiger: I'm TRYING! >:(((
(They keep struggling until they manage to get out.) (But then the Akuma made the ground below them turn into slippery soap)
(The holders all slip and slide) Jane: It's okay! Just pretend you're ice skating!
Dasher: But-AH! *he slips and falls on the ground* some of us CAN'T skate! XS
Kirsty: Then now's a good time to learn! (Meanwhile, any flying holders who are able, start fighting the akuma)
(However, the akuma had a wide grin on his face, fighting back with such great force. He even takes advantage of their new forms, by landing a hard hit on Draco and a
piece of his glass like body breaking off of him)
(Draco screams) Timber: NO!!! (Cyber stares as emotion tries to break through his eyes)
Akuma: Oh ho, why would a fragile one, such as yourself, would want to fight me? Especially if *grabs Draco's arm and with great force, he snaps it off of him* THIS
happens to ya? >:3
Jane and Kirsty: HOLY SHIT!!! (Cyber blasts the akuma as hard as he can with lightning)
(The akuma smirks and hides Draco behind him, then with his chaos magic, turns the arm into a copy of Draco and uses it as a shield, letting the lightning hit the
Draco clone)
Hound: HEY!!! Leo: No one hurts Dragon Dad on OUR watch!!! (The kids all attack, knocking the clone away)
(The Akuma smiles wickedly and pulls out a large cage, then he swoops all the kids up in it, and then he spins it around quickly)
Stag: KIDS!!!
(The kids scream as they are being spun around. Until the akuma throws the cage and it flies over the adult Holders and through the city) Akuma: Homerun!! >:3
Dasher: I'll get them! *starts running backwards after them as best he can* Atlantic: *muffled yelling and screaming* Scarlet: YOU'RE GOING DOWN!!!
Akuma: I'm not going down, you are >;3 *he snaps his fingers and suddenly gravity pushes the Adult Holders down, making it a bit hard for them to move*
(A bird visor then appears on his face) Raven: Well done my akuma! You've done beautifully! >:3
Akuma: Thank you Master! >:3
Akuma: Shall I bring them to you? Raven: Oh please do. >:3
Akuma: I will, and trust me, you'll LAUGH once you seen what i've done to them! >:3
Raven: I look forward to it.
(The Raven Visor disappears and the Akuma looks at the Holders)
Akuma: Well, time to go! (He waves his hand and a giant sentient bag appears and scoops up all the adult holders; he then makes a separate bag) Akuma: Get those kids and that weasel, we want to please Master >:3 *the bag flies off*
(A couple of seconds later, the bag comes back with the kids Holders and Dasher in it)
(The akuma grins and flies towards Raven's tower, which has a kind of shield around it made by the akuma so the reality warping won't affect him; Raven comes out of
the tower, stopping right at the edge of the shield) Raven: I'm sorry to say all your hard work will be undone once they come in here, but please, show them to me, I must see this with my own eyes! >:3 *he gestures to a
spot right in front of the shield*
(The akuma empties the bags out while keeping gravity on them so Raven can see their conditions)
(Upon seeing their conditions, Raven bursts out into laughter)
Raven: Oh! This is incredible! XD
(Raven keeps laughing at them, while the Holders, Jane, and Kirsty, all glare at him)
(He laughs for a while until he finally calms down) Raven: Okay...well done...ten out of ten, darling; throw the bags into my tower and you can keep doing your thing... XD
Akuma: Okay! >:3
(He puts them all back into one bag and throws them into the tower and flies off; meanwhile, while the holders are still helpless, the moment they enter the field,
they return to normal) Raven: *enters the tower* Oh it was fun while it lasted...
(Raven takes the bags up the tower)
(Once he gets to the tower...) Raven: First, let's deal with the extra baggage... *he reaches in and grabs Jane and Kirsty out of the bag*
Jane: AHH! Kirsty: HEY!!
(He ties them up back to back and puts tape on their mouths and holds them up by a length of rope) Raven: Now I can guarantee a little more cooperation from the animal patrol >:3
Kirsty and Jane: MMMPH!!
(Raven unties the bag) Raven: Alright, c'mon out. Enjoy your normality *softly* for now...
(He empties out the bag, letting the Holders fall out)
(Everyone looks around and deflates in relief at seeing they're normal again)
Timber: Thank god...
Cyber: Jordan! *hugs him* I've been wanting to do that all day!!
Timber: *hugs back* Finally, my Peach is speaking normally! :)
Atlantic: I can talk!! Scarlet: I can hear!! Jade: I can see!!
Owl: *looks at himself* I-I'm not in a book anymore...! Oh thank god...!! *hugs any nearby Holders as tightly as possible* Oh my dear children, you're all okay...!!
Hound: Oof! Missed you too, Owl Dad
(Raven rolls his eyes as he sees the Holders all relieved to have their normal bodies back)
Kirsty: MMMPH!! (Hey, don't ignore us!! >:((( )
Jane: MMPH!!! (Yeah, we matter too! >:((( )
Raven: *clears this throat and gets their attention* I get that you're happy but - *he holds his scythe up to Kirsty and Jane* Let's get back to business, shall we?
(The Holders' eyes widen upon seeing the scythe near Jane and Kirsty)
Raven: Your Miraculous, if you please. I would tie you all up and take them by force, but I'm not really feeling it today, soooo... (He pushes the scythe closer, making the two girls whimper)
(The Holders tense up)
Raven: What's it gonna be, holders? The easy way or the hard way?
(The Holders glare at Raven, not wanting to hand their Miraculous over, but they don't want Jane and Kirsty's lives to be taken by Raven Claw)
(After a while, Raven sighs) Raven: Alright, if you're going to be dramatic about it, you can at least be entertaining (He drops a portion of the shield so only he, Jane, and Kirsty are shielded from the warping)
Leo: Oh no, not again! XS (Everyone starts to transform)
Timber: No..! WILL!! (Cyber starts becoming metal again)
(Timber winces in pain as he starts transforming again)
(Cyber hugs him) Cyber: I...I love you...!
Timber: I...I love you...too...!!
Jane and Kirsty: *struggle* MMMMPH!! (The transformations finish)
Tiger: AHHH!!! I'M ON FIRE AGAIN!!!!!
(The holders descend into chaos once more and Raven laughs while Jane and Kirsty watch in horror)
Leo: Oh god, i'm tiny again!!! DX
Hound: *looks at his dog body* Nooooooooo! Atlantic: MMMMMMMPH!!!
Jade: I can't see!!! Scarlet: WHAT?!
Kirsty: *glares at Raven* MMMMMPH!! (YOU ASSHOLE!!)
Jane: *looks at Owl's distorted form, just laying on the ground* MMPH!! (DAD!!)
Raven: *to Owl* Not so tough now are you? XD
Owl: *written down* Shut your mouth! >:(
(Raven floats around them in his shield with Jane and Kirsty)
(Jane and Kirsty watch in horror as they see the Holders freaking out and panicking over their distorted forms)
(Kirsty growls at Raven and gives him a kick in the shins and Jane follows suit, both of them kicking at him)
Raven: Ow! Hey! >:(
Jane and Kirsty: >:(((((((( *keep kicking at him*
Raven: Ow Ow Ow Quit it!! >:((
(They keep kicking at him when Raven suddenly loses his balance; he flails and topples right out of his shield, leaving only Jane and Kirsty sitting inside it)
Raven: Ow... *glares at Jane and Kirsty* Why you- (Suddenly, Raven freezes and then he starts to transform, screaming in pain)
Jane: Mmph! (Whoa!) (Raven grows a bird head and his arms become wings but his body remains) Kirsty: Mmmph? (Did we do that? O_O )
Jane: Mmph! (Apparently! O_O)
(Raven’s transformation completes and he looks at  himself in horror)
(Raven screams in horror upon seeing his distorted form)
Arctic: *who has a similar appearance to Raven but as a Polar bear* HA!! Sucks to be you, asshole!! >:D
(Raven still screams in horror of his new form)
(Owl writes something down and Timber reads it and calls up to Jane and Kirsty) Timber: You two just stay put up there!! We’ll get ya down as soon as we get rid of this akuma!!
Jane: Mmph! (Okay!) *internally* Though I miss being a shapeshifter :/
Kirsty: Mmph! (Got it!) *internally* Man, if I was still small we could get out of these ropes... :/ (The holders get a hold of themselves and look out the window where they see the akuma in the distance)
(The Akuma looks at Raven’s tower, looking a kinda bored) Akuma: The whole city is distorted by me...except this. (He stares at it for a few seconds) Akuma: ...Fuck it, Master’s joining the fun! (He snaps his fingers and Raven’s tower starts to distort and the shield disappears)
(Kirsty instantly shrinks making the ropes fall away from Jane and they pull the tape off)
Jane: *shiftshapes into Sci-Twi* Yes! We're free! And i can shift shape again! :D
Kirsty: *climbs on Jane’s shoulder* Don’t get TOO attached to the crazy akuma magic...
Jane: *gets up* Hey, having the power to shiftshape is the one ability i wish i can have 24/7, so don't blame me for getting TOO attached to this new ability! X3
Kirsty: Just don’t drop me please...
Jane: I won't!
Jane: And besides, we’re already together, no need to FALL for me ;) Kirsty: ........why....? -_-
(Suddenly, everyone feels the tower shaking for a couple of seconds. When it stopped, the window transformed into a large eye and it looked at everyone)
Coral: Huh...at least we don’t have to walk
(Then they feel the lair shake again. Outside, the lair rises and four legs burst out from under it. Then it starts to move around the city mindlessly)
(Everyone topples around from the movement, Jane holding Kirsty in her hands for safety)
(Jane spots Owl's distorted form being thrown around from the movement, but her heart sank when he was getting a bit too close to Tiger)
(Timber quickly yanked Owl away from Tiger)
Hound: Now what?!
(At this point, Raven eventually calms down and glares at the Holders)
Raven: This- Dasher: If you say this our fault you’re fucking DEAD >:(
Jane: Really, it's actually OUR fault ya turned into a raven man! *she shiftshapes into Raven Claw* Then again, you underestimated what two girls can do to you! :P
(Raven lets out a screech of anger and charges towards Jane and Kirsty)
Jane: Oh shit O_O *spreads out her wings and flies off*
Kirsty: *clinging to Jane* FLY FLY FLY!!!!
(Jane flaps her wings as fast as she can)
(Raven chases them out of the tower) Leo: ...I guess we’ll just have to check on them once we take out that akuma
Cyber: Affirmative.
(The holders manage to safely get out of the tower and head towards the akuma)
(As soon as they were getting near the Akuma, a large boxing ring emerges out of the ground below them and rises above the city with them on it)
Atlantic: *muffled annoyed sounds*
(It stops when the boxing ring was way above the city, then the akuma shows up with a big smirk on his face)
Akuma: Ready for the REAL fight? >:3
Akuma: Cause the fight i'm gonna give you, is FINAL BOSS worthy! >:3 *he smiles wickedly then he swoops down. A few seconds later, the ground started to shake and a HUGE dark figure started to rise*
(The kids’ eyes all widen in recognition to the reference) Kids: O_O .......fuck
(Once the dark figure towers over the Armada, the dark figure was revealed to be the akuma transformed into a being of madness and chaos.The Akuma maniacally laughs at them with a wide smile)
Everyone: O_O Timber: .....Welp....let’s get him guys
Dasher: Let's bring our A-Game into this one...i hope... O~O
(They start fighting)
(The Armada do all that they can to fight the Akuma, but at some points during the fight, the Akuma sends out powerful attacks that almost knocked some of the members
of the Armada out of the boxing ring)
Akuma: That’s a few down!
(Draco holds onto the ropes as best as he can) Draco: Boys...Help me...!!
(Timber and Cyber run over and carefully helps him over)
Draco: Thank you...
Timber: We gotcha
(They keep fighting the Akuma)
(Leo and Swan, vein the smallest, sneak around the massive akuma and look for the object they need) (Papillion helps too)
(But then, three hands emerge out of the Akuma's body, grabbing Leo, Swan, and Papillion.)
Timber: KIDS!!
Akuma: Nuh uh uh! If you all want to beat me, then you'll have to do it without taking the easy way! Or else... *the hands' grip on Leo, Swan, and Papillion get
tighter, the three of them scream in pain*
Dasher: Okay okay! (They keep fighting)
(The Akuma keeps holding onto Leo, Papillion, and Swan during the fight)
(The fight goes on for a while until Cyber spots the akuma)
(Cyber was about to shoot at it, but the Akuma noticed that he was taking "the easy way", so another hand emerges out of his body and grabs Cyber tightly) Akuma: NO EASY WAY!!
Hound: You’re a sore loser! >:((((
Akuma: Oh am I? Well, i won’t let ANY of you taking the easy route of beating me, you gotta beat me like you would with a REGULAR final boss! >:) (The Akuma lifts Cyber up and tightens his hold on him, resulting in some sparks flying out of Cyber’s metal body)
(Timber quickly jumps up and latches onto the hand holding Cyber) Timber: Hang on Will!!
(His grip on Cyber gets tighter, more sparks are flying and his eyes start to flicker)
Timber: Silver Claws!! (Timber shoves his claws into the hand and slowly pries the giant fingers away from Cyber so he can grab him and hold him to his chest)
(Cyber had a lot of dents and cracks, even his robot arm was disconnected)
Timber: Jesus...! Timber: Come on Will, stay with me!
Cyber: Energy low. 99% functions are shut down or damaged. *looks at Timber* Jordan...
Timber: Will...!
Cyber: Able...to function...for 5 minutes maximum...after dead line...will shutdown...permanently... (He looks at Timber directly) Cyber: Jordan...beloved spouse... *a smile cracks on his face* I...love...you... :)
(Timber tears up) Timber: I...I love you too...
(Timber gives a quick peck on Cyber’s lips)
Akuma: *laughs* Some hero you are! Can’t even protect one of his friends! Timber: ...I wouldn’t say that... Akuma: Huh? Timber: I just had to keep you still for a few minutes >:3 (At that moment, Stag jumps off one of the poles of the ring and drops the full weight of his giant horns onto the akuma’s head)
Akuma: GAH!!
Stag: TAKE THAT SCUMBAG!!! Timber: GET HIM EVERYONE!! (The holders all charge and take advantage, attacking with everything they have all at once)
(As all the attacks hit the Akuma, he flails around and the city below them starts to twist and turn, becoming a chaotic version of the city)
(The holders keep going and keep attacking, pinning him down under all their attacks)
(They keep going until Timber gives the Akuma the final blow. Then, streams of light poke out from the Akuma’s body, he screams and he explodes into an explosion of
(The akuma object appears and Timber catches it) Timber: Time to end this...
(With all of his strength, he crushes the Akuma into pieces and a black bird flies out)
(he directs the bird to Cyber who is moments away from shutting down; with the last of his strength, Cyber puries the akuma and restores the damage, returning the
world and themselves to normal)
(They all return to the ground and everything and everyone turned back to normal)
Timber: WILL!! (He runs over to Cyber who's body is human and completely healed as he sits up)
Cyber: *looks up* Jordan...!
(Timber scoops him up and spins him around, peppering him with kisses) Timber: Thank god...!
(Cyber giggles and smiles as Timber peppers his face with kisses)
Cyber: It's good to see you too...! X3
(Then Timber kisses Cyber fully in the mouth and they hold that kiss for a few seconds. Then they break the kiss)
Timber: God I missed the real you...
Cyber: Same here...
(Cyber kisses Timber again, quite roughly) Cyber: I've been wanting to do that all day...
(Timber smiles and kisses him back)
(Dasher makes a joking gagging noise as all the other couples embrace and kiss when Scarlet blinks) Scarlet: Um...what happened to my baby sister and her girlfriend? O_O
Everyone: O_O
(Meanwhile, Raven, now back to normal, has just entered his tower with a squirming bag in his possession with a tied and taped Jane and Kirsty inside) Raven: *panting slightly* Well...that was an ordeal...but I finally got you little pests!
Jane and Kirsty: MMMMMPHHHHH!!!!!!!
Raven: *looks around* You know what? We're gonna switch this up a bit, since I'm now quite exhausted. (He takes the bag out of the tower and into another room in his lair)
(Once he got into the other room in his lair, he throws the bag onto the ground)
Jane and Kirsty: MMPH! (OW!!!) (Raven collapses onto a chair that's in the room) Raven: Let's see how long it takes them
(Raven sits there, waiting for the Armada to come)
(After a while he hears them burst into the tower above them) Raven: God, did they break my windows again? -_-
(The Armada race through the tower, looking for Raven, Jane, and Kirsty)
Leo: They're not here!! Atlantic: But that's impossible!!
Owl: Where the hell did he take my daughter and her girlfriend?!
Scarlet: Where's my baby sister?! >:((((
Timber: They have to be here somewhere!
Hound: STORM THE LAIR!! (Raven hears from a distance)
Raven: What?!
(Raven grabs the bag and moves from the room)
(The Armada storm through the lair, looking at every inch, every room, everything Raven's lair has)
(Owl eventually makes it to the front room just in time to see Raven exit the front door and fly away with the bag)
Raven: ...Shit. O_O
(The Armada charge towards Raven while he quickly tries to fly away)
Raven: Dammit...as if I didn't use up enough energy chasing these two before!!
(Raven tries all that he can to fly away from the Armada, but then Owl tackles Raven out of the sky)
(They fall onto a roof and tumble, the bag flying away from both of them)
(Owl pins Raven to the ground, glaring at him)
Owl: Give them back!! Raven: Oh, you want them? Better go get them! >:3 (He points to the bag just as its rolling off the edge of the building)
Owl: *eyes widen in horror* NO!!! *quickly flies towards the bag*
(He reaches out for it but just misses it; when suddenly, Jade appears and catches it as it falls with Nature Leap)
Jade: Got it!
(Jade lands and Scarlet appears and opens the bag, he and Atlantic pulling out the tied up girls) Kirsty: Mmmmph! :D
(Owl quickly takes the tape off their mouths, unties them, and immediately hugs Jane tightly, relieved that she's okay) Owl: Oh my sweet daughter...! You're okay...! You're okay...!!
(The trinity do the same with Kirsty and Scarlet hugs her) Scarlet: Baby sis...! You're okay!! Jade: Thank god...!
Jane: Dad...! *hugs him back*
Kirsty: Guys...! *hugs the trinity*
(The Trinity and Owl keep hugging Kirsty and Jane, even Owl gives a little kiss on Jane's cheek)
(The other holders decide to leave them be and head on their own way) Timber: *takes Cyber's hand* Shall we? :3
Cyber: We shall! :3
(They head off together)
(As they head off, Raven gets up, rolls his eyes and growls, and leaves the Armada without saying a word)
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wonwoonlight · 7 years
A smile was all it takes
This is just something that suddenly popped into my mind, that being said, this is only something that happened to enterntain myself; I am not a writer and this is my first try in writing a jisoo x jinyoung oneshot. This actually popped into my mind because I like Jisoo and Jinyoung as a ship and individuals and once upon a time I was looking for their fic and could find none :( So, to anyone who might read this or cone across this by accient; I hope you at least enjoy this as much as I did writing it!
Jisoo remembers running down the corridor; hair messy from all the running, books in her arms (that fell before, unfortunatelty, damn her clumsiness), her bag slung against her right shoulder (she should've used her backpack today of all day, why did it have to fall into the mud yestersay? Damn her clumsiness!).
 Jisoo remembers trying to calm herself down, combing her hair with her fingers to make herself look at least decent for a class that she is already late for, and on her first day at the uni on top of that.
 Jisoo remembers closing her eyes and, taking a deep breath, opening the door in front of her, ready for everyone in the class to look at her as if she was a lunatic. She was ready to be scolded for being late, but had hoped she would be spared as it was her first day in the uni. Why on earth did she have to move to another uni, again?
 She didn't expect the class to be empty except for one guy sitting in the very front seat of the class with a book open in front of him.
 She expected him to look up and frown in confusion as he looked at her.
 She didn't expect him to smile after 2 seconds of frowning to himself.
 She didn't expect her heart to skip a beat, either.
  * * * 
 Jinyoung doesn't remember what he did that morning after he woke up. He probably did everything he usually did in the morning; woke up, laze around for a few minutes before actually getting out of bed, and wash himself.
 Jinyoung doesn't remember what he ate that morning for breakfast. It was probably toast or omelette. Or maybe he didn't eat anything but fruits; his roommate, Jackson, has a knack for fruits (especially the organic ones).
 Jinyoung doesn't remember anything special happening that morning. He remembers he arrived early at uni, though. Not like it's unusual; he likes it when it's quiet (I guess that's why he didn't really get along with Jackson at first, that guy is anything but quiet) and when is uni ever quiet if it's not in the morning?
 Jinyoung doesn't remember which room was it; but he remembers looking for an empty class to read his book (the library was too far and he couldn't be bothered that morning), and sitting down in the very front in case he needed to get out of the class quick for some reason.
 Jinyoung doesn't remember what time it was, or how long had he been there reading. But he remembers when the door suddenly opened, revealing a girl, her hair messy and and she had lots of books in her arms. He frowned for a second; trying to recall if he had ever seen this girl before, but, then again, he doesn't know a lot of people. So he just smiled at her despite his confusion as to why was the girl even here.
 Jinyoung remembers her looking dumbfounded.
 He remembers thinking she was pretty.
 * * *
  "Uhh, is this room 109? History of English Literature class?" Jisoo asked timidly, she was a social butterfly, damnit! She was never awkward with people! But this guy just managed to make her feel all bothered she could feel her ears getting hot.
 The guy blinked, "the room 109 you're looking for is on the other building," he said, closing his book and gathering his things before he walked towards her.
 "Mr. Kim's class, right?" Jisoo looked at the copy of her timetable and only managed a small nod, why is this guy coming closer?!
 "Are you new here?" She nodded again. "Do you want me to take you there? You're obviously lost."
 So straightforward. Jisoo remembers thinking.
 “And so are you,” he chuckled.
 Jisoo remembers hitting herself on the head. “Did I say that out loud?” she asked pointlessly.
 He chuckled again. “Come on, I’ll show you the way and tell Mr. Kim you got lost,” he offered as he walked pass by her.
 Jisoo remembers thinking he smelled nice.
 * * *
 Jinyoung laughed after Jisoo finished talking, his teeth showing and the adorable wrinkles beside his eyes could be seen. Jisoo grunted at him when he tightened his arms around her, “Geez, what’s so funny about our first meeting?” she sighed, burrying her head deeper into his chest.
 “Nothing. I just remembered how cute you actually are,” he grinned. His laughter could be heard echoing inside the room as Jisoo exclaimed a loud “Ew!” and hit his chest as she adorably frowned at him; his girlfriend was never fond of being called cute.
 “Are you done being annoying?” she sat up as she crossed her arms.
 Jinyoung grinned as he got up from the bed, “Are you done being adorable?”
 “Jinyoung!!” He laughed again, this time running out of the room before Jisoo could actually attack him for real (as much as he loved her; that girl could really punch and he’d rather not experience her punch(es) again. You could ask Lisa or Jaebum about it and they’d probably laugh for a month before actually telling you about the story.).
 Jisoo did manage to choke him with a pillow, though, he laughed for the thousand time that day before flipping their position over, trapping Jisoo beneath him as he grinned at her, a grin that always made Yugyeom run as far away as he could once it appeared in front of him.
 Jisoo panicked a little, worried that Jinyoung might tickle her or anything equally frightening, but the tought quickly went away as his smile softened and Jisoo could swear for a second his eyes twinkled before he leaned down and put his lips on hers, she could feel her eyes closing and, before she could even kiss him back, he pulled away, making her pout a little.
 “The only thing I remember about that day was the way you smiled at me; crazy how you had me whipped since day one,” he chuckled again before capturing her lips with his once more.
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michameinmicha · 7 years
if u want to do all the sp asks...? i'd like to read that honestly ._. hope this ain't weird...
noooo thats not weird thats super sweet thanks anon
30 South Park Asks(this got really long somehow so i put a cut here)
1. Favorite main character and why they’re your favorite?
Kenny McCormick and because he’s the best.(i think he’s super cute but also kinda disgusting and also funny and also loyal and loving and multi-faceted and i just love him okay)
2. Least favorite main character and why they’re your least favorite?
uh this is kind hard? depends i guessi don’t like Cartman for example but i think he’s an interesting character…?maybe Randy Marsh? i don’t like him and i don’t like his Stories in the show usually… ahhhh idk this is a hard question…..
3. Favorite side character and why?
ohhhh i love Karen so muchh she’s not really that much of an interesting Character on her own but i love her relationship with Kenny obviouslyplus i love most of the fourth graders and the goth kids omgthat’s all i can think of rightnow
4. Least favorite side character and why?
i don’t like most of the grown ups they’re boring and annoyingand they sometimes steal the spotlight (especially in new seasons) that i think should be more about the kids but w/e
5. List as many of the South Park kids as you can in order from fave to least fave!
oh god uhhhhhhKenny, Stan, Kyle, Butters, Wendy, Ike, Tweek, Craig, Jimmy, Bebe, Nicole, David, Karen, Token, Heidi, Cartmanuhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm is that enough? i feel like my brain doesn’t work right today sry…
6. Any characters you feel you can relate to?
Obviously Kenny, couldn’t tell u why thoStan especially the assburgers episodesKyle every time he gets angrysame with Wendy
7. Favorite adult and why?
oh man…. Sheila Broslovski…?she’s annoying but also pretty badass
8. Least favorite adult and why?
pretty much all of themmr garrison is bad pc principal is bad randy marsh is bad i cant even remember that many spontaneously but i dont like most of them so…
9. Any characters that you think deserve more spotlight?
KENNY most of the girlsCraigs gangthe goth kids are always super enterntainingu get my drift
10. Any dead/one-time characters that you want back?
loved damien he was greatalso le mole
11. Are you someone who has a lot of headcanons for SP characters?
i have headcannons for my faves (especially kenny ahhhhhhhhhh)i think i have a lot of ideas for most of the kids but idk how accurate they are so i mostly just kinda keep them to myself i guess
12. Tell me a headcanon that you have for [character name]!
theres no character name here so u get one for kenny (Hah! who wouldve guessed): i imagine he’d have pretty crooked teeth but his parents can’t afford braces for him and he’s kinda envious of stan and kyle who both get braces in their teens (i imagine cartman has annoyingly perfect teeth and kyle hates him for it) and he thinks they look really cute and wishes he could have them too. when he’s older he saves up for a while and get himself these invisiline thingies and he likes them even though they’re not as cute as normal braces
this kinda got outta hand i’m sorry
13. Favorite ship? Tell us why!
Stenny (also like k2) (and stylenny)i honestly dunno why i guess kenny’s just my fave and stan’s my second fave and also i just think they would have such a sweet friendship to lovers thing and i love them dearly ok
14. Least favorite ship? Tell us why! (But don’t tag it; that’s rude!)
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwell since literally everything gets shipped by someone i feel the need to say kid/adult, non-con and incest (fucking obviously)i don’t really like cartman in any relationship because i dont really like cartman(i’m not very interested in style although it can be very sweet don’t get me wrong i wouldnt put it as my least favourite i just think it’s a little overrated)i just generally could get into most ships if its well written and the other way around i guess…?
15. List as many SP ships as you can think of in order of fave to least fave!Stenny, K2, styenny, creek, Style, stylendy, bunny, crenny, staig, stendy, cryle, kenman(?), kyman
(can’t think of more spontaneously)
16. Favorite episode and why?
i love the super hero ones and the lord of the rings-y ones and also episodes that are about kennyalso the ones about the kids are usually good i just like them to go on adventures and have fun ok
17. Least favorite episode and why?
episodes about the grown ups i feel like i’m repeating myself here but yeah they’re boring and annoyingironically enough i don’t like most of the topical, political episodes too much
18. Describe an episode you’d like to see happen someday!
i think i saw this described by someone once and it kinda stuck with mean episode where kenny’s family get super rich for some reason (and probably loses all their money again by the end of the episode since this is still south park) i just think that’d be interesting and also a good setup for some much needed character development 
19. To you, what’s the most meaningful moment in the show?
i have no idea how to answer this honestly?
20. To you, what’s the most disgusting/worst moment in the show?
oh god are you kidding me? the whole show is disgusting…
21. Do you enjoy episodes that have a focus on the parents/adults?
ummmmmm i think there are some that i liked…? 
22. Do you enjoy when episodes/seasons have an overarching plot?
oh dudey that’s a question to write a book on…i think it could be good but they’re not very good at it yet…?maybe in a few seasons… there’s potential definitely but i’ts kinda hard to answer because the old seasons dont have an overarching plot but to me are way better than the newer ones which haveif that makes any sense…?about episodes i loved the two parters of the lord of the rings thingy so yeah…?
23. What’s the first episode you ever watched?i’m not sure but the first one i remember watching on german mtv in the middle of the night once was the wikileaks lemmiwings one (with the hamster trying to destroy that gossip site (god i’m bad at describe stuff today)) then i saw the assburgers ones in the netherlands on tv before i actively watched all seasons starting with the first
24. What’s your favorite South Park song?
la resistance!!!!!minorities at my waterpark is a sweet one too tho
oh god and the lets make bullying kill itself is so gooood too yes!
25. How and why did you get into South Park?
because of fanart i saw and i wanted to get to know the charactersi bingewatched it all like two years ago (?) in the summer holidaysbefore that i had only come across it on tv in german only and i really don’t like the dubbed version but when i saw it in the netherlands in english with subs i realised it’s way funnier in the original so i started watching it
26. Have you ever felt weird for liking South Park?
kinda when i try to explain why i love the characters to friends who haven’t really seen the show (or who have seen it and thought it was bad) but generally i dont hang out with people who make me feel weird for liking the things i like so its not really a problem
27. Have you watched every single episode?
i think i didnt see some of the latest season
28. Have you played any South Park games? Which ones?
i really wanted and still want to get the stick of truth but its kinda hard to get the uncut version here so i haven’t
29. How well would you say you know South Park trivia?
not very; i’m so bad at remembering stuff
30. Tell us a SP fact; any one will do!
there’s very little cannon facts about how the kids are gonna grow up and pretty much a lot about them and their appearance and stuff at all and you can literally imagine them in any way you want and i think that’s beautiful
i’m sorry this got kinda confusing and repetitive and vague (my brain didn’t cooperate with me as much as i wouldve expected)but thank you for asking me it was fun still 
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love-tripper · 8 years
It has been hard to keep up with social media lately, so I’m giving Twitter priority because I think it’s easier to deal and doesn’t take too long to browse. I’ve also been tired of tumblr I guess, but I still like to leave comments about the stuff I’ve been watching for the recording so I’ll try to make my usual summary. 😆
ACCA #5 and #6: Look, I’m still excited about this anime and it makes me think a lot but I feel ashamed to share my theories about what’s going on. Why? Because I know the manga is finished and since I chose to not read it until the end of the anime I feel like I could be talking bs that the manga-readers could read and think “huhuhu naive child you have no idea”. I wish I had someone to talk to me in private about it lol
Kuzu no Honkai #06: This one, tho… I told you about how I checked the manga and saw things still are heavy? Yup. Not excited about it (only for one bit that i doubt the anime will cover so it doesn’t worth the mention). Ah, I’m not used to ecchi anime so I wanted to know, is it normal for anime girls to sound like they are choking when kissing? lol.
Sangatsu no Lion #18: (like all the reblog spam wasn’t enough lol) Ahhh I really wish Shimada could be able to play in his hometown. :( Also I want to hear Souya's voice but I don’t even know if he talks lol - I know I know I need to read the manga to find out. I already gave the quick check (like I did to Kuzu no Honkai) in some chapters but I stopped because it would ruin the fun when I actually read it. I will when I keep up with the pile of physical mangas I have here lol.
(Conclusion: animes not-based in a manga are better to comment maybe? Lol Anyways, let’s continue)
Dragon Ball Super 79 (heh, I’ll add it to the list of this blog because I don’t feel like talking to the fandom anymore): Third chapter of the new arc and I already think the mood of it will be fightings non-stop just for the fun. It’s not bad I think, better than tricking people in a pseudo depth that will never come and be a disappointment (aka Trunks’ arc), at least they will be honest and delivery what young boys want to see. I liked how they portrayed Buu, he was consistent with his DBZ self and that evil kaioshin was disturbing lol. I don’t know what to expect from Gohan’s new portrayal but since I liked how they showed him in the previous episode I’m ok. I learned to not expect anything from this anime tbh.
Sherlock - The Final Problem: Ohhhh that was pretty good, better than the previous one! Despite the sometimes unrealistic development, it was thrilling and enterntaining! I think Euros doesn’t exist in the books, so I guess she was a substitute to Moriarty? That’s good because, even though I like him, I think there wasn’t excuses to bring him to life again (for a moment in the episode I thought he was really alive and got super mad, lol). I think it was a good ending not only to the season but also for the series (since some people was speculating it’s over). Sherlock got in contact with his emotions and his love and I’d guess he’s finally a human again.
0 notes