#it crashes and he loses it and when he realizes he does his high pitched scream
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In the ST universe what roles would the party take on in minecraft? I know Dustin is making red stone rail systems and Max is teaching El to grief houses
THIS IS SUCH A CUTE QUESTION el and will are very much "oh my god i found a flower field" and will building in said flower field while literally all el does is try and pick every type of flower until max is like hey follow me and they steal all of mikes (2) diamonds and iron. mike and lucas always try to beat the ender dragon but one of them is always too afraid ("we have to be more prepared") to go to the nether/end (hell, even caves) so they just kind of mine around (barely) and ward off max. dustin is absolutely making rail systems to curate their own village and trying to get a villager to trade a book of mending and has will help him build structures so its not just shitty oak wood (lets be honest its dirt) houses. maybe sometimes they make little parkour maps to try and beat and they just end up fucking around and killing each other. mike goes to see what wills building and is like "heyyyy you want me to get u supplies 🥺 owo" and no matter how far along or how many supplies he has he always says yes and its Disgusting. also dustin is always bitching at mike and lucas to beat the game so he can get an elytra and theyre always like YOU DO IT THEN and hes like OKAY then steps one foot into a nether portal and immediately dies and never returns. lucas is subjected to protecting dustins cat from max. he fails. chaos. i could go on and on. they all go to find the ender portal and fail so miserably and start fighting and then will is just like "teehee i found it! :D" everytime el wants to try and make something shes like "i have. no supplies :(" and max is like sweetie thats what mike and lucas' chests are for <3 lucas is convinced herobrine is actually real. el learns theres pandas and makes it her sole mission to find one heading out with no food or bed or weapons or. dustin gives el creative mode (he owns the server) lucas makes dustin do the red stone armor stand dance thing and stands up irl copying it THE LIST GOES ON OK IM DONE wait will makes a joke that a villager is his boyfriend and mike immediately: "Send Me Your Coords" then goes there just to kill it
#you sly dog you got me MONOLOGUING#im sorry this reply is so long 😭😭😭#hey can you tell i Lovr Minecrafdt#whos writing the 35 page novel about their dog dying and why is it lucas#it crashes and he loses it and when he realizes he does his high pitched scream#and max is like 'oh my God'#crying at his keyboard rip#this is all canon btw#stranger things#ask#long post
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No, because that post you reblogged, about season one Sammy basically going stop hanging out with me and joking about season 15 Sam with “where are my kisses form mommmy?”
Yeah. YEAH. That’s the main draw from ls Sam/esdean for me. Because that shit lines up PERFECCTLY. A Sam that WANTS Dean to baby him and adore him? Dean would lose his mind. He would become psychopathic. He would somehow get WORSE. Because Sammy has been resisting that shit after he turned like 13. And Dean just got him back from college (the ultimate “get away from me Dean” move). And he gets to see this affection desperate ls! Sam that’s so blatant about it and centers out Dean loud?! Omgggggggg. Omgfg. It’s like being on restrictive diet every day for 20 years, and then someone just giving you 15 chocolate cakes and telling you to go crazy. (Also thinking the LS Dean is insane and a shitty brother, because why is ls Sam starved for affection?! What are you DOING?!)
And LsSam, who probably has definitely thought about how he didn’t appreciate being deans obsession back when it was still around? Literally would roll around in the mud. The mud of deans affection. Glut himself. Obsessed. Everything he thought he’d never have again. Everything he licked himself over not appreciating. Delivered.
Of course LS! Dean has probably taught himself over the years, and all the trauma, to be really careful about showing his sam obsession TO Sam- and is bewildered and horrified and jealous, and ripping himself apart. Because you don’t really notice every personality change you go though over time, you know? And I’m not sure Dean would even realize he’s gotten less “mommy” and affectionate over the years. They still have their big emotional “I love you so much” thing at least once an apocalypse. Maybe he doesn’t see that’s it’s…different.
And ES Sam isn’t there because that’s not my thing 😂
hello!!! (the post in question!)
ES!Dean would become UNHINGED the first time he calls LS!Sam "sammy" when LS!Sam gets his shit rocked on a hunt and LS!Sam just kind of melts into the arm around his shoulder, joking lightly about how dean's going to have to carry him out of there.
dean's entire brain does a hard-reboot. blue screen and high pitched whirring and the whole thing.
he actually tries, legs shaking and stumbling underneath the weight of a full-grown thirty-something year old sam, who huffs and pained laugh and asks to be let down. ES!Dean is obsessed. because what the fuck do you MEAN LS!Sam leans into his arm and laughs gently and loves being called sammy and looks up at him with big, wet eyes and lets dean pet over his busted ribs??? WHAT THE FUCK??
ES!Dean goes full mommy-mode, lmao. they limp back to the impala, ES!Dean insisting that sammy take a few breaks, because he's looking pale. sam obeys every time, leaning a little more into dean while he gasps for breath, making little jokes about the monster or the weather or dean's fucking face--dean has no idea, his brain is on fire.
when they make it back to the car, dean insists on getting in the back with LS!Sam, and to LS!Dean's shock, LS!Sam agrees. ES!Sam awkwardly slides into the front seat while ES!Dean coos over LS!Sam in the backseat. LS!Dean almost crashes the fucking car when ES!Dean pushes LS!Sam's hair off of his forehead.
"it's gonna be okay, little brother, gonna get you patched up." ES!Dean says, just loud enough for LS!Sam to hear over the rumbling guitar of the radio. LS!Sam's entire world has shifted a little bit, because ES!Dean is so naked about it.
usually, if nothing's broken, LS!Dean will give him a clap on the shoulder and an opened beer, and chat with him to take his mind off of it. but ES!Dean is babbling about nothing in particular while his hands are all over him, his aching ribs and shoulder and hair and denim-clad knee and--LS!Sam's eyes almost roll back into his head like he just got a hit of his drug of choice--dean wipes a bit of dirt off of the side of his face with his shirtsleeve, absently, like he's not even thinking about it. he hasn't done shit like that since sam was...fuck, eight? eleven?
LS!Sam is so fucking exhausted after such a terrible week culminating in a clumsy hunt, and needs dean so acutely that he's sick with it, that he lets ES!Dean help him out of the car with a bracing hand on his stomach and an arm around his shoulder, and lead him away to LS!Sam's room for first aid. he doesn't wait for LS!Dean, because the hands on him are so warm and the familiar rumble of his voice and the lulling scent of cologne that dean stopped wearing years ago is soaking in every sinus in his skull.
ES!Dean deposits him gently on LS!Sam's bed and spends over an hour gently combing LS!Sam for cuts and scrapes and bumps. he whispers gentle and warm in his ear when he finally tests his ribs, apologizing softly when sam winces. sam is practically asleep at this point, even through the pain, so comforted and lulled and adored. he feels like he flopped back into a bed in a home he hasn't been allowed into for years. he's completely pliant in dean's arms, and dean finally pulls his boots off and leaves him mostly asleep on his bed, and switches the lights out.
their dynamic doesn't really change.
when ES!Dean makes breakfast for all of them the next morning, he slaps LS!Dean's hand with the spatula when LS!Dean reaches for the waffle already set aside on a plate. "that's sammy's." he says, sharply. he almost gets his ass beat, but when LS!Sam shuffles in, looking more well-rested than he has in years, ES!Dean hops to it and delivers him a perfectly-buttered waffle. just how he likes it.
he brings LS!Sam coffee and tea and snacks at all hours of all days. he follows LS!Sam around like a puppy, yapping excitedly about whatever's going on or whatever he's thinking about. he recaps an entire season of "la casa de los malvados," a telenovela he binged in 2003, and he's expected sam to tell him to shut the fuck up, but sam never does. he nods along and smiles and rolls his eyes at all the right points.
he and sam go about archiving one of the bunker's storage rooms, and dean gets distracted while trying to detangle some wires and just ends up staring right at LS!sam while he finishes writing an object's description in his ledger. it takes a few minutes for him to notice, but when he does, he doesn't snap or get uncomfortable like ES!Dean is expecting.
"yeah?" he asks, smiling warmly, an eyebrow raised gently. and fuck, if it doesn't sound hopeful. dean passes out and dies.
he notices a rip in LS!Sam's shirt, and when LS!Sam pouts a little because this was his favourite shirt, ES!Dean is practically tearing it off of his body to see if he can fix it.
ANDDDD lest we forget, ES!Dean has his amulet. LS!Sam can't take his eyes off of it. he's constantly finding reasons to touch it. he fixes it when the little knot of the leather cord travels down to sit against the pendant. naturally, he has to get closer, hands arms circling dean's neck like they're about to slow dance or some other ridiculous shit that makes ES!Dean flush from just the proximity of him. he pats ES!Dean on the chest for a job well done instead of the back. his eyes are constantly drawn to it like a magnet. when they fuck he insists ES!Dean be on top so he can see/feel it swing against his body WHO SAID THAT
LS!Sam goes to grab a spoonful of mac-and-cheese off the top of the pot ES!Dean is making, and ES!Dean smacks the spoon out of sam's hand, telling him he's not going to spoil his dinner, dammit. you'll eat when i tell you and not a second before. LS!Sam blinks owlishly at him before obeying and sitting down at the kitchen table, eyes pinned on ES!Dean like magnets.
ES!Dean asks LS!Sam if he blow dries his long princess hair, and LS!Sam jokes that, no, LS!Dean usually does that instead. ES!Dean falls asleep dreaming about getting to take a blow dryer to LS!Sam's hair, fingers scratching against his scalp, sam pliant and trusting underneath him as dean moves him this way and that. he becomes a little obsessed. when he's in the shower room brushing his teeth one morning, does he sniff LS!Sam's towel? mind your business.
ES!Dean is literally walking around with brass proof that he adores him. it's like all the parts of dean that LS!Sam beat himself up over taking advantage of is here and in sam's lap, begging to be acknowledged and loved and to smell sam's clothes. LS!Sam, for his part, can't get enough of ES!Dean's attention. ES!Dean's constantly checking in with him and bringing him coffee or water or chips, under the guise of doing something else. he hadn't realized how much he had missed dean being in his space. ES!Dean is trying to take care of him, as crazy as it sounds, and so LS!Sam is going to let him, dammit. he hasn't been taken care of, not in the unique way dean used to, in years. longer. a decade or more.
LS!Sam starts to seek ES!Dean out if he hasn't heard from him in a few hours. he asks ES!Dean if he wants to go do something, or asks if he wants help with dinner, or asks if he's busy. ES!Dean--more often than not--perks right up because he had tried to find something to do to keep him busy because he figured LS!Sam was tired of spending time with him.
ES!Dean thinks LS!Dean is an absolutely insane asshole. LS!Sam sighs happily when ES!Dean brings him a blanket before their weekly movie night. he tilts his face into ES!Dean's shoulder and inhales deeply when ES!Dean pulls him into a rare hug. LS!Sam has clearly been starving. and LS!Dean has clearly been starving him.
LS!Dean is slowly losing his mind.
LS!Dean makes sure to buy LS!Sam's favourite weird health chips and fancy shampoo. he brings LS!Sam an opened beer to find ES!Dean already there, yapping wildly about season one of "lost" like someone has a gun to his head. LS!Sam is leaning against him, seemingly completely unaware that ES!Dean has the edge of his flannel in his hands, worrying it between thumb and forefinger like a goddamn mother cat licking her kitten.
LS!Dean knew that ES!Dean was going kind of crazy over him--to LS!Dean's mortification. he knew how much sam despised his attention when they were that age. he would push dean's questing hands away after an injury, would need his personal space, would snap at dean if he caught him staring.
but LS!Dean finds himself staring at ES!Dean staring at LS!Sam while he reads. they're sitting right next to each other, while LS!Dean sits across the table. LS!Sam looks up and catches him staring. ES!Dean flushes madly but doesn't say anything. LS!Sam...smiles. and he doesn't stop smiling. even after ES!Dean goes back to his reading, LS!Sam sits quietly pleased and messing with the long ends of his hair at the back of his neck, like he does when he's content.
LS!Dean is kind of shell-shocked.
he didn't think LS!Sam wanted or needed that. hell, for years, sam had been telling him in explicit terms that he didn't. LS!Dean tells sam that he loves him when it really counts. like in that church.
but...even as LS!Dean thinks about it, he can't remember the last time he doted on sam like that. when he finds out that LS!Sam has been seeking ES!Dean out to spend even more time with him, he's kind of devastated. he doesn't even know how to be that version of himself anymore. it's so raw and open and vulnerable that it hurts to look at.
he wants to kill something when he sees the two of them, heads bent low and laughing to each other. he shrivels up and dies whenever he sees LS!Sam bend down so ES!Dean can laughingly wipe jam off of LS!Sam's forehead. he's going to be sick.
he awkwardly tries to do something similar one afternoon, and LS!Sam just stares at him with wide, confused eyes. when LS!Sam comes to bed one night, LS!Dean holds him so tightly his knuckles turn white. he feels like he's losing him, to a part of him he doesn't even know if he can find anymore.
you phrased it so perfectly!!! ES!Dean GLUTS himself, he can't handle it. LS!Sam rolls around in the mud of ES!Dean's affection!!!!!!!!!
thank you so much for sending in this ask, and thank you for your patience in me responding!!!! <3333 i am wishing you the most blessed of mommy dean mondays.
[ES/LS verse masterlist/explanation here]
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Saga of Solitude 2/21
Nepo!Baby Bradley and his life at USNA and afterwards. DADT fully in force. IceMav AU. (Begun prior to 'It's not who you know' - the non-angsty version).
PROLOGUE (He remembers) HANGSTER FIRST MEETING (Lonely Nights) Updating irregularly. This is a SLOW BURN
He walks across the stage at his graduation and he feels buoyed up as he hears the cheers, can hear Mav absolutely losing it, egged on by the high pitched squeals of Tamsin and Petra and when he’s engulfed in the warm embrace of his family he does his best to ignore the fact that he might not get this when he graduates from the USNA. And he will graduate, that’s not in question in his mind. But whether he will allow both Mav and Ice to attend, whether they will even be in the country. It’s all unknown with it being so far away.
That said they’ve decided that Sarah and the girls will drop him off at USNA, they’re still his family and no-one will look sideways at them being there. He knows Mav could technically drop him off, that no one going into Plebe summer would know who he was, at least not yet. But he doesn’t want there to be talk about him having connections, even if it’s true multiple times over. If he’s going to make friends he wants them to be people who genuinely like him, rather than the potential benefits of being his friend. Not that he thinks there are any. Not yet.
Ice and Mav have been riding him hard the last few months, training with him and running, swimming, weights and he hadn’t wanted to let guys over twenty years his senior put him to shame. But they had the first couple of weeks, their endurance just out-stripping him. Not anymore though, he’s improved remarkably, the routine becoming almost comfortable and Ice had begun slapping him on the back and telling him that he maybe might have a chance of enjoying Plebe Summer rather than wishing for a swift and painless death on a daily basis.
The most exciting thing he gets is an almost new Audi, which Ice then promptly tells him he can’t take to USNA anyway. But its highly safety rated and he gives Mav a raised eyebrow at that, because Mav still rides his bike around with no helmet and probably always will. But he’s going to insist Bradley drive a car that is rated for maximum safety for front and passenger side crashes. Apparently, he trusts Bradley, but not everyone else on the road. Bradley doesn’t point out that Mav himself is one of the other people on the road.
They say goodbye at the airport, none of them in uniform yet with the fact that they’re going a couple of days early. Tamsin and Petra are just as excited about the flight as Bradley, although they’re running circles around them and he occasionally reaches out to throw one or the other up into the air, their delighted giggles making him grin. He wants to start this journey already, wants to make Mav and Ice proud. But he’s going to miss seeing Tamsin and Petra grow up and if he’s going to have regrets about anything, it’s that.
“We would like a short phone call every Saturday. Doesn’t need to be longer than a couple of minutes, but we do want to talk to you. Obviously only works when I’m in the country.”
“Of course. And I’ll write letters as well. When I have time,” Bradley offers, because Ice has reiterated over and over how exhausting the first year is. “Can I call you as well?” Bradley asks, turning to Sarah, and his anxiousness must show on his face.
“Oh honey, of course you can. We’d all love to talk to you. You won’t get a word in edgeways if it’s one of these two hellions you wanted to talk to though…”
“That’s okay, I might not be much of a conversationalist anyway…”
The call for their flight comes and he hugs Mav and Ice tightly, throat tight with emotion as he realizes it’s going to be months before he sees them again.
“I’m proud of you. Keep your nose clean okay?” Ice says.
“Of course. Always.”
“Don’t forget to have fun,” Mav says.
“Not too much fun,” Ice instantly adds and Mav is rolling his eyes, throws him a wink and god he’s going to miss them so much.
The flight is exhausting, keeping Petra and Tamsin entertained a fulltime task and he’s glad the flight isn’t any longer. They got a couple of rooms booked at a Motel and he falls into his bed, determined to enjoy a solid night’s sleep. Over the next couple of days they do some touristy things, although the number of playgrounds and parks they visit is probably higher, what with Tamsin and Petra getting bored quickly with anything that requires even a small modicum of reading. It’s fine though, he’ll have liberty leave and can come to the museums and stuff if he wants to.
When they drop him off for his first day, his bags all packed and dressed in his uniform Tamsin has made the connection that he’s not coming home with them and is inconsolable, tears streaming down her face and he finds it heartbreaking that she’s so upset to say goodbye to him. He promises to draw her some pictures and post them, that they’ll talk on the phone and he has to trust Sarah when she says she’ll be fine. He waves good bye and goes to start the rest of his life.
… … …
As the days fly past he’s so glad he was forced into the training regime that Ice and Mav planned out, because while he’s still pushed past his personal limits his recovery time is much shorter, he knows how much food he needs to eat and how to deal with the yelling and sleep depravation exercises. God, Ice really didn’t exaggerate when he said it was going to be hard. He knows the orders inside out, when asked about his family he doesn’t hesitate to say his father was a naval aviator, a RIO who died in a training exercise in 1986. It does generally stop follow-up questions, but he suspects that some of the teachers know who he is, know that Maverick is listed as his emergency contact. He doesn’t ever bring it up.
He writes more letters than he thought he would, the phones difficult to use except for the brief few minutes he makes a concerted effort every Saturday. However the time he doesn’t have to use memorizing orders coming in handy and he draws pictures for Tamsin and Petra and writes letters, addressing them to where Mav is deployed. Bradley doesn’t make close friends, he does make friends though, lots and lots of friends. Remembers their birthdays, makes little notes of things they tell him, asks follow up questions about their families and helps them out where and when he can.
He doesn’t share much information about himself though, keeps it close to his chest. It’s maybe a little paranoid but it’s not just him on the line, but Mav and Ice. When pressed he mentions his step-father Pete, how he married his mom after his dad died. When he mentions his mom dying is usually when people either start to look like they seriously regret asking, or they look like they pity him and he doesn’t know which he dislikes the most. He is asked about the photo he keeps by his bed, of Tamsin and Petra and he simply explains that they’re his step-siblings. It all makes sense in his head, knows he can keep all of that straight in his head as none of it is a lie. He knows people are probably making assumption about Pete marrying Sarah, but he’s never said anything about that.
The seven weeks of Plebe Summer come to an end and then he’s preparing for his plebe year, picking the academic classes which he will undertake alongside the physical activities required at the Academy. He’s flying home for a short break of one week, Maverick is on deployment, so he expects Ice or Sarah at the airport to pick him up. The fact that they’re all there makes his hurt from smiling so much and he goes home with Ice, squishes himself into the backseat because Tamsin won’t let go of his hand.
He goes back to USNA feeling revitalized after spending time with them, and of course there’s one upper classman who seems to have it out for him, and Bradley is careful to remain respectful, but he also won’t let himself be a doormat. He knows his own worth, even if this one guy is constantly trying to find fault with him and snipe him. He does his best to ignore it, knows that a little of this is part and parcel of the entire experience, but it doesn’t mean he likes it.
Then September 11th happens and his immediate thought goes to Mav, somewhere on deployment somewhere near the Middle East, and he feels awful, immediately thinking of his own family before the hundreds or thousands of innocent people who are now dead. They’re given very little information, however he does receive an envelope with the mail two days later, no stamp or postmark and it’s simply They’re both alive and well. Uncle Sli. He breathes out and the tension in his shoulders lessens immediately. Slider isn’t someone he sees a lot of, but he’d recognize him and is so grateful for the message.
He’s not stupid, knows that they’re all now in the military, that there are plenty of risks day-to-day associated with that. However looking at the potential start of World War Three is different when he knows Mav is one of the best fighter pilots that the Navy currently has. He’s just going to have to learn to compartmentalize now and ignore his feelings, the worry about where he is and when he will next see him. Plebe Year continues, and there is a shift in the intensity of some of the people, knowing that active combat suddenly feels much closer to home.
He chooses to stay on campus through the holiday break, along with a handful of others. He’s thankful all his family are alive and well, but going home to houses devoid of both Maverick and Ice makes him want to stay where he is, because he’s used to not seeing them around here. Word has gotten around that both his parents are dead, so no one asks him awkward questions about why he’s not going home. He’s the only Plebe who has stayed.
His New Year’s Eve is vastly different than the previous year, when he’d been celebrating with his high school friends, or even the year before sitting on the sofa with Ice as they watched the ball drop. This year he lies in his dorm bed and listens to the fireworks outside, rolls over and simply tries to sleep. He’d had liberty leave, but he’s underage, clearly military and the risks far outweigh any rewards from doing something, anything, for New Year’s Eve. So staying in and sleeping it is. This is only one year of the many ahead of him.
… … …
Spring semester starts up and it’s routine. The academic classes along with the exercises and naval classes. He continues writing letters, making Saturday afternoon phone calls and hangs out with the other Plebes, some of them he’d even class as friends, and damned Ice, he was right about him making friends despite trying to be stand offish and taciturn about his background. They don’t seem to care that he doesn’t talk about his family much, which he guesses is nice, and when a couple of them invite him to their place for summer he mention going home to his step-father and he gets a couple of raised eyebrows.
“I love my step-father. And my step-siblings. I’ll spend the few weeks of summer with them.”
“But you didn’t go at Christmas.”
“Pete was out of the country for work and Sarah is Jewish, so I just, stayed here,” Bradley offers and once again he ignores the slightly pitying looks from the others in the wider circle who are listening in, but the two different Plebes that had invited him to their homes for summer nod with more understanding and he wonders if he’s now going to get invites for every time they have liberty leave or parent-weekends, or fuck, even their next Christmas break.
So his first year comes to an end and he finishes in the top two-percent of the class. He watches the Firsts graduate and knows that’s going to be him in another three years. Then Uncle Slider is there, along with Wolfman and Hollywood and he knows it’s a compromise of sorts, Ice and Maverick staying away. How he’s going to explain these three talking to him he had no idea, but finds he doesn’t need to.
“They flew with your old man huh?”
“Those guys that were talking to you, they all looked proud of you, but also a little sad.”
“Yeah. Yeah they flew with my dad. They were in the same Top Gun class as him. And I guess they wish my dad was here to see me…” Bradley says, realizing the truth of it, because not only is his dad not able to be here, but neither Maverick or Ice are here either. None of the men he considers father figures, and he knows that Slider at least knows about Ice and Mav’s relationship.
They had seemed a little melancholic when they’d been talking to him, unlike Ice and Mav who have probably worked through the fact that his parents will miss all his milestones the people who see him less often probably focus on it a lot more. He’s grateful suddenly that Mav doesn’t seem to dwell on it, is gleefully proud of him from a distance and Bradley is left in no doubt of that fact. The same for Ice. God he’s looking forward to seeing them both in person though, doesn’t want to go an entire year again without seeing them, but also knows it’s been a good test, for future deployments when he has to be even further away from them all.
… … …
“God I want to be there so badly…”
“We’ll be there for his final year graduation, even if it’s purely formal. He’s not alone…”
“I know, I know, it just… I’ve missed him so much. Coming home and him not being here. God Ice, it’s like I’m missing a piece of myself.”
“He was going to grow up and move out eventually…”
“I know. God. I know. I just feel like it’s gone by so fast. I still remember him being this little toddler who could barely walk…”
“If you couldn’t remember it I’d be worried about you.”
“Shut up, you know what I mean. It’s the fact that this toddler is now on the other side of the country attending boat school and I can’t even visit him…”
“We’ll make it work better next year, figure out some visits, because I don’t think Sarah and the girls have coped overly well either. I do think it was probably for the best though, think he will feel incredibly settled going forward. He’s done very well, he’s got people watching him already, and not all of them know about his connections or background.”
“He’s impressive all on his own, he doesn’t fucking need any connections!”
“Mav, you’re preaching to the converted. He’s gotten through his first year and I’m hoping he’ll let us visit a little incognito for next year’s parent weekend. I could visit formally, although I’d prefer not to.”
“Well, at least we get him home for a few weeks this summer.”
Tom hums, because he’s pulled a few strings to ensure that they all have leave overlapping for the weeks Bradley is back home, and he may have used his eldest daughter’s last summer before she starts school as an excuse and he has no shame in admitting it.
… … …
It’s absolute chaos, Petra’s fourth birthday and his welcome home party all squished into a terrifying combination of a bouncy castle and a group of kids from Petra’s daycare, along with a mom of one of the other kids doing face-painting, which has resulted in him with a rainbow on one cheek and a butterfly on the other. The birthday party is meant to finish around three, early enough that the kids who need naps can still have them.
Petra is not one of them, looking wide awake, apparently impossible to keep shoes on or her long dark hair braided, or even tied back. She’s swinging on the backyard playset, yelling for higher and faster with excited giggles and… She could be Mav’s kid. As much as Tamsin is the spitting image of Ice, Petra looks like Maverick. He looks to Sarah, her hair is brown, eyes also brown, so it’s not impossible that Petra just looks like her more than Ice but…
“Papa! Higher!”
Holy shit.
“She calls Mav papa?” Bradley mutters under his breath, because that’s a new development no-one bothered to mention to him. Mav is already there, pushing her and laughing with her and god, why didn’t they say anything? Maybe he has it wrong? Does he need to know? He wants to know, but he doesn’t need to know.
“Did you just realize?”
Ice has stepped beside him, is nursing a beer and is also watching Petra and Maverick.
“Hmm? Realize what?” Bradley asks, wondering if playing dumb is going to even work right now. Looks from his kid-sisters-slash-cousins back to Ice, and now that he’s looking properly it’s even more obvious that Tamsin is very clearly his daughter through and through just as much as Petra isn’t.
“Did you just realize that Petra is the spitting image of Maverick.”
“I… I’m not imagining it?”
“Nope. They’re even named after each of us. Your Aunt Sarah is a very generous woman, and obviously it’s my name on the birth certificates. But we all know the truth. And now you do too.”
“Holy shit… Tamsin and Petra. That’s really obvious when you know.”
“Hiding in plain sight…” Ice says quietly, taking another sip of his beer.
“Yeah…” Bradley says on an exhale and wonders how old Tamsin and Petra will be when they figure it out.
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“Strike a Pose” (Danny “Jed Olsen” Johnson | The Ghost Face & Fem!Reader)
| You’re almost one of The Ghost Face’s victims, until you realize you’re the current object of his curiosity of course.
| NSFW, canon typical violence, psychological trauma (TW: general sadism, forced blood consumption, knife licking, no Smut - implied or otherwise - but Danny's dialogue is suggestive enough that it could be triggering.) - Doesn’t have to be read as slash like at all, but you can read it however you like.
| Also I used Danny for this but it doesn’t take place in the Entity’s realm or anything. His Ghostface just fit. Also, over the course of researching for this fic, I realized that a lot of the fics I’ve read with Danny’s Ghostface didn’t technically have his “canon” personality - and honestly in those fics he read more like Mickey almost. I mention it because I had to switch up my original concept once I realized his personality in the game was different than what I’d previously seen and I blame you people. (pic source: DbD promotional material)
| 1k+ words
It takes a crash and blurred movement out of the corner of your eye for the scene in front of you to clarify and then a scream tears its way up your throat.
The reverberation into the still air seemed to be the kick in the ass everyone needed because then you’re all moving. Not sticking around to watch the man in the mask finish climbing through the window, or to bear witness to how he instantly rushes to gut one of your friends. You lose track of damn near everyone except Alyssa, who you’re following to the back door - it was her house if anyone knew how to escape it’d be her. Leaving the image of Tiny’s mangled face and contorted body behind.
Fuck. You’d told your friends somebody was following y’all earlier.
An even worse problem occurs when a burst of ruckus sounds from way too close behind you for comfort and a high pitched wail of a scream starts up from another one of your friends; Cayla. That means there’s only two of you left now. The thump of a body and squelch of metal through flesh feels close enough to be at your feet.
It startles you bad, your vision blurring for a second. Then you make a hard left and run headlong into a wall. You collide with it hard enough to force a wheeze past your lips and for more tears to sprout from your eyes due the pressure on your nose. Even your hearing fails you for a couple seconds after impact, the sounds of your friends being slaughtered around you muted to nothing.
You have to take a moment to reorient yourself; your nose wasn’t bleeding but it was pounding something serious and you have to force yourself to wait until you can hear again to start back up looking for a way to escape. It doesn’t take long after you’ve reorganized your game plan for you to realize the now missing variable to your original plan.
“Shit,” you whimper, you lost Alyssa.
Once you're able, you turn around to see where she would have run off to only to be met with a dark smudge of movement before you’re face to face with black robes and a stark white mask. Even him just barely managing to stop himself from crashing into the adjacent wall doesn’t bring your situation any levity.
You give a muffled cry but even before you’ve turned to run you know he’s going to catch you. So said so done too, because not four steps in does a body slam into you from behind. The force sends your head bouncing off yet another fucking wall but this time you really do cry as your nose gives way beneath the pressure with a dull crunch and your body trips over itself to get away.
Without your say so you’re turned around, back slammed up against the wall that’d just been intimately acquainted with your nose, and your eyes assaulted by an emotionless ghost mask all up in your face.
The whimper that falls past your lips is downright pathetic and in any other situation you’d be embarrassed. Admittedly though, you’d like to afford yourself some grace in your last few moments alive.
The man in front of you gives a low hum, bloody knife in hand making tiny absentminded cuts into the air, while he inspects you. Face soiled with blood, snot and tears as you tremble with the force of held in sobs you know you must make quite the picture. Out of all the places you could’ve died young in, it was going to be goddamn “always safe” suburbia.
Life was funny like that.
When the man pulls away a bit more and brandishes the sleek bloody hunters knife to you though, you can’t muster up the desire to laugh.
“Go ahead,” he murmurs, voice monotone. Even so he sounds - terrifyingly - like he’s mocking you. “Lick it clean…indulge a recurring fantasy of mine…and maybe you’ll survive to see daylight.”
For a beat all you can give him is this wide eyed stare - he wants you to do what? - but when he tsks some greater energy has you rushing to lurch forward. Scared he’ll change his mind in one quick swoop you run the tip of your tongue up the flat side of the hunting knife. The blood is fresh enough that you easily cut a clear line through it to the metal underneath. Could you get malaria from this? Syphilis?
There’s a sharp exhale then, like you’d genuinely caught him off guard.
“Atta girl,” he says, lowly. “I knew you’d be good for me.”
You only make a small wounded noise in response.
The next thing that pings into your mind is the taste. You almost yoke from it right then and there before another thought, that this blood was your friends’ (who were now dead as hell) pervades and you remind yourself that you didn’t want to add to the next layer of crimson.
So you keep licking in spite of the twinge of copper in your mouth and this weird man’s reactions to you. His eyes that you can’t see but damn sure can feel across the exposed planes of your dark skin. It’s a near physical thing crawling across your body and making you shiver. You snivel, blinking away the tears in your eyes, and swallow down another gulp of blood in the name of survival.
What feels like an eternity of this goes by till the motions of you slowly - determinedly - getting through the majority of the blood on the first side become a background action.
Passingly you find yourself hoping that Alyssa got help, that someone will be here soon to save you. You just had to stall long enough. You could do it, come on—
“Look at you,” he says, almost lively enough to be crooning. “Look at how low you’ll go to survive.”
The break in the silence, being forced back into the moment, makes your trembling start anew.
He chuckles lowly when the speed of your tears starts to pick back up.
“This feels better though doesn’t it?” He gestures lazily at your head and then the greater expanse of the house. “Not having to lie to yourself all the time?”
The knife gets tilted away mid lap and the way he points the tip of the blade more predominantly towards himself subconsciously forces you to look straight at him.
“It’s rude not to answer a question, Y/n.”
Now your eyes snap fully to attention, attempting to meet the killer's gaze beneath the mask even as the blood freezes in your veins so succinctly your body shivers.
Even so you do your best to convey with your eyes just how much you disagree with his reading of the situation. Fuck him, you’re not- you’re not enjoying this.
“How- my name? How do you—?”
“Hn,” he replies, cutting through your blubbering. It’d be a scoff if he’d put any inflection behind it. “I’ll be nice, since I took most of my energy out on your friends, and take that as a yes.”
“No,” you gasp. You shake your head, swinging side to side so fast his form blurs before you stop.
“Alyssa got away.” You’re sure she did. It couldn’t possibly have taken you that long to recover, and she was ahead of you. No way she didn’t make it to the door! “She got away,” you say again, voice fainter.
She had to have, you didn’t know what—
“Did she?”
You shudder, eyes fluttering around him in a daze before focusing quick on the knife as it swings back to your mouth.
“Here. Keep licking,” he says, the blade waves lazily. “Maybe you’ll pick up on the notes of bitterness from all that smoking she did.”
All you do is stare up at him. Your eyes are starting to sting from all the salt and have long gone red with irritation.
His grip on the handle tightens, leather gloves creaking.
You start back up on autopilot and actually - to your utmost shock - start trying to taste for any hint of bitterness under the metallic twang. You hiccup roughly, body trying and failing to regulate itself, when you find it. Nose wrinkling in disgust another wave of bile threatens to crash over you.
The knife is snatched away.
You wouldn’t dare say you were grateful for the reprieve, but you do take full advantage of the opportunity to desperately take in a few gulps of air. Being in this situation was embarrassing enough without you puking all over your tormentor; whatever satisfaction you gained from it would surely be extinguished by the absolutely feral way he’d kill you.
You’d seen what he did to Tiny, heard just how awful his attack on Cayla had been. For a man you didn’t at all recognize the voice of he’d went in on Tiny like a rabid animal, except there’d been no hope of her escaping. He’d been brutal but fast, your friend had wailed all the way to her grisly death. There was zero mercy in this man’s speed and just thinking about it makes one horrible sob shake loose from your throat.
He lets you get a few more tentative swipes in. Let’s you finish shining the first side of the knife, before seeming to fully deem you not worthy of stabbing - at least immediately - and tilting the knife smoothly away. His breaths are as shaky as yours before he clears his throat.
“Now close your eyes.” He chuckles at how long it takes for you to blink up at him. Your eyebrows furrow.
The broad side of the knife taps at your upper lip in chastisement. He tsks again. It’s an exaggerated sound, overly harsh.
“Come on, you’re so close. Just shut your eyes. I’ll make sure you get it all.”
Once again you can’t help but to search for his gaze. Whether looking for reassurance, or something else, you don’t know. The black eye holes of the gaunt mask reveal nothing either way but, abdomen tight and hands shaking, you do as requested.
A low pleased sound and then the knife is back at your mouth, moving along with your tongue like promised. Making sure you lap up all the blood. After that all you really have to focus on is doing your best to behave while avoiding this jackass cutting you up.
A rough voice drags you back to yourself.
“Say cheese.”
He sounds like he’s smiling, the dark chuckle he lets out only confirming your suspicions, and just as you look up in confusion there’s a flash of bright light that has you blinking back spots.
When you finally regain your vision the knife is so clean it glints in the moonlight and its wielder is staring down at a digital camera.
“Sweet,” he murmurs quietly before his attention is suddenly back on you.
You suck in a sharp breath and he sounds a helluva lot like he’s not holding you at knifepoint when he speaks next. He boops your nose with the flat of the blade, laughing at how you jump.
“I’ll find you,” he says, casual as anything. “Make it fun for me.”
Your heart seizes in your chest as he walks off; the sobs you’d been barely holding back break free, instantly rubbing your throat raw with their force.
Death would’ve been a kinder faith.
NOTES: Well…Hope you enjoyed!!!
First Halloween fic of the month!
Logistically, I knew this fic was fucked up but it wasn’t until I had to post it and started tagging it that I realized just how fucked up. I was clearly reliving some stuff here, that was not on purpose.
This was the only Halloween fic I had ready to go though, and I was not missing out on posting on the first day of the month. Also, I know Danny probably isn’t supposed to be a Ghostface who’s clumsy enough to be stumbling into shit, but it’s a staple! I couldn’t help myself!
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it! this is a sideblog tho so I won’t respond.
#danny jed olsen johnson#the ghost face#black!reader#black y/n#danny jed olsen johnson x black!reader#the ghost face x black!reader#an apocalypse-shuffle halloween special#danny jed olsen johnson & black!reader#ghostface & black!reader#slasher x black!reader#black!fem!reader#ghostface x black!reader#dbd ghostface#ghostface#danny johnson#ghostface imagine#ghostface x reader#slashers x reader#slasher x reader#slasher imagines#dead by daylight#dead by daylight imagines#dbd x reader#dbd ghostface x reader#danny johnson x reader#danny jed olsen johnson x reader#x black reader#horror imagine#adult shit
126 notes
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Always You | JJK (Nine-pt2) (Final)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 15k
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (!!!), mentions of sex, thigh riding, fingering, switch!jk, switch!oc, unprotected sex, multiple postions, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, blowjob, marking
Notes: The end is finally here! But no worries I will most likely do drabbles for you guys:) Thank you SO much for reading this story and sending so many loving comments. Enjoy this last chapter of ‘Always You’ and feel free to send me an ask to chat about the story, I LOVE talking with ya’ll!
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredscarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @hsneptune @betysotelo18 @aclowe13 @bishuthot @271101 @seagulljk @hass-mich-los @surfacesanity @peachy-skz0325 @wonusbitch @not-your-lion @flowersgirl02 @justinetingball @fiantomartell @fairysunooo @taebae19 @hardcarrykookie @fancycollectormoon
© taestefully-in-luv
New Year’s Eve
You get backed into Jungkook’s dorm room door, his hands scrambling to find the knob as his lips devour you. You whine when his teeth catch your bottom lip, Jungkook darkly chuckles when he hears you.
“You like that?” he finally gets the knob turned and the door is opening, you two quickly stumble in.
“More than you know.” You whisper.
Jungkook guides you further into his dorm room, his hands finding a place on your ass as you walk inside.
“I hope I do a lot of things you like…” Jungkook pulls you in close, your chest against his.
“Because I…”
“You what?” You look up into his doe eyes and he seems shy almost for a moment before they’re darkening.
“Nothing.” He smirks down at you, “I just hope I make you feel good.” His whisper hits your lips and you feel yourself grow warmer. You know this may not be a great idea…you know this could even be considered a mistake but here you are anyway—inside Jungkook’s room, anticipating a special night ahead of you
“You already do.” You admit. “Want you to kiss me now.” You command softly.
Jungkook looks into your eyes for a few more moments while his smile grows. He nods his head and leans in, his forehead touching yours but he does not kiss you. His hands travel from your ass, gliding up your back until his hands are bunched up in your hair.
“How badly do you want to kiss me?” His breath mingles with yours as he speaks.
“Jungkook…” you whimper, your own hands finding his hair.
“How badly do you want me?” his fingers begin massaging your scalp and you melt.
“As bad as I want you?” He asks, his voice so soft and tender, like he is whispering a secret.
“Jungkook…” your breathless call of his name has his cock twitching in his pants. You can feel it against you, making you so god damn turned on.
Your chest begins heaving against his as you search for a steady breath, but with his forehead still pushed up against yours it is so hard to. His breaths aren’t any better, he struggles to breath slowly when he is in this position with you.
“Don’t worry I will kiss you.” His rough breaths reach you, “But I plan on doing so much more than that, baby.”
Jungkook leans in until his lips meet yours, he only pecks you, letting you get use to the shape of his lips. He begins to move his mouth over yours a bit more sensually, his lips exploring your own as you kiss him back. You tug his hair to bring him in even closer and Jungkook grunts, making all the heat rush to your core. The noises he makes are heaven to your ears.
Jungkook continues to kiss you slowly…that is until you moan into his mouth—Jungkook felt that vibrate his whole body and he can’t help but buck his hips into yours, making you moan again. Jungkook takes advantage of your mouth slightly falling open to slide his tongue in, he tangles it with yours and you whine out. Kissing him faster and harder until he slips his own moans into the mix. His voice is so low when he speaks and when he grunts but when he moans out, it’s the sound of him losing all control.
You become so pathetically desperate, your hands rubbing against his back, his chest, his ass, his thighs. Jungkook isn’t any better as he also explores your body, his fingers skimming over the exposed skin of your stomach thanks to the crop top. He drags his fingers up, underneath the shirt, until he’s cupping your breasts. You arch your back, pushing your chest even further into his.
Jungkook doesn’t break the kiss as his hands explore you, your pebbled buds rolling between his fingers. You whimper at the contact and Jungkook groans. He pulls away from you, staring at you with dark eyes.
“Let’s take this off.” He tugs on the bottom of your shirt, “Need to see you.”
You nod your head yes and Jungkook is quick to lift the shirt over your head, exposing your breasts. He brings a hand to his mouth as he eyes you, he screws his eyes shut before they’re opening again…his soaks you in.
“So fucking pretty.” He murmurs. You can’t help but begin to feel shy under his gaze, you go to cover yourself with your arms but he stops you.
“Baby…don’t cover yourself…not in front of me. Not me, baby.” His hand gently drags your arms back down to your side,
“Jungkook…” You breathe out and he rolls his head back, groaning at the sound of his name.
“You have to take something off too…” You say with a sly smile, “Like, your pants.”
Jungkook quirks a brow at you, clearly amused that that’s where you want to start.
“You want me to take my pants off first?” he smiles, his fingers fumbling with the button and zipper of his pants. “I can do that.”
Jungkook rushes to slip his pants off, one leg at a time. Your eyes follow his every movement, drinking him in. He slides down the jeans exposing his dark boxer briefs and your mouth already starts watering. You can see his impressive bulge through the thin material and you have to squeeze your thighs together to soothe your ache. His thighs. His fucking thighs. Jungkook’s thighs, that’s it.
“Take your shirt off too.” You quietly command and Jungkook listens. He slips off his shirt and he’s left here in nothing but his boxer briefs. His muscles on full display. You walk closer to him and reach out to touch him. As soon as your fingertips makes contact with his soft skin, he is closing his eyes and releasing a long breath.
“Want to touch me more?” he asks under his breath and you nod. You walk even closer until you’re pushing him back on his bed. He falls gently to the bed, he sits up and reaches out for you. You walk between his legs and continue touching him.
Your hands travel along his chest, dragging your fingers down his abs. Both of your breathings become erratic as you explore his body, your hands then go to grip his strong thighs and you groan upon feeling the muscles.
“God, I fucking love your thighs.” you breathe out huskily, “They always get me going.” You confess, digging your fingers into the muscular flesh.
“Want to ride them?” Jungkook looks at you with submissive eyes.
“Really?” you are already pushing him back, causing him to lean back on his arms and you climb into his lap, straddling him. His hands land on your ass, gently squeezing the cheeks. You moan at the feeling of his hands on you, leaning down to peck his lips once more before you hike up his briefs to expose more of his thick thighs. You decide to straddle the left thigh, your skirt exposing your panties that are doing nothing to hide the fact that they’re soaked. You feel his thigh muscles flex beneath you and you throw your head in the crook of his neck, your fingers pulling at his wavy locks.
Jungkook groans as you pull harder on his hair as you begin to rock your hips against his thigh, a nice and steady rhythm…back and forth, back and forth. Your clit rubbing against his muscles so deliciously, you think you could come in seconds but you want to savor this feeling.
“Use me baby.” Jungkook slides his hands up your thighs, and grabs a hold of your hips, guiding your movements to fuck his thigh faster and harder.
You rise from his neck, throwing your head back as you whimper softly as you hump his thigh faster and faster.
“Ah, Jungkook” you moan out his name and Jungkook feels his cock twitch in his briefs. He could come just by watching you.
The knot inside you tightens incredibly, you feel your orgasm approach quickly and before you can warn him you’re already coming undone, a string of high pitched moans leaving your mouth.
Jungkook watches you with lust-filled eyes, his lips parted as he pants. “Fuck, that was so hot y/n.” his hands caressing your hips.
You’re still so lost in the orgasm you just had, surprise tickling your insides as you realize just how fast you came just by riding Jungkook’s thigh. Your chest still heaves as you force yourself to relax, your head coming forward to rest on Jungkook’s shoulder. He chuckles beneath you, his hands squeezing your hips.
“Felt good?” his right hand travels to cup the back of your head.
“So good.” You say as you crash your mouth onto his, your lips kissing him desperately.
“All I want is for you to feel good.” Jungkook admits softly, his hands drop to your waist and he circles his thumbs over your skin.
“I want you to feel good too.” You lean down to kiss him slowly, tenderly, delicately, basically all things soft. He kisses back with a certain degree of passion and it makes you whine.
“Could. Kiss. You. All. Night.” Jungkook huffs between kisses, “But really want to do more.” The desperation in his voice goes straight to your pussy…you just came but you’re feeling hot all over again.
You look down at his thigh and see your cum on his skin…it’s fucking glistening. You admittedly feel a bit shy seeing it, but also feel a degree of power. Jungkook notices you looking down at the mess you made and he smirks.
“You used me so well, baby.”
“I did.” You say with a sly smile. “I don’t want it to end any time soon…” you say quietly.
“Oh, this night is just beginning.” Jungkook’s fingers go to the zipper of your skirt and begins sliding it down. “Tonight until morning, you are all mine.”
You feel your heart pinch, just until morning he says? Then you have to make tonight count.
“All yours.” You repeat. You begin to leave his lap, standing to your feet. You stand in between Jungkook’s legs and reach for your skirt, you shimmy out of it, letting it drop to the floor. It pools around your ankles and you’re quick to kick it away from you.
You stand in front of Jungkook in just your black, lacey panties. His eyes drop to your ankles and they skim up your body, he takes his time eyeing you over. His breaths are beyond heavy as he watches you stand here on display for him, his cock unimaginably hard and aching to be touched.
“C’mere, baby.” Jungkook’s words are barely a whisper. “Come lay down for me.”
You crawl over Jungkook to lay on his bed, you breathe in and out as steady as humanly possible but the world just feels like it’s on fire all around you. Once you find a comfortable position you whisper his name, Jungkook’s full attention is already on you. Jungkook moves too until he is positioning himself over you.
“Tonight I am going to touch you, is that okay?” His fingers find themselves in your hair as you nod yes.
“Tonight I am going to taste you, is that okay?” He leans down to kiss your lips.
“Yes.” You say breathlessly as he pulls back just a few centimeters.
“Tonight I am going to fuck you, is that okay?” He lowers himself until his clothed cock is rubbing against your needy clit.
Jungkook lets an approving smile dance on his lips before he leans in and crashes his lips on to yours. He rocks his hips into your hips as he kisses you like crazy. His tongue finds its way prodding into your mouth, your tongues dancing and tangling with one another. You both moan at the sensation. Finally. Fucking finally you get to feel what it’s like to kiss Jeon Jungkook. What it feels like to have him so needy for you.
Unfortunately, Jungkook has pulled away from you a small look of worry gracing his beautiful features.
“You sure this is okay?”
“Yes, Jungkook.”
“Is it?” He asks again.
“Is this okay?” Jungkook keeps asking you, his fingers bunching up your hair and you nod pathetically.
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted to kiss you? Since I fucking met you.” He admits, his fingers traveling down to your panties, he pushes them aside as he dips a finger into your wet hole. You moan out, your moan loud and high pitched and Jungkook can’t help but smirk.
“Please what?”
“Another finger.” You practically fucking beg, and Jungkook complies quite easily. He slips another finger into your greedy fucking pussy and you yelp. He moves his fingers inside you so fucking expertly, making your toes curl.
“You make me feel so good.” You whimper out.
Jungkook can’t help but reach down and rub his aching cock through his briefs, he wants to feel good too. He is absolutely aching for you, wanting to be touched by you so badly.
“Stop touching yourself” you command and Jungkook being the good boy he is, listens.
“Make me come, Jungkook.” And once again, he complies. He makes you come all over his fingers and then he makes you come again on his tongue and then for a third time, he makes you come on his tongue again making you feel fucking spent. He did all that while keeping your panties on, a man of many talents.
“Lay on your back.” You order and his eyes go wide with excitement. You lay down next to him and your fingers very delicately dance across his lower stomach. He sighs out heavily, releasing long breaths one after the other. Your fingers reach the waist band of his briefs and you begin to slowly drag them down. His cock springs free and your mouth waters at the sight. There’s no way he is this blessed. He’s so incredibly long and thick, the head of his cock swollen and leaking with precum.
“You wanted to touch yourself right?” you tease. “Now’s your chance.”
“I want you to touch yourself, Jungkook. You can use my juices as lube,” you say, spreading your legs, your own cum sticky against your inner thighs.
Jungkook’s doe eyes turn sharp as he stares at you and he whimpers. Fucking whimpers. He is quick to gather your juices in his hand and start jacking himself off. He holds on to his cock tightly, rubbing it viciously.
“Ah. Ah.” He groans out, his eyes never leaving yours as he touches himself.
“Such a good boy, Jungkook. God, can you imagine if this gorgeous cock was in my mouth right now?” you whisper in his ear.
“Can you imagine my pretty pink lips wrapped around you, my head bobbing up and down? Can you hear me choke? Choke on this pretty cock?”
“So close, y/n. please don’t stop.”
“You’re not allowed to come yet. Can you imagine fucking me, Jungkook?
“God, yes, yes, yes.”
“Can you imagine thrusting into my pussy? My walls getting tight around your cock? Making us both come?”
“Fuck, y/n. I’m gonna come. I’m gonna come.”
You raise yourself, leaning away from his ear and smirk down at him.
“Since you were so good for me, I’ll reward you. I’ll let you come. And I’ll let you come down my throat.”
You move until you’re on top of him, you lean down until you’re replacing his hand with your mouth. He groans out loudly when he feels his cock enter your warm mouth and you moan into the feeling.
And Jungkook is coming so fucking hard, he doesn’t think he has ever come this hard before. He shoots his cum down your throat and you swallow it all, not even a drop left behind on your lips.
You rise from his cock and smile down at him and he lifts himself up and his lips crash into yours.
Jungkook pulls away for a moment, his eyes dark and his voice low,
“Now I am going to fuck you.”
The bed creaks beneath you as Jungkook guides you further up the mattress, his body hovering your own. His hands come to slide up your arms as you shiver under his touch.
“I’m giving you goosebumps.” He says while lightly stroking your arm, feeling each bump under his fingertips. “What else do I do to you?”
“So many things Jungkook…” you heavily breathe out, your chest is heaving at this point. The anticipation of his touch is driving you nuts.
“Need to find out.” He simply states, his head lowering down to the crook of your neck. He breathes you in and lowers himself between your spread legs.
“Can I touch you again?”
“Yes, please.” You don’t mean to whimper, but you do. You fucking do.
Jungkook’s slender fingers make their way skimming across your bare stomach until he reaches the hem of your panties. He lifts the band up and slaps it against your skin.
“I want these off, is that okay?”
You only nod your head.
“Words y/n. When you’re with me you use your words okay baby?” His fingers begin lowering your panties down. “Lift yourself for me.” And you obey. Jungkook slides your panties down your legs and you’re left completely naked underneath him.
“God, I can just see how wet you are.” You immediately force your legs shut, feeling embarrassed at his words.
“Oh no you don’t. You got this wet for me? I want to see it. Open for me, baby.” Very hesitantly you begin to move your legs apart, the blush on your face deepening.
Jungkook’s fingers spread your folds open, he watches as strings of your cum detach as he spreads your folds further and further apart. He licks his lips over and over, just imagining tasting you again.
“Please more, Jungkook.” You whine for him and he smiles, his eyes never leaving your wet pussy.
Jungkook leans down and his mouth is just an inch above where you fucking need him, he hovers over your pussy making you groan out. He finally shifts his eyes from your core to your eyes, the eye contact is dangerous. Before you know it, his tongue is poking out and swirling around your clit, you cry out in pleasure. His fingers find their way inside your hole, they stretch you out so fucking nicely.
“Jungkook!” You moan out his name and he grunts back in approval.
Jungkook makes his way back to your lips, he kisses them over and over while he thrusts his fingers in and out of you.
“So fucking pretty, my baby.”
“You’re all mine.”
“My pretty baby.”
His cock slides between your wet folds and you can’t take it anymore. You need him, you need him so fucking bad. The desire you feel for him is very fucking real and he can feel that.
“Please, Jungkook!” You gasp out, as he teases his cock at your entrance.
Jungkook slides his gorgeous cock into you inch by glorious inch. His cock twitching inside your pulsating pussy, his harsh breaths fanning your face. Jungkook slams his eyes shut, his teeth gritting in anticipation as he waits for you to give the ok. You only gasp for air as he bottoms out, his dick reaching places no one ever has before, you slowly nod your head giving him permission to fuck you into oblivion. He says he could, so you’ll believe him. .
Jungkook opens an eye to look at you carefully, your face contorted in pleasure showing him how you are indeed okay to go on. Jungkook’s hand massages your hips, his touch setting your skin on fire. He begins to slowly ease out of you until just the tip remains then he slams his hips into yours. His body falls forward and he lifts your head up with his free hand and brings you closer for a wild kiss. He grinds himself into you deliciously, his hips rocking back and forth causing you to moan out for him over and over.
“Please…please.” You pant, rolling your hips into his as you meet his desperate thrusts.
“Please what, princess?” he breathes out heavily, “Told you that when you’re with—” He begins fucking into you faster, “When you’re with me…to use your words.” His pace is bruising, causing you to choke on the air around you.
“Please, harder.” You manage to get out while gripping on to his wide shoulders, your finger nails digging into his soft skin.
Jungkook smirks down at you, his eyes shining with something you can’t quite describe.
“Harder?” he questions, his lips coming down to suck bruises into your neck. “Deeper too?” he bites a particular spot that makes you groan.
“Just—just need more of you…” you grab his hair by the handful and yank his head back and bring his face to yours. Your lips meeting his.
His tongue slips past your lips, tongues dancing to the beat of his thrusts. His cock is buried so deep within you that you feel you are no longer a single person but now a person merged with another. You have never felt more connected.
Jungkook growls at the sight of you—your lips apart and eyes barely open. Your head is thrown back showing Jungkook all the pretty blooming bruises on your skin.
“So fucking pretty.” He grits out, eyes lit on fire.
You’re barely able to respond as he thrusts into you even harder, your tits bouncing with each movement.
“Gonna come soon…” he says between heavy breaths, his pace becoming sloppy.
“Gonna come inside me?” you cry out, your fingernails digging into his back.
“Need you to come with me baby”
You could of came from his cock alone, that you are sure of but when his fingers meet the sensitive clit of yours, you are seeing stars. He’s rubbing messy circles, easily sliding around from how wet you are, his fingers getting drenched.
It’s almost embarrassing how quickly his fingers bring you to orgasm.
You gasp out, voice hoarse from all the moaning and screaming he’s drawn from your body. “fuuuuuucckk.” You whine, your orgasm has you breathless.
“I—I’m coming…” he pants in your ear, his breath tickling your sensitive skin.
He fucks into you quickly before stilling his hips and shooting his cum deep within you, decorating your walls. He doesn’t move. You don’t move. He stays buried to the hilt, breathing heavily into the crook of your neck. You aren’t much better, your breaths also harsh. You look to the nightstand to read the clock that says 4 AM. Fuck, what did you do?
You just fucked your best friend.
You and Jungkook lay in the bed next to one another breathless. You don’t want this night to end. You don’t want morning to come. You want to be his forever, not just until morning. You don’t want reality to set in. You don’t want any awkward goodbyes. You don’t want any of this now that you think about it.
Was this indeed a mistake? Do you…regret it? How do you move past this? How do you go from here?
“y/n…” Jungkook is staring up at the ceiling as he says your name, his breaths finally coming down to a steady rhythm.
“Hm?” you take several long moments before you respond, but you do.
“Will you come closer to me?” He asks quietly. “You’re so far away.”
“I’m literally right next to you.” You kind of chuckle.
“Want you closer though…” you can hear the pout in his voice, you don’t even have to look at him to know his bottom lip is jutted out.
“You want to…cuddle?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“You can cuddle me.” You say, turning on your side, away from him.
You hear Jungkook laugh from behind you as his naked body comes closer to yours, he inches closer and closer until his chest is flush against your back and his arm is draping over your waist.
“Fine by me.” He says as he gets comfortable.
You can feel his soft cock up against your ass and you hate that the feeling is already making you feel some type of way.
“Just try not to wiggle your ass so much or I’ll have to fuck you again.” Jungkook whispers in your ear.
His words kind of go straight to your pathetically weak vagina, that bitch really gets turned on for anything related to Jungkook.
“I’ll try.”
“Oh? So you didn’t choose this position because you want to get fucked again?” Jungkook chuckles, he holds on to you tighter.
“This position makes me feel safe.” You admit softly. “But I could definitely get fucked again.”
“Do you feel that?” Jungkook bumps his cock on your ass, you can feel that it’s not as soft as before. “Feel what you do to me?”
“How are you already getting hard?” You laugh, “You just came.”
“It’s your fault. I am so needy for you.” He admits between heavy breaths, “But if you’re tired—”
“No, I need you too.” You say to him, you try to sound sexy but in reality there is a softness in your voice, maybe even something kind of sad. Because you realize just how badly you need him, not just want him but need him.
“Do you?” Jungkook asks with the same tone of voice as you…soft and almost sad.
“More than you know, Jungkook.”
Before you guys can get too serious, you decide to wiggle your ass into his crotch. He immediately grunts and you feel his cock become harder and harder as you continue to rub your ass on him.
“Need you so bad.” You quietly scream, most of the noise being shielded by the pillow.
“Me too, baby.” Jungkook’s hand goes to grope your left breast, he squeezes it softly and his fingers find your hard nipple and he rolls it between his fingertips.
“Ahh.” You arch your back, your ass being even more shoved into his crotch.
“Gonna fuck you again, okay?” He cries out, “Gonna fuck you just like this.”
Jungkook reaches down to grab a hold of his long, thick cock and he spreads your cheeks to get a better positioning on your pussy.
“Please Jungkook!”
He slowly, very slowly eases inside you. You’re so wet, it almost takes no effort on his part. You whine when he bottoms out again. He kisses your shoulder over and over and lightly bites it causing you to squeak.
“This time I am gonna fuck you slowly.” He warns, kissing your shoulder again, trailing up towards your neck, and kissing the spot below your ear over and over. Jungkook embraces you as he begins fucking into you, he pumps in and out, the sound of your wetness echoing in the room.
“Feel nice?” He whispers in your ear, “I just want you to feel good baby.”
“I…feel so…so…good.”
Jungkook lifts your head up slightly so he can slip his other arm beneath you, and that hand finds its way to your throat, he wraps his fingers around it quite loosely before he asks you if it’s okay.
“Yes, yes.” You beg.
He lightly squeezes your throat as he fucks into you a little harder than before, his other hand still playing with your nipple until that hand is traveling lower and lower. His fingers find your clit and he begins rubbing it nice and slow.
“Gonna have you coming again tonight.” He whines, “You’ll think of me anytime you come from now on, okay?” His desperate voice making you hotter and hotter.
“Okay.” You nod your head pathetically.
“No. I want to hear you say it, ‘I’ll only think of you Mr. Jeon.’” He half jokes, fucking into you a little faster now.
“I’ll only think of you Mr. Jeon.” You say in all seriousness. “Only you.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen as he soaks in your words and he smirks.
“Always me. Say it.”
“Always you.”
Jungkook thrusts into you faster and faster, hitting even more sensitive spots thanks to this angle. He groans and moans, and cries out every few moments. You feel too damn good, you feel like something he can only experience from you. You make him feel so fucking in love.
He doesn’t want this night to end either, he can just keep you like this forever. You can stay in a world where the sun never rises, you can stay in this place where darkness is the most comforting thing and the light of day is the enemy.
“Ah, there. There.” You practically sob out, “Yes Jungkook, fuck me just like this.”
His fingers rub your clit even faster, making you closer and closer to reaching your high.
“I’m so close, Jungkook.” You somehow manage get out between heavy breaths.
“Come for me baby.”
And you do. He works his fingers so magically that you come, but he doesn’t stop thrusting and he doesn’t stop his work on your clit.
“Jungkook…” you cry, “I—I can’t.”
“Give me another one.” He screws his eyes shut. He tries to memorize how you feel. How warm and wet and slippery you are. How your tight cunt squeezes him, how it holds on to his cock and milks him dry.
“I—I c-can’t.” Your eyes roll to the back of your head, the pleasure turning slightly painful, but somehow turning pleasurable again.
“Baby, please come for me again…same time as me.” Jungkook rolls his hips into you so slow and sensual until he’s fucking you at a brutal pace.
You immediately yell out, the pleasure so fucking overwhelming.
“Okay Jungkook…okay, I will come for you again!”
“Good girl.” His fingers rub your clit so quick, he focuses half his energy into pleasuring your clit and the other half into fucking you so fucking well.
“I’m gonna come…” he finally admits, he pumps into you so fast, rocking and shaking your whole body.
“Come for me, Jungkook.” You beg, your eyes slam shut, a few tears escaping because the pleasure is nothing like you have ever experienced.
“I am—I’m coming.” He warns, “Where should I come?”
“Inside me, please!”
And he does. As he comes inside you he holds you close and buries his head in your hair, his fingers still working your clit as you come as well.
He doesn’t want to leave you. He doesn’t want to pull out, he wishes he could stay inside you like this forever, he wishes he could hold you like this forever.
Your body shakes as you orgasm, its intensity something you have only ever dreamed about. Your skin has a thin layer of sweat, as does Jungkook’s. You two practically stick together. Jungkook continues to bury his head in your hair as he breathes out heavily.
“Did I…” Jungkook begins, trying so hard to breathe, “…make you feel good?” he slowly pulls his softening cock out of you.
“Baby, I felt amazing.” you turn over in his arms and embrace him, your forehead pushed against his shoulder. “But I am so fucking tired.” You laugh.
“Yeah,” Jungkook agrees, “Me too.” He laughs along with you.
“We should sleep.”
“Want to sleep naked? Or do you want some of my clothes?”
“Clothes, please.”
“You got it, princess.”
The light of day, your enemy, makes its way to greet you. You wake up in Jungkook’s arms, he’s wearing a fresh pair of boxers and so are you! Plus one of his t shirts. You slowly open your eyes and see his face just an inch away from yours. You want to kiss him…but is that allowed? What’s allowed anymore?
You lay here just staring at him. You were supposed to tell him your feelings, you were supposed to confess last night. But instead you fucked him. You fucked your best friend. A guy who is used to just fucking. A guy who probably just wanted to fuck you.
You study Jungkook’s face, you look at how his brows slightly pinch together as he sleeps, you look at the scar on his cheek, you look at the several moles that cover his skin, you look at his pretty eyelashes and his cute, adorable nose. You look at his perfect lips. And you want to lean forward and kiss them so badly.
Jungkook finally starts to wake up, as if he felt you watching him. He begins to open his eyes one by one until he’s staring back at you. He looks between your bodies and sighs. Yes, he sighs. If you couldn’t guess, this doesn’t feel like a good sign.
“Hey.” He finally says something. His voiced tense and strained.
“Hi.” You don’t smile.
“Should we get some breakfast?” Jungkook begins to sit up from bed, he stretches his arms above his head as he yawns out.
“Uh. No, it’s okay.” You say, also sitting up. So he doesn’t even want to talk about it? He wants to what? Pretend it didn’t happen?
“Oh, you going to head out then?” Jungkook raises a brow at you and you scoff.
“Sure, if that’s what you want.”
“What do you mean if that’s what I want?”
So, he wants to treat you like any other girl, huh? He wants to just brush off this entire situation.
You stand from the bed, gathering your clothes and slipping them on one article at a time. Jungkook watches as you practically get naked in front of him without a care in the world as you slip on your outfit from last night.
“See you later, Jeon.”
But you didn’t see him later, not for an entire month.
“y/n?” you kind of, barely hear your named being called in the distance, “y/n?
“Huh?” Your hand is midair, applying your mascara for the night, “What?”
“Damn, girl. I’ve been saying your name for like 5 minutes straight.” Trina says as she tries getting these black jeans over her ass.
“That’s an exaggeration.” Holly says, she walks into the room with 3 wine glasses and a bottle of white wine.
“Okay, well it felt like 5 minutes. Anyway, what’s up with you? Why you zoning out so much?”
You begin applying your mascara again, your mouth falling open as you concentrate.
“Nothing…just thinking.” You say while finishing up on your other eye.
“Thinking about what? I swear I heard you moan at one point.” Trina laughs her loud ass laugh and you roll your eyes.
“The past, to be honest.”
Trina quirks a brow, her hand going to her hip as she gets a look at you.
“The past can be a dangerous place, honey.” She advices and you roll your eyes again.
“Just reminiscing.”
“Trina is sort of right though, y/n…what about the past are you thinking of?”
You stand up from your place on floor and spin around, showing your friends the final look for tonight,
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” You wink.
“We would like to know, that’s why we asked.” Trina deadpans. “But you look beautiful.”
You do a little curtsey and wink at your friends, “Thanks, I know.”
“Girl, you have been feeling real good all day. What exactly happened on your Christmas trip? You have been at work for the past 5 days, I have had hardly any time to catch up with you.” Trina whines obnoxiously.
“I needed to work, I became so broke because of Christmas.” You explain, you dig around your dresser for the lipstick you want to wear tonight. It’s a plum shade, it compliments you well.
“So what happened?” Holly pries, pouring you three a glass of wine.
“Hmm…” you put a finger to your lips, “Secret.” You giggle.
It’s been 5 days since you have seen Jungkook, things ending quite nicely after the trip to your parents. You two shared a sweet kiss on your last night. It wasn’t like you guys were drunk, or there was crazy sexual tension. It was sweet and meaningful…at least, that’s what you choose to believe.
You have been in an unbelievably fantastic mood since. It’s new year’s eve and you see Jungkook tonight. You are beyond, beyond excited. You guys have only texted a little bit��unfortunately you have been really busy working doubles for work. But tonight you plan to see what is up with you two. You lacked the courage four years ago but tonight you are feeling different, feeling confident.
“Jimin should be here any second.” You point out to your friends, “I’ll go grab him a wine glass.”
“Kay.” Trina and Holly say.
You make your way into the kitchen when you hear knocking on your door…must be Jimin, you think. You go to open the door when you see Jimin standing here looking fucking gorgeous! He’s got on a suit, his hair pushed back and freshly dyed black.
“Wow, what a stunner.” You comment, “You’re always one upping me!”
“Me? Babe you look so beautiful, what the fuck.” He gestures towards your body. “Anyway, let me in.”
“Yes, come in, come in. I was just getting you a wine glass…”
“Wow, you didn’t already have one for me?” Jimin takes off his shoes and steps into the apartment. “Where’s the other girls?”
“In my room.” You point down the hallway, “Go, go. I’ll bring your glass.”
Jimin winks and heads towards your bedroom, you walk inside the kitchen and pull a wine glass from the cabinet. While having a moment alone, you pull out your phone from your boobs and send a text.
y/n 8:32pm
cant wait to see you tonight:)
Jungkook 8:33pm
I also can’t wait baby
Your mind goes back to 4 years ago…the night you two shared. You think about how good Jungkook made you feel, there was so much love even then. You know you can’t be making this up in your head. You are certain Jungkook feels the same. You smile to yourself, feeling confident and satisfied.
Jungkook gets ready in his room, he decided on a dark suit tonight, with a black turtle neck, all black. His hair is split to the side, showing quite a bit of his forehead. He eyes himself in the mirror when he hears knocking on his front door. He decides to let Nick get it because it might be one of his friends.
“Vanessa!” Jungkook hears Nick draw out her name excitedly. Shit, she’s early. Jungkook looks at himself in the small mirror one last time before walking out of his room to meet with Vanessa.
“Hi.” She says simply, “Nice to see you.” Her coy smile makes its way on to her face and Jungkook smiles back.
“Nice to see you too.”
“Did you have a nice Christmas with y/n?” she asks, her sweet smile all the sudden making Jungkook feel a bit of guilt. Right. He needs to talk to her. Let her know what happened between you two. She deserves at least that, she has been a good friend and also girlfriend for the most part.
“You guys ready to go? My friends will meet us there.” Nick interrupts excitedly. “Let’s go, let’s go!”
Jungkook sighs out and nods his head in agreement.
“Yeah, let’s get going.” He can try to talk to Vanessa while at the party, when they can get a moment in private.
The three of them leave the apartment, Nick locks it behind them and they head towards Jungkook’s car. Jungkook opens the car door for Vanessa and she sits inside, placing her glittery purse on her lap.
Jungkook strolls to the other side of the car and opens his car door when Nick clears his throat grabbing Jungkook’s attention.
“What?” Jungkook quirks a brow at Nick, waiting expectantly.
“You aren’t going to open my car door too?” Nick jokes, gesturing towards the backseat.
“Ha-Ha.” Jungkook deadpans, “Get your ass in the car or I am leaving without you.” Jungkook smirks and gets inside his car.
Jin’s house is a good 40 minutes away, but with Jungkook’s driving he can make it in 30. He turns on the radio at a decent volume, the three of them bobbing their heads to some classical rock station. He wants to focus on the road. But he head is full of you. It’s New Year’s Eve…I special date for the two of you. Four year ago exactly, he slept with you. And from then a bunch of unsaid feelings and lots of tension has unraveled. And he’s tired of it. It had been a fucking journey. Where he has been an idiot for way too long. And if he’s being honest he’s starting to believe you’ve been an idiot too.
“What’s on your mind?” Vanessa asks smoothly. “You seem preoccupied.”
Jungkook turns his head towards Vanessa for a few seconds before settling his eyes back on the road in front of him.
“We can talk about it later.” He says while eyeing oblivious Nick in the rear view mirror.
“Hm? Okay.” She agrees easily, tapping her fingers on her purse.
Exactly 30 minutes later, Jungkook is pulling up to Jin’s home. There’s so many cars parked on the street, he thankfully manages to parallel park. He gets out of the car, trotting to Vanessa’s side to let her out. Nick waits expectantly for Jungkook to open his door too. Jungkook walks to his side and opens the backdoor.
“Really dude?” Jungkook can’t help but laugh.
“It’s only fair.” Nick sticks his nose in the air dramatically, he can’t help but break character and laughs. “I’m just fucking with you dude, but thanks” he exits the car as well.
The three of them walk up the long driveway to reach Jin’s front door, Jungkook is surprised Vanessa hasn’t complained about how her feet are hurting in her heels already.
“Such a long walk to his house, my feet hurt already.” Oh, there it is. Jungkook grins at her consistency.
They finally reach the front door, they can hear the booming music already even with the door still closed. Jin knows how to throw a party so of course the music is going to be terribly loud.
“Do we just walk in?” Vanessa asks.
“Yup.” Nick responds, pushing through the front door. He leads the way excitedly, eyes searching for his friends.
“Let’s go.” Jungkook says with a soft smile and Vanessa follows.
And that’s when his world stops. He sees you. And you look breathtaking.
You’re standing across the room laughing with Jimin, your hair tied up in a loose bun and your make up fucking glamorous. At least Jungkook thinks its glamorous…he doesn’t know much but you look striking. You’re wearing a long black dress with a deep neck line, the tops of your breasts on full display, and when you turn around to chat with someone behind you, he sees that there is hardly any material covering your back. Its cut into a deep V and he swears his breath catches in his throat. He wants to touch all your exposed skin.
“Oh, there’s your friends.” Vanessa says nonchalantly. “She would go say hey?”
Jungkook is already walking towards you, like he is being drawn to you.
“And I said, babe I am only making out with you for this spicy McChicken.” Jimin finishes his story, and you are dying of laughter. Your eyes small and close to closing when you spot Jungkook coming towards you and your heart stops. Fuck, he looks so handsome. And then your heart really stops when you see her. Vanessa.
“y/n!” Jungkook calls out to you with a bunny grin. “You look, I mean, wow.”
Your eyes shift from him to Vanessa over and over, not totally understanding what she’s doing here? You thought they broke up?
“Hi Jungkook. Thanks.” You say quietly. “And hi Vanessa…didn’t know you would be here tonight.” Your eyes slide back to Jungkook and he gulps.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Vanessa links arms with Jungkook, “Why wouldn’t I come with my boyfriend?”
Boyfriend? You blink at her a few times then snap your head to Jungkook who is looking at you with panic filling his eyes.
“Wait, wait.” He rushes to say but you’re already nodding your head in understanding and walking away from him. You push past him with a harsh bump of the shoulders and roll your eyes upwards. You cannot believe this. You know you did not create everything in your head. You know this has got to be some misunderstanding, it fucking has to be. But that doesn’t stop you from bubbling over with anger. You feel hurt and betrayed.
“y/n wait!” you hear Jimin call out, running after you. He catches up to you and grabs your arm but you shove him off. You don’t want to talk to anyone right now. Not even Jimin.
“Please leave me alone.” You huff out and Jimin smiles at you.
“Like I could ever do that.” Jimin takes your hand and leads you outside to the backyard where it’s a little less occupied.
“Spill. I want to know everything.” Jimin rubs your back, “but don’t cry because your make up looks awesome.”
You can’t help but laugh as your eyes become watery but you’re quick to blink away tears that may try to form.
“Christmas. We had some good development. Or so I thought. Him and Vanessa were broken up and—” then it hits you, he did say it was only until New Year’s…but he also said they probably wouldn’t get back together so?
“What kind of development?”
“We sort of hooked up one of the nights…not sex but definitely hooked up.” You start to explain and Jimin frowns.
“Sexual stuff isn’t new between you, right?” Jimin reasons. “Did you have any real development? Like, feelings type shit?”
“Well no—”
“y/n…” Jimin groans, “You aren’t giving me a lot to work with here.”
“We kissed.” You hurry to say.
“You don’t get it, it wasn’t like a horny kiss or a drunk kiss. It meant something.” Your eyes water again.
“What did it mean?”
“I—I don’t know.” You admit.
“Jesus, babe.” Jimin frowns again, “I don’t know how to help. But figure it out because you have until the end of the night before I harass you two.”
“Jimin, please don’t do that.” You quietly beg.
“Sorry, but I got to do what I got to do.” Jimin smiles at you with pity. “Just trust me, okay?”
“Okay…For now, let’s drink mother fucker!” you yell out more excitedly, trying to show Jimin you’re okay for now.
“About Vanessa though…”
“Don’t want to talk about her. Don’t want to think about her and Jungkook. I just want to drink and find someone hot to make out with.”
Jimin for the third time tonight, frowns again.
“Whatever will make you happy.” He says, gesturing you to walk back inside the house.
You two make it back in, you rush to Trina and Holly when you spot them in the kitchen taking shots.
“Me too, me too!” you yell out.
“Hell yeah girl!” Trina laughs loudly, she pours you and Jimin a shot and hands them to you guys.
“To us!” Holly sings and you 4 clink your shot glasses together and throw back the…oh, it’s vodka. It fucking burns, even though its expensive and supposed to be smooth…it still fucking burns.
“Let’s take another one.” You suggest like a maniac. “And then another one!”
“Girl, we still got to make it to midnight.” Trina chuckles, “But at least one more can’t hurt.”
You 4 take another shot, and you and Jimin take a third. The alcohol fucking burns man, like BAD. But you endure it. Loving that soon enough you will be facing the effects that it offers.
“Okay let’s just sip on mixed drinks for now…” Jimin goes to grab two solo cups and pours a bit of vodka in each before topping it off with cranberry juice.
“Here.” He hands you the cup and you start chugging it back. “Hey, slowly.” He warns and you wave your hand, brushing him off.
“It’s fine.” You begin to slur out. “I’m fine.”
Jimin needs to find Jungkook. Asap. But he doesn’t want to leave you alone so he searches to living room for Trina and Holly again but he doesn’t see them.
“Who you lookin’ for?” It’s a deep voice that Jimin is all too familiar with.
“Taehyung!” Jimin claps excitedly, “Thank God you’re here.”
“I’m here too.” Yoongi waves his hand awkwardly, “Nice to see you again, Jimin.” His gummy smile makes an appearance.
“You too, Yoongi!” Jimin’s smile widens. “I’m glad you’re both here. I need you to babysit y/n.” he gets out quickly.
“Babysit?” Taehyung tilts his head to the side in confusion, “Why?”
“Need to take care of something, please make sure she doesn’t drink—”
“Tae!!! Yoongs!!!” you yell out, walking closer to your friends once you see them. The vodka finally starting to have an effect on you, you jog up to them and bring them in for a hug.
“I have your—your Christmas presents in my car.” You slur out with a wide grin.
“We can exchange gifts later,” Yoongi offers with a smile, Taehyung nods his head in agreement.
“Okie dokie.” You boop Yoongi’s nose and start giggling. “Hey, where did Jimin go?” you didn’t even notice Jimin slipping from your line of vision but it’s okay because your two other friends are here.
“y/n!” You hear you name being called, and for the first time tonight you are seeing the party host himself.
“Jin!!” He walks up to your group, says hello to everyone and pulls you in for a quick hug. He’s wearing an all white suit with a black trim. He looks beautiful!
“Wow, Jin.” You slur, “You look Chef’s kiss!”
Jin laughs his silly laugh and blows you a dramatic ass kiss with his hand. “Thanks darling. You too!”
“Thanks, I know.” You wink and he nods approvingly.
“Yeah y/n, you really do look beautiful.” Taehyung gives you a smile and you feel your heart begin to glow. You watch as Yoongi nods his head and agrees.
“Thanks guys.” You say softly.
“Namjoon and Hobi are here too, I know they’re going to want to see you guys. Come on!” Jin motions to one of the bedrooms, “We’re playing a game.”
“Ah, okay!” you holler in excitement.
The four of you walk towards one of the rooms and enter it, it’s full of people, much more than you were anticipating.
“What game?” you slur out, you hold on to Taehyung for support as you walk. One hand gripping his arm and the other hand gripping your cup.
“Hobi wants to play spin the bottle.” Jin chuckles.
“What is this? Middle school?”
“He just has someone he wants to kiss.” Jin teases, “Let’s entertain him, shall we?”
You find a spot on the floor between Taehyung and Yoongi, you sit on your knees since you’re in a dress and are a fucking ladylike bitch. You start gulping back your drink and laugh at nothing, the alcohol really in your system now.
“Okay, we know how this game works because we’ve all been 12 before.” Namjoon speaks up, “So let’s get it on with.”
“Woo!” Hobi stands up and does a little dance before sitting back down, his excitement very fucking evident. It almost makes you feel like maybe this could be fun. Maybe you’ll end up kissing a hottie.
Taehyung is the first to go, he spins the bottle and it lands on a girl you’ve never met before, but she’s pretty. You see Taehyung blush hard, and he whispers “Do I really have to do this?” you nudge him forward as you say yes.
They share an innocent kiss and it’s the person on his left’s turn. Meaning you go fucking last.
You just want to kiss someone’s lips tonight, you want to forget all about Jungkook and Vanessa. You just want to forget.
“y/n? y/n?” Yoongi rubs your shoulder, “Hey, it’s your turn.” He points at the bottle.
Oh shit, okay. You lean forward and spin the bottle. It spins and spins, god it is making you dizzy. It finally slows down and you wait in panic as it finally starts coming to a stop. And then bam, it finally stops. You just stare at the bottle. Too afraid to see who it landed on. It’s pointing towards your right so you very slowly begin tilting your head to the right until your eyes meet with someone else’s. He’s got really dark, short hair. And very dark, captivating eyes. His lips form into a smirk and begins crawling towards you.
“Ready?” his deep, husky voice asks. You stare into his eyes and nod your head.
He leans forward and kisses your lips, it’s simple—short and to the point but boy, it went straight to your vagina. This guy is hot. And you’re sort of drunk and a little sad and horny. He leans back and smiles at you, a sleazy type of smile but you kind of dig it. He goes back to his spot and you watch him for the rest of the game. He kisses 2 other girls after you, you kiss some random dude and also a random girl. But his kiss is the one staying in your mind.
You wonder if Hobi has kissed who he’s wanted yet? You don’t know, but you’re sort of over this game. You lean into Yoongi’s side and announce your departure, Yoongi agrees with you and you both tell Taehyung who decides to stay.
“I’m glad we aren’t in there anymore.” Yoongi admits, he pulls out his phone and his face lights up. “Hey remember that person I mentioned? Well I did ask her out…I invited her to this party and she said yes.” He smiles, “And she’s here.”
“Oh!” you grin at your friend. “Go get her then!”
“Will you be fine by yourself?” he asks, clearly worried.
“I’m a big girl.” You assure him “I’ll be fine.”
Then Yoongi is on his way out, you stand around the living room, half ass dancing to whatever song is on when you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn around to see the dude from earlier.
“Hey.” He yells over the music, “Want to dance?”
You eye him up and down quite shamelessly, he’s got a short sleeve button up with his biceps on full display and you pant at the sight. He’s definitely hot that’s for sure.
“Sure.” You creep closer to him and start moving your hips side to side to the beat of the music.
“Don’t you want to learn my name?” he teases.
“Not really.” You slur out, you kind of like the mystery.
“Want to tell me yours?” he smirks down at you, his hand going to your waist.
“Not really.” You repeat with a coy smile.
“I sense you’re a good kisser.” He leans into your ear and whispers.
“You can tell just from pecking my lips?” you tease, your arms wrapping around his thick neck.
“Yes. But let me see if I am right?” he leans in closer, testing the waters and you allow him.
“Oh? You’re smooth, huh?”
“I try to be.” He admits, closing the distance between you two. His lips slant over your own as he kisses you. He’s quick to prod his tongue in your mouth, a little too quick for your liking but you’re feeling a bit desperate so you welcome him inside your mouth. You two start making out heavily on the dance floor, bodies grinding into one another. Jungkook, who?
All you know is mystery man!
Ouch, that thought alone makes you cringe. You have your tongue down some guys throat right now but Jungkook begins filling your mind again. Maybe you need another drink.
You pull away from mister hot stuff, and catch your breath.
“I need another drink.”
“I’ll go get us some.” He cheeses hard, leaving your side to find you two some fresh drinks.
You stand here a bit awkward now that you are alone, jeez, how much time has passed? You pull your phone out of your purse and check the time.
It’s already 11:35pm? Holy shit. It’s almost midnight. But that’s not the only thing you see, you also see a bunch of texts from Jungkook.
Jungkook 9:50pm
Where are u? PLEASE let me explain…
Jungkook 10:09pm
y/n…It’s not what it looks like I seriously swear
Jungkook 11:07pm
Please talk to me, I don’t want to bother you but if you want to talk please I am here
Jungkook 11:26pm
Fuck I am going crazy
You click your phone off and hesitantly roll your eyes, you are drunk. You don’t want to deal with this right now. If Jungkook wants to talk to you so badly he can try to come find you.
“What’s there to even think about?” Jimin’s exasperated tone makes it to Jungkook’s ears. “Just fucking tell her the truth!”
“She probably won’t even let me talk to her, I’ve tried texting but nothing.” Jungkook says quietly.
“Yeah because you need the fucking balls to go to her in person!” Jimin throws his hands up, “Like, fucking duh. Why are you such an idiot?”
“Can we be nice to me right now? I am going through a hard time.” Jungkook pouts. Then there is knocking heard on the bedroom door, Jimin eyes the door and rolls his eyes.
“It’s probably her again.” Jimin states, “Talk to her.”
“It’s complicated…she thinks we are in a relationship and…” Jungkook throws his head into his hands. “Fuck dude.”
The knocking on the door continues when Jimin finally opens it, letting Vanessa inside.
“Look, Vanessa…” Jimin begins when Vanessa is holding up a hand to stop him.
“Jimin is right, Jungkook.” Her smooth voice drowns out the other sounds of the party.
“Huh? About what?” Jimin asks confused.
“Yeah about what?” Jungkook asks just as confused as Jimin.
“I believe he said, and I quote ‘You need the fucking balls to go to her in person’…I believe it was something like that.” She tilts her head with wide eyes. “Yes, something like that.”
“But Vanessa…” Jungkook looks up at her, pity in his eyes. “What about us?”
“Let’s be honest, Jungkook. There is no ‘us’. But we are friends.” Vanessa admits easily, “One of us should get our happy ending.” She says softly. “I’m glad that person can be you, you just have to go for it, no matter what. It’s sitting right in front of you, you just have to reach out and grab it.” She finishes with a soft, genuine smile. “Now go. You only have like 15 minutes until midnight.”
Jimin stands here fucking shocked. He didn’t realize Vanessa had that in her…to be fair, he doesn’t know her. Maybe she does have a good side? Jimin blinks at her and at Jungkook until he’s knocking out of it.
“Yes, Jungkook, go! Don’t make the same mistake as 4 years ago. Courage, man.” He gives him a dramatic thumbs up and Jungkook chuckles. He looks between Vanessa and Jimin and stands up…he looks at them with a determined expression and nods his head.
“Thanks guys. Happy New Year.” And he’s out of the room.
Mister hot stuff is back in your arms as you two dance the night away, it’s about 15 minutes to midnight and you guess this is how you are spending your new year. You laugh at basically nothing as you sway your hips into his when you feel a hand grab your shoulder.
“Hey man, can’t you see we’re dancing?” Mister hot stuff says to the stranger. You finally turn in your place to see Jungkook staring at you with a hard expression.
“Go away.” You wave him off and turn back around to dance with this hot guy.
“No.” he says, “You’re coming with me.” He begins pulling on your arm towards the direction of the rooms. But you yank your arm back and look at him incredulously.
“Can’t you see I’m busy?” you point towards the hot guy and laugh.
“y/n.” he growls your name and you shudder. “Come with me, right now.”
Your face falls, and you weakly roll your eyes at his command.
“Hey, man. Not cool.” The hoy guys grabs on to Jungkook’s shoulder and Jungkook is quick to shove him off.
“Fuck off.” Jungkook snaps, his eyes narrowed at the hot guy and the hot guy steps back with his arms up in surrender.
“Alright alright, you can have her.”
“Jungkook what do you want?” you yell out. Jungkook faces you and his eyes soften, he loosens his grip on your arm and slides his hand down until he’s holding onto your fingers.
“Not here.” He says softly. “Just come on, please.”
You nod your head and follow him, he leads you to an empty room. It has a bed and a sofa at the edge of it, pretty cozy looking room, you don’t think you’ve seen this one before.
“We really need to talk.” Jungkook says as he closes the door, you make your way to the sofa, sitting down.
“What’s there to talk about?” you pick at a loose string on the sofa.
“Everything. And I mean, everything.” Jungkook takes a seat next to you. “First,” he begins his explaining, “Me and Vanessa aren’t together. She and I just hadn’t had a chance to speak yet. I promise you, her and I aren’t anything more than friends.”
“Today was the first time I’ve seen her since we broke up, and she did mention our break was over on New Year’s but Nick was around and I just—I just didn’t have the chance to tell her it’s over. I swear y/n.”
You watch Jungkook’s mouth as he speaks to you, you watch the way it curves up and down, you watch as he repeatedly darts his tongue out to lick his drying lips. You watch as every word spills out between his lips. Truth or lies?
But why would Jungkook lie?
“So…you two are…no longer together?”
“We haven’t been together for weeks.” He admits. “I promise, please believe me baby.”
“I do.” You sigh out, “I was…I really thought you guys were back together…” you release another heavy sigh. “I was so heartbroken, Jungkook.” You choke out.
“Fuck, I know. I can only imagine.” He squeezes his eyes shut for a few moments.
“That kiss…” you begin, “Our last night at my parents…” you remind him.
“Yes, I know the one.” He smiles softly.
“It meant something, didn’t it?” your voice cracks, you have to believe it did.
“It meant everything baby.” Jungkook scoots closer to you, “But let me tell you more.”
“Okay…” you agree, your fingers still pulling at the loose thread on the sofa.
“4 years ago on New Year’s Eve… I was supposed to have the courage for what I am about to do right now.”
“4 years ago?” you question, your eyes meeting his.
“y/n I was supposed to tell you I had feelings for you.” He finally admits. “But we slept together and things have been messy ever since.”
“Wait, wait.” You pull the thread from the sofa. “You were going to confess to me? On New Year’s…4 years ago?” you breathe out heavily, getting choked up again. “Are you serious?” you chuckle bitterly. Realization hitting you.
You remember Jimin’s words, something about your timings being so hilarious yet so cruel.
Your eyes gloss over and you reach your hand out to touch his, you pinch your brows together as you struggle to breath properly.
“Yes, I was going to tell you my feelings…and if you felt the same I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend.” He admits shyly, finally getting rid of this fucking secret that has haunted him for 4 years.
“Your girlfriend?” You sniffle hard, you wipe your nose with the back of your hand, snot leaving it’s traces behind. “You liked me?” you ask, still in disbelief. “Because this is just…this is so ridiculous.” You laugh as a few tears leave your eyes.
Jungkook can’t help but frown,
“We really are so stupid” you laugh again as you really start crying. “Fucking idiots.” You murmur. Jungkook only becomes more confused.
“Jungkook…I was supposed to confess that night too.” You say between bitter laughs. “But we slept together and I thought for sure you didn’t feel the same…” you start explaining. “But now hearing this I realize why Jimin has been so fucking frustrated with us.”
“You—you were going to confess? 4 years ago? On New Year’s Eve? The same night I was going to—”
“Yes. Yes.” You nod your head over and over. Jungkook looks off to the side, realization hitting him so unbelievably hard. “And now?” he finally asks. “Because I fucking love you. Like, in love with you.” He sputters out quickly, his furrowed brows making him look so cute. You notice his own eyes are glossy as he waits for you response.
“Jungkook I have been in love with you for 4 years.” You admit, your voice cracking as more tears spill from your eyes. “We have just been so fucking dumb. All this time…” you sob out.
Jungkook laughs as he sniffles, he scoots closer to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder, bringing you into his chest.
“Come here my baby.” He holds on to you tightly. “I’m here. Now and forever. I’ll always be here. Always me.”
“Always you.” You repeat. “Always you.” You cry into his suit jacket, and he rubs your back lovingly.
Suddenly loud yelling is heard from outside the door, both of your attentions caught. You both hear chanting of numbers…the countdown has begun.
The noise of loud and obnoxious cheers can be heard from outside the bedroom door and you wipe your tears and snot away with the back of your hand. Jungkook tugs on the sleeve of his shirt then very gently cleans off some of the mascara that runs down your face. He smiles at you softly and you smirk.
“Are you going to kiss me Jeon?” you lean your head up, “Or do you need Jimin to dare you?”
“From now on, I will be kissing you whenever I want. Okay?” he leans down and catches your lips in a tender yet heated kiss. You immediately moan into his mouth, loving that this kiss is the first of many where you are his and he is yours. He pecks your lips a few times before his lips travel down your jaw and down the expanse of you throat. You moan out again and he pulls away from you and smiles.
“I know you’re drunk.”
“Doesn’t mean I am not hyper aware of everything right now.” You try but Jungkook shakes his head. “I know what we can do.”
“I hope it has something to do with your dick inside me.” You say quite seriously. Jungkook laughs out loud and shakes his head, “A close second to that.”
You quirk a brow at him, clearly amused.
“I know this great diner. It’s 24 hours. And it’s a place we can talk and talk and laugh and maybe hold hands because we are definitely going to be one of those couples that sit on the same side of the booth.” He teases.
“Oh definitely not.” You giggle. “But the diner? I think I love that idea.”
“Yeah? Think they’re open?”
“Let’s call.”
Jungkook excitedly gets his phone and googles the number for the diner, calling them right away. He’s only on the phone for a short while, getting confirmation that they are indeed open.
“Let’s go baby.”
You and Jungkook are driving back from the diner, it’s almost 6 am. He is driving to your place and when you guys arrive he parks and turns to face you.
“We’re here.” He says with a smile.
“Come inside.” You say quietly, “I don’t want you to leave.”
“I guess you are pretty sober now.” He teases.
“Hey, who said it’s because I wanted sex?” you joke, “Maybe I just want to sleep.”
“I love sleeping with you, so it’s a win-win situation for me.” He grins, he leans forward and unbuckles your seatbelt. “Shall we?” he gestures towards the apartment.
You walk into your place, it’s slightly chilly—Holly must have turned down the AC before you guys left. You shiver and Jungkook wraps an arm around you, warming you up almost instantly.
“Are you trying to make a move on me?”
“Always.” He responds back, he leans into your side and places a chaste kiss on your lips, catching you off guard.
“Kiss me again.” You practically beg.
“After we get ready for bed, my love.”
Your heart starts beating out of your chest when you hear your new pet name. You fucking melt, you literally put your hand over your heart in attempt to calm it down.
“God, I want to suck your cock so bad.” You release a harsh breath making Jungkook chuckle.
“Maybe later. Right now let’s get ready for bed.”
You two go into the bathroom and wash up, you finally get to properly clean your face from your tears and mascara. Jungkook did a decent job at cleaning you up but now you are actually nice and fresh faced. You head into your bedroom and slip out of your dress, you slip on one of Jungkook’s t shirts and decide to forgo pants altogether. Panties and oversized shirt for the win.
“Comfy?” Jungkook asks as he walks into your room with nothing but his boxer briefs on.
“Yes.” You say, looking yourself up and down. “I love this shirt.”
“I know you do.” He teases, “Let’s get into bed.”
You peel back your covers and slip between the sheets, the feeling so nice and silky. You moan out in satisfaction when your head hits the pillow.
“Join me.” You whisper to Jungkook
He gets under the sheets himself, and scoots close to you, his arm going beneath your head and his other arm pulls you.
“I love you.” He whispers softly. “So fucking much.”
“I love you too, babe.” You inch closer and meld your lips to his, he grunts in approval when you start kissing him, the passion building between you two.
Your hands explore the front of his body and he moans into your mouth, your hands travel further and further south until your hand finds his hard cock. You cup his cock and start rubbing on it, causing Jungkook to detach his mouth from yours to cry out in pleasure.
“Fuck.” Jungkook gasps out. You detach your fingers from his clothed cock when you find the waistband of his briefs and you begin to slowly pull them down. The tip of his cock poking out so deliciously, precum dripping and you grow thirsty.
You pull the briefs down even lower, exposing his thick dick. You gently grab it and stroke it softly, ultimately teasing Jungkook. He whines at the skin to skin contact, he screws his eyes shut in pleasure, waiting for you to make your next move.
You sink lower into the bed, your head now face to face with his dick, and Jungkook swears he can die now. He looks down at you, his hands finding their way into your hair and breathes out heavily. You look up at him with submissive eyes and he smirks, he loves when you’re in control but he also loves when you’re like this—a good girl for him.
“Gonna suck my cock, baby?” He guides your head with your hair to get closer to his dick. “Gonna suck on me so good?”
“Do I deserve your cock?” you asks cutely.
“I think you’ve been a very good girl, you can suck my cock all you want.” Jungkook’s other hand goes to your face, his thumb rubbing at your bottom lip. “Open.” And you listen. You part you lips for Jungkook and he thrusts two fingers into your mouth and you begin swirling your tongue around them.
“Such a good girl.” He breathes out, “I know you’ll suck my cock so well…can you show me?”
You frantically nod your head yes and he smirks.
“Then get to it baby.”
The moment your lips wrap around the head of his cock, Jungkook is throwing his head back as his eyes roll. He really, truly, honestly doesn’t know how long he will last for. You take his cock further into your mouth, you moan around it and Jungkook whimpers out pathetically. He’s only ever dreamed of this. You have had your mouth on his cock, but not like this.
“So good baby.” He cries out as you bob your head up and down on his throbbing length.
You take him fully into your mouth, every flick and swirl of your tongue sending chills all over his body. You begin bobbing your head even more, sucking his swollen cock generously. He can’t help but meet you half way, his hands on the back of your head, thrusting into your throat, his head tilt back groaning yourname. You swell with pride, you moan around him, the vibrations causing him to moan and jerk his dick away from your pink lips with a pop.
“I am so fucking close to coming baby.” He admits between rough breaths. “But I want to come inside you.” He grabs a hold of your arms and guides your body up the mattress. “Next time let me come all over your pretty tits, okay?”
You smile at him, its soft and seductive. Your lips are swollen and your hair is a fucking mess. You look sexy as hell, Jungkook thinks. His hand finds your hip and he massages it, until his fingers are gliding down lower and lower. He finds your clit, nice and aching for him…as soon as he applies some pressure to it, you let a high pitched moan escape your lips. He starts rubbing your clit over and over, he begins gathering your wetness and without warning he sticks two fingers inside your desperate hole.
“Oh fuck.” You gasp out. “God, yes.” You feel his fingers start to scissor inside you, stretching you out.
“Gotta make sure my cock fits in this tight pussy.” Jungkook breathes out erratically. He continues to thrust his fingers inside you before he’s pulling them out and shoving his fingers into your mouth.
“Taste yourself.” He begs. “And tell me how you taste.” You suck on his fingers and drain them of all flavor. “How is it?”
“Good.” You say out of breath. Jungkook pulls his fingers out of your mouth and leans down to kiss you, his tongue licking you up.
“You’re right baby. You taste so fucking good. Ready for me?” he asks desperately.
“Yes.” You moan. You two rush to rid yourself of the remainder of your clothing, until you are both naked under your covers.
“I just want to let you know that I seriously love you so much. And I cannot believe how dumb we are.” You laugh, “But I feel so happy to be here in this moment with you.”
“I love you too baby.” Jungkook leans down to kiss you, your lips moving against one another slowly.
“Will you lean back for me?” you ask as you rise from the bed, you begin pushing his chest back and you climb into his lap, straddling him. You’re both naked so straddling him feels very different this time. His cock constantly slipping between your wet folds and you both groan. You grab on to his hard length and rise up, slowly teasing his cock at your entrance. Jungkook stares at you with lust filled eyes, his breathing so insanely erratic as he breathes in and out. Almost like he’s afraid he won’t be able to handle this.
“Breathe baby.” You say with a smirk as you slowly sink down on to his cock, you whimper out from the burning stretch you feel and he loses his fucking mind. He moans out so loudly, his whines and whimpers echoing throughout the apartment. God, you feel so fucking good. You sink until his dick is shoved all the way up your pretty pussy, you hesitate to move. You bask in the feeling for a few moments, giving yourself time to adjust. And you think Jungkook needs a moment as well. He is losing his mind, and you haven’t even started riding him yet.
You lift yourself and lower yourself back down on him, a few controlled moves. You try to set a steady rhythm as you start riding his cock.
“That’s it baby.” Jungkook sits up, his head falling into the crook of your neck and his hands on your ass, helping you fuck him. You rise up from his lap again and slam back down with more force, Jungkook moans out and you start to feel more motivated. You bounce on his cock for him, and Jungkook begins to meet you half way as he thrusts upwards.
“Fuck, you are making me lose my mind.” Jungkook admits, “You feel so fucking good.”
“You feel even better.” You say, completely out of breath, your thighs on fucking fire as they burn with each bounce on his cock. You begin to slow down, and you lean down to kiss his lips sloppily, your tongues dancing around and tangling together. Jungkook detaches and lifts you up and flips you to your back.
“Love of my life.” He says as he enters you again, “Fucking made for me.” You groan in response, the sensation too powerful. His fingers find your clit and Jungkook rubs messy circles and you whine so loudly.
“I’m gonna come Jungkook!” you warn him, “This feels too good.” You choke out.
Jungkook smiles down at you as he thrusts faster and harder, his cock reaching a place that is sending you over the fucking edge. He grabs a hold of your hands and lifts them above your head as he interlocks your fingers. He leans down and kisses your neck, sucking small bruises into the skin.
“I’m going to come too…” he fucks into you so fucking deep it sends you into another, unexpected orgasm. Your whole body shakes as you cry out, Jungkook fucks faster and faster. The sounds of his hips slapping against you, and both of your filthy moans fills the entire apartment.
“God, I love you so much.” He thrusts into you harder this time, his movements quick and desperate. He kisses on your neck and nibbles on your ear as you cry from the overstimulation.
“I…love you…” you cry out, you release your hands from his and hold on to his back, bringing him closer. Your nails drag down his skin, no doubt leaving marks as he fucks into you more.
“Please come baby.” You beg, you can’t handle another orgasm. Jungkook embraces you tightly as he stills his jerky hips, he comes so fucking hard. He shoots his cum deep into your pussy, your pussy that was made for him.
“Fuck, fuck.” Jungkook pants, he collapses on top of your body and you just hold him. You caress his back and play with his hair as he tries to steady his breathing. He keeps his face buried in your neck for several long moments. He never takes out his softening cock, he leaves it inside you, where it’s nice and warm. You start to feel uncomfortable though so you nudge him but he doesn’t lift his head to face you.
“Jungkook?” you call out for him and you hear him sniffle. “Are you okay?” he finally lifts his head and looks into your wide eyes. He’s crying. Just barely, but there’s some wet eyes for sure. Your heart sinks. “What’s wrong baby?”
“Absolutely nothing.” Jungkook whispers. “I’m just so happy.” He caresses your face, “I have been in love with you for so long and you are finally mine, it honestly feels surreal.”
“I know the feeling.” You kiss him, “Let’s clean up and go to sleep.” Jungkook nods his head in agreement, finally leaving your body.
You two clean up quickly and head back to bed, still naked. He pulls you into his chest once you two are in bed, and you melt.
“Goodnight my love.” Jungkook kisses the top of your forehead and you melt even more, you’re just a puddle now.
“It’s just a first date dude, why are you flipping out?” Jimin chews on a piece of gum, popping some bubbles one after the other.
“Why am I flipping out? Sorry but the girl I have been in love with for years is finally my girlfriend and sorry that I want everything to be perfect.” Jungkook mutters as he eyes himself in the mirror.
You two have been dating for a couple weeks now but haven’t had the chance to go on a proper date yet. A lot of things are still up in the air like, what you do you want to do with your future? And Jungkook is a part of that future now right? At least he’s hoping so. He has the perfect day planned. And he can’t wait to show you what he can be like as a boyfriend.
Jungkook shows up to your apartment, he goes to your front door and knocks and waits for you like a gentlemen. When you open the door his heart starts racing uncontrollably. You look so god damn beautiful wearing this purple strappy dress. He wants to kiss your neck and your collarbones, they’re exposed so nicely. You smile at him and lean forward to catch his lips in a sweet kiss. He pulls you back in kissing you again.
“You look beautiful baby.” He whispers into your ear and you shiver. “Ready for our date?”
You two walk to his car, he opens the door for you and you blush. He’s being so formal, it kind of makes you laugh. Once you sit down and you’re all buckled up, he shuts the door. He goes around to his side and sits down.
“okay…” he takes something out of his front pocket, “I’m going to blindfold you.”
“Oh? Sexy.” You wink at him, and he turns red.
“It’s literally just so you don’t see where we’re going.” He says with a laugh, “But I’ll hold on to it for later.” He winks back.
He ties the silky material over your eyes and groans in satisfaction. He starts driving to his destination…it’s about a 20 minute drive to get to where he’s wanting to go. He puts on some music for the two of you, but on a low volume since you two mostly chat.
“It will probably take me around 6 months to complete my TEFL,” you say softly. “But I think I really want to do it. At least for a couple of years.”
“I see.” Jungkook’s hand tightens around his steering wheel but he remains calm. “If that’s what will make you happy.”
“Jungkook…” you murmur, “You can tell me not to do it, you can tell me to stay.”
“No, I can’t.” he sighs out, “ You know I can’t do that, my love.”
You feel your heart break and glow at the same time, like its confused. You just nod your head and stay facing straight ahead. You can’t see anything. Suddenly, you feel Jungkook’s hand grabbing onto yours. He interlocks your fingers and you feel relaxed now.
“We will figure it out baby, I promise.” He assures you and you believe him, “We’re here.” He confesses. “Stay here, I’ll come around to get you.”
He walks to the other side of the car where you’re seated and opens the door for you, you hold out your hand waiting for him to take it. He chuckles as he grabs your hand and guides you out of the car.
“Ready?” he tangles his fingers with yours and leads you to the entrance of the building, the walk is slow and full of chit chat. He tells you about his week at work, you tell him the latest updates with Taehyung and Yoongi. You walk through another door, leading to outside again and you grow confused. Where are you? You come to an abrupt stop and you feel Jungkook’s hands on your shoulders.
“Ready to take that thing off?” he asks with a smirk.
“Yes. But save it for later.” You smile at him.
He removes the blindfold from your face and your eyes go wide. You’re at the botanical gardens. There’s many different flowers and trees surrounding you, you notice on the ground next to Jungkook is a basket.
“What’s in there?” you pry.
“You’ll see later.” He blushes, “Come on.”
You two walk the gardens, he watches as you look at everything in awe. You snap a million pictures and you kiss him every other minute, leaving soft pecks on his lips. He didn’t think it was possible to fall more in love with you yet here he is. After an hour or so of strolling he finds a nice patch of grass and sets the basket down, taking out a small blanket and gesturing for you to sit.
“A picnic?” you ask, excited.
“Just some fruit.” He responds shyly, “Brought all your favorites.”
“You’re so sweet and so thoughtful Jungkook.” You can’t tear your eyes away from him, “I love you.” You say as you lean over and peck his lips. Jungkook grins into the kiss, he has never felt bliss like this.
You two eat your fruits and chat about everyday life. He mentions Nick may be moving out soon, going to live with two of his other friends at a house, Ryan and Jake—Jake is Alien Bro!!! you finally learned his name!!! You talk about how Yoongi has been going on dates with this girl and she’s so adorable, you met her at the record shop and you could not approve more. Taehyung has apparently been seeing the girl he kissed at spin the bottle! The rest of the guys are planning a skiing trip, that you are Jungkook are invited to. Trina and Holly finally, fucking finally admitted they’re dating. Jungkook laughs at your fun stories and you pay attention closely when he tells you his own.
“I think they’re about to close.” Jungkook says regretfully. “But we have plans after this, don’t worry.”
“I hope those plans include your cock in my mouth.” You say nonchalantly and Jungkook goes to cover your mouth while he chuckles.
“You’re dirty.”
“Only for you.”
“Better be.” He kisses the corner of your mouth and you roll your eyes playfully.
“Let’s go.”
Dinner was so fucking good, probably the fanciest place you have ever been. Jungkook says he thought about taking you to the dinner for nostalgias sake but decided he wanted to show you something new. You two are sat on the restaurants rooftop, a place with few tables—very private. Cute lights dangled across the walls that set such a perfect mood.
“Whatever you decide…” Jungkook reaches across the table for you hand, “I will believe in you, support you and love you.” He smiles, “You know that, right?”
“Jungkook, if I go abroad I will be so far away from you.”
“Doesn’t matter where you are, I’m yours.” He squeezes your hand.
“Would you consider…” you shake your head, deciding against it.
“What?” Jungkook squeezes your hand again, “What is it, my love?”
“Would you consider going with me?” then you shake your head again, “No, I can’t ask that of you. I know your job is too important to you.”
Jungkook nibbles on his lips, he almost regrets asking you to tell him. He hates that it’s true, his job is important to him…doesn’t mean you’re not. But he’s worked so hard to get this position. He can’t throw that away.
“I know.” You give him a small smile, “No matter what we will figure it out, right?”
“Baby…you do realize I plan on spending the rest of my life with you, right?” Jungkook asks, amused. “That even if you go somewhere for a year, you’re still mine. And that a year is nothing compared to the lifetime I am going to spend with you. It might suck and we will miss each other like crazy but my love, we can visit each other and talk every day, and I know it won’t always be easy. But it’s you and me. If we can go 4 fucking years…we can go a few months at a time.”
You can’t help but sniffle at his words, your eyes watering like a fucking baby. You look into his eyes and smile the softest smile you can muster.
“Okay.” You say, “I trust you.”
Jungkook is right, you look at him and know he is right. You can’t help but think back to how all of this began. From meeting him at a frat party, to ditching Christmas with your parents to spend it with him, to sleeping together at New Years. God, you tried to distract yourself from Jungkook with Taehyung, even fake dated him. You laugh at the memory. What a ride this all has been. And you know that finally, this is the real beginning. That no matter what path you choose, you have him. Always.
“I love you.” Jungkook whispers, “With all my heart.”
“I love you too.” You smile, “More than you know.”
#bts#bts smut#bts fluff#bts angst#jeon jungkook#jungkook x reader#jungkook smut#jungkook angst#jungkook fluff
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Over-Tired OM Boys HCs
Here's the initial thing that got me started thinkin bout the boys, but here ya go-
- this man, once he hits overtired, is extremely gullible, which is why he locks himself in his office until hes done what needs to be done
- also cannot keep a train of thought for more than 20 seconds and it drives him nuts
- and then he loses his focus even more because he's upset
- you tried knocking on the door once, and told him when you closed your eyes, you couldnt see and needed to go to the doctor
- man went from frustrated to concerned in a heartbeat, only after opening the door realizing how foolish he had just come across
- but now the door was open and you had access to him, and reluctantly he let you drag him to bed
- Will deny it ever happened, and if you bring it up, expect a punishment.
- Though he is grateful you made him rest so he would not become the laughingstock of his brothers
- over tired bby will ramble until he forgot what he was talking about and space out for a solid ten seconds before snapping back
- it doesnt matter if you're listening intently or only half listening, he makes no sense what so ever.
- If you can record him without him noticing you (which is easy to do in this state) and play it back once he's rested he's either facepalming and blushy for the nonsense he spewed or he managed to pick out what he may have been trying to say and gets super excited, going off on another more understandable tangent.
- Gaming is a priority
- Sleeping is not
- Levi usually ends up just tired, not wired but dear lord when he does-
- All that energy and passion he pours into the way he speaks about anime and manga?
- Its physical now...oh and hes slightly more extroverted
- Though its a rare sight, over tired Levi works out and rambles about whatever it was that made him stay up that long, and hes doing it all in your room
- Over tired Satan is a rare sight, though it happens often, as he holes up in his room
- He gets an impulse to clean, and will tidy and clean and organize his books, though it never lasts
- and theres no escape, he will start crying if he feels you arent paying attention or if you're about to leave
- Depending on who you are, he either becomes 10000000% testier, or hes a giggly mess, there is no in between
- Finds everything funny, but will get pouty if it came from someone he doesnt really like
- Over tired Asmo is rare, likely the rarest of all the boys to see, save for Barbatos
- but he is a chaotic little fucker
- dear god
- He will raid the fridge and pantry worse than Beel, specifically when hes on a diet-
- Then MC you're either in for one hell of a story from Asmo, most of them his not-so-proud drunk moments that he never talks about for that reason but he cant stop himself-
-his laugh sounds even more high pitched than normal, and a little maniacal, and he finds everything he says hilarious
- you will go on an adventure probably
- spaces out randomly, and also cries easily, dont point this put to him and say yes to his adventures, he'll change his mind a thousand times on the way- just go with it
- overtired Beel happens quite a bit, usually after the victory of a game and the adrenaline starts to wear off- and then he still has stuff to do
- but instead of "oh" and maybe a small laugh when he realizes what happened its more ".....oh" and then he looks like he's having an existential crisis
- you will have to physically lead him to bed after that, he's too busy thinking and slowly eating whatever is in his hand
- he snacks to keep himself awake, and poor himbo man is even more gullible than usual
- will want to cuddle, but wont ask when hes like this
- out like a bulb immediately
- The Avatar of Sloth? Over tired? yes it happens unfortunately-
- He gets even grumpier than usual because he can’t sleep
- Then at night its just restless tossing and turning
- yes even the seemingly flawless butler gets overtired, but opposite of Asmo, he is far better at concealing it
- Usually happens when he intentionally sleeps through important meetings and days for Lucifer back to back to back
- It’s another excuse to hold you though, so he might make himself over tired more often
- You will see him stifle yawns
- And when given instructions, his eyes widen slightly with concentration as he whispers the instructions over and over under his breath so nobody can hear, but its clear his lips are moving
- he cannot be bribed
- he can be intimidated though, and how you ask?
- “threaten” to go tell Beel or Dia because you know full well if they were asked, they would carry Barb back to his quarters if you can’t do so on your own-
- no he will not sleep
- Usually that’s enough to convince him, but you have to stay near to make sure he doesn’t leave until he’s well-rested, otherwise he’ll leave as soon as possible and try to get back to work
- buuuut if you’re “on guard” or in bed with him- well he might have a few extra minutes or hours to spend with you
- overtired Diavolo is rather rare, as Barbatos is very strict with the prince's schedule
- Still though if Diavolo truly wants to keep going...all Barb can do is prepare for the future
- Which uh...just means being able to drag the prince to his quarters
- If you thought he was lively before, being overtired is kinda like giving caffiene to a squirrel for him
- Until he suddenly crashes....which, depending on how you like his company, can be unfortunate as his kick can last for hours
- Simeon goes into zombie mode when he's overtired
- He hates to admit it, but it tales every oumce of strength to not fall asleep in the middle of classes
- Not that Luke would let him
- He's a little dazy, a little slow, but even just a power nap gets the angel going again
- Babie boy, don't stay up with the big kids-
- an overtired ten year old follows a certain progression
- grumpy, denial in need of sleep, chatterbox, chatterbox, chatterbox, chatt- oh he fell asleep in the middle of his sentence
- will not acknowledge anything in the morning, even as he walks out of his bedroom instead of the random place he slept, instead carrying on the conversation he left half finished the night before
- hah
- he has spells
- who needs sleep?
- bastard also pushes himself too far, but disguises it with more ease than anyone else, at least until its just the two of you
- He tends to run his hand through his hair more often, fidgets more
- hes a little jumpy too, so continue with caution if you dont want to be turned into a frog-
Anyways, I know its been a hot minute since I posted anything really uh...substantial? I guess this will have to do?? I'm going to be travelling for a bit, so I apologize for slow updates, also dont have the patience to make a queue
Thank y'all for supporting me anyways, it means a lot!! Keep an eye out for the next OC Hunger Games~
Love ya!!
#obey me#obey me shall we date#v talks#obey me! shall we date?#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmo#obey me beel#obey me belphie#obey me barbatos#obey me diavolo#obey me simeon#obey me solomon#obey me luke#obey me scenarios#obey me thoughts
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“I’m so sorry, Lena,” A harsh cough followed the words and Lena felt her eyes begin to fill with water. She was kneeling in the broken streets of National City at Kara’s sighed, mindless of the destruction around them as the injured woman before her absorbed all of her attention.
“Hold on, Kara, just a few more minutes.” Lena found Kara’s bloody, shaking hand and grasped it with her own. Kara gave her a watery smile.
“We could’ve had so much time if I hadn’t been so scared.” There’s a strong current of regret in her tone and Lena feels as if she can’t breathe as she pulls Kara’s hand to her lips and presses a kiss against dirty knuckles.
“We’ll have time now, darling. All the time in the world.”
“I thought we promised not to lie to each other anymore.”
A long, uncomfortable pause followed. Kara’s breath grows more shallow by the second, but her eyes remain the same. The deep blue of her iris shines with that same adoration that Lena had always seen in them, and always felt unworthy of. Kara lifted the hand that Lena wasn’t holding on to desperately, ignoring the way her limbs trembled, to carefully cup Lena’s cheek.
This is the end. They both know it.
“No, Kara, please,” Lena can hear the desperation in her voice but ignored it just as resolutely as she ignored the tears falling from her eyes. Tears that Kara barely had the strength to gently brush away. “I can’t lose you again.”
“You never lost me, Lena, not for a single second.” The conviction in Kara’s voice is broken by the blood that slips past her lips as a cough tears through her throat. She collapses back against the broken asphalt after the fit subsides, landing on uneven ground with a pained groan. “I’ve always been yours, even when I wasn’t.”
The noise around them barely registers in Lena’s mind. The battle had been over for a few minutes at least, but Lena had paid no attention to the chaos around them. Kara, just as she had done since the day they met, commanded all of Lena’s attention. It isn’t until Kara coughs again that Lena realizes that she hadn’t been unconsciously blocking out anything going around them.
Kara’s cough echoes of the wreckage of a ruined city around them. If Lena had the strength to pull her gaze away from Kara’s slowly dimming eyes, she would have seen the veritable host of people around them falling to their knees as the consequences of this final battle hit home. They won, yes, but none of them thought that the cost would be so high.
Lena is dimly aware of another person settling on the other side of Kara, taking her hand and nearly gasping out Kara’s name in a choked cry. Even with the addition of Alex with them, Lena doesn’t tear her eyes away from Kara.
“I know, darling,” Lena grips Kara’s trembling hand tighter, wrapping both of her own around it and pressing a kiss to Kara’s knuckles again. “I think I always have. I should have said something sooner.”
“Better late than never,” Kara cracked a smile and just for a second, Lena could believe that she wasn’t watching the love of her life die right before her eyes. “Promise me something?”
“Don’t blame yourself, for any of it.”
“Promise me, Lena. None of this is your fault, or mine. It happened, and it sucks.” Kara smiled again as Lena released a rueful chuckle. “But you can’t let this stop you. Promise me that you won’t give up.”
“I promise Kara,” Lena leans over and seals her promise with a trembling kiss pressed to Kara’s forehead.
“Good.” Kara’s strength left her completely, her head fell to the ground and if not for Lena’s grip on her hand, the same would have been true of it as well. “Remember, I am always yours. Even when I’m not.”
Kara turns her head then, to Alex who sits on her left. Words are spoken by both of them but Lena doesn’t hear them. She can’t hear anything over the high pitched sound ringing in her ears and Kara’s last words playing on a loop in her mind.
They should have had so much more time. They should have had years to be together, truly together. Years without lies and secrets pulling them apart. Years of light and laughter and love, so much love that it would be bursting out of them. The kind of love that couldn’t be contained. They should have had it all but now they only had minutes.
They only have minutes and Kara doesn’t know how Lena feels. A sudden panic seizes Lena as she realizes that minutes are quickly receding into seconds and Kaa still doesn’t know.
“Kara,” even to her own ears, Lena’s voice sounds so far away. “Kara, I love you.”
There’s no ignoring the tears now, they fall from Lena’s eyes unbidden. But Kara is smiling at Lena, that special, bright smile that always made Lena feel like she was the one who could fly.
Kara’s smile remains as her eyes fall closed and her body goes limp. Kara’s smile remains as she exhales, whispering Lena’s name with her last breath.
Supergirl dies a hero, mourned and celebrated by many.
Kara Danvers dies to the sound of her sister crying beside her.
Kara Zor-El dies smiling in the embrace of the woman she loves most.
Lena woke up feeling as if that last image of Kara’s smile had been burned into her retinas. The dream, memory, ends in the same place it always does, the moment before the realization of what she had just witnessed sinks in. Lena wakes with soul crushing despair settling deep in her chest so that her breath in a new day is little more than a broken sob. It takes a few minutes for Lena to gather herself enough to climb out of bed and reach for her phone. The move is calculated. Lena knows that if she had reached for her phone first, she wouldn’t have gotten out of bed.
Every other day, Lena had been able to push herself through it. She could almost pretend that everything was normal, until she caught herself trying to call Kara and invite her to lunch. Even after two weeks, Lena’s first instinct was still to call Kara. The hope that maybe the dream had been a nightmare rather than a memory and Kara would answer when she called had been all that kept Lena going for the past 14 days.
The day of Kara’s funeral had pulled that hope to a crashing halt.
There had been a service for Supergirl the day before. It felt like all of National City had been there, human and alien alike. All the heroes that Kara had worked with over the years were there, a few of them people that Lena had only met briefly before the wave of dark matter destroyed all of their worlds. The Flash had a few words to say. Cat Grant had barely held her tears in. Superman openly cried as he said goodbye to his last blood relative. Lena had watched it all with a blank expression, Alex’s hand in hers.
Lena had made her way to Midvale on her own and was one of the last to arrive at Kara’s childhood home. Eliza had greeted her with a hug and a far too knowing look. Lena had slept in Kara’s bed and refused to cry until she was sure that no one would hear her.
Now, Lena pulled on the dark outfit she had selected the night before and made her way downstairs. Alex and Eliza met her at the bottom of the stairs and led her to where Clark and Lois were standing with J’onn. Eliza pulled Lena into another hug while Lois looked as if she was the only one in the room who could understand Lena’s pain. Everyone was treating Lena like she was Kara’s widow and Lena wasn’t sure she would ever recover from that.
She had Kara had never been together. They hadn’t gone on dates or celebrated anniversaries. They’d never even kissed and yet Lena still felt like a piece of her heart had been broken beyond repair. She wasn’t Kara’s widow but she was Kara’s someday and that was somehow worse.
How could Lena mourn what she’d never had in the first place?
Kara’s funeral had been short. She wouldn’t have wanted all of her friends and family to spend hours crying over her. Kara had been a ray of sunshine, a becon of joy. Although tears were shed, everyone wanted to follow Kara’s wishes so it soon turned to a memorial rather than a funeral. As everyone had been distracted by Alex’s story of the first time Kara saved her, Lena didn’t think anyone would notice when she stepped onto the back patio. She nearly jumped in surprise when a masculine voice called her name.
“Sorry,” Clark said as he stepped up beside her. Lena hummed her acceptance of the apology but didn’t say a word.
They stood together in silence for a few minutes. If it had been any other time, Lena might have made a joke about a Super and a Luthor but it didn’t feel right with her Super missing. Eventually, Lena can see Clark’s shoulders sag and knows that the silence is about to be broken.
“She was always so much stronger than me.” Clark speaks in a low, haunted voice. “I’ll never be able to thank her for righting my worst wrong.”
There’s a heavy set to his shoulders and a distant glint in his eyes that makes Lena feel foolish for forgetting where all this conflict had started. Lex had killed Kara, but it was Clark that turned Lex into a staunch believer in the superiority of man. It was Clark who faced Lex time and time again. CLark who wasn’t strong enough to deal the blow that would have ended all of this conflict. It was Clark’s weakness that had pushed Kara into that position, and Clark’s cowardice that cost Kara her life.
The urge to hate Clark for his inaction is strong, so strong it makes Lena’s stomach clench and her hands tremble. It would be all too easy to blame Clark for losing Kara, but Lena knows that it wouldn’t be fair to him. There’s plenty of blame to go around but Clark doesn’t truthfully deserve any of it. Lex does. For targeting Kara and dealing the fatal blow, but most of them blame falls on Lena herself. For her own war against Supergirl, for the experiments that gave Lex his powers, for not being strong enough to defeat him on her own.
Kara would still be with them if not for Lena’s failures.
“But there is something I can do for her, if you’re willing to help me.”
It takes a moment for Lena to realize that Clark’s statement had been a request. She looks at him, blinking in askance.
“Follow me,” Clark, in a move that Lena would never have expected to come from him, gently took Lena’s hand into his own and guided her down the porch steps towards the beach. Agreeing to Clark’s request that she wait there for a moment, Lena tries to settle her nerves. When Clark returns, Lena knows that there is nothing she could have done to prepare herself.
Clark touches down gently a few feet away from Lena and in the space between them hovers a sleek, grey pod. The black surface on the outside fades to clear and suddenly Lena can see Kara.
She looks peaceful in death, Lena thinks, like she finally dropped all the weight she had been carrying for so long.
“On Krypton, when a woman died,” Clark swallows roughly. “It was tradition for the oldest female member of the House to speak Rao’s blessing over them.”
Clark meets Lena’s gaze evenly.
“I know that would be Eliza here, or Alura if she had come, but I also know that Kara would have wanted it to be you.”
“Clark,” Lena hesitated, “Kal, I don’t know.”
“I know what you mean to her. Meant.” Even though they had been doing so all day, hearing Kara referred to in the past tense hurt deeply and Lena felt the tears welling for what must have been the thousandth time.
“Okay,” Lena agreed with a shaky nod. Clark handed her a small piece of paper from his pocket and then turned his gaze to the pod containing Kara’s still form.”
“Whenever you’re ready.”
Lena was sure that she would never be ready to say goodbye to Kara but there was no sense in waiting. Voice thick with tears and barely above a whisper, Lena began to read.
“You have been the sun of our lives. Our prayers will be the sun that lights your way on the journey home. We will remember you in every dawn and await the night we join you in the sky. Rao’s will be done.”
They stood there for a moment with only the sound of the waves crashing against the beach breaking the still air. Then, with a heavy breath like he was steeling himself for the hardest moment of his life, Clark lifted the casket into the air with him. A moment later, Kara returned to the stars that had brought her home.
Clark returned to the Danver’s household while Lena remained on the beach by herself. There was a fleeting feeling of Lena wishing she had something to hold on to, a memento of Kara’s. The feeling faded only to be replaced with a much stronger wish to simply have Kara there with her. The feeling was strong that for a moment, Lena felt the soft, familiar warmth of Kara’s hand in her own, their fingers resting together easily. As time stretched on, Lena let herself be lost in the phantom feeling of what could have been, until the sound of a car door closing shattered the dream and brought Lena crashing back to reality.
A reality where Kara was gone.
Suddenly, the beach felt just as stifling as the house had been.
Realizing that her moment with the ghost of Kara’s memory was over, Lena turned to make her way back to the house.
Only Kara’s closest friends remained at the house. Clark, Lois, and Lucy were sitting together on the couch, the two normally argumentative sisters silent in their grief. Barry and Iris were curled together in a chair, Barry staring blankly ahead as Iris watched him in concern. Caitlin and Cisco sat together on the floor in front of Barry and Iris, their shoulders pressed together. Ava sat in the other chair with Sara leaning against her legs, her fingers idly wrapping a strand of Sara’s hair around and around. The other Legends must have gone back to the Waverider. Alex and Eliza sat together on the loveseat and made room between them for Lena.
It was odd, Lena decided as she took the seat provided for her, to be surrounded by so many heroic figures and not feel even the smallest amount of hope. The Kara shaped whole in the arrangement could not be ignored. No one said a word as Lena sat down and the silence was no less disturbing the longer it went on.
“It doesn’t seem right,” Cisco broke the silence with a sad voice. “The most powerful person we know.”
“The bravest and most caring, too,” Barry added just as softly. “She didn’t even ask for help.”
“You were all busy,” Alex shrugged slightly but Lena could see the tension in her jaw. “You all had your own villains to face and lives to live. She wouldn’t have disrupted that.”
“She wouldn’t put all of you in danger like that.” Lena’s voice was hoarse from disuse. Not counting her blessing of Kara at the beach, that was the longest sentence Lena had said in two weeks.
“I did, with the Dominators and Crisis,” Barry’s expression shone with guilt. “She answered every time.”
“She was like Oliver,” Sara said, leaning further into Ava as she spoke. “More of a hero than any of us will ever be.”
“All these powers, even time travel, and we still can’t save everyone.” Iris sighed and dropped her head onto Barry’s shoulder. Barry pressed a kiss against his wife’s forehead.
“We would if we could.” Barry said. “I’d go back in a second if we didn’t have to worry about another Flashpoint. An event like this is too big to go back and change.”
“Flashpoint?” Lena asked curiously. Alex looked at her with the smallest bit of surprise and a hint of question in her eyes.
“One of the first times I travelled back in time on purpose, to save my mom. I ended up changing everything,” Barry explained.
With everyone reluctant to leave, it took little prodding to get Barry to continue elaborating. A conversation about the difficulty of preserving the timeline arose between the members of team Flash and the two remaining Legends in the room. Lena listened with half an ear but her mind was stuck on the comment that had started this conversation.
It didn’t feel right without Kara in the room, not only in the sense that Lena personally felt as though she was missing an essential part of her being, but in the sense that something about all of this was fundamentally wrong. The only thing about Kara’s conflict with Lex was that Lex was gone. It doesn’t make sense for him to have taken Kara out with him, especially not without Kryptonite. Lena remembered the final blow in sharp detail. The beam that had exhausted Kara was golden, not green.
A comment about the natural order of time caught Lena’s attention and she pondered the implications of it. The natural order of time ensured that everyone was at the correct time and place, whenever that happened to be in the linear timeline of their own lives. Barry and the Legends are able to move through time as long as they don’t disrupt the natural time. There were few rules for time travel, but the most important was that one could not be in the exact same place and time as they had been before. A person cannot physically be in one specific time and place more than once.
But, there were ways to send other things through time. The Legends used a ship, and Barry had once sent a message back in time to himself, warning of things to come. The beginnings of an idea began to form in Lena’s mind. Physical time travel was limited, but that didn’t mean that other forms had the same limitations. Unfortunately, Lena was kept from following that rabbit any further down the hole by the group finally breaking apart for the night. Lena forced the questions and ideas from her mind until she returned to National City.
#supercorp#supercorp fanfic#tw: death#but they don't stay dead#time travel#part 1 of ?#i'm not sure how long this will be yet#ambs writes#ambs fics#i think i'm calling this one#make your heart beat better#myhbb#myhbb 1
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indulgence - jjk | m
love of mine, won't you lay by my side and rest your weary eyes before we're out of time? give me one last kiss for soon such distance will stretch between our lips - as much as i ever could, city and colour
↳ summary- Sometimes your boyfriend Jungkook reminds you how much you love him by doing absolutely nothing at all.
↳ rating- explicit / 18+
↳ word count- 3.8k
↳ pairing- jungkook x reader
↳ genre- fluffy smut, smutty fluff, whatever you wanna call it. its got fluff and smut, established relationship
↳ warnings- oral sex (m receiving), penetrative sex, real hot love making, squirting? sure, unprotected sex (condoms are cool use them)
↳ a/n- lindy is in her feels apparently because this was supposed to be hot and kinky and i just made it real romantic but whatever dskgjkg. thanks to @sugarly-laysa for requesting jk smut i hope this is good for you, booboo ily all thanks for reading!! feel free to come chat with me, request smth, tell me how your day is, etc etc etc. enjoy cute babie jk being cute.
You’re not sure why the universe decided you are lucky enough to be the one to love Jeon Jungkook, but as you trudge into your apartment after an inexplicably horrific day at work, you realize you should thank your lucky stars for aligning just right to make him yours.
Jungkook doesn’t realize you’re home. He’s too distracted at the sink, hands soapy as he scrubs at the dishes from the day. He’s wearing those jeans you love, the ones that fit him tightly and show off his perfectly shaped ass and toned thighs. He’s singing off key to his own songs, hips rolling in a minute version of his carefully practiced choreography. He performs for the dishes only, unaware of the audience of one in the doorway.
A smile that hasn’t broken through the cloud of despair all day makes its way on to your lips without you even noticing.
Jungkook is like the lighthouse in the storm. He guides you home and keeps you safe from crashing and burning. His presence brings you safe harbor and you find yourself able to be at peace no matter what, as long as he’s there keeping his light on for you.
You don’t announce your presence. You’re unwilling to end his show too early. He continues scrubbing at pots, often flinging his watery hands around the room as he continues to dance like he’s performing at Seoul Olympic Stadium all over again. Although his movements are jerky and unrefined now in his multitasking and his singing is definitely a pitch or two off, he pours his heart into the private performance.
It makes your heart clench. You love how much he loves his career, his life. He’s grown up in it—it's the only world he knows and yet it still hasn’t tainted him. He grew into a man capable of so much more than just singing and dancing, and you loved watching him blossom with every passing year.
Jungkook has clearly taken care to clean the entire house today. You hadn’t asked him, and truthfully you never needed to. He was as good of a partner as you could get. He never felt you should be responsible for household tasks. He took care of his own things, like a grown man should. He adored it when you helped, washed his clothes for him or cleaned up his mess after a night of gaming, but whatever you gave to him, he did back for you plus some.
As you lean against the wall, staring at the love of your life popstar boyfriend pretending to be a popstar, wooden spoon as microphone and all, you recognize you’re the luckiest girl in Korea. Maybe even the world.
Jungkook is pirouetting around as he hits his high notes of ‘ON’ and shakily ends his solo in a deep lunge. It breaks you from your silent role, a laugh finally making its way out and he snaps his eyes open and blushes.
“Hi,” he says sheepishly. He holds the spoon in both clasped hands, as if to signify he totally wasn’t just singing into it like a microphone.
“Hi,” you reply. Your coat and shoes come off, bag hung on the hook, and you make your way to him.
“You washed the dishes,” you state as you approach. He looks confused for a moment.
“Yeah, I made lunch earlier so I wanted to get them cleaned up.” His confusion is apparent, unable to decipher the look in your eyes.
You’re staring at him with heat, an undeniable hunger. The fact that Jeon Jungkook is yours and is in your kitchen doing his own dishes hits you hard. It soaks you to the core. Maybe it’s the domestic side of you, but you’re absolutely salivating at the thought he cleaned the kitchen and his mess with no problem. He didn’t even do it to impress you, he just did it. And you’re aching for him.
You’re slowly lowering yourself to your knees and Jungkook’s eyes widen.
“Wh-what are you doing? You just got home from work.”
“I’m going to suck your cock.” Your words are simple, and it makes him shiver.
“But why?” The bulge in his pants grows regardless of his suspicion.
Your hands make their way up his solid thighs, muscles rippling under your favorite pair of jeans he owns, until they land at his button and fly.
“Because I really, really, really want to suck your cock until you cum down my throat. Then I might do it again.”
He stifles a groan and nearly drops the wooden makeshift microphone from his grip.
“Not that I’m complainin-ahhh...” he gasps as you pull his pants and underwear down to his knees and his cock springs free. “Shit—I mean I’m down but is there a reason?”
Your hands rub at his thighs once more and you smile sweetly at him.
“Because I am in love with you.”
Jungkook is still confused. You know he wants to ask more, but your hand grips his length and all questions fly out of his mind as fast as they enter.
“Okaaayy,” he sighs.
He wants to tip his head back in bliss as you pump your hand, but he also wants to maintain eye contact with you. How can he not? You’re gazing up at him as if he’s the one responsible for putting all the stars in the sky—like he lit every single one of them for you. The intensity is intoxicating to both of you.
You can’t move your eyes away from him. They trace over the lines of his face, the smoothness of his skin, the way his hair falls onto his forehead with just the perfect swoop. You’re seeing him through fresh eyes for a moment, and it feels like you’re drunk.
“I love you,” you murmur as your lips move closer to him. Jungkook sighs and lets his eyes close for a moment. He can feel the heat of your breath on his tip, you’re sure of that, and as much fun as it is to tease him you can’t bring yourself to do it tonight when you’re so desperate to make him feel good.
“I love you too,” he coos. “Especially when you come home and wanna blow me immediately.” He grins cheekily as he opens his eyes back up and looks at you. Jungkook can’t stay serious in a situation to save his life. Leave it to him to still try to make you smile when you’re about to milk his cock dry with your mouth.
“I should do it more often,” you assess as your tongue flicks out at the head. You let it rub gently at the slit at the top where moisture has accumulated. It tastes salty, it tastes like him.
“You should?” He questions with a hiss at the feel of you. “I mean, yeah, you should.” He corrects himself and bites his lip. Your tongue is still laving at the surface of his head, a sweet torture that makes his knees feel weak.
“You did the dishes,” you repeat as your tongue now slides down his shaft. It follows down the underside, the vein guiding you towards his pelvis and down to his balls. You allow yourself to spend some time there, licking and sucking at them lightly.
“Oh f-fuck,” he gasps. “If this is what I get for doing the dishes, I’ll do them m-more.”
You hum in reply as you suction them into your mouth and swirl them gently. Your hand remains on his thick length, gently pumping and caressing him to keep him stimulated. You can tell he’s losing his mind. He’s been caught off guard and is now getting his cock worshipped by you. You’re still in your work clothes—oxford shirt and tight skirt. It makes Jungkook even harder, if that is possible. He likes the idea that you literally couldn’t wait another second to get his dick in your hot little mouth.
You release him from your mouth and he moans at the feeling of the air on the moistened skin.
“Fuck,” he whines. “You’re so hot.”
You smile up at him again as you kiss his length, punctuating each spot on his dick with a press of your lips. You trail back up to the head where he’s leaked more pre-cum, and you waste no time in wrapping your lips around the tip and suckling lightly.
“Shit!” He yelps at the sudden pleasure. “Oh, my god.”
He’s going to lose the ability to speak coherently, you both know it. He can last until you’re taking him into your throat, then he may as well be speaking a foreign language. You never understand what he’s saying except the occasional gasp of your name. You can’t wait until he gets there tonight. You love sucking him stupid.
Your mouth accepts more of him in, tongue lapping at any surface it can as you pull him in deeper to your mouth. He’s sighing his ‘please’s and ‘thank you’s like a proper gentleman, and one soapy hand comes to rest at your hair. He gently pushes back any bangs or stray sections of hair that threaten to impede your pursuit. He holds your hair back gently and watches you close.
Doe's eyes look back at him and soon you’ve got him buried inside you. Tip to the back of your throat, your nose buried in the light splatters of hair at his base. He is whimpering now, can’t believe a few minutes ago he was washing the dishes and now he’s balls deep in your throat.
“Babe, oh my god,” he’s trying hard not to stutter. He feels like he could cum, but he wants more. He begs his body to behave, to let you have your way with him. “S-so good.”
It pleases you; the approval rolling over your body like fine silk. His voice is shaky and getting close to the sexy, fucked out sound that has you dripping.
You allow him to rest inside your throat for a moment, swallowing around him to allow him the feel of the tightness, before you’re pulling away and starting a pace of bobbing your head up and down on him. You never let your eyes leave his. Even when he’s closing them in pleasure, you maintain constant contact with his.
He looks back down at you and feels his body quake. You look incredible, still all dressed up and made up, red lips wrapped around his cock and bobbing a pace that gets him closer to the edge than he’d like to admit.
His cock feels heavy on your tongue and it’s exhilarating. You almost wish you could be attached to his cock at all times, sucking him until he’s had his fill for a few moments, then returning to the action. You kick yourself for all the times you’ve not been sucking his dick.
Your hand joins in to assist your plight, fist gripping the areas of his cock you cannot reach with your mouth alone and pumping in time with your head bobs. His cock quickly slicks up with your saliva and it’s easy to stroke him with the lubrication.
“Ohhhhh, fuuuu-,” he whines. You smile at yourself. You’ve made it. You’re at the place where Jungkook forgets his native language and begins speaking a new one that only he is capable of translating. He groans out unintelligible syllables, and it makes you go even faster knowing he’s past the point of no return.
“Be-,..” he gasps. “Bayb-... Gonna cum.” He warns. His thighs are quivering and you allow the hand that isn’t stroking his perfect cock to completion to rest on one solid muscle, hoping it will help still the seizing in his legs. You don’t slow down, don’t stop for a single second as you know he’s so near the edge.
You can tell by his facial expressions when he’s about to hit his high. His moans go from loud and echoing around the room to silent, mouth agape in noiseless rapture. His eyes close tight and his body tenses. If he was naked, like he normally is when you’re doing this, you would see his abs tense so hard that a defined six-pack is on display like a little reward for sucking his dick so well. His neck veins become more prominent and you can tell that with just a few more sucks, a little lick here and a nice hard pump there,
He’s cumming. You feel the heat of his seed spill into your mouth and you slow your motions but don’t stop, never stop, as you coax as much of him out as you can. His silence is broken as he groans in time with each pulse of his cock.
It’s a few seconds later when he comes back to reality, when he’s restored with the ability to speak a language you both know.
You pull away from him only when you feel his cock weaken, soften, inside of your mouth. You release him and give him a show of your open mouth and hot white cum loaded on your tongue. Like you want to savor each drop, not let a single drip go uncherished. It’s a fine dessert, you want to appreciate the flavor forever.
The act makes Jungkook groan.
“What the fuck,” he pants. “That was so fucking good.”
You smile and close your mouth, allowing the pooled liquid to slide down your tongue. For the first time that night, you allow yourself to close your eyes and relish. It’s a familiar taste, the flavor of Jeon Jungkook that is incredibly addictive. It tastes like home. It tastes like love. A high rushes through your veins, more powerful than any drug, of that you’re certain. You feel drunk and euphoric.
He notices this and smiles at you. His cock is still out, hanging out of his jeans awkwardly, but neither of you care. He cups a hand on the side of your face and lets his thumb stroke your cheek gently.
“You’re so good to me,” he whispers. You open your eyes now, level them to look at the man above you. He holds your face delicately and the penetrating stare he returns is adoring. You are his prized possession—in his eyes you are appraised higher than any of the glittering gold awards lining your shelves.
“I love you,” he states. “Not just because you sucked the life out of me.”
There it is again, his cheeky jesting that captured you in the first place. You slip a laugh from your lips as your hands unbutton your top. You’re staring at each other and intention is written in the gaze. He never wavers from your watch. He doesn’t move his glance elsewhere as your top falls to the floor and your bra soon joins it. He’s maintaining his firm sight as you slip the skirt off.
Jungkook pushes the jeans to the floor and steps out of them. There’s no talking, no dialogue. No dirty talk, no kinky banter. His plain shirt joins the rest of the discarded clothing items and he stalks to you and lays you down on the hardwood floor of your kitchen.
It’s so heated, the surrounding energy, that it warms your skin in the otherwise cool air. Jungkook radiates so much it’s palpable. He presses his lips to yours and kisses you deeply, tongue immediately sliding inside as he’s desperate to taste himself on you, to solidify the notion you are his and he is inside you, both physically and metaphorically.
His hand runs down your body as you kiss and suck at each other's lips. It’s like kissing him for the first time all over again the way your body reacts. Your veins feel as if they’ve been dipped into lava, it boils through your entire body and threatens to melt your core. His fingers rub at your breasts for a moment. He’d ordinarily spend time on them, but tonight is different. Tonight there is one mission between the two of you, and that is to have him buried inside your tiny cunt as soon as he can.
The hand slips further. It caresses the smooth skin of your stomach and slowly sweeps down to your core where he feels the full extent of your love, of your arousal. You’re drenched and have been since you first spotted him with his hands deep in soapy water and his own lyrics belting out of his mouth. He doesn’t bother with foreplay—there’s no need tonight. He’s sure he’ll be able to slip inside you with ease. He allows a finger to run over your clit and gather up wetness there, before he drags it up and pulls away from your lips to lick your taste into his mouth. It’s only fair he has you inside as you do him.
The act has you gasping for air, lungs feeling as if you’re breathing underwater.
He lines his cock up easily, finding it as if it’s magnetized to point to the true north of your center.
His lips press against yours again as he pushes into you. The stretch burns, matching the burning of the blood and the heat on your skin. The feeling of him stretching you and filling you make you feel whole and complete. You love the way his head nudges at your cervix, the way it kisses the tip with each thrust.
Jungkook sighs happily as he sinks in to the hilt. You’re replying with your own assortment of moans and praises, kissing his lips hungrily as he starts movement between your hips. His pace is slow and gentle. He pulls out nearly all the way before he spears himself in again. He keeps his eyes on yours, watches the way your plump lips still covered in red lipstick opens and closes in awe and in fulfillment. You’re boring into his own gaze, attempting to convey just how right he feels, how you’ve never felt an intense love-making as the one you’re engaged in now on the hardwood of your kitchen.
You’re tight around him and he’s sure he’s close to the edge again. He feels your channel tighten with each thrust in and it encourages him to ever so gently increase his speed until the sound of skin slapping is timing out a pace like a metronome. He indulges in the feeling of your silken walls and the way it slicks up his cock and pulls him back in tight, desperately.
He lets a hand run back down you, meets your joined centers at the hood of your clit where he rubs circles around the nub. It hits you hard as he murmurs his love and affection for you. He whispers his devotion to you, to your body and soul, to your cunt. He tells you he never wants to pull out of you, wishes he could bury himself inside the wet heat of your pussy for eternity. He’s never felt like this before, and he lets you know with each thrust of his hips, each roll of your clit around his finger.
Your orgasm is approaching, you feel it not just in your core but nearly to your very bones. It’s slithering its way up and wraps around your body, threatening to take over at any moment's notice. You notice your words have run dry, that the sounds leaving you are as unintelligible as his and you realize you’re not so different. He’s fucking you stupid and you feel it.
“C-cumming!” You whine as your thighs tighten. He powers through and continues his motions.
“Cum for me,” he whispers. “Cum, my love. I love making you cum.”
He doesn’t want to be dirty, doesn’t want to make you think of whips or chains that are fun on other nights right now. He wants you to think of him. Only him and the way the simple act of him being inside you and loving you has you coming completely undone. You need no more, your body listens to Jungkook’s coaxing and releases you completely. It hits like a hurricane and makes your body shake. You feel wetness flooding your legs and if you were conscious enough, you’d recognize you’re quite literally squirting, but all you can feel is hot, white, deeply rooted pleasure that has you screaming and your body singing.
Jungkook loses it as you soak his cock. His body reacts to the knowledge he just made you squirt all over his dick from his slow and methodical pace, and he’s losing himself inside you. His cock pulses with the intensity of his orgasm, as if it hadn’t just been given one earlier that rocked him entirely. He pumps himself into you and stills as he feels himself finally stop filling you. He doesn’t leave, still desires the ability to remain inside you all day, every day.
He kisses you again. You’re panting and slick and wet and realizing now that you’ve just creamed yourself and your boyfriend on the floor of your kitchen, but when he kisses you, it doesn’t matter. You don’t care as he presses his chest into yours and kisses you so hard he forgets to breathe, forgets he needs anything at all other than you. His body reminds him of his mortality and he pulls away, cum slicked hand coming up to move your sweaty hair from your face.
There’s no talking. There isn’t a need. You exchange enough between each other with the passion in your eyes and the softness in your grasp.
He holds you like he’s afraid to lose you and he lays himself down on the floor beside you, cock still resting inside your warmth. He strokes his hand through your hair and down your back and over the hills and valleys of your curves. He sketches into your skin his love by the graze of his fingers and sucks your lips to his to embrace you fully. He loves you. You love him. You both have never felt a love like this, one that encompasses you completely and shelters you from anything else.
Jungkook, always unable to maintain a sense of decorum, idly thinks he should wash the dishes more often.
© ppersonna - 2020 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
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harry potter x fem!reader
warnings: ⚠️tw⚠️ suicide, substance abuse, blood, suicidal thoughts, alcohol, depression, anxiety, breakdowns, kissing, overall pure angst with a fluffy ending.
currently unedited please excuse grammatical mistakes
summary: A summer changes the girl harry potter fell in love with, leaving her with more pain than she’d ever admit.
a/n: there are many things in here that may be triggering, please consider the warnings before reading.
word count: 6k (writing this really helped get my feelings out)
taglist: @oldschoolkiddo
please message me to be added to my taglist
enjoy <3
Rushing down the Hogwarts halls, bags slung over your shoulder and sun shining through the windows, you scour the crowds of students leaving Hogwarts for summer vacation, trying to pick a familiar brunette with green eyes.
Rounding the corner, you spot three gryffindors chatting by a stone pillar and run towards them, crashing into one of the boy’s backs.
“Guess who?” You giggle, feeling Harry’s chest vibrate as he chuckles.
“Hm, I don’t know, is it Hagrid?” He teases, running his chin as Hermione grins. “Nope.” You laugh, popping the ‘p’
“Is it Dumbledore?” Harry tries again, placing his hand over yours and stroking his thumb over your fingers. “Afraid not lightning.”
“Well then, perhaps is it y/n?” Harry turns, wrapping you in his arms as you laugh and hug him back.
“Are you guys ready for summer?” You ask, glancing around at Hermione and Ron before glancing back at Harry.
They all bore similar expressions, small smiles with a ‘maybe’ face. You roll your eyes.
“Don’t tell me you’re off to save the world over summer too.” You sigh, releasing yourself from Harry’s arms and walking to Ron to give him a hug.
“We won’t get in too much trouble.” Ron chuckles, patting you on the back and letting you walk over to Hermione.
“We just never know at this point.” She shrugs, squeezing you tightly.
“Well I’ll meet you guys on the train!” You smile.
The ride back to your platform was as it always was, the trees whipped by and swayed. The sky was lined with puffy white clouds. The snack trolley passed and you bought yourself a chocolate frog and some ‘every flavour’ beans to share with your mom when you got home, a tradition as they were her favourite, and because she needed a little happiness with you off at school and your father gone.
Sitting back and sighing. The golden trio finally arrived at your cabin and told you about their summer plans. Hermione was travelling, Ron was staying home and Harry was staying with the Dursley’s until he could ‘find a reason to escape to the Weasley’s’ as he put it.
The train arrives at your stop and you grab your bags to leave.
“Write to me if you can, all of you, and I’ll see you next year.” You smile, walking back over to Harry and planting a quick kiss to his cheek, ruffling Ron’s hair and kissing Hermione’s forehead.
“Bye y/n!” Ron and Hermione chime.
“Bye thunder!” Harry calls as you turn again and wave. “Bye lightning, bye guys!” You smile, rushing off to the train.
“So you finally told her?” Ron chuckles, patting Harry on the back.
“What are you talking about?” Harry asks furrowing his eyebrows.
“We know you like her mate, and she just kissed you on the cheek!” Ron continues.
“W-Well maybe I do fancy her, but she gave Mione a kiss too!” Harry stammers, his face going as red as his uniform.
“That was platonic Harry, we can tell she likes you, lightning.” Hermione teases using your nickname for him.
“Listen, I don’t want to jump to conclusions and creep y/n out. She’s an amazing friend and I’d like it to stay that way.” Harry smiles, looking off into the distance to see you still walking away.
“Even if she does like you back?” Ron questions.
“Well you don’t know if she does.” Harry sighs, rolling his eyes.
Your eyes scan the station for your mother, swiveling your head back and forth to find her but only seeing other families being reunited with their children.
Pursing your lips you sigh and wait for a moment. Hoping and praying that this year would be different, and your mother would come running to you with open arms. Seconds fade to minutes, and soon the station is almost empty as excited parents rush home to hear about Hogwarts adventures.
You pull your luggage behind you as you walk to the front of the station and hail a muggle cab, leaning your head against the cool window as the pink skies shine above you, the driver makes no move for conversation, so your drive is silent, and when you finally reach your old house, you hand the man driving the rest of your muggle allowance and nod him goodbye.
Your house was looking as quiet and calm as you had left it.
The flowers you had planted last summer had wilted, the porch sat empty and the stairs still creaked as you approached the door. Home.
You smile as you turn your key in the lock and push open the door, setting your bags on the floor as you set out, candy in hand in search of your mother. The kitchen sat empty with only the soft hum of the refrigerator suggesting someone still lived here. The living room was empty, the old leather couch seemed to be collecting dust and the tv looked like an ancient artifact with the cobwebs strung on the sides. As you ascend the stairs to the second floor, you notice the blinds to every window suspiciously closed. Odd, your mother usually enjoyed watching the sunset.
The floorboards beneath you give high pitched creaks as you walk across the hallways, something you had always despised, especially as a child trying to sneak sweets in the early hours.
Pushing open your mothers bedroom, your eyebrows furrow as her bed laid neatly made, with not a thing out of place. The usual mess of pill bottles and plastic bottles had been cleaned, the pile of clothes had disappeared and she was still nowhere to be found. A sense of dread bubbles in the pit of your stomach as you push on, checking her closet and even your own room for your mom, but nothing.
You turn around with a plan to head to town and see if she was visiting the pharmacy for her pills again, or maybe the grocery store, heck, maybe she had stopped at the corner store for cigarettes again. You turn to shrug on a jacket and leave, but as you reach for the front door knob again, your head snaps up and your blood runs cold.
“No, no, no. Please no.” You repeat to yourself, running up the stairs with tears in your eyes and you approach the one room you had yet to check. The one place your head told you she was, but your heart refused to believe. There was no way it could be true. She’d be opening the door right now, the sound of keys clattering on the table in the kitchen would alert you she was there. She’d say, “I’m sorry I couldn’t pick you up, work was awful today.” And she’d proceed to pull out her groceries so you could prepare your favourite meal together, after dinner you would sit on the couch and you’d tell her all about your school girl crush on Harry Potter and she’d tease you as she popped a jelly bean into her mouth and give you the best motherly advice you could ask for. You pause at the closed door and pause, waiting for the door to open, waiting for the sound of footsteps, even the sound of breathing, anything.
You’re met with silence, and in the exact two hundred and sixteen seconds you stood outside the bathroom door, tears began to cloud your vision as you finally opened the door, counting another ten seconds before opening your eyes.
The first thing you saw was your mother, eyes closed and face unusually pale as she lay in the bathtub, and for a moment, you almost convinced yourself she had fallen asleep.
That is until your eyes trailed down her body, and where the water turned red. You drop the jellybeans and everything goes blurry.
“No…” You whimper incredulously, not realizing you had fallen to your knees until the pain in your legs registered and your eyes flooded. Her skin was littered with scars, ones she obtained from her job, harmless ones that healed with time. Beside them were what you cried for. Large, angry gashes that covered her wrists and stole the life from her.
Your face contorts into a hateful cry as you scream, pain flooding your entire being as the metallic sting of blood floods your nose and you gag.
Words seem to blur together, a mixture of ‘why’ and ‘come back, please.’ Seemed to be the only ones that came out coherently as you collapse and slam your fists repeatedly against the floor.
“Mommy, why did you do this? Why did you leave me?” You sob softly, hesitantly touching her face, ice cold to the touch, a quick check of her pulse showed she was gone, but you could tell from the colour still draining from her face that this was recent. Another choked sob escapes your lips as you turn away from her and spot something sitting on the bathroom sink. A letter.
You scramble to grab it and tear it open.
Y/n, if you’re reading this, you’ve gotten home safely and seen me by now. Please know this isn’t your fault love, I just couldn’t bear this anymore. You know that ever since your father left I’ve struggled, you were the only reason I still wanted to stay alive baby, but it’s too much. Everyday I wake up and I have no reason to stay. I was fired not too long ago, lost all my friends to my absence, and lost everything.
Please forgive me. I love you so much, angel, and I’m so so proud of you, I’m resting now baby. I’m finally free.
The paper starts to crinkle as your hands tighten to fists, your tears spill like rivers down your face and your breathing grows rapid as your head falls into your hands.
“P-Please don’t go… You’re all I have, I-I can’t lose you.” You sob, pushing her hair back against her forehead in the soothing manner she had always done for you.
“Please, please, please. I can’t lose you mom… I-I still haven’t told you about this boy at school, t-the test I aced in potions even though professor Snape hates me, all the house points I got, mom there's still so much I have to tell you…” You sniffle, pressing a kiss to her head as you sit back on your heels and push the tears from your eyes to no avail.
“I got your-your every flavoured beans mom, I was hoping we could share them as I told you, maybe I would get an earwax one and you would laugh.” You stutter as the tears flood your eyes again. “I miss your laugh so much mom, please, can I hear it one more time.” You beg, refusing to move from your spot on the floor next to your mother, holding her head in your arms as you begged and prayed for her to come back, going as far as to try and perform magic to heal her wounds and bring her back.
But even magic couldn’t bring her back, and she’d want more for you than to be expelled for uselessly trying to save her.
Eventually the metallic scent became more than you could bear, you pushed yourself away, swallowing your sobs and closing the door behind you. You had no clue what you were going to do with her, but that would be a problem you’d face another day. Your breathing began to race, your heart pounded a million miles a second and the overwhelming feeling of being trapped settled around you, squeezing you into a box you could not escape from, pushing from all sides until you were clawing at yourself to escape your imagined prison.
It was too much. You run down the hallway to your mother’s room and collapse in front of her cabinet, trembling as you tug open the bottom drawer and grab a small cylindrical container with her name on it.
You knew this was a terrible idea, these were strong muggle painkillers meant to help a grown adult, not a teen.
But the looming dread was too much to ignore, too much to bear, too much to even think about. Your mother’s lifeless body flashed through your head, painfully embedding itself into every inch of your memory until it burned.
You pour an unknown amount into your hand and throw them into your mouth, swallowing them dry and collapsing onto the floor in a fit of anger at your actions and pain. Pain so blinding it swallowed your rage, filling your entire being with a convulsing sadness, and as the meds began to kick in, an artificial peace.
New sunlight shines through the closed blinds onto your closed eyes and you finally stir, sitting upright holding your head in your hands, clueless for a moment what you were doing on the floor. Scanning the room, the burning memory hits you like a punch to the face and you freeze, resisting the urge to empty whatever sat in your stomach onto the floor.
“What am i going to do?” You murmur to yourself, glancing around helplessly for something, someone to hold on too, but alas, you sit alone, clutching a pill bottle in your hands.
You eventually snapped to your senses, called a muggle ambulance to help you get your mother out of the tub and before you knew it, you were standing in a flowerless field as two workers lowered your mother into the ground. They offered you condolences and convincing frowns, but to them this was just another job. One more person laid to rest, no care to know what tragic story was buried in the heart of the one person standing at the funeral.
They left without a word you stood at the headstone, engraving the image into your mind.
‘m/n l/n, finally at peace.’
You convinced yourself reading those carved words would have your feelings set in stone. She was at peace now, finally free from her suffering. But it wasn’t that simple, how could it be?
The last family you had ever known was gone, ripped from your arms and held so far above you, there was no possible way you could reach her.
You trudged back home with a permanent feeling of dread looming over you, again your heart begged to have the pain lifted, even for a moment, just to feel alright. And there was only one way you could think of.
“This always helped take the edge off her…” You murmur, digging through your mother’s drawer again to find an untouched box of cigarettes sitting at the bottom.
“This will help…” You convince yourself, taking the box and standing again, slowly trudging out the front door and sitting on the front porch.
“Everything’s gonna be okay.” You murmur lifting a cigarette to your lips and lighting it like you’d seen your mother do many times before.
Inhaling deeply, you barely flinch as the smooth taste of smoke coats your throat. You exhale as you look up into the sky and sigh, it was going to be a long summer.
It almost became an immediate response for stress to pull a cigarette from your pocket and stick it in your mouth, you didn’t particularly enjoy it, but in a twisted way, the smell reminded you of your mother, and you clutched onto anything that reminded you of her.
When you didn’t have cigarettes you turned to alcohol, your mother hadn’t been much of a drinker, but gifts of different drinks were common when her friends came over were common, and they sat untouched in a cabinet in the basement.
The taste of many of them were bitter, but if you drank enough the taste simply didn’t matter and the buzz took over.
Letters from your friends slowly piled on your window as owls came and went as you threw back fire whiskey and stared into space talking to yourself and shooing away the owls who stared at you strangely before flapping away.
When you weren’t at home you went into the small town nearby and bought anything advertised to take the pain away, no one seemed to pay you any mind, many seemed to be going through it as well, to caught up in their own realities to give a shit about a girl buying sleep medication and painkillers, no matter how strong.
You dove deeper into your pain, taking something every night to lull away the nightmares and ignore the pain. Drinking and smoking in the day to cover the tears and help you forget for a couple hours.
Some days were better than others, when you could just sit outside and enjoy the fresh summer air, but others your anxiety caged you up and you did anything to escape.
One late August afternoon a snowy white owl lands beside you on your front porch as you twiddle your thumbs and hum softly.
It drops the letter directly onto your lap and waits staring up at you expectantly as if asking you to open the envelope and read it to them.
“Alright, I get the message.” You yawn, sitting up and ripping the paper off the top of the letter and pulling a piece of parchment into your hand.
You clear your throat and begin, “dear y/n..
I hope you’re doing well, you haven’t responded to any of my letters yet and I’ve been very worried, Ron and Hermione have told me you haven’t been answering them either and we’re all hoping you’re safe. School’s starting up again and I’m looking forward to seeing you, take care.
Harry Potter.”
The owl looks at you again, and you wondered if it actually thought you were going to respond.
“Sorry pal, I’m not writing anything back. Here, for your troubles.” You nod, placing three knuts in front of the bird. The snowy owl looked down at the money oddly before ruffling his feathers and flying away, leaving you alone once again.
“Harry.” You sigh, sipping on a glass of water. You had completely forgotten you had promised to write to your friends over the summer, almost forgotten your life completely as you tried to focus on keeping yourself alive.
“What the fuck am I going to do?” You sigh, setting down your cup and resting your head against your knees.
Summer blew by much faster once you realized how close the first day back really was, but there you were standing in the empty street hailing a cab to travel back to your station.
You pull your sweater closer to you as your leg shakes furiously and your breathing grows rapidly blowing through every possible bad scenario that crosses your mind. The disappointed faces of your old friends, laughter, teasing, each thought clouds your thoughts. A cold sweat breaks out and you can almost feel yourself slipping when a voice pulls you out.
“Um, miss? We’re here.” The cab driver says, glancing back at you worried.
“O-Oh, thank you.” You clear your throat, handing him his payment and stepping out of the car and grabbing your suitcase.
Taking a deep breath you wipe the sweat from your forehead and walk to the magical platform, bracing yourself as always before stepping through the brick border.
Loud and bustling, you quietly walk towards the Hogwarts Express, but instead of walking to your usual compartment where you knew the golden trio would be sitting you strode all the way down to the back of the train and sat in an empty seat.
Glancing around, you make sure the coast is clear before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, instantly feeling a rush of relief as you take a deep breath in and out.
You watched as the trees disappeared behind the window and the sky shone above, but it didn’t feel right. You didn’t get the usual rush of excitement and joy, in fact you almost felt worse the closer you got to Hogwarts. You close the blinds hurriedly and sit back in your seat.
“No I-I’m sure I saw her come this way.” A voice calls out not too far from you.
“Harry, We’ve been down this way three times already!”
“Fuck.” You whisper, pulling the hood of your sweater over your head and keeping your eyes trained on the floor.
“Mate we gotta get changed into our uniforms, we’ll see her at the feast.” Ron sighs, probably pulling Harry away as their voices fade away and you’re left alone again.
You curse yourself for hiding. Why were you hiding from the people you loved? What were you so afraid of?
The answer lay plain as day, no matter how hard you tried to ignore it.
You were afraid of them seeing you like this. Broken down, exhausted, and with a cigarette sticking past your lip.
That did remind you, your uniform.
Covering the compartment windows with your jacket, you quickly swap your hoodie for your collared shirt and a tie. Running a brush through your hair you menatlly prepare yourself to re-enter your life, a life that no longer seemed like yours. Stepping off the Hogwarts express, it felt like you were seeing your past life, a flash of familiarity you no longer knew, a warmth you could recognize that was no longer for you.
You recoil softly at the shiver running down your spine, but push forwards, walking along surrounded by the sea of students.
Reaching where the carriages usually were, you look up expecting the usual strangeness of being pulled by an invisible force, but stumble backwards at the sight of a dark, nightmarish horse standing before you.
It’s eyes seemed to narrow, glaring daggers at you that seemed to pierce your very soul. You quickly climb into a carriage with some random students and stare out the windows the entire ride.
Their quiet chatter is drowned out by your thoughts, coming up with a way to avoid the golden trio at all cost seemed to be a top priority, followed by the need to down some firewhisky to get your mind off everything.
You kept repeating to yourself everything would be okay, just make it up the stairs, around the pillars, dodge anyone that seemed to be walking in your direction and hurry up to your dormitory. Collapsing into the bed that was now called yours you sigh and bunch the blankets into your fists and breathe properly for the first time since you left your house. Your roommates had yet to show and you were grateful for the alone time. Your hands finally stopped shaking, your sweat finally stopped and your breathing evened. You finally work up the strength to unzip your suitcase and pull the small container of firewhiskey you had brought out of your bag. You unscrew it and take a small sip, allowing the burning liquid to slowly take your edge off and calm you down. You sat for a moment nursing the bottle against your lips, contemplating whether or not it would be smart to go down to the great hall for the feast. You were starving and needed food, but you couldn’t face anyone in this state. Glancing at your faint reflection on the window you swallow at the unfamiliarity of the person staring back at you. Where had the happy girl you once were gone? And who was the stranger you were looking at? Your summer had been restless and difficult, of course. But had it really been enough to shake you to the point you didn’t recognize yourself?
What a stupid question. You almost laugh to yourself, tilting your head back again and drinking a little more. Drinking was supposed to take your mind off your situation, not have you overthink even more.
After a while of sitting and glaring out the window you finally pick yourself up, tuck away your firewhiskey and straighten your uniform. You make your way down towards the great hall, walking slowly down the halls you used to run through. Staring in boredom at the carvings and paintings on the wall you used to admire with awe. Keeping your mouth shut when you used to laugh down these corridors.
Finally reaching the great hall the sorting ceremony was still in full swing, playing as a distraction while you slipped to your table.
You sit and nod hello to the students surrounding you, giving them empty excuses on why you were late, and half-heartedly listening to their stories.
Your only thought at the moment was to eat and keep your head down, become invisible if you must.
Harry glances around the great hall anxiously looking for your face. He had barely touched his food, hardly clapped at the new students being sorted into their houses, barely talked to Hermione and Ron as they watched Harry worriedly.
Harry had only one thought on his mind, find you. See if you were alright, hug you in his arms and tell you he missed you, ask you about your summer and ask you to Hogsmeade like he was too afraid to last year. He had so much planned, all he was missing was you.
Just as Ron opens his mouth to tell Harry to quit for a moment and just eat, he catches sight of familiar h/c hair. Longer than he remembered, but no doubtebly yours. Standing in a hurry Harry runs off leaving Ron and Hermione confused, glancing over to see where the brunette had run off to.
Your head snaps up as you hear footsteps approach you and just in time you see Harry running towards you. His green eyes were alight in joy. His tousled brown hair was shorter and he looked older, more mature. Your heart drops as you frantically try and hide your face. He couldn’t see you like this, what on earth would he think?
“Y/n, there you are I’ve been looking for you!”
Bloody hell, his voice had gotten deeper too. Still holding that boyish grin that you loved so much.
“Y/n? A-Are you okay?”
Go away. You pleaded in your head, refusing to look up into the green eyes you’d fallen for.
Harry refuses to give up and attempts to reach out and take your hand.
His skin makes contact with yours and you flinch away, finally giving in and removing your hands from your face.
“What do you want?” You snap unintentionally, cringing inwardly at what you had just done.
“I-I just wanted to say hi-- are you alright?-” Harry asks furrowing his eyebrows, was that firewhiskey he smelled on your breath?
“I’m fine, could you please leave me alone?” Your voice is softly this time, but still with a cold edge.
Harry’s eyes blink in confusion, as he glances around and open and closes his mouth like a fish out of water. This was not the reunion he was expecting, heck this didn’t seem like you at all. Regardless, he nods and slowly walks away, looking back every now and again to see you holding your head in your hands and eventually standing and leaving in a huff, were those tears he saw streaming down your eyes?
“Did you find her mate?” Ron asks as Harry takes a seat.
“Yeah-yeah. Listen, something's wrong.” Harry states, explaining the confrontation he had with you. Slowly the two other gryffindors expressions fade to concern as well.
“And you’re sure it was firewhiskey?” Hermione questions, pursing her lips.
“I’m afraid so, I-I don’t know what to do.” Harry sighs defeated.
“Give her some time, perhaps she just had a bad day?” Ron suggests.
“Sounds more like a horrible summer.” Hermione sighs, worried for her friend.
“I’m gonna go look for her, I don’t want her alone at a time like now.” Harry nods, not waiting for his friend’s reactions before running off to find you.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid!” You curse yourself, unsure where you were running too. You simply follow your feets as you angrily wipe tears from your eyes and cry in the empty hallways. As you run the image of Harry’s shocked face plays over and over again in your head, taunting you, trying to prove to you what kind of person you had become. Your feet lead you down another corridor and before you know it you’re climbing up a flight of stairs and fighting for breath while digging your fingers into your hands to keep yourself from sobbing to loudly. You had let him down. You had let everyone you love down, you let your mother down, you let yourself down. Maybe if you had spent more time at home your mother would have found a reason to stay, if you just didn’t go to the magic school and stayed with her she’d be alive and there to guide you. You miss her so much everyday. You collapse onto the cool ground of what must have been the astronomy tower you glance down at your hands and realize you’ve been squeezing too tight and hot blood is beginning to flow down your palm. You gag as the sight brings you back to the beginning of the summer. The start of your hell. Instinctively you pull a cigarette from your pocket and bring it to your lips, lighting it and before you know what you’re doing, walking to the edge of the tower.
There wasn’t anything left for you here. Your mother was gone, you had successfully avoided your friends and the person you loved had seen you for who you truly were. You were ready, and you couldn’t think of any place you’d rather go then your favourite place at Hogwarts.
The place you’d spent so many nights gazing at the stars. The place you’d realized you had fallen in love, looking into the green eyes of Harry Potter while watching the planets shine above you and the stars twinkle.
Harry, the person you were so excited to tell your mother about. The boy who made you smile and laugh every day you were with him. You would miss him. Miss his smile, his tousled hair you loved to play with, miss his voice.
As you take one final drag from your cigarette, your feet just over the edge, you look up towards the sky. You see the moon shining, the trees swaying in the distance, nature in all it’s peace, calling to you.
A feeling like your mother’s arms wraps around you, and for a moment you can see her, feel her. “I’m coming mom, we’ll be together soon.”
Taking a step forward you look down at the ground, almost smiling softly before looking back up at the sky, where you’d join your mom and--
“Y/n!” A pair of real arms wrap around you and pull you away from the edge. Squeezing you against their chest and sobbing into your hair.
Why were they crying? Why weren’t you with your mother yet…?
“Y/n what are you doing?”
Harry. You realize, and as he raises his head and you come eye to eye, you see his eyes clouding with hot tears behind his glasses. You lift your hand and wipe them.
“Why are you crying?” You ask, dropping your hand again and realizing you had accidentally smeared blood on his face.
“I-I could have lost you! What were you doing so close to the edge?” Harry asks, pleading for answers as he holds you close against him.
“Isn’t it obvious?” You smile as though he had just asked the silliest thing.
“There’s nothing left here for me. My mother’s gone, she killed herself when I got home for summer. My dad left us when I was just a baby. I’ve managed to get Ron and Hermione to stop worrying and you’ll never like me back.” You sigh, looking down at your hands and reaching into your pocket again.
“What? Y/n, I-I’m so sorry.” Harry murmurs, placing his forehead against yours as you raise a cigarette to your lips.
“S’ alright.”
Harry’s eyes widen and he slaps the cigarette from your lips.
“You’re drinking and smoking?” He shouts.
“I’ve got painkillers and sleep medication too, anything that’ll get my mind off things.” You shrug, struggling in Harry’s arms as you try and escape.
“Y/n, these things are going to kill you!”
“Good! Maybe I want to die Harry! Maybe I can’t take being alone anymore, and maybe I know these things will kill me so I use them. I want to see her again Harry! I want to not be alone, I want to erase everything I saw, I want to be me again.” You cry, lifting your hands to your face and using your bloody hands to wipe your tears away.
“But I can’t! I still go back to smoking, drinking, using pills to take the pain away and I still. Can’t. Forget!” You continue, bawling into Harry’s shoulder as he holds you.
“I don’t want to do this anymore. I can’t do this anymore.” You shriek, trying again to escape Harry’s grip, but he refuses to let go.
“Darling look at me.”
You don’t stop.
“Please Y/n, just look at me.” Hary pleads again.
When you don’t stop this time, he finally gives in and leans towards you. Ignoring the blood, tears and taste of smoke, to press his lips to yours.
You freeze and Harry keeps himself there. Waiting for your breathing to even out and your heartbeat to stop racing.
Your eyes close and you pause as Harry finally pulls away and takes your face into his hands.
“Y/n, you mother wouldn’t have wanted her daughter to go like this. She would’ve wanted you to be happy and live the life she never had. Darling, from the way you’d always talk about her I know she loves you very much, she doesn’t want you to die.” Harry murmurs pressing a kiss to your eyes and nose.
“Ron and Hermione were worried about you y/n, they just respect your privacy and didn’t want to intrude.” He continues drying you tears with his thumb and peppering kisses down your cheeks.
“They love and care for you so much love. They don’t want you to die.”
Harry pauses for a moment and lifts your lips to his, this time deepening the kiss and moving your lips in sync with his.
“And I… I’m in love with you y/n. I wish I’d had the guts to tell you sooner but I was always too nervous.”
“But look at me now Harry. I’m a mess. I-I’m not the same person.” You murmur, trying to avoid his intense gaze.
“Y/n nothing could ever change the fact I love you. You lost your mother, you can’t expect yourself to just be alright.” Harry sighs.
“I still get nightmares about my parents, I see them collapse and have the life drained from them in mere moments.”
“Y/n after everything, you’re my light. You’re what keeps me motivated everyday to keep going. And I’m not going to let my light die if I could have stopped it.”
You pause and choke back a sob as you glance up into Harry’s eyes and once again melt into the soft green.
“I’m here for you darling, always and forever, whenever you need me, whatever you need, we’ll support each other.” Harry smiles.
This time you engage the kiss, grateful as you relish in the pure moment of happiness.
“Thank you Harry.” You smile weakly.
“Now why don’t you tell me about your mom?” Harry suggests, sitting you down and pulling his wand out of his pocket.
As you ramble on about childhood stories, funny jokes and happy memories Harry smiles and listens, healing your hands and holding them in his.
You spend the rest of the evening laying against his shoulder and gazing up at the stars. Harry places kisses against your head, cheeks and nose every now and again, and even though you knew there was still a long road to walk before you could truly say you felt change, you smiled a little and realized.
Nature wasn’t calling you join it, it was reminding you of the beauty you would be missing. The stars weren’t inviting you up, they were shining to show all the wonders you loved.
And your mother wasn’t embracing you from afar to push you forwards, she was edging you back. Back into Harry’s arms.
#harry potter x reader#harry potter angst#harry potter imagine#harry potter#harry potter x you#harry potter x y/n#angst
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Jaune’s Father: “Walk the walk Jaune and talking the talk will come natural”
Jaune: *Stunned by Pyrrha kissing him*
Pyrrha: *About to shove Jaune in the rocket locker*
Jaune: *Feels Pyrrha’s hands on his chest, misinterprets and shoves his tongue down Pyrrha’s throat*
Pyrrha: *Eyes open in shock* MMMMPPPHHH!!!!! *Flustered by her naughtiest dreams coming true*
Jaune: *Enjoying the kiss, grabs and squeezes Pyrrha’s asscheeks*
Pyrrha: *Squeals, tries to push Jaune off*
Jaune: *Thinking Pyrrha’s about to push him into the locker and run off to die, panics*
Pyrrha: *Pyrrha’s brain shuts down as Jaune’s thigh rubs against her core, loses the ability to stand upright*
Jaune: *Spins, pushes a dazed Pyrrha in the locker and sets it off*
Pyrrha: *Already three hundred feet from Jaune* W-what, no! No! NOOOO!!! *Incredibly angry* Gosh flipping darnit girl, you l-let him get you all riled up and now he’s going to get himself killed!
Jaune: *In an elevator* This is officially the stupidest idea you’ve ever had! Even worse than the stuff with Cardin, worse than the Deathstalker, worse than the time you took the blame for Coral breaking the window and somehow, someway, worse than the time you let Saphron put you in a dress, do your makeup and practice kissing a ‘girl’!
Elevator: *Shakes ominously*
Jaune: *Pale* I mean you just had your first real kiss with a girl, you felt her ass up and holy gods does Pyrrha have a nice, tight, big one, you’re still hard as diamonds and instead of running from the school that literally had a hole burnt through it by some kind of fucking firebreathing Grimm abomination, you go in! *Elevator goes into freefall*
Elevator: *Jaune’s screams replace screeching metal, crashes*
Jaune: *Climbs out, unharmed but aura has shattered* There’s got to be a limit, Jaune! Sure I turned Pyrrha to putty in my hands but that should not translate into running headfirst into certain death! Stupid Dad and his stupid advice! *Is hit in the head by a cane* Fucking ow! What the shit!?
*Witnesses Ozpin firing a gout of emerald fire that clashes with two huge streams of fire from the hot Haven girls hands*
Jaune: Oh what the fuck. And here I thought walking the walk was gonna be cool. Stupid Pyrrha. *Ducks underneath a scintillating jade orb thrown by Ozpin which vaporizes the elevator leaving nothing behind, in a falsetto* ‘Oh I’ll just kiss him and he’ll be so surprised and then I’ll shove him in a locker and go do something that’ll probably get myself killed. Teehee!’ *Breathes out* Not that I’m doing any better. The hot but apparently crazy Haven chick can fucking fly and - is that a tornado, ohhhh I’m gonna die - and Ozpin’s...
*Sees Amber*
Jaune: Is going to go to prison because this is a sex dungeon. Okay, Okay, you’re cool. Sure it was unanimously decided Pyrrha was going into the singles portion of the tournament and you nearly broke your neck twice getting down here, but something tells me sad Pyrrha has something to do with this. *Pauses* Which makes me wanna punch Ozpin, but question the pedo headmaster after you help!
*Sees Ozpin get a glass spear through the left lung*
Jaune: *Quickly* Or not. Okay, she’s monologuing, that’s good. Sneak, sneak, sneak-sneak-sneak. Blah, blah, magic? Really lady? Add delusional on top of crazy. Just get in closer, give her a nice kick to the ass and Ozpin will use his weird green themed semblance to obliterate her. *Hears Pyrrha mentioned* Ignore the urge to kick the dying sicko in the nuts, just focus on hurting the crazy chick who was apparently gonna kill my sorta-kinda-maybe girlfriend. Just nice, slowly, easily, quietleee-- *trips over his shoelace* --EEEEEEYYYOOOOPPPP!!!
Cinder: *Coughs wetly, stares at the sword sticking through her chest* H-how...?
*Cinder falls on top of Ozpin, her body crushed between the Headmasters and the shellshocked Jaune’s*
Ozpin: *Confused and dying* Mr. Arc?
Jaune: *High pitched* IswearIonlymeanttokickherintheasssoyoucouldfinishhereoff!
Ozpin: *Coughs* I believe you. Unfortunately it was not to be. You pierced her straight through the heart.
Jaune: I didn’t mean to?
Ozpin: And in doing so you’ve saved miss Nikos from a terribly cruel fate.
Jaune: Oh. That’s good. I’m pretty sure that if she hadn’t tried to shove me in that stupid rocket locker there’s at least a 50% chance Pyrrha would’ve jumped my bones, Grimm invasion or not.
Ozpin: *Groans in dismay* Only to quite possibly doom yourself to one.
Jaune: *Suddenly at full attention* You say what now?
Ozpin: You’ve stabbed me as well. *Sees Jaune about to speak* You’ve stabbed my other lung, young man.
Jaune: I-I’m sorry?
Ozpin: Not yet you aren’t. Usually when I reincarnate it’s some unlucky, random bastard. But you’ve imprinted on me.
Jaune: What.
Ozpin: I’m an immortal wizard who, when he dies, his soul and consciousness along with all his memories are transferred into a new man’s preexisting body.
Jaune: *Panicking* I don’t want you in my head, headmaster! On the off chance you’re not just a nasty pedophile, I really don’t want you in my head! I don’t think you wanna be there either! *Ozpin doesn’t respond* Professor? *Still nothing* Headmaster! *Ozpin is dead, Jaune* Ozpin you old fuck, don’t you dare, I don’t wanna hear your voice when I’m deep dicking my hot redheaded partner!
Ozpin: *Body explodes into green motes of light which Jaune inhales*
Pyrrha: *Bringing dat ass back, clapping his groin* Oh Jaune, oh gods yes I love it, I love your cock so-s-s-so much! *Twists and twirls her booty on his cock* Oh f-fuck, I’m gonna cum agaaaaaiiinn!!
Jaune: *Going hard, closing in*
Pyrrha: Oh yes, please, harder, I’m gonna cum all over that delicious Arc meat again and o-o-oh shit, fuck yes Jaune, fill your slutty Nikos bitch up with your hot jizz!
Ozpin: *Mentally* She’d be cumming harder if you did what I suggested.
Jaune: *Mentally, trying to focus on Pyrrha’s voice and the image of her* Shut up. This is me time you parasite and I don’t care how long you’ve lived, I don’t need advice from the guy who’s ex is out to end the world.
Ozpin: *Mentally* I’m just saying, miss Nikos is a natural born sub. Placing your foot on her head and giving her what I’m telling you she absolutely wants by degrading her, lambasting her the way she does herself and I guarantee you the rewards will be worth it. I know you’ve been eying her anus for quite some time now, give her what she wants--
Jaune: *Mentally, pushes in deeper which makes Pyrrha wail* I knew I couldn’t trust you to shut up! ‘Oh no, the time you spend with miss Nikos will be your own, I’m just an old soul here to help you fight my batshit crazy ex’ and now you’re trying to live vicariously through me! *Eyes widen as Pyrrha spreads her cheeks, lying facefirst on the bed and moaning*
Ozpin: *Mentally, smugly* Oh of course. You certainly don’t want advice from a man who has slept with literally thousands of women. She’s cumming, by the way.
Pyrrha: Ooooohhhh gods, yesyesyesyesyesyesyes I’m fucking cummiiiiiinnnngggg!!!!!!!!! Fuck, fuck, fuuuu~uuuck you’re so fucking gooooood!!!!!
Jaune: *Cumming his brains out*
Ozpin: *Mentally* Good to see you plan on following my advice next round, Jaune. If you feel like paying me back, you could always just tell Pyrrha that you’ve gone through my memories and developed a taste for hardcore, mistress of pain BDSM.
Jaune: *Mentally, lying on Pyrrha’s pronebone body, still inside as they both recover* This is all Dad’s fault. No amount of badass magic is worth this.
I wanted one of these to have the advice backfire while still working and while I thought about it being an eventual Raven Jaune’s Father, I realized Pyrrha offered the best opportunity ever in the form of Ozpin, the unwanted and overly friendly brain ghost.
Hopefully any hardcore Arkos fans reading this don’t mind this one being the lewder, screwier one.
#rwby#jaune arc#pyrrha nikos#arkos#jaune x pyrrha#rwby vol 3#au#pyrrha lives#headmaster ozpin#this is what happens when you let a drunk type#what's crack-a-lackin'#shitpost#Jaune's Father AU
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College AU, Fluff, Meeting, Screenplay
after spending 20 minutes panicking about the fact that you sent me a request. i watched some modern family. and then buckled up to write a little college au for you. yes they are at usc lmao. julie is in the john wells screenwriting program and luke doesn’t specify in this but in my head he’s a business major. enjoy and thank you so much for making me briefly lose my mind
Julie didn’t realize that she had stayed past her reserved time.
Not a single part of her had been keeping track -- she was much too enthralled in finishing her draft of the pilot episode of her television drama. It was a portion of one of the many portfolio pieces that she would accumulate over her time here, and she was determined to make it a strong “first episode;” seeing as how not only was the Pitch Fair coming up, but her professor also recently found an in with David E. Kelley and was teasing an opportunity at an internship.
She was putting an inhumane amount of pressure on herself to write this, and make it beautiful. Unfortunately, it was hard for her to focus when she had two other roommates with raging social lives and coffee shops were only distracting towards her creative flow.
That was how she found herself -- running off of three coffees and three Bangs (and a seventh concoction that was part-coffee, part-Bang, that she never wants to think about again), four hours of sleep, and pure adrenaline -- staying way past her time in the private studying room in the library.
An insistent knock on her door is what tipped her off.
“Hello?” There was an exasperated, deep voice on the other side of the door. “You almost done in there? Your time’s up!”
The flow of her creative juices was suddenly interrupted, and when she looked, panicked, at her computer clock, her terror was confirmed. “Shit.”
The first thing she does is rush to unlock the door, and open it up to let the other party in. She doesn’t even stop to look at them before whirling around back to her computer and bag to pack up her garbage and other belongings; wanting to rush out of there as soon as possible.
“I am so sorry,” she gushes, still unaware of who was actually in the room with her. “I just had this big script to write and I am seriously out of it because I have been consuming dangerous amounts of caffeine on no sleep, so I am so sorry if you lose study time because of me-”
Zipping up her bag and slinging it clumsily over her shoulder, Julie allows herself to meet the eyes of the stranger whose education she has just hindered -- and is met with the sight of warm green.
The stranger (the extraordinarily attractive stranger who is wearing a sleeveless shirt that shows off unfairly toned biceps), is smiling down at her with what she could only describe as concerned amusement. He doesn’t even have any kind of backpack with him, she notices; just a leather-bound journal in one hand, and a jean-chain being jingled in his other hand.
“Actually,” he chuckles a little. God, Julie would kill to not look like the walking dead right now. The universe has decided to be so, completely unfair to her in every way. This guy is probably terrified of her. “It sounds like you need this place more than I do. You stay.”
But he doesn’t make any actual move to leave -- he just lingers on her, on her face.
Probably on the dark circles shading under her eyes, and the oil that’s probably dotting her nose and chin. He probably thinks she’s disgusting -- but he’s doing a hell of a job hiding it. If she were an idiot, she would think he was looking at her in awe.
The two of them just stand on each side of the desk, eyeing each other in an inexplicable way.
(It feels magnetic. But Julie thinks she’s also just tired.)
“No, really, take the room. I am so sorry I stayed into your time.”
The hot stranger (God, why?) bites his lip with a smile, and shakes his head. “No, I mean- It’s probably more beneficial if you stay. I wasn’t going to study.”
“... Then what was your plan?”
He wiggles his hand from side to side, gesturing to the journal grasped between his fingers. Julie tries to focus her eyes on the book instead of his arms, but wow, his arms.
“Some writing of my own. I’m in a band, and I write all of our songs.”
Wow. Another writer. And he’s in a band -- and Julie looks like a fool.
What did she do in her past life that deserved this?
“Oh, that’s really cool,” she tries to tell him, and she really means it, but she’s also kind of miserable in her current situation so it comes out a little less than enthusiastic.
Hot Stranger takes notice. “Wow, yeah, you sound super interested.”
Julie literally buries her head in her hands, and rubs them over her face a couple times for good measure. Maybe this is a dream, and she’ll wake up with the sweet memory of caring green eyes and floppy brown hair on a guy that is too perfect for her to exist in real life.
“I’m sorry. I’m just a little frustrated at my current situation.”
“Understandably so. Lots of caffeine, no sleep, and high expectations for yourself can do that to a person.”
“And add a cute writer guy on top of that, while I feel like shit, is a recipe for disaster.”
Yes, she just said that out loud.
Does she even care at this point? Not really. She’ll wake up from her caffeine crash tomorrow morning and probably manage to convince herself that it was all a dream.
But right now, unfortunately, she is still in reality. “You think I’m cute?”
Writer Guy bounces on the balls of his feet, like a physical response to the compliment. She can’t help but find it endearing -- if also a little bit like a little kid who just got told that he was going to get ice cream. Her heart kicks in her chest, because she should seriously just leave before anything else dumb comes out of her mouth.
But he’s so cute, and he’s grinning at her as if they’ve been friends for years. And the thought of leaving is unsavory.
“That sounds like my cue to leave,” Julie responds instead, tightly gripping the strap of her bag. “Thank you for the sympathy, it was nice to meet you, and good luck with your band thing. Maybe I’ll see you around.”
He doesn’t have to tell her twice. In fact, it’s probably pathetic how quickly she comes to a stop and spins around to meet his eyes once again.
“Really, you should stay. This room is big enough for the both of us. And if you’re writing a script, that means you’re in John Wells, and that’s-” He scratches the back of his neck. “That’s big. It’s really cool. If you don’t mind me scribbling in my songbook, then I would really like it if you would stay.”
Julie is so floored by his request, and the way he looks surprisingly nervous while making it, that she completely forgets to actually respond. He continues to fill the silent space with anxious talking.
“I- I’m Luke, by the way.” His hand is suddenly in front of her, and he is only about two feet away from her instead of eight feet, and he almost takes her breath away up close.
She has enough brain cells in her to take it. Do the calluses on his hand almost make her audibly gasp? Yes. But the important thing is that she doesn’t.
“I’m Julie,” she finds herself saying to him -- Luke -- with a small smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Luke doesn’t drop her hand. She doesn’t pull it away. “It’s nice to meet you too, Julie.”
God, Julie must be about to fall asleep standing up at any moment, because she obscenely feels like she has never heard her name sound so beautiful. It carries new meaning coming out of a literal stranger’s mouth, and it’s just like that that she realizes she should probably take her hand out of his so that it doesn’t get clammy and he isn’t immediately disgusted.
“So… You wanna stay? We can write together?”
She’s going to need another coffee for this, but yes -- she really, really wants to stay.
And so she does.
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With anyone from the disaster trio or duo! (sorry I realized I didn’t say characters in the last ask!)

(TW for panic attacks and minor and unintentional emotional abuse. This is emotional crisis in the middle of a war. Nobody in this story is at their best.)
Ahsoka sometimes thought that her Master never had rough days.
Oh, he had days when his temper was high - and those days were more frequent as the war went on and on and on - and days when he was more tired, more sad.
But he never seemed to have days where he just wanted to sit in a small, dark space like the far corner of his room or the dusty storage cabinet near the engines and hold himself together with his own two hands and just cry himself to exhaustion.
She tried to ask him, once, on a day when he seemed brighter and calmer.
“Master?” she began.
Then she stopped. Tilted her head to one side, listening with her montrals to the happy rhythm of his heart.
“Yeah?” he asked. “Snips?”
He was glowing with happiness, so excited just from his phone call home. She wasn’t stupid. Like the rest of the 501st - and 212th - and hells, maybe even the entire Order - she knew that her Master and Senator Amidala were... a thing.
Whatever that was, exactly.
Maybe, she contemplated, not noticing that she had begun to hunch in on herself a little, shoulders drawing in, maybe that’s what Anakin had that was different. Rex had Cody and the rest of his brothers, Anakin had Senator Amidala.
Ahsoka was just by herself.
“Hey,” Anakin said, sounding a little concerned. “Ahsoka? What’s up?”
The togruta shrugged, casually sliding back into her normal relaxed and confident self, the bravado she’d created years ago when she first began to suspect that nobody would choose her as a Padawan, and then built up again when she was assigned and dropped into the middle of open warfare.
And now again, struggling always with that urge to flee somewhere warm and small and safe.
“Nothing, Master. Sheesh. I was just wondering about the next class rotation. I really don’t want to retake Galactic History level 240 just yet...”
They moved on to other subjects.
She tried again, a few months later, shaken after a crushing campaign that stripped the 501st of some of their best and very, very many of their newest. The shiniest shinies.
Ahsoka searched the encampment they had pitched on the darkened moor, but she could sense Anakin from a mile off.
It was just harder for her, the closer she got to that epicenter of muted rage she could sense coming off him like heatwaves off sand.
But... they could help each other.
He didn’t have Padmé Amidala here today.
Today, right now, they had each other.
Ahsoka crept up to the dimming fire, set several meters away from the outer circle of tents, and saw the dark silhouette of Anakin Skywalker sitting on a low outcropping of rock, gazing into the flames. The red glow outlined him in faintest fire, sharpening the edges that darkness had softened into shadow.
He didn’t seem to hear.
“Master... Anakin?” Ahsoka stepped a little nearer.
His head turned very slightly.
She froze, suddenly a little frightened, suddenly wishing she’d found her own warm safe place to be — because the ember-lit outline of Anakin’s face were neither safe nor warm.
He looked enraged.
“Anakin?” she whispered.
“Now isn’t the best time, Ahsoka,” he said slowly. Holding back. For her.
Giving her a chance to run.
From him.
She wouldn’t. She couldn’t. Not Anakin. “But, Anakin... I think...” she took a deep breath and closed the distance between them, crouching down to place one of her hands gently on his arm. He trembled. “I think we should be together right now. Help each other.”
He shook.
There was a long pause.
Then: “Go away, Ahsoka.”
Her heart fell like a stone.
What was she supposed to do? Fleeing to a dark corner felt so wrong, so un-Jedi like, so weak — and now, to abandon her Master when he was so hurt? It felt like a double sin. She couldn’t do it. It would be wrong (but it was so tempting—)
“Go, Padawan! Now!” He turned to face her fully, his teeth bared in a predatory sneer that made her own sharpened fangs and hunters blood quail. A wall of blunt rage slammed into her like a blast of hot wind and Ahsoka fell back, catching herself on her palms in the cold grass.
A flash of something like guilt crossed his face, not much older than her own, but then hardened again.
“Jedi do not feel these things, Ahsoka,” he lectured. “Much less act on them. Go eat your meal and then get some sleep. Wallowing won’t help.”
Do as I say and not as I do?
Ahsoka sprang to her feet and gave in to the wild pounding of her heart and the icy fear clawing at her lungs — and she fled.
Ahsoka felt like she was falling.
She could feel her feet thudding against the dewy ground, could feel her montrals trembling as they picked up noises all around her, but all she could see was darkness and it felt like she was running in midair, held up by nothing.
Shadows rushed past her and her breaths came rapid and out of control.
She was dying.
She had to be.
This felt awful, terrible, there was no control —
She was just going to lose her breath and lose her senses until she died here - wherever here was -
Was she crying?
She couldn’t tell. Couldn’t see, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t find her way in the dark.
Ahsoka crashed.
Blindly she crawled her way into what she could sense was some sort of corner.
It was warm here.
The feeling of walls and a floor and some sort of low ceiling pressing in all around her small form made her feel better, not worse. She could feel where she began and the shadows ended.
Slowly... slowly... slowly, Ahsoka Tano felt her soul begin to settle back in her flesh.
She could understand her surroundings better now.
She had shoved herself under cot in somebody’s tent. It really was warm here. Soft. It smelled familiar, the smell of the armor-polish-stale-soap-homemade-brew-standard-woolen-blankets and that something other that was just their men. Their boys.
Ahsoka could feel now how tightly she was curled up, how hard she was gripping her own limbs, still shaking.
Her throat felt raw.
Had she screamed? Cried? Or just gasped too much for air that hadn’t been coming?
She didn’t know.
She didn’t know a lot right now.
Does this make me a bad Jedi?
Or just a bad solider?
Which one am I, anyway?
I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t —
She took a shuddering gasp, then another.
She just wanted some answers.
For once, some answers.
No “do or do not,” no cultural languages she couldn’t understand, no envy of what Anakin had in his Senator, the forbidden things she didn’t understand and didn’t know she really even wanted.
She just wanted to know if she was wrong for this.
She had to be.
No real Jedi cried in a corner because someone reminded them they needed to be strong.
Finally she looked up.
It was Anakin she longed to see - the Master who hadn’t wanted her but had taken her anyways, the friend she’d always needed, the teacher she could never have dreamed of.
But it wasn’t Anakin.
It was Obi-Wan.
He looked down at her, and his eyes were so compassionate that she felt her own begin to well with tears again and her throat close up painfully.
Angrily, she swiped away a tear and hid her face in her arms.
There were soft sounds that told her that Obi-Wan was kneeling in front of her now.
He didn’t do anything.
Didn’t encroach, didn’t speak.
He just breathed.
And breathed.
And breathed.
Steadily in and out, and unconsciously Ahsoka began to mirror him, taking calm and even breaths.
Eventually it was just the two of them breathing together, the Master kneeling, the Padawan still hiding from the world.
“...Master Obi-Wan?” Ahsoka asked in a small voice. She lifted her head, and was struck again by how sad and tender her grandmaster’s blue eyes were. He looked so soft and comfortable, contrasted in her head with the memory of Anakin and his fiery outline and clenched jaw.
“Anakin...” she struggled to say. “I thought he... I hoped... why...” her voice broke again.
Unable to help it, Ahsoka pitched forward, sobbing again. She had already cried so much that her throat burned in protest, but cry she did, and this time she found herself wrapped in Obi-Wan’s arms.
She had never pictured this. He had always seemed so... aloof. What Jedi were meant to be. What she was not. What Anakin was not.
“I know,” he said slowly, his voice rumbling against her striped montrals. “Our teachers are not always what we want or need them to be. But we love them anyway, Ahsoka. Don’t we.”
She nodded as she cried, letting him hold her.
“I — thought — I — how am — does — d-does this — am I a — am...” it was utter nonsense coming out, but somehow he seemed to understand.
“You,” he said, “are a student. A very young student, despite how tall you may feel some days. War is hard on everyone, Ahsoka. You deserve better. It’s all right to have times like these.”
“You... you don’t,” she sobbed.
“Oh,” he said, sounding a little surprised. “Oh. Yes I do. Of course I do. I work my way through with meditation and tea. Anakin needs to be alone, and then he needs to vent. Normally he vents to me, or to — others. But it’s not your job to handle his outbursts. When you’re hurting, you go where you need to go.”
“Even if it’s a dark corner?” Ahsoka mumbled into his tunics.
She felt him chuckle slightly. “Even then. Especially then. We’re all dealing, Padawan. I’m sorry we didn’t talk to you about this, before this happened.”
“It’s okay,” Ahsoka muttered.
What she meant was: isn’t it my Master’s job to guide me? Isn’t it Anakin’s job? Am I too weak for him?
“We’ll do better,” Obi-Wan promised.
She had a feeling he meant: I’ll try to make Anakin do better. And when he doesn’t, I will.
And there was an overwhelming flood of emotions with that.
Thank the Force for Obi-Wan. But why not Anakin? Was this forever? Was this why her Master and Master Kenobi didn’t always get along? Because they were emotionally different? Would they shun her eventually too, if she turned out different from them both?
...But for the moment, Ahsoka took comfort.
Anakin would be back to normal in the morning.
And Obi-Wan’s arms were warm, and dark, and safe.
#star wars fic#star wars#ahsoka tano#obi wan kenobi#anakin skywalker#the clone wars#star wars the clone wars#canon compliant#listen I don’t think this makes Obi-Wan a saint and Anakin an ass#they just have different ways of coping#and Anakin’s makes him less helpful to others while Obi-Wan’s does the opposite#ahsoka and obi wan#master and padawan#angst#bad things happen bingo
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Shattered Mirror
“I have those readings you asked for.” Ikora says as she holds out a terminal.
Osiris goes to take it, “Excellent.”
Ikora draws it back just before he grabs it and narrows her eyes in suspicion. “First, tell me what you intend on doing with it.”
“Scouting. I need to figure out where the tear in our universe is. And if it can be mended.”
Ikora considers him for a moment, before looking at Sagira who floats beside Osiris’s shoulder. “Your thoughts, Sagira?”
“I think that it’s a bad idea. Last time we meddled in things we didn’t know anything about, it altered Osiris’s personal timeline.”
Ikora looks at him pointedly.
“This is different. The other one was for something… else, something with purpose. This is a dimensional tear.”
Ikora sighs and holds the terminal out again, “Fine. But it’s only for scouting. Don’t go anywhere inside of it.”
“Of course.” Osiris says as he grabs the terminal.
Osiris stares out the window of his jumpship. Sagira floats nervously by, the light of her eye reflecting against the glass.
There is a crack in the void of space, white and rimmed with black. Refractions folding in on itself infinitely.
“You don’t have to do this, Osiris.”
Osiris closes his eyes and focuses, wreathing himself in the comfort of void light. He can see it. Imperceptible shatterpoints stretching across the dark expanse. Like glass.
He opens his eyes and attaches a mask to his helmet. Pressurising.
“We don’t know what kind of problems this will cause us in the future if this wound in the sky widens.”
“Which is why you should listen to Ikora and study it from a distance.”
His eyes meet her one.
An unsaid understanding spoken between them.
“Stay here.”
“No. Not this time.”
“Sagira, I can’t risk losing you again-”
“Then stop going places I can’t follow. I’m going with you.”
Osiris sighs as she decompiles into him. There’s nothing he can do to stop her, just as there’s nothing she can do to stop him.
He exits his jumpship manually, weightless in the void. He steps on feather-light to the edge of the crack. The crack is like a split into a geode, nothing to note on the outside, but an immense space on the inside. He hesitates before infinity.
“Whatever this anomaly is, I'm not reading anything. No energy, no Light, no Dark… It’s like it doesn’t exist.” Sagira speaks in his ear and all he can do is gaze inward.
Desire seizes his heart and he can’t stop himself from reaching out.
A glass mirror, shattering, countless reflections of himself upon the shards. It stretches on forever. He is lightless. He is darkness. He is Light itself. He is metal. He is tired. He is young. He is old. He is dead. He is dead. He is dead. He splits, and it is nothing like his projections of light.
He has no sense of up or down or left or right. He looks at his hands, he does not see his hands. He cannot move. Infinity yawns out before him, and he perceives it all.
He can feel his mind start to become unhinged. Time and space and countless possibilities crowd him.
He takes it all in.
He feels nauseous. He feels numb. He feels everything at once.
“Osiris!” Sagira’s voice echoes, repeating over and over until it is nothing but a high pitch tone.
It stops.
And he is alone.
There is nothing.
He doesn’t think he’s even breathing.
It is the void of void. There is no light here. There is no dark. He does not see.
Then, blinding light, and he’s back in his jumpship.
Sagira hovers nervously before his face.
He blinks and when he breathes it feels as though it’s for the first time. A coughing fit takes him and he quickly pulls off his pressurized mask.
“Thank the Traveler… I had to pull you back to the jumpship… You weren’t responsive and I couldn’t do anything.”
Osiris catches his breath and leans back in his chair, exhaustion sweeping over him. “I think I saw infinity.”
Sagira regards him for a moment before dive-bombing him, metal clunking against his neckpiece. “Don’t ever do something so stupid again.”
Osiris places his hand on the back of her shell, holding her against his chest.
A beat.
“Let’s go home.”
His dreams have changed again.
The nightmares of the Traveler are being drowned out.
At first it’s nothing but that void of void. The lack of anything. Silence. Forever. He knows it is a dream because when he wakes, it is not the sense of a lack of a dream, but a sense of existential dread. Of seeing nothingness in its vastness. No breath. No light. No dark.
Then infinity.
Each night the mirror shatters. Each night the echoes of the Traveler’s dreams are submerged under thick water, and he would almost prefer those to this.
This: he dreams he is lightless. Sagira is dead. She died on the moon, and he is alone. He hasn’t been out in the field in months. He is restless. He is angry. He is angry because he is full of grief. He does not let Saint close, he does not let Ikora close. He is busy, busy is good, busy means he is occupied. He is alone. It is not him.
He dreams he is lost. Cold fingers twitch as his anger consumes him, as his loss consumes him. Osiris flexes his hand. The hive die. They die and they die and it will never be enough. There will never be enough of their death to sate him. Revenge is a slippery slope, and he lept down it, crashing to the ground hard and rejoicing in it. The Darkness feeds upon his pain, and he allows it. He feeds it on purpose.
He dreams he is illuminant, light clothing him as though he were royalty. His steps scorch the earth in the searing light. He is a phoenix, dying and rising over and over with each breath. When will it end? He has no concept of death anymore, he has no concept of life. All he knows is that he is a light in the everlasting Darkness. Everyone else is dead, he thinks. Not him. (Will he ever die? Will he ever live?)
He dreams he is an Exo, gazing out of a colony ship’s window as stars fly past. His heart is heavy with loss, memories of a time long passed. Nostalgia eats at him as he tells children of what a Guardian was, of what the Traveler was. It tears at him when Saint gazes into his glowing, mechanical eyes. An unsaid understanding.
He dreams he is tired. The infinite forest echoes on forever and he is so tired of these halls. He is so tired of being alone. He is so tired of this life. He wants to go home, he wants to go back to the City. But he has work to do, and miles to go, and the City does not love him back.
He dreams he is still young, both in body and mind. There is a warmth that fills his chest when he gazes at a man he has never seen before, sitting at a table nursing a cup of warm tea. He’s speaking with him, he does not know what he is saying, only that he knows he was happy. There is no City in this dream, there are no Guardians. (Is this life before?) He does not remember his name.
He dreams he is old, withering. The sky ruptures and the ground shakes and he realizes that he will die. There is no escaping this fate. Darkness looms, angular shadows cast over his face. He will die, and he will stay dead.
He dreams he is dead.
He dreams he is dead.
He dreams he is dead.
Osiris wakes, and he is back in the arms of Saint-14. He exhales slowly and pushes back against him, impossibly close. (How does he know this is his reality? How does he know that he is himself?)
#my posts#my writing#long posts#if you don't know the context to this drabble that's on you u_u#only true mutuals know the complexities of the rp group that lives in my discord server#L;GSKD;LFKASLDFL#just wanted to share this here because#''he has work to do and miles to go and the city does not love him back''#has been living rent free in my head since i wrote it
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with you I fall (down) | Whumpay 2021
CW: None
A/N: Set a few weeks after the end of Fallen Order. I’ve had this fic idea churning around for a year and decided to make it happen for part of Whumpay. Haven't done a series from prompts before so let's give this a whirl.
Summary: Cal knew that the Nightsisters used the Dark Side of the Force, but not until that power is used to heal him after a skirmish with the Haxion Brood did he realize how deep that connection was. [1/11]
AO3 Link | Whumpay Index | Chapter 2
“I told you. I told you!” Merrin hissed.
“I know, I know!”
“She did tell you, Greez.” Cal scoffed before tightening his grip on the back of the co-pilot’s chair as the Mantis rocked around them.
“Does this really matter right now?” Cere shouted up as another barrage rocked the ship.
“Hey, Greez told me that there is never a bad time for self-reflection. Would you like to do an exercise, Greez?”
Greez muttered something under his breath as he pulled desperately on the hyperspace lever as if the mechanism could have fixed itself.
Beside him, Merrin leaned as far forward as the belt around her shoulders would allow. “If we could get close enough, I may be able to stall their engines.”
“That’s really not an option right now.” Greez said before angling the Mantis down, diving back into the atmosphere of Kashyyyk. “But we might be able to lose them in the trees.”
“So, Merrin.” Cal leaned forward over her shoulder. “Did you ever hear about the time these guys captured me?”
“I don’t believe I have, no.” She smiled as she leaned back to look up at him.
“Not really the time.” Greez growled.
“Well, Greez here has a bit of a gambling habit, and the Haxion Brood thought it would be a great idea-.” Cal stopped as the Mantis shuddered and began to pitch forward.
Cere lunged for her seatbelt. “We’ve lost our engine!”
“Cal?” Merrin’s hands fumbled at the clip around her chest before Cal reached down and stilled them. “Cal, you need to secure yourself.”
“Not if it risks you.” He had forced Merrin to take his seat when the fighters engaged, already knowing that the Mantis had been built with a small crew in mind, and no contingencies for emergency landings. “I can hold on.”
“Please.” She begged, taking hold of his hands.
“I’ll be alright.” He promised, leaning forward to press a kiss to her forehead before withdrawing his hands from hers and gripping the handles of the headrest as if they would be enough to sustain the force of a three-hundred-ton starship hitting the surface of a planet.
As he watched the trees of Kashyyyk rise up to swallow them, Cal felt strangely at peace.
Merrin awoke to a small primate poking at her necklace, watching as the golden design swung back and forth. When she gasped in surprise, it darted away with a high-pitched yelp that echoed through the forest. “Cal?” She called out, reaching out a hand to attempt to clear away the smoke filling the cockpit. “Cere? Greez?” Turning to her left, she was just able to make out the shape of the small Latero on her left. A pained cough from behind her told her that Cere was still with her. “Cal?” She called out again, fumbling for the clasp of her seatbelt. When it came undone, she fell ungracefully onto the shattered glass of metal of the cockpit. On the ground, where the smoke wasn’t so thick, she could make out the shape of a small droid running towards her. She fell to her knees as BD-1 ran up to her, chirping repeatedly. “I can’t understand you.” But she didn’t have to know binary to know to follow up when he tugged on her hand and ran out of the shattered cockpit.
The droid led her down the slope from the wrecked ship until she could make out a mop of red hair against the dark brown and green world.
“Cal!” She shrieked as she darted towards him, falling to her knees once more on the rocky ground. “Cal.” She begged as she tore at the straps of his vest, carefully lifting it from his body before pulling down the zipper of his flight suit to rest her hand against his bare skin. Underneath, she could feel him fighting to stay alive as crushed organs frantically continued to pump blood through his body.
She tore her gaze away from his skin to see his eyes open slightly, his gaze fixed on her. “I’m here, Cal. I’m here.” Keeping one hand pressed to his chest, she brought the other one to his head, slipping it between the back of his head and the bloodying ground beneath it. “Stay with me, okay?”
“Okay.” He murmured as his eyes shut once more.
Fighting back a wail, Merrin closed her eyes and focused once more on the body beneath her, willing his body’s will to mesh with her own, to heal. She didn’t know how long she had sat there with him, dead to the world, before she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder that brought her from her spell. She raised her head to find herself and Cal shrouded in a green mist pouring from where her hands touched his head and chest.
“Merrin, he’s gone.” Cere said as she squeezed Merrin’s shoulder.
“No, no he’s not. I can feel him.”
“I can feel him, Cere!” Merrin bent her head and willed the world to fall away once more. She was aware of Cere’s gentle protests and her own physical exhaustion, but those paled to the desire she felt in her chest to save Cal.
When Merrin opened her eyes again, she found herself laying on the ground beside Cal. Fighting back the dizziness in her head, she pushed herself up on her elbow to take in the faint rise and fall of his chest before her. Under her fingers, his hair was no longer wet, only sticky with dried blood. Removing her hand from his chest, she reached up to tenderly stroke a finger down his cheek, letting out a laugh of amazement when his eyes opened.
Cal smiled weakly up at her. “Like Nur all over again.”
“Let’s not make this our thing.” She laughed again in relief.
The moment was broken by a frantic BD-1 leading Cere over to them.
Cere smiled and knelt down beside Cal. “I thought you were dead.”
“I did too.” He admitted. “How long was I out?”
“Well, we crashed yesterday.”
“Yesterday?” Merrin asked. To her, it had only been a few minutes since she had first knelt beside Cal’s broken body.
“Yes. You lay here with him all night.” Cere explained. “If you two are hungry, Greez is trying to cook up some meat before it spoils.”
“I’m famished.” Cal said, sitting up before either of them could stop him. “I’m okay.” He said at the sudden look of concern in Cere’s eyes. “A bit sore but I think Merrin patched up the worst of it.” He turned to face her. “Thank you.”
“Anytime.” She said curtly before rising to her legs, trying not to stumble at the dizziness erupting in her head. When it stilled, she offered a hand to Cal. “Let’s eat.”
#not tagging my taglist for whump involuntarily let me know if i need to get a whump taglist together#also i swear i will get another chapter of retrograde out#it's sitting almost finished i just can't find the words for the dialogue to complete it#whumpay2021#cal kestis#merrin#cere junda#greez dritus#merrical#my fics#star wars
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disney villain and henchmen randomness:
made this for @slashingdisneypasta
all of these are random things I thought the villains and henchmen would be like, I hope you like them
also I censored cussing that was text, but if you go to the video links there will be cussing so be warned, also if you watch the video’s imagine the Disney villain or henchmen are those people in the videos:
Panic, kronk, lefou, Reuben, Kaa, Joanna, and fidget: “eating a cinnamon bun each”
The other henchmen: cannibalism/cannibals…
Panic, kronk, lefou, Reuben, Kaa, Joanna, and fidget: ? “Heard that and don’t get it why their being called cannibals”
(they are cinnamon rolls and must be protected)
Diablo: you insufferable, reprehensible, deplorable, vermin
Goon 1 (the pig like one): wha?
Goon 2 (bird like one): it’s aristocratic talk for “f$#% off dips$#%$”
Horus: you’re full of s$#%.
Iago: my overall personality or my dishonesty?
Banzai: ED! Don’t run with sharp rocks!
Banzai: “hands Ed a sharp bone” try this
(This one had scissors and a butterfly knife but the hyenas are from the pridelands so sharp rocks and bones seem more accurate)
[in a argument]
Pain: f$%# you
Pegasus: “in a horse which the imps can understand” later, now listen here you little shit…
(I ship pain x Pegasus ok….pain even admits he loves Pegasus in the movie 2when Pegasus was beating him and panic up)
Kronk: “making spinach puffs and freezing” my sad friend senses are tingling…
“Cut showing a crying Anastasia”
Kronk: “runs for her startling her” ahhhhh!!!!
Anastasia: aaahhhh!?!?!?!
kronk: “hugs her” no cry friend
Anastasia: “giggles and wipes tears from her eyes”
(Look up animated a grump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaV8NeT0fnY&t=835s and imagine pain and panic as arin and Iago or flotsam and jetsam as Danny, and a random henchmen as Ross)
(Another game grumps thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xrS5NEBKjU )
“Ursula, and jafar and hades playing a glitchy game”
Ursula: now look how silly this is “flying around”
Hades: you have to….”character gets stuck”
Jafar and Ursula: oh...ooohhhhh “hades gets up and leaves glowing red” heheheh
Jafar: hades don’t leave hehehehe “hades closes the door”
Ursula: HAAAAADEEEEEES I LOVE YOU~ “trying to get the characters free”
hades: NO IM F%&$ING DONE!! IM F%&$ING DONE!!
Jafar: “losing his s&$t laughing” no your not
Hades: this is bulls&$#
Ursula: hades! “Laughing at hades rage too”
Hades: look at this bull#$& man
Jafar: hades! “Laughing more”
Hades: you gotta draw a line in the sand!
Ursula: hades “laughing more”
Hades: you have to draw a line in the f#$%ing sand guys!!
Ursula and jafar: “laughing so hard”
Hades: you have to make a statement!!!
Hades: ��as Ursula and Jafar laugh harder” you gotta look inside yourself and say ‘what am I willing to put up with today?’ NOT F*&%ing THIS!!! “Flames up and points to the tv screen”
Ursula: “gets the character free” IM FREE I BELIEVE I CAN FLY
(Listen to grump it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9gRg3_A-RM thinking of Disney villains and henchmen raging at a game)
Scar: “to facilier” what do you wanna eat?
Friends from the other side: the souls of the innocent~
Facilier and shadow (facilier’s shadow): a bagel
Friends from the other side: NO!
Facilier and shadow: 2 bagels
Kaa and shere khan, cruella de vil, Horus and jasper: “to hades and pain and panic, scar and the hyenas” did you know you can’t say bubbles angry
Hades and pain and panic, scar and the hyena: really?
Maleficent: does anyone know why hades, scar and their henchmen are on the roof trying to angrily yell/screaming bubbles on the roof
Kaa and shere khan, cruella de vil, Horus and jasper: “choke on their drink/food in laughter”
Iago and jafar: “notice hades and the imps over working” what are you doing?
Hades and the imps: working
Jafar and Iago: you guys should rest, look at your hands “gestures to hades and the imps cramping hands from signing scrolls”
Hades and the imps: we’re ok just let’s us-
Jafar and Iago: “pouting”
Hades and the imps: what’s that look for?
Jafar and Iago: “grabs their friends and tries to drag them off their chairs but fails” GO REST
scar and the hyenas: “see this and join in trying to pester hades and the imps into taking a break” you can work later
Jafar and Iago: “leave to Ursula and the eels room where hook and mr smee are” Ursula, flotsam and jetsam, mr smee and hook. Hades and the imps are overworking themselves again…
Ursula and the eels: excuse?!?...
Mr smee and hook: what?!?...
“Little later”
Ursula and eels: “coiled around hades and the imps with coils and tentacles and drags them off their chairs by their desks” HADES! PAIN AND PANIC! REST!
Hades and the imps: “unholy screeching and complaints as their dragged to their room”
Hook and mr smee: “follow to help Ursula and the eels”
Facilier and shadow (insert other villains and henchmen): “coming back from the store and see Ursula and the eels dragging hades and the imps to their room, with hook and smee following” f$#% this s#$& we’re out “leaves”
(hades and the imps are workaholics)
Frollo: “minding his own business when hades, facilier, shadow and the imps tap him from behind and he turns around ” OOOOOH MY F&#$ING GOD!, IT'S A DEMON/WITCHCRAFT SPAWN!! JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE F$#&!!! OH MY F$#%ING GOD! F%&#ING DEMON/WITCHCRAFT SPAWNS! JESUS CHRIST “falls on his knees” WHAT THE F$#$#$#$#$#&!!!
Hades and facilier: “losing their s#$& laughing”
Pain and panic and shadow: “as well laughing hard”
Hades: “holding pain and panic and his third imp neurosis (actually a canon thing in the animated series)” these are my sons you can’t have them... good day sir
“Person tries to touch the imps”
Hades: “flares up and holds the imps tighter” I SAID GOOD DAY SIR! “leaves with the imps”
“The villains and henchmen are out in a mall and missing hades, jafar and Ursula as well as their henchmen in the crowd”
Mr smee and hook: oh dear we’re missing some of us
Shadow and facilier: oh don’t worry
Gaston and lefou: no one can find allies like Gaston and lefou
“A giant snake and angry squawks, electric zaps along with a women yell, and three fire flare ups of teal, red, and pink appear in the crowd each followed by angry cursing and more”
Gaston and lefou, shadow and facilier: found them ^^~
All the other villains and henchmen: oh boy/dear/dang it
(vanossgaming team 6 animated prank part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CguHTxrMQ0A (imagine the henchmen as human like with animal/creature parts example iago looks like a harpy): with vanoss being iago, wildkat being banzi, basically as shadow, delirious being flotsam and jetsam, terroriser being pain and panic (due to their immortal state XD) and nogla being a ‘I don’t know what’s going on’ kronk )
Hades: BOYS!!!!
Hades: “realizes the thing he was looking for and thought the imps stole it was on his desk the whole time” oh...NEVER MIND
(before I do this one I need to explain, my headcanon that the disney characters have ‘worlds’ they live in with their movies era example: hercules characters live in ‘ancient’ greece in their ‘world’ but have some modern day things made using magical things (like TV, indoor plumbing, magic like phones) added to their ‘worlds’ but hercules, aladdin and little mermaid characters are share the same ‘world’ as in the hercules animated series: ursula appears in the episode hercules and the bacchanal, and then there's hercules and the arbian night where hades and jafar team up)
Maleficent: “thinking with ursula” so are you and hades related and you, him and jafar are from the same world ooorrrr….
Ursula: I honestly don’t know…. I know we live in the same ‘world’ but… “thinking too” my father is Hades and Zeus’s brother if i'm right.....
Pain and Panic, Iago and Shadow and Flotsam and Jetsam: “flying/swimming round around hyper as all hell” WOOOOOOOO
Faciler and Jafar: “groans as they watch their henchmen on sugar high”
Hades: ok who’s the wise guy who gave them sugar…. “Tired/angry dad mood activated”
Kronk: I did...they wanted to test some sweets for me…”thinks he’s going to get in trouble”
Ursula: oh well then that's ok then Kronk you didn’t know, that they get sugar high
Jafar: I'm not dealing with the crash thou.. Uh where did they go?
Hades: found them~.. “Smiles evil like” let’s leave them with him~
Hades: “passed out on the couch with pain and panic asleep on him” zzzz
Jafar: “peeks over holding a marker with Iago”
gaston: “peeks over too with lefou with makeup”
“3 hours later”
Hades: “wakes up and along with the imps and they don’t notice what their friends did, and head to the kitchen”
Ursula and the eels: “see hades and the imps and choke on their cups of coffee”
Maleficent: “giggles seeing hades” good morning sexy~
Diablo: you girls sleep well?~ “trying not to laugh”
Hades and pain and panic: “tilt their heads” what do you mean?
“They notice their reflection in Ursula and the eels’s tank/movable water, and they see they have makeup on and writing/doodles on their faces”
Hades: oh for the love of…”glowing red”
Pain and panic: oh our gods… “eyes change”
Hades: JAFAR!!! GASTON!!! “Flares up”
Both imps: IAGO!!! LEFOU!!! “Follow their boss/’dad’ “
“Later outside shows Jafar and Gaston running from a red flamed Hades, and Iago and Lefou and running from two shapeshifted into beasts imps”
Jafar, Gaston, Iago and Lefou: WORTH IT XD
“Inside watching the chase”
Faciler: should we tell them me and Shadow took photos of Hades and the imps and posted it online?
Hook: who’s computer did ya use?
Shadow: “as he records the chase going on outside” cruella’s and Horus and Jaspers’s too
Mr. smee: I guess it’s good they’re out of town then….
Yzma: me and Kronk made popcorn who wants!~
Scar: and the other villains and henchmen are placing bets: are they going to escape the wrath of the lord of the underworld and the embodiments of pain and panic? or will Hades and the imps give up?
“All the villains and henchmen inside are eating popcorn and watching the chase go on”
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This is basically a comfort fic for @does-this-look-logicality-to-you. I know it’s late at night (its 2am for me), but whenever you see this i hope you like it and i hope you feel better soon, my friend!
Pairings: Logicality, background prinxiety
TWs: food mentions
Summary: Everyone has black stains where they’ll touch their soulmate for their first time. Patton never expected that it would be his best friend.
Patton’s day started out exactly the same as every other day. He woke up to his alarm late, rushed through showering and dressing, barely had enough time to scarf down some breakfast, and made it out the door just in time to see the school bus pull up to his stop. He sprinted up to it, just barely making it in time. As he dropped into a seat, he ran his fingers through his black bangs.
Usually having black hair wouldn’t be that notable. Except for Patton, the rest of his hair was light brown, then it suddenly changed to jet black. He had thought about dying over it in the past, but decided against it. He liked knowing where his soulmate would touch him for the first time. His dads both had black palms in their youth, but now they had hands covered in color. He had heard their story a hundred times, the feeling of shock and joy that had flooded through both of them, the way his dad had immediately asked his padre to be his date to homecoming.
Patton wanted that for himself. To have someone to spend life with, that he would fit with like two puzzle pieces. Though the way that his life had been going, he was beginning to lose hope.
Before he could go too far down that train of thought, he felt his best friend slide into the seat next to him. He looked over to greet him, and nearly choked on the words. Logan looked amazing as usual, with his perfect hair and perfect shirt and perfect tie and suddenly Patton was thinking about how easy it would be to tug down on that perfect tie and kiss him. He shook his head to chase those thoughts away and smiled at Logan, launching into his early morning chatter.
Patton had known Logan since third grade when he had stood up to some bullies that had been terrorizing Patton, and he had been fighting a crush on him since fourth grade. Patton knew that Logan didn’t have the best track record with love or compassion in the past, so he had been trying for eight years to push away his feelings.
Unfortunately for him, his feelings had a way of cementing themselves in his heart and not moving until he was either rejected or accepted. Patton was absolutely terrified of losing Logan, so he resolved to keep quiet about the whole thing. No matter how many daydreams he had, how many times he had pictured them together, how many love letters he had written then torn up.
He hadn’t even realized that Logan was speaking until there were long dark fingers waving in front of his face. Patton blinked and realized that Logan was looking at him with a mix of amusement and concern. “Earth to Patton,” he teased. “Are you alright?”
“Oh yeah, I’m fine, Lo. Just thinking.” Patton chirped, giving him a smile. “What were you saying?”
Logan continued whatever rant he had been on about the latest creative writing assignment, giving Patton time to study Logan’s soulmark. His fingers and palm of his right hand were pitch black, almost like he had spilled ink on them and it had stuck around. Seeing the entirety of someone’s fingers as black was unusual, most people had just the inner side as a result of a handshake or high-five. Somehow Logan had been lucky enough to have been born with a black hand.
Before Patton really had time to think about anything else, the bus pulled up to the school and stopped with a screeching halt. Patton nearly slid into Logan, but crashed into the bag that Logan had set there as a boundary instead. After recovering, he launched out of his seat and clambored his way to the front of the bus, desperate to get off and away from the crowd of teenagers. He turned to say goodbye to Logan, but he was already gone in the sea of students.
Patton’s first half of the school day passed without event, aside from the usual of his friend Roman trying to convince the new kid, Virgil, to go to prom with him. He rushed to lunch, stomach growling. Clearly the food he had rushed through this morning wasn’t holding him very long. He got his food from the line and walked around to find a table. He spotted Logan’s glasses among the ocean of faces, and started to walk over to him before stopping in his tracks. Logan was very clearly in the middle of a heated debate, on his feet with his hands braced on the table in front of him. His apparent opponent, a junior named Janus, leaned back in his chair with a satisfied smirk, assuming that he had won this round. Patton shook his head and laughed. He knew from experience that when Logan took up that position, he was only getting started. He walked by with a comment about how Logan should be kinder to his underclassmen, and if he had been paying more attention he might have seen the blush that spread across Logan’s cheeks, making him completely forget his argument.
After lunch was the worst part of school, math class. Patton was no good at math, no matter how much he tried. Everyone always said he just wasn’t applying himself, but it seemed that no matter how much he studied, the numbers danced just out of his reach.
He struggled through the class, barely understanding any of the words the teacher was saying. He was about to escape to go to his next class when his teacher said the dreaded words. “Now, for your homework…”
He bit back a groan as he lowered himself back into his seat, and listened patiently as the teacher assigned another chapter quiz that was due on Monday, meaning he would have to work over the weekend.
He hated math.
He had two relatively easy classes after math, in which he spent most of his time worrying about how he would fail this quiz and how disappointed his dads would be. After barely hearing the bell ring over his own thoughts, he decided to swallow his pride and ask for help.
He walked out into the hall, thinking about who would be the best person to ask for help, when the answer nearly smacked him in the face. Logan stopped walking just in time, saving Patton from a large red mark on his forehead and a lot of embarrassment.
“Watch out, Patton, you’ll be run over in this crowd. You seem distracted, are you alright?”
Patton pouted up at him. “My math teacher assigned another quiz that’s due on Monday. I just know that I’m gonna fail, and I really can’t afford another bad grade in this class. Do you think you could-”
Logan cut him off with the exact words he was about to say. “I’ll tutor you.”
Patton’s face immediately brightened. “Really?”
He nodded. “If you’re available after school, you can come to my house for dinner. We’ll work afterwards.”
Patton’s face split into a huge grin and he started bouncing. “Thank you, Logan!”
Logan cleared his throat and looked away, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Of course. Anything for a friend.”
Patton deflated a bit at that. “A friend… right.”
After both boys had collected their things from their lockers, they boarded the bus together, already talking about how annoying some of their teachers were. The conversation hit a lull, and they were left in comfortable silence as they sat and waited for Logan’s stop.
It was in these moments that Patton could feel himself falling for Logan even more. The way he looked out the window as if there was nothing more interesting than the trees blurring past, the way he rested his cheek on his fist, the way he tapped out rhythms on his knees when he got anxious. All of it was perfect to Patton, and he knew that he was hopelessly in love with him.
Soon they reached Logan’s house, and they made their way up the stairs to Logan’s bedroom. Patton tossed his backpack in the corner and flopped down on Logan’s bed like he lived there, which he practically did. When he heard Logan settle down in his desk chair and pull out a sheet of paper, he sat up.
“Now then, show me this quiz and tell me which parts you don’t understand.”
And so they worked long into the night, only stopping briefly for dinner. At about midnight, Patton let out a frustrated groan and raked his hand through his bangs. “I’m never going to get this!”
“Now now, let’s not be so dramatic,” Logan chided, smiling fondly at him. “I’m sure we can find a way to make it make sense to you.” He examined Patton’s face and giggled. “Your hair is a mess.” He reached out with his right hand to tame it, which already gave Patton butterflies. In all the years of knowing each other, he and Logan had never touched.
Logan carded his fingers through Patton’s hair, and Patton nearly melted. The way Logan’s fingers felt was so natural, it was like they were always meant to be there. He closed his eyes and relaxed into the touch, then stiffened when Logan let out a gasp.
“Patton, do me a favor,” he said in a shaky tone. “Go over and look in my mirror, please.”
Patton, now thoroughly worried, stood and walked over to the full length mirror that was hanging from the closet door. “What’s the matter, Lo-” the words died in his throat.
His hair. The hair that had been pitch black for as long as he could remember. His soulmark. It was bright with all the colors of the rainbow.
He turned around, stunned. “But, wait, that means…” he trailed off as Logan held up his right hand, looking at it in shock. His fingers and palm were coated in exactly the same colors as Patton’s hair.
Logan slowly closed the math book that was open on his lap, stood, and walked over to Patton, who had his eyes squeezed shut and was preparing for the rejection. Instead Logan spoke softly, hesitantly. “Patton, can I… can I hug you?”
Those words calmed Patton’s fears immediately as he threw himself into his best friend’s arms, slinging his arms around his neck as he hugged him tight. He buried his face into his shoulder, and Logan started swaying side to side gently, leading them in a sort of slow dance.
“Can we put off the math homework until tomorrow?” Patton asked, his voice muffled by Logan’s shoulder.
He chuckled, sending a jolt of warmth down Patton’s spine. “Of course we can.”
Taglist: @definitely-a-living-human @my-friends-art-and-writing
#kat's writing#logicality#background prinxiety#romantic logicality#soulmate au#logan sanders#patton sanders#roman sanders#virgil sanders#high school au#food mention
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