#it also might just be her abandonment issues but hey dont our issues inform what we believe sometimes?
itsmistyeyedbi · 11 days
This might be a silly question but...do anyone of your detective's believe in fate? Why or why not? Did their view of it change after meeting Unit Bravo and experiencing the events of the twc books?
#zuri does to a certain extent#she believes that sometimes things are going to happen and you have no control over it happening#but you can control how you react to it#that includes some of the bad shit that happens so sometimes she loves it and other times she despises it#its not really a belief she...actively thinks about if that makes sense? but it does play a role in how she thinks about some things#not consistently but if you got her to talk about the way she thinks for long enough she'd probably realise that its a thing that is there#an example of this is... she knows her relationship with rebecca was going to change after room died#she knew that she'd become more distant#it's the fact that she never even tried to be her mother that hurts her#they wouldve never been a super close mother daughter duo but she couldve still been her mother and she chose not to be#another one is ub - theyre gonna get hurt and she knows that#people get hurt all the time especially when they have the type of job ub has - she just doesnt want that hurt to be because of her#if there's something she can do to minimise or outright eliminate the possibility of them getting hurt because of her she will do it#its why she gets so protective of them by book 4 (and why her hurting her li with the solar powers does a number on her)#zuri is the type of person who feels wanted when someone just TRIES for her - even if its against logic#even if what happens between them is going to end and is sometimes going to hurt#not the healthiest way of thinking lol but it is a thing#dont ask her about rook's death tho#or murphy#because thats when she despises the idea of fate and when its most lost on her that she does to some extent believe in it#you could say this is just life but she looks at certain things as though theyre canon events so idk💀#it also might just be her abandonment issues but hey dont our issues inform what we believe sometimes?#im hoping i don't sound dumb lol#tina is the only one who's challenged this belief - she (and her ex) is the reason why its flexible#ub are probably gonna be another reason soon#twc#the wayhaven chronicles#twc detective#oc: zuri jackson
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You really like this new phrase don’t ya.  We would like to accept your challenge.
We would like to inform you most of what you have ranted on, is either embellished or incorrect.  We would like to address these and correct them accordingly.
“ but the relative peace we had changed when some folks started to be outright disrespectful towards other religions and also towards other people. “
Use your words, who are you referring to here?  The vagueblogging, top notch. 
What we think you are referring to is the piety posse, smarmy’s antics with solo, and then the social justice kemetics dogpiling of innocent people in the community, the fake racist god fiasco, belittling the gods, attacking trans people, chasing others off their blogs, making a blog dedicated to bullying a grand total of 5 actual people, attacking another member over hair, attacking that same person for months, and constantly insisting only one person in the community has the “correct” information on ma’at.  We would like to add these are what directly comes to mind.  We would like to add it’s the same small grouping of people who did all of this which has destroyed our community’s peace and ability to have dialogues.
“ oh its nothing new, almost every issue you see talked about at the present was talked about 3 years ago, the usual includes antisemetism, whitewashing, and throwing POC under the bus “
We would like clarification on what you mean by ‘throwing POC’s under the bus’?  If you mean not instantly abandoning ones opinions to obediently pay lip service to and parrot their opinions, we would have to say you are over embellishing.
All other instances we have seen crop up have been exaggerated and labeled inappropriately for what the discussion was.  We would like to add that such labels were tossed on the individuals to invalidate their arguments, despite them being actually correct, most of the time.  We’ve viewed each supposed instance of these and found very few are legitimate.
“ thats when the split happened, and the community was grouped into two ‘sides’ “
Incorrect.  We would like to inform you the split happened when smarmy grouped up with cheshirepiourette and birbreligion, to attack people in the community, like ravenous hyenas desperate for a morsel.  Smarmy at the time introduced her hard stop policy of “us vs them” mentalities, which Shezep actually warned her against at the beginning (iirc).  We would like to inform you, THAT is when the split happened.
“ I am not pretending the Drama and the Baggage is not there, I myself had to choose between the two ‘sides’, I am part of the Drama and the Baggage but I am also Not The One who is engaging with the community while closing my eyes to the issues that is plaguing the community “
We would like to say, you aren’t necessarily part of the drama, you just enable it.  We would like to dispel the illusions of the “baggage and drama” and clarify it all for you.
It’s one group of people (who you engage with often and defend), who cause all the problems.  They attack, the people defend, they throw a label and then spend weeks exaggerating about how x person is “so amazingly evil omg”. 
We would like to clarify, they are usually, if not always incorrect.  If they stopped trying to win every argument with accusations, name calling, and constantly lying about people, the community wouldn’t have split.  But then we would have a diverse community with a wide range of beliefs and thoughts, can’t have that now, can we?
“ So dont turn a blind eye on these issues that is an integral part of understanding the nuances of being a kemetic on this day and age. “
 No one turns a blind eye (we wish we could but by the gods, we are not given a single chance).  We would like to add half the issues are invented, and the other half are barely coherent enough to be considered anything but a political fever dream.
��� We reminded people again and again not to be antisemitic. Lo and behold, its an issue! “
We find it rather odd how “please don’t be antisemitic” is thrown at these people as “omg you are an evil antisemitic, block list, hey guys they are an antisemitic spread it around, block them!!!”
We notice the two versions aren’t identical, weird, and then people get defensive, as if they were, accused.  Strange, that.  “Lo and behold” such “reminders” are never as simple and innocuous as you present here.  “Lo and behold”.
“ Ya’ll keep saying, we want the Religion, but not the Drama and not the Baggage, when the fucking Drama and Baggage is literally reminders to people not to be a fucking dick towards other religions and communities. “
WE would like to add how ironic it is that these “reminders” are always accusations and personal attacks on people to beat them down into submission to your views.  It’s almost like the “reminders” cause all the problems. 
This would suggest "y’all” cause all the drama and baggage because people want to express religion in their own ways.  But you want them to express it in your ways only, that you approve of.  We think that sounds sort of...overreaching your station.
“Lo and behold”, until you all decided to start the trend of disguising “reminders” sorry, accusations, drama was minimal. 
“Lo and behold” the community was a welcoming and fun place when these mods started, before your drama and baggage emerged.
“Lo and behold” maybe you should find better ways to ““remind”“ people that doesn’t outright accuse them of being morally evil. 
Wow! What a groundbreaking idea!
“ so what the fuck are you doing? what the fucking fuck are you doing? to help? to make the community better? to elevate the kemetics into a greater community? “
We are cleaning up the shitty trash you and the people you enable keep shitting all over the place like pigeons playing chess.
Better question, what are YOU doing besides bitching about the inevitable results of you and your friends constant shitting and blaming it on someone else?  What are YOU doing besides armchair slacktivism?  What is YOUR contribution here?
The kemetics can better be elevated into a greater community by not demanding they all follow one thought, one idea, one concept, one ideology, and one political stance, pre-approved by an itty bitty titty committee.
“ do you engage the community and the issues it is dealing with? “
We do!  We do quite often to try and make this fetid waste semi-habitable again, just check out our blog!
“ or do you engage the religion while pretending these issues are not part of the religion? “
 We find it ironic you mention the nuances of issues and then cavalierly condense it into two choices.  We find this entirely deceptive. 
We do not pretend these issues are not real, we just notice that 9 times out of 10 they are minor, barely worth mentioning issues which cause no fuss until “““someone”““ decides to ““Remind”“ everyone they are bad for not instantly agreeing and exaggerate the issue into a catastrophic event.  Maybe “y’all” should stay in your fucking lane.
We would like to add, some with low reading comprehension might say that sounds like maintaining the status quo.  We would like to inform you, we have an exciting new concept!  Not tossing awful insults and labels on someone to win the argument with a hollow point!
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WE have this exciting new idea of talking to people about these issues instead talking at them (or shouting them down)!  Or talking to people without the self-entitled condescending tones! 
We would even go so far as to suggest having dialogue with them to hear out their points instead of trying to convert them to YOUR point while refusing to listen to them!  But that’s not all!  You can also take this spicy new approach of not lying about them and spreading horrible rumors to destroy their reputations and try to run them out of the community!
We encourage trying these EXCITING new techniques to talking to people like an adult and not angsty teenagers angling for a fight.
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--Memphis & Cairo
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domina-alba · 7 years
Seditionis Adamas
VI There were many abandoned docking bays around Homeworld so it wasn’t hard to find one that was also out of range of any of the air traffic control towers. Pink waited in silence with Jet. The other Pearl was still mad at her she knew but hopefully after today everything would be ok. She had excused herself from Domina for the day, the girl had been busy going over some of the things that Steven and his friend had sent her, and most likely wouldn’t have noticed her absence even if she hadn’t said something.  She didn’t know what Jet’s excuse was.
Domina was trying to concentrate on the third Spirit Morph book, Overneath the Underworld, she really was, This one kept distracting her as she attempted to match up the descriptions of the Underworld both from her father’s stories and what the book described. Steven and Connie both had sent her a wide variety of Earth fiction and she was astounded by the variety. There was something else distracting Domina of course, the same thing that had been distracting her all week, Pearl was hiding something. She knew it was probably a relationship. She knew that the incident with the Pearl and Sapphire had probably freaked her Pearl out. She just wish she knew how to bring this subject up, she couldn’t lose Pearl.
The roaming eye landed smoothly. Pink waved to the craft moments before the hatch open and White stepped out.
“White,” Pink said “Everything went smoothly I assume?”
“Yes much more so this time around,” She said. Oblivious to Jet’s opened mouth awe.
“Sup Pinky.” the overcooked Amethyst said hopping out of the craft. The fusion came through ,
having to duck her head to get through the door. She was followed shortly by Steven.
“Hey Pink!” Steven said with a wave. He then grinned broadly at the still starstruck Jet. Pink
blinked startled.
“Steven? Are you sure it’s safe for you too be here.”
“He’s as safe here as any of us are.” Garnet said adjusting her glasses. Amethyst slung an arm around stevens shoulder and grinned.
“Or at least as safe as we are before Greg finds out we took him to space again.”
It took roughly ten minutes for Domina to get ready with Yellow sent a message requesting her and Blue for a meeting about the newest set of planets that had been scouted. Why this couldn’t have waited was beyond Domina. She pulled her jacket and cape over her white jumpsuit, ran her hand through her hair quickly and warped directly to the citadel.
Where a year ago she walked emotionless through the hallways she smiled at the guards as she passed them, the ones that were used to her smiled back or nodded. Being able to be herself, or rather, no longer caring about upholding White Diamond’s aloof reputation, had made this last year bearable. The other diamonds pearls were inside the room when Domina kicked herself up into the air. Out of the corner of her eye she could see them talking.
“Where is your Pearl?” Yellow asked after Domina had landed on a platform that put her roughly level with the other diamonds.
“So if I remember right there’s a service entrance at the back.” Pearl said projecting a holographic image of the building in front of them. “Amethyst, You and Pink should be able to get us through the door and hallways with limited issues. After you’ve distracted the guards the rest of us will enter.”
“Right,” Amethyst said shapeshifting into a form that was closer to your average quartz.
“Pink you have the location’s?” White asked. Pearl nodded and pointed out the levels.
“Excellent. Garnet and Steven go with Pink to the lower levels. Jet, Amethyst, and I will got to the upper levels. Guards are posted here, here, here and here.”
“They’ve never been particularly vigilant” Pink said. “If we’re careful we should be able to sneak right by them.”
These kind of meetings were tedious, and repetitive. Yellow and Blue knew the formula as well as Domina did but even so having to repeat that there was little to no way of predicting successful implantation numbers for silica based gems was beginning to wear on her.
“This would be why I’ve been pushing for scrutinizing shattering case more closely, perhaps even allowing for some gems in certain cases to move outside-”
“White I told you we are not doing this.”
“And just why not Yellow?” Domina asked.
“Because the empire thrives on order.” Blue said from where she had been sitting, mostly just watching Yellow and Domina argue. Blue Diamond gave Domina an indulgent smile. “I understand your accustomed to the colonies, but here with gems that are much closer to the mold it simply will not work.” The cape over White Diamond’s shoulders started to billow slightly.
“‘Closer to the mold’?” she asked coldly. “And just exactly what are you implying by that?” Before Blue diamond could respond the door opened. Yellow shot a glare at the Fire Agate that had dared to barge in on a Diamond meeting, Blue sat a little straighter in her seat, White forced the air around her still.
“What?” Yellow asked.
“Forgive me your radiances but a situation has arisen that I believe should be brought to your attention.” The Fire agate said with a salute that perfectly formed around the white diamond on her jumpsuit. “There was an incident within the cell block in the white-”
“Domina!!” Steven’s voice shouted from the hallway. Domina felt her face go pale as the eyes of the other two diamonds and their Pearls turn on her.
“Oh shards” She muttered.
“White care to explain?” Yellow asked her voice as disapproving as it had ever been.Blue Diamond stood at the sound of Steven’s voice.
“Bring them in” She ordered. Domina felt every curse she had ever heard run through her head simultaneously as Steven, the renegade pearl, the Overcooked Amethyst, a ruby and a sapphire were corralled into the room by a group of Jaspers. And then her heart stopped as Pearl was brought in, her pearl.
Yellow’s eyes were burning a hole into her back.
“Rose Quartz.” Blue diamond said looking down at the group.
“His name is Steven.” Domina said unable to stop staring at Pearl who wouldn’t meet her eyes. “Leave us.” Domina said. The Agate and Jasper Guards bowed and left the room.
“Care to explain exactly what’s going on White?” Yellow asked. Domina could feel every instinct inside her screaming to wipe the minds of everyone here and start from scratch, but she saw the renegade’s gem, shaped not unlike Pearls. She needed to use her words for this.
“That applied to both of you as well.” Domina said turning to face the other two diamonds.
“Excuse me?” Blue Diamond said.
“I said leave,” Her mind was racing like a computer program pulling up files up any scrap of information that could help her. “ I will explain later.”
“You can’t expect us to just leave White, These are the ‘crystal’ gems, whats left anyway, this matter is far beyond you.”
“These gems are mine.” Domina said, she had remembered something, something that might just get them out of this.
“The pearls, are yours. The sapphire and ruby belong- belonged to my court.”
“And now they dont” Domina stepped into the air. “Domestic law, 73.962, Criminals whose records have been on file for an excess of 4 millenia are immediately placed in whichever court the member of which has returned them. The recipient court is therefore responsible for dealing punishment as they see fit.” She recited.
The two Diamonds stared at her and then Yellow pulled up a screen and quickly searched for the law. Moments later Yellow Diamond frowned and nodded.
“She’s right.”
“That’s impossible you-!” Blue started to protest glaring ferociously at the Ruby and Sapphire.
“Ha! Take that you Sha-” The Ruby yelled before being cut off by the Sapphire pulling her back and putting a hand over her mouth.
“Technically according to that law Rose Quartz belongs to Blue and I.” Yellow said, she raised an eyebrow Domina.
“That’s not Rose Quartz, I will grant you he is ‘A’ Rose Quartz but not ‘The’ Rose Quartz, he is in the same category as the amethyst.” Domina said. “Steven how old are you?” She didn’t turn to look at them. She needed to be focused.
“15, Domina I-” He said.
“Time from emergence to report to the nearest commanding officer is 1 decade in extraneous circumstances” Domina cut him off. “He and the Amethyst are both AWOL, and military law 56.2217 dealing with this matter redirects back to the domestic law in the case of off colors, placing them both in the high diamond’s court so that they can either be shattered or reassigned.” Domina finished clasping her hands behind her back like she had seen the Zircons do countless time upon winning a case.
Yellow was already bringing up the military law she had cited. Blue stared at Yellow unblinking the entire time until her fellow diamond frowned and nodded.
“We will speak of this later Domina.” Yellow Diamond said.
“I’m sure.” Domina said. Blue Diamonds face had gone dark and domina could feel her emotions twist slowly, into unadulterated rage as she moved towards Domina, Suddenly Yellow slammed her fist on the arm of a chair.
“Enough! Let’s go Blue, we’ll get our answers later!” the rage was gone, Blue Diamonds face retook a relatively facade but she still shot Domina a murderous look as she and Yellow left the room their pearls trailing behind them staring at the party until the last possible moment.
Domina sighed allowing the stress to leave her body as she slowly turned and lowered to the ground to face her next problem. Garnet had reformed by the time she alighted on the ground, and was now giving her the same disapproving look that the renegade was. Steven chuckled nervously.
“Funny how we keep meeting like this...” he said twiddling his fingers. Domina didn’t smile, she stared at Pearl, then looked over the crystal gems.
“Well,” she said lowly “Is someone going to tell me what the frack is going on?”
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