arcsigils2 · 10 months
~Thank You~
I've deleted ArcReads2, my Divination blog, the twin sibling of this blog, ArcSigils2, (which is why the name is so similar) and this blog will only be for my use now. It will remain as long as my main blog-account remains, which might not be long, considering tumblr is deleting pro Palestinian blogs.
if my account gets terminated, I will not return.
thank you for all of your kindness towards me, may whatever good I have brought into this world, by the means of my Readings and my Sigils, let the merits and virtues of them becomes the circumstances, the cause, condition, and effects, for Palestine to be Free, for Palestinians to be Free, and for that Freedom to ripple throughout the world, and Free all other Peoples and Countries that are suffering from Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, Wars, and Subjugation by their Evil and Ruthless Oppressors.
may all sentient beings be free may all sentient beings be happy may all sentient beings be kind may all sentient beings be just
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labseraph · 10 months
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C'mon, Anubis!
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Hey, can you fact check this? https://at.tumblr.com/ptah-ikemi-ka/700269200098361344/xsja29ww1v0q
just finishing this one now :)
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khensaptah · 1 year
Khenne, its Arc, its Anon so I can reblog on Ptah-Ikemi-Ka
To my Lord, my Father, my Master, my Teacher, to Ptah, the Lord of Creation, Divine Architect of The Universe, Who Granted Me A New Life With His Ka
Ask of me. Demand of me. Make use of me.
How can I best serve you now, my Lord?
Ptah-Apis speaks:
Speaker of the library; keeper of the words:
When will your voice once more shine for me?
Look around your world, find me in it, and show it to them.
When the world seems cold, crawl into the crypts;
Know that even in the darkest places I shine.
You are a mirror. Reflect the light.
Note: all other requests answered privately, so that you can make your own publicity choices. I am also happy to discuss the messages I transcribe if you wish by DM.
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We are responding to this post.
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You really like this new phrase don’t ya.  We would like to accept your challenge.
We would like to inform you most of what you have ranted on, is either embellished or incorrect.  We would like to address these and correct them accordingly.
“ but the relative peace we had changed when some folks started to be outright disrespectful towards other religions and also towards other people. “
Use your words, who are you referring to here?  The vagueblogging, top notch. 
What we think you are referring to is the piety posse, smarmy’s antics with solo, and then the social justice kemetics dogpiling of innocent people in the community, the fake racist god fiasco, belittling the gods, attacking trans people, chasing others off their blogs, making a blog dedicated to bullying a grand total of 5 actual people, attacking another member over hair, attacking that same person for months, and constantly insisting only one person in the community has the “correct” information on ma’at.  We would like to add these are what directly comes to mind.  We would like to add it’s the same small grouping of people who did all of this which has destroyed our community’s peace and ability to have dialogues.
“ oh its nothing new, almost every issue you see talked about at the present was talked about 3 years ago, the usual includes antisemetism, whitewashing, and throwing POC under the bus “
We would like clarification on what you mean by ‘throwing POC’s under the bus’?  If you mean not instantly abandoning ones opinions to obediently pay lip service to and parrot their opinions, we would have to say you are over embellishing.
All other instances we have seen crop up have been exaggerated and labeled inappropriately for what the discussion was.  We would like to add that such labels were tossed on the individuals to invalidate their arguments, despite them being actually correct, most of the time.  We’ve viewed each supposed instance of these and found very few are legitimate.
“ thats when the split happened, and the community was grouped into two ‘sides’ “
Incorrect.  We would like to inform you the split happened when smarmy grouped up with cheshirepiourette and birbreligion, to attack people in the community, like ravenous hyenas desperate for a morsel.  Smarmy at the time introduced her hard stop policy of “us vs them” mentalities, which Shezep actually warned her against at the beginning (iirc).  We would like to inform you, THAT is when the split happened.
“ I am not pretending the Drama and the Baggage is not there, I myself had to choose between the two ‘sides’, I am part of the Drama and the Baggage but I am also Not The One who is engaging with the community while closing my eyes to the issues that is plaguing the community “
We would like to say, you aren’t necessarily part of the drama, you just enable it.  We would like to dispel the illusions of the “baggage and drama” and clarify it all for you.
It’s one group of people (who you engage with often and defend), who cause all the problems.  They attack, the people defend, they throw a label and then spend weeks exaggerating about how x person is “so amazingly evil omg”. 
We would like to clarify, they are usually, if not always incorrect.  If they stopped trying to win every argument with accusations, name calling, and constantly lying about people, the community wouldn’t have split.  But then we would have a diverse community with a wide range of beliefs and thoughts, can’t have that now, can we?
“ So dont turn a blind eye on these issues that is an integral part of understanding the nuances of being a kemetic on this day and age. “
 No one turns a blind eye (we wish we could but by the gods, we are not given a single chance).  We would like to add half the issues are invented, and the other half are barely coherent enough to be considered anything but a political fever dream.
“ We reminded people again and again not to be antisemitic. Lo and behold, its an issue! “
We find it rather odd how “please don’t be antisemitic” is thrown at these people as “omg you are an evil antisemitic, block list, hey guys they are an antisemitic spread it around, block them!!!”
We notice the two versions aren’t identical, weird, and then people get defensive, as if they were, accused.  Strange, that.  “Lo and behold” such “reminders” are never as simple and innocuous as you present here.  “Lo and behold”.
“ Ya’ll keep saying, we want the Religion, but not the Drama and not the Baggage, when the fucking Drama and Baggage is literally reminders to people not to be a fucking dick towards other religions and communities. “
WE would like to add how ironic it is that these “reminders” are always accusations and personal attacks on people to beat them down into submission to your views.  It’s almost like the “reminders” cause all the problems. 
This would suggest "y’all” cause all the drama and baggage because people want to express religion in their own ways.  But you want them to express it in your ways only, that you approve of.  We think that sounds sort of...overreaching your station.
“Lo and behold”, until you all decided to start the trend of disguising “reminders” sorry, accusations, drama was minimal. 
“Lo and behold” the community was a welcoming and fun place when these mods started, before your drama and baggage emerged.
“Lo and behold” maybe you should find better ways to ““remind”“ people that doesn’t outright accuse them of being morally evil. 
Wow! What a groundbreaking idea!
“ so what the fuck are you doing? what the fucking fuck are you doing? to help? to make the community better? to elevate the kemetics into a greater community? “
We are cleaning up the shitty trash you and the people you enable keep shitting all over the place like pigeons playing chess.
Better question, what are YOU doing besides bitching about the inevitable results of you and your friends constant shitting and blaming it on someone else?  What are YOU doing besides armchair slacktivism?  What is YOUR contribution here?
The kemetics can better be elevated into a greater community by not demanding they all follow one thought, one idea, one concept, one ideology, and one political stance, pre-approved by an itty bitty titty committee.
“ do you engage the community and the issues it is dealing with? “
We do!  We do quite often to try and make this fetid waste semi-habitable again, just check out our blog!
“ or do you engage the religion while pretending these issues are not part of the religion? “
 We find it ironic you mention the nuances of issues and then cavalierly condense it into two choices.  We find this entirely deceptive. 
We do not pretend these issues are not real, we just notice that 9 times out of 10 they are minor, barely worth mentioning issues which cause no fuss until “““someone”““ decides to ““Remind”“ everyone they are bad for not instantly agreeing and exaggerate the issue into a catastrophic event.  Maybe “y’all” should stay in your fucking lane.
We would like to add, some with low reading comprehension might say that sounds like maintaining the status quo.  We would like to inform you, we have an exciting new concept!  Not tossing awful insults and labels on someone to win the argument with a hollow point!
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WE have this exciting new idea of talking to people about these issues instead talking at them (or shouting them down)!  Or talking to people without the self-entitled condescending tones! 
We would even go so far as to suggest having dialogue with them to hear out their points instead of trying to convert them to YOUR point while refusing to listen to them!  But that’s not all!  You can also take this spicy new approach of not lying about them and spreading horrible rumors to destroy their reputations and try to run them out of the community!
We encourage trying these EXCITING new techniques to talking to people like an adult and not angsty teenagers angling for a fight.
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--Memphis & Cairo
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smarmykemetic · 3 years
Kemetic Round Table Revival
Since I can’t figure out how to add these new posts to the old KRT site, I’m just going to make a tumblr post that I can pin to this blog and edit every now and again. (Remaining topics and KRT revival rules under the cut) There’s also a WP version.
Ma’at and Isfet 
Round Table Page for Ma’at and Isfet
Off the Beaten Path
Round Table Page for Off the Beaten Path
Round Table Page for Priesthood
Akhu Basics
Round Table Page for Akhu Basics
Pragmatic Kemeticism
Modern Mythology
The Afterlife
Modern Rituals
Gods and Communication
Erotic Mysticism While Kemetic
If you wrote one and I missed it, or if you didn’t want yours posted here let me know and I’ll add/delete it!!
What are the remaining topics?
The remaining topics from the original KRT, as well as some new topics added, are as follows: :
Adapting Problematic Practices: How do we adapt problematic practices and myths from antiquity when they rub up against our morals and values? What about how that coincides with controversial topics within the larger Kemetic community, such as godspousing, eclectic Kemeticism, and the priesthood?
Living Kemeticism: What does living your faith mean to you? How can others bring their religion into their day to day life or live their religion?
Kingship and practice: One of the first thing that many new Kemetics hear about and learn about is the concept of kingship within the community. For this round of KRT, we discuss whether kingship plays a role in your practice or not.Does the concept of Kingship/Pharaoh impact your practice, and if so, how?
Differences in practices: How do you deal with them? How do we overlook our differences in practice and UPG? What do we do if our experiences don’t line up with others?
Negotiating Holidays: How do we negotiate Western secular and/or popular religious holidays? Do we ignore them? Do we co-opt them? Do we have celebrations with our non-Kemetic friends/family and then hold our own celebrations, if we have any Kemetic festivals around that particular time? 
Kemetic Calendars and Holidays: One of the first questions anyone will ask about a new religion is- what are your holidays? For this round we discuss the trials of setting up a Kemetic calendar.What about holidays? Do we need them? How do I figure out when holidays occur? How do I celebrate holidays? Can I make up my own holidays?
Underground Kemeticism: How public are you about your beliefs and practices? How has it (or not) impacted your work life, your familial and friendly ties? What advice would you give to uncertain Kemetics about how to approach either telling or not telling others about their beliefs?
Epithets: What use do epithets have in modern kemeticism? How do you use epithets in your Kemetic practice? Why?
Feminist Kemeticism: How does being a feminist affect a kemetic? What is your position on feminism in kemeticism? Why?
Queering Kemeticism: How does being queer or LGBT affect a kemetic? What is your position on “queering” kemeticism? Why?
Leftist Kemeticism: How does being on the political Left affect a kemetic? What is your position on leftism in kemeticism? Why?
Kemeticism in Diaspora: How do we practice our religion without a unified homeland? What does it mean to be a solitary practitioner? In what ways has the area you live in affected how you adapt your faith? Why?
Offering Basics: Offerings are a staple in any Kemetic practice. For this round we discuss some offering basics. Offerings 101: What do I offer the gods? How do I determine what to offer? Can I offer without a patron? Do I need to revert my offerings? How do I do that? What if I can’t?
Living in a Religious World: What is Kemeticism's place in the world of religions? How should Kemeticism deal with other religions, pagan or not? What about atheists?
Terminology and Language: how necessary is it? Is there a right or wrong way to use terminology and language in your practice? 
Working With Heka: How do you work with heka? How can you utilize heka more in your day to day life? Any tips for people trying to get started in using heka?
Highlights of Kemeticism: What parts of Kemeticism do you enjoy the most? How has Kemeticism enriched your life?
Kemeticism is a Journey: how has your practice changed since you started out? How did you find your place within the Kemetic sphere? What have you learned through trial and error that newbs may find helpful or useful?
Altar and Shrine Basics: A shrine is a place of devotion to a particular deity, and is central in a lot of Kemetic’s practices. For this Round, we’ll be discussing the specifics about setting up your first shrine, and any rules regarding shrine creation.
Offering Basics: Offerings are a staple in any Kemetic practice. For this round we discuss some offering basics.
Differences in Practice: Everyone has a different way of doing things. This round we discuss how we handle our differences.
Daily Ritual Basics: One of the first questions that every new Kemetic asks is “how do you develop a daily practice?” This round, we discuss some of the basics of setting up your own daily practice.
The Ethics of Curses and Execrations: Many religious traditions have a history of performing curses and the like, and Kemeticism is no exception. For this round, we discuss if there are any ethics attached to these practices and the nuances of performing such acts.
Bribing and Threatening Gods: There are times when every practitioner is at the end of their rope and may consider bribing or threatening their deities. For this round, we discuss whether it is permissible to do either in Kemeticism.
Mythology and You: There is a lot of discussion regarding mythology and ancient Egypt. For this round, we discuss what role that mythology may play in a Kemetic’s practice.
Multiple Paths Sometimes you will start on the path of Kemeticism, only to find that other paths call your name or interest you. This week, we discuss how to handle situations like this, and whether it is okay to mix or practice multiple paths at once.
How did you get started? Every Kemetic has to start somewhere. For this topic, we’re discussing how each of us got started in Kemeticism, and sharing any tips or stories that we might find helpful.
UPG and You: The Basics UPG, or Unverified Personal Gnosis, is a large part of many modern Kemetic practices. For this round, we discuss the nuances of UPG. Are there rules regarding these terms? How important is UPG in your practice, and how important should others’ UPG be in my practice?
The Egyptian Gods and You: Figuring out what role the gods play in your religious practice can be tricky! This round, we discuss the following topics related to gods:
How do you survive fallow time?: Everyone has dry spells in their religious practices. How do you handle the fallow times in your religious practice?
Ritual purity: what does that mean for my practice? Before doing a Kemetic ritual, it’s common to do something special to prepare yourself. What do modern Kemetics to do prepare themselves for ritual?
What are the rules?
We’re running this revival democratically. If you want to vote on which topics we do and when, let me know and I can add you to our discord where we discuss and vote on stuff :>
If you want to add your take on one of these topics (or one of the KRT topics we haven’t gone over as a group yet!) just let me know and I’ll add it for you. 
I will add ANY post anyone asks me to to this post so long as it is both a) about the topics listed on the KRT site/listed on this post and b) not bigoted or drama-mongering by my metrics. If you think I’m censoring you for not adding everything automatically, make your own post. 
You do not have to be in our discord, or on tumblr, or even a kemetic to add to this. You do not have to be “as good a writer” or “as knowledgeable” as the rest of us (by anyone’s metric) to participate! All we want is MORE participants!! :D
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med-val · 3 years
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Hey! Hello!
This is a gift I made a long time ago for an old friend, @ptah-ikemi-ka
I'm sorry, I think this never reached you until now.
I hope you are doing fine and that everything is well with you! ^^
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ofspeckledplumage · 6 years
Interrupted Dream
I walked in a huge room and saw dismantled ancient Egyptian statues with no eyes. My heart stopped and the sight took my breath away.
I walked closer and hesitated to touch the parts because they seemed so sacred. But once I did the statues seems to reform and towered above me.
I'm not completely sure what they were of, in my limited ability to recognize iconography I think one was a male pharaoh and one was a female pharaoh.
I took the crook from the male and gave it to @ptah-ikemi-ka
And the flail from the female was for me.
(I say interrupted because I think there's a spirit that hangs around that finds disrupting my regular dreams with nightmares fun. I think there might have been more but it seemed interrupted by a nightmare I had next).
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peachiree-archive · 6 years
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lyriumrain (3%)
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