#it actually pains me to see how little the show cares about rhaenyra actually
shesalittlelost · 3 months
Hotd is just not team black centric enough for me to give two fucks about it but I'm disappointed coz I've been waiting for it since the first time it was announced. Too much greenies is such a turn off. Nobody cares!! We need more of the best and cuntiest Targaryens not the lewser group.
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 1 month
"He's probably got a little more than he bargained for."
"I think he's starting to feel the weight of that crown on his head."
"In Episode 7, you had Rhaenyra raise new dragonriders."
"And so that puts into question that belief that Targaryens have always been closer to gods than [to] men."
"That divide between dragonlords and common folk has now been shrunk in Aemond."
"He recognizes that he's outnumbered, dragon-wise — out-dragoned, should I say."
"And so you start to see that in Episode 8, he starts to get a little bit desperate."
"But he's still got a few things up his sleeve."
"And what he does as well, in retaliation — in a fit of rage, he burns the town of Sharp Point, which is the seed of Bar Emmon who sits on Rhaenyra's council, who very much pledged to the Black side of the war."
"And it's interesting because although it was an act of anger, geographically the town of Sharp Point is situated very close to the Gullet."
"And so maybe Aemond is warming up the blockade for things to come in Season 3."
"That's kind of how he kids himself, that's how he justifies his actions."
"Well, is there any council member left? I think he sent them all away."
"[Laughs.] It was really interesting exploring those scenes as well, when Aemond was on one side of the table, and how he was serving the war effort."
"Then when he gets voted as Prince Regent, he sits on the other end of the table, and now he looks at all of these council members through a very different lens."
And it's like, "How can each of you serve me? Who's with me, who's against me?"
"He's very earnest in a way."
"And he ultimately disbands the council table, he's not one who cares that much for tradition."
"In terms of who my favorite is, it would probably be Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel)."
"I think Aemond trusts Cole to do his job."
"And the person that he doesn't trust, it would be Larys (Matthew Needham)."
"I think he can see through him a little bit."
"I don't want to give away too much, but one of the things that I loved in Episode 6 is when Aemond gives Aegon the king's marker back, and he kind of presses it into his wounded stomach."
"Is he doing that to inflict pain on Aegon?"
Or is he doing it as a way to say, "Don't worry, the king's seat will be there for you when you get better?"
"So, Aemond's true allegiance is questionable."
"You don't necessarily know what his ambitions are, but that's what makes him scary."
"Aemond, he raises those questions."
"One of the things that I love about watching film and TV, is the conversation it sparks afterwards."
"I love that almost as much as watching the film, and having that debate with friends — their angles on what characters' hidden motivations might be."
"And I love deciphering it all."
"No, I don't think he's given up."
"I don't think he'll ever give up."
"I think he very much didn't want his mom at work."
"So he was like, mom, you just step outside for a minute."
"I'm going to finish this war, and then when it's done, I'll join you on a Dornish beach."
"We can share a Piña Colada, and I'll be the war hero."
"You can be the mother I always wanted you to be, and it'll all be good in Aemond's eye, and peaceful."
"Whether or not that's what Alicent wants, or whether that's her idea of happiness, is another thing."
"Or maybe you could look at it from the fact that he just doesn't want his mom's voice on the council table."
"And he does have a grudge against her for the way that she raised him."
"I think one that just has love for him."
"That's how we beat Aemond, it's with love."
"We gotta give him a hug."
"I think he definitely believes some part of Helaena's foresight to be true."
He witnesses that when he's named Prince Regent, and Helaena stood behind him, she asks, "Was it all worth it?"
"And witnessing what Helaena says to him at the end of the [season], it challenges his beliefs."
"He always had an idea of how things were going to play out."
"He felt very bulletproof, to an extent."
"And so to hear that belief be put to question by Helaena, it kind of shakes his world."
"And I think Aemond, he's got to sit down and let that information marinate a little bit."
"But as we know, he doesn't sit still for long."
"He's going to be up on his feet and he's going to retaliate ASAP."
"I think it's interesting, because the knowledge that Helaena shares with Aemond, it's information that could make Aemond an enemy of her, or, on the other hand, it could actually make Helaena a very valuable ally for the Green side."
"Because with that perception, if you were able to harness that power and that foresight, I think if we listened to Helaena a lot more we might be in an even better position than we are now."
"And she could tell us about blows before they land, we can be one step ahead of the curve."
"He's definitely got Vhagar on a leash."
"We acted more as a power couple in Season 2."
"Aemond learned from his mistakes in the skies of Storm's End from Season 1."
I think he listened to his grandfather Otto Hightower (Rhys Ifans) when he said, "You must get a grip on your emotions."
"And so I think he definitely had Vhagar on a tighter rein this season, and was a lot more in control, and that makes him all the more scary."
"Yeah, we're a power couple."
"She's beautiful, right?"
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aemondsvisenya · 2 years
Hello! I saw you were taking requests for House of the dragon and wanted to request something if that’s okay! I had this idea for quite a while but haven’t been able to find any fics like this. I’d like to request a Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader hurt/comfort fic in which the reader comforts him after Viserys’ death. Maybe she finds him having a breakdown and like breaking things so she goes to hug him (with the head bump thing he does when he hugs people bc that makes me melt) and he just lets go for once. I know this sounds a bit ooc for him but I’ve heard that they cut off the scene in which he cried for Viserys and his daughter and I can’t get over it. I believe Daemon is actually more emotional than how we see in the show and that he feels a lot and is a very complex character. I’d love to see a scenario in which Daemon actually can’t hold his emotions in anymore and someone is there for him. Idk I just love him🫶🏻
Sorry for my english, it’s not my first language. Anyway, take your time and feel free to ignore this if it you’re not really inspired, have a great day!
Hi anon! Of course it’s absolutely okay to request! ☺️ I love this idea so much, oh my gosh - I actually did write a fanfic a couple of months back about Daemon in episode 10 (grieving not only his brother but also his daughter and stepson), and I totally agree that he’s incredibly complex. It’s a shame there were scenes showing his complexity cut from the show!
Anyway, I apologise for it being kind of short but I've been busy with work unfortunately! I also apologise if it sucks!
Grieving | Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
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Warnings: mentions of illness/death, angst, hurt/comfort, Daemon using his favourite four letter words beginning with c and f
Also, a note: Obviously this isn't canon-compliant - you're in a relationship with Daemon in this fic, so you could assume he's not married to Rhaenyra but... anyway.
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The first thought on your mind when you heard the news of Viserys’ death was not of the inevitable power struggle for who would be the one to seize the throne, of the inevitable war and pain for both sides this would cause, or even your own feelings of sadness at the king’s passing.
No, the only thing on your mind was Daemon.
It didn’t take long for everyone around you to busy themselves with plotting how best to help the king’s named heir take the throne that was rightfully hers, Daemon chief among them; to anyone else, he appeared angry, filled with a dangerous rage that threatened to boil over and destroy everything in his wake, his desire for war and revenge clear. It was true, you admitted; it was obvious that your lover wanted to hurt each and every person who had caused his brother pain, who had disrespected that same brother’s wishes, who had held any part in usurping a niece he held dear. There was no question that Daemon Targaryen wanted revenge or that he would be the one to swing the sword as he sought it.
But you knew him well enough to know that there was more than just anger and hate driving him - everyone thought him a heartless man, incapable of loving or truly caring for anyone, but you knew this assumption couldn't have been further from the truth.
As darkness fell over Dragonstone that evening and the council meetings drew to a close, you saw the Rogue Prince leave quickly; his face was grim, mouth set in a firm line and a hand on the sword he kept with him at all times. No one noticed as you silently slipped away after him, too occupied in their own politics and war to care what you did or where you went - you were of little importance compared to the lords, princes and queen, after all.
You knew immediately where he had gone - there was only one place in the castle he would go now after a long day like this, especially in the aftermath of such news. In no time at all you were standing outside of the chambers the two of you were occupying during your stay, taking a deep breath and steeling yourself before ordering the guard posted outside of the doors to let no one else in unless of an emergency; the knight agreed, bowing his head low as you entered the room.
A goblet clashed against a stone wall, thankfully empty and not filled with wine that would stain the rugs. Your prince barely seemed to notice your sudden presence, so consumed by his anguish and rage that it seemed to blind him to all else; you tried not to wince as he next overturned a large table, sending the books and scrolls that had decorated it clattering to the floor in a mess. You had known he would take the news harshly: the king had been his older brother, his only brother or sibling for that matter, and while their relationship had been somewhat uneasy over the years, it was clear that they had loved and cared for each other despite any quarrels or disagreements they may have once had.
He let out snarl, kicking a nearby chair. "Those bastards... those fucking Hightower cunts..." He picked up a nearby vase and threw it to the floor; the object shattered upon impact, something else the servants would have to clean come morning. Most would have been afraid by his behaviour, by this violence - but not you. You knew he would not hurt you, that his actions were merely his way of expressing his pain and hurt.
He spared you a glance, enough to acknowledge you, before letting out a harsh exhale and stalking over to the window; he sat on the ledge underneath it, resting an arm against the glass and leaning his head against it. Like this, you could not see his face - but you knew what the small tremors that shook his shoulders meant, what he needed from you even as he tried to hide.
"Oh, love..." You crossed the room and without hesitating cupped his face, turning it towards you. "Come here."
Daemon looked at you once more, his eyes glassy. "My brother..."
"I know," You whispered. "I'm so sorry. I'm certain he knew you were loyal to him, that you loved him - he knew it until the end."
"He's gone," He said, voice thick with emotion that he was only now allowing himself to feel properly. "Viserys is gone."
Your heart broke at the pain in his voice. "It's okay, Daemon... you don't have to be strong here, not with me."
There was a moment's pause before he leaned forwards, forehead gently bumping against your chin as he pressed his face into your chest. As your hands started to run through his hair almost absent-mindedly, knowing that this action helped to soothe him, he began to let go for you; his hands reached for the fabric of your clothes as if to clutch onto you, to hold you closer, and soon the tears came.
Very few people had ever seen the Rogue Prince cry, for he hated to be seen as weak, but the love and years you had spent together meant he trusted you enough to be vulnerable in front of. It didn't take long before his tears turned to quiet sobs, muffled by the way he pressed his face into you; all you could do for now was hold him tight and whisper comfortingly to him, to to be there for him by giving him the freedom he needed to grieve his loss.
Daemon would avenge his brother, of this you had no doubts - but for tonight he allowed himself to let go and mourn, and you were all too willing to be there for him when he needed you most.
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theforgottenmcrmy · 3 months
live reactions to house of the dragon season 2, episode 2
once again, these are just my opinions (about a fictional show and characters, no less). I will not engage with incendiary arguments (if there are any) , but I am always open to polite discussions or thoughts🖤
spoilers below the cut
still loving this new intro🖤
can you imagine how terrifying it would be to be a servant in the Red Keep post 🩸 and 🧀?
Aegon’s voice literally doesn’t even sound like Aegon👀
And just WHERE have you been, Aemond?!
“We mustn’t me shaken by this.” BROOO are you kidding me?!?! That was your great grandson?
“The gods punish us. They punish me.” Yes.
Tyland I can’t even with you lmao-
Paranoid Aegon here we go…
I will give Aegon major kudos for initially objecting to Otto’s plan to parade about his son’s body. 💚 his instincts are there at times, he has just always been coddled, misguided, and not reprimanded when he needed to be.
Why is Aegon the only one spared from this parade? They 110% could have had her refrain from going out in public, and it might have been more effective. “The queen is so distraught, she is unable to leave her chambers.” Where’s the lie? And you spare that poor girl even more torture.
Helaena never wanted this, never wanted to be queen.💔 She’s not a queen who lost a prince, she is just a mother who lost her son.
Helaena is seeing something, I just don’t know what…
Where are the damn guards in this show?!?! So six go to unstick the carriage, you telling me you only have a handful of guards escorting the queen and dowager queen out and about in public?🤔
Daemon’s side eye I cannot😭😂-
Even Rhaenyra knows Helaena is innocent🖤
Anyone else’s Max suddenly run into an error at this point?
The fact that Daemon actually thinks it’s humorous😅
Godssssss this argument is painful but good, and it’s needed, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it💔
“You struck down a child.” The audible HURT in her words-
Baela has had a handful of scenes, if even that, and I already feel like we as the audience know who her character is and what she’s about right away. And her and Rhaenyra’s relationship dynamic is so honestly wholesome.
Whatever brownie points Aegon gained earlier are lost for him not having the balls to say even a WORD to Helaena, who ALSO lost a child, who, unlike him, had to go be paraded about the public for HIS political advantage.
Seeing Rhaenyra with her younger sons makes me seriously wonder what if🥺
Feeling guilty, Ser Crispy? Good.
REALLY? This b*tch really out here preaching about purity rn?! Gtfo now.
And NOW he’s pointing fingers?! Is this guy 35, or 5?!
“He’s murdered, on YOUR watch-“ is he dying soon? He’s dying soon, right? Honestly his death can’t come soon enough and I doubt it’ll even be this season-
Otto and Cole are probably the two most irredeemable characters on this whole show. Literally, team black or team green, I think just about every other person you can make an argument for. But these two have got nothing. Name me one thing, one expression of care for another that was not ultimately self serving for either of them in the end. I’ll wait.
“And Ser Harwin Strong?” BAELA KNOWS 🚨 BAELA KNOWS, and she doesn’t give AF, we stan🖤🖤🖤
This little relationship Aemond has going on is 🚩 🚩 🚩 where are this boy’s parents at-?! … Oh, wait.
“Where he does, he wishes to be his own master.” Rhaenys and Daemon just get each other. Their dynamic is so interesting.
“A week, or forever I do not know.” She sounds so unbothered😂😂😂
Uh oh Alicent, Rhaenyra may have just found a new bff👀 and it only took 16+ years
Seasmoke is that you?!?!?! Wait, what does this mean for Laenor though?🥲
Errors are STILL being made in the wake of Viserys’s death I see…
The dog’s reaction nooo😭😭😭
“The king is my grandson, and my grandson is a fool. He’s worse than a fool, he’s murdered innocent men!” You can say allll the foul stuff about Otto you want, and you’d be right. But he is not wrong in this moment. This reaction is valid, and in my opinion sound council. The delivery could be tailored to better fit Aegon’s current headspace, but Otto’s reaction is still valid here I feel.
Crazy how Aegon went from wanting the small folk’s approval to scoffing at the need for it.
“Ser Criston Cole has acted.” BOY if you knew HOW Ser Criston Cole has been acting-
Also crazy how fast Aegon went from being pissed with Cole being “in bed” at the time of Jaehaerys’s murder to praising him and putting him in a pedestal.
“It’s time the bitch queen paid the price.” Could Larys have his guys cut out HIS tongue now?! Please??? Literally no one but Aegon, who’s grieving, paranoid, and a little off the rails rn, wants to hear a damn thing from him. Not even his dowager queen booty call wants anything from him rn.
I think Otto’s gonna give himself a heart attack.
Yooooo, Otto realizing that Aegon is going to be waaaaaaay harder to control than Viserys ever was😭😂😂😂 I love it. I need more. This is wonderful.
“He made me king.” *Otto laughs.*
“You will regret this.” THAT actually may be the truest words Otto has ever spoken to anyone, any king, in his life.
Mysaria is already proving her loyalty, we love to see it🖤
Moral of the story is everyone, the Greens and the Blacks, need better guards like😅
If anything happens to Elinda-
Oooo, we’re doing this here and now?🥲
Ser Erryk died with more honor than Criston EVER had. And that is a hill I will die on myself.
Hell, even Arryk had more honor than Criston.
DAERON?!?!?!?!??!!?? LET’S F’ING GO
Oh, you can ask for the Tyrell’s to help, but something tells me you won’t get it👀
It’s honestly tragic as hell how Alicent was a victim of her father’s plots in her youth, and continues to be one as an adult. (I am in no way saying she has not made her own choices throughout her life, but I still stand by this statement.)
Okay, team black, team green, team small folk, idc- can we please all agree that everyone is anti-Criston Cole?
Aemond was not in this episode nearly enough for what happened in the last one.
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simpingland · 2 years
A wound willing to heal//Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!fem!reader.
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After kneeling for Queen Rhaenyra, Aemond and Saera struggle to win the confidence of the family. An incident during training makes Luke change his way of seeing his uncle. Part 3 of "Today was a win" and the part 1 doesn't show in tumble but check out my AO3.
Or: Aemond tries to cheer oc up and she spends the day being a simp for him. Jace is a little bitch in here, as the big brother he actually is.
The mornings came with a raven, the Greens have wrote about Aemond's treason, saying it must be Saera's tricks. They were begging for him to come back. The letter was read put loud during breakfast, making everyone in the room know and Aemond let him, another prove of his loyalty to Rhaenyra. They all listened and Saera sat beside him. A hand touching his hand, he looked at her and she her worried face. He hold her hand tightly, letting her know it was fine. When the reading was finished, he asked to see the letter himself. Everyone tried to keep minding their own business, but neither Jace or Daemon could stop staring. Thank the gods, Rhaenyra asked for their attention.
Saera saw Aemond reading, it was quick, he started to rip it apart. This caught her by surprise, it was writen by his mother, that was a very violent gesture. And so she asked.
"That wasn't my mother's words..." he responded.
"How could you tell?"
"It wasn't even her handwriting...and she always writes her own letters".
He was hurt by that, her mother must have giving him up. Maybe Otto haven't, and he, as always, used her daughter's sweetness to manipulate everyone on her name. She felt sorry for him, should she show it? No, he didn't liked to be pitied. But making it seem like it was nothing felt even worse, because many people didn't care for him, not even Alicent apparently. And the last thing Saera wished is to provoke such a pain to him. But he stood up before she could finish her debate. He walked out of the room, and she knew where he was going. To train. That's what calmed him, and in times of war, no training was enough.
Saera spend the morning close to her mother, writing what felt like hundreds of short letters. Baela and Rhaena with her too. The boys were dealing with the weapon issues. When one of the septas irrupted the queen, she begged for her to pay attention to little Viserys, as he was throwing a tantrum and called for her mother.
"I'll take care of him, mother" she said.
"No, dear, I will go. You can come with me."
They both walked to the babies room. As Rhaenyra calmed down Viserys, Saera could only stare. She felt awkward around her, after all this time, she came back and started a fight because of Aemond. They didn't know what to say to each other, it was tense, something was off.
"I would love to be a mother someday" said Saera, trying to start a conversation.
"You will, Saera. I'm sure."
"Yes, but...do you think I could choose the father?"
Her mother said nothing, eyeing her while calming her baby. Of course, she knew where she was turning.
"Aemond have probably saved my life, mother"
"It's too soon." She cut her. "It's too soon to tell. He might be spying. He might have this hole thing calculated with Otto."
"Please, trust him. He has kneeled before you, mother. He deserves the same trust anyone else has."
"It is not the same, child."
"It is...and im not a child anymore." She was angry now. They both were. "You trust Daemon, who always longed for a high position on the Throne. Don't deny it. You married the Rogue Prince even after your own father exiled him multiple times..."
"It is not the same." She punctuated.
"Is it not? I need to remind you then...remind you about the years you left me at the Red Keep. You have no idea, absolutely not idea, about the insults, the gossips and the ignorance I had suffer because of your fame. For being your own daughter. And Aemond was there, all that time. And he was sweet to me. Everyday. If he wished to be Hand, his own brother could have named him back un the capital. But he chose me, because that's what you do for the people you love. You help them."
She went quiet, Rhaenyra as well. Her daughter was now crying and she had way to many words on her throat and a baby on her arms that needed to calm. So the only thing she said was "Go". And she watched as Saera stormed out of the room.
Back in the training session, Aemond swished his sword with such a smoothness that Jace and Luke could do nothing but stare. He was furious about something, one could see it by the poor mannequins he cut down. The both saw as their sister walked towards Aemond. Her eyes seemed red, she was upset. She waited for Aemond to pause before calling his name softly. When he turned, he didn't expected to see her sad beautiful face, he immediately dropped the sword.
"What has happen, Sae?" He took her face on his hands. And she told a summary of the conversation with Rhaenyra. A few tears kept on dropping over her cheeks. Aemond clean them away. "Do not worry, she will trust me, one of this days, when the fire starts she will see me choose your side." She nodded, and tried to think of a way to entertain her.
"Does my lady know how to protect herself in case I get a cold before the battle?" He asked, taking the sword again.
"Im afraid I would use it to cut my skirt so I could run away faster."
"Smart move, honestly. Come here and let me teach you some moves." He hold up his hand for Saera to take it. Then he pushed her, putting her back against his torso. He could speak directly into her ear as they watched the poor wooden mannequin. He put the sword on her hands, he then remembered the recent cuts of her palms, so he hold the sword as well, his hands over her hands, sharing the movements.
"It's that poor thing our enemy?" She asked, pointing at the unrecognisable wooden doll.
"Poor thing? He's a dick head, i greeted him this morning and he never greeted back. I hate bad-mannered mother fuckers."
This made Saera crack up, and the sound of her laughter made him feel proud and relieved. They continued to cut him, Aemond guiding her with exaggerated but slow movements, so she couldn't hurt her wounds. He used this opportunity to kiss her neck and cheeks a few times, tickling her as well. She continued to laugh before pushing away the sword and turning to him. She pushed him away, a fake frown on her forehead.
"You are starting to be annoying, Aemond." She said, referring to his insistence of tickling her even after she begged (with giggles) to stop.
"It's my payment. After all this years of you following me around only to talk about books. You didn't know how to shut up, my lady."
"I know...but you were always there to listen."
"There was no prove about me listening."
"Yes they were...you didn't walk away from me...not once."
He got her closer to him. Holding her waist. "Alright, maybe I did enjoy your lectures..."
The looked at eachother for a beat before kissing. A slow and tender kiss. It was short but sweet, a healing for Saera, and she put her head in Aemonds chest as he hugged her. When he stared at the distance, he finally saw them, the brothers.
"I know I'm handsome, nephews. But it's getting annoying at this point. Come and train with me."
Jace and Luke looked at eachother, Saera looked at them as well. She putted herself away when they walked towards them.
"We were waiting for you to leave the training station." Said Jace, his head held high.
"Scare I would strike a traitorous coup?" Asked Aemond, with the same dignity Jace showed.
"You couldn't possibly think that we would trust you after a single day, could you?"
"I have done whatever I've been asked too, it's in your conscience to trust me or not."
"Well then, I choose not to. Would you go away now?"
Saera pushed Aemond's arm, trying to drag him towards her, as she was noticing the change of his expression, the tension building up in his body, as the anger started to grow. Luke, who watched her sister's struggle, did something similar with Jace.
"We can come back later, come on Jace" he said. "Mother would probably needs us for something."
When Aemond finally stared back at Saera, a single glance made him remember his new role.
"No, I will let you both train. I had a good session already this morning." He said, leaving his sword on the table.
And the both walked away from them. A bit of anger still covered Aemond's posture as he left, the brothers surprised by his sudden act. She reached for his hand, caressing it as a try to calm him down. And it worked. They got inside the castle again, he had offered her to write the rest of the boring letters, giving her hands a break. She repeated out loud what her mother told her to say, a list of lords on her hand. She loved to see him write and wrap the letters, his expression so serious, so calm.
"I really wish my mother could make you a high lord of something one day." She said out of the blue.
"Why do you wish for that, my lady?" He said, eye still on he paper.
"You look so...prepared. Such a great sense of duty...concentrated, intelectual...handsome." this made him smirk and she landed a kiss on his cheek.
When she turned to the large balcony, she spotted her brothers. They were training, poor Luke, he wasn't very good at it. He was just a kid, much more sentimental than Jace. He was quick but not strong. They started to fight, it seemed. The screams became louder, even Aemond stopped it to listen. Now Jace was pushing him. Saera started to worry.
"Aemond...Aemond, look!" She called. "Jace is going out of his mind!"
No teacher was there that day, the guards were much more distributed and Daemon had left for the day to do other business. So the boys were training with no vigilance. And Jacaerys was starting to take his anger upon his little brother. Aemond was faster than Saera, and he pushed Jace aside.
"Are you trying to kill him?" Asked Saera, angry, picking Luke up from the ground.
"We are training, mind your own business!"
"She won't, you are acting like a fucking child, nephew." Said Aemond.
"Fuck you, uncle. I'm just trying to show him the truth. This is war. Show your enemies no quarter." He said, justifying himself.
"Luke is not your fucking enemy, Jace. He's your brother!" Said Saera.
"He has to learn! Not all of us can fuck our way to protection" he spitted, looking at Aemond instead.
They all went quiet, Aemond gave his back to Jace before turning again a throwing him a punch on the face. He hold him by the collars of his shirt.
"Don't you dare speak to your sister that way. It's not your siblings fault you are scared as shit of this war. We are all scared, you dick head. So you better keep youself together or I will end your suffering before the battle starts."
And he pushed him down. He looked at Lucerys, who was holding her sister's hand, watching with her the horror of the scene.
"Sorry, Saera...maybe this was a step back..." he apologised before looking at Luke. "Are you okey, boy?"
Lucerys nodded and the siblings left Aemond to walk alone for some moments, they had to do something with Jace, who was standing now.
The meal was the moment when they all reunited. Rhaenyra, Daemon, Baela and Rhaena, Luke, Jace and Saera. Aemond came late, with ink in his fingers, he bowed to Rhaenyra before sitting down besides Saera.
"I have been told about the fight, Jacaerys." Informed the queen.
He looked ashamed, Aemond was right about him and so he apologised. "I am sorry, Luke. I didn't mean to scare you like that. And... Saera...dear sister. I beg your pardon for my words. Its not a real thought, it was just my anger throwing insults." He looked at Aemond, not saying anything, not even mentioning the purple circle that was forming down his eye. Baela gave him a soft smile when both sibling accepted the apology. Luke, in the other hand, felt the need to talk, so he rised from his seat. He stood awkwardly, as the entire family stared at him.
"I would like to thank Aemond and Saera. For the aid...specially Aemond. He was the one trying to calm Jace, mother." He pointed out. "And...I want to apologise too...for...for the eye."
They all looked at Aemond, who seemed surprised but kind of amused.
"I was just a kid, trying to stop a fight as well. But I couldn't punch, I was nervous...I was never too good of a fighter. And I have hurted you for life. I'm sorry."
"Don't be, my prince. We were both kids, and I did you all a wrong. I started the fight and went to far. You just did what anyone else would have done. But...thank you, for the apology. Can't say it hasn't been a struggle." He said.
"I opened a wound to hard to close, Aemond. And im glad you are trying to heal it. It's hard but it's honorable. I'm happy you wish to form part of this family."
Aemond stood, he reached Luke and offered a hand.
"The past is behind. No hard feelings."
"No hard feelings." said Luke as they shaked hands.
Saera smiled wide, and hold Aemonds hand behind the table. The meal continued with talks of plans and some updates, but Rhaenyra could barely focus on it. She kept staring at the couple. Two silver haired Targaryens, one outgoing while the other reserved. One sweet and the other bitter. One full of dignity and the other holding the knife. Now she saw what her father saw one day, and she took a decision at that very moment.
When the meal was over, Saera reached Luke before he dissappear into his chamber.
"You are the best brother a sister can wish for." And she gave him a kiss on the cheek he quickly clean off.
"I just didn't want to hear you cutting your hands again. You are given to hurt yourself easily." He joked with a satisfied smile.
She was called by her mother to the throne room. Just her. And there she stood. In front of that giant throne. Her mother looked solemn.
"I have decided. And I wish with all my heart that I'm not making a mistake. I will let you choose a husband." She announced. He daughter smiled and run to her, hugging and kissing the Queen. Rhaenyra could only laugh and smile at the childish reaction of her only girl and watched as she ran out the room. Saera found him in the library of Dragonstone. And flashbacks came into her mind. He was lost in a book, as always.
"What is that one about?" She asked. He looked at her and smiled.
"Battle strategies, my lady."
"Oh...I haven't read that one." She got closer.
"Don't bother, it's quite boring. Plain instructions, that's all." He pushed to book away, letting the girl sit on the table while he was on the chair.
"I like stories of romance."
"I know that, Saera. I think you have made me listen to your opinion in every single one in existence."
"But now I want to write one myself."
He was confused, but she kissed him, making him forget everything on his mind. He moved her hands towards her hips and put her on her lap. He rested a hand over her belly.
"My mother aproves." She said. Aemond decided to joke and smirked.
"That's great, congratulations then."
"Ask me, Aemond." She whispered into his mouth, giving him another kiss, much sensual, slower. "Ask me and I'll be yours."
He kissed her chin slowly.
"Marry me, Saera."
And she kissed him again, they both melted into each other, back in the library of Dragonstone.
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oblivionax · 1 month
I finished watching House of the Dragon season 2, and I need to talk about it.
DISCLAIMER: Contains spoilers! Bear in mind that I didn't like the show. Nor do I hate it, but this post is probably going to be a rant. So, if you liked it, feel free to skip my post and/or not agree with it, be it fully or partially.
And a casual reminder that it's not only my personal opinion, but also an opinion of a person who has a degree in film studies and screenwriting, so I know what I'm talking about. Visually? Stunning. Writing? Well, about that...
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Here goes nothing. The series had a great potential that was not fully used, in my humble opinion. The idea is very good, but execution could've been much better. Many scenes are painfully long, and many are fillers bearing little to no message/significance. The characters regress, and to me, season 2 was somewhat weaker than season 1. I'll admit I can't say I liked season 1 more, however. It suffered from the very same issues that only grew in season 2.
Some character development was abandoned in season 2, Daemon being the brightest example. His visions in Harrenhal are too redundant and feel practically useless. All that to show that he eventually fully pledges fealty to his wife and gives up on the crown. Like, not because he decided to, but because he was seeing visions? Huh?? That's lazy writing if you ask me.
And let's take a moment to talk about his visions: I think when he picked up the crown and returned it to Viserys after the latter dropped it in season 1 was a beautiful moment meant to show his evolution as a person. Season 2 showed me that it didn't matter as if it never happened. Look at him. He feels soooo guilty now for... for what? He did make amends with his brother, did he not? He supported Rhaenyra. And don't tell me he pretended to. That's a season 2 thing that appeared out of blue. Those visions never advanced the plot. In all honesty, I see them as a waste of time and budget. Like yeah, cool seeing those same actors, yeah, cool, Daemon feels something.
But then, why go through the same character arc he went through in season 1?? I also hated the vision where he slept with his mother. Like, why??? It'd make more sense if it meant something like he doesn't really love Rhaenyra, he loves himself, and he marries her because he sees himself in her because they're literally flesh and blood. Perhaps he views her as a part or an extension of himself, an appendage. That'd be interesting, but it would've been shown differently. And, besides, it's not the intention of the scene where everything is ridiculously simple. But why include his mother? To show he's dumb? Or horny? Both? It served no purpose.
Aemond was dumbed down as well. I liked it when he was looking for Aegon to crown him in season 1, telling him how important it is and how he'd love to be king himself, but reminded it was Aegon's duty as heir. It was somewhat... nice? Though in his own rough manner. Yeah, he has quite a temper, but he also was said to be educated and cunning. Smart. Where did that go in season 2?
In season 2, he's a man-child. Wasn't he supposed to like feel guilty for having killed Luke? Wasn't he actually aware of the consequences of his actions? No, he pretends he doesn't care. Or maybe he's so dumb he actually doesn't. It pains me. He had a great potential.
The same goes for Aegon himself and Helaena. Especially Helaena, who basically became the background character. A queen who... who's just there? Yeah, she was shocked at how peasants hated her, but did she at least try to change anything? To learn more? No, she was just sitting around, sad and powerless. We never see her interact with Aegon, too. And that's terrible. Doesn't she at least try to speak to him? Advise him?
Unlike Aemond, Aegon was more like Viserys, though this wasn't well shown I find. There was but like one moment where he said something about not being willing to cause more violence or something like that in the beginning of season 2. And that's it. I know, he's supposed to be a rebel, a wayward son, young and all that. But still, he took his role as a king quite seriously. Well, that's what they attempted to show, at least. After his injuries, we see what remains of him, which is not too different really. He's literally mourning his cock. Excuse me?? And where's Helaena? Their daughter? It's as if they no longer exist.
Oh, and let's not forget the ending where everyone is just staring into the horizon during the last 20-30 minutes of the episode. Anticlimactic, even considering the budget cuts. Perhaps, especially considering the budget cuts, because the story felt painfully stretched this season. Many scenes are unnecessarily too long. About most of them, I had a craving to cut them out (if I were editing the show). The pacing is odd, as if they needed fillers to meet the required running time for each episode.
Rhaenyra is frustrated, and that's frustrating to watch. She's a queen, but she listens too much to her sexist advisors who are supposed to be loyal regardless of her gender. They've sworn themselves to a woman but have no compassion for her. I know they probably seek to control her. But she's strong. She freaking has a dragon. I'm not saying she should threaten them, but what would they do if she did? Basically, she complains the whole season about being a woman.
Her kiss with Mysaria was really unnecessary. What did that even mean? I hoped it'd be a platonic hug of understanding. But nope. It was... awkward. And didn't seem to do anything as later they looked like it never happened. Then her meetings with Alicent, especially the last one... so flat. Why? Alicent has no choice, certainly, but why would she be so stubborn? Only to return and go "actually you know what, I've changed my mind" to Rhaenyra, who's like "great timing, you're a tad late." That made her look not desperate but kinda... stupid.
Oh, and another one of the issues from season 1 that festers in season 2 is the unstable tone. They're trying to be funny sometimes without being too funny, but it looks so off. One moment, you're trying to set a dark and dramatic tone. The next, it's a joke. Naturally, as a viewer, you'd be confused at how you're supposed to feel. Humour is usually used in drama to enhance immersion, make characters more human, build a connection and empathy between them and the viewers, and most importantly to give more emotional weight to dramatic scenes. Unfortunately, that's not the effect they're getting in House of the Dragon, which is a great shame.
I have too many questions, as you can see. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read me, and feel free to comment or even DM me. I'd like to hear what you think and whether you share my opinion or not.
Have a great day!
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reginarubie · 2 years
Girl, Rhaenyra doesn't even have an idea how those hands were *used* some time ago 🤡 I'm sorry princess but your precious flawless kiddo maimed his uncle and the latter suffers from chronic pains let alone he lost an eye!
Rhae is all ✨uncle rights ✨only when it comes to Daemon.
Hi @wildfieldz!
I think therein lays Rhaenyra biggest flaw. She is blind to her children's flaws. If they wanted me to feel sympathetic for them and supporting of her, I would've wanted to be shown a scene in which Rhaenyra sat down her sons and gave them an earful for what they had done.
As I kid I inadvertently once, pushed another child and he broke his ankle, though I had not done it on purpose, as we were merely playing my parents gave me the earful of my life. And not because it was my fault and I had meant to do it, but because I had been careless and someone had gotten hurt. They told me I had to be more careful and not engage in those physic plays — we were pushing each other around, I was bit wild in my youth since I lived in a little town with mostly boys my age and only another girl — where people risked to get hurt.
Imagine if I had purposefully got into a scuffle — four to one, nonetheless — and purposefully hurt somebody else. I tell you I would have been made apologize, understand my mistake and grounded for the rest of my childhood, to the very least.
What they did was cruelty. They picked on Aemond continuously because he had no dragon, the bullied him and whilst it had never turned actually physical by what we've seen, when Aemond actually proved he was above their bullying, when he showed them their bullying had only made him bolder and stronger they ganged up on him again.
And whilst I could excuse Baela and Rhaena as they were grieving for their mother and her dragon was the only last they had to her, beyond each other and I can understand their rage, especially since they lived him claiming Vhagar as him “stealing” their mother's dragon, a good parent would've sat them down, held them through their grief and told them violence is not the answer.
Jacaerys and Lucerys do not hold the excuse of having just lost their mother. They don't show us if they were close with Laena, what they show us is two bullies who see their victim finally becoming virtually untouchable — they could only bully him because he was the only one without a dragon and now not only he commands a dragon but he also has claimed the oldest, largest and strongest dragon alive — and are rageful because as of now they've lost their pride and the victim they could pick on.
The confidence boost Aemond received by proving everyone wrong — remember in the books it says that Aemond was spurned even further to try and claim Vhagar because his own father taunted him about not having a dragon and try to have the backbone to try and claim one if he managed, which is even worse, but I digress — and claiming Vhagar (and be claimed in return, because girl is a big ass dragoness who can make her choices) also helps him stand up to his bullies.
Yeah, he could've been gentler to the girls because they had just lost their mother, but it's not his responsibility to teach his cousins/nephews how to control their own rage. And yeah they fight and children fight, even thought they ganged up on him four-to-one, kicking him and attacking him whilst he was down and still Aemond got the upper hand. And still, despite that, despite them ganging up on him in such a cruel way, he says hurtful things (the truth), but he stops. Even when he can actually harm them — when he has the rock in his hand and the upper hand — he stops. He's reluctant to actually harm them beyond the scuffle.
Does that stops them? No. Jace — who brought a knife to a fists fight — waits for his little brother to take the knife to momentarily blind Aemond with sand and attack him.
They wanted to wound him in the same way he had hurt their pride by claiming Vhagar and standing up to them.
If I had done something remotely similar I would have been grounded to the next life. My parents would've had a very stern talk with me and you better believe I would have to apologize to the dude I had harmed.
Instead Rhaenyra defends them, and that's fine, that's right, but then she is never shown as reprimanding her sons for what they did. She never teaches them that's not the way one ought to act, what her sons did was her responsibility (not only because she put them in that situation herself, but because she was not looking after her kids as she ought to have but was busying herself with her own uncle — but ehi!, ✨uncle rights✨, right? — and she failed as a parent since her children acted that way to begin with. What is worse she doesn't even address this failure, but lets things going stale and the hatred to cement even further).
Aemond was permanently disabled because of what Lucerys and Jacaerys did purposefully even after he had showed he was not a real threat, by always hesitating before harming them, though he could have. And Rhaenyra never actually addressed it.
How do we know she hasn't? Because if she had, at the dinner scene after her children her saw her toast to her enemy — Alicent — and be graceful, had they been taught what they had done was wrong they would have tried to do something similar. Would it have served something? Maybe not, but it would've shown Rhaenyra actually is a good leader, because a good leader knows how to unite people and how to guide them to do the right thing.
That boy had been permanently disabled, and people at the time could die of the loss of an eye, because of all kinds of infections. Her sons got what? Some bruises and a broken nose? And not the stern earful of their life they should have received.
Uncle rights works like women rights for Rhaenyra. Only as long as it advantages her.
Passo e chiudo.
Thank you for dropping by! Sending all my love ~G.
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theroguequeen · 2 years
What people easily overlook is that daemon has a soft side. Yes, he is reckless. He is brutal. He is chaotic and restless. He did and will do bad things. But still there is this other side.
He cares about viserys, their relationship is complicated and has a lot of conflicts but in the end he is his brother.
He could treat mysaria badly but still let's her fly with him on his dragon and just that he let's her get close to caraxes is a big thing.
He gives rhaenyra the necklace, talks to her in high valyrian, always has an eye on her and watches her grow up, becoming a beautiful young women. He stands beside her at her mother's funeral, speaks to her in a way viserys can't. He sees her struggling, he sees her pain and in a way he shares it with her.
The way he always lays his head on people he trusts, the way he showed rhaenyra the world outside the red keep, what a pleasure it can be to me intimate with an another person.
And I know, when he took her out to the borthel it was a game at the beginnig, he knew what he was doing but that all shattered into pieces when he realized that he could not go one, that he not actually wanted to ruin her and that rhaenyra is more then he could ever imagined.
When he asked viserys for her hand, when he said I want rhaenyra that was daemon speaking, showing that he really wants her.
Even in the few scenes with laena you could see this soft fragile side and no I don't wanna act like he was the perfect husband or even father in the last episode, but the way he touched her belly, the way he said my brave girl and the horror and shook in his eyes when he saw laena die was a honest reaction.
Daemon is not only the rogue prince, not only a beast at the battlefield or a man that shows no mercy to people who piss him off or are his enemy's.
He is chaotic and goes with the flow, but when he is loyal to someone, when he loves someone he would and will do everything to protect them.
He had to deal with viserys rejecting him, his brother that did not once called him to become his hand but still he makes it very clear that he will not let anyone talk shit about him. When he came back from the stepstones and they hugged you could see that this was meaningful to him.
It makes me mad when I see how people tend to act like he is pure evil or just manipulating everyone and that the only person he truly cares about is himself.
And i don't like some of the decisions the directors of the show have made, like him killing rhea or cutting scenes out where he actually shows feelings. Especially not showing the scene where he hugs his daughters after laenas death was awful and I'm scared that they are trying to make him the villain while he is clearly so much more and by the way they are portraying him people easily tend to forget that he is vulnerable and human.
I really hope that when he and rhaenyra finally are together we get to see more of daemon showing his feelings, that he becomes a better dad and that the viewers see that he is capable of loving someone deeply and that he will protected his family with his last breathe.
And no I don't see him as a perfect human being and I'm not ignoring that he has a cruel side but this character is way more complex then that. He is a grey character but he is not a killing machine or a lovely little flower that wants the best for everyone but let's be honest both of that are not things that make us all love a character.
It's the range, the complexity, the way you never can be sure what he will do next but still knowing that it's not all black and white.
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navree · 2 years
you know, the one big thing that some of these time jumps really messed up is that, if you think about it for more than five seconds, aemond has the restraint of a saint for not being on the constant edge of murder. 
aemond, at the age of, at maximum, ten, gets set upon by four other people who are angry at him for no reason (“aemond stole vhagar!” the fuck he did, the only reason you should have to actually think that is if you too are a grieving eight year old, anyone else on the planet knows that vhagar chose aemond we literally saw her do it be serious). he doesn’t start this conflict or is the first to escalate it to violence, despite getting a bit too harsh verbally, and after defending himself and getting pissed off, loses an eye. a full eye. in a pseudo medieval society where we have to see him get stitched up with zero anesthetic at all, and where the entire meeting to talk about the fact that he lost a full eye devolves into how the real crime here was a throwaway insult, while he’s standing here without an eye and the only person who seems to care is just his mom (let’s not even touch on the fact that a thirty year old woman starts demanding the ten year old be “questioned sharply” which is basically westerosi euphemism for tortured or at least threatened to be tortured after having lost an eye as if no one else was able to decipher the magic of big b little b)
that’s what we have in canon. and it’s really not that hard to deduce that in the near decade after that, life got really, really hard for aemond. for one, this is a pseudo medieval society where the king has basically been publicly dying a death by a thousand badly treated cuts for multiple years, that cut took a long time to heal and it didn’t do so painlessly, and the fact that aemond didn’t get any infection and die or turn into a mini viserys is a miracle, but also a had to be a very long process. for two, aemond now has to deal with getting his ability to fucking see slashed in half, and likely having to relearn a lot of the way he was just living life in order to function. that’s something that would be hard to do nowadays, if you were dealt with partial blindness or lost vision in an eye in an accident, given that this is a pseudo medieval society, aemond had to do all of that in much more difficult circumstances. how much of life was spent with this kid in pain, frustrated, scared, resentful? for how long did this child have to struggle before he found some semblance of normalcy, at least physically if not mentally, before trying to make up for this sudden shortcoming? 
and having this time jump where the first time we see him after having lost a full eye is him being badass and cool and calm and snide (and weirdly horny for daemon but that’s a story for another time) means that a lot of audience members are going to miss that it is perfectly natural for aemond to be seething with bitterness about what happened, about the injuries and the difficulties that followed and the toll it must have taken on him and the way he was treated throughout the immediate aftermath. of course aemond flew into a rage and nearly hacked out lucerys’s eye himself, if you were bottling up that much pain and anger about having been dealt a lifelong disability for no reason, wouldn’t you be too? of course aemond decided he wanted to scare lucerys and make him feel small and afraid, how many nights did aemond spend terrified that he’d get some sort of blood poisoning or infection and die, or even just scared about the quality of life he’d have in a society that’s already just kinda shitty even if you’re able bodied? 
wanting to do all of their twenty years of set up in a ten episode season screwed this show in a lot of ways, most notably in how the frequent time jumps prevented us from spending any time getting to know a characters who weren’t rhaenyra, alicent, daemon, and viserys (like, i’ve said this a lot, but name me three character traits of lucerys that aren’t “momma’s boy”, how am i meant to care about vhagar full on eating him when the writers haven’t been able to put any effort in making me care about him as a person before that point). but it feels a wee bit galling when it prevents us from understanding the nuances of a character that are kind of important to fully understand the choices he makes that are going to have huge repercussions on everyone in the story. 
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grandlovescheme · 1 year
Hi, hello, more victorian AU asks that you've left for me in the past few days weeks. Thank you so much for sending these and being patient with me, I'm slowly getting back to my feet but the mood still ain't great. I appreciate all your asks and messages though ❤️🖤
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Noo I don't want them to kiss!! I can see him just going for it, not caring if she wants to or not, but that'd be much worse for Daemon than just thinking she's in love with someone else. How would he ever believe her after that, when she tells him she loves him? 😭
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Oh I actually love that 🤭 She has a special insight into their relationship, so maybe she'd be able to help Rhaenyra too!
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It's definitely painful. She feels so much regret and guilt, hating herself for wasting so much time and possibly losing her husband for good 💔
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Yes! I definitely see these little moments showing her care for him, like she's trying subtly at first and it's so sweet and Daemon is so confused about what's going on 🥹
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Their argument is definitely going to be hurtful, Daemon is trying to keep his heart away from her, yes perhaps wanting to hurt her in return a bit, but also just lashing out because how dare she talk about Mysaria and question him when she's in love with someone else!
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She's trying to be subtle about it but she's soo jealous, she's not used to feeling like this!
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He definitely didn't love her from the beginning, but I imagine the courting made him develop a crush and then it only escalated... and then it twisted and became so hurtful, he wasn't sure if it even is still love... 💔
Yeah I think he could say something like "I let you be, you let me be now too," in regards of Mysaria. He's not going to defend or explain himself - he sees no reason. And their lack of true communion and honesty only makes their distance worse
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Maybe he'd decide to travel for a bit. Maybe after Rhaenyra finally admits all her feelings and he doesn't believe her, hw decides to take some time away to reflect on everything without her. And it really helps, when she writes him every day, talking about their home and their future... She's really not giving up....
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Yeah it'll be definitely tough. I mentioned already in one of those how she'll be feeling so much guilt and regret but the pain she feels, wondering if he'll never forgive her, if he'll never believe her... 💔 She probably thinks it's some sort of karma, she's hurt him so much, now it's her turn... 🥲
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Hey popcorn, do you like Sansa? Thoughts on her? What would you like to tell the Jonsa stans.
I have heard so much from Dany antis, that Dany is unsuited for Jon, her temper, her actions. Now I'm a great Dany fan, don't care at all about Jon and his arc, and not a fan of Jonerys. How is their pairing bad Incestuous but Jonsa a good Incestuous pairing - something Ned stark would have approved of.
Hi there 🤗
Well those are a lot of questions XD
I do like bookSansa, not showSansa (not a fan of Sophie or how Sansa was written in the show, sorry), but bookSansa I do. In a way I think she is a good representation of how self centred young people are and how they will hurt others significantly without that being their intention. I like flawed characters like her as I think they feel very real. And back in the days of seasons 1 and 2 most people I knew couldn’t stand her. I had a friend who called her Sonsa instead of Sansa (sonsa is Portuguese for a person who is kind of fake and posing). And my general impression was that people were too hard on her. Yes we have other young characters, sometimes younger, that are not immature like Arya and Dany, but to me the surprise isn’t someone Sansa’s age acting like she did, it’s someone of Arya and Dany’s ages acting so mature and having such a deep understanding of the world and such a high emotional intelligence.
At the same time, I also feel for the tragedy of her story. She had a highly privileged and sheltered life that did not prepare her for what the world would throw her way, and the mistakes she made all came with a very high disproportional cost. I feel this is true of many of us out there. Our parents try to protect us, but in protecting us too much they do not prepare us for life, and this makes growing up much more painful. 
Besides this I also like that her story mostly focuses on court drama #dramaalert which as y'all know I LIVE FOR THE DRAMA; and many of the characters around her are very VERY interesting like Little Finger and Myranda Royce which is a queen - if only Rhea Royce was like her, Daemon's marriage wouldn't have been such a sh:t show XD change my mind!
So all in all, I am interested in her story and I am here to see her trying to seduce Harry the Heir like #majordramaalert and what exactly Little Finger will do next.
Do I think she will ever be queen or queen of the North?
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But I still want to see how it goes for her yes 😂
As for Jonsas…
First, I see no problem with people having crackships. Like ship whomever you want I don’t care 🛳⛴🚢 as long as you don’t come to me and make or want to force me to also like it. I don’t care what you like. I might be puzzled at a few choices but it’s a free country so what I think of other people’s ships is my issue not theirs. Personally in the asoiaf series, I don’t think I have any non canon ships currently (though in the past I did like the Theon/Sansa pairing in a like weird AU - don’t you dare judge me). And this was WAY before season 5 btw so not show induced. In other series I do like some crackships, like in Harry Potter I love the Hermione/Draco crackship especially in movie canon and I blame the incredible chemistry Tom and Emma had because WoW the possibilities. Plus a slytherin and a griffindor together makes all the sense in the world but ok JK 🙄 have it your way 😂
Second, around the time of seasons 1 and 2 when I wanted some fanfiction the majority of pairings I saw were either Dany/Jorah (wtf was wrong with the world 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮 oh wait this is the same world who ships Rhaenyra with Criscel… yeah makes sense) or Dany/Jon. I also saw a lot of Arya/fAegon. Like vast vast majority.
I don’t remember ever seeing a Jon/Sansa fic and in fact, I remember I was not only shocked at more recently finding out how many people shipped them (good for you if you like them and can see it) but how they actually (trying not to laugh here and failing) tried to justify it with the books?!
Hello?! Excuse me?! Did we read the same sh:t?!!!!
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How?! Just… just how?!
Like back to me for a moment, I love Draco/Hermione fics (movie based ok? In the books he was pure trash, Tom made Draco so much more charming and funny), but I am not going to try and justify this with book or movie material (past the actors looking good together). I accept this only exists in an AU. The fact that Jonsas try to justify it it’s just… and the abuse they inflict on ACTUAL people because of a crackship is nothing short of disgusting.
What I would say to them you ask?
Nothing. I don’t know them. I don’t want to know them. They do them and I do me.
What I would say to everyone, however, is, you don’t have a right to go and pester others. You just don’t. Nor to insult someone because you don’t agree with them. Nor to chase them. Stay in your lanes. Like is it so hard so see something you don’t like and just unfollow or block the person? What gives you the right to insult someone to their faces and stalk them to no end?
Fandom is something for us to enjoy. We should focus on what we love not what we hate. We should try to find people who share our views or that we can have healthy debates with. And it is absolutely not ok to bully others.
I think when something is doing us more harm than good it’s when we have to stop. And this is what I advise many Dany antis who spent more time obsessing over her than their faves. But this is my view. I would never go into another person’s blog to tell them this and I appreciate that if I bother any of you, you make good use of the block/unfollow button. Friendly reminder that I do not answer haters or trolls <3 I laugh at them and delete. I come here to have fun not fights, and if I want a fight, I have one face to face. I put my money where my face is and I am not a keyboard warrior.
Now to end this on the positive note of wincest ❤, again, I struggle to understand how anyone who is bothered by incest - even if it’s “only” cousin-cousin, uncle-niece, aunt-nephew - and big age differences and underaged marriages can appreciate the asoiaf series, I just do. Like dude, go watch/read something else, but don’t get outraged at things the author clearly enjoys writing about and does NOT portrait in a negative light. 
Also friendly reminder to any anti-targ fan who is a fan of other houses and that is very bothered by incest that house Stark had two uncle-niece marriages. You’re welcome besties <3
Also, also, Anon let me hug you because I am a major Dany fan that - at the risk of being cancelled - admits they don’t care about Jon all that much. I mean, it’s the Dany show I am here for all the way!
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All the best to you Anon! And sorry that I took so long to answer 🤗
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