#it USED to be. if i doubled tapped a word it would select only that word
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sunsrefuge · 2 years ago
i am never answering an ask while on my phone ever again </3 i Hate. my phone. so much.
this is strictly abt my phone and Actually Not Tumblr for once which makes it kinda funny actually
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sandinthepipes · 1 year ago
Hello fellow dyslexic/adhd/others who would like to enjoy fanfics through their ears, I just spent the entire day testing android apps to find one that doesn’t suck as much.
TL;DR - these two T2S, Audify
I feel like I need to share this because 90% the apps don’t even allow a web page as a source, let alone get past the log in page, and I cant be the only one who doesn’t want to download every single fic.
���Oh, but doesn’t android have a built-in text-to-speech function in the accessibility settings?” I hear you ask. Yes, but it sucks ass very badly. Firstly it only reads in the system language, so it doesn’t really work. Second, you need to highlight all that you want it to read, and seeing that I read a minimum of 15k words in a sitting, I’m not gonna do that.
Also I’m broke, I imagine you are too, but even if I wasn’t I’m not paying for this, if I did I wouldn’t even be supporting a human being, so no.
I’ll immediately break your trust with the first point, but it’s what I’ve been doing until now, and now that I know what the android mobile experience is like, I feel the need to include this. The best solution I’ve had so far (which works wonders, let me tell you) is letting Siri read them on the iPad. It’s only doable when I’m at home and it’s still an apple product, so that’s why I began the research. However the positive points are INCREDIBLE so I’m going to ads it to the list because I said so.
First of all it’s built-in and SO EASY to access, you literally just swipe with two fingers and it stars to read. It reads the punctuation, you might think that’s a given and so did I, but no. A question sounds like a question, an exclamation point does why its supposed to do, short sentences sound what they’re supposed to sound like. In apparently all the apps ever created, you won’t find any of it, just flat, monotone voices with flat little pauses. Overall excellent experience 10/10.
Cons: it’s on apple, I consider apple the same as Disney, I would love to not give them more money so that they can make the market increasingly worse. Every now and then a system update will fuck with the tts function and it will be unusable for a while. Sometimes it doesn’t like the text format on some fics. It’s not portable.
Now that we got that out of the way let us get to the meet.
Speechify - it sucks bad. At least the free version, but seen as it costs almost 10€ a month I’m not even going to consider the premium version. Fuck that. You can’t increase the speed, and as somebody who hasn’t watched a single YouTube video on normal speed since they added the function I can’t do that, too slow, I forgot what we were talking about once we get to the end of the sentence. Also you can only use those weird very robotic voices, and they’re not even that many. Don’t recommend. I felt like I had to include it since it was one of the few who allowed browser navigation and well, it’s speechify. Also you can’t t have saved more than 3 “files” per time. Doesn’t have sleep mode.
T2S - cute. It works. Again, no emotions, but it reads what it has to, nice voice selections, easy to use. The premium version adds literally nothing, they’re a good app, what they have, they give. Also you can customise the interface colour if you want. Has the sleep mode. - EDIT: this app allows you to have multiple tabs open at the same time, unlike Audify. - EDIT EDIT: it's waaay better than Audify with pdf files.
Audify - works exactly the same as T2S, but it saves the history and has a bit more customisation for how it reads and what it reads (which you don’t really need for ao3, but if you wanted to read, say, Wikipedia with all the notes and stuff, now you know). Has the sleep mode. - EDIT: the double tap to start reading works slightly better than T2S on websites with weird formatting. But unlike T2S you can only have one tab open - EDIT EDIT: will turn your pdf file into text and will show you just text. If you had things like images or columns fucks for you.
That’s all folks. Now go and be free of your reading impediment, or be free in your multitasking, or whatever you want to do. I’m done, I’ve given my datas to all kinds of shady apps, I need to go do damage control
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kylorengarbagedump · 11 days ago
Playing Soldier: Chapter 22
Read on AO3. Part 21 here. Part 23 here.
Summary: You are definitely not sick and you don't know why everyone keeps looking at you like you are.
Words: 5200
Warnings: emesis
Characters: William Tavington x Reader
A/N: Co-written with @bastillia.
Hello loves! Welcome back <3 We hope everyone is feeling well and having a lovely week as February draws to a close and we hope you enjoyed the chapter!
So pleased to hear people enjoyed the growing vulnerability between our worsties <3 MUCH more to come, if this chapter isn't an indicator. We hope you continue to enjoy, and love y'all so very much!!
A tap-tap-tap resounded at the door.
“Come in.”
You frowned, quill trailing across your lower lip as you tried for perhaps the dozenth time to focus on the line you’d last penned. Surely there was something else you’d meant to include. Glancing up, you saw a head of red curls poke into the room.
“Tea?” Lottie bustled in with a heaping tray, bumping the door shut with her hip.
“Lottie.” A smile softened the lines that had etched your brow, only for them to reappear in suspicion. “What’s the meaning of such maid service?”
She plopped the tray onto the cramped table, prompting you to push your ink stand and letter aside.
“Is it a crime to dote upon one’s friend?” she asked innocently, blowing a curl from her eyes and taking a seat across from you. “I just thought you could use it, seeing as you’re feeling poorly.”
“What makes you say such a thing?” you asked, eyes devouring the spread she had gathered. Your stomach squirmed painfully to life. Had you eaten today?
“Oh, no reason,” said Lottie, setting her chin on her fist and scowling in mock scrutiny. “You’ve only been green as a frog’s arse all day. And you nearly keeled over at Bancroft’s bedside earlier. And don’t think I didn’t notice.” She jabbed a finger at your budding protest. “I won’t believe you if you tell me you’ve spontaneously developed a squeamishness for double-jointed elbows, no matter how strange his look.”
You snorted. “Lottie, I’m fine. I swear it. But thank you for the tea.”
“I knew you’d say that.” She reached across the table and laid the backs of her fingers against your forehead, then your cheek. Her hand felt cool, your skin tender, and you winced. Lottie frowned. “You are most certainly not fine.”
“It’ll pass.” You waved her away, selecting a piece of gingerbread from the tray and inhaling its warm aroma.
“It had better,” she said, sitting back and busying herself with the pouring of tea. “Hospital work is nigh on intolerable without you there, you know. Dr. Moore can be such a grouch. I can’t stand him when he’s in his moods.”
“I’ll not cease working,” you assured her, shoving the gingerbread chunk into your mouth so you could accept your teacup. Then, through the moist, spicy mouthful, added, “I’d sooner actually keel over.”
“Of that I’ve no doubt,” said Lottie with a sigh, before brightening and twisting to delve into her pocket. “Which is why I’ve brought you something. It’s one of your, er…” She produced a familiar, slender glass bottle filled with murky liquid, and displayed it proudly. “Com-poptions!”
You managed to swallow through a smile. “Decoctions.”
“See?” Lottie sagged. “I really need you out there. I’m hopeless.”
“You are not hopeless.” You took the cordial from her. It was one from a batch you’d prepared last week in preparation for the weather to turn. Willow bark, ginseng and echinacea. The very thing you would have selected for yourself. “Look at this.” You held it up and swirled it. “You’ve brought me exactly what I need.”
“I have?” Lottie’s eyes widened. “I saw you give one to that private who came down with fever yesterday, so I thought perhaps…”
“You thought perfectly.” You smiled, a small glow building in your chest. You were proud of her. “You’re a good nurse, Lottie.”
Her cheeks pinkened, and she glanced down to fidget with her sugar spoon. “Thank you for saying that,” she murmured. “Sometimes I think I’m more hindrance than help to Dr. Moore. It’s a wonder he hasn’t banished me for good.”
“I’ll chew his ear off if he so much as dreams of it.”
You unstoppered the cordial and threw back its contents. Bitterness crashed into your throat, singed your nose, and you cringed, shuddering to your bones before soothing it down with a gulp of tea.
When you looked back up, Lottie was frozen in horror as though she’d just witnessed you swallow a live snake.
“You’re a masochist, do you know that?” She smacked her tongue as if she, too, could taste the medicine. “At least wait until supper and mix it with punch, or something.”
“And spoil the taste of the cordial?” You grinned at her, and she rolled her eyes, flinging a bit of candied orange peel at you that went straight down the front of your bodice.
After you had both recovered from an ensuing fit of laughter (and you recovered the sugary treasure from the depths of your bosom), Lottie sighed and wiped her eyes, leaning back to indulge in a long sip of tea.
“Not sure how I’m going to explain that stain to the laundresses,” you said, brushing sticky crystalline specks from your kerchief. “Incorrigible gossips, the lot of them, and you know it.”
“Oh!” Lottie pitched forward, tea sloshing over the side of her cup. If it burned her, she hardly seemed to notice. “That reminds me! I simply must tell you.”
Bewildered, you nodded, leaning back just a little lest her cup evade her control entirely and cause yet another inexplicable stain. She bounced in her chair and leaned toward you, big brown eyes sparkling.
“I was dropping off the hospital laundry this morning,” she continued, sotto voce, “and I overheard the most extraordinary thing.”
You blinked, your own grin starting to form. “Extraordinary?” You wiggled toward her. “Do tell.”
“So,” she began, taking a preparatory sip of tea and setting her cup down. “You know how some of these officers have women coming and going, right?” She made a swishing motion with her hand. “In and out, in and out—”
She then made a more lascivious gesture with her hands before clapping them over her mouth to stifle a fit of giggles.
“Indeed I’m aware.” You tried to share her mirth, but your stomach twisted, and you took another bite of gingerbread.
“Apparently, a couple of weeks ago, one of the laundresses thought she spied some sort of… spillage on one of the sheets of the officers,” Lottie said, still giggling. “And then another one confirmed she’d heard a woman howling from that particular officer’s room the day before!”
Your twisted stomach started to sink into the floor.
“And you’ll never guess which officer it was!”
Through a mouthful of bread, you mumbled, “Who?”
“Colonel Tavington!”
Your teacup jolted, liquid splattering onto your petticoats. “Mmm,” you said, as if you were too busy chewing to give her a real response.
“Can you believe that?” She laughed to herself, taking another sip of tea. “Can you imagine him lying down with a woman?” A thoughtful hum left her. “Can you imagine him even having a conversation with one long enough to get her there?”
“Mmm,” you said again, nodding along. Every inch of skin above your waist felt like it had gone up in flames. You weren’t sure how long you could pretend to eat. “Fascinating.”
“Isn’t it just?” Lottie eased back in her seat. “Any port in a storm, I suppose.” She grabbed a piece of gingerbread and nibbled off an edge. “Though Colonel Tavington seems a particularly frigid choice for any ship to seek harbor. No accounting for desperation, though, is there?”
You frowned. “Oh, I’m not sure about that,” you replied, suddenly realizing you felt defensive of him for no discernible reason. “But that’s his private business.” You took another sip of tea, averting your gaze. “And whoever the woman is. Her private business as well.”
Lottie cocked her head. She placed her teacup on the table. “What are you talking about?” she said, brow raised. “What do you mean, private business?”
“Nothing.” Your head throbbed. “Just that—”
“Since when have you ever cared about respecting the private business of anyone here?” Her eyes narrowed, and she drew closer, freckled cheeks puffing. “Just over the weekend we were laughing about Dr. Moore’s poor wife, putting up with his nonsense.” She held her index and thumb out less than an inch from each other. “Or weren’t we?”
Shaking your head, you tried to put your teacup down as it continued to shudder between your fingers. “Well, you said it seemed like desperation,” you spat, “and all I’m saying is that you don’t know what reason any woman might have for lying down with him. And that isn’t our business.” You cleared your throat, still unable to meet her stare.
“You’re serious.”
“Completely,” you replied. “Besides.” You straightened in your seat, primly plucking a piece of candied orange peel and popping it into your mouth. “It’s not as if he’s the worst-looking man I’ve seen.”
Lottie studied you, silent for a moment. Her jaw fell open. “Oh,” she said. “Oh, my goodness.”
You swallowed. “What?”
“It’s you,” she whispered.
“What?” you said, feeling the heat rush your cheeks again.
Lottie’s face erupted in joy. “It’s you!” she squealed, pointing at you. Giggling madly, she kicked her feet and slapped the table, making you jump. “Heavens above. I can’t believe it. You!”
“No! No, that is not what I—“
She gasped, as if a thought just occurred to her. “Though, now that I think of it,” she said, somehow simultaneously ignoring and examining you, “it’s harmonious, isn’t it?”
“Harmonious?” You balked, stomach coiling into a fist. “I—first of all, I’m n-not—” You shook your head, tried again. “Colonel Tavington and I—”
“—enjoy amorous congress!” she cried. “Making the beast with two backs! Taking turns about the cabbages!” A thrilled cackle left her, and you shushed her. “Oh, I am too delighted by this.” Leaning forward, she furrowed her brow. “And furious. How could you keep this from me?”
You swallowed your nerves. Looked around. “I—” Groaning, you buried your face in your hands. “Could you please lower your voice—”
“You must tell me everything,” she said, jostling you by the shoulder, then jerked her hand back. “Ooh. My apologies. I shouldn’t do that when you’re poorly.”
“I’m not—”
You slumped into your seat. Perhaps you were ill. Perhaps you’d get lucky and die right now.
Lottie’s volume dropped to a conspiratorial level. “How is it?” Her eyes simmered with sincere curiosity. “I mean… What’s he like?”
Three words came to mind: Boorish. Brutal. Overbearing.
And then three others, quick behind them: Curious. Careful. Captivating.
“Do you think you'll be married?” Lottie asked, squirming closer.
“What?” you squawked, face twisting in horror. “No! What on earth even prompted you to ask such a thing?”
“Oh, pardon me,” Lottie said, taking an innocent sip of her tea. “Wasn't my intention to touch a nerve.”
“Touch a—no, you haven't touched a nerve,” you replied, inching away in your seat. “You must stop saying such… such nonsensical things.”
Lottie paused, looking at you with actual confusion. “What's so nonsensical about you getting married to the colonel?” she asked. “He's the only man I've not seen you immediately indict upon mention of his name.” A shrug, another sip of tea. “Surely that accounts for something.”
“It accounts for nothing,” you snapped. When she shrunk slightly in her seat, you recomposed yourself, curbed your bite. “I… There is no logic as to why we should be married simply because we find time to… ah… converse.” Your stomach roared in protest of what was surely the idea of marrying a man like William Tavington. “I can imagine nothing appealing about such an arrangement.”
“No?” Lottie tilted her head, searching you for deception. “You truly don't wish to fall in love?” she asked, as if you’d instead said that you never wished to see the sun again. “To find yourself a bosom companion?”
You snorted. “Who have you known to marry for love?”
“I hope to,” she said with a small shrug, eyes dropping to her hands. She fiddled with her spoon again. “My mother and father were utterly devoted to one another. I dream of a love like theirs.”
Trying not to roll your eyes, you dipped your gingerbread in your tea before having another small nibble. “Then they were fortunate. From my observations, it isn’t a common occurrence.”
“What about your father?” She looked up again, imploring. “You don't believe he loved your mother? Or she loved him?”
Shrugging, you replied, “I should think not. Though I never got the opportunity to know her well enough to tell.” You watched the steam whirl in wisps from your tea. Your eyes ached. You tried to blink the pain away and met Lottie’s gaze again. “And he's rarely mentioned her since she passed. She might as well have become a ghost while she still lived.”
You had never begrudged your father this. He’d struggled without her whether he’d loved her or not.
“Hmm.” Lottie ran her thumb over the edge of her teacup handle, her focus dancing between you and the wall. “Well…” she said with a tone that implied she was about to deliver terrible news. “You don't think that may be because, perhaps, he…” She exhaled. “Perhaps he loved her so deeply that to speak of her caused him pain?” Her gaze was nothing but empathetic concern. It was something you had never understood how to achieve. “Perhaps it was arduous for him.”
You shook your head. “That does not sound like my father,” you replied, “or anyone I know. What's to be gained from avoiding speaking of something because it's difficult? That simply doesn’t make any sense.” You shrugged, taking a final sip of tea and standing. The room spun, but only a few degrees. “Anyway, enough of this discussion. I really must be returning to work.”
Lottie frowned. “But you’ve barely had a bite of—”
“I’m truly fine,” you insisted, dusting off your petticoats of the few crumbs on them. “You are far too generous with me. The medicine is working already. I'm as well as can be.”
She eyed you like a cat might eye a stranger. “Mmhm.” With a shrug, she collected your plate. “Well. Off you go, then.”
“I’ll see you later,” you said, squeezing her shoulder. “And thank you again.”
She softened fractionally, shrugging you off with a smile. “Don’t mention it. Oh!” She reached across the table for your letter. “Don’t forget this.”
“Ah, of course,” you said, perturbed that you had forgotten it at all. “Silly me.”
Lottie gasped, pausing with the parchment still between her fingers. “Are you writing to your sister?”
“I am.”
“Oh, do allow me to write her a post-script, won’t you?” She clutched the letter to her breast. “I must implore her to visit. You know how I adore her already, and we’ve never even met.”
You shook your head, but smiled. “All right. Be quick about it.”
Beaming, Lottie snatched the quill and began to scribble.
The walk to the courier’s office felt longer than it had previously, the floorboards more unsteady. Perhaps you’d been sedentary too long and needed to get the blood flowing back to your brain and extremities.
You would be fine. But a shake of your head made the edges of your vision swim, so you breathed deeply and focused on placing one foot in front of the other, memory guiding you until you had finally dropped the letter off.
A return to your work, then, would set you to rights. And a bit of fresh air couldn’t possibly hurt.
Stepping outside, you met a late September breeze. It kissed your skin, chased the haze of nausea from your insides. For a few steps, you even felt normal. Then you heard it.
You stopped, ears cocked, and glanced from side to side. Your symptoms so far hadn’t indicated anything remotely serious, but an onset of auditory hallucinations would necessitate re-evaluation.
Whirling, you stumbled as you looked around, the movement making your brain spin on its stem. Then you saw it. Peeking around the corner of an outbuilding was a red-headed face which, at first glance, you could have sworn was Lottie again.
You squinted, ready to call out and ask her what game she meant to play, when a red-coated body stepped halfway into view. Benedict Goddard beckoned you frantically toward him.
“Withering body of Christ on the holy cross, grant me patience,” you muttered to yourself, and, with all the haste your body currently allowed, marched in his direction.
You gripped his lapel and ducked behind the building, dragging him back with what you hoped wasn’t an utterly pathetic display of strength. Goddard was unperturbed when you released him, and in fact appeared to be vibrating out of his uniform with excitement.
“Do you have it yet?” he announced to the world.
“Quiet!” You peered around the corner. No one seemed to be nearby, thank the all-merciful slumbering baby Jesus. You turned to scowl at Goddard. “What are you talking about?”
“You said you’d have something for me to deliver soon,” he pressed, only slightly quieter. “And that was a week and a half ago.”
You frowned. Had it really been that long? The leaf of parchment burned your skin beneath your stays where you’d been keeping it. It was best hidden there—at least in William’s absence—and you’d been easily able to slip it out from time to time when some new detail needed jotting. Infantry numbers. Artillery pieces and the status of ammunition stores. A few officer promotions and other relatively inconsequential details. All diligently enciphered, of course.
Ice enveloped your stomach as you recalled consciously omitting such crucial intelligence as the movements of high-ranking officers between forts, and certain new routes for critical supply convoys. Every time you’d pulled out your parchment to write these down, it was as though you could feel William’s breath brush your neck, see the flash of humanity in his eyes in the mirror while your fingers carded through his hair.
You’d been meaning to sit yourself down and force your hand to write out the damned intelligence anyway. After all, these details could be life or death for Papa, and that was what mattered, was it not? Wasn’t that the whole reason you were even still here? And yet, you’d avoided the task like the plague anyway.
“Goddard, I-–” You let out a huff, gritting your teeth. “I just need—”
“Are you all right?” he suddenly asked. “You look ill.”
“I’m fine,” you snapped with a glower, to which he shrugged sheepishly. “And I do have the letter, but I just need a little more time—”
“You have it! Brilliant.” Goddard’s eyes darted to your hands, your pockets, as if parchment might leap into the air from one of those places and present itself to him. “Give it here, then! I can take it to the dead drop before the rest of the bloodybacks return.”
“Goddard, you are a—” You paused, blinked. “Wait, when are they meant to return?”
He shrugged again. “How long can it take to sack Charlotte? Meanwhile, it’s up to us to help prevent future sackings, is it not?”
“Hopefully not,” you grumbled under your breath, considering the fumbling attempt at espionage that was currently underway where you both stood.
“Oh, come now,” said Goddard, lightly socking your shoulder. “Where’s your faith in the glorious cause?”
“Hush! This isn’t a game.”
“Then let me do something real!” His eyes grew insistent. “Give me the letter. I’ll deliver it safely, I swear I will, but it’ll only get more difficult the longer we wait.”
You swore under your breath. He was right. And you’d been stalling.
At this point, you wouldn’t be terribly shocked if every member of the extended Goddard family somehow appeared from thin air to disgruntle you with irritating statements.
“All right.” You crammed your hand down the front of your stays. With one last glance around, you slid the folded parchment free and held it out to him.
Goddard’s face lit up, then scrunched into a grimace as he hesitated mid-reach. “That’s where you kept it?”
“Do you want the damned thing or not?” You shoved it into his hands. “Christ.”
Holding the parchment by one corner like a dirtied napkin, Goddard slipped it into his satchel. You rolled your eyes while he fastened it shut. Looking back up at you, he beamed, patting the secured parcel.
“I won’t let you down.” He rocked onto the balls of his feet, chest puffing, making him look rather like a little boy trying on his father’s boots. You tried not to let that discomfit you.
“Try not to be reckless,” you said. “Remember what we discussed.”
“Make the drop and get out,” Goddard recited. “Remember the code phrase in case of capture. If compromised, eat parchment. Wait, must I really do that one?”
“What? No, that wasn’t even part of—“ You pinched the bridge of your nose, sighing. “Listen. Do not attempt to convey any information in addition to what I’ve gathered. When, and if, our contacts authorize you as a source based on your last dispatch, then you may. But not before. Understood?”
He nodded, copper curls bouncing on his forehead.
“And for the love of God, do not wait at the dead drop to meet whoever might be collecting it.”
He slumped, rubbing the back of his neck. “Not even just… just to make sure they got it?”
“No, Goddard. You mustn’t. You’ll endanger far more people than only yourself if you do so.”
With a hung head, he nodded.
“Swear to me that you won’t.”
“I won’t!” he said, dejected but earnest. “Promise.”
You sighed, relaxing a fraction. It was hard to deny that you felt a little better having the letter off of your person. Though it being on Goddard’s instead did not instill tremendous confidence.
“Off with you, then.” You dismissed him with a jerk of your head before you could change your mind. “Try not to get killed.”
Goddard bounced again, nodding, then just as you turned away, leaned in and whispered, “Liberty or death!”
“Don’t—ugh.” But in the time it took you to turn back, he had already skipped off, a spring in his step and potential disaster in his purse.
There was no benefit in dwelling on it—this you knew, despite every nerve rattling in protest as you watched him depart. So you shook it off, turning as though to physically banish the walking liability that was Benedict Goddard from both sight and mind, and resumed your course to the hospital.
You found it just as you’d left it earlier, a few patients napping or reading in their cots, and the muffled sounds of Dr. Moore rummaging around in the supply room in the back. You’d concluded that the act of organizing and reorganizing must soothe his nerves in some way. At this point, you doubted the supplies themselves could benefit from yet another sorting.
Still, you left him to it and strode straight to your medicine cabinet, which was situated next to a workbench strewn with your herbal supplies. It was chaos to the naked eye, but you had a clear system of organization in your mind. Much to Dr. Moore’s frequently verbalized dismay.
Pulling the cabinet open, you frowned. Your patients were guzzling decoctions as if they were rum rations, especially the willow bark. Some of the soldiers with more chronic ailments had begun to ask for them on almost a daily basis. Not to mention the demand for salves that had shot up now that the weather was cooling and joints were creaking. It was high time to make calculations for a resupply.
As you lost yourself in the tinkling of glass and the ritual of counting, you failed to notice Dr. Moore’s reappearance.
“You’re back.” He crossed to a patient’s bedside in your periphery. As you peered around to greet him, he pushed up his spectacles and frowned at you through them. “You look a fright.”
“And I hope you had a pleasant lunch as well,” you snipped, turning back to your vials.
“I’ll not abide you dropping dead on me,” he sighed, soft footsteps moving to the cot behind you. “As much as my patients might find some small relief in it. Rest tomorrow.”
“I am quite far from death’s door yet,” you replied, scratching down herb notations and numbers on a leaf of spare parchment from your workbench. “I’ll continue working, thank you.”
You turned your nose up and made to brush past him. To your utter shock, two hands came down on your shoulders, gently but firmly spun you, and plopped you down on the empty cot.
“Excuse me!”
Dr. Moore ignored you, instead feeling your temperature, fingers probing your neck for your lymph nodes. He bent in front of you, peeled each of your eyes open to inspect them before straightening again and plucking up your wrist to take your pulse.
You huffed. “I don’t know what you think you’re accomplishing by—“
“Since I already know you’ll refuse bleeding for this fever,” he said, turning his back and moving toward the next patient, “I am ordering you to rest tomorrow. If this order is ignored, your alchemy shall be henceforth prohibited from use in my hospital.”
“I beg your pardon?” You gaped. “But you can’t, it—it helps!”
He glanced back at you, taking a seat at a bedside stool and drawing a fleam from his apron.
“Then you should ensure it remains in use, no?”
With a final lift of his brows, his focus turned from you to his patient, marking the conversation closed. With a final harrumph, you rose from the cot, snatched your parchment and herb basket, and stomped out of the hospital.
He’d said you needed to rest tomorrow, had he not? There had been no clause prohibiting you from finishing your work today. You could manage that just bloody fine, given the daylight left.
As you wove through the fort’s lower town, your muscles joined in protest against the pace you’d tried to set. Your head, too, spun and pounded with a fervor that made your teeth grind together in frustration.
A bit of food, perhaps, would see you through. After all, you’d only had a couple of sweets all day. You didn’t feel hungry—in fact, your stomach felt like a squeezed lemon. But if you forced something down, you’d feel better.
A quick detour brought you by the kitchens, where you pilfered a half loaf of yesterday’s bread and an apple before making your way to the outskirts of the fort. A long, grassy hill led down to the forest’s edge, scattered with abatis that gouged the earth like a giant’s deadly game of jacks. You wobbled your way down among them, nibbling your bread and apple as you went, until you’d passed the hulking redoubt at the bottom and found yourself on level ground, swathed in the shade of trees.
Taking a moment to orient yourself, you made your way toward a clearing where you’d found a healthy patch of echinacea last week. You cursed as your ankles tried to fold across the ground litter, grasping at trunks as you went. Any moment now, the food would lend you more strength. You paused for another bite of bread to be sure.
God above, it just had to be today, in your weakened state, that Lottie saw fit to disarm you with gossip of William. It just had to be today that Goddard grew pushy about the bloody spying business. Of course.
It all had to be today.
You kicked at a rotten log, nearly sending yourself sprawling, but steadied again with a grumble. The clearing was just ahead. Forcing down another bite of apple, you emerged into dappled sunlight and spotted the echinacea patch. You stumbled to it and sank mercifully to your knees.
You grasped a stem and began to tug the plant, root and all, from the earth. This, at least, felt right, even though everything else today felt decidedly wrong. Your body was ailing, your mind muddled, the discretion surrounding your situation with William was in jeopardy, your faith in Goddard shaky as a foal’s first steps.
Of course, just when you’d managed to convince Grace by way of letter that things hadn’t worked out with “John,” now your problems had propagated. You hoped you could trust Lottie not to spread your business. If you listened to the voice that sat deepest within you, you knew that you could. But it didn’t stop needles of apprehension from rolling over your skin, setting you on alert like a fox scenting the wind.
Another root released its hold on the earth.
Harmonious, Lottie had called it. Well, what on earth had she meant by that? How could she possibly identify any harmony between yourself and William? What, solely due to the fact that you hadn’t dragged his very name through fire and brimstone at first mention?
The next stem snapped under your grip. You growled, digging around the base.
That had been the exact same reasoning Grace had used when you’d tried to explain your bruises to her. And in the exact same fashion, she’d raced away with her own conclusions before you could even draw breath to defend yourself. Perhaps the two of them truly would get along.
A whirl of nausea squeezed your insides, and your grip slackened on a stubborn cluster of flowers. Sucking a breath, you refocused, and threw your weight against the stems.
Was it just as obvious to everyone else? To anyone who might bring up Colonel William Tavington anywhere within your general vicinity? Had his attention transformed you to a branded heifer, bellowing to be bred and ignorant to the bull inside the barn? Had the world decided to gather around the farm and laugh as you wandered the fields? It hardly seemed fair.
You reached for your basket and missed it. Your body pitched, the world inverted, and you caught yourself on your hands, muscles quivering violently as you sat hunched over the dirt, fighting the urge to be sick.
A bubble of panic rolled up and popped along your scalp. One by one, like braziers on a castle wall, a series of realizations winked to life. You were out here alone. Evening was approaching. You hadn’t told anyone where you’d be. Patrols were sparse with half the soldiers gone. It was a long climb back up the hill to reach the fort.
And you weren’t entirely sure you could stand back up.
Breathing slowly, you tried to crawl forward, to ease a sense of balance back through your body, but the grass and shrubs swung back and forth around you, mocking your stubborn lack of forethought as you inched along the edge of the clearing.
Perhaps you could make it just to the treeline. At least then you might be able to call out for a soldier on guard, or someone on an evening walk, or—
The world gave a savage spin. You buckled, lurched to the side, and vomited into a patch of shrubs. You convulsed, heaved again, emptying everything down to the bile in your belly until you thought your own viscera might decorate the earth.
Whimpering, you rolled your forehead across your forearms, tried to focus again on breathing. But all you could perceive was the ache through your being, the gauzy ringing between your ears. Then a sensation—like falling away from your body. You reached for your limbs. Nudged them forward. Whether you made it an inch or a mile, you couldn’t say.
The last thing you remembered was the cool press of leaves on your cheek, and a gentle breeze before the world funneled to black.
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two-birds-and-a-bush · 2 months ago
you smile as you watch him from your vantage point on the couch. the bulge of his diaper is visible under the size-larger-than-usual jeans he's wearing, and it's shifting quite a bit under his pants as he steps from foot to foot while he searches for something on the bookshelf. you're sure he's trying to be subtle, but you know exactly what's going on, and it's turning you on like nothing else.
finally he selects a book and settles down on the couch next to you, a pained expression twisting his face. you smile and put your hand on his knee, casually pulling his legs open, which of course causes him to whine and slam them shut again. you smile. "something wrong, baby? you look a little tense."
"it's nothing," he mutters, jiggling his leg.
you decide to drop the matter, knowing that the longer you can spin this out, the more delicious the end results will be. he opens his book and you go back to scrolling on your phone, watching him out of the corner of your eye the whole time. he's squirming more and more; he must know he's being wildly obvious about the problem at this point, but he's still too shy to say anything directly. you can't help but notice that he's barely turned a page in the time since he's sat down, and he's bouncing his leg constantly, occasionally letting out a whimper and pressing his legs even tighter together as an especially strong urge seems to hit him. you're rubbing your legs together too, barely resisting the urge to slip your own hand into your pants at the sight of his desperation.
it's more this than anything that leads you to push the game further. "hey babe, could you get me a glass of water?"
he gives you a desperate look, but he can't deny the request without giving up his secret. slowly, as if every move pains him, he puts down the book and stands up, wincing as the inevitable surge of desperation hits him. with small steps, he shuffles to the kitchen, occasionally pausing to bounce in place a little, and you watch gleefully as he takes a glass out of the cupboard and reluctantly makes his way to the sink. as he turns his back to you to turn on the tap, you slip a hand between your own legs and start teasing yourself over your pants, biting your lip to mute your own moan when he starts frantically dancing from foot to foot as the sound of the running water hits his ears. he hurries back to you and hands you the glass, then jams both hands between his legs with a whine.
you take only a sip before pretending to finally notice his distress. "are you sure you're okay, honey? it really seems like something's wrong. you can tell me, you know."
he shakes his head, stubbornly pressing his knees together. "I'm fine!"
"well, alright," you say. "you know, I'm not actually that thirsty after all. do you want the rest of this water?"
his eyes flare with panic. "no, I'm okay--"
"you need to make sure you're hydrated, baby. when's the last time you drank something?"
"I-- I don't know--"
"see, that just means you need to drink more. come on, drink up." you press the glass into his hand, and he takes one reluctant sip before he stops to bend forward and squeeze his legs together, pushing the glass back at you so he can use both his hands to hold himself again. "I-I'm sorry, I can't!"
you prop your chin on your hand and smile sweetly at him. "and why would that be, baby?"
"because-- because I need to pee!" he cries, and the words are music to your ears (and your lower regions too). with this admission he doubles down on the potty dance, hopping frantically from foot to foot, alternately crossing one leg over the other as he whines in pure desperation.
"oh, baby," you croon in mock sympathy. "it's okay, you've got your diaper on. come and sit in my lap, and just try to relax. you can pee in your diaper, it's okay."
he shuffles over and positions himself in your lap, whining as he bucks his hips against yours to help him hold. the friction is too much for you to keep your composure anymore; you groan into his shoulder as you grab his hips, pulling him closer to you and grinding against him. he moans, though you can't tell if it's due to desperation or arousal.
"let go, baby," you murmur, as he pulls back to grab the front of his pants and whimpers. "just let go. it's okay."
"I--I can't--"
"you can, baby. you're wearing a diaper, it will hold all your pee. just relax, let it alllll flow out, soak that nice thick diaper--"
he gasps, and you hear a spurt of pee shoot out before he frantically presses into you to stop the flow, holding himself even tighter, and god, you thought you were turned on before. "no, I mean, I really can't-- I--"
you raise an eyebrow. this sounds new, not a part of play you were expecting. is something genuinely wrong?
"I-I-I," he blushes, and uses his free hand to cover his eyes, "I, I already used my diaper earlier, and I was too embarrassed to tell you, so now it's already full and I... I need a new one right now!"
"oh g-god," you manage as the full scope of the situation hits you and you thrust your hips into his, swept off your feet with lust by the knowledge that he might actually be about to wet through his pants if you don't do something quickly. "oh, baby, I," you grit your teeth and force yourself to go back into your role, "I've gotta get you changed right now then. come on, come with me."
he hops off your lap, dancing, both hands jammed between his legs, and runs in front of you to the bedroom where you keep your supplies, whimpering as the first spurts start to leak out of his diaper and wet the thighs of his pants. "I can't, I can't, it's coming out, I can't..."
"you can, baby, you can," you gasp as you dig through the drawers for a fresh diaper and whip his changing pad onto the ground. he steps onto it, dancing desperately. "just lie down for me and I'll get you a fresh diaper to pee in. you're so close, baby, just lie down."
he whines and clutches himself, thighs clamped together, eyes screwed shut with effort as he lowers himself down onto the mat. you kneel down next to him and start undoing the buttons of his jeans, but his hands are in the way, and he whimpers when you try to move them away. "baby, I'm going to need you to move your hands if you want me to change you."
"I can't, I can't, I need to pee so bad--"
"hold it," you say, as you grab his wrists and move his hands away, going back to undoing his jeans as fast as you can. he shoves his hands into the front of his diaper to hold himself anew, but despite his best efforts the leak on his pants is getting bigger, and just as you get his pants open and start undoing a tab on his diaper he gasps. "it's coming out, it's coming out, it's-- it's--"
"hold it, baby--"
"I can't," and that's when you hear hissing as his poor overstretched bladder empties into his soaked diaper, which of course starts leaking into his pants almost immediately. you groan at the sight of his pee overflowing the diaper, and pull the sodden diaper off as you lay yourself next to him, pulling his body over yours so his pee streams onto your pants, soaking you as well as him. "just pee on me, baby, let it all out. good boy. good boy, good baby, you did so good trying to hold it for me. just go ahead and pee."
his lips find yours, and he's still peeing as your hands roam freely over one another's bodies, humping and grinding against each other among the puddles and soaked clothing and diapers.
diapered bf who is new to using them in front of you getting increasingly squirmy and obviously potty dancing, but when you try to get him to relax he just gets more and more upset until he finally has to admit that he used his diaper earlier and was too embarrassed to tell you, so he needs a new one right now
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j-graysonlibrary · 1 year ago
Heartbeats; Paradise Chapter 12
Title: Heartbeats; Paradise
Author: Jay Grayson
Word Count: 112K
Genres: Psychological thriller, drama, sci-fi, LGBT+
Available on: Kobo and my website
Synopsis: Melvin Hardy and Kade Axel appear to be a match made in heaven. After a meet-cute in the rain, the two quickly find themselves in a burgeoning, wholesome relationship.
Yet, things feel…off. It isn’t the ghosts of their pasts that resurface to test the strength of their partnership—no—it’s something nebulous. Something indescribable. Melvin can’t put his finger on it but, the more time he spends with Kade, the more he starts to wonder what’s real and what’s pure fiction. 
Full chapter 12 under the cut:
Chapter Twelve:
I’m looking through a selection of glasses, each bringing something to the outfit I’ve put on but I can’t decide between them. The regular black frames are a classic look but I feel as though I could use a pop of color. My shirt is a dark purple so the purple glasses are an easy contender but they might be too matched. The deep red lined frames are looking like a more sophisticated, trendy pick but I worry it will look like I’m trying too hard.
Beside me, Kade braids a section of his hair, concentrating on his reflection in the mirror. His hands diligently work and craft tight, even braids on each side of his head. He then pulls them back and ties them together behind his head. He hasn’t noticed my dilemma yet.
I keep watching him as he sprays his hair a few times with hair spray, patting down some fly away, unruly strands. Once he’s perfect, he adjusts his shirt and gives himself a once-over in the mirror.
Then he looks up at me.
“You aren’t ready yet?” he chuckles and sets his hands on his hips.
Usually, Kade takes at least double the amount of time that I do to get dressed and presentable in the morning. He has a lot more hair than I do, however, and there are several options for what he can do with it. I usually just slick mine back either all the way or part of the way. He likes dressing up more than I do as well and his outfits usually take some time to put together whereas, again, my ensembles only take one or two steps.
So it’s odd that he’s done before me. Odd enough to make him laugh.
“Can’t figure out which pair of glasses to wear?” he guesses correctly when he spots my line-up on the counter.
“Yep.” I sigh and then take a step away. “Why don’t you pick?”
Kade hums from deep within his throat as he taps each pair and inspects them. He casts the occasional look my way to compare my outfit with the glasses. After a moment, he holds them up and checks, with narrowed and focused eyes, which pair looks best.
To my surprise, he settles on the plain, black frames. “These,” he says and slips them on for me.
“I thought you’d pick something more…flashy.”
Kade snickers and lets his hands rest on my chest, picking at lint or a rogue string on my shirt. “Well I would for myself probably but, on you, I think the blacks are best. It accentuates your classically handsome features and it feels more like you.”
I suppose my personality is reflected more in the ordinary but functional though my gut had been starting to lean toward the purple frames. I don’t doubt Kade’s judgment though.
“Thanks.” I steal a quick peck. “You look very cute today—still not telling me where you’re going?”
Kade smiles from ear to ear and he pushes himself away from me. “Nu-uh. It’s a secret.”
“Well I know it has something to do with the party later.” I take his hand and attempt to pull him back into my arms but he laughs and slips away. I give chase and nearly tackle him to the bed but I think better of it. I don’t want to ruin his hair that he just spent several minutes perfecting. I’d deserve a scolding for that.
“Sure, it’s about the party but I want something to be a surprise,” Kade responds with a pout.
I overheard him planning on the phone yesterday, shortly after I’d come home with the news that I was getting a raise in pay. My confusion over how I’d earned a raise aside, Kade was over the moon about the news and instantly began to plan some event to celebrate.
He’d attempted to hide away in the kitchen and chat quietly to Starla about doing something but noise carries well in the apartment. So, the surprise, as a whole, was ruined from the start. But today Kade has alluded that there will be more than I can imagine waiting for me.
It’s probably hyperbole but I’m eager to see what my boyfriend has in store for me anyway.
I’m being sent out on errands in the meantime—most of which I suspect are unnecessary and designed to waste my time while Kade prepares a party. He’s done little to dispute that theory.
“You’re going to keep to your schedule, right?” he asks and shoots me a stern look.
Does he think I’ll abandon my list and stalk him instead? As ridiculous as it sounds, I think he might actually be concerned about that.
I shake my head. “Of course I’ll stay on my side of town and let you do whatever you need to.” I take out the list of items that Kade gave me at the start of the day. “Do I really need to buy one hundred party poppers though?”
He laughs at my lack of enthusiasm. “It’ll keep you busy.”
“Fine, fine.” I concede and give him another kiss.
I don’t actually intend to buy everything on the list, to be honest. And I doubt he’ll check once the party is in full swing. Really, I just need to stay in a certain area of town until I’m told to return to the apartment. I figure I can do whatever I want so long as I don’t breach those invisible lines.
We leave the apartment together and share one last kiss before parting ways. I walk on foot and he takes his bike. I wave at him as he peddles from view and the immense pressure in my mind begins to lift.
I’ve begun to notice a pattern though I’m not decided on the details.
The most notable features of this brain fog, as I’ve begun to refer to it, are that it sets in when I’m in my apartment or around Kade. Occasionally, it happens at work (such as yesterday when I received my raise) but, for the most part, it isn’t as strong there. When I’m in my apartment waiting for Kade to get home from work or biding my time until I pick him up from the café, there is a lingering sensation of being watched but I don’t always lose all of my ability to think freely.
But when Kade is around, my focus is solely on him and the brain fog is in full control.
I’m beginning to dread when we’re near each other—which is ninety percent of the time—and I live in fear of how long it will be until I get my mind back. I love Kade but I can’t talk to him about this. I’m unable to. And, even if I could do so physically, I’m really not sure how I would go about it.
Saying that every time we’re with each other I feel as though my brain is being hijacked can easily be seen as a romantic, albeit kind of weird, thing to say. But if I lean too much into how frightened I am by the phenomenon, it could sound like I’m blaming him.
And I’m not. I don’t have any proof the brain fog is happening because of him.
Though if I did have proof, I wouldn’t accept it anyway.
Kade is the love of my life and, while I do feel uneasy about my lack of control when we are together, I wouldn’t trade it away if it meant living without him.
It’s a bit of a catch-22, I suppose.
I look around as I walk aimlessly, thinking of where I want to go and what I want to do in this time allotted to me. My mind is quite clear for the first time in days and I want to see Oswald but I can’t.
His apartment is outside of my chunk of town where I’m allowed to stay today.
If not for that, I’d be over to see him in a heartbeat. I feel like I’ve learned much more about my situation since we last spoke and I’m sure he’s got more to say to me too. We could exchange information and get closer to finding out the true root of the problem.
Assuming we’re having the same problem, that is.
I sigh as I let go of the idea. Oswald may be out of the picture but someone else I know isn’t.
Every time Gladis has come to town for business, she’s stayed at the same hotel. The hotel which happens to be in my acceptable zone. While she won’t have the kind of intel I would hope for from Oswald, I believe we can have a more productive conversation now, without this oppressive force weighing me down.
Maybe she won’t be so confrontational and I can ask her what happened the other day.
Maybe she’s in a similar situation as Oswald and myself where she couldn’t help the things she said.
With that in mind, I pick up my pace. 
The hotel takes some time to get to but I was on a time wasting mission today anyway so it doesn’t matter much. Few cars are parked around the building and I only come across one person as I enter. They hold the door open for me and shoot me a shy smile but don’t say anything.
“Thanks,” I mutter and step into the lobby.
There is a receptionist sitting upright behind her desk and she grins as I approach her. “Hello sir,” she says with a voice like candy, “Would you like to rent a room with us?”
“Um…no.” I’m not sure how to ask my question so I just blurt it out, “Can you tell me if a Gladis Rose has a room here?”
I expect she’s not allowed to disclose that kind of information but her smile doesn’t drop like I expect it to. She tilts her head to the side. “Rooms are five hundred dollars a night. Is that alright?”
My brows pinch together. “No. I don’t want a room.”
Her eyes flicker to her computer screen and it’s as if she no longer sees me at all. I wave my hand in front of her but I receive no reaction.
“Excuse me,” I say and wave my hand even closer. There is no way she can’t see it.
She blinks and turns back toward me. “Hello sir. Would you like to rent a room with us?”
I fight against the churning in my stomach. “No,” I reply again with a little more force this time. When she returns to staring at her screen, I give up on interacting with her. Something tells me I’ll get the same line if I try.
Rather than engage with her again, I move around the desk. She doesn’t seem to mind and I even take the guest book out from in front of her. Part of me wishes that she’ll reach over and snatch it from me—that she’ll act appropriately given the situation—but she doesn’t.
I flip through the pages until I see Gladis’ name and her room number listed. I check the wall beside the receptionist and see the keys mounted under their respective numbers. So I grab Gladis’ key, return the guest book, and make my way to the elevator.
Her room is on the third floor and I grip the key tightly in my hand as I ride alone and in silence. I’m not sure what I’m doing—not really—I’m simply running on a mixture of hope and curiosity. If Gladis has no clue what I’m talking about, I won’t know where to go from here. If she’s just as cruel as she was the other day, I feel I’ll be forced into an argument I want no part in.
I’m really just operating on this strong hunch that things will be different.
My mouth goes dry as I get closer to her room and I second and third guess myself. I’ve come this far, I tell myself, there is no reason to back out now.
After all, if I don’t try this now, when will I get another chance?
I knock on the door first, giving Gladis a chance to answer me organically. I wait a few minutes and I listen for footsteps.
I hear nothing.
I rub my lips together and give her a couple more moments. I even knock again but there is no response at all. When I can’t take the silence any longer, I unlock the door myself and push it in.
It’s dark in the room. Despite the fact it’s noon, no light peeks in from the windows. Thick curtains block out the sun and I have to feel around the wall to find a switch.
I flick the first one I come across and it lights up the bathroom rather than the hall or the main area. It’s better than nothing and it allows my eyes to adjust to the intense darkness around me.
There is an outline of a bed a few feet away and of some boring hotel furniture that is really just there for decoration. I walk closer, still feeling for light switches—wanting to brighten up the room further—but I stop when I hear a crunch under my boot.
I take a step back and look down. The light from the bathroom is blocked by my shadow but I still make out clear shards across the carpet.
It looks like glass...
My brow furrows and I search, with more urgency, for a light. “Gladis?!” I call out as well.
Finally, I find a switch and it’s to the bulb over the bed. The room lights up and, while my eyes sting from the sudden transition, I begin to look around immediately.
It’s not just glass I find on the floor but spots of red as well. They are small by the entrance but grow bigger and darker the closer by the bed they are. I take a step directly into one and I can feel the wetness of it.
Whatever has happened…it’s recent.
“Gladis!” I yell again.
The covers on the bed are soaked in crimson and I see a strain against the comforter as if it’s being tugged at. My heart jumps into my throat and I rush to the opposite side.
What was once white carpet is stained red and streaks paint the nearby wall and nightstand as well. A pale, trembling hand holds onto the comforter, squeezing and pulling with the little bit of strength that remains in it. I follow the appendage to it’s owner and I see Gladis, in the middle of the pool of blood, gasping and wheezing for air.
I can barely comprehend what I’m seeing. A knife lays limp in her other hand and glass shards are sprinkled over her and around her like confetti. Her chest rises and falls in rigid turns and it’s a darker red than the rest of her.
Her shirt has been ripped open and, where her breasts should be, are two gaping wounds. I watch the flow of blood as it continues to move, being pumped out by her heart.
My eyes dart around as my mind tries to make sense of the picture before me. One breast, I find, is squeezed between her side and the arm that holds the knife. It’s barely recognizable as a breast and I can only tell because the nipple is faced up.
There is another chunk of bloody flesh halfway under the bed that I assume is her other breast but I’m not as sure. Though, I suppose, I couldn’t imagine what else it could be.
Gladis catches my eye and her fingers curl around the comforter, pulling even more but achieving nothing. “Melvin,” she croaks out in obvious pain.
I’m frozen in place but I still manage to ask, “Gladis…what happened?”
While I’m afraid of the answer, I need to know. She closes her eyes and swallows hard. Her hand falls from the bed and lands near the severed breast poking out from the bedside. Her face contorts in agony as fresh blood continues to rise to the surface across her chest.
“I…” She winces. “I thought it was best…to end it…with my own hands…”
“What?! Why?” I hold my breath as I wait for an answer.
Gladis cracks one eye open and then, slowly the other. She doesn’t look as hurt anymore but she still has a difficult time speaking, “I wasn’t…going to…to be in the story anymore anyway…”
I want to ask what that means but she attempts to laugh, only to cough up blood instead. I can barely look at her.
“Gladis…I don’t understand.”
“Don’t give me that face,” she says and forces a smile onto her face. The pain kicks back in though and she groans and shuts her eyes tight. “It’s better this way.”
“Gladis!” I shout as she goes limp.
She can’t leave like this—not without giving me any answers or reasons!
If there is a chance to save her, I want to take it so I run from the room and start to search for someone—anyone—who can help.
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loviatarwrites · 2 years ago
incubus (nsfw)
Tumblr media
Incubus x Reader
Word Count: 8.4k
Summary: He pressed one of his hands to the backrest of the sofa and used the other one to lift his chin up towards his face, making him feel her breathing. She squirmed on her seat, not knowing how to react, so her body decided to stay put, and she looked directly at him. He wasn’t able to show her his true self made him sigh, but the fact that at some point she would feel much more than this eased the feeling.“What if this is something I’ve wanted to do to you?” He said.
A/N: She keeps dreaming about the kind barista from a coffee shop, yet she doesn't know that someone, or rather something, else has became part of her dreams. Slightly problematic, but was fun to write anyway. Please read the tags.
She got off the bus at the exact same time every day. Whenever she did, she double checked to make sure that she hadn’t left anything behind, put on her headphones, selected the music and started her walk to her apartment. It wasn’t a long walk, but it still allowed him to loom over her, watching her as she walked and occasionally tapped her phone to skip to the next song. While she proceeded to repeat the same routine every day, what she didn’t know was that above her, in the shadows, the creature was watching her, wondering when would be the time when he finally made his move. He had seen her the first time when she had stopped by the coffee shop after her work to quickly get a latte before running to the station just minutes before the departure of her transportation to home. When in his human form, he was like any other man, with almost a forgettable face, which helped him to blend in, unlike he could in his real form, which would make people around him question if they were dreaming or not. There was something curious about her, the way she didn’t mind anything or anyone around herself, and how it looked like any small change on her schedule would break everything. Overall, she seemed like a person who hoped that everything she had planned would go just right, and there wouldn’t be anything to hinder that, or otherwise everything would come crashing down. And that something was just what he wanted to witness. Even without her knowing it, he had become a part of her daily life. He watched as she woke up, how she cursed her alarm, how she tried to decide what to wear and if she decided to cook or order a takeaway after her job. It was amusing to the point to just stand back and observe her, but it didn’t take long until he wanted to know her more, and whenever she went to sleep, his time started.
— Her dreams were always chaotic, with doors that led to completely different areas, people rushing past her only to disappear seconds later and scenes that jumped from one to another without any logic, so when he had first appeared to her dream, she didn’t think much of it. He had decided to disguise himself as a young man with blonde hair, one that didn’t distract her dream and therefore waking her up, but as someone that could approach her. “Excuse me. You seem like you are in a hurry, do you need assistance with whatever you’re doing?” She was standing by the staircase of a library, and seemed like she was not sure where she should be going. The library building was tall with glass windows that revealed a scenery of a marketplace covering the wall from the floor to the ceiling. On top of the ceiling there were countless rows of books, but where she stood was an area with round tables, some empty while some had people that seemed like they didn’t mind her talking next to them. He knew that it was because those people didn’t really exist, but for her, everyone around her was as real as she was, yet the weird and distorted aspects didn’t seem to bother her. “I don’t know. I feel like I should go somewhere, but I’m not even sure if I was going upstairs or downstairs.” She answered. “You don’t remember where you came from?” “No, but I rarely do. Sometimes I find my way to the end, sometimes I don’t.” “Maybe I can join you?” He offered his hand to her. “We can maybe find where to go that way.” She looked at him, and unlike he had predicted, she took his hand, before heading towards the staircase that would lead to the next floor. Her hand was soft, and something about her way of acting made him think if she knew what was going on. “You don’t want to ask anything?” He looked at her. “Not even to know about me and why I approached you?” “Why would I? I already know you.” What she said made him cautious. “You know me?” “That’s weird, we definitely know each other. You work at the coffee shop I always get my drink from. The barista.” She said with a bright smile on her face. He had taken a random face from her memories, and of course it was someone she knew on some level, not someone she had seen on a street once and forgotten, or someone from the magazine, but someone she had a contact with on a personal level. He sighed, and made himself remember not to pick this face again, to avoid doing anything out of character with him that would wake her up.
— She breathed heavily and drowned deeper into her dream. While he kept her busy in her dream, he was free to also feel her body, unlike he was when she was awake. Although she lived alone, her bed was big, and filled a good portion of one of the rooms of her apartment, yet still whenever she slept, she curled on her side, her face against the wall. “So small.” He laid next to her, gently lifting a strand of hair off her face. “So fragile.” Moments like these were only ones that he could be close to her body in his real form, even without her knowing that. One part of him wanted to break her dream, wake her up to the reality where he laid against her, but that would mean giving up on something that he wasn’t going to get back after breaking it. He had her in her dreams, and her dreams belonged to him, even if she didn’t know that.
— “When did we get here?” She looked around herself, confused when the library changed to an old mansion with light green walls and flooring that made sounds on every step. From the doorway she could still see the library behind her, and by her looks, she wondered if she should head back or not. “Do you want to go back?”
“Not necessarily.” She was still holding his hand. “ I feel like there is something here that makes me want to search further.” As she gazed at him, he noticed how a slight blush raised to her cheeks. He wondered if it was because of panic, confusion or if there was something else, but before he could ask that, she started to pull him deeper to the halls of the mansion. “Isn’t it weird?” He took a couple of faster steps to reach her side. “You, walking to an unknown mansion with the barista.” “It could be worse.” Her eyes met his. “At least it’s someone who I don’t mind spending time with.” “Oh.” “Funny how I’m usually too anxious to say anything.” She laughed. “For some reason it feels easier now.” They walked from one room to another, and even though the layout did not make any sense, they kept going forward. Time bent, and something that would’ve usually taken a long time now felt like seconds, and when they finally reached the room filled with paintings and old furniture, there was no way to tell how much time had passed. “I feel like the worst person.” She sighed. “How should I be able to talk with you after everything I’ve been thinking.” “Please tell me.” She let go of his hand and paced through the room, looking around and finally stopping to an antique sofa where she sat, looking like she was deep into her thoughts. She twisted her hair around her finger as she wondered, and while doing that, she looked even prettier than before. He walked to her, watching as she pressed both of her hands to the fabric and looked up to him. Clearly she was finished with whatever she had been thinking about. “It’s wrong to want you.” The tone of her voice was both light yet sad at the same time. “Why would I have these thoughts of someone that simply smiles and brews me coffee once a day? And sometimes asks me how I’m doing, but not if there are other customers.” He hadn’t come across the idea that she had feelings for this man whose face he was borrowing, but now when he knew that, he felt how he was able to do so much more than he had originally planned for. When normally he had to be careful when invading people’s dreams, with the knowledge he had just gained, he was able to go further, and knowing that made him grin. He had to control himself not to start pushing her from the moment he heard her words, so he just stood in his place, letting her continue with her flow of thought. “Forget it. Or like, you can’t forget but pretend I didn’t say anything. Damn. This is awkward.” Her words scrambled, and he got a glimpse of what would happen if something wouldn’t go as she had planned. “What if I don’t want to?” He walked close to her, closing the distance between them. “Do you run away if I do exactly the opposite?” He pressed one of his hands to the backrest of the sofa and used the other one to lift his chin up towards his face, making him feel her breathing. She squirmed on her seat, not knowing how to react, so her body decided to stay put, and she looked directly at him. The fact that he wasn’t able to show her his true self made him sigh, but the fact that at some point she would feel much more than this eased the feeling. He watched as her cheeks became rosy, and how she was clearly waiting for him to take the lead, and he took everything from the situation she had led herself to. “What if this is something I’ve wanted to do to you?” He said just before pressing the lips of the blonde man to hers, making her to mirror his movements.
— The sudden turn of events in her dream made her roll to her other side on the bed, and he had to be careful not bump into her. As she kissed the blonde man passionately in her dreams he noticed how her body got hotter, and how she muttered something in her sleep, probably to voice how she was feeling about things happening in her mind. “Keep going my darling.” He whispered to her. “Show me what you want me to do.” As long as he kept her busy with her dreams, he didn’t have to worry about her suddenly waking up. He knew that her alarm wouldn’t ring for multiple hours, and waking up in the middle of the night wasn’t something she did, so he could lay next to her, watching her as his mind twisted tighter around hers. Her body was beautiful but also still rather weird to him, so he had to move carefully, not to do any sudden movements that would disturb her. She hugged one of the pillows that she had gathered to her bed tightly, and he saw how she pressed even deeper against it when their moment continued on her dream. “Someday I’ll let you see me.” He brushed her cheek with his fingers that had sharp nails on them. “And then you’ll feel everything with not just your mind.” The light touch of his hand made her shiver, and curl even smaller than before. She took the blanket that was wrapped around her, and pulled it close to make a cocoon to herself, and he smiled as he watched her work. She didn’t know that she was being watched, and the way she tried to make herself as comfortable as possible made him think what she would be like if she knew about him. As she continued dreaming, he had to fight against the urge to touch her, kiss her body, and wrap his arms around him. When he looked at her, every moment was more painful than the previous one, but he knew that if he did it now, there wouldn’t be more sweet moments like this. There was nowhere to hurry, he told himself, and laid comfortably on the bed next to her, taking all the time he could for this particular night.
— She woke up to the alarm like any other day, and he watched as she proceeded to do everything the same way she did any other day. He watched from the shadows how she brushed her hair, chose her outfit, ate her breakfast and headed to work. Even simple things like how she watched herself from the mirror, or how she skipped over multiple songs on her phone only ending up listening to the same ones over and over again made him more interested about her life. Or more of destroying the beautiful and predictable it was. He kept thinking what she would do in the case of the unknown, in a situation that she couldn’t explain with logic. Would she freeze? Or maybe she would fight him, which would make the situation even more interesting. Whatever the case would be, the anticipation built on him, as he continued his wait. He knew that she would get a coffee after her day at work, so he took the appearance of yet another simple and forgettable man, and sat at the table beside the window. It didn’t take long for her to enter the cafe, just like she did on any other day, but unlike the days before, when she got to the entrance, she stopped for a couple of seconds. He watched as she gazed around the cafe, and how her expression changed as she saw the blonde barista behind the counter. She patted her jacket and sighed deeply. “Sweet how I can see what you’re thinking at this moment.” He thought while watching as a hint of blush rose to her cheeks. She assumed that her small secret was safe within her mind as she proceeded to order the same latte as always, tucking her hair behind her ear as the barista asked if she wanted to pay with cash or with card. The answer was always the card, yet it still took her a couple of seconds to answer, because her head was racing faster than she could keep up. While the barista didn’t know anything about what was currently going on at the cafe, he knew everything, even more than she did. He had all of the information, and watching the situation unfold was a great show to witness. “You remember how he felt last night.” He stared at the counter, thinking. “You think that you kissed his lips, felt his body against yours, but you’ll learn that he can’t ever bring you that feeling. Eventually, when I’ve made sure you can’t resist me.” When the barista called her name, he got up, to get to the door at the same time as her. He knew that she was waiting and within seconds, she would be out of that door, so he had to be quick to get to that door before her. “Thank you.” She said as he opened the door before her, like accidentally bumping into her. “My pleasure, lady.” He smiled at her kindly, and wondered if she for some reason would know that it was him and not just a random face on the crowd. Part of him was waiting for her to ask if they knew from somewhere. If they had met before or something along those lines, but those questions never came. Rather than that, the moment she was out of the door, she was already heading to her way, no further conversation, no look behind her back. Just a simple thank you. Nothing besides the bare minimum. He shrugged his shoulders and disappeared to the shadows where he could watch her for the rest of the day, without the need to mask behind someone else.
— He appeared to her with the face of the blonde barista she seemed so interested in, kissing her sweetly on her dreams and talking to her about whatever she decided to tell her that night. Her dreams were never linear, and she got lost and confused often, so talking to her wasn’t the easiest task. More often than not she felt like she was lost, and was just glad that there was someone with her in those bizarre scenarios her mind came up with. He was happy to provide her that company, even with a borrowed face, because more than anything, he got to enjoy the moments beside her, while feeling her body more every night they spent together. The kisses became deeper, and he felt how she let herself enjoy him and let go of the control of the situation within her mind. She enjoyed when he took her face to his hands, looked deep into her eyes and how their lips joined passionately. She liked his tongue massaging hers, his fingers on her hair, and his voice whispering to her ear. Even if the face wasn’t his, and the body didn’t feel right, he still enjoyed how she pressed against him, and wrapped her hands behind his neck, joining their bodies together a little bit more, and feeling the warmth of hers against him. “It must feel bad to stay awake every night.” She said to the blonde barista in her dream. “Oh?” “They say that when you can’t sleep you are awake in someone else's dream.” “Is that so?” “You must be terribly tired when you work.” “And you’re too sweet to be left alone in your dreams.” He pressed her against the wall of a building that didn’t exist in real life, but was sturdy enough to hold in her mind. His hand wandered to her stomach, and gently pulled her shirt upwards, making her moan lightly. Her skin was soft, and feeling it more than with a gentle touch he had been able to touch her while she was dreaming made him think how his nails could trace lines to it. He could press his claws to her, making lines all the way from her collarbone to her hips, marking her as him, so she would become his. Her hands dug into his blonde hair, and his hand moved upwards of her body, feeling the curves and finally pressing against her chest. The reaction which she gave to him, or at least to the body he was borrowing, was delightful, even though it was only on her mind. He felt how the lust in her mind drained him, and he fed off that feeling. He felt how her muscles tightened under his touch, and how she surrendered to his touch, allowing him to go further. In its current state her mind was like the most delicious wine, and he was ready to drink everything she had to offer. It wasn’t only her mind that was full of wanting and lust. While her dreams took a turn to new, undiscovered roads, she twisted and turned on the bed, rolling from one side to another before settling on stomach. He watched her moving restlessly, so much that by the time she was done, she had lost the blanket from the upper half of her body. Her bare back was exposed to the cold air, and her chest pressed to the bed sheets as she dreamed, and he watched from the other side of the bed as she mumbled something that made sense only to her. “Oh how delicious you are, my dear.” He whispered as his body heated up from all of the energy he drained. “I’m going to enjoy you, in ways you can’t even imagine.”
— On the upcoming nights, he started to push her more and more each time. Each night he gave her something new, something she hadn’t gotten from him before, and the more he pushed her the more his body fed off her. She let him slide his hands against her bare body, feel her in her entirety, and she enjoyed the things he did to her. Even if her body was everything he could’ve wanted, there was another aspect he grew to like greatly when he spent time with her in her dreams. First, when he had started to see if there was a limit somewhere, if he could kiss her, if he could slide his hand on her body, or if brushing fingers against her inner thigh was too much, she had been quiet, even to the point that made him scared that she was waking up. However, the further the time went, and the more he spent time with her, she started to voice herself more, with voices that were inviting and full of lust and need. Those were something he loved to hear, and seeing how she enjoyed him in her dreams made him want her more and more.
— In the daytime, he took the forms of multiple different people to watch her, and at nights, he learned every part of her body while wearing the face of the barista she clearly wanted to know more. One part of his days was to assure that every time she entered the cafe there wouldn’t be anything more than the minimum required interaction, no small talk, no exchanging numbers. If she ever got close to the barista, there was a possibility that everything he had been working towards would be for nothing. Even if he borrowed his face to entertain and feed nights on end, he didn’t want her to go any further than ordering a coffee when it came to the real world. With a face she knew it was easy to keep her in her dreams without a fear of her waking up. While he had been cautious at first not to wake her up by keeping the distance with her while laying next to her, on the past nights he had started to test his limits little by little. He had known that brushing her hair off her face didn’t wake her up, but he had soon discovered that she didn’t seem to react when his hand moved from her ear to her chin and to her neck, not even when her nails reached her shoulder. Feeling her skin on her dreams had been one thing, but feeling it in reality, in flesh and blood, was something on a whole different level. He was able to trace small lines from her shoulder to her arm, and he saw all of the small details of her skin, all of the beauty marks and even a small white scar on her left forearm. The only thing he had to be wary of was to not dig his nails too deep to cause any pressure that would wake her up, and even though he wanted to see small red lines along her body, he couldn’t do that just yet. However, just feeling her body like this was much more than just laying besides her previously, and if he had been able to go from that to this point, he was sure that here was going to be a time when she would make those same sweet voices to him in reality as she sung to him in her dreams. If he kept her focused on the dream, he was free to press against her back, put his hand around her and keep her body close to him. Doing that required him to keep his focus, and he was sure that if she was left idle, she would wake up instantly. Sometimes, when he pressed to her in her dreams her body reacted to that, and she moved even closer to him. Her body was small besides him, only reaching from his neck to his knees, and seeing her pressing to him and breathing heavily made him feel how his lower parts got more tense. In her dreams the one close to her was a young barista, not much taller than herself, with a bright smile and unkempt hair, unlike his true form that laid against her each night when she kept dreaming. While it was great to get close to her with the skin of a human, he wanted to see how she would look against his true body while not asleep, and how her body would feel under him. He wanted to see her eyes, looking at him as he made her plea and whine, and how her body would feel when he pressed into her, and what she would say to him when he would make her his.
— He had invaded her dreams for weeks, only rarely giving her time to rest and dream freely, but by the looks of it, her dreams had the opposite effect than draining her. When he looked at her when she woke up, she often blushed, probably from thinking of everything they had done in her dreams, and that small smirk after she remembered everything stayed on her face for a long time after waking up. She had learned that he was there when she went to sleep, and she never seemed disappointed when that was the case. He, however, was at the limit, waiting for just the right night to reveal everything, and taking what he had prepared carefully for weeks on end. One part of him had started to question if he even wanted to tell her the truth, and if it would just be the best to feed off her in her dreams, but when dreams were filling to a certain point, he wanted to get everything he could of her. Every night when he laid pressed against her, filling her dreams with lust and desire were enjoyable, but he needed even more than what she was capable of giving to him in her dreams. She was as beautiful as always the night he decided to end the game he had been playing. The evening had been like any other one, where she had been doing the same things as always before going to the bed, only to fall asleep quickly and him coming to her side the moment she did. In her dreams she felt almost lost without him, as she had learned that she didn’t need to be alone while dreaming, and every time he crossed paths with her on some alleyway or building, her face lit up. She had also learned that meeting the light-haired barista in her dreams meant certain things, and he thought if that was one more routine she had developed next to her old ones. “I’m a horrible woman.” She panted in her dream as he pushed in her. “I keep dreaming about you, yet I can’t even ask you on a date when I meet you.” The dream had gone like all other ones past weeks. As he had noticed earlier, she talked a lot more, and her moans every time he pushed deep in her made him fight against the urge to do the same thing to her mortal body. “What if I tell you there is something more.” He whispered to her while pressing her against the wall. “Something better.” “Why do you say that?” She gasped between her moans. “What if I tell you there is way more I can give to you?” His voice was more of a hiss than a proper voice. “Would you like to feel even better?” She didn’t even think before answering. “Yes, please.”
— “Did you sleep well?” He said and pinned her hands on top of her head while pushing her to the bed under himself. Her eyes snapped open, yet she still had to process for a couple of seconds where she was, and even after noticing the familiar objects of her house, the cold wave washed over her. Although she was at her bed, the reality felt more like a dream to her than the dream that she had just had, and she believed that whatever she was witnessing couldn’t be the world she spent her days. Her eyes met his, and the mix of orange and red made it look like there was fire in his gaze. His face was like a sculpture, and was framed with two prominent horns on both sides, parting his hair that reached his shoulders. “Speechless, aren’t you?” His voice was alluring. “Oh how I’ve waited to see you - really see you.” There wasn’t much light in the room, but her eyes started to get used to the darkness, making the figure on top of her easier to decipher. His skin was darker than hers, and had a red-ish tint to it, which matched his eyes. Without the horns there could’ve been a possibility that he could’ve been mistaken as a human, but even in the dark, those gave out that he was something different. “Well, my dreams have been tame recently.” She said and gazed at her hands that were still held tight, unable to move. “This is a new one.�� “Tame, you say?” He pressed even tighter against her, and she felt how his body crushed hers under himself. She still wasn’t sure if she was dreaming or not, but the situation felt so odd that she couldn’t justify herself that she was awake. There had been more odd things happening in her dreams, so if she just tried hard enough, maybe she could get out of this one. That was, if she wanted to. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She said snarkily. “I know, darling.” Just when she was about to move her hands, a long, rope-like thing grabbed her hands and wrapped them. “I’ve seen you when you beg for more, and heard the sweet voices you make when you come.” She noticed that the thing that had grabbed her was not a rope, but a tail, and she felt how it started to tighten around her wrists. The more she tried to sell herself that she was dreaming, the harder she failed. She tried to chant to herself that she had to wake up, search for something that was out of place, she even looked at her alarm to confirm that it was moving at a natural speed rather than jumping from one number to another. The idea that this man, this monster, would actually exist made her chuckle. In what world over two metre tall, fire-eyed man who had a pair of horns sticking out of his head would end up on top of her. “You seem like you know more than me.” She said, still looking for answers. “And you, darling, look like you want to ask something.” “Wow - you really are more talkative than my recent dreams have been.” “I’ll take all of the joy out of the fact that I can finally do that.” He brushed her cheek with his fingers that had long, sharp nails on them. “To talk to you when you are not dreaming.” “What do you mean by that?” She laughed. “I am most definitely dreaming.” “Oh, that explains your lack of reaction.” He grinned, and lifted her to sit on the bed, her back leaning to the wall and her hand on top of her head. When he kneeled on top of her legs, she had to look upwards to see his face, but she quickly turned her gaze to his hands, which started to trail lines from her neck. His nails were sharp, and gentle at first, only brushing her skin, but after a couple of moments he pressed them tighter to her skin, making her gasp for air as he did. She had heard that pain was one thing to know if she were dreaming or not, and if she had to believe what she just felt, she was most definitely not dreaming. “You’re even sweeter than in your dreams.” He whispered to her ear while tracing his fingers down to her stomach. She tried to hold back her voice, but the only thing she managed to do was to tilt her head upwards, exposing her neck to her. She had forgotten that it wasn’t his hand that was holding hers in place, so when he saw the opportunity, his fingers pressed gently on both sides of her throat, causing her to instinctively gasp for air, even though there was nothing stopping her breathing. “Starting to believe that you’re not dreaming?” He asked as he moved his hand from her neck to her chest.
“What if I’m not? What are you if I’m not imagining all that? A demon?” “Clever one.” His lower hand pressed to her side, pushing her against him. “Although more accurately it would be incubus. Or you can just call me by my name.” “Your name?” “Feels just right to finally introduce myself formally.” He grinned. “My name is Astaroth, darling. Now you know who to call when you beg next time.” Her face lost the remaining colour when she realised that she was not dreaming, even if the situation felt like she was. She tried to sell herself the idea of dreaming for one last time, convincing herself that incubi were as real as other creatures in her dreams and nightmares, and that there was no possible way that one would be pressed against her at that very moment. He looked at the demon holding her in place more carefully than before, and apart from the demonic features such as horns and tail, he looked rather human-like, and had some kind of aura that pulled her to him. She knew she should fight back, scream, bite and scratch, but something about Astaroth felt awfully familiar to him. “So quiet so suddenly?” He broke the silence between them. “What did you mean when you said that I had been different in my dreams?” “Exactly that.” “Exactly what?” Astaroth sighed and pushed his face close to hers. In seconds, his face had moulded to a completely different one, one that was much more familiar to her, making her gasp. She didn’t comprehend how to react, when suddenly facing the man that had become so familiar to her past weeks. The features were spot on like the ones she met at the coffee shop every day when she went to get her latte, and which had caressed her in every level in her dreams, and now, they looked directly at her eyes, and the only thing telling that this wasn’t the barista she knew was the fact that a different face had been looking at her just moments ago. “Starting to get the hang of the situation, love?” His face swapped back to his own, with dark features, prominent nose and small stubble on his chin. “It was - it was you.” Her voice trembled. “How long?” “Since the library. Or the mansion. Or the marketplace outside the building. Thinking back, that dream was awfully messy.” Her eyes widened when she heard the answer. She should definitely run, or try to fight him, even while she knew that there was no way she would win against the demon almost twice her size, yet her body didn’t want to raise a hand against him. Rather than that, her body felt hot, and something about her mind yelled at her how she wanted Astaroth to touch her even more. “Wondering why you don’t want to resist?” Astaroth grinned. “Why does everything go against logic?” “Why?” “How long has it been since the library?” “Weeks.” She admitted, and thought about all of the times she had met the blonde-haired barista, no, Astaroth, the incubus, the demon, in her dreams. “Was it you every time?” “Yes. And every time your mind would grow to want me, no, need me more.” “You’re a monster.”
“A demon, darling.” His fingers brushed her chest and his fingers flicked her nipple, making her gasp lightly. “A demon you desire.” “No. I would’ve never if I knew you were… you.” “But you did.” Astaroth smirked. “Now, relax and enjoy yourself, and this’ll be pleasant for both of us.” Astaroth’s hand caressed her breast, while the other one found its way to her inner thigh, rubbing gently against her clit, and she let out a voice that was a mixture of gasp and a moan. He pushed her legs more open, exposing her wetness and making her ask for him to release herself. Astaroth rubbed his finger on her wet slit, clearly enjoying all of the time he was allowed to take, and she wasn’t sure if it was better or worse that he barely touched her. She was scared of his sharp nails that had already left their mark on her body, but she also wanted to be touched and made good the same way she had been in her dreams. “Naughty girl, not admitting that you’re liking this.” His fingers drew small circles before parting her lips and pushing a finger in while making sure that he wouldn’t make her bleed. When she felt how he pushed his finger in her, she let out a soft moan, and when looking at Astaroth, she still fought her mind of the fact that an incubus was doing something to both her body and her mind, and even if it was wrong, she couldn’t deny that he made her feel things.
“When you were thinking about everything you had done in your dreams, did it feel this good? When you breathe heavily and touch your body before falling asleep?” “Did you think that I would be Virgin Mary? Pure of my heart and soul?” “The purity was never something I wanted, darling.”
She felt her head spinning, and how she pressed to his finger more every passing moment. Admitting that she wanted this wasn’t easy, but it was easier than fighting it, so she gave in for the feeling, and let it flush over her, taking her over the edge. She wasn’t sure if it was the fact that Astaroth was an incubus, a demon that fed off sexual desires, the fact that he was really good at how he touched her body, or the uncanny familiarly in his touch that made her feel what she felt, but the answer was too hard to find on that moment. She felt how her vision went blurry for a second, and how her breathing mixed with sudden moans. Something in her made her hold her voice back, yet she couldn’t deny that what she had just felt hadn’t felt amazing.
“Seems like you still don’t want to be completely honest.” Astaroth pulled his finger to his lips, tasting you. “Why me?” “I wanted to see what happens when you can’t explain something.” He said. “When you’re without your safe loop.” “Safety makes everything easier.” “Easy is not something I have had with you. But you are something I wanted to be mine, and seeing how you become more open to me day by day has been a delight.” She hadn’t even realised how her legs were still spread, but when she noticed how Astaroth moved so their hips were at the same level, she got something else to fill her mind with. She looked down, and saw something that when taking account how tall Astaroth was should’ve not been a surprise, yet still sent a feeling of fear to her body. Astaroth’s cock was big, bigger than any of her toys that she had bought, and bigger than she had taken in her dreams. There was no way she could’ve taken something that size to her mouth without instantly gagging, and the idea of taking it other ways either seemed unlikely too. Not only was his cock thick, it was also long enough that she doubted that she would be able to take even two thirds even with more manageable thickness. He was ready, there was no question about that, but her fear had probably been visible on her face because he didn’t make the move.
“Don’t be afraid. It’s not the first time you’ve seen it - technically. ” “Please no. It won’t fit, there is no way it would. I’ll break.” “Darling, I’ve worked too hard to let you break so easily.” “Take all of my dreams. I let you do whatever you want inside my head, just please, don’t make me take that.” Astaroth brushed her folds and she knew that even if she said anything, she was only delaying the inevitable. She could say anything, come up with a million reasons why she wasn’t able to take him, yet she knew that she was also talking to a demon, who wouldn’t listen to her. She thought about the times she had dreamed of the friendly barista who worked at the coffee shop next to her office, and while those times had felt good, now when she knew what had been behind all that, she was unsure if she should’ve liked that or not. “I have had your dreams. Watched you while you slept, laid and made sure that you had everything you wanted. My darling, you have to know that you don’t just get something when dealing with incubi, the deal goes both ways.” “There was no way I could’ve known.” The tip of his cock rubbed against her entrance, dripping precum that, unlike humans, felt more like lube than liquid she was used to, and she prayed that it would make things come even a little bit less painful. She didn’t know if she was scared, furious, or in a slight panic, because even if she had no control, a small part of her also wanted to feel Astaroth’s length and see if demons would be as tempting as they had portrayed to be. There was no denying that her body was burning, and she had been sent over the edge already, with only his slightest touch, and fighting against that feeling was meaningless. “You seem like there is something in your mind. I can stop and let you think that through if you want.” Astaroth grinned. “Please - just don’t hurt me.” “If you resist, it’s going to hurt.” “I don’t want it to.” She said with a small voice. “I want to feel good. Like in the dreams.” “You’re sweet. Just like I imagined that you would.” In a matter of seconds, he started to push deeper into her, stretching her little by little. Every time he moved, she felt how her body got slightly more used to something way bigger it had needed to previously, and she was glad that at least Astaroth hadn’t forced all of himself to her at once. Focusing on keeping herself together took effort, more than she had imagined, and for a while she didn’t say anything, didn’t even let out a moan or any other noise. She felt how the cock rubbed against her parts, how it pulsed in her, and how the liquid that most likely was precum made the situation more enjoyable than painful to her, partly to her surprise. She looked down, and to her fear saw that there would be a lot more for her to take. Normally, she would be glad with the amount already rubbing her insides, but Astaroth wasn’t like anyone she had been, and she had to fight not to think of the feeling after he would be done. She felt bare under him, even trying to dig her hands into his hair before remembering that her hands were tied to place, unable to move. She was only capable of feeling how she opened and stretched around him, and how the lust and need washed over the fear and anger in her. “Still in your thoughts, huh?” Astaroth said, moving his face close to hers. She didn’t have time to answer that there was only one thing in her mind before she felt how Astaroth’s lips pressed against hers. The stubble rubbed against her cheek, and she closed her eyes, as their lips locked together, and her tongue invading her mouth and swirling around hers. His tongue wasn’t human-like, but longer, with a pointy end and it could easily hit any part of her mouth, yet decided to taste her as their kiss deepened. Focusing on the kiss had made her unable to not fully concentrate on the cock that was tearing her open, and when she felt how it hit deep in her, she let out a moan that broke the kiss between them. He was deep, and not only that, also filling her so she was able to feel him all the way. She was too afraid to look if there would be even more of him, she rather lived with the hope that this was all even if it would be a false sense of hope, rather than seeing that she would’ve only at the half-point. “Like I said, if you relax it would be more pleasant.” Astaroth said in a joyful tone. “You’ve been so good, my love.” She felt how Astaroth lifted her hips upwards, making her gasp. “Now we can really start.” “Wait - what do you mean really start?” Astaroth pulled his cock out slightly before pushing it deep into her, hitting the deepest parts and making her gasp for air as she felt like she would rip to pieces on that very moment. When he had moved slowly, she had had time to adjust, but now when the pace was faster, there was no way she would be able to keep up with him, and she felt how her mind became blurry, and only thing she was able to do was to make sweet little sounds that only made Astaroth even more eager to continue. She didn’t want to feel how she did, and even if she fought against her thoughts, she knew that she was lost. She had been raised to fear anything demonic and sinful, and when people mentioned things of that nature, they were never pleasant or lead to good things. However, now, when she could witness that, she couldn’t help but to wonder where people had gotten their opinions, and if everything she had learned through her life had been a lie, and what would happen if she gave in to her feelings, the hotness of her body, and the lust in her mind. She wasn't a religious person, but something in her brain made her fearful if she would be punished because of what she did, if someone would strike her down and if she was doomed eternally because of this. God was someone she rarely thought of, and definitely not someone she anticipated to think during the act of sin and everything forbidden. “You’re awfully quiet, love.” Astaroth breathed into her ear. “Are you still scared?” “I don’t want to be tormented. Not for eternity.” “Be not afraid.” He said almost in a joyful tone. “The only torment I’m going to make you suffer will be something you will beg me to do.” She felt how her body started to get more sensitive by every second, every time Astaroth moved in her, and how it became increasingly harder not to moan when he did. One part of her wanted to fight back, even in a situation like that, but another one knew that whatever would happen was not in her control, but what she could do was to enjoy it as much as possible. “What if I don’t want to resist?” She panted. “Oh, that’s lovely to hear. Did you come to accept reality this quickly?” “God, why can’t I just wake up.” “No, no god here.” Astaroth sighed. “Don’t say that, I know that I’m better. I want to hear something different from you.” “What -?” Her sentence was cut short when Astaroth pushed to her with a force much greater than previously, and she had no way to hold her gasp back when she did. Although there had been time for her to adjust to his cock, the way he moved made it seem like there had been little to no preparation, and she felt like she was about to burst when he picked up the pace. She gazed at Astaroth, a handsome demon with dark skin and flaming eyes, and lust won over fear, making her move her body to at least somewhat match his pace. The hold of his tail loosened around her wrist, releasing them as he pressed his body against hers, allowing her to dig her nails to the back of his shoulder and wrapping her arms around him. She pressed as close to him as humanly possible, breathing in his scent and letting out moans as she felt how his cock pulsed, making her fear if it would grow even bigger than it already was. “Say that you want me. I want to hear it here, not in your dreams. Say how you want me to make you mine.” “Please - I can’t take much more.” Her voice was merely a whimper. “Say my name.” She gasped for air as he pushed to the deepest parts of her, and she had to focus to keep herself from melting completely away. “Astaroth, please.” Astaroth let out a low growl when he reached his climax, and she felt how a burning liquid flooded her, only for him to keep continuing as she feared of how much she could take. His cum filled her insides, and when his pace finally started to slow down, she was sure that she wouldn’t be able to lift a muscle tomorrow. When he pulled out, the cum leaked from her pussy to her thighs, yet still she knew that there would be much more that was burning her insides. “As I said darling, when dealing with incubi the deal goes both ways. So I hope you don’t think this would be sufficient to match everything I’ve already given to you.” She was too dazed to answer. Too tired to move when he laid next to her, brushing her hair. But when she had begged for him, she knew that she had gotten into something bigger than humanly imaginable. Yet when she closed her eyes, she didn’t think about anything else than at least now she could sleep peacefully, even if it meant that she was bound to an incubus.
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 3 years ago
decalcomania | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: You're well aware you write too many songs about him, but they just sit in your drafts folder and never see the world. Until Min Yoongi double-clicks on the folder and starts listening to them, that is.
warnings: idol!AU - producer!reader; angst that has no resolution
“you'll get used to it not seeing them, not being there” but I never will because you'll always be everywhere
"What's this?"
"My drafts folder. It's just full of shit I'm never gonna release."
You racked your brain and tapped your pen against the edge of the table, searching for the words. That was always what you focused most on when it came to song creation – lyrics. Every song had a feel to it, and you selected words based on that feel, sometimes pretty words, sometimes clever, sometimes simple, sometimes complicated, but, most importantly, it had to be the right word for the right moment. That kind of thing you wouldn’t know it was perfect until you found it. You weren’t worried though. It would come to you. It always did.
You trusted your intuition.
At least in songwriting.
"They're all about him."
Your pen stilled.
"You said you don’t write love songs anymore."
You didn't look up from your pad of paper. Staring at your scribbles.
"I don't."
You raised your head, not quite looking at your fellow producer.
"I can't. They always end up being about him."
Your eyes shifted and you saw your fellow producer lower the headset, shaking out his now blond hair. It was a little frizzy, too over-processed despite the expensive hair products. Sometimes he complained that he was going to go bald from the stress, the work, and the constant hair treatments.
It was hard to tell if he was joking or not.
All jokes had some truth to them though.
"Is that why you started distancing yourself from writing for pop groups?" Min Yoongi asked, sitting back in your comfy computer chair.
You didn't answer.
You just exhaled slowly and shrugged.
Yoongi mused, placing his elbow on the desk and humming, looking back to your multiple monitors. "Did you hear his newest cover of the Harry Styles song?"
You leaned your head back against the sofa.
"I heard it."
Silence except the computers and other electronics. You were a fiend for RBG lighting and spent far too much time installing an obscene plethora of them in your music studio, making sure they all connected, of course, so you could work by shimmering rainbows rather than the harsh overhead recessed lights. At least you managed to convince your boss that cool white light was superior to those heinous warm bulbs. Yoongi's face was shrouded in blue and purple light when he spoke again.
"You think he has a folder too, full of songs he writes about you?"
You tapped your pen on the paper.
"I doubt it. He's too busy for that."
"Part of our job is to write songs, so he’s not too busy to write songs."
You tucked your tongue into your cheek. "You don't have to console me. It's time I act my age. You are always telling your hyung that."
Yoongi chuckled. "He was born in the wrong generation. Too early."
"And you were born too late, grandpa."
He clicked his tongue, disapproving of your comment.
You didn't think about your drafts folder much. You made them, knew you weren't going to use them, and dumped them in that folder.
Maybe, someday, you could dig them up again and complete them.
Someday, when you could walk down that mental path with confidence, but, for right now, it was a path full of broken glass and you didn't have any shoes, so you could only stumble down there when you were too drunk and too numb to feel.
"They're good, you know."
"He would like them if he listened to them."
"He likes that stuff from what I gather."
"Maybe he's waiting for you to release one."
"That's highly unlikely considering I have no vocal training and my singing voice is hot garbage," you muttered, giving up on the pad of paper, flipping the pages back. "You can sing better than I can."
There was another thing too.
You couldn't sing those songs without feeling.
And you were trying so very hard not to feel.
"I should leave you to the lyrics."
Yoongi stood up, rubbing the back of his head.
"You're always good when it's the exciting songs," he said with a smile. "I'm sure you'll come up with something good."
You smiled back. "Hm, probably. Just give me a bit."
He shuffled for a few steps. You turned back to the paper pad, opening it with a sigh.
"We're always better at writing songs that reflect our inner selves."
You picked up your pen, pausing at Yoongi's words.
"They are like moments in time, preserving the you of that moment."
You looked up and Yoongi was at the entrance of your music studio, picking up his coat and beanie. He turned around and pulled up his white face mask. Those dark, cat-like eyes peeked out from below the beanie as he adjusted it.
You didn't say anything.
You couldn't see your face, but Yoongi could.
"I can’t get used to him not being around, because he’s always around," you whispered quietly, not sure if you were telling him or yourself, but too afraid to be loud because then it would be real. You could only see his eyes.
His gaze softened.
"Yeah, I know."
He opened the door and left.
You knew he saw.
You knew he saw that the first was created a little over a year ago.
You knew he saw the one dated October 29, 2021.
The draft folder Yoongi was talking about had song files named by the dates they were created and therefore they were in order of oldest at the top to newest at the very end. Only a few people hearing those drafts would know who those songs were about, because almost no one knew what happened. For work reasons, for privacy reasons, and for reasons like this.
When lovers became strangers again.
You used to daydream and hope that he did write songs about you after everything, but now you wished he didn't. Maybe if he pretended it never happened, it didn’t, and then you could forget about it and write cheesy love songs again instead of love songs that meant too much and cut too deep.
Your fingers touched the paper pad and slowly flicked through the pages. It was full of scribbles and pieces of lyrics. Some of them had made it into songs, some didn't. Some got crossed out immediately and some made it into recording, only for those to be shelved away in a folder, tucked into your external hard drives.
You kept everything.
Maybe to your detriment. You couldn't help it though. Sentimental, hoarder, something like that. A tendency to hold onto things for too long. Probably manifested in the habit of writing too many songs about the same damn topic for too damn long. Yoongi must have seen the one dated recently, must have listened to it. He saw how you felt, back then with his eyes and, now, with his ears.
The sound of turning pages abruptly stopped.
You sighed and placed your pen over the words, not wanting to look at them, but, as you closed your eyes, you could remember the night that you wrote those words clearly, even the small details like the thick, hazy dread filling your soul and the tightness of your chest, the three-in-the-morning world smelling like alcohol, whiskey glass shoved aside, bottle open beside you, fiddling with the pop filter and the microphone in front of your lips, headphones suffocating your head that felt like it was going to burst.
Thinking about that song snippet his fans always ask him about, curious on where the complete song is, the nonchalant reply you replayed in your head, over and over, "Oh, I can just re-record it."
You knew he knew where the file was.
you said you deleted it, lost it, haven't seen it in a while but here it is, in this studio with your audiophile.
references to falling cover by JK and decalcomania by JK
the italics are not actual lyrics, I made them up for story purposes XD I can't make music to save my life, so don't roast me ㅠㅠ
drabbles masterpost | masterpost
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rachelbethhines · 3 years ago
Tangled Bonus Marathon - Tangled the Series: Magical Adventures (Where Your Imagination Can Grow and Grow!)
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It’s hard to tell from the title, but today’s entry is a another activity book. Only this one is mostly focused on writing activities and prompts. It’s main gimmick are some dice that you role for certain prompts and writing challenges.  
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Now my copy of the book is used and the actual dice are missing. So I’m going to be using a random dice roller on the internet in place of theses.
The Character Dice
The Queen (Arianna)
The King (Frederic)
The Place Dice
Throne Room
Bedroom (oh my)
The Snuggly Duckling
Make Your Own Prompts Dice
...apologizes to Varian
Caine gets revenge against...
...fights Zhan Tiri
Cap teaches a lesson to...
...has a meal with Lance
...must compete against Max
Already you can see that the people making this book didn’t really plan things through. Even ignoring the fact that this may have been made so early into production that they didn’t know any story details, like Varian’s importance, what kid wants to write about Rapunzel’s parents rather over say Max or Hookhand? Why not throw in one of the villains like Lady Caine?
Why is ‘the bedroom’ one of the place prompts? Do you not know fandom? Also what’s interesting about a bedroom to a little kid? Why is the whole castle a separate category when we got three rooms within said castle already listed? Could you really not think of anything else?
Finally, the ‘make your own prompt dice’ is a doubled edged sword. On the one hand it’s more creative freedom. On the other hand it kind of defeats the purpose of having a book full of prompts. Anything I come up with is going to be a thousand times more interesting than whatever lame, vague, sanitized shit the House of Mouse can think of.
The Content
But enough about the gimmick, lets get on with the actual content.
As said before, the book is nothing but writing prompts... with maybe the occasion art prompt to go with it. As such, the content is only as good as what you can make of it. However, there are four distinct categorizes of prompts within.
The first utilizes the dice gimmick. These are often indented to be longer stories or exercises. If not prompting you to write a full short story, it often is asking you to focus on a particular asset of the writing process like how to write the climax or how to set a scene.
Which leads into the second type of prompt, which is just generic writing exercises. Like creating a character or brainstorming ideas or taking notes, ect. Then the third prompt is usually ‘journal prompts’ where the book wants you to write about yourself and your personal life. And the final prompts are genuine ‘activities’, like ‘filling in the dialogue balloons, invent a game, or create a shopping list ect.
I shan’t be going through each and every one, as I feel like this would be redundant, but it is a writing book and I am a writer so... since we have the dice, let’s select an activity at random shall we? 
Using a Random Generator, I’ve selected one of the activity prompts in the book. This one is Wonderful Words.
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Now the book just intends for you to build a running list of vocabulary words for later use, and gives you a few blank pages to do this. But a book like this is what you make of it, so let’s make it more interesting... 
For my ‘inspiring word’ I used a random prompt generator, because let’s keep the theme going, shall we?
I got ‘bargain‘.
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So my story must include the word bargain.
Now lets roll the dice.
For the Character Dice, we got a one, which is Rapunzel. For the Place Dice, we got number four, The Snuggly Ducking. And the final roll gave us a one again, ‘apologizes to Varian.’ 
So our prompt is... Rapunzel must apologize to Varian at the Snugly Duckling over a bargain. (oh this is going to be fun)
The Bad Bargain
“Rapunzel!” Varian whined as the hulking thugs hauled him over to the stage.
“I’m sorry, Varian.” Rapunzel shrugged, “but you know the deal. You got to tap dance for everyone if Hook Hand manged to beat Ruddiger at cards, and well he pulled a royal flush sooo...”
“I didn’t agree to this!” He shouted back.
“No... but your raccoon did.” Big Nose yelled.
Behind them the faithful pet threw a pack of cards onto the tavern table in frustration.
“Enough squawkin’. Time for dancing.” Hook Hand said as he leered over the much shorter alchemist. Then he took a seat at the piano, and gave the present audience a ghastly grin as he waggled the fingers of his one remaining hand just above the keys.
The crowd cheered, with Rapunzel woo-hooing the loudest, and Varian gave a resigned sigh.
“I guess I’m just a bargain ballet.” He groaned, right before Hood Hand started to play. He very reluctantly started to tap along.
So there, that’s my random, sleep deprived, drabble, but hopefully it gives you more of an idea what can be done with the book.
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I don’t have much to say about the look of the book. It’s the same art work style that you see for most of the series tie-in stuff, with large empty spaces where you can write or draw in. It’s nothing amazing, but it’s serviceable.
Would I Recommend It 
I like the concept behind the book more than I do it’s actual execution. I personally enjoy creative prompts and art/writing challenges with a random generated element. This dice idea is right up my alley. Sadly though the book doesn’t really do anything interesting with it. 
You can certainly have fun with the material if you’re willing to expand upon the basic premise yourself, like I did above, but I don’t know if it’s worth the money though. If you are going to get it, however, then I strongly recommend buying it new so that you’re sure to get the actual dice with it.
Next Up
We got another original novel to cover.
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Also the final salt stream is this Friday on the discord.
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lcksndkys · 4 years ago
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Pairing: JJK x reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: smut, fluff, tiny hint of angst
Word count: ~8k
Summary: Save a drum, bang a drummer. 
Warnings: one tasteful semi-nude sext, brief flashback of male masturbation, discussions about conception, an unholy amount of nipple play, blowjob, fingering, pussy slapping with a dick (but like, romantically), unprotected sex within an established relationship, multiple orgasms, creampie
A/N: This is my first attempt at creative writing… ever. Borne from my horny imagination and a thirst dream, this piece is an epilogue of sorts. S/o to @jinpanman ​ and @wwilloww ​ for being the wind beneath my wings and the floaties around my arms. Also, big thanks to Willow who made the banner <3
There are two things you know are happening tonight. One: Beyond the Scene is out celebrating the completion of their newest EP. Two: your husband, the drummer of Beyond, is going to come home, high off the adrenaline of a successful night, and fuck you into oblivion. Your period tracking app that you both have been studiously monitoring over the last few months has notified you that you were going to be ovulating over the next couple of days. 
You slip into one of Jungkook’s oversized cut-off tanks and a pair of crotchless black lace panties that you know he likes. Checking in the mirror, you see a generous view of side-boob due to the cut of his shirt and you turn around and decide to forgo bottoms entirely—they’ll be discarded soon anyways. Your husband may be out with the boys tonight, but you’re determined to wait up for him. It’s not that late after all. You roll over, pulling a bottle of lube from the nightstand and set it out for later.
Lying in your shared bed, you check your phone again, reading the last messages you sent to each other.
[9:51pm] Jungkook-ah: i’ll be home late babe. dont wait up. love you.
[9:54pm] You: … but i’m ovulating today. I want you.
You haven’t heard from him since. Tapping to the camera icon on your phone, you decide to send a little more encouragement. You quickly snap a photo of your torso covered in his shirt, making sure to give a tasteful glimpse of your ensemble. 
[11:39pm] Jungkook-ah: fcuk. dont temnt meee idk when ill  b home
You sigh. He's definitely drunk which means that even if he did come home soon, he’d be too wasted to finish the job, more likely to fall asleep seconds after washing up. Tossing your phone onto your pillow, you roll to Jungkook’s side of the bed. Breathing in his clean, slightly sweet scent, you let it comfort you as your eyes close. Your mind drifts off to the first time you ever saw Jungkook as a man. 
Sprawled out on a twin sized bed, there was barely enough space for the two of you. Propped against the headboard and wearing nothing but a smile, he laced his fingers behind his head and cockily encouraged you to take pictures. “They’ll last longer,” he had said. Cheeky brat. You had instructed him to pleasure himself as you watched. “Tell me what you think of when you touch yourself, Koo” to which he replied, “You in my clothes with nothing on underneath”. He had whined, panting and desperate to hold off his climax with the hopes that he might get to feel you wrapped around him. 
You made him promise that night would be a one off; an itch scratched. And above all, he wasn’t to speak of that night to anyone, especially his sister- your best friend. At the time, an emotional relationship was not something you were ready to pursue. And certainly not with someone so intimately linked to your inner circle. So when it happened again, and then again, you proposed an easy benefits-only relationship to which he quietly accepted. You didn’t know he had been secretly yearning for something you could not yet give him. Despite trying to push him and your emotions away, Jungkook persisted, and with time and patience, you let him into your heart and let him show you the meaning of true love. 
With a love-sick smile plastered on your face, you drift off to sleep, plans for tonight all but forgotten.
Eyes still closed and hanging on to the quickly fading wisps of your dreams, you unconsciously feel around the sheets for your husband. When your hands come across nothing but layers of bedsheet and blankets and the lingering warmth of Jungkook’s body heat, you roll over seeking the comfort of his embrace. 
Sitting up, you see that he must’ve moved you during the night towards your side of the bed before climbing in behind you. Realizing you’re still in his shirt and the sexy panties from last night, you huff out a groan of annoyance. 
You get out of bed and make the short trek to your bathroom to wash up. Jungkook never missed an opportunity to “practice” baby making. The thought that he was avoiding a session in the sheets with you makes you press the bristles harshly against your teeth. 
Upon returning to your bedroom, you see that at some point Jungkook had plugged your phone in to charge. You open up your app and double check that you’re still within short the ovulation window. 
The shuffling of slippers alerts you to your husband elsewhere in your shared apartment. As you leave in search of him, you notice he had put the bottle of lube away. 
Padding out towards the kitchen, you can hear the tinkling of dishware and cutlery. The smell of toast floats through the air as you spot Jungkook at the counter pouring his cereal into a bowl of milk. Endearing. You smile, remembering he once reasoned that adding cereal to milk ensures you won’t be left with any soggy bits. 
Coming up behind him, he startles a little with your quiet arrival. You wrap your arms around his middle, pressing a light kiss between his shoulder blades, and nuzzling your face against the wide expanse of his back.
“I missed you last night, baby,” you coo. 
Turning in your embrace, Jungkook wraps one arm around your shoulders and uses a pointer finger to gently tilt your head, aligning your mouth to his. He leans down to give you a sweet, chaste kiss in greeting before pulling away. 
“I’m sorry I was out late. But I’ll make it up to you ok?”
“How about you make it up to me right now?” you wiggle your eyebrows suggestively, stepping back from his grasp. 
His eyes rake up and down your figure, pausing to take in the long expanse of skin showing from under his cut-off tank. You turn your torso slightly, lifting your arms up overhead to smooth back your bed head, allowing him a generous view of your tits through the large armholes. You smirk to yourself knowing this simple outfit is one of his favorites on you. 
“- oh, fuck,” Jungkook breathes, feeling the beginnings of desire stir in his sleep pants.
“I was so ready for you last night,” you continue, planting your hands behind you on the kitchen counter opposite of Jungkook. With a hop, you sit yourself upon the cold hard surface and try not to cringe at the sudden change of temperature on your bare rump.
You beckon towards your husband with a crook of your finger. 
“I even wore one of your favorites,” you purr. Slowly trailing a hand towards your hip you pull the hem of your—well, his—shirt up, exposing some of the black lace panties you had worn. 
Jaw clenched and brow furrowed. You enjoy Jungkook’s rapt attention.
“Come closer” you plead. 
When he shows no sign of approaching, you lean back onto your elbows and prop one foot onto the countertop. Parting your legs, you smile victoriously when Jungkook’s eyes drop immediately to your exposed core. Thank goodness for crotchless panties.
His throat constricts at the sight of your pussy, framed in black lace, and bared lewdly for him. 
“Fuck,” he growls lowley. You watch his throat bob again swallowing down a moan. He looks from your eyes, to your lips, and down between your thighs. Cock hardening, his desire rises hot and heady at the sight of you glistening before him.
Seeing him grow in the unforgiving fabric of his grey sweatpants, you grin at his visceral reaction. “You know I’m ovulating, right?” You bring your other foot up onto the counter further spreading yourself out for him. “Fuck me, baby. Fill me up with your cum.” A little dirty talk was nearly always enough encouragement to get your husband started.
Doe eyes wide, he is torn between his carnal desires to ravish you on the countertop and his mounting emotional distress. 
When your husband doesn’t immediately react to your proposition, you know something is wrong. You hop off the counter and come to wrap around him. Jungkook has always been a shy boy, and as he got older, grew into a reserved man. He had a small social circle, knowing first hand that some people had no qualms with using him for his services. He was the golden boy. Jungkook was good at things and always has been- drums, sports, computers, video games, writing music, singing, sex. Many people sought to use him and had gotten away with it. And at first, he was eager to please; to prove himself worthy of the attention. But it wasn’t long before he grew cautious and began to keep a selective few close, including you. 
You've always seen him. And you see him now, eyes tight with emotion he's been holding back from you. He hasn't done that in years. 
Your arousal from earlier has all but dried up, evaporated with the sense that something important is weighing on Jungkook. 
"Do you need me to listen or find a solution?" you ask him. 
"Listen" he replies softly. 
You take his hand, leading him towards the couch. Sitting down, you part your legs pulling his back to your front. You wrap all four limbs around him and lay back to let his weight press the both of you into the cushions. His hands immediately go to stroke along the soft skin of your shins. You tuck your face into his nape, ghosting soft kisses along the skin available to you. Holding him against you, you feel Jungkook slowly melt, head leaning back against your shoulder. You know he’ll speak when he's ready.
“I just… Lately I’ve been feeling like you only want a specific part of me,” says Jungkook quietly. His hands go to tuck back some of his hair behind his ears- a nervous tell he's never been able to kick. "And I guess it kind of reminded me of the time from before we officially got together, ya know?" 
You feel your heart crumble in your chest at his admission. At that time, you weren’t ready for what Jungkook wanted to give you, convinced that the age gap and BTS’s rising fame would ultimately lead to disaster. Thus you had pushed for a purely physical relationship. He had agreed mistakenly believing that having your body, but not your mind or heart, was better than not having you at all. He hoped that time and love would help you change your mind. Luckily for both of you, it did. 
You want to say something to comfort him, but you remember he asked you to listen. You stay quiet, giving him a safe space to speak.
"And I know we're trying for a baby, but lately there's no intimacy when you make love to me. It's like once I finish, it's over and you push me away to lay with your legs up against the wall." 
You feel his ribs expand as he takes a deep breath, and then another. In, then out. 
"You know how important aftercare is to me," he continues. You do know. Jungkook is a romantic; being held and praised for a job well done has always been just as important as the actual act of sex for him. "And if you're just trying to fuck me, I don't know if I want it." 
There's a few moments of pause.
“Why didn’t you just tell me you didn’t want to have sex?” you ask softly. 
Jungkook’s eyes nearly bug out of his head. “No! I mean- I want it, trust me, I want you. But the last few times, it felt like you just fucked me until I came.” Jungkook goans. “You didn’t even finish. Makes me feel like a bad lover."
You cringe remembering that the last time you had been intimate with your husband, you straddled him and then rode him fast and hard until he spilled his seed inside you. The whole ordeal lasted 3 minutes tops, and then you were rolling off him onto your back leaving him to clean up on his own. 
Sensing he was finished, you start to apologize. “I had no idea you felt that way,” you start. “I never meant for you to feel that way. I’m sorry.”
“I just- I love you so much, and I would give anything to make you happy,” he says quietly. His hands continue to absentmindedly traverse the length of your legs.
Your hold around him tightens, a silent I love you. 
“What do you wanna do today, baby? Today’s all about you,” you promise. You’re ready to give your husband the attention he craves. 
“Anything?” Jungkook asks, craning his head back to meet your gaze.
Jungkook smiles, pleased with your enthusiasm. 
“I promise you I’ll give you a creampie, but can we please just play super smash bros first?”
Seeing the child-like wonder in your husband’s eyes, you can’t help but chuckle at him. Jungkook has always been easy to please and competitive to a fault. 
“Sure, Kook-ah. Maybe I’ll even let you beat me” you joke, fingers digging into his ribs causing him to laugh and squirm from your grasp. 
Jungkook unwinds your legs from around his waist to set up the gaming console. 
After several rounds of super smash bros, Jungkook has other ideas in his mind. Pulling you onto his lap, you’re forced to part your legs to straddle him. He fingers along the hem of your shirt pulling up the backside to expose your bare ass. 
“Ah, you wore these for me?” he asks, hand rubbing circles along your quickly heating flesh. 
“Depends. Are you ready to take them off me?” you retort with a wink. 
Giggling, Jungkook lunges for you, wrapping his strong arms around you and burying his head into your neck. You feel the gentle pressure of his lips suckling and tilt your head further back to grant him more access to the sensitive skin of your neck.
He laps against your throat, making you moan out in satisfaction. Your arousal starts to leak onto Jungkook’s grey sweats as you absentmindedly grind your bare cunt against the stiffness growing there.
“Mmm, fuck. Let’s go” you pant, urgently tapping at Jungkook’s shoulder.  
Walking into the bedroom, Jungkook slowly lowers you down to the ground, letting your front drag along his, your soft curves trailing along the firm planes of his chest. The moment your feet touch down, you gently press a hand against his chest- right over his thrumming heart- and encourage him to sit at the edge of your bed. His eyes gaze lovingly up into yours, a small smile hanging on his lips, waiting for your instruction. 
You tug at the hem of his shirt. “Can you take this off, baby?” 
Jungkook eagerly nods, licking his lips in anticipation. He reaches back, hooking his fingers into the neckline of his collar and pulling his stupidly oversized shirt over his head in one swift motion. For a second, he lets you admire his body. He works hard to achieve his physique and enjoys knowing you’re your attraction towards him has never waned. 
You swallow down a groan as your eyes trail from his chest, dusky nipples pebbled with arousal, down his abdominals, towards the bulge in his sweats. Your husband is a beautiful man, inside and out, and he is all yours. Tonight and forever.
Climbing into his lap, you straddle him and cup his face between your hands. Jungkook needs emotional intimacy, and you’re prepared to deliver.
You kiss his forehead. “I love the way you think. You’re quiet, but so clever, and I wish more people could see how your brain works. You’re considerate of other people and so fucking humble, qualities I really admire about you.”
Moving down to his eyes, you place twin kisses over his closed eyelids. “I love the way you see the world. When I’m tired, you remind me that there is so much beauty in the mundane, and I’m so lucky to see it all by your side.”
You reach down for his hands and press your lips along the knuckles of both his hands. “I love the life you’ve helped build for and with me. People always say you’re good at everything, but they don’t see how hard you work to earn it. I respect you so much for that.” You play with his fingers- somehow long and delicate, but strong at the same time- and lace them together.
“I love your nose,” you continue, pecking the tip. 
“No interruptions, Jungkook” you hold up a hand, effectively cutting him off. “I know you’ve always thought it was a little too big and round when we were younger, but it shows how much you’ve grown into yourself over the years. You are so sexy- both on the stage and off.”
You pull back in time to see him fighting down a shy smile at your praise. “Besides, a man should have a big nose,” you wink. Unable to hide his toothy smile or blushing cheeks, you continue.
“I love these cheeks,” you say, planting sloppy kisses over his face. “When you smile - a real, genuine smile- your whole face lights up. I hope our children inherit that.”
You plant more against the beauty marks on the bridge of his nose and under his lip, on the faint scar high on his cheek. “So beautiful,” you murmur against his skin.
“These are my favorite lips. You were the first man that I believed when you told me you loved me.” You press your lips against his, kissing him gently. Tilting your head for a better angle, you press forward more ardently, and part your lips further to slide your tongue against his.
When you pull back, Jungkook’s eyes are still closed, face craning forward to chase your kiss. You card your fingers through his hair and push him back enough to look into his eyes again. 
Your lips continue their loving path down his face, nipping along his sharp jawline and down his neck, paying special attention to his sensitive pulse point. Jungkook whimpers in appreciation encouraging you to work color into his skin. 
“Most of all, I love your heart.” Your arms wrap around his torso, hands caressing up and down his back as your head tips down to press your mouth against his chest, just left of center. “You are patient and kind and romantic. You show me every day what true love means, and I am forever grateful for that. You have all of me, and you always will. And tonight, I want to make you feel good because I love every part of you. Even the parts you don’t particularly like yourself.”
You continue to leave wet kisses along his clavicles and throat making him moan quietly.
“Lay back for me, baby” you say, and he allows you to push him onto his back.
Your body follows him down prone on the bed, allowing your comforting weight to settle atop him and press him into the sheets. Linking your hands, you bring them up to rest by his head. You reconnect and kiss him senseless, lips and tongues moving seamlessly in a dance well practiced over the years. You continue until he’s whining, until you feel him thickening further in his pants. 
Lips descending downwards, you continue a fiery trail along his jawline, hands caressing his neck and chest to maximize his pleasure. Evidence of your love blooms down his neck as you continue a path towards his chest. Perched on his lap, you grind against him as you take a nipple between your lips and begin to suck.
“A-ahh fuck”, Jungkook pants as your lips wrap more securely around his pebbled bud, tongue flicking against him. Your other hand rakes along his other pectoral, thumb catching along its twin and you rub circles over him with your thumb. His cock, which had begun to throb when you love bombed him, is now fattening with arousal.                                                                                
You trail your lips across his chest making sure to provide equal attention to his sensitive buds. Dusky and shining with your saliva, you continue down his abs, licking the contours of his hard earned muscles. Jungkook continues to quietly moan at the sensation of your soft, warm mouth slowly moving south along his body.
Sitting up a bit from his supine figure, you tug down at the band of his sweatpants. “Can I take these off?” you ask, slipping your fingertips into the waistline of his bottoms. He nods his consent and you push them down as he lifts his hips up, effectively removing Jungkook’s remaining piece of clothing. 
As you move to stand from his lap, he immediately sits up as if pained by any distance between your bodies. You give him one last, sweet kiss on the mouth before settling down on your knees between his spread legs. His cock, perfectly framed between powerful thighs, is hardening rapidly and attempting to defy gravity as it bobs in the space between your bodies. Licking your lips at the sight of his leaking length, you settle on the floor and reach for his base.
“Hold on” he says, stopping you to reach across the bed and pulling his pillow from under the covers offering it to you for comfort. Your heart swells at his consideration and you accept it gratefully. You place it under your knees for an added cushion and make yourself comfortable on the ground.
Maintaining eye contact you run your hands up and down his thick thighs letting your fingernails lightly scratch along the sensitive skin there. Each pass brings you closer and closer to his cock, subtly twitching in eagerness to feel you wrapped around him. Keeping your eyes locked on his, you wrap a hand around his base and feel him harden fully in your grasp. Bringing your lips down to his weeping tip, you run your tongue up and down his slit, then slowly in a circle around the engorged head leaving a ring of precum and saliva in your wake.
“F-uuuck” Jungkook keens as you continue to tease him with your tongue. “Please. More, please.” 
Your lips immediately close around him, surrounding his throbbing cock with the wet heat of your mouth and begin to suck tasting his musky flavor. Popping off, you run your tongue up and down to spread moisture along his shaft; your hand will have to cover what your throat cannot take. He is not profoundly large, but he is more than thick and long enough to satisfy you.
Unable to mask his desire, Jungkook pants as your mouth works up and down his rigid length. You take him as deep as you can tolerate, gagging lightly when you feel him slide down the back of your throat with each pass. The hand not grasping his base is rubbing soothing circles along his hip and inner thigh, amplifying his pleasure.
“Mmm yeah, you’re doing so g-good,” he groans as you continue bobbing, hand furiously pumping whatever won’t fit in your mouth. He weaves his fingers into your hair, encouraging you to take him deeper into the depths of your throat. Eyes starting to water, his other hand wipes at the tears in your lash line as you continue to enthusiastically blow him. 
Jungkook’s volume steadily increases along with the pace of your mouth and hand as you work over his cock. You continue to suck him off sending white hot pleasure through his veins. “Oh shit- shit.” Jungkook stops you as his impending orgasm begins to crest. “You need to stop, or I’ll cum” he breathes out. Though your mouth is no longer on him, your hand continues to slowly jerk him off.
“Aren’t you ovulating?” he tries to confirm with you. “I need to put it in you,” he insists, teeth clenching together as your hand glides up and down the full length of his dick twisting your wrist with each upstroke.
“Tonight is all about you - about us,” you shake your head. “I want to make you feel good. Can I do that?” you ask as your other hand travels from his hip to cup and gently fondle his balls.
He whimpers in pleasure as you continue to stroke him.
“Do you want to cum in my mouth tonight, baby?” you purr. No longer able to formulate a coherent sentence, he nods his head aggressively.
“Good boy,” you tease with a smirk. Your mouth returns to his cock and joins the hand pumping his shaft. Years of learning each other’s bodies has taught you the tell tale signs of your husband’s orgasms and you can tell he’s close. Very close.
Hollowing out your cheeks, you apply the suction you know he has never been able to resist. You’re determined to suck his soul from his body, gripping him firmly as you furiously work his throbbing length exactly the way you know he likes. Your mouth focuses on his mushroomed head, lips sealed around the tip and tongue lapping against the sensitive frenulum.
Jungkook desperately tries to stave off his release to linger in the wet heat of your mouth. It’s been a while since he’s allowed himself to finish down your throat and he wants to savor it. “Ah, I’m so mad that you’re so good at this” he groans, earning a muted giggle from you. Stuffed full of cock, the vibration sends a thrill up his spine. 
You know Jungkook’s cumming before he can warn you. It starts with a subtle lifting of his balls as they prepare to empty into your eager mouth. Eyes squeezed shut and moaning wantonly, he chants your name over and over as he begins to orgasm. You continue your determined ministrations as his shaft pulses in your grasp.
“Hmmmph- ahh, fuck yes! Oh fuck, so good,” Jungkook whimpers as ribbons of cum burst across your tongue and hit the back of your throat. You quickly swallow his load as he erupts into your mouth. You continue stroking and sucking Jungkook through his high, helping him ride it out until he gently pushes you away when he feels the burn of overstimulation. 
“Good?” you smile up at him and let go of his wilting length to lick at a stray bit of cum from your thumb. You wipe off the remaining spit on your shirt.
“Amazing,” he replies, smiling dazedly down at you. 
You allow him to pull you from the ground up onto the bed with him, laughing when your knees pop loudly in the quiet of the room as you stand up. Giggling, you curl up against his side listening as his heart rate evens out to a steady rhythm. You can't be bothered to care that his skin is tacky with a light sheen of sweat.
You lay against Jungkook for a few minutes as he basks in the afterglow of a powerful orgasm. He pulls you tighter against him, tipping his head down to kiss you for a blow job-well-done. Tasting the residual flavor of his cum, he groans against your mouth, enjoying your combined essences.
Jungkook rolls you onto your back, continuing to kiss you with fervor. The sound of lips and tongues clashing fill the room as the two of you enjoy the simple intimacy of being together. Reaching down, Jungkook spreads your legs apart to make room for him to lay comfortably between your thighs. 
“W-what,” you’re breathless as his lips leave your mouth and travel down your jaw.
“Mmm,” he mumbles against your skin. “It’s your turn now.” He nibbles along your sensitive neck, goosebumps rising with his light touch. 
You run your fingertips up and down his back, scratching along the peaks and valleys of his spine. Leaning his weight into one arm, he uses the other to push up the hem of your shirt, ghosting a hand under to cup a breast. He palms greedily at the flesh as he continues to kiss you passionately. 
“I wanna see you,” says Jungkook. “Can I take this off?” he gestures at his cut-off tank you’re still wearing.
Criss crossing your arms and pulling up by its hem, you bare your chest to Jungkook’s eager eyes. His gaze drops down to admire the bouncing of your tits as you wiggle out of your top. Propping up on his elbows, he ducks his head to capture a nipple between his petal soft lips, coaxing it into a stiff peak with gentle suction and the lapping of his tongue. When your back arches in pleasure and you clutch his head to you, Jungkook takes the opportunity to slide his arms under you to hold you securely to his mouth as he worships at the altar of your breasts. 
“Baby, yes, you’re so good to me” you pant, feeling your arousal generously leak from your core.
Eyes closed and relishing in the sensation, you whimper, sending one hand to grip his long, dark locks and feeling the prickle of his freshly trimmed undercut. With a hand in his mane, you feel him unlatch from your tight bud to plant wet open mouthed kisses around your areola and across your chest. He stops over your heart, lips lingering to feel the rapid thumping rattle your sternum.
Generous with his attention, he moves to nip and suck around your neglected breast. He slurps your nipple into his eager mouth, tongue swirling to tease it to a hard peak. Jungkook's diligent stimulation of your breasts sends sparks of pleasure down to your cunt as he continues to lap at your pebbled beds.
“More, please,” you whine, bucking your hips upwards, hoping to encourage him to touch you where you need it most. 
Hearing you beg so prettily for him slowly coaxes life back into his spent cock. He feels himself begin to swell again against your thigh. Pleasuring you has always been incredibly arousing for him, and he knows with a several more minutes of rest, he’ll be ready to fuck you senseless.
Pulling an arm out from under your torso, Jungkook leans his weight onto one elbow and sends his free hand down between your legs to the treasure between your thighs. His lips pursed around your nipple continues to suckle and tease you into a frenzy. 
The room fills with sounds of your mewling and his blunted goans as he plays the familiar song of your body. His hands brush against the soft black lace as he spreads your legs, positioning you to his liking. 
“So wet,” Jungkook acknowledges with a quirk of his lips, fingers swiping along your slit to feel for your arousal. Bringing those fingers towards his mouth, he sucks your essence from his fingertips, savoring your taste. Jungkook switches nipples again and his fingers, now slickened with his saliva, return to the warmth of your pussy. 
You gasp when you feel him caress at your opening before sinking a lone finger into your tight, wet heat. Jungkook can’t help but grunt as he feels your walls clench around him, excited to feel it around his growing erection. 
“It’s all for you baby,” you praise him, carding your fingers through his fringe and pushing his hair back to get a better view of him suckling at your breast. Your breath hitches when you feel him add a second finger, stretching you open with his long, tattooed digits and curling them against your g-spot.
“Mmm yes- ahh. Fuck me with them,” you plead. Lacking the power to drive you towards an orgasm, he teases you with sensual strokes until your cunt drips down your ass and his fingers come out sparkling with your arousal. Completely at his mercy, you feel Jungkook slow down further. Brat. 
You’re writhing beneath him as he continues his personal brand of slow, pleasurable torture. His lips release your tender nipple and return to your open mouth attempting to swallow your moans. 
“Fuck me harder, please, I need it harder.” you beg, hoping to convince him to finger you to completion. Despite your request, Jungkook stops thrusting completely, opting to curl his fingers and rubbing softly against your g-spot while grinding the heel of his palm just off center from your pulsing clit. Your eyes are closed, but you can feel his gaze on your visage committing your whining and fucked out expression to memory. You’re being uncharacteristically pliant for him tonight- a change that he is very much enjoying. He files it under ‘spank bank material’ for when Beyond ultimately goes back on tour. 
“Please, baby, make me cum. I’m so close.” you try one last time. You’re panting and desperate for release. 
“You’re not cumming tonight unless it’s on my cock,” he grits out. His fingers stay hooked inside you, caressing at your sensitive front wall. Jungkook’s mouth returns to suckling at your pebbled bud and he slowly fucks you open with his fingers. Your cunt quivers and leaks with your arousal, but without the thrusting or clitoral stimulation, you won’t be cumming anytime soon.
“But how-” you glance down, not expecting his nearly fully erect cock. Pleasuring you had sparked his arousal again, the sounds of your approval and sight of your wet pussy glistening with desire has encouraged him back towards full mast. Licking your lips at his growing girth, you push his hand from your core to collect some of your personal lubricant. You wrap your slicked up fingers around his length jacking him to his full potential. 
“Uunffff- ok, ok. Hold on,” he says, reaching out into your bedside table for lube. You hear Jungkook uncap the small bottle and are eager to feel him deep inside you. Quickly flipping onto your front, you prop yourself on your elbows and knees, presenting your husband with your sloppy, swollen cunt- a soundless request imploring him to fuck you from behind.
“I want to feel you deep,” you reason and unable to resist you, Jungkook agrees. Eyes glued to the way your crotchless panties have dampened with your cream, he spreads a generous glob of lube up and down his cock. He wipes the remainder against your labia and rubs some onto your clit making you mewl out for him. He wipes off the residue on your sheets. You’ll have to wash that later.
Taking a moment to admire his view, his hands caress over your hips and ass. “Are you ready?” Jungkook asks, always so considerate of your needs. 
You nod and delirious with lust, you reach between your legs for him, sliding his bulbous tip up and down your slit before pushing your hips back to take him into your awaiting passage. Jungkook descends down creating a canopy with his body, sheltering you with the physical representation of his love. Jungkook’s hands find yours, lacing his calloused palms to the backs of your hands, fingers interlocking. With light pressure, he encourages you to lay your front down onto the bed. He nudges your knees further apart, propping you ass high in the air. 
Positioned to his liking, he takes his first stroke into your eager cunt. Despite his diligent fingering, the fit is still tight, and you feel the initial pinch as he breaches you. You both release matching moans upon your coupling, and you already know you won’t last long after enduring Jungkook's extensive foreplay. He sets a slow pace plunging deep into your velvet heat. 
“Harder, Kook, I’m already so close.” you puff into the sheets, turning your head as far as possible to watch your lover as he takes you from behind. “Please,” you rasp.
No longer denying your release, Jungkook thrusts faster, snapping his hips powerfully with the intent of getting you off. His cock hammers into you and you’re helpless underneath him to do anything but take it. He can already feel you tightening around him deliciously and lets go of one hand to reach down between your legs. With two fingers, Jungkook rubs tight circles around your clit while he continues to drill into your cunt which is just what you need to finally cum.
“Oh, fuck! Ah- ah-ah, Jungkook!” you chant. Your hands furiously grip the sheets trying to hold onto something to ground you as your high threatens to pull you under. Legs quaking and pussy fluttering around him, your walls contract rhythmically around his turgid length as he continues to rigorously fuck you through your orgasm. 
Jungkook whines at the sensations gripping his cock, but pulls out of your spent heat to spare you from the sting of overstimulation. Any other night, he may have considered fucking you into a second orgasm, but tonight feels different. Tonight, he wants to make ardent love to you.
Without Jungkook’s strong frame to hold you up, you crumble limp against the bed. Your ears ring with the aftermath of a good round of fucking. It takes a second to register that he is speaking.
“Can you take more?” he asks. Confused, you look down and see that he’s still painfully hard. Oh. His erection is glossy with your juices, shining as it bobs between his well-muscled thighs. 
“Fuck- yes,” you quickly consent to him. 
Jungkook swiftly rolls you onto your back again and sits up on his knees between your spread thighs. “I love you in these, but I want to see all of you,” he rasps, tugging at your ruined panties and pulling them off while his eyes stay glued on your saturated folds. Climbing back up your body, he spreads your legs wider and leans forward bringing his cock to your core. You look down to watch him steadily thrust his length against your slit, bumping against your clit on the upstrokes. 
Wanting to draw out his teasing, he grips his slickened base and slaps his dick against your slippery folds. Each wet smack sends waves of electric pleasure through your system as Jungkook works you back up. “Just fuck me, baby. I’m ready.” you insist. Your gaze trails up, meeting his heated stare. 
“I want you to keep your eyes on me when I make love to you,” he says, voice dropping an octave. When you nod in understanding, he catches his tip against your entrance and pushes back into your ripe, warm cunt. Your legs immediately wrap around his trim waist pulling him closer and encouraging him to brace the weight of his upper body on his hands. Your ankles interlock against the base of his spine to bring him deeper.
Jungkook starts with long, slow strokes, pulling nearly all the way out of you before feeding his cock back into your sopping pussy. Going slow enough for you to feel every ridge of his throbbing length, he impales you over and over.
Your back arches in pleasure and you have to fight to keep your eyes open for him. Wanting him closer, you greedily reach your hands up to pull him down closer to you, forcing him to drop to his elbows as he continues to give it to you slow and deep. 
Jungkook braces on his forearms and cradles your head. He tilts your chin up to align with his intense gaze as he continues to plow into you. Brow furrowed and eyes locked, your husband watches your dazed and needy expressions while his body and mind make love to yours. 
He’s always so good to you. Devoted and adoring. You’re suddenly struck with the reminder that this beautiful man is yours. Always has been. Always will be. And tonight is a good time to remind Jungkook how deeply you love him. A fear of commitment used to hold you back, but he peeled back your layers and showed you that love didn’t have to hurt. You haven’t been afraid since. Jungkook has the whole of your heart. 
“How did I get so lucky?” you say, reaching up to caress his jaw as he continues to thrust into your depths. “I’m sorry I lost sight of us,” you stutter trying to sound coherent as your husband diligently sinks his thickness into you again and again. “I never meant for you to feel-”
“- I know. And I’m sorry I didn’t communicate better, I just- I’m working on it,” Jungkook cuts you off. He knows this is a two way street. 
“We don’t have to try anymore if you aren’t ready. Pull out and I’ll suck you off again” you offer. If Jungkook isn’t 100% in, you aren’t either. 
“No, I want it. I’m ready for our love to create something beautiful and for everything that comes after that.”
You moan, eyes closing briefly, as Jungkook begins to pick up the pace. The increase in friction against your walls is quickly bringing you towards the edge again. An unexpectedly fierce pump of his hips has you gasping in delight.
“I said-,” Jungkook grunts with another sharp thrust, “-eyes on me, baby.” You pry your eyes open, surprised by his display of dominance and try not to squeal.
Jungkook reaches one hand down to tilt your pelvis back further and you lock your legs up higher on his frame allowing him to shove a pillow under your ass. The new position brings your clit directly under his pubic bone. When he slams back down to stuff you full, he grinds deliciously against you, making you nearly scream out in ecstasy.
“I love you,” you whisper in earnest. “I love you so much,” you moan as Jungkook begins to pound you into the sheets. You’re both quickly unraveling, approaching another high, bodies tingling with impending release. When your thighs begin shaking around him for the second time tonight, he picks up the pace filling the room with a symphony of your euphoria. 
Breaking your eye contact briefly, Jungkook looks down at the juncture of your connection and is enthralled by the visual- his cock coming out foamy with your cream and slamming back into your weeping pussy. Groaning, he suddenly feels the sharp sting of your nails raking down his back as you’re overcome with pleasure. 
“Come on, babe. Cum on my fucking cock,” Jungkook grunts, urging you towards completion. With your hips canted deliciously, he continues to ram directly against your g-spot. 
“Oh fuck, it’s so good. I’m so close,” you babble, feeling Jungkook push deeper against you to stimulate your pulsing clit. Hands clutching your husband and thighs trembling, your eyes slip closed as you finally succumb to his endeavors. You cum with a silent scream, head tilted back and throat exposed as your walls spasm uncontrollably. The wild contracting of your pussy squeezing his cock triggers Jungkook’s own release. His length throbs desperately within your walls as you coax him towards his end. 
“Ahh, I- I’m holy shit- I’m cumming, too” Jungkook whines as he climaxes with breathy whimpers, exploding as he fills you with streams of his ejaculate. He thrusts as deep as he can get while his length continues to spurt inside you, shallowly rutting to ride out his high. 
Panting, he collapses his weight into your waiting arms. “Oof,” you grunt as you feel your husband’s sweaty and spent body pin you against the bed. You let him rest against you for a while, content to feel the warm fullness of his cock and spunk nestled deep inside you.
“Can I stay inside?” he asks shyly. “I just wanna hold you.” You smile and Jungkook holds you close and carefully rolls under you so you can comfortably lay against him. With his arms wound around your waist and your thighs spread wide with his dick sheathed inside you, he ensures maximal skin contact.
Seeing his blissed out face, you giggle as the two of you revel in your post-coital afterglow. His spent length slowly softens letting some of his cum leak from your used hole onto him and the sheets below. You’re definitely going to have to wash these. 
Your fingers find their way into his hair, scratching along his scalp and pushing back his long locks to expose the sexy undercut hiding beneath. Jungkook’s eyes are still closed, but he still leans his face forward knowing you’ll meet his lips with your own. The two of you make out for a little longer, savoring the intimacy shared in your little bubble. 
Jungkook clings to you, preening at your gentle caress and basking in his favorite form of aftercare. Your cunt is runny with lube and your combined releases, but you’re too content to lay with Jungkook in your arms to clean up just yet. You lie wrapped around each other for a few more minutes, mindlessly kissing at his face and neck, whispering praises for his performance.
It’s quiet for a long moment, and assuming he must have fallen asleep as he tends to do after a vigorous round of love making, you attempt to unwind your limbs from his. Grumbling, he tightens his hold around you, preventing you from getting far. 
“Jungkook,” you warn with a laugh, “I have to get cleaned up.”
“Mmm not yet, hold me a little longer” he requests as he burrows deeper in your embrace.
Sighing, you relent, slowly dozing off with your husband in your arms. 
When you wake, you find that you've shifted in your slumber. Jungkook's chest is plastered to your back and he has an arm slung over your waist with a hand curled around one of your tits. The mess between your legs has dried making you cringe when you move to get up. Leaving Jungkook who is slowly stirring, you go to the bathroom to shower. 
You step under the spray and let the warm water relax you while you clean off the sweat and unholy mix of bodily fluids from between your thighs. You hum along to the new Beyond the Scene single and sing some of the chorus that you can remember. You exit the shower, wrapping a towel securely around you and return to rouse your sleeping husband.
You find that Jungkook is already awake and sitting against the headboard. “You know, I hope our kid doesn’t inherit your singing voice,” Jungkook cackles, cutting through the silence. 
"Why you-," you gasp, tackling him down into the sheets and laughing along with him. You pin him down and pinch at his nipple in retaliation. It’s not long before he’s pulling the towel from your body and rolling you under him to latch his mouth to your cunt. Before the night is over, he delivers another two orgasms and a fresh load. After all, practice makes perfect.
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sugako · 4 years ago
tied with a bow
suna x f!reader cw: 18+ only minors dni, toys (vibrating panties), (secret) toy use in public/exhibitionism, established relationship, slight dubcon (reader doesn't know they're vibrating panties at first) then consent & enthusiasm, slightly jealous suna, edgeing, accidental ruined orgasm (receiving), public sex/in a bathroom, a handful of "good girl"s, unprotected wc: 2.5k a/n: for the #boys&toyscollab from @fallensvint (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ ty for letting me participate this is such a fun collab idea and i had a great time writing it
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"I know tonight isn't ideal, but maybe this will help make up for it."
You turn from your place in front of the bathroom mirror, eyebrows lacing in confusion until you look down at the small bag in his hands. It's a pretty shade of red, complete with matching tissue paper that's been carefully tucked around something inside.
"Rintarou, we already-"
"I know, but I felt like you deserved something more." He cut you off, a small smile curling up the corner of his mouth. You could tell from the held-back expression he was dying to laugh.
Considering it was your anniversary, it was fairly suspect. Suna had a crude sense of humor at the worst of times but had gifted you some practical items and a pretty, delicate necklace with a little black gem held in its grasp. Instead of a nice dinner as you had both originally planned, you were being whisked away to an EJP team event.
When he had been told he was contractually obligated you could feel the disappointment wavering off his body for hours. Though you tried to assure him that you truly didn't mind a free dinner and dressing up - although it came at the price of a little press - he still seemed upset until the day before.
Hesitantly, you reached out for the bag. While he noticed your careful reaction, he didn't make any move to comment, simply letting you find out on your own. The gift was easy enough to spot when you riffled through the paper.
"Lingerie?" You questioned, slowly pulling the black lace from the red package. Shoulders relaxing, you felt some comfort realizing it wasn't something to be worried about. At least, not that you knew yet. "It's pretty." You sighed, unfurling the material.
"Thought you would like it. Wear it tonight?" He asks softly. Smiling kindly, you wrap your arms around his thick shoulders and lean to press a kiss to his cheek.
"Yeah, I think it'll be fine with the dress I have picked out, but why…" a big detail catches your eye and you do a double-take back to your hands, "...why are there ties?"
"Oh," he shrugs, feigning innocence, "I think they wanted to be inclusive, just came in one size. No idea."
The next hour moves quickly between the two of you washing up and getting dressed for the night. Although his closet is impressive, Suna can be particular about his outfit selection. He tells you he wants to look good and professional, it's good for his career, but you think he just likes to dress up nicely at any given chance when he's not in the gym.
As time draws near, you're both nearing the door, smoothing any creases and straightening what needs to be. Though, a moment before you can wrap your hand around the door handle, he's grabbing your arm and pulling you back to his chest.
"Did we forget-?"
"No." He cuts you off gruffly, hiking your dress up with the hand not holding you.
"Rintarou, we don't have time!" You squeak out, fumbling to move his hands away.
"We're not doing anything." He mumbles while reaching back to grab something from his jacket pocket. "Just this," he says as slips the little bullet past the band of your panties, neatly placing it in the little pocket you hadn't noticed until now.
"I'm surprised you didn't know what these were to begin with." He chuckles, letting you go and pulling out his phone. "I won't turn it on if you don't want me to, you just mentioned wanting to try-"
"Yes." You answer quickly. A little embarrassed with your own fervor your shift, straightening out your dress although it didn't need it. "I mean, uh, yes, as long as no one can hear it. Could be kinda fun."
His lips curl into a tight smile and he taps a few buttons on his phone, eyes shifting between you and the screen. It starts up quick and fast, pressed well enough against your clit to make you clamp your legs together.
"Rin!" You squeak, grabbing his arm to keep your knees from buckling.
"Whoops," he smirks rather unconvincingly, "Hmm, well it is quiet."
The panties are ruined before you even step out of the car to the event. Suna's hand comes down on the small of your back, holding you close before the crowd can sweep you away. Anticipation swelling in your chest you watch him as he pulls out his phone and flips through the apps.
"Ready?" He leans in to ask, voice barely raised above the gentle roar of the crowd.
"Yeah," you force yourself to take a deep breath and let your shoulders relax. "I'll let you know if I really need to stop for whatever reason." You quickly add, already knowing his next question.
"Good girl." He smiles, giving you back a little squeeze before he taps the screen. The vibe comes to life again, the soaked fabric making it even easier for you to feel it. You take a sharp, wavering inhale through your nose.
It's not as strong this time, but between how good Suna looks tonight, the longing touches you've been sharing since you left the house, and the fact that you're surrounded by people at a professional function, it felt just as dizzying. He would tease you endlessly for how you were reacting no matter what, you already knew, but that only added to the appeal.
The night went on smoothly for the most part. Suna came and went from your side when needed - whether to speak to the press, his captain, or grab drinks and food for the two of you. Though your voice didn't sputter and your body didn't tremble as much as you were briefly worried it would, there was still a certain amount of excited trepidation with every step you took and word you spoke.
While you longed for release and the ache drew up between your legs, you could feel that the two of you were close to the end. Suna had stepped away for just a moment leaving you beside Komori while he asked higher-ups if he was good to leave now. He wasn’t an exceptionally jealous or insecure person, and it was an innocent touch, really. But when he watched as you grazed his teammate's arm with the knowledge that you were ruining yourself, it ticked some feral part of his brain.
Stopping in his path toward you, Suna rips the phone from his pocket and clicks open the app once again for the night. The warning at the bottom of the screen telling him the battery was getting low didn’t even reach his eyes before he clicks the settings up to their highest level.
In the midst of giggling over the odd relationship between Komori’s cousin and one of Suna’s old teammates, both of whom you had met less than a handful of times, you felt the wind get knocked out of you. As you pretend to choke on your drink, you scan the room in a panic looking for him. Before you can spot him, a strong hand pressed into your back, forcing you to stand up straight.
“Oh, hi!” Komori gives Suna a wave and a small grin, clueless to your flustered expression. “We were just talking about Atsum-”
“Sorry,” he really is, “Promised we would head out early.”
“No worries.” He chirps back. “Nice seeing you.” It’s directed at you, but you’re lost. The pulsing between your legs is near unbearable, you’re wound up so tight it’s a wonder you haven’t burst over the edge yet. It’s all you can do to muster out a polite hum and nod to him. Your legs are shaking now, you have to take deep breaths to steady yourself, faking little coughs when moans bubble up in your chest. Suna is saying something else to him, but you can’t quite hear, the pressure in your ears too loud.
Then, without warning, it stops. Fingers digging into the sleeve of Suna’s jacket to get his attention, you give him a sharp tug. When you look, you realize he doesn’t have his phone out and he looks about as confused as you. Realization hits his face like a ton of bricks.
“Not feeling well?” He huffs out at you, less of a question and more of a statement really. You quickly shake your head and offer an apologetic look to Komori. “Sorry, we really do have to go now.”
He barely gets out another polite goodbye before Suna is dragging you out of the venue. You make it to the desolate lobby and are dragged into an empty-looking bathroom before you can even say anything.
“Why did-”
“It died, I didn’t do anything.” He quips, locking the door behind him. “I’m sorry baby, I really didn’t mean to.” Dragging you back to him he traces gentle kisses down your shoulders, already hiking up your dress with a hand that’s traveled to your ass.
“Please, need you, Rin.” Your eyes sparkle at him, pulling his face back up to yours so you can kiss him properly. At first, it’s sweet, tame almost, but your dire need and the fact that your cunt is still throbbing on the edge pushes you to deepen it. Tongue lashing across his, fighting for nothing in particular, everything about your motions and groping hands becomes sloppy and irregular.
“Right now? Here?” He teases out, cradling your cheeks.
“Yes, here. Now.” You demand with your hands already tugging on his well-made belt, struggling with the buckle. Through the silky material of his pants, you can feel how swollen and hard he already is. “Don’t need anything else, just you inside of me.” You continue, half-distracted from tearing his clothes away when his thumb swipes over your bottom lip and presses into your mouth. Without a second thought, you suck it in, lavishing your tongue over his fingertip as you would his cock. All it does is make you needier while your hands tremble around his length, finally pulling him out.
“Such a good fucking girl.” He groans when you swipe over the tip. Steadying your quivering body with two hands tightly drawn over your hips, he flips you around so you’re against the wide sink counter facing yourself.
While you settle your chest against it and spread your legs, he’s making quick work of the ties holding up your panties. “You really did make an absolute mess of these.” He whistles lowly, admiring the spread of creamy slick that’s painted between your thighs. The panties are tossed beside your face, your own smell momentarily taking your focus away from him until you feel the gentle prod of his cock against you.
“Just put it in, I can take it.” You beg, wiggling your hips back for emphasis.
“Bet you can.” He agrees as he pushes in the rest of the way with one fluid motion. A cracked moan breaks from you, and you realize as he fills you out that the cord in you is snapping. His hips barely drag out, shallowly pumping into you.
“Cu-cumming.” You stutter out, hips twitching under his hold. Being on the edge for so long pushed you into such sensitivity, even he’s a little surprised when you start to flutter around him. He keeps up his shallow pumps, wary of pushing you too far when he knows you’ve been teetering at the edge for so long, gently fucking your through until you slump against the counter. “Please…” you weakly call out, still aware of the pleasant draw of his cock that’s nudged deep inside of you.
Not bothering to answer, he offers you a small smile in the mirror, and pistons his hips out at a ferocious speed. The slap of skin and the all-too-loud squelching is making you dizzy, but you can tell by the precious look on his face that you’re not the only one. Suna’s eyes are connected to where he’s getting sucked into your gushing pussy that’s already left a creamy ring at the base of his cock. All he can think about is that you’re wet, so wet, and you’ve been waiting for this all day, waiting for him. Driven out of his own mind by the nearby sensation of you clamping down around him, whining and shaking in his arms, he already feels close.
When he pulls his eyes away from where he’s fucking you, he lands on your face in the mirror. This isn’t perfect, it’s really not. It’s no romantic anniversary night with flower petals and candles, it’s fucking in the bathroom outside a work event. And although he knows you don’t need anything fancy as you always tell him, he feels a twisted pang of guilt and excitement.
Anyone could walk by and hear your unobstructed, pitched moans, his deep whimpers, or the flesh hitting flesh over and over again. At best, this could be a difficult press scandal, but he can’t bring himself to really care, not when you’re begging for him - his cock, his orgasm, he cum to fill you up. His attention is only on you, forcing his hips to thump harder against your backside, balls slapping against your poor, tired cunt that just keeps leaking around him.
You can feel how close he was to his own end, pressure building up in him, cock twitching against you while his resolve falters and his hips stutter against you. The spout of words you had been blabbering on to encourage him got lost as he slams into you with some finality, the warm spray of his cum filling you up from the inside.
Taking a heavy breath he lets himself fall over your back, long torso laying heavy against you. Neither of you attempts to speak, panting and whimpering just above a whisper. After a heavy minute, Suna turns his head to rest against your cheek, giving you a pleased hum.
“Maybe next time I should just keep the battery low.”
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alluringjae · 4 years ago
until dawn; pt. II - ljn
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part I | part II
⤑ summary: basic number one rule of the museum is not to touch the art. but no one told jeno that falling for one of them isn’t allowed either.
⤑ pairing: jeno x female reader
⤑ word count: 12.2k
⤑ genre: ANGST, fluff, romance, smut (f receiving, dom!jeno waow, dirty talk, wrap it everyone) | broke architecture major!jeno, historical figure!reader, enemies to lovers!au, college!au, night at the museum-inspired!au
⤑ warnings: references to actual historical figures, explicit language, graphic details, major heartbreak caused by another party, expect time jumps too
⤑ author’s note: happy jeno day!! i’ve been so excited to post this part, and i’m happy we’re here!! perhaps, this is the last long fic i’ll write for a while so i can rest, but i’ll still be posting short stories within the weeks to come! i’m excited for may to say the least hehe
btw, for the smut scene (indicated with **), i highly recommend you listen to strange (feat. hillary smith) by kris bowers!! this song is from the bridgerton soundtrack, and oh man, the feels!!
with that, enjoy!
italicized text either means they are personal notes or flashbacks.
this was meant to be more angsty, but either way, i screamed every time i wrote something gut-wrenching.
⤑ taglist: @renjunniehome
​ ⤑ ctto above!!
⤑  leave me some feedback, constructive criticism, or hellos!
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“You ready to get your butt beaten by me, Lee?”
“Prepare your final words when I win instead, (Y/L/N).”
Mischievous banter exchanged between you two became a new norm. Almost every night, someone within the art pieces established a contest over anything and it released the competitive sides of you two. So far, Jeno has been winning. Not like it hurt your pride, but maybe just once, you could conquer one game to feel better. Not only that, there’s a mini penalty for the loser. So far, you’ve cleaned up the lobby yourself and acted cutely to everyone the entire evening (or aegyo as Jeno called it).
Tonight, a game of archery was held by the Greek gods. They pushed away any extra pieces away, leaving the whole room vacant with two boards right beside Zeus’ throne. Numerous arrows were produced and sharpened, Zeus in the center announced to everyone participating.
“It’ll be 1 on 1 games. First to go are Jeno vs (Y/N), followed by Athena vs. Hermes, Cleopatra vs. Freddie, and last would be Hades vs Aphrodite.”
Cutting the chase, you didn’t expect Jeno to be that good at archery. Sure, he told you that he took classes with his friends for fun when he was younger, though it showed that he’s a fast learner and even hit one bullseye in the middle of the game.
Not slightly threatened until the last rounds, you fixed your aim and lessened your overthinking when preparing to shoot. Thus, you scored 2 bullseyes shot. It was a close fight, having the audience on the edge on their feet again because it’s the two of you. Your dynamic with the night guard always elevated the mood, shifting their bets over and over again.
By 1 point, you received your first victory against Jeno. Unlike you, he showcased his sportsmanship sweetly without any comments of disbelief. He’s never bragged about anything big in his life, not unless it’s a high grade for his plate. Normally, he celebrated wins in a laid-back manner. But don’t be fooled: he loves giving penalties.
“This is why I don’t make bets with my friends because I really go for their weak spots.”
“You’re cynical, Lee Jeno.”
“Only if you’re close to me, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“Aren’t we already past that stage?”
Almost halfway through his job, he sustained a meaningful friendship with you. Out of everyone, you were his default person to hang out within the nights he had a shift. If he wasn’t present, he made sure to give you small treats or gifts as much as possible. An innocent friendship, it was that the world would’ve never believed in.
Or was it?
“To celebrate your win, what do you want me to do?”
“You’re too kind for me to play around with, even if you’re the complete opposite of me.”
“I’ll make it simple and worthwhile since I don’t know when I’ll win a game again.” As your finger tapped your temple as you pondered deeply, a smart idea came through. “Grant me 3 wishes.”
He chuckled, lowering himself to view you better. “Am I like some genie now to you?”
“No room to complain, I won, didn’t I?” You grinned, raising one brow to show your dominance.
“You’re petty in your own way, aren’t you?”
“Perhaps. Now come on, I want to use my first wish.” You shrugged it off like no big deal, loving the high feeling of triumph. You lead him to the center of the lobby, where a beautiful grand piano only selected people get to play during exhibits. “Open the museum piano.”
Ever since you were brought to life, you never used it. Tempting but because people from the outside might here, maybe it’s time to try something new. A new challenge, and besides, you missed entertaining people through it. The last time you touched the delicate piano keys was to your family before you ran away.
It’s a good thing that in the shackle of keys Jeno held, the needed key was there. Unlocking the lustrous black instrument, you sat by the matching black bench. Crackling your fingers, you tested by pressing a few keys to get the hang of it again.
“What are you planning to play, (Y/N)?” Jeno leaned against the side, his arms crossed.
Humming the first notes of your piece, the nostalgia ran through your veins. “Nocturne No. 2 in E flat by Chopin.”
Your fingers took off and played each chord slowly and calmly. This piece reminded you the most of your mother, who sat by the couch in front of your old piano with your father while guests from the party they hosted crowded around you. Being the youngest, they often requested you to perform as entertainment so you always put your best foot forward. Or so you tried.
Nevertheless, no one else in your family was capable to play this piece as perfectly as you. By the way your eyes closed and your body swayed to the mellow tune, Jeno observed how you memorized this piece by heart. A passionate flame you were, outshining every pianist out there.
He wasn’t surprised at how multi-talented you were, though there’s a different kind of aura you present when you played the instrument. From your hard and tough front, you could be soft and sweet to the right people.
In a way, you showed your comfort toward the boy by serenading him with the piano. Sketching him with him in the past was one thing, but this was another. You’d sketch with people you’ve grown used to, but you play piano to people you want to cherish in your life. As dangerous as it seems, Jeno was someone special to you, only wanting to have good moments with him.
Junmyeon will always have a huge part in your museum life, but Jeno filled the emptiness that he left behind. This loneliness for a human friend vanquished thanks to Jeno, and you didn’t want to jeopardize it at all. Sure, whenever he acted like a gentleman around you, let you inside the Foreign Art Room, or brought you food sometimes, you couldn’t help feel honored.
Though lately, every time he showed off his strength when he defeated Zeus and Hades during an arm wrestle game the god held again. You seriously had to catch a breath at every flex his arms made, like the goddesses. Maybe how he pushed his black hair back when he’s drawing another plate, you’d give yourself a few extra seconds to see his long fingers skim through them. He’d bit his lower lip when he’s in too deep with his creativity, wondering if he’d bite the lower lip of the girl he’d ki-
All right, (Y/N), relax. Maybe you’re thinking this way because it’s been decades since your last relationship. You wouldn’t want to fall for another possible trap and hurt yourself again, right?
Ever since this job, Jeno’s university life drastically changed. Yes, he still hung out with his friends and performed extremely well in his classes, though he prioritized anything related to the museum wherever he was. If they were drinking out, he’d buy an extra bottle of soju for you on his way back to the dorm. Rarely does he get shitfaced anyways.
If he and Renjun visited the bookstore to purchase pens or any art-related materials, he always bought either an extra sketchpad or set of pens. Even if you were simply a figure to everyone else, he appreciated the bond you both developed.
Every night, he’d tell you about his day from the start. Normally, it consisted of a lot of schoolwork and coffee, some stories about his roommates too. Speaking of them, he’d insert a lot of humorous words about his entire group of friends, whom you learned their names too.
Mark, Jaemin, Renjun, Jisung, Chenle, and Donghyuck, each of them presented a different color in their group. Jeno, who’d admitted to being shy and quiet, grew out of his shell because of them. A friend of Jeno’s would automatically be a friend of yours, if only you were allowed to leave the museum or become a human.
Jeno learned more about your past explorations that never got documented because you no longer had an interest in jotting them down. They were adventures you’d kept to yourself, memories only close to you then would know. Except now, Jeno was another addition. You’re not the type to instantly open to people, though again, a sense of relief surrounded him every time you encounter each other. It grew gradually like a warm hug, softening your heart and breaking your walls.
The more he spent time with you, nothing feared Jeno the slightest. He’s always maintained himself intact, avoiding lines to be crossed and giving respect to those who deserve it. However, he began to question himself where exactly his feelings lie with you after Jaemin tried to set him up on a blind double date just so the best friend of his date wouldn’t feel left out.
He’s rarely one to get crushes on people, even when other girls in his college openly showed their affection towards him. Valentine’s Day or his birthday, several girls sent him chocolate or flowers. Jaemin and Renjun got sick of girls reaching out to them first so they could reach him. It’s not because he’s not the dating type, but because he’s so goal-oriented that unlike his roommates, he doesn’t have a slight clue about dating.
Though one-night stands while at a party and dating were completely different, he’d still say he had experience with girls. Plus having an older sister, he never took advantage of them. He’d rather tell them in person that the feelings weren’t mutual than ghosting them. He’s not like Jaemin anyways.
With that, he’s so lost when his heart beats twice as fast the second you’ve woken up from your posing slumber. He doesn’t comprehend how flustered he’d be when you highly insist to help him with his plate or how cute he finds it when you’re playing fetch with Mochi. On top of it, when you chose to sketch each other for one of your sketching sessions, he’d take a longer stare at your visage before he drew some strokes.
A lot of historical accounts mentioned how your beauty was the standard of the Victorian era, wherein you were the jewel of your neighborhood and numerous men wanted your hand. Women envied you, especially having high intelligence skills that were equivalent to a man. That time, that felt like a threat to most men. Though surprisingly, it turns out there were men who liked intelligent girls.
Jeno knew he liked you as a friend, though liking you past that he didn’t intend. Nor was it allowed because it’ll break one of the golden rules. Before he’d go beyond contemplating, he had to stop himself. This was so unlike him. The feelings will fleet away, he’d repeat to himself. Don’t waste a great friendship because of your silly emotions.
Individually, both of you swallowed these harboring feelings down your guts and simply kept your friendship status safe. Doing your typical activities or whatever else you could think of, none of you minded to change it whatsoever.
Unknown to you though, it was obvious to the other art pieces ones that you two practically passed off as young lovers. Although they know that pushing one towards the other went against the rules, Aphrodite begged to differ.
“Holding them back from expressing what they really feel just because of the law here is a tragedy. They should at least try, you know?”
On another typical night, Jeno invited you to the Theater Room for a movie marathon. After finding out that you’ve never seen any moving pictures, he wanted to be there to introduce it. Luck was on his side to not have plates or requirements due for the week and everyone was behaving themselves, so he started with rolling out short films from the 88mm projector. Having premade popcorn and drinks, the two of you shared roars of laughter and emotional tears.
Switching to the cd player for longer and clearer films, you’d opt to believe that you were born at the wrong time. With all these advancements, it came with a lot of new beliefs. One of them was allowing women to study and work. Then again, she was a pioneer according to historians. Without her, it wouldn’t help shape society as it is today.
Nonetheless, this movie Jeno played on the big screen was what he defined as “one of the classics”, 10 Things I Hate About You.
This outspoken character named Kat was presenting a poem to her class, trying to hold in her raw emotions towards Patrick, the boy who broke her heart. Too engaged, you didn’t notice how Jeno stretched his arms out so he could wrap one around your shoulder. Not that you were complaining, his warmth reassuring you safety.
“I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie.” The way she attempted to keep her strong ground only reminded you of where you were weeks ago, especially once she excruciatingly broke down.
“I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” Only when you leaned back to the chair, you felt his arm. His thumb caressing your covered shoulder, you peeked him a little bit. His eyes fixated on the screen, absorbed in the acting and how Kat’s tears weren’t scripted as she stormed out of the classroom.
Not that you were her, but it sparked the past memory of how you merely disliked him because of his job. But as a person, not even close, not even once did you hate him. How blessed that he never judged you for it, staying patient all this time.
Right before he could look back at you, you moved your face back to resume your watching. Jeno definitely noticed what you did, though not sure as to why. Whatever it was, it wasn’t harmful.
Once the film ended, Jeno checked his watch for the time. 4 am, he wanted to do something else now instead of film viewing. You were on par with it, wanting to walk it out after being seated for hours. As you both cleaned up and bid the posters outside goodbye, the doors to the museum were locked unexpectedly. Impossible on Jeno’s half because he had the keys for every room, but he double-checked his bunch.
Alas, the keys for these doors specifically were missing. But there was no other way anyone could’ve gotten it, plus it’s not like the last person he talked to, which was Aphrodite, would need it.
Or did she?
Rather than putting any blame on each other, your only wish now was to return to your section before sunrise. You and he could just relax momentarily before yelling for help.
“Maybe we should watch another film first?”
“Alright, you choose while I return the rest.”
As Jeno inserted the cd of Cinema Paradiso inside, the background music of the opening played. He hummed the first notes, already feeling the love from this film. Another must-see classic as recommended by Renjun, he wanted to rewatch it with you.
Slowly returning each cd and film roll to their respective drawers, the melodious theme had you waltzing in the small space. Even beyond your life, classical music never gets old. Aging like fine wine, sounding spectacular as time passes because of people’s creativity.
Jeno gazed over your sudden movements, smiling uncontrollably at how immersed you were as you multi-tasked. However, you took a wrong turn by the desk and almost dropped a priceless film roll. But before you fully slipped and fell, a pair of strong arms caught you at the right time. Panting from the nerves, mostly when he was inches from your face. Never has he pressed his body this close to you to protect you, and never have you seen his captivating eyes this up close.
As enchanting as the background music of Ennio Morricone was, it only became noise once Jeno took ahold of the film roll on your hand and placing down on the desk. Taking another step closer, you were backed up by the edge. Not to mention how his height dignified his impact on you, your arms were still situated by your side with nowhere else to go.
That was until his finger elevated your chin so he could meet you on eye-to-eye level. His other hand gripping your waist, you became brave enough to place your hands by his broad shoulders. Licking your lips, you glanced at his lips quickly. But he noticed it, and as risky as this was, it was a leap of faith to take.
“May I kiss you?”
Always such a gentleman, even when he already knew how much you desired him through your returning affections. Calming your breath patterns by the speed of everything occurring, you came back to your senses. He’s the one who constantly told you not to forget your roots, so you were going to take this one.
You trust him, and he does too.
Since the first film, some kind of tension increased the closer he moved or intimate his actions were towards you. You kept pushing it back in hopes not to ruin what you both have. But it only turned out to be mutual, especially how none of you held back as soon as his lips passionately clashed yours.
Tangling your arms around his neck, you stood on your tiptoes to press even closer to him. Feeling his lively heart pumping against your hollow chest, you bit his lower lip. Something you’ve secretly craved to do, he growled from the pleasure. He hoisted your waist to the desk, his impatient hands earnestly traveling all over your body. While your legs locked around his torso, your feisty nature leaned back so your entire body lied on the small desk.
Jeno was on top, placing one hand down to hold himself while the other squeezed your waist firmly. Even if you’re made of wax, you’re like an actual living woman at night. Everything about you becomes real until dawn. You emitted vulgar moans, giving him more access to your neck. Peppering a mix of soft to hard kisses, your hand teasingly snaked under his shirt. He really wasn’t joking when he bragged that he was quite ripped since he enjoyed sports and going to the gym, cupping a part of his toned abdomen.
“If you want something, all you have to do is ask.” He sluggishly sucked the area between your ear and neck, one of your weakest spots. “What’s on your mind, baby?”
The growing moistness in between your legs left a stain in your panties, trying to close your legs out of embarrassment. It’s been decades since you’ve been stimulated like this. However, Jeno beat you to it as he trailed the hand that was on your waist and lowering it right above your covered sex. He cupped it agonizingly slow, making you folding your leg from the pleasure. For a man who doesn’t date around, he knew exactly what he’s doing.
“I just kissed you, and you’re already this soaked. Can you handle me, baby?”
As the strong woman that you present yourself to be, it would selfishly take the right touch from the right man to weaken you. With his savage lips back on yours while your hands clutched on his shirt, he was simply waiting for a verbal answer, yet driving you completely mad. Everything was happening so fast, and here he was to please you in anywhere you seem fit.
You were deprived, and oh, you needed it more than ever.
However, seconds before you replied, there was loud rumbling from the main doors which stopped your devilish antics. As Jeno moved back from you to see the ruckus, you lifted yourself back up, pulling back your dress sleeves and flattening out the creases. The last thing you wanted was a trail of familiar red marks from the aggressive male, finding any reflective surfaces to check.
“I wouldn’t be that dumb to leave you hickies now, would I?” Jeno ended your worries as he placed his hands by your side again. His face leaned towards yours again, reliving the warmth in your cheeks. His lips were plumper, catching traces of your coral lipstick smudged there down to his jaw. He slotted himself again between your legs, grazing a hand on your waist and the other to your warm cheek. “The door’s unlocked now, and it’s 5 am. Do you want to clean up now?”
You playfully scoffed, aware that neither of you had plans to do that yet. Such a player while in the heat of the moment.
“Spare me 15 more minutes with you first.”
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Hiding the romance you’ve both built failed without trying. Aphrodite spotted all the signs from your open physical affection and words of admiration, calling you two out in front of everyone without shame. She is the goddess of love, after all. You couldn’t fool her even if you tried.
Plus, she’s the one who locked the two of you up in the Theater Room that night. But neither of you know that.
“Sketch my ideal home?” Jeno bent down to the table, testing out his newly bought pens so they wouldn’t spill.
“Isn’t that why you decided to pursue Architecture in the first place? Come on now!” You pestered across him, opening your new sketchpad since your last one ran out of pages. As expected, Jeno bought you one when he went to the bookstore. As much as you insisted not to because he should use the money somewhere else, he did it anyway. He loved your works, encouraging you in any way he could.
When he was reminded of his humble beginnings of his passion for architecture by you, never had he envisioned exactly how his perfect home would be like. Settling down was so far beyond his mind, only focusing to graduate university then study for the licensure exams. However, he did miss drawing something for fun, not as a requirement. He also was the one who took charge of designing his dorm.
“Fine, only if you draw what your ideal home would’ve been if you never left London.”
Now as lovers, the only addition to your relationship were the public and private exchanges of affection. Deep conversations, film viewing, back and forth banter, you’re both still the same competitive duo everyone expected to be together. In public, the two of you held hands, hugged, kissed each other cheeks too when it felt right. Cleopatra’s face of fake nausea was priceless every time, while Princess Diana, Anne, and Katherine enjoyed it. It’s been years since they’ve seen this glow of adoration in you. Bit by bit, you’re going back to the old you. Except now, you’re a lot stronger.
Perhaps, this version of you proved wrong for the need for romance. Even if you made the choice not to settle down then, it would’ve been different if Jeno was in your universe then.
“Are you done there?” Jeno asked while you were finishing up your masterpiece. Life in London sounded fun when you were younger, having all these ideas on interior design and the like. An innocent time.
Instead of replying, you strode to his side and compared your pieces together. He pictured a two-story home, with a backyard and rooftop area. He definitely wanted to stay in the city as his whole life was based there. Although you preferred living in the countryside more for more freedom, you gave it a shot by pinpointing every detail of a wealthy typical Victorian-era home you liked. You desired a spacious lobby with a grand staircase in the middle, a crystal chandelier there too. The living room would have a small library and a grand piano, where wide doors leading to the grasslands were beside it.
Considering you two lived from different times, in a way your ideal homes were similar. Somewhere private, surrounded by nature and minimal furniture, you’re curious as to how it would look if the two of you fused them together. A mix of old and new, will it look pretty?
“What will look pretty?” Jeno questioned your random thought, looking back and forth at your sketches. “You know who’s pretty though?”
“If you say what I think you’re going to say, I’m lea-”
Jeno has gotten flirtier since that night, always finding the right opportunity to flatter you. Although you denied them out of embarrassment, the butterflies in your stomach can’t lie to you.
You’re so smitten, and so was he.
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Jeno’s always one to follow the rules, but so far, he’s been breaking some of them already.
Just last night, he gave Renjun access to the lively museum because he needed more research regarding you. Initially, he practically interviewed Jeno for every piece of information he gathered because he used to be so deep in the books to study everything about you. Now in the past, Renjun still couldn’t forget how Jeno drunkenly admitted how crazy he was going to be over you and your coldness whilst sobering up in the dorm.
He didn’t understand one bit by that, especially when you’re technically dead. But by the sight of the first piece Renjun saw alive, which was Zeus, he almost passed out. Piece by piece, he viewed these artworks come to life from his fresh eyes. Right before he could’ve screamed when Athena shot a lightbulb in their exhibit, you happily called out Jeno’s name.
Renjun froze on the spot upon seeing your wax figure come to life. He’s browsed through this museum numerously due to the new exhibits, but lately, he checked your section out to find any tiny details that were linked to your life. Aside from the sketchpad, compass, and hairpins, he wanted to know if there was more to your life as an explorer.
As human interactions except the night guard weren’t allowed, Renjun needed help for his project in Women Studies. Just like Jeno’s assignment, you aided him. Fruitfully answering every question he gave you, Athena popped out of nowhere to inspect Jeno.
“I see you’re breaking another rule.”
“I’m sorry, Athena. He was desperate, and it would be selfish of me to let him fail.”
“This is the last one I’ll let slide, alright?” Athena huffed, not impressed by the reckless behavior Jeno acquired over time. She saw this coming, but for a change, she couldn’t punish him. He was a young adult, still learning more about life. Only will she step in if things turn for the worst. “I can’t believe I’ve gained a soft spot for you.”
Jeno laughed, hugging the figure like his older sister. “You love me though!”
Glad to say, Renjun aced his project and kept his word of not telling anyone about the happenings in Jeno’s job. Jeno even made a makeshift non-disclosure contract so Renjun wouldn’t spill the slightest details.
Lately, so much has been happening in the museum that having alone time with each other was rare. And when you did, the two of you made sure to maximize it and make every intimate moment count. From each touch, each longing kiss, each moan, and groan, never were you left hanging whether you’re at the Theater Room, Jeno’s office, or the Foreign Art Room.
The only time the two of you went beyond the boundaries was at the indoor garden. Jeno managed to get the key to it, lighting up some candles before you invited you inside. Thanks to the magic of the Greek gods, the cameras were bewitched to display fake imageries when security checks in the morning after.
Upon your deep conversations, you’ve mentioned once or twice about the indoor garden. It was the latest addition of the museum, opening in the early 2000s. Because it was a sacred place, no art piece was ever allowed inside.
Yet again, Jeno challenged the rules again when he invited you inside. A few minutes before, he set up some lights along the hallway of the garden, where he placed a blanket, a picnic basket, and his laptop right at the end of it. The best place to view everything, he just knew you’d love it.
He was undoubtedly right once you gasped at such a pretty sight. Seeing the silhouettes of various flowers and plants together with the night sky with all the stars sparkling, it was like you’re attending another ball with your sisters, who were looking for suitors then.
Once Jeno leisurely led you until the end, he brought out all the delicacies from the basket. One of them was this Italian savory dish of dough with toppings such as cheese and pepperoni, or pizza as they named it. The next ones were fresh strawberries and melted chocolate, followed by grape juice.
“I’d drink actual alcohol with you again, only if I didn’t get shitfaced and do my job properly.”
“Point taken. Besides, this is close enough. So pour me a drink please.”
Perhaps this was the closest to a date Jeno could ever ask you out to. With the restrictions and being constrained with time, he brainstormed all sorts of ways to bring the outside world to you. From simply letting you wander around this fascinating room, he unleashed the inner romantic in him. None of his friends would’ve thought since they never asked him about it, so he kept it to himself only. Finally, he’s satisfied with what he prepared. After eating, the two of you would watch more films before the sun rose again.
You’re just the right person for him at the moment he can act that way.
After your quiet stroll and sitting back down, Jeno surprisingly handed you a tiny box.
“A gift?”
“Open it.” He sipped on his juice, paying attention to your actions. Gently untying the box, the amazement in your eyes couldn’t fathom such a lovely present. No words were required to verify that Jeno outdid himself again, just your facial expression alone is enough.
When Jeno said that he pays attention to the tiny details, he doesn’t bluff. Throughout your growing relationship, you’ve cited how you wanted another special flower in your life. Just because you couldn’t view lavender roses the same way ever again, it didn’t mean you wanted to kick them out of your life. Flowers were one of nature’s beautiful creations, so you’re wishing to find the love you once had for lavender roses in other ones.
Thus, you came across what you thought held the highest form of meaning: red roses. Despite its thorns, it’s still a marvelous flower. Innocently, you told him that just because of the memory of your father giving them to your mother on her birthday yearly.
Red roses represented true love and romance, a discreet message only those eager would know.
Jeno was one of them, which was why he reserved this gift for this very moment. It was a necklace he found through a college fair recently, a subtle red rose pendant in the center. Since he couldn’t give you huge gifts, he settled for something light. Something none of the guards or the director wouldn’t pinpoint out when they do their inspections.
“Do you like it?”
Not one utter from your mouth since you’re so hypnotized, your lips quirked up in a charming smile. “Is that even a question? This is astonishing, Jeno.”
After you attempted to put it around your neck, Jeno sighed and stepped in to help you out. “Turn around, (Y/N). Let me.”
The tension gradually heightened once you held your hair up so Jeno accessibly viewed your clean neck. Clasping the lock, it took all his might to hold himself back from you. Even from behind, your silhouette was attractive to him. The lights he set up weren’t helping the slightest of what he’s thinking to do with you.
“Done.” He breathily whispered in your ear.
If he thought he was the only one feeling something powerful, he’d be more than wrong. The lingering sensation of his slim fingers gracing your décolletage area unhinged another kind of want, the one you’ve only imagined in your mind when you were needy and alone. It shouldn’t be a sin unless you’re with the person you’ve fallen for, right?
Facing him again, the eye contact didn’t last long when you were the first one to strike a move. Jeno kissed back right away, his hands pulling you closer by your waist. Whatever sultry music Jeno played, it gave you the perfect momentum to grind on his lap. He groaned against kisses, adding his tongue. His thumbs sensually rubbed your hipbones, one of your hands toying around with his hair while the other one balled up his shirt by the chest. None of you cared if anyone caught you.
The last time you’ve been this aggressive was at the Theater Room, which eventually increased the hidden lust you’ve had towards each other. Taking things slowly at first, it’s about time to delve in for more. The mood was already set from the start, even if Jeno didn’t plan this to happen here. But being the prepared man he is, he did have a condom in his back pocket.
Your fingers trailed from his neck until his crotch. He was hard, sensing how suffocated he must be. But he kept himself in control. Locking eye contact, you sweetly spoke.
“Grant my second wish, Jeno.” That same hand of yours held one of his, planting it in your breast. “Make love to me.”
Giving the go-signal, he crashed his lips on yours while stripping you off your dress. Carefully, he turned you around to untie your tight corset. Once it fell, your neck leaned sideways as his lips attacked it madly. Your breaths were tremulous, placing both his hands on your freed breasts to knead with. His touch felt like fire on your skin, yet you couldn’t stop.
“Jeno,” Obscene moans from your lips choked out. You desired more, shifting back to face him again to attack his lips. Slowly feeling one of his hands laying you down, you spread your legs with ease just for him. He parted after your head landed on the cushion to unbutton himself. The way your mouth dropped to selfishly stare at his bare body, flexing them before getting back into position. He was fit and toned just as Cleopatra predicted.
As much as Jeno knew how wild your thoughts were getting, he was more taken aback by your perky chest.
“Fuck, you are divine.” He sucked one nipple as his fingers ventured to slip your panties down. So much was going on, you didn’t know which stimulated you more. You tried to close your legs around his hand, but he slapped your inner thigh to stop you.
The cool breeze shivered you, especially from your core. Jeno’s fingers adventurously grazed from your hip area to your lower lips. He teasingly rubbed it up and down in your essence, his index finger settling it right at your needy clit. Another moan escaped your lips, an opportunity for Jeno to slide his tongue in your mouth. Enjoying the moment, his fingers dipped inside you. A gasp broke your kiss, making him giggle in your ear.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
“Oh, angel. The things I want to do with you.”
Sliding them back and forth, curling it even, you squirmed for more. Dropping himself to meet your core, Jeno placed your legs on his shoulder. Pushing you closer, his steamy breath felt like friction. Your hips grinded against it, so he gripped on them so you stay put.
“Angel,” He chuckled darkly, his crotch tightening at how powerless you looked. “You’re so pretty.”
You were drenched from arousal. But to Jeno, you were glowing under the lights. He wanted to take his time to admire what he had done to you. His independent girl, only weak for him.
His fingers unfolded in your lower lips, diving in to your orbit. You could hardly speak from his skilled mouth, especially his tongue savagely lapping your clit in numerous paces. You’ve only daydreamed about what it could do aside from kissing, and it exceeded your expectations. By the heated sensation that had the heels of your feet digging his back deeply, you affirmed to have seen more stars than the night sky above you.
Your back arched uncontrollably while his hands grasped your hips to stay in place, the tears in your eyes formulating while tugging on his hair. Your thighs clenched around his face, but his broad shoulders widened it to taste more of you. No use of pulling away when his grip on you was tight, so you could only cry out from the pleasure.
The ringing sounds in your off were going off, your throat drying up from moaning once another orgasm was about to hit. Once the knot in you snapped, nothing could hold back your screams of pleasure whilst panting for air. Sensitive as he licked every remaining essence he caused, he smirked as he got up to unbuckle his jeans.
Oh, boy. He got quite a package behind his boxers.
Even while you were overly sensitive, you had to grasp it in your hands. He was yours, and you were his.
The way you clenched around his protected length, pausing to readjust yourself to the feeling. The foreplay deemed helpful, though the girth of him overwhelmed you. He stretched you out so good.
“Are you okay, (Y/N)?” The stunned face you made was expected, still feeling worried that it may be too much.
Biting your lip, you moaned once everything felt bearable. “You can move, Jeno.”
None of you could track exactly how many rounds you went through. Even in the semi-public area, it didn’t hinder either of you. There’s that thrill, and surprisingly enough, you both shared the liking of it. Always switching the positions, you decided to call it quits after another sloppy round in missionary. Something seeing Jeno on top, fully submitting yourself to him, made you feel calm to be vulnerable. It’s really the trust you’ve established from the start, making you rely on humans again once you’ve let the past be.
Jeno brought out another blanket, initially meant for cuddling. It was still applicable though, curling your body into a spoon towards his racing chest. Music was no longer noise, the intimacy creeping back instead of lust this time. The afterglow of Jeno, sweaty and knackered as his legs sprawled under the sheet, was a sight for sore eyes. He’s always been handsome while on duty, but post-sex gave him an extra boost.
Plus there’s pride from the red marks courtesy of you on his chest, grazing over it softly.
Jeno chuckled softly at your smooth fingers, lifting them up to kiss them tenderly before kissing your lips again. Only humans were capable of and to love, but you’re some kind of an exception. Regardless of the magic from the plate, you’d be able to love too if it weren’t for your background.
There’s so much love Jeno wanted to offer you, even if he hasn’t said it out loud yet.
Perhaps one reason was because time was beginning to tick. Finals were a few weeks away, then the one-month long semestral break until a new semester kicks off. Time really flew by, and his bank account and heart expanded too. Enjoying the now was all he could think of doing, but those uncertainties bothered him.
The biggest would be where you and he would stand when his job ended.
Jeno was too absorbed in his internal debate, as portrayed by his eyes staring off in space and running his hand in his hair repeatedly. Something was disturbing him, and you’re concerned as to what it was.
“Jeno,” Around his arm, you tapped his chest to get him out of it. “What’s going on in your head?”
Jeno approached every obstacle he faces straightforwardly, not wanting to let him hold back. Rarely did he keep secrets, especially from you. Instead of hiding away, he voiced it out.
“(Y/N), will we work out?”
“What do you mean, Jeno?”
You’re so occupied in the present that thinking of the future was never in your field. Like him, you’re just enjoying being in the moment. Though after tonight, it’s making you wonder if there’s a future.
“Well,” He placed his hand on top of yours, affectionately observing you. “Times flies faster when you’re having fun, and well, the semester is ending.”
His last words crushed a part of your heart, remembering his initial plan. None of you expected your friendship to bloom into what it is now, but life was just full of surprises without a schedule. At the same time, none of you wouldn’t have it any other way.
It may have been a few months since you two committed to each other, but the spark was still strong. It wasn’t like a summer romance kind of feeling. Time was not a determinant of love either, which you were certain of it with Jeno. A lot more than Junmyeon.
It should’ve frightened you when you realized your love for Jeno, but it didn’t. Even if you didn’t age physically, your mindset did. You’ve learned to forgive your younger self, and through Jeno, you let your guard down completely. From that, you let love in. Platonic to your fellow art pieces, and all of the above to Jeno.
Throughout your relationship, you regained all confidence in yourself and everything you set your mind to.
“I wouldn’t want to worry too much about it if I were you.” Your body flipped to lie on your stomach, resting your head on your palm.
“Why shouldn’t I, angel?”
Gazing back at him, you left a velvety kiss on his lips to rest his thoughts. His hand wrapped your neck, deepening it. But you pulled away with a giggle, all too knowing of his secret intentions as his cock began to harden again. His eyes narrowed down and his lower lip stuck out at your attempt of being a tease.
But enough about sex, you wanted to address a point.
Lee Jeno was going to be the biggest risk you wanted to take and fight for, and no one should try to stop you.
“I’ll ask Circe for a potion. For me, for you, for us.”
If it weren’t for insistent questioning towards every art piece, who kept their mouths shut, only Circe herself banished him from his suffering. Her series of potions varied, and the one you requested years ago which you threw out was capable of turning any art piece into a living human. No potion of Circe ever failed, so you entrusted your life for the day you do drink it.
“Are you sure, angel?”
Jeno knew about that one specifically, and as great to hear that you never threw it out, he never put pressure on you. He wanted you to do whatever felt right, even if deep down, he wished you’d use it. He was only worried about how the flow of the entire museum would be disrupted.
Typical Jeno always looking out for you, but you saw right through his concern. Here you were, caressing his check as reassurance. With an honest smile,
“I’ve never been more certain with anything in my life here until you came, Lee Jeno.”
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Jeno opened up more to his life outside the museum, telling all sorts of experiences not just his days as a university student. From his childhood, his family, his travels, heck you even want to meet his friends at this point!
Newly, he shared with you how the sunrise and sunset looked like in Seoul with much vivacity. It’s a luxury as a human to witness as day breaks and ends, so you could imagine by yourself how it would look like. Sure, you had drawings and all, but that was from the real (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
This version of you wanted to live more; that’s your greed now.
“You’ve never touched snow too, right?” Jeno, who had his arm wrapped around you, silently watched the first batch of snow from inside.
“Yup, that’s the thing when you’re imprisoned in this place.” You sulked by his side, earning a chuckle from him who pulled you in closer.
“Don’t tell me now that you despise this place.”
“I don’t, but it hinders me to experience new things. The whole pattern of being awake at night by a plate gets tiring, Jeno.”
All Jeno would do when you’re frustrated was placing your head on his shoulder, listening as you talk.
“I know, angel. But it won’t be long until you leave this place with me, right?”
“You know it!” You interlocked your hands with him, eyes trained at every falling snowflake.
Sometimes, moments in silence with Jeno were all you needed for the night. Being within each other’s presence, focusing or admiring something from afar, it was all the peace you’ve needed from the bustling art pieces.
This week was the last of the semester, and Jeno’s off duty for tonight to focus on his exams. You’ll see him tomorrow night, which was his last shift ever, and also yours too.
Perhaps the biggest milestone you’re committing to without any regrets.
However, it took an unnecessary conversation you accidentally eavesdropped on to rock your decision.
You needed more ink after running out mid-way of sketching the sculptures as a secret parting gift. Before you could take a single step inside your exhibit room, a series of voices were full-on arguing. Booming back and forth, you peeped your ear out whilst hiding against the door.
“Athena, how dare you did to her?! She’s done so well from moving on from it, falling in love even! And now you’re telling me this?!” The distinct voice of Princess Diana, who spoke sweetly most of the time, boomed towards the Greek god. “You’re heartless.”
“I did what I had to do for the sake of this place, Diana!” Athena raised her voice, the lightning in her hands holding back from lashing out. She hated it when anyone argued with her, especially when she does things according to what she believed was necessary. Out of everyone, she had more leadership. “She had to know that her place is here as a wax figure, not outside. Talking Junmyeon out of it was for the best, plus it’s ideal when he drank the potion of memory loss from Circe.”
“But it tore her apart when he left her, and it’s going to tear her again if you do the same with Jeno.”
“How else are you going to approach the situation then, Diana? Those two have broken the highest golden rule, so they need to wake up.”
Right when she celebrated within herself for healing, hearing the unbearable revelation behind the past devastated you. This whole time, she internally blamed herself for being ageless and lashed out at others. The scary past barged back in, and you couldn’t handle it anymore.
Somewhere in the corner, you wept without a trace. You could care less about Athena’s opinions, but you found yourself agreeing to some of her words. You had a role to fulfill, and leaving that behind would be selfish and it could make the museum go topsy-turvy. As painful for Junmyeon to leave you, it was because the truth hurts. Nothing could change it, even if Circe could be your solution because it’ll leave a lot of questions. You didn’t want Jeno to be seen as a suspect.
Oh, Jeno.
There’s nothing wrong with falling in love either, you didn’t intend it to happen. But it becomes unfair when it compromises with your purpose, and that’s not how you are. You’ll always remember Jeno as your biggest risk, though it’s time to end things. Treacherous as it was to accept for you, risk-takers have boundaries too.
Fast forward, on the night of Jeno’s last shift, you’ve cherished every second with him. Playing around, chatting with other art pieces, kissing in private, you made it count. Before dawn broke, that’s where you chose to come clean by the garden, your sacred place. Not even your self-reassurance could prepare you to witness the hurt and confusion Jeno felt.
“You’re a mortal, and you still get to choose your path. Mine is already predetermined here as a wax copy of a historical figure.” You advised as you held both his hands, your voice shaking at the reality.
A few days ago, you were beaming with exhilaration at a new journey but now you’ve permanently backed out. Jeno couldn’t comprehend, and as much as he tried, he couldn’t. A life without you by his side would be empty and dull. “Even so, there are things about you that the original person didn’t have.”
Arguing with him wasn’t your favorite, and it’ll leave the two of you in a bad mood. But there is no way to negotiate this; you’ve already made up your mind. “We must end this, Jeno. You need someone who can grow old with you, and I can’t be that person for you.”
“But we can make it work!” His hands gripped on your slumped shoulders, whilst your face avoiding his to spare yourself from the heartache. “There’s still Circe.”
“I know, but recently, I found out that she’s an indirect cause of my misery.” Pulling away from his touch, you belted with frustration. “I cannot do this anymore, Jeno.”
You’ve always fought for whatever you wanted in life, and Jeno knew he was one of them if it weren’t for you telling him that. So he did the same, thinking of ways to make you feel whole. Now, he couldn’t tolerate the sudden crumbling of his heart from your outburst, and all he wanted to know was why you felt this way. How could he help you?
You don’t keep secrets from Jeno, but the truth behind your harsh actions cannot be revealed for the sake of the museum. Plus, you didn’t want him to despise this place he admired. Causing him pain wasn’t on your list, but keeping him safe was. It may be shown differently and he may not understand it now, but over time, he will.
“Jeno, you’ll find someone better out there. Someone with their whole life ahead of them, who’ll love you for everything that makes you who you are.” Repetitive punches in your guts urged you to barf at your half-lie, but you held it in.
“Why are you pushing me away? What happened to taking risks, (Y/N)?” Jeno interrogated, taking your hands in his hands again. They unconventionally quivered, like his lips. Jeno has never cried in front of anyone, not even when he was younger. Though for you, he just might. “Am I not worth it for you?”
Dear heavens, he was wrong. You internally screamed that, but you can’t let your selfishness seize the night. As Athena said, you had to wake up from your dream. “Committing to you was my biggest risk of them all, Jeno. Everything else that went along with it, I don’t regret it one bit. But time’s really up for us, and we must resume our normal duties.”
“I can’t lose you, (Y/N).”
“You never will, Jeno.”
He crouched lower to meet your height, his finger moving your head so you’d look at him back. Weakly enough, you did. “I want you to be a part of my normal life, angel.”
“I’ll always be here, you know. I’ll be standing in my usual spot upstairs, and you can drop by whenever you can.” You pressed your lips, lifting your head to avoid incoming tears. Meanwhile, he began shedding a few. You’ve hurt him big time, and you’ll never forgive yourself for this. “I still have one wish, right?”
Jeno’s sorrow was beyond his capacity, leaning his forehead against yours to kiss it. No matter what he could say or do, he already knew it won’t be effective. You’re affirmative in your choices, yet he still wanted to challenge it. All he wanted to know was why you’re doing this.
“Let me walk you one last time to your section.”
The black night sky had remnants of blue, motioning that dawn was approaching. Other figures gave their goodbyes to Jeno earlier, cleaning up their areas before they pose. Though none of them anticipated such a cold atmosphere between you two, they could only spy on what was bound to happen.
“My last wish is for you to let me go, Jeno.” You avowed, blinking your eyes with faux positivity. Your hands patted his blazer so it wouldn’t crease. “I already have a role to fulfill here, and you’re on the way to yours, future architect.”
“I love you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” Only tonight did he muster his courage to finally admit it to you after giving himself more time to analyze it. Timing was always crucial, and the badness of it showed.
Deep in your heart, you resonated the feeling. But it’ll make things more complicated, and it was the final thing you’ve wanted to occur. Someone had to be the strong one, and now, it should be you. With one more compassionate kiss on his lips, you stepped inside your section and readied your position.
“Goodbye, Lee Jeno.”
The sunshine brightened the room, and you’ve frozen to slumber again.
All Jeno could do was drop on his knees, sobbing over your rash actions. Unknown to him, a single tear left your eye as you posed.
Regardless of what status you were in, the pain of it all remained.
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Jeno spent most of his semestral break with his friends to travel or whatnot, trying to forget it all. Even if he aced all his finals, his efforts felt like nothing if he never had you by his side to celebrate.
The sting over his short-lived romance with you never diminished the slightest, no one whom he could express his pain about it to especially when Renjun drank the memory wipe potion that Athena initially left for Jeno by his desk.
Forget it all, and live a peaceful life. You have so much potential, my mentee.
- Athena
Perhaps this was the same thing Junmyeon drank all those years ago, but unlike him, he didn’t have the guts to. He still wanted another chance.
So every day since the new semester began, he spent every afternoon break at your section. He’ll be seated by the bench, doing his assignments and talking about his day while sometimes stealing a glance of your figure. Some habits don’t change.
He never got sick of the same smile you exemplified, falling even more for you. He’ll often wonder what you’ve been up to.
What are your new sketches?
Are you taking care of Mochi well?
Have you apologized to Sanghoon yet?
Speaking of him, he surprisingly scooted over to Jeno’s side. This was the first time Jeno met the man, and politely enough greeted him. Sanghoon interviewed the boy, asking all sorts of questions that Jeno had every answer to. The biggest change that Sanghoon noticed since he left was your personality. You no longer bite, but treat everyone kindly without bias. You’re always active to help him out in cleaning the lobby, and you don’t go easily defensive.
Once he found out that Jeno was the reason for that, he was overjoyed at the start and wanted to meet him some way. You were a tough cookie, but now you relaxed. That was all that mattered to him, hoping to know more about him from you. That was until Diana stepped in and told him everything that happened. Mostly, the bad.
Playfulness eventually bore love. The last time you fell in love was in the 80s and Junmyeon pushed you away, he recalled. This time, you’re pushing Jeno away because you simply agreed with Athena’s points.
This wasn’t right, but it wasn’t his place to interfere.
But then again, he finally caught Jeno for the first time today and this time, he was open to hearing his side of the story. Lessen his misery too.
“No matter how stubborn she is, she loves you.” He advised him, bringing out one of your full sketchbooks. As Jeno opened it, the majority of the portraits were him. Sleeping, smiling, laughing, you drew him from every minor detail you could spot like the mole near his eye and his crescent eyes.
A handsome face I would never get sick until the end of time. Someone I want to wake up to every day in the morning if it weren’t for that plate.
- (Y/N)
Towards the end, a sketch of a house unfolded. The interior was a fusion of modernity and old royal design due to its white walls, wide space, and the placing of less furniture, plus an open backyard. There’s another tiny comment on the side from you.
I was right. Joining our varying designs together is pretty. Maybe Jeno and I could live in a house like this one day.
- (Y/N)
If you loved him so much, why did you let him go then when you had all these plans with him? Even if he tried to understand, he just didn’t.
“Don’t give up just yet when she told you to.”
“Are you just saying this or something?”
“Well, Princess Diana passed this message on but after everything, I believe that she’s right.” Sanghoon gave his opinion, but Jeno was reluctant to accept it.
“I never got a proper explanation why she suddenly changed her mind, Sanghoon.” He ranted, raking his hand through his hair from puzzlement. “Did I do something wrong?”
Sanghoon pitied him, having the upper hand and questioning himself whether to reveal the truth. However, since this boy took the job, he’s succumbed to secrecy. Without any transparency, it could drive someone mad. He’s too young for that, so Sanghoon breathed in defeat and placed his hand on Jeno’s shoulder.
“Promise me you won’t be mad when I tell you because I was when I found out; almost screamed even.”
Jeno nodded, listening to whatever Sanghoon had to say.
Of all people, he never would’ve expected Athena to do such a brash thing. Someone he respected and trusted, only to betray him by doing something she believed was good for all. Except it wasn’t, and it ended up hurting you all these years. The woman he loved, now he’s a clearer understanding of why you did what you did. Yet, it can’t fix his excruciation.
Heartbroken was an understatement; he had no one to rely on. With Sanghoon, he finally had a proper breakdown. The older man could only comfort his quietly, picturing him like one of his sons going through a hard time in school. But if it involves the heart, it’ll take more time to recover.
“You’re always the one adjusting, Jeno. But I think this time, you’re the one who needs space.”
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A Year and a Half Later
“Jeno Lee!!!” Jaemin roughly wallowed his best friend in a hug when he arrived in their dorm room for the first time in a long time. “You dyed your hair blonde again!”
Renjun, who was behind the two of them, only rolled his eyes as he helped carry Jeno’s bags. “God damn it, Jaemin! You’re supposed to be helping me first!”
“I know, but give me a few seconds! I’m just happy our group is back together!”
Jeno laughed at his friends’ annoying yet silly dynamics, giddy to be back home. For a year, Jeno spent his 3rd year of university in Rome, Italy after one of his professors brought up to him about a scholarship program there for his course. At the time where he needed a change of scenery, he sent his application form and got interviewed.
Acing it, he had the opportunity to fly across the world to study and travel. His English skills surely improved, even picking up Italian words along the way due to a required class for it. He studied the history of different locations and how they were built.
He also went on field trips almost every day if it weren’t for the Italian students assigned to tour him around, academic and non-academic. Nights he spent on drinking wine on the rooftop of his dorm with them, screaming his complaints in the world with them.
It didn’t hit him that his stay was reaching its end until he submitted his final plate. His goodbye party didn’t even feel like one, but a see you later in the next few years after he becomes a licensed architect with money. His goal of it felt more realistic, motivating him to excel in his remaining years in university.
After unpacking half of his things, he was reminded of an email from one of the head professors, who requested another copy of his confidential documents from the Italian university he went to as soon as he’s back on campus.
He raced to the department with a folder of them and luckily encountered the said professor. Handing it to him, this professor questioned how he was and what experiences he gained from the trip. With excitement, Jeno spoke all sorts of tales from his adventures, highlighting how determined he was now to be an architect.
“That’s great to hear, Jeno!” He celebrated, checking on his watch, and widened his eyes. Frantic at his colliding schedules, he asked Jeno for a favor. It turned out that at the same time as his emergency meeting, he’s supposed to tour the new transferee student around campus.
“Only if you have time, Jeno! I could always ask another student, plus you just came back and need rest.”
“It’s not like I left for a decade, sir. No worries, I’ll do it.”
“Oh, bless your soul.” He put his hands together in prayer position, bowing back and forth with gratitude. “Wait, she’s right outside! Go ahead and introduce yourself.”
Jeno nodded, exiting right through the department doors. This girl had her back turned, inspecting her surroundings. She wore a black and white tweed blazer that matched with her skirt, black high heeled boots, and a black handbag. She must be a foreigner, Jeno thought.
“Excuse me, are you the transferee in the department of Architecture?”
Jeno didn’t brace himself for the surprise he’d face once this girl reacted to him calling her out. Her face was one he could never forget, no matter how many times he told himself to. The same face he convinced his heart to stop beating for, yet it lied.
This radiant face was none other than yours.
Jeno almost dropped his phone. He tried his best to hold on to your promise, but he failed. It was the main reason he studied abroad; to forget and focus on his career path. So the least thing he could’ve done was to study hard for his dream career.
Just a glimpse of you projected back every single memory you’ve had together. Beautiful yet heart-wrenching, he kept his emotions to himself.
You even wore the rose necklace he got you. Could it be?
“It’s been a while, Lee Jeno.” You took the metaphorical scissors to cut the tension, trying to contain the crushing feelings. The faculty center was a public place, yet it’s like the two of you were on the main stage.
“Do you remember me?” Astounded, you nodded. Every single detail.
Jeno could’ve ran away, but didn’t. He could’ve left you hanging, but didn’t. He can no longer count how many times you’ve appeared in his dreams, only to be disappointed when morning comes to not have you in his arms. He took one step closer, taking his time.
“How do you know me?”
“You’re the boy whom I helped with his assignment, argued with me over Romeo and Juliet,” You mimicked his move, making you one step nearer to him. “And most of all, the boy I once gave my entire heart to.”
Another step, leaving a few inches between the two of you. His heart palpitated without caffeine. What if he was napping in his dorm again? It was all surreal. “Is it really you, (Y/N)?”
Hearing your name from his lips lowered your guard, you pleased him with a hopeful grin. “I’d be dust by now if I didn’t drink Circe’s potion, right?”
That’s where Jeno unchained himself from his emotions. He engulfed in a warm hug, one that has no plans to let go when his chin planted on your shoulder. You returned the gesture, dropping all your worries away along with your bag and papers as your arms snaked through his neck.
You knew you had to part ways for a while after everything, though you were unsure how he’d feel about it. You recalled every time he visited you after his job ended up until his intense chat with Sanghoon, where he bawled his heart out. You couldn’t take it anymore after trying to stay strong, crying as soon as you woke up that night.
All your fellow figures could do was soothe you down like before to the best of their abilities, yet this time, it was unsuccessful. You’re filled with misery, realizing later how much of a big mistake you’ve made.
You’ve isolated yourself again for a while, but less rudeness and more silence. It was until Circe visited you. She doesn’t like getting involved with drama, though now was different. She, alongside Hera and Aphrodite, couldn’t withstand you tolerating the heartbreak again. So they went behind Athena’s back on this one time and created a potion together just for you. But with a compromise.
“This potion can turn you into a human. However, there’s only a 10% chance you’ll regain all your memories from this place.”
“So I’ll forget everyone and him?”
“Yes, unfortunately.” You’re about to shoo her away, not in the mood to do something drastic as that. But Circe grabbed your arm again. “I strongly believe that if you and he meant to be, then there will come a time these past memories will suddenly surge at you.”
“Must I need to forget to live properly?”
You’re stubborn, and Circe expected it. “You’ve broken so many golden rules, (Y/N), so it must be done. I’ve gone against Athena for this potion, and rarely have I done that. So rather than wallowing up in misery, you should focus on yourself. Do what makes you happy because this place is trapping you from every great thing out there.”
Those were the word that the actual (Y/N) (Y/L/N) lived by, nevertheless, you’re unique from her. You built a separate identity from her. “But Jeno-”
“At the right time, (Y/N). Pull yourself together and do all the things you’ve dreamt of before he came into the picture. I just know he loves you that much, and that he will wait for you.”
That same night, you gathered all your senses and drank it. The transition was fast as lightning speed, and behold, you were like a new person. You’re back in London, with a family that closely resembled your former one; only 3 older siblings, making you the youngest. You also had a new set of memories, from childhood until your adult years.
From (Y/N) (Y/L/N), you became (Y/N) Edwards.
It took one drunken night out with your university friends for the unlikely surge of old memories to speedily hit through your intoxicated state. Way beyond a dream, you’ve dropped your shot glass and broke down in the bathroom of your dorm room. You left something unaccomplished, and you had to do something before it’s too late.
Thus, you rushed to Seoul thanks to your parents’ support as they agreed that exploring outside your home country was a great experience. The only excuse you gave to your friends for the sudden transfer was you finding a new calling.
Sure, studying abroad was an exciting thing but you’re more determined to reunite with him. Even if this encounter was unforeseen, it was bound to happen one day. It so turned out that you had the same major in your former university and this new one.
Head to toe, you remembered everything.
“I’m so sorry I took so long.” You cradled your head on his chest, unaware of how your new life left Jeno so troubled.
“That doesn’t matter anymore.” Jeno tightened his grip, scared of releasing you again. Those two years felt like a breath of fresh air and a punch in the gut. “I tried to live up to your last wish, but I really can’t.”
“I want to take that wish back, Jeno. I wasn’t thinking right and only ended putting you through so much.”
“Oh, angel. I slowly understood why you did it.” Before he got too fragile, he softened his grip on you and showed his face again to you. He wanted a better look at his pretty girl, his fingers brushing strands of your hair behind your ear. Heart-fluttering, you bit your bottom lip. “What would you want to wish for instead?”
“Instead of you letting me go, I wish you could take me back and love me again. I can’t undo the past, but I’d still like to think I’ve tried my best.” That was the only wish you could ever think of. As huge as it was, it was something he may not accept. Yet you gave it a go, risking it all. “I don’t deserve you at all, Jeno.”
“Don’t say that, (Y/N).” One of his hands grabbed yours, putting it on his cheek. Cupping it, “I’ve never stopped loving you, you know.”
Oh, love. An all-too familiar emotion that either makes or breaks you. Of all the times you could’ve said those words, you held back, especially that wretched night you two broke it off. Although you showed it, being able to say it to someone felt more empowering.
This was finally the chance you’ve unconsciously waited for.
“I’m stupid for not saying this sooner.”
“What is it?”
With intimate eye contact, you drowned in the comfort of his brown orbs. You trusted him then, and you trusted him now. “I love you, Lee Jeno.”
Secretly, Jeno anticipated for the day you’d say those meaningful 3 words. Just like you, he showed more affection through actions than words. He only admitted when he lost you, and never would he do the same mistake again. If he felt that the love was strongly present, he will say it aloud.
“I love you still, (Y/N).” His arm around your waist tugged you in further. “I loved you as (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and I will continue to love you as (Y/N) Edwards.”
He peeked on your ID earlier, but regardless, he stood by his truth. You’re still the same (Y/N).
Finally, he closed the limited space between your lips. The memories of your past romance replayed in sync of every touching kiss, popping one leg up like in the movies. The Princess Diaries, specifically. Like in the museum from your unbearable parting, one warm tear freed itself down your cheek.
The sweetness of being reunited with you again beat the torturous wait of Jeno. Time really made your hearts grow fonder. As everyone said, if the love between two people is real, then it’ll find its way back to each other.
The world must be on your side too because no professor called you two out on your public display of affection. Jeno pecked your lips one time before stepping away, picking up the things you dropped.
“Now come on, I have to tour you around as instructed.”
You stomped on your feet, rolling your eyes from being left hanging. He’s still the same tease from before. “After that kiss though, I would’ve thought we could reschedule it.”
“No can do, Edwards.” Passing over your things, he wrapped one arm around you as he escorted you out of the building. The university was huge, with more buildings and green fields surrounded everywhere. “Left or right? There are a lot of places you missed out on all those years.”
“Point taken. Then you lead the way, my love.”
346 notes · View notes
stressy-enby · 4 years ago
Love Letters
Tenya Iida X Writer!Reader
(This is absolutely a self insert leave me alone)
Requests are open!!
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Tenya's morning routine was always the same. He was awoken by his alarm at 6:20 A.M. He went to the bathroom and washed his face. Then he'd get dresses, comb his hair, and go downstairs for breakfast. After he'd eaten, he would brush his teeth, and head to class with his peers.
This system was so ordinary, so methodical, that he almost missed the folded sheet of printer paper on the floor in front of the door.
Probably Mr. Aizawa, he'd thought, stooping to collect the note. His teacher occasionally left notes taped to the class rep's door, asking him to take attendance or start class if Aizawa knew he was going to be late. Still nothing out of the ordinary for Tenya.
When he unfolded the paper, though, he was surprised to see not a message from his teacher, but rather a very sweet note; something that Tenya was not accustomed to getting at all.
I hope it does not alarm you to hear that I adore you. Your unbridled passion for heroics, your eyes; which are oceans of kindness, and your aptitude for helping others. Every little bit of you never once ceases to amaze and enamor me. Though you are a vessel for speed, you choose to walk alongside your friends, instead of tearing off into the future. You build me up and make me feel strong, whether you realize it or not. You make me feel like I'm actually worth something. You keep my head up when I feel as though I'm drowning in a sea of my insecurities.
Perhaps one day I'll have the courage to tell you this in person. For now though, this will suffice.
The letter was not signed off, but rather ended with a red pen sketch of a heart. Tenya's eyes nearly doubled in size. He re read the note several more times to make sure he hadn't imagined the loving words. Who could've possibly written it? He wasn't aware of anyone in his class who harbored these kinds of feelings, much less for him, but he had never been particularly good at reading emotions.
Realizing he was going to be late for breakfast if he dwelled any longer on it, Tenya pocketed the love letter and headed downstairs. The mystery would have to wait until after school. His responsibilities always came first, no matter how often his mind still wandered back to the letter in his pocked, yearning to pull it out and read it yet again, just to make sure he still wasn't dreaming.
. . . 
Whoever had written the note was smart, Tenya realized. They had typed it, leaving no room for the possibility that he could recognize the handwriting. The only part that had been done by hand was that little red heart, but a doodle wasn't nearly enough to tell him who the author was.
He turned instead to analyzing the words themselves.They were well chosen, poetic even. The fifty cent words like "unbridled" and "enamored" led him to believe that the author was an experienced writer, or perhaps simply read a lot.
Yaoyorozu was a good contender, she was an eloquent speaker. Kaminari also read a lot, he was good with literature. And there was Tokoyami, who seemed to speak exclusively in poetry. Tenya jotted down his ideas, crafting a short list of his classmates.
"Oh, (L/N) writes a lot," he mused, adding their name to the list. (L/N) actually made a lot of sense.
Oh, but maybe it was just wishful thinking. Perhaps he only read the love letter in (L/N)'s voice being he wanted it to be them.
...or maybe it actually wasn't a bad idea.
(L/N) was always writing. They viewed it as a privilege, a challenge. They leapt at every creative writing assignment they got in English class, and the few stories they had shared were spectacularly inventive and elegantly crafted.
Tenya halted, scanning the message again. It suddenly seemed more and more likely that (L/N) was in fact the author.
He chewed his lip. It was too easy. Too convenient. Too perfect. How could someone he already cared for so deeply send him something like this? It was too good to be true. Besides, it was only one note. How could be possibly-
"What if they write more?" Tenya suddenly said out loud, his train of thought coming to a screeching halt. "I'd have a better line up to analyze. I could also ask Present Mic for the short stories assignments he's grading so I can pass them back. I could probably be able to look over at least a few of them and see if I recognize the writing."
A man on a mission, Tenya resigned himself to waiting until the next day to see if another note appeared, and to ask Present Mic about the stories.
Too anxious and oddly excited, he hardly got any sleep.
. . . 
Sure enough the next morning, there was a new note. Tenya all but flew out of bed and scrambled to unfold it.
I find myself caught in a storm of uncertainty all too often. I'm tossed from wave to wave in an ocean of fear. You are my rock. You hold me fast and secure in this ever-changing and frightening world. You are safe. You are my home.
You are my everything.
Tenya unconsciously read the letter in (L/N)'s voice again. He felt his heart beat harder at the thought of them penning these beautiful words.
"You don't know that it's them," he scolded himself, unwillingly placing the new note on his desk next to the old one. He tore himself away from them to retreat into the bathroom to get ready for the day.
The new message did offer one new clue already, though. It used the same ocean metaphor as the first one. It was a comparison the author seemed to favor. Maybe he could find it in their other works.
He had to get his hands on those short story assignments before he lost his damn mind.
. . . 
Tenya felt slightly uneasy about telling Present Mic he wanted the stories to pass back, even though he was technically telling the truth. He was eventually going to pass them back. When he was done looking through them.
A lie of omission is still a lie, that annoying voice in his head insisted, but he pretended he couldn't hear it, pushing it down. It wouldn't do any harm, he rationalized. And he had to know.
Tenya flipped through the papers, looking for (L/N)'s first. It was a desperate wish that they were the author of the anonymous notes, but it also seemed to make just enough sense to justify thumbing through their assignment.
There. (L/N) always went above the beyond with creative writing, and the five pages of neatly typed text was a testament to that. It was the longest assignment in the stack by two pages.
Wait.... typed?
It was probably a coincidence. After all, (L/N) hadn't been the only student who'd opted to type their story. Tenya was too convinced already that they had sent him those letters for him to entertain the idea that it was simply just a coincidence.
He skimmed the story quickly before class started. He found himself impressed, not for the first time with (L/N)'s abilities as a writer. Each word was carefully selected to craft perfect sentences and immaculate paragraphs full of feeling and vibrant imagery.
He stopped suddenly a page in as the protagonist compared their anguish to a stormy sea, heavy waves tossing them to and fro.
There it is again.
The sentiments from the letters, which Tenya had all but seared into his brain, echoed that of what he was reading now. The vocabulary, the imagery, the deep feelings evoked by each sentence, and even the fact that it was typed.
It had to be them. It had to be (Y/N). It was just too perfect.
. . . 
(Y/N) sat a few seats ahead and to the right of Tenya, so he spent quite a bit of class time staring unabashedly at the back of their head. They were scribbling madly on a sheet of lined paper. Lecture notes? Short story?.... Love letter?
People often say that opposites attract. Tenya was just realizing how true that was as he sat in class, half listening to the lesson, half watching (Y/N). He was all angles and sternness, whereas they were flexible and soft. Perhaps it didn't always show physically on their features, but in their mannerisms, and even in their writing, they were stunning curves, twists and turns. With them, you didn't always know where you were going, but it was an adventure all the same. They were a warm, comforting feeling. They felt like home.
An idea bloomed in Tenya's mind, a delectably wonderful way for him to show (Y/N) that he reciprocated their feelings. Having a difficult time smothering his smile, Tenya fished through his school bag for a sheet of lined paper.
. . .
You frowned thoughtfully at your paper, lips pursed. You tapped your pencil against your dorm room desk as you considered your next words.
This was the hardest, part, but still the most fun. The first draft. You could change whatever wording or dialogue you wanted while you were typing it up, nut you still needed a good base. You still had to carefully choose every word that you wanted to use to move your audience.
Tenya Iida
You grinned giddily just thinking of him. He had given almost no indication these past two days that he'd gotten your letters, but you could tell. His eyes had darted around, scrutinizing everyone they landed on. It had felt a bit like being dissected when his gaze had fallen upon you.
There's no way he knows, you had reasoned, giving him a tight smile in return. He's just trying to sus me out. For all he knows, it could be literally anyone.
You had ridden that wave of shaky confidence in your anonymity, all the way to that moment, where you turned around in your desk chair, intending to grab your phone, only for your eyes to fall upon a folded up piece of paper next to your door.
You felt an anxious lurch in your gut as you shakily picked it up. "If this is Iida telling me to never speak to him again I'm going to cry."
You unfolded the message, fully expected the worst, and praying to whatever god was or wasn't out there that you were wrong and that Iida wasn't completely creeped out and now hated you.
You remind me of the ocean waves you write about so often. You're a crescendo of carefully chosen words, actions, and kind thoughts. You're soft yet strong, never backing down from a fight or a friend in need. Your determination and drive impress me to no ends, and make me want to impress you as well.
You've cast a spell on me for quite some time now, but your hold over me was only strengthened by the heartfelt messages you sent me. I'm beyond happy that you share my feelings.
The letter wasn't signed, but it was written in what was distinctly Iida's penmanship. He had ended his message the same way you had ended yours; with a hand-drawn heart.
"Oh my god," you whispered, paper crinkling as your grip tightened around it. You read it again. Then again. And then again. "Damnit, he's right. I do use the stormy sea metaphor a lot."
Note still clenched in your hand, you sped-walked to Iida's dorm room, heart thundering in your chest. The thought that Iida; sensible, respectful Iida would have feelings for a disaster like you was a little discombobulating to say the least, so you were determined to hear it straight from the horses mouth.
You rapped on his door, foot tapping impatiently. The few seconds it took for Iida to answer dragged on for what felt like an eternity. When he finally did open the door, a pleasantly surprised look crossed his face upon seeing you.
You held up his note. "Hi. Um, so."
Iida chuckled, cheeks reddening. He gestured you in as he stepped back to his desk, where he produced the letters you had sent. "So."
"Y-you're not messing with me, right?" you asked nervously. "'Cause if you are I'm going to kick you."
"Trust me, everything I wrote is 100% true." He smiled earnestly. "And you...?
"I think those letters are the most honest I've ever been about my feelings ever." you admitted, shifting your weight from foot to foot. A wry smile played on the edges of your lips. "I was drafting you another one, but you just had to go and find me out and ruin it."
"You can still give it to me," Iida said hopefully, palming the back of his neck with his hand, flustered.
You laughed a little, your own cheeks warming up. You twisted the hem of your shirt. "Uh, can I hug you?"
"O-of course!"
You wrapped your arms around Iida's torso, resting your head on his chest, listening to the drumming of his heart. He slowly followed suit, snaking his arms around your shoulders. He let out a contented sigh, relaxing into your touch. He was so warm. He was a cozy fire in the dark of winter, a blissful reprise from a cold and harsh world.
You pursed your lips, stifling a snicker. I've gotta write that down.
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fruitcoops · 4 years ago
Omg can you write about coops going live on instagram and answering TONS of fans questions? And just being domestic and cute together in general
I can, yes! This is partially the 450 celebration--to the lovely person who suggested writing a sequel to one of my favorites, please know that I love and appreciate you! Coop credit goes to @lumosinlove
Check out Part 1 here
“Is it working? I think it’s working.” An explosion of hearts covered the screen and Remus’ eyebrows rose. “Yep, definitely working. Hello, Instagram! I’m Remus Lupin, winger for the Lions.”
“And I’m Sirius Black, center and team captain.” Sirius waved at the phone. “We had a great time answering your questions last month and we figured we’d come back to do it again, since there were so many people we couldn’t get around to in those few minutes.”
“I can already see a bunch coming in. Should we start?” Remus asked, turning to him with a small smile.
“You go first.”
“Alright, first question….” He squinted at the screen. “How long have we been together? We’ve been dating for just over a year now, but we’ve known each other for three-ish.”
Sirius snorted when he read the next question. “What do we do in our free time? It’s cute that you think we have free time. Um, we read a lot. Sometimes I’ll play video games with the guys.”
“If we have a free weekend, we’ll go hiking or take a short road trip. Practice takes up four or five hours a day, so we’re very low-key, which I think surprises people.” Remus scrolled down a bit. “What are our favorite foods?”
“Don’t say it.” Sirius said immediately. “Don’t you dare.”
“Fine, fine.” Just as Sirius began to answer, he coughed, “pineapple pizza.”
“No!” Sirius smacked Remus on the arm with a pillow as he laughed. “Menace. My favorite food is pasta, because it’s versatile and I’m not a heathen. All of you who are agreeing with him, stop it right now. I’m very disappointed in your tastebuds. Next question…do either of us cook? We do, yeah.”
Remus gave him a look. “Do you, though?”
“That’s a funny thing to hear coming from the man who said he’d die for one of my grilled cheeses yesterday,” Sirius countered.
“Fair point. Yes, we both cook, but I generally do it more often because I enjoy it.”
Sirius looked back at the camera with sad eyes. “He kicked me out of the kitchen last week.”
“You kept stealing bites of soup!” Remus laughed. “It wasn’t even done, you could have gotten salmonella!”
“You can’t get salmonella from soup,” Sirius scoffed. The comment section went wild. “…apparently you can. Huh.”
“Next question, before we get too off-track. Who is the more dramatic one?” Remus folded his hands and rested his chin on top. “I’m giving you three guesses and the first two don’t count.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “You’re plenty dramatic.”
“Uh-huh, sure.”
“Moving on! Oooo, this one is for me specifically.” He shifted closer, wrapping an arm around Remus’ waist as he read. “Sirius: does Regulus—you spelled that wrong by the way, there’s only one ‘g’—does Regulus still live with you? If yes, how does that work?”
“I’m telling him someone spelled his name wrong,” Remus said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “He’ll get a kick out of it.”
“He’ll be so pissed,” Sirius agreed. “Nope, Reg moved out a few months ago and now lives with Pascal Dumais, but it was really neat to have him around. He’s still got a room here and it was nice spending so much time with him after we didn’t talk for a while. He’s awful about vacuuming, though.”
“Aw, people think that’s cute.” Remus smiled as he read the responses. “Ohoho, people are getting nosy. What do we argue about the most?”
“I’m not sure, actually. Maybe chores?”
“I was going to say practice time. We’ve gotten into a couple tiffs about watching tape or running drills after we get home.”
“That’s true.” Sirius frowned at the screen. “For those of you who apparently think that’s all one-sided: it’s really not.”
“He came downstairs to get me at ten or eleven at night the other day. We’re both hockey nerds, so it happens from time to time.”
“Are we going to keep doing tiktoks? Oh, for sure, they’re a ton of fun.”
“Absolutely. Where else am I going to get the inspiration to glue things shut just to irritate him?”
Sirius shook his head with a smile. “Diablotin.”
“Nothing like being called a gremlin by your fiancé,” Remus laughed, tapping the screen. “Okay…who’s the best in bed?”
“I’d say we both sleep really well,” Sirius said. “You talk sometimes, which is really funny.”
Remus glanced over. “Do I really?”
“Yep. I think you were grocery shopping the other night. You kept saying orange juice very adamantly.”
“Interesting. I agree, though, we both value sleep.”
“There are too many questions!” Sirius scooted forward and sifted through them. “To jay-mac 2001, we both love kids and might have some in a few years. No, mermaid queen, we don’t really have friends outside of hockey because we don’t have lives outside of hockey—” Remus leaned his forehead on Sirius’ shoulder as he laughed. “—but I’m sure that will change someday. Oh, here’s a fun one: what are our love languages?”
“Our what?”
“Love languages. Like the Buzzfeed quiz Pots made us take last week.” The screen lit up and Sirius looked offended. “Of course we know what Buzzfeed is! We’re 25, you fuckers!”
“I think mine was quality time.”
Sirius pulled Remus’ arm further around his shoulders and leaned into his side with a smile. “It’s physical affection,” he singsonged, making him laugh. “Your turn.”
“Have you finally found your song?” Remus read aloud. “I think so! We did an interview a while back and there was a question about our ‘couple song’, which we didn’t have at the time.”
“That didn’t answer the question, sweetheart.”
“Oh! Shit, sorry. It’s La Vie En Rose by Edith Piaf.”
Sirius read the next question and snorted. “This is convenient. Who swears more?”
Remus looked away. “It’s, uh, a tie.”
“That’s such a lie.”
He sighed. “It’s probably me.”
“You taught a literal baby to swear.” Sirius turned back to the camera with a wicked grin. “Harry’s first word was ‘Loops’, but his second was ‘shit’ and there’s an eighty percent chance he learned it from Re.”
“Changing the subject!” Remus cleared his throat, then smiled. “Aw, I like this one. What’s the compliment you get most often from your partner?”
“Does it have to be verbal?”
Sirius’ eyes went wide. “Not like that! Oh, fuck, I did not mean that! You always touch my hair, so I figured that was a compliment. Merde.”
Remus shook his head. “We need a supervisor again. Anyways, you talk about my freckles all the time and it’s adorable.”
“You’re adorable.”
“Yeah.” Sirius kissed his cheek. “What’s the best date I’ve ever been on? We went ice skating at the local rink a few weeks ago and it was so much fun. I had never done that before.”
Remus’ eyebrows rose. “I thought for sure you would say the aquarium.”
“The aqu—oh, right! With the jellyfish arch!”
“Now it’s a tie, I can’t decide.”
“That’s fair. From spaceman93: who tops? We actually don’t have a bunk bed, though that would be cool as hell! Do you think Ikea sells them?”
“We should check.”
The screen exploded into activity again and Remus did a double-take. “Yes, we do buy our furniture from Ikea, there’s no need to sound so shocked. This person—I can’t read your username, sorry—wants to know which of us is more cuddly.”
“Definitely me,” Sirius said.
“For sure. I like cuddling people, but only a select few. I mean, I’m assuming you guys saw the Cap cuddles slideshow at our last game.” He laughed when Sirius turned pink. “Why are you embarrassed? It was cute!”
“There’s a hashtag now!” Sirius complained. “I have a reputation.” Remus rolled his eyes fondly as Sirius looked for the next question. “Ha! Do we ever get jealous?”
“Yes, but not for the reasons people might think.”
Sirius laughed quietly. “We went out to a bar for Kasey’s birthday a month or so ago—”
“Oh, please no.”
“—and a young lady was hitting on me, not taking the hint—”
“—so Re comes out of nowhere and kisses me full on the mouth in front of everyone.” He snickered and Remus hid his face in his hands. “It was kinda hot, not gonna lie. Really funny looking back, though. Your turn, sweetheart.”
“Who is clumsier? Ooh, we’re both disasters off the ice. I tripped over the carpet about twenty minutes ago.”
“I’ve run into every doorframe in this house at least twice.” Sirius grimaced. “If I could just tape my skates to my feet and always be on ice, that would be much safer.”
Remus cocked his head to the side. “I dunno, it would be hard to sleep in them.”
“I do that all that time.”
“That’s true, you take a nap in the hall at least once a week in full gear.”
“Reverse Edward Scissorhands.” They had to take a moment to stop laughing before Sirius turned back to the phone. “Mon dieu. Alright, what do we have next…when did you know I was ‘the one’? When did you know, mon amour?”
“Breaking out the nicknames, very snazzy,” Remus teased as he rested his chin on his hand. “I think it was just an accumulation of things, and then one day I went ‘oh shit’ and just knew. Sometime around New Year’s, maybe?”
“You only made it two months?” Sirius teased, nudging him lightly.
“Shush, you.” Remus nudged him back. “I knew I wanted to propose when I came home from hanging out with Leo and you were napping with the dog. You had done the dishes and left Avatar on so we could watch it together, and I opened the door and knew that I wanted that moment forever.”
Sirius smile was unbearably soft, and he kissed Remus on the cheek as hearts filled the comments section. “I’ve never seen so many keysmashes in my life,” he laughed when he looked back to it. “Hey, someone addressed one to you specifically.”
“Really?” He leaned forward eagerly. “To Remus, do you feel like part of the team yet? I do, a hundred percent! It helped that I was close with a lot of the guys from being the PT, so those friendships carried over really well. Being a player on the roster has only made that better and it’s the best job in the world.”
“Who has the better smile? We’re going to say each other, so I think we’ll leave that one to the comments—fuck, that was a bad idea, it’s moving too fast for me to read!” Sirius tapped the screen desperately, then gave up and waited for the scrolling to slow down. “Ask each other one question you’ve always wanted to know the answer to.”
“Do you actually want to get your ears pierced?” Remus asked. “You talked about it a while ago but I wasn’t sure if you were kidding.”
Sirius thought for a minute, biting his lip. “Y’know, I might. It was one of those things where it started as a joke and then I kept thinking about it. I’m not sure, hockey’s not the best sport to have things that can catch and tear.” They both winced at the idea. “My turn. What is it about pineapple pizza that you actually enjoy?”
“It annoys you.” Remus laughed as Sirius rolled his eyes. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding! I honestly don’t know why I like it so much. There’s something about the sweetness that goes so well with the regular pizza taste. Okay, last question for me: how many freckles do I have? Not many right now.”
“So many in the summer,” Sirius said dreamily. “That’s the best part of summertime and the only reason I like Florida. They might have bouncy ice, but it’s worth it to see the freckles pop.”
“Whew, Florida’s getting mad in the comments!” Remus grinned. “Get some real ice, then come talk to us.”
“Final question, then we really have to go. What does your partner look best in?” Sirius drummed his fingers on his knees. “His jersey. Or my jersey. He does own a pair of skinny jeans, though, and that was the closest thing to a religious experience I’ve ever had.”
“They’re comfortable.” Remus shrugged, but he looked rather self-satisfied. “That’s all we have time for, folks, but thanks for joining us!”
“Go Lions!”
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thatringboy · 4 years ago
Ganqing getting together Idol au? (Extra: Hanahaki disease and angsty, only if you want. Otherwise, fluff or angst or whatever is fine.)
Just idol au with genshin characters, doesn't have to be anything in particular
ohmygods this one took so long to write and it was so worth it! love me some good angst and hanahaki disease up in this house!!!
Glaze Lilies in my Throat
Warnings: Hanahaki Disease, Blood, Hospitals
Characters: Keqing, Ganyu, Ningguang, Beidou
Ships: Gangqing, Background Beiqquang if you squint
Word Count: 12,758 (FIVE pages of google docs!)
Summary: Idol!Keqing finds herself falling fast and hard for her fellow dancer, Ganyu, but her pride keeps her from admitting her feelings. Until the petals in her throat start taking a toll on her career
The first time the purple haired girl noticed the petals, she just thought that they had fallen off of a bouquet she had received from a fan. Keqing assumed her throat was sore from the show she had completed, so she popped a cough drop in her mouth and quickly changed to head to dinner with the other girls in the group.
The restaurant they were at wasn’t anything too fancy, just a small hole in the wall place for their group, the Qixing, to meet up. The group’s center, Ningguang, knew the owner and was able to order milkshakes for everyone for free.
It was a pleasant outing. Keqing sat near the window side of the booth the women shared and quietly sipped her vanilla milkshake while the other members of the group discussed their performances. Ganyu slid into the seat next to her and pushed a straw into her own chocolate shake.
“Is everything alright? You look lost in thought, Miss Keqing.”
There was a sudden tightness in her throat, or something became lodged in her airways because Keqing began to cough into her elbow. “My apologies, I was just staring off into space. I am quite alright.”
Ganyu gave her a pleasant smile that made heat rise in her cheeks before turning to the rest of the group to join their conversation. Keqing quickly looked away and her eyes fell to her lap where the blue petals had fallen off of her sleeve. They were identical to the petals she had seen earlier that evening. Keqing was no fool, she instantly recognized what had brought the flowers and her eyes shifted back to Ganyu, who was laughing at Ningguang and her chocolate moustache.
She brushed the petals onto the floor with a cold expression. Out of sight, out of mind.
The petals plagued Keqing for a few more months after that night. They always appeared when Ganyu was near her, but all the idol did was tuck them away and began keeping a handkerchief on her person for when the blood started to come up with the flowers. She became used to the tightness of her throat and dryness of her mouth that accompanied her beating heart when Ganyu would clasp her hand between those slender fingers and stare at her with those large eyes. Everytime Keqing thought she would collapse from exhaustion, Ganyu would be there to pick her up and tell her to keep going. How could she not fall for such kindness?
After the petals began appearing, Keqing only allowed herself to be alone with Ganyu once in fear of making her feelings known. It was after a particularly long dance rehearsal and the other women left before they did. As they were cleaning up the practice room, a small photo fell out of Ganyu’s bag.
Keqing moved to pick it up, turning the paper over in her fingers. In the photo was a baby Ganyu sitting on the lap of an elegant woman with blue eyes and had her hair pinned up by an eerily familiar flower.
“Who is this woman?”
Ganyu glanced over at the picture. “My, that’s an old picture. I’ve told you how I was adopted as a child, right? That woman was my adoptive mother, Guizhong.”
“Was?” Keqing handed the photo back.
“Yes, was. She was a botanist who loved flowers. That one in her hair is a species she selectively bred for years before perfecting them. We called them ‘Glaze Lilies’. She was killed in a hit and run when I was twelve.”
So the flowers have a name. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”
Ganyu gave her a sweet smile. “Don’t be, she’s always with me, I can feel her guiding me.”
Keqing turned away before the blush could overtake her face and swallowed down the petals in her mouth. So cute!
The first time a blue bud appeared was during a meeting with her manager and Ningguang, who was also the owner of the group. Keqing shifted uncomfortably in her chair as the manager and albino woman looked over a report of her performances.
Ningguang cleared her throat. “Keqing, you know how much we love to have you in the group…”
Keqing felt the familiar tightness in her throat. She sat still and tried to swallow it down as Ningguang continued.
“However, your ratings have been going down recently. You have been leaving rehearsals early, and we’ve noticed the quality of your performances is suffering.”
Slowly, Keqing reached into the pocket of her skirt for a handkerchief as she felt the petals rise back up. Don’t panic don’t panic don’t panic don’t panic.
The manager made a sad face. “Keqing… if things don’t change, then we may need to replace you. You’ve worked so hard to get where you are now, I really don’t want to do this, but if you can’t put your previous energy into this work then maybe we need to go separate ways.”
“No, no, I can do it!” Opening her mouth to protest was a bad idea. As soon as the words spilled from her lips, she doubled over in a fit of coughs, the scent of blood filling the room. Something larger than her usual petals dislodged itself from her throat and fell onto the floor between her and her bosses.
An unbloomed Glaze Lily pod with specks of blood tainting the innocent color bounced on the carpet and rolled next to Ningguang’s foot. She looked at Keqing’s face in horror. “Keqing…”
The purple haired girl got to her feet, covering her mouth with the tiny piece of fabric and bowed quickly, moving towards the door. “I-I’m sorry, I promise to get to practice on time and I will get my ratings back up!”
She only took two steps before falling to her knees in another fit of coughing. This time it was two pods, one halfway blooming. Ningguang called for the manager to call an ambulance before rushing to Keqing’s side, rubbing a soothing hand across her back.
The next few hours were a blur. Keqing barely remembers an ambulance arriving, being carted away with a tube down her throat, a couple doctors examining her before letting her rest. When she became coherent, Keqing was able to sit up despite the oxygen tube in her nose and became aware of a doctor waiting for her.
“Miss Keqing, how are you feeling?”
She opened her mouth to talk, but it was the most sore it had ever felt. She tapped her neck to let the doctor know her speech status. He nodded and produced a pen and pad for her to write on.
“I feel terrible, but not like I’m about to die.”
He read over the paper. “Are you aware of what The Hanahaki Disease is?”
“Of course.” She penned down.
“How long have you been in this predicament?” His calm eyes went back to the pad.
Keqing thought for a second before writing again. “Five months.”
“Five months.” He read outloud softly. “Do you know who brought the flowers to you?”
“No.” She lied. She had known from the very beginning, but a glance out of the glass window of the room’s door revealed that her entire group was anxiously waiting outside. There was no need to drag anyone else into her problem.
The doctor took a deep breath. “Miss Keqing, you are aware of what the removal of the flowers entails if you cannot find the person responsible for these feelings, correct?”
“Yes.” Loss of the memories of that person. From beyond the door, Ganyu peeked through the window with a worried expression. Behind her was Ningguang frantically pointing at her head with wide eyes and her lips in a thin, focused line. The doctor followed Keqing’s eyes to the door and as he did, Ningguang instantly stopped and went back to looking as regal as ever.
The doctor chuckled dryly. “You know, I can’t do my job if you lie to me.”
He got up and moved to let Ganyu into the room as Keqing began to scribble down words in a panic. The doctor opened the door and gestured to the chair beside the bed before shutting the door behind the other idol. Ganyu nervously sat down and Keqing stopped writing, not meeting her eyes.
Ganyu reached out to touch Keqing’s hand, but stopped. “We were all so worried when Miss Ningguang told us you had been hospitalized. I’m not sure what I would have done if something had happened--” She caught Keqing staring at her with wide eyes and silenced herself with the lightest shade of pink dusting her cheeks.
Keqing pulled her knees to her chest to have a hard surface to write on. “Did she tell you what I have?”
Ganyu shook her head. “No, but Miss Ningguang gave a weird look.”
Ah, the ever observant Ningguang and the blissfully unaware Ganyu. She scratched down another sentence. “There’s something I should probably tell you…”
Ganyu read the notepad, whispering the words to herself in that way that made Keqing fall harder and nodded. “I’m all ears, err, eyes?”
Keqing flipped to a new page. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears and her hands shook a little. She was a fool for even considering having the flowers removed surgically. She held the pen over the paper and began writing everything down. From the night at the milkshake bar, the petals in her throat being the same kind of flowers Ganyu’s mother made, how Ganyu’s smile made her heart flutter and her stomach twist in a way that she never wanted to end. The flowers had stolen her voice, so she wrote it all, pouring her heart into every word like the disease would kill her that very night.
When she finished, Keqing quickly shoved the notepad to Ganyu and turned away with a red face, not wanting to see the other’s reaction to the written love confession.
Ganyu read every word slowly, tears pooling in her blue and purple eyes and blush burning her cheeks at the raw emotions before her. When she finished, she simply held out her free hand for the pen, which Keqing practically threw at her. She wanted her bedsheets to swallow her up like that scene from Nightmare on Elm Street.
The blue haired woman wrote something quickly and handed both the pen and pad back to Keqing. She took it and read over the short message left at the bottom of her confession.
“I feel the same way.”
In an instant, Keqing felt her throat open and she took a loud gulp of air, making Ganyu jump in surprise. Keqing began to laugh as she grabbed Ganyu’s wrist and pulled her onto the bed and into a tight hug. “Yes yes yes yes yes! I can finally breathe!”
She realized how close Ganyu’s face was to her own and let go quickly, the color returning to her face ten-fold. “Sorry about that.”
Ganyu remained sitting on the bed, covering her face in her own hands. “It’s fine, really!”
“Hah! What a couple of dorks!” Called a deep voice from the doorway.
The two on the bed snapped their heads towards the sound to see Ningguang grabbing the intruder, a tall burly woman with an eyepatch, by her ear and dragging her out of the room. “Out with you! I called you here to provide moral support, not gawk at my dancers!”
Ganyu giggled. “That’s Miss Beidou for you, I suppose.”
Keqing looked at the discarded notepad and those five words scrawled in neat handwriting.
“I feel the same way.”
Keqing is a woman of sound mind. She thinks through her actions and keeps to herself when situations do not concern her. She keeps her head down and doesn’t make rash decisions. So of course she surged forward to plant a kiss on Ganyu’s cheek before pulling back in horror of her own actions and covering her lips with her hand.
Ganyu turned red as her hand went up to touch the spot Keqing had kissed. “That was sweet, thank you.”
“You said on the paper that you feel the same way I do about you so I just thought--” Her panicked rambling was silenced by Ganyu moving closer to her and gently pulling her hands from her mouth with a nervous smile.
“I’m not very good with words like you, Miss Keqing, so sorry that my confession was so bland.”
Keqing blinked. “That’s what you’re caught up on?! And enough with the formalities, you just cured my Hanahaki Disease and saved me from getting fired!”
“Wait, fired? I thought Miss Ningguang pulled you into the manager’s office yesterday for tea… were you about to be let go?”
Ganyu playfully poked Keqing’s oxygen tube in her nose. “Then the flowers did you a favor.”
The blue haired woman took Keqing’s hands again. “And now they’re gone, for good this time?”
Keqing blinked once more. “‘This time’? What do you mean, ‘this time’--!”
Ganyu panicked and surged forward to kiss her. Keqing, not believing what was happening, halted all protests and sunk into it, ignoring the plastic tube in her nose and letting the scent of vanilla fill her senses.
When they broke away, it felt like an eternity had passed, but it wasn’t long enough, so they kissed again, and again and again until they were panting for air and the doctor returned with an amused smile. All thoughts slipped from Keqing’s usually buzzing mind and she found herself only focusing on the woman before her; the one she cared so much about for so long that flowers bloomed in her throat. With Ganyu by her side, Keqing didn’t have a care in the world. With Ganyu by her side, Keqing knew she was going to be just fine.
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sleeperswakewriting · 4 years ago
After Class
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For @himebee-5's prompt!
Summary: Petra is Professor Ackerman's star student and yet, she keeps meeting him for office hours every Monday afternoon.
Rated: E
CWs: teacher/student relationship, age gap, praise kink
Word count: 3.2k
Surprise! I queued up another fic for smutty Saturday since I'll be out for most of the day--enjoy! 😉
She was distracting.
Levi prided himself in his stellar concentration, his perfunctory work, and despite his cold and callous demeanor, he was an excellent professor. Always receiving high remarks from his students and colleagues, and managing to churn out at least two research papers a year, there was little that compromised his neat routine.
He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he faced the chalkboard, clearing his throat. Levi Ackerman didn’t make mistakes, but after one look at her, his mind went elsewhere as he absently completed the calculus equation and one student shakily raised his hand and said, “E-excuse me sir, but I think you forgot to take the derivative in the fifth step.”
Taking a step back, realizing that his glasses slipped from its usual position since he took a double take at her, he merely nodded and erased the step in which he made the error and redid the equation. He thanked the student and a flurry of pencils hit paper as they recorded the problem, and Levi glanced at his watch, giving them a few minutes before he moved on.
It’s wasn’t just the plaid mini skirt and thigh high stockings that did it--he knew he was enough of a perverted old man that he at least acknowledged that turned him on, but the way she sat in the front row, prim and studious as she eyed him for the hour and a half lecture made him feel stupidly special. Most students’ eyes glazed over, and he didn’t give a shit if they were on their phones, it was their time and money after all, but the way her amber orbs never left him was almost damn unsettling if she didn’t have such a coquettish look.
Her short ginger hair was pulled back with a red head band today, and as he was giving back the first test of the semester, he paused at her seat and said, “Good work, Ms. Ral,” while sliding the test face down onto her desk. She beamed, looking at the paper, and her face fell at the grade. Levi frowned slightly, wondering what she could possibly be upset about since she received an 88, the third highest in the class. Calculus wasn’t an easy subject, and it was usually the class where students on the science and math track chose to drop out and choose a different major.
After passing out the tests, he returned to the desk at the front of the classroom to collect his things and head back to his office for his office hours for the day. As most of the students filtered out of the classroom, Petra sat stark still at her desk, eyes running over her exam, and eyebrows contorted in confusion.
“Is something wrong, Ms. Ral?” he asked, slinging his messenger bag over his grey dress shirt, adjusting his tie, and she looked up, eyes aglow. Levi pretended not to notice the way her tight long sleeved shirt hugged her curves, and the v-neck emphasized her breasts when she brought her arms together in anguish.
“I’m trying to figure out where I went wrong, Professor. I’m really disappointed in myself, I thought I aced this test.”
Levi cocked his head. “You should be proud of yourself, you have one of the highest marks in the class.”
Petra shook her head in disbelief. “Even so, I think I made far too many silly mistakes.” She sighed, shoulders slumping in clear disappointment. “I guess I’ll try harder next time. Sorry professor, you probably have to go--”
“My office hours are now,” he said, the words leaving his lips without even thinking. His glasses shone from the ceiling lights of the high lecture hall, and he swallowed. “We can go over the test if you’d like.”
And she smiled brilliantly at him again, collecting her things and swinging her fashionable book bag over her shoulder as she followed him to the math building. Levi kept at least three feet ahead of her, not wanting to give her the impression they had to make small talk since the math building was on the opposite side of the quad, and he breathed a sigh of relief when they entered his office. It was at the end of the hall of the third floor, a quiet place since it was around lunch time and most students were at the dining hall.
Levi closed the old wooden door and gestured for her to sit at the front of his desk while he deposited his bag and thumbed through the manila folder for the answer key. Petra set her things down and unfurled her own test, using his desk as she tapped her pencil at the corner of her lips.
“So which problems were giving you trouble?” He asked, loose leaf paper at the ready, and Petra motioned to problem number three.
“I get tripped up when there’s a double integral, I think.” She was already making the amendments in her head and she asked him for a piece of paper as well. Levi withdrew another from his desk cadenza and his breath hitched as their fingers touched. Stop acting like a teenage boy, he scolded himself, wondering when the last time he went on a date or had gotten laid because this was ridiculous. She was at least ten years his junior, his student no less, and she was just asking her math professor for help, even though she clearly didn’t need it.
She crossed her legs cutely, emphasizing her thighs between the space between her skirt and socks, and Levi averted his gaze as he forced himself to concentrate on her bright tone, going over her process as she circled and made the adjustments from her previous attempt.
“Yes, that’s correct. You want to integrate x and treat y as the constant. It’s like in the partial example, which you completed correctly in problem one.”
Petra smiled, nodding as understanding entered her field of vision and she completed the problem with ease. “Thank you Professor! Can you give me a harder problem just to make sure I understood the concept?”
And as Levi did his best to not pay attention to the way she said harder, he opened up the math textbook and selected an exercise, scratching it onto the paper between them and slid it towards her.
The mahogany desk was slightly too tall for Petra to comfortably lean against from the chair, so she sat up and leaned over to solve the problem, orange hair falling from her tucked ears. This time, Levi didn’t even bother looking away since Petra was fully invested in solving the equation, and he felt his pants tighten as he noted the white lace bra she had on underneath, and her round mounds spilling from her top.
“Is this right?” She asked, finally finishing, sitting back down in her seat and Levi coughed as he fought down the flush on his face.
He stared at the problem, willing himself to concentrate on the numbers in her neat handwriting, but he was finding it difficult to focus as he noticed her licking her lips after reapplying some chapstick. He took it line by line until he finally nodded and said, “Good work.”
Petra returned the paper to her folder and touched his hand gently from across the desk. “Thank you Professor Ackerman, it really means a lot to me that you went out of your way to help me. I guess the reviews were right after all.” His eyebrows rose since he didn’t usually make a habit to read his class reviews but relied on the report that the school gave him at the end of each term.
“Oh really? What do the reviews say?”
Petra giggled, and Levi felt his heart stop at the beautiful sound. “Well for one, they say you’re the sexiest teacher on campus, but more importantly, students who take your class are set up for success for linear algebra, which is my goal. I’m an astronomy major.”
He didn’t know why he found that to be a turn on since he worked at a university where there were literally hundreds of majors, but before he had a chance to think, Petra had collected her things and waved as she made for the brass knob of his office door.
“See you next week, Professor!”
And the door clicked shut. Levi’s head was spinning, and if he didn’t know any better, Petra was outright flirting with him, and he was having a difficult time processing that. He moved to lock the office door and he double checked to make sure that he didn’t have any upcoming meetings. Sinfully, he laid back in his chair and closed his eyes while he unbuckled his pants.
She’s your student, you filthy fuck. But her shiny lips, her sweet voice, and her intellect…
He stroked himself, thinking of her, and he came quickly, her name on his lips as he imagined himself taking her between her plaid skirt and thigh high socks.
Monday afternoons became a ritual for them, and while Levi attempted to muster up every ounce of professional courage, he found himself unable to say no to her. Every day, after class, she would sweetly ask if she could go over the day’s lecture, and he would say yes and they would wordlessly walk to his office and repeat the same routine.
It was always strictly professional, but he could have sworn that she was intentionally taking off her jacket or sweatshirt in front of him, sometimes leaving her in only a crop top. He decided then that she was purposely trying to kill him because the blood rushed faster to his groin than he could will himself to stop. He had to keep himself firmly behind his desk, not wanting to scare her from his raging hard-on as she pattered on about her misunderstandings for the day, and he would mutely nod, watching her the entire time.
She stopped the week during finals, only visiting him after his final lecture and he missed her presence during the two week absence. He eagerly awaited the day of the final exam, just to pathetically see her again, and there she was, front and center, pencil at the ready.
“This is my last test,” she whispered to him excitedly as he handed her the exam and he gave a thin smile and muttered a ‘good luck’ to her row, but looked at her the entire time.
She was the last to leave, and she heaved a sigh of relief as she handed him her packet, looking joyful.
“How did you find the test, Ms. Ral?” he asked, sparing her a last glance before she left his classroom for the final time. His heart ached at that, but he supposed it was for the best since dreams and visions of her had plagued him since the beginning of the semester.
“I think I aced it, thanks to my excellent teacher.” And she gave him a dazzling smile as she walked away and Levi trailed her form until she disappeared.
It was a routine message that Levi sent out to all of his students, that if they wanted to go over their final exam that they could set up office hours. He didn’t allow for debating for points--he had no time for that, and his grading procedure was precise and calculated, but he set up time slots for ease of the students.
So when he saw Petra Ral in his email, requesting for the last time slot before the last day of the grading period, he hurriedly clicked accept even though she received a perfect score on her test.
It was spring, and the promise of a new future hung in the air when Petra entered his office, wearing a similar ensemble to when she first came in, a red plaid skirt, thigh high stockings, and this time, a white knit t-shirt that unbuttoned just at her cleavage. She poked her head in, and he noticed that she didn’t carry a book bag, but opted for a small purse that slung over one shoulder.
“Hi Professor!” she chirped happily, hands clasped behind her back. Levi allowed himself a smile as he took her in.
“What can I do for you Ms. Ral? Surely you don’t have any complaints about this test--congratulations on ruining the curve, by the way. Your classmates are furious.”
Petra laughed, feeling satisfied with herself as she gazed at him--sleeves rolled up to his forearms and he opted for a vest and tie set that complimented his eyes nicely. “I wanted to let you know that I’m taking Professor Hange’s class next semester for linear algebra.”
His heart fell; he was also teaching that class, but maybe it didn’t fit into her schedule. He didn’t meet her eyes as he said, “She’s a tough teacher, but she’s good at what she does. Don’t expect to be let go early, the woman can and will go on for hours.”
Petra smiled. “I’ll be sure to make a note of it.” And she shuffled between her feet as a light blush came to her cheeks. “I wanted to give you a thank you gift, for all the office hours you’ve given to me the past semester.”
Levi raised a thin eyebrow between his glasses. “You don’t have to do that, Ms. Ral. It’s part of my job. You’re an excellent student, you made my job very easy.”
She batted her eyelashes as she stepped closer to him. He was seated in his leather office chair, arms crossed and she took a deep breath as she stood a foot apart from him, hands still playing with each other behind her back. “It’s nothing expensive. And you can call me Petra, Professor, the semester is over.”
And before Levi could question her words, she leaned in and kissed him gently on the cheek. Levi’s heart pounded in his chest, noticing that Petra was visibly shy despite the bold gesture she had just committed and he stared at her, slack jawed.
“Thank you, Professor.”
Levi’s eyes widened, and the hungry need he had for her over the past three months took over. Before he knew it, he was tugging at her wrist and she was straddling his lap, skirt pooling between them as he devoured her into a kiss, lips furiously nipping and biting as she let out an animated moan. Her hands went for his tie, pulling it from his vest and then around his neck where she buried her fingers into his undercut. A shiver of pleasure went down Levi’s spine as he settled his hands at her waist, then her back, and then at the fabric at the end of her shirt.
Panting, Petra raised her arms, signalling for him to take it off, and Levi let out a groan and a fucking hell at her lacy push up bra. Arms wrapped around each other again, Petra leaned into his chest, pressing her tits against him while she grinded against his lap, smiling as she devilishly noticed his hard-on between their clothing. Her breath was hot against his as she moved to unbutton his vest, and he raised himself to take it off, but let out a hiss as their centers made contact.
Not being able to help himself, Levi trailed his fingers up and down her legs, groaning that he was finally able to touch her, and the way the spandex hugged her skin was driving him crazy. He dove between her skirt, reaching for her panties and he played at her apex, noticing that she was incredibly wet, which only turned him on more.
Petra keened and threw her head back in pleasure as he began lavishing her neck with kisses and suckled at her jawline, happy that she tasted as beautiful as she looked. A light floral perfume danced across her flesh, and he inhaled her as he undid the headband from her hair, freeing the locks so he could bury his nose between them.
“Professor, ah, can you please touch me?” She asked weakly, eyes clenched shut from Levi’s ministrations and he chuckled.
“Only because you’ve been such a good student,” he whispered into her ear, and she nodded as he slipped a finger in, and pleasured sighs escaped both of their lips.
“God, you’re so fucking wet. Were you planning on this before you came in?” Levi asked, using his other hand to unbuckle his pants and slid down his zipper.
Petra was finding it harder and harder to think as Levi pumped into her, alternating between two and three fingers, teasing her clit and taking his hands away before she could go any higher. Vision going blurry, she reached for the back of her bra and undid the hook, letting it fall between them and Levi ripped it off, freeing her breasts.
He took a nipple between his teeth and bit down hard, earning a cry from Petra as she begged him to keep touching her while he buried his face into her chest. Petra moved to play with both of her nipples, all while riding against his hand and she felt like her heart was about to explode from Levi’s touch.
She slid her tongue against his lips, drinking him in as she asked him to help slide her panties down, and he obliged, but not before pocketing them into his pants. She shot him a questioning look, and he smirked, “This is my thank-you gift.”
Bashfully, Petra smiled and pawed him between his underwear, stroking his length up and down with her hand and she pulled his waist down just far enough to free his member. She gasped at his size, and Levi let out a hum of satisfaction while she took a moment to gaze at it, providing him with light touches.
“Levi, can I ride you?” She asked demurely, eyes fixated on his dick and he gripped her by the ass to guide her close.
Leaning over, he whispered into her ear, “That’s Professor Ackerman to you.”
Petra keened at his husky voice, and lowered herself onto him, moaning loudly as he breached her, dick hot against her tight entrance.
“That’s a good girl,” he encouraged, holding her close as she steadily bobbed up and down, her wetness providing enough slickness between them. His balls smacked against his legs, and her tits bounced each time she reached his hilt and she cried out.
Wild with lust, Levi toyed with her clit as she continued to ride him, fingers dancing and shaking as she paused to catch her breath. Their eyes met, and with equal fervor, they kissed as Petra braced her hands against his shoulders, pace increasing and then reaching her climax in a frenzy as she bobbed up and down.
“Professor,” she whined, releasing her hands and crying into his collar as she rode out her orgasm.
Levi’s eyes were clenched shut as her walls fluttered around him, her tightness becoming too much for him as he also met his own pleasure, and he pumped into her in short pulses. Breaths panting, he looked up to meet Petra, who was smiling between breaths.
Still sitting comfortably inside her, Levi laughed warily, unsure of where to go from here. Petra, still wrapping her body around his, licked the lobe of his ear as she said sultrily into his ear, “Did that count as extra credit?”
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yungidreamer · 4 years ago
Valentine’s Day
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Summary: The boys decide to go all out for the holiday pampering and loving their girl. After a trip to an adult store they have everything they need to make it a holiday to remember for all of them.
Wordcount: 10.1k
Content warnings: A good dose of humor and domestic fluff to start with, discussions of sex toys, pampering, a little bit of dress up, oral sex, double penetration, restraints, use of a vibrator, edging, overstimulation, discussion of a safe word, super cuddly aftercare.
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Valentine's weekend came quickly for them all. The boys had given her strict instructions that they were making plans for it and they would get everything for the day. If she wanted, she could get them little gifts, but the day was theirs. During the week leading up, Mingi and Yunho went on a special shopping trip together to a sex shop. Both boys were nervous and didn’t entirely know what to expect when they went in. They wanted to get something special for the day, for their girl and, especially with the short time frame they were working with, this was their best option.
A quick internet search had provided them with a few options. They settled on one that seemed to have the biggest selection, heading there one day after classes. Contrary to their fears, they found the store to be big, bright and open, looking much more like your average big box store than they would have guessed. They kept the safer things like lingerie closer to the front and in the large windows to the front of the store and slowly added things that were more obviously adult the further they went to the back of the store. Honestly it might have been easier if the store had been smaller. Fewer things to choose from means fewer choices that had to be made. But here they were. 
“What do you want to look for first,” Yunho asked Mingi as they stood together somewhere near the middle of the store.
“Maybe we can start with something to wear,” Mingi suggested, seeing a section of costumes and some racks of things for men not far away. Yunho nodded, agreeing that it was a place to start at least. They wandered around a little, flipping through the things on the shelf as they passed.
“What about this?” Mingi pulled a small thong off rack and held it up. Yunho couldn’t help but smile at what he had picked out. It was adorable and perfect for the occasion. The front was designed to mimic a black tie suit, topped with a small black silk bow tie and had a small row of tiny black buttons going down the front underneath it.
“I love it, it's perfect for you,” Yunho agreed, tucking it in their little handheld basket. They walked down another aisle before something caught his eye. Up on a little mannequin he spotted something he could only describe as a leather harness. It looped around the waist and had a couple of straps that went around the thighs, all connected with a series of straps, buckles, and rings.
“What about that?” Yunho pointed at it to bring Mingi’s attention to it.
“Ooooo,” Mingi breathed, nodding enthusiastically. “That would be good on you. Do… do you think they have any that would look good on our girl?”
“Let’s see if we can find that one in a size I can wear first,” Yunho chuckled. They did, it was thankfully adjustable and came in a number of sizes. They tucked the one they thought seemed like the best guess in size before combing through that section a little more for their girl. Before long they found a harness they liked for her. It was a little simpler, but lighter and feminine almost. It had only two straps around the thighs and four thinner ones that connected the waist to the thighs. It looked like a leather garter belt with little bows on the vertical straps which hooked to the loops in the thigh straps with little lobster clips. They also located a matching harness for her chest with a couple of medium straps that went around her ribs then a mess of thinner ones that went up to a choker like one, curving around the outside of her breasts and up between them. They had had to improvise slightly in size, not having checked her clothing size before they left, but they did manage to get help from a store assistant who let them test their hands on a couple of mannequins, roughly sussing out her size from memory. That little experience left the female shop assistant in giggles and Yunho blushing bright red.
Having helped them with that, and having shown them to the dressing room to try things on, she went back to her job, still smiling and snickering as she did. Yunho’s face felt like it was on fire as he stepped into his dressing room to try on the harness. It will all be worth it, he told himself. Besides, she definitely found the fact I was embarrassed much funnier than anything else. He took a deep breath and started fiddling with straps to make sure the harness would fit. When it was all attached over his boxers, Yunho poked his head out and whispered Mingi’s name to get him to take a peek and see what he thought. Mingi poked his head out, then waddled quickly into the stall where Yunho had changed.
“It looks good,” Mingi said, not able to keep himself from staring at Yunho’s thighs.
“Did… did you try yours on too?” Yunho asked, noting that Mingi currently didn’t have his pants on.
“Oh yeah, what do you think?” As he asked, Mingi lifted up his long baggy shirt to show the formal thong he had put on over his boxer briefs. Yunho watched as he turned in a little circle for him.
“I think I can’t wait to see you wear that without the extra layer,” Yunho joked, giving Mingi’s bum a little squeeze.
“I like it, too,” Mingi grinned widely and gave a laugh.
“One person to a room,” a familiar voice said from the hallway, humor still dancing in her tone.
“Sorry,” the boys apologized in sync and Mingi slipped back to his dressing room to change back into his pants. With everything tried on, they had a few more things they wanted to get for the big weekend. Since his dignity was already in tatters with her, Yunho decided that the sales assistant who had assisted them before was probably the best choice to help. Color still high on his cheeks, Yunho found her righting a display not far away and tapped on her shoulder.
“Oh hey, did you need help with something else?” She said when she looked up to see him. 
“Would you be okay helping us with some… toys,” he ended with a whisper, not wanting someone else to overhear, feeling shy enough already.
“I suppose it may depend on what help you want,” she laughed, setting down the last thing she had in her hand. “But I can probably help you out.”
“Thank you,” Yunho said, gripping the basket tighter in his hands.
“Come this way,” she told them, heading over towards a section of the store off to the opposite side which had shelves of boxes and a couple display cases. “Okay, what were you looking for.”
“Umm, a vibrator, I think,” Yunho cleared his throat, looking around at all the stuff around them, feeling a little lost in the selection.
“Great, is that for you or Miss Mannequin?” As she asked, the corner of her lip twitched.
“Is there a difference?” Yunho asked.
“Well there can be,” she began carefully. “Let’s start with how you want to use it.”
“Okay,” Yunho nodded, feeling Mingi draw up by his side.
“Were you wanting something for your girlfriend as well?” She directed the question to Mingi who only nodded in response. “Okay well, let’s start with looking at the sort of options you have.” Taking a moment, she pulled a couple of things out of the case in front of her as well as a couple of boxes off a nearby shelf. “So, you have basically ones that go in her, ones you use on her, or ones that sort of attach to you to help you please her. For example, wand and bullet vibes are pretty popular, you use them on the outside and she could use the bullet one on you as well.” She pushed forward something very large that looked like a small bat as well as something tiny that looked like a rounded chapstick tube but in silver. “If you want something that would go in her, or you too,” she added as an afterthought. “You might consider a rabbit vibe, or another sort of vibrating dildo, or a vibrating plug like this.” She pointed to a couple of big boxes and then a silicone something that looked like it belonged in the neck of a wine bottle, like a cork with a pull attached. “And there are also these that go on your fingers, or you, or your tongue, for just that little bit of extra oomph.”
“That’s… a lot of stuff,” Mingi commented, looking at everything she had laid out.
“I think… not something that goes inside,” Yunho decided, scooting those off to the side. “And maybe not something that I put on,” he added. “Which one do most people think feel the best?”
“Well if you are going to use it while you are with her,” she said meaningfully while trying to be tactful. “Something that specifically stimulates her clitoris might be what you are looking for.” She turned around and pulled a couple of things out of displays that had been behind her. “These are really popular and kind of feel like when you go down on her. They are really good but also small enough for one of you to hold between you while you are together.”
Mingi and Yunho looked at each other with raised eyebrows.
“Did you want to see what it feels like?” She offered. Both boys nodded, each taking one and turning it over in their hands to find the switch and test it out. The first had a little round indentation where the vibrations were concentrated, giving an odd pulsing sort of vibration. The second didn’t have as dramatic a cup, was covered in soft silicon, and had various settings that changed not only the pattern of the vibrations, but also the location of them in the toy.
“This one,” Yunho said and Mingi nodded. “I like this one, I think.”
“Great,” she nodded and started clearing off the top of the display case since they had made their choice. Yunho waited, looking at what was inside while he waited. The case was mostly filled with smaller things that were unboxed, things that would be easy to pocket without paying for. There were stainless steel piercings, little silver balls, and large assorted rings made from various materials.
“Did you want to look at the cock rings, too?” She asked, noting the direction of his attention.
“Maybe,” Yunho let out a nervous chuckle. “What do they do? How do they work?”
“Well they help you get harder, maybe a little bigger, and can make it feel better,” She explained, pulling out a couple of different kinds. “Not everyone likes them and they won’t make drastic changes for you, but it might be something fun to try, if you want to. You just slide them on with lots of lube before you get hard and it sort of helps your body do it’s thing.”
“Yeah, I think I’ll take one,” Yunho decided.
“Okay, do you want a multi pack or do you have some idea of your size,” she asked.
“Well I know… me, but how do I know what size that is?” He asked, shifting uncomfortably.
“I have an idea,” she held up her finger and walked a couple of display cases away and pulled out a selection of a few reasonably sized dildos. “Which one is closest to you when you’re hard?” Yunho pointed at the largest one on the table and looked to Mingi, who nodded in agreement. “Okay, just pointing out, it won’t work as well if you aren’t honest, so no judgement.” Both of the boys pointed at the largest and it was her turn to blush slightly and blink. She paused and her eyes flicked down to the fly of his jeans for a split second. “Large. Got it. What about you?” She asked, trying to gather herself and look at Mingi. He pointed at one size down and she blinked a couple of times. “Also a large, okay.” She reached into the case and pulled out some black silicon rings. “I recommend these to start with. They are more forgiving and easier to get on than some others. Here is a little pamphlet to go with them, as well.” She put them and the pamphlet into a small ziplock.
“Thanks,” Yunho nodded, taking the bag and putting it in their basket.
“And here are the vibrators,” she said as she placed two boxes on the counter in front of them.
“Oh we just need the one,” Yunho said, picking up a box and putting it in the basket.
“I thought you both wanted to have one to use,” she gave a self effacing laugh.
“Yeah,” Mingi agreed. “That’s right.”
“Well, umm, you should probably get your own,” she said, pushing the other box to him gently. “It really isn’t the best idea to share toys between different partners.”
“Oh, we won’t,” Mingi said understandingly. “We share a girlfriend.” With that reply they gave her another thanks, leaving her there blinking quickly as her mind tried to process that rather unexpected remark.  They ended up going slightly overboard with the fun stuff, figuring anything they didn’t use now, they would eventually. They bought massage oils, a kit called Let’s Play Together that included things meant for sensation play (they agreed they could figure all that out later), and some flavored oils and dust that seemed interesting. Finally satisfied, they headed to the register and paid for their haul.
Unfortunately, the shopping bag they brought home was not terribly discrete, bearing the logo and name of the store on it, which meant it was very apparent where they had been shopping when they arrived home to find their girl in the living room with Hong Joong and Seonghwa. They were catching up, after having worked on a bit of homework together. Her eyes landed on the bag and she let out a loud cackle.
“I am so getting laid this weekend,” she hooted. Hong Joong doubled over with laughter and Seonghwa grimaced slightly as he snickered into his hand.
“Like you weren’t totally going to this weekend anyway,” Seonghwa rolled his eyes and started to pack up the last of his things.
“Yeah, but now I know I’m getting really good laid,” she pointed out with a grin.
“Something I didn’t need to know,” Hong Joong noted. “But I am happy for you.”
“Ugh, I need to get a gift for Sangie,” Seonghwa sighed.
“I thought you already got him something,” Hong Joong blinked at his roommate.
“I got him some chocolates on actual Valentine’s Day,” Seonghwa allowed. “But we have a date on Saturday. I need to give him something then.”
“Sure, right,” Hong Joong nodded. “Thank you for reminding me why I am not that upset to be single.”
After a little small talk, Hong Joong and Seonghwa headed back to their dorm, leaving the trio alone at home. She gave each of the boys a slightly belated proper welcome home before Yunho took the bag back to his room for later.
“No peeking,” Mingi told her as he pulled her into his lap for a moment of cuddles. “Promise you won’t ruin the surprise.”
“I promise,” she agreed, giving him a sweet sustained kiss. “I want the surprise too.”
“You’re going to love it,” Mingi grinned at her, holding her close to him.
“Babe, I would love it even if we all just sat in the same room and read,” she assured him. “And I know that you two have something better than that planned for us.”
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On Saturday morning the boys woke up early, well at least earlier than normal, to start Valentine’s Day for their girl. They had the whole day planned, and it started with breakfast. Mingi had set an alarm for them, putting his phone under his pillow, in the hopes that they could get up without bothering her. Unfortunately, she was by far the lightest sleeper of all of them. It was in fact her that heard the muffled alarm, fishing Mingi’s phone out from under his pillow and turning off the alarm. She turned on her side to face him, touched and moved by the effort at least. She roused him with gentle kisses on his forehead and over his nose and cheeks. Half awake, Mingi pulled her up against him, snuggling his face into the warm mounds of her breasts.
“Mingi, baby, your alarm went off,” she told him gently as she stroked the side of his face.
“Alarm?” He said groggily. “What alarm?”
“The one you set, honey,” she chuckled, letting her head fall back into the pillows. “Don’t ask me what it’s for, you didn’t even tell me you were setting it.”
“Valentine’s Day,” Mingi suddenly realized, pulling himself up and out of her arms. “Awwww, you were supposed to sleep in while we got breakfast ready.”
“It’s okay,” she reassured him, putting a hand on his bare arm. “You can still do whatever you had planned.” 
She shifted, starting to pull herself out of the covers when Mingi stopped her. “No no, you stay in bed this morning.”
“Can I go pee if I promise to come back and lounge back in bed like a princess?” She asked patiently, hands clasped in her lap.
“Yes,” Mingi agreed, slightly chagrined. She got out of the bed, giving Mingi a quick kiss on the lips as she passed, heading to the bathroom to pee and wash her face as she did every morning. While she was busy in the bathroom, Mingi got Yunho up as well and they headed eagerly into the kitchen to make breakfast. They were going to make her favorite, french toast with fresh strawberries and real maple syrup. Mingi made her favorite tea, brewing it in their teapot, and got out three matching mugs for them. Both of them worked on preparing a special tray for her, putting her food, an empty mug, her silverware in a nicely folded napkin, and a little vase with a peach rosebud on it.
Mingi carefully carried her tray down the hall with Yunho behind him managing their plates, two mugs, and the teapot very well thanks to his large hands. They found her lounging in the middle of the bed, hair twisted up in a bun with her silver comb, watching something on YouTube as she waited patiently for them, dressed only in one of Mingi’s old t-shirts.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Mingi declared, putting the tray on her lap. Yunho came around the other side, putting their own plates on the bed before filling her mug with hot tea now that there wasn’t a risk of it splashing out. 
“Oh… wow…” she breathed looking at the breakfast. “You guys are such sweethearts. This looks so good. I just love it.”
“This is just the start of the day,” Yunho promised with a grin.
“I can’t wait,” she leaned forward to give each of them a kiss before happily digging into the food they had so lovingly made for her. Happily nomming on every bite, she made sure to let them see how pleased she was by everything they were doing for her. They often did little things for her, happily taking care of things around the house, running errands, and of course, reaching anything too high for her. But this was different. It was the first time they had really planned a big thing, a grand gesture for her, and she loved it.
Breakfast done, the boys cleared up the bed and cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen before rejoining her in the bed for a romantic movie. While they watched, Yunho redid her hair, braiding it before twisting it up with the comb, making it more secure for what they had in store next.
When the movie was done, Yunho snuck into the bathroom while Mingi distracted her in the living room for a few minutes. When he had everything ready, he poked his head back out and gave Mingi the go-ahead to get her ready and bring her in. Mingi stripped his old shirt off her before guiding her into the bathroom with her eyes covered. Even before he let her see anything, the smell of the bath tickled and tempted her nose, tantalizing her. Rose, jasmine, and magnolia mingled in the steam warmed air of the bathroom. The air was still, only the drip of the tub faucet and the sound of someone that must have been Yunho shifting slightly as he stood on the bath mat.
Mingi let his hand drop, allowing her to open her eyes. She was immediately struck dumb by the sight of what they had transformed the bathroom into. It was usually a really lovely space, mostly glistening white tiles and gold colored taps and towel racks. A perfect balance of classic and modern. Serviceable, comfortable, cozy. 
But now, the room before her was a cave of romantic comfort. They had blocked out the light from the window with a towel, instead lighting the room with a dozen candles. A few were small tea lights, mostly placed where something bigger wouldn’t have fit, but most were pink and white pillar candles put in clear glass cylinders to protect them from drafts and to protect the things around them from their flickering flames. Around the edge of the tub and even on the side of the counter closest to it, flowers were strewn over every surface. Little bouquets were gathered in a few vases scattered among the loose flowers. The tub was filled with milky looking water, scented like a fragrant garden, with buds and petals floating on the surface.
“Oh boys, this must have been so much work.” Just looking at it was choking her up slightly. “Thank you.”
“Come get in, princess,” Yunho crooked his finger at her and helped her step into the warm water. The water was the perfect temperature, surrounding her with warmth and the rising scented steam made it feel like she was enveloped in a whole different world inside that tub. Yunho cupped the water up over her shoulders and neck, making sure the soothing water covered her from the neck down.
While Yunho continued to dribble the water on her, Mingi came to sit beside him, taking her hand out of the water and starting to gently massage the muscles and tendons in her hands. Honestly, it had never occurred to her that it would feel quite so nice to have that done. She sat in the flickering orange light of the candles, letting the boys dote on her, but it felt a little strange to be the only one getting attention.
“Would you mind getting in with me?” She asked, turning to face them. 
“But we’re pampering you today,” Yunho replied, kissing her nose.
“You can still pamper me from inside the tub,” she smiled at them running her hands up their arms.
“If that’s what you want,” Yunho agreed. Both boys stripped off the last of what they had been wearing and slipped into the water after carefully lowering its level first to keep it from overflowing.
“Come sit in my lap, I’ll rub your shoulders,” Mingi said, reaching for her. She nodded, scooting over so she was sitting on his crossed legs facing Yunho opposite him. Mingi’s hands went to her shoulders gently rubbing at the muscles in her neck. Yunho’s hands reached for her feet under the water, gently massaging them in the milky depths. She let out a satisfied moan and let her hands stroke the muscular flesh of Mingi’s thighs.
“Feel good?” Mingi asked, kissing the side of her head. 
“Oh yeah,” she said, voice laden with relaxed pleasure. “So good.”
“Anything for our princess today,” Yunho switched to massaging her other foot, lifting it out of the water to give it a little kiss.
“If I’m a princess today, what does that make you two?” She mused, leaning back against Mingi’s chest.
“Slave boys?” Mingi offered teasingly.
“Mmm, nah,” she wrinkled her nose at the idea.
“What about just loyal servants?” Yunho tested.
“Still no,” she stuck her tongue out at him.
“Knights at your service?” Mingi tried after another moment’s thought.
“Oooo, yes, I like that,” she gave a low chuckle and ran her toes over Yunho’s lower stomach as she did.
“Oh, do you?” Yunho teased. “I am at my lady’s service, always.” He sat up and leaned forward in the water, scooting until he loomed over her. Dipping his head down, he kissed the side of her jaw as one hand went to her breast under the water. “I commit my life to her pleasure.” Lifting her breast above the waterline, he sucked the nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the tip like it was the tastiest candy. She let out a sigh, letting her head fall back on Mingi’s shoulder as her fingers tangled in Yunho’s hair. Mingi, tilted her head to the side and kissed the shell of her ear.
“I want to touch you,” she entreated, letting the hand Yunho’s hair trail down his neck and chest.
“Today is about your pleasure,” Yunho caught her fingers and laced his fingers with hers.
“And it would please me to make you cum, here, like this, with my hand,” she explained. “Then I want to do the same to our Mingi.” She ran her fingertips up the outside of Mingi’s thigh underneath her. “Besides, maybe if you cum now, you’ll last longer when we do stuff later.”
“Would it make you happy to touch me,” Yunho teased.
“Very happy,” she nodded.
“Well if it would make you happy,” he agreed.
“One rule though,” she added. “You can’t touch me while I am touching you, but the other person can.”
“If you insist,” Yunho chuckled. “But I want a kiss first.”
“Deal,” she agreed, leaning forward to meet his lips. Yunho’s big hands came up to cradle her face as he moved his lips against hers. He nibbled and licked at her lower lip until she opened her mouth and let his tongue in to explore her mouth. His tongue teased hers, tangling with it like a dancing partner. With his thumbs, he caressed her cheekbones and pulled her face to just the right angle for him. By the time he let her go, her heart was fluttering and her stomach felt like it was full of butterflies.
“Fuck, Yunho,” She shivered. “You know how to drive me crazy. Now it’s my turn. Put your hands on the edge of the tub.”
Yunho leaned back and extended his legs so that she and Mingi could straddle them under the water, the easiest position that allowed her access to him, and put his hands on the curve of the edge of the porcelain tub on either side. He cast her a challenging look and gave a nod to Mingi who then slid his hands over her hips as he pressed against her from behind. She smiled and teasingly wiggled her butt against the boy behind her.
Under the water, her hands wandered down over the planes of his muscular stomach, enjoying the soft skin that stretched over his lean muscles. She teased around his half hard erection, stroking the inside of his thighs and the balls hanging beneath it. Yunho let out a shaking breath and gave her a mix of please have mercy and please don’t stop. When her hand gripped his erection, his head fell back and he groaned.
As her hand slowly worked him, Mingi teased her from behind. His hands played over her waist and up along her ribs and up to her breasts. As he let his hands wander, his lips did the same over her neck and shoulders. Yunho could tell whenever Mingi did something especially distracting, as her hand would stutter or move more quickly that it had a second before. Yunho kept his eyes closed, his head leaning against the side of the counter behind him, listening to the sound the other two made as she touched him. He heard the catch of her breath and the watery swish as Mingi’s hands moved over her, above and below the water. He cracked open his eyes when she made a surprised little ahh sound, half breath, half gasp. Yunho could see Mingi’s mouth working along the side of her neck, a couple of inches below her ear. The way her skin moved when Mingi moved his head slightly told him that he was either sucking quite hard or had his teeth around her flesh. Either way, she was enjoying it plenty, tilting her head to give Mingi better access to her neck.
Yunho felt his pleasure rising slowly as her fingers focused on stroking his sensitive head. Mingi took note of Yunho’s increased breathing as well as that the other boy was now watching him touch her as she touched him and decided to make his actions more of a show. He lifted her breast higher, letting her pert nipples show through the space between his fingers as he messaged the soft globes with his large hands. He ran the tip of his tongue along the whole side of her neck while keeping eye contact with Yunho who groaned at the sight. Where Mingi’s mouth had been was an angry sort of red, with the indentation of his teeth in a small circle around it. Yunho could even make out the front tooth that was just a little longer than the other in how it marked her skin.
As Yunho came close to his orgasm, evident by the way his body involuntarily twitched as she touched him, Mingi turned her face for a kiss. She groaned into his mouth and Yunho had to stop himself from reaching out to guide her hand to move on him just a little harder, a little faster.
“Harder, please,” he finally gritted out as he watched them through hooded, half closed eyes.
“Like this?” She asked, tightening her grip slightly and twisting her hand as she moved on his length.
“Yes,” he confirmed, adding, “and faster.”
“Anything,” she agreed happily. Within a few more strokes, Yunho came under her touch, gripping the tub so tightly that his knuckles turned white. She released him, letting him recover without taking him into over stimulation. Mingi ran light kisses along the back of her neck, smelling her skin and her hair as he waited, anticipating his turn under her touch.
Soon enough, Yunho was pulling her into his lap and letting Mingi stretch out as he had been. Mingi sighed at the feeling of her grasping his member. He couldn’t see the way she had touched Yunho under the milky surface of the water, but her motions and his imagination had done at least as well at arousing him as the actual sight would have.
“Both hands on him love,” Yunho instructed as his own fingers went to tease the inside of her thighs. “Make him cum for us. He’s been so good today, hasn’t he?”
“Yes, I’m so lucky he loves me,” She said softly as she played with him.
Yunho played with her body below the water as her hands drove Mingi wild. He was careful to ride the line to keep his touch teasing more than pleasing. They had plans for her and this release, this respite was going to make it much easier to spend the rest of the afternoon driving her mad with pleasure. Yunho let out a low chuckle and nuzzled into the hair behind her ear. She turned to look at him with a questioning sort of expression. Yunho gave her a secretive smile, mischief sparkling in his eyes. She didn’t ask, just quirked an eyebrow at him and turned back to Mingi who was twitching and moaning.
Yunho went to the other side of her neck from the one Mingi had marked and started giving it light and teasing kisses as Mingi got nearer to his orgasm. It wouldn’t take long for him to come, having been so worked up from the start and given her more vigorous stimulation of him. He waited patiently for the moment when he could feel Mingi’s legs buck beneath them before marking her neck, hearing her tense, pleasurable intake of breath. Her gasp matched Mingi’s low groan, mixing to make the sweetest of sounds for Yunho’s ears.
After letting them take a moment to recover, Yunho stepped out of the bath and dried off. Mingi followed soon after, insisting that she wait so they could help her and dry her off and get her ready for the rest of the afternoon. They rubbed her dry with a fluffy towel before getting the black lacy blindfold and her harness so they could get all of them dressed up before she got to see them. Mingi worked on getting the top on her, putting the straps around her rib cage first before working on the collar strap and adjusting the ones that connected the two over her chest and around her breasts.
“Does it feel okay? Can you move alright?” Mingi asked, letting her test and give him a nod, before feeding the ends through the loops to hold them down. On her lower half Yunho was working on attaching the straps around her waist and thighs, having her flex and lift her legs to make sure they wouldn’t restrict her. He clipped the garter belt like straps to the rings on her thighs at the front and the back.
With her properly dressed, Mingi honeymoon carried her to bed, setting her down and scooting her into the middle of the bed with the instructions not to move or take off the blindfold until they gave her the okay. She responded with a salute and a smile she tried to suppress for effect. The boys went back into the bathroom and got dressed. Mingi helped Yunho get all the straps attached and adjusted, not missing the chance to give his butt a nice squeeze as he did.
“You look really fucking hot,” he told Yunho as he pulled him against him and gave him a challenging sort of look until Yunho broke and gave him a giggling kiss.
“You, too,” Yunho responded. “Now let’s go play with our girl.” Mingi nodded excitedly, getting the bag of loot from the other day from where they had stowed it in the closet. They pulled everything out and spread it over the foot of the bed for easy access, then gave her the okay to take off her blindfold. She looked at Yunho first and her eyes eloquently expressed her surprise and approval of his choice. When her eyes moved over to Mingi she couldn’t hold back the joy filled laugh and grin that came out of her. The little faux tux front and black tie was a perfect mix of saucy and cute. It brought an idea to her head that she filed away for just a little later. Her eyes finally took in all the toys and sex-cessories they had gotten at the store and she let out an approving, oh my.
“Where should we start?” Yunho asked, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at Mingi.
“Can I tie her hands to the head of the bed?” Mingi suggested.
“Good idea,” Yunho nodded, passing him the white satin ties that had come in the Let’s Play Together box. She happily settled back into the bed, finding a comfortable position she would be fine staying in for the next little while. Mingi took her hand, tying it first around her wrist and then making a bow around one of the bars of the headboard. He did the same on the other side before poking her in the ribs lightly to tickle her and test the bonds with a giggle. She jerked in response, but the binds held.
“Hey,” she protested.
“Sorry, love,” He gave her an apologetic kiss. “I’ll be good; I just wanted to check.”
“I want to try the body dust,” Yunho decided, picking up the little tub and matching feather duster.
“I’ll take the edible oil,” Mingi said as he looked through the selection of flavors. “Maybe our girl should taste like raspberry? Or mango?”
“Why not try both?” Yunho chuckled as he moved to kneel beside her upper body. He opened the little canister and dipped the tip of the feathers in the powder inside. Once a little had been gathered there, he brushed them teasingly over her breasts. The tickle of the feathers over her nipples raised goosebumps over her skin and had her legs moving restlessly as she shifted under the touch.
“Does that feel good?” Yunho asked, running his fingers over the sheer layer of pale powder it left behind.
“Yeah,” she nodded, letting her head fall back again.
“Let’s see how it tastes,” He wiggled his eyebrows at her and leaned down to suck one of her nipples into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the nub and the soft skin that surrounded it. “Mmmm, strawberries.” He hummed against her. “You want to try it?” The question was directed to the other boy.
“I’m going to try this,” Mingi shook his head as he pulled out the dropper from one of the oils and let two drops land on her stomach and the crease of her thigh. He stretched out beside her and used a finger to spread the light oil over her skin. Blowing a breath over it made a sudden warmth bloom where the oil was.
“Oooohhh,” she shivered, feeling his warm hand hold her leg down before brushing his lips over it. Pulling back, he licked his lips, an expression of wonder coming over his face.
“That tastes so good,” Mingi murmured, going back for more. She whimpered as they used her as a tasting board, a flavor carrier, finding every tender spot and every sensitive nerve ending.
“Trade?” Yunho suggested, offering the canister and feather duster, exchanging it for the raspberry oil. He shifted down to her lower body as Mingi moved upwards. They traded objects and positions but continued the same pleasureable torture. Her skin tingled with the sensations they were sending through her. It was the sweetest torture she could imagine. She pulled at the restraints, wanting to touch them, to hold and guide their heads. With a grimace and a sigh she closed her eyes, trying to relax and not pull at the restraints.
“You okay, love?” Mingi asked, holding her around the ribs lightly.
“Yeah,” she assured him. “Just trying to remember not to pull so much.”
“Do you want me to let you out?” He offered.
“No, no,” she quickly shook her head. “I want it, I’ll be good.”
“You’re always good,” Mingi chuckled, kissing her cheek.
“I try,” she puckered her lips, inviting him to kiss her. He took the invitation and lowered his face to hers, initiating a kiss that slowly built from a soft brush of lips to a hungry battle of tongues. Mingi eventually pulled away, returning to playing with the dust and the feathers by making a path for him to kiss and taste his way across her body.
Yunho busied himself drawing a winding trail up and down her legs. He was enjoying running raspberry flavored kisses over a number of her sensitive and often overlooked erogenous zones like the arch of her foot, the back of her knee, and her inner thigh. The slight warmth and the mouthwatering flavor combined to make for a fun meandering journey over her body. Her reactions, the breathy moans, the twitches and jerks when they found her most sensitive spots, made it all the more fun.
“So wet already, love,” he teased, bringing a little of her moisture to his lips. “Are you ready for more?”
“Yes,” she replied quickly and with a firmness that laid bare her building desperation for them. He brought his mouth to her, licking up the slick line of her aroused body, teasing her gently. Watching her up the line of her body, he let his tongue slip inside her. She shivered at the intrusion, tugging at her binds. Yunho smirked, loving how reactive she was to their touch. He locked his lips around her clit, sucking and swiping his tongue over it. She moaned, her thighs squeezing around his head until he used his hands to spread them wide again pressing them to the bed.
“I wonder,” he said, briefly taking his mouth off her. He slid two fingers under the straps around her thighs, using the leather to hold her legs to the bed. “I knew this would be useful as well as just plain hot.” With a chuckle, he dove back into eating her, determined to make her cum on his mouth while she lay pinned to the bed and Mingi continued his licking exploration of every inch of her body.
Mingi half watched as Yunho consumed her, complementing his movements to the intensity of his attentions. As her arousal drew near its peak, Mingi ran his fingers over her arms and brought his lips to hers, wanting to taste her cries as she came against the mouth of the other boy. She squirmed against the binds straining to reach and touch them, desperate to get closer. As the feeling washed over her.
“Mingi, can you let her wrists go? I think we’re going to want her to be able to move around a bit...for now at least.” His voice ended with playful promise that the satin would come back. Mingi nodded and quickly pulled the satin bows undone, but left the ties around her wrists. She relaxed with a sigh, letting her arms move to rest below her breasts. Mingi stretched out beside her, rubbing slow circles over her stomach as he looked down at her.
Though he could have continued this explorations for hours, Yunho could feel his own impatience rising. He wanted to use the cock ring and waiting too long might mean he wouldn’t be able to today. He reached for the long thin tube that had been included in the sensation set. It was a warming gel that was supposed to enhance her pleasure by warming and sensitizing her clit. He ran his fingers over the lips at the apex of her thighs, spreading them and testing her residual slickness.
“You ready for more, love?” Yunho asked, running his hands up and down her thighs in a soothing motion. 
“Yeah,” she sighed, though not making the effort to open her eyes as she replied.
“Let’s try this out,” he opened the tube and took a small amount of the gel and rubbed it against her clit. It let off a slightly cinnamon like scent as he spread it over the small nub.
“Oh,” she moaned, eyes widening slightly.
“How does that feel?” Yunho asked, moving his fingers in slow, small circles.
“Good,” her voice was tight. “Warm and a little odd, but good.” Yunho sat up, letting the gel do its work as he found one of the cock rings and the lube among the toys, sliding it on himself. He handed the other to Mingi before stretching out beside her and stroking himself a little.
“Do you think you can take us both again?” He asked, guiding her hand to him, asking her to help him reach full hardness. She nodded, turning on her side to face him more fully. “Here.” He rolled her on him, her legs straddling his hips.  Yunho adjusted himself, half sitting, half laying under her and tied her wrist to the headboard again. She rolled her hips over his length, looking for friction. Behind her, Mingi grabbed her hips, tucking the curve of her backside in against him.
“You ready for me?” Mingi asked, fondling her along the lines of her harness around her waist and legs.
“Yes,” she teased him by rubbing herself back against his erection. “I want you in me.”
“Okay, baby, relax for me,” he squeezed her ass gently before picking up the lube to slick her up and work her open for him. Yunho slid his head between her lips, gathering her moisture on him and preparing to enter her. She moaned as he brushed her sensitive clit, warmed and begging for stimulation.
“Mingi can you pass me the toy for our girl?” Yunho asked, deciding here was a good place to try it out and help her relax for both of them. Mingi passed him the vibrator, equally curious to see her reaction to it. Yunho spread some lube across the silicon of the toy and turned it on it’s lowest setting. He pressed it against her lightly and she jerked back slightly.
“Does that feel good?” Mingi asked from behind as he felt her move.
“Yes,” she shivered as Yunho pressed it against her again. Mingi slid a finger in her and Yunho dipped the tip of his erection in her as the vibrations teased her. It was an overwhelming mix of sensations rippling through her body. She leaned forward and gripped the headboard tighter with her fingers.  Yunho continued to test, placing the toy in different places without placing firmly against her clit.
Soon Mingi was slipping himself inside her tight hole, having prepared her for the invasion with the help of the pleasurable distraction provided by Yunho. When he was fully seated, Yunho glided into her from beneath, pulling her down on him. Her body was tight around him as he moved deeper inside her. He felt Mingi’s knees quiver at the sensation of him brushing against him from the inside. When he was finally as deep as he could go, he changed the setting on the vibrator to a more targeted stimulation, teasing her with light pulses near, but not on her clit.
She held herself still as they moved inside her, concentrating on holding herself up. Her whole body felt tender and alive after the lengthy attention she had received from their playful tasting of her and the oils and the dust. Everything ached and she felt stretched tight around them as the vibrations of the toy almost gave her the rush of pleasure she wanted so much. With every move her skin rushed with waves of feeling hot and cold or, somehow, both at the same time. The muscles of her thighs burned as they involuntarily squeezed against Yunho’s hips as he thrust into her.
Yunho pressed the toy firmly against her clit, letting the waves pulse into her body. He felt her body quiver around him in reaction, her inner muscles teasing the build of her orgasm. Pulling it away, he watched as her face twisted at the denial of sensation and her body tensed. The rise of her orgasm faded slightly, becoming a background rush centered on the friction they were providing her. That soft and familiar pleasure enveloped her like a comfortable blanket as Mingi’s hands moved to help support her as he thrust.
Yunho brought the toy back, slipping it between their bodies, teasing her with indirect stimulation again. He tested as he moved it around her, learning to read her body’s reaction and the tone of her moans. He wanted to bring her close, to make her ride that edge close to orgasm but deny her the relief of reaching it until he was closer. He wanted to draw it out as long as he could last.
Behind her, he could feel Mingi increase his pace, sliding into her as deeply as he could. With his free hand, Yunho reached to give the other boy’s thigh a soothing stroke, silently communicating that there was no rush. Mingi’s hips stuttered and he slowed his movements. Yunho focused on teasing her, keeping his movements inside her at an almost lazy pace. The tightness of her body and the stroke of Mingi against him through her provided more than enough stimulation to continue to bring his own orgasm ever closer.
“How you feeling, love?” Yunho asked, bringing the toy back to give her clit a barely there touch.
“G-good,” she stuttered out. “Please...more…”
“You want this?” He pressed the toy against her more firmly and was rewarded with a gasp as she threw back her head. “If I let you cum now, do you think you could cum again after I do.”
“Yeah,” she agreed quickly, perhaps without considering her answer. “Please…”
“Anything you want, love,” Yunho thrust faster, enjoying the fluttering of her muscles around him. “Squeeze me until I cum love. Let me fill you.” She let out a long moan, her whole body quivering as she came apart. Yunho held the toy against her as she came until she sucked in a breath and grimaced, shifting away from the sensation.
For the moment he set the toy aside, thrusting harder into her as he felt Mingi do the same. Waves of aftershocks rolled through her as they moved, as they touched the deepest parts of her. Mingi reached around, stroking her labia and feeling Yunho thrust between his fingers as he pressed against her pubic bone. 
The aftershocks of her orgasm blended into the building of another. She looked into  Yunho’s face below her as he moved faster, biting his lip as he felt his own orgasm drawing near. His face grew taught as the sensations grew overwhelming. She wanted to reach out to him, put her hand on his heart and feel its beat. She wanted to put her hands on Mingi where he held her as he moved, his pants teasing in her ear.
“Are you close… both of you?” She managed to grate out as an overwhelming pleasure began to grip her. 
“Yes,” Mingi growled near her ear. “God you feel so good around me.”
“I love you, so much,” she breathed, sagging as a tingling weakness began to build in her limbs even as her heart sped at her rising pleasure.
“So good to take us both,” Yunho praised, his hand moving to cup her breast and run his fingers over the leather there. “Just one more time,” he urged, picking up the toy again. She stiffened as the vibrator sent a shock of pleasure through her exhausted body. She clenched around them with an almost painful intensity. Yunho groaned and released himself inside her, bottoming out and holding her hips flush with his as he filled her.
Mingi followed after a few thrusts, holding her to his chest as he did. He loved the feel of her around him, of Yunho still pressed against him from the other side. Her chest heaved and her limbs quivered as the toy stayed wedged between her and Yunho. As the peak of her orgasm passed, the feel went from a nearly painful pleasure to the grating discomfort of overstimulation.
“Please… make it stop…” she managed to beg through chattering teeth. Her words penetrated the post orgasm haze that had enveloped Yunho and he took the vibrator from between them. Turning it off and tossing it on the bed beside him. Mingi loosened his grip on her and she sagged, unable to support her own weight. Weakness suffused her limbs. Mingi caught her and Yunho moved quickly to release her hands from the ties that were keeping them on the headboard. No longer held up by the satin bows, her arms fell limply onto the pillows near Yunho’s head.
“Babe,” Mingi said softly, moving to pull out and let her lie down. She sucked in a sharp breath at the move.
“Don’t move,” she breathed tightly. “I can’t take…”
“It’s okay love,” Yunho soothed, putting his arms up to catch her, to help take some of her weight from Mingi. She whimpered as they lowered her to lie on Yunho’s chest. Mingi pulled back, sliding himself out of her as she let out a distressed moan. Yunho could feel her stomach clench against him and he put a soothing hand on her back. Mingi crawled onto the bed beside them and started to remove the ties around her wrists and to undo the straps of her  harnesses that he could reach. He knew they needed to get her cleaned up and these had to come off to do that. The skin under the thigh straps were pink and slick, where the leather had dug slightly into her skin.
“Babe, we need to get you in a bath again,” Mingi told her softly. “I need to get these off first though.” Yunho helped to lift her up enough to take the chest harness away and twisted the belt slightly around her waist until he could reach the buckle. “I’m going to pick you up now, babe. Just gotta get you in the bath.” He rolled her off Yunho towards him until he could lift her into his arms. With her lifted off him, Yunho moved to get the bath ready for her while Mingi held her. He scooped the wilted petals out of the bottom of the tub before he started filling it again, lighting the candles around the edge.
Mingi stepped into the tub, sinking both of them in the water. He turned her in his lap so that she was resting against him, her face resting on his shoulder, as she straddled his legs. He ran a soothing hand over her back, murmuring to her as the water filled in around them.
“Are you okay, love,” Yunho asked, crouching on the floor beside the tub. She lifted an unsteady hand towards his face. He caught it, pressing it to his cheek with a smile.
“I’m okay,” she promised hoarsely.
“I’ll leave you with our best boy here and clean up and make us some food.” Yunho said softly. He took her hand from his face, lifting it instead to his lips for a soft kiss. It was then he noticed the faint bruises that were blooming on her wrists. His stomach clenched at the thought they had been too rough with her, they had hurt her. Standing up, he went to the shower, quickly cleaning himself so that he could work on making it up to her.
Mingi stayed with her in the warm water, washing the stickiness and residues of their afternoon from her body with gentle hands. She sat up to let him wash her chest and arms and Mingi finally spotted the marks on her wrists. He carefully washed and rinsed her skin, lifting her hands to look at the marks there.
“Babe, why didn’t you say something about this,” he sighed, fingering the bruises lightly.
“I didn’t notice,” she shrugged, feeling a little embarrassed. “I was thinking about other things at the time.”
“I never want to hurt our precious girl,” Mingi pressed a kiss to first one eyelid and then another.
“It’s not really any different than this,” she brought her fingers up to one of the marks on her neck. “It looks worse than it is and I enjoyed getting it.”
“You’re sure,” he pressed, lacing his fingers with hers and kissing her knuckles. “You promise you’ll tell us if… if it hurts.”
“I promise I’ll always tell you if something hurts or if I don’t like it,” she agreed, brushing her lips against his. “And the same goes for you both as well.”
“Maybe we need a safe word or something,” Mingi decided. “What do you think?”
“Probably wise,” she agreed, getting a thoughtful look. “What about wallaby?”
“Well, you’ll never have another reason to say that in bed,” he admitted. “Which I suppose is sort of the point. Good choice.”
Yunho rejoined them in the bathroom, his face surprisingly serious as he knelt by the tub to ask if she was ready to get out. She nodded, trying to stand on wobbly legs and managing with the help of Mingi, who carefully passed her to Yunho and his fluffy towel. Yunho dried her off with gentle hands before lifting her into his arms and carrying her back to the now cleanly dressed and clear bed. He slipped a t-shirt over her head and tucked her in under the blankets. Taking a glass of water from the bedside table, he offered her the drink, keeping a hand on the glass until he was sure her grip was steady enough to hold it. He couldn’t keep his eyes from falling to her wrists. 
“Yunho, you okay?” She asked, seeing the expression he couldn’t hide.
“I’m so sorry,” a pained look filled his eyes before he looked down at the bed, unable to meet her gaze. 
“Why, love, what do you have to be sorry for?” She chided.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you, especially not today,” his throat burned and tears blurred his vision.
“You didn’t hurt me, my Yuyu,” she reached out, cupping his cheeks. “It’s just a couple of marks. They don’t even hurt.”
“I should have been more careful,” he shook his head. “I was careless, I even just left the vibrator on you when I came. So careless.”
“And when I said you needed to move it, you did,” she pointed out.
“I shouldn’t have--” he began, fiddling with his fingers in his lap.
“Okay, okay… wallaby,” she interrupted, throwing her hands up. The incongruity of the exclamation startled him into looking at her face, his wide eyes blinking. “See, you listen to me when I use my safeword.” She beamed at him, pulling his nervous hands into her own. “Mingi and I thought it was a good idea to maybe have one, so I picked that one.”
“When?” Yunho asked, still a little lost and blinking.
“In the bath,” she shrugged with a laugh.
“Ahh,” he nodded, finally smiling at her. “Well I’ll definitely remember it.”
“I had fun today,” she pulled at him, coaxing him to curl up beside her.
“Really?” Yunho asked, wanting to be reassured.
“Mm-hmm. Ask me if I’d do it again,” she elbowed him lightly.
“Would you do it again?” He asked, lacing his fingers with hers.
“As soon as my limbs start working again,” she nodded with absolute confidence.
“Tired?” He looked down at her, trying to read how she was really doing.
“Yeah but I’m more feeling sort of jello-y and weak,” she admitted. “It’s a good thing you two are pampering me today because I’m not sure I’d make it down the hall right now, much less be able to stand long enough to make myself some dinner.”
“Are you hungry?” Yunho sat up a little straighter.
“Mmmm,” she nodded. “Can I have some juice though, first? I’m feeling a little jittery still.”
“Yeah,” Yunho nodded and slid off the side of the bed. “I’ll be right back.” He jogged down the hall to find Mingi already in the kitchen working on the dinner they had planned. He was standing at the stove in his boxers checking that there was still water in the bottom of the pan that was steaming the artichokes.
“Have I told you today that I love you?” Yunho said coming up behind the other boy to give him a back hug while he worked.
“I think so,” Mingi’s brow furrowed slightly while he honestly tried to remember. “When we were making breakfast.”
“Good, good,” Yunho grinned. “I should remember to tell you that more often.”
“I know it even when you don’t say it,” Mingi assured him, giving his cheek a kiss. “Did you come to help or…”
“I was sent to get juice for our girl,” Yunho replied, pulling back and getting a cup from the cabinets. “She said she was hungry too, but she wanted juice first.”
“I figured we could all use some food after all that,” Mingi nodded. “Can you stick the mashed potatoes in the microwave before you go?” Yunho pulled the tub of premade mashed potatoes out of the fridge and put it in the microwave on a low, long setting to reheat then padded down the hall, glass of juice in hand. He found her in bed where he had left her, staring into space with an enigmatic smile.
“Juice as ordered,” he said, passing it to her.
“Thank you,” she said as she accepted it.
“What were you thinking about with that grin?” He asked after she had taken a sip.
“Nothing important,” she shook her head. “Just thinking about how lucky I am.”
“Sounds like important stuff to me,” he teased.
“Yeah, I guess it is, isn’t it?” she agreed. 
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