#issachar smt
navarresimp · 5 months
Forever weed brownie
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thebladeblaster · 2 years
More SMT IV and Apocalypse text posts
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Is Jonathan wrong though 😅?
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Like seriously please Apocalypse take him seriously for more than 5 seconds
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Anarchy basically
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Flynn: *had to murder his best friend, his parents and many people he’s known his whole life have died and his home is in shambles*
Abbot Hugo: We aren’t paying you to grieve! We’re paying you to kill demons and heretics!
Flynn: You don’t pay me at all
Abbot Hugo: Exactly
This is why Flynn has issues 😅.
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I have always headcanoned that pre-game Issachar would always rope Flynn into pulling pranks with him.
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reallyonl99 · 9 months
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vgtrackbracket · 2 months
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Snake Eater from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Kiccigiorgi Forest from Shin Megami Tensei IV
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Snake Eater:
Gotta be one of the most iconic (and best) songs in the mgs franchise. Vocals and instrumental are both so powerful and tell the general plot of mgs3 through Snake's perspective. Also pretty touching because the lyrics are about the strong feelings he has towards his boss and you don't get to see such a tender side from Snake too much. Incredible song from an incredible game
What a thrill…
Kiccigiorgi Forest:
The unsettling nature as your first dungeon is your home, corrupted and destroyed by your old friends turning into demons. Howls of pain accent this track
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The moment when you face off against the White that looks like Issachar and defeat them. Then they say “Why…? Why wouldn’t you save me even unto the very end…?
Those words would haunt Flynn. Like fuck he’s already scarred by what happened to Issachar in Kiccigiorgi Forest and how that ended and now this….
He’s never going to stop being tormented by everything that happened with Issachar. Never.
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lu15d4 · 1 year
Most of their writing comes from talking with npcs but yeah
Surprisingly fantastic characters
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rustyvanburace · 2 years
Analysis on SMTIV’s Issachar
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I wrote up a long analysis on Issachar from Shin Megami Tensei IV, covering his aspirations for wanting to become a Samurai, his myriad struggles, and even a bit of how he’d compare with Walter.
Spoiler warnings for the beginning of SMT IV up to Kiccigiorgi Forest. This is all my own interpretation, of course!
My personal belief is that if Issachar did become a Samurai, I don’t actually see him as becoming "Another Walter". In some ways I actually even think that Walter would clash with him somewhat. And I say this in respect to Issachar's own beliefs and ambitions. As a Samurai, I can see Issachar clinging onto his new role with overwhelming pride and maybe even turning a blind eye of denial to the discrimination within. I can imagine him turn excessively determined to prove himself and even more so in defiance of his growing disillusion. And maybe that would still culminate in him losing himself and becoming vulnerable to demonic influence all the same.
For both good and bad, Issachar has raw emotion. And it's those same emotions that kept both his ambition alive against impossible odds, as well as what ultimately consumed him. Issachar isn't just at odds with the Luxurors' stifling oppression, though that is a large part of it, but also what he idealizes the Samurai to be and his complicated relationships.
So let's analyze Issachar's reason to become a Samurai. At quick glance, it is a means to escape his Casualry status and become a Luxuror. And that is true and something he expresses, but that also doesn't cover all his values nor his complicated anger at his rejection. What’s important is to first consider the value he holds the Samurai to and their perceived role in society.
If you go to the Obelisk before taking the Rite, Issachar comments on each section. And there's a comment there that really stands out. In retelling the founding of the Samurai, the epigraph relates Aquila's heroic deeds and ends by describing today's Samurai as the "cornerstone of our defenses". And it's right afterwards that Issachar starts to daydream in that role. "When I am made a Samurai, then I, too, shall be..."
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Issachar doesn't state it outright, but given what the epigraph just described, I take this to mean that he values the Samurai as heroes of justice. Maybe even reveres Aquila. And this reverence would've come to him at an early, impressionable age, when he and Flynn had first gone to the castle on an errand as children and vowed then to become Samurai. Seeing as Issachar is a Casualry from a remote village, I can see him believing the Samurai to be noble heroes who equally come to everyone's aid. This belief would certainly give a lot of hope to a young Casualry and something to aspire to be, especially for one struggling with his own village's expectations.
During the Kiccigiorgi mission, there are a pair of NPCs who are implied to be Issachar's parents (or at least close acquaintances). Yet instead of expressing concern for their son's safety during a crisis, they speak of his absence with contempt -- in sharp contrast to their lauding of Flynn's bravery. Mind, they haven't seen Issachar at all since he left for the Rite. They have no knowledge that he led the Sabbath and embraced the demonic. Their assumption and source of ire is that he has cowardly run off. Maybe even abandoned his duties before all of this even happened. While Flynn is busting his ass to save everyone, where the hell is that lousy Issachar?
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If that's their reception towards him during a major crisis, then I don't think they were supportive of his ambitions and efforts either. They may have seen his training as goofing-off from work. Casualries becoming Samurai are almost unheard of, so why waste all his time doing that? It's a fact that a lot of Casualry NPCs early on have simply accepted their lot in life and it's this conformance that creates a divide between the elders and youths. The elders have no interest in the Sabbaths. There are Casualry elders who give God their thanks for their role, who let the Luxurors think for them, and who are too concerned with work than bigger issues.
All that, of course, is rooted with the Luxurors for creating a controlled, oppressive society. Nonetheless, to a Casualry youth who may not have realized that yet and wants more out of life yet is shown no support by their own peers, that is incredibly frustrating. The exchange from Issachar's implied parents is very short, but it paints the picture that Issachar was among those struggling with his own peers on top of the Luxurors. Maybe even at odds with his village at large. And I believe that to be one aspect that encouraged his aspiration to become a heroic Samurai. So that he could bring hope to his village and become someone they could look up to instead of down upon.
At the Gauntlet Ritie, Issachar reassures himself by repeatedly saying "I will become a Samurai... I'm definitely going to be a Samurai...  A Samurai and Luxuror at that..." He chants becoming a Samurai three times and a Luxuror last. It's not that he doesn't want to escape his trade, but that he holds greater value in becoming a Samurai first and what that role signifies. Conversely, there is a NPC during the Rite who, having just been rejected, waves off the whole thing as a dog and pony show. And this is a crucial exchange as it directly counters the heavy significance that Issachar is placing in the Rite. What that NPC is saying is that the Rite and by extension the Samurai aren't actually as grandeur as the early narrative is suggesting.
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Then, to be rejected and shortly afterwards discover books that open to new ways of thinking, it's likely that Issachar would've been confronted by the reality that the Samurai are not actually defenders of the people but soldiers who enforce the Luxurors' rule. And if he truly believed the Samurai to be just, noble heroes and aspired to become that, then this revelation would've been a painful one.
So Issachar is struggling with society, his unsupportive family/community, and his beliefs shattered. But there is also a fourth thing going on: his complicated relationship with Flynn. It needs to be said that Issachar, even before being rejected, is not without flaw. He didn't actually have confidence in Flynn’s success despite together vowing to become Samurai. While at the same time that Issachar is reassuring himself, he doesn't extend that same hope to Flynn. He never mentions "we will become Samurai" but consistently "I". He states this could be farewell and thus indirectly hints that Flynn would be the one leaving. And instead of feeling proud that his best friend and fellow Kiccigiorgi Casualry was chosen, his reaction is of appalled shock.
And this all culminates at Kiccigiorgi Forest. Issachar isn't happy to see Flynn to the rescue and responds back sarcastically. He tells him his revelations, but only "I'm telling you this because you're you." He is treating Flynn as stupid, incompetent, and undeserving of becoming a Samurai. At most Flynn is now just another Luxuror dog upholding authority, in contrast to the survivors who laud Flynn's arrival or knew him positively. It's very possible that Issachar is also jealous of that, especially if he was like an older brother to Flynn and helped him out with most things. Like baiting hooks.
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I imagine, following his rejection, Issachar must've felt abandoned by Flynn and his future stolen by him. Now Flynn gets to be that heroic Samurai that everyone can look up to. Worse, he may even betray his Casualry roots and forget all about Kiccigiorgi. Issachar essentially expresses that belief during his battle depending on how Flynn responds and it's why he reacts with surprised torment and regret for his actions if Flynn affirms that he is still a Casualry.
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Now of course, none of this is actually Flynn's fault nor his intention. Issachar is running on high emotion. Regardless of the Rite though, it still doesn't change the fact that Issachar initially doubted Flynn. Issachar has a selfish side, and that's a good thing actually, as that gives him more nuance and his reaction is honestly a natural one. But he also comes around to overcoming that jealousy at the end and, in his final words, pleads that Flynn becomes that "magnificent Samurai" that he dreamed the Samurai to be.
So having gone through all that -- the oppression, the shattered moral value he placed in the Samurai, his lack of community support and pressure to prove himself, and his future seemingly stolen by his best friend and then abandoned -- it's infuriating. It's soul crushing. Where do you go from there when you have placed your entire worth into one moment that has never guaranteed you a future? Back to the village, alone, that's already disappointed in you? It's little wonder then why he became easy prey to the Black Samurai looking to stoke that anger and why he'd throw everything away. And it's because of those complex emotions and beliefs that I believe Issachar would struggle even as a Samurai.
I believe Issachar's idealization is where he and Walter differ greatly. Walter doesn't revere the Samurai nor does he place his entire worth in being one or upholding their image. He doesn't adopt a heroic or Luxuror identity. Walter also wanted to escape his family trade, but the way he treats the Samurai is much less of a life's goal and more as a pleasantly surprising turn of events. If he were denied, he would've likely sought his own way of escape. I earnestly don't believe that Walter actually aspired or even hoped to become a Samurai. Walter also runs high emotions, but he is still able to reign those in. He is able to hone his anger into a strength as opposed to a vulnerability. And he tends to be a lot more realistic or grounded.
And it's those differences where I think that the idealistic Issachar and realistic Walter would honestly clash. Maybe not necessarily as a heated argument (at least not right away), but as an annoyed or awkward discomfort. In some ways, Issachar actually has more in common with Jonathan insofar as their views of the Samurai.
Now obviously, who knows what would've happened if Issachar did become a Samurai. I do think he would at least be able to cope much better, having finally made it. But I also still believe that his idealized view of the Samurai would begin to crack while still clinging onto those same values. Maybe he would still fall to demonic influence out of despair. Maybe become a resigned, insipid shell of himself. Maybe emboldened to become that noble hero at all costs. Maybe his jealousy of Flynn would even carry on with him. Who really knows? 
But if he did become a Samurai, I cannot see him as "Another Walter" nor would I want him to be.
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rustyburacedraws · 1 year
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( SMT IV ) Bookwormmm
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m0gelf · 1 year
A month ago I started playing Shin Megami Tensei IV, betting with myself that I would get the Order ending since I had started to like Jonathan and the simping is stronger than me.
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Now I'm here, I finished the game with the Nothing/Nihilism ending and... I have mixed but mixed feelings, I feel a huge emptiness... I feel like I'm in nothingness itself. Now I will dedicate myself to getting the Neutral ending with New Game+.
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"Wow, I got the ending Nothing."
"I don't know how to feel about it. I want to cry but I can't."
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thonkphonk · 13 hours
Flynn has a sense of deja vu when killing Merkabah and Lucifer because he has to put down a friend manipulated by a higher being into becoming a monster.
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navarresimp · 8 months
It’s over flynnothy time to go home
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thebladeblaster · 9 months
SMT IV/A cast Pokémon teams part 3
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reallyonl99 · 11 months
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sxrrandomfanfics · 5 months
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mdpikachu · 6 months
SMT4 was my first atlus game, and i got it bc my friends were also playing it. One of my buds liked jon best, and I just liked walter. not shown is the ancient rp blog but ill get back to that.
As Issachar did not get into game proper for more than 5 seconds, Walter ended up my fav. I gunned for Chaos end,,, and got law. hjeck
I also liked both smt 4 mangas so i went thru them for icon materials, saw my cirrent avi, and immediately made it my avatar, and i refuse to change it. thats my brand.
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^my fjucking brand.
I don't think he can be topped as the fav smt teammate. navarre is a close second (apo/final). (personas do not count) (protags do not count) (they cant do better than walter and jon, they cant). smt 5's characters wish they had what walter had. (actual character) (blasts airhorns)
I am now pointing at ur Merlin icon and shaking him because he won't come home still. Merlin is so mean 2 me ) )
bonus walters
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lu15d4 · 1 year
The boys
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