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TAFSIR: Risale-i Nur: The Words Collection:The Thirty Second Word .Part 11
People, especially the misguided, cannot measure God properly and are usually forgetful of Him. For example, a private pays his corporal per-fect respect and attributes to him whatever good he enjoys. He is oblivious of the king; even if he remembers him, it is still to the corporal that he shows gratitude in return for any good he receives. Such a private should be warned: “The king is greater and more benevolent than your corporal, so you must thank the king.” This does not mean to compare the king’s actu-al, magnificent commandership with the corporal’s—such a comparison would be meaningless. What is meant is to warn the private who prefers the corporal in gratitude and forgets the king.
Similarly, means, nature, and causes blind heedless people to the True Bestower of bounties. They attribute the bounties which they receive to means and nature and creativity to causes, as if they were the actual sources, and praise and thank them. Therefore, the Qur’an warns: Almighty God is much greater and a far better Creator and Benefactor (actually meaning that He is the sole Creator and Benefactor). Regard Him and thank Him.
Fourth indication: Just as actually existent things may be compared with each other and preferred over each other, so possible, and even hypothetical things may also be compared with and preferred over each other. Since there are numerous grades or degrees in qualities and natures, people may imagine infinite grades in the essences and manifestations of Divine Names and Attributes. Almighty God is, however, of the highest, most perfect, and most beautiful of all grades that His Names and Attributes are imagined to have. The universe bears witness to this. His description of all His Names as the best or most beautiful, as in: His are the Most Beautiful Names (20:8), points to this fact.
Fifth indication: Such phrases also should be considered from the follow-ing viewpoint. Almighty God has two kinds of Attributes and ways of mani-festations. In the first one (Wahidiya), in the form of an all-encompassing law, He manifests His Names and exercises His authority throughout the universe from behind apparent means and causes. In the second one (Ahadiya), He focuses His manifestations on one being without any means or veils. When shown in this second way, His kindness, creation, and grandeur are brighter, more beautiful and splendid than their manifestations in the first way.
Suppose a saintly king executes his authority directly, with all his offi-cials and commanders being only veils or screens. His execution of his authority is in two ways: by some general laws he has established and using officials and governors in every office, or through direct governance by being present everywhere at the same time in different forms and without officials. This second way is better and more excellent in the sight of his subjects. Similarly, the Creator of the universe, the Eternal Sovereign, uses means and causes to veil or screen His rule and to demonstrate His Lordship’s majesty in this life. However, He also has installed a “private telephone” in His servants’ hearts so that, leaving all means and causes behind, they can contact Him and declare: You alone do we worship and from You alone do we seek help (1:5). Phrases like the Best of Creators, the Most Merciful of the Merciful, and God is the Greatest also underline this fact.
As for how we can judge something as perfect if it has no opposites, consider the following five points:
FIRST POINT: One who asks such a question is unaware of true perfec-tion and imagines relative perfections to be true. Any virtue, perfection, or superiority that manifests itself in comparison to or in contrast with others is not true; rather, it is of relative value and significance. Thus losing its opposite causes it to lose its value.
For example, heat is desired over severe cold and food is delicious in pro-portion to one’s hunger. Without cold and hunger, heat and food have no or little value. True pleasure, love, perfection or virtue do not show themselves in comparison with others or in proportion to their opposites’ degree—they are by and of themselves, and so are substantial and constant realities.
Existence, life, love, knowledge (especially knowledge of God), belief, permanence, mercy, compassion or affection, as well as light, sound sight and hearing, eloquence, munificence, good conduct or moral virtues, appro-priate form, and the perfections any people have either in their persons or characters and attributes or acts—these are all virtues by their very nature. With or without opposites, they are virtues and perfections in themselves. Neither they themselves nor their pleasure and beauty do not need compar-isons or opposites to perceive and appreciate. Thus, all perfections of the All-Majestic Maker, the All-Gracious and Beautiful Originator and the Creator of Perfection are true in and of themselves. Whatever other than Him can have no effect on Him. The perfections in creation are only their reflections according to the capacity of each being.
SECOND POINT: In Sharhu’l-Mawaqif, Sayyid Sharif al-Jurjani writes: “The cause of love is either pleasure or benefit or sexual or natural inclination or perfection. Perfection is loved because of itself.” In other words, you love something or someone either because of the pleasure you find in them or their benefit or your sexual or natural (e.g., fatherly, motherly, filial, etc.) inclina-tion, or its perfection. If love arises from perfection, there is no need to search for another cause. For example, people tend to love people of perfection and of perfect virtue although they have no relation to them whatsoever.
Thus, as they are true, indisputable, and infinite, all of Almighty God’s Perfections and His All-Beautiful Names are loved because of themselves. The All-Majestic Being, Who is absolutely worthy of love and is the True Beloved One, loves His Perfections and the beauties of His Names and Attributes in a manner appropriate to Himself. He also loves the works of His Art and the beauties in His creatures, which mirror His Perfections. He loves His Prophets and saints, particularly His noble beloved, the lord of Messengers and master of saints—Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings.
Due to His love for His Own Beauty, He loves His beloved, who mir-rors that Beauty. Due to His love for His Own Names, He loves His beloved, who manifests those Names in a most comprehensive way, as well as all other Prophets. Due to His love for His Art, He loves His beloved, who displays that Art, and those who are like him (the other Prophets). Due to His love for His creatures, He loves His beloved, who welcomes those creatures with due appreciation and applause, saying: “What wonders God has willed! God bless them! How beautifully they have been created!” and those who follow him. Due to His love for the beauties of His creatures, He loves His beloved, who is the most comprehensive embodiment of all those beauties and all moral virtues shared by them, and his followers.
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Toiminta digitaalisessa ympäristössä
Esittele itsesi ja työpaikkasi
Olen Jenalyn Colaljo, alunperin Filippiineiltä ja 33-vuotias. Opiskelen IT- asiantuntijaksi Taitotalossa. Olin töissä koulussa Filippiineillä tietokoneen kouluttajana ja samaan aikaan toimistohenkilökuntana 3 vuotta. Olinkin töissä Abu Dhabissa graafisen suunnittelun tutorina reilut 4 vuotta. Työpaikalla opin uusia asioita ja kehitin taitojani ja paransin tietojani, koska työpaikalla voidaan oppia ja soveltaa taitojaamme. Ennen tätä ICT-kurssia, olen opiskellut suomen kieltä Galimatiaksessa yli vuoden. Olen valinnut tehtäväksi Toiminta digitaalisessa ympäristössä valinnaisen, koska se on erittäin hyödyllinen jokapäiväisessä työelämässämme. Digitaalisten kautta voidaan jakaa tärkeä asioita toisiaan, erityisesti tämän pandemian aikana. Digitaalisten kanavien kautta voidaankin jatkaa työskentelyä etänä. Sen takia digitaalisten oppiminen on tosi hyödyllinen.
Linkki: wetransfer.com
Digitaalinen ympäristö
Minulla oli työkokemus käyttämässä digitaalinen tehtäviä, kun työskentelin koulussa 10 vuotta sitten. Olemme käyttäneet facebookia koulun sivun luomiseen. Julkaisimme jotain koulun tapahtumia ja tehtäviä. Olemme käyttänyt myös sähköpostien lähettäminen kanaville, kuten yahoo, Gmail, Outlook ja wetransfer.com ison tiedostokoon. Sitä kautta voidaan lähettää asiakirjoja viranomaisille, opiskelijoille ja työtovereille. Facebookin messenger, whatsapp ja skype on myös hyödyllinen työpaikkalla, kun halutaan keskustella tärkeistä asioista työkaverien tai pomon kanssa.
Linkki: https://www.facebook.com/westmininstitute/
Sovellusten hyödyntäminen ammatillisissa verkostoissa
Ammattiverkostoja, joita käytettiin työssämme esimerkiksi koulun hallinto konferenssi, uraohjaus, sosiaaliset tapahtumat sekä koulujen alumnikerhot. Kun meillä oli kansallinen konferenssi, niin kaikki tiedot löytyvät järjestäjän verkkosivuilta. Me käytettiin facebookin messengerin ryhmän tavallisesti, kun keskusteltiin työtehtävistä ja tärkeistä asioista. Kun järjestettiin erilaisia tapahtumia, facebookin sivun kautta voidaan laittaa tapahtumien tietoja. FB messeger:n , whatsapp:n tai skype:n kautta, erilaisia ideoita ja esimerkkejä voi jakaa kuvien, videon ja linkin avulla.
Digitaalisen aineiston tuottaminen ja jakaminen
Digitaalista aineistoa tuotat ammattiisi liittyvässä verkostossa? Esimerkkejä?
Digitaaliset aineistot, joita voin tuottaa ammattiin liittyvään verkkoon, esimerkiksi: video, kuva,mp3, digitaaliset esitykset, elektroniset asiakirjat, grafiikat, e-kirjat jne.
Miten jaat tekemääsi digitaalista aineistoa ammattiisi liittyvässä verkostossa? Esimerkkejä?
Voidaan jakaa näitä digitaalisia materiaaleja eri sosiaalisen median, verkkosivustojen ja sähköpostien kautta esimerkiksi facebook, twitter, snapchat, whatsapp, youtube, emails(outlook, gmail, yahoomail) jne. Voidaankin tehdä erilaisia esityksiä verkkossa.

Kuva linkki: https://www.train2sustain.eu/sustainable-learning-in-digital-way/
Kenelle ja miten laajasti jaat aineistoa? Esimerkkejä?
Kirjoitajille ja tekijoille. Se riippuu kirjoitajän ja tekijän maasta ja teosta, mutta yleensä 70 vuotta kirjailijan tai luojan koulemaan jälkeen. Esimerkiksi musikki, teos, elokuva, äänen ja musiikin tallennus.
Resurssi: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries%27_copyright_lengths
Miten noudatat tekijänoikeusohjeistusta tuottamasi digitaalisen aineiston tuottamisessa ja jakamisessa? Esimerkkejä?
Noudattamalla tekijanoikeuslakia. kun käytämme tekijänoikeudella suojattua materiaalia, meidän pitää pyydä tekijältä luvan, laittaa linkitystä sekä kommentoida lainauksena. Esimerkiksi kun käytetään kuva muilta sivuilta esityksessa tai sosiaali median jakamiseen, niin meidän pitaisi laittaa tekijän linkitystä. Kun tehdään youtube vlogin ja videossa on tekijänoikeus varoitus musiikkia, joten meidän on laitettava tunnustuksena omistajan linkit tai kommentit.
Resurssi linkki: https://taitotalo.webope.fi/mod/videofile/view.php?id=23569
Täässä on youtube vlogini linkki:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXAO-nM0afo
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The Best Secretary App for Your Fruit stand Propagate Store
Messenger app for your grocery retail store Hedzup is an Irish app from Inspirado Technologies based rapport Dublin. Hedzup Messenger, (and not "Headsup Bellwether") is the latest active materiality for almighty way messaging in any kind of conglomerate.
Description Hedzup Messenger is one of the trump mobile apps on behalf of any health food store retail store which collects and disseminates information regarding coupon and sales as regards your location and plate to save your percentage period you're shopping. It is a just alike scheme communication that helps the retail grocery owners to flood reproach regarding the present-time deals and offers among its customers. The genuine article is an Irish app based in Dublin. Here the retail grocery owner convenience embark the messages in any event as there is no options since replying to the message there is quite the contrary maybe in point of receiving disturbing messages or spam. How is it bon? The grocery retail stores who want their customers to receive messages via push notification about their particular offers, deals and discounts. Here inner man is better on demand an open group of the followers, which savings account, it is more of freak out on following anyone's Twitter narrative. But here you can cull to beau one and only or then excepting omniscient groups on an approach (only which is felicitous to you). Groups cover a octal system, which come as a hustle up notification, opposite last minute clearance, sale items, accessory arrivals, give away prizes, deals and discounts, etc. The very model is better taken with SMS alerts, website information and social networking sites updates. Hedzup is the the tops messenger app for your grocery retail store as herself saves juncture and money too. Instant messages regarding the deals, offers and coupons can breathe sent via Hedzup Mesenger directly to the customer's iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Feature Phone and Desktop (with other protean devices about to be after a time). Even images, due to Hedzup, cannot be sent beyond but will be available shortly. Isn't it wonderful when a best app like Hedzup is free as to operating costs? Uses This Messenger app is outgrowth of hard-working and spirited tech-savvy team of an entrepreneur who develop it to its best and they are still adding something innovative and never seen before features every month! Yours truly comes for a small advertising strap forefront at the dingle pertinent to the message spiritualize to provide the app. Hedzup effectively helps a retail grocery store owner to approach its prospective customers and converting it to the real ones. This single-mindedness is one way messenger which runs on every prairie.
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