glorified farmers boy
21 posts
  flower gardens, card holders over wallets, newest smartphone, staying up late, always the one who pays, parties in fancy houses, expensive champagne, red wine, perfect hair, good posture  
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
If anyone is still following me here, I just wanted to say that I’d be more than happy to stay in contact with everyone! Just hmu if you want my skype or discord. I’m sorry for leaving but I have some personal stuff happening that just doesn’t leave room for proper roleplaying.
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
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       sitting outside, under a tree shedding it’s colorful leaves, cassius de’groot has his laptop open. to someone far away it would seem that he’s just starring at the screen since his hands seem to be unmoving. the wide smile on his face would just make the whole situation weirder. but if someone were to move closer they would see that his hand hits the spacebar ever now & then— & once someone is within a few steps of cassius they can hear the words ‘ dream daddy ’ being sung in a soft tune. of course with the person being that close cash’s green eyes flicker off his laptop screen & his smile grows more with company. “ ah shit. okay, this isn’t what it looks like i swear ! ”
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Intrigued enough already, it was all Edison could do not to laugh at the other’s words as his eyebrows rose in surprise. “So you mean this isn’t someone sitting under a tree with their computer having forgotten to turn the speakers off?” He of course knew that the other was more likely referring to the sounds that had come out of said speakers, but couldn’t help himself from stating the obvious. “What exactly are you doing? You know, now you have to explain it to me.”
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
“right. okay. sure! could this queue move any fucking slower?” alexis exclaimed under the noise of the coffee shop, her fingers tapping against her arms. “i understand the hardships of being a young barista, but the least they could do is put some faster people on shift during rush hours!”
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“I think more people would be better.” the mutter came from the Edison, standing behind the fire-haired girl and feeling the need to defend the poor baristas. “If they worked any faster, it would probably mean a lot more mediocre or downright wrong orders. They’re stressed enough as is, so adding more people to the shift seems more efficient.”
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
after hearing he was okay, ophelia sighed with a bit of relief. lia glanced around, wondering if she should walk away, but his words stopped her from making a choice. ❝ likewise, I’m pretty out of it right now. ❞ she nodded along with his words. ❝ may I ask, why are you out then ? ❞
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“I was just jogging. I do that most mornings.” When the world is asleep. He didn’t want to voice that though in case it be received wrong. “How about you? Shouldn’t you return to bed if you’re not feeling well?” Well, he hoped she wouldn’t take that the wrong way.
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
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~.* WHEN HER NAME fell from his lips, the brunette nodded once, briefly, clearing her throat as she averted her gaze from the boy’s features and fixing them on, well, anything else around them. with her arms crossed over her books which were once again pressed against her chest, charlotte wondered why, out of all people, she had to run into edison. truth be told, there were probably worse people to run into than edi, but it wasn’t a secret that the two of them weren’t the best of friends… his following words made a frown appear on her forehead to a grin tugged at her lips nevertheless. “ are you know ? well look at that, someone matured during the summer. “, she teased, a chuckle now tumbling from her lips. “ didn’t know you were into morning jogs. guess we both learned something new today. “, was her simple reply, nodding as her gaze met his again.
He couldn’t help the roll of his eyes that followed after her words, holding back a frustrated sigh as he feared adding too much kindle to the fire. “You say that as if implying I’ve ever found anything but joy from knowing that you are in good health.” Sure, he would not mind if she stopped dropping into his life, but that didn’t mean that Edison wished any ill will on the other. Actually, he hoped that if she stayed healthy and happy, maybe some day they’d be able to have a genuine conversation some day. However unlike that seemed. “I have to do something to stay in shape, you know. And gyms just aren’t my thing. Too many sweat-drenched people in one tiny room. Not that you’d know anything about that I assume.”
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
· *.:。♦ ⋅ ⋆ ☾ — thea’s eyes widening the second she heard the male, partly because it was truly unbelievable, even to her the fact that she was so out of it to not notice his presence at all, and partly because if he had ended up running into her she didn’t even want to imagine what could’ve happened to her telescope. ❝ holy pluto, thank goodness you didn’t ! if something happened to my telescope i could cry, i just got it fixed literally a week ago. ❞ she commented, giving him a small smile.  ❝ but we’re all fine so… it’s fine ❞
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Smiling a little at her response, Edison found his eyes falling to the aforementioned telescope. She mentioned she’d gotten it fixed recently, and now he was even happier to know that he had managed to successfully avoid hitting her. Not that he couldn’t have paid for the repairs, but rather he didn’t want her to have to wait around to have it fixed again. “Now I’m even more relieved that nothing happened.” That wording was awkward. He’d definitely end up thinking about it a lot later. “So, uh, are you heading out to stargaze? I think you might still be able to catch a few glimmers in the sky.”
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
Her eyebrows shot up in surprise, even though the guy had just deducted that from her own words, she hadn’t made that conclusion yet until he brought it up. It felt so wonderful when people connected her thoughts so she offered him a bright smile. “Yeah, I guess so! Thanks, I hadn’t thought of it like that. Though the cartwheeling in itself also makes me happy? It takes me back to when we learned it in school and we held little cartwheel races. Of course, one of my friends got sick from spinning around all the time and called them ‘stupid stand-up somersaults’. But that just made them even more fun.” Her hands covered her mouth in a futile attempt to make herself shut up. Not that the memory had been a secret but had it been necessary to share? “No more cartwheeling in public places or with skirts on or in the mud, got it, mum.” She joked back. Recalling rules wasn’t hard, sticking to them was her little problem. “Do you happen to know the time? I wouldn’t want to return too late to campus.” Pointing at the little watch around his wrist, or at least that’s what she thought it was. 
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Although their conversation felt much alike to talking to a child, Edison found that he didn’t so much mind the carefree nature of the girl. Her oversharing meant that he didn’t have to force himself to think of something clever to keep the conversation going, rather it seemed that it just came naturally to her, giving him an ocean of words to respond to. With a small grin on his face, Edison glanced down at his watch, a sports edition which soon would be exchanged for the one he wore regularly. “Seven twenty. Even if you have morning classes, I believe that should be plenty of time to get back. You’ll probably even be the first one there!” As far as he was aware, most university students only showed up just shortly before classes this early in the day, many of them still groggy after likely having rolled out of bed five minutes prior. “I’m heading the same way, mostly. If you want company that is.”
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
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“Oh no! And I thought I had as good as kicked you in the face.“ Dodie couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. Thankfully neither of them had gotten hurt! From experience, she knew it could’ve ended worse. “Mum did always tell me not to do it in the streets but no one seemed around this early on the day. I figured the coast was clear. Or well, the sidewalks were empty.” She eyed the boy curiously. When he asked her if she’d been working out, she realised that’s what he must’ve been doing. The running shoes and sweat at least completing the picture. “Not in these clothes or on an empty stomach, I’m afraid. I’m doing them because they’re fun!” She stated simply, it was the most obvious thing to her. “Don’t you ever feel really happy, so happy that humming songs or dancing around doesn’t even come close to expressing it? Cause that’s when I like to cartwheel.” She explained before adding with a giggle, “And you get bonus points if you say ‘weeee’ while doing it.”
While he couldn’t help but question the age of the girl in front of him, Edison found her behaviour to be strangely endearing and refreshing. It was quite rare to find energy like this so early in the morning, especially this close to a university. “Oh, so it’s like a way of expressing your emotions?” He nodded, pretty sure he understood what she was going at. Edison himself was more of the dancing alone with music in your ears type, but he could understand the feeling of being so full of emotions that you can barely find a good outlet for them. Recently, this had been more int he sense of frustration and worry for him, but he was pretty sure he got it still. “Cartwheels seem like a great way to do that. You know. As long as they’re done safely.” He hoped his tone was joking enough that she wouldn’t take him too seriously.
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
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~.* CHARLOTTE LOVED TO the peace an early morning brought – when all students on campus were still fast asleep, trying to make use of every second of rest they could possibly get before their alarms would wake them; disturb them; tell them that yet A N O T H E R dreadful day at spent between the four walls of one of the many pennbrooke auditoriums. charlie wasn’t like that. not that she was a typical geek or something – well, not anymore… or at least, so she liked to believe – but the brunette simply didn’t mind spending her time being educated. at least, not most of the time. after getting some morning yoga done, the brunette got dressed and presentable and with her bag for the day swung over her shoulder and some course books closely held against her chest, charlotte headed towards the campus’ coffeeshop to get some caffeine. but as she was well on her way, someone ran into her, causing her to lose her balance. the books fell at her feet and she was about to land on her ass though she reached for his shoulders to keep herself steady. once she was back on her feet again, the brunette bowed down to get her books before nodding: “ yes. yes, i’m good. you ? “, she returned the question, her eyes finally meeting with the ones of her ‘attacker’. “ oh, edison. “, charlie said, slightly disappointed as she recognized the young man.
If Edison had been a believer of faith, he might have thought that today was a cruel joke by it’s hands. Not only had he run into someone, that someone just so happened to be - “Charlotte.” The name fell from his lips like raindrops from gloomy clouds. She wasn’t exactly an unwelcome sight, but neither was she someone that Edison had been hoping to meet on this particular morning, or any other morning for that matter. Run-ins with Charlotte were best reserved for later in the day, when he’d had a full lunch and perhaps a cup of coffee or two. Definitely not when he was covered in sweat and hadn’t even had a proper breakfast yet. “I’m delighted to know that you’re doing well.” He would have helped her pick up her books, but before he could register that they were even on the floor, she had already picked them up herself. “Didn’t know you were such an early riser.”
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
· *.:。♦ ⋅ ⋆ ☾ — people who thought you could only stargaze at night were amateurs in thea’s eyes, simple as that. if anything, the one thing she loved to see more than the full moon at night standing proud in the dark sky, was to wake up early ( sometimes not even going to sleep at all ) to find the moon visible in the morning and through most of the day, standing there challenging, reminding her of its omnipresence. this time though, she wasn’t looking for the moon but for the brightest star in the sky, smiling at herself almost childishly as she prepared her telescope for the total solar eclipse less than one month away. some people prepared for football season, some others for awards season, and then there was thea, preparing weeks in advance whenever there was an eclipse in the horizon, after all, they enjoyed those every year, thea had never seen a total solar eclipse in her entire life ❝ what ?? ❞ she wondered, only then noticing the male now close to her, not even realizing he had been nothing away from running into her.  ❝ i’m amazing, why wouldn’t i be ? ❞ she questioned confused.
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Realizing that the other had not even noticed him prior to him speaking up, Edison’s cheeks flushed pink. Maybe he could have continued on his way, not needing to push himself into conversation with someone over virtually nothing. Still, now he had her attention, so it would be best to explain the situation. “Well, I sort of almost rand into you a second ago.” This was already going so well. “I figured maybe I’d bumped you or something, off-put your balance maybe.” He shrugged, unsure where he was going with this really. “Either way, I’m glad to hear you’re fine.”
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
It was a little before sunrise when Dodie woke up in a new bed, in a new room. Out of habit, she turned her head to where her old room’s window would be but she couldn’t feel the rays of sunlight on her awakening face. This in its turn forced her to open her eyes and recognise her surroundings in the rose-pink light of dawn. It would take some getting used to, waking up in the sorority house rather than her family’s home, however nothing she couldn’t handle. It’d become part of her sleeping routine that she woke up so early because she was used to helping out in the morning. What wasn’t part of her routine, however, was the ‘carefully trying to sneak out’ part. But she tried anyway, too afraid she’d disturb someone’s sleep. 
Dressed in the first clothes she could find in her closet -yellow jeans and a pink top patterned with hearts and dots- she headed out, on a hunt for some fresh air and perhaps some breakfast as well. The sidewalks were close to abandoned as Dodie left campus and faced the maze of streets in front of her. A smile unfolded at the same time a brilliant idea bloomed in her head. She stretched her arms wide, her right leg lunging front. In less than a few seconds, her hands lowered to the ground, she pushed off on her leg and… one hand, two hands, bad leg, good leg. Ending back in a lunge position, she smiled, immediately turning on her heels and doing another cartwheel to get to the corner of the street. “Oh, whoops!” She turned around quickly at the voice, thinking she nearly kicked the person behind her. “I’m great! Guess I misjudged the distance for my cartwheel there. Sorry, I didn’t hit you, did I?” Rubbing off the dirt of her hands, she offered him an apologetic smile.
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A breath of relief followed by a nervous laugh, a hand on his chest as Edison let it sink in that they both had been too preoccupied to notice one another. It was always a comforting thought to know that he was not the only one to forget about his surroundings from time to time. Or rather, the people in it. "No, not at all! Actually, I thought maybe I accidentally elbowed you.” He explained, a sheepish grin on his face. “Why are you doing cartwheels? Exercising?” Curiosity wining over, he inquired about her. Might as well make the best of the situation and get some of his daily quota of human interaction done with.
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
ophelia had always been an early riser. and most of the times ( okay, a lot of the times ), she never even went to bed. logically, she knew it was childish. human beings required sleep to function. but how could ophelia sleep when her mind was always awake ? she went for a morning walk, something she did when her thoughts wouldn’t shut up and her room felt too small. as she walked, she pondered on what the new school year would bring. lia only hoped that everything would go smoothly. her eyes glanced at a street sign, and that’s how long it took to almost bump into another person. lia figured her awareness was decreased by exhaustion. ❝ oh ! ❞ she couldn’t stop the surprised yelp that made it past her lips. ❝ yes, I’m fine. are you okay ? ❞
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The concern in his eyes faded as her voice rang out, reassuring her that she was indeed okay. He would not have known how to feel if he’d caused injury to someone so soon after getting back to the school, having only barely settled back into a bed so unlike the one he’d grown up with. A smile on his face, he nodded “No, yeah, I’m fine as well.” if his voice seemed uncertain, it was only due to lingering concern, and a bit of social awkwardness “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you. I guess I wasn’t really looking around well enough. Usually there aren’t many people around at this time of day.”
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
With drops of sweat lining his brow like pearls on a string, rose coloured reflections dancing across their surface as the sun’s face barely poked above the surrounding buildings. It was the start of a new semester, which meant consistent early mornings for Edison, and much time spent jogging through the neighbourhood with music in his ears and a pulse tracker around his wrist. He enjoyed these early mornings to himself, seeing the city at it’s most peaceful just before the morning traffic was sure to begin. There was something so poetic about the silence, if you could call it that, at the break of yet another busy day. He wasn’t a philosophical person, but even Edison sometimes found himself contemplating life’s big mysteries when he went for one of his jogs. Slowing to a walk as he neared his final stop, Edison rounded a corner, only to find himself swerving to avoid crashing head-first into someone else “I’m so sorry!” the words fell from his mouth like rain from overcast skies as he barely resisted the urge to reach out, to physically reassure that the other was okay. He doubted they would appreciate it given the state he was in “Are you okay?”
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
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“You gotta have a fault, come on!”
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
So. Introductions. Hey everyone I’m helix, I’ll be playing Edison aka muse Plutus, the spoiled rich kid with a heart of gold. He’s a very hard-working childo and he’d love to spoil all you guys muses if given the chance! Please hmu if you’d like to plot cause I’d love to get to know the rest of the kids.
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
BOLD what applies to your muse.
financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty.
medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged.
class or caste: upper / middle / working / slave / unsure.
education: qualified / unqualified / studying.
criminal record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no.
married - happily / married - unhappily / engaged or betrothed / partnered / single / divorced / separated.
has a child or children / has no children / wants children.  
close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased.
orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s).
extroverted / introverted / in between.
disorganized / organized / in between.
close minded / open-minded  / in between.
calm / anxious / in between.
disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
cautious / reckless / in between.
patient / impatient / in between.
outspoken / reserved / in between.
leader / follower / in between.
empathetic / unemphatic / in between.
optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
traditional / modern / in between.
hard-working / lazy / in between.
cultured / un-cultured / in between / unknown.
loyal / disloyal / unknown.
faithful / unfaithful / unknown.
monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic.
belief in ghosts or spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
belief in an afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
belief in reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
belief in aliens: yes  / no / don’t know / don’t care.
philosophical: yes / no.
pro-euthanasia/ anti-euthanasia / doesn’t know or on the fence.
pro-choice / anti-abortion /  doesn’t know or on the fence.
pro-marriage / anti-marriage / doesn’t know or on the fence.
pro-death penalty / anti-death penalty  / doesn’t know or on the fence.
pro-drug legislation / anti-drug legislation / doesn’t know or on the fence.
pro-murder / anti-murder / doesn’t know or on the fence.
pro-cannibalism / anti-cannibalism / doesn’t know or on the fence.
left wing / right wing / middle / doesn’t know or on the fence.
heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual.
sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable.
romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable.
sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious.
combat skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.
literacy skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
artistic skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
technical skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.
drinking alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
smoking: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. 
other narcotics: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
medicinal drugs: never / sometimes  / frequently / to excess. 
indulgent food: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. 
splurge spending: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
gambling: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
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northofedi-blog · 8 years ago
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