ninasveiga · 2 years
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https://youtu.be/1_dPK99PbtU Link na bio Neste sábado, 10 de setembro, 15h As docentes da Pós-Graduação Currículo dos Trabalhos Manuais na Educação Steineriana têm alegria de apresentar o Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso da pesquisadora Clarice Araujo Isoldi que, assim, recebe o título de especialista. Na apresentação, o portfólio elaborado segue o currículo da disciplina Trabalhos Manuais, na Pedagogia Waldorf, da Educação Infantil ao Ensino Médio. As inscrições para o Processo Seletivo estão abertas. Para saber mais sobre a pós-graduação: http://www.artesmanuais.art.br/trabalhos-manuais Se você quiser acompanhar as ações de ativismo delicado do Nina Veiga Atelier de Educação junto à antroposofia da imanência por uma estética da vida viva, entre no canal do Telegram: https://t.me/ateliereduca https://www.instagram.com/p/CiSjh3XuVHr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mrstabyg · 2 years
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ROCK'N ISOLDIERS STYLE!!!! #GETWELLSOON #MENTALHEALTH #KINGISO #STRANGEMUSIC #ISOLDIERS @therealkingiso @strangemusicinc https://www.instagram.com/p/CZzS6VtF9R6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dirrtysouthplaya · 4 years
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@therealkingiso #newalbum #comingsoon The Fire DROPS 3/13/20 But you can #preorder Now, like all #isoldiers Should! Hey ISO, can I bug ya for a min? #April #Dallas #Texas at the meet and greet... Would you go ISoldier Official and Throw Them Guns Up, in a photo? I been listening to G'ISO non stop! (Even if not, this dude's #music legit saved my life.) If you haven't listened to him, WTF is wrong with you? Dude is as real as they make them. First song I ever heard, I knew by the lyrics... "This dude ain't bull shittin' He done been through shit sounding just like me." He's real, but he's also... In my opinion, The hottest talent @strangemusicinc Has At the moment. I mean Always @therealtechn9ne But ISO, HE'S GUNNA TAKE IT TO A NEW LEVEL. https://www.instagram.com/p/B7sOOyCh1WDH5pgfDI8bclG2nOAD2PZVoAPxls0/?igshid=30k1dqr5l0zl
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“[…]While it is very likely that the three portrayals from Ferrara capture Lucrezia’s real look, there are some others, which’s authenticity is controversial. Especially in case of the main character in Pinturicchio’s “St. Catherine’s Disputation” in the Sala dei Santi in the Appartamento Borgia. […] The connection to Pope Alexander VI. And his family is linked by the fact, that Pinturicchio included the Borgia’s emblem – the bull – as well as the Pope’s motto: pacis cultori. This states the case, that members of the Borgia family were pictured on the fresco. Therefore, the childlike portrayed Catherine is supposed to be Lucrezia, who was, by that time, about 12 to 15 years old. The fact, that Catherine has the same blonde hair as Lucrezia had and wears the Borgia colours, red and blue, underlines this statement.”
Florian Neumann: Die Wahrheit über Lucrezia Borgia (2019) 
dedicated to the wonderful @latristereina, may this little gifset makes your day a bit brighter 
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mystery-salad · 4 years
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You ever see a woman so lovely you can’t help staring for a while?
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“IMPROMPTU (Una improvisación)” Por Beatriz Isoldi
“IMPROMPTU (Una improvisación)” Por Beatriz Isoldi
Germán Cáceres La definición de la palabra del título la realiza el director de teatro que está ensayando la obra así llamada: “…una pieza breve, a piano, de continua improvisación, sin plan preconcebido, imprevista, espontánea, hay impromptus de Schubert, de Chopin, de Fouré”.El libro comienza con un excelente prólogo –erudito y enriquecedor– de Bertha Bilbao Richter– que afirma que la “la…
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giuseppearagno · 4 years
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Un ospite gradito: Giuliano Granato OGGI SONO SU IL MANIFESTO! In viaggio su un treno regionale, destinazione Cilento. Per andare a incontrare Filippo Isoldi, uno dei candidati di Potere al Popolo!
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tizi2009 · 5 years
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PROBLEMI DI CONCETRAZIONE?😣 In periodi di particolare stress emotivo e mentale, in vista degli esami scolastici o in momenti in cui viene richiesto molto impegno nello studio o durante settimane di lavoro intenso, può essere utile assumere degli integratori per migliorare la capacità di mantenere la concentrazione.📖📚💻 Le principali cause della difficoltà di mantenere la concentrazione e di stanchezza mentale sono lo stress, la vita frenetica, carenza di sonno, un carico di lavoro troppo impegnativo, ma anche l'esigenza di fare più cose nello stesso momento.😨 Un integratore energetico può essere un utile supporto 😊💪✌. Dopo un grosso sforzo cognitivo, infatti, l'organismo necessita di riequilibrare le energie perse, inserendo nel corpo un giusto apporto di risorse utili e produttive. Quali integratori❓ Per quanto riguarda i micronutrienti, oltre al famoso fosforo, la memoria e la concentrazione possono essere favorite anche da altri minerali e vitamine💊 quali magnesio, ferro, zinco, iodio, vitamine C, B6 e B12 riducono la stanchezza e l’affaticamento, contribuiscono al normale funzionamento del sistema nervoso e alla normale funzione psicologica.😎 #diavitateam #diavitafamily #lavoro #successo #affari #squadra #mangiaresano #networkmarketing #networkmarketingitalia #italia #concentrazione #memories #studio #redditoaggiuntivo #diavita #isoldi #guadagni #vitaenergy #vitaenergyitalia #bellezza #salute #lavendita #stress #prodottiperlasalute #marketing #DiaVita #tittysmyle #lavoro (presso Sicily) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvWsi55ANbZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=x48zejkybtl2
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luhee · 3 years
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only1jamal · 4 years
#Repost @tharealkingkash • • • • • • When I was broke a nigga couldn’t get a handout, now they say I changed up like a bad route/ Is it cause a nigga rockin got fans now?Actin like I won’t pull up with a strap out?/ Few niggas that was hatin where they at now?/ I don’t know probably somewhere in the background, all bitter cause they see I went and cashed out/ Stack the money till it’s taller then an ant pile!/ UGH! I just milk the game like a cash cow/ Why these niggas throwin stones from a glass house?/ Bitch I did it on my own go and ask how/ Iso found me in the gutta like the masked clown/ Now they see me doing numbers like a math bout/ Only focused on the cheese like a lab mouse/ Pushed myself through the days when I had doubt/ Then did a tour wit Techa N9Na front of packed crowds!/ It’s clear I got em hooked like a bass mouth/ You know I keep it solid like a brass mount/ Clapping like a graduation get a cap,gown/ If they ever try to try me hear a Mack round/ Always been a stand up and never back down/ Got my words touching people like a pat down/ On a whole nother level then you at now, and I’m bout to take it further talking past clouds/ Tell em this the end like the last bow/ I’m married to the game we done passed vows/ I’m gettin to the bag if you mad pout, ain’t no stopping even when I’m in a mass drought/ Kept it going when they thought I would in fact drown/ Now I celebrate success, sipping that crown/ On this road by myself with a pack loud,in the dark by myself then I BLACKOUT/ Let Me Live Feat King Iso #KingKash#KingIso#LetMeLive#MentalHealthMatters#KashAddikts#Isoldiers#NM8S https://www.instagram.com/p/B9qCLGFJYeV/?igshid=ynhln7th0lns
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iampjr · 5 years
RT @Geraldo13084097: #Brazil #Parana State #corn #soybeans #CropProgress #agro #agricultura #agriculture #milho #soja https://t.co/4HC23qPVIW
#Brazil #Parana State #corn #soybeans #CropProgress #agro #agricultura #agriculture #milho #soja pic.twitter.com/4HC23qPVIW
— Geraldo Isoldi (@Geraldo13084097) October 29, 2019
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mrstabyg · 2 years
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THANK YOU ISO!!!!!! @therealkingiso @strangemusicinc #staystrange #getwellsoon #mentalhealthmatters #real #realistic #kingiso #ISOLDIERS https://www.instagram.com/mrsg559/p/CZLf9TorG6v/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dirrtysouthplaya · 4 years
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#Smart Call, But Ain't gunna lie... Disappointed #techn9ne #enterfeartour2020 #info #strangemusic #technicians #kingiso #isoldier https://www.instagram.com/p/B92pKd8Dm2h/?igshid=u1q3sgo37edf
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Lucrezia Borgia and Giulia Farnese in Borgia 01.12
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isoldyguzman-blog · 5 years
Florida Community Bank Acquired by Synovus Bank
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Isoldy Guzman is an experienced bank manager with considerable expertise in business relationship management. She was leading branch operations for Florida Community Bank (FCB) during its recent acquisition by Synovus Bank. After the merger, Isoldy Guzman remained with the organization as a Synovus retail market manager. First announced in January 2019, the merger between Synovus Financial Corp. and FCB Financial Holdings brought $12.4-billion FBC under the complete ownership of the now $45-billion Synovus. Former FBC president and CEO and current Synovus Florida division CEO Kent Ellert called the merger a great thing for banking customers throughout Florida. He also praised FBC’s existing “culture, capabilities, and commitment to service,” deeming them complementary to those of Synovus. In the wake of the merger, Synovus became a top-5 bank throughout the Southeast with overall deposits of approximately $37 billion. The general public recently saw the effects of the merger as Synovus systems and branding began replacing FCB systems and branding in the second quarter of 2019.
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danieloteropena · 3 years
daniel otero peña landscape research, urban design, architecture, and teaching.
el injerto y la quebrada Residual natural spaces and modular plant production units. Quebrada Tócome, Caracas, Venezuela. 2017
Institution: FAU UCV ///. Course: Architectural design studio ///. Program: 7th, 8th, and 9th semester of the Architecture degree ///. Instructors: Daniel Otero Peña and Juan Camilo García ///. Guest lecturers: Florencia Alvarado (artist), Miguel Castillo (UCV Botanical Garden), and Luis Romero and Melina Fernández (ABRA Caracas) ///. Design critics: Alejandro Haiek (LabProFab), Khristian Ceballos Ugarte, Julio Kowalenko (Atelier Caracas), Silvia Caradonna, Alejandro Méndez, and Cristian Fontana ///. Students: Gabriel Garcia, Michelle Isoldi, Ana Valenzuela, Otto Munoz, Nur Abdul, Jessica Garcia, Solexis Ortiz, Kim Zafra, Rafael Valera, Juan Moreno, Dailexsca Martinez, and Manuel Marchiani.
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Site visit with students and video collage workshop.
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Greenhouse analysis by Ana Valenzuela and Gabriel García.
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Modular (vegetal) system by Otto Muñoz.
More information here.
portfolio about info
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