pet-shop-of-horror-fan · 11 months
It is good to talk about the dissonance of right-wingers supporting Israel, as they love the idea of an ethnostate but hate Jewish people. But a lot of you are missing the fact that they hate Muslims and Arabs.
A big part of their support of Israel is that they like it when Palestinians die. It is easier for them to tolerate Jewish people if it kills other "undesirables."
They want genocide and Israel is giving it to them.
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wormworker · 3 years
//racism, ableism, queermisia, islammisia, xenomisia
It's actually so disappointing to see which parts of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure failed to have cultural impacts -- all despite the immense popularity of the series, & how it blew up both in the 80's when the manga started, & the 10's when the anime started.
The queer elements are such a staple in the series, & yet all the edgy dickhole internet funnymen who love JJBA haven't stopped for one second to be like,
"Hey, maybe men wearing lipstick & pink & long hair & Versace underwear is actually kinda cool and not fucked up?"
Y'all edgy bastards are stubborn as fuck lol
Let me tell you about Mohammed "Avdol" Abdul also.
I was born in the U.S. in the 90's, & my god -- hatred & fear of Arabic-speaking people was so normalized in my world.
The thing about that, I was never exposed to anyone saying things like "Arab people are bad" specifically. Never.
It was more vague, more manipulative. Normalized in small pieces.
I grew up to see anything written in Arabic & to think it was something evil & scary.
& I still see that ideology perpetuated around the internet, particularly in connection to anti-Islam ideology.
Many marginalized people know & have experienced that representation does make a difference.
JJBA SDC might be from the 1980's, but I didn't see it until watching the anime version in 2020, & that was THE FIRST TIME I saw positive representation of literally anyone who Americans stuff under the "Middle Eastern" umbrella term.
I don't think JJBA can be consumed non-critically. You can check off a helluva lot of "-isms" in it, my god.
Particularly in the manga.
For instance, there's canon ableism & sanism towards literally every disabled character in the series.
That being said, not to diminish the damage that ableism does, that ableism changed my life.
Steel Ball Run changed my life.
I had experiences with disability even just in the past few years that some of the scenes in SBR were so parallel to that it hurt like hell.
Johnny sobbing on the ground when he realizes he might truly never be able to walk again.
The medical attendant making fun of him for being upset about & having a meltdown about his digestive functions not working how he's used to.
I read those parts like, "Wtf... wtf... is there a word for this???"
It hadn't occurred to me that ableism was a thing, & that it was systemic. That disabled people are a marginalized social group.
That ableism was largely why my life had gone the way it had gone.
Honestly, I don't think there's been a fandom that has pissed me off this much.
I mean, I'm just talking about the nasty alt-right kinda nasties. But how do these fuckers see representation of groups they hate & then just keep going lol
I'll confidently attribute it to willful ignorance.
The kind of bullshit where you have dickwads saying "racism isn't real" while seeing blatant acts of racism in front of them, just to say there's some other explanation.
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