#islamic solutions marriage problems
Dua To Get Solution About Intercaste Marriage Problem
Best Dua To Make Parents Agree For Intercaste Marriage, Parents are always concerned about their children, and they love them immensely. The evil society never lets children follow their dreams and have love in their lives. Intercaste marriages are strongly disapproved by society, pushing parents to do the same with their children. Parents want their children to marry the person they choose and…
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athingofvikings · 6 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 90: Ties Of Blood And Seed
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Chapter 90: Ties Of Blood And Seed
One particularly thorny problem that faced the Imperial Assembly Of Law was the question of legal definitions of marriage.  At the time of the Assembly, there were no less than twelve legally and culturally distinct practiced forms of marriage within the bounds of the Empire, and the general legal chaos this caused was part of the impetus for the Assembly in the first place.  The jurists thus assembled faced a significant problem in trying to reconcile the various forms.  Consider the difference between Latin Catholic marriage, which did not allow for divorce, and every other form, which did allow for divorce (and several forms were, in fact, explicitly temporary unless renewed). 
Divorce was just one area of consideration, albeit a contentious one.  The necessity of witnesses (needed in Christian forms, not needed in Judaic forms), multiple spouses (allowed in Norse, Islamic, and Gaelic forms, recently outlawed in some Judaic forms, and strictly forbidden by Christian forms), the necessity of clergy or ceremony, the obligations of the spouses to each other, the allowance of same-gender marriages, and, most contentious of them all, mixed marriages between members of different groups… all of these and more were potential problems that needed to be overcome. 
The solution which was eventually adopted was, in the general vein of the Assembly's solutions, a broad secular code that stepped back from the religious arena and concerned itself strictly with recognition by the state.  Under that code, any consenting group of adults (barring certain degrees of consanguinity, itself a topic of debate) could choose to register as "married" in the eyes of the state, so long as the group—ranging from the typical two to a record nine—had an agreement arranged beforehand on the particulars of their nuptials in regards to divorce, inheritance, descent, and marital obligations (there were a number of rules instituted there as well, to avoid cases of marital slavery and other abuses). 
A number of standardized formulations were likewise hammered out to suit the needs of particular forms of marriage, but these were not required by the law, and it was completely within the realm of acceptability to submit more esoteric arrangements (and often needed in the cases of the larger marriages).  In effect, it was the official legal position of the Empire that the relationships between the marriage participants and their religious and social home groups were not a concern by the Imperial state, at least not beyond how those relationships informed their marriage contract.
While this was strongly opposed by social conservatives, the fact was that bickering between the conservative groups sabotaged their efforts to stop it.  No one group of them could get the rest to agree on which implementation of marriage they desired to be backed by law, even as all of them agreed that they did not approve of the more broadly defined version.  This strife among those who wished to have marriage be more narrowly defined according to their own desires allowed for the passing and implementation of the law in the Grand Thing.  And while this did not bring an end to strife regarding marriage within the Empire, it at least allowed for a legal unity in terms of recognition of what a marriage was and wasn't.
—Origins Of The Grand Thing, Edinburgh Press, 1631
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luminalunii97 · 2 years
Shervin Hajipour song "For..." (...برای) extended lyrics explanation
Early on the mahsa amini protests, people came up with an idea to keep the hashtag #MahsaAmini trending and to fuel the fire of the protests by going through reasons. "For..." Was a template people completed with reasons why they're protesting, things the regime fucked up and made us angry as a nation. Shervin, a 25 year old singer, did what artists in pain do. He made a song, with lyrics that were based on some of the tweets people made. It wasn't an official release, he posted a 2 minutes video singing this on his Instagram page. Since everyone was in the mindset and the song was musically moving, the video went viral and reached 40 million views in less than 3 days. He was arrested by security forces shortly after and was released on bail five days later. His song has become the anthem of this revolution. (TW violence and death)
برای توی کوچه رقصیدن
For dancing in the alley
(Because dancing is forbidden in iran. Any kind of festivity or street carnival that is a happy event and includes music and dancing is banned.)
برای ترسیدن به وقت بوسیدن
For the fear [you feel] when [you] kiss
(Because kissing in public is also prohibited. It's about both culture and law. Iranians are shy about showing romantic affection in general, though the new generation is a lot more open about that. But morality police would be up on your ass if they see you holding hands with someone of the opposite gender, let alone kissing. In case they're your spouse, you have to show them your marriage license and even then you'd be advised to not show that kind of affection on the streets. I'm talking about hands holding)
برای خواهرم ، خواهرت ، خواهرامون
For my sister, your sister, our sisters
برای تغییر مغزها که پوسیدن
For changing the rotten minds
برای شرمندگی ، برای بی پولی
For the shame of poverty
برای حسرت یک زندگی معمولی
For yearning for a normal life
برای کودک زباله گرد و آرزوهاش
For the kid who scaveng the garbage cans and their dream
(Child labor is a prominent social disaster. Seeing a small child bend over a big trash can, searching for anything valuable inside, or a kid standing near traffic lights and beginning people to buy their goods or wash their car windows has become part of daily life in many places in iran. Unofficial reports suggest that the number of working children has increased to 14.5k in Tehran only in recent years. It's specially shameful for the regime that's running a rich country. And don't put it on sanctions, if the government body in iran wasn't made up of a bunch of warmongering thieves who know nothing about running a country, we'd do just fine. Iran is rich with oil and gas, has many minerals, zinc, copper, iron, gold, and etc, agriculture and livestock, a fishery industry that is important because of the native marine ecosystems north and south. But the regime don't care about children's wellbeing, they only care about their pockets. Just a couple of years ago, there was a non-governmental women and children rights organization called Imam Ali's Popular Students Relief Society which got suspended by the islamic republic because "they were magnetizing societal problems therefore putting our safety in danger by making our enemies happy" and "insulting the supreme leader"! What they actually did was making reports on child labor and child abuse (things government pretend don't exist), fighting child marriage (which the regime advertise on tv), and child execution (which the regime defends as a crime-reducing solution)! The list of crimes against children done by regime is long. In the last two months, they've killed, tortured, and used them as soldiers. we don't have any popular organizations in iran. They're still kind of working underground. In my country real charities are underground organizations and the regime related ones are real thieves) (there's a video being shared in iran of a labor child looking longingly at a doll behind a window shop. That heartbreaking moment is this line in the song)
برای این اقتصاد دستوری
For this command economy
(Basically we have the opposite of freedom in economy. The government decides and control everything that's related to finance, it makes it easier for them to steal! It's safe to say that any big corp or successful production in Iran is linked to the government and IRGC is always there as an indirect shareholder or they just receive the profits for no reason. Last year, a report got out that Mobarake steel industry has been involved in heavy financial corruption, including rent, laundering, embezzlement, and handing out money to different governmental institutions like IRIB and IRGC for no absolute reason. The report was made by the parliament themselves which means someone felt left out there. We've been boycotting known brands during this protests. Right now one of these brands, who have a history in not paying back their loan is in a financial crisis. The stocks of one corp has fallen dramatically too)
برای این هوای آلوده
For this polluted air
(Air pollution has been a crisis in Iran in the past decade or so. This is specially worse in bigger cities like Tehran and Mashhad. In the western states of iran, like Khuzestan or Kermanshah, dust and sand haze is so bad you literally breath soil with air. This disaster has been caused mostly by Iran, Iraq, and Turkyie meddling with nature and also Saudi Arabia deserts. It's getting worse by year. These countries can't find a suitable solution it seems or maybe they don't care to bother. In bigger industrialized cities smoke and chemical haze is the main issue. This one is caused by both overpopulation and the unsuitable placement of factories and industries near city borders. These factories often times don't have suitable filters to reduce their pollution. According to official reports, in 2020 Tehran had only 15 clean days. And that is the year we were on covid lockdown and the air quality was significantly better. Majority of the days had "acceptable" level of toxicity. Air pollution causes many environmental issues, health problems and reduces life expectancy)
برای ولیعصر و درختای فرسوده
For Valiasr and its worn trees
(Valiasr street is one of the most beautiful streets in the heart of Tehran. I don't care if it's the longest street in middle east or the world or not. What matters is that for many people living in Tehran it represents home. This streets is lined on both sides with old trees. And these old trees are getting destroyed by both lack of good care and some fuckin business owners. And as usual the government doesn't care. Out of 18000 trees that were sitting along the street only about 8000 are left.)
برای پیروز و احتمال انقراضش
For "Pirouz" and his possible extinction
(Piruz means someone who gained victory, a winner. It's the name of a cheetah cub. Persian cheetah or Asiatic cheetah is an endangered subspecies. There are currently 12 of them left in Iran. There has been efforts to preserve them. In a recent effort, in Turan national park, two of them named Iran (female) and Firouz (male) mated and 3 cubs were born. Two of those cubs died, one at birth the other shortly after. But Piruz survived. He's a symbol of hope in Iran.) (And yes, Iran is a feminine name. Currently more than 90k iranian women are named Iran or some variation of it.)
برای سگ‌های بی‌گناه ممنوعه
For innocent banned dogs
(Dogs! these friendly loyal creatures, who probably insulted the supreme leader too, Since they are the regime's number 3 enemy after USA and Israel! Instead of gathering stray dogs, sterilizing, and putting them on shelters to control their population and environment health, they kill dogs, often a big number of them, with poison or guns. There are no protecting laws for stray animals, so lunatics run free to torture and kill these defenceless beings. Just last year, in a wild move, the parliament proposed the ban on keeping dogs, cats, and other controversial animals as pets and called it "protecting humans from dangerous animals" bill! Now taking your dog out for a walk is a criminal act! We have so many criminals in Iran!)
برای گریه‌های بی وقفه
For relentless crying
برای تصویر تکرار این لحظه
For the picture of repeating this moment
(This is about flight ps752 and Reera Esmaeilion, which I've posted about before. This tweet was accompanied by a photo of Reera sitting by his father's side, "this moment will never repeat again and can't be remade")
برای چهره‌ای که می‌خنده
For a smiling face
برای دانش آموزا؛ برای آینده
For students, for future
برای این بهشت اجباری
For this forced heaven
(In highschool they teach us what islamic republic means. In our sociology school book we learned something like this: "the Islamic Republic is a government system that the law is based on shari'a law and God's words. In areas that there isn't a direct order, we ask people's opinions. A republic on its own isn't good for humans happiness because it doesn't care about people's afterlives. But in an Islamic Republic we make your life good but since everyone is going to die and at last this life doesn't matter much, your afterlife is our main plan." Basically "we are medieval Pope and clergy resurfacing in 20th centery. We're gonna forcefully send you to heaven while we will all go to hell. Such giving people we are")
برای نخبه‌های زندانی
For jailed geniuses
(Other-thinkers, aka anyone who has the slightest objections to the regime, are easily arrested, jailed and executed here. Often with made up charges and always without a just trial. Among them there are lawyers, physicians, engineers, physicists, nuclear engineers, authors, philosophers, chemists, athletes, artists, movie directors, and etc. The most infamous prison in Iran that holds political prisoners is called Evin. We call it "Evin university" since most of the prisoners are academics there. Just recently, a couple of university professors who supported the student movement were arrested. Dariush Farhoud, 84, the father of genetics in iran, was one of them because he criticized the regime's policies. He was released in less than 48 hours but his capture was a shock. It's not to say that academic people have blue blood, but to say how this regime disrespects our people even the most educated ones. And they have the audacity to complain about the immigrations, as they put it the "brain drain")
برای کودکان افغانی
For Afghan children
(Immigrate Afghans have very bad situations in iran. Despite our government pose as "defender of helpless" and "protector of mistreated Muslims" Afghan immigrates and their children have lots of legal issues in Iran. Receiving health, education, and id papers has become a prominent problem Afghan kids face in iran. Poverty and lack of supporting law has made them the target of abuse. I mentioned about child labor in iran, many Afghan children are victims of child labor too. IR has also used child soldiers in Syria.) (Don't forget about #stophazaragenocide)
برای این همه " برای" غیر تکراری
For all of these different "for..."s
(There were so many "for" tweets and nearly non of them were repetitive)
برای این همه شعارهای توخالی
For all of these empty slogans
("Down with the USA", "death to [put a western country name, or Israel, or Saudi Arabia]", "I give my life for the supreme leader", "bless the supreme leading system". These are empty slogans. We replaced them with more relevant ones "death to the dictator", "down with Khamenei", "Khamenei is a murderer, therefore his leading is void", "this is the blood year, Khamenei is going down", "woman, life, freedom", "you're dishonored, you're corrupted, I'm a free woman", "no matter how many times you hit me with an ax, it didn't leave a wound [behind]. A bud grew [out of each spot]"! Much better!)
برای آوار خونه‌های پوشالی
For the rubble of the cardboard buildings
(Shoddy construction. You can pay a good bribe to authorities, they close their eyes on your defective construction work. Several months ago, half of a newly made building, Abadan Metropole, collapsed and took 41 lives. A couple of weeks ago, the other half of the same building collapsed but this time only few people got injured. That first collapse, as had become the usual, sparked a short lived protests. The incident was a representation of construction quality in Iran. According to Tehran municipality, many buildings in Tehran are in danger of conflagration. Tehran is already built on 3 major Faults that results in big earthquake every century or so, and we haven't had one in a long time now. Add that to the danger of uncontrollable fire, a Plasco building situation, you see what kind of catastrophe could happen in Tehran. All of this neglect just because of money. They spill our blood for profit.)
برای احساس آرامش
For the peace of mind
برای خورشید پس از شبای طولانی
For sunrise after long nights
برای قرص‌های اعصاب و بی خوابی
For antidepressants and insomnia
(Mental disorders like depression and anxiety have been growing rapidly for several years now. To the point that it's been estimated more than half the population to be depressed. Sui cide rate has been increasing fast and majorly in people under 30. I don't like to talk statistics so let's talk experience. A couple of kids, 14 or so, committed su i cide during covid lockdown which was horrifying hearing their stories in the radio. I, myself, had to take some time off the university because of severe anxiety and depression. Almost all of my classmates and friends are depressed and most of them deal with different degrees of anxiety. And 3 out of 4 of them take sleeping pills. How can you not be like this if you live under a government that not only oppress you with every mean possible, but they steal your money and fuck the economy so bad "it doesn't matter how fast you run, you'll never reach your dreams". And those dreams aren't big dreams. My generation, the generation before and the one after, we all saw our only chance to have a normal life in immigration but I didn't even have the energy to work for that. So out of everyone I know who dream about leaving here, only a handful had the mental strength to get up and get ready for it. Another thing my generation struggle with is religious trauma, even one of my hijabi classmates who did all of her prayers on time hated attending theology classes in uni. It's mandatory to take an appointed number of theology classes in order to get your degree no matter what major you study. And those classes plus all the ones we take in highschool and middle school are some of the most brainwashing traumatizing experiences many students have had. Talk about mental health!)
برای مرد، میهن، آبادی
For man, homeland, development
برای دختری که آرزو داشت پسر بود
For the girl who wished she was born a boy
(I don't think I need to talk about the regime sexism and misogyny. I've talked about it before, at length. I think most iranian girls have daydreamed about being born a boy once. How life would be easier. Guys normally tell us "then you should have done mandatory military service" which really sucks, but still, I think 2 years of hell is better than a lifetime) (I've seen some people attribute this line to the "blue girl". Since she's a symbol of sexism in Iran I think it's worth mentioning her story. Sahar Khodayari was a football fan and liked to attend football matches in stadiums. Even though there's no logical reason behind it, women are prohibited to go to football stadiums. So she would dress up as a guy to attend. In 2019, she got arrested and after being humiliated and threatened to be jailed in court she put herself on fire in front of the judiciary building. She died a week after that. She was just a fan.)
برای #زن_زندگی_آزادی
For #woman_life_freedom
برای آزادی، برای آزادی، برای آزادی
For freedom, for freedom, for freedom
I tried to add links that would lead you to an expanded version of stories or some resources to understand it better. I hope this helps you understand the song, the Iranian revolution, and the dept of our regime's corruption better.
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sisterssafespace · 1 year
Asalaam u alikum, I want a solution for a problem which I am facing for past five years. My marriage of 5 years didn't had a great start, It took me few months to finally open up and warm up to my husband but he took it in a wrong way he thought I was married forcibly and might have someone else in my life, which is not true, it z just my nature and I have already told him about I will took sometime, but he started doubting me he used to check my phone(messages, calls, etc etc) but he found nothing becoz. I never had any relationship or friendship with any male. So, instead of reaching to conclusion that he z wrong in doubting my chastity he thought I am just clever in hiding things. Our relationship became sour but it was sorted after few months. What hurt me is even after 5 years he keeps doubting me, he thinks I have some kind of relationship or friendship with my brother in law which is so absurd I mean he so respectful of me, he barely looks on me. I don't know why he is hung up on it evenafter 5 years, I barely meet my sister or her kids. I just asked him If I can go to my sister's house he says it z ur wish. Altough my husband is a good person he performs his duties of a husband very well but it hurts me that he thinks so lowly of me without giving him any reason to doubt just becoz. It took me few months to open up to him.
و عليكم السلام و رحمة اللّٰه و بركاته 🍃
First of all sister, I feel sorry that you have been going through this for 5 years. It is sad and unfortunate that a marriage can be so unhappy for so long, especially at the beginning, in the years that are supposed to be the best and the brightest, la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah 💔
Now from what you explained it seems that doubting is a trait in your husband's personality, which, I really hope is not, because if this was a personality trait or defect, then you will need professional help (e.g. therapist) - but if this doubtfulness and mistrust is just a result of what went on at the beginning of your lives together (your shy attitude toward him) then I hope you can fix it without seeking any help from outside the marriage. But as a first try, I need you to understand ( in order to be able to confidently explain to your husband) the following points:
🔹 Doubting your spouse in Islam is Haram.
🔹Looking into your spouse's phone or going through their personal items or ears dropping on their conversations is forbidden in Islam.
🔹A marriage that is not built on mutual trust is not a marriage, it's neither healthy nor successful.
Here are some of the proofs I found to back up my points:
Allah swt says in the Quran in surat Al Hujurat:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اجْتَنِبُوا كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الظَّنِّ إِنَّ بَعْضَ الظَّنِّ إِثْمٌ ۖ وَلَا تَجَسَّسُوا وَلَا يَغْتَب بَّعْضُكُم بَعْضًا ۚ أَيُحِبُّ أَحَدُكُمْ أَن يَأْكُلَ لَحْمَ أَخِيهِ مَيْتًا فَكَرِهْتُمُوهُ ۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ تَوَّابٌ رَّحِيمٌ (12)
(49:12) Believers, avoid being excessively suspicious, for some suspicion is a sin.[24] Do not spy,[25] nor backbite one another.[26] Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?[27] You would surely detest it. Have fear of Allah. Surely Allah is much prone to accept repentance, is Most Compassionate.
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the worst of false tales. and do not look for the others' faults, and do not do spying on one another, and do not practice Najsh, and do not be jealous of one another and do not hate one another, and do not desert (stop talking to) one another. And O, Allah's worshipers! Be brothers!"
Narrated Abu Huraira:
So what you are going to do is that you are going to do your research, find videos of Shuyukh talking about this in your own language, write down the Ayah and Hadith, and sit in front of him one day, and confidently defend yourself and give him this proof. The words of Allah swt and His messenger ﷺ. And be honest, as a wife you have the right to tell your spouse how you're feeling, especially if you are being treated unfairly. Since you are not wrong and you haven't betrayed your husband alhamdullillah, then Allah swt is with you. Do not be scared because you are not in the wrong my dear. Ask for the respect that you deserve, but please maintain your calm, and do it in respectful way. But if you are not good with confrontation, you can write down all your thoughts in a sort of a letter, and you can give it to him or just text him, email him, or send him links to videos and articles.. remind him that all of this is from Shaytan and that he should not give in to these thoughts, find the channel that suits you best! Wa allahu al mustaān!
I honestly hope the darkness in your marriage ends soon. May Allah swt enlightens your husband's basirah and guide his heart to see the truth. May Allah swt increase your love in his heart and change him to be a kinder more loving pious husband and good companion for you, Ameen.
- A. Z. 🍃
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questionsonislam · 1 year
Is the statement "The right of an older child over his younger sibling is like the right of the father" a hadith? Will you explain it?
Family is the smallest unit of the community that consists of a father, mother and children if any and that forms with marriage. Therefore, family is regarded as the building block of the community. Along with the mother, father and children, paternal uncles and aunts, and maternal uncles and aunts are also regarded as the members of the family.
Family is the essence and foundation of the community. Nations are formed by the combination of many families. The sounder the foundations of the families, the sounder and more peaceful the nations.
The religion of Islam gives importance to establishing families, encourages marriage and wants it to be protected. Allah Almighty states the following in the chapter of an-Nur:
“Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among yourselves, male or female: if they are in poverty, Allah will give them means out of His grace.” (an-Nur, 24/32)
The Prophet (pbuh) also encouraged marrying and having children. Therefore, it is not regarded nice not marry without a reason. The people who spend their youth by obeying the desires of their souls are destroyed in the end. Such people may attain the positions, money and fame that they want but they will be deprived of the joy of a cozy home and the loving and respectful looks of the family members; they will not be remembered well after death either.
Our religion gives great importance to the family and the relationships among the family members.According to Islam, the family is a holy environment in which a person is born and grows up. The feelings of love, respect, compassion, mercy and pity underlie this holiness. There is a place where everybody lives; it is our home. We call the building a house, flat etc., but we call the place where the members of a family live home. It is also called a nest and hearth. The terms like nest and hearth are used in the sense of the places that give us the feelings of comfort and security and where we feel the coziness. Thus, we call the material structure of the place in which we live a house but we call the spiritual environment where we live home, nest or hearth.
As family members, we share our joy in our family, laugh and have fun together when we are happy, feel sorry together when we are sad and seek solutions to our problems together. Joy increases when it is shared; we become happier when we share our joy in the family. Similarly, when we share our sorrow, we forget it more easily.
We learn to love, to be loved, to show respect and to love nature, animals and humans from our family. Our family teaches us to love children and respect elders. We learn from our family how to act in the community and how to be protected from evil.
We have stated that familyconsists of a father, mother and children if any; children have a different place in the family. According to our religion, children are entrusted to parents by Allah. For, Allah states the following for children:
“Wealth and sons are allurements of the life of this world;…” (al-Kahf, 18/46)
Parents are asked to pray as follows in the Quran:
“(Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous!” (al-Furqan, 25/74)
It is one of parents’ main duties to bring up children in a way that will be useful to the community. The Prophet (pbuh) states the following:
“There is no gift that a father/mother gives his/her son more virtuous than good manners.” (Tirmidhi, Birr 33)
Children who are born of the same parents or from the same mother or father are called siblings. There must be love and respect on the basis of the relationship among children. Thus, the siblings who love and respect one another will get on well.
Siblings are like the parts of a whole that complement one another. Nothing should break this unity and alienate siblings from one another. Older siblings are like parents for younger ones. The Prophet (pbuh) said,
“The right of an older child over his younger sibling is like the right of the father.” (Ihyau Ulumuddin, II/195)
Therefore, younger siblings should respect their older siblings, should not oppose them and should avoid offensive statements and deeds. Older siblings should love their younger siblings and protect them with compassion. The Prophet warns us as follows regarding the issue:
“Those who do not respect older ones and who do not show mercy to younger ones are not of us.” (ibid, II/485)
One of the causes that decrease the love and respect among siblings isthe jealousy among them. The feeling of jealousy is not good for any siblings. Therefore, siblings should not be jealous of one another and should not annoy one another. In the Quran, the story of the Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) is narrated about the evil of being jealous of one’s brother in the chapter of Yusuf.
Siblings have certain duties toward one another. For, sibling means two parts of the same body. They resemble the branches of a tree that come from the same root. Therefore, a person needs to love his/her sibling, who is a part from him/her, as much as he/she loves himself/herself.
The siblings who grow up in the same house should establish their relationship among one another and between their parents based on love and respect; thus, they should contribute to the maintenance of the institution of the family.
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coachdebruyns · 2 years
The problems of marriage in the Islamic world and its solution.
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rashidali768 · 2 years
Dua For Love
Assalam Alaikum ,
My dear brother and sister. If you’re reading this article, it means you’re looking for a wazifa or dua to help you with your love life. Maybe you’ve lost the love of your life and you’re looking for a way to get them back. Either way, you’ve come to the right place. Losing the love of your life is one of the most painful experiences a person can have. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. Our wazifas and duas have been tested thousands of times and have helped people from all walks of life get their loved ones back. So don’t hesitate to give them a try. 
Things become more difficult when an outside person is involved in the situation. If you are walking around with a broken heart, this is not how you should live your life. No one wants to go through life without love, so we have a Powerful Islamic Wazifa for EX Love Back that can eliminate that third person and solve your problem. Islam is one of the largest religions in the world and we created this website to help our Muslim brothers and sisters get knowledge about their religion and how to use Wazifa’s and Dua’s to get anything they want in their life.
Some important points to be kept in mind while performing the dua -
To make your dua more effective, keep the following points in mind:
– Keep yourself clean and the place where you perform this dua – While doing this dua, keep your face in the direction of Qibla Sharif – Start this dua after any Namaz for best results – Imagine your love with good intentions; your only motive should be marriage
Our wazifa is specially meant to help to get your desired wishes and dreams to come true. We believe that to get something you did not need anything except the acceptance of Almighty Allah (SWT)
Wazifa for Love Back Step by Step:
Start by reciting Durood e Ibrahimi 7 Martaba.
Recite Surah Yaseen [36:57] Eleven Times Given below.
On a white piece of paper, please write down the name of your lover that you want to bring back and put it in front of you.
Now in the memory of Allah Tallah, recite “subḥaan-allaahi wa biḥamdihi wa subḥaan-allaahil-‛aẓeem“ 101 times.
Take that piece of paper and put it underneath your pillow. Sleep with it for three days.
Surah Yaseen [36:57]- “Lahum feehaa faakiha tunw-wa lahum maa yadda’oon”
English Translation– “Every moment will be a joy for them. They will have whatever they ask.”
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Islamic Wazifa is a method that you will practice for at least 7 days to get your love back. No matter the reason, this Wazifa should work like magic if you perform it with desire and conviction. Your lover will come back into your life within 21 days. If you want immediate results, then please contact Molana Rashid Ali.
Why is Wazifa For Love Back is So effective ?
Wazifa for love back is one of the most sought after Islamic prayer these days. This prayer is powerful, effective and works like a magic. Millions of people try this prayer with hopes of getting back their ex-lover but don’t know why this prayer is so effective and how they can increase their chances of getting back the love of their life. In this blog, I will shed light on the reasons behind this effective Islamic prayer and how you can use it to work like a charm.
In our day-to-day life we need to face lots of problems and disappointments. In the modern world, love is considered to be one of the most important things. If you are facing the problem of breakups or divorce then you can use wazifa for love back. If you want to know more details about wazifa for love back then you can read the content.
If you are looking for a solution for your love problems then you came to the right place. Many of us are searching for the solution for their love problems. Every person who is in love wants to have a long and happy love relationship. Wazifa for love back is the solution for your love problems. I hope today’s post is helpful for you.
“Wazifa for love back ” is an age old Islamic practice which provides a solution to problems like love, marriage, job-loss etc. Though the Islamic culture and thinking of people is getting modernized, but still majority of people believe in this. As far as Islamic practices are concerned, “Wazifa for love back ” is very effective in solving love problems, provided the belief is strong.
Wazifa To Get My Love Back -
Note: It’s important to Perform this Wazifa after you have Performed the Isha Night Prayer.
1. You will need to recite ‘Valar Umar Zeen Kaleef’ at least 300 times. 2. After that, you will need to say the name of your lover. 3. Repeat this Wazifa for getting love back at least twice a day. 4. Continue this for seven days. 5. At last, Recite Durood Sharif Eleven times.
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1 – Fajr (ڈان کی) Morning Prayer
2 – Zuhar (Duhr) (ظہر ) Noon Prayer
3 – Asar ( آنے کا ) Afternoon Prayer
4 – Maghrib ( مغرب ) Evening Prayer
5 – Isha ( میں ) Night Prayer
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Important note -
Note –
If this dua or wazifa is not working, it means that someone has put a black magic spell or is doing Kala ilem on your relationship. If you have this problem, contact our Molana Rashid Ali by clicking on the Consult with us button below. Girls should not do this dua or wazifa during their periods. Do this dua or wazifa with a pure heart and pure intention, and have faith in Allah Tala.
Why Dua Is Not Heard by ALLAH ?
There are so many reasons why dua is not heard by Allah , But we need to solve it. We should try to solve it by following the steps which i have mentioned in this blog. Dua can only be heard by Allah when we are healthy and strong. We should try to follow the simple steps which are mentioned below.
There are a few reasons as to why your dua, or supplication, may not be getting answered.
The first reason could be that your dua is weak – this means that you’re not asking for it correctly, with the right level of emotion and faith. In order to make a proper dua, you should have strong Iman.
The second reason could be that you’re not pure. This refers to if you’re doing anything haram – If you’re participating in any activities that are forbidden in Islam, then your dua will not be accepted by Allah.
The third reason is that you’re not sending a greeting towards Prophet PBUH. Your dua will not be heard by Allah until you send peace to His messenger.
Consult Molana Rashid Ali for immmediate results -
If you’re having any difficulties understanding or performing the Surah, feel free to contact us anytime. We’re available 24/7 to help you with any problems you may have. Our Islamic scholars and specialists are always here to help, and they can provide you with the best possible solutions. You can directly contact them on WhatsApp and ask for help. They’ll be more than happy to provide you with the best solution they can.
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halalnuskhe · 7 days
Powerful Dua For Marriage Problems
Struggling with challenges in your marriage? Find comfort and guidance through powerful duas designed to heal and strengthen your relationship. Rooted in Islamic teachings, these prayers offer a spiritual solution to common marital issues, helping you restore love, trust, and harmony. To know more, you can visit: https://halalnuskhe.com/dua-for-marriage-problems/
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islamicloveduas · 22 days
Dua For Love And Marriage
Have you ever looked up in the sky and whispered a prayer to the crescent moon for marriage? Did you want a dua for love and marriage? Your silent prayers to the moon and the stars for marriage will be fulfilled with our help. Islamicloveduas will help you in your marriage and get married to someone you want.
Your companion is the most important person in your life, making you follow your religion. dua for love and marriage holds a very special place in our religion. Focus your surroundings with a Muslim partner so that you can live a long happy life in the shade of Allah. Curious to know about this dua? Let’s go on the journey of Muslim dua for marriage and its power and in which way it helps us.
Dive into the sea of spirituality in Islam and understand its depth and belief of dua for marriage. Learn its significance in our religion and transform ourselves with faith and trust in the Almighty.
Marriage Importance in Islam
In our tradition marriage itself is a religious activity that connects 2 souls for the rest of their life. Entering into the marriage phase of life in Islam is a change of life for you as well as your partner. Sometimes it will get difficult, unexpected turns in life, and it also can be happy living. You must have to face every situation like dua for love and marriage with Allah’s help and guidance.
The decision to get married is a very difficult one. Only when you have a perfect partner for you whom you love and believe you can spend your life with him/her. This dua for love and marriage is a heartfelt divine conversation to get your marriage solution from Allah Talah (SWT).
The light of guidance will offer you some tools and insights to find the best path toward your marriage and its solutions. As we all know the importance of a right partner. So we provide you with the best supplication for your will to be fulfilled by the Almighty.
Foundation of Performing this Dua
The foundation of every prayer, dua, or supplication must be strong enough to balance it and support it. By building a strong foundation you will get the best results of this dua and may Allah bring lots of love in your life. Build your foundation with the following aspects.
Pure Intentions: Reach Allah with the purest intention that is filled in every single word of your dua. Dua seeking a person who loves you and has no word other than finding a partner. Let’s focus on finding a good partner and getting married.
Embrace your humility: Accept all your imperfections and the mistakes that you have made in your life. Ask Allah to forgive all the sins with all your honesty. The forgiveness will open the door of Allah s.w.t with blessings.
Strong faith: Trust in Allah’s wisdom even when the time is not right or there is no path that you can see. The faith and trust in him will lead you to the solution of every problem. A strong faith in anything can make that thing happen even if it is not made to happen.
The Best Dua in Islam for Quick Marriage
Best Dua For Happy Marriage in Islam
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْ زَوْجًا لِّي مِنْ عِبَادِكَ الصَّالِحِينَ الَّذِينَ يُصَلُّونَ وَيُزَكُّونَ وَيَصُومُونَ وَيَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَيُطِيعُونَكَ فِي كُلِّ شَيْءٍ. اللَّهُمَّ اِنْ كَانَتْ هِيَ خَيْرٌ لِّي فَعَجِّلْ وَصْلِهَا بِي وَإِنْ كَانَتْ شَرًّا لِّي فَابْعَدْهَا عَنِّي وَارْزُقْنِي خَيْرًا مِنْهَا.
Arabic Transliteration of Best dua for love and marriage
Bi-smi Allāhi ar-Raḥmāni ar-Raḥīmi. Allāhumma ijal zawjan li minibādika aṣ-ṣāliḥīna al-ladhīna yuṣallūna wa-yuZakkūna wa-yaṣūmūna wa-yamurūna bil-marūfi wa-yanhawnaani al-munkari wa-yuṭīūnaka fī kulli shayʾin. Allāhumma in kānat hiya khayran li faajjil wa-ṣilhā bi wa-in kānat sharran li fabidhaannī wa-arzuqnī khayran min hā.
English Translation of Best Dua in Islam for Marriage
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. O Allah, grant me a righteous spouse from among Your servants, those who pray and give Zakat and fast, enjoin what is good, forbid evil, and obey You. O Allah, if she is good for me, then expedite (our union) and join us together, and if she is bad for me, then keep her away from me and grant me something better than her.
How to Pray to Allah for Marriage?
Praying to Allah needs a lot of sincerity, consistency, and devotion. The best way to pray to Allah is the regular recitation of dua and reading surahs from the Quran. Give some time in the remembrance of Allah and get his blessings upon us.
Lying on a sincere and pure foundation of dua is the first thing to do while praying with the dua for love and marriage. The purity of your thoughts while performing this supplication. Faith in Allah’s wish and trust that he will help you in every situation. The acceptance of all the mistakes that you have made before and all the sins must be forgiven by him.
Give strength to your dua with the help of gratitude and clarity of thoughts. Be grateful for the things that you have and that you don’t have, do not complain about not having the other things. Make your thoughts clear about what you want in your life.
Make your prayer or dua much more strong by spending quality time in Allah’s remembrance and praying to him with the help of this dua. Also regularly perform dua for him.
As we have learned about the dua for love and marriage, we understand that Allah encourages us to perform the dua in difficult times so that we can connect with his power. The dua reflects seeking assistance and guidance from Allah’s messenger on earth who will help you in your difficult times.
We are one of those who are here to help you. Allah’s messenger Maulana Abdul Aziz who has gifted by Allah with the capability of removing problems from other’s lives. You must consult with him and ask for his guidance, he will surely help you and show you the best Allah’s path to your problems like dua for Love Marriage in Islam, dua for Marriage Problems in Islam
Frequently Asked Questions
Q.1 How frequently should I recite this dua?
Ans. There is no specific time but you should perform this dua with proper supplication, pure intentions along sincerity.
Q.2 Does my family pray for my spouse or my marriage?
Ans. Yes, they can perform dua for your marriage, you must share this dua with them and remember to have a strong concentration on your dua to get married.
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freewazifas · 4 months
Kala Jadu The ArgumentAn important point to keep in mind is that all Jadoo is kala jadu, and there is no such matter as evil jadu or very good jaduu. In the modern world, kala jadu still appears to get connotations of evil for people who may be Christian or Muslims. In regards to real magic, the response is no. kala jadu or Black magic is widely thought to be accountable for fights, barrenness, illness, and sometimes even death. It has a long and storied history and is a part of many religious dogmas and customs.Kala Jadu The Argument If you prefer to learn such a kala ilm , there are particular factors which you ought to think of. Magic doesn’t work like that. kala jaduu even played a sizable part in the job, Macbeth. More frequently than not, you hear the expression black magic employed by non-Pagans to describe any kind of magical working in any way.Astonishing Details Regarding Kala Jadu ExposedA lot of individuals well-known folks, strongholds and mechanical concerns are profited from these Tantras. Furthermore, usually, it’s found that you’ve got business enemies for wrong explanations. Along with, it shouldn’t be harm to anybody with no reason. Ergo, if anyone would like to remove these sorts of effects on their entire body, then they may use the kala Jadoo Amliyat service. Solution and treatment were given below:
know more click here
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Dua To Marry Someone of Your Choice And Love (Dua For Love Marriage)
In this post, we share a Powerful Dua To Marry Someone of Your Choice And Love, based on the Quran and Sunnah, using proper Islamic halal methods. We suggest you read this article properly to get the most out of it if you are looking for a solution to your problem. We guarantee you won’t find this important knowledge on any other website. Always remember Allah SWT Said: “Call upon Me, I will…
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exlovebackmaulanaji · 2 months
Muslim Astrologer In India
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Astrology has been an integral part of various cultures and societies throughout history. In India, astrology holds a significant place, influencing personal, social, and even political decisions. Among the diverse astrological practices, Muslim astrology stands out for its unique blend of traditional Islamic wisdom and astrological principles. Muhammad Ali, a renowned Muslim astrologer in India, offers a profound understanding of this mystical science, providing guidance and solutions to numerous life problems.
The Essence of Muslim Astrology
Muslim astrology, also known as Islamic astrology, is deeply rooted in the teachings of the Quran and Hadith. It combines elements of traditional astrology with Islamic beliefs, making it a unique practice that addresses the spiritual and material aspects of life. Muslim astrologers use a variety of tools and methods, including the study of celestial bodies, numerology, and the interpretation of dreams, to provide insights and solutions.
Services Offered by Muslim Astrologers
Love and Relationship Solutions: Issues in love and relationships can be addressed with the help of Muslim astrology. Astrologers offer remedies and prayers (duas) to strengthen relationships, resolve conflicts, and attract love.
Marriage and Compatibility: Ensuring compatibility between partners is crucial for a successful marriage. Muslim astrologers analyze birth charts and provide guidance on marital compatibility, suggesting remedies for any astrological mismatches.
Career and Business Guidance: Career growth and business success are significant aspects of life. Muslim astrologers offer insights into favorable times for starting new ventures, making career moves, and overcoming professional obstacles.
Health and Wellness: Health is a primary concern for everyone. Muslim astrology provides solutions to health issues through spiritual healing, protective amulets, and specific prayers aimed at promoting physical and mental well-being.
Financial Stability: Financial problems can cause significant stress. Muslim astrologers offer guidance on managing finances, attracting wealth, and resolving debt issues through astrological remedies and Islamic practices.
The Role of a Muslim Astrologer
A Muslim astrologer like Muhammad Ali plays a crucial role in guiding individuals through life's challenges. With a deep understanding of both astrology and Islamic teachings, he provides holistic solutions that address the root causes of problems. His approach is compassionate and empathetic, ensuring that his clients feel supported and understood.
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wazifaforlovemarraige · 2 months
Wazifa For Marriage in One Week, Marriage is a significant milestone in life and finding the perfect partner can sometimes feel like an uphill task. Everyone dreams of having a blissful and harmonious married life, but the path to finding the right person might often be riddled with obstacles. This is where Wazifa for Marriage in One Week by Astrologer Zubair Khan comes in handy. Astrologer Zubair Khan is an experienced and reputable expert in Islamic astrology who has gained recognition for his exceptional skills and knowledge in solving various life problems. His specialty lies in providing Wazifa solutions to overcome marriage-related issues, helping countless individuals find their ideal match while ensuring a smooth marital journey. Understanding Wazifa for Marriage Wazifa is a powerful Islamic practice that has been passed down through generations to help people overcome difficulties and achieve their desires. It involves the recitation of specific Quranic verses, prayers, or words from the Hadith with sincerity and dedication to invoke Almighty Allah's blessings. The Wazifa for Marriage in One Week is specifically designed to remove any obstacles hindering your path to marriage and allows you to find your perfect partner within just one week. However, attaining success with this method requires faith, steadfastness, and performing it as advised by Astrologer Zubair Khan. Secrets to Success with Wazifa for Marriage in One Week Patience is essential: As with any spiritual practice, patience plays a crucial role in the success of your efforts. Remember that only when Allah believes the time is right will you see the desired results from the Wazifa for Marriage. Performing it accurately: Adhering strictly to the instructions given by Astrologer Zubair Khan increases your chances of achieving positive results. This may include reciting specific Quranic verses a particular number of times or offering prayers at specific times of the day. Faith and dedication: The effectiveness of your Wazifa for Marriage in One Week relies heavily on your belief and dedication. Complete trust in its Wazifa For Marriage in One Week Wazifa for Marriage in One Week: Unlocking the Power of Astrology with Zubair Khan Marriage is a beautiful union of two souls, often seen as the perfect expression of love and commitment. However, finding a suitable life partner and getting married can sometimes be a challenging process. For those facing difficulties in their quest for marriage, Wazifa for Marriage in One Week by renowned astrologer Zubair Khan offers an effective solution. Harnessing the Ancient Wisdom of Wazifa Wazifa, derived from Arabic, refers to the practice of reciting specific verses or phrases to seek blessings and guidance from Allah. This ancient spiritual practice has been used for centuries to attract positive energy and bring about desired outcomes in various aspects of life. Astrologer Zubair Khan, with his vast knowledge and expertise, has devised powerful Wazifa techniques aimed at expediting the process of marriage for those who are seeking a soulmate. By following these practices with dedication and fervor, individuals can attract their ideal match and potentially achieve marriage within one week. Discover Zubair Khan's Unparalleled Expertise With years of experience in astrology and spiritual sciences, Zubair Khan has helped countless individuals navigate life's challenges and manifest their dreams. His proven methods combine traditional Islamic teachings with modern astrological insights to create an effective path toward marital happiness. By utilizing the Wazifa for Marriage in One Week provided by Astrologer Zubair Khan, you can unlock the path to a blissful union with your destined partner. Here's what you need to know: Develop unwavering faith - Your intentions must be pure and rooted in faith to attract positive energy throughout the process. Follow expert guidance - Trust in the expertise of Astrologer Zubair Khan as he shares his knowledge of performing the right Wazifa for your situation. Be consistent in your practice - Ensure that you follow the prescribed Wazifa technique regularly with full devotion. Embrace patience Wazifa For Marriage in One Week: The Ultimate Solution by Astrologer Zubair Khan Marriage is an essential milestone in life, and finding the right partner within a short period can be challenging. However, with the powerful Wazifa for marriage in one week by renowned Astrologer Zubair Khan, you can turn your dream into reality. Astrology has been an integral part of human civilization for centuries, helping people find solutions to their problems and guiding them toward a happier life. The Wazifa for marriage in one week offers amazing results for those who have faith in it. Here are some insights about this powerful Wazifa and how you can utilize it to find your perfect match in just one week. Understanding the Wazifa for Marriage: The term 'Wazifa' originates from Arabic and refers to specific verses or Islamic prayers that are recited for specific purposes. In this case, the Wazifa for marriage within one week helps individuals find their soulmates fast. Astrologer Zubair Khan, with his vast knowledge of astrology and expertise in remedial measures, presents this incredible solution to ensure that you meet your life partner sooner than you ever thought possible. How the Wazifa works: The powerful Wazifa comprises specific verses from the Holy Quran and sacred prayers that invoke divine intervention to help you achieve your goals. By reciting these special verses with faith and sincerity, you create an energy channel that connects with the supreme power, bringing positive changes into your life. To get optimum results from the Wazifa for marriage within a week: Make sure you perform Wudu (ablution) before starting the ritual. Choose a clean and peaceful area where you can focus without distractions. Begin by offering two Rakats of Salah (prayer). Recite the specified verses given by Astrologer Zubair Khan with devotion. Make a prayer in your heart seeking assistance in finding your life partner.
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rehasaleh · 3 months
Sharia Lawyer in Amman: Your Guide to Safeguarding Your Rights in Family Matters
Are you seeking a Sharia lawyer in Amman to provide counsel and defend your rights in a family matter?
In this comprehensive guide, we will cover:
Who is a Sharia Lawyer?
Responsibilities of a Sharia Lawyer
When Do You Need a Sharia Lawyer in Amman?
How to Choose a Sharia Lawyer in Amman
Top Sharia Law Firms in Amman
Tips for Dealing with a Sharia Lawyer in Amman
Read More: Directory of Jordanian Lawyers
Who is a Sharia Lawyer?
A Sharia lawyer is a legal expert specializing in Islamic Sharia law and personal status laws. They handle providing counsel and defending their clients in various family matters, including:
Marriage and divorce
Custody and maintenance
Child-related lawsuits
Read More: Directory of lawyers in Oman
Responsibilities of a Sharia Lawyer
The responsibilities of a Sharia lawyer include:
Legal consultations: Providing legal advice to clients on their rights and obligations in family matters.
Legal representation: Representing clients in Sharia courts, presenting arguments, and defending their interests.
Drafting legal documents: Preparing various legal documents required for the case, such as petitions and legal memoranda.
Negotiation: Negotiating with other parties involved in the case to reach amicable settlements.
Follow-up: Monitoring the progress of the case, tracking developments, and informing clients of any updates.
Read More: Lawyer number for consultation
When Do You Need a Sharia Lawyer in Amman?
You need a Sharia lawyer in Amman in any of the following situations:
If you are facing a family problem that requires legal solutions.
If you seek legal advice on your rights and obligations in a family matter.
If you need legal representation in a Sharia court.
If you wish to draft a will, marriage contract, or any other legal document related to personal status.
Read More: Sharia lawyer
How to Choose a Sharia Lawyer in Amman
When choosing a Sharia lawyer in Amman, consider these factors:
Experience: Ensure the lawyer has extensive experience in personal status and family matters.
Reputation: Seek a lawyer with a good reputation and high ethical standards.
Specialization: Choose a lawyer specializing in the type of case you are facing.
Legal fees: Understand the lawyer's fees before contracting their services.
Communication: Ensure you feel comfortable communicating with and trust the lawyer.
Read More: Lawyer in Jordan
Top Sharia Law Firms in Amman
Several distinguished Sharia law firms operate in Amman, including:
Attasi & Partners Law Firm: One of the most renowned Sharia law firms in Amman, with a team of experienced lawyers in various personal status matters.
Dr. Mahmoud Al-Shabatat Sharia Law Office: Renowned for family and divorce cases, with a successful track record in this field.
Mohammad Abu Azzam Sharia Law Office: Specializes in family and divorce cases, offering exceptional legal services at reasonable prices.
Tips for Dealing with a Sharia Lawyer in Amman
When dealing with a Sharia lawyer in Amman, consider these tips:
Be clear and transparent with the lawyer about your case details.
Ask all your questions and get clear answers from the lawyer.
Ensure you understand all terms and conditions of the power of attorney before signing.
Regularly communicate with the lawyer to follow up on the case.
Keep all documents and correspondence related to the case.
Remember, choosing the right Sharia lawyer can significantly impact the outcome of your family matter.
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amils-posts · 4 months
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Who is the Best Astrologer in Bangalore?
Who is the best astrologer in bangalore? Besides the answer to this question, know also his most popular astrology services in bangalore and south India.
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Well before knowing the name of the leading and best astrologer in bangalore, first get acquainted with the specialties of his astrology services in bangalore, and all facts and distinctions related with this globally famous Indian astrologer Guru Ji. Highly opulent and ever-booming city of Bangalore (now officially known as Bengaluru) has perennially been generously helped and propelled well-off by this grand astrologer of global renown and reliability, because of being the most-populous metropolis of the south India, and holding immense importance in respect of thriving industries & commerce. This Chandigarh-based Guru Ji also holds the distinction and great credit for having benefitted the bulk cities and nations of the world in last three decades.
His superb and life-changing Vedic astrology services for all life’s areas and problems, have smoothened and delighted the lives of millions of diverse people in this largest city and the gorgeous capital of Karnataka. These substantially aided and blessed people mainly belonged to the religions of Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity, different ethnic groups and financial backgrounds, and occupations. Further, these people (males & females of varying occupations, roles, and ages) located in places all across this green and trim city, and spoke in bulk the languages of Kannada, English, Telugu, Urdu, Tamil, Hindi, Marathi, and Malayalam. In general, the most popular astrology solutions in bangalore offered by him have steadily been the following ---
Solutions for problems in higher education, career selection, and academic success and research
Solutions for diverse hindrances, mystic commercial fluctuations and profitability, disputes, perils, and uncertainties in businesses and professions
Solutions for mutual clashes, external hindrances, gradual withering of love relationship between two love partners, and the cases of unwanted love disputes or breakup, and hassles in the reacquisition of lost love
Services for private & secret issues, health debilities & ailments, and relationships problems with kith and kin
And, services for ascertaining and furnishing all types of marriages, and the full-scale of solutions for the married life and domesticity
Further, his astrology services in bengaluru always facilitated the following rare and elusive benefits --- sure and expeditious solutions; reasonably modest costs; no perils to health, privacy, and social prestige; mature and touching treatment; and liberal rebates for regular clients.
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These all capabilities and niceties strongly promote our globally eminent Indian Guru Ji astrologer Ankit Sharma as the cogent answer to the striking question as to “who is the best astrologer in bangalore at present?”. Lastly, based on the natal charts of individuals, his solutions are receivable both through the visit-based and online-based modes.
Best Astrologer in Bangalore - Astrologer Ankit Sharma Call/WhatsApp: +91-98154-18307 Skype: Ankit.sharma3291 Email: info(at)AstrologerAnkitSharma(dot)(com)
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