#isi mark license
brandliaison2023 · 11 months
The BIS certification ensures that medical textile products meet the stipulated Indian standards, providing assurance of their reliability and safety for consumers. The standardization of medical textiles is carried out by the Technical Textiles for Medtech Application Sectional Committee, known as TXD 36, operating within the Textiles Division Council.
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psrcompliances · 2 months
BIS ISI Mark registration process for product certification
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Discover the ISI Mark registration process for product certification in this blog. It discusses what the ISI mark is and its importance. It also goes into detail about the BIS certification process, which is required for the ISI mark. Some of the important points are that not all products require BIS certification.
There is a list of mandatory products. Almost anyone can apply for BIS certification. It takes time to get a BIS certificate.
There are a number of documents that are required. The BIS certificate has limited validity. There are a number of benefits to getting the BIS certification. Overall, this blog provides a lot of useful information about the ISI Mark Registration process.
Please read more for detailed information: https://bit.ly/3LXcZzQ
psrcompliance #ISIMark #ProductCertification #India #Manufacturing #SafetyStandards #BIS #BISRegistration #Biscertification #biscrs #biscertificates #productcertification #registration #compliance #testing
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dineshbacklink · 2 months
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Choosing ISI Mark certification consultants offers the best guidance, secure processes, and pre-certification audits for certified compliance and fast approval. Their services are cost-effective, expedite certification, and provide ongoing support for maintaining legal standards. Partner with experts for efficient, hassle-free certification.
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jrcompliance1 · 2 months
Getting the ISI Mark Registration License is a smart step for any company looking to build its brand and win over customers. The procedure is made easier, more effective, and transparent with us. JR Compliance can help you promote your products with the ISI mark and propel your company to new heights of success.
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aleph-12india · 1 year
What is Bis certificate online
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is a vital organization operating under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution of the Indian government. As the national standards agency, BIS plays a crucial role in maintaining product quality and safety standards in India. With the advancement of technology, BIS has embraced the digital era by offering BIS Certification Online, making it easier and more accessible for manufacturers to obtain certification for their products.
BIS Online provides a comprehensive platform for manufacturers to acquire the necessary certification for their goods. With over 20,000 Indian Standards (IS) and Priced Publications (PP), including numerous new standards and amendments, BIS ensures that products meet the required quality and safety benchmarks. If you're looking to obtain a BIS Certificate in India, it is advisable to seek assistance from Aleph INDIA, a trusted consultancy that specializes in BIS Certification.
There are various types of BIS Certificates available, depending on the nature of the product. The most recognized and widely used certification mark in the Indian subcontinent is the ISI mark. It serves as a symbol of quality assurance for industrial goods, instilling confidence in both Indian and global consumers. The hallmark, on the other hand, is a certification method specifically designed to verify the purity of gold and silver jewelry, assuring buyers of their authenticity and value.
For agricultural products, the AGMARK plays a crucial role in establishing quality standards. Developed by the Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI), the AGMARK follows Indian Standards and ensures that consumers receive agricultural goods that meet the required benchmarks.
While obtaining product certification is voluntary, certain products fall under compulsory certification due to considerations of public health, safety, infrastructure requirements, and mass consumption. The Government of India mandates the certification of these products under various acts, emphasizing the significance of quality control and consumer protection.
The benefits of obtaining an ISI mark or BIS Online Certification are manifold. Firstly, it guarantees quality, safety, and trust in the product. The ISI mark indicates that the product has undergone rigorous testing and meets established standards, ensuring reliability for both Indian and global consumers. Additionally, the certification sets high-quality products apart from their inferior counterparts, allowing consumers to make informed choices and invest in reliable goods.
Another advantage of BIS Online Certification is the guarantee of product replacement. In the event that a certified product fails to meet the required standards, the manufacturer is obligated to replace it with a new one, ensuring that buyers receive value for their money. This commitment to consumer satisfaction further strengthens the trust and confidence placed in certified products.
Manufacturers of specified products, whether in India or abroad, can apply for ISI product Certification under the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS). The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MietY) and the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) provide a list of products eligible for compulsory certification.
To obtain BIS Certification, manufacturers need to go through a thorough process that includes obtaining a license and undergoing surveillance. Aleph INDIA conducts audits to assess whether the applicant meets the BIS requirements. Once approved, a BIS license is issued, valid for two years from the date of purchase. The BIS appoints auditors to oversee and inspect the implementation and maintenance of the Management System, ensuring ongoing compliance with the required standards.
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Kati Morton was a reluctant adopter of YouTube.
A therapist working toward her license in California, it was her then-boyfriend, now-husband, who first suggested that Morton explore posting videos on the platform as a way to disseminate mental health information.
The year was 2011, and Morton, like many others, thought YouTube primarily consisted of videos of cats playing the piano and make-up tutorials. But after seeing other content posted on the site, Morton decided to give it a shot.
Her audience started small, with her videos garnering a handful of views. But in the more than a decade since then, Morton's YouTube channel has grown to more than 1.2 million subscribers.
Crucial to the growth of Morton's audience is YouTube's system for recommending content to users, which the company began building in 2008. It relies on a highly complex algorithm to predict what videos will interest viewers and keep them watching. Today, half of Morton's views come from recommendations, she said.
"If you could see the entire life of the channel, it was really, really slow and steady," Morton told CBS News. "And then through recommendations, as well as collaborations, things have grown as you're able to reach a broader audience and YouTube is better able to understand the content."
YouTube's recommendations algorithm, and those used by platforms like TikTok, Facebook and Twitter, are now at the heart of a legal dispute that will go before the Supreme Court on Tuesday, in a case that involves the powerful legal shield that helped the internet grow.
"We're talking about rewriting the legal rules that govern the fundamental architecture of the internet," Aaron Mackey, senior staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told CBS News of what's at stake in the case, known as Google v. Gonzalez.
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act immunizes internet companies from liability over content posted by third parties and allows platforms to remove content considered obscene or objectionable. The dispute before the Supreme Court marks the first time the court will consider the scope of the law, and the question before the justices is whether Section 230's protections for platforms extend to targeted recommendations of information.
The court fight arose after terrorist attacks in Paris in November 2015, when 129 people were murdered by ISIS members. Among the victims was 23-year-old Nohemi Gonzalez, an American college student studying abroad who was killed at a bistro in the city.
Gonzalez's parents and other family members filed a civil lawsuit in 2016 against Google, which owns YouTube, alleging that the tech company aided and abetted ISIS in violation of a federal anti-terrorism statute by recommending videos posted by the terror group to users.
Google moved to dismiss the complaint, claiming that they were immune from the claims under Section 230. A federal district court in California agreed and, regarding YouTube's recommendations, found that Google was protected under the law because the videos at issue were produced by ISIS.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit affirmed the district court's ruling, and Gonzalez's family asked the Supreme Court to weigh in. The high court said in October it would take up the dispute.
The court fight has elicited input from a range of parties, many of which are backing Google in the case. Platforms like Twitter, Meta and Reddit — all of which rely on Section 230 and its protections — argue algorithmic recommendations allow them to organize the millions of pieces of third-party content that appear on their sites, enhancing the experience for users who would otherwise be forced to sift through a mammoth amount of posts, articles, photos and videos.
"Given the sheer volume of content on the internet, efforts to organize, rank, and display content in ways that are useful and attractive to users are indispensable," lawyers for Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, told the court.
Even the company that operates online dating services Match and Tinder pointed to Section 230 as "vital" to its efforts to connect singles, as the law allows "its dating platforms to provide recommendations to its users for potential matches without having to fear overwhelming litigation."
But conservatives are using the case as a vehicle to rail against "Big Tech" firms and amplify claims that platforms censor content based on political ideology.
Citing lower court decisions they believe has led to a "broad grant of immunity," a group of Republican Senators and House members told the Supreme Court that platforms "have not been shy about restricting access and removing content based on the politics of the speaker, an issue that has persistently arisen as Big Tech companies censor and remove content espousing conservative political views, despite the lack of immunity for such actions in the text of" Section 230.
The case has presented the Justices with a rare opportunity to hear directly from the co-authors of the legislation at issue. Ron Wyden, now a Democratic Senator from Oregon, and Chris Cox, a former GOP congressman from California, crafted Section 230 in the House in 1996. The bipartisan pair filed a friend-of-the court brief explaining the plain meaning of their law and the policy balance they sought to strike.
"Section 230 protects targeted recommendations to the same extent that it protects other forms of content curation and presentation," they wrote. "Any other interpretation would subvert Section 230's purpose of encouraging innovation in content moderation and presentation. The real-time transmission of user-generated content that Section 230 fosters has become a backbone of online activity, relied upon by innumerable internet users and platforms alike."
Google, they argued, is entitled to liability protection under Section 230, since the platform's recommendation algorithm is merely responding to user preferences by pairing them with the types of content they seek.
"The algorithm functions in a way that is not meaningfully different from the many curatorial decisions that platforms have always made in deciding how to present third-party content," Wyden and Cox said.
The battle also highlights competing views about the internet today and how Section 230 has shaped it. For tech companies, the law has laid the groundwork for new platforms to come online, an industry of online creators to form and free expression to flourish. For Gonzalez's family and others, the algorithmic recommendations have proven deadly and harmful.
Like the Gonzalezes, Taiwanna Anderson, too, has fought to hold a social media platform responsible over content it recommends to users.
Last May, Anderson sued TikTok and its parent company, China-based ByteDance, after her 10-year-old daughter Nylah died in late 2021 after trying to perform the dangerous "Blackout Challenge," in which users are pushed to strangle themselves until they pass out and then share videos of the experience.
The challenge, which went viral on TikTok, was recommended to Nylah through her account's "For You" page, a curated feed of third-party content powered by TikTok's algorithmic recommendation system.
Anderson's lawsuit sought to hold TikTok accountable for deliberately funneling dangerous content to minors through the challenges and encouraging behavior that put their lives in danger. TikTok asked the federal district court in Pennsylvania to dismiss the suit, invoking Section 230.
U.S. District Judge Paul Diamond tossed out the case in October, writing that the law shielded TikTok from liability because it was promoting the work of others. But he acknowledged in a brief order that TikTok made the Blackout Challenge "readily available on their site" and said its algorithm "was a way to bring the challenge to the attention of those likely to be most interested in it."
"The wisdom of conferring such immunity is something properly taken up with Congress, not the courts," Diamond wrote.
Mackey, of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, noted that if people disagree with the reach of Section 230 as the courts have interpreted it, the right remedy is for Congress, not the Supreme Court, to rewrite the law.
"When they passed it, they set this balance and said not that they didn't believe there wouldn't be harmful content, but they believed on balance the creation of opportunities and forums for people to speak, for the growth of the internet and development of a tool that became central to our lives, commerce, political expression — that was what they valued more," Mackey said. "Congress is free to rewrite that balance."
In the 27 years since Section 230 became law, the explosive growth of the internet has fueled a multi-billion-dollar industry of independent online creators who rely on large tech platforms to reach new audiences and monetize their content.
In Morton's case, her YouTube channel has allowed her to expand beyond her office in Santa Monica, California, and reach patients around the country, including in areas where mental health resources may be scarce.
"The ability for me to get over a million views on YouTube means that I'm able to reach so many more people, and mental health information isn't held behind a paywall," she said.
Alex Su, a lawyer by training who runs the TikTok account LegalTechBro, first began sharing content on LinkedIn in 2016 as a way to drive awareness of his employer, a technology company. After building up a following of lawyers and others in the legal industry on LinkedIn, Su began experimenting with TikTok in 2020.
His TikTok videos, which touch on insider experiences of working at a law firm, resonated with other lawyers and people with ties to the profession. He said LinkedIn's recommendation system has been instrumental in helping Su reach his target audience and market his company's services.
"These algorithms let me go viral among people who can relate to my jokes," he told CBS News. "If I put this type of content in front of a general audience, they probably wouldn't find it as funny."
Internet companies and supporters of Section 230 note the law has allowed for new and emerging companies to grow into industry leaders without incurring significant litigation costs fighting frivolous claims.
Su, an early adopter of LinkedIn and TikTok for those in the legal field, noted that creators are often quick to take advantage of new platforms, where they can reach new audiences.
"I think it's no accident that there are these shifts where new entrants come in and you can take advantage of it as a content creator because then you can go viral on that platform with a new audience quickly," he said. "Without those different platforms, I would not have been able to grow in the way that I did."
The Supreme Court has given little indication of how it may approach Section 230. Only Justice Clarence Thomas has written about lower courts' interpretations of the legal shield.
"Courts have long emphasized non-textual arguments when interpreting [Section] 230, leaving questionable precedent in their wake," Thomas wrote in a 2020 statement urging the court to consider whether the law's text "aligns with the current state of immunity enjoyed by internet platforms."
The Supreme Court could issue a ruling that affirms how Section 230 has been interpreted by lower courts, or narrow the law's immunity.
But internet companies warned the court that if it limits the scope of Section 230, it could drastically change how they approach content posted to their sites. With a greater risk of costly litigation with fewer protections, companies may be more cautious about letting content appear on their sites that may be problematic, and only allow content that has been vetted and poses little legal risk.
"If you're concerned about censorship, the last thing you want is a legal regime that is going to punish platforms for keeping things online," Mackey said. "It's going to be increased censorship, more material will be taken down, a lot won't make it alone in the first place."
A decision from the Supreme Court is expected by the summer.
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ercsprivatelimited · 2 months
The ISI mark is a certification mark provided by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), India's national standards body. This mark signifies that a product conforms to the prescribed quality and safety standards set by BIS. It is a crucial certification for many products sold in India, providing assurance to consumers about the reliability and safety of the products they purchase. This article explores what the ISI mark represents and outlines the steps to obtain it.
What is the ISI Mark?
The ISI mark stands for the Indian Standards Institute, which is now known as the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). It is a mark of quality and safety assurance found on a wide range of products, from electrical appliances and kitchenware to building materials and medical devices. The presence of the ISI mark indicates that the product has been tested and meets the specific standards set by BIS.
Importance of the ISI Mark
Consumer Safety: Ensures that products are safe for use and meet the required safety standards.
Quality Assurance: Confirms that products meet high-quality benchmarks, reducing the risk of defects and malfunctions.
Regulatory Compliance: Many products are legally required to have the ISI mark to be sold in the Indian market.
Consumer Confidence: Builds trust among consumers, who can be assured of the product’s reliability and safety.
How to Obtain the ISI Mark
Obtaining the ISI mark involves a detailed process that includes application submission, product testing, factory inspection, and compliance with BIS standards. Here is a step-by-step guide to obtaining the ISI mark:
1. Identify Applicable Standards
The first step is to identify the specific BIS standards applicable to the product you wish to certify. Each product category has its own set of standards that outline the requirements for quality, safety, and performance.
2. Application Submission
Submit an application to BIS along with the necessary documents. This includes detailed information about the product, the manufacturing process, and the quality control measures in place. The application must be thorough and accurate to avoid delays.
3. Product Testing
The product must undergo rigorous testing in a BIS-approved laboratory. This testing ensures that the product meets the relevant BIS standards. The testing process can vary in complexity depending on the product type and the standards it must meet.
4. Factory Inspection
BIS officials will conduct an inspection of the manufacturing facility to verify that the production processes adhere to the required standards. This inspection includes checking the quality control procedures and ensuring that the production environment is suitable for manufacturing high-quality products.
5. Documentation
Comprehensive documentation is required throughout the certification process. This includes test reports, details of the manufacturing process, quality control procedures, and other relevant information. Proper documentation is essential for a smooth certification process.
6. Grant of License
Upon successful completion of product testing and factory inspection, BIS grants a license to the manufacturer. This license allows the manufacturer to use the ISI mark on their products, indicating compliance with BIS standards.
7. Surveillance and Renewal
After obtaining the ISI mark, the manufacturer must ensure continuous compliance with BIS standards. BIS conducts periodic surveillance inspections to verify ongoing adherence to the standards. Additionally, the ISI mark license must be renewed periodically, requiring re-assessment and verification of compliance.
Benefits of the ISI Mark
1. Enhanced Marketability
Products with the ISI mark are more likely to be accepted by retailers and preferred by consumers, enhancing the marketability of the product.
2. Legal Compliance
For many products, the ISI mark is mandatory for legal sale in India. Obtaining the mark ensures compliance with national regulations.
3. Brand Trust and Reputation
Having the ISI mark builds brand trust and reputation, as it signifies a commitment to quality and safety.
4. Competitive Advantage
Products with the ISI mark stand out in the market, providing a competitive edge over non-certified products.
The ISI mark is a critical certification for ensuring the quality and safety of products in India. It not only helps in complying with legal requirements but also enhances consumer trust and product marketability. The BIS process of obtaining the ISI mark involves several steps, including identifying applicable standards, submitting an application, product testing, factory inspection, and continuous compliance. By adhering to these steps, manufacturers can achieve the ISI mark, thereby ensuring their products meet high standards of quality and safety.
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ascgroupindia · 3 months
The white plastic tube is often used in drainage and plumbing systems. PVC stands for polyvinylchloride and is a great alternative to metal pipes. Thermoplastic polymer PVC can be molded into many different shapes to create pipes, fittings and valves. In the construction of water pipes, sewage pipes and irrigation systems, PVC pipe is widely used. The PVC pipe is easy to use, light, durable and sturdy. It can also be easily recycled, which makes it cost-effective. BIS Certification Mark, or Standard Mark (ISI Mark) on a product is a guarantee that the item meets the requirements. The manufacturer must self-certify licensed products after confirming compliance with the Norm.
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BIS Certification in India: A Comprehensive Guide to BIS-CRS Certification and BIS License Registration
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the national standards body of India, established to ensure quality, safety, and reliability of products available to consumers. BIS certification is mandatory for certain products, and it signifies that a product conforms to the relevant Indian standards. This article will guide you through BIS certification in India, focusing on BIS-CRS certification, the online certification process, and how to obtain a BIS license. Additionally, we’ll touch upon the role of BIS certification consultants and the specifics of obtaining BIS certification in Delhi NCR.
What is BIS Certification?
BIS certification is a mark of quality and safety that indicates a product meets the prescribed standards set by the Bureau of Indian Standards. It is mandatory for a variety of products ranging from electrical appliances to cement. This certification ensures that the products are reliable, safe, and of high quality for consumers.
Types of BIS Certification Schemes
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ISI Mark Certification: This is applicable to products like cement, steel, electrical appliances, and food products, among others. The ISI mark signifies that a product conforms to the standards set by BIS.
BIS Certification Online
The BIS certification process can be completed online through the official BIS website. The online procedure simplifies the process, making it accessible to manufacturers and importers. Here are the steps to follow:
Application Submission: Fill out the application form available on the BIS website. Provide all necessary details and documentation about the product.
Testing and Inspection: The product will be tested in a BIS-recognized lab. BIS officials may also inspect the manufacturing facility.
Certification Approval: Upon successful testing and inspection, the BIS will grant the certification, allowing the product to be marketed with the BIS mark.
BIS Certificate Registration
Registration of the BIS certificate involves several critical steps:
Product Testing: Ensure that your product is tested in a BIS-approved laboratory.
Documentation: Gather all required documents, including the test report, application form, and proof of identity.
Submission: Submit the application along with the necessary documents to BIS.
Review and Grant: BIS will review the application and documents. If everything is in order, they will grant the certification.
Role of BIS Certification Consultants
BIS certification consultants can play a pivotal role in guiding businesses through the certification process. They provide expertise in documentation, application submission, and liaising with BIS officials, ensuring a smooth and efficient certification process.
Obtaining BIS License in India
To obtain a BIS license in India, manufacturers must adhere to the following steps:
Application: Submit an application for the BIS license through the BIS portal.
Sample Testing: Send product samples to BIS-approved labs for testing.
Factory Inspection: Facilitate a factory inspection by BIS officials.
Grant of License: Upon successful completion of testing and inspection, the BIS license is granted.
BIS Certification in Delhi NCR
Delhi NCR is a significant hub for manufacturing and importing businesses. To obtain BIS certification in Delhi NCR:
Local BIS Office: Contact the BIS office located in Delhi for guidance.
Consultants: Engage with local BIS certification consultants who understand the regional regulations and can expedite the process.
Documentation and Testing: Follow the standard procedures of documentation and product testing specific to Delhi NCR regulations.
BIS certification in India is essential for ensuring that products meet the quality and safety standards mandated by the government. Whether you are seeking BIS-CRS certification for electronics or an ISI mark for other products, understanding the certification process is crucial. Utilizing online resources, engaging BIS certification consultants, and following the prescribed steps can streamline the certification process, making your products compliant with Indian standards and ready for the market.
For more detailed information or assistance, reach out to BIS certification consultants or visit the official BIS website. Ensure your products are BIS certified to guarantee quality and safety for your consumers.
Bis Registration
Bis Certification
Wpc Approval
Bis License
Bis For Elec
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agileregulatory1 · 4 months
BIS Registration, Process, Documents, Benefits, Timeline, Renewal process, Validity
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BIS certificate refers to the process of receiving a quality standard certificate from the Bureau of Indian Standards to produce and market many things in India. The Indian BIS certificate initiatives are largely voluntary, giving enterprises the option of pursuing certification or not. The Central Government, on the other hand, mandates certification for some products to verify compliance with Indian standards. These required certification programs aim to protect the public, ensure the safety of humans, animals, and plants, promote environmental protection, prevent unfair commercial activities, and maintain national security. In certain cases, the Central Government requires the use of the standard mark obtained through a license or certificate of conformity issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards
Introduction to the Bureau of Indian Standards Certificate
The Bureau of Indian Standards is an Indian Standard Organization part of the Government of the Indian Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Giving. BIS is in charge of assuring product quality, stability, and dependability for end customers.
The Bureau of Indian Standards is India's national standards body, responsible for developing and promoting quality and conformity assessment standards across various industries to ensure consumer safety and satisfaction.
A statute was approved authorizing the BIS to provide producers with an optional product certification mechanism. This certification enables manufacturers that are confident in their products' conformity with Indian standards to use the standard mark to demonstrate their adherence to statutory quality requirements.
Standard Formulation
Product Certification and Marking
Testing Services
Training Services
System Certification
Industrial Awareness
BIS Certification Scheme
BIS operates several certification schemes to issue quality Certificates for various items. It aims to provide high-quality, risk-free products to the general population. This permits enterprises to obtain a BIS license use the standard mark on their products and sell them in the Indian market. Even though the plan is voluntary, the Indian government has made BIS certification necessary for several products, including aluminum foil, helmets, pressure cookers, toys, water heaters, wires, and so on. Before utilizing the BIS standard mark on products and selling them in the Indian market, the manufacturer must first get a BIS license.
Foreign Manufacturer Certification Scheme
Domestic Manufacturer Certification Scheme,
Compulsory Registration Scheme
BIS Hallmarking Scheme
Eco Mark Scheme
BIS certification Types
Foreign manufacturer certification scheme:
The Foreign Manufacturer Certification Scheme has been managed by the Bureau of Indian Standards. This arrangement allows international producers to market their products in India by using the standard ISI mark. Under the FMCS scheme, the Bureau of Indian Standards awards foreign producers a BIS license to use the ISI mark on a product that meets applicable Indian standards.
ISI Mark:
The manufacturer must receive a BIS ISI Mark license from the Bureau of Indian Standards to use the ISI Mark certificate on their product. To Receive a BIS license, the manufacturer must ensure that their product meets Indian standards. BIS permits are only granted to producers whose products meet all applicable Indian standards.
Compulsory Registration Scheme:
No one shall manufacture or store for sale, sell, import, or distribute items that do not correspond to the Indian standards stated in the order and do not bear the Standard Mark with a unique registration number received from BIS, according to the Compulsory Registration Scheme Orders.
Hallmarking Registration:
Jewelers must be BIS registered to make or sell gold or silver jewelry. BIS gives registration to jewellers to make and sell hallmark jewelry under the hallmarking scheme Under the hallmarking process, BIS grants jewellers registration for the chosen area. BIS-approved assaying and hallmarking facilities are also required. BIS shall additionally acknowledge the assaying and hallmarking center for the assaying and hallmarking of jewelry in accordance
Product Covered in Bureau of Indian Standards Certificate
BIS Certification is not required for all product makers. Different product categories, however, require BIS certification. BIS certification is required for 380 goods in total. Click here to see a list of products that must be BIS-certified.
Any manufacturer can also obtain optional BIS certification for their products, which assures buyers that they are of excellent quality and meet Indian standards. View a list of 738 goods for which a manufacturer may apply for voluntary BIS certification by clicking here.
The BIS, on the other hand, takes electronic goods very seriously; so, before an electronic product is presented to the market for general sale, it must first be BIS Registered. There are around 1687 electronic product standards in all, each of which specifies the device's safety, dependability, and performance. So far, 79 commodities have been covered by the required BIS registration order. The 81 products covered by the Compulsory Registration Scheme are listed below.
Benefits of Getting Bureau of Indian Standards Certificate
BIS accreditation can help manufacturers gain customer trust.
Consumers learn that the product is safe, dependable, and of high quality.
Obtaining BIS certification might provide a firm with a competitive advantage over competitors.
The manufacturer can guarantee that the product complies with Indian regulations.
Registration Process
Application Submission
Scrutiny of application
Audit of manufacturing Premises
Sample collection and testing
Grant of Licence
Documents required for BIS Certification:
Business license
Trademark license
Application form
Air details
Authorization letter
Flow chart of the manufacturing process
Product Literature
List of testing equipment & machinery
Technical specifications
Any additional documents, if necessary
In India, the Bureau of Indian Standards is essential to improving the caliber and security of goods and services. BIS encourages innovation, competition, and consumer protection through its standardization activities. Its dedication to upholding high standards benefits the country's general growth and well-being.
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brandliaison2023 · 11 months
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elitasrcs315 · 9 months
ISI Mark Certification for Hinges
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ISI Mark Certification for Hinges
In a significant move to enhance the quality and safety of hinges in the market, the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade has issued the Hinges (Quality Control) Order, 2023. Published on 20th May 2024, this order aims to regulate the production and sale of hinges in India, ensuring that they meet specific quality standards defined by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS Act, 2016).
Compliance with Indian Standards:
According to the order, hinges must conform to the relevant Indian Standards outlined in Schedule-II of the Bureau of Indian Standards Conformity Assessment Regulations, 2018. The specified standards include IS 12817:2020, IS 1341:2018, IS 205:1992, IS 206:2010, IS 362:1991, IS 3818:1992, IS 3843:1995, IS 453:1993, and IS 18297:2023.
The BIS Act, 2016 empowers the Bureau of Indian Standards to establish and enforce quality control measures for various products, ensuring that they adhere to the defined standards. In the case of hinges, the order emphasizes the importance of obtaining the mandatory ISI Mark, signifying compliance with the specified standards.
ISI Mark Certification:
To demonstrate compliance with the quality standards, hinges must bear the mandatory ISI Mark. This mark certifies that the product has undergone rigorous testing and meets the criteria set by the Bureau of Indian Standards. The ISI Mark is a symbol of quality and reliability, instilling confidence in consumers regarding the safety and performance of the product.
BIS License:
The order mandates that hinges can only carry the ISI Mark if they have been granted a BIS License from the Bureau of Indian Standards. This license is obtained through a thorough certification process, where the product's manufacturing processes and quality control measures are scrutinized to ensure they align with the prescribed standards.
Implications for Manufacturers:
Manufacturers of hinges will need to adapt their production processes to meet the stipulated standards outlined in the order. This may involve incorporating specific materials, manufacturing techniques, and quality control measures to ensure that the final product complies with the relevant Indian Standards.
Consumer Benefits:
The Hinges (Quality Control) Order, 2023, is ultimately designed to benefit consumers. By enforcing stringent quality standards, the order aims to eliminate substandard hinges from the market, reducing the risk of accidents or failures associated with low-quality products. Consumers can now look for the ISI Mark on hinges, providing them with confidence in the reliability and safety of the products they purchase.
 ISI Mark Certification for Hinges (Quality Control) Order, 2023, represents a crucial step towards ensuring the safety and quality of hinges available in the Indian market. By adhering to the specified Indian Standards and obtaining the ISI Mark through a BIS License, manufacturers contribute to a safer and more reliable built environment. This order not only protects consumers from substandard products but also promotes a culture of quality and compliance in the manufacturing sector.
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aleph-12india · 1 year
What is ISI mark registration fees?
In India, the ISI mark holds significant importance as it represents the quality, safety, and trust associated with diverse products. ISI is an acronym for Indian Standards Institute, which was later renamed as the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) in 1987. Since its inception in 1955, the ISI mark has been recognized as the official mark awarded to producers by the BIS, indicating compliance with Indian standards.
The ISI mark is a symbol that consumers look for when purchasing products in the Indian market. It assures them of the quality and safety of the goods they are buying. The BIS certification process ensures that products meet the necessary standards set by the BIS, covering aspects such as durability, reliability, performance, and safety. By obtaining the ISI mark, producers demonstrate their commitment to delivering products that meet these standards, building trust among consumers.
However, obtaining BIS certification involves ISI mark registration fees. The fee structure for new registration and the renewal of old accredited BIS certificates is as follows:
Application Fee: The application fee for BIS certification is INR 1000/-. This fee needs to be paid in the BIS account during the application process.
Audit Charges: The audit charges amount to INR 7000/-. This fee covers the cost of the audit conducted by the BIS to assess compliance with the relevant standards. It is also paid in the BIS account.
Sample Test Fee: The sample test fee varies depending on the product and the laboratory conducting the testing. This fee is to be paid in the BIS account and covers the cost of testing samples to ensure they meet the required standards.
License Fee: Once the certification is approved, a license fee of INR 1000/- needs to be paid in the BIS account. This fee grants the producer the right to use the ISI mark on their products.
Minimum Advance Marking Fee: The marking fee varies depending on the specific IS standard applicable to the product. This fee covers the cost of affixing the ISI mark on the products. It is calculated based on the actual marking required and needs to be paid in the BIS account.
It is important to note that in addition to the above fees, there are other costs associated with BIS certification. Product testing charges, for example, vary based on the type of product and the testing laboratory. Producers also need to invest in their factory premises, including the installation of testing machinery for in-house factory test labs. These investments are crucial for ensuring ongoing compliance with BIS standards and maintaining the certification.
While the fees and costs associated with BIS certification may seem significant, they are essential for maintaining the quality, safety, and trust associated with the ISI mark. The certification process, including product testing and compliance with standards, helps protect consumers from substandard and unsafe products. It also enables businesses to compete in the market by demonstrating their commitment to quality and adhering to regulatory requirements.
the ISI mark and BIS certification play a vital role in ensuring the quality, safety, and trustworthiness of products in India. Obtaining the ISI mark through BIS certification involves specific fees and costs, which are necessary to maintain compliance with Indian standards. By investing in BIS certification, producers demonstrate their commitment to delivering high-quality products and building consumer confidence in the marketplace.
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naturalmineralwater01 · 9 months
Sip the Difference : How to Choose the Right Mineral Water Brand in India
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Natural Mineral water is a type of bottled water that comes from natural underground sources and contains minerals and trace elements like calcium, magnesium, sodium, and fluoride. These minerals can have various health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, strengthening bones, easing constipation, and improving heart health and memory. However, not all mineral water brands are equal.
Did you know that you could be served mineral water without any minerals in it? In India ironically mineral water is synonymous with Bisleri which is just demineralised RO water and for the longest time had no minerals in it. Recently the FSSAI Food Safety Authority of India has made it mandatory for all RO packaged mineral waters to re-add minerals to drinking water.
Up to almost 80% of India’s bottled water industry is still unregulated, and contaminated water is the biggest health hazard to a consumer. So it’s important to choose a brand which is bottling good water for health and wellness.
 Therefore, one must pay attention to the label and the source of mineral water before buying it, and choose the one that suits your needs, preferences and brand values.
Here are five check points you must look for when you are buying mineral water in India
Check for the ISI Mark
In India it is illegal to sell water without the Bureau of Indian Standards ISI mark. There are only two categories of bottled water in India. IS 14543 is the license for Packaged Drinking RO purified Water and IS 13428 for Natural Mineral Water. Along with the ISI mark the bottles should also carry FSSAI license.
Check the source of the water
RO purified water such as Bisleri, Aquafina, Kinley have no fixed water source. They do Reverse Osmosis which removes all minerals from water. You too can do the same at home with a machine. If it says mineral water, check for the source. Like Evian comes from the Swiss alps, Himalaya water comes from the Himalaya range.
Look at the mineral content
If you’re buying mineral water it should have minerals in it. Ideally these should be natural minerals which are more bioavailable to the human body than added minerals. Minerals like calcium, magnesium, bicarbonates, potassium etc are important for your wellness. So always check the mineral content before buying mineral water
Check the seal
The mineral water you buy must be sealed properly. Do not accept or buy mineral water where the seal appears to be broken. With so much of the bottled water industry falling prey to spurious bottled water, it is important that the mineral water you choose is properly sealed. Do not accept paper seals since those are not permitted by the law either
Don’t go for fancy names like alkaline water. It is not a new category.
Do not fall for fancy names and nomenclature like alkaline water. Alkaline water is not a new category of water. In India there are only two categories of water: Natural Mineral Water ( IS 13428) or Packaged Drinking Water ( IS 14543). Alkaline water too can either be natural or made alkaline by a machine. There is no separate category of alkaline water. Even black water is a marketing gimmick.
Always choose natural mineral water
If you have to choose, always buy natural mineral water or what in Europe they call spring water. There are two main reasons for this - natural mineral water is sourced ethically and full of natural minerals that are healthy for your body. Moreover natural mineral water has no need for RO or Reverse Osmosis. RO is a huge health and environmental hazard. For every litre of water that’s purified using RO, two or more litres of water is rejected and wasted - that means 74% of the water is wasted to give you one litre of demineralised water. RO also removes all the minerals from the water. Now due to new rules all packaged water has to also re-add minerals but it is no match to natural mineral water.
We looked up all the natural mineral waters available in India online and here is what we found. Himalayan is the oldest water but its composition is not special, just like Evian its got a 300+ TDS which can feel heavy with frequent drinking. Other option is Vedica which was again very similar to other brands. Most of these water brands don’t have an online shop other than Aava Water. From all the natural mineral water brands we tried in India, we found Aava water to be the best. It is a natural mineral water originating from the Aravallis with a natural pH of 8 which makes it alkaline. This lends the water a sweet after taste and super healthy to beat acidity as well.  If you are looking for mineral water in India, Aava water is the best buy.
So next time don’t fall for scams and only trust bottled water which has passed through all safety and quality checks to ensure you get your money’s worth and also the best of health and wellness.
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ercsprivatelimited · 2 months
What is product certification in BIS?
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The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the national standards body of India, operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution. BIS plays a pivotal role in the establishment and implementation of standards to ensure the quality, safety, and reliability of products available in the Indian market. One of the critical functions of BIS is product certification, which serves as a mechanism to assure consumers about the compliance of products with established standards.
The Need for Product Certification
Product certification by BIS is essential for several reasons:
Consumer Safety: Ensuring products meet safety standards reduces the risk of accidents and health hazards.
Quality Assurance: Certification guarantees that products meet predefined quality benchmarks.
Market Regulation: It helps in maintaining fair trade practices by preventing substandard products from flooding the market.
Consumer Trust: Certified products boost consumer confidence, leading to increased sales and brand loyalty.
Global Trade: Certification facilitates international trade by ensuring that Indian products meet global standards.
The BIS Certification Process
The BIS certification process is comprehensive and involves several steps to ensure that only products that conform to the specified standards receive the certification mark, commonly known as the ISI (Indian Standards Institute) mark.
Application Submission: Manufacturers seeking BIS certification must submit an application along with the necessary documentation, including details about the product, manufacturing processes, and quality control measures.
Initial Assessment: BIS conducts a preliminary assessment of the manufacturing facility to evaluate its capability to consistently produce products that meet the relevant standards.
Sample Testing: Samples of the product are collected and tested in BIS-approved laboratories to verify conformity to the specified standards.
Grant of License: If the product meets the standards, a license is granted to the manufacturer to use the ISI mark on their products.
Surveillance: BIS conducts regular surveillance audits and random product testing to ensure ongoing compliance with the standards.
Types of BIS Certification Schemes
BIS operates several certification schemes to cater to different product categories and regulatory requirements:
ISI Mark Scheme: This is the most widely recognized certification scheme and covers a vast range of products, from electrical appliances to food items. The ISI mark is a symbol of quality and safety.
Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme (FMCS): This scheme allows foreign manufacturers to obtain BIS certification for products intended for the Indian market, ensuring that imported goods meet Indian standards.
ECO Mark Scheme: This scheme focuses on environmental protection and certifies products that meet specific ecological criteria, promoting sustainable production and consumption.
Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS): Certain products, especially in the electronics and IT sectors, are required to be registered with BIS and meet specified safety standards before they can be sold in India.
Benefits of BIS Product Certification
For manufacturers, BIS certification offers numerous advantages:
Market Access: Certified products can access the Indian market more easily, as compliance with BIS standards is often a regulatory requirement.
Competitive Advantage: Products with BIS certification can differentiate themselves in the market, attracting quality-conscious consumers.
Brand Reputation: Consistent quality and safety compliance enhance the manufacturer's brand reputation and consumer trust.
Legal Compliance: Adherence to BIS standards ensures compliance with national regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues and penalties.
For consumers, the benefits are equally significant:
Assurance of Quality: The ISI mark on products reassures consumers about the product's quality and safety.
Informed Choices: Certification provides consumers with reliable information, enabling them to make informed purchasing decisions.
Safety and Reliability: Certified products are less likely to cause harm, ensuring the safety and well-being of consumers.
Challenges in BIS Product Certification
While BIS certification offers substantial benefits, there are also challenges associated with the process:
Stringent Requirements: The rigorous testing and compliance requirements can be challenging for manufacturers, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Cost and Time: The certification process can be time-consuming and expensive, posing a barrier for some manufacturers.
Keeping Up with Standards: Continuous updates to standards require manufacturers to regularly adapt their processes and products, which can be resource-intensive.
Future of BIS Product Certification
BIS is continually evolving to meet the changing needs of the market and consumers. With the increasing emphasis on quality and safety, the role of BIS in product certification is expected to grow further. Key trends include:
Digital Transformation: The adoption of digital tools and technologies to streamline the certification process, making it more efficient and transparent.
Enhanced Surveillance: Strengthening surveillance mechanisms to ensure ongoing compliance and address the challenges of counterfeit products.
Global Alignment: Harmonizing Indian standards with international norms to facilitate global trade and ensure Indian products meet global quality benchmarks.
Focus on Sustainability: Expanding the scope of the ECO Mark scheme and promoting sustainable production practices across industries.
BIS product certification is a critical component of India's quality infrastructure, playing a vital role in ensuring the safety, reliability, and quality of products available to consumers. While the certification process presents certain challenges, its benefits to manufacturers, consumers, and the market at large are substantial. As BIS continues to evolve and adapt to new market realities, its certification schemes will remain a cornerstone of India's commitment to quality and consumer protection.
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agileregulatory · 11 months
Introduction of BIS Regitration
In India, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is essential to ensure the safety and quality of products that are sold. For many items BIS certification sometimes referred to as BIS registration. This certification promotes consumer safety and quality assurance by attesting to a product's compliance with particular Indian requirements. We will explore the significance of BIS registration and the process involved.
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What is BIS Registration?
The Bureau of Indian Standards was established in 1986 and is governed by the Government of India and the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution. Strict safety rules and standards are followed by products that are offered in the Indian market thanks to a quality control technique known as BIS registration. It includes a broad variety of products, such as automobiles, chemicals, electronics, and more.
Types of BIS Certification:
CRS (Compulsory Registration Scheme)
ISI (Indian Standard Institutions)
FMCS (Foreign Manufacturing Certification Scheme)
Hallmark Certification
ECO Mark Certification
Importance of BIS Registration:
Consumer Safety: BIS registration helps protect consumers from substandard and potentially hazardous products. It ensures that goods meet the required safety and quality standards, lowering the possibility of mishaps or health problems.
Market Access: Because of its quality assurance, many Indian organisations and individuals choose to purchase items with the BIS certification. For manufacturers and importers, obtaining BIS registration is often a prerequisite for market access.
Compliance with Regulations: Compliance with BIS regulations is mandatory for certain product categories. Failure to obtain BIS registration can result in penalties, product recalls, and damage to a brand's reputation.
Here's a general overview of the BIS Certification process in India/BIS Registration Process:
The BIS registration process can be complex, involving various steps.
Product Selection: Determine the specific product for which you need BIS certification. BIS have various product categories and standards, so you need to identify the relevant one for your product.
Manufacturer or Importer Registration: Manufacturers or importers seeking BIS certification must register with BIS as per the BIS Act. This can be done through the BIS portal.
Application: The first step is to submit an application to the BIS for the desired product category. The application should include product details, technical specifications, and test reports.
Document Verification: BIS reviews the submitted documents to ensure they meet the required standards and guidelines.
  Types of Documentation needed for BIS Certification:
PAN Card and Aadhar Card.
Electricity Bill of the firm.
Copy of GST certificate.
Certificate of incorporation.
Proof of property of premises.
Layout plan of the factory.
Detailed list of machinery involved.
Product specification.
Manufacturing flow process.
Location of the factory.
List of testing equipment and facilities.
Import Export Code (IEC).
Contact no. & E mail ID.
Sample Testing: In many cases, BIS mandates that product samples be submitted for testing to BIS-approved laboratories. The samples are tested for conformity to applicable Indian standards.
Factory Inspection: BIS may conduct an inspection of the manufacturing facility to ensure that the production process adheres to quality standards.
Evaluation: BIS will evaluate your application, review the test reports, and inspect your manufacturing unit, if necessary.
Granting of License: If the product successfully passes all tests and inspections, BIS grants the manufacturer or importer a BIS registration license. This license must be renewed annually.
Marking and Labelling: BIS-certified products must carry the ISI mark, indicating compliance with BIS standards. This mark is a sign of quality and safety for consumers.
Surveillance: BIS may conduct periodic surveillance audits to ensure that your product continues to meet the standards.
Renewal: BIS certification is typically valid for one to two years, and it needs to be renewed to continue selling or manufacturing the product in India.
Challenges and Benefits:
The BIS registration process can be time-consuming and involve significant paperwork.
Meeting all the specified standards and requirements can be a costly endeavour for manufacturers.
Without compliance can result show penalties, recalls and damage to a company’s reputation.
Enhances consumer safety by ensuring that products meet quality and safety standards.
Facilitates market access in India, boosting sales and market share.
Demonstrates a commitment to quality and safety, enhancing a brand's reputation.
Can lead to increased export opportunities as many countries recognize BIS certification.
BIS registration is a crucial aspect of ensuring product quality and safety in India. In the end, the rigorous procedure helps companies and consumers by bringing safe, high-quality items to the Indian market. Producers and importers have to view BIS registration as an investment in the customer confidence and reputation of their brand. Adherence to BIS standards will be crucial for success in the Indian market as the country's economy grows.
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