#isi mark consultants
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BIS Certification for Air Conditioners
As per the Bureau of Indian Standards guidelines, BIS Certification is mandatory to manufacture, import and sell Air Conditioners with standard ISI Mark on them. Check the complete details, specifications, documents required, and more. Visit BIS Certification for Air Conditioners
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himanshu375 · 2 years
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ercsprivatelimited · 1 month
Top ISI Mark Consultant in India
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psrcompliances · 2 months
BIS ISI Mark registration process for product certification
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Discover the ISI Mark registration process for product certification in this blog. It discusses what the ISI mark is and its importance. It also goes into detail about the BIS certification process, which is required for the ISI mark. Some of the important points are that not all products require BIS certification.
There is a list of mandatory products. Almost anyone can apply for BIS certification. It takes time to get a BIS certificate.
There are a number of documents that are required. The BIS certificate has limited validity. There are a number of benefits to getting the BIS certification. Overall, this blog provides a lot of useful information about the ISI Mark Registration process.
Please read more for detailed information: https://bit.ly/3LXcZzQ
psrcompliance #ISIMark #ProductCertification #India #Manufacturing #SafetyStandards #BIS #BISRegistration #Biscertification #biscrs #biscertificates #productcertification #registration #compliance #testing
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dineshbacklink · 2 months
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Choosing ISI Mark certification consultants offers the best guidance, secure processes, and pre-certification audits for certified compliance and fast approval. Their services are cost-effective, expedite certification, and provide ongoing support for maintaining legal standards. Partner with experts for efficient, hassle-free certification.
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jrcompliance1 · 2 months
Getting the ISI Mark Registration License is a smart step for any company looking to build its brand and win over customers. The procedure is made easier, more effective, and transparent with us. JR Compliance can help you promote your products with the ISI mark and propel your company to new heights of success.
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brandliaison2023 · 9 months
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mechanalyticglobal · 1 year
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aleph-12india · 1 year
What is Bis certificate online
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is a vital organization operating under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution of the Indian government. As the national standards agency, BIS plays a crucial role in maintaining product quality and safety standards in India. With the advancement of technology, BIS has embraced the digital era by offering BIS Certification Online, making it easier and more accessible for manufacturers to obtain certification for their products.
BIS Online provides a comprehensive platform for manufacturers to acquire the necessary certification for their goods. With over 20,000 Indian Standards (IS) and Priced Publications (PP), including numerous new standards and amendments, BIS ensures that products meet the required quality and safety benchmarks. If you're looking to obtain a BIS Certificate in India, it is advisable to seek assistance from Aleph INDIA, a trusted consultancy that specializes in BIS Certification.
There are various types of BIS Certificates available, depending on the nature of the product. The most recognized and widely used certification mark in the Indian subcontinent is the ISI mark. It serves as a symbol of quality assurance for industrial goods, instilling confidence in both Indian and global consumers. The hallmark, on the other hand, is a certification method specifically designed to verify the purity of gold and silver jewelry, assuring buyers of their authenticity and value.
For agricultural products, the AGMARK plays a crucial role in establishing quality standards. Developed by the Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI), the AGMARK follows Indian Standards and ensures that consumers receive agricultural goods that meet the required benchmarks.
While obtaining product certification is voluntary, certain products fall under compulsory certification due to considerations of public health, safety, infrastructure requirements, and mass consumption. The Government of India mandates the certification of these products under various acts, emphasizing the significance of quality control and consumer protection.
The benefits of obtaining an ISI mark or BIS Online Certification are manifold. Firstly, it guarantees quality, safety, and trust in the product. The ISI mark indicates that the product has undergone rigorous testing and meets established standards, ensuring reliability for both Indian and global consumers. Additionally, the certification sets high-quality products apart from their inferior counterparts, allowing consumers to make informed choices and invest in reliable goods.
Another advantage of BIS Online Certification is the guarantee of product replacement. In the event that a certified product fails to meet the required standards, the manufacturer is obligated to replace it with a new one, ensuring that buyers receive value for their money. This commitment to consumer satisfaction further strengthens the trust and confidence placed in certified products.
Manufacturers of specified products, whether in India or abroad, can apply for ISI product Certification under the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS). The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MietY) and the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) provide a list of products eligible for compulsory certification.
To obtain BIS Certification, manufacturers need to go through a thorough process that includes obtaining a license and undergoing surveillance. Aleph INDIA conducts audits to assess whether the applicant meets the BIS requirements. Once approved, a BIS license is issued, valid for two years from the date of purchase. The BIS appoints auditors to oversee and inspect the implementation and maintenance of the Management System, ensuring ongoing compliance with the required standards.
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What is ISI Mark & How to Obtain it?
JR Compliance guarantees to provide you complete support in acquiring the ISI mark-a mark for safety.
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ercsprivatelimited · 1 month
For seamless BIS certification in Delhi, trust ERCS Pvt Ltd. Our expert team ensures compliance with all regulations, guiding you through the entire process efficiently. We specialize in obtaining BIS certification, ensuring your products meet the necessary standards for quality and safety in the Indian market. Partner with us for hassle-free certification.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Orion ✨ About The Constellation Orion
Let us remember the “Constellation of Orion” of the Egyptians; it is evident that this constellation is governed by 12 Great Masters. Esoterically it is said that those 12 Masters assist each other, but the 6th is always missing, meaning that “In order to attain SeIf-Realisation it is necessary to rend the veil of Isis” or, that is, the Adamic Sexual Veil.
Only in liberating oneself from sex in an absolute manner can one reach final liberation. The difficulty in all of this is, as the saying goes: “wanting to saddle the horse before you’ve caught it”. That is to say, the information given by all of those schools who say that one must liberate one self from sex, but without having fabricated the Solar Bodies.
Firstly, the Solar Bodies must be fabricated, and then sex must be renounced. That is the right way of things, and the things of the right way. In the work, first it is the animal, and later, the spiritual.
The constellation of Orion has a marked influence upon the atomic star which guides us internally which is Ain Soph Paranishpanna, our intimate star. As one Master said: “I raise my eyes to the stars from whence must come my help, but I am always guided by my Star which I have within”.
(Samael Aun Weor, Tarot And Kabbalah, Excerpts from Chapter 37, Arcanum Nº 15)
In Atlantis existed seven important oracles in the physical world, where men studied the wisdom of the stars and consulted the sidereal Gods. The guardians of those mysteries were great initiates. In the oracle of Mars, Martian occultism was taught; in the oracle of Jupiter, the Jupiterian religion; in the oracle of Venus, the arts, and Venusian knowledge; in the oracle of Saturn, the wisdom of Saturn; in the oracle of the Moon, lunar occultism; in the oracle of Mercury, Mercurian wisdom; and in the solar oracle, our Gnostic wisdom.
The ancient priests taught their disciples how to interpret the firmament. Those signs are interpreted basing oneself on the law of philosophical analogies, for example: if you see black stars with your clairvoyance, there is failure for thee. If you see a star fall from heaven at the moment when a friend leaves on a trip, there is going to be a funeral for thy friend. If the star falls on someone, or close to someone important, that personage will die. If a wandering star passes before thee by surprise, someone is leaving thee. If you see two yellow stars separating from each other, it means “war”.
Through thy esoteric studies thou shalt remain under the direction of some planetary genii, and they shall call thee by means of luminous signs that thou shalt learn to recognize. Thou should also comprehend the sparkle of thy celestial Father’s star when he calls thee to instruct thee in the mysteries of Light.
This earth, so dense, that thou inhabits today, will in a remote day be etheric and we will then have the celestial Jerusalem where neither tears nor pain exist. By then, the constellation of Orion which has brought so much bitterness to the world through the north, will shine illuminating a world full of glee and happiness.
“After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter”.
“And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne”.
“And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald”.
“And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold”.
“And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God”.
“And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind”.
“And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle”.
“An the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come”.
“And when those beasts give glory and honor and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever”.
“The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying’ç
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created”. (Revelation 4)
May the most profound peace reign in thy hearts.
(Samael Aun Weor, Zodiacal Course, Excerpt from the Chapter “Pisces)
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🌿 Herb Of The Day
Title: Acacia
Gender: Masculine
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
I am not a medical professional. Please consult your doctor before using.
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📜 Folklore & History 📜
Acacia is much revered in religious and magickal practice as an emblem of immortality and of initation, in the sense that initiation is symbolic of resurrection. The ancient Egyptians made funeral wreaths of Acacia leaves and the Hebrews planted a sprig of evergreen Acacia to mark the grave of a departed friend. Acacia wood is the Biblical shittim-wood from which Noah’s Ark and the Tabernacle and Altar wer made. Jewish legend tells us that the Burning Bus of Moses was an Acacia. Christian lore links an Acacia tree with the Cross and its spiny branches with the Crown of Thorns. The sap of some spiny Acacia species yields Gum Arabic, used as a binding agent. The acacia of Heliopolis was known as a tree of life and death. In Osirian myth, the acacia (also associated with Tamarisk) encased Osiris after he was betrayed by his brother Set. In death, Osiris became one with the acacia tree as “lord of the underworld.” His seed was planted into Isis the goddess of life who gave birth to their son Horus “lord of the sky.” Horus rides a solar barge with an acacia on the west side and a date palm on the east as he navigates between night and day. Horus is the all seeing eye, his right eye is the sun and left eye is the moon. Acacia was a sacred wood to the Hebrews, called shittahz. In Exodus 25:10-22 acacia is the wood that Moses was instructed to use when building the Ark of the Covenant.
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🔮 Metaphysical Properties
Sitting under an acacia tree or burning the dried flowers brings wisdom and insight. The oil extracted from the plant is considered holy and used for purification and anointing. It is especially powerful when attempting to contact the dead and should be rubbed into white candles and not worn on the body while attempting such work. For personal anointing, mix with other oils (like musk or camellia) to cut and then it is said to bring happiness.
To contact the dead:
Dip acacia leaves in holy water and sprinkle an altar with the water, or burn Acacia as incense to communicate with or to memorialize the dead.
To open the mind to visions:
Acacia leaves are burned on charcoal to induce spiritual phenomena and develop personal psychic power; adding Frankincense and Myrrh is used to intensify the effect.
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🍴⚕️ Culinary & Medicinal
Acacia has been used in medicines, baking ingredients, tools, and woodwork for centuries. It has a long history in civilizations as ancient as the Egyptians and the aboriginal tribes of Australia. These kingdoms and tribes used acacia in surprisingly diverse ways, from making desserts to treating hemorrhoids. The first species ever discovered was given the name Acacia nilotica by the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus in the 1700s, and since then, nearly 1,000 species have been added to the Acacia genus. Acacia still sits on grocery store shelves in crushed, ground, and whole form. The name Acacia itself refers to a genus of plant that includes many different types of plants, such as trees and shrubs. They can be used in a variety of applications. The acacia that you can buy today may come from one or more of these species. Most of the time, the acacia in food or medicine is Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. This type of acacia is usually in gum form, and it will say acacia gum on labels and packaging.
Acacia gum has a naturally sticky texture. Materials with this property are often used to reduce irritation and inflammation. The gum has been shown to be especially effective in easing stomach or throat discomfort.
Acacia is often used in topical treatments to help wounds heal. Doctors, scientists, and researchers believe that this effect may be due to some of its chemicals, such as alkaloids, glycosides, and flavonoids. In one study, a species of acacia known as Acacia caesia was tested on rats as part of a topical wound treatment. It led to quicker wound healing than the standard treatment.
The extract of a species of acacia known as Acacia catechu, sometimes called black khair, can be used in dental products like mouthwash to prevent gingivitis. Powdered acacia can also be used in a type of herbal toothpaste that’s been shown to clean teeth without being too abrasive to the surface of your teeth. An older study from 1999 showed that this herbal tooth powder cleaned and cleared well over two-thirds of tooth plaque, and nearly 100 percent in some cases.
The properties of acacia gum allow it to be used in solutions to coat your throat and protect the mucus in your throat from irritation. Using acacia for coughs can keep your throat from becoming sore as well as ease or prevent symptoms, including losing your voice.
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Gum arabic is likely safe when consumed in amounts commonly found in food. Gum arabic is possibly safe when taken as medicine. Up to 30 grams daily has been used safely for 6 weeks. It can cause minor side effects, including gas, bloating, and nausea.
There isn't enough reliable information to know if gum arabic is safe to use when pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and stick to food amounts.
People with known allergies to quillaja bark might have a reaction to gum arabic.
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Mike Luckovich
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Biden’s speech and call with Netanyahu
OCT 11, 2023
          President Biden and Vice President Harris spoke for an hour with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on Tuesday, after which Biden delivered an emotional speech describing the atrocities committed by Hamas and pledged US support for Israel. The speech is important; you can (and should) watch the speech in its entirety here (beginning at the 1’ 29” mark).
          President Biden described in detail some of the atrocities. I cannot bring myself to repeat them; they are too painful, too horrible. But Biden was right to describe the atrocities in detail. The full text of President Biden’s speech is here.
          President Biden described the US response to the attack in the following passages:
The brutality of Hamas — this bloodthirstiness — brings to mind the worst rampages of ISIS.
This is terrorism.
But sadly, for the Jewish people, it’s not new.
This attack has brought to the surface painful memories and the scars left by a millennium of antisemitism and genocide of the Jewish people.
So, in this moment, we must be crystal clear: We stand with Israel.  We stand with Israel.  And we will make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself, and respond to this attack.
There is no justification for terrorism.  There is no excuse.
Hamas does not stand for the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and self-determination.  Its stated purpose is the annihilation of the State of Israel and the murder of Jewish people.
[Hamas] uses Palestinian civilians as human shields.
          As Israeli soldiers reclaim areas temporarily under the control of Hamas after its surprise attack, the full scale of the atrocities committed by Hamas is coming into focus. This article by NYTimes provides a detailed account, but contains explicit photos and descriptions of violence: Village by Village, Scale of Atrocities Becomes Clear. (This article is accessible to all.)
          President Biden stated that fourteen American citizens were killed in the Hamas terrorist attack. Twenty American citizens are missing and may be hostages.
          President Biden went out of his way to distinguish between the terrorist group Hamas and the Palestinian people’s “right to dignity and self-determination.” On the other hand, Donald Trump sought to blame all people in a dozen Muslim countries, pledging “to reimpose the travel ban on terror-afflicted countries.”
          If Trump could reimpose his original travel ban, the list would include Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Myanmar, Sudan, and Tanzania.
          As the crisis became more urgent by the day, House Republicans could not organize themselves to select a Speaker on Tuesday. The GOP caucus is set to meet again on Wednesday, but there is no indication that Republicans have settled on a candidate. Despite floating his name for nomination on Monday, Kevin McCarthy said on Tuesday that he has asked his allies not to nominate him. And one member of the GOP caucus put the chances of electing a Speaker on Wednesday at “two-percent.”
          As Joe Biden leads, Trump sows anti-Muslim hate, and House Republicans can’t get out of their own way.
Reliable sources of information about the war.
          Finding reliable sources of information about the war in Israel is challenging in an environment that is being manipulated by disinformation. Here are a few sources that I consult and a few recommended by Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo.
          Institute for the Study of War (understandingwar.org) provides detailed descriptions of battlefield movement and military developments. The level of detail may be more than most people need or want, but if you are trying to understand the situation on the ground as it affects family and friends in Israel, ISW is a good source. Detailed battlefield maps are included. Developments in Israel are currently covered under the “Critical Threats / Iran Update” section.
          The Times of Israel, founded in 2012, by Israeli journalist David Horovitz and American investor Seth Klarman, who supports pro-democracy causes and candidates in the US.
          Haaretz, the English language version of an Israeli based newspaper (recommended by Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo).
          And this list of sources of experts and media sources on Twitter, also recommended by Josh Marshall.
          Josh Marshall’s “Editor’s Blog” in Talking Points Memo is also an excellent source of analysis (behind a paywall).
          I also consult Foreign Policy and The Economist for general analysis, but those sources are behind paywalls.
Concluding Thoughts.
          The unfolding events in Israel threaten regional destabilization. President Biden has moved decisively to signal to other countries to stand down by deploying one (and possibly two) carrier strike groups to the Eastern Mediterranean.
          Biden’s speech regarding the war in Israel was as strong a statement as any president has ever made in support of Israel. But mid-speech, Biden said the following:
I just got off the phone with — the third call with Prime Minister Netanyahu. And I told him if the United States experienced what Israel is experiencing, our response would be swift, decisive, and overwhelming. We also discussed how democracies like Israel and the United States are stronger and more secure when we act according to the rule of law. Terrorists purposefully target civilians, kill them.  We uphold the laws of war. It matters.  There’s a difference.
          Biden went out of his way to mention that he and Netanyahu discussed “the laws of war,” which require “protection of civilian populations and civilian objects” and impose the limitations of “proportionality” and “military necessity” in responding to aggression. See Department of Defense Law of War Manual (Updated July 2023).
          Reading between the lines, it is reasonable to assume that it was Biden who broached the subject of “the law of war” and the obligation to avoid “targeting civilians.”
          Biden’s statement is significant because Hamas has violated the most fundamental precepts of the law of war (i.e., targeting and killing civilians). Moreover, Hamas is not a party to any treaty imposing the law of war. In the absence of “reciprocity,” the law of war might not be binding against only one party. And yet, Biden clearly discussed his expectation that Israel would abide by the law of war notwithstanding the absence of reciprocity.
          In other words, the hour-long conversation between Biden and Netanyahu was supportive but nuanced and (probably) tense at times. Given the circumstances, the US and the world are fortunate that Biden was representing the interests of the US and NATO in that complicated conversation.
[Robert B. Hubbell]
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ISI Certification Guidance: Your Path to Quality Assurance
A vital safety and quality standard in India is ISI Certification, which is offered by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). This certification ensures that products meet specific Indian standards, guaranteeing their quality and reliability. At Fusion Compliance Services, we specialize in offering comprehensive ISI certification guidance to help businesses navigate the certification process efficiently and achieve market success.
What is ISI Certification?
The ISI mark, introduced by BIS, is a symbol of quality assurance for products sold in India. It is mandatory for several product categories, including electrical appliances, construction materials, and consumer goods. The certification process involves rigorous testing and evaluation to ensure that products adhere to Indian safety and quality standards. Obtaining ISI certification signifies that a product has been tested and approved, offering assurance to consumers and regulatory authorities.
Why ISI Certification Matters
Consumer Confidence: The ISI mark is widely recognized in India as a symbol of quality. Products bearing this mark are perceived as safe and reliable, which enhances consumer trust and can drive sales.
Regulatory Compliance: Many industries require ISI certification to comply with Indian regulations. Without this certification, businesses may face legal challenges, including penalties and restrictions on market entry.
Market Access: To enter the Indian market, one must be certified by ISI.It allows businesses to demonstrate that their products meet local standards, facilitating smoother entry and acceptance.
Competitive Advantage: The ISI mark differentiates your products from competitors, showcasing your commitment to quality.In the saturated Indian market, this can offer a sizable competitive advantage.
Steps to Achieve ISI Certification
Achieving ISI certification involves several key steps. Here’s how Fusion Compliance Services can guide you through each stage:
Initial Consultation: We start by understanding your product and the specific ISI standards it needs to meet. Our experts provide a detailed overview of the certification requirements and help you determine the applicable standards.
Documentation Preparation: We assist in gathering and preparing all necessary documentation for the certification process. This includes technical specifications, safety data, and quality control procedures.
Product Testing: The ISI certification process involves thorough testing of your product to ensure it meets the required standards. We coordinate with BIS-approved laboratories to conduct these tests and provide you with accurate and reliable results.
Application Submission: Once testing is complete, we help you compile and submit your application to BIS. This involves ensuring that all forms are filled out correctly and that all required documentation is included.
Inspection and Evaluation: BIS may conduct an on-site inspection of your manufacturing facility to assess compliance with ISI standards. We prepare you for this inspection and help address any potential issues.
Certification Issuance: If your product meets all requirements, BIS will issue the ISI mark. We guide you through the final steps of obtaining the certification and provide support for any follow-up actions.
Ongoing Compliance Support: ISI certification requires ongoing adherence to standards. We offer continued support to ensure your product remains compliant and assist with any necessary renewals or updates.
Conclusion : ISI Certification is a crucial step for businesses aiming to establish credibility and gain access to the Indian market. Fusion Compliance Services offers knowledgeable direction and assistance during the ISI certification procedure, guaranteeing that your products fulfill all legal specifications and are prepared for the market. Our dedicated team is committed to helping you navigate the complexities of certification with ease and confidence, paving the way for your success in the Indian market.
Fusion Compliance Services
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