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yolizzles84 · 7 years ago
I finally got enough confidence to try without using the door to support me. #ProudOfMyself #Inversion #SupportedHeadstand #Sirsasana #EricaTheExcavator #ViolettaTheVirgo #ALoveMovement #GrowthAndProgress #ThiccFit #ISeeYourCharmBmore
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yolizzles84 · 7 years ago
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She always talks about this cat in such high friendly regard. I finally got a chance to see her interact with the cat. #LadiBugg #AfroMermaidHippieTechPrincess #MegaBraidOutGoodness #GentleGiant #CatLover #Bast #ISeeYourCharmBmore
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yolizzles84 · 6 years ago
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Gentle Reminder: It’s okay to be different. Dear 2018, thank you for allowing me to grow, by being the kick in the pants that I’ve needed for a LONG time!!! I have literally changed in ways that surprise me every single day. 😯😯😯Rev. Riddix used to say, quite often, when I was growing up, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”THAT HAS INVADED MY LIFE!!!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I’ve been so many places this year alone without even leaving the east coast; the mind is a POWERFUL tool that can LITERALLY transform everything in your life. I finally feel like I’m ready travel the world. 🌎🌍🌏I use everything available to me inside of myself to better myself; I am my biggest competition: me from yesterday, last week, last month, 6months ago, January 2018, December 2017...yawl get the gist. I never imagined I would be where I am, doing what I’m doing, feeling how I feel, being who I am. When people suffer from anxiety and depression, they often miss out on the ability to appreciate the people and things in their lives and often take them for granted. I was one of those people. This past year has taught me that I do not have to be controlled by invisible limitations that have put such a vice grip on my lineage. It is okay to break the cycle and be different than people you love that you came from. Not because you’re better than them, but because you’re better than you were yesterday. I’ve become the change that I’ve been wanting to see in my own life. Fear is such a trap. It can paralyze you. It can shock you into believing that you do not deserve good things. I’m sharing this because I want to remind myself in moments when things don’t look up, I am still able. I succeed when I give myself a chance. I succeed when I believe in myself. I succeed when I decide I can. I succeed when I say yes to me. I don’t know what the future holds and I’m finally okay with that: I don’t need to; especially since I’ve learned to appreciate every single moment. #ForeverGrateful #YogaForLife #YogaForAll #YogaForStrength #YogaForFlexibility #YogaForBalance #BelieveInYourself #ThiccFit #ViolettaTheVirgo #EricaTheExcavator #RewardMovementWithMoreMovement #ISeeYourCharmBMore https://www.instagram.com/p/Brttm8BlGSJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jg0u114hydl3
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yolizzles84 · 7 years ago
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#MonsterHigh When I don’t don’t get to dance and exercise, I become monstrous. When I exercise, I am able to smile without force. If you’re reading this and you’re going through a tough time, take a moment to shake a tailfeather; it really helps. I feel like a new person when I get time to myself to practice new dance moves. I never thought that sweating would be my jam, but I’m full on addicted at this point. #Dancing #ShakeATailfeather #ViolettaTheVirgo #ViolettaTheEarthBender #EricaTheExcavator #ALoveMovement #RewardMovementWithMoreMovement #ISeeYourCharmBmore
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yolizzles84 · 7 years ago
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My Lil Nathan yanked the metal enclosure for my original quartz.🙃 It sucks,☹️, but at the same time, I've been trying to find the alone time, focused energy and creative groove that pushed me to make the original. 🧘🏽‍♀️He is a handful, but constantly reminds me to be so uncomfortable that I am always willing to be ready to make necessary beneficial changes. #Quartz ➡️ #Sandstone #TransformationCelebration #RocksRock #Crafty #InspiredByLoveLifeAndArt #ISeeYourCharmBmore
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yolizzles84 · 7 years ago
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#ConfessionTime I've become so addicted to exercise that I am often in a slump if I'm not moving; even if I fall or lose balance for a little bit. Those moments remind me to continue challenging myself because I know I want more from myself. I have always been that way, but thought that it was just because I missed hanging out or going dancing with my friends. My body has always been addicted to moving; but over the course of many years via physical injuries, psychological trauma and too often dealing with bouts of crippling anxiety, I forgot what I loved. I'm dope to me if I'm dope to no one else!!! #ViolettaTheEarthBender #EricaTheExcavator #ALoveMovement #ILikeToMoveItMoveIt #AddictedToMovement #AddictdToMotion #RewardMovementWithMoreMovement #IfYouDontVibrateYouStagnate #OmphaloSkepsis #Fluidity #BaldCauseIAlwaysGotShitToDo #WakandaForever #AlwaysForward #ForwardAlways #ThiccFit #CoreIsKey #SelfLove #LovingOnMe #ISeeYourCharmBmore
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yolizzles84 · 7 years ago
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This is dedicated to my flame fanners; mommy, @faithnh92 @queeningalways @the_rising_mama & @distincteyephotography. Mommy has always supported and captured every single moment that I didn't know was going on; she's been my candid photographer, stylist, body positive motivation, and my safe space.💜💜💜 Faith has ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS supported my work and efforts from the time she was little; and such a pleasant smile when she was impressed by my work!!! 💜💜💜 Laketia has been a true friend for the last 22 years; always encouraging, always supporting, always mentally stimulating. German, Spanish, Geometry, Gym, Worship, Field Trips, Basketball; yeah, you a real one, sis!!! 💜💜💜 Ana has been fanning my goals, desires and interests from the day we MET!!! She has sparked MULTIPLE movements in my life!!! I am ETERNALLY grateful for you!!! 💜💜💜 Aisha and I haven't met in person yet (but we are going to fix this soon 😉) and she is ALWAYS encouraging me with new ideas and ways of approaching things and loving yourself for who you are.💜💜💜 I am so inspired by you!!! You give me the impetus to continue down the path I'm on even when I'm timid. Sometimes as moms we feel like "I have to be perfect" or "I have to be right" or "This has to follow this order." You all, plus a BUNCH of others have taught me so much. I am genuinely grateful for you and what you represent. I've grown to enjoy the moments like the picture on the right. I was asking my mom to take my picture to chart my progress and my Bubba Bear jumped in. This is the side of Water that loves me the most!!! #CandidMoments #DoItForThem #AffectionIsDivine #TheyDontSeeYourFlawsLikeYouDo #SoNeitherShouldYou #DontBeatYourselfUp #YoureDoingAGreatJob #TheyreHappyWhenImHappy #ImHappyWhenTheyreHappy #YouAreTheirSafeSpace #BeABlessingToSomeoneElse #TeamSupportIsEverything #WomanPoweredByWomen #ChildrenLoveYouForWhoYouAre #MaternalSupportIsPartOfMentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #ItReallyDoesTakeAVillage #SurroundYourselfWithGoodPeople #SurroundYourselfWithLove #ISeeYourCharmBmore
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yolizzles84 · 7 years ago
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#LessonsInForgiveness Letting go of people or things that hurt and seeing them as fixed points in creating a whole story will free you in ways you can't even imagine. I've started dancing again and it feels so good. #SweatingIsSexy #BigAndLittleAndHealthyAndSexy #BodyPositive #ThiccFit #BornDifferentToMakeADifference #WomanPoweredByWomen #DanceMyPainAway #TARDISenMotion #SelfLove #LovingOnMe #ISeeYourCharmBMore
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yolizzles84 · 7 years ago
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This morning was a little awkward for me. I was a little sore and quite tired, but I had a chance to take my daughter to school and listen to #HarryPotterAndTheSorcerersStone Audible book. We were nerding out over how epic each moment of the quidditch match was when my phone suddenly stopped the track and cut off. I found myself immediately frustrated because I was driving and couldn't make the proper adjustments to switch it back on. I personally felt off balanced at this point and it put me in a funky mood. I decided to stop, breathe, think and remind myself, "You don't have to be miserable in order to live." I got some very needed time yesterday with a SistarFriend and discovered that we're riding the same wavelength, even without prior communication about it. I've always had issues processing and controlling my feelings about things that I can't control. I thrived on anger like Red SheHulk. I have finally grown up enough to realize that I can't change everything; but what I can change is literally transmogrified with my intention. So, I started with my mind, and have moved on to my body. In shifting focus and going with a flow, I have allowed myself to understand why the combination of music and movement is so powerful. #DweleInMyEars #TookAPageFromTheBookOfJaree #TookAPageFromTheBookOfAna #YogiTheYogi #ViolettaTheEarthBender #EricaTheExcavator #ImNotStuck #GuidedByGanesha #GetOutOfMyWay #NoTimeForSickness #NoMoreDeadWeight #ItWas29Degrees #IEXERCISEDINFREEZINGWEATHERANDFEELGOOD #BeSoUncomfortableThatYouAreAlwaysWillingToChangeInOrderToGrow #ChangeIsGood #RewardMovementWithMoreMovement #RewardingView #WaterIsHealing #HealthyAddiction💪🏾💜 #NoLongerAddictesToAnger #FinallyDoingWhatMakesMeHappy #WomanPoweredByWomen #ISeeYourCharmBmore (at Lake Montebello)
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yolizzles84 · 7 years ago
#InspiredByLoveAndLifeAndArt #InspiredByBruceLee #InspiredByMyTrauma #PoisonIvy #BeLikeWater #BeLikeVines #ISeeYourCharmBmore #ViolettaTheEarthBender #PitchAndYaw #StretchinAndFlexinAndMomminAndTeachin #ATinyPeakInsideMyReality
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yolizzles84 · 7 years ago
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#GoldenRuleOfSolvingEquations I dedicate this to Mrs. Mary Helen Hadley: my Mathematics, Science, Spanish, SAT Math, Dance and Music/Choir Teacher & Cheerleading Coach from 4th-12th grade. I have come to a place of deep healing in forgiving people. After all this time, I finally realized my feelings towards her were actually those of deep, inexpressible admiration and the desire to be perfect. I struggled in every math class she taught me and thought that I would never understand math EVER!!! I began to hate it. I thought she didn’t like me because I just didn’t get it and because I’m a multidimensional learner that hated asking for help even when I needed it. Well, the gift of forgiveness will allow you to be open and receptive to learn things that confuse you and tickle your cerebrum at the same time. If I’ve remembered nothing else from her math class, I will NEVER forget the golden rule of equations. #DoUntoOneSideOfAnEquationAsYouDoUntoTheOtherSide #SelfLove #SelfLoveIsDivine #Shameless #BodyPosi #DizzyGillespie #ForgivenessIsDivine #TheBodyIsAnIllusion #AlwaysDoWhatYoureAfraidOf #MyBodyIsMyMathHomework #FullBodyInMotion #IfAtFirstYouDontSucceedDustYourselfOffAndTryAgain #GettingMyBreathingUnderControl #ComoEstasSeñoraHadley #ApplyingWhatIveLearned #Mathematician #QuickMaths #WomanPoweredByWomen #ViolettaTheEarthBender #EricaTheExcavator #BigAndLittleAndHealthy #ThiccFit #ISeeYourCharmBmore
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yolizzles84 · 7 years ago
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February 15, March 15, April 15: NEVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF!!! At first, I was gonna skip over sharing this one, because at first I felt like I didn't see a major difference. Then I thought about what I've been through in the last 30 days and said, "SHARE IT ANYHOW!!!" I had some weak days where I didn't feel like I was doing enough or being productive enough or was not eating balanced enough. I had to stop beating myself up and get out of my own way and acknowledge what I was already capable of as well as what I have already accomplished thus far!!! I'm just 10 pounds shy of being under 200 for the first time in my adult life. My children have never seen or experienced this version of their mom!!! More FAITH, more rest, more deep intentional breathing, more meditation, more water, more fresh juice, more protein, more squats, more dancing, lots of crying😢😢😢😭😭😭(because I can) and yoga every day; basically lots and lots of hard work. I've also been listening to @etthehiphoppreacher, @tonyrobbins & @thelesbrown!!! So motivational!!! No part of this process is easy, and I know it won't be; if it's easy, I'm not progressing. I'm enjoying the change because it means I can keep up with my three high-octane carbon copies!!!👧🏽👦🏽👶🏽😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 #MyJourney #MySuccess #VertigoCantStopMe #AnxietyCantStopMe #ViolettaTheVirgo #ViolettaTheEarthBender #MyFamilyIsMyCheeringSquad #MyFriendsAreMyCheeringSquad #GrandmaIsProudOfMe #ThiccFit #ISeeYourCharmBmore
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