#isat icac au
the-bitter-ocean · 8 months
I talked about this on the discord server but I might as well post this here! Uhh i made these originally to brainstorm for my own au (the one where Mira loops in time instead of Siffrin) but I got silly and thought of the rest of the party looping and doodled everyone’s “loop” counterpart for fun! If anyone draws/ writes about them feel free to!! Just tag me so I can see it because everyone’s art and writing concepts are so cool. This isn’t canon to the story by any means of course these are simply my designs/ interpretations of how I’d think they act like or look like!
Design wise I really wanted to keep the space/ celestial body theme but I didn’t want to make everyone the same kind of star because in canon the party has very recognizable shape language that is very different from one another! I wanted to capture the personalities of everyone while still being clearly changed.
Cycle/“Cy” -> Isa ( A shooting star! Has a seemingly more upbeat / cheerful energy because he wants to motivate the other self that’s looping to make it through. Don’t let that fool you though he definitely has issues. Not that he’d tell you! )
Constant/ “Con”-> Bonnie (The sun! Easily frustrated / sarcastic kind of energy. I can’t imagine being trapped in a timeloop would do anyone’s wellbeing or mood good, Let alone a literal preteen and it shows. Secretly very happy to have someone to talk to even if they’ll insist otherwise.)
Eon -> Odile ( Also a star but in a Diamond shape! Wanted the shape language to resemble the craft she does as well as the earrings Odile wears. Has a pragmatic / seemingly cold or indifferent personality, in attempt to distance herself to make things hurt less. She still clearly cares though!)
Rewind/“Riri” -> Mirabelle (The moon! I wanted to choose the moon because the moon constantly changes phases and I think that would reflect her emotional state and connect to her faith in the change belief too! I imagine riri to be very like “I am On the verge! lol! ^_^” very polite and sweet though like her counterpart has. Some bite to her if you make her mad. )
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chiiimchar · 7 months
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siffrin quest speedrun complete! you will never forget this!
@the-bitter-ocean <- creator of the au and beloved mutual ^_^
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mobblespsycho100 · 3 months
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Some Mirabelle doodles for @the-bitter-ocean !! their au is very cool :3
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anch0-a · 3 months
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I made two (2) doodles of ICAC au by @the-bitter-ocean !!!!!
Im so happy i finally have some ideas to draw about it!!!!!!!
2 hats spoilers under the cut
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chimerahyperfix · 4 months
You are a scientist. You like testing theories, making hypothesis. Working with dangerous materials that get you scolded. You are a scientist, and you are also a writer! You’ve swung at a few things before: sappy poems, work papers, crab, you’ve even attempted a horror short at Mirabelle’s inquiry. You’re favorite thing to write, though, are just basic letters.
You like to write letters. It's easier, to you, to write your thoughts on a piece of paper and hide it somewhere the recipient can find than to tell them what you think face-first. You’ve done it for years, long before you even came to the House to learn about the Change religion. A childhood habit that’s rolled over through your life like a wave on the sea.
So, of course, when time begins to loop, you write. Many, many letters. They all get lost to time when it twists back, and now, many loops in, that leaves a hole in your heart and a spot in your brain you can’t itch, for the words of each letter are mostly forgotten before you fight the King. It’s… fine, you guess? You can word things as many ways as you need to. Anything described can be described some more, after all.
For the first handful of loops, you wrote the same letters. Rather sappy, lovey things, your specialty. The furthest depths of your heart smeared onto a page for eternity, for you love and love and love, and you want those around you to know it.
Though as time trudges on, the same twenty four hours over and over in a nice single circuit built for it to run through, built by wishes and stars and twisted leaf-baring branches, so do your thoughts; therefore your letters move so, too, to adapt. More theoretical things. Questions. Ifs, ands ors buts and whys. Sadder ones after the bad loops, wailing and endlessly upset and mourning those who froze and those who were killed for standing in the King's way.
They get angrier as time goes on. More enraged. Wrath melts into the corners, edges fold and tear and warp under the weight. You stop delivering them, because you're here in this time loop hell to protect the ones you love, and you'd just make it worse if you gave them a letter like that.
You write a scathing letter, once. You write it after an absolutely abysmal loop, ending with blood and tears and probably the loudest you've ever screamed. It flows onto the page easily, and you leave it out on your desk, because you were hungry and hadn't eaten that loop with how beside yourself stressed you were.
Mirabelle finds it. Asks you, quite worried, if you're okay. You must've said something, and it had to be bad, because she flinched away from you like you'd tried to light her ablaze.
You panicked. Time looped.
Never again.
You hide them, after that. Shoved in your pillowcases or in piles of books, stacks of other papers. In the barrels. When you write only one or two you shove them in a bottle and push them to the back of your potions.
You're a shedding snake, a leopard changing its spots. Time is your prisoner and you are it's, and that melts into you as a human being until you are flesh and blood and twenty four hours that shouldn't continue.
Words spill from you, your mind, onto the page. You don't read them anymore. Just write and write and write, and tuck them away and pray no one finds them. You long for the days you could sit and write sappy love letters-- and sometimes, you still do them, but they're tinged with something, regret or rage or the absolute despair you feel, they're wrong, so they're tucked away as well. Letters just wrong, noticeably so. You’d be asked what’s wrong. Cornered. You can hear it now, “What’s wrong? What does this mean?” And all you can think of is the horrors you’ve seen.
One of these loops, whenever you get out, you expect to have a pile of ramblings with time-burnt letters and tear-stained edges. Whenever you get out, if there are any, you'll burn them. As a rite of passage, or something. A Change. Because time changed you, and the less people have to know about it the better. You can't get rid of your rotten voice or the tiredness in your bones or the way your brain has twisted to think, but you CAN get rid of letters.
You like to write. The horrors you write, of twisted time and dying and what being frozen in time is like— it can go. No one needs to know. No one WILL know. It’ll all fall on you, like every other crabbing thing in the time loops. And that’s okay, it’s enough.
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eurydice-pens · 3 months
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ISAT ART COLLAB WITH @the-bitter-ocean !!! ocean did the lineart for the forgotten vaugarde mira 💚💚💚 yippee!! ily ocean hehe
canon compliant b&w version of mira under the cut!!
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the-bitter-ocean · 7 months
( ACT 6 SECRET ENCOUNTER/ 2HATS SPOILERS) So I decided to redraw my designs I made a while back but in a more human form for fun. Thank you to @wonder-of-the-stars for designing the Rewind/ Riri human design !!!
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the-bitter-ocean · 9 months
Hi everyone ! People on the ISAT discord already knew about this but for those not on the discord I made a au way back in like 2021-2022 where Mirabelle was the one in the timeloop instead of Siffrin. Chaos ensues. I’ve drawn a lot of art of it, the more spoilery type of art (major spoilers for act 4 +5) will go under the cut:
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the-bitter-ocean · 3 months
In Cycles and Cessation Official Masterpost
Hi everyone! I realized that I hadn’t made any masterposts for my aus and I figured it would be good to do that now to help with organization.
This will have any art, writing, music and questions answered that I’ve made for the au as well. There’s also a separate master post that has all of the fanworks that people have made for ICAC which you can find here. Both of these lists will be updated every so often with more work as time moves on. You can find any work I make for this Au by looking in the #in cycles and cessation tag on tumblr! All of the works will be under the cut.
SYNOPSIS: In Cycles and Cessation aka (ICAC) is an au that follows the plot of the hit indie game In stars and time, but Mirabelle is the one who’s looping through time instead of Siffrin. This au is basically a character study of Mirabelle, mainly because I wanted to see how she changes in the timeloop. (FULL GAME SPOILERS + A6SE/ “2HATS” & SASASAP SPOILERS APPLY TO THIS AU) Also for clarification for the future posts instead of calling each individual section “ACTS” it will be called “ARCS”.
What was Mirabelle’s first loop like? ( ARC 1 SPOILERS)
How does Mirabelle feel about the Change God? ( ARC 3/4 SPOILERS )
How did the conversation at the Clocktower go in Act 5? (ARC 5 SPOILERS)
How does Siffrin feel about what Mirabelle said to him in Act 5 during post game scenarios? Is he okay? (ARC 5/ ARC 6 SPOILERS)
What’s Mirabelle’s relationship like with Euphrasie? (FULL GAME SPOILERS)
Good Morning, Siffrin! (ARC 1 SPOILERS)
This Is The Happiest I Can Remember Being, Mira! (ARC 1 SPOILERS)
The Happiest He Can Remember Being // Rewind Hangout (ARC 1 + ARC 3/4 SPOILERS) (finished lineart/ colors by @/tealgoat)
An Eye For An Eye (ARC 3 SPOILERS)
You Can’t Change Your Expression Fast Enough (ARC 3 SPOILERS) (finished lineart/ colors by @/tealgoat)
I Have A Question.. (ARC 3/4 SPOILERS)
{Just Attack. } (ARC 4 SPOILERS)
In Cycles & Cessation Loading Screen + Misc Concept Doodles (ARC 4/5 SPOILERS)
First Initial Concept Drawing of Rewind (A6SE SPOILERS)
Updated/ Revamped Concept Drawing of Rewind (A6SE SPOILERS)
Overture/Beginning/Prelude/Foreward (A6SE + SASASAP SPOILERS)
Overture (finished lineart/ colors by @/tealgoat ) (A6SE SPOILERS)
Rewind’s True Identity (ARC 3/4 + A6SE SPOILERS)
One Bow Ending (ARC 6 SPOILERS)
The Moon Will Sing (A6SE + SASASAP SPOILERS)
Mirabelle Childhood HCS ( it’s canon to the au yipee) ( FULL GAME SPOILERS)
Chrono-Crisis Countdown!
The Forsaken Savior, The Ghost Writer & The Universe’s Cosmic Joke (A6SE SPOILERS)
Mirabelle First Arriving To The Timeloop Support Group (ARC 6 SPOILERS)
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the-bitter-ocean · 3 months
( ACT 3/ ACT 4 SPOILERS) This is part 6 of the many responses/ dialogue options I wrote for the conversation that Rewind and Mirabelle have on what Rewind’s identity truly is. To understand the full context you can find the original post here. Writing is under the cut:
{{ “So I suppose you must have a lot of questions for me don’t you? Theories as to who I might be?”}}
{ You do. You can’t help but feel overwhelmed by all of this.}
{{ “Let’s make this like a game so you can get to know me a little better. How’s that sound hm?”}}
{You nod slowly, still unsure.}
{{ “You get one guess for this so pick whatever feels right in your heart.”}}
{One guess?}
{Something about the way Riri speaks to you feels familiar. }
{ Someone dependable and willing to help you even in the most dire of circumstances. }
{ Someone who’s shown to care for you deeply over the course of this whole ordeal and in turn you have done the same for them as well. }
=> { You’re one of my allies. }
{“.. Are you.. Um. one of my allies ?”}
{Riri stares at you confused.}
{{“Which ally of yours do you think I am, Plum? I’m curious” }}
{ Rewind is….}
=> { Siffrin.}
=> { Isabeau. }
=> { Odile.}
=> { Bonnie. }
=> { Siffrin.}
{“… Um well.. maybe Siffrin?”}
{Riri confusion grows even more. She shakes her head}
{{“Mmm..Why’d you say that?”}}
{“.. We’ll you’re so mysterious .. and uhm you make fun of me sometimes, but it doesn’t feel like it’s meant to be in a mean way?”}
{“You seem so..nonchalant? Like you’ve seen it all before.. and well that’s the type of way Siffrin was when I asked him for help on the journey so..it just makes sense?”}
{“I don’t know. It just reminded me of them was all.”}
{Riri goes quiet. She’s lost in thought.}
{{ “..I remind you of your Rogue? For that reason..? That’s very..”}}
{She sighs clearly wanting to say something more, as if to correct you but brightens up in tone again}
{{ “Silly of you! I tease you because you just have the personality that makes it so easy for me to do!”}}
{{“You’re so adorable, don’t you know that?”}}
{Riri gently boops you on the nose. }
{You sulk.}
{{“..You guessed wrong. Sorry Plum!”}}
{Rewind is….}
=> { Siffrin.}
=> { Isabeau. }
=> { Odile. }
=> { Bonnie. }
=> {Isabeau.}
{“…Are you Isabeau?”}
{Riri confusion grows even more. She shakes her head}
{{“Wh- Huh?! You think I’m your Fighter? For what reason?”}}
{“.. Well you’re like really uplifting if that makes any sense? It seems like you just know how to cheer me up before I even could begin to tell you if I was upset. ”}
{“.. Isabeau is really good at that sort of thing. Plus you look.. really stylish? Ah in hindsight it’s probably a stupid answer, sorry.”}
{“I don’t know. It just reminded me of them was all.”}
{{“…No, I’m not your Fighter.”}}
{{“As cute as it is that you think I’m anything like him, it’s not true.”}}
{{“I think that even someone who excels at Changing like him… would have a hard time changing into something like me.”}}
{ What’s that supposed to mean-}
{{“Anyway you guessed wrong. Sorry Plum!”}}
{Rewind is….}
=> { Siffrin. }
=> { Isabeau. }
=> { Odile. }
=> { Bonnie. }
=> {Odile.}
{“…Are you Madame Odile?��}
{Riri confusion grows even more. She shakes her head}
{{“….? You think I’m your Mage? Why?”}}
{“.. You just.. seem to be really knowledgeable about a lot of things and you’re very..reflective?”}
{“You get really quiet sometimes- like you’re thinking of a bigger picture that I couldn’t even begin to understand, y’know?”}
{“..Madame is really good at planning strategies and figuring out the best ways to solve a problem, kind of like what you do when you talk with me.”}
{“I don’t know. It just reminded me of her was all.”}
{{“…Hm. That’s awfully sweet of you to say but no! I’m not your Mage.”}}
{{“If I was anywhere near as smart as her, I’d have solved both of our problems regarding this whole time loop business by now.”}}
{ “Huh? Wait but-“}
{{“Anyway! I hate to say it but you guessed wrong. Sorry Plum!”}}
{Rewind is….}
=> { Siffrin.}
=> { Odile. }
=> { Isabeau.}
=> { Bonnie. }
=> { Bonnie.}
{“…Are you Bonnie?”}
{Riri confusion grows even more. She shakes her head}
{{“..?! You think I’m B-..Your Apprentice?”}}
{Rewind looks at you dumbfounded.}
{ Rewind puts a hand over where their hypothetical mouth would be, if she had one and laughs at you.}
{{“Do you really think I’m that childish?”}}
{“Wh- NO!! Not like that at all!!”}
{“You’re just hard to read. N-Not in a bad way!”}
{“I don’t know why.. but I get the feeling you’re trying really hard to not get close to me?”}
{“.. But I don’t think you hate me either. It’s clear you care a lot about me and want to help me. So it’s just a little confusing on where I stand with you.”}
{“..Bonnie gets like that too sometimes. They want to help however they can in their own unique way even if they can be stubborn about it.”}
{“I don’t know. It just reminded me of them was all.”}
{Rewind looks away from you.}
{{“That’s a very strange conclusion for you to reach.”}}
{{“No, I’m not your Apprentice.”}}
{{Rewind puts on a sing songy tone as she speaks.}}
{{“I’ll have you know I’m an adult, thank you!”}}
{{“I consider it a good thing… im thankful that I’m not your apprentice.”}}
{{“I don’t want to even think about the possibility of someone that young being in my..”}}
{“Being in your what-“}
{{“Moving on now! Point is, your guess was wrong. Sorry Plum!”}}
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the-bitter-ocean · 5 months
(MAJOR 2HATS/ A6SE + SASASAP TRUE END SPOILERS under the cut) ICAC au writing drabbles based on @tealgoat and @eurydice-pens awesome fanart they both did of my au In Cycles and Cessation!
{{ You wake up in Dormont.}}
{{The sun is so bright you can hardly register it as real. }}
{{Everyone is roaming around happily without a care in the world.}}
{{ You’re sitting on the bench outside the storefront.}}
{{ The papers are in your hands again. }}
{{One of the villagers approach you. They wave and smile happily. }}
“Good luck against stopping the King, Mirabelle! We know you and the saviors will prevail!”
{{ You smile and wave back. }}
{{You ignore how your hands are shaking. }}
{{You grip the papers tightly. You crumple it into a ball and toss it. }}
{{ You get up from your seat and run.}}
{{Past the change god statue. }}
{{Past all the villagers who adore you when they have no good reason to. }}
{{You don’t bother greeting any of your party members either.}}
{{You need to be alone.}}
{{You go into the forest clearing and practically collapse unto the ground.}}
{{You start to cry.}}
{{You pray and pray and pray and pray for this to be over. }}
{{You cant do this anymore! }}
{{You curl up on the ground and scream. }}
{{You don’t want to do this again! The first time you ever beat the king- finally something new happened in your short pitiful existence and it couldn’t save you!}}
{{You tug on your curls until you feel a dull pain at the sides of your head.}}
{{ The power of friendship couldn’t save you! You weren’t chosen! You weren’t special! }}
{{You wish for someone to help you escape!}}
{{You can’t bare to die again. To watch your friends get hurt again. To see everyone frozen- your home permanently cursed to stagnation! }}
{{You wish for someone to understand you!}}
{{The loops were lonely and scary. You had no one to talk to who knew what you were going through!}}
{{And the minute you thought.. t-thought that maybe you found hope it was taken from you! Why? Why why why-}}
{{You wish you could change into someone who could actually save your home!!!}}
{{ You stare at the moon shaped object in your hands. }}
{{ You look around confused as to who or what gave you this form of divine intervention- if it would even work at all to begin with.}}
{{You’re in no position to reject it or be skeptical. }}
{{ You’re helpless. }}
{{ You can only do so much on your own before everything falls apart. }}
{{ You hold the crescent close to your chest. }}
{{ You thought it would burn you but it’s surprisingly soothing. }}
{{Siffrin talked about the item that’s currently in your hands a long time ago.}}
{{You didn’t get it half the time but you listened anyway because it made him happy. }}
{{The moon will never be as bright as the sun. }}
{{It’s only capable of reflecting the light and warmth from the suns rays. }}
{{It has nothing to shine with on its own. }}
{{…It suits you.}}
{{ You slowly bring the crescent to your mouth and devour it whole. }}
{{ You. Feel. A. Tug. On. Your. Heart. And. You-}}
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the-bitter-ocean · 2 months
ICAC Siffrin,,, oh they're not going to be doing well postgame are they (didn't learn their lesson, had their worst doubts confirmed, not exactly particularly inclined to open up)
(ACT 5/ACT 6 SPOILERS) Hello, Anon! While I understand that a non- looping Siffrin may have a lot harder time opening up about their feelings and their past (or lack thereof) I don’t think it’s going to go in that particular direction!
I’m going to share my thoughts on this and talk more about my plans while writing ICAC under the cut:
Does Mirabelle unintentionally hurt Siffrin in that moment in act 5 during the failed attempt at doing the friend/ family quests with everyone ? Yes. Yes she does. In that moment, it did genuinely seem like Mirabelle was confirming his self doubts/ fears on if the party would stay together or if he was worth being remembered. Siffrin was hurt and expressed that hurt to her (which he has every right to do so because her behavior wasn’t okay).
That being said however, I think there are many scenes that I have written / drawn that I plan to share that would help Siffrin see that the group would stay together and that they’re loved etc. To name a few of them: the talk at the clocktower ( there’s a scene in it where the group reassures Siffrin that no one is being left behind and that they’ll all be able to help mira soon) the talk with Rewind (who tells the group the entire context in full of why mirabelle was acting so off kilter which would give reassurance that mirabelle didn’t suddenly hate everyone ) the vs friends fight (including the aftermath where they all are floating mid air and holding hands and the whole group talk about how all of them had wanted to continue to keep traveling together as a family etc) and also the heart to heart talk that mira will have with Siffrin in act 6 (which is a proper apology for lashing out at him and also a shared promise to be more open about feelings together) etc. All of these things would let Siffrin know that his family cares for him and won’t forget him. The whole group would say that in a heart beat, especially mirabelle who again, literally nearly broke the world via wishcraft because she cared so much about each and every one of them.
I feel like when/if Siffrin feels that way I think mirabelle would remind him that the whole group saw her at her absolute worst and still chose to stay with her and forgive her anyway. And if she can be forgiven and loved.. if she can still be allowed to stay and be remembered then there’s no reason why Siffrin can’t have it either.
Again like the original source material the au is based on (ISAT) I want people to know that ICAC is an au that ultimately does have a happy ending! It’s hopeful! I promise! Have faith in me yeah? Anyway ramble over I hope this helped alleviate any concerns!
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the-bitter-ocean · 2 months
(ACT 6 SPOILERS) Wanted to write my interpretation of what a one hat (or I guess in this case one bow? Lol) ending would look like for the ICAC au. It’s not canon by any means but I thought it was cool to have both options just like how the original game of ISAT does. Writing is under the cut:
{ You return to the Favor Tree.}
{You slowly take a step forward..}
{You look around. }
{The sun is shining.}
{The birds are chirping happily as they soar through the village.}
{The tree's leaves blow in the wind. }
{ There's no one under the tree. }
{You pace around anxiously searching under bushes, near the rocks and behind the Favor Tree. }
{There's nobody to be found.}
{ Rewind is gone.}
{ But why? Why did Rewind have to leave? }
{Where could she have gone? }
{ Is it something to do with the loops, maybe?}
{ Rewind said that they were here to help you with escaping the loops..}
{ Well, you’re finally free now!}
{You’ve escaped and the loops won’t happen anymore.}
{You’re certain you couldn’t loop back even if you wanted to- you’re far too drained from overuse of craft. }
{ Is that really the reason? }
{ You solved the mystery of the loops.. so there’s no need of having Rewind as a guide anymore? }
{ She’s just gone forever? }
{ You feel your breath hitch. }
{ You feel tears prick your eyes. }
{ It’s.. not.. fair!!}
{ You didn’t even get to apologize for all the horrible things you said to her earlier! }
{ You didn’t get to thank Rewind for all the help they did for you either!! }
{ This can’t be how it all ends for the two of you..!}
{ You can’t help but feel empty inside. }
{ You kneel down at the base of the favor tree. }
{ Your hands are clasped together. }
{ You mourn silently. }
{ You pray that wherever Rewind is now, that she’s somewhere peaceful.}
{ Somewhere free from the loops like you are. }
{ You hope that she’s safe and able to rest. }
{ You wish with all your heart that your prayers reach her somehow. That Rewind knows how much you appreciate all that they’ve done for you. }
{ You wipe away the tears and get up from where you sat. }
{ You like to believe that maybe, one day, Rewind might return again. }
{ And if she does ever return, you want her to know that you were here. }
{ That you care about her. That you miss her. }
{ You want her to have something to remember you by just in case. }
{ You take out the bright flower. }
{ Rewind never accepted it from you during any of the loops. }
{..It’s all you have to offer to her now. }
{ You unclamp one of the circular emblems from your brooch. }
{ You rest the circular pendant and the bright flower at the base of the tree. }
{ You keep the other half of your pendant still attached to your cloak. }
{The sun hits the pendant, making it almost glow. }
{It’s the only thing keeping the flower stay in its place instead of blowing into the wind and being whisked away forever. }
{ “…Thank you, Riri.”}
{The trees around you are silent.}
{You walk back home.}
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the-bitter-ocean · 3 months
Hi everyone! I decided to do an art collab with @eurydice-pens ! I did the linework/colors / shading for the ICAC au comic and the sketch for the drawing of Forgotten Vaugarde! Au Mirabelle (an au that’s also made by Delphi. Please go check it out it’s awesome). If you wish to see what delphi did on their side of the art collab you can find the post here! The comic + the Timelapse process of rendering the comic is under the cut:
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the-bitter-ocean · 3 months
In Cycles and Cessation Fanworks Masterpost
Hi everyone! This is essentially for organizational purposes so I can keep track of all the lovely creations people have made for my au that I wish to share with everyone!
If you wish to see the official masterpost for icac that has all of my art, writing and questions answered on how the Au works specifically you can go here. Both of these will be updated as time goes on in the future. You can find any work I make for this Au by looking in the #in cycles and cessation tag on tumblr! All of the links to the different fanworks will be under the cut. (FULL GAME SPOILERS + A6SE/ “2HATS” & SASASAP SPOILERS APPLY TO THIS AU) Also for clarification for the future posts instead of calling each individual section “ACTS” it will be called “ARCS”.
(ICAC Canon)
Your Heart Is A Muscle The Size Of Your Fist (art by @/basilpaste)
Stay Positive! ( art by @/eurydice-pens)
Mirabelle the Smiler (art by @/eurydice-pens)
Mirabelle (art by @/paroxysmaljune)
Lagtrain (art by @/tealgoat)
Mira Blast! (Art by @/tealgoat)
Nailed It (Art by @/tealgoat)
ICAC! Au Mirabelle Sprite Edits (Edits by @/au-re5 )
(ARC 3 SPOILERS) Be Careful, Everyone! (writing by @/kadethecat)
(ARC 3 SPOILERS) Siffrin Friend Quest ( art and writing by @/llilyrose )
(ARC 3/4 SPOILERS) When The Cycle Was Cessation (art by @/daily-odile )
(ARC 3/4 SPOILERS) Change God’s Favorite Hater (art by @/eurydice-pens)
(ARC 3/4 SPOILERS) Ur So Silly UwU (art by @/eurydice-pens)
(ARC 3/4 SPOILERS) In Cycles & Cessation Silliness (art by @/eurydice-pens)
(ARC 3/4 SPOILERS) You Are Loved! (art by @/eurydice-pens)
(ARC 3/4 SPOILERS) I Got It! (art by @/harunefrog)
(ARC 3/ACT 4 SPOILERS) Riri Hangout (Art/ screencap edits by @/ tealgoat)
(ARC 4 SPOILERS) Sus Run (writing by @/winterstorm032802)
(ARC 4 SPOILERS) You’re Incapable Of Change, Hero (art by @/eurydice-pens)
(ARC 5 SPOILERS) Siffrin Friend Quest Speedrun (art by @/sqirtle )
(ARC 5 SPOILERS) You’ll Never Be Able To Protect Anyone (art by @/pixxyofice)
(ARC 5 SPOILERS) L’ÉLU (art by @/llilyrose )
(ARC 5 SPOILERS/ A6SE SPOILERS) Mirabelle & Rewind Doodles (art by @/mobblespsycho100)
(ARC 5 SPOILERS) You Are Loved, Mirabelle! art by @/coffeeean
(ARC 6 SPOILERS) Euphrasie & Mirabelle Hug (art by @/eurydice-pens)
(A6SE SPOILERS) Riri (art by @/tealgoat)
(A6SE SPOILERS) Overture (art by @/tealgoat)
(A6SE SPOILERS) A Lost Thing, Just Like You ( art by @/eurydice-pens)
(A6SE SPOILERS) Rewind & Mira (art by @/au-re5 )
(A6SE SPOILERS) Here’s Riri! (art by @/eurydice-pens)
(A6SE SPOILERS) Two’s Company, Three’s A Crowd (art by @/curiouscomet)
ICAC! Au Mirabelle Meets Forgotten Vaugarde Au Mirabelle ( art by @/eurydice-pens)
(ARC 3/6 SPOILERS) You Lost An Eye Too? ( art by @/pixxyofice)
(ARC 4/6 SPOILERS) Change God Jumpscare (art by @/pixxyofice)
(ARC 6 SPOILERS) Looperz (Art by @/wonder-of-the-stars)
(ARC 6 SPOILERS) The Smilers (Art by @/tealgoat)
(ARC 6 SPOILERS) Timeloop Support Group Shitposts (memes by @/tealgoat)
(ARC 6 SPOILERS) Family Time (art by @/startagainaprologue)
(ARC 6 SPOILERS) Timeloop Support Group Memes (memes by @/pixxyofice)
(ARC 6 SPOILERS) Timeloop Support Group Doodles ( art by @/pixxyofice)
(ARC 6 SPOILERS) Shoulder Touch ( art by @/pixxyofice)
(ARC 6 SPOILERS) OSIS! Au Isabeau Meets ICAC! Au Mirabelle In Therapy (writing by @/basilpaste)
(ARC 6 SPOILERS) ITOT! Au Odile meets ICAC! Mirabelle (art by @/tealgoat)
(A6SE SPOILERS) In Loops & Rewinds (art by @/wonder-of-the-stars)
(A6SE SPOILERS) TTTC! Au Loop meets Rewind (art by @/wonder-of-the-stars)
(FULL GAME + A6SE SPOILERS) The Love Persists Through It All (writing by @/pixxyofice )
(ARC 6 + A6SE SPOILERS) Timeloop Support Group Hug ( art by @/pixxyofice)
(ARC 6 + A6SE SPOILERS) Who is Loop? ( art by @/pixxyofice)
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chimerahyperfix · 3 months
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