#is this what we call an absolute unit hc
mistydeyes · 1 year
So we had soap cousin how about ghost cousin x tf boys Hcs? She’s older than Simon and the two are super close. She would’ve been a barrier between him and his dad growing up. I can picture him being the least pissed at Price, meanwhile he’d be raging at Gaz and Soap. Soap would call her a milf and Simon has to be held back like a rabid dog
I’d love to see your take on this 🥰
ahhh I love this idea so much! thank you for reading my post about soap's cousin and requesting this :)
last name: riley
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summary: Despite Ghost trying to keep his family history secret, he can't avoid it when you, his older cousin, is transferred to his base. Now he has to keep his team in check as they want to get to know you more ;)
pairing: Task Force 141 (except Ghost) x fem!Reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of emotional abuse/trauma
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following the briefing, Gaz and Soap exited and invited Ghost to join them at the mess hall
however before Ghost could leave, Price stopped him at the door
"Can you stay back, Simon?" Price asked and everyone immediately knew something was up
especially when first names were used
being the nosy sergeants that they are, Soap and Gaz waited by the door and tried to listen in
after 10 minutes, Ghost emerged and looked surprisingly calm
"What was that about?" Soap asked as he tried to keep up with Ghost
"My cousin is getting transferred to one of the unit's on base" he said plainly and he was bombarded with questions
both Gaz and Soap were amazed that he had a cousin, especially one who he didn't seem to hate
eventually, Ghost slams his bedroom door on him and they're both left wondering what you're like
"God I hate the English weather," you complained as you arrived by helo to your new home
after months abroad, your captain decided to reassign you to the UK
you were initially upset but when you learned your cousin was also stationed there, your mood changed
"Is that little Simon Riley I see?" you exclaimed, seeing your cousin standing a few meters away
you slung your duffle on your back and ran towards him
despite being a good half foot taller than you, you hugged him tightly
"It's good to see you, Si," you said as you couldn't remember the last time you saw him
he returned it awkwardly as you took a look at his attire
"Still wearing that awful mask I see," you joked, lightly punching him on the shoulder
as you were chatting on the way to your quarters, you could see a man around your age leading two sergeants behind him
despite the captain's stern look, the two sergeants walked up to you and bombarded you with questions
"Sorry ma'am, they heard you were the Lieutenant's cousin and were trying to sneak out to meet you" he apologized and you laughed heartily
"What a welcome committee!" you smiled before looking back at them, "I'm Captain Riley."
as you introduced yourself and got to know Simon's team, they noted how you and Ghost shared different hair colors but the same piercing gaze
they also noted how you looked like you should be on the army's website with your light hair and hazel eyes as well as your fit physique
you also were much kinder than their Ghost and your smile brightened the drab hallway
"Riley?" one of them asked and you nodded, "our dads were brothers."
queue more questions about Simon's family history
while he tried to silence them, you were more than happy to answer a few of their questions
"Our dads were absolute arseholes, he sent me to live with Simon and I'd get into screaming matches with his old man," you explained
Simon remembered the times you were sent to Manchester and how you were the only one who could keep up with his father's insults and emotional abuse
despite being 5 years younger than you, he would follow you around and act like your best friend
you were surprised when you saw him after he joined the army and he was pure muscle (no longer the small boy who you would sneak out to get sweets with)
"His dad made basic seem like holiday" you joked, trying to lighten the mood
you answered a few more questions about you previous post before you began to yawn due to the jet lag
"Well it was a pleasure to meet you, Captain Riley," Price said shaking your hand
"Glad to see Simon is doing well here," you beamed, "now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find my quarters"
As you walked away you could hear Gaz and Soap chatting with Simon. "You didn't tell us your cousin's a bonnie lass," Soap exclaimed, a little too loud for Simon's comfort, "she got a mans in Manchester?" You smiled at the compliment, making sure to walk extra slow to hear it all. While both sergeants were undeniably attractive, plenty of men had acted the same way to you during the course of your career. Before Simon could reply, you could hear Gaz interject. "How old is she?" he asked innocently. "Too old for either one of you," Price interrupted, "and she's a captain so that's far above your ranks." Out of Simon's task force, you assumed you were the closest in age to Price. You tried to do the mental math being 5 years older than Simon but decided it wasn't worth it as Simon would never let any of them speak to you again. As Gaz and Soap groaned lightly, you thought the conversation was over. However, Soap had one last thing to say. "That's a proper milf if I've ever seen one," he mumbled before you could hear Simon let out a string of insults and swears. You smiled to yourself, "guess Si finally learned how to stand up for himself."
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world0fmadness · 17 days
øystein “ euronymous ” aarseth x reader x varg “ count grishnackh ” vikernes
♡ general throuple dating headcanons for euronymous and varg!
୨୧ this can be read as standalone headcanons or continuation headcanons to totally crushing <3
♡ requested by anon | related hc available here | view my metal masterlist here
reading music recommendations: suffer eternally by zetra - bodies as driftwood by downfall of gaia
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♡ to be honest, i don’t think the rivalry between euronymous and varg would change much when they both begin dating you…
୨୧ their rivalry very much still remains strong, they still dislike a lot of things about each other and they still think the other is not good enough for you!
♡ even during sex, when the both of them are deep inside of you, they seem to challenge each other, trying so hard to outdo each other
୨୧ they’ll stare at each other whilst thrusting into you, eyed slightly slanted as they glare at each other and their mouths dropped open as they breathe heavily, each trying to prove that their cock is the one making you moan that loud, not the others…
♡ they do not see how this just looks really sexual between the two, they absolutely will call you delusional if you point it out
“ what?! no, it’s not sexual! we don’t like each other, you know this… you should see it in our eyes! there is nothing sexual there… you’re crazy ” ( varg will say it with such confidence as he moves his hands around wildly, as if trying to strengthen his defence, euronymous sits and nods his head, agreeing but not vocally because he doesn’t like agreeing with varg much )
୨୧ the only time euronymous will ever openly agree with varg is when he compliments you or when they’re scaring off some guy who didn’t know them
♡ those are the only times that they will actually unite a whole lot, maybe sometimes even defending the other when you’re calling someone out for talking shit about them! it’s kind of like, only they can talk shit about each other
୨୧ when the three of you move into an apartment together and share a bed, you have to sleep in between then, they cannot touch skin with each other…
♡ at least, not when they’re awake! usually when you guys fall into a deep sleep, their legs will become tangled with each other’s within yours and their arms will be brushing up against each other as they rest atop your waist
୨୧ when you wake up before them, you’ve definitely made them hold hands in their sleep and they always think it’s your hand so they tighten their hands as you try to stifle a laugh
♡ usually they’ll drop each other’s hands before they wake up though so thankfully, you do not have to witness them get all petty and supposedly just so grossed out by having held each other’s hand
୨୧ euronymous is a total blanket hog in bed though…
♡ not even half way through the night he’ll be snatching the blanket off of you and varg, pulling it all over to him and up to his chin in his sleep! luckily varg runs hot though so you just cuddle into him a little more and let euronymous have the damn blanket
୨୧ in the cold norwegian winters, varg is more likely to wake up to it and call him out though
“ øystein! fucking asshole, you’re hogging the damn blanket, give some back to them… fuck! ” ( they both absolutely call each other by their birth names just to annoy each other more, like an old ass married couple )
♡ he only even calls him out for you though because again, varg runs hot but he just doesn’t want you being cold and without a blanket because of the “ oversized cat ” hogging the blankets in your bed
୨୧ as i mentioned in totally crushing, they’re insanely childish when it comes to having to share you
♡ when walking together, you have to hold each of their hands as they walk on either side of you because if you don’t, they’ll have a tiny pout on their face and walk a bit slower with their arms tightly crossed up against their chest until you notice and grab their hand too
୨୧ i’d honestly say the most petty and childish person would probably be varg, he’s just… like that!
♡ though euronymous is insanely close to being on the exact same level as varg when it comes to pettiness and childishness
୨୧ due to varg being vegan, euronymous will usually eat more kebab around him just to be petty and annoying! you’ll always give him a little telling off but varg just takes the opportunity to seem like the bigger man and tell you it’s fine
♡ but he won’t do that if you’re vegan too, or if you turn vegan after varg tells you a bunch about it?
୨୧ oh varg is so smug about that, because yes! he turned you vegan and now euronymous is grouchy because now he can’t go and get kebab with you :(
♡ honestly i think people would just be so confused as to how you’re managing to date both of them just due to how much they seem to despise each other…
୨୧ but i do think that sometimes, just sometimes, they would have their moments together
♡ not insanely fluffy moments but definitely not hateful or spiteful moments!
୨୧ little things like euronymous passing varg an ingredient he needs as he passes by him in the kitchen to grab some coke from the fridge
♡ you’ll almost always catch these moments, hiding your small smirk behind your hand as they don’t say a word to each other
୨୧ one of the many amazing perks to have two boyfriends is that no other man will ever, ever approach you… no way in hell!
♡ no knowledgable man would approach you if you dated just one of them due to the rumours that surround them let alone both of them?
୨୧ yeah, just no way! they drive off any man from trying stuff with you, they’ve made it very clear to people that you’re theirs…
♡ another perk is that you now have two whole lots of sweaters and band t-shirts to steal!
୨୧ varg’s bathory sweater? yeah, i just know it’s so comfy! euronymous’ mayhem crop top? sure, if you want, it’ll most likely fit!
♡ they probably try to be annoyed when they notice some of their stuff has made it’s over way into your section of the wardrobe but they can’t be, not really… they both really like when you wear their clothes! they think you look cute, it’s one of the major things they can both agree on right alongside their shared love for you
୨୧ have they accidentally worn each other’s clothes before?
♡ yes, absolutely! but they never even notice due to how similar their sides of the wardrobe are, only you’ve ever noticed and you’ll never point it out because you know how they’ll be about it <3
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bykimchi · 4 months
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𓂃 ☁︎ ࣪ forgwq - the edit to end all nct edits
now what do we call this duo bc it's a rare gem to see interactions between xj + hc but you just know that if they're collab-ing in an nct u unit they're gonna leave zero crumbs on that stage bc look at that charisma - i'm absolutely floored [33/∞]
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mari-writes · 1 year
Keiji is so nervous, visiting the Bokuto family for the first time as Koutarou’s boyfriend.
He’s met them before, of course. In high school he’d follow Koutarou home under the guise of helping him study—which technically he did do, but they’d usually end up just hanging out. And Keiji almost always stayed for dinner.
So Koutarou’s parents know him well. He knows they’re fond of him. And apparently the Bokuto sisters absolutely adore him, if what Koutarou relays to him is true.
And Keiji likes them, too. A lot. They are perhaps the kindest and most welcoming people he’s ever met. Never has he known a family so eager to embrace each other and others.
Still, he’s on edge. He wonders how it will feel, walking through that familiar front door, now as Koutarou’s partner. Significant other. boyfriend. Will he act weird? Will they treat him differently?
He and Koutarou arrive at the house on an otherwise normal Saturday evening. They enter the genkan, kick off their shoes, slip out of their jackets. Keiji can hear laughing and shouting, music and the clanging of pots of pans in the distance.
Koutarou takes his hand and leads him through the large house to the kitchen. “We’re here!” He announces, loudly so as to be heard over the cacophony. (Keiji had learned, on his first visit, that Koutarou’s boisterous nature was in part due to being the baby of a very loud, lively family.)
“Get over here and help me with dinner, young man!”
“Ah, Keiji-kun! Welcome!”
“Wait, Kou, pour your boyfriend a drink first!”
Keiji tumbles headfirst into the madness. He’s torn from Koutarou, and suddenly, four sets of hands are on him: hugging, patting him on the back, ruffling his hair.
“Keiji-kun, get down here, love.” Strong fingers grip his forearms and pull. He obliges, bending so that Koutarou’s mother can plant a quick kiss on his cheek. 
“Good evening, Bokuto-san.”
“Oh no, we can’t have that.” She tuts, reaching to grab the sides of his face. “Not anymore. You must call me Amane now.”
Keiji blinks. “Oh. I mean, I shouldn’t …”
“I insist.” Amane gives him a serious look. The woman’s eyes, so similar to Koutarou’s, are soft yet firm. “After all, you’re part of this family now.”
She smiles warmly before heading back to prepare dinner. Keiji watches her go, reeling at the implications of her behest.
The Bokutos accept him. They want him here. Not only as Koutarou’s teammate, or school friend. But as a part of their unit.
Keiji feels like he might cry.
“Here ya go, babe!” Koutarou passes him a glass of sake, winking cheekily and then hurrying over to help his mother. 
For a few moments Keiji just observes. Koutarou’s father is washing and wiping dishes as his wife and son cook. The eldest sibling is setting the table as her sister, holding a tall can of Asahi in one hand, cycles through different playlists on her phone.
Everything is fine, he realizes. And why wouldn’t it be?
“Keiji! Come over here and help me choose tonight’s soundtrack!”
Keiji nods, wandering over as a strange, warm feeling washes over him.
He had no reason to worry. Of course he didn’t. 
It all feels so familiar, yet so new at the same time. As if his current place in this beautiful family was inevitable. Destined.
How lucky he is, to have found his way here.
I hc that Keiji’s parents, though well-meaning, aren’t very supportive or openly affectionate. So being accepted into such a big, warm family means the world to him. Thanks for reading! Please comment/share if you enjoyed! 🙏❤️
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averygayplant · 1 year
Ninjago hcs because I'm gay and sad-
Post-Seabound hc! Jay spent a few months alone as a sailor following vague sightings and leads on Nya as the water dragon. After his first and last close call in a storm that threw him overboard (in which he's secretly convinced a ✨certain somebody✨ intervened in his near demise), Jay woke up alive somehow on the shore of the lighthouse island and decided there and then that he was done looking.
^As an add on to this, when they went looking for him in crystallized, they had to track down Ronin, as he was the last person to have radio contact with Jay. They teamed up to find Nya because Ronin is a morally grey, personally driven man of ambiguity who respected Nya quite a bit and Jay was fully desperate enough to take him on his word. (Shh, I know he was in prison okay, he totally got himself out within a few days, he's slippery)
Lloyd had to redistinguish his own fears and reflexes after Morro. For a while, he'd flinch at the sound of sloshing water or if anything splashed on him without him expecting it and nearly walked off of tall places without thinking several times- gave the others a heart attack every time he did.
A lot of Lloyd's underlying Oni traits manifested after Crystalized- including the capability to purr, which now happens any time someone runs their fingers through his hair long enough.
United hc- Jay started a Sonic Underground style musical glamrock rebellion against Imperium oppression after getting flung in the merge, and has been rock and rolling ever since (if you want to be nice to our poor boys Cole got flung with him and now they rock and roll together)
I've said this one before but idc I'm fucking right; Zane has a collection of onsies, most of them being snow based animals. His favorite is the snow leopard one (he lets Pixal borrow them frequently)
Jay is genderqueer, so while he/him pronouns are generally preferred, occasionally being referred to with she/her and as 'Nya's wife' is extremely validating.
I've said this one before too but you can fight me, I'm still right- Kai hates large bodies of water, but he loves the rain, and has gotten himself deathly ill frolicking autistically in it on multiple occasions.
When Pixal started dreaming, she was quite confused, and went to Zane, slightly concerned that her memory had been corrupted some how. After a little investigation he realized she'd had her first dream and got more excited than a puppy at the prospect of walkies- accidentally forgetting to explain what was so exciting to Pixal for another twenty minutes.
Lloyd and FSM had a much longer conversation than what we were shown in canon, okay? They sat in the grass and had tea that didn't exist a second ago and talked about life and death and humans and the very first elemental masters and whatever else an infinitely wise being an a traumatized 15yo talk about. Their conversation lasted several days.
Mystake was functionally a godmother to the FSM bloodline and absolutely babysat for Wu when Morro was still a little boy.
idk, i had more but I'm tired of writing-
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nova--spark · 8 months
So. Mortal Machines Ex-Cons. Could always explain their existence as an additional punishment for the too well adapted Team Prime.
Knockout is gonna freeaaaaaaaaaaak. When all the biology explanations are done, he will likely demand a mall trip. And try getting drunk. He also gives me the air of a nervous driver for some reason? Like, we all know he was vain as all get out. So maybe that transfers into an extreme fear of being hurt, because humans can scar, and it does NOT buff out. Add to that the fact that he is well versed in the darker aspects of driving and yeah. Paranoid KO.
Starscream would be a funny outlier to add to this as well. Like, dudes casually in a coma then POP he's in Unit Es base, with the other cons, and wide awake. How would flight-withdrawal affect him I wonder.
Shockwave would immediately be trying things out with his new form. Once done, he would throw himself into fixing the Squishy Plague.
Soundwave has a pet birb. African Grey Parrot maybe? It's Laserbeak. He's his usual quiet kid self. Maybe Bee teaches him sign? Human sign ofc. He totally knows CSL already.
Megs is just broken. And broken Megs is vulnerable Megs. He defiantly has ADHD tho. Idk why. I just always HC he does.
oK i LOVE all of this???
Knockout is absolutely uneasy, he knows very well humans are fragile [Silas was a fun little test of how fragile] and so, he is indeed a bit of a nervous driver, because while he could buff out a scratch as a bot, he can't replace anything in a human body as easily. And he absolutely made sure everyone has an impeccable wardrobe, i feel sorry for whomever is paying for it though--
Starscream is just wondering if this is just some horrendous nightmare most of the time, and he really just wants everything done with.
Shockwave surprisingly ??? Creates a bunch of cures??? For human illnesses that tend to frustrate people, and he simply shrugs when asked how he did it. Cybertronian science apparently made the cure for the common cold easy.
Who'd have known?
Soundwave is indeed now with an entire menagerie of pets, because he now has adopted 2-3 birds, 2 cats, a lizard, and somehow, a bat. In his defense, he didn't know bats weren't normal human pets, but the little one was doing no harm, being a fruit bat.
He has also kindly taken to the ASL lessons, but has also received a phone from Raf, which he uses a Text to Speech app on. Alternatively, he's resorted to using social media audios to express certain emotions.
The kids cannot stop laughing.
Megatron had...some issues adjusting, his fighting instincts indeed manifesting into what humans would call ADHD, for which he has taken to mild sparring, if only to calm his nerves.
Optimus has offered him to perhaps spend some time, and talk. After all, for them all, it has been a very overwhelming experience.
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gear-project · 3 months
when do you think Asuka met Happy Chaos? at what point in asuka's life would he have met hc. just really confused on the timeline. was it college or what
Since you ask, I'll do what I can to make a summary:
Prior to 2014, Asuka had been a survivor of the disaster of 1999 that was the Dawn of Revival, alongside Frederick Bulsara and Aria Hale... the three of them were students in University (prior to the fall of Civilization as we knew it), though Asuka's teacher was the one everyone called "The Original" (a.k.a. The Original Sage).
While we DO know Asuka R. Kreutz after some time of his name being revealed, we do NOT know his teacher's real name, so for now we can only refer to him as "The Original" (sometimes known as "The Original Man" in comparison to "That Man" which was Asuka's historical nickname).
Scientific research prior to 2014 delved heavily in to the study of Magic and understanding it, since it was an as-yet untapped energy resource that the world was clamoring to understand.
At the time, the Backyard was mostly considered a heavily contested "Theory": only Asuka's teacher knew the truth since he was the one who first discovered it.
Most who followed The Original would later become his Disciples and members of the massive organization later known as the Sanctus Populi. One of those members was also Asuka's Scientific Rival who later went by the name Chronus (we do not know his past connections with Asuka in full detail).
It was after the Universal Will waged war with humans and undid most technology in society (in 1999) that "The Original" decided to entrust two Mass-Information Seeds to his student, Asuka: The Scales of Juno and the Flame of Corruption.
It is speculated that at this time, the Original Sage was in actual conflict with the Universal Will that he had created and was in battle with it within the Backyard itself.
Meanwhile, Asuka began researching the true nature of the Seeds that his teacher gave him, and by 2014, he created the first set of encoded Gear Cells (with Aria's and Frederick's help of course), and set about to establish guidelines for their use as a new medical technology (their main purpose to serve as a means to protect the Seeds from fulfilling their original functions of generating the World's Absolution: an overlap of the natural world and the Backyard).
As of 2016, however, rogue elements of the United States Military (C.I.A. remnants) sought to take Asuka's Gear Cell Research by force, and Asuka was given no choice but to use Frederick as a scapegoat. He was also trying to protect Aria having forced her in to cryostasis at this time as well.
After the tragic events of 2016, all progress on Gear Cell research was classified, frozen, and halted, and supposedly many researchers involved also went missing (Asuka and Frederick not being the only ones involved).
Much time would pass up to the year 2040, and the U.S. Military would re-open the files on Gear Cell Research with the intent to weaponize the technology.
It is not clear if "The Original" was aware of Asuka's activities at this time, but it is implied that he would be tracking Asuka's movements sometime later.
A fully functional Gear would not exist until the year 2060, and Asuka's attempts to protect Aria eventually fed in to the development of Command Type Gear 01: Justice which came in to existence around the year 2073.
It is in the year 2074 that the Universal Will planted a virus inside Justice' body and forced Asuka to fire the Gamma Ray on Japanese soil in order to eliminate several Anti-Matter Gear Mutations that would have destabilized the world's physical information (i.e. generate Information Flares).
As of this time, we are, again, unclear on how involved "The Original" was in observing the events of Japan's destruction... however it appears as though he was responsible for the destruction and subjugation of Baiken's village prior to these events.
At the time, it seems as though "The Original" had been borrowing several of Asuka's aliases, either through work history, or some other means, and so many activities (and atrocities) he performed during the Crusades can be attributed to Happy Chaos by that time.
In other words, Asuka's Teacher had been transformed by the Universal Will and had been swallowed by it around the same time that the Crusades had started.
However, there is more to this: Humanity had witnessed the tragedy of Japan's destruction firsthand, as well as the revolt of the Gears and this caused a mass-panic around the world that influenced the Backyard itself.
The Backyard could not handle this anomalous mental feedback, and so it sealed most of the errors it obtained within I-No, cutting off part of itself from the world (this in turn sent Axl Low in to the Future as well).
It is speculated that Happy Chaos is partly responsible for what happened to create I-No, but we do not know the full extent of his involvement with her existence... only that he blames himself and sought atonement for what he did to her (though he never openly states this).
Asuka would not be aware of his teacher's activities for quite some time after this, though he would eventually meet I-No in the year 2183 of the first Alternate Timeline.
At that time, Asuka was imprisoned by the Gears, though Justice had been killed in the year 2180 of that timeline (mirroring events that would later occur in the corrected timeline).
I-No corrected the Timeline in the year 2173, changing major events (though again, it is unclear if anything involving Happy Chaos was changed).
Time passed, and Asuka learned of Blackard Company and its Command Gear Project named Solaria.
As of the year 2180, Asuka now had I-No and Raven serving under him, and he had given Jack-O'Valentine a physical body (though she hid her face due to her immature development still in early stages).
Jack-O'Valentine was of course the "backup half" of Justice that Asuka managed to recover from her Memory Core prior to her death and retrieval by the Conclave (the Conclave were serving under Ariels/The Universal Will although they were unaware of this at that time).
It is presumed that Happy Chaos was "sealed" inside Ariels' body at this time, but he was still able to "leave" at various intervals to do as he wished (though we do not know what all he was involved with at this time). It is worth noting that Happy Chaos had been pursuing Nagoriyuki as early as the year 2127, though we do not know how involved Nagoriyuki was with the Crusades events himself.
Happy Chaos later suggested that he had been inside Ariels' prison for 100 years, so most likely he had been "sealed" (at least to her knowledge) as early as 2074 when the Crusades began.
In the year 2192, Axl Low's Time Slipping had reached a "plateau" and he was unable to Time Travel in that year. This was also the year Sol Badguy's Dragon Install fully encroached, turning Sol in to an Anti-Matter Gear (leading to Frederick's quiet demise).
Axl Low made "contact" with a fragment of "The Original Sage's" consciousness (which Happy Chaos retained memories of) and obtained a message to be passed on to Asuka regarding the Conclave.
After obtaining the message from "The Original", Axl Low was caught in a trap within Bedman's Nightmare Theater, forcing I-No to rescue him.
At this time, I-No had created an "Integrated Point" within she had the power to manipulate various stages of the Timeline, though her mission at this time was to monitor the various Valentine creations that the Universal Will was generating based on Asuka's designs.
I-No had (on several occasions) successfully "assassinated" Ramlethal Valentine in various future Timelines beyond the Integrated Point (under Asuka's orders).
However rescuing Axl Low after he "fell in to her net" was a sign that events were beginning to change. I-No confirmed this by having one last fight with the current Timeline's Ramlethal, only to learn that Ramlethal had obtained a sense of self-preservation, which confirmed I-No's suspicions that the Timeline had changed.
Raven, meanwhile was working alongside Asuka to keep an eye on Sol Badguy, though neither of them were fully aware that Happy Chaos was observing them all.
Jack-O' felt misgivings regarding her role to fuse with Justice, due to her developing sense of identity, and so she escaped I-No's custody temporarily.
By this time, Sol had become more aware of Asuka's movements (as was Anji Mito, who still considered himself a friend of Asuka's at this time).
Raven requested Sol's assistance in retrieving Jack-O', but prior to their first meeting, Jack-O' revealed the truth as she saw it to I-No, greatly distressing her.
Jack-O' felt it necessary to prepare I-No, as a contingency plan in case the merge with Justice was a failure, though Raven corrected her, as he felt that I-No didn't deserve to be crudely treated.
I-No partially took her frustrations out on Sol and Axl, but at this time she became keenly aware of where Happy Chaos was being kept, though she kept this knowledge to herself (even despite Raven's attempt at trying to maintain friendship with her).
Asuka, meanwhile, had been tracking the Conclave's movements with the Cradle along with Sol, but ended up becoming Bedman's prisoner... he would be unable to move until Chronus later freed him with the understanding that he would finally reveal the truth to Sol.
Happy Chaos was... as of this time, "physically imprisoned" but still somehow able to observe Raven's and Jack-O's conversations, and he became "inspired" to craft a new identity for himself.
Happy Chaos would not reveal himself to Asuka until the events of the White House, and by that time his only purpose was to serve I-No's goals as well as his own. By that time, he had become Asuka's enemy.
It is speculated that after fulfilling his purpose for I-No, Happy Chaos hid himself inside her Paradox World temporarily so as to go in hiding from authorities.
He did have a final discussion with I-No prior to her "demise", though he seemed to have his eyes set on Nagoriyuki and what remained of Bedman, though even that is uncertain.
It's worth noting, however, that the Original Sage was the "author" of the Tome of Origin, that Asuka swore to protect. And while Happy Chaos "got his use" out of the tome, it's unclear if he will ever decide to use it again.
It seems that Asuka did not have access to the Tome until after the Crusades, as he had asked Raven to retrieve it at one point, as it had been in an undisclosed location prior to Strive's events.
Asuka has since moved his person to a secure base on the Moon, though he created a copy of himself for research purposes as a figurative "extra set of hands".
Asuka still seems bound and determined to undo the past tragic history his teacher created, though we do not know how far he'll manage.
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jelzorz · 5 months
Crack quartet timeline 2: electric boogaloo
BC I'm bored and waiting for a) the 6x03 answer and the 6x04 clue, and b) my last two essays to be released
Some housekeeping for those only just now stumbling on the concept of the crack quartet:
The tdp post-canon crack quartet refers to rayllum and the following set of insane sounding ships: corterry, sorpeli, and claudiez
Yeah I know I'm a nutcase, it's cool
In my defence, I got talked into the other three by @raayllum but when they're right, they're right
Part one of the crack quartet timeline and hcs is here!
A reminder to everyone that the crack quartet can only ever happen years and years after canon when everyone involved is significantly older and able to consent, so please keep that in mind before y'all come at me
Also I share some of these hcs with @raayllum but they also have their own hcs and would be absolutely thrilled to talk about them so please go and encourage them so I'm not the only one in the sorpeli tag
Now that that's out of the way!
When we last left the crack quartet timeline, Viren had returned to Katolis castle and was causing absolute mayhem in the crack quartet family unit. At this stage, Ezran's council consists of Ez, Callum, Rayla, Soren, Barius, Opeli (resigned from High Cleric but still on the council as per Ezran's request) and Clio (the new High Cleric). By now, Callum and Rayla have a little girl called Sarai, Ez is formally courting Claudia, and Soren and Opeli have been told they're expecting twins.
If you haven't read the snake (which I swear I'll finish), our gang agrees (for a very loose definition of agreeing) to give Viren a trial. Callum is furious and has been an absolute asshole about it but it goes ahead with Callum prosecuting and Soren begrudgingly representing his father (because if it's not him, it's Opeli and she is heavily pregnant at this point so...). Viren is found guilty but Ez refuses to execute him (he Doesn't Want To Be That Kind of King) and exiles him instead.
Claudia finds herself with a decision to make: she has always wanted to keep her family together and now it's being torn apart again. The others are SUPER CONCERNED for a hot minute, because if she leaves and breaks Ezran's heart and chooses her father AGAIN after everything that's happened, they will not be able to forgive her a second time. In the end, it's not that difficult a decision to make. Ezran is here. Soren is here. She will have two brand new nieces in the summer. She chooses to stay.
Callum is not happy about Ez's decision but he can't keep disagreeing with him like this either, and together they agree that they both might benefit from a little bit of space. Callum never really wanted to be a prince anyway, and Ez needs the space to come into his own and find his own way, without being parented by his brother. It's tearful, but ultimately for the best, and they're still going to be brothers no matter what. It's the end of an era, but the beginning of a new one too. Callum and Rayla pack up and head for the Silvergrove. Ez et al see them off and promise to come and visit once they've settled in.
Callum and Rayla run into Corvus and Terry on the way who are, to their surprise, living happily together in a partnership no one expected and have been quietly keeping up with the Katolis Castle soap opera. They're glad everything's settling down and gladder still to meet baby Sarai. They catch up before Callum and Rayla continue on their way.
Soren and Opeli's twin girls are born the following summer. It's a tough labour, but the three of them come out fine and Soren heads out to Temple Hill in a rare show of faith to thank the goddesses his wife had once devoted herself to for keeping his family safe. Callum and Rayla return to the castle to offer their support and so Sarai can meet her new cousins. Ez and Callum are reunited and happy to be together again. Tentatively, Ezran tells his brother that he is considering marrying Claudia. Callum takes it well! He's just happy that Ez is happy, even if he's still a little apprehensive about Claudia's presence in the castle.
Claudia takes it less well. She knows what she is and what she's done. She knows how this will look to people who know of her crimes but don't know her. When Ezran asks, she says no. Then she disappears.
Callum is Fucking Furious. How dare she. How dare she hurt his brother like that. How dare she leave. This isn't digging up any old wounds At All. And although he promises Rayla that this has nothing to do with what happened when they were kids, Rayla still remembers how much she hurt him and can't help but wonder if he still feels that sting, even after all this time. And she wants to fix this! She can't stand seeing her boys hurt like this. And who would know where Claudia went better than
Soren. The poor man is exhausted. Y'all thought one newborn was bad—try two. He and Opeli take turns with the girls but the added stress of Claudia disappearing isn't doing them any favours. But he has enough brain left in him to guess the one place Claudia might have gone.
He reaches out to Corvus and Terry who are a hub for information at this point, and they point him the direction of a small town in the Independent Isles. There's an ex-mage over there that they keep hearing about. Apparently he was exiled from Katolis last winter. Does that help at all?
Sure does. But who to send? Ez can't go, and Callum shouldn't go, and Rayla can't go by herself. Soren doesn't want to leave Opeli but, in her words, their duty is to Ezran, and Ezran needs help. Claudia is his sister too and Opeli insists she'll be fine with the twins. He should go with Rayla. Reluctantly, he goes, and they're halfway out to the Independent Isles when who should they find stowed away in the back of their carriage but Ezran, who is sick and tired of having other people deal with his problems for him. If anyone's going to convince Claudia to come home, it's going to be him.
They find Viren helping to rebuild a village on the coast of one of the Independent Isles. It's awkward, but Viren is definitely better than he was when they saw him last, and he's glad to know that Soren and the twins are doing well. He hopes to meet them one day but won't hold Soren to that if he doesn't feel comfortable with it, but Soren surprises them both with "maybe one day". Viren tells them that Claudia was here but left again not long after. He asks Ezran what happened. Ezran won't say. Still, he tells them Claudia went to Del Bar and wishes them well.
@raayllum and I have discussed this At Length, but they find Claudia hiding in Del Bar and seeking guidance from Lissa. Lissa is more surprised than anyone to see the King of Katolis at her door with her son and an elven ambassador, but ultimately, whatever happens next is Claudia decision.
What happens next? I don't know yet! But Claudia does eventually come back, and everything does eventually work out. If I ever finish the snake, I'll write this too. And I might be crazy but the Katolis Castle soap is never ending and full of drama and I love that for them.
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irish-urn · 5 months
I absolutely LOVED your response, and I agree! thanks for spending time on it <3 what draws me in about dasey is how complex it is, its forbidden love, “if its wrong I don’t want to be right”, the family dynamic, the drama, the suspense! so it’s always a let down when they hype it up so much and then nothing happens lol I want to see how dasey faces this hardship and how they present themselves moving forward. I’m so curious to hear about your after-LWL hc! I wonder how the family would react now that kids and divorce are involved. I know you’re currently writing a series about this so you don’t have to reveal too much, but how would Casey and Derek handle this as young adults? It’s not all unicorns and rainbows when dasey gets together, there’s definitely a storm coming.
LOOK, I didn't understand Taylor Swift's reputation album before I re-discovered Dasey. But now I do understand; and someone please remind me to put "But Daddy, I Love Him" on my kick at the darkness playlist because... Damn. If that isn't them.
Ohhhh Life With Luca!! You're right, I am writing a series about this — I'm actually writing, like, three parts all at once? (*hides face in shame*). The really interesting thing about the LWL world, though, is that Derek and Casey's priorities have shifted. No longer are they majorly concerned with George and Nora's opinions, but instead they're far more worried about Luca, Molly, Kai, and Skyler's opinions. And, maybe it's just me being a bit of a romantic, but I truly believe the only one of those four that would have some trouble with them getting together would be Luca: and that's because he still has a relationship with his dad. So for his mom to move on would be very painful for him to witness; but he's also very obviously fond of Derek. The six of them just really worked as a unit in the movie, and I think everyone can see that.
I strongly believe that Skyler would do everything in her power to see her dad happy; I actually HC that she figures out his feelings for Casey within weeks of them moving into the Guest House. And as for Molly and Kai -- we never see them even mention their dad, except for one instance where Kai says that "Mom and Dad don't let us swear"; and Molly tells Skyler that she wishes they could be "cousins AND sisters" -- so I think they're far more concerned with everyone being happy and them getting the attention they need than any social weirdness.
SO! With all that being said, I'm working on a part of that series where Dasey are together (because we all know that's where we're headed) and there is drama happening in the background. There's a little bit about how George and Nora did not react well -- to quote one part, "…Unfortunately, Nora and George were not handling this new relationship with any sort of grace, and there was no way they were going to take the kids so Derek and Casey could happily fuck themselves into oblivion." -- and I think Nora and George are choosing to view this relationship as a TERRIBLE REBOUND for Casey and both of them are calling Derek and Casey incredibly selfish and have they even thought about the kids?
(This, of course, made both Derek and Casey livid because, uh? George and Nora got engaged before ANY of them had met ANY of the other family; so who's considering who now???? Where they currently stand in that part of the series is that both parties are giving the other the silent treatment.)
I still think Edwin, Lizzie, and Marti would react the same way, no matter the ages. There's a little bit of concern regarding the children, but as soon as they checked in and saw that Derek and Casey are constantly checking in with the children and being as open as they can about the whole thing, I think they would just... be happy for them.
But Simon is struggling. Simon is struggling because he sees these two as his big BIG siblings, and unlike the others where blood only connects half of them, he IS connected by blood to ALL OF THEM. And, y'know, Casey has been with Peter for as long as Simon can remember -- one of his earliest memories is getting to hold baby!Luca. But Casey is so obviously happy and calmer with Derek, and Derek is happy and HOME so Simon can actually SEE him; so he's trying very hard to get on board. He fails a bit, says some things he probably shouldn't, but he's trying really, really, really hard.
I think, if he were a child, it would be easier for him to adapt. With my kick at the darkness series, for instance, he won't bat an eye — he's never going to remember a time when they weren't together, so he'll just... accept it as a part of his weird family. I'm currently playing with a sequel to "sick with sadness" as well, and he's 9/10 in that story; he finds it weird and kind of gross, but with the middle McTuris' help, he adapts quickly too. I got the sense from LWL that Simon loves Derek and Casey a whole bunch; looks up to them and trusts them, much like the younger three looked up to them in LWD. So I think love is going to win.
The fun thing is, I can actually see divorced!Casey caring a lot less about her mother's opinion about her and Derek because Casey has already been through a failed relationship, one where she tried to do the right thing -- I am a strong believer that Derek took off in LWL canon because he and Casey were teetering on the edge of the knife and someone stepped over the line and the other panicked. I suspect Derek is the one that leaned in too close or said something, and Casey FREAKED, and so he took off -- and doing the right thing didn't last. It hasn't stopped her from loving Derek, nor from him loving her. So why should she fight it any longer? She's already hurt the two of them enough; so what if Nora isn't happy? Casey is an adult living on her own, and she's tired of doing only what she's supposed to. She's going to get it right this time -- very much in the same way Nora is determined to get it right this second time too. Gosh, they really are mother and daughter, huh?
(Any other questions? I'm still not sure I really answered this one correctly...)
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k1rameki · 11 months
YEAHHHHH LONG OVERDUE AGOTI HC POST ‼️‼️ (human + digidevil designs teehee :3)
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afro-latino icon, we love to see it,, also vitiligo bc i said so
transmasc agender agoti for the mfing win ‼️‼️‼️‼️ the ceo of being gender non conforming frfr
has autism, adhd, c-ptsd, bipolar disorder and agoraphobia
ARTIST IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD >:3 music, drawing, photography, you name it
YOU GUYS ALREADY KNOW I DRAW AGOTI W GLASSES ALL THE TIME,, he didn’t start wearing them until later into his teen years because #insecurities
LOVES GIVING PHYSICAL AFFECTION especially to the people he’s closest to, so hugs and casually resting on someone is a very common thing
HEAVY METAL MUSIC LOVER ‼️‼️ especially interested in j-metal bands like unlucky morpheus (this totally isnt bc unlucky morpheus is my favourite band 😇)
ABSOLUTE GOD AT RHYTHM GAMES. arcade, mobile, you name it, agoti will boss any advanced level because of their quick reflexes and intense practice! they play arcaea, project sekai, taiko no tatsujin, and a bunch more games (his fav project sekai unit is wxs and his fav characters are mizuki, emu, nene and an :3)
when he’s not up all night playing video games agoti can sleep through anything and everything
astronomy spinterest! knows a bunch of random space trivia and has a telescope and a dozen space encyclopaedias in their room :3
if you piss agoti off, he’s gonna get revenge in the pettiest ways possible, for example:
“agoti did you eat my fucking cereal”
“i don’t know what you're talking about :)”
people have often asked the question “could you beat agoti in a fight?” and the answer is 100% NO. not only can this mf use his swords to his advantage but this bro does taekwondo too and you cannot tell me otherwise
bro is incredibly picky with the food that he eats, but will absolutely go ham for sour candy (bonus if it’s peach or cherry flavoured)
EXTREMELY SENSITIVE TO LOUD NOISES. especially fireworks, they will have a meltdown over the constant loud explosion sounds even if the colours are really pretty (that’s totally not me projecting no not at all)
CAT LOVER ‼️‼️ since sol brings a lot of stray cats to the andromeda household, quite a few are under agoti’s care and he names them goofy names and treats them as if they’re his children
has no idea how to express his emotions at all and often times he cries for no particular reason (or so they say, agoti has a bunch of repressed memories and trauma that he doesn’t acknowledge at all)
was and still is a scene kid, and often times enjoys going out dressed head to toe in sparkly accessories and all sorts of elaborate and colourful outfits
despite being evil as hell sometimes, agoti is genuinely very empathetic and can often understand other’s emotions better than people think
HE’S A MAMA’S BOY!! ever since sol introduced amora to the boys, they’ve been inseparable,, amora and agoti spend a bunch of time together and talk to each other about everything, including all of the things agoti sees and does on a day to day basis
“oh my god mom you won’t believe the bullshit i just witnessed”
“do tell, agoti”
he and tabi are lifelong friends :3 they met in early childhood and ever since then they were joined at the hip
SPEAKING OF TABI the two of them even in adulthood have regular nightly conversations about dumb things, over the phone or in person
“hey tabi have you ever picked a skittle up off the ground and ate it? it’s honestly delicious and i would totally recommend”
“excuse me? agoti do i need to call your therapist again”
i have a bunch more that im gonna make a seperate post for mwhehehehehe :3
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greghatecrimes · 10 months
how old do you consider each character of the show? i believe you mentioned that you don't consider a lot of them canon
A lot of the 'canon' ages seemed to follow the ages of the actors (like House in season one saying Chase was 26-- iirc Jesse Spencer was 26 at the time), but those definitely don't fit in with the timeline it takes to get through med school. From what I've read (and I'm not in the medical field, so this is just going off of what I've read and heard from people who are in med school), it's like this:
-At least in the United States, most people finish their undergraduate degree at 22 or 23. We'll assume that all of the fellows went straight into med school instead of taking a gap year
-Medical school takes four years. That puts the youngest graduates at 26-27.
-Post-graduation, new doctors usually do a one-year internship (putting us at 27-28 by the time that's complete).
-After that, doctors will go through residency (which is 2-7 years of specialized training). After residency comes fellowship. So, if we go with the shortest possible options, the absolute youngest any of the ducklings could be while applying for a fellowship with House is 29.
Anyways, these are my headcanon estimates for the fellows' ages, based on both how long basic med school takes (plus a hand wavy estimate for residency), and the appearance of the actors:
Out of Cameron, Chase, and Foreman, I hc Foreman as the oldest (getting hired in his mid-thirties), Cameron in the middle (hired in early thirties, and about a year older than Chase), and Chase as the youngest (hired at 29-30ish, because of that call from his dad-- and I subscribe to the call from Rowan being him telling House NOT to hire Chase, LOL)
The season four trio: I'd guess that Taub is somewhere in his early to mid forties. I'd put Kutner in his early thirties when he's hired (32-33). And for Thirteen, Olivia Wilde was 24 when she started filming House, so she really has a baby face. Because of that I hc that Thirteen's the baby of the group and that House's fellowship is the first one she applied for after her residency, putting her in my hc's at 29 when she's hired.
Amber, to me, is in her mid to late thirties. 36-37, maybe?
HOWEVER, if you go by how long each residency program takes in real life (which I do not when I write my headcanons and fics, because canon is whatever we want it to be + I love found family/parent-kid dynamics + also a lot of the actors were WAY younger than doctors would be in real life), my estimates would definitely not be 100% accurate.
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sirnavergi · 10 months
Just discovered your blog and
Second of, if it isn't a bother would you mind telling me more about your pjsk OCs? Cuz they look so cool and I love their group energy on the group drawing. I wanna know more about them
I actually have 2 groups!!! One of them is called SILamENT_ and the other is called ChromaChronicles
ChromaChronicles is a group I share with my friend @starbiistruck on instagram!!! :3 The redhead Ryoichi Yoshino and Mion Nakabayashi are from this group! They’re fairly new characters and we haven’t gotten the chance to work on them much yet, but the idea is that they play shows with stories behind them, kind of like musicals but instead of it being like one story per show, ALL their shows and music are connected to some story? With characters and stuff. 2 of them sing as narrators while the other 2 sing as characters.
Their sekai is like an 80s mall,,, and the genre of music they focus is synthpop/new wave!!
SILamENT_ is a bit more developed as I’ve had them for longer! The group consists of Eihi Mizano (red-black hair), Machi Mizano (light grey-red/grey streaks), Michika Neji (Blue), and the unit leader, Yuika Fujita!!(purple)
Eihi and Machi are twin siblings and go to Miyamasuzaka as second years! The other two go to Kamiyama. Yuika is a first year while Michika is a second year!
Eihi, Machi and Michika knew each other as kids, because they all used to attend ballet classes together! Unfortunately after a while, Michika decides that she no longer has fun doing ballet and it’s becoming too stressful for her, and stops coming.
While this is happening, Eihi gets scouted to be a model, and after a while she finds it hard to attend to everything and also drops the lesson.
Machi attends by herself for a while before also dropping it as she’s left all by herself now.
I think they keep in touch,, but they’re definitely more distant after they stop seeing each other frequently.
Yuika transfers to Kamiyama a little late than the beginning of the school year!
Yuika composes music and also wants to make short films !
She has a run in with Michika, they end up talking about their interests n stuff and Michika offers to help Yuika make a movie!!
Michika now makes,, scrapbooks and cool journals to set the vibes for their movies I think.. But yeah, she mostly wants to help with the direction but not act herself at this point. So they’re kind of stuck with no actors.
A lot of details r actually rlly fuzzy bc I barely work on these guys n im actually making up some stuff as I go… Michika sees SOMETHING with Eihi on it, as she’s still working as a model right now. And is like, hey. We used to be friends (we still are?? Kind of. I think) I’ll call her (Machi too) up n see what she thinks about helping with the movie.
Turns out, Eihi doesn’t really want to do modeling all that much from the beginning. But got pressured too much from people all around her who were “worried about her future” and decided to stick with it because she understood that sometimes in these industries you had to take the option that works, even if its not what you want truly.
Anyways, these all meet up n they discuss how the movie will be. Yuika actually doesn’t want to make movies with dialogue! Just movement and music. (So I don’t think they actually sing too much in in-universe content they produce, but I do still have voice hcs for them all obv.)
Anyways machi also,, I think she’s kind of shut in now bc she feels betrayed by her sister? They grew up doing everything together and one day she just starts doing her own thing n now they barely see each other or do anything together. N she resorts to some kinda I dont need you anyway🙄🙄 mentality to get over it but she is kind of sad about it inside😞
So the whole making movies together yippee thing gets her an opportunity to do something with her sister again like in the good old days so shes . happy (tho she tries to hide it)
yuikas just happy she found people who are willing to help make her passions reality!
and michika is happy her friends r reconnected after a few years of very awkward,, are we still friends or was it just a casual-we only spoke bc we existed at the same place at the same time and now that we dont we aren’t friends anymore- kind of thing.
Their sekai is a kind of minimalist modern art museum !!! And the main genre of music they make is,,, idk what to call it tbh? It’s atmospheric.. but its also inspired by those beep bops that u get from hooking plants to those machines that convert the waves into sounds ???? this is definitely not the right terminology for it but my main interest is maths n physics idk this stuff much
i have a very makeshift not SUPER accurate but accurate enough spotify playlist for them..
i havent designed any virtual singers yet…
other small things i can add are,,,
yuika is casual with Michika but speaks more formally with the twins in the beginning (which gets confusing sometimes bc they have the same surname obviously) after a while she does start using their names to save everyone the confusion.
yuika also looks up to the twins ! But is a bit more intimidated by Machi at first, but they end up becoming close friends!!
Machi skates! Skateboard and rollerskates i think! After yuika and her become closer, yuika helps her record cool videos of herself doing tricks LMAOO
Machi hangs out in vivid street a lot also! Because Yuika moved from outside the city, it’s likely Machi introduces Yuika to vivid street.
AHHH i cant think of anything else right now thank u so much for the kind words n reading :33
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dotster001 · 2 years
Hii! I’d like to take part in your 500 event! Could I please request a romantic matchup with a character from Obey me? <3
I’m Italian, my pronouns are she/her and I’m asexual biromantic. I’m an ESFJ and a Gemini. I have green eyes and short purple hair. I dress with fairy core/ fairy grunge clothes. I wear lots of rings and love to exchange them with others.
I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own, I would do everything for the people I care about and sometimes I’ve been told that I’m too kind for my own good. I have a sarcastic humor and I love making others laugh, people say that I should be more serious and that I shouldn’t joke around so much. I don’t like when people tell me what to do and I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else.
All my friends tell me I’m very smart, I get very good grades and I do well in school. I also try to help my friends with study and school as much as possible. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
My love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation.
I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid.
I really hope I did this right, have a great day :)
(ACES UNITE! Okay, okay, look, I know all humans are multifaceted, but it was really hard to pick someone for you, cause you have so many diverse aspects to your personality. Honorable mentions to Levi, Asmo, Barbatos, and Mammon, but in the end....)
I match you with Simeon.
He is also the mom friend of the group, so you both become everyone's moms. Literally, Luke starts calling you mom at some point. Both you and Simeon will melt, I can guarantee it.
He doesn't want you to change, at least not if you don't want to. Obviously, if you personally decide to make a change of your own free will, he will support you full force. But he is never going to be an instigator. He likes you the way you are.
He starts buying rings so that he has some to exchange with you should the moment arise. The first time you give him one, he melts. He's died, and been sent back to heaven. He adored it.
Your love language being physical touch and words of affirmation... He's perfect. Based on his surprise guest lines, I hc that he's a cuddler, and that he tells you every day how much he loves you. He's a warm cuddler, the kind where you just feel so soft and safe. He also is a hand holder. You can't prove me wrong. He holds hands with you everywhere you go, and he doesn't even realize it.
He's a writer, so he is ready to play D and D at a moments notice, both as DM and as a character. He is also secretly writing a musical where you two get to fall in love on stage while the brothers and Solomon are background characters and the chorus.
You're watching a horror movie and laying your head in Simeon's lap, as he runs his hand through your purple hair. He's humming a little tune. The tune freezes and he stiffens as another jumpscare hits the screen.
"Ah, Simmy, did that one get you?" You grin, and he smiles down at you.
"Yes, but I'm safe with you here," he smiled softly. He used his free hand, and threaded your fingers together, drawing your joined hands to his lips to press a soft kiss to the back of it.
He then pulls your hand and holds it to his cheek, where he nuzzles against it with a satisfied hum.
"That's better," he says just as another jumpscare happens. He stiffens, and you smile softly.
"Simmy, we can turn on something else, it's okay," you say, but he shakes his head.
"It's fine, really, your love is protecting me," he leans down for a kiss, and you meet him halfway. Another jumpscare happens, and this time it doesn't get him.
"See? All better," he grins, and shimmies down a little so that you are both laying down and cuddling, his arms around you, not tight, but reassuring.
The rest of the movie, if he was spooked, you could only tell if his arms tightened around you, or if he whispered a soft "I love you" to you. Even though the movie hadn't frightened you, you realized the safety went both ways, and that in his arms, you were certain nothing could ever hurt you.
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spdtactics-a · 5 years
the great irene mom rankings!
i said i’d do these earlier so here we are with irene first! 
moms are ranked based on four things: their supports with frederick, the inheritance they pass down in-game and how it would change irene as an actual unit in game, hair colour, and the corresponding sibling + their dynamic.
 i’m doing these in order of recruitment, as well as including chrom and emmeryn. i went the extra mile and included icons for all the robinsexuals just for fun, which are included at the bottom. they won’t be rated, i just felt like completing all the potential moms(tm). 
i also edited the skin tones for the moms who are naturally darker skinned ( ...or should be ), then noticed i fucked it up a little and... honestly i’m too tired to go back and redo it, pls understand i’m sorry ;____;
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frederick’s daughter. an enigmatic cavalier who aspires to be as great a knight as her father. the most afraid of fire.
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supports: hmm... while i love frederick/mu, the in game supports themselves feel kind of weird making the jump from being platonic to romantic... but honestly, they work for me! i think it’s just the format they’re presented in that feels a bit jumpy and choppy? in any case robin helping frederick get over an aversion and better himself for it is very cute. i like it.
inheritance: obviously, the mu is the best parent for any child unit. robin would provide access to every class in the game, so long as it isn’t gender locked-- and heck even her growth rates would vary wildly depending on how you set robin’s. 
hair colour: i just used the default one here or else i’d have gone insane, but a lot of the custom colours did look really cute! i’m especially fond of the araceli-esque blue. :3c
sibling(s): she’d get morgan as a younger sibling... or two! which... could be a pretty fun dynamic. being morgan’s sibling would be the only instance in which irene is older.
overall: the most important thing to note about the mu is that every interpretation, default or custom, is wildly different. while this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does make it kind of hard to pin down what irene’s life would have been like with robin as her mother (...or other father). that said, the mu’s disappearance would definitely have inspired her to keep going with her training as a knight. unaware of what truly happened to her missing parent, irene would hope to find them someday. again... this really does depend on the mu and their interpretation-- but all in all, a solid irene.
final rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ ( 7 scales tipped out of 10 )
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supports: the supports in game are fucking hilarious, but i don’t know how i feel about them in a romantic context? 
inheritance: chrom’s lord class is non-inheritable, but at least irene would get aether and the (albeit unrealized) ability to wield falchion, if lucina’s sibling supports are anything to go off of! otherwise, the only new class irene would get out of the mix is archer, and i actually couldn’t find the village maiden!lucina stat modifiers for a reference... but chrom’s default growth rates are the highest in skill and speed, so i feel like him as her father would definitely influence that. as for the brand, it’s on the back of her neck!
hair colour: yknow i didn’t think i’d be crazy about lord blue(tm), but it looks really nice with brown eyes... also, irene wouldn’t have to rely on magic to disguise herself as lucina while acting as a decoy. :3c
sibling(s): i’ll admit i’m not the biggest lucina fan out there anymore after some... personal stuff, but i do think lucina would be a cute older sister for irene... if not a little intimidating. while irene would idolize her big sister, she would also often feel as though she’s left in lucina’s shadow... which wouldn’t help much with her self esteem-- hell, she’d feel as though she HAD to work as hard as she already does just to match up... and it could lead to extreme recklessness on irene’s part-- which is NOT something you’d want from a princess of the realm or a knight. 
overall: i love princess irene, but chrom isn’t exactly my first pick for her exalted parent-- mostly because of lucina and the very limited class pool irene would get as a result; she’s barred from lord and chrom’s only other class that doesn’t overlap is archer... like, oof? that said, i honestly do really love the idea of chrom BEING irene’s father. he’s just... such a good dad? he’d really, really help her unlearn a lot of the habits she drilled into herself to be a “model princess” and ideal knight just by... you know. being himself! being younger than lucina, irene’s memories of chrom aren’t as vivid, and honestly a little warped by her sister’s and other father’s perceptions... getting to know the real man would be. so good for her!!! tldr chrom could be a really great dad for irene, but... he has a few teensy things holding him back from being phenomenal. when it comes to royal irene i love papa chrom, but i do think uncle is a bit better.
final rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ ( 6 unpeeled oranges out of 10 )
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supports: they’re cute! they’re not my absolute favourites, but lissa getting to marry her first love is sweet. i just happen to prefer frederick and lissa with other people.
inheritance: i’ve always really liked the concept of pegasus knight and healer irene, and lissa provides both of those things with the cleric, troubadour, and pegknight lines! also galeforce. gotta love galeforce. while they’re classes that would take a bit of work for irene to really blossom in, from a character development standpoint i think they’re wonderful. like-- she doesn’t have to imitate frederick entirely to be just as good of a knight, she can incorporate things her mom taught her as well. like owain irene does have the brand surface as lissa’s daughter, and it’s still on the back of her neck.
hair colour: lissa’s blonde and emmeryn’s blonde are actually super close in colour! it’s nearly impossible to tell, but emmeryn’s is slightly more saturated. either way i prefer irene with darker hair colours, but the royal blonde is cute.
sibling(s): oh dear god i don’t think irene’s equipped to handle owain of all people as her older brother... she was a really shy little kid, and as much as she’d love owain i do feel like his energy would be........... overwhelming?????? for her? that said i think owain would also know when to dial things down for her sake... that said, irene would really admire owain and while not bold enough to take part in justice cabal shenanigans, she would support them from a distance! still, being lucina’s cousin is... hard.  
overall: i actually don’t have strong feelings on momther lissa one way or another! it’s a pairing i’m not overly invested in, but it’s one of those pairings i think would be cool in-game, if irene was an actual unit. it’d... just come at the cost of messing up owain imo. sooo yeah. it’s not awful, but there are definitely better pairings out there.
final rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ ( 5 frog pranks out of 10 )
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supports: i do like the tidbit that sully was training for knighthood at 15-- it makes the headcanon that ylisse was so desperate for recruits during the apocalypse they were knighting trainees that young a little more plausible, as my hc is that irene was knighted at the tender age of 15 for those exact reasons. that said, the supports themselves are kind of... meh. they felt perfect leaving off at a, the s-rank feels a bit “well we have to marry them off now so you can get the kid i guess” and shoehorned in than anything. 
inheritance: sully shares her base class with irene, but since frederick also has the wyvern rider class in his kit, the only new class offered to irene is myrmidon... which is kind of sad. myrm’s a great class, but OOF that class pool...
hair colour: sully’s red is the softest and dullest out of all the red haired gen 1s, and it’s nice on irene... but eh. there are nicer.
sibling(s): ... i just don’t like kjelle all that much. i don’t know why. i never really use her... i think it’s because she’s an armoured unit and eh, no thanks. i like the idea of irene and kjelle being friends, though... just not siblings.
overall: while having two knightly parents would make irene’s transition from shy, girly child to lady knight a lot easier, sully... is not a mom i’m a huge fan of for irene. her class pool is ridiculously limited, the family dynamic with kjelle isn’t one i’m a huge fan of... while i think irene would be inspired by and look up to sully, it’s hard to see her as irene’s mother. more like a mentor, if anything. you feel?
final rating: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ ( 4 business swords out of 10 )
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supports: i’m actually doing this one in my current awakening run! while the supports are fun and i like them, i’m... not a huge fan of their ending and ‘miriel vanishing for weeks at a time’. like. uh. okay.......... cool........... i guess?? that said, they’re nicer than sully’s supports lmao.
inheritance: miriel flips irene’s entire concept on its head-- as frederick’s daughter, she’s a very physical based unit who doesn’t really... excel at magic. meanwhile, all of miriel’s classes are magic. a miriel!irene inherits the mage, dark mage, and troubadour lines-- while i think she’d struggle with anima, light, or dark magic, i always see irene as having a natural, innate talent for healing. she would make a decent war cleric! 
hair colour: miriel’s hair is one of my favourites in the game and irene pulls it off well! it’s that pretty, dark red...........
sibling(s): maybe i’m just biased and adore bp too much, but the entire reason i like miriel as irene’s mother is because of laurent! i think they’re a nice match as siblings. studious, observant, kind laurent and his little sister... they’d both take care of everyone else and it could probably be a little overbearing, but... it’d be really sweet. i love it. i also headcanon laurent to have been the one who used his magic to make irene’s hair blue whilst she pulled a frey and acted as a decoy in the bad future... the angst potential there is lovely. imagine realizing your little sister embarking on what’s basically a suicide mission really is the only way to slip past enemy lines to safety? and setting her up to do just that?  r i p laurent. but also please consider irene being a late bloomer to non-healing magic and her brother teaching her. it’s good shit! >:3c
overall: the main appeal of miriel to me is getting laurent as a brother, and the concept of a late-blooming magical irene. miriel’s and frederick’s supports are good but i’m not 100% sold on their ending, and there are just frederick pairings i like better.
final rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ ( 7 mysteries of the universe solved out of 10 )
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supports: YES??? YES!!!!!! mu aside, frederick is my favourite sumia pairing! ... out of what’s available in game, anyways. sumia’s just so earnest and eager to help out as much as frederick does and he’s endeared by it and I’M endeared by it and they’re just so ridiculously SWEET it rots my teeth and yes pLEASE...
inheritance: sumia passes down pegasus knight, cleric, and knight-- once again giving me the option of f a l c o n  k n i g h t  i r e n e complete with galeforce. and i love me some f a l c o n  k n i g h t  i r e n e.
hair colour: it’s lighter and less saturated than her default fred brown, but sumia’s hair is very pretty on irene... i like it a lot! 
sibling(s): i know i said owain would probably be a little overwhelming to have as a brother, therefore it ought to be the same for cynthia... but i actually don’t see that being the case! before their parent’s deaths, cynthia was shy and soft and girly-- much like irene. i can see both sisters vowing to grow stronger and become knights of ylisse together-- they just have different ideas of what constitutes heroism. irene’s vision of a hero is more like their father’s: someone who’s always looking after everyone, even when it goes unnoticed-- and sometimes it works better when it’s unnoticed. cynthia is dazzling glamour and drama, ready to punish evildoers in the name of the moon with the coolest entrances and speeches ever. she keeps morale up with theatrics and works hard to be that shining light for everyone with them, where irene supports from the shadows. while she’d be adverse to acting out cynthia’s flights of fancy in the bad future, she... could be roped into trying in the past, and it would help her kick a lot of her reservation and shyness. cynthia and irene are good sisters and i love them!!!
overall: i love fredsumia in general, so sumia as irene’s mom is just so good to me already???? even without thinking about it too deeply, i can just look at sumia and be like ‘yeah, she could have a kid like irene.’ 
final rating: ★★★★★★★★★☆ ( 9 flower fortunes out of 10 )
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supports: i actually really like frederick’s and maribelle’s supports. they’re hilarious and sweet and just-- yeah. i like maribelle being willing to learn menial tasks to better instruct her own servants and just... yeah!!! it’s cute!!! i like maribelle/fred!
inheritance: maribelle gives irene a lot of the classes lissa does-- troubadour, pegasus knight... then mage. anything that can give me galeforce falcon knight irene is a good time!! it’s a shame brady could do better for a father...
hair colour: god maribelle’s hair is bright... but it looks cute with the brown eyes!
sibling(s): oh my god brady and irene would be really cute as brother and sister... they’re both soft kids(tm) and the narrative of irene having to work really, really hard to become a knight lends itself well to her being a duchess’ daughter!! i also have a hc that irene used to hang out in whatever ‘medical bay’ brady cobbled together after his scare with that guy who became a risen mid-healing, to both have an excuse to avoid any burning of bodies and protect brady from another incident... look they’re just. cute.
overall: while it does sacrifice some of brady’s potential, irene being maribelle’s daughter is solid and interesting!! fred’s and maribelle’s supports are genuinely good, irene’s backstory lines up well with maribelle being her mom, brady’s a great brother, and gameplay wise she gets good class options! maribelle? solid choice!!!
final rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ ( 7 parasols out of 10 )
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supports: these are actually supports i quite like! frederick learning new things and overcoming fears are always a joy to see, and seeing a more relaxed side of panne is really cute... they’re good!! 
inheritance: panne gives irene a unique class in taguel, as well as thief and wyvern rider! while she’d have to be very careful of anti-beast weapons, the thought of irene with the bunny ears is... cute...
hair colour: dark colours really do suit irene; i just wish i had the patience to edit taguel ears onto that icon... because she’d definitely have them.
sibling(s): mmmm yarne’s another kid i’m not huge on, and i do feel like they’d clash as siblings... while yarne is self preserving to a fault, understanding the weight of his (and irene’s) legacies as the literal last two taguel in the world, irene throws herself into danger regularly as a knight without any regard for her own safety. there would... probably be arguments about it. i dunno, yarne just... also doesn’t work as fred’s kid imo?? it could just be personal preference...
overall: taguel irene!!! taguel irene!!! while i love panne’s and fred’s supports and the concept, the family dynamic with yarne just... doesn’t... click very well for me? they really do feel like they’d be at each other’s throats a lot over clashing ideologies, and mmmm it would be fun for character development, but... i dunno. i’m just not feeling it as something to write?
final rating: ★★★★★★��☆☆☆ ( 6 carrots out of 10 )
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supports: NO!!! cordelia’s supports with frederick are some of my least favourites in the game!!! i blame the mention of c h r o m and how it is in-context. it’s like frederick’s just... settling for being second best, even if cordelia claims she’s giving up on chrom, then considering severa’s recruitment dialogue... mmmmmm. i don’t... like that... they both deserve better...
inheritance: cordelia’s fun in that between all of her class lines -- pegasus knight, mercenary, dark mage -- she can use every single weapon in the game. this trait passes on to both irene and severa, and irene does get some nice options to play around with 
hair colour: the fiery red is nice, actually, but it’s a little TOO vivid to suit irene...
sibling(s): i feel like severa’s bold and abrasive nature would either extend to her little sister or she’d be an overly smothering big sister to overcompensate for perfect mom cordelia’s absence. there’d be no in between, and shy, meek irene would... suffocate from it. they’d work better as friends than siblings.
overall: while this would be a nice pairing in a playthrough WITHOUT ruining severa in the process, i don’t like it much in context. the supports are some of my least favourites, severa isn’t a good fit for irene’s sibling, and i... just like both units with other people! 
final rating: ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ( 2 unrequited crushes out of 10 )
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supports: okay, the supports themselves are nice. they’re a sweet concept-- nowi wanting to make sure frederick receives recognition for all his hard work, despite him being content just... helping from the shadows. that said i still... can’t get past the whole nowi looking like a child thing. i know she’s over 1000 years old but it still feels super awkward to me? then again that’s a nowi complaint in general... so... rip nowi i really do love you i swear--
inheritance: manakete irene!!! manakete!!! irene!!! nowi also gives mage and wyvern rider, as well as decent magic growths-- late bloomer magical dark knight irene is fun, but... manakete irene
hair colour: nowi’s green is pretty wild, but i think that with the long ears it’d be cute!!
sibling(s): nah and irene would prooobably make cute siblings, but i don’t think nah’s backstory gels well with irene’s. in nah’s, both of her parents died when she was an infant. i hc frederick was among the last to die. something has to be altered pretty radically for this to fit, or else fred just up and ditched his kids, and... no. 
overall: honestly this would be one of my favourites if not for the massive edits to irene’s overall concept and the nowi problem(tm). manakete irene is a really fun concept, fred’s and nowi’s supports are really cute tbh and their ending is sweet, i feel like nowi’s light-heartedness and maturity underneath it all are something that would be really good for irene, but... the amount of editing needed to make it work kinda ruins the idea for me.
final rating: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ ( 4 dragonstones out of 10 )
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supports: they’re... hm. they’re... interesting? see tharja’s supports are like how i view cordelia’s: the less mentions of robin ( and chrom in cordelia’s case ), the better. tharja talks about robin a lot in the c-a ones, but thankfully there’s no mention of them in the s. so that’s points in tharja’s favour! they’re not bad, but i do think i like tharja and frederick with other people.
inheritance: tharja passes down dark mage and archer, then knight overlaps with irene’s classes inherited from frederick. magical irene is once again on the table, but given the nature of future!tharja, i feel like irene would be horribly scared of or at least averse to dark magic and against trying it for herself. 
hair colour: dark hair colours always look good on irene... though grabbing it off tharja’s sprite was weird, because the sprite makes it look more brown than black. oh well.
sibling(s): while fred/tharja isn’t terrible, ohhhhh boy the implications it has for irene’s childhood isn’t fun. she and noire sound like good sisters, but... once frederick dies tharja snaps hard, and begins using noire as a guinea pig. given i hc frederick as one of the last to die, either irene is already knighted and in a horrible position to get noire out of that situation until their mother dies too, or frederick dies earlier and she ends up trapped in the abuse too. it’s just... a very sad situation and i can’t... i feel really bad putting irene in either of them. either she chases frederick and knighthood and unintentionally abandons noire, or she has to suffer future!tharja.
overall: despite the iffy future!tharja situation, i do think that the interactions with past!tharja and noire would make for really interesting character development. and you all know i am HERE for character development! frederick’s supports with tharja aren’t bad ones, but they’re not necessarily my favourites either. dunno, just... not huge on this one, but i don’t hate it!
final rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ ( 5 hexes out of 10 )
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supports: this one was........... weird. like, it shows fred’s overbearingness extends to everyone when he’s trying to lend a hand and it’s really cute, but... mmmmmmmmmm i really don’t know. i like olivia with other people more and her supports can be kind of hit or miss as it is for me, even when i like the pairing. 
inheritance: olivia doesn’t give dancer, what even is the point-- no, but irene could inherit myrmidon, pegasus knight, and since dancer is exclusive to olivia, mercenary! if you want g a l e f o r c e  f a l c o n  k n i g h t  irene, it’s a good choice! 
hair colour: irene with olivia’s pink is cute, but i like darker tones on her, personally...
sibling(s): irene being inigo’s younger sister could be fun? they’re both shy characters and deal with it in different ways-- irene threw herself into training, inigo followed the ‘talk to girls’ advice. i can see them lowkey clashing over that, but still being close? it sets up for really fun shenanigans in fates too, as irene and corbett go to fateslandia on their own and settle in hoshido, meanwhile inigo’s summoned there by anankos and ends up in nohr... on a less potentially tragic note, irene being soleil’s aunt is cute. 
overall: this is another pairing i like more for the sibling than the parents, but it’s still a solid one! the supports are kind of weird to me, but then again as much as i love olivia her supports are... mmmmm. irene gets great classes out of the deal, as well as the coveted galeforce, and inigo is a fun brother. all in all, it’s one of the better ones! 
final rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆   ( 7 dances out of 10 )
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supports: these are my absolute favourites, with sumia’s supports being just sliiiiightly behind them. i just love how highly frederick and cherche hold each other in high esteem from day one? they learn from each other, they snark about virion in private together, and their ending and their “famously disarming smiles” is so good??? power. couple. 
inheritance: cherche passes down wyvern rider, cleric, and troubadour. healer irene is back in play, which i love!! she wouldn’t get minerva as a wyvern rider because gerome already has her, but it’s Fine.
hair colour: mmm, it looks so cute on her! i love cherche’s pink...
sibling(s): the contrast between brooding, distant gerome and gentle, shy irene is really fun to me! i feel like they’d be super close as kids but get along less as they grew older, but that also opens the doors for that sweet, sweet character development and reconciliation. and if you know anything about me, i live for character development.
overall: cherche is irene’s default mom for a reason. frederick’s and cherche’s supports are my favouites for them both, she lends really well to the idea of irene being less talented with offensive magic but having a hidden talent for healing, and her hair colour is pink-- but still that nice darker tone that i like on her. gerome is... a bit of a piece of work, but they contrast in an interesting way and the development that comes with reconciliation is appealing! so yeah! i love!!! cherche!irene! 
final rating: ★★★★★★★★★★ ( 10 snacks for minerva out of 10 )
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supports: they, uh... don’t have any. the draw for fredemm in general is that he’s a knight and she’s the exalt, and i mean... it’s really a sweet concept! i do prefer emm/phila and frederick with other people, but it is an emmeryn ship i still really like! it does require some shifting things around on irene’s part as she’d now have to be older than all of the children to even exist in the bad timeline, but... eh. details.
inheritance: emm’s classes are the same ones as lissa’s, so see her section! as always with princess irene, the brand is on the back of her neck.
hair colour: it looks really close to lissa’s, but it’s just a little more saturated...
sibling(s): not counting emmeryn fankids, irene would be an only child. i guess that means she would treat lucina, her sibling, and owain like siblings of her own! that said, she would still undergo the lucina problem-- being related to falchion’s bearer and unable to wield it herself  despite being a member of the exalted bloodline does a number on irene’s confidence and self image as a princess. now that i’m thinking about it, what if princess irene got geirskogul...
overall: if i’m doing princess irene, emmeryn is my favourite of the ylissean royal sibs to be her other parent. everything is a little more hc based and shifts around a bit based off portrayals and whatnot, but i really like exalted irene so it’s worth it!!  
final rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ ( 8 miracles out of 10 )
just for fun...
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sashi-ya · 3 years
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~💟 Sashi's Valentine's Corner 💟~
NSFW~ Law, Sanji, Zoro, Ace & Sabo ~ HCs on Which Kinks They Have
So here I am with my ideas of what they enjoy during sexy times, related to their past experiences in life and how those events could have led them to have such preferences. This a personal hc, pls do not hate if you are not agree.
tw: MINORS DNI. Well, pretty much self explanatory. Kinks mentioned: blood kink, masochism, somnophilia, medical play, sadism, switch, dom, sub, daddy/mommy kink, feminization, sweat kink, bondage, restraining, caning, spanking, voyeurism, breeding.
wc: 2.3k
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Switching in between a sadist and a little victim.
Medical play
Oh wait, but did you think this man was into acting like a doctor like those mild porn movies? Oh no, man… Law, Law has the Ope Ope no mi fruit and he knows how to use it for medical -and not so medical- purposes.
He won’t be willing to cut you into pieces at first, of course not, much less without your consent. But if you give it to him… well, prepare yourself. Law could probably tie you -on those darkest nights- and leave you there, alone, without any part of your body he chooses. You can feel the stimulation all of a sudden, but you don’t know what’s next. It’s like blindfolding but to a new whole level.
Also of course, electrical shocks. YES. But soft. You know his “Counter Shock” ability? He can use both fingers or just one, toning down the amount of joules (energy unit that we use with defibrillators) just to make it pleasant for you. He uses those soft shocks that creates in between his fingers to stimulate any zone you would prefer. He is more into the nipple play with them, but you can ask and he will deliver.
Law is a SWITCH.
whereas he loves to be the top, and it’s kinda weird for people to think otherwise, Law needs to let go of all of his worries sometimes. How does he do it? By submitting to you. He leaves everything to you, and he's the kind of sub who needs love and care, almost like a little boy. Most of the time he won’t go into the “age regression” thing, but he will sometimes.
He is a man that’s absolutely not afraid of anything and understands his body and his needs. He is not embarrassed to admit he likes pegging or any other practices that could stimulate any erogenous zones of his anatomy.
He is also into the mommy/daddy kink. Yes. He is. A guy who has a heavy past related with the loss of his caregivers (twice) has developed a dependency for his lover in more than a romantic way. He enjoys being treated sweetly; he enjoys being cared for. He also enjoys sucking tits (not a surprise) and calls his partner mommy/daddy.
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Feral or Sleepy…
Blood kink (Hematolagnia)
Our marimo loves to taste the ferrous flavour of the red vital fluid. He also has a need to bite. Since he is into blood, of course, he would get a little aroused by the adrenaline of subduing and subjugating enemies while making them profusely bleed. His demonic side takes over very often.
If you are a person with periods, yes, Zoro is into that. He doesn’t mind you fucking during those days, and he wouldn’t mind of course… you know…tasting some…
Pain Kink (Masochism)
LOVES to inflict pain, but even more, feel it.
Since that time when “nothing happened” during Thriller Bark, his mind went on a dark dark place. He became obsessed with being able to tolerate huge amounts of pain, so he trained hard, really hard. It is difficult to determine where kinks come from, but psychology has its role on them for sure, and so since that new obsession the idea of getting pleasure from pain deeply sat on his mind.
What type of pain? any, really. If you happen to be fighting by his side and he receives a little cut or hit, he will dedicate you a devilish sight and smirk showing you how much he is gonna fuck you when the fight is over.
Somnophilia (with consent)
We all know Zoro and his love for sleeping, right? what if I told you he enjoys a LOT to fuck you while in bed, both sleepy. He loves to hug you from behind, bite shoulders, use his heavy hands to slowly push you against his crotch and sometimes he even has his dick in between your thighs or even inside you in a cockwarming way. There is nothing Zoro loves more than the intimacy of not saying anything, but just feeling his lover close, close, and warm to his body.
He adores grunting into his partner’s ear, while he begins to move in and out, wetting his lover's thighs, using one hand to masturbate them and the other to cover their mouth.
He also loves to be woken up with his lover’s mouth around his shaft, he has begged them to do so, he enjoys it as much as drinking a cup of delicious sake.
Also, if of course his partner has given previous consent, he would wake them up equally.
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Needy, lovingly, useful
Oh sweet freckles… he is the sentimental person of the group. Ace is the type of man that would enjoy orgasming a little too much, the guy who has a kink for making love to you.
He enjoys every single part of your body, fixing his eyes into yours, slowly at first burying inside you. Classic missionary, and probably some tears while reaching orgasm with you. Ace wants to finish at the same time as his lover.
The fire freckles boy is all about intimacy and connection. He is indeed into romantic love making. Ace considers that someone loving him, someone willingly wanting to share his body with him and giving him the possibility to be “useful” to them is peak pleasure. The twinkling star has still to work with self-love and feeling proud of himself, so feeling others' love and need for him is all he could ever ask for. That’s why Ace at first, would be a little embarrassed to come a little too soon, as he feels so extremely joyful his hips would move in an ambrosial and feral motion, in and out of you.
He likes to grunt, and moan. And he also likes to hear you do so. There is no better sound for him to hear than your moaning calling his name. “Say you need me” “Say you love me” “Tell me how much you want this”.
Breeding kink
Should I specify why? This youngster is the embodiment of the word “daddy issues”.
Filling you up, romantically, but willingly to impregnate you is a typical practice for him. He gets instantly hard at the thought of your clenching walls being bathed by his warm release. Ace has always stated that he is ready, ready to be a dad, and he is absolutely not worried about getting you pregnant besides the arousing fantasy. “I want my seed inside you, and I will be here to care for you and the little plant growing from my seed”
Guess Ace is trying to unconsciously fill a void and a resentment he still holds deep inside his heart.
Aftercare and praising
Praising you like the queen/king, as a god, as deity for him as he goes deep inside you is also a must for him. Sweet words full of love and lust will flood your ears while he makes you reach heaven with slow, deep thrusts.
After care also is a must. He needs hugs and cuddles after sex. Ace would bury his freckled nose into the crook of your neck while you brush his black wavy locks back as he drifts into sleep. A total sweetheart, a needy man that enjoys the warmth of your love as if it were the last time, he would be feeling it.
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No but really, do you really believe that Sanji is able to act all pervy with a partner when they are alone? Absolutely no. Sanji is a sweetheart, and even if he had created a whole aura of “perviness” around his character he is nothing but that -I mean, he still has pervy thoughts- but when it comes to acting, it is really different for him.
So, what does Sanji enjoy the most? Being used. Being used and probably humiliated, in every possible way. A guy who has suffered that much abuse during his childhood could only lead to extreme behaviours. Sanji has always been a sweet kid and also, he enjoys serving others… but to which extent? A lot. From walking on all fours, to any activity you could ask for, he would obey.
As he enjoys being used and humiliated, he also loves the aftercare after. Red knees are his favourite thing to look at while his partner gives him a bath. Unfortunately, the bath would be something quick, since the moment he feels energized again he would be running to the kitchen to make his lover a delicious plate.
Sanji… hold on a sec, man. Let people love you!
A man who is constantly so aware of women, is probably also interested in more than their bodies. He has spent 2 years with the Okamas and has gone through a whole process from being ashamed to feeling comfortable with women’s clothes on.
Of course he would deny such preference but, deep inside his mind and when solitude hits, Sanji would dare to look at the mirror and paint his lips in bloody red with a lipstick he has in one of his secret drawers. Is not that he is not comfortable with identifying as a man, absolutely no, he loves his masculinity, but sometimes he feels curious and aroused. And that curiosity and the many barriers he creates against his own pulsations, makes him absolutely aroused. Sometimes to the point of coming by the simple touch of women’s lingerie on his sex.
He would be very careful with this topic, though. Sanji will take a long, long time to communicate these preferences to you if he ever does. Is not that he doesn’t trust you, but he is the one who still hasn’t accepted his kink fully.
Sweat/body odor kink.
He is a gentleman, right? He bathes every day; he uses perfume and he wears classic suits…. but Sanji has yet another kink hidden…
This is highly specific, and I’m sure not all of us will agree, but this man is crazy for smelling his lover skin scent while fucking. What’s more, he actually adores the scent of any partner (man/woman) *cof Zoro cof* after training. Also, the little drops of sweat while fucking/someone fucking him that fall into his face drives him CRAZY.
Yes, you know it, we all know it. Sanji enjoys being tied up as a part of being a sweet sub. And it’s not a secret, please refer to this post to see how Oda has stated this through all of the years.
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Obey the Chief
Ah the sweet blonde that could crush you with just a hand if he wanted to…
Dominance and restraints.
Sabo has a sweet dark side when arousal hits him. He is the chief of personnel in a huge paramilitary organization, what else could you expect but him being a dom? He likes control, he likes to order you up, to assert dominance over you.
Dark grey eyes that turn into the darkest when he hears you moan, he can’t stop himself when he sees you all tied up. Because yes, this man enjoys restraining his “victims.” Leather cuffs and straps, having you like a slave makes him go feral. And it’s actually funny how he is a walking contradiction, he hates nobles yet dresses as one, he frees slaves but enjoys fucking you like one… who knows? Maybe after all the trauma and his fixed ideals, “being abusive” is what turns him on to the fullest.
Of course Sabo is a true man, he would always go further if you have positively agreed to do so. He would never, ever, hurt you and if someone dares to… well… hell will rise.
Spanking and caning.
This man loves to have you over his thighs, and leave your ass cheeks red, red like his scar, red and maroon. He would make you count each and one of his spanks with his gloved heavy hand (pray for him not to use haki).
But, there is a special technique he dearly loves… and that is caning. He is always carrying a pipe as if it were a cane, so, do not be surprised if he wants to use something similar with you. Like spanking, he would use the punishment long tool to leave red marks at the back of your thighs, and he would dearly enjoy you squirming and wetting your panties under his control and discipline.
Voyeurism and breaking the rules.
This man also has a problem with controlling himself. The lack of it could make him feel as pathetic as aroused, and even if he never did it without consent or out of his imagination, he fantasizes with watching his lover/any person he gets aroused by touching themselves while he jerks off hidden and unnoticed.
Even during threesomes, -because he has been involved in some before-, he is usually the one who lets morality put a foot over his actions, making him go painfully hard and drippy inside his own boxers while he sees the others fuck. He would end up succumbing to his needs, allowing his hardness and horniness to take over, turning himself into a demon shortly after.
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azucarian · 3 years
okokok but can we see toman,izana and kakuchou reaction to wakasa and their big sis(reader) getting married
I think I got what you were saying but I put them into 2 different mini hcs - one with Toman's big sis, and the other with 'Zana and Kaku's big sis~ Check the masterlist for other posts about this series!
Here comes the bride - but not all of her little brothers seem very happy with her choice in husband
Characters - All of Toman, Izana Kurokawa, Kakuchou Hitto (ft. Haitani Brothers, Wakasa Imaushi)
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✰ to start - the moment they accidentally found out you were dating the older haitani brother, they flipped the fuck out and literally went to go kick his ass
✰ tbh you knew the only ones who stood a relative chance against ran and rindou, who would definitely fight as a unit, would be mikey and draken
✰ you manage to convince them to calm down and spoke to them calmly - “i love ran a lot and i understand you guys may have issues with him, but please don’t let that force me to pick and choose”
✰ after that, they decided passive aggressiveness was their new collective strategy
✰ also, for anyone curious to how they found out - they found you both on a date (with rindou third wheeling, ofc) hand-in-hand, ngl baji thought you were being kidnapped and nearly fucking drop kicked the siblings
✰ you and ran had dated for nearly 5 years before he proposed (for reference: you would be 24 and ran would be 23) and you said yes with so much enthusiasm that not even the ever-grumpy mikey could tell you it was a bad idea
✰ you had the 100% support from baji, chifuyu, takemichi, mitsuya, angry and hakkai (alongside yuzuha, emma and hinata)
✰ you had the reluctant support of draken and pah-chin, but as long as you were happy they wouldn’t interfere
✰ HOWEVER!!! mikey and smiley are so against it, it’s ridiculous - they’ve tried and failed on multiple occasions to follow ran around and get some dirty secret from him
✰ the best they got was a mug-shot of ran spilling food into his lap - and you just laughed and called it cute
✰ CUTE!? they wanted to bitch slap you
✰ mitsuya made your wedding dress and ran’s suit - it was his first big commission, and you wanted your wedding to be the first
✰ he totally didn’t cry at your supporting his fashion designing dream, nopey
✰ rindou is obviously the best man, stfu - literally you do not let a single one of your brothers try and say otherwise
✰ but yes rindou, for once, it very geuinely happy - and, as a result, people like mitsuya and draken feel more inclined to approach him
✰ BAJI, CHIFUYU AND TAKEMICHI OFFER TO BE THE FLOWER BOYS!!! well, more like baji offered and forced his best friend and his best friends best friend to join (my brain hurt writing that LMAO) if kazutora shows up too, he joins in for the lols
✰ obv emma, hinata and yuzuha are the prettiest bridesmaids ever <33
✰pah and peh are stuffing their faces with food, and lowkey hakkai would have an eating competition with them and win (also, pochi - pah’s dog - is invited and has his own little suit)
✰ peke j is invited too - he’s on one of those little cat harnesses tho
✰ you pick angry as your ‘maid of honour’ (although you keep calling it ‘man of honour’ bc every time smiley called him the maid he lowkey nearly cried)
✰ draken walks you down the aisle - no one protests (except mikey)
✰ you purposefully have your flower boys throw doriyaki at mikey to make him cheer up (it works)
✰ they're all silent as you come down the aisle - and in that moment, each of the boys approve of ran
✰ why, you may be wondering? because the absolute love that filled his eyes as soon as he saw you was enough to tell them that he loves you
✰ they'll... try and be nicer to him >:((
✰ as i previously stated, they literally hate wakasa so much - and they make it so apparent that even wakasa's like "oh, okay, i'm sorry if i offended you"
✰ LIKE SIR?? OF COURSE YOU DID, they're protective and hella possessive of their big sister and YOU'RE TAKING UP HER FREE TIME
✰ tbh it's mainly izana who is hostile as hell, kakuchou is polite (doesn't mean he goes out of his way to be nice though)
✰ whenever mikey's invited over, it's the only time wakasa feels remotely welcomed into your home - the blonde boy is really sweet to him because of his connection to shinichiro
✰ also yes, wakasa became your fiancé only a year after you two started dating - no one really judged the decision either because you two had known each other for years anyways and, more importantly to his and your families, wakasa was nearly in his 30's and still unmarried
✰ izana?? officially ticked off - weddings take a lot of time and planning, which meant less time spent with him
✰ pouty boy - he won't stop until he has your undivided attention LMAOO
✰ kakuchou helps you find dresses and suggests asking mikey's friend, mitsuya, to make you a dress
✰ you let izana design it - and he makes it so pretty, it has to be pretty like you!!!
✰ wakasa, to everyone's surprise, asks izana to be the best man - and that's when izana softens up a little bit and starts to like the man
✰ "(name)'s your big sister and i can't think of anyone better for the role. be my best man, please?" and you were just sat there with a pouty kakuchou like, oh my god they're bonding
✰ as a result of izana being wakasa's best man, you made kakuchou the male equivalent of the maid of honour
✰ the wedding was amazing and, during the toasts, izana stood up to make a speech (a little reluctantly) with kakuchou right beside him for moral support
✰ "although i don't really like you, i know my sister loves you a lot - so i guess i'll tolerate you. look after my sister, or you're dead."
✰ kakuchou would interject quickly with a "what he means is, welcome to the family"
✰ you're laughing so much and wakasa is lowkey threatened by your crazy brothers
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