#is this traumacule?
vomitlover-art · 7 months
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Valentines Commission!
The Traumacule, featuring (left-to-right) Q, Hoon, Makoto, and Sio!
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puddleorganism · 7 months
Trauma bonding polycule call that a traumacule
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 3 years
when yw gets drunk, they will pop up at someones house with an assorted animal. from the tiniest bird to a duct taped alligator. + if drifters there. they both got so shitfaced that they popped up at osiris' with baby kangaroos. saint is assigned with getting rid of whatever animal they bring
It's always in the funniest places too
A kangaroo down yw's shirt, a snake wrapped around drifter's waist like a belt, a skink in yw's helmet
Saint at this point is well known at the animal conservatory
Osiris is always baffled how they manage this and tried to follow them one time
He witnessed the two of them actually wander around the Earth animal hunting. The conversation always goes back to how cute saint and osiris will find the animals
It was quite wholesome to watch if the two of them weren't perpetually making their shit-faced state worse
One time yw tried to ride a moose through the lost city and Zavala lost it - not that he got angry, but he was just sobbing laughing (it made his very stressful day better)
It's now become somewhat of a tradition to bring back random animals
one time yw and drifter found a whole box of abandoned kittens, and that's how the four of them ended up raising an abandoned litter of kittens
definitely didn't help that Saint pack bonded with them because he was using solar and became the worlds best heating pad
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
as fucked up and dark as my source is (esp myself uhh), i really like thinking about the good things from it !!
me and claire forming the SCP (shortcake project), playing piano for wilardo, drinking with sirius, taking care of noel .. my friend called us the traumacule and it hasnt left my mind since like. yeah
— ashe bradley (witch's heart) #🌙🌹🔥
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theboombutton · 3 years
look, dry statement pellets may not be a cativist [archivelis vigilandus]'s preferred form of feeding, but they still contain all the vital traumatrients they are accustomed to, there is simply no call to call it veganism!!
Feargans insist on feeding their cativists dry statements precisely because they lack many of the essential traumatrients of live statements! Find me a dry statement mix that includes the recommended daily dose of night terrors and intrusive thoughts. You can't, because with current technology they're too fragile of traumacules to be preserved - they need to be extracted from live prey.
Even if you did find a dry statement blend that miraculously contained all of the vital traumatrients, there's still the matters of dehydration and carbohydrate load.
In the wild, mature cativists live off of live statements alone, and don't need to eat or drink solid food or water. Their physical hunger and thirst drives are very low as a result. But when you extract all the fear sweat and tears from a statement in the process of preserving it, you're forcing the cativist to re-hydrate it using the liquids of their own body. Low thirst drive + dry food = chronic dehydration. In some cases your cativist may develop fearinary crystals or a fearinary blockage, which requires expensive and painful boneturning to remove.
And in order to turn the trauma into pellet form, it needs to be compressed with paper and ink, which are not part of a cativist's natural diet. Cativists are obligate traumavores, and their bodies don't know what to do with all the empty calories of paper.
Now I'm not saying never feed your cativists dry statement pellets. They're great for if you need to go out of town on short notice, for example, or for slowly transforming a person into a cativist without them recognizing what's happening to them. But they really are insufficient as a full-time diet for a mature cativist.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 2 years
What if the yw was able bring sagira back but them and their ghost got seriously injured and almost died in the process. How would the rest of the tramamcule react
Don’t worry, drifter is already on repairs. He’s fiddled with ghosts before, he’s the best for the job.
Welcome to cuddle town, population everyone. Saint-14 will absolutely refuse for the first few days to let anyone out of his site - this is now the second time someone had almost died on his watch, and Drifter doesn’t have a great track record either.
Osiris seems a little more lively, on account of not feeling like an aging old man anymore. He was lively before but now he can stay up for days on end without anyone yelling at him to get to bed.
Have fun being woken up at 3 am to hear his grand theories. Though drifter usually entertains him as he’s awake at odd hours.
If your ghost is damaged beyond repair, but still functional, Sainr will personally request to have you run trials with him. Far less deadly, but still something fun to do.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 3 years
Can't stop imagining the traumacule + Crow as "who taught Crow the fuck word?!"
Osiris does the gasp and drag from the room
Saint 14 “talks” to whoever it was
Everyone thinks it was drifter
It was yw
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 3 years
Ok hear me out: Pure And Innocent™ YW from that last request suddenly makes a VERY explicit, lewd comment, audible wink and all
They nearly give Osiris a heartattack. It’s so unexpected and he’s like “ - pardon????”
Drifter nearly dies from laughter because he can’t calm down due to the look on Osiris’ face and the shock of the joke.
Saint-14 nods in approval. He helped them build their confidence enough to say it.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 3 years
Hear me out: The whole "Drifter's den mother-esque titan s/o" thing, but with the whole Traumacule
Original Post
Saint-14 would not get away with sitting by Osiris' side like a recluse. Just because he embodies a golden retriever doesn't mean he has to wait like one.
He still sits there during most days, but this time it's not just Misraaks bringing him meals.
And he's forbidden from sleeping on a rickety cot. He is dragged to bed every night with Drifter's help.
away now headcanons assuming that Osiris is awake
It's really easy to get Osiris to take a break from his studies when you can pick him up. Saint-14 is always too reluctant to do so, but you have no problem actually picking him up and bringing him to the dinner table or bed.
None of them find the time to cook with their different endeavors, so when they come home to hot meals they're more than happy to show their appreciation through various different ways.
Osiris will sometimes help cook as well, provided he isn't busy.
Saint-14 brings you flowers - sometimes chocolate too. Usually the flowers are red carnations
Drifter brings you odd trinkets he finds on his way home. Things such as new spices, cards, wooden carvings, jewellery. Random things.
Osiris brings you new books of fantastical adventures and detailed observations of distant worlds.
You help Saint teach titans how to handle their strength carefully.
When Saint needs to run trials he lets you sit with Osiris because he trusts you the most (he trusts drifter too but drifter usually sleeps during the day).
Osiris prefers meetings with you there as a large titan able to help make his points in the fact of so many titans helps immensely. However, two large titans (Saint & you) makes his point get across even better.
Drifter sneaks out of the annex with you because he can stand behind you (bonus points if he can stand between you and Saint) so he's less likely to be caught. And if he is caught, he knows he's got a giant to tank some hits for him.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 3 years
How would the tramacule react if the yw got taken
Setting: non possessed Osiris during shadowkeep.
Drifter is yelling at Eris for losing his best guardian down the hellmouth. Eris is trying her absolute best and very confused why drifter is even here.
Osiris is there under the guise that he needs young wolf for something super important and is going to assist eris.
No one knows where saint-14 is until they hear a triumphant battle cry and see the hellmouth exploding in purple.
That’s right.
Saint-14 decided to shove the square peg in the round hole and get you himself. Or at least try. We’ve seen how he puts himself in the line of fire for those he loves (the exorcism).
Drifter shoves Osiris into Eris saying “Squishies stick to support!” While he takes off after Saint
The two of them are clunky at first to adjust to each other’s combat style as fear-filled frenzies throw everyone off
But eventually they fall into a rhythm until on the dead bodies of hive lay at their feet.
It’s saint that finds you first - or rather your unconscious body - and drifter who finds your ghost. You’re both carried back to grab Osiris before they depart for the last city.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 3 years
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Saint-14 is also doing his best to calm down Osiris. Drifter's just watching in the back with a smoothy.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 3 years
Ok hopefully this is somewhat comprehensible: Traumacule having a relatively normal day, until someone (I imagine Saladin but it could be anyone) says something stupid/xenophobic about the Eliksni, and immediately YW just takes a sword and decapitates the person. Bonus points for the whole thing happening in full view of Zavala
It had been a random tower guardian, someone stuck in the old ways who refused change. They'd been talking with YW about a new gun and a moment later, their decapitated body tipped off the tower.
Silence falls over the tower as YW watches the body disappear and the ghost float to revive them.
"Said 'Fallen are only good for target practice'." Is all that needs to be said.
Tension still hangs in the air, but the attention is off YW when Saint-14 picks up the freshly revived guardian and tears them a new one. It does not help when the guardian insults Misraaks in front of him.
Osiris grabs YW's arm in the fray and drags them off as Zavala started to storm over to Saint. The two walk down to Drifter, who considers the story before laughing and offering the backrooms of the Annex to hide out in while everything cooled down.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 2 years
How would the tramacule dance together?
Daily dose of headcanons let’s go -
I’m saying it here and now drifter can’t dance for shit. Guardians can instantly learn emotes and stuff but him? Nah his ghost is busted from all the upgrades and he never got around to fixing that function.
The only dances he knows is Cadillac ranch and awkwardly moving in place. Why Cadillac ranch? Cowboy.
Saint-14 and Osiris both know how to slow dance
Osiris remembers a few dances from when he was a guardian but none of the new ones (which is good considering Saint-14 only gets confused during the new ones)
Dancing isn’t a regular occurrence. Typically it’s late at night when everyone but two are asleep and those two find themselves quietly listening to music in the kitchen
Just nothing but moonlight and soft music as they sway back and forth (usually it’s Osiris and Saint)
Young Wolf on the other hand knows all the dances and likes to dance in front of Drifter to annoy him
Drifter has tried many times to learn these dances and each time failed
Saint-14 will eagerly ask YW to teach him how to dance the “new moves young guardians are coming up with”
He’s actually a decent learner (and Geppetto has let it continue for her own amusement)
The four of them don’t usually dance together, there have been two instances:
Drifter got everyone to do Cadillac Ranch and it was enough to make even the cold hearted of gym teachers cry
The planets aligned and everyone was in the kitchen at the same time one night for some soft and slow moonlight dancing
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 3 years
We forgot the one key component of the Traumacule!
They all adopt Crow. Drifter is the weird uncle. Saint is the soccer mom. YW is the calm in the weird storm. Osiris is the strict dad who is very proud.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 3 years
What kind of sweater do you think each member of the traumacule would like best?
Some options:
-Merino Wool
P.S; hope you, and whoever reads this, comes to find a sweater they deeply love in the coming months.
Jokes on you I have a favourite sweater! It’s pink and it says antisocial with a built in mask. Good old dysphoria hoodie. But I do agree that others should enjoy a good favourite sweater.
Anyway! Disclaimer, I don’t know different types of fabric unfortunately so we gonna go with the good old fashioned descriptions.
He has many sweaters as he was a Dawn blade and now gets extremely cold when not in proximity to a space heater.
His favourite are wool sweaters, particularly the one Eva made for him for his birthday.
It has tiny black phoenixes stitched across the front in a neat little row with a soft yellow background. The rest of the sweater is a solid fire orange.
Saint 14 dressed him in it when he brought him back home.
Saint 14
While saint loves the sweaters Eva made for him, he frequently wears hoodies with a soft lining underneath his leather jacket.
The idea of saint in a leather jacket with spikes is fitting.
He doesn’t wear sweaters when he’s not wearing his jacket, but he has a favourite pastel purple hoodie with the Titan symbol printed on the front.
He has this ratty old sweater he got from raiding the ruins of a golden age store.
It is the one item he truly let his ghost turn into armour so that he will never lose it.
It’s designed for the outdoors and resembles a sheep, but it’s extremely soft and he has even worn it under his jacket in the annex when he’s particularly cold.
Eva made sweaters for all the ghosts last dawning
Gepphetto’s sweater is decorated in little shields.
Drifters has iridescent stasis crystals.
YWs has “humanities true saviour” printed across it.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 3 years
how does the traumacule like their kisses?
Soft and sweet
particularily waking up in the morning and finding him in the kitchen
Sleepy kisses that don't demand anything but soft attention
Rest your hands around his natural waist
Wrap your arms around his neck
Slow and passionate
He puts his whole saintussy into his kisses
He's the type to bow you low while he kisses you
Or kiss you against the window for the whole world to see
Hands everywhere.
Touch him, on please touch him. He needs reassurance that you're there.
Rushed, sloppy kisses that have a fevered need to be loved.
He'll tuck his hands under your shirt or wrap them in your hair just to ground himself that you're indeed there with him. Kissing him.
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