#is this the most horrifying answer I've ever given?
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eldritchamy · 11 months ago
A question for Uneiverse (to give you an excuse to talk about it, only if you wanna. Since I also just really hearing about it). What's a detail about it that you really enjoy but haven't gotten a chance to use anywhere story related or otherwise just don't get to play with much (silly or serious)
This ask has been sitting in my inbox for over 5 months.
It's time.
And so, we begin with a question of my own.
What IS time?
We're off the map now. Come with me. Take my hand as we walk through the valley of the shadow of time. We're going to uncharted waters, and I'm going to put the fear of god into you. I'm going to make you ask yourself (and me) Amy, how the fuck does you brain WORK like that?
Let me tell you about time and fate, and about what it means to "predict" the future.
And you will begin to understand the scale of what lives within me, eternally gnawing at the inside of my skull, begging for release.
If I asked you to conceptualize time, what would you say? Is it the neat and rigid tick-tick-ticking of regular intervals on the clock? Is is the fluid, indivisible space between?
Is is all just an illusion conceived by the animal brain to account for the changing shape of the universe as one dimension passes through another, which our three-dimensional eyes are too flat to see all at once, and our souls have concocted for us a comforting lie, that we may pretend to know the universe in its whole, by knowing it piece by infinitesimal, grinding piece, seeing the pan-dimensional amalgam of existence as an endless, continuous sequence of cross-sections in a number of dimensions our meat-circuitry can pretend to process?
Time is shadows.
Imagine, if you will, a sphere.
You hold it up against the light. Suspend it in the air, perhaps, for simplicity's sake. And the sphere casts a shadow.
Is the shadow still a sphere?
Far more importantly, is it even a circle?
At even the tiniest fraction of an angle, the sphere casts a shadow that no longer perfectly represents a cross section of the sphere. It has ceased to perfectly capture the nature of the object that cast the shadow, even accounting for the wrong number of dimensions. It's skewed. You can never unskew it. The distortion is irreversible.
And the floor isn't flat.
The sphere casts a shadow at an angle at a surface that ranges in distance and direction from the object casting the shadow. Is the shadow still an oval? Has it become a shape you can't name?
But the shadow isn't cast upon a floor, even an uneven one.
What shape is the shadow of a sphere cast at an angle upon a field of grass blowing in the wind? By now there's no pretending you know the answer. And even if you could snapshot a single instant of a single shape, the very next instant that shape would change in the breeze as the grass shifts.
The world is not a field of grass upon the ground. The world is endless variation of leaves upon trees, forests upon mountains, birds in the sky, hunting for the bugs that crawl on the branches of the trees. Massive floating pools of water churning in the low atmosphere as humans decide whether that one looks like a mouse or a sheep. So many humans walking, their clothes flowing behind them as they talk, eat, buy goods, shed tiny particles of skin and hair into the wind, their breath adding chaos to that same wind and a hundred miles away a leaf turns slightly more to the left than if that human had said nothing.
What is the shadow of a sphere cast upon that world? Twisted by its unfathomable complexity of shapes and movement?
And now, to make things worse, imagine if that shadow were a tangible thing that you could pick up. That could cast its own shadow not on the floor but up against the wall.
And all of that is if the shadow is cast by a perfect sphere.
Imagine you are a being that can see the shape of time. Could you look at the echo of a shadow of a shadow of a reflection in a fun house mirror, and recreate what it once was?
Could you look at a crooked set of lines upon the wall and know the meaning of cause and consequence? Could you predict what consequences of which actions would lead to favorable outcomes when realization dawns on you that
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖕𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖍𝖆𝖘 𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖍, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖎𝖙 𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖔. 𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞. 𝖍𝖚𝖓𝖌𝖗𝖞.
Time is an ocean of possibility. Each possibility has consequences. Each consequence a sea of new possibilities. How can you hope to understand the shadow of a shadow of a shadow, and not only know what's coming, but how to stop it?
Nothing is fated. But I said something important that bears repeating. Time is an OCEAN. We'll come back to that.
Time MOVES, at least the way we perceive it. I don't like the phrase "everything happens for a reason." I prefer something of my own creation: for every effect, a cause. To achieve a desired effect - a desired outcome - you must change the circumstances of cause that lead to that effect. But there are limits to your influence.
The time to change the course of a river is when the river is still small. The longer that river runs its course, the deeper it shapes and erodes the ground around it. The larger and faster a river the harder it is to redirect it. It will go where it's going, and there's nothing you can do about it. There is an element of momentum that must be accounted for. An element of inevitability.
The path of one person's life, one set of choices available to them in one specific context, may feel perhaps like the current of a river, when you look back on it. But if different changes were made during its formation, it could have taken a completely different path. Ended in a completely different place. And influenced the formation of completely different paths in the future as a result.
But I'll say it again, and you'll know its significance now: time is an OCEAN. It is not a river, but an IMMENSE network of currents with no clearly defined borders, flowing with or against or around each other in an unimaginably complex churning of possibility and consequence and cause and effect. A shift in one current may brush up against another. The second current may shift with it, or crash violently into it, or ignore it entirely.
For every effect, a cause. But for every CAUSE, many POSSIBLE effects.
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So time becomes a series of choices beyond number. Each choice leading to fathomless changes in the flow. As the earth turns, some currents flow inevitably in certain directions. If not here, then somewhere else. SOME CHANGES ARE INESCAPABLE.
The universe must be dynamic. If nothing changed, the universe would not need to exist at all. Change is the point. Variance is the point. Choice is the point. The universe exists to know itself, and it knows itself through change.
There is an endless sea of currents flowing in various ways with, beside, against, around each other. Some directions of flow are strongly influenced by the shape of the seafloor and the rotation of the earth. There are changes in the world that are virtually guaranteed to exist, whether because the nature of the universe has made them inevitable, or because changes long past have created the currents that are now too old and too deep to change.
Picture a river again. What happens when you throw a stick into it? The stick is swept up in the current and carried along the river.
Throw in more sticks. Same thing, right? You can make small changes without affecting the overall outcome. Within one large shadow of a sphere, the details of a hundred blades of grass whose shadows are lost within the larger shape.
Anchor a large stick to the riverbed so it can't get swept away. Now, it's just one stick. The water will flow around it. There are small ripples. Tiny changes in the river, micro-currents that will affect a localized area. But on the whole? The river still flows. You changed something. But you didn't change the course of the river.
Add stick after stick after stick until the river is obstructed completely, and the current is forced to change shape.
Which stick built the dam?
Which straw should the camel's back blame?
Back to the ocean. Can you dam the sea? Can you build that dam one stick at a time, by throwing sticks into separate currents, hoping the currents bring them where they need to be in time?
There are patterns borne out from the endless flow of possibility as the ocean of time churns. With all those ancient currents running together, what difference does the wake of a boat make on the shape of the waves? How many breaches from how many whales would it take to turn a current south instead of north?
What if you could make a bigger change? What if an avalanche altered the shape of the seafloor, so the rotation of the earth forces new waters to resist the old currents? So the inevitability of the dynamic universe drags forth a new set of possibilities?
There are a LOT of currents. They've been turning for a long, long time, ebbing and flowing with a billion tides and ten thousand quintillion waves. Choices can make new currents. BIG choices, with a lot of consequences, may even change existing ones.
But the ocean still has a geography to it. There are places where water is forced through the gaps between landmasses, or forced into the shallows, or freed to dive into the black beyond a continental shelf. There are places where, no matter how many changes you make, many currents are still guaranteed to meet.
There are fixed points in time.
What if one of those points is a whirlpool, threatening to swallow everything drawn into the place those currents meet?
What about a whirlpool on the scale of worlds and gods?
How do you keep from drowning?
How do you give yourself the best chance, not of AVOIDING the whirlpool of inevitability, but of entering it at the farthest possible edge, where the right momentum, the right decisions made in the moment you are caught in its gravity, may carry you through to the other side, so you still remain when time marches on?
Is it better to see things coming at all? Or is the ability to see time, to speak a language of the universe that no one else can speak, one of the greatest cosmic horrors you can imagine?
Imagine the burden of time on those who can see it.
Imagine the WEIGHT of being able to see those currents. Of knowing which threads of fate to pull. Of knowing which ripples to make, which waves to break, which currents to shift. Of knowing.
Imagine the complexity of figuring out WHICH changes to make. And the great leviathan of guilt left on your shoulders when the decisions you made - even in pursuit of the best possible outcome - bring harm to the ones you love most, the ones you're most desperate to protect.
Even if you're right.
Even if you played 17-dimensional chess with the wizard-addled corpse of god and knew, with certainty, that if a single problem you had a hand in creating had been resolved more neatly by even minutes, the sticks would not have fallen into place within the dam, and the entirety of creation could have been swallowed piece by piece by the horror you were trying to stop.
Imagine the horror. Imagine the responsibility. Imagine the unending, agonizing pain of the burden of Knowing.
Because what time is, most of all, is a nightmare.
And there's no waking up.
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specsthesecond · 9 months ago
⋆。゚🪐。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。*⋆。゚🛸。⋆。 ゚🌕゚。⋆*。゚☄️。⋆。 ゚☾
Alien partner who is constantly amazed and appalled by human biology. 
You crack your knuckles in front of them once and they look at you with the most horrified expression.
You don't react in immense pain so obviously you're fine but this poor soul thinks you actually just broke your bones out of nowhere 😭. 
They can hear your heart beat and are absolutely fascinated with the way it speeds up and slows down. 
They like how it speeds up when they get closer and talk lower so they do that pretty often. They like how it slows down when you go to sleep, they find the slow rhythmic thumps very soothing. 
They'll constantly ask you questions about your species whenever a question pops into their head. 
"What are these for?"
They gently brush your eyelashes with their finger as you lay on their chest one morning. You don't open your sleepy eyes when you respond. 
"Keeps dust out of our eyes." 
There's definitely a better answer you could've given but that's all you have the energy for right then and they seem to be satisfied with that. 
Just imagine an alien partner who is so openly enthralled by you. They can't help but hold your cheeks and stare into your eyes, absolutely amazed. 
"Do all human eyes look like yours?"
You manage to actually respond, voice soft to match theirs,
"They come in a few colours but everyone's eyes are different." 
"Yours is the most beautiful colour I've ever seen."
They say while gazing into your eyes as if you hold all the stars in the galaxy in your pupils.
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Oh Oh what about 'H-how long have you been standing there?' Canon(-adjacent) Hurt/Comfort and Book? this list is actually so interesting there's so many good combinations
Thank you so much, it's been lots of fun seeing which combinations ppl picked and coming up with different story ideas. Hope you enjoy this one. 💖
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True love's kiss
Rated: G
Words: 995
Tags: Post-Vecna; Everybody lives; Eddie Munson has a crush on Steve Harrington; Steve Harrington has a crush on Eddie Munson; Steve has migraines; Hurt/comfort; Love confessions
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Eddie finds out by accident. It's one of the last days of summer, and the air has a sticky heaviness to it. He just wants to pick up some stuff he forgot after last night's campaign. Steve isn’t home, he knows for a fact. So what if he memorized his shift plan? It's perfectly normal, most definitely not a sign of obsession or codependency. 
Anyway, the point is, Steve isn't home, so Eddie doesn't ring, just lets himself in and marches into the living room. And that's where his plans for the afternoon derail. 
Steve is on the sofa in front of the television. Eddie's swoop of surprise is short-lived, however, because he isn't watching a movie or game. 
The tv isn't on at all. The entire house is deadly quiet. The blinds on the windows are drawn and the air conditioning is on, the room dark and cold.
Steve is buried in the pillows. His shoulders are shaking. 
“Stevie?” Eddie blurts. “What happened?” 
“Eddie?” Steve croaks. One eye pokes out from the pillows, bleary and horrified. “I- … H-how long have you been standing there?” 
Eddie doesn’t answer. He has already bridged the distance and is sinking down on the armrest by Steve’s head.
Steve sees the concern on his face and groans. “I'm fine. It's just … fucking headaches, don't worry.” 
But Eddie does worry. Eddie is freaking out, which is only natural given their shared history. He makes a horrified sound, shooting up to grab the walkie from Steve’s room and call a code red. 
“No, wait,” Steve says, holding him back with one shaky hand to his wrist. “‘s not anything supernatural. I mean they’ve gotten worse, after everything, but that's probably ‘cause I took a few hits too many. I've always had ‘em. Ever since I was a kid.” 
Eddie lets that statement trickle in. 
“Oh,” he then breathes, sitting back down and gesturing at the dark room. “You mean migraines?” 
Steve, who has thrown one arm over his face, peers out at him. 
“How d’you …?” 
Eddie shrugs sheepishly. “My mom used to get them, before …” 
He trails off, lost in the memory, fingers grasping to fiddle with something. He only realizes where they've landed when they start scratching at Steve's scalp, and a noise spills from his chest. Eddie flinches, stomach alive with an entire whirlwind of butterfly wings, and makes to pull back his hand. 
“No,” Steve mumbles. He's pale, but some of the tension has bled from his features. His voice is slurred. “Don't stop. Feels good.” 
And who is Eddie to deny him? 
Nodding, he slides off the armrest to sit more comfortably, pulling Steve’s head into his lap to rub soothing circles into his temples. He only notices the book lying on Steve’s stomach when it gets jostled by the motion and almost tumbles to the floor. 
“Hey, what’s this?” Eddie mutters, flipping it over to inspect the cover. “Fairytales?” 
Steve takes a few moments to reply, and in the low light, Eddie imagines he sees two pink splotches bloom high in his cheekbones. 
“My nanny used to read ‘em to me when I was sick. I was tryna, but … the fuckin’ letters keep moving.” 
“I'll read you one.” 
Another blink of those pretty eyes, pupils fuzzy and unfocused. “Really?” 
“Sure,” Eddie nods, reveling in the smile he gets when he flips the book open. “Let’s see … Once upon a time, there was a king. He was beautiful and kind and brave, and everybody in the realm loved him dearly. But the king was cursed. He-”
“Wait,” Steve mutters. His lids flutter as he struggles to stay awake. “I don’t- … Which one is this?” 
“My favorite,” Eddie replies. “Now hush, you’re supposed to be resting. Where was I? … The king had been befallen by an evil curse. He couldn’t love himself. He slaughtered many a beast, fought countless battles, hoping to prove his own worth to himself, but nothing lifted the shadow looming over him.” 
Eddie turns a page, crinkling his brow in thought. 
Steve stifles a yawn. His head is getting heavier in Eddie’s lap. “Then what happened?” 
“Patience, I was getting to it,” Eddie scolds. “One day, a new jester arrived at the court. He was skeptical, having heard grand tales of the young king’s beauty and good heart, never quite believing them. Yet, the second he beheld the king with his own eyes, he was enraptured, and he vowed to-”  
“Enraptured, Stevie,” Eddie sighs, setting the book aside in favor of combing his fingers through Steve’s hair again. “Smitten, enchanted, lovestruck.” 
“Pffff,” Steve makes. “Love at first sight ain't real.” 
Eddie scoffs half-heartedly. “It's a fairytale. It's not supposed to be realistic. And besides, I'm only telling it, not making it up.” 
“Oh yeah,” Steve says. If his eyes were open, he'd be rolling them right now. “Obviously.” 
“Obviously,” Eddie agrees, and losing himself for a moment in the lines and angles of Steve’s face, the feel of his hair between his fingers. 
“How does it end?” 
Eddie blinks. “Huh?” 
“The story, silly,” Steve mutters. “How does the jester save the king?”  
“Who said he does?” 
Steve sighs, satisfied and exhausted. “‘s a fairytale. Gotta have a happy ending.” 
Eddie shrugs. “Fair enough. What d’you think he should do?” 
Steve stays silent for a long moment. Eddie is starting to think he fell asleep when he speaks again, so softly it's nearly lost under the rush of the air conditioning. 
“How ‘bout a kiss?” 
“Ah,” Eddie says around the lump forming in his throat. “Good one. Can't go wrong with true love's kiss.” 
Steve hums in agreement. 
“After the king sleeps, though.” His hand finds Eddie’s, interlacing their fingers. “Waited so long for this. Wanna do it without a headache.” 
Eddie is left in the dark, listening as Steve’s breathing evens out, wondering how much of their conversation he'll recall when he wakes up. 
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More celebration ficlets
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laughhardrunfastbekindsblog · 7 months ago
Rex: I know you work with Cody sometimes, but who do you guys report to?
Hunter: Hmm... good question. Can't say I've got an answer.
My headcanons about the reporting:
Tech writes up a full mission report after every single mission the squad completes during the Clone Wars, even though the higher ups stopped asking the squad for detailed written debriefings almost two years ago, after their first few ops.
(Echo started helping to write up the reports when he first joined the squad, only to be absolutely flabbergasted and lowkey horrified that the generals/commanders never ask for the reports, they just want to know whether a mission CF99 was assigned to ended as a success or failure.)
The reason why no one ever asks for the reports is because, after Commander Cody first called in Clone Force 99 for a tricky operation involving rescuing a dozen key hostages from an overwhelming amount of Separatist forces, Obi Wan was the one who reviewed the exceptionally professional and detailed report describing the squad of 4 clones rescuing the hostages by rappelling smack dab into the middle of the enemy forces and wiping out two entire battalions of droids (including the tactical droids) within 30 seconds with a crazy plan involving one bomb (the bomb wasn't even used on the droids themselves, it was used as a distraction), a knife, a rifle, two small mirrors, the Star Wars equivalent of duct tape, and "CT-9903's impulsive nature."
"Cody, are you sure this mission report is... accurate?" Obi Wan asks in concern.
"Yes, General. Three of the hostages corroborated the story even before the report itself came in. And CT-9902 - the one they call Tech, who writes the reports - apparently records everything, too, so I can verify..."
"No need. I ask only because I thought orders were for this to be a stealth operation."
"Right, well, the sergeant said his squad decided the most effective way to fulfill the "stealth" stipulation would be to not leave any droids operational, so the Separatists will never know exactly what happened."
Thus Obi Wan, realizing the sheer madness that would likely ensue should Anakin ever get his hands on one of these full reports - Anakin doesn't need ANY more chaotic ideas or incentive to go rogue - decides to simply record the mission outcome as "all objectives successfully met." The other generals (and, by extension, their commanders) soon pick up on Obi Wan's strategy and adopt it themselves, though for slightly different reasons (because imagine reporting that a squad using a plan called "rockslide" succeeded where a company + Jedi could not).
And so whenever Clone Force 99 is given an assignment, they are only asked in the debriefing whether said mission has been a success or failure.
(And then Cody calls in the Bad Batch for a mission that ends up involving Anakin, and Obi Wan is just sigh "I suppose this was inevitable. Yes of course this mission ended with Trench's entire fleet blowing up. No, Anakin, I will NOT recommend that Clone Force 99 be assigned strictly to the 501st. We're trying to keep the galaxy intact.")
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xoxoyedam · 29 days ago
More Than a Friendship | Coriolanus Snow
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pairing: young!Coriolanus Snow x reader
tw: none, i guess?
word count: 1.5k
summary: After a very confusing summer, Coriolanus returns to the Capitol where he meets someone who he thinks can help him get over Lucy Gray.
other(s): The reader is meant to be gender neutral although there are some mentions of reader w/long hair and hair bows! Also, this was written very late at night, I was half asleep and have not edited it!
It had been a long day when you first ran into Coriolanus. Being from a well-off family that held your image and education in very high standards, you were not aware of who he was at first.
Your family kept you in the home most times, telling you that was what was best for you. Since you were a child, your education relied on the teachings of more than one governess. You had never joined the Academy with the rest of the children your age. And although you wandered around the Capitol, where the aftermath of the war was still visible in some places, you knew little about it in general. 
Although you knew about the war and how terrible it had been to the people of the Capitol, you never had to live through the hunger and terror that other Capitol kids such as Coriolanus had to. Your parents' wealth stretched very far back. 
Your parents had been unwilling of letting you go at first, until they realized the truth: you had outgrown the wisdom of any governess. You were incredibly smart, and the University would only help you grow. So you begged your parents, and they obliged. 
You started hearing about the hunger games after getting to the University. You were horrified, but everyone else your age seemed to know and be okay with the games. So as not to make yourself seem as more of an outsider, you decided not to pry on the idea of the games further. 
So, when you ran into Coriolanus on your way to campus, you had no clue who he was. You only gave a small apology and hurried off without noticing that a notebook had fallen out of your bookbag. You heard him call after you, but continued, thinking he might want to pick a fight with you for bumping into him.
A few weeks later, you bumped into Coriolanus again. This time, as he was exiting the library. With another small apology, and without realizing it was the same guy, you tried to bolt right past him. However, he pulled you back with a hand on your upper arm. 
"You. I know you." 
You were confused, you didn't think you'd ever seen this man before. 
"Sorry, you must be confused." You answered, although you couldn't help but take a second to admire him. He was tall, at least taller than you. His body was well built, his icy blue eyes pierced through you, seemingly trying to fix a puzzle that was not there. 
And, something else you noticed: his smell. Not in a creepy way, but he had a very distinctive smell. No one else that you knew had this smell. After taking a second to inhale his scent you, realized he smelled like roses. Something you hadn't smelled in a while, but it still lingered in the back of your memory. 
"I asked you what your name was." You startle back to the current conversation, embarrassed at the idea that he could've caught you smelling him. 
"Oh. Sorry. It's y/n." After a pause, you realize that you had just given your name to a complete stranger. One that smelled very good, and you wanted to know his name as well. 
"What about yours?" At this, he raised an eyebrow. He seemed confused, perplexed, almost, that you didn't know his name.
"I'm Coriolanus Snow." He answered, straightening his posture. You could tell he was very proud of his own name, although you weren't very sure why. You had heard that name before; Snow. 
Coriolanus Snow. You had heard of him and something in relation to the games. You try to remember, but as each second passed you could see him become more expectant, more confused. "Umm, yeah. I've heard about you before." That was all you could muster about that. 
"Anyways, sorry. Bye." You add hurriedly, hoping to make it into the library this time, but to no use. Coriolanus held onto your arm again. 
"Excuse me," You say, turning back to look at him. "I'm not sure who you are, but I have somewhere to be so I would appreciate it if you could let me go." 
"Sorry," He continued, as he retracted his hand, "I have something to give you. A few weeks ago, you bumped into me as well." You didn't quite remember the incident, but he continued. "You dropped something, a notebook. I don't have it with me right now, but I can give it back to you whenever you wish." 
"Well, sorry about that day." You answer. You vaguely remember the encounter, but you knew you had been missing a notebook. You just hadn't been sure where you'd put it at all. You had thought maybe it was in your room at home. "I'm going to be in the library a while because I have a project due soon. If you could bring it back that would be great, but I understand if you can't."
Coriolanus nodded, "Yeah. No problem, I'll go get it and bring it back to you." 
"Alright. I'll try to stay around the entrance so you can spot me." You both nodded and finally parted ways.
As you set your things down on the table nearest to the entrance of the library, you thought about how you would repay Coriolanus for keeping your notebook and running to get it for you. Rummaging through your book bag, you found a container with a single cupcake inside it. Your mother had given it to you that very morning, an addition to your usual lunch. It was special, the frosting on top smiling back at you as you held back the urge to eat it. 
Instead, you pushed it to the side and started working. 
On the other side of things, Coriolanus was eager to give you back the notebook. Dashing across campus, he thought about you. You were beautiful in his eyes, and he caught a whiff of something both times he had run into you. Something sweet, something sugary. Although he couldn't place a finger on what it was, he wanted to find out. 
After the first day you two ran into each other, he couldn't stop thinking about you. Both times, he watched your walk away from him, he admired your long curls, decorated with a pretty bow. On the first occasion, it was a white bow, matching your outfit. On this occasion, he realized, the red bow in your hair also matched your outfit. 
After learning your name, he was more excited than ever to know more about you. Especially when you didn't recognize him. At first he was surprised when you had no reaction to his name. He brushed it off as you not paying much attention, or the idea that you simply had no interest in watching the games. 
He had also not recognized your name from the Academy. The more he thought about you, the more he wanted to know about you. Everything about you. 
And he thought, if you knew nothing about his past, that would be better. You would be easier to charm. And most of all, it would be easier for him to forget Lucy with a beautiful person like you by his side. Lucy and her memory could die out back in District 12, while he was here exploring new options. 
After collecting the notebook, Coriolanus dashed back to the library. Before entering, he tried to compose himself. Taking a few deep breaths and making sure he looked alright, he entered the library and spotted you immediately. 
You looked up as Coriolanus approached, his hand holding out the notebook. You took it. "Thank you so much. I wasn't sure where I had left it. I don't have much to give you in exchange for your troubles. But I do have this." 
You pulled the cupcake out from behind a stack of books and handed it to him. Coriolanus took it, gladly. Looking at the cupcake, he knew he had chosen the correct person. While things had gotten better for him and his family when he returned from District 12, he hadn't eaten such a sweet dessert in a while. 
"Our maid made a few more, but my mom gave it especially to me for lunch this morning. I know it's not much, but it is a sign of my gratitude." You add, hoping he wasn't disappointed, although looking at his face, he seemed more than happy to receive it. 
Oh, he had definitely chosen the right person. Knowing that there was more where this came from, possibly a lot more, he was determined to win you over. 
"Thank you," He answered as he opened the container. "You should take a piece, it was yours after all." 
"Oh, don't worry about it, Coriolanus. I can eat one when I get home. It's my way to thank you."
"Coryo." You gave him a confused look. 
"Please, call me Coryo. That's what my friends call me." 
"Alright," You smiled. "Coryo." 
This was only the beginning of something, he thought. He was going to make sure this was more than a friendship. 
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asklilmissrarity · 1 year ago
The Future of Lil Miss Rarity
Hello everyone, this is Jay Tonique (formerly known as Lil Miss Jay), the writer, artist, everything other than the music in the Lil Miss Rarity animation for the blog "Lil Miss Rarity."
As some of you know, Lil Miss Rarity was an ongoing outlet for my physical, verbal and emotional abuse I was suffering prior to and leading up to Lil Miss Rarity's release, October 11th 2011.
The blog took off so heavily that my entire artistic career became a viable future for me, allowing me to profit from my art, build a huge loving fanbase, and even allowing me to become something of a celebrity in the Brony community (even very much hated by a large portion of the community).
It's needless for me to say that Lil Miss Rarity not only changed but saved my life. I was on the verge of taking my own life around the time the blog was started, due to the abuse I was going through, and if it weren't for the success of the blog that fateful October week, I would certainly not be here, typing this right now. I owe my life to you all, and the support you've given me for this blog.
However, it's time for the news I know very few people want to hear. In fact, I'm sure just reading this line right here has people's hearts sinking, but please, don't be anxious, please read the full post.
I would like to say: Please read the full post, I am going to be very clear about the future.
Moving forward, Lil Miss Rarity will no longer be updated, and the blog is officially entirely over, as of this post.
I am still looking for a musician to commission a new song for the remake of the Lil Miss Rarity animation on YouTube, which will be my final major update involving the blog, and then I will be putting the blog entirely to rest. The animation will serve as a fond emotional farewell to Lil Miss Rarity.
However, that's not the end of the twisted grimdark storytelling. I have decided to make a spiritual successor, a new IP, entirely my own and not using My Little Pony as a crutch.
I won't get too into it, but I left the Brony fandom long ago. It was both the greatest thing to ever happen in my life, and the absolute worst thing to ever happen in my life. I met great friends, but also met unbelievably horrible sick people, many of which I literally got FBI involvement to deal with and many of which are literally in prison now.
Due to this, and many many more reasons I'm leaving out, I cannot and will not continue to be a part of the fandom. This is just a few reasons, as well, that continuing to have Lil Miss Rarity exist as a My Little Pony blog just doesn't make any sense to me.
So what am I doing moving forward?
A brand new IP called "Melodi." It's about a magic school student who is part of a wealthy family who goes on a magical twisted adventure in a horrifying grimdark world.
It will have characters either very slightly or very heavily inspired by the characters of Lil Miss Rarity, with Melodi of course being inspired by Rarity.
It will also be an ongoing web comic, similar to LMR, and will encourage fan feedback just as much as LMR did, but will not be an Ask Blog like LMR.
I plan to release character concepts for the cast of Melodi soon.
Now, there's probably a lot of questions moving forward, so I'll try to answer them now, as well as in asks on this blog, though I'd prefer you send the asks about Melodi to my main blog at http://www.jayisbutts.com/ask
Here's some questions I think will be asked, and I'll answer them here:
"Will this blog be on Tumblr?" - Yes, and on Patreon. Each update will be on Patreon first. When an update comes out on Patreon, the previous update will go public at the same time on Tumblr.
"Don't you think the LMR fanbase you've garnered for 12 years are gonna be upset about this?" - I'm 100% certain they will be, yes. However, I hope that most people who hear this news are excited to see Melodi in the future. I'm very proud of what I've created with LMR, and happy about how many lives I've changed and how many people have told me how much they love LMR. People with the heart-brand tattoo, people with LMR tattoos, people who cosplay as LMR, LMR fanart still being made regularly to this date, real-life Opal dolls, fan-dubs of the comic, fan animations, Anime Music Videos, etc etc etc. I love each and every one of you and I hope that I can one day garner the same amount of love for Melodi as I received for LMR. Thank you all so much for your support.
"What if someone else wants to carry on the LMR blog or use the characters to make their own?" - Please, do. LMR is officially Public Domain as of this post, and I strongly encourage LMR fan-fiction, fan-blogs, etc. I would love if someone could do LMR better than I did. I will very happily use this blog going forward to showcase new LMR blogs and fan-content that I like, and I will very gladly be a guest artist from time to time on an update or two to those blogs. You all have my blessing to take LMR and do with her whatever you want.
"Are you still remaking the LMR animation?" - Yes, I'm still actively seeking a musician to make an official LMR theme that will play in the background of it. It will be a glorious farewell to LMR.
"Is the heart-brand still a thing in Melodi?" - Absolutely, yes. The one incredibly major staple being carried over to Melodi is the heart brand. That symbol has become synonymous with LMR.
"What about the eye scars?" - Probably not. There will be facial scarring of some kind, yes, but considering the new story will not involve killing a cat (not yet anyway), she probably won't have the eye scars.
"Black eye with white pupil?" - We'll see! (It is a sign of Malice's corruption to have a black left eye, so almost certainly yes, but we'll see!)
"Ponies? Humans? Furries?" - I haven't fully decided. In my head, Melodi is a human, but I could also see her being a cat. I'm not sure what I wanna do just yet. However, she will not be a pony. She's gonna be far more human shaped. With boobies.
"Is this one gonna have porn?" - Nope! Not directly as part of the blog, no. Sexual encounters are going to happen in a very fade-to-black way, or a cropped-off-screen sort of way, yes. And there will be sexy characters, like monster girls or demon girls, and I'm sure people will find Melodi herself sexy, too. However, the blog is not going to contain actual porn. No full nudity. It will have what some would refer to as "fetish content," as with LMR, but it's not porn.
"Final question, so... LMR is just... dead? As of now?" - In terms of receiving updates from me, all that will be made is the LMR animation. But no, I certainly hope LMR is not dead. I would love to see the blog live on through other artists I've inspired. You all have my blessing to keep her alive forever.
Thank you all so much for your support.
More news involving Melodi and her twisted adventures coming soon.
I love you all, and I want you all to know how much your support of Lil Miss Rarity has changed my life.
I know it's cringe to type this, but, "I'm literally crying right now."
Mommy will always be pretty.
~Jay Tonique (Formerly Lil Miss Jay)
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sleepyghostuwu · 9 months ago
The Artist and the Gem (Part 2, rewrite)
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Synopsis: You start brainstorming about your mysterious client's request and begin working on it. Unfortunately, that means finding a way to get your unconventional art subject to cooperate with you, whether or not he knows about it.
Notes: (Edit: I wasn't too happy with how it turned out and it was bugging me a fair bit, so I had to redo it for my own peace of mind.)
Fem! Reader POV will be used in this series as it is what I'm most comfy writing in ^^ Also it's really lengthy lmao (I got too excited writing this) so get ready-
Previously: Part 1
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It has been a good number of months since you've received the mysterious client's commission.
You've been finding yourself becoming increasingly productive in both your white collar and artistic jobs, presumably from wanting to rid yourself of as much work as you could to work on Aventurine's portrait. It has gotten to the point you even managed to send out most of your commissions to your other clients, even the impatient one who had been living on your nerves for what felt like an eternity. What made you want to get his portrait done and over with so badly? That was a question you were too afraid to find answers to.
Speaking of Aventurine, you have a slight problem: while you knew how he looks like very well, you had no clue how to draw him that well. The fact that the both of you work in different departments and hence very rarely see each other made your task of observing his appearance better all the more difficult.
With all possible odds pitted against you, only two solutions remain: you could either spy on Aventurine during your lunch and tea breaks and sketch him in secret, or directly ask him to pose for you for a few minutes. Given your current ranking in the IPC, you have a slightly better chance at the former. As the clock strikes at lunchtime, you quickly grab your tablet and head for the first place you can think of: the lounge.
"...Don't worry, I'll be sure to send you the updates as soon as I get them," Aventurine's carefree voice echoes like a chime as he and the other Stonehearts leave the meeting room for their break. Your breath hitches and you quickly crouch behind the nearest potted plant you spotted in the vicinity, peeking through its leaves cautiously.
"This is the worst idea I've ever thought of..." you curse under your breath as you stabilised yourself against the wall. You have passed by Aventurine during work before on several occasions, and rarely ever get to briefly speak to him about work-related matters, so seeing the man himself with your eyes was not something unfamiliar to you. However, what left you the slightest bit horrified was the next thought that entered your mind.
Aventurine is stunningly handsome.
His sandy hair, which was slightly tucked behind his left ear, flowed down his neck like sand in an hourglass, and his eyes were as vibrant as stained glass windows in the sun. The deep green and gold coattails trailing behind him reminded you of a brightly coloured bird as he strode across the hallway, always seeming like he had people to show off to in every corner.
(Y/n)! Focus! You frantically shake your thoughts out of your hand and ready your tablet. It's your only chance at this, so don't mess this up! Propping yourself against the wall as you continue crouching behind the potted plant, you whip out your stylus and begin drawing furiously.
The first few attempts you made were a little sloppy (by your standards, at least), but in a short while, you manage to fill the better half of your drawing spread with surprisingly good sketches. The fact that Aventurine was perfectly still as you drew each pose made your success feel too good to be true. As you watch Aventurine leave the vicinity with a few cups of coffee in hand, you heave a sigh of relief and stood up, propping yourself against the wall as you wait for your legs to recover from crouching on the ground for so long.
And it's still lunch hour, too! You smile to yourself as you turn to leave for the office cafe. Everything went according to plan. Surely nothing could possibly go wrong after this-
"Oh, (y/n)? I didn't expect to see you here."
A chill runs down your spine as you slowly come face-to-face with none other than Aventurine himself.
"H-hello, sir," you squeak, clutching your tablet in a tight embrace as you desperately tried to hide its contents. Clearing your throat, you add, "I was just going to the lounge to...well, take a rest."
"Hmm..." Aventurine stares intently at you before checking his watch. Then, he looks up at you again and chuckles. "Really? With that tablet of yours, too?" He raises an eyebrow at the tablet in your arms. "I'm pretty sure doing extra work isn't something a person would be doing to take a break."
Damn, he's catching onto me. Embarrassment and fear kicking in, you avert your eyes from his. Aventurine tilts his head to the side in feigned curiosity. "What are you doing here anyway? Are you...hiding something from me?" His eyes shift to the tablet in your hands.
"No..." You cling to your tablet tighter as the voices in your head scream for you to run before he does the last thing you want him to do. However, Aventurine swiftly swipes the tablet (which, much to your dismay, was still switched on) from your hands before you can physically react.
"Well, well, what do we have here- oh?" Aventurine's smirk gives way to a more surprised expression as he gapes at the canvas of digital sketches of him. "Oh my. Is that- is that me?"
You feel the heat rising in your cheeks as your worst possible outcome unfolds before you. Frantically, you attempt to snatch your tablet back, only to have your hands flail in vain as he kept moving it out of reach, only relenting and returns the tablet to you after a good few minutes.
"Oh, relax, (y/n). I didn't mean anything negative by that. Those sketches of yours are quite majestic, really. I'm just...pleasantly surprised, hehehe~ Though, I have to ask..." He leans slightly closer to you, his iconic sly grin now back on his face.
"What exactly are they for?"
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splitster · 1 year ago
answering asks
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you'll have to befriend her first sorry
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chocolate was the first sweet that Pom had so it's her favorite!! she won't go nuts or anything but she is very easily manipulated if you promise her a bar of chocolate
↓ more asks under the cut!! ↓
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wraithification ideally does preserve peoples memories! part of the process is forming the core that holds said memories, so as long as the process goes somewhat smoothly then the person should wake up very disorientated but with their memories and personality in tact.
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naw she's thankfully immune to most elemental hazards. one of the perks of being a wraith!
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YEAHH i've been trying to keep up with the comics! this comic is a bit old at this point but i'm so glad bald dingo is canon 💖
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i think it'd be funny so yeah sure
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there is always an inherent risk to the process. i'd say the absolute ideal circumstances you could have would be if a wraith like pom and a doctor like yonny were working together to increase the likelihood of survival. the process hasn't been studied at all, given the rarity of wraiths as an organism and the added rarity of a wraith becoming so attached to a creature that it wants to convert it.
there is a metaphysical aspect to wraiths as a species that defies understanding, so the person being wraithified or the wraith themselves having a strong will for survival would definitely contribute to the success of it. thankfully, unless there's a VERY specific set of circumstances (that are relevant only with someone like yonny wraith who has two cores), the subject would fall unconscious and not form memories of the wraithification itself (which is fortunate, because that would be kinda horrifying).
if she's saving dingo and this is a last ditch effort, pom absolutely puts her whole being into it. it's very, very hard on her and she has every last bit of energy sapped from her. depending on her reserves, she could end up hurting herself with the amount of energy it requires. but wounds are temporary and death is forever, so pom would persevere through and give it her all to save him
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yeah! pom's skin might technically be fake because it's made from goo, but she still feels sensations through her goo. she probably doesn't get itchy that easily. she's probably a little ticklish? but i'm not sure if you want to try that on a wraith that could easily stab you in a heartbeat...
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wow when i was looking back for this pic i realized i first posted about the pom wraith au on september 1st, so the au is like 4 months old... time flies
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WAHHH THANK YOU....🥺💖 asks like this are never a bother!! my favorite part about posting my content online is the engagement like this, i'm very happy to make stuff that you and your bro can bond over
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procreate on an ipad! i use an empty cheezits box and three splatoon manga books to prop up my ipad to draw on, and i've been told its one of the worst drawing arrangements ever documented, so no matter how you draw it's probably gonna be better than my set up
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of course! i didn't like... invent wraiths or anything. i just expanded on the little tidbits of what we know about wraiths in the pikmin universe. anyone is free to make their own wraith ocs or their own headcanons on what wraiths are
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whuh... have i? i post pretty frequently. i used to post a bunch for a week or two and then disappear for 6+ months repeatedly so this is very good compared to my historical track record lol
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AHH thank you!! i'm glad that i can inspire!
thank yall for all the asks, i'll continue getting through them... slowly
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forestlingincorporated · 2 months ago
I’m pretty new to Megaman, so I haven’t gone through all of the canon media yet but I am enjoying your comics so… what’s NOVAS, what’s up with, and why is it bad?
Aaah, Novas Aventuras de Megaman....
Novas was a licensed Brazilian Mega Man comic book developed by Estúdio PPA and published by Editora Magnum in the 90s. It's well-known for being... bad. The kindest words I can use to describe Novas is "edgy" and "unprofessional."
I'm interpreting this quesion to be not just "what is Novas" but also "WHY is Novas" so I did a little bit of research to get you a full answer, and not just my horrified reaction to it.
The book was published not long after the Ruby Spears cartoon. Apparently the book's early writer and editor, José Roberto Pereira and Sérgio Peixoto had been in touch with Character Toy Trade, who licensed Capcom products to Brazil. Upon hearing of the Ruby Spears release, Pereira and Peixoto pitched a comic to Editora Magnum.
Apparently, they wanted to do this so badly that, to convince Magnum's execs to enter a publishing deal, they offered to work... for free, earning nothing for the first ten or twelve issues.
While it's not unusual for a comic run to use multiple artists and contain varying art styles throughout, most of THIS title was drawn using unpaid labor from fans solicited through the magazigne it was published in, Animax, and it shows. Readers were prompted to submit their art tests to the publishers, and out of those the best of the lot was selected. To participate, the candidate had to send 6 pages of comics, 2 in pencil, two finished art and two colored. Contributing artists were compensated with a copy of the published issue to use in their portfolio. Quite literally working on spec for exposure.
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Most of it is, simply put, not the quality you expect from a publisher. Fair is fair, though, and I would be remiss not to aknowledge that some of these artists went on to be very well-respected comic artists, such as Daniel HDR (who did MM2 and 16, and has now worked for Marvel, DC, Dynamite Ent. and Image Comics, was the winner of DRAGON AWARDS 2020 - BEST GRAPHIC NOVEL for Battlestar Galactica: Counterstrike, and is the CEO of Dínamo Estúdio art School in Brazil) and Érica Awano (who got her start with MM4, and now known for her works related to the Tormenta universe and has recieved the Troféu HQ Mix).
The art... is the least of their issues, though. I've read plenty of webcomics where the art began, let's say, amaturish, but the story and writing more than made up for it. I can't say the same is true for Novas.
It's baffling that Pereira and Peixoto fought to have this book, given neither of them appeared to give a single shit about the source material. My understanding is manga and anime was very popular in Brazil at the time. I'd call it a cashgrab, but they weren't paid for most of it. Editor-in-chief Sérgio Peixoto admitted neither he nor Pereira had ever played a Mega Man game before and all they knew about the story was some information they got from someone who played the games. Further more, despite the first two issues including promotional art from Ruby Spears and official art from the games, including a large centerfold poster that remained for two additional issues, Pereira believed Ruby Spears was "very bad." He didn't think much of the games' plot either, what little he knew of it.
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Pereira's distaste for American media and adaptations is painfully obvious within the text of Novas, which takes the time to address the audiance to soapbox about imported media. This is, in part, done in a self-depricating sort of way, but seems to be the driving force behind the decision to even make Novas. Peixoto admits Character offered them "the original Megaman manga" (the Shigeto Ikehara "Rockman" manga, I believe) but he turned it down to do a Brazilian-made book. They wanted Megaman to be drawn by Brazilians and in the manga style - very fixated on being a "manga" rather than a "comic." Despite apparently knowing the product is low-quality, Peixoto appears to be proud to have "made 16 editions of the first manga magazine created entirely in Brazil, using a world-famous character."
I suppose that's the tipping point - "a world-famous character." No care for Megaman, no, but care that he's famous. Pereira apparently had every intention to have his own OCs take over the book after Megaman got readers in the door - apparently intending to kill off the megaman characters in graphic ways - but he left the project after #5, citing that he couldn't actually write his "own" story and... well, lack of payment. Peixoto wrote number 6, and Orlando Tosetto Jr. was brought on to do 7-16.
The desire to provide opportunities for local writers and artists is admirable... in theory... but... hardly anyone got paid and it's not exactly a book I would be proud to have my name on.
But enough about Novas' unpaid labor, quesionable motivations, and poor research. The writing is just... bad.
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The plot is all over the place. There are so many dropped plot threads, tone shifts, continuity issues, and retcons in only 16 issues, it'll make your head spin. It reads like a 15-year-old boy made a megaman comic because he thought there should be more swearing and naked girls.
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The least of the writing's issues stem from the fact that they barely knew the plot, so character backstories, personalities, relationships, etc. are all over the place. Forte/Bass is named "Slasher" and he takes on a Protoman-type role as a Light bot and sibling, while Protoman is implied to be this mysterious mastermind-type character pulling strings behind the scene, Roll used to be human and is super special for some reason, Rock's an asshole, and X is a horny whiney pissbaby asshole...
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It's crude.
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It's bloody.
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It's horny.
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Sometimes downright disgusting.
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And one can't ignore the incest.
There are... MUCH more egregious panels, I'm trying to keep it tame. There's a LOT of pointless nudity, including a scene near the end where they're kidnapped and tied up but only the women are stripped naked... for no discernable reason, I can't even say it's because their kidnappers are being disgusting, because they're not, even X is behaving himself for once.
I'd love to say the incest was an accident, but it's not, they actively call each other brother and sister.
Occationally the comic veers into dark topics, but the ever shifting tone and oversexualization makes it hard to tell how I - the reader - am supposed to feel about it. While I'm busy being horrified, I can't help worrying someone's getting off on child abuse and murder.
Maybe this kind of misogynistic gross-out shock-value was funny at the time. I've seen a few people remark on this comic's run fondly, saying they liked it when it came out. I can't imagine ever thinking it was good.
If anyone would like to know more about Novas without subjecting themselves to reading it, Mechanical Maniacs does their best to summarize.
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gauntlings · 11 days ago
Hello hello! If you're down to answer asks from that short ask list about love, I'd love to see 1 - 5 answered for whichever oc(s) you choose🥹
Chichi I'm literally always down you have no idea ahhh!! Not me dropping everything to sit and ponder these questions most sagely and psychosexually
I ended up going with my vampire Lauralene because she is by far my most sexual character, and thus I had a lot more thoughts about how this would apply to her! Sorry for the mini rant since i always try (and fail) to keep it succinct but just know there's always more cooking in this noggin. Tysm!🥹
Also ty to @aztarion for the vtm dividers <3
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Does your OC have any difficulty distinguishing the difference between love and lust?
TONS. Lauralene was turned into a vampire by the first woman who she was ever deeply, blatantly sexually attracted to after leaving a very repressed society. For context, she was turned into a vampire during the act of sex. The sex was consensual, but the act of being turned into a vampire was deeply not.
Which— on one hand, could be seen as a deeply romantic & bodice ripping gesture. A fated love between two unhinged women. But on the otherhand? Violating. Traumatizing, in a way she can't ever really put words to. Caught between two versions of her own story, emotionally stunted.
Lauralene romanticizes a lot of her trauma, included how she was turned. It makes the horrifying reality of things that have happened to her feel more empowering. In actuality, it borders more on delusional 🤸‍♀️
All that to say she often conflates one for the other. And lust is a strong emotion. Strong to enough to make her feel flattered by the attention of very bad, very dangerous people.
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Is your OC at all romantic themselves? Or is romance something they expect others to perform for their benefit?
This is actually so interesting to think about because my default answer was yes of course! But I actually don't know that she knows how to be romantic as much as she is just... used to being given romantic gestures, affections, attention, etc. I think she would say she is very into romance but in reality is more seductive and purposefully tempting than actually romantic. Another way in which those wires are crossed in her head, she's such a poor little sicko
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What does your OC look for in a romantic (or perhaps purely sexual) partner? Is this always healthy?
To best answer this question I've compiled a brief list of Lauralene's exes:
Ex-Fiance : Dumped him for being too poor & because she knew she was destined for better oops. Little did she know he was the most stable thing she was ever gonna find
Sire / Ex-Wife : Dumped Lauralene's ass after they fagged it up for 3/4 of a century in France. The heartbreak nearly drove her insane ✌️🤪
Stalker / Ex-Boytoy : Tried to kill her ex-wife out of jealousy. Might be Jack the Ripper??? Phantom of the Opera mf for sure
The bar is in hell really, she just likes a pretty face and for someone to be sweet to her no matter how horrible they may turn out to be 🥹
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Does your OC consider themselves to be attractive? Do they put much effort into achieving this?
Being attractive is kind of her Thing™️ at face value. She works in theater and has a lot of pride in being eye-catching and impressive to look at! Especially while still pretending to be modest to disarm men.
Statwise her predator-type is a Siren so she primarily feeds on those she can lure intimately close to her. Because of when & how she was turned into a vampire, Lauralene always wakes up with perfectly manicured nailbeds and freshly pressed waves in her hair.
She has the Blush of Life merit so she always looks like she's just been well-fucked 🫣 It is one of the ways she has been blessed by undeath and I love that for her personally!!! The rest of her life sucks so bad!!!
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Would your OC ever take advantage of someone's romantic feelings in order to manipulate them?
Hell yeah baby she's maxed out in Manipulation and Charisma, it is perhaps the only reason she has remained alive(ish) for so long. She's a smooth talker and the brits love her across the pond. She is able to get away with much as a vampire by chalking a lot of her eccentricities to being a silly young American woman (and an actress at that, like be so serious) but she's 105 years old babes!!! It's all a ruse!!!
In the past she has seduced people for purely selfish reasons. Bloodlust, boredom, to feel something. She has sometimes killed them after, whether she meant to or not. Her beast craves innocent blood, which she naturally is drawn to and yet tries to avoid. She's damned the soul of an innocent man who told her she was beautiful, all because her friend needed the help of a demon. So she pays the price. And she'll probably do it again 😇
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thecampjuicebox · 2 months ago
Here's the sneak peek of the angsty tav x Astarion piece I've been working on 👀
Old Love Lost, New Love Gained
Pairing: Tav(gn) x Astarion
Rating: Mature
POV: 2nd Person
Warnings: Angst, talk of parents leaving, abandonment issues, fluff, minor game spoilers
Cold air wafts through the front doors of the Elfsong, patrons rushing around your quaint corner table with pints and plates in their hands to fill their bellies with much needed warmth. It's a pleasant sight, considering everything you've been through lately. The Elderbrain still looms in the back of your mind - waiting poised and ready to strike like a hungry newborn gnoll hunting its first meal. You've so little time left. Any moment now, tentacles could sprout from your face, your skin melting away and bones crackling into new shapes to fit your Ilithid form. It's a horrifying idea, truly. One that's tossed about so calmly amongst everyone you meet with the same affliction. And still you sit in a dusty old tavern surrounded by tieflings and elves and gnomes, all scared of the same thing. Dying. Being alone. Losing the ones they hold dear to the grotesque fate of becoming a mindflayer. The way your thoughts linger on the subject makes your stomach churn. Hot bile bubbles in your belly and you settle into your seat with a shudder of discomfort, head tilting back between your shoulder blades to hopefully choke back the sick that threatens the soft tissue in your throat.
"Hungry, darling?"
His voice snaps you from your trance and you sit up quickly. Hungry? Gods, no. Forcing the sweetest smile you can, you straighten your posture, only to crumple over onto the table in front of you with exhaustion.
"Anything but.."
The silver haired spawn sat across from you reaches out to pet your messy hair away from your face, a sympathetic chuckle slipping past his parted lips. It's a gentle gesture - one you're sure he's not fully comfortable with yet, but he's trying and that's all that matters to you in this moment. You lift your head once more and grin at him with half lidded eyes.
Your question makes one of his eyebrows quirk upward and his normal disinterested expression twist into an all too familiar devious smirk. Ah, you know this look well.
This isn't a surprising answer. Nor did the tone that he delivered it with surprise you. With a grin, you shake your head and rest your chin on the palm of your hand, your elbow holding your head steady as you stare at the spawn before you. Fuck, he's beautiful. His curls frame his pointed ears the same way silk curtains frame a grand window in the most lavish of mansions. And his eyes. You could get drunk on the wine tone of his eyes alone. A scoff brings you back to reality and you blink.
"You're staring again, darling."
"Can you blame me?"
"I suppose not.."
The banter is cut short when the doors of the tavern swing open, warm air wafting into the already humid and drafty room. Your eyes lock on the figure that steps in with a rather boisterous energy about them and your heart sinks into the emptiness of your stomach. Dad? There's a moment of silence and Astarion finally catches on to your rather blank stare, his own eyes scanning the room until they settle on the mysterious man. You'd know that face anywhere.. Soft chestnut hair that's wrapped in a tight knot, the same way it always had been when you were younger. His beard even looks the same, aside from the salt and pepper tones that prove his age. Still, he wears that ever charming smile and the same burgundy tunic your mother had given him only two birthdays before he decided the family life wasn't for him anymore.
You swallow the thick lump that nestles itself right in your throat. He dares to show his face here? Now? Astarion reaches a cold hand out to find yours and he laces your fingers together to give your hand a reassuring squeeze. Another small sign of affection that you're sure he wasn't ready to try, but gods, it grounds you if only for a moment as your head spins and your belly aches. You blink the haze from your eyes and return your gaze to him with a forced smile.
"He's got you awfully shaken up, hm? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Ah well.. He might as well be. That's uh - That's my dad."
The word almost feels illegal to say, especially in reference to him.
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livingfictionsystem · 5 months ago
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Alright, we're back with one of the most aggressively queer writers I've been keeping an eye on. I had a lot of thoughts about this book, so we'll get down to it.
First of all, a very visceral novel about queer solidarity in the face of oppression. I ADORED Daphne and I learned to love Mary. If you're a fan of queer RAGE, this is a very satisfying read. LGBTQIA+ representation is what this author excels in. Lesbians, pansexuals, trans people, autism. The thing with AJW, I occasionally find myself annoyed with how often their first-person protagonist stops and explains dysphoria, transness, and autism to the audience. But I also realize that they're probably trying to explain this to cis and neurotypical people who are likely not familiar, so while it annoys me, I've learned not to fault it.
That being said, welcome to Trauma Fest 2023! If you have a trigger, it's likely to be hit. White tends to include a list of trigger warnings, which is lovely, and also warns you that they're a fan of gore. And I mean, G-O-R-E.
I don't consider myself having a weak stomach in regards to books, but White's descriptions can even leave me gagging. That's not a complaint, by the way, I'm just impressed. I love the way emotions are described---seeing the world through a stressed-out, autistic lens was, uh, familiar.
That being said, this didn't come without its problems. First of all, this is set in Victorian England. Well, sort of. Though there is some exposition about how the main character's autism clashes with the notoriously 3D social chess of Victorian culture, this is really only used as an aesthetic backdrop. The characters' dialogue is no different than if they were plucked straight from American Zillennials. I almost dissociated the only time a 'bloody' was dropped by people who had been cursing the entire time. White admits in the note in the back that they were only trying for meager accuracy, but it really seemed like they wanted to have an aesthetic but also an air of oppression. And for Victorian society, as absolutely hedonistic they tended to be behins closed doors, I'm a little bored of the Victorian=OPPRESSION trope. Queerness was illegal, but it was prevalent enough that it's sort of at odds with the utterly dystopian plot devices the book utilizes. Kind of took me out of it sometimes and really felt more like the Handmaid's Tale than London. (Though for Daphne to have a Greek obsession was definitely a nod to the culture back then. Not sure if White meant to do that.) Also, they didn't consider mentioning over-bust corsets? That would've been ideal.
Also, the trauma was Too much. Anything and everything deplorable that has ever happened to an AFAB person happens here in canonic and sometimes graphic detail. While it succeeded in horrifying me and creating suspense, it really bordered on torture porn.
Ghosts are also a main mechanic of this world, but it's not really described *how.* There's a shifty society, mediums are societally recognized and even used in the economy, all very cloak-and-dagger. But every description leaves more questions than answers.
Also, I think the author has only four characters at any given time they can build up. It was sort of funny how the sanitorium was full of other children, but the plot itself more or less forgot that was the case.
All of the villains were completely one-note, just absolute revolting people who would hurt any innocents the moment they got the chance. Not much build-up, just---Character gets alone with Bad Person, is tormented/beaten/mutilated/worse, repeat. They seem like caricatures. I was a little surprised that they weren't eating puppies for dinner, or tying people to railroad tracks. The supposed justification for the sadism was a bit weak, but put-together enough to spark outrage.
But you do feel outrage. You crave vengeance like the spirits mentioned. The author is a master of building suspense, of describing what it's like to feel backed against the wall, for all of those feral feelings of survival and community to bleed together. Overall, a wonderful queer gothic horror story about survival and revenge, particularly if you ignore the snags.
-Rune 💠
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nomsfaultau · 6 months ago
Where did you get inspiration/information for most of the fae lore in Lord, What Fools These Mortals Be? I've been trying to find original sources, or at least the oldest ones, but most of the things I come across are from popular TV shows or novels ToT
Also, changelings! Were there any more in the Winter Court, aside from the ones claimed by Lady Death and Philza? Did they ever encounter Lady Death's not-children? Any hierarchial dynamics?
I believe inspiration was from a dream I had that was so funny I couldn’t stop laughing when I woke up. As for fae lore- I wrote the first chapter/most of the foundational stuff in the middle of the woods in a notebook. With nearly zero phone access and bad WiFi if then, Lords! is written with zero research. So most of the lore I’m using is just picked up from popular culture alas. I mixed in elements of dsmp fanon since Lady Death injects a lot of implications that can be run with in a far direction, and rolled with whatever answer was funniest/most horrifying for the given scene. Like a month or two later when I was back in society I did try to do some research on fae, cause in general I over research stuff I’m writing. And. Yeah. Information on fae folklore is absolutely scarce in a way that’s pretty sad to see. Kept getting wikis for YA series rip.
As for changelings, we don’t really see that Phil and Lady Death use them at least, since if they had used a changeling to replace Tommy then Technoblade and Wilbur wouldn’t have immediately gone after him. Potentially a day or two of delay as they figured that out. It feels like something they don’t bother with because they’re so powerful they don’t care if the family/community notices. It’s probably something weaker fae do to try and avoid consequences and angry humans.
This probably dips more into the lore of Lambs since changelings are a big part of that but, I figure most changelings within fae society are training to become replacements before getting shipped off never to return. So they likely have an envy/reproachful/studying approach to Technoblade and Wilbur, since those are the most displayed humans. If human they still are. Changelings are very unwanted by nature, and so they’re the dregs of fae society compared to the prized princes/pets. So MASSIVE gap there. At first Technoblade and Wilbur probably hate them for representing more children being taken just like Tommy. But over time they probably shift to more mainstream view of them as undesirable pawns. I bet Wilbur uses his position as ‘human’ to manipulate changeling’s, offering information on how to survive longer in the human world, or fueling their hunger or hatred on a case by case basis to get what he wants.
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fizzyginfizz · 7 months ago
Not sure if you've answered it anywhere or mentioned it but what was the inspiration behind Hufflepup?? Hopefully you're doing well!
It wasn't just one thing (it never is with me) but if I were to track how it happened it was something like:
1) In Quidditch is for Losers, at one point our precocious, funny, verbally-gifted Ginny glitches out in front of Harry to such a degree the Weasley cuckoo - unable to handle secondhand embarrassment - takes a running, suicidal dive out the family clock. I consoled both myself and Ginny (and the family bird, who was not actually harmed in the creation of the chapter) with the idea that far-far-away, in some other universe, Harry was equally humiliated, equally inept, equally (earnestly, sincerely, irrevocably) smitten. Only fair.
2) Someone on tumblr had reblogged one of those super-sweet "if Jily had lived imagine how perfect Harry's life would have been" posts and my most contrary self giggled: "if Jily had lived Harry would have been a normal teenager who finds his parents horrifying and wants nothing to do with them."
3) I was on my third draft of a chaotic Weasley brother group scene and I decided I needed more practice with group scenes. So I opened up a new doc and I stuffed smitten Harry and his family and his crush in Dumbledore's office - why? um, because "Quidditch, something-something Quidditch" - to see what would happen.
It wasn't a full chapter, it wasn't much of anything. But it became a piece I kept going back to whenever Quidditch is for Losers felt too heavy for me to deal with on a given day. Which isn't to say I love one more than the other! But Hufflepup wouldn't have existed if I hadn't needed a comedic pressure valve while I was writing the QifL chapters where Ginny is disconnected from her own sense of humor. Hufflepup is the only thing I've ever written that I let my kids read (they think I use the word "fuck" too much) but they remind me at least once a week they're waiting for the next chapter.
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darkfeanix · 29 days ago
For the Durge asks, 2, 7, 8 and 15 pleeeeeeeeease
Answers to questions from the Dark Urge Ask game.
2. Do they ever miss the cult or Bhaal or wish they chose differently? How are we coping is what I'm asking.
Hadrian does feel a sense of loss during his amnesiac phase, not so much for the cult but for the sense of belonging. The party helps to fill that hole in his life over the course of the journey back to Baldur's Gate.
As to after he is reminded of his origins, the influence of the party by then (particularly a certain buff tiefling with a broken horn) leads to him being determined to fight against the Dark Urge, so he is more horrified than anything else upon discovering what he was and the god he was made from.
7. How do they feel about never getting the majority of their memories back? Is it relief, that they won't remember what atrocities or mistakes they make or perhaps dread, because a Bhaalspawn undoubtedly made enemies and they'll never know who they are?
I think that waking up to discover what he did to Alfira traumatises Hadrian to such a degree that not remembering any of the other atrocities he committed is a huge relief to him, even if there is a part of him that is afraid that something he did during his time as Bhaal's Chosen will eventually come back to haunt him. At the end of the day, he does feel like he's better off not knowing, because he isn't sure he could handle it.
8. How's it going in terms of faith? Serving Jergal, another god altogether, are we faithless nowadays? What's the situation here?
I will say that he ends up serving another entity, though in a very different way. It is definitely not a relationship based on faith (spoiler: my plan is for him to start out as a Divine Soul sorcerer - being literally created from the flesh and blood of a god - to a warlock after Bhaal withdraws his "blessings", but I won't be revealing the subclass just yet :P). Once I've written the Hadrian/Gortash one-shot that has been rolling around in my brainpan for a while, I hope to write another, slightly longer story that is tentatively called "Feast Fit For a God", in which it will quickly become clear who that entity is.
15. What's their biggest struggle now that everything is over?
Oooh, I honestly hadn't given much thought to post-game life for Hadrian yet. I think his biggest struggle will probably be figuring out his identity as an individual, as until that point most of his identity is wrapped up in his relationship to others - Bhaal, Gortash, Karlach, his warlock patron - and he doesn't really know who this new version of him is.
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nevis-the-skeleton · 1 year ago
Out of curiosity, how are TFP Megatron, Soundwave, Knockout, Breakdown + Other Decepticons handling Starscream’s Tragic ‘Death’?… Does Megatron become even more insane, then in Canon?… Since Soundwave knows that Starscream is important, how would he feel?… Does anyone besides Megatron, want Optimus dead?… Does Nightsky ‘look familiar’ to any of the Decepticons? 🌠 (Headcanons, instead of story please?)
I'll be quick to answer this question, because I've had a lot of requests about this alternative ;) so I'll make sure not to spoil too much what happens later. It's true that we can ask ourselves the question about the reactions of the Decepticons, I showed their reaction to the death of Starscream in the first episode (here) but without ever really going into detail.
First, I'm going to talk about Soundwave, KnockOut and Breakdown, and then Megatron. But I will also discuss their feelings towards Nightsky, and therefore also this feeling of familiarity that he gives off.
Soundwave indeed knew the great importance of Starscream, the departure of the Seekers and his death was a huge lose for the Decepitcons. Additionally, in this AU, and this is a personal headcanon (that maybe others share with me) Starscream has an energon radar and is capable of creating energon. What Soundwave knew, with Shockwave and Megatron. This is a huge loss because Starscream was technically an inexhaustible source of energy, which is a definite advantage during war.
I'm still not sure if Soundwave is actually sad about Starscream's death, but in any case he laments the loss he represents. Soundwave is like Shockwave, a logic robot who doesn't let his feelings speak first, unlike others such as Breakdown or KnockOut. Afterwards, I think he was still horrified by Starscream's violent death, given that the Decepticons later found the Seeker's mutilated body. I don't think he'll be the best person to want to pursue a quest for revenge. In this AU he's not as impulsive, especially since his relationship with Starscream was cordial, but it wasn't friendship either.
When it comes to KnockOut and Breakdown, they are the ones most likely to be deeply shaken by Starscream's death. KnockOut saw him as a friend, and greatly regrets not having managed to save him. He beats himself up, thinking that perhaps he made a mistake during the operations, and that a more competent doctor might have been able to save Starscream. Breakdown holds a huge grudge against the Autobots, as he believes they are the reason KnockOut feels this way. He particularly blames Optimus, who was the one who caused Starscream's capture until his death. The couple has a fierce hatred against the Autobots, but also against Nightsky (I'll get to that later).
And, as for Megatron, we can indeed say that he is even crazier than in the original version. In this version, if he returns with Dark Energon, it's not only for the power that it can give him, but also because this energon would have the ability to bring the dead back to life. His main goal is to "save" Starscream, by any means possible.
But his test on Cliffjumper will make him understand that this is not a possible technique, and that bringing Starscream back like this would only make the Seeker a stupid and bloodthirsty beast. This is the reason why he sinks the Dark Energon into the Spark, and why he subsequently seeks all possible means to master this power and thus bring Starscream back perfectly.
Of course, this would be a huge danger for Nightsky, because although separated from his body, his Spark still has a weak connection to it. Dark Energon in his old body would directly impact his Spark.
Megatron has a visceral hatred against Optimus, no longer wanting to simply kill him but to make him suffer as much as possible. It's no longer really a quest for revenge just for himself, he's doing it for Starscream too.
In this AU, he and Starscream never really got along, conflicts existed even before the Seeker discovered the truth about Vos. Starscream found Megatron's ways too brutal, while Megatron couldn't contain some anger at how merciful Starscream was towards their enemies, reminding him far too much of his old self. In fact, he just didn't want Starscream to make the same mistake he did by placing too much trust in others, but he always showed it in the worst way.
As for their feelings towards Nightsky, it's very diverse. Soundwave only sees him as an enemy, once again not letting his feelings take precedence over his duty. KnockOut and Breakdown on the other hand hate him, because Nightsky is a Seeker, so he should always be on Starscream's side. Yet he fights on the side of those who tortured him and left him for dead. KnockOut is strangely the most violent towards Nightsky, seeing the Seeker as a traitor to his late friend, he even suspects him of being one of those responsible for Starscream's death (and on this point he is not completely wrong).
Megatron is the only one who seems to see Starscream in Nightsky, because of the way he flies and his expressions. Starscream was expressive with his wings, and Nightsky is no exception. Megatron knows perfectly well that this is not just a Seeker thing, he has a deep conviction about it. He ends up convincing so much himself that it's Starscream, that he will end up naming Nightsky by the name of his deceased Commander, greatly frightening Nightsky, Optimus and Ratchet in the process. Later he will no longer have any doubts (but I won't spoil it for you ;P).
That's it, that's all for the headcanons ^^ I have a very precise idea of ​​what I'm going to do with this AU, which is gradually starting to become more than a one-shot but a story with a lot of chapters. Take care of yourself, and have a nice day (^3^)
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