disaster-magician · 22 days ago
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Angsty teenage shenanigans have me so hyped
(Fake screenshots! These are fan made based on incorrect quotes and not in the game)
(Psst! Hey! Send me incorrect quote ideas in the askbox and maybe I'll make them 👀👀)
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moonshynecybin · 3 months ago
please just a window into your mind palace 🙏 how does vale react when marc gets kidnapped? how does he act and what lengths does he go to save him? what kind of measures does he take to make sure marc is never harmed?
it’s really more like. okay so i think the lever that drives the purpose of the story in all of the whump fic EYE read as a young teen was. hey what if this character gets KIDNAPPED and BEFORE they got kidnapped everyone was maybe perhaps taking advantage of them/under appreciating them/not realizing they were in pain (this attitude could be extrapolated from actual observed behavior in canon towards this character orrrr ENTIRELY INVENTED. doesn’t really matter. with marc it is. unfortunately very real in many ways from vale due to their biblical level estrangement) but NOW people get to freak out and realize how much they care about them and how much they love them and nurse them back to health while whiping blood off of their bruised, pretty face as the kidnapped character sort of gazes up at them in disbelief that a WORM like them could even be cared about enough to be gently touched. in many ways this is a fun scenario to think about with ROSQUEZ. because i think marc has internalized. okay vale doesn’t care about me. and i want him to be proven WRONG ! INCORRECT BUZZER ! and this is perhaps a batshit crazy enough lever to get vale a lil stressed. like it’s one thing to see marc vaulted through the air. they do that for work. AND vale doesn’t even like THAT. but. ransom ? kidnapping ? total marquez family media freeze out? not even a cryptic liar statement from honda to overanalyze or a shirtless selfie from a hospital bed to signal he’s alive ? homie is BUGGIN. he likes INFO he’s CURIOUS he knew every detail of marc deciding to ride on that arm in 2020 he pays ATTENTION. worry despite distance. and oh boy this is the supreme worry scenario.
so anyways the wheels are off we are doing old school fandom tropes because in real life i think vale like. just stays kind of quietly scared until he’s asked about it where he has to perform the most insane feat of mental gymnastics ever put to camera. but that’s not FUN !!! so marc gets kidnapped by uh. evildoers. not important. they only really beat him up in a hot way like on teen wolf. and vale finds out through a blurry picture of marc shirt kinda half unbuttoned and mouth duct taped and on the NEWS and he looks SCARED and TIRED and BRUISED and. not very much like himself. which is thing that puts a burning pit in vale’s stomach the MOST, and he’s pretending he doesn’t care he’s pretending it’s normal he’s pretending it’s about HIMSELF (what if someone was out there kidnapping generationally talented motorsports professionals uccio ?? he HAS to be checking the news obsessively for safety THANK YOU..) but he’s really so stressed. white knuckle grip on his composure. like vale is not sleeping not eating he’s refreshing the news story obsessively because he doesn’t KNOW anything which is the scariest part. he’s calling in every contact he can he’s traveling to spain he’s getting turned away at the marquez family door. he’s still DENYING THAT HES FREAKING OUT. and he’s MIA. uccio is like vale has also been kidnapped. vale is like shut up. please. i am fine.
now in no world do i think vale actually DOES anything effective to get marc back bc at the end of the day he’s just a noodle who can ride bikes good. sorry. leave that to spy aus and the like. but he TRIES and he FREAKS and when they get marc back (bruised and pale and thin. comes into the ER like. and when can i ride my bike again. fully in tears) he arranges everything so it goes as smoothly as possible and then he stays in the hospital lobby for a full two days bundled up on an incognito hoody like a weirdo. he’s just gotta see him
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years ago
paring(s); Izuru x AFAB!reader
warning(s); cussing, woAHH reader is a prostitute hired by enoshima, reader is AFAB, oral sex (m receiving), humiliation kink whoop, degradation kink double whoop, ah yes dirty talk, degrading names, spit-play,  prositution, multiple orgasms, wall sex, slow and steady wins the race, dumbification, begging, dacryphillia, sadism, kind of like fuck or die???? but not really??????? AND DEAR LORD I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING WITH THIS GOD oii
note; i actually had a dream similar to this— also i lowkey got attached to these characters and now im seriously considering making a series of this???? DHSBJDDBF IDK IT REMINDS ME OF, LIKE AAAA IDK
wc; 4.1k+
Everything was terribly boring. 
It was funny; that had been the only thought Izuru seemed to have in his brain, even as you were on your knees sucking him off like he was your last meal. Glaring down at you, he stifled a disappointed sigh. In all honesty, you weren’t bad; but he knows he could do much better, perhaps even find much better. It was almost a guarantee that he’d get someone else to do the job for him much better. 
Sitting on the throne of a comfortable chair, he had barely broken a sweat, nor had he even moaned a single time. Of course, that would frustrate you; you were squeezing whatever couldn’t fit in your mouth, ‘faking’ moans—or at least that’s what you told yourself you were doing—to send vibrations down his spine, and swallowing all the filthy pre-cum of his cock had released. And the man didn’t even have the gall to at least pretend to like it. 
It irritated you.
Why had he even accepted Enoshima’s offer for you if he hadn’t even been enjoying it? You hadn’t even touched yourself yet, and you were the one completely soaking in your panties—whilst you swore you heard him sigh, and not one of pleasure. Every part of it was humiliating for you.
“This is boring, get off.” You perked your head up, popping your lips off the unsatisfied pink tip, and to your humiliation, you looked up at him with sad, puppy dog eyes; ones that you hadn’t even purposely put on. You felt your heart drop all the way down to your stomach, “Boring…?” Well, that did it. 
Desperation turned into anger, and before you knew it, you had been crawling on this man’s lap, thighs straddling him, and hands digging into his shoulder as you looked down at him with feigned dominance. You gritted your teeth, he hadn’t a single reaction, just a look of genuine curiosity, and the same look of bored annoyance. He didn’t seem to like being suddenly touched, not like you even cared. Boring, huh? You’d prove to this self-entitled fuck, you weren’t as boring as he thought you to be. 
“... What do you think you’re doing?” With his question of genuine intent to know, his dull tone of voice seemed to have affected your interpretation of what he truly meant to say. Despite the condescending and almost offended tone, he truly wanted to know. Someone like you, crawling into his lap as if you hadn’t been face-to-face with possibly the world’s most dangerous human being; brought a small spark of interest in his chest.
Maybe you had some potential, he would think. “Are you trying to prove yourself to me?” With his eyes gleaming with curiosity and anticipation, you leaned back as you felt him lean in. With his nose inches away from yours, you shrunk just a slight but kept your act as strong as you could hold it for.
You gulped, gaze and grip faltering underneath his piercing gaze. Suddenly you felt small again. Your previous surge of dominance seemed to crumble and collapse as he brought his hands up to grope at your hips, reminding you who was really in charge here. He narrowed his eyes as he felt your hesitance and yielding, his large hands that had cupped your ass had practically been supporting all your weight as you backed down in the body and in mind. Damn it. He wondered where your confidence went, it was only just getting fun— but perhaps, all good things come to an end.
Well. He wasn’t going to let you give up that easily.
Suddenly, he let go, causing your ass that had once been held up by his hands, to fall back and knock onto his knees harshly; and you swore you could see a ghost of an expectant smirk on his face. Surprising you further, Izuru uttered 4 words that only seemed to confuse you, yet excite you all the same.
“Go on then. Try.” Your breath hitched, averted eyes now confused and focused them back onto the long-haired male. “W- what?” Izuru’s eyes narrowed at you, and the impatient look he had sent to you almost felt like a reward as you felt yourself growing more sodden. “Try and prove that you aren’t just another hole. That’s why you’re still here, no?” He spoke, and you swore you could hear his voice lower in tone.
He rested his hands on the armrests of his chair, leaning back ever so slightly as he got comfortable; as if he was about to watch a performance made just for him—which hadn’t been far from the truth.
But to your surprise and not his, you obeyed. 
If this was your chance to prove yourself to him— the ultimate hope that everyone seemed to be intimidated by—you’d take it. Of course, you would. 
Despite the growing anxiety in your heart that you’d mess up, you pushed it down and put one brave façade; he would sense your fear if you displayed it too much. 
Your efforts turned futile anyway; you should’ve known he’d sense your hesitance. 
Acknowledging your hesitance you thought hadn’t been too obvious about, Izuru brought it up. “What’s stopping you? Your fear?” Izuru hummed, leaning down to peck at your chest, “Well, that’s understandable; you should be scared.” Followed by the light sound of his lips against your heated shoulder. 
“... Though I assume that’s not what you’re afraid of at this moment.” Assume? More like knew. You were so predictable to him, a flick of your finger could tell him exactly what you’re thinking. With a tender gaze you were surely seeing wrong, he stared up at you expectantly as he waited for your answer. 
“Well?” You gritted your teeth at his sudden gentleness, taking more offence to it than you should have. You didn’t like being treated with kid gloves, not by him at least; for all you know, he kills children. “I’m not scared of anything—” He was huge, of course, you were terrified. ”How do you know I’m not just trying to slow it down, so you’re ready for it?” You challenged, shifting yourself above his tip that still glistened with your saliva from the earlier blow. Izuru looked at you, nearly taken aback. 
It made you feel incompetent. As if he thought you couldn’t do it, as if he thought you couldn’t give him the best night of your life. Of course, you’d be offended. No one likes being underestimated, especially not by him. It just brings you a whole new different feeling of humiliation. 
And he knew that. He just wanted you to hurry up, you know, provoke you a little. Foreplay was… Boring; he’d think with a small smile.
“Surely, you’re not that idio—” He cut himself off with a sharp inhale, lips parting and eyebrow twitching from the way your slick cunt slid over the tip of his dick, sinking in with ease. “I- I’m not what?” You breathed out, a shaky, smug grin contorting on your face as you tried your best to conceal the fact his dick had felt like it had literally been splitting you in two. “Hnnahh— Jesus-” You dropped your head for a second, nails digging deeper into the material of his suit; surprisingly, he didn’t care all that much about the material damage—at the moment, he cared more about the fact you hadn’t even sunk half his dick in yet, and you already looked like you were near-tears.
Maybe care would be an overstatement. 
You bit down on your once-smug smile, jaw going slack as you felt the pleasant curve of his dick, rub against your vaginal walls ever so slightly—following the movements of your own heavy panting. “You shouldn’t be so cocky, S/o.” He didn’t seem to hear the irony hiding in between his almost-mocking words.
You scoffed at his taunting statement, staring him straight in the eye as you walked further into his trap, and sunk down lower—stifling a wince as you felt him sink in you alarmingly deep. How big was he!? Well, you already knew the answer to that question. Your jaw still hurt from earlier. But that stretch had been positively incomparable to the stretch your pussy had currently been experiencing. 
Izuru pursed his lips, silently groaning at the way your walls clamped onto him as if you were already trying to milk him of his cum. You were so tight, he noted in his mind; well he wasn’t going to complain. As a sex worker, he would’ve expected you to be looser, easier to slip in; it seemed one of his predictions had been incorrect. 
In a dry, uncaring tone, he addressed the bead of sweat forming on your forehead from the stretch. “Can you really take it? You look like you’re in pain.” the part that irked you the most had been the small undertone of genuine concern for your being. Yeah, Izuru; the ultimate I-don’t-care-if-you’re-dead, cared if you could take his dick. 
Maybe your heart would’ve been swelling with joy, had it not taken a large hit on your pride. You were a sex worker, not the protagonist of a fucking romance comedy. 
You could feel yourself growing angrier and angrier by the second; a large part of you just wanted to get him off and leave—but there was a larger part of you that… strangely wanted to please this man, prove him wrong.
Don’t get me wrong, the urge was purely sexual. 
Rolling your eyes at his ‘concern’, “Can you just- Nh!” you held your breath before clutching onto his suit a little more desperately than you wanted to as you sunk the rest of him inside you. Embarrassment made its debut in your reddening cheeks as you unwillingly let a few whimpers slip out. “—B- be fucking quiet? For on- Mn! O- once?” He paused before retorting back in that same blunt tone, seemingly unamused by your curses as he had been busy watching your bodily reactions closely, as well as feeling them first hand. “... You’re shivering.” He addressed the tremor of your shoulders, as well as the contractions of your walls against his cock. 
“It- It’s cold.” You lied through your teeth, to which he found annoying; surely, you knew that he would read through that lie, so what was the point of even trying? 
Sighing in annoyance, he bucked his hips, exhaling sharply through his nose as you yelped and collapsed onto him, body going limp as you felt him hit your sweet spot. With a slightly panicked moan, you dug your shined face deeper into the crook of his shoulder, causing him to shiver as he felt the breath of your moan hit his neck. “Hnn-! A- a- already?” Izuru scoffed quietly, “I thought you wanted me to be quiet. Which one is it?” Izuru’s condescending voice kissed your ear, and you felt your own shivers being sent down your spine from his voice alone. 
Putting on an annoyed façade that would soon shatter, you rolled your eyes—something you would probably be doing often tonight. “You’re really annoying, you know th-? Oh-! Oh fuck-!” You moaned, eyes shooting open, revealing your dilated pupils to the wall behind him. With your hands fanned out on his suited back, you arched your back against him, grinding slowly as you hugged him off the back of his chair. 
Mewling quietly, you found yourself trying to stifle your own moans, so you could hear better his own; only to pout as you heard nothing. Your sole purpose and presence with him at this moment had been to please him. You… needed to please him.
And only Atua knows what Junko’ll do to you if she finds out you didn’t satisfy him. 
Sighing in slight frustration, you felt him tense underneath your touch as you locked your lips onto his neck, lips searching and exploring every inch of the sensitive skin of his neck. Izuru’s eyes widened a fraction, only to lid as he felt himself growing bored again. “What are you doing?” You muffled against his neck, “I’m trying to find your erogenous zone—“ a large grin grew on your face as you felt him go rigid and stiff against you—as if he wasn’t already rigid and stiff—as you grazed your teeth on a certain spot on his Adams’s apple, a sign that you hit the jackpot.
“There, huh? I never would’ve guessed…” You spoke through gentle moans caused by Izuru’s natural reaction to fuck up into you harder. He shivered, sure, he was good at everything; but even he didn’t know he had an erogenous zone—or rather, where it was.
And now you had this information. 
You felt your confidence sprout back up again as you felt him melt, slowly but surely into your embrace, and slowly but surely, you tried gaining back control of what had been happening. 
That had been your plan; but as soon as your hands reached up to tangle your fingers in his hair, he flinched, nails digging into your hips harshly. “Hands off.” He growled, crimson gaze darkening in irritation from your feather-like tugs. 
Yeah, your plan. 
His scalp was sensitive, and he had made the mistake of reacting so strongly to your touch to it, right in front of you no less. It was a weakness; one you’d surely take advantage of as you fucked this man. Or rather, as he fucked you. Izuru grimaced as he could practically hear the mischievous grin in your voice, “Yeah?” with a warning tone, Izuru tried stopping you, “S/o.” you probably shouldn’t have felt as excited as you did from his warning voice; especially from a guy like him, but there was a part of you that really wanted to know what would happen—what he was warning you about. 
So you made the best mistake of your life; and tugged the already impatient man’s hair. 
Izuru hadn’t given you the time to even inhale a single breath, as he had you pinned to the wall in half a second. Shit, he’s fast. Well, what did you expect? Izuru was definitely more than ordinary—and as you still felt the stretch burning between your legs, you knew that more than anyone. “I- Izuru?” Izuru sighed as you shrunk underneath his hold, forcing him to hold you up by his hips that had been pressed up against you. Your cattiness seemed to disappear the moment he manhandled you to the wall; it was predictable. All bark, no bite. He wondered why he wasted his time with you. 
With your eyes wide and helpless, Izuru remained unamused. “Let’s get this over with.”
Underneath the shell of your body, you could feel your blood boil as the man thrusting into you, had given you that familiar condescending stare of pity. He didn’t seem very pitiful as he watched you writhe and squirm underneath him from his unrelenting pace, though you could still read the emotion clear as day; your eyes glared right back at him—though you could barely see where you had been glaring, as your vision had been blurred from your own tears.
He was planning to push you to your limits, because, maybe when you’re sobbing and begging for him to stop; maybe then, you’d be less boring. 
‘He was the ultimate at everything; of course, he would be good at this too-’ “Fuhh...- fuck!” Your first orgasm of the night washed over your body, shaking uncontrollably as you had been less than prepared for it. You’d often have to fake your orgasms or get yourself off once the person using you was done. So you, whether it was fortunately or unfortunately, weren’t used to cumming so quickly. Previous thoughts of distaste had been long forgotten, as you had now been completely weak; moments away from breaking down and throwing away your dignity to prolong sex with Izuru. 
Sobs spilled out of your mouth as Izuru helped you ride out your high. The man watched you from above, hands hooking underneath your thighs and slamming you against the wall harder than your body had gone slack in your arms. For him, it felt more like he was pleasuring you—but for some reason, he didn’t mind all too much. 
Through tear-stained eyelids, you glared at him, your warm body still trembling from the near-mind-blowing orgasm he granted you. “I- I can take it.” At least, you thought you could. In all honesty, you didn’t care. You wanted it, and furthermore, he hasn’t even cum yet. Your job wasn’t finished. If you had to be fucked until your mind broke for him to cum, you’d do it. You didn’t have a choice—but even if you did, you wouldn’t deny him; you’d have to be insane to. 
“How... persistent…” Izuru murmured quietly to himself, bringing a hand up to tap your chin, causing you to perk your head up and flush at the gentle touch; the way he looked at you made you feel as if you were a mere science project being examined. It may have not been ideal, but being gazed at like nothing but a lowly bug is better than being ignored.  
It was so easy to fuck you into submission, he thought. Grunting, he pulled all the way out, lip twitching at the lewd squelch of your pussy. He almost lost himself in the way your walls fluttered around the tip of his cock once again, before tightening as if you were trying to welcome him back in.
Izuru, with a sharp inhale, roughly slammed back in, hitting all the right places despite the thrust being as quick as a flash of a camera. You gasped for air, you felt as if you had just been punched with his hips—and before you could recover from it, you felt him pull out yet again, only to slam back in, a small exhale huffing out the man’s lips as he kept on doing that same repetition. 
“F- faster— Pl- please!” You choked out as tears welled up in your eyes, his thrusts had been so powerful and forceful, yet so calculated; as if he was aiming for your G-spot every time he thrust in—which he was. He growled under his breath, voice still monotone but more strained than before—it was almost impossible for him.  
“You’re too tight to go fast.” He deadpanned, “if I go any faster, I might break you.” He didn’t really care whether he broke you, but who in their right mind would want to be broken? 
It was almost comedic how quickly you perked up at the mention of being broken. “I- I wanna! Really bad, r- real bad! Please!” You blabbered and begged like an idiot, your dignity long gone. He hissed at the way your pussy gushed with your juices and excitement, struggling yet again to piston himself into you. “Do you only think with your cunt?” Izuru narrowed his eyes down at you, disbelief and disgust gleamed in his red eyes; and it only made you squeeze around him unwillingly.
You shrunk, shaking your head as a babyish pout contorted onto your lips. “N- no, I-” The slow slapping noises of his hips on yours grew in volume, and your eyes widened as you could feel and hear him getting more frantic, hitting you deeper—places you were sure weren’t even supposed to be touched were abused by the crown of his growing cock.
Through a tone that tried its best to be calm and composed, Izuru shakily breathed out. “Open your mouth.” 
“W- Huh?” With slurred speech and crossed eyes, you tried your best to find his red eyes through the tears that blurred your vision. You were so fucked out, you weren’t even sure if he had actually said anything or if it had been your imagination.
“You heard me, don’t play dumb.” You hadn’t been playing dumb; you were dumbed. But Izuru held no patience for your games, and you could definitely feel that in his increasingly painful grip on your ass—he was sure to leave a bruise on your skin. With a confused look in your eye, you hesitantly dropped your jaw for him, whimpering and jolting as you felt something wet spew into your mouth. Before you could whine or even get the chance to complain, Izuru had forcefully knocked you against the wall again, lightly hitting your head as he steadied you against the surface with one hand as he used the other to close your jaw.
You hadn’t even registered the fact you had spit into your mouth as your mind had been too foggy from the intense feeling building up in your stomach once again. “Swallow.” Without so much as a questioning noise as a reaction to what he had done, you obeyed. Swallowing thickly with bleary eyes, you tried your best to keep eye contact with the man who seemed way too calm for the aggressive pace he had been maintaining like a pro.
Not thinking much of it, you dropped your jaw and flattened your tongue down against your chin; it was almost instinctual as you obediently showed him you had swallowed all of it. It seemed to please him, as he traced his thumb absentmindedly over your jawline; it almost felt like a reward, to be touched like that. His gentle hands differed greatly from his pace that fastened within each second that passed the both of you by. 
Your moans grew in volume, and you could feel yourself getting overwhelmed by how fucking good it felt to be fucked by him; moans and groans turned into full-blown hysterical sobbing as you felt your second climax approach. He grunted in frustration as he felt your walls clamp around him once again, convulsing as you gasped for air, his breaths huffing out in small intervals as he tried to get himself to his own high. 
Nothing was said as you threw yourself into him, hugging himself close to you as if he was your lifeline despite your twitching body—you weren’t sure how long you could hold on before you passed out, but you tried your best to stay conscious. He hadn’t cum yet.
It may have frustrated him, but it also frustrated you. Running your hands down his neck to his well-defined jaw, you cradled his skull before attaching your lips onto his neck desperately, practically slobbering over him like a dog as you kissed and sucked at his neck—to which he groaned quietly at. It was a terrible job, you were necking him so sloppily, and he hated himself for grading your performance when really, he should’ve been indulging in it.
The sounds of his hips slapping against yours, combined with your small moans that you tried to muffle against his neck, had overwhelmed his senses and he found himself going blank in the mind for less than half a second. 
It was dangerous, to leave yourself vulnerable like that. 
So without another word, sound, or thrust, he hoisted you up and dropped you against the chair; in which you unravelled like a velvet carpet over the soft, plush furniture. Your legs wrapped around his waist as you didn’t want to part from him, you didn’t want it to stop. There, he continued his assault to your already battered cunt, grunts and sharp sighs spilling out his mouth as he concentrated on getting himself to climax. 
“F- fuck, Izuru— Izuru, you’re splitting me- in t- two!” You sobbed out, arms flying up to wipe your tears away that prevented you from seeing the esthetical man above you. With his hair looking like it was flowing behind him, and the thin layer of sweat shining on his skin, you felt your heart beat a little faster— what?
You hadn’t even been able to register the dread of the realization of your feelings, as, without warning, Izuru creamed inside you. His hips stuttered to a stop, and he leaned himself completely over your body that had folded over the back rest of the chair, nose meeting the crook of your mid-chest. “Hhah...” He panted, clammy hands that had been gripping onto your skin tightly, loosened as he took a second before getting up and off you. 
You scrambled up from your position on the chair, legs and pussy numb as you struggled sitting up.“Wait Izuru—!” You called out for him, catching his attention as he cleaned himself up with a convenient towel Junko had left on the table. 
Zipping up the fly of his pants, he stared at you, waiting for you to continue what you had been planning to say as he flattened the creases of his suit. 
“W- were you...” You gulped, flushing as you recalled what you had done earlier. “Were you satisfied?” Your voice had been meek, afraid of his answer for more than one reason. Junko really would show you despair if she found out you didn’t satisfy him. “... I’ll let her know I was.” You sighed in relief, shoulders going slack as you fell back on the chair. You’d live another day.
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geometricalien · 3 years ago
I've spent the last 2 hours searching the web to answer my latest question concerning dcst, forgive me if this has already been hashed out-
Who planted the second ace of spades in 144?
The ace in senku's hand is smaller than the other symbols on the ace cards, thus this card is the fake. As he had been subtly marking these specific cards throughout the game it is reasonable to assume that this card was added to the deck earlier in the game.
Maybe I love gen too much, but he was my instinctual guess for the culprit- man got the misdirection techniques and multiple personal card decks AND his first "cheat" was to spill the cards everywhere and move the ace of hearts to the top which kohaku spotted immediately- but perhaps his ulterior goal was to plant this second ace of spades, or maybe multiple cards?
Feels obvious. I personally feel like gen is among the top 5 who are most loyal to senku in the KoS, so him playing to senku's benefit as man behind the curtain feels given. Even in 145 Ukyo says something similar:
"... every cocktail fits it's guest perfectly. In fact... almost too perfectly. Like pieces falling right into place. Thanks to that poker game the casino is a roaring success and the crew gets this bar as another fringe benefit. As if to imply that we can weather the harsh voyage! Whether it was ryusui or senku who won the game, I have a feeling that we would've arrived at the same outcome. In other words, ever since ryusui and senku started fighting it's been a cumulative effort to get everyone on board with the quicker voyage plan. Could a certain mentalist have planned the whole thing? It's a fun theory, anyway."
Ukyo's ponderings almost entirely confirms what I mentioned above and gen's response:
"Utter nonsense my dear ukyo. You're overthinking it... however, I will say this... I was giving it my all and then some in the poker game. (It wouldn't have been exciting otherwise) So, if nothing else my loss was a bit frustrating. My dear senku."
He says this with a simultaneously fond, annoyed, and frustrated look while watching senku be showered with light from above.
Once again, this seems like gen's classic hiding behind multiple faces hiding his truth to appear as "the most shallow man alive".
However 151 blows this out of the water.
Gen, Kohaku, and Chrome follow Stanley's footprints after their first encounter leading to Gen saying and thinking the following:
"How infuriating. They dare challenge a mentalist of my caliber?"
I was giving it my all and then some in the poker game. So, if nothing else, my loss was a bit frustrating.
"Two losses in a row? No thank you. Because I... have to do some growing on my own."
In his own thoughts gen admits that he didn't plant the ace of spades so SENKU could win. Gen has no reason to lie in the privacy of his mind therefore, ukyo's speculation is incorrect for if gen wanted senku to win even while maintaining his selfish front he wouldn't call the game a loss to himself.
I suppose gen still could've been the one to plant the card. It would be out of character for either ukyo, kohaku, or ryusui to do it. Senku has a similar snakish "let's got to hell" attitude but as he marked the cards instead of sliding them into his hand at anytime implies that it wasn't him either. No one else was close enough to touch the deck let alone tamper with it. But, gen did have that opportunity.
This leads to 2 interesting lines from gen.
"Giving it my all and then some" this line seems self explanatory, of course gen gave his all and then some! He had 3 cheats! But gen is his tricks, they make up the core of his presenting personality and it has ever since he first appeared. So that is him. His all. That leaves what is some? What else did he do that would be considered outside of his normal operations? Cheating and adding some extra cards throwing senku off of counting the cards? But senku would immediately have noticed the card decorations differences.
The second line is "it wouldn't have been as exciting." Now. What is more exciting? Being caught for having a beetle under your sleeve or literally bewildering everyone in attendance with 5 aces? And who is to say that there wasn't more cards? Another queen of hearts? Another set of aces such that there was 8 total? A uno reverse card? That feels like classic gen trickery. And exciting? Isn't that someone else's catch phrase?
Gen planted the card/s. Great. His motive is still a bit unclear to me but I'll summarize what I believe it to be.
He was aiming for the bar as morale boost for the entire crew either way if he won or lost, but he would've preferred winning as then he didn't have to do ruel-cay work under the merciless senku. Thus he pulled out all the stops and still lost, hurting his pride as a mentalist to have one pulled over himself-
Does that sound right to anyone else? What are your thoughts? I know this goes against tumblr etiquette but I give express permission to write your thoughts in a reblog addition compared to the comments or hashtags- allows for better communication
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dunewizard · 5 years ago
It’s been well over a month. Many nights I have honestly been kept up thinking about this dudes answer. I asked the guy what his favourite film was, of all time, no holds barred, all judgement, what is the favourite film for you.
He said Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Out of ALL the fantastic films in the last like what 80 years? I am still pondering it even now.
Personally I opened the standard of film I was looking for with “I like Edward Scissorhands” I felt like that was good tenplate to base a ballpark response on. Maybe a film that touches on strong themes? Provocative? Asks important questions? Not tied to a franchise per se, a bit of an art piece perhaps? Something people can hear and say “yeah that sounds fair to be a favourite movie of all time, I can see that, good choice”.
But saying Spider Man Homecoming just felt like an incorrect answer. Sure it’s punchy and the characters are fun - I don’t want to sound like a film snob here but it just didn’t feel... right.
It’s not the movie though, that’s not important. When you ask someone their favourite movie of ALL TIME - their response is important and says a lot about a person. When I hear that a guys favourite film was spider man homecoming all I can think of is like.. you’re a basic, copycat, mainstream media herd follower. Idk.
I’ve obviously put way too much thought into this
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uozlulu · 5 years ago
Black Clover chapter 231 reaction and spoilers
Asta again remarks that Noelle’s Valkyrie armor is “way cool” like he did in a recent anime episode when he saw it for the first time and he is right it is pretty cool when you forget about the chiseled boob look, but at the same time I think I’m going to lose it every time he calls it cool because now that I’ve realized Noelle doesn’t have a breast plate but breasts plate in it, I can’t take any woman-loving aligned character’s assessment of this armor seriously.
Noelle: Just so you're aware, controlling a movement spell in a strong magic region is incredibly difficult. Mimosa: I know that, Noelle, we did get here safely. That's good enough. Well done. Noelle: Don't patronize me, Mimosa. I'm a royal! Mimosa: So am I.
Presidential Alert: The girls are fighting (j/k j/k)
I’m glad that Mimosa has her mantelet closed now because this makes much more sense than the single titty out look did. Also the braids are a cute touch.
Would like to see Noelle’s skirt be more of a mini skirt than a diamond, but baby steps I suppose.
I like that Finral’s still trying to make an effort to break bad flirting habits. It’s nice to see a designated flirt/perv character make such an effort. I also like how this is coinciding with Mineta making quiet but noticeable progress in this same area as well, so we get two types of examples of characters stuck in this trope trying to overcome it. Hopefully both of them will be able to mature past their initial trope.
I like the cut little Asta in the communicator. It’ll be interesting to see how they animate this communicator concept.
Asta asks Leo how he could grow so much in half a year, which would imply they did not train together. It should be interesting to see what the anime does with this as a filler since if they were all training in different situations it will at least break up some of the potential monotony in a filler arc in which all of them train together as a large unit.
I also like Luck and Leopold teaming up together to break up some expected team ups as well. It’s going to be fun to see what other new mix and match combos we get with this Spade invasion.
I like that they’re not going to annex the town and we’re also not going to get into a refugee subplot especially since it’s hard to tell which direction this whole devil hunting arc is actually taking. We’ve kind of gone from fact finding to invasion. Hopefully when we find demonic energy in Diamond Kingdom it will bring us even more categories and genres.
I know that we just finished our first major major arc when we wrapped up the Eye of the Midnight Sun at the end of the Reincarnation arc, but I am a bit wary of this whole Dark Triad thing becoming more of the same when we were able to get a lot of unique stuff out of the story so far. Hopefully this too will be abled with a bit of a skew. Perhaps that’s why Black Clover has been slipping down on the table of contents lately because it’s hard to tell if it’s going to keep up its reputation with this new arc. I’m still remaining optimistic, and even if it does kind of get generic on us, I’ll still keep reading because I’m Jump trash.
”Why did we wait half a year?” Well, narrative convenience and necessary time skipping aside, pretty sure the Star Festival was a harvest festival since Yuno and Asta’s birthday had come and gone, so it’s logical to mount a big campaign towards the end of spring rather than try to do a winter campaign.
I think it’s interesting that Dante and Zeno like Julius have magic scars across their foreheads. It’ll be interesting to see if any of these are meant to be symbolic of anything. When Julius died and resurrected I thought his scar looking a bit like a thorn knot was a nod to that plot point, but Zeno has a large cross and Dante has a succession of diamonds across his entire forehead, so that was maybe an incorrect assessment, which I suspected from the get go but the whole Catholicism thing made me wonder if it was intentional.
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nighttimepixels · 5 years ago
Ok, I'm just gonna ask this. Why is Sans such a douche? Like he is officially my least favorite out of everyone.
Oooo man this is a rough one, and honestly I can totally understand this opinion X) And hell, I’m not gonna try and explain away his... troubling choices.
... Thought experiment: Imagine if, for years, you were the only one who remembered a family member of yours, including your own little brother. A family member who literally changed the course of the Underground for the better - a family member who you saw torn apart in front of your own eyes, smeared across space time, along with several of his employees/coworkers, acting as the only survivor and the only one who remembered they existed.
Now, imagine if for years, you tried to get this family member (and, ideally, the others, but you’re just one person) back. You don’t even know exactly how the original accident happened - loosely, perhaps, but reverse engineering a tear in space time, accurately and safely, to reach someone in between who may or may not exist, isn’t exactly a walk in the park. Theoretically, it’s impossible; but practically, you know it happened one way. And you’re the only one left who even knows that, and probably one of if not the only person capable of reverse engineering it... maybe. So you try, and try. And life carries on; you can’t let this consume you. You have a little brother still, and you’re his only family now. All he knows. So this becomes a... distant hope. A basement project, literally. You keep tinkering, keep trying new things, but... you’d long since lost actual hope you might crack it.
Until, one day... your machine... works.
Kind of.
But instead of bringing back your long lost family member, several versions of yourself and your brother are torn through the void and into your universe. You do what anyone would do - you shut the damn thing off before any more can come through, or worse!
You have successfully torn a hole in space-time - and barely managed to seal it up. Your machine has thoroughly broken under the strain. You tore a hole - but in the infinite multiverse with it’s infinite variables, you brought through... the wrong people. The wrong people, trying similarly incorrect things, and they’re all you.
It hits you, suddenly. The true impact of what you’ve built. Sure, you’d thought about it in wilder nights, sleepless and desperate - but... family’s family, you’ve got to try, you don’t really have a chance, and so on.
But you’ve made something that effectively dumps water on the goddamn tissue paper separating realities.
What if someone else found out? What if someone with terrible - or even misguided intent got their hands on it? What would your own monarchs - or former monarchs, you’re on the Surface now and things are a bit touch ‘n go, but authority figures either way - what would they think, what would they do to someone who... who made an accidental nuke to the multiverse, when your whole race had already been sealed for millenial by misguided individuals acting in someone’s supposed best interest?
And what on earth have you done to these other versions of you and your brother? What have you done to their worlds, with a them-shaped hole in it? What if you took away the needed cogs for their people to get free? What if you were the butterfly flap of the wings that was their collective final nail in the coffin?
Imagine the weight that would be upon your shoulders.
And on top of that, you have these several versions of you and your brother, people that are you but so very, very not, people that butt heads and act in ways you can’t predict, and no matter how terrible it was - well, predictability had turned into a bit of a crutch for a bit, hadn’t it? And now you need to house these people, hell - no, you needed to hide them, because they were proof. Proof of your machine, and far too likely to be Noticed, and to lead to Questions. And several of them had culture shock, to say the least, on several levels. And two more were former cannibals, and you’re already panicking, and you’ve got everyone demanding answers and solutions and biting each other’s heads off, and you’ve got to FIX THIS, but you didn’t even mean to do it, you couldn’t even reverse engineer the original mistake you were trying to fix, and now you’ve got to send several, several people back to a home timeline, and the only ones that can help already think like you so you’re in a terrible, angry, petulant echo chamber-
And the couple times you think maybe, just maybe you’ve got it right, and you flip that damnable switch-
You pull in more versions of you and your sibling. You damn more people to this hell of your own making, to being ripped away from their friends, from critical events in their universes, from stars-know-what else-
And beyond the people you’ve accidentally torn from their worlds, you’ve got no one you can confide in, can lean on, can vent to or break down under the pressure with for any catharsis or even a break.
... Can you say for certain you’d handle it... well?
I’m not saying Sans’ choices are good ones. Stars, not in the slightest; there’s a reason Serif and the rest of the Lilytale co. reacted the way they did; their choices would be different, yes - but in no way would they be perfect either.
Lilytale’s got a pretty fluffy story, I won’t lie - hell, I like it that way, and write it that way on purpose! It’s major themes beyond tropey indulgence in wlw fun center around found family and learning how to grow with others, among other things. But that doesn’t mean the characters are perfect, or flawless! And some of the side/background struggles will explore the depth and harder things a little bit more. That includes an imperfect skeleton man, doing his damned best, but finding himself deep in a hole that he dug himself in search of something he’d lost. He’s got his own lessons to learn, to be sure.
Of course, Lilytale isn’t focused on his story, is it? But we’ll definitely see more of it through the ladies’ lenses and how it impacts them, and how they’ve chosen and will choose to react and move forward.
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queenoflightningpoet · 6 years ago
Character sketch
This is a little different than my normal poetry and a lot longer. I wrote it for class and wanted to share it here. Tw for physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse. 
Our middle school had stricter rules than my house. Their unofficially Catholic values were underlined in every class. The most hilarious and absurd rules of this institution included but were not limited to: no boots (too informal for footwear), no gelled hairstyles (spikes are of the devil), no scarves, and failure to recite the pledge of allegiance everyday would result in suspension. This was the world I was thrown into. The kind of place a Mormon girl is sent in the urban sprawl to avoid the public middle school. According to my mother the reason for this was a pregnant seventh grader at the public middle school, but I fear the problems at my school was just as bad if not better kept secrets.
We went there together, best friends fresh out of elementary school. She stood next to me, about a half inch taller for the first four years of our friendship until my legs came in violently. Her deep brown hair shone and glistened under private school fluorescent lights. She strutted around in pleated navy skirts and white polos, her eyes always hunting for someone new. While she was sweet and delicate looking, her almond eyes snapped from person to person, just searching for a weakness to exploit. That was why I had liked her in the beginning.
Her name was Jen. She stuffed her ego with the people she let get close, people like me. Her slender hands always seemed to find my wrist in the crowds at assemblies, our arms linking as we sat by each other. She reminded me of a tiger. Her calculated protection and subsequent friendships seemed strategic. When I would ask her about it, she would pull a sucker out of her mouth, lips stained purple, and say “No need to worry about that.”
She had a knack for power, even in middle school when our knees were dirtier than our hands. She would find out secrets just by looking and in turn she would trade one of theirs for one of hers. It was a sort of preteen binding ritual. They were inextricably linked from then on. Her hordes of friends grew over our years in that Febreze clean school, but only she was allowed to be my friend. Anytime anyone would look at me in a slightly friendly way she would beat them off with an arm around my bony shoulders or a sneer that would show off her exaggerated canines. I began swallowing my opinions like the school’s slimy canned peaches.
She would come to school with bruises. Some from ballet class, pushing herself too hard. Others were from her Russian dance teachers. A smaller number she would cover with her hand and shrug, her sharp smile accompanying a weak excuse. I quickly learned the size of her father’s fingers by the bruises that looked like pinches. I could draw the size of her ballet instructor’s cane by the hyphenated bruises on the back of her thighs that were three inches too big for his standards. Her feet were a scarred mess, toenails always falling off and sores that never healed.
In her darkened bedroom, one blanket pulled over us both, she used to tell me about the punishments she got for having blood seep through the pink satin of her pointe shoes. Her arms would tighten around my waist as I combed her hair with my fingers. Her hushed voice stuttered over the timed stretches and literal lashes she received for being unable to prevent a red stain. My softer body shuddered at what she had endured, my dancer’s feet only slightly better looking than hers. She would stroke a hand down my back eliciting a shiver before pinching my side lightly and saying goodnight, kissing me on the forehead.
She was a sealed box to all but me. Something I would one day wish I had never opened. Perhaps it had something to do with me taking care of her in school when she had first arrived from Korea. Her English was spotty, her white mother tried her best to get her Korean baby to wrap her small lips around softer sounds but only got confused staring. For those first years, I took care of her. I was her shield from teachers and students alike. Maybe it was her way of repaying the favor, cutting me off from anyone who tried to be my friend. Maybe she didn’t know how to love after her family’s litany of punishments for slights and her ballet instructor’s cane and constant body shaming. Or maybe after all she had endured, she enjoyed hurting someone who trusted her so completely.
As she grew, she became more beautiful. And she used it to her advantage, dating boys who would get her bootleg test answers for a cherry lip gloss kiss. It was first here, in seventh grade that I learned she was growing bored of me. It was when her boyfriend Nate touched and groped my butt, tripping me to look up my skirt, stealing my water bottle and selling it back for a kiss. She would stand by and laugh, looking at me like I was doll for her to play with as she wished. Nate had a different kind of doll in mind, but before his fun she would whisk me off to my house and give me makeovers. She dressed me, did my hair and makeup, and made me promise to wear it for the rest of the day.
As soon as she closed the door behind her, I stripped and returned to my natural state of tomboyish hues and low maintenance hair. Her taste for pink and perfect curls left a raw taste in my mouth, my opinion counting about as much as hers always did in her parents’ house. It was at this point that I started having dreams of abandoning her. Jen often told me what to do, and most of the time I said yes. But the rare times I would look at her black Pumas and say no, she would lift my chin with her finger and glare at me.
“Do it or I’ll tell my mom you don’t need a ride home. I’ll leave you behind and let you find your own way back. I think you’d make it before dark. Maybe Nate will walk you home.” She would speak like I was her disobedient child. I would grit my teeth and do as she asked, my heart pounding in my chest. It was because of her that my first panic attack started a wild chain of obeisance and obedience. Opportunities to choose for myself came few and far between. She started ending most sentences with “Tell anyone and I’ll kill you. I know where my dad keeps his hunting knife.”
That would make my heart stutter no matter if it was the fourth time I had heard it that day. At the same time, I didn’t think I could ever leave her. We needed each other. I thought it was better that she hurt me instead of another. I thought she would keep me awake when I drifted into an anxiety attack. I asked her to hurt me if it was what she wanted to hear. I feared her more than God, her influence had wormed its way deep into my life. I saw her every day for almost four years, my fear and love for her growing with each encounter.
As she grew in popularity, she isolated me often leaving me in the company of her boyfriend of the week. These encounters either ended in fist fights delaying sexual harassment or muscle flexing competitions. This isolation lead to the school’s prime rumor that year: that I was a lesbian in love with my best friend (it’s still funny to me that the worst insult in middle school was “lesbian”). While I was in love with her, the lesbian part was incorrect.
Jen’s family life continued to pound her body and she often used makeup to cover her bruises and cuts. I was always there holding the antiseptic and tissues for her inevitable breakdown. After bandaging her up, I would let her take out some of her aggression on me. I thought it would help her to not blow up in school. I reassured her she was beautiful, and she told me she wanted to kill me. I guess you could say we were both toxic. We both had reasons to cry and hurt each other, but when it came down to it, we always fell back on each other for comfort. Honestly, I’m not sure if I miss her or want to watch her be beaten to death with her teacher’s cane. Either way, I’m sure I deserve the same.
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merigreenleaf · 6 years ago
Jotober Day 1 - “Poisonous”
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(My goal this month is to do under 1k words for each day’s challenge and I already kinda went over. This one is 1075. I’m pretty sure someone asked me before what “toadstools” meant when Etri calls Adair and Blythe that as a term of affection. This is the answer. I’ll put most of this under a read more.)
Etri was back. Adair still wasn't entirely sure how they'd managed that but having him back was even better than having his map back. He could technically have made another map. Another Etri would have been impossible, although Sol would have probably tried to build a mechanical version for Etri to haunt. That would have been weird. And way less fun to kiss. No, having Etri back to normal was much better and it meant that Adair could finally ask the question that had been bugging him for weeks.
He put his sketchbook down and scooted closer to Etri. When Etri wrapped an arm around his shoulders, Adair was glad Sol didn’t have to get creative. A metal Etri would have been way less snuggly.
"Etch? Why do you call us 'toadstools'?"
Across the room Blythe shut off the faucet and reached for a hand towel. Aha. So she wanted to hear the answer, too. It made Adair feel a little better if she was as clueless as he was. Etri couldn't possibly mean it as a short joke, the way Adair had assumed at first. Not when he called Blythe that, too, and Blythe was tall even for a Protectorate.
After a pause, Etri said, "You did not ask this of Sol."
"Yeah, I did. He just thought I was asking him what he wanted for dinner. I'm assuming that's not what you mean. Although if you want mushrooms, you only have to ask."
Etri chuckled and pulled Adair into a tighter hug. "Perhaps later. No, it is because you are poisonous."
"I... what?"
Adair might be many things. An artist, a good cook, full of pies and puns, but he was pretty sure he wasn't poisonous. Fortunately the person to ask came over and sat on Etri's other side. "Blade, I'm not poisonous, right?"
Besides, why would Etri touch him if he was? Although considering Etri's habit of self-sacrifice, maybe that was the wrong question to ask.
Blythe picked at the dried paint on her shirt. "I'd probably call you contagious... Come on, were you even using blue paint today?"
She was a big help.
"I do not mean that in the literal sense when I call you both as such. It is figurative. If I may ask, how is it that a toadstool appears?"
Oh! Adair knew this one! The perk of growing up in the home of a culinary master. "Something to do with underground fungus and growing where there's decomposing wood."
Etri was silent for a long moment. Adair turned his head to find Etri's eyebrows knitted. Did this mean there was finally a fact he didn't know or was Adair's information that wrong? It had been a long time since he went mushroom gathering and he was never very good at paying attention.
"It's a food fact. Of course he's right."
Adair stuck his tongue out at her. "And the girl with enough plants in her house to equal a small forest would know. I swear I saw one trying to push my bags out the door the other day."
Etri cleared his throat. "If I am incorrect, then the reason behind the term is incorrect and I will cease using it."
"Oh no you don't," Blythe said. "You're not off the hook that easily. What's the reason?"
Etri pushed himself back on the bed until his back was against the wall, making it so that he could see both of his pair. "I will tell. In the temple in which I grew, relationships are forbidden. I have said this, yes?"
Adair nodded and took one of Etri's hands while Blythe took the other, earning a once-rare smile from Etri. Those were becoming more common, even during a subject that Adair knew made him uncomfortable. When Blythe and Adair had been alone earlier in the day, she'd grumbled and threatened to go to Montglace to give everyone there a piece of her mind for making Etri's past so terrible. If Etri's birthplace hadn't been a gazillion miles away, she probably would have done it right then. Adair couldn't blame her.
Etri squeezed their hands tightly. "Yet still there are those who seek out companionship and friendship. This is done in secret."
While Adair tried to wrap his head around not being able to have even friendships, Blythe was getting impatient. "And this ties into mushrooms how? Do the people involved sneak out for dinner together?"
Etri shook his head. "If you knew Montglace as I, you would not jest. It is because these relationships are unexpected and dangerous. The same is thought of toadstools, which are believed to grow in unexpected places."
Blythe let out a little snort of a laugh. "Okay, unexpected I can believe. You can't possibly be saying that Adair is dangerous. He's about as dangerous as a kitten in a basket of yarn."
"Hey! I can be dangerous! There was the time I... no, that won't work, that just ended in me burning dinner. Or when... no, that was Sol getting me into trouble. Wait! ... No, that was Sol again." Adair tapped his head with the palm of his hand. There had to be a memory in there somewhere. After discarding a few more possibilities, he had to admit defeat. "Okay, yeah, fine, I'm a kitten."
"You're sweet, even if you aren't poisonous." Blythe leaned over to kiss his cheek, then turned back to Etri. "So you're saying that because your people think mushrooms are dangerous and pop up unexpectedly, and relationships do the same, that you call those people your toadstools. Makes sense, I guess. More sense than me thinking you were calling us short."
Adair threw his arms up. "So I'm not the only one who thought that!"
Etri caught his hand and squeezed it again. "I apologize for the confusion. If you would rather I cease to use the term because it is wrong or not to your liking-"
"No!" Adair said at the same time as Blythe. She grinned and gestured at him to talk, probably thinking he'd be better at talking relationship stuff than she would.
Which he was, but she was going to regret it. "It's cute, Etch. We want you to keep calling us that. But does that mean I can start calling you both 'pumpkin'?"
Blythe buried her face in her hands. "Why do I ever let you open your mouth?”
"I'm not hearing a no."
(I’m only going to do minor editing with these so I have time to write one every day, so hopefully this all makes sense. My plan is to write short things about a bunch of my characters this month, including secondary ones and maybe characters I was writing prior to this series (like my Hidden Magic characters), but my trio demanded the first prompt. I would like to also draw things for Inktober to go along with the day’s story, but I ran out of time today. 
Anyway, I’m going to tag my story tag list for now, but I’d like to ask you all how you’d prefer me to tag for this challenge. I’m thinking I might make a masterpost once a week with links to those 7 posts/stories and only tag on those masterposts. I’d feel weird tagging people every day because that’s 31 days in a row of stories, so I think this might be the best solution so I’m not spamming your activity feeds. But please let me know how you’d prefer I do this or if you have ideas. I have a feeling each day is going to end up around this length because I’m incapable of writing short things lol, so these are all likely to be legit short stories rather than drabbles. @ageekyreader @lynnafred @the-gay-hufflepuff @desperatlytryingtowriteabook @muffindragon227 @oceanwriter @theguildedtypewriter @toboldlywrite @wchwriter @ghostsmooches @lady-redshield-writes @bluemartlet @reeseweston @dreameronthewind @forlornraven @pen-for-sword @shadow-maker @loopyhoopydrabbles @emptymanuscript @madmoonink @megan-cutler @perringwrites @thatwriternamedvolk @elliot-orion @writer-on-time @ravenpuffwriter @siarven @worldbuildingwren @hiddswritingrefs @missrobinswritings @writevevo @fannistwrites @cay--scribbles @focusdumbass @crartistic @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword @enasroterfaden @joshuaorrizonte @zofiehelen @kainablue @homesteadhorner )
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colllapsingstarr-blog · 6 years ago
giant panic reclist (organized by ship)
So, I organized everything by ship because you never know what people are into, and I read pretty much anything and everything I can get my hands on that’s long. This is a fanfiction reclist for Panic! at the Disco fics only. Will I ever address other bands? Perhaps. Everything’s below the break.
Note: I have not read every Panic! fic in existence. Cut me some slack here if your absolute favorite isn’t on this list, and if it’s NOT please send it to me, I’d love to read it!
I’ll be including poly ships in the next list, because this list is long enough as it is. If I were to add poly ships, we’d be here all day.
Let’s start with the popular ones, shall we?
Format: Title by Author (click for story) | Rating, Word count, Author’s summary | Personal thoughts
If a link is broken/incorrect, please let me know. That stuff’s embarrassing.
Fics may or may not require an AO3 login (as I have an account, so I don’t know which are locked and which aren’t). Any fics hosted on LiveJournal (noted with a * at the start of the title) do not require a login, as far as I’m aware, because I don’t have a LiveJournal.
- Sense of Touch by pressdbtwnpages | G, 5434, Brendon and Ryan turn into otters, but that's just the beginning of the problem. | It’s been a while since I’ve read this story (I did, once upon a time.) I don’t remember much, but this is pretty much absolutely hilarious.
- Just One of the Girls by skoosiepants | T, 20830, "Spence, I'm. Look, I'm going to prove this girl-thing to you, okay? I'm going to," he held up his hands, "this is so brilliant, I'm going to become a girl." | I actually really enjoyed this fic. It was interesting to see all the different interactions, and the way that it actually sort of all comes together in the end.
- for other meanings of tsunami by jocondite | T, 36352, On the Nothing Rhymes With Circus tour, Brendon comes up with a brilliant, brilliant plan to get regular orgasms without resorting to the palpitating groupies Zack disapproves of. Sure, he's never thought of himself as gay, but blowjobs know no gender, and if Ryan's willing, why the hell not? The path to true Nirvana is anything but smooth, though, and a lot of bad sex later, Brendon figures a few things out. | This speaks for itself, I’m pretty sure. This is a reclist. I’m soft for long fics.
- You Will Know The Difference When I Touch You by two_waymirror | E, 5348, It wasn’t a gay thing at first. Well, it was possible that Brendon had a tiny little crush on Ryan, but it was a buried thing in the back of his still-half-Mormon brain, emerging very slowly. | Not as long as most of my favorites, but still well-written.
- A Light On a Hill by rubblerousing | T, 17918, My greatest flaw is that I keep a running list of eight separate sentences that I, at one point in my life, have spoken aloud and which could have, maybe, possibly, embodied within them the reason Ryan Ross has decided to hate me. Some people’s greatest flaws are their overly prominent features. Some people would tell me my greatest flaw should be my overly prominent features. My friends would say my greatest flaw is that I am too outspoken; people who are under the delusion they are my friends but in actuality are not would say my greatest flaw is that I am too reserved. Maybe it’s the other way around. If I were a better person and could admit I probably very dearly ought to be under the watchful eye of a psychiatrist, because I have some kind of obsession with thinking about things too much, and with keeping lists, then my psychiatrist would say my greatest flaws are cowardice, being unable to move on from the past, an addiction to adulation, keeping lists, and perhaps Ryan Ross, if I ever got around to mentioning him. | I’m not a big fan of first person POV fics in general, no matter if it’s in irl books or in fanfiction, but here it just...works? I don’t know. Read it for yourself.
- Anyone Else But You by zarah5 | M, 67238, College AU. Panic never formed at high school. Instead, they meet at college, and in between striking up a friendship with his working colleague Spencer and trying to ensure that his roommate Jon doesn’t get sick of him, in between forming a band and writing songs, Brendon would really appreciate it if his bandmate (and Spencer’s best friend) Ryan Ross didn’t turn out to be Brendon’s TA. Especially considering their fling just before the start of the term. | You may or may not have read this already. This fic is worth rereading, though.
- Leaving Without Moving by northern | E, 29874, "I'm not trying to embarrass you or anything here. But seriously, I'm just trying to make things clear - what you want is to be my own personal little toy, is that it? You want to be my pet in the... pet sense?" “Not if you're not interested," Ryan gritted out, hot with shame. "You can stop making fun of me now. That was fucking hard to say." He rested his head on his arms, feeling weak and slightly nauseated with how his stomach was churning. | Not a fan of vampire AUs, ordinarily. I’m okay with blood, but for some reason vampire AUs aren’t my thing. However, I was willing to make an exception for this fic and I’m glad I did, because even though it isn’t my normal pick of AU, it’s really well-written. 
- A tendency to wear hearts on sleeves by kyasuriin | G, 1758, A guitar is perhaps not something that friends, even bandmates, get for each other. Brendon just hopes Ryan won't notice the way his heart is practically falling off his sleeve. | Um. Don’t have much to say on this one?
- The Heart Rate of a Mouse by arctic_grey | Not including stats | Well-known. Don’t need to say anything. Loved this fic.
- Oh Doctor Doctor by softlyforgotten | E, 17269, It was just that on his first day in the oncology department of the hospital six years ago, he'd been introduced to Dr Ryan Ross, Head Surgeon, and fallen stupidly and irrevocably in love with him, and that, apparently, was that. (A hospital AU.) | The title reminds me of Razia’s Shadow, so when I saw this it was an instant click. Love how this fic isn’t just about the relationship (despite the implications of the summary); there’s more to it.
- *Back To The Place by behindthec | E, around 93000, Once upon a time, Panic went to a cabin in the mountains to write an album they never made. One night there, something happened that Ryan tried to forget. Two years later, he still hasn't. | I have. No words for this fic. It is just that good. I know that the primary site for fanfiction is AO3, and a lot of fics are cross-posted (I tried to find what I could on AO3, because on some I have the LJ version bookmarked), but consider trying out a different format for reading. It’s a little annoying, but this fic makes it so worth it.
- *Ryan Ross: Wedding Planner (What We Do Is Love) by adellyna | M, Unknown, Ryan plans weddings! Just not gay weddings. Ok, maybe just this once. | Hilarious one-shot. Like. This is serious fic, but also very, very funny.
- *just this once, be my savior by sinuous_curve and insunshine | E, around 32k, In which Ryan has a daughter, Brendon has a nephew and somehow, they manage to fall in love. | Kid!fic.
Doing this reclist made me realize exactly how few fics I read with just this pairing. I normally read the two of them with someone else in a poly ‘ship, but not the two of them by themselves? (send me some. please)
(I actually have read one I liked, but I’m too lazy to dig it up. The title was something in French, I think.)
This pairing is a hard preference over most other pairings. I just. Like it a lot.
There are probably more fics on this list than there are in any other ship I include on this list.
- There Should Be A Name For Something Like This by skoosiepants | T, 3777, It was the best idea Brendon had ever had, ever. | Sometimes I read things because they’re long and have a good summary, and other times I just want a laugh. This is one of those fics.
- Supersaturation by skoosiepants | T, 15017, Brendon's a little in love with Lieutenant Spencer Smith. And not, like, fifteen-year-old girl love, either, but the kind of love where his chest hurts and he wants to be around him constantly and he wants into his pants, and okay. It pretty much sounds like fifteen-year-old girl love, but it's not, no matter what Ryan says. Spencer is just. Pretty. And competent and, okay, the sidearm is totally sexy. He didn't think he'd ever go for that, but the handling of it, his hands, really, and the thigh holster? Makes Brendon want to lick him. A lot. | Not linking the whole series because I’ve only read the first two. Crossover with Stargate Atlantis, but I have absolutely no knowledge of that fandom, and I was perfectly fine.
- Certain Coasts Set Apart by skoosiepants | T, 15327, It was easier to get lost on the Virginian coast than Spencer thought it would be. | This is one of two Spencer-ends-up-isolated-from-Panic!fics that I love. Both of their plots are actually caused by similar catalysts, surprisingly.
- Anywhere You Let It Go by skoosiepants | T, 21211, "Okay, this is what I've figured out so far. I'm stuck in some sort of hell that looks vaguely like a Sandra Bullock movie." | Brencer is sort of a side pairing, but I’m still considering it because it drives the plot and isn’t just an aside for the main character (Patrick).
- the Sweater Vests series by disarm_d | E, 15709, (first work summary) Spencer can't believe himself for trying something like this. He can't believe that he'd risk his friendship with Brendon, his friendships with everyone else if Brendon decided to tell, his place in the school if Brendon caused enough fuss. Except that when Brendon's tongue brushes over his lower lip, it's easier to understand why. | British boarding school AU! Angst! Hurty, but in the good way.
- Towns Flying By by jocondite | T, 3976, Brendon is very much in love with the van. He draws a ragged row of little black hearts on the back door, just above where some girl in some town had scrawled her phone number. He loves it right up until the heat cuts out somewhere in the middle of Colorado that first November. (Cuddling for warmth). | Cute fluff.
- The Way It Is Now by skoosiepants | T, 5790, He ponders on how exactly to phrase his question. Finally, he sends, is spencer dying andor eating babies | This author is on this reclist a lot? Maybe, but they write excellent fic.
- The Magic Friend Band by skoosiepants | T, 9408, The totally true story of how Spencer Smith joined Patrick & Brendon's Magic Friend Band. | This author actually writes really funny stories. They’re enjoyable, but also have an underlying thread of seriousness.
- Once Upon a Time’s Only Fiction When Tomorrow Becomes Today by rossetti | E, 13344, The year Virginia Dale Wentz turns five her parents die in an accident aboard a chartered day-boat to Catalina. | Under Brencer because that’s endgame. Ryan/Spencer is a thing but only as friends with benefits. Kid!fic. Always adorable.
- In the Sirocco by sevenfists | M, 12241, A story about hypnosis, God, marijuana, and true love. | There are two hypnotism stories on this list. This is the more angsty one.
- Panic! at the Barn-Raising series by vixalicious | T, 20895, (first work) Um. They're Amish. | Sort of ridiculous but really also quite good.
- Tell me to stop by AirgiodSLV | E, 29335, “You have no idea what you’re doing, okay?” Ryan says in exasperation, blowing out a huffy breath. “I’m just saying. I think…I might know a guy.” | Warning: kink fic. I might be ace and don’t get off on it, but I can still appreciate it for what it is.
- But you can’t be missed by elenor_lavish | E, 20664, "No, I mean. It's like you haven't aged a single day." Ryan steals another glance, and Brendon looks uncomfortably out the window. The back streets of Vegas look a lot like he remembers them. The cars in the driveways aren't really different, people are still dressed the same, dragging their trash to the sidewalk in their pajamas. No one's in some sort of space-age suit or wearing a video visor, or walking a robotic dog. If Brendon was going to be dropped unceremoniously into the future without his consent, there could at least be robotic dogs. | Time travel fic! Um. This one is sort of weird, but it’s also really good.
- The Sweet Spot by vixalicious | T (though I think it’s closer to M), 14872, "Responsibility" should be Spencer Smith's middle name (except it's James). After all, not many people would sacrifice their lives to run the family bakery and raise their twin sisters. But now the girls are grown, and Spencer has to learn to put his own needs first! And Brendon, the Sweet Spot's newest regular, might just be what Spencer's looking for. But will Brendon's past get in the way of their present? | I’m pretty sure this was for the LJ challenge harlequin_bands, and it shows, but I’m into those tropes, so it’s all good.
- All In The Way That You Trip by skoosiepants | M, 22199, “I’m going to ask you one more time,” he says, and he looks – Brendon shudders – he looks like he wants Brendon to stay quiet, like he’s just itching to take Brendon apart and maybe put him back together wrong. “Where is Ryan?” | I initially read this fic on LJ, so when I found out that it was also hosted on AO3, I was like: huh? But: secret agent!Spencer is a concept I can get behind.
- Personal Affairs by zarah5 | M, 31094, Office AU. When Spencer Smith is put in charge of planning some legal aspects of a top secret, rather spectacular take-over of another company, he quickly falls into an e-mail sort-of-flirtation with his colleague at another site, Brendon Urie. But when Brendon actually visits New York and Spencer for a face-to-face meeting, Spencer withdraws because how do you handle it when someone you exchanged countless e-mails with turns out to be just as hot as you imagined? | I am NOT qualified to make a reclist where I give my own thoughts, okay? This fic was really good, albeit the conflict was superficial.
- Only Unto Him by disarm_d | E, 25837, As a Prince(ish person), Spencer was meant to be pure in every way. He didn't know what to expect from an arranged marriage — but certainly not Brendon's incessant grabby hands. Who did this bouncy, mysterious stranger think he was? AND ARE SEXY TIMEZ EVER GOING TO HAPPEN? [Hint: it is quite likely they are.] | This fic is great. This was another one I originally read on LJ, but I reread it on AO3, so. You don’t lose anything from the switch between platforms, and for me it’s easier to read it all in one place (so I always turn on read full work on AO3 instead of chapter by chapter, so theoretically I can read it all in one sitting.)
- Stranger In This Town by seratonation | E, 11427, It was an idyllic sort of life. He had a secure job, a substantial paycheck, and a loving husband. And yet, Spencer felt tired. He felt numb, like everything around him was fading, or maybe it was the other way around, and he was the one who was fading. | I have Not seen the movie this is based on, but most fics that are based off of other things you don’t need knowledge of it for.
- If You’re Listening, Sing It Back by blackbird | E, 10079, If sometimes he ends up in the men's room with another guy pressed up against the door, that's no one else's business. Until one morning, by accident, it is. | I recently reread this fic, and most of the fics I’ve read are just as good on the reread.
- Closer by tigs | T, 1725, It feels different when, the moment Ryan sees them, he slams to a halt and says, "Shhh! We don't want to interrupt Spence and Brendon's cuddle time!" | Cuddle time! Accidental relationships!
- Into This Dream by (an orphaned account) | E, 28417, He's my best friend. I wish I could have been his. | I really understand Brendon in this fic. Wanting someone to be as close of friends with someone as you are with them is familiar to me, so Brendon’s decisions make a little more sense. (But I’m aromantic! So there is no romantic interest in my friends. So similar, but not completely the same.)
- And I’d Be Your Memory by tigs | Unrated, 8383, And somehow, midway through the tour, the postcard collecting becomes known as Brendon’s thing. | This is a feel-good fic.
- The Estranged Governess by wildestranger | E, 33258, Brendon is a governess with a disgraced past, who comes to teach the young cousins of Sir Spencer Smith. Sir Spencer is amused by this bouncy young man, and finds himself paying far to much attention to Mr Boyd's secretive manner as well as to the way he fills his regrettably old and worn clothes . Furthermore, Sir Spencer's oldest friend, the dissolute Lord Ross, is trying to woo, unsuccessfully, his estate manager Mr Walker. despite the tumultuous passion between them, Mr Walker refuses to give in to Lord Ross's advances as long as Lord Ross refuses to admit that it is more than a tumble in the hey that he wants from Mr Walker. Fortunately, Walker is a patient man and willing to wait while Ross goes through his tantrums. To this entangled situation arrives Mr Wentz, a cousin of Sir Spencer and an old flame of Lord Ross. Mr Wentz is known for his debauched lifestyle and delights in causing mayhem - and he seems far too interested in Sir Spencer's new tutor. But will the lovers find a way? Will Brendon lose his flower and find healing through the magic of buttsex? Will Ryan learn to admit his feelings and finally convince Jon Walker to bed him? | For some reason I associate this fic with this GSF fic that will be later on this list.
- Sea Change by sunsetmog | M, 53895, After getting his heart broken, Spencer tries to start a new life without the band. | This is the other Spencer-leaves-Panic! fic on this list. This one’s a lot more angsty, but also really great.
- Lights Never Shine as Bright as in the Movies by Sena | E, 35251, Brendon Urie's a master's student in music at UNLV who happens to make porn on the side. Spencer Smith's a wilderness photographer who happens to really, really like the online porn Brendon makes. They meet and shenanigans ensue. Also featuring Shane Valdes as Brendon's roommate and owner of his very own online porn site, William Beckett as Las Vegas' bitchiest maitre 'd, Gabe Saporta as a mime waiter, Greta Salpeter as a harried and overworked assistant, and Ryan Ross as himself. | It’s a...lot more angsty than you might think it is based on the summary.
- This Kind of Experience is Necessary For Her Learning by sinuous_curve | E, 8867, High on his shoulder, just off the ridge of his shoulder blade, he has an oblong bruise sunk into his skin. It's bright, livid purple, ridged with a regular series of darker spots along the edge. Spencer has a moment of wondering whether he was the victim of a prank he's since forgotten about or if he got abducted by aliens or someshit. Then, in a rush, he remembers. | Kink story. Why is Brencer the ship where everyone writes the kink stories? Serious question.
- E-mail Ficcish: Ashlee Simpson, Girl Romance Detective by Elucreh | T, 1370, RACHEL: http://twitter.com/petewentz/statuses/8302818080 LU: OH MY GOD, PETE, I LOVE HOW MARRIED YOUR DOUBLE DATE COMPANIONS ARE RACHEL: This is clearly the fic where Ashlee thinks they ARE dating and there's a lot of awkward coughing and hemming and hawing when they try to explain that uh... actually no?(BUT OBVIOUSLY THEY ARE IN LOVE) | AAAAAAAA
- More Adventurous by fictionalaspect | E, 48831, Spencer wondered if everyone thought he and Brendon were dating. He wondered about the way Brendon was always so tactile with him, the effortless way Brendon sort of fell into Spencer's personal space like he belonged there. He wondered if it was weird that Brendon was sleeping in his bed, if maybe Jess had just misheard him and assumed they were sleeping together in Spencer's bed, like Spencer used to do with Ryan. It got to the point that he wasn't even paying attention to what was going on in the game, and thus was totally blindsided when a particularly impressive kick by Taylor Murphy caught Spencer squarely in the balls. "Motherfucker," Spencer swore, when he felt himself capable of forming words again. "Happens to the best of us," Mr. Davies said, clapping him firmly on the shoulder. The impact jarred his back and by extension Spencer's sore balls, and he squeaked in pain. "You'll be alright," Mr. Davies said. "Just keep your eye on the ball next time. And watch that language." "Sure," Spencer said, instead of what he wanted to say, which was "Fuck you, douchebag." Spencer didn't need his gym teacher's sympathy, he needed a fucking ice pack. | Panic! at the Disco’s origin story is seriously like a fanfiction. Seriously.
- The Name of this Thing is Not Love by fictionalaspect | E, 21912, "I'm telling you," Jon says, and clicks his tongue behind his teeth like a disappointed grandmother. "There's a whole other world out there, man. You need to expand your horizons a little." "That's nice," Spencer says. It gives him a weird jolt in his stomach, to hear Jon spell it out like that. "Thank you for your concern. My sexuality is fine, thanks. It doesn't need your sympathy or your support." "It might get you laid," Jon says. "I get laid," Spencer says. "Sometimes." "No, you don't," Jon says. "You think very hard about it, decide it isn't worth it, and then you go home and order Chinese." | This fic, for some reason, feels like part of an almost totally unrelated story written way earlier by a different author. Like. Seriously.
- When Life Gives You Lemons (Say F**k the Lemons and Bail) by fiddleyoumust | E, 26475, Brendon and Spencer go on a cruise to escape their problems. They end up finding more than rest and relaxation. | Stands on its own.
- Amateur Cartography by fictionalaspect | E, 42365, In the summer of 2008, Brendon’s still trying to figure everything out. He’s good at keeping his own secrets, but when a prank goes awry, he’s faced with the realization that Spencer has some secrets of his own. They end up stumbling backwards into a complicated relationship—one that definitely doesn’t include sex. Or does it? | Again, kink fic. There are a few more on this list, I think.
- Works Both Ways by rsadelle | M, 1255, "The mate bond works both ways." Mark seems to realize that no one knows what to say to that, and he looks over at Spencer. "Are we not supposed to say anything about that?" | Werewolf AU.
- The Amazing Tail of Brendon Boyd Urie by RedOrchid | T, 1977, For the prompt: Brendon/Spencer, born with a tail. Written for no-tags 2011 | I’m pretty sure this is crack.
- If Music Be The Food Of Love (I’ll Have The Veggie Burger) by sunsetmog | M, 42250, Oblivious High School Failboats in Love, or, Brendon Urie: The High School Years. | Seriously. Panic!’s origin is very much so like a fanfic.
- Love Makes People Do The Wacky (or: Brendon Urie and Jon Walker, Adventures in Bromance) by ohohstarryeyed | M, 10651, As far as Brendon is concerned, being in love with Spencer would fucking suck, if it weren't for Jon Walker. | The power of friendship!
- Thereafter You Have It (And Tango Makes Three) by sunsetmog | E, 89286, Baby!fic. As harriet_vane succinctly put it, the almost true story of how Brendon's an idiot, Spencer brings Brendon shiny rocks, and no one gets any sleep. Or, alternatively, the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer. "Hey, baby girl," Brendon says, softly. He thinks he should have thought of something more profound to welcome his daughter in to the world. | Kid!fic is my weakness, okay?
- Do Rockstars Dream Of Electric Sheep? by themoononastick | M, 18229, Spencer has weird dreams, questions his sexuality and spends a lot of time hiding things away in boxes in his mind. | This one is...weird and sort of puts you in a daze. I don’t know, okay?
- Here At The Right Time by sunsetmog | E, 51477, How had he managed to get this far in life without realizing exactly what it was that turned him on? | More kink-based fic.
- Cute Girls (Just Wanna Have Fun) by LittleMousling | E, 36960, Brent may have tricked Ryan and Spencer into auditioning a girl guitarist, but there's no question that Brendon is the best they've seen. Soon enough she's their new best buddy, too, hanging out at Spencer's house almost as much as Ryan does. The band is finally coming together, and Spencer's starting to think they might really make it as musicians--if she can stop getting distracted by her hopeless crush on Brendon. | The third early-Panic!-retelling I have. (There might be more idk.)
- A Presumption of Functionality (A Gas-Light Romance) by sunsetmog | G, 44502, When a spy brings news that an old inventor might have the key to finally bringing the war with Napoleon to an end, Spencer Smith, Officer of His Majesty's War Office, is dispatched north to discover if there's anything to these tales of dirigibles and flying-craft. Instead of flying-craft, however, he finds a unusual, dilapidated house – and instead of an old inventor, he finds Brendon Urie, complete with his pet hedgehog. With Brendon's scientist grandfather missing, Spencer is left trying to protect Brendon, rescue his grandfather and ensure that the secrets of flying-craft remain out of enemy hands. Vaguely steampunk-y AU in which the Napoleonic Wars didn't end with the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, but instead carried on well into the next decade. | I’m weak for steampunk AUs.
- Graham Need Not Apply by Pennyplainknits | T, 10327, Spencer doesn't want to be just one in a string of drummers for Panic. He's trying his hardest not to be another Graham, which would be easier if someone would tell him exactly what it is that Graham did. Or: Spencer pines, Brendon is a brave little toaster, and Ryan Ross will cut you. | That last part is practically a summary of most Brencer fics.
- I’d Hate To See You Frown by oanja | T, 52114, One would think that agreeing to an arranged marriage would make Spencer unhappy, but in fact he has nothing against it. Spencer has never been one to waste his time imagining swooping romances for himself, so settling for something more pragmatic is fine by him - especially as it's so beneficial to the family business. What he did not account for was his best friend Ryan becoming entangled in a very unsuitable affair with a libertarian, or that he would find his new spouse so appealing. Trying to prevent Ryan from ruining his reputation while adjusting to married life is going to require a delicate touch, which is not something Spencer has ever been known for. | Regency AU.
- Call It Home series by sunsetmog and fictionalaspect | E, 45630, Brendon feels like the one fixed thing in his life, the one unchangeable constant that Spencer can rely on even when everything around him is going to shit. It just figures that Spencer's going to ruin that, too, when they get back to LA and he makes his move. | This series was supposedly going to have more installments (I saw this on LJ, too), but with the two stories it currently has, it still feels complete.
- A Troubling of Hummingbirds by jukeboxghost | E, 11407, "Man," says Spencer, articulately, but Brendon gets it, he does. Here they are, here for a few days with two rented surfboards held together by layer after layer of duct tape and surfwax, the sweet smell of pungently rotting kelp, even sweeter surf, fresh fish and smokin' BBQ and gentle dusk every night and it's so utterly indulgent. Brendon feels fucking, like, nourished, feels like his insides have been scrubbed clean and copper-bright with wire wool, like all the dust and detritus and loose, lost feelings have been swept neatly into the corner, pruned and weeded and spring-cleaned. He takes a huge breath in. "Fuck yeah," he says. | This fic is sort of weird and airy in the unsettling way, but it’s really well-written.
- Hold on Tight and Don’t Let Go by fiddleyoumust | T, 13975, In reality, Brent brings Brendon to practice and Spencer falls in love with him the moment he bounces through the door of Spencer's garage. | The Story of Panic!, as told by yet another author.
- Stop Breathe Count To Three by sunsetmog and I think fictionalaspect (but I’m not completely sure on that) | E, 14907, "So, it's a comfort thing. It's just a comfort thing. Sometimes Brendon likes to suck on Spencer's nipples, and Spencer likes to hold him there and stroke his hair. Nothing weird about that." Or: We're not sorry. Not even a little bit. Not even at all. | This one’s sort of weird, but that’s okay.
- White Houses series by boxparade | Unrated, 44628, The one where Brendon is a music major who works at a diner and Spencer is the culinary arts major who thinks he’s cute. Ryan is all philosophical and kinda creepy (duh) and Jon works for Spencer’s dad, who happens to be the President of the United States. | Fluffy.
- Don’t cut your hair (Do you think it’s going to make him change?) by harriet_vane | T, 38891, The original summary was: Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him. Now I suppose it would be "Set a little bit in a slightly nicer past, where Brendon and Spencer go on tour by themselves but it isn't the end of the band." | Haven’t read this one in a while. I need to reread it, but I remember it being good.
- Suppose We Never Ever by playfullips | M, 23111, After Haley breaks it off with Spencer, Brendon helps him get back on his feet. Time passes, and Spencer finds himself seeing Brendon in a different light. | A lot more angsty than you’d think?
- Interlinked by doctor_jalsey | T, 12784, A story about finding yourself in the most unusual way and new beginnings. Or conversely, a mildly steampunkish fic where Spencer doesn’t realize he’s dating Brendon. | Still weak for steampunk.
- Forever Together by eledhwenlin | E, 15232, Spencer was taken by the phouka when he was only eight years old. He has grown up in their world and considers himself part of their community. But when Brendon and Spencer fall in love, they face serious ramifications ... and the only solution is to brave the human world together on their own, if they don't want to give up their love. | Fantasy is my favorite genre, mostly taken out on real books.
- I Wish I Could Remember You by sunsetmog | T, 8411, Spencer wakes up in the hospital after a surfing accident, and can't remember the last three years of his life. The doctors tell him his amnesia is likely to only be temporary, but in the meantime, Spencer can't remember the house he shares with Brendon, their dog, or how long they've been dating. Because--they are dating, right? | Not much to say on this one.
- The Heart of Lonesome Sky by heartsdesire456 | E, 30609, When Brendon Urie arrives at Rusty Creek, a ranch town so small the saloon doesn't even have a name, all he knows is that the man he was sent to marry was named Spencer Smith. At first glance, Brendon can't understand why a man as handsome and well established as Spencer Smith would need a mail-order groom when he should have been able to get any eligible man or woman in Rusty Creek. Through awkwardness, acceptance, and eventually belonging, Brendon has a chance to eventually learn the heart of the man who brought him to Lonesome Sky ranch. | Historical AUs!
- Autocorrect Says I Longview You But I Say I Love You by Count_B and Shakespeares_Girl | T, 2027, When you're in love, you leave little notes everywhere, and you just can't stop texting each other, and eventually, those things pile up and tell a story all their own. (Story told in love notes and text messages, and a tweet or two.) | Really, really cute.
- Fear of Flying by mokuyoubi | E, 29356, Spencer Smith, part-owner and celebrated head chef of noted restaurant Panic! At The Disco, is talented, rich, and gorgeous. The rest of the staff can't even seem to remember that Brendon works there. “You’re really good at that,” Jon observed. “Good at what?” Brendon asked, swirling his spoon in his dish. The ice cream was a melted mess by now. “Finding excuses not to come to the party even when you’re invited, not letting Spencer get to know you even when he asks you a direct question about yourself,” Jon said casually. Brendon dropped his spoon and glared across the table. “What are you trying to say?” “I’m saying that you don’t want anyone getting any closer to you,” Jon said. “How long were you with your last boyfriend?” | Warning: may make you hungry. (Also, I’m pretty sure jackfruit doesn’t look like that - I’ve eaten it.)
- Cinderella AU series by mokuyoubi | E (whole series), 32169, A Brencer retelling (sort of) of Cinderella. | This should really be a brencer fic but my favorite part of this is Pete/Ashlee/Patrick and idk why.
- The View From Here by mokuyoubi | E, 13634, Spencer has an irrational fear of Ferris wheels. Brendon sees it as his duty as best friend to cure him of it. | Or: Jon and Ryan try to set Spencer and Brendon up!
- The Gay Mormons series by stele3 | T, 39104, No summary | Poly!Spencer is amazing, okay?
- A Storm Brewing by bad_peppermint | G, 25073, Ever since he started university, Spencer has been quite content studying his dragons and trying to talk to Brendon, the young man who works at Spencer's boarding house. Having the dragons fall mysteriously ill is the last thing he wants, but then again, it does mean more time spent with Brendon as they try to figure out what's wrong. | The full title is too long, okay?
- There’s a boy that I like by spendon | T, 3833, 'There's a boy that I like,' Brendon began typing, fingers moving swiftly over the keyboard, tapping the keys delicately. |
- that one regret is you by thescrewtapedemos | E, 13969, There’s a witch living way out in the woods (that’s Spencer) and there’s someone running blindly through said woods (that’s Brendon) and that’s about where the similarity to a fairytale ends (there’s a cauldron but Spencer only uses it to make soup so Brendon’s pretty sure it doesn’t count) | Fantasy, again, is my favorite genre of rl novels. So, it’s pretty much a given that with this length + this AU, I would at least read it. But it’s actually great.
- Rule #3 (Wear Your Heart On Your Cheek) by Kandakicksass | E, 7768, "someone write me a brencer au where when you fall in love, a little heart shows up on your body, in totally random places, and Spencer falls in love for the first time with Brendon during like idk nothing rhymes with circus tour and the heart is like this cute thing that shows up on HIS FACE somewhere (like under his eye, on his cheek, or up high on his forehead) and he’s so embarrassed by it and it takes Brendon like two months and a lot of laughing from Ryan for him to figure out that Spencer is in love with him" I keep filling my own prompts. Enjoy. | The fact that the title came from a Marina song made me love this fic even more.
- And the world has its shine (but I would drop it on a dime for you) by AbsolutelyNothing and peachypunk | E, 165889, In Victorian-ish times, The Smith family has served the wealthy Urie family for generations. Being so close in age, Brendon and Spencer become best friends and, over time, the rich, Omega socialite, Brendon, starts to fall for his personal, Alpha servant, Spencer. | A/B/O is a concept I was first introduced to on AO3. Like, it’s all the werewolf AUs without the turning into a wolf part, and it’s developed into its own thing.
- *Need You Wild by fallintosilence and boweryd | E, 105K+, Spencer's a werewolf! A sexy werewolf! Okay, really, Spencer is a newly turned, slightly confused werewolf who can't figure out why Brendon smells so good all the time. Or why Spencer can't seem to stop acting like he is 16-years-old, what with all the blushing and stuttering around Brendon and the constant jerking off. Fear not, though, gentle reader, because it turns out Brendon is totally on board with having a werewolf boyfriend. And with having lots and lots of sex. | Werewolves are sort of cool. There’s a lot of p0rn in here, though.
This pairing is used as a side for Ryan/Brendon and I really think it deserves its own time in the spotlight more often. It’s after brencer in popularity because it’s mostly shafted off as a side pairing and not the main one.
- Kick It Back by afterthefair | E, 6103, Spencer thinks the girls fall into a few distinct categories: the ones who either haven’t heard the news or don’t care, the ones who want to convert him, and the ones who shout “Kiss! Kiss!” every time he and Jon get within a foot of each other. | Coming out fic.
- Median by strangecobwebs | E, 23356, Jon first learned about the Kinsey scale when he was about seventeen. And if zero is completely heterosexual, and six is completely homosexual? Jon Walker is a three. So very much a three. |
- If It Kills Me by foxxcub | E, 16928, Spencer Smith knows there must be a catch when Jon Walker − his despised FBI partner − offers to transfer out of Chicago and far, far away from him. There's a catch, all right: Spencer has to spend one sexy night with the untamed playboy. Okay, so the guy's hot. So his reputation in the bedroom is the stuff of legend. So Spencer's been in a dry spell for, oh, over a year. So maybe one night to be rid of him isn't so unbearable. But once the sheets have cooled, Spencer's just starting to heat up, and moving away is the last thing on Jon's mind...FBI AU. Plot and summary stolen shamelessly from Erin McCarthy's novella Miss Extreme Congeniality. Title stolen from Jason Mraz. | This is another fic for the to-reread list.
- Let the Future Come into Each Moment by saramir | E, 27277, In which Spencer turns thirty, Jon is even more affectionate toward him than usual, and Ryan & Brendon are writing (and arguing about) a plant-themed album. Set on tour, 2017, after a failed album and failed relationships, all while the four of them have stuck together, and then some. | Future fics always hurt a little, because nobody could have predicted the split.
- Jon’s Bookstore (A Few of My Favorite Things) by foxxcub | M, 11235, A funeral is really the wrong place to learn you've inherited a business. |
- The Bootstrap Paradox and Other Tips for Finding True Love by mokuyoubi | E, 41829, In response to the harlequin_bands challenge: Swept from her dismal present in the 1990s (facing unemployment and the singles scene), Phoebe Turlow takes a wrong turn at a hotel (while attending a “free” vacation in the Caribbean, sponsored by a condo company) and winds up in the seventeenth century in the company of a sexy, witty pirate named Duncan Rourke. As if Rourke does not have enough to do fighting the British in the American Revolution, he has to determine whether short haired, strange speaking Phoebe is a spy, a witch, or worse. Instead, he falls in love with her. Okay, so Ryan was going to be Phoebe and Brendon Duncan, except then somehow Spencer and Jon took over the story, and so this really tells the story of Phoebe and Duncan’s best friends. Oh, also changed it to the eighteenth century, since I’m *pretty* sure that’s when the American Revolution actually took place…*shrug* | The 18th century is when the American Revolution really took place, because the century numbers versus actual year numbers are sort of misleading.
- Catnip by rockme | T, 7187, One day while smoking, Jon hears a distant meow. | No, but seriously, this fic is basically about weed actually turning people into cats. 
- *Anywhere, Say Anywhere (As Long As I’m with You) by hidingoutside | E, Unknown, As the head of guest services at Oakhart Ranch, Jon Walker's supposed to make sure everything's running as smoothly as possible, even when Spencer Smith, former rodeo champion, comes rolling into town to help his former mother-in-law keep the ranch from going under. Jon's never heard anything good about Spencer, but Spencer's never anything but helpful and generally awesome to Jon and his infant daughter. Suddenly living on in the middle of nowhere Wyoming doesn't seem so bad... |
I used to dislike this pairing. Not like, absolutely hate, but I had the tendency to avoid it.
- Mistletoe by amethyst__angel | T, 1191, Christmas is supposed to be a time for love, for friendship, for presents and accidentally walking under the mistletoe with your best-friend-since-forever... | I might be typing this on December 27th, but I started compiling this list before Christmas, so it’s fine.
- Further Down the Road by zarah5 | T, 7029, The sketch of a full moon is sitting next to yesterday’s date, and twenty-eight days, Spencer thinks. Twenty-eight days. He could be wrong, of course, but… He doesn’t know why it makes a twisted kind of sense mostly because it’s Ryan, but it does. | .
- Tearing Down the Toy City by roebling and rubblerousing | M, 52864, "What I'm trying to say, Spence, is that if you don't like the way things are going, that's fine, but if you're nostalgic for five years ago, you better give up. 2001 is not coming back. You and Ryan were never going to be fourteen forever. I think you need to figure out what you want." | There’s a mixed bag of fics in this tag, but the hurty ones are always the most well-written.
- Through All Kinds of Weather by Marks | E, 28994, Ryan gets sick and pushes himself too hard. Enter Spencer and his world of denial. | .
- His Executive Sweetheart (I’ll Put The Coffee On) by sunsetmog | M, 34252, As a bored but efficient executive assistant, Ryan Ross wasn't supposed to have fallen madly, hopelessly in love with his boss. Especially when his boss was business mogul and confirmed bachelor (and old childhood friend) Spencer Smith. His best friends were convinced that only one thing would get Spencer to notice him, and that was a makeover. But if he lets them have their way, then how is Ryan to ever really know for sure if Spencer likes Ryan for real? | .
What...is the ship name for this? Also, I only have one rec for this pairing. I’m not a fan of this pairing, for some reason. I just...don’t quite understand it? Either way. One rec.
- (Panic! at the Disco Almost Changed Their Name to) Fuzzy Kitten Cuddle Time by dsudis | E, 14407, In which Jon Walker is sometimes a kitten. | Kittens.
Poly reclist coming up next. There are a lot of fics on that list.
(Edit 11/5/19: Fixed a broken link.)
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legault · 7 years ago
oh man, i don't have any ships for you to rate but would you be willing to share more thoughts on eirika, ephraim and lyon? (especially lyon) your analysis of ephraim and lyon's personalities is SO good i just. can't even
Ok, so this is super late and I’m sorry, but here’s what I’ve got.
You know how sometimes you have that childhood friend that’s like, a friend of your parent? You see them on vacations sometimes, maybe once or twice a year, and it’s super fun, because you’re five and being five and going on vacations and playing with other five year olds is fun. You get along great on said vacations, and maybe you think it’d be awesome if you went to the same school as they did, but they’re not really your friend the same way that the people who go to your school or live next door to you are, because you only see them a few times a year, in very specific circumstances.
Then once you get older, you start to realize that you actually don’t know this person all that well. You still enjoy visiting, and you still feel fondly towards them because you were best buddies as kids, but the magic is kinda gone. Maybe you get along even better now that you can talk at teenagers/young adults/adults and you actually have stuff in common. But maybe you realize that you probably wouldn’t have been friends if you did live in the same place because you don’t have much in common or your personalities don’t gel or whatever, and even though you’re still fond of the person, actually hanging out with them is a little awkward.
What I’m getting at is that Lyon is that friend for Eirika and Ephraim. They get along awesome as kids, because they’re kids, and Lyon is so starved for company and companionship (because there is no one else who is his age and also of an equal social standing as him, so he can’t really make any true friends or confidants in Grado) that he thinks that Eirika and Ephraim are just the most magical things ever, and whenever they leave, he thinks about them all the time. Not only are they great to have around for their company, but they also possess qualities that he feels that he himself lacks, and (this would come into play more as he got older) they’re also super beautiful and that’s nice too. Plus, they make him feel like he’s actually a good person, a good prince, and they give him the affection and positive reinforcement that he doesn’t get as much as he wants from his own family.
As they get older, their dynamic isn’t quite as effortless, and it becomes more and more clear that their personalities are quite different, especially Lyon and Ephraim. But it doesn’t matter to Lyon. He doesn’t have a sibling, so he considers Eirika and Ephraim to be his closest friends, even if they almost never has the chance to talk. He projects on them a lot: they represent happiness to him, because being with them as kids was probably the happiest he’s ever been. They represent affection and acceptance, because they accepted him as he is and thought he was cool for being so bookish, and didn’t make any judgements on his failings as a prince. They represent the ideal ruler to him, because even though they both have flaws, they also have strengths that really complement each other, so between the two of them they seem like they really have it all figured out. Any actual awkwardness or distance between them is overshadowed by the fact that Lyon has subconsciously made them into living symbols of everything good.
Eirika and Ephraim, on the other hand, don’t have the same kind of view of Lyon. They’re not as emotionally starved as he is; they have each other, they have close contact with Tana and Innes too, and their parents are pretty supportive of them. So Lyon is a good friend, but that’s all he is. He isn’t the only source of affirmation or affection they got as kids, so they don’t rely on the idea of him as much as he relies on the idea of them.
That said, they do think of him in different ways as they get older. Although they do drift apart, just due to time and circumstance and the fact that they rarely see each other and then mostly for politics, Eirika does genuinely like Lyon and consider him a friend. He’s very smart and very kind and very nonjudgemental, and even though Ephraim is her best friend, Lyon is a great contrast to Ephraim sometimes. Lyon is calm where Ephraim is always moving. Lyon is happy to discuss more abstract, academic, or political topics at length, and is never dismissive of her contributions or her idealism, even though they often disagree. Lyon does not dominate a room the way that Ephraim does, and around Lyon, Eirika always feels like she is heard and understood. Eirika makes an effort to keep in touch with Lyon, although probably less than he would like, and genuinely considers him to be one of her circle of friends.
Ephraim views Lyon more the way we view a childhood friend who we don’t have much in common with. He’s fond of him, and he feels nostalgia for the good old days when they were kids, but he feels like he’s outgrown Lyon. He and Lyon have almost nothing in common; their strengths are very different, and so are their personalities. This doesn’t bother Lyon, but Ephraim is secretly very insecure about feeling unintelligent or unsuited to be king (he also resents the fact that he has to be king), and being around Lyon reminds him of his own inadequacies because Lyon is strong at the things that Ephraim is weak at. Ephraim does not like to contemplate on or acknowledge his own inadequacies, so being around Lyon is uncomfortable for him. Being around Ephraim also makes Lyon acutely aware of his own shortcoming, but Lyon is incredibly hard on himself all the time, so it doesn’t really bother him.
Although Lyon’s strengths make him feel inadequate, Lyon’s weaknesses in some of the things that Ephraim values (physical prowess, charisma, etc) also make Ephraim uncomfortable. He doesn’t try to feel this way, but he does look down on Lyon for lacking certain qualities, because he has associated them so closely with the concepts of manhood and kinghood. Again, this comes back to Ephraim’s own confidence. Ephraim has always been told that he is good at things, so he must be good at being a prince. If Ephraim is good at being a prince, then Lyon must be bad at it because they are so different. And if Lyon isn’t bad at it, then Ephraim has to think about how he himself might not be so great, and he doesn’t want to do that. Of course, it’s not that simple in reality, but Ephraim shys away from nuanced thinking, especially about his own character flaws, so he doesn’t really consider that.
So through no fault of Lyon’s own, Ephraim doesn’t feel all that connected to him anymore due to a combination of Ephraim’s own insecurities and the natural passage of time. Ephraim does not overtly dislike Lyon at all, but he likes him more out of nostalgia and obligation than of anything else. He is warm to Lyon when they do meet, but distant, unlike Eirika, who is genuinely warm. Even though Eirika is much more supporting/approving of Lyon than Ephraim is, Lyon craves Ephraim’s approval more, perhaps because they’re both princes so he has the potentially incorrect impression that Ephraim is more suited to judge him. Or perhaps it is because Lyon is so used to putting himself down that he is more inclined to believe negative opinions of himself. Regardless, Lyon values their friendship equally but tends to give more weight to Ephraim’s opinions.
Ok, that’s all I have for now (and it’s really long already, sorry!). Sorry for the long delay in answering this, and I hope you enjoyed it!
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boardkingsguide-blog · 4 years ago
Board Kings Cheats
Board Kings Guide
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Board Kings guide has been released. No, i'll never improve in the sport, but i won't be throwing cash away both. Wait until you take gain of a so-known as bonus buy! Non existent custom carrier. Do not want to believe it? Take a look at out the comments on their fb web page at some point of an occasion. I will be taken aback if this overview gets posted due to the fact many,many customers are taking advantage of their bonus packages and getting nothing but a receipt. Me covered. I in no way would have given this type of cute sport one megastar however they deserved it this christmas. Your turn is coming lower back and you must thru the cube to recognise your subsequent vacation spot. Every time you'll be throwing the cube, matters will start to trade and we're certain which you are not aware of the modifications and feeling that everything is complicated. Each time you'll be throwing the dice; your wide variety could be indicating the quantity of movements your character could be transferring. In addition, every block will reward you with some of Coins. So after contacting customer support, they answered per week later asking me to send a receipt of my purchase because it wasn't in their gadget? Bizarre, it changed into on my bank statement and apple account. I speedy sent them my receipt and nevertheless haven't heard lower back. Perhaps in any other week they'll reply? Ok so i re downloaded the game and got my development returned ——————————————————————————————normal fantastic sport but i got here back to this game and it logged me in as a new char meter known as "mike" i deleted the sport and i am approximately to re download it and notice if it helps but to date i am mad and concerned approximately getting my account back also i used to be a truely a excessive lvl.... it is so worrying motive why give them to me if i can't even use them??? I use to like this recreation however at this factor i just play it from time to time to okay*** some loose time over again, i amassed over 125 (saves) and become never given my reward rolls. Smh. Thoughts you, i paid $5 to get them. All of this is a advertising and marketing ploy on the way to get you to spend money. I fell in love with this sport when i first began playing, however now i am not so positive. This game may be very addictive!! My fiancé and i play and visit each different's boards and scouse borrow Coins. The handiest downfall we see to this point is that the rolls take for all time to construct lower back up. Attempted twice to improve a building: the sport takes Coins and does not upgrade something. Learn to code! This has been taking place to me more than one instances when i try to do in app buy. It shows $3.ninety nine in app, but on my card it shows $14.forty two each time i tried to get it!! I have no different troubles with any of the other video games i play, but there is usually something incorrect with this one. With the santa occasion coming to an cease soon i've been looking to do my forty rolls. I can not stay on the sport long enough to even get half manner through. Also very dissatisfied with the reality that i reacted santa however now i have to acquire extra carrots to refill his bag!? Impossible, mainly on the grounds that i can't even play the game. I've tried to contact the sport builders but it appears to move no in which. Maybe a negative evaluate will get interest. After the current replace, it deleted all my facts. I spent tons of cash in the sport and purchased many land marks and leveled up to the museum board. Got here returned to the sport to finish the bunny easter task and the game might not open in any respect. Consent crashes and when it does load it takes me through the tutorial and first board. If there may be handiest one roll of the dice on the way to s**** you be assured you may roll it each unmarried time. A reasonably uninteresting game initially, it doesn't need to hide you continuously too. I roll 60+ times and may not land at the tile designed for the mini game sufficient to even get midway to the prize. This is with hitting the right spot once i do land of the tile. But i will hit some random nothing tile over a dozen times. They're shown as houses, and every unmarried one of them can be upgraded. Now, although a few ask greater Coins for an upgrade, all of them give you the equal quantity of Coins. For example, upgrading normal tiles to level 2 will supply five extra Coins for stepping onto the tile. So, improve inexpensive tiles first, and only after all the reasonably-priced ones are upgraded proceed with upgrading the relaxation. This way, you'll earn more Coins considering that there will be greater upgraded tiles at the board, and could, at the long run, upgrade all everyday tiles faster. I emailed and messaged on facebook and nothing changed into ever constant. I think there must be a restriction on how many Coins you may scouse borrow. I used to be saving up Coins, than some one stole 73,000 Coins from me. I was essentially only left with more or less 5,000. i locate this very unfair, i was so close to deleting the app after this. It might be fine if whilst you had an problem and had to contact "assist" that they in reality were given lower back too you! This game isn't worth it. The developers can not even get the sport to load for days on give up. Do yourself a desire- download another game. This game become a laugh however now it is now not. I don't like the reality that people can thieve your cash because i had one hundred,000 stored up to repair my board and when i logged on i best had one coin left. It's not amusing to me because of that and if i shop up again they'll simply steal it once more and that frustrates me loads. So sad :( like the sport it is a first-rate time passer however one it looks like it takes for all time to gain your cube four in an hour appears sluggish but maybe it's carried out that way so you purchase extra. What i hate maximum about their game and i assume others have touched on is that why is it viable to your Coins to be stolen so normally in this sort of short time. I am no longer sure why you have to be robbed with the aid of four unique human beings inside the spans of an hour. But after i go to do so, i can only upgrade two homes bc i failed to land on some thing unique. I simply think including mini video games could add a new detail on how you can gain more of the critical gadgets you need to transport forward :) code:380-709-706 on multi participant when i visit a pals base after the 2d or 3rd roll you instantly land on a cop. Aside from that it is a decent sport. I lost my previous board when they had little glitch the other day, now i have to start all over, i have spent a lot of time on this game and i was connected with fb it had my picture and everything, i'm really annoyed, this is ridiculous, i have spent countless hours on this game and have spent money... stay clear of this game and if you do play do not spend money, their little so called glitches seem to happen when an event is ending so the people super close to winning the prize don't get it because when the glitch is fixed the event is over! The fact that your Coins can be stolen while actively playing. If a player occupies a tile you have to land on that tile and there is no other way to unlock it. The last two issues prevent progress at points. Love the game! A bit obsessed with it actually . Already spent my real money! I'm a bit upset about the update though. No matter how much i roll i almost like never get any christmas cards. If i were landing on more then i would purchase rolls. I was enjoying this game when all of a sudden i had to start all over again. It's frustrating when you have to go back from the start! So i lost my interest in playing it. 😒😩 i try to login and play this morning with my morning tea, after having won a boat load of rolls, Gems, and Coins during the night for being in the highest upgrade tier, only to see the "server isn't responding." Fix it. This is reeaaallllly disappointing. While the game is fun to play, it steals your Coins. My daughter was playing and i came up on her coin king twice in a row. It told her she stole about 78k from me twice. But it told me she stole 1.57m and 457k. Where did my Coins go if she didn't get them???? I don't mind if someone steals them a a part of the game but this is not what is happening!! The developers are just stealing the Coins in hope that you will buy in their store. It was a timed event and i knew right away that i needed to get ahold of someone. Well my 2 claim tickets about the same glitch were never responded to so finally i had to contact apple for my refund because not only am i frustrated that i never received day 2 but i was completely blocked from day 3 sale only for the event to end before anybody tried assisting me. I will not be purchasing anything anymore from this developer. Please fix! Thanks for such a great game. It's amazing. Fun and time consuming. The only problem is i never have enough rolls. And i can't get anymore. It's making me upset. This game is the best game ever! Not super time consuming, fun to play with friends, and a great way to relax after a long day! There's no game that's similar either! Make sure to like their facebook for giveaways too! Love this game! So easy to catch on and much faster than monopoly!! This game doesn't deserve a full 5 stars but if possible i would give it 4 and a half stars. Board Kings is awesome, but there is one problem your run out of "rolls". Almost every game now has "energy" or "hearts" or "rolls" etc... so you have to wait to get the "rolls". Some people on these reviews say 1 star because you run out of rolls but it's not that bad they are over exaggerating. Somebody also said i spent $50 dollars on this game and it didn't really make a difference. Also, the chase continues after our exciting sticker album, with new and super exclusive prizes for completing sets! Also, the chase continues after our exciting sticker album, with new and super exclusive prizes for completing sets! Are you an avid tiktok user? Or perhaps a business owner interested to use tiktok for social media marketing? Here are the top 8 tiktok stats you should know in 2020: warning, they'll surprise you! In this video, professional skater bri, for appgrooves, tells users about an app called riders that lets skateboarders make impressive tricks learnable, such as this fakie bigspin performed by bri. My wife and 2 kids that play the game thinks it's so funny because they play the game to and can't believe how unfair it is towards me. Which i have to admit sometimes it's funny to me to. That's the only reason i gave 4 stars. 1 star for the unfairness on me but added 3 more stars for the humor my family is getting. Gotta laugh love this game. Would give it five stars if it wasn't for the ads glitch. ✴decide a card, any card! Win free rolls and prizes while you draw playing cards from the thriller pile. ✴issues get actually attention-grabbing when mates present up and attempt to steal out of your board. ✴don't surrender! You'll be able to journey to your mates' boards, too, and wreak havoc! Steal their cash, injury their buildings, and occupy their tiles. ✴ your metropolis will change into the discuss of the city with well-known locations just like the empire state constructing and the eiffel tower. This helps create a fun sense of tension within the gameplay. Will we be able to spend our Gems before another player invades your board? Wise spending is the key here. Later on in the game you will have the opportunity to buy landmarks. These buildings can take up the blank spaces on your board. Landing on a landmark will give the player a bonus. There are different landmarks with different bonuses, such as extra Coins. The progression of Board Kings seems fairly standard as far as mobile games are concerned. For example 3,5, or 10. There are also other ways to improve it but my main concern is improvement to make the game more interesting. If the game improves i will add more stars but if it doesn't i will also write the other problems i'm having. Thank you. I would like to report a problem here in trying to play and it won't let me it keeps saying something went wrong can we fix that cause i really enjoy this game and would like to play today is there going to be a new update or something cause it keeps saying something went wrong it's a really fun game when you can play it... unfortunately i haven't been able to since it logged out from my facebook account. And along with that, comes with the lack of Gems and Coins to upgrade your buildings when you're out of dice rolls. When i'm out of rolls, i like to upgrade everything. But when i go to do so, i can only upgrade two buildings bc i didn't land on anything special. I just think adding mini games would add a new element on how you can gain more of the essential items you need to move forward :) so i started playing this game so i could earn some points on money app. Its amazing features and multiplayer option enhance the fun in the game. Hii i'm not able to download the latest version of Board Kings. I downloaded the app from the above link but when i opened the app it asked me download the latest version. Please help Board Kings (mod unlimited Gems Coins) is the best game for having a lot of fun. You can download it for free from our website. With this mod, you will get unlimited Gems, unlimited Coins and infinite dice rolls on your game account. Won a tournament and didn't receive any of the prize package. Emailed support twice and received no reply. I have made 3 separate in app purchases and haven't gotten anything from them. I message the support team and all i get is an automated response. The game is fun to play when you're bored but for the love of g** do not make an in app purchase.... I really hate how you have to buy packs in order to get good things i'm not a fan of pay to play i wish more apps catered to people for it to be a simple fun game.. but 10 hours for 12 rolls like seriously!!? So now i have two boards that went wrong and out 1,000 ruby's. Is someone going to fix this glitch or people going to keep having this problem? If so i am going to stop spending money and delete the game. Was playing daily for last few months and enjoyed the games and new boards. Updated to latest ios 2 days ago and lost all progress. Get the following message, game retries 2-3 times then reverts to original board. Bad news something is wrong, reconnecting 1140502 thank you, fixed today. Couldn't get into the game all day yesterday (12/23/18), it kept saying it couldn't connect. I uninstalled/reinstalled today. I can finally get into the game, but now it crashes every time i try to get a free card. I don't know what changes you made yesterday, but it wasn't an improvement at all! Board kong's used to be fun, but after they keep adding all these events it's turned into a glitch fest. Game takes forever to load even on perfect internet, keeps unconnecting itself from a connection, keeps not rolling, the current event you roll to go down the sidewalk and it takes forever to land on a number and if you do land on a number it doesn't even bounce along the sidewalk nd you wasted a carrot. And i didn't get any of my rewards. I love this game. Please help :( would rate 5 but didn't get my landmark, rolls, Gems or Coins. So sad. It's a really fun and addicting game but i have one problem with it. When you are rolling and rolling and you are so close to unlocking the next building someone will land on steal and take all your money and you have to wait till the next set a rolls to try again. Man, i love this game. Such a good way to waste time. It's so easy to play, yet is so addicting! Only reason i can't give it 5 stars is that it takes so long for more dice. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ great game love to play it, my biggest issue is not being able to attack people who steal money on the steal space and the diabolic part of this game that absolutely needs to be removed and changed is this i can get money stolen from me-as im on my board playing the game!!! I've had over 10 million stolen from me in the last 24 hours because i can't progress. It's been almost 4 days now of trying to get my buildings released and i'm about to just quit. It's a shame really because i really enjoyed the game but now it's just become frustrating. I was enjoying the game until i left fb. It seems Board Kings centres everything around fb. Had to delete the app. I'm not gonna start over this game is so much fun and i really enjoy playing. I've used real money in this game and totally unsatisfied that they want me to start all over. Where is the fix for this?? With the recent update i get several pop ups saying something went wrong and then it puts me back at the beginning of the game. I don't want to start over. Please fix this soon. With this past update. I'm unable to log in to my board and it's asking me to start a new game after multiple errors well i gave bk two days to respond to me before writing this, yet they have not responded to multiple emails that i have written to support. So like in 2017 i got a board and then i clicked on the first one you start off with and i still had the circle board but when i clicked the other board it said i didint have th 2nd board anymore please fix it thanks i give this a one star ⭐️ because of this .-. For some reason i am on my fifth tome on the same board and it is getting very boring.also not getting prizes and i have spent lots of money on this game.i contacted tech support with no answer,not the first time.good game but no longer a challenges,spend what i have left and be done. Now i can finally upgrade all my buildings and get a new board!" Nope!!! Why not? Well, that was the first board i was stuck on due to these annoying golden bricks. So, i not only used all my new dice and got maybe 6 of 180 bricks, but in less than 24 hours, the entirety of my 5m plus everything i had earned with my dice rolls was stolen from me. I wrote to the developers and got no response. The minute i start playing i'm immediately pulled in and before i know it, i'm out of rolls. I wouldn't mind waiting if it didn't take at least an hour to get four rolls. Either way i do enjoy the game. Very addicting game! I just wish you could have more then 60 friends for rolls and Gems like go to 300 friends. Really fun game but i got to the second board and almost every time i get enough money it take a more than half away i just wrote a review about 'no cap on stealing?' Remember, these regular tiles can be upgraded indefinitely and higher levels will ask for Gems. So, once you notice that regular tiles ask for Gems in order to be upgraded, finish leveling up other tiles (the ones that ask only for Coins) before leveling up gem-hungry tiles. When you start Board Kings, you'll get a certain amount of freerolls. After you spend them there are two options. You can either pay Gems (which can be won by playing or bought for real money) for new rolls or you can wait for your rolls to refill. The fines usually cost just a couple of hundred of Coins, which you can earn again with just a few rolls. It's certainly better than spending precious rolls in order to get a double. Board kinks will offer you to watch ads in order to get additional rolls. Watching ads to get prizes is helpful in most other games offering the option since the prizes can be quite helpful. Sadly that's not the case in Board Kings. You see, the ads usually last half a minute, and the prize is just one additional roll! I love this game! But i can't log in. It's crashed. Keeps saying something is wrong with my internet connection but there's not. Something is wrong. Calm lake has a huge amount of multiple accounts. People like that hit you with all of their accounts and completely drain you of cash, and destroy your buildings. After latest update. Game doesn't load. I loved this game. My daughter loved this game. We were inviting other family members to join us and were planning to play all through christmas. However it has a good concept to the game i play it when i'm bored but starting to play it less and less because how frustrating it gets i collected all the pieces to get a new dice and it says collect and win 100 dice after but i never got my 100 dice. This my 4th board of me not getting it. Help!! If you'd like some easy rolls add me! Have a few more spots open. With that done with, liking the game so far! Step 1. Before you go to the download section and begin to play the game. It is recommended that you have to uninstall any previous version of the board king (if installed). Step 3. Again, before installing the game, you have to make sure that you have enabled the unknown sources option from the settings of your device. To allow installation from unknown sources go to settings> security option> unknown sources> enable it. The point to keep in mind is that this option can be found in different sections of settings in different devices. Also, i know the whole "random roll" thing is totally fake because you can clearly see the pattern of going around the board five or six times, falling just one tile short of the important stuff, then suddenly landing on things. Please fix soon, thanks i enjoy the game to a great extent, like 5 stars. However, i think being able to steal other's Coins is unacceptable. You wait hours to build your elixir and earn currency, all to have it taken away. Please make this right. I enjoyed playing the game as something to look forward to in the evening as, it takes quite a while to fully reload. I was almost up to level 20 and found that all my progress was lost and it tried to start me off at the very beginning. I decided it wasn't worth it. No way to recover my progress and no way of knowing if it would happen again. 😏 thanks for the help. You totally figured out the problem and everything is as it should be. When we started upgrading the board my game crashed so that was really stupid and sad but its fine now!!! I really hope you all enjoy the video!!! By adding your company profile to digital.nyc your startup becomes an active part of the city's official hub for technology. Startup listings for digital.nyc are powered by gust.com, the world's largest platform for startup funding. You can update your free profile at any time through the gust dashboard or even take things a step further by using your profile to leverage all the benefits gust has to offer. No where does it state that the prize is a competition and a chance to win the prize. So many people spent real money to get 50 building upgrades. Only to get either 1/10 of the prize or no prize at all. Contacted game support, only for them to claim its from a winners list even though the challenge ad claimed otherwise. Any company that tries to trick you should be avoided. Fun and addicting 6/5 stars man this game is awesome though i'd rather not wait for dice but this is so fun i had a level 7 board with 200k money(was about to level up) and rare idol pieces and i turned my game on today and it started me over. But i have a suggestion make it to where you can roll more downloaded and played this game as an offer for cash points on another game. They took the offer down knowing it would take longer to reach level 3 than the offer would be up leaving everything bill and void. If they are that dishonest and skeezy to get you to even download the game- don't be surprised when the game itself starts getting dishonest and skeezy also. I warned ya. Anyways i've been doing really well, not sure what level i was on, but i had made it to the inferno board. Then suddenly i opened up the game yesterday and it had reset back to the beginning, asking me to pick a starting character, etc.... I have never had that happen on a game before. I have reached out on their facebook page and now here. If they don't respond then i am done playing Board Kings. Posting this as a warning to anyone else who may be tempted to spend real money on this game.... apparently they have a glitch that could possibly cause you to lose everything! The concept is simple and to the point, which keeps my short attention span lol. I appreciate this game and all it has to offer. Add me 640-983-305 :) why the h*** are you allowing a conspiracy theorist and alt-right hate monger advertise on your app? It's disgusting to think kids might see this crap. Shame on you. This game can be a lot of fun. However, after months of building up my board, i logged on one day to find the game had reset, and all my progress was gone. The Board Kings consist a little hard gameplay. In the starting of the game, players need to select a story among various types of stories which are present in the game. The game includes all types of stories like romance, stories, drama, and horror, etc. After selecting the story, one needs to create a character according to their choice. There are two main currencies in the game that are Gems and rolls. It takes a long time which is near about 3 hours to create currencies in the form of Gems and rolls. This game is a joke! If you have money to waste then its your loss because there is no win to this game!!!!! This game is capital-r retarded, as is anyone who plays it. There is, literally, no objective in this game. It's just pay-to-play stripped down to its absolute most basic premise. You can pay to roll dice more often, so you can roll dice, so you can move a game-piece around a board. That is it. That's the entirety of the game. I don't wanna start over! I was really enjoying the game- it auto updated and now it won't let me long back in and the one time it let me it had booted me back to the beginning. I hope it won't stay like that since i made it pretty far, it would be such a pain if i had to start the game from the beginning all over again. I'd probably delete it if that happens. Love the game, but yesterday morning my game refused to open. This all needs to be fixed. Make the events fair to those of us who can't buy rolls and Gems to play. Fix the login issue. At first i loved this game then, as i upgraded things became a little irritating because now im being stolen from or robbed faster than i can get my money back. I've started to become stagnant in the game because i finally have money to upgrade then, and even as i'm playing the game, someone robs me of 132,000. All the challenges are unrealistic to achieve unless you actually put money into it. Even the mini games on the boards have been hard to finish. Don't expect getting much from this game unless you put into it. The animation is adorable and the gameplay is so fun and addictive! One complaint though: four rolls per one hour?! Ridiculous!! A reasonable thing would be like two rolls per ten minutes or something?? Like seriously you would have to wait seven hours to actually refill your roll bar also one more complaint: the fact that some random stranger can steal all your money is just super annoying. 😭😭😭 fix this! 😭😭 not sure what's going on, but one minute i had over 2k Gems and the next minute it was down to 200 after i used the train. Same with the rolls. I won the 4 of a kind event and my rolls went from over 1000 to 2oo+. Granted, i haven't spent any money on the game but what the heck. Be consistent. Maybe it will glitch again and i'll have a bunch of Gems again. I'll spend the heck out of them because they will be gone if i don't... I've been playing everyday for over a month. I constantly get on and play every few hours. Lately i've been very frustrated though. 4 rolls every 60 minutes. Is nothing. I feel like i have no changes to make any progress unless i abandon my favorite game for servers hours. The makers should be giving every player 5 rolls every 30 minutes. This would make players much happier and keep smiles on their faces while playing. I hate getting onto my game and seeing 4 rolls and having to wait 1 hours for 4 more. I promise you if you spend even $10.00 dollars on this game it will make a difference. I really liked it in the beginning but its like i only play it for 5 minutes and i'm out of roles. And it's super annoying how the same person comes back to my board literally everyday and they always always destroy my buildings and own them! I will no longer be playing this game. Love the game. The visuals. The icons you get to buy with Gems. I only downloaded it to earn points for another game. I was supposed to just reach level 2 and my job was done. I have no idea what i'm doing in this thing and just kept rolling the dice. Just as i was about to hit the next level, it wouldn't let me advance unless i paid for extra rolls. What a scam. So played for five minutes thinking this was easy and then a give us your money type of loop. -when you save up your Gems to 500 to purchase a new board, you should be able to preview it first. I spent 500 Gems on a board i ended up disliking and don't even use and Gems are so hard to come by, so 500 was a lot to waste! -the rewards you get for watching ads are minuscule, i don't mind watching ads, i do in a lot games, but with this game i feel like it's not worth the 30secs. This makes it impossible for you to advance in the game. Forcing you to spend your own money i refuse to do that because i've already spent enough. Make adjustments please, i refuse to keep playing if adjustments are not made. Also i spent a good amount of Gems on the vending machine and didn't get any items. I love the game but the support is terrible. I've put in tickets and no response. I decided, like an idiot, to make a purchase. Other than tha it is a great game i love this game and have played it for a while. However, there are a couple of things that irk me. The contests, like santa's sled, are easier for some people than others. The pieces have shorter distances to go but the rewards are smaller between players. I can probably get over that. My real question is why my husband got four rolls per hour and then five and now six rolls per hour when i'm at a much higher level than him and still only get four. Then the christmas update came and after getting my beginner stickers, i've gotten no random roll stickers since. Idk if i'm doing something wrong (mindful i've been playing constantly since i got the app about a week ago) or if it's a bug. Either way i will gladly add another star if y'all fix this. I loved this game and as a result have spent actual money on this game.... welp wouldn't you know it after spending real money the game started to glitch out and steal my rolls!! I really hope the developers start looking at these comments and actually improving instead of writing back "please give us 5 stars". I am absolutely addicted to this game! So much fun! Although it's a little confusing at first, it's so easy to figure out i was looking in the app store for some new games and that's when i cam across Board Kings!i really liked its concept so i got it.after starting i was really happy because i like playing board games but my sisters never play with me.its super easy and i love the little town and the bunny's!although the 1 thing i don't like is i realized that i end up using up my dice rolls super fast and it takes pretty long for the to come back.so when i run out of dice i just get off of the game because there is nothing to do anymore.so i would love if jelly button made the dice come back faster this game is amazingly addictive and i love it. We don't facebook and don't want to have to create fake facebook accounts and log in that way. We just want to enjoy this cute little game on our phones. I've restarted my phone. Restarted the app. Checked that i'm logged into the game center. Updated the app. I still can't get my board back and have lost all my progress. I was almost at level 10 and had made it to the second new board. I'm not starting over. I'll just delete this junk and find something else. However, they never replied, never fixed my issue, never even attempted to pretend to care! Very disappointed. Since this last update i can't be in the game for more than 2 minutes before getting kicked out then can't get back in. They claim to be working on it but i don't know. Giving up for now i have restarted the game and my phone multiple times. I also reinstalled the game and it refuses to connect. The app is now just taking up space on my phone. I had 163,172 Coins (used all my spins for that) and 113,741 stolen which left me with 49,431. ((edit: out of the left over 49k i got stolen 3 more times and was left with 1k)) i've also had a time where i got stolen two minutes apart which left me to hardly any Coins, just really? That's more than half of what i struggled to earn. Another thing on the events, maybe for them to be held a little longer they seem rather short and quick, or have more events more often. I started this game because i love playing board games! Now i can honestly say i'm addicted! I wake up check my rolls! Middle of the day check my rolls before bed i check them again! I love that they keep adding new boards and i love collecting all my idols and messing up my friends boards!!! Keep this game going strong! Earlier i was angry for what happened to my save file but now it can back and this game is better than ever!!!!! Please help you will love to play it with your friends. This time the game is fully unlocked with the new features and advanced levels. However, the gameplay includes a traditional board on which you can play with your friends. Added with different colors of dice and social media platforms, the game becomes quite amazing. The game is made so easy that even a kid can play it. Well, you can also give them their entertainment and there is nothing any unwanted online stuff that can harm them. I've never even been given the option to steal that much from any other players who had that amount. It's not even just to steal that amount from someone. You guys are con artists. This game is pretty great i decided i'd buy more rolls and everything on one of their "specials" but i didn't get the rolls or anything!! It made me extremely angry. So the game is good and all, fun and ive spent my own money to collect cards and more rolls but once i collected another set it gave me my rolls and then they disappeared so it was all for nothing, rip off on the game. How can i reclaim it??? Ive landed on it, increased cash, Gems, & happiness-i'm stumped? When i land in jail, the only "release " i have is to spend Gems... I thought we were supposed to have the choice of either paying a cash fine or rolling doubles? Also, i have the maximum amount of cops allowed, how do i reposition them? Yes, the only options you have after being arrested is paying the fine with Gems or going home. I'm not sure where they got rolling doubles from. But, with every up there is a down. The only problem is that i have to wait sooooo long for the next batch of 4 dice and i think Board Kings could fix how long until the next die or make more die for the amount of time we have to wait. Other than that, i really enjoy this game! The problem with this game is that it costs way to much to upgrade buildings. Also, when there is an event, the game becomes rigged it seems like so that it is impossible to win anything. Trusted and commonly accepted libraries (e.g. Google sdk, facebook sdk, signal sdk) are not displayed. Specific sast test reveals all remote hosts present in the source code of the mobile application where the application may connect to send or receive data at occurrence of a specific event (e.g. User action). Specific dast test provides a comprehensive list of all http/s requests sent by the mobile application without interaction with user. For continuous monitoring purposes, we suggest you exploring our award-winning immuniweb® discovery offering tailored for continuous monitoring with flexible 24/7 notifications. Dont spend your money. They do a great job of reeling you in at first. They make dice rolls, Gems, and Coins seem much more attainable than they truly are, especially as you get farther into the game. It isn't necessarily pay to win, but it just isn't fun anymore unless you want to shell out some money every day. To put things into perspective, i'm on the final board at the moment. That isn't a problem at all because they actually are very prompt with releasing new boards. Have you ever wanted to own your own board game, all along with houses, hotels, interesting tiles to step on, and other players that can come to your board and play on it a bit? Well, Board Kings does all that, and more. The game lets you build your own board game, expand it by adding more tiles, build and upgrade house tiles in order to get more Coins by stepping on one, and visit other player boards to get huge rewards, destroy their buildings, and steal their money! What a load of crap. Deleted. I just love playing this game !! It's addicting and fun for all ages! The bunnies are also cute as can be ☺️ i love it 😊 because of how we can go to random people or to friends or get revenge on somebody who has beaten you! 😉😉😉😉 don't listen to the haters because the haters gonna hate. For a long time it said i had 2 more landmark spots but it would not allow me to place them. My 11 million Coins were stolen overnight, leaving less than 100,000 of what i had purchased. After reading some of the comments, i'm convinced that the developers construct the game so that they can s***** your Coins and boosters away hoping you'll just fork over more to to play. I play several other games and your purchases remain for your gameplay only. Fraudulent i didn't know what to expect at first, but once i started playing i figured out that it is a lot of fun, i just started a couple of days ago and haven't stopped. I rarely make in app purchases, but i did for this game . I made 2 purchases of bundle 4 for 3.99 but was only given 1 , however, my card was charged twice . I've tried to contact support but i don't even see the option of actually speaking to or contacting a real person, only faqs. For that and the run around i quit and give it 1 star the game steals your Gems. You have he option to supplement building with Gems, however it does not ask if you want to use them, the game will just take them if you click too many times. Plus i haven't come across any legitimate problems yet. I actually love this game, but it really made me angry that when i spent my money to buy extra rolls and cash, that as soon as the transaction was complete, someone stole $13m from me. Freaking ridiculous. And why do i never see the 10 free rolls cards anymore? Game is pretty fun, a bit frustrating. Got ripped off on my award but i think it was a fail on the other app. I hope they will fix the number of rolls you get. I mean why 4 rolls per hour. You want to make the game more interesting and fun. We want more interactions and more chances to play this game. The major problem is the simplicity of the game and the amount of time people invest in the game since there aren't much stuff you can do once you run out of rolls. I believe changing the hour to a few mins will make this game a game friends will be able to play a lot so that they can steal each other's Coins. Now, the events amazed me, they were great! Was a little unhappy you had to adventure to different boards instead of just picking one, but it was a neat concept. New boards and idols were neat to see. But today also showed me some of the major flaws in this game... for instance while trying to collect board pieces i had gained a ton of Gems that i was pretty happy to spend when i got to the new board, i had like 500,000 and something. Or when you need just a few extra rolls in order to send a couple of more cop cars out before exiting the game. Remember, this can be of huge help but use it only when really need to. This way you'll be able to spend all of your Coins before leaving the game, making your board less interesting for other players to invade it. Thank you for reading our Board Kings guide. We really hope it has been a helpful reading, and we hope you learned something that will aid you while you build a perfect game board. Sometimes it's hard to earn the carrots or other objects required for the current promotion. But,playing the game is fun. This game has been fun, but ever since a few days ago i can't enter the game. The loading bar is full but it won't let me enter the game. If you fix this i'll gladly give 5 stars. Edit: a new update seems to have fixed this! A fun game this game is fun when you are playing with friends, but when my friend spent money to get millions of Coins, i decided to rob him. I had 40 rolls and got 73,000 cash, the game let some steal 46,000 cash. I was going to upgrade all of my buildings but after i l
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wishingfornever · 6 years ago
2/4/2018 – No Contact:  I forgot to name this and I’d rather not reread this crap
So… Yesterday, I worked 8 to 12.  Came back… fell asleep.  Then I caught a stream.  Wasn’t productive.  It wasn’t that bad. Current time, 12:09.  Late, yeah?  Or early.
I’ve been catching up on Archer.  Or, rather, rewatching the series since the day before yesterday.  Really shouldn’t considering I have to watch it on normal speed… and Netflix doesn’t have the latest season.  Like, seriously, Netflix is nothing but inconveniences.  -,-
Regardless, I often wonder what character people would say I relate with.  Archer himself would be the obvious choice.  Thick, black hair, tall, charming, but also a terrible asshole that people kind of hate but tolerate.  Maybe?  I don’t know.  Oh, he’s something of a mama’s boy.
Dennis used to call me that.  He knew it got on my nerves.  His sister did too.  I let them, though.  Maybe I shouldn’t have?  I mean, Dennis was quick to talk about how offended and personal things were.  Something of a dramatic, I suppose…
Eh. Bad time to bring up Dennis.  I’m trying to work my way to Pam.
I don’t think I relate with Pam that much but she is one of my favorite characters.  She is… perhaps designed to be disgusting but she’s also very strong.  Not just physically, though that’s been shown but her character as well.  At times, at least.  This has been inconsistent now that I think about it.  Still, while getting tortured she just spits in their eyes and tells them they’d better just kill her.
Bold, to be sure.
Again, I like strong female characters.  Though, Pam is more humorous than strong.  And, of course, strong female characters tend to confuse strong with getting the shit kicked out of them.  Anyone can have the shit kicked out of them.  That doesn’t make them strong, it just breaks their ribs.
Rather, a good strong character doesn’t need to take a spot on the battlefield and fight alongside men.  No.  Rather, they need to be somewhat assertive and confident.  Like a queen leading a nation while invaded on several fronts.  Standing strong and leading. That’d be fine.
A strong male character doesn’t have to have a machinegun and mow down other men by the hundreds.  Action heroes will be less remembered than actual strong male characters.  Someone who is assertive, confident, and ready to take charge.
Of course, I do also like physically strong women.  Not so strong they’re more muscly than I could ever achieve but just someone who won’t get pushed over.  Ariel, for example.  Kickboxer, a bit shorter than me, and quick to defend what she loves.  She’s fierce in her own way.
Thinking about Dennis again.  Talking about strong male characters, I thought about examples (despite not listing them).  One Piece, an anime he loves came up.  Something I dislike about One Piece is that EVERYONE has a tragic backstory.  Fucking… no.  God no.  That’s dumb. Tragic doesn’t mean good.  You can have a good and compelling backstory that isn’t tragic.
Anyways, one of the characters had big lips.  I used to drink a lot of soda and that’s pretty unhealthy.  Made my lips swell a bit.  They were also kind of bright.  Dennis used to say I had “big nigger lips” which was actually his words.  I want to say he doesn’t hate black people.  I would say, “He’s not racist” but everyone is a little racist.  He probably said that for shock humor because that’s what I’m usually about.  Still, that made me self-conscious.  If you manage to find a picture of me, take notice.  If I’m not smiling with exposed teeth, then I’m biting my lip or tucking it into my mouth.  That’s how you can tell I knew a picture of me was being taken.
The reason I bite my lip is so I feel more confident.  I find myself with big lips rather unattractive.
Oof… this isn’t supposed to be the post where I shit on Dennis.  :/
He’s a Patriots fan.  Which is dumb.  Fucking bandwagon if I’ve ever seen it.  Or maybe there is another reason, I’m not sure.  They’re going to the superbowl.  I hate it.  I read somewhere that apparently, they league allowed the Patriots to go there again?  I’m not sure if that’s true or not but I’ve basically finished watching football.  I don’t have the time for it anyways.
Whatever. Talking about Archer.  Not talking about Dennis again.
Archer and I also both love cats and love Dodge cars.  Nice to see.  Small things.  Of course, he’s fit and I’m not.  I weighed myself yesterday… 249.  I knew I gained.  My mom… weakened my discipline maybe.  Spent so much money on FUCKING food.  And pizza was shit from yesterday, not sure I mentioned that?  Disappointing.  Like, legitimately tired of Pizza Hut.  I’ll stop getting Pizza Hut when I FINALLY have my free large pizza.  -,-
Of which, I thought I was closer than I really was to get it.  Fucking bullshit.
I’m going to have to really focus.  Get back on track.  My aunt is coming and she doesn’t speak english.  Sometime this month.  Fucking hell… I really don’t want to have to deal with my aunt, really.  I don’t want to deal with anyone.  The only thing stopping me from achieving what I need is myself.  However, the thought of other people tends to make me… hesitate.
I’m watching the episode where Archer gets a car for his birthday.  I’d love to get a Challenger, too…  I hope I can afford one someday but I doubt it.  I’d have to write a lot of books just to get a used Toyota.  I can dream.
During the Stream I was asked to write a poem.  The streamer, his name is NGParadox, lost his campaign.  I wrote something sort of for that. It was more specific… people loved it but I didn’t think it was very good.  That’s life, though.  I’m sharing it with Ariel.  I share almost all my poetry with her.
I promised my cousin that I’d drink Kambucha or whatever the fuck it’s called.  Both bottles.
Lol, fucking Archer.  “What year do you think this is?”  “Yeah, good question.”  That’s third wall breaking stuff right there.  It’s set in the 60’s 70’s and even 80’s with anachronistic details. They never specifically address when this is all taking place.  And for those who don’t know, anachronistic means incorrect to the time.  Meaning they have the internet and cellphones in the 1800’s for example.  You’ll see it a lot in depictions of historical events.
That said, I like how Archer has a sort of repetitive humor.  Like, all the characters are working off some hivemind or whatever.  I’ve always thought that was funny because it tends to begin with a character saying something that they’d normally say.  Then it follows by a character that won’t normally say it but wouldn’t be opposed to saying it.  Then it’s followed by a character that won’t say it at all normally.  Usually not in the same episode but not always.  I think that’s pretty funny, myself.
Oh, that reminds me.  Somehow.  Easter eggs!
No, not thinking about Easter but sometimes the show does fun easter eggs like that third wall joke (sort of, doubt it’d qualify though because it might fly over the head of someone who doesn’t pay attention). Most people know but an easter egg in the context that I’m using it is just a fun little joke that you have to look out for, usually in media.  I’m bringing this up because at work there are easter eggs. Where are they?
In the products.  Here me out.
There are these window curtains that are for sale.  There are a variety of styles, each with their own names.  One such name is “O’Hara” which is the surname of the main character Scarlett O’Hara.  She eventually becomes so poor she has to make a dress out of a window curtain to appear still well to do.  That’s a fun little touch.
Better yet, while stocking lipstick I discovered yesterday that one lipstick wasn’t called “Lustful Red” or “Tasteful Nude.”  Rather, it was called “What’s up, Doc?” which is a reference to Bugs Bunny because he’s always dressing up as a woman and putting on lipstick.  That is by far the best thing I have ever seen.
So, I want to start paying attention.  There are certainly bound to be more fun easter eggs like that.  Just gotta pay attention, is all.
I’m thinking…  I know the year Archer takes place.  Or at least, I know what year it can’t take place before.  The answer:  1974.  The reason for this answer is because all the Russian assault rifles you see are AK-47’s which were later replaced by the AK-74.  They fire different rounds and have different magazines.
The M16 is also available so it takes place between 1964-1974.  Of course, how accurate this is is hard to say.  Clearly the cell phone is a thing and that wasn’t invented until later.  However, that’s a specific anachronistic detail to more liken it to modern day.
Doing research for my nationstate is great… of which, I’ve neglected it as of late.  Gotta work on it a bit… rewrite a lot of lore.
Oh, KGB guy said he was working for the KGB for 30 years.  That’d place the time of the show at 1984 if he began the year the KGB started.
Oh, there is a picture in the background of the same episode of perhaps one of the crew members behind archer atop an image showing off the Soviet dress uniform at the time.  I remember in high school, I pasted my face over that same image for computer class.  It’s edited a bit, though.
Reusing character assets.  The waiter at the Chinese restaurant is the same character and voice actor as the original pirate captain.  Oh, and the face on the vacuum cleaner is an actress who shows up in a later season.
Next episode is in Space.  Walter helped me out while researching a lot on this one because my shitty cuba ripoff is Spacefaring and super technologically advanced.  White space suits are because it’s to keep radiation out or something?  Darker colors would be bad for the wearer which sucks because I wanted to do blue, which is my nation’s color (as is the color of every nation ever).  One thing to do is to have it be reflective so it’d keep out the radiation that way.  So, if I do a dark color it’d have to look somewhat cheap because it’d use reflective crap.  Neat stuff, right?
There’s more he told me.  He’s super into science.  I took some notes that were deleted a while back, but whatever.  Desalination plants have to be a thing in my country due to it being small island nation that’s grossly overpopulated.  Basically Taiwan.
So, Archer seems to have a very close relationship with anyone who has green eyes.  Weird things to notice.  Except for Krieger of course.
Episodes later, they mention a T-72.  So, that means the minimum year Archer takes place is in 1973 when it started service.  :D
Or, an easier way to determine the year Archer takes place in is to just figure out when Archer was born.  Then determine his age in the first season.  As time passes in the show, you can determine the year of the season.  Of course, there are bound to be inconsistencies.  We’d have to see to be sure.
One such inconsistency is that it’s 5:30 and just seeing it has made me incredibly sleepy.  D’oh!  Guess I’ll go to sleep now.  Talk to you… well, I want to say when I wake up but I’m not certain anymore.  Ta!
Found out my aunt is coming on the 17th.  I have 13 days.  Need to clean up.  Last night, I stayed up doing exercises while occasionally stopping to comment about Archer.
Oh… It would appear the Patriots lost…
HA!!! Fucking suck it.  I hate the Patriots and their fans are tools. >:C
Getting close to tomorrow…  Six hour stream today.  Long.  So long.  Oof. Ah, well.  Part of the fun, I guess.  Something I’ve been doing is taking steps on stairs two by two.  Usually, I walk up each individual step like a normal person… Esther encouraged me to try doing two by two.  She did.  And now I’m doing it.  I don’t know why I didn’t before…  I’m surprised, really.  I don’t know what concerned me before.
Thinking about Esther… last Superbowl, the Patriots won.  I was with Esther then.  She laughed because she won a bet.  I apparently got so drunk that I blacked out.  Then we had mind blowing sex apparently.  I wish I were there for it.  That’s actually the first time she spoke to Dennis.  He was being a dick to me and I handed him off to her.  She sassed him right back and it confused him SO badly.  It was pretty funny, actually…  I miss Esther.  Can you tell?
Things you remember…  Or don’t remember.  It was a weird night, I think afterwards I was talking to someone who wasn’t there?  That scared Esther… but again, it was after the sex.  I really should get back into drinking again.  I miss talking to people on my days off… people with voices…
Oh, I was sick yesterday.  Not sure if I mentioned.  Sore throat, nothing drastic.  Day before too.  And today, I’ve been blowing out tons of mucus.  It’s passing, maybe, but my nose is still super clogged.  I chopped up an onion today.  I’m getting back to my original diet. I feel like I’ll have the discipline to say no to sweets and ultra fattening foods again.  I’ve been wanting to get this summer sausage SO badly but I haven’t… it’s really good.  But it’s meat, so… sad face. :c
Still, the fact that my impulsiveness HASN’T made me even heavier than I thought I’d be is surprising.  I’ve been doing more arm exercises and realized that I’ve gotten so weak, as I mentioned.  I can’t believe I thought I could outstrength Dennis… but again, that wasn’t the plan.  The plan was to not fight and just show Dennis for something that he isn’t.  He’s not confrontational, I doubt he’d ever hit me.  Mostly because he’d be afraid that I’d hit back.
I used to be super strong.  Like, so strong that it’s crazy.  Now?  I can’t lift my weights to the side.  They only get so far.  I’m so disappointed… my shoulders are going to get a work out.  I’ll just dick around and watch Archer as I play with my weights.  I NEED to get my strength back.  Not so I can fight Dennis but so I have some confidence again.
Besides, if I intend to lose weight and enlist, I’m going to need to do a minimum amount of pullups and situps and all that crap.  So, I need to be sure I can do at least some of that.  I don’t want to be in Adela’s house forever.  I don’t want to be in this country forever.
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atticusblog2016-blog · 7 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://atticusblog.com/mgm-to-launch-internet-gaming-in-new-jersey/
MGM to launch internet gaming in New Jersey
MGM Accommodations Global, an owner of Borgata Hotel Online casino & Spa, is teaming up with GVC Holdings % to release online Online casino and poker games in New Jersey under the MGM brand to take advantage of the country’s booming net gambling marketplace.
“This is an ancient moment for MGM Motels to be launching real cash online Online casino and poker below the MGM emblem for the primary time,” said Corey Sanders, MGM Motel’s chief running officer in Las Vegas. “GVC has been a 2927099c7129e5e67b031f9eb65b6349 companion for us, and we’re excited about the opportunities of extending that partnership as regulated markets open up in the U.S.”
Launching later this yr, playMGM Online casino and poker will take a seat at the latest model of GVC’s proprietary generation stack, which offers computing device and mobile variants, greater than three hundred Online casino games, including innovative jackpot slots, and variants of an event and coins-play poker.
Launch Into Business the Right Way
Beginning an organization is in no way an smooth aspect to do, you need to have the concept, take your idea into the marketplace after which hope that the market calls for what you need to offer. There are numerous approaches wherein to get your product, corporation or service noticed inside the market, as without the ideal gear it is the state of affairs of getting a poster pinned to a tree in a wooded area, but you need to direct humans to the tree so that human beings can read what’s on it.
What are the fine kinds of advertising your new or maybe hooked up enterprise?
Consider social media within the shape of Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Facebook turned into launched within the first quarter of 2004 and seeing that its release has gained won in extra of one billion users, that’s 1 in 7 people within the complete world, now this is some marketing platform.
A Website is an amazing tool for recognition so that human beings and organizations can see what you actual provide. You may design and launch one yourself or pay someone to layout and preserve one in your behalf. ninety% of human beings inside the United kingdom have to get entry to the net, now that could be a big market! In case you want to keep it greater local and specific on your vicinity advertisements in a nearby magazine are a terrific idea.
An exhibition is a superb manner to promote it as maximum are particular to a zone; from plumbing, food or even era. Something you’re supplying there may be an area in an exhibition to fit your needs and your enterprise or logo.
There are a whole lot of products that You may use to put it up for sale your organization at exhibitions ranging from the usual pens and observe paper, scale rulers, product samples, all of the manner through to the embossed jackets and coats with business enterprise emblems on.
But one of the satisfactory ideas is promotional USB sticks are a fantastic manner to raise logo or corporation attention. The general public has computers in the domestic or office that require statistics to be transferred to and from, a USB stay with your company details on inside the shape of an emblem and make contact with details are a terrific way to ensure that you are continually within the mind of the customer.
You could even use it to add your ultra-modern brochure and advertising marketing campaign earlier than handing them out. There’s nothing worse than going to an exhibition and being loaded up with tough copies of product brochures and manuals, before you comprehend it you’re struggling to stroll around as the bag you’re wearing is so heavy, an USB stick may be popped in a pocket.
Promotional memory sticks can come in all varieties of designs, from retractable-in which the consumer can enlarge the period of a chain, which may be put on a hard and fast of keys or maybe USB sticks bundled with a pen, that way you get double employer publicity to your client.
How can you make certain that the promotional agency which you are getting your promotional merchandise is a credited corporation? The BPMA that’s ‘The British Promotional merchandise Affiliation’ assure that their contributors offer a high-quality product, have the relevant understanding to provide you the perfect product, and the understanding and integrity to provide you an expert product from a professional believe worthy supply.
How do you find a credited corporation? The BPMA have a distribution list of a hundred’s of individuals everywhere in the Uk so that you can without difficulty find a member inside your neighborhood place that You can call or email for the similar recommendation. And people organizations which might be a member can even have the BPMA brand on their Internet site.
5 Steps To Success With An Internet Business
You don’t need any formal qualification to gain achievement with a web enterprise. However, you do have to understand how your unique niche market features and what your potentialities need from you. Who’re your customers? How will you help them? What value do you provide? How do they recognize that your business exists? Here are 6 steps to achievement while you’re jogging an internet business.
1. Realize Your Best Purchaser
If you attempt to promote to all of us, you’ll likely not promote whatever to all and sundry. Picking the right customers can suggest the distinction between success and failure. When you have a clear consciousness to your Best Patron your marketing messages will seize their attention because you’re imparting to help them to solve a hassle or make their life simpler.
2. Construct Relationships
The net can be impersonal enterprise surroundings and it is easy to hide at the back of an internet site. Each piece of content should provide fee. That means everything placed on your internet site or weblog and Each video, podcast or social media replace which you make. The more price you provide to your audience, the more they’ll come to realize, like and accept as true with you. they will price your opinion and be more willing to buy from you.
3. provide Something Of cost Totally free
while you deliver away Something that offers real price and really helps your prospect, they’ll want to recognize extra approximately you and your business. In spite of everything, In case you supply this Totally free, your products and services should be even better! Whether you supply away an e-book, record, video tutorial or an invite to a webinar, make it the satisfactory you probably can. Do not forget to ask for a prospect’s e-mail address in exchange on your freebie. it is an honest alternative and it approaches that you could live in touch and Build your relationship with them.
4. Have A Proven marketing Funnel
An advertising funnel is a system which you have designed on your potentialities once they first connect to your enterprise to once they turn out to be a Consumer. For example, a traditional 3 level advertising and marketing funnel are:
A web page giving a unfastened gift in alternate for entering their electronic mail cope with. when they have submitted their e-mail, they’re directed to a page that gives them an object to buy related to your unfastened present after they make the acquisition, they’re directed to any other page, thanking them for his or her purchase and supplying a download hyperlink for their object.
5. Market it Your business
You would possibly have the first-rate products and the fine internet site online, But if your goal marketplace does not recognize that you exist, you are never going to sell anything. Advertising and marketing are a proper business funding. There are many cost powerful methods that you can get your messages for your target audience on the internet.
Good and Bad in Gaming
Gaming is one of the largest hobbies and even careers within the world. People play games for fun or mastering at the same time as others file videos approximately the games. In this newsletter, I will focus greater on gaming itself and not so much the side of a way to make gaming movies. Game enthusiasts are available in all specific ages, genders, religions, places and shapes. The backgrounds of folks who are Gamers make gaming that much more fun.
Backgrounds of Gamers can play a part in the kind of video games that People play. There are all kinds of combos for one of a kind classes regarding the type of games and sort of Game enthusiasts. You really need to have a look at the sport’s website to get all of the pertinent facts previous to shopping for.
There are numerous online systems where you may purchase video games from such as Steam or Humble Package deal.
The one’s websites will provide you with the description, films through the business enterprise, photographs, user and non-person tags, reviews, internet site, business enterprise and their social account(s). Be conscious the game’s website won’t show you the entirety you want to know. At the least, a gaming employee will show a brief income pitch description, the small amount of pix (5 at nice), one or two videos by them and their social debts. The most they will offer is an informative description, their social money owed, consumer evaluations and movies by way of them.
Let’s dive properly into what’s perceived as poor about gaming. The majority of the negative things approximately games come from the actual existence Humans on Those video games, the type of games and the forms of games for the wrong character. A recreation may be poorly made however it’s no longer usually the case wherein the sport itself is awful. It may be where it changed into the incorrect form of a game for the wrong person. This is wherein the types are available. Perhaps a sport has a piece of violence. That doesn’t make it terrible; it just makes it the wrong type of game for a seven 12 months old. Or Perhaps you acquire a puzzle game for a person who loves movement type video games. So the movement loving character won’t experience it, but That doesn’t make the puzzle game awful!
The forms of games are infinite from nudity, pills and alcohol, horror, gambling with money and greater. These differing types are wrong for children Game enthusiasts as well as incorrect for folks who do not like seeing such things.
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myupdatestudio-blog · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on Myupdatestudio
New Post has been published on https://myupdatestudio.com/car-fans-throng-the-hindu-vehicle-expo/
Car fans throng The Hindu Vehicle Expo
Thousands of visitors thronged the venue of The Hindu Automobile Expo which began on Saturday to peer a fantastic line-up of vehicles and tremendous motorcycles. The expo, being held at the White Orchid Conference Centre near Manyata Embassy Business Park, will end on Sunday.
                                               Vehicle Expo
Cars Games
With 12 of 15 primary Automobile manufacturers inside the country collaborating within the expo, traffic had a threat to get an experience of and to witness the products showcased by using numerous producers.
With numerous motorbike fashions from iconic brands like Harley Davidson, Ducati, Kawasaki, in addition to vehicles via Rolls Royce and BMW, the expo became additionally a threat for the ones trying to get a more in-depth glimpse at those brands.
traffic had an opportunity to have a near have a look at splendid automobiles which include Jeep- Grand Cherokee, BMW 750LI, the Rolls-Royce Ghost, Toyota Alphard, and motors by Lamborghini and Maserati among others. terrific motorcycles on display have been within the charge variety of ₹ 12 lakh to ₹ 50 lakh. Agencies additionally had offers in the shape of coupons that brings in additional blessings. “ I love touring such exhibitions. It feels desirable to see such types of motors in one vicinity. My spouse and I revel in it. ” said Richard, a software expert.
The expo, which ends up on Sunday at eight p.M., additionally has a collection of riders who ended a 5,960-km journey along the Golden Quadrilateral by using reaching the expo venue on Saturday. The trio — Raghavendra, Niranjan, and Mohan Malacca — part of Riders Republic Bike Club — touched 13 States in a weeks time and included cities like Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, and Chennai. “ This is the dream of every rider. We’re like-minded people who have come together to ride,” they stated.
The two -day occasion became inaugurated by way of Police Commissioner Praveen Sood. Shaju Kumar, National Vertical Head (Car) and Monish Mukherjee, Deputy Local Well known Supervisor (New Delhi) of The Hindu were present. The expo is backed by using HeroMotoCorp, FCA India Automobiles, Honda India, Jeep, Skoda India, Tata Motors, Volkswagen India, Audi, Datsun, Ford, Renault, Royal Enfield, and Isuzu Motors India.
Sports Show With A Rainbow Twist
You can call it the secret love infant of Jeopardy and will & Grace, conceived in creativity and birthed in sexual diversity. Debuting on the sports Show Community on Monday, April 17, the up to date model of the popular 1950’s Sports Show, “I’ve Got A Secret” will blast before audiences with a whole new bag of tricks.
Dusted off and re-tooled, the Display will pay homage to one of the longest strolling and popular American Sport indicates, by way of taking visitors again to an era of panel style gaming.
For a whole season an eclectic bunch of four feverishly paintings against the clock to wager the secrets of its guests who variety from bored middle-American housewives to over-the-pinnacle celebrities.
Hindu Religion
The format is easy. The guest is introduced who then reveals their Mystery to the host even as it is concurrently found out onscreen to both the studio target audience and to viewers at home. Every panelist has 40 seconds to invite the proper questions a good way to guess the secrets and techniques in their guests.
Maximum instances the panelists use all 5 of their senses, but from time to time they’re blindfolded and are comedically guided by way of sure/no/perhaps responses from the host, guest, and studio target market reaction.
Hosted by the satirically witty, Bil Dwyer, (Extreme Avoid, That 70’s Show) the game Display panelists include stupid former seasoned baseball player, Billy Bean, chatty, Sirius Radio communicate host, Frank DeCaro, snappy, arise comedienne, Suzanne Westenhoefer (“Past due Show with David Letterman”, “Politically Incorrect”) and quick-tongued, Broadway stage actor/dancer, Jermaine Taylor.
The end result is a rather clever and hilariously humorous half of hour of belly laughs packed with enough diffused homosexual puns to easy out the Maximum conservative wrinkles of any purple state across The united states.
Just in case you have not figured it out yet, all of the aforementioned panelists apart from the host are openly gay but intriguingly sufficient the Show itself isn’t “homosexual” in accordance to expose manufacturer Burt Dubrow.
“It isn’t a homosexual something….it’s not a heterosexual anything. This is not something that we communicate approximately or find overly sizeable. We felt we might turn the quantity up to a piece. it’s no longer an intricate part of the Show. it’s in no way even introduced up. it is there and it’s no longer there. Our feeling is that there was no purpose to put a label on it” Dubrow eagerly defined at some stage in a telephone interview.
So if sexual orientation is a non-difficulty Just as Dubrow stresses, then what in all likelihood makes the panel of four clicks possibly is the variety the various guys as opposed to the fact that they may be all homosexual. You notice in this Game Show no two guys are alike.
First, there is Billy, the goofy but cute out athletic jock. Recollect him? He is the guy anyone in high college hated because he always Was given the female. Billy without a doubt offers the Display a touch of normalcy and a smidgen of sanity which allows counterbalancing the over-the-top antics of his cohorts.
Next, there’s Frank, the rotund radio announcer who gives lifestyles to our coloration-poor lives by carrying loud and wacky shirts and sports coats every now and then accentuated with a corsage the size of San Diego stapled to his lapel. Frank clearly keeps the Show hopping and skipping together with his tongue-in-cheek, smarty-pants jokes and quips.
Next, there’s the appealing however surprisingly blonde Suzanne who sports activities a wet searching, Endora (Bewitched) hairdo which defies the laws of gravity, staying flawlessly in the region like excellent hair follicles have to. Her stand-up comedic background offers the proper punch and jab alongside her male opposite numbers giving her a wonderful on-air gain.
In the end, there may be the chocolate-chiseled Jermaine who in every episode sports a splendid long sleeve blouse unbuttoned down to his navel, showing about ninety-five% of his chest and middle revealing hills and valleys of muscle. His Boadway history and pearly white tooth supply him an over-the-pinnacle million greenback look.
Whilst all of them get together this eclectic bunch of characters collectively are gayer than Liza Minelli’s ex-husband yet the Show nevertheless isn’t “gay” according to expose producer, Burt Dubrow.
At any fee, in case you want to name it a “homosexual” Sports Show, a “non-homosexual” Sports Show, or a “non-homosexual” Recreation Show that has lots of guys on it; this new and improved “I”ve We’re given A Mystery” works extraordinarily well.
Panelist Suzanne Westenhoefer consents as she predicts mainstream achievement for the Display. “I assume the Show will paintings for center us because it is funny. it’s a fun, funny Display and the homosexual panelists Just add extra to it….Plus there ARE homosexual humans in middle American and they’ll watch too….And maybe…maybe it’ll bring us all collectively and we will quit this intolerance and peace will rule all through the entertainment land” Westenhoefer exclaims.
Vehicle bill of Sale
Her co-panelist, ball player, Billy Bean interjects that “Sarcasm is flying anywhere, and for the reason that panelists aren’t hiding something about ourselves. it is truthful as well. It really is why we can shoot it live, without a script, or any information of what we are going to see.”
Jermaine Taylor chimes in adding that ” the Display brings lower back stars of Hollywood past. it is constantly fresh to look an act you once enjoyed in times before. And, a number of our acts are Simply insanely exciting to watch!”
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