#is this gonna be a once per season occurrence
raspberry-gloaming · 6 months
Sooooo dweu fandom, which eu character are we going to collectively theorise is gonna be a character from the trialer
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doodlebeeberry · 3 years
Amelia works in the yoga studio after returning from The Plane. It isn’t quite the same
this is probably gonna become so inaccurate as new episodes come out lol
anyway here’s Amelia just Going Through It after the plane, ft. two ocs cause we know so little about her home life
ch. 1/2
(ao3 link in source)
At the end of each class, regardless of level, she’d settle onto her mat, cross-legged, watching as her students followed. She’d guide them through deep breaths, pooling within their core at a steady flow, like river water coursing through a pond, carrying with it fears and frustrations as it flowed out the other side. For ten minutes they’d remain like that, focused on nothing but their breathing and the mats underneath them, the soft sound of flutes pouring from the speakers. Occasionally during meditation, her mind would wander. It was never really a common occurrence, but to sit still and focus on nothing but the presence of her own mind and body as frequently as she did made the rare slip in concentration more of an inevitability rather than an impossibility, even the most seasoned, mindful veterans of the practice knew that. Thoughts of unpaid bills and upcoming plans crept in unannounced, and she’d allow herself to follow them for only a short while before laying them to rest once more, turning to her steady inhales or the snoring of whichever student hadn’t quite grasped the point of the exercise. 
Regardless, she had viewed meditation as an important part of the routine. It kept her calm, steady, in tune with herself. It wasn’t something she needed to do, per se, so much as it was something she just enjoyed doing.
Amelia couldn’t focus during meditation anymore. Every time she closed her eyes, the mat would slip from beneath her legs, and a crackling noise like distant fire would creep its way into her ears, arms burning under the heat of the endless, unmoving sun. A flat voice would drone, somewhere overhead,
And she’d snap her eyes open before it could continue, right back in the yoga studio where she’d started, where she’d never left. Sometimes a few students stared back, sometimes nobody noticed, and the process would repeat until the flutes faded and she waved them out for the week, wishing everybody well. 
It wasn’t until the day Backpack’s voice rose in her senses, weaving a story about old work-related dramas, soft and low as Soda Bottle dreamed beside him, that she began ending classes ten minutes earlier.
She spent much of her newfound spare time staring down at her phone, with its lovely violet case and a small crack in the top right corner of the screen. The contact list illuminated her, bright white, a single listing always dead center. Out of everyone, she’d only swapped numbers with Soda Bottle, and every day she’d turn to his listing and wait. For what, exactly, she didn’t know, but her index finger would hover for several minutes, unmoving. She’d read his name over and over: 
Soda Bottle, Soda Bottle, Soda Bottle. 
He lived halfway across the country, working somewhere he despised, just getting by. He was snippish, easily bothered. His hands were gentle, and she recalled how he ran his thumb over Backpack’s knuckles slowly at the edge of her vision.
What did he like to do? What made him happy? Amelia knew so little about him, outside the constraints of The Plain. He’d never even told her his real name, though, to be fair, she never shared her own. 
Instead, she turned her phone off, never answering her own question.
Over a month after she returned home, she watched the last of her students stroll out of the studio, sipping what little was left in her water bottle. Nearby shop lights shown through the windows, twinkling against the dim evening sky. 
What time was it on the east coast, she wondered. What time was it out west? 
    “Letting out class early again?”
Two objects entered: a bamboo incense holder and a yellow lily. Mia and Hazel, coworkers and close friends of hers, who’d needled her into working at the studio when they first opened it years ago. They were the first ones she saw after returning from The Plane, waiting between classes just as she reappeared. Their warm hugs and tears of joy had felt strange to her still reeling mind but were welcome nonetheless. 
“It’s only 6:50.” Mia continued as the final student stepped out the door. She began rolling up her mat. 
    “I changed the routine a little, takes a little less time now.”
    “You haven’t done that in a while”
Amelia shrugged.
    “I just felt like I should.”
She approached them, smiling, and leaned her mat in its place against the wall.
“So, what’s up? Any plans tonight?”
    “We’re heading to that new sandwich shop downtown,” Hazel chimed, “do you wanna come?”
    “Which one?”
    “On the corner of Ales and Brimfield, with the big yellow sign?”
    “Oh, that place?” its gaudy sign was impossible to forget. She figured it was their main advertising strategy, given how few ads she’d seen for the place yet how much chatter she’d heard about it, “Sure, sounds good.”
They stepped out, Hazel in the lead, leaving them in the studio’s small waiting area. A little red couch was squished in the back left corner, and the desk that divided the room from the office space was littered with pens and paperclips and post-its stuck all along its sides. Amelia flicked off the lights and shut the door behind them. Hazel nudged Mia,
    “See, Amelia thinks it’ll be good.”
The name sounded odd in her ears, somewhat detached from her, even still. Perks of being forced to change it, she supposed.
    “I’m just saying, might be better to let someone else get poisoned by bad turkey before rushing to try it ourselves.”
    “Oh, don’t be such a drama queen.”
Mia rolled her eyes, grabbing their coats from the rack near the door.
    “You’re ridiculous.”
    “I’m not ridiculous,” Hazel replied, snatching her coat, “I’m just fun.”
She scoffed, chuckling a bit, and handed Amelia her jacket as she passed her. As they bantered, Amelia reached across the desk for the keys, skimming the notes as she went. She stopped at one that piqued her interest, marked up with bold letters and question marks, ‘Ask Amelia!’ scrawled at the bottom.
    “‘Guided meditation class?’” She read aloud.
    “Oh yeah, we wanna add one to the roster.” Mia said, “Which reminds me: would you mind if Hazel took over your Monday vinyasa classes?”
    “The 6 pm ones? Not really, but why?” She put two and two together before they could reply.
“What, do you think I should lead them?”
    “If you don’t mind,” Hazel piped up, “You’re just so good at it already, you’d be perfect!”
    “Are you sure?”
“Of course!  Can’t think of anybody better for the job.”
Something twisted in her gut as she finally took the keys in hand.
    “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Mia said after a moment, “I can always take it if you—”
    “No! no, it isn’t—” she hesitated, moving to choose her phrasing carefully. She looked them over as they waited, curious and seemingly just a bit worried. Hazel’s small smile nearly made her sick with guilt. She hadn’t meditated in weeks.
“I…” she stood up straighter, “yeah, I can do that.”
A few hours later Amelia returned home, fuzzy-minded and tired. She tossed her half-eaten sandwich in the fridge, making a mental note to go shopping soon that she knew she’d soon forget. She didn’t even bother turning on the lights before shuffling into her room and flopping onto her bed, turning towards the ceiling and the tall orange lights cast by the streetlamps outside, cutting through the shadows and painting the room in a warm din. She spent several long moments watching them as though they would move. They never did. 
She pulled out her phone, scanning over the last few messages Mia had sent her. The dates and times of the new classes burned her eyes. The first one was in two weeks. She wished it was further off. 
It hadn’t been her wisest move, perhaps, to take them up on the offer. Mia was more than willing to take the job, on the one hand, but on the other, was that really an option? She had no good explanation for them, at least not a sensible one. She’d yet to really explain to them—or anyone she knew, for that matter—what happened during the several months she’d been missing. As far as anyone knew, she just vanished into thin air and came back like a magician’s rabbit tucked into the hat, ears soon poking back out the top. She’d lacked the coherency to tell them the truth when she first appeared back in the studio, the same exact place that she’d left, but even still she held back. There wasn’t really anywhere to begin. 
She flicked back to her home screen, drifting towards her contacts once again. A car passed outside, cutting through the quiet. 
    “Are you doing ok?” she asked him, settling down in the grass by his side, “You’ve been lying there for a while.”
Soda Bottle looked at her, brows drawn over tired eyes, ready to bite. His expression softened somewhat before he turned his back to her.
They stayed like this for a short while before he said anything.
She flinched out of her doze as her phone clattered to the floor. She paused to shake off the dream before reaching for it blindly, the screen the same as she’d left it, the battery fairly low. Yawning, she plugged it in and set it on her nightstand. She slipped under the covers without a second thought, bypassing her nightly routine in favor of immediate sleep. The duvet was thick and warm, crinkling slightly when she moved, while the pillow had begun to grow flat with time. It’d been quite a while since she’d replaced it. She filed that away alongside her grocery list, quickly lost to time as she slept.
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liesoverthec · 3 years
Hey this isn't criticism, it's just a comment, but idk if you intended it or if I'm just misreading the tone but your commentary about Buck in the latest screen time post came across somewhat aggressive with the periods. I just thought I'd mention how it came across, to me, because I know you've been annoyed in the past when people have taken things out of the context that you intended.
Hi anon! 💛
I'm gonna be fully honest, that part was aggressive cuz I was feeling a little aggressive when I wrote it 😂
It sort of went down where I was like 'people have been worked UP about the Athena plot, and I KNOW I'm most likely going to get a lot of comments grousing about how she got 12 mins, which is fine! It's a lot of time! But what's not fair, is that Buck gets episodes that large, with that big of a drop to everyone else, A LOT, and I barely get anyone complaining about those' so I was like 'oh! I know in 3x16, he actually got more time than 12 min, AND most of the plot involved his interactions w an outside-the-regular-cast character, just like Athena/Hudson, so I'll just grab 3x16 to compare' but then as I was going through my computer to get 3x16, I found 4x14, and then I found 2x08, and it sort of hit me all over that he gets this sort of treatment and favor once a season (I've got some ask I answered somewhere talking about how he was about tied for number of eps led w Hen and Athena, but on average he gets I think ~2 mins more per ep? Anyways so I knew it was happening, but not explicitly that it was literally once a season until this week), and I was stressed thinking about all the negativity I was possibly going to get in my notifs (no one knows this but I actually considered holding this graphic off and posting it in combo w 5x04 just bc I feel like there is a permanent bad mood going around rn and I was like, well maybe if it's w/ a liked ep, it'll tone down the bad feelings, but I decided to just own it, and people have been, for the most part, really lovely and considerate, so a big dose of love for the fandom from me💛 anyways sorry) so it all snowballed into that slightly aggressive statement about Buck. 😂 which is NOT fair to him, and also not an accurate representation of how I feel about him/his time. ESP given that I feel like without being able to make comparisons to other shows, I can't explain in a way that proves without a doubt to people, that Buck REALLY isn't that far ahead of everyone else. And so I would really hate to add to that debate by making people think I'm over Buck and his time, so actually thank you for bringing this up. I'm gonna go try and think of a better way to word that where I get across the fact that this is a way more common occurrence than anyone would think, while also not being aggressive lolllllll. Also am I hoping it's gonna lightly make some people question their sanity if they looked at it before I edit it and they wonder what happened to that part? Yeah I am a little 😂🙈
Thank you and I hope you're having a lovely day/night wherever you are, anon!
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ardentmuse · 5 years
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Hello, my little love bugs!
2k followers is fast approaching and I am not willing to wait for it! So we’re having a celebration now.
As many of you know, toddle started daycare, which means I have 4 hours every morning just to myself. So for the next week, I am devoting all of that time to writing. And with The Good Place coming back so soon, why not do some prompts based on the wittiest, silliest, most gut-wrenchingly romantic dialogue on television? AND why not add two new fandoms while we’re at it, just to get some good stuff goin’!
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The Rules:
Must be following me (@ardentmuse)
Must submit me an ask with a number of a prompt and a character
Must like this post
Should reblog, but obviously live your own life, run with your blog aesthetic and just be happy
Only one submission per person, please!
Block “#ardentmuse almost 2k celebration” if you don’t want to see these for whatever reason (though I promise they will be good. My story with the most notes ever - over 1.5k now - was from one of these challenges)
Each ask will become a reader-insert imagine. Aiming for ~1k words for each of these, but we’ll see where the spirits take me.
Note that as I am going to be devoting all my writing time for the next week to this, I am not setting a hard cut off regarding number of submissions, but do know that I won’t be addressing these forever. Once the new Good Place season starts, I’m going to be washing my hands of whatever requests still sit in my inbox.
Character list and prompt list below the cut.
Hugs, Lia
Note: all responses will be reader inserts (no x ships). Also, this list is off the top of my head so if I missed anyone that you really want to see, let me know.
Harry Hart
Merlin (Hamish Mycroft)
Eggsy Unwin
Whiskey (Jack Daniels)
James Spenser (Lancelot)
Roxy Morton
Harry Potter:
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Percy Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ron Weasley
Harry Potter
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Talbott Winger
Barnaby Lee
Felix Rosier
Bruce Banner
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Thor Odinson
Steve Rogers
Scott Lang
Game of Thrones:
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Ned Stark
Tyrion Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Sansa Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Theon Greyjoy
Gendry (Waters)
Podrick Payne
Sandor Clegane
Petyr Baelish
Good Omens:
The Prompts from The Good Place: 
Hi, guys! I’m broken.
Ya basic.
I was dropped into a cave and you were my flashlight.
Humans only live 80 years and they spend so much of it just waiting for things to be over.
I promise I’m worth it.
Kill me. Kill me. Kill me.
I gotta stay jacked. It’s who I am.
You know, sometimes a flaw can make something even more beautiful.
This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts.
I never thought I’d be the one to say it, but this is getting out of hand. I think we gotta go to the cops.
Well, I’ve narrowed it down to two possibilities: yes and no.
Well, I’m sure you’re busy, you probably wouldn’t want to talk to me. I get it, I wouldn’t either. I’m as dull as a rock. Ugh, even that analogy was boring. I’m sorry, I’m so dull, and I’m ugly. I’m like a rock. Ugh, stupid! Stop talking about rocks!
She’s so pretty, like Nala from The Lion King. And she talks so smart, like, um, Nala, from The Lion King.
It’s devastating. You’re devastated right now.
Okay, bud, whatever’s going on right now, just shove your feelings way down deep, plaster on a fake smile, and pretend like you’re having fun. Okay?
Ugh, of course your hugs are amazing.
Long story short, it was all a dream.
Right now I’m just a girl, towering over a boy, asking him to admit he loves me.
Pay it forward.
Now I’m living my truth and creating my bliss.
I am attractive, yes.
I don’t think this can be solved with a book.
Searching for meaning is philosophical suicide.
Now I’m bored. Walking is dumb.
You’re awesome! Be nicer to yourself.
I would say I outdid myself, but I’m always this good. So I simply did myself.
Lies are always more convincing when they’re closer to the truth.
Why do bad things always happen to mediocre people who are lying about their identities?
Rule number one– I get to do whatever I want, and you all just have to deal with it.
Principles aren’t principles when you pick and choose when you’re gonna follow them.
It’s a rare occurrence, like a double rainbow.
We are not in this alone.
Pobody’s nerfect.
Yep, shouldn’t have said that. Regretted it immediately.
You’re kind of, you know, turtling.
You and I are very different.
I’d say it’s like 50 million simultaneous orgasms, but better.
… I can work with that.
But then I remembered that I’m a naughty bitch.
Oh come on! You and I both know I’ll never read those.
What’s the secret? Is the secret more books? How many more books do I need?
Cool stance. Counterpoint: Get over yourself.
I’m outtie. See you in hell.
That broke me. I’m – I’m done.
I am your hottest friend!
You’re barfing Wikipedia over everyone to avoid talking about your feelings.
No matter what he does, we will find each other. And we will help each other. Because we’re soulmates.
I’m going to hug you because I love you. And because you feel just as alone as I do.
That’s insane. But it’s also like the eleventh most insane thing to happen today so who cares.
A: That’s not a question. B: So you agree, it’s a fact.
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Kagu: Rhynochetos jubatus
Hey guys!  Today, we’re gonna be talking about the Kagu, and endangered, chicken sized, nearly flightless bird endemic to the forests of New Caladonia, which is the same place crested geckos come from.  These birds are also known as the ghosts of the forest.
Disclaimer: I am not a zoologist, an ornithologist, or an avian biologist. I’m a junior (third year) zoology student in college.  Most of the information in these posts is gleaned from research, primarily online.
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Lots more information and plenty more pictures under the cut
The Kagu is the only extant (living) member of the family Rhynochetos.  It resembles something between a small heron, a rail, and maybe a pigeon. It has pearl-gray feathers, bright orange legs and bill, brilliant red eyes, a head crest like a cockatoo’s, and bold stripes on its wingtips. They live in New Caledonia, where they mostly inhabit humid forests with an open understory.  They will also occupy drier forests and sometimes closed-canopy scrub during the wet season.
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The kagu’s wings may appear large for a bird that doesn’t really fly, but they play an important role. A kagu parent flaps its fully opened wings on the ground, as if injured, to distract a would-be predator away from its chick, like an american killdeer does.  The large wings also help the bird keep its balance while climbing and hopping over rocks and other rough spots.  They also help when climbing branches and jumping, or falling, off of things.
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This charismatic species is classified as Endangered on the basis of its very small, severely fragmented population, with a very small extent of occurrence limited to New Caledonia, which is suffering an overall decline. However, there is cause for hope, as recent research shows it still to be widespread, and populations in some areas are increasing due to a reduction in incidental killing by hunting dogs. If the species's range be found not be declining, this species will be downlisted to a lower category of threat. 
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The sounds made by kagus are different for males and females. They may remind you of a rooster crowing and a dog barking at the same time, but the female’s song is shorter and faster than the male’s. Pairs sing a duet in the early morning to mark their territory.  A former San Diego Zoo director described the kagu’s morning song as a “screaming challenge”. Duets can last up to 15 minutes. The birds sing year-round, but more often during breeding season. Kagus also hiss and make soft, clucking sounds.    
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Large, dark red eyes give the kagu excellent vision. The long bill is strong and pointed, perfect for shallow digging in leaf litter and between rocks in search of its favorite foods: larvae, spiders, centipedes, bugs, cockroaches, millipedes, beetles, snails, worms, and lizards. The kagu is a patient hunter, often standing perfectly still on one foot for long periods of time, watching and listening for prey. Once discovered, the bird strikes quickly to catch the food. 
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Kagu parents almost always raise just one chick per year. Courtship involves elaborate strutting behavior with a fanned crest and capelike wing movements.  These birds are monogamous, but although they defend their territory together, the male and female may spend much of their time alone.
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Parents are very patient when teaching their youngster to eat: an adult holds prey in its bill, close to the chick’s head, and calls softly until the baby opens its beak. By the time the chick is about two weeks old, it has a pretty good idea of how to eat from it’s parents, and it becomes like a normal, fussy, demanding baby.  Parents feed their chick until it’s about 14 weeks old. The young bird may stay within its parents’ territory for up to six years, gaining its adult plumage in two to three years, and may help to raise its parents’ next chick.    These birds are pretty longlived.  It captivity, they often reach 30 years of age, and have been found to live till 22 in the wild.
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racingtoaredlight · 4 years
RTARL’s 2020 NFL Season Week 3 Extravapalooza
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Immediately coming out of Week 2 the national conversation was focused mainly on the fact that my picks went a very respectable 10-5. But, after running out of superlatives to describe my handicapping skills, the discourse shifted in the direction of the absolutely brutal spate of injuries that took place. Saquon Barkley, Nick Bosa, and Courtland Sutton were all lost for the season with torn ACLs, and Christian McCaffery, Brandon Scherff, Jimmy Garoppolo, Drew Lock and a whole bunch of others went down with various tweaks and tears that will keep them out of game action for multiple weeks. That’s a lot of really good players! And Jimmy Garoppolo! 
There seemed to be a desire to chalk up a lot of the injuries to a lack of preseason game action, but I’m not smart enough to know if that theory has any merit. Hopefully, it was just a freak occurrence and we won’t see another week like that any time soon. If I can make a bold statement that I’m sure nobody has ever mentioned before: the NFL is a lot more fun when the best players are on the field.
My picks are in BOLD, and the lines come to us courtesy of our friends at Vegas Insider. I use the “VI Consensus” line, which is the line that occurs most frequently across Vegas Insider’s list of sportsbooks. Your sportsbook of choice may offer a different number, and if you’d like my opinion on said number A) you are insane, and B) leave a comment below and I’ll try to answer at some point before things kickoff today.
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Los Angeles Rams at Buffalo Bills (-2)
The Bills have looked great in their first two games, no doubt about it. BUT, those two games were against the incomprehensibly shitty Jets and a Dolphins team that I don’t think anyone would call world-beaters. The Rams represent a huge step up in weight class, and I’m not sure how the Bills will handle it. I still love Josh Allen and believe in the Bills in general, but this game might be a little shock to the system for them.
Chicago Bears at Atlanta Falcons (-3)
I’ve read a few takes saying that a trip to Atlanta to play against a ghastly Falcons secondary is going to make Mitchell Trubisky and the Bears offense look much better than they are, but what this pick presupposes is that a meeting with Mitchell will make the Falcons secondary look better than they are.
Washington Football Team at Cleveland Browns (-7)
I know they gave up 30 points last week, but The Football Team’s defense has played really well through two games so far. They mauled the Eagles in a Week 1 victory that saw them sack Carson Wentz 8 times, intercept him twice and hold Philly to 57 rushing yards (3.4 yards per attempt) TOTAL. In Week 2, they held Arizona RB Kenyan Drake in check for the most part (86 total yards, 4.3 per rush) and managed to pick off Kyler Murray once while sacking him three times. Washington was done in by Calimari’s running ability, which is gonna happen to a lot of teams, I reckon. Baker Mayfield is no Kyler Murray when it comes to his wheels, so I’m taking the 7 points.
Tennessee Titans (-2.5) at Minnesota Vikings
Minnesota has looked DREADFUL so far, getting whomped by the Packers and then the Colts. I honestly don’t have a great reason for picking them, other than thinking “they can’t be THIS bad.” If this year has taught us anything, it’s that thinking things can’t get worse is pretty stupid, yet here I am. The only aspect of this game I have any confidence in prediction-wise is in saying that it’ll be the first early game to wrap up. These teams are gonna run, run, and then run some more.
Las Vegas Raiders at New England Patriots (-6.5)
Last week, I once again picked against the Raiders, and they once again made me look stupid by not only covering, but winning outright. So help me if Cam Newton leads New England to an absolute thrashing of this collection of assholes he will immediately become my favorite Patriot ever. 
If I wanted to give a non-spite related reason for my pick, I’d mention that Las Vegas will be without rookie WR Henry Ruggs , LB Nick Kwiatkoski and T Trent Brown, and that G Denzelle Good, T Sam Young, TE Darren Waller and RB Josh Jacobs are all Questionable as of this writing. I’m totally picking against them out of spite, though.
San Francisco 49ers (-3) at New York Giants
The Niners were absolutely wrecked by injuries last week, and now they’re playing again on the same turf that they feel took out their comrades. I can’t help but wonder if that’ll be in their heads a little bit, and if there’s anyone who knows the minds of NFL players, it’s a guy who’s never even attended a school at any level that fielded a football team. Nick Mullens is a pretty good backup QB, and it’s not like he’s replacing Russell Wilson, but still. I can’t take an injury-riddled road favorite starting a backup QB. Seats are rapidly opening up on the Daniel Jones bandwagon, but I remain resolute...for now.
Cincinnati Bengals at Philadelphia Eagles (-4)
I’m really torn here, because I am all the way in on The Joe Burrow Experience and want good things for him, but if the Eagles come out looking like an exploded diaper again it’s gonna get really awkward and depressing in Philadelphia, and I can’t handle feeling even more secondhand cringe and despair in these trying times. I’d greatly prefer a middling Eagles season that keeps their fans’ rage at no more than a simmer, and for that to be the case they’re gonna need to win decisively here. Sorry, Joe.
Houston Texans at Pittsburgh Steelers (-4)
After dealing with Daniel Jones in Week 1 and the Drew Lock/Jeff Driskel Combo Meal in Week 2, the Steelers defense will now have to contend with DeShaun Watson. In my expert football-knower opinion, this will be a more difficult challenge for them. Conversely, the Texans started their year with games against the Chiefs and then the Ravens, and while I do think the Steelers are pretty good, they’re a step below those two death squads. In what’s become a running theme in my picks this week, I think a bit of equilibrium is restored and the Texans have somewhat of a get-right game while Pittsburgh gets taken down a peg.
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Carolina Panthers at Los Angeles Chargers (-6.5)
This is a tough one. Conventional wisdom says 6.5 is a pretty big number for a rookie QB in his second start, though like everyone else I thought Justin Herbert looked more than legit in his debut. The L.A. defense has been fantastic, and they’re plenty good enough to paper over any potential rookie mistakes from their QB. 
I’m going with the Chargers less because of them and more because of how poor the Carolina offense has looked so far. Teddy Bridgewater is a great story and I’m glad he got himself a nice contract after his horrific leg injury in Minnesota, but he hasn’t looked like an NFL starter this year. New Panthers OC Joe Brady performed a miracle and gave the LSU Tigers an offense for the ages, so he clearly knows what he’s doing. Maybe the Panthers will get it together as the season goes on, but for this week I don’t see it, especially without all-world RB Christian McCaffery. 
New York Jets at Indianapolis Colts (-11.5)
11.5! That’s a large number for a pro game, and it’s terrible that I didn’t have to grapple all that much with laying the points. The Jets have looked historically awful and I feel bad for everyone on their sideline except for Adam Gase and Gregg Williams. Fuck those two. I don’t have a solid read on the Colts quite yet, but I’ve been around long enough to know that a Phillip Rivers-led squad would NEVER blow a layup like this.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers (-6) at Denver Broncos
I get that Tampa Bay is the road team here, but A) there are no fans in the stands, B) Denver has lost several key players to injury and C) they’re starting Jeff Driskel at Quarterback. The Bucs giving less than a TD seems odd to me. Maybe there’s some concern about the altitude affecting Tom Brady’s elderly lungs, or about the possibility of Rob Gronkowski buying thousands of dollars worth of edibles in Denver and mixing them in with the pregame spread. Classic Gronk move, imo.
Detroit Lions at Arizona Cardinals (-5.5)
I don’t see any way the Lions slow down this Cardinals offense, so their only hope is to outscore them. If stud WR Kenny Golladay were healthy I’d like Detroit’s chances a whole lot more, but he’s listed as Questionable with an injured hammy at the moment and on Friday assessed his situation as follows: “Wouldn’t say it’s 100 percent. I really wouldn’t even put a percentage on it, I just know I’m not 100 percent.” That doesn’t sound great to me, but I don’t come from an All Medical family, so I could be wrong.
Dallas Cowboys at Seattle Seahawks (-5)
The formerly formidable Seattle Seahawks secondary has given up 450 passing yards to Matt Ryan, and 397 yards to Cam Newton in their two games this season, while the Cowboys were also carved up by Matty Ice (lol) in their insanely improbable Week 2 win. Both of these passing attacks are fantastic, so this feels like an absolute orgy of touchdowns in the making. This game has the week’s highest over-under at 56.5, so I’m not exactly breaking any new ground with this analysis. That’s really the main hallmark of this blog series, now that I think about it. 
SNF: Green Bay Packers at New Orleans Saints (-3)
This game would be a lot more fun if All-Pro WRs Michael Thomas and Davante Adams were suiting up at 100% for their respective teams, but sometimes the Football Gods are dicks. Thomas is OUT with an ankle injury, and as of this writing Adams is being called a game-time decision with a bad hamstring. I’m guessing the game is gonna be more Aaron Jones vs Alvin Kamara than the Aaron Rodgers vs Drew Brees matchup it’s being billed as. That’s still plenty good enough to get me to tune in, as those guys are great in their own right. All things being equal, I trust Aaron Rodgers more to make chicken salad out of chicken shit against the Saints D at this point in time, so I’m giving Green Bay the edge. 
Every time Sean Payton takes his 1st ballot Hall of Fame QB off the field in favor of Taysom Hill, an angel gets its oxycodone prescription refilled. 
MNF: Kansas City Chiefs at Baltimore Ravens (-3.5)
My feelings on this game can be summed up by one of the great orators of modern times, “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair:
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Last Week’s Record: 10-5
Season Record: 19-11-1
0 notes
chronicallycal · 8 years
Hi Callie! I’m glad to be back in your inbox too! I totally need to catch up on the Harry Potter series once I have the time. Admittedly, I have only watched the movies so far. I’ve heard that while the French translation is fine, there’s something to be said about the wordplay in the original version, so I’m actually tempted to read it in English. Recently, I chose instead to watch some cult movies for the first time, namely the Indiana Jones and Star Wars series oops (NSA)
Your messages are under the cut again, too, because of length lol.
(and I’ve only watched the initial trilogy of both series). Now I finally know what those “Jedi mind tricks” are all about ^^ I can see why you’re comparing the beginning of S8 to what happened in 2x01 and 3x01. Their emotions were indeed less concealed this time, probably because unlike the previous times, in S8 they knew what it was like to be in an actual relationship with one another. Well, I didn’t appreciate the fact that they didn’t work together in the final season, but the thing is,
it would have made no sense if they had, at least during the separation. Because then what would even be the point in breaking up? It was already bad that Castle kept coming to the precinct occasionally (necessary because of how the show is structured), and that Kate also returned several times to the loft, giving her the opportunity to leave a message there if she had wanted to. In fact, I wonder if Castle would have been spared, had Loksat actually come after Beckett in the first half (NSA)
of the season, as Caskett were still married and regularly seeing each other. Besides, after a few eps, Castle started investigating on his own anyway. So while your idea is interesting, imo the writers would have had to find another reason for them to be separated in order to be able to implement that idea. Plus, I think removing the PI office from the picture wouldn’t necessarily equal to Castle visiting the precinct more often (Wouldn’t it hurt him too much to do that?
Would Beckett tolerate his presence after a while? etc.). But yeah, 2x01 and 3x01 were certainly easier to watch because of the way the COTW was handled. You have perfectly described the way I feel about the transition in S8. While it made total sense for them to reconnect sexually with other, and while Castle didn’t completely drop the talk about Loksat, they were almost too happy after what had JUST happened. In other words, things were back to normal really quickly, if that makes sense. (NSA)
I agree that this transition phase would have been a good time for them to discuss their future. Of course I liked the shift between S4 and S5 too, it was about time that they become an item, and I actually loved many Caskett moments in S5 (especially at the beginning of the season with their newly found intimacy, and around episodes 18-21, if “Still” is 5x21). In regards to the end of 5x10, it would have been interesting indeed to see Beckett having that conversation with Castle later on (NSA)
in the show. I guess it happened off screen, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that topic was only addressed after they got engaged. Aside from that scene, there were other mentions of insecurity in 5x08 (on Beckett’s side), and in 5x18 (on Castle’s side) for example, so for me it was a pretty recurrent theme in S5. Like many people, I didn’t like “The Squab and The Squail”, and I still have trouble with the fact that this episode was supposed to air after “Still”, so I’m leaving it aside (NSA)
for the moment. Some people wrote that in their opinion, at the end of S5, Castle had this tendency to deflect Beckett’s questions about the more serious topics, which led her to think that he wasn’t looking for real commitment, when Castle was actually afraid that showing how serious he was about them would spook her. I really liked this explanation, even if in big part, the insecurities resurfaced in those last episodes because it was the end of the season and the writers couldn’t think (NSA)
of another way to stir drama. I would certainly have preferred a proposal in other circumstances, because the part in S5 looked really serious (see Castle’s face), and there was this terrible misunderstanding between them for a minute. And yes, in the second half of S6 C&B were essentially giddy in regards to the wedding, and you’ve just made me realize that seeing a wider range in emotions would probably have made those episodes better. While I didn’t like the first wedding dress, (NSA)
the scene with Beckett in front of the mirror was a great moment in that regard. In 6x23, this thing with Rogan certainly came out of the blue, and you already know what I think of this episode.I really liked 7x23, but I have to admit that there weren’t any hints to Hollander’s Woods in previous eps either. More generally, there were many themed episodes in S7 I believe, so that didn’t really contribute to a sense of cohesiveness between the eps. About 2x24, until now, (NSA)
I was mainly sad because Castle was leaving the precinct with Gina at his arm, in front of everyone, may I add; and as Gina is his ex-wife, it felt more serious to me than a fling atm. But you’re absolutely right that there’s actually more to it than that, and geez that makes this ending even more heartbreaking. On the other hand, I really love 2x12 because of how Kyra is portrayed, so I’ve got to admit that Kate’s jealousy was fun for me too in that particular ep. (NSA)
Wow, I didn’t expect you to write a whole paragraph in French, especially now that you’re telling me you don’t practice the language as often anymore
, nor used to writing such long messages in one go in English (it’s probably easier for me to chat or to talk). But I’m up to the challenge because I love getting the opportunity to discuss the show with you, plus it doesn’t hurt that you always give really awesome answers in return. Thank you for that, by the way! I’m going to finish by sharing with you what I thought of your newest one shot. I actually wrote down the following “sentences” as I was reading the fic, (NSA)
so you’re getting here my unbridled scene-by-scene reactions. Warning: there’s gonna be some serious rambling involved (but you know that about me now :p) The beginning: ouch, painful, but it wouldn’t totally be a fic of yours if there wasn’t at least some angst involved (except for some rare occurrences), right? / That was a twist, even if I was intrigued right away by the supernatural aspect of your fic; the best part is, you copied the beginning of the scene in the summary and I didn’t (NSA)
The scene with the popcorn is so sweet, so them, so in character. / Castle is alive! And babyyyy. / Oh okay, we’re back to the theater now; is the baby real or is just a way to motivate them? (I think it’s real, let’s hope it’s real) / Aww a glimpse into the future, I think I see where we’re headed now; and mmh still a mention of a hospital bed even in that scene, nice (I pictured a nursery at first) / Oh okay, it will actually be a constant back and forth before the final scene encased (NSA)
in reality. OMG I’VE BEEN HERE BEFORE, she so saw what happened in “Always” the first time she was here :p And that’s why she knows things he doesn’t. / Beginning of next scene: I can imagine Castle coming back to reality by wanting to join Lily when she laughs, maybe symbolically open a door or something. Okay that didn’t happen but it’s so cute! Ooh and the twins are on the way! / Ooh we don’t wake up straight to reality, but Kate’s still got her hand in his. Interesting! (NSA)
/ What the hell with Caleb Brown??? And here it comes. A taxi, good! / Didn’t we have those lines before? I’m checking…yess we did! Everything is definitely accurate then :) / And okay, I should watch Criminal Minds (I guess that’s what CM means?) more often because I didn’t get the reference ^^ All I can now say is wow, I have no words (well, I sure had them before), it was so fantastic. One of your best works, if not the best. (NSA)
The succession of short scenes made it really pleasant to read as well. I’m sure Rickcastlefromthailand has loved her birthday gift! ;) Until next time, Callie! NSA 19/19 PS: The length of these messages is getting out of hand LOL.
In my opinion, you should definitely read the Harry Potter series. While I haven’t read the French version, so I can’t comment on its quality compared to the English version, but I will say there’s a certain beauty and wittiness to J.K. Rowling’s writing that may or may not have been reflected in the translation. However you choose to read them, though, I would definitely recommend it. That being said, I actually haven’t seen the movies. Or any of the other “cult” movies you mentioned. My movie watching is so minimal, I have a long list of movies I have to see, per my friends. lol. (oops?)
Upon further reflection, I have to agree that the idea of them working together through the separation would have most certainly been more flawed than the story line we were presented. I also agree that there is a certain degree of doubt that, despite their separation, Castle would have been spared in the event that LokSat went after Beckett in the early portion of the season. Personally, I doubt such a criminal would have spared the person who has so often presented himself as Beckett’s partner in crime, especially since both of them have shown great dedication to finding the truth. If nothing else, I imagine LokSat would have been aware of the fact that Castle would likely would have gone to great lengths to find out what happened to Beckett, whether they were separated or not. And LokSat, who doesn’t seem to be someone who cares about bloodshed, likely would have gone after Castle if only to avoid that hassle and inevitably doing it later.
Your description of the transition phase is also very accurate, in my opinion. Idk if you saw, but Raina (bravevulnerability) recently wrote about why Castle forgives Beckett so easily in her fics, and explained that forgiving someone doesn’t necessarily mean everything is okay/back to normal. In a way, I feel that this is what the reunion in season 8 lacked. Spare for Fidelis Ad Mortem (8x15), and the struggles in that episode, and the entire concept of hiding their reunion, there was a distinct lack of lingering emotions. Of course, to an extent, these could have passed during the winter hiatus, but I do think a certain degree of lingering doubts, even if communicated through subtle questioning and strange glances would have added a layer of authenticity of their reunion.
As for season 5, I think there’s a distinct difference in the insecurity expressed in episodes such as 5x08 and 5x18 compared to 5x10 and especially the end of the season. By which I mean, the prior instances seem to be more of a personal insecurity, a “will this work out” and “am I good enough for this person”, whereas the end of the season portrays the insecurity of “does this person want a serious relationship like I do”. The prior, to me, makes sense. Both characters have shown underlying insecurity throughout the series, so their doubts about being good enough for each other and/or compatible after all the effort put into their relationship are justified. What the end of the season does, however, is seem to make Beckett forget this commitment and effort that Castle has put in, as though he didn’t spend a year waiting to be with her, as though they hadn’t been together for a year, as though he hadn’t risked his life for her multiple times, one of which had just happened, in Still.
While I do agree that it’s highly possible that Castle would have evaded questions about their future out of fear of spooking Beckett, my problem with that is that it wasn’t shown at all prior to her doubts coming to surface. Which, in my opinion, is a failure of the writers, who knew where the season was going, as this is pre-planned, and didn’t take it upon themselves to present any semblance of build up to their end of season drama, in a way that made it seem implausible and almost juvenile. (Honestly, Beckett’s fears reminded me of something one would see with a couple who’s been hooking up for a few months, or playfully together with far less history, rather than a couple like Caskett). So for me, while this concept of the why being totally plausible and even a pleasant thought, in a way, my problem is that the writers didn’t execute that concept, and rather presented these doubts as something caused by Castle not wanting to sleep with Beckett in that one moment.
And for season 6, yes, I loved the moment in front of the mirror in 6x14. It’s a perfect example of how their past, personal struggles as individuals and as a couple could have been entwined. While I wouldn’t have liked a fulls season of merely rehashing the same doubts, I definitely think emotions such as those in that scene could have greatly improved the season for people such as myself who didn’t find great enjoyment in the giddy checklist style we did get.
Gah the reactions of the rest of the characters in 2x24 is truly heartbreaking, too. And I certainly agree that there’s a greater severity to that scene given that Gina is his ex-wife and not just a fling. I also think that 2x12 was a truly enjoyable episode. I actually really enjoyed Kyra, and the jealousy in that episode.
And aw! I hope my speaking French could bring you joy. I honestly need to use it more often, since I don’t want to lose it or my status as bilingual. And I’ve also used Duolingo, albeit to learn Spanish, and while it’s fun and teaches the basics, for sure, I find that eventually I get bored of doing the same lessons over and over again and just quit. Oops.
I’m also so glad my comments on your English could make you happy. I honestly had no idea you weren’t a native English speaker, so you certainly use the language well, even if it’s outside your comfort zone. I have to admit, I’m glad you feel okay with stepping outside your comfort zone for these messages, because I truly enjoy these exchanges we have.
And gaaaah I love your thoughts on my fic so much. Rambles are my favorite and it made me so happy to read your thoughts as you read, knowing where you were in the story and what was coming. I am so, so glad you enjoyed my odd little one-shot. And thank you so, so much for your compliments. I must admit, I’m fairly proud of that story as it went outside my comfort zone and into a genre I don’t usually explore, in a style not truly like my usual one, so to know it was well executed means the world to me.
(Also yes you should watch more Criminal Minds. Besides Castle, it is probably my favorite show lol).
Thank you, again, for this lovely message. I hope you have a good day, week, etc. Until next time!
Callie xx
(And yes these messages really are getting really long lol).
5 notes · View notes
jeanettethibodeau · 4 years
Toronto Raptors vs New Orleans Pelicans Full Game 22.10.2019
welcome you back to Toronto our opening night comfort continues file 53 degree evening thousands watching on the big screen at Jurassic Park and inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everybody I’m Marv Albert along with five five a star crisp weather Kristen Ledlow join us just a couple of its work from the sidelines so 60 Raptors without the sensational one adult Kawhi Leonard so what are your expectations for these two teams well my expectations at any time you have Kyle Lowry as your captain is you’re going to play hard and you’re gonna defend and protect the home court and I expect the Raptors to come out and play that way how about Pascal siakam I want to see his growth and improvement as well against Toronto with the third best home record last year and if you’re on the pelicans man you should look at this like this is the land of opportunity coach Gentry this style of play is fast fast fast and you will have an opportunity to establish your identity just play hard and play selfless but regardless this young team should be excited take a look at these starting fives presented by AT&T the pelicans with JJ Redick with the Zion out of action relative the starting lineup so Alvin Gentry going with a three guard set Redick ball and holiday parameters up front of Pascal siakam og at Adobe Marc Gasol and at the guards present leap and Kyle Lowry officiating crew Tony Brown and Courtney her Twitter’s in Secaucus in the replay Center to our Raptors 32 advise till at home last year second vets in the East behind being for walking pucks they went 58 and 24 second at the East with the second-best record heat Orlando at 5-1 at 7 over Philly on that dirt hole shot by Kawhi Leonard and Pete the Walker at 6 and what the NBA final defeating Golden State six let’s check in with Krista Marv as you know on opening nights the NBA champions are given their rings and their opponent is given the option to leave for to stay now you may have noticed that tonight the Pelican state coach Alvin Gentry told me I’ve been involved in a ring night madam there’s anything like it in the league I hope it serves as inspiration I also want them to see that these guys are bonded for life David Griffin also told me I want them to want those it’s a cool thing to be as young as you are to be present for ring night what Toronto did to get their ring was victory several years of refusing to bow down guys hard Thank You Kristin yes alvin wanted his club the young players to get a taste of what it’s like to receive a championship ring helicanus control ball puts it up at stip tall won’t count it is called no they say it does count the basket counts Hebert says wait a minute you sure enough come on now give me those two points and as you see here the battle inside and how about that basalt knocked that in but favors should get the credit he was the closest to the mantle tip the ball so what is current papers with the pocket to get things going van fleet second gets it into the corner [Applause] and back come the Pelican last season’s 33 and 59 same revenues battleships and Memphis off the steel Van Vleet to Lowry pulling up for the three his crowd ready to explode so Paul with that a groove touch during pre-season favors [Applause] just put these foul hit bike favors when you look at both these teams one thing you’re gonna see similar they they both like to get out and run and if you look at the pelicans you may be surprised at this but points per game last year they were number three coach Gentry loves to get his team out and run and that’s what they will if you try to sneak Toronto get some easy baskets Toronto one of the best defensive teams especially at home when Chris pick nerves telling us earlier that means the major concern of his team the fact that the pelicans are one of the fastest teams in the league needle mark one of the things that concerns me and again you know we’re in the game of speculations there is Lowry this is a second free throw is that now with the addition to one of my favorite players in the league badly I do not like him necessarily being the starter because it makes this team have such a small backcourt will be interesting to see how they figure it out during the season as it goes along it’s all for the little to the toughest and leave ice touched by Ingram rather they grow they do form Loker his weight of the pelicans and that deals and any day this kickball is called [Music] we’ve seen this young man improve seems like each year and I like the fact that he took massage in the ball a bond that played one dribble jump shot he has handles these wiry that can get to the coat badly got it by Redick [Applause] Oceana roti seasons back showing us let me show you shouldn’t talk how about that mark what I love about it is that he caught and shot the ball right away no hesitation one of the tough things about working on your shot and then implementing it in a game is can you shoot it with no hesitation no doubt in that time pulled up during the three holiday the free Lowery Peck sit down see active at the lead Jennifer Gasol and it’ll be New Orleans ball Redick looking for a shot ball get this download ice ball both hit Ingram yes it’s a ¾ knock it down it’s cornered we’ve not used to seeing that a game guys are trying to show us how they improved in the offseason I suppose even tear the pissed I’m an Adobe is way off favored set the pick here’s Ingram affiliate rebound Lowen [Applause] the past too deep save by holiday that comes Redick looking for the shot and gets from downtown talk about a quick hold right there Redick knows that his jumper is wet anytime it goes in shoots with confidence by not answered by a New Orleans timeout Toronto [Music] love you man big time Big Town big time Raptors enjoying the championship the sailboat is just a moment ago Norman Powell and planted Inc repairing the Mike’s tonight State Farm audio assist both turnovers now to Toronto their last five trips final road by the Orleans Fire virtue of three pointers by three different players here’s Redick hitting once again that’s cool that’s where he made his name last year using his height this size that time ridic Reddick did not get away trying to draw a foul but how about this ciacco using his limp that Y reframed to get it easy with the cup instead a travel called on run a good play by that leave soon yeah come at three ball pops it down Ingram let by siakam off the spin gives it back up Holliday whoa faithless puts it home I like this young team the potential did you see the trust rule Holliday had in yong-hwa he moved the ball back to ball saying shoot the three but the most dangerous part of balls game is his penetration if you’re a big fella had your hands ready he’s gonna get the ball to you let’s hope all played so well before he went down with the injury last season with the Lakers who can see the confidence that we shall drop this is a nice comeback [Applause] we one of the heroes but the championship run a year ago able to pop down a free there’s ball four three no hesitation rims out rebound seventy-nine lead for the pelicans the trust of these rafters not offensive Lowry penetrated something fun to watch Ingram with a catch up here see active rebounds first quarter being played at a very fast pace back to the pelicans and the Raptors cloud of magic Seattle is pushed and a foul is call that was on ball that leach showed us his heart last year not only in college how tough he was on both ends taking bumps taking hits going through droughts what I loved is that his confidence never wavered he continued to play with effort consistent effort at home and on the road he’s game one of his biggest fans a news serge ibaka checking in for the Raptors remark who saw Serge very emotional during the championship chatter and the rents of only ice remember when Ibaka told his team after being two down in Milwaukee no one believed but him saying listen we can do this great finish by favors inside the Bacchus should be emotional because he gave his heart and soul to his team last year they came to him awarded city good start here by Derrick Favors first season with New Orleans coming over from Utah that’s what he can do travel is called fall back to the rafters the pelicans right now I was getting ready could shoot a dribble handoff getting him an easy busca so he doesn’t have to force his way in stop the person watching the earth it’s a tip to run here by grottoes mentos flooring back after that I know screwed by the politics favors he’s off and bleep went to the cross against humble bed siakam on a step battle for the rebound and a loose ball foul is called it was against New Orleans Seattle was quite favorite and that’s what I’m interested to see in Seattle he just signed a new contract extension and with players you don’t worry about the effort they’ve been dreaming about this game their whole life but what you do wonder is can they take that next step in that next step for Sayaka is to continue playing with his energy level [Music] the console guys to get fallen guys he has to make sure that he speaks with this actions in not just his words VanFleet doesn’t he do that all the time boredom going in amongst the Giants Fred plant late hit a sport NBA season out of the wichita state bringing gelato with it a point as well [Applause] Howl’s come on for the lapis for the first time at a foul on Paul the FDA of GMT is murky by Geico 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car occurrence and by that telluride from Kia official or navona partner of the NBA’s correction how the last file it’s holiday on Paul Pott holiday to stop us five remaining in the first [Music] skel siakam coming off a breakout season Most Improved Player Award he averaged better than 17 a game she was a first-round pick 27th overall out of New Mexico State four years ago log on really quick Pete has evolved into a terrific all-around player looks like a future all-star NBA tickets.
com is the official source for all NBA Tickets even for sold-out game start research now at NBA tickets.
com where tickets are always authentic and always about Ramar fees first nights we usually see a lot of turnovers ugly play super teams haven’t been together and this is one of the better post corners and starts it seems like both teams getting shots that they like I know it’s just one quarter flirt hug the pelicans doesn’t they don’t look like the team that has so many new players attention to 14th to run here by the Raptors they lead for the first time last touched by fouled of Toronto substitutions [Music] [Applause] firstly to timeout calls 4:16 left in the first jet retelling us early he was going to try to cut down on the rotation well enough set five new players out of the court Jahlil Okafor each marble Josh from part the rookie Nikhil Alexander Worple head of a compressor preseason at Frank Jackson this is Alexander Walker has been hitting a shot he must have the super green he has the curry green line any time you come in and coach cause of playing new cool step back three from the top of the key I can’t wait to see him just get a wide open Lee on the turnover the ball back [Music] okhla for [Music] Alexander Walker out the hole to the running one-hander kept alive [Applause] Williams is off [Applause] just like an takubo of course not as good as answer the Koopa the reigning MVP but just as you have to go in the fast break or when he’s attacking the basket you must build a wall his height athletic ability and his speed gets into the cup back to the most and if you don’t have help defend his back there he’s gonna get to the line foul committed by Josh apart Pelican soon as we have of discussing without Zion Williams and the out six to eight weeks after undergoing surgery we’re premiering that to talk right meniscus those who have missed season openers due to injury include fella by the name of Chris Webber those who have missed who have been number one overall graphics the last thirty years some pretty good names on that list yeah a little more fortunate than say of the late Griffin it had to sit out the whole your even though I don’t know if he Minds that too much and still got that Rookie of the Year trophy jumped over a few cars on his way this adult chopped to take his [Applause] two games and luckily for me it was an appendectomy and not [Applause] we gets the role and he will go to the line Alexander Walker picks up the foul for the pelicans I told coach nurse before the game I said you have a small backcourt don’t you think teams are gonna exploit it they are so small he said yeah Chris but you know they play humongous and that’s the type of player just shows me talk to them now I’m assuming these are the accurate heights that have been measured my lead source has been leading is listed at 6-foot and Lowry at 6 1 ok if I would have had to guess I would say vans lead it’s probably 510 but Alexander Walker’s yes ok Walker I’m a fan already rookie rookie that comes it it takes a shot 2 seconds into the game and then fires another one knocks a three now you have my attention I don’t Virginia Tech first round pick 17 overall the salt try to pitch it back [Applause] well hot come defense I mean look at how heart stays vertical he earned that when he got popped in the mouth for it but he doesn’t care as he got the charge look at this he goes straight up no no no no you can’t get upset Baptist fans you can’t get upset on that one because he got hit in the face they got a coach’s challenge right here okay here we go each team permitted to a challenge once again you must have a timeout remaining to make the challenge when we come back we’ll see the result of their challenge basketball is a very human game everybody comes together to create an atmosphere that makes this the greatest game in the world we’re all part of the same team and when the game was at its best it teaches us respect which is pretty fundamental please be sure to respect the players officials and your fellow fans remember this is our game we’re in this together by 1901 major Taylor was considered the greatest athlete in the world but he was still searching for something else we never stop never settle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to Toronto we’re going to have our first coaches challenge look how Powell attacks now the rule is defensively you must stay vertical do not reach over your man it looks like Hart has done that he looks like he’s also a little worse for the wear [Applause] great looks at that and the call stands it is an offensive foul on Powell so the play does stand let’s put on Joe boy sure they give us his explanation hi Marv how you don’t do it so this was the first challenge we’ve ever had in an NBA regular-season game and as you could see pal did lead with an unnatural elbow to the face therefore that that was confirmed to be a foul so the call stands there was no clear and conclusive evidence to overturn senior VP of officiating Joe Bourget drove thanks polka for with the chip 26:25 pelicans by one as we approach two minutes to go in this opening quarter his Maori on the drive he took a shot [Applause] Walker thyroids just the tip mark is still out at heart try to chase it down it’s kicked out about last touch final Wallace one thing you want to see from the other teams that have a burden of expectations and I believe with Zion and these young guys that they do have expectations that may be unfair maybe not they computed to us but you always want to judge their energy and effort level and tonight so far doing a great job for colorful maka head position but the saw how am I going to take a chance [Applause] [Music] the foul committed Maori Fawzi should have got credit for getting the shot off Okafor committed a foul big nurse wishes he had his challenge back because if you look at that plate again and again everything is fast motion we have the luxury to see that in slow motion but it looks like he went up right away as soon as it was contact Lowry but again no challenge so two shots there was a hesitation before the shot was mistaken you can watch serge ibaka grill his celebrity friends on his pillory web series how hungry are you new episodes exclusively on Bleacher Report have you seen what they’ve been eating more I have seen clips I would I’d love to hang out with him going to show and watch it but I would not be taking part yeah that’s that’s a nice way to put it coming up on a better to go first quarter four makes his move he’s found by Gasol for the Toronto Raptors missed the start of their 25th season and they open up as the champs coming off the six-game victory over the gold state warriors in the finals last season looking for the shot Williams before second plus it went off and a final snow heart was hit from behind walk off and just not think about anything he knows that it looked like it’s twisted his ankle just about how he landed let’s see here if that’s right yep you can always tell when a player does that and number-one rule and you do that keep moving do not sit still and let it get stiff parts tough you’ll get through it foul committed by a nobodies Josh Hart acquired from the lay cruising that package deal for Anthony Davis three-year man out of Villanova first-round pick of Utah 30th overall and then transplant traded to the Lakers [Applause] some are jumping too quickly yes it’s a lane violation on the Raptors it is on Gasol and if your aquifer good job that is your assist when a big man does that he anticipates he’s going to be met with force and has to get in there early to block out just your willingness to go after the rebound Mesa Kassar jump in there a little bit early you get another shot for your team Josh Hart 65% free throw to the last season when you consider that David Griffin was not exactly holding all the card into the executive vice president for the pelicans a long time Vienna Cavaliers what Anthony Davis demanded a Trekkie yes of the Lakers he did an awesome job I mean of course you get lucky with the number one bitch anybody’s number one kinky lefty but what about the pieces he put around Zion and these young players Payne Lee Alexander Walker they are trying to let it fly and again I look at this as the island of misfit toys that you have a second chance maybe people didn’t seem to want you before you’re only 23 if you are all prefer and you’ve been talked about is not being in the league anymore maybe not and if you’re all you’ve been questioned because you’ve been hurting and I look at this as an opportunity to have fun excitement it’s an establish your own identity you know this team has a lot of great young players and all you have to do is play hard a three part attack piscis all [Applause] fifteen seconds to go in the quarters each one more [Music] Alexander Wolcott pretty fast for okra for Donna mama hop a couple seconds remaining and the quarter so what what a complete opening night in the NBA publicans up by three Haley pass please leave us back check out his favorite players show-stopping almost live on at the a late pass for no cost at all this publicans Albert gently coach emotions run high on a ring night but you wanted your team to be out here to see it what the was the key to setting those emotions aside and to establishing the pace early on well first of all I thought it was great to see the ceremony you know that’s what we aspire to be also secondly when the game started I told them we just gotta play I thought we started the game great the pace of the game was really good we took a couple of tough shots in that but we have to keep the pace of the game what where it is right now you did though establish an early double-digit lead as the Raptors eliminated that deficit what was the difference in your team’s energy for execution oh we got to do a better job execution but I thought we started a game with a lot of energy we got good spacing and we got to continue to have the face thank you guys all right Kristin eleven to run by the pelicans the last three and a half minutes of that first quarter drive the tipless by Gasol tap tap Powell’s fires go through and Williams with the rebound for New Orleans there’s a rafters right now you must keep the pelicans off the glass and as you see right there they got a good stop but that’s their ninth offensive rebound and they have 11 total Alexander Walker’s how attempted seven shots what four seven he is fluff to la Paix here’s our example again on the drive the board here in Toronto played for Team Canada under each team back in 2016 while we asked the Turner High School how he’s using his body inside not suddenly for the jump shot using the strength around the post gotta love that it’s one more backing it up [Applause] [Music] and it is a tall fences all 30 friends and family here 40 kill Alexander Walker Toronto native attended port secondary school located in Bolton Toronto before playing couple of seasons at Virginia Tech you know what let it fly young man let it fly your family’s here this is a dream come true congratulations let’s get your feet set knock down a couple enjoy the ride not shy here we toss the foul bottles called on Nicole old mare who just checked it he’s a 28 year old rookie board and Italy was playing overseas and Germany’s Turkey remember of championship teams in Germany and Turkey play very well a preseason although Alvin Gentry said he’d like to see him shoot more frequently coach said he told him listen I need you to shoot he said coach I shot at four times he says shoot at four more times and then I’ll be happy miss talking good yeah yeah he heard the conversation coach that you need to be me right traveling violation Mulligan’s by one early second quarter Marv Albert Chris Webber Kristen Ledlow from Scotiabank arena in Toronto [Applause] [Music] that’s it Lulu Lowry this is Mel for three yes tomorrow he’s gonna get that shot all night pelicans trying to get in that shot earlier because cut Stahl is on him is it’s all his own of him can’t move maybe as well as the small guys so he can get that open look the soul with a series of teams rebounded by heart so the pelicans back to the offense it’s not a dutchman team yet but if they are they would go to the same play with a pickup bowl the move could sawed off the ball reach-in is called on young team sometimes have trouble with understanding what just worked sometimes young teams go away from what this work that the veteran is no wait a minute let’s exploit this mismatch until these team make some adjustments it downloads all because of the pick-and-roll play you took us all in a pick-and-roll with a guy that can shoot like now what happens you get penetration great passes open look from the corner they’ll defend God Gasol now they switched the sole as doubles got it down low OD Roby with the rebound every gentle fight Miller Alexander Wofford high speed family please break down the link of the scoop it counts in the foul [Applause] strong move by Fred Radley who went through a series of injuries last season and came back strong he’s about to head to the line Saxons call Wow the Raptors three from ten from the free from the three-point line so if you’re the pelicans you must understand the Raptors want to go to stop and push it even force the refs in a tough position that call and get a foul slow the pace down until they can speed it up in control the pace I told Josh Hart just went back to the locker room and just heard a moment ago this is expelling the food three once again because the plays work that the plays work penetration into the middle because the big fella that used to coming down to help you get a wide-open shot try to get it inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] as for movement by the pelicans and Jackson second year Patrick Duke with the pocket bleep a foul is called is that fleet again just children so impressed with the pelicans maybe this first of all on the knockdown shot that’s when you attack but but you want to see the ball movement you want to know what happens on the ball movement that’s 13 assists for the pelicans on 16 field goals may now that no those are Golden State type numbers if you want to talk about teamwork very impressed again I must say with the young team being that efficient foul was called on Jackson come back Fred van food off to the good start remember he began the playoffs struggling with that three-point shot at one point of these conference finals he was seated 19 who said from three and then Assad’s retirement was born at 4 tutors dad caught fire at that point from three-point range somewhere young friend his mom is saying wait and I did all the work didn’t either credit [Applause] complete also coming back hardship jute had a severe cut others his right eye [Music] that’s last touch by lot soul ball just check back here tell you what he’s young he’s exciting says you can hate on him all you want but he gets dance that’s so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he’s got to shake his hand on now that was a rainbow let’s see now ball gets back into the pick-and-roll with me and Holliday even though it Bach is in and he can move closer and get up there in traffic they control Howell they played on a switch by a pocket five on the shot clock a sauce the Barden could’ve kept alive during pasta gets to her [Applause] Bowery on the strip that’s a foul ibaka party is gonna get the call but it was an offensive foul I believe this is the toughest call to make as a referee it can be so subjective and tonight just great job yes CJ jumpy was bitten that paint but he stayed vertical and you cannot hit the defender with that offhand but that off elbow and twice tonight the refs been right on it with a good call the wall moves up by 8 the bench has done a 25 zeros the pelicans against the Raptors bench the salvage actually has done a lot of shuffling in this first half [Music] [Music] [Applause] wait short by eight put stuff like wall [Applause] this is when Brandon Ingram can grow and develop we saw him last year with the Lakers playing a game in which he didn’t score and had 11 assists and I saw his development and growth happened there if he lets the game come to him he will be so explosive and exciting as he has the lip the athletic ability in the heart to finish inside just let the game come to you and I think that’s when we’ll see him grow by leaps and bounds foul committed by Seattle so two shots here for Ingram the NBA on TNT is brought to you by Burger King get for cheesy tots for just a buck for a limited time only at Burger King and by the Killians ideas official automotive partner of the NBA pelicans up by 12 just under 6 to go in this first clip see I can understand nicely see actively Nana’s 10 points lost control but he proved a foul pelicans 5 and OH in pre-season for what that is worth as a souvenir of our call the best players that I’ve played with and watched over my career have been the best decoys as well understanding when to set yourself up understanding window set others up if you like Redick understand you have a green light your job is catch and shoot every time Davis is just check they’re looking for all this Paul Sutter rates reflected what goes on [Applause] that’s why you want to attack let your big man’s come behind you and clean it up don’t worry about the percentage attacks the basket took the reps in a tough position and give your bigs a chance to clean up [Applause] if the pelicans you must build the wall being in the sea Aachen has a size advantage you can go right into the post first light up where that controls the foul half of this patch [Applause] their natural positions that we’ve seen coach Nick nurse encourage his guys attack attack attack and if they don’t what difference does it make if they get a steal or a stop on the other end but they just come down and get a tough shot and a half court office tomorrow Ian SPF double-header it’s the Celtics at the six-year start at 7:30 Eastern Time followed by the Denver Nuggets Portland Trailblazers starting at 10:00 o'clock Eastern Time Marv you’ve seen a lot of basketball and then we get to talk about a long time I must ask him put you on the spot I’ve never been this excited for a basketball season wish I haven’t played and I’m sure you have context is this one of the most exciting all seniors and then maybe expected seasons that you’ve seen how I agree because of all the player moves of star yeah good dealt or situs as free agents which laced into summer boxes brother touchdown him out of three just too bad about Zion Williams yeah yes it fills for him I tell you what I just won the first mount pick first pick as a fan I feel bad you know but the one thing I hope is that he keeps his head while he’s out because you hear so many people talking and things that aren’t true and things that maybe have truths and can you eat properly can you work out it’s hard to work out when you have an injury so how do you stay engaged in lose weight how does he keep his jump shot going how do you keep the chemistry with your team so he’s gonna have a tough adjustment to get back but I’m sure that he’s looking forward to it and he’ll handle it just fine so I can’t wait to whenever he makes his appearance because we need some Zion in his leagues don’t be excited it’s true because one your recovery it’s tough to stay on a diet or yeah whatever is being prescribed yeah and you’re not burning as many calories you still want to eat you still want to workout you’re young I mean she’s only 19 when I was 19 I 20 in terms of the league I would eat pizzas before the game hamburgers like a so they didn’t matter and still run the same way you were young that you’d be your ally so hopefully even that he’ll be okay but definitely going to be a tough adjustment with him missing some time for morons I hope still to Kristin Marva you’d speak to David Griffin before this game he told me there were multiple valuations before making that decision to operate on Zions but he did speak to him earlier today and he said he’s doing well he said that Sian is only upset that he’s not here with his team that he was so looking forward to this coach Gentry said the same thing before the games that the entire team facetimed him at brunch and he’s too sad and have missed the trip [Applause] you see a bucket there I think the narrative one sign has been a little unfair about him being injured because I really don’t believe that he was injured during the preseason I think that maybe the pelicans said wait a minute why would we put him in this situation to get hurt and maybe gave a little bit time 2019 is presented by Autotrader with 337 remaining first half three point lead for the pelicans they’ve led by as many as 11 balanced going to New Orleans Raptors went by the leap to 15 Seattle with 12 showed me a lot on that play I anticipated a broken play because coach Jimmy call to play out of Bounce and what happens with most young teams they’ll come out not know what coach said it messed up the play look at this come off the pick-and-roll now you have favors going down the Baka can’t help so when you go into the pump fake you know that you have siakam one-on-one on an island Ingram again means this is Linton is wiry strange the strengthen is why I’m afraid to get the end one 10 points for Brandon Ingram and a six point lead for the lead off the pics the hops we see action and it will be Toronto boy the job by the veteran JJ reddick saying to Zell ball listen I think this play is gonna come again and when it does we must come together and communicate switch not just think we’re going since we have to communicate it finish the play [Music] Terrence Davis with that shot way off davus the looking from this star wide receiver in high school a an excellent athlete and we’ll see much Blanche time off the bench scoop [Applause] Dave Astana – he’s back up [Applause] ask about this [Applause] for point New Orleans we know Papa has her so the lead is two as we approach 2 minutes remaining in this first half holiday with a look away faster [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you’re the pelicans you have to realize listen settle down we’ve gotten to good plays by our big fellow going on the point guard we must keep the ball oh what a pass from blossom oh my goodness and the double pump finish inside and if you haven’t had a chance to watch an NBA game in person drew a holiday his size it is unassuming he doesn’t look as small in person I’ll tell you what he does not care about going in amongst the trees inside the paint sixth number five for Alonzo deflected out last touch my the Pelican is that passion we’re talking about mom and that’s what I’m saying I don’t care what anyone says he’s one of the most exciting passers that I’ve that’s in the game today and if everything else keeps approving along with this passage there’s gonna be some special display [Music] I’ve been around this league a long time 25 years and an average entry has always been a trusted coach whether it was an assistant or a head coach the keys get as easy on guys confidence and Marv you right he see it in the play of all tonight so Watson will head to the line found on the act body Davis one of the areas he has struggled it along with the outside shot which seemingly has improved the other area is at the foul line last season and the pelicans have their shooting coach Fred Vincent working with Lonzo and it has paid dividends let’s see if it does right here two shots Marv no hesitations and I tell you what having been a poor free-throw shooter and then a pretty good one later there’s no feeling like that it’s like you almost have control of the game like you’ve never had before because you can play with the freedom but you’ve never had hesitations by Lowry but did not work this pregnancy fourth turnover committed by Kyle Lowry coming up it’s the American Express time reporting live from Los Angeles with Charles Lakers players take it personally I’m Brandon Taylor just just because we’re in the NBA if I’m Brandon Eagle I’m looking at shiok I’m like no no no I’m taking you every time because I know you won one but we’re the same size we play the same game and guess what I’m Nexen obviously siakam is felt doubt aware about other players over his time here because he’s just continue to improve but you need that personal battle in my opinion to be one of the greats you have to want your team to win but you also want to win the individual battles and right now siakam in England going out so siakam to the line you know some coaches head coaches to cheating countries but there are guys who have really done a terrific job obviously thread Vincent has chip Engelland yeah with the San Antonio Spurs as Tony Parker on the test tube there’s a white Leonard there’s some great was there buzz Braman he was mine right there a lot of coaches up playing for it it didn’t want guys to lift weight so it wanted you to eat a a whole hog before a game because they heard that’s what worked back in the day so those that are stuck in a time warp those are the ones you may not want to be advised by you want the ones that always pushing the envelope in whoever JJ Redick with Redick retires when a shooting coach he’s going to be that’s his third three of the night and a foul is called it’s it is a kickball on the phone and here’s a Vincent working before the game with Alonzo ball tell you what it starts with having someone to believe on you in practicing the same way I played with a guy Kevin Martin jump shot came from his hip it’s not about where your shot comes from or where it goes it’s about the consistency of where it stays each time and they’re trying to find some consistency with the placement of all jump shot high school policy successful weathers want to deep sameen let mrs.
Cartwright Vinnie Johnson it’s fun it’s like a golf swing their own individual Gossling and the only thing that’s pretty is this nice one is it effective we’re not eight-second violation Lowery walked it up and another turnover the pile our you rarely see that call he was thinking of killing the clock with only 16 seconds remaining in the half but killing a picture yeah and I think with Van Vleet game until he didn’t realize what it was and now look at the difference or look at the substitution pattern that Coach HP put in the game he moved Derrick Favors out brought a shooter in so that he could put the saw back in the pick-and-roll and what his coach Nick nurse do say I see what she’s doing let me get the big fella out this game so we can play you guys straight up and switch everything yes the rookie Nicole Nellie who was hitting the three-pointer early on is back on the floor Millikan’s will hold for a final shot Holliday with 10 seconds to go play bike Davis five seconds left of the half-holiday ask the trouble here comes Rollins Justin said it fair that is the end of the first half pelicans lead at 61 56 we’ll take a break in that it’s on to LA for the emerge Express halftime report [Music] after as we get set for the second half how about this start line Chris 22 field goals 18 assists for the pelicans in the first half you said to go to state warriors I mean and I say that of course in jest but what I mean by that we all know about the ball movement of teams like to go to state warriors and systems like what coach Kerr has that’s why I’m so impressed with the fact that they are moving the ball and playing selfish yes his game won but it still happened in early well Alvin Gentry was an assistant leave assistant for Steve Kerr several years back Marv I spoke to coach Nick nurse at halftime and I asked him what he talked to his team about in the locker room he said it’s not about our execution but our energy he said that he started the game with very low energy statistically he said we have to give the pelicans fewer rebounds fewer second-chance points though the Raptors are winning in both of those categories so I asked him is the energy perhaps lacking after the ring ceremony he said it could be but a nap time I told those guys to decide right now whether or not they wanted to win hard buckets five and bleep and then holiday we talked about that earlier on the pregame show the possibility of team being a little hyped up and could that affect them on opening night as it has affected other teams in in recent years foul is called on a retic that is his reminded of a scene last year in the playoffs with Kawhi sitting to the tunnel and guys on the Toronto Raptors playing around trying to give him five and he doesn’t even look at the guy in points at the court the reason why I brought that up Kawhi played 60 games and siakam played 80 and Kawhi still took the most shots still had the highest field goal percentage for three-pointers and it was the culture that he brought from San Antonio and I know this is Game one have we’ve seen teams with great cultures lose game this game is not over yet but the question for the arguer for the Raptors is who’s gonna feel the void of leadership not necessarily scoring leadership we’re koala well as Charles mentioned the Ingram is able to knock down yet another shot Ingram has 14 points Charles talking about it at halftime and I I agree these these teams have very solid play yes I mean even without Zion New Orleans done a good job in terms of filling the roster as a compared to a year ago but neither has a major star and you have to have at least one in these days it seems to you were so right in charles’s right and until you get that major star you know what you need to have a major sense of urgency to heaven that’s what these teams need to start off with knowing that you don’t have that player you can rely on him for me Toronto it all starts with care mentality that was Kauai like last year there’s Lowery open yes the subject of Kyle Lowery he officially has three turnovers of collection from the official score that eight-second violation if you will with us where he did get it across the midcourt line of time was a turnover and another who’s called out up without attempt holiday now with six points so three turnovers him he’ll be happy with that as he looks at the statue two minutes gone by here in the third Marv Albert Chris Webber Kristen Ledlow siakam shoots was three we bought it by hand room fires it down but those were throws of the ball back to the Raptors the Toronto Raptors third last year in fast-break points and it was predicated on their defense and getting out so when you hear Kristen Ledlow talk about coach Nick nurse being disappointed about the energy that is something that is different and then what they’ve had yes these are special circumstances bring night at the same time she must play to your identity and regardless of who’s the star on the raptors their identity has always been effort and defense is a tripping foul if it is Ingram it is that’s his fur you’d like to see the saw get the ball in the post and played point guard we’ve seen Mark Jackson do it we had to change the rule for Charles Barkley and Mark Jackson posting in the paint so long playing point out of that and Gasol is definitely capable doing that insult is such a great passer willing passer and how about Zola willing shooter knock it down at three point eight points five assists Alonzo ball to the three from downtown what blasted hits the three glass I called it for you big fellas he shakes his hand in all counts one-point lead to New Orleans step-back by Paul this one is real here’s the torch from the crowd see Yakima the beautiful spin Ottawa who was looking for help that was going behind them talk about cold I grew up in with the kids I kind of they’re growing up like how I grew up to give them a chance to say look anything’s possible you know I’m not that tall I’m not the fastest I’m not the quickest but I’m able to bring this trophy back and you know have you guys touch it and feel it and that was my biggest sounds like yeah I wanna take pity would have to touch it fill it like you know be able to like you know appreciate it a little bit more and Chris you know following the championship season head coach Nick nurse had a bucket list tour of his own to celebrate the title what did he do well he played the guitar on stage with the art kills they are a Canadian rock band and then he sang take me out to the ball game at Wrigley Field watching his favorite team the Chicago Cubs and people celebrated everywhere he said he also coached Team Canada at FIBA World Cup said that actually he found that more relaxing than continuing to rot allowed and accepted congratulations doodle where that of foul [Applause] talk about a place that gets loud and you’re gonna learn this is a young team in the pelicans you do not give any momentum to the home team they live off the energy of this crowd and that usually plays like that get their defense goals three point lead for Toronto pelicans have led by as many as 11 they’ve led post up away picked off by Lowry the activist top comes back to Lowry active on the spin stop by Paul and it’s a kickball lot so Paul is claiming that siakam kickflip no it’s the other one you know you try yeah yeah and truthfully I’ve never seen it work one time with a straight face shot clock to six see I come out of post office [Applause] so all postings are Lowery who pokes it away pelicans in possession again Lowery undersized that what does he do pokes the ball away he wants to make sure that he doesn’t get in the position that he can’t handle because of his size that’s the toughness coach nurse was talking about I don’t know fighters went up why are we pushing it off the hesitation sent back to the other way Redick Neely picked it off bad bleep with the high school the song the food [Applause] Ingram yes it’s a free for anger who has shot the ball well stop watching players and see how they return the next year I don’t care about all the talk but what media says I’ve been there I know you get better in the summertime and I tell you what see aqua has embraced his role too and Brandon he’s trying to have a body count because he’s saying listen I’ve been working at whoever gets in front of me can get the business 17 points now for Ingram who was fouled by Lowry second artist Lowry played at him last season with the Lakers averaged 18 points five rebounds and they’re really improved his game when LeBron was injured because he had more playing time or space to operate that’s an offensive foul Derrick Favors Papa tried to charge the defense’s contagious out of nobody he knows that if he does not get to that spot that Lowry and Van Vleet will come over and say listen we’re smaller than you and we take charges more charges than that a game sacrifice for the team he already knows he’s buzzing throttle thanks to the starting lineup while we’ve been asleep on the back cortisol is up [Music] Oh sillies of fakes it counts before I remember it needs to come to the league everyone will say oh my god coming around is so skinny he should gain weight even she gained 30 pounds in the hole they should embrace the body that they haven’t been given better with their skillset and then they’re hard to check the lip of Ingram he’s the size of what Apollo for it used to be now plain somewhat a hybrid point guard at times man doing such a good job letting the game come to him foul committed by at Adobe rather they were lifted at 6:00 I’d want my key I think that’s pretty fair maybe not the 190 maybe they did something but Noah’s tell you what he makes the defenders understand his Heisman every time he catches the ball in the space see hakam’s worry about it full bellies back on the floor and a three-point barrage going in the first half Redick is off without see a key part has returned for two wallets grant lease goes his heart not to step at school and that’s what Toronto we do it until they get their feel they trying to speed it up lost them fall back to the Raptors Norman Powell Serge Ibaka getting set check back in here they come so the public comes with five turnovers here already in the third quarter that’s the worry that’s why I’ve been praising them so much so much so earlier because you look 21 assists on 28 shots but you know that with the younger teams for that bad play it’s the only constant so if you’re the pelicans make sure you communicate on defense come together for switches and then more importantly on offense recognize the hot hand got to give Redick some good shots he’s been trying to chase his own shots that’s when you need veterans to say hold on let’s slow it down and get our guy a good look pelicans sure they got 44% for the right Raptors at 43 halfway through the third quarter Toby [Applause] report Toronto lead upon or by comma floors goes cross-court to Holliday fouled by Seattle to Novi does not play the same position that’s how it should work but I tell you what their bodies are so similar that if I’m watching this game and I’m out there in Washington I’m looking and saying this is how I could spin use my big broad shoulders to ward off shot blockers and still get an easy shot inside a great job attacking the basket at all be listed at six eight a very long should say backs it up on Ibaka they clear it out and cover the shot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ibaka calling for it down low he has a smaller increments a great job by Ingram fighting to get in the front front of the post a pocke with space and rebounded by more there’s Park all the way and scores but the pace this is what coach ministry does if you don’t know teams even assistants on the players that he has he has a great context of how to get easy buckets but the young team and kind of be a decoy so you can’t see that the team can’t play hashed or overly often what Coach pinch-me does if you don’t know teams he’s been assistants all the players that he has he has a great context of how to get easy buckets with the young team and kind of be a decoy so you can’t see that the team can’t play half-court Oh [Applause] part of the foul so the pelicans with their fourth foul we are four minutes 11 seconds left in this third quarter opening night in the NBA coming up in the second of our doubleheader it’s the Lakers and the Clippers from Staples in LA and that is a clipper don’t leave me after the game I’m trying to get to the hotel to watch it’s right away I have to see this game la versus Natalie gonna be excited there’s William check back here for the wall Kevin Harlan Reggie Miller now they will force the telecast right here on TNT off the pass the entry pass to Ibaka foul is called as he threw the double Alexander Walker who adjustments checked in get rid of the flowers I’ll tell you what it’s gonna be awesome this year in LA the best part about the season is everyone making their predictions and everyone being wrong because something is going to just unfold but I tell you what it’s going to be fun watching that pick and roll with LeBron and ad the length of them is going to be so much fun watching the consistency of the I want to call it arrogance the brashness the defense of the Clippers coming through every night with can’t wait to get home and watch Game two and that’s gonna be that way for every game this season on TNT and it’s only opening height only open tonight I’m excited it was like championship the Western Conference almost every month Oh we’ll have excellent games and is here a fan of a home team you should love it because it’s going to be competitive competitive competitive now that is a over impact [Applause] call by Josh Tippin so the ball goes to New Orleans now let’s see if this second unit can play together as you sit yeah that it was not tip going back and I want to see how these guys adjust whether his heart Alexander to see if they could calm down and get settled into some type of religion it’s a three-second violation so the ball goes back to the Raptors Terrence Davis is back in for Toronto looking from Ole Miss Syfy Toronto as a as a free agent ibaka up top bad bleep deepest by the pelicans denying this for other shot clock how old 4:3 kept alive by Ibaka try to take up to the room study succeeds that flame is called since I got the rebound I don’t care how many people are around me I’m going to get to shooting he’s job dead time for Bob pass Alexander Walker throwing into a crowd here comes then complete an Adobe Capri [Applause] and a foul is called as he got entangled with Hinrich Williams officials talk it over Wilson from Alvin Gentry on this foul by interest and Williams against Serge Ibaka and the call was challenged by Alvin Gentry let’s bring that Joe bush with a senior VP of wrestling operations Joe what were your thoughts yeah Marvin say you have a loose ball foul called on Williams there so the crew chief came over looked at the video and what you see is Williams is grabbing Ibaka shorts ok so that’s where the loose ball foul came in and then they also look to see if Ibaka committed any unsportsmanlike after act afterwards which he did not so this is an unsuccessful challenge and New Orleans is charged with the timeout all right Thank You Josh tomorrow I have a question I was looking at my social media at half time people were asking me is it do you think maybe quick and that’s why we see the judgments of the coach is going for the caulk because they can’t see the instant replay now I would say from the bench area at times it’s very difficult because it depends on when they play the replay in South Jess is more tell you what he’s gonna want to see that replay a lot shooting knocking it down over balk at the top of the key I have a feeling at this stage of the season the coaches are just kind of auditioning fingering the whole challenge concept I think for the most part unless there is a third foul say in the first half called against an important player which might be challenged but watching it unfold isn’t it watching the coaches kind of get a feel for it it was just used in summer league the d-league and I don’t G League and those quote the coaches want to use it as much have to go in this third [Music] [Applause] I come back bleep please Kenneth dosha he’s way downtown it got about a six nine belly goes right out of splits through nobody goes shot clock is out of five new pakka [Applause] Alexander Walker on the drive Williams keeps it alive le for prettiest he has been on fire four for four from downtown his new name is melly-mel I don’t know why I just like the sound of that and I’m gonna give him that name after the rhyming great book man now let’s come inside he’s just stretched the floor knock it down it’s 20 year old rookie who’s played strictly internationally side of the free agent well slap the side off the miss two seconds remaining on the shot blocker was last touched by the father pelicans see Van Vliet take his share of hard falls in his League all and you just hope that his right ankle is okay he steps on a cameraman [Applause] you know he’s limping and – kyle lowery off the bench [Applause] leaders favors that ankle and you hate is a player to be hurt by anything that wasn’t true contact especially incidental contact out of bounds 11 points in this third quarter 11 it was 26 he’s the high point man of the game [Applause] his second differential shot blocking Dean front Alexander Walker working off the pick picks to the ribs and sit out [Applause] kept alive his hoppers it up and a foul is called with two point one remaining in this third quarter [Applause] [Applause] smart play by heart do not know if it is a foul or not what his job is to make you assume it in his one right there with the shot clock running out twisted his body whose ables of maybe sneak one in here get in Alana Josh Hart out three four three at the line see that start line with six rebounds [Applause] two seconds left in the third here’s Lowry from the backcourt that’s the end of the third quarter two-point lead for the Raptors now earlier tonight TNT celebrated the start of the season taking ability of the young pelicans ball getting into the lane five assists holiday five assists why is this so important to a fan like myself well because it’s awesome anytime you can see a young team our Feb 23 assists on thirty-one makes to me that says team has great chemistry great coaching and even though they’re gonna make mistakes are playing the right way and the major question for Toronto is the physical status of sled their leaders have a hot hand high point man with 26 bucks each to up interest ankle just moments ago in late third quarter and if you’re Toronto you’re gonna have to find a way to manufacture points in the paint as fred was doing attacking the guards pelicans in possessions fourth quarter on the way how do they the spires Lowry comes across see ya backs his way and he’ll go to the line that’s that power forward point guard facilitating spot the pelicans were so as it said look no one’s gonna come down wide because he has three point shooters all across the board and this is what she wanted the he’s a 25 attacking the user energy to get that nice second jump how about the stat line to see a can 28 cheap rebounds five assists tomorrow what’s so impressive about what you just said is I did not even think that he was playing that type of game and coach Nick nurses he misses his first free-throw siakam said today I said coach what do you want to see from siakam with the new contract and he said is he still gonna let the game come to him and yes he’s seen he’s not been selfish not had a bunch eternal has tonight been efficient that’s letting the game come to that’s a very happy time for Pascal inside that the four-year 130 billion dollar maximum extension that’s us the exchange rate versus it gets inside and draws the foul just so you’re aware it’s one u.
dollar people today but see Atkins certainly a breakout player last season voted the league’s most improved player averaging just under 17 points 7 rebounds and 3 assists I tell you what his work ethic was incredible watching him works before the games you love seeing players being rewarded congratulations and then now I would tell them where am I going to see you improve what play are you going to become because you’ve already put into work now continue it whether were financial matters involved we like to go to Kristin so let’s check in Marva I did sit down with Kyle Lowry yesterday and when I mentioned Pascal and he called him his rich beloved he said my money’s old money you’ve got that new money he’s exactly what Messiah dreamed of when he drafted him but I went on to say the hard work the continuous growth the evolution of his game he went from the skinny kid running up and down the floor Kyle’s words not mine – G League champion G League MVP the benchmark the most improved player and a max player now he was discovered by the Masai at the NBA’s basketball Without Borders program bathroom actually in his boot boot a player who first spotted he was able to hit Jews along with with threes massage [Music] rousing ovation during the championship ring ceremony when he came out of the court together was it because he won a championship or he didn’t go to Washington to take yes that’s a possibility definitely show their appreciation I even saw interview atomically let’s one go from the top of the key Dover Ibaka but I saw interview with Kawhi Leonard saying that as he goes around the country or goes around the world he has fans from Canada saying hey we love you thank you for what you did for us good luck next season and tell you what those are some special fans because I would be mad like man we’re never gonna win again without 701 for the pelicans [Applause] two-point lead for New Orleans were early fourth quarter hearts grabbed by Seattle puts the speed on his block balls knocked out of bounds last touched by Gotham pelicans I would say the pelicans get the ball upcourt from my court to front court as fast this is any team of the NBA yes this has been coach entry style they did this with a D last year will be played when he didn’t play and I asked coach why I said listen it’s the only way to simplify the games we can get easier buckets when the deepest isn’t looking part upset he feels it Ibaka was moving on that screen and our were told Kristen Ledlow just checking out Fred vanvleet status with the ankle injury he is being we taped he’s back in the Raptor locker room in that little band there is a friend of mine and you just want to keep it moving using that system worked at an equal ups and downs do not let us down I’ve been able to still smaller E is all without it by heart [Music] [Applause] your point mom a were attached the opposite three-point line with 19 the Paul fighting an open heart and more best but you could do when you played play fast pace you don’t have to shoot it the first 10 seconds but he ended up to have coordinated kid a great shot like they did that time with 10 seconds left on the clock we quantify a heart Davis right back with a flurry [Applause] [Music] it’s the downtown so far judges has to time step ball back to belly mill right away look at this color cheese ball moving it was 19 when they got shot just play with pace pants with these young players of the pelicans a good lunch so can you imagine how often playing at this place but what will make you assume they’re going to be effective my disability can jump 44 inches dumped on anyone if one of the fastest runners it illegally that’s all you’re going on part with the rebound Josh Hart is that an outstanding game gets you to Holloway they swagger off the shot attempt by Kent rich Williams which I saw a little Reggie Miller on that play right there and if you know what I mean that’s the kickstand and that right leg seemed to come out come on a foul and it’s learning for the grace let’s look here [Music] that is number four on C a cup a three-point attempt so three shots here for Kendrick Williams second-year man from TCU TCC they call them Kenny hustle undrafted side as a free agent played in the G League and appeared in 46 games for the pelicans season 29 starts inside [Music] Kelly will sit down quite a shooting performance and his NBA debut 15 minutes youko belly hitting 5 for 5 from the field [Applause] how old yes that’s a three for morbid power [Applause] pelicans but the two-point lead holiday gets the screen from goofy Jackson [Applause] Williams going for that rebound deflected it out of Bounce Italy to alibagh here comes Fred vanvleet taped-up back in the locker over give it a shot hears it from the crowd as he checks in and this is again it’s so great to be a fan of his basketball players out here and he showed us his hard to last last season and during the regular season and doing their championship run you knew he was going to be back out here at all [Applause] Jackson comes to the front court backfire and bleep Okafor [Applause] [Music] – got the good wallet or restrictions were lost kept alive our holiday for the quality [Music] [Applause] Powell let’s build the wall again if you the Pelican sees no their attacks siakam for food – if I would say I can his first three-pointer of the night mark gets inside [Applause] phyto almonds we need to settle down if you talked about don’t have that superstar but you do have great teammates that cannot get down this shot right here by the pelicans as long as you here to keep in the flow of golf to Toronto he presented by Auto Trader Kyle Lowry this joyous happy to bring as the Raptors have their fans celebrated earlier tonight and just knowing who Kyle Lowry is and he’s already mentioned taking his trophy back to Philadelphia it was a dream of a lifetime to show the kids in a 4.
2 Auto Lee they have reeled off nine unanswered points to stall committing the foul his second he said what would you say to people like myself and he said you have to play every game and all we can do Maxon at the basket counts is interference on the play and I feel that Kyle Lowry statement summarizes the will of this team whether you believe in us or not our child Frank Jackson the caddie guess it was gold here’s Lowry on the drive beautiful took a shot to the head I think if it was a ring light he may have had a technical in the first quarter on the other his team he was coming in behind the philosophy of lack of respect [Music] I think the referees have been patient tonight mark knowing that the first game of the season over gestures done by players of the direction of officials and other players so they’re not going to accept make sure we keep the integrity of the game the only thing is that again this is the first reality show and the gesture is something you have to have emotion in this game or you can’t be the best player that you want to be and I think the reps have done a great job out tonight letting players VIN letting players have their say and now they’re like shut up last five minutes is on to control the game this ball foul all the pelicans Seminole run by New Orleans they had hit 15 straight up the line before the two free throws with the refs to get across court and he just lived this yeah I’m like you were supposed to be right there jump 30 feet high [Applause] [Music] [Applause] before raptures looking for travels the balls knocked away knocked out of bounds it’ll be Nauticus Paul with 13 on the shot clock you can tell who a coach really trust right now and having harden Jackson in the game not that he doesn’t trust the other players it just shows what they’ve been doing in practice for him to have this confidence and it’s 4:30 lesson again final Wallace JJ ready for the best shooters in our game is over there Sam yeah I do he could knock that down it out I don’t want one so ball who’ve been playing very well early on seeing her little time in the second half yeah and a lot of times it’s not because of the play of the player per se that’s on the bench but maybe eat the play for the combinations that is found on the court right now party Jackson is such a good job as Okafor gyaku to take an extra step inside turnover and a timeout taken by Toronto 409 remaining fourth quarter it’s easy [Music] coming up on four minutes to play in the fourth period Toronto opening night in the NBA the pelicans with a runner of a 4th have a six-point lead our Raptors New Orleans in possession the small comes outside harder than I thought it Mike Jackson just checked the screen and leaked so hard to stop and he keeps attacking this young pelicans team when you talk about the youth of the pelicans again just think about how exciting they are going to be as you see Eddie Griffin there on the side tonight 27 assists on thirty eight shots him at the end of desire you want him to get healthy at home that’s somehow try to find the rhythm the back to my point earlier I just thought that the narrative on his arm was so unfair that he was always hurt where he saw him injure his self in college with in the summer league I didn’t want to play him in the summer league there’s no point to plan into something he wasn’t hurting to someone and of course now we know that he’s happy right knee surgery on this time until you can get to prove yourself on the court [Music] [Applause] before I show it to 240k with create team deploy good job I see Akamai fortunate but the pump fake always work almost got to stay vertical they’re open for did which so hard not to go with your instincts just stick your hand over and go in the cookie jar yeah come neutral that took advantage inside both teams are in the penalty 31 point 17 rebounds method 32 at 17 for siakam nice way to start the new season it is he’s gonna say don’t forget those five assists I’m trying to get people involved just under 3:00 to go here at the fort [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] during the season and he found out that he was allergic to white meat mark I know that’s crazy I told you to Scott I’m not gonna be the one to tell us or even though he did the great reporting but you can tell her okra for his body that there’s a difference in that he is concentrated and he’s concentrated yet in the gym and take care everybody as well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow that would be the worst food and it’s 303 one territory so funny shots coming up have to let the offensive player land I gotta check out if it is in fact a three-point attempt Oh another let’s check it to see if it’s a flavor oh so I think we would call that bizarro maybe Zaza Pachulia specifically on Kawhi Leonard in the corner at Golden State rule you want to get that specific word even though it doesn’t look like it can be flavored and I’m not saying that this play is I’ve seen a lot of dirty not but he is cheap players not that he is they can’t guard guard by putting their foot under you and anybody that does that never was a true player of the game but I don’t think Oprah did that on purpose – we’ll wait and see incidentally Pascal yakking for 34 points 18 rebounds one of only four Raptors who have had 30 points plus and 50-plus rebound Chris Bosh next quarter Hawaiian runner that’s pretty good company and again he did it effortlessly which means he didn’t wave 15 people off you didn’t shoot the ball 10 times in a row and take 8 bad shots he’s let the game come to him and he’s been energy hitting those second jumps those second possessions extra possessions for his team on the offensive board Tony Brown Josh pivot Eric Taylor over at the scorer’s table check out the extent of that foul on what appeared to be a three-point attempt by Lowry right yes no question now they are looking as to whether it was a flavor [Music] they say hopefully gram you can’t really judge of God’s intentions but at the same time your body just takes you that momentum takes you toward that shooter especially as a big part about them I guess more action of sticking your foot way out up under you know really hard to tell so Kyle Lowry 5 for 6 at the line at the game tied at 110 and he has three free throws last time that Kyle Lowry was in uniform for Toronto was at Oracle Arena in Oakland had that magnificent yes twenty six point game six well the 10 assists seven rebounds and knocked off the state title the two more shots Holly G genuine opening week 2019 Thursday with the Bucks of the Rockets o'clock Eastern thought about the Clippers or the Warriors at Houston Rockets debut of James Harden devil also Westbrook facing the honest and the box I cannot wait you’ve seen what have you heard with hardness in the offseason which definitely players some players agree with and reigning MVP coming in they’re all fans high schools to fight holiday to tie the game could you come on small and wanna see you Kabakov want to take advantage of male inside not you must use the defense and pace to get savant over disabilities budget got out of four with a clutch three-pointer the pelicans take a quarter opening night of the NCAA here TMG come on now we right there okay I have everybody rebound we got to be able to contain the ball we got to do a better job of containing the ball where are we going with it those on defense this season as head coach of the pelicans Alvin Gentry his team is up by three 125 where we’re going to win it is on defense pelicans make sure you listen to that more on your speech Elly kicks it out yes Loretta could wanna get that shot off the foot tough jump shot yeah bodies hanging all over him they were so close they just didn’t follow him but young kids it was the footwork and his concentration and knock down the shot [Applause] [Applause] these teams may not have a star but these teams have veterans and look with the veteran JJ Redick guards you can agree with the call or not but he puts his self in a position to have the ref make a tough call JJ Redick if he can knock down the shot that he can get it done on the other end as well and this is one of those situations where perhaps yes Nick nurse might think maybe I should have held the challenge yes yes and this is fun watching the evolution of this rule and how coach is handling marvelous but I agree with you unless it’s a foul maybe an extra file and excessive foul on your star players you may be smart to say that’s in a wait a minute so the icon fouls out it has been a batter night for Pascal see back in 34 points eight rebounds five assists [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] salad diva Toronto but they were helped out by the pelicans whose listen wide open middle at the top but it does not matter that this may be the smallest backcourt in the game with Lowry and bam bleep they may also be one of the toughest Lowry 7 of 9 from the line his fourth and it’s a one-point game Raptors have one timeout left pelicans have two both teams in the bonus well you always want to keep things simple with the younger team and so I wouldn’t go to the one here I would take the best shot available according to the philosophy of coach Gentry 9 Toronto you just want to make sure you get a stop and if I am the pelicans I am looking at the mismatch going to the pick-and-roll at the saw trying to get mail and open shot Pascal the active has fouled out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so the Raptors have a chance to pull it out here at the final second the pelicans got the play they wanted but not a shot they missed it so if you look here they want to get the consultant to the picker more watch them go right away Gasol does a great job of coming out hedging that means he does not let his man get a wide-open look now that they cannot go to the original play they’re looking trying to figure something out not enough covers and the spacing is it right at the end they got the mismatch they wanted they did not get the play they want to execute at the end it’s the final timeout for the Raptors elegance do have a timeout left what are you looking for from Nick knows what I’m looking for from Nick nurses now that you don’t have see Aquaman bleeding then your best penetrator all night but Van Vleet either in a clear-out role it’s called a14 where you put them feet at the top and all other four players on the baseline to give him space if he has tile and others on the floor that means he could be a great decoy either attacked foot score or attack to draw the defense kicked out to one of the shooters [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that’s been attacking the bat could you have shooters around you do not want a 50-footer the last second unless his name becomes 5 117 Toronto without Pascal see I can be fouled out after scoring 34 holding down 18 rebounds behind the pelicans Brandon a trip with 22-fret back pleat has put up pretty rewarding for the Raptors that’s why I thought that bleep would take the last shot but don’t understand that but I bet you that Van Vleet will take it upon herself next time to try to get that ball in and now it’s very important if your consol the saw can you stay in guarding the perimeter shooter will Toronto use you in the post to score and to facilitate the Lakers of the Clippers from Los Angeles coming up on TNT after this game is over but it is starting out on NBA TV with Kevin Harlan and Reggie Miller his towel to the rim that’s what you want to get that amuses have led a fertility get inside locked Oh ball back on the fourth hot plate of some time ready fire so impressive its footwork yes is shot we know about this shot for this three-point attempt but now with four threes 16 points at all beside an excellent game gets into the lane ricotta pie Gasol Gentry changed his lineup again you have ball in with all four starters and mail shows you coach Jimmy he’s getting his rhythm is the closest to your two shot partially deflected a possible deflection actually was deflected off the front rim rebounded by Powell the coaches at there in the first game as well so they’re taking time to find the new chemistry to find new units that played together guys are showing different phases of their games tonight so an adjustment for everybody the first couple of weeks the sole for free this all is just 1 of 8 from the field pelicans by water and in possession as we talked three minutes to play him his five headed over time Kelly is fouled by Gasol there are favors we’ll check it those are looking for the Lakers the Clippers you can to to md80 the start of the game while we try to take it away but a foul is called all the lectures it’s on lalalina perform so lots of ball will put it in play like tightly by Powell [Music] eager we want that back so you can shoot it favors is actually trying to get position to get the rebuttal this all up top how old how you get your rhythm and know you’re allowed to shoot three-pointers on this team which is the lefty use your size your strength inside such a great pass which always makes you dual threat finish it inside strong Gasol to foul off Derrick Favors [Applause] play from Marc Gasol who has had a quiet hide on the offensive to play off the dribble into the lair tied at 122 he got bailed out ahead he had no shot at a shot wondering what comes in to be jumped up from over there foul ball is almost saying that he was fouled on the shot I’m wondering how does that happen but Kyle Lowry being aggressively Mauri mention dude and last time he played and go to state 26 points and he’s been a player of the jollies to talk about where is he shown up in the playoffs in last year he’s shown that you know he’s gonna be steady on the defensive end and now I think he has even more confidence in his offensive game Kyle coming back from a series of injuries back from surgery repairing a torn he’ll showed up for training camp for the u.
Raptors up by 2 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sigh we gotta buy powell what up tough didn’t know that time he should trust favors again in pasadena kind of got stuck and hesitated in the air little junk shop Wow [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] welcome back to Toronto where the Raptors are up now check this out he was assaulted such a good shooter he puts holiday in a tough position how they didn’t know whether to stun him or to get back at VanFleet and it’s all because the sock is space the floor up there no matter what his shooting percentage is tonight and such a good passer he makes the right decision hits the bland beat he knocks it down better 27 remaining it over time come against us now with one timeout remaining and you have a foul to give Toronto also has a foul to give and they have their two timeouts left and if you’re the pelicans do you want the best shot available first you don’t want to force it three or force it to the rim you want to play within your office and get the best look that you can right away before it’s off for four points here about the stretch of overtime [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up to that point Bali will head to the line that’s what you understand about Lowry not only is going to be consistent in effort but consistent in being aggressive check that foul to give so now they’ll be on the bonus five on the shot clock [Applause] with 14 points three to go and at eight-point lead for the Raptors so I saw picks up number five the Raptor is the start of their 25th season they open up as the champions celebrated championship backer and win by his huddle a supply [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Kristen Ledlow so long well the Scotiabank Arita it it like this that’s a way as we said it kept it Harlem [Applause].
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trandangelilber · 4 years
Toronto Raptors vs New Orleans Pelicans Full Game 22.10.2019
welcome you back to Toronto our opening night comfort continues file 53 degree evening thousands watching on the big screen at Jurassic Park and inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everybody I’m Marv Albert along with five five a star crisp weather Kristen Ledlow join us just a couple of its work from the sidelines so 60 Raptors without the sensational one adult Kawhi Leonard so what are your expectations for these two teams well my expectations at any time you have Kyle Lowry as your captain is you’re going to play hard and you’re gonna defend and protect the home court and I expect the Raptors to come out and play that way how about Pascal siakam I want to see his growth and improvement as well against Toronto with the third best home record last year and if you’re on the pelicans man you should look at this like this is the land of opportunity coach Gentry this style of play is fast fast fast and you will have an opportunity to establish your identity just play hard and play selfless but regardless this young team should be excited take a look at these starting fives presented by AT&T the pelicans with JJ Redick with the Zion out of action relative the starting lineup so Alvin Gentry going with a three guard set Redick ball and holiday parameters up front of Pascal siakam og at Adobe Marc Gasol and at the guards present leap and Kyle Lowry officiating crew Tony Brown and Courtney her Twitter’s in Secaucus in the replay Center to our Raptors 32 advise till at home last year second vets in the East behind being for walking pucks they went 58 and 24 second at the East with the second-best record heat Orlando at 5-1 at 7 over Philly on that dirt hole shot by Kawhi Leonard and Pete the Walker at 6 and what the NBA final defeating Golden State six let’s check in with Krista Marv as you know on opening nights the NBA champions are given their rings and their opponent is given the option to leave for to stay now you may have noticed that tonight the Pelican state coach Alvin Gentry told me I’ve been involved in a ring night madam there’s anything like it in the league I hope it serves as inspiration I also want them to see that these guys are bonded for life David Griffin also told me I want them to want those it’s a cool thing to be as young as you are to be present for ring night what Toronto did to get their ring was victory several years of refusing to bow down guys hard Thank You Kristin yes alvin wanted his club the young players to get a taste of what it’s like to receive a championship ring helicanus control ball puts it up at stip tall won’t count it is called no they say it does count the basket counts Hebert says wait a minute you sure enough come on now give me those two points and as you see here the battle inside and how about that basalt knocked that in but favors should get the credit he was the closest to the mantle tip the ball so what is current papers with the pocket to get things going van fleet second gets it into the corner [Applause] and back come the Pelican last season’s 33 and 59 same revenues battleships and Memphis off the steel Van Vleet to Lowry pulling up for the three his crowd ready to explode so Paul with that a groove touch during pre-season favors [Applause] just put these foul hit bike favors when you look at both these teams one thing you’re gonna see similar they they both like to get out and run and if you look at the pelicans you may be surprised at this but points per game last year they were number three coach Gentry loves to get his team out and run and that’s what they will if you try to sneak Toronto get some easy baskets Toronto one of the best defensive teams especially at home when Chris pick nerves telling us earlier that means the major concern of his team the fact that the pelicans are one of the fastest teams in the league needle mark one of the things that concerns me and again you know we’re in the game of speculations there is Lowry this is a second free throw is that now with the addition to one of my favorite players in the league badly I do not like him necessarily being the starter because it makes this team have such a small backcourt will be interesting to see how they figure it out during the season as it goes along it’s all for the little to the toughest and leave ice touched by Ingram rather they grow they do form Loker his weight of the pelicans and that deals and any day this kickball is called [Music] we’ve seen this young man improve seems like each year and I like the fact that he took massage in the ball a bond that played one dribble jump shot he has handles these wiry that can get to the coat badly got it by Redick [Applause] Oceana roti seasons back showing us let me show you shouldn’t talk how about that mark what I love about it is that he caught and shot the ball right away no hesitation one of the tough things about working on your shot and then implementing it in a game is can you shoot it with no hesitation no doubt in that time pulled up during the three holiday the free Lowery Peck sit down see active at the lead Jennifer Gasol and it’ll be New Orleans ball Redick looking for a shot ball get this download ice ball both hit Ingram yes it’s a ¾ knock it down it’s cornered we’ve not used to seeing that a game guys are trying to show us how they improved in the offseason I suppose even tear the pissed I’m an Adobe is way off favored set the pick here’s Ingram affiliate rebound Lowen [Applause] the past too deep save by holiday that comes Redick looking for the shot and gets from downtown talk about a quick hold right there Redick knows that his jumper is wet anytime it goes in shoots with confidence by not answered by a New Orleans timeout Toronto [Music] love you man big time Big Town big time Raptors enjoying the championship the sailboat is just a moment ago Norman Powell and planted Inc repairing the Mike’s tonight State Farm audio assist both turnovers now to Toronto their last five trips final road by the Orleans Fire virtue of three pointers by three different players here’s Redick hitting once again that’s cool that’s where he made his name last year using his height this size that time ridic Reddick did not get away trying to draw a foul but how about this ciacco using his limp that Y reframed to get it easy with the cup instead a travel called on run a good play by that leave soon yeah come at three ball pops it down Ingram let by siakam off the spin gives it back up Holliday whoa faithless puts it home I like this young team the potential did you see the trust rule Holliday had in yong-hwa he moved the ball back to ball saying shoot the three but the most dangerous part of balls game is his penetration if you’re a big fella had your hands ready he’s gonna get the ball to you let’s hope all played so well before he went down with the injury last season with the Lakers who can see the confidence that we shall drop this is a nice comeback [Applause] we one of the heroes but the championship run a year ago able to pop down a free there’s ball four three no hesitation rims out rebound seventy-nine lead for the pelicans the trust of these rafters not offensive Lowry penetrated something fun to watch Ingram with a catch up here see active rebounds first quarter being played at a very fast pace back to the pelicans and the Raptors cloud of magic Seattle is pushed and a foul is call that was on ball that leach showed us his heart last year not only in college how tough he was on both ends taking bumps taking hits going through droughts what I loved is that his confidence never wavered he continued to play with effort consistent effort at home and on the road he’s game one of his biggest fans a news serge ibaka checking in for the Raptors remark who saw Serge very emotional during the championship chatter and the rents of only ice remember when Ibaka told his team after being two down in Milwaukee no one believed but him saying listen we can do this great finish by favors inside the Bacchus should be emotional because he gave his heart and soul to his team last year they came to him awarded city good start here by Derrick Favors first season with New Orleans coming over from Utah that’s what he can do travel is called fall back to the rafters the pelicans right now I was getting ready could shoot a dribble handoff getting him an easy busca so he doesn’t have to force his way in stop the person watching the earth it’s a tip to run here by grottoes mentos flooring back after that I know screwed by the politics favors he’s off and bleep went to the cross against humble bed siakam on a step battle for the rebound and a loose ball foul is called it was against New Orleans Seattle was quite favorite and that’s what I’m interested to see in Seattle he just signed a new contract extension and with players you don’t worry about the effort they’ve been dreaming about this game their whole life but what you do wonder is can they take that next step in that next step for Sayaka is to continue playing with his energy level [Music] the console guys to get fallen guys he has to make sure that he speaks with this actions in not just his words VanFleet doesn’t he do that all the time boredom going in amongst the Giants Fred plant late hit a sport NBA season out of the wichita state bringing gelato with it a point as well [Applause] Howl’s come on for the lapis for the first time at a foul on Paul the FDA of GMT is murky by Geico 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car occurrence and by that telluride from Kia official or navona partner of the NBA’s correction how the last file it’s holiday on Paul Pott holiday to stop us five remaining in the first [Music] skel siakam coming off a breakout season Most Improved Player Award he averaged better than 17 a game she was a first-round pick 27th overall out of New Mexico State four years ago log on really quick Pete has evolved into a terrific all-around player looks like a future all-star NBA tickets.
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com where tickets are always authentic and always about Ramar fees first nights we usually see a lot of turnovers ugly play super teams haven’t been together and this is one of the better post corners and starts it seems like both teams getting shots that they like I know it’s just one quarter flirt hug the pelicans doesn’t they don’t look like the team that has so many new players attention to 14th to run here by the Raptors they lead for the first time last touched by fouled of Toronto substitutions [Music] [Applause] firstly to timeout calls 4:16 left in the first jet retelling us early he was going to try to cut down on the rotation well enough set five new players out of the court Jahlil Okafor each marble Josh from part the rookie Nikhil Alexander Worple head of a compressor preseason at Frank Jackson this is Alexander Walker has been hitting a shot he must have the super green he has the curry green line any time you come in and coach cause of playing new cool step back three from the top of the key I can’t wait to see him just get a wide open Lee on the turnover the ball back [Music] okhla for [Music] Alexander Walker out the hole to the running one-hander kept alive [Applause] Williams is off [Applause] just like an takubo of course not as good as answer the Koopa the reigning MVP but just as you have to go in the fast break or when he’s attacking the basket you must build a wall his height athletic ability and his speed gets into the cup back to the most and if you don’t have help defend his back there he’s gonna get to the line foul committed by Josh apart Pelican soon as we have of discussing without Zion Williams and the out six to eight weeks after undergoing surgery we’re premiering that to talk right meniscus those who have missed season openers due to injury include fella by the name of Chris Webber those who have missed who have been number one overall graphics the last thirty years some pretty good names on that list yeah a little more fortunate than say of the late Griffin it had to sit out the whole your even though I don’t know if he Minds that too much and still got that Rookie of the Year trophy jumped over a few cars on his way this adult chopped to take his [Applause] two games and luckily for me it was an appendectomy and not [Applause] we gets the role and he will go to the line Alexander Walker picks up the foul for the pelicans I told coach nurse before the game I said you have a small backcourt don’t you think teams are gonna exploit it they are so small he said yeah Chris but you know they play humongous and that’s the type of player just shows me talk to them now I’m assuming these are the accurate heights that have been measured my lead source has been leading is listed at 6-foot and Lowry at 6 1 ok if I would have had to guess I would say vans lead it’s probably 510 but Alexander Walker’s yes ok Walker I’m a fan already rookie rookie that comes it it takes a shot 2 seconds into the game and then fires another one knocks a three now you have my attention I don’t Virginia Tech first round pick 17 overall the salt try to pitch it back [Applause] well hot come defense I mean look at how heart stays vertical he earned that when he got popped in the mouth for it but he doesn’t care as he got the charge look at this he goes straight up no no no no you can’t get upset Baptist fans you can’t get upset on that one because he got hit in the face they got a coach’s challenge right here okay here we go each team permitted to a challenge once again you must have a timeout remaining to make the challenge when we come back we’ll see the result of their challenge basketball is a very human game everybody comes together to create an atmosphere that makes this the greatest game in the world we’re all part of the same team and when the game was at its best it teaches us respect which is pretty fundamental please be sure to respect the players officials and your fellow fans remember this is our game we’re in this together by 1901 major Taylor was considered the greatest athlete in the world but he was still searching for something else we never stop never settle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to Toronto we’re going to have our first coaches challenge look how Powell attacks now the rule is defensively you must stay vertical do not reach over your man it looks like Hart has done that he looks like he’s also a little worse for the wear [Applause] great looks at that and the call stands it is an offensive foul on Powell so the play does stand let’s put on Joe boy sure they give us his explanation hi Marv how you don’t do it so this was the first challenge we’ve ever had in an NBA regular-season game and as you could see pal did lead with an unnatural elbow to the face therefore that that was confirmed to be a foul so the call stands there was no clear and conclusive evidence to overturn senior VP of officiating Joe Bourget drove thanks polka for with the chip 26:25 pelicans by one as we approach two minutes to go in this opening quarter his Maori on the drive he took a shot [Applause] Walker thyroids just the tip mark is still out at heart try to chase it down it’s kicked out about last touch final Wallace one thing you want to see from the other teams that have a burden of expectations and I believe with Zion and these young guys that they do have expectations that may be unfair maybe not they computed to us but you always want to judge their energy and effort level and tonight so far doing a great job for colorful maka head position but the saw how am I going to take a chance [Applause] [Music] the foul committed Maori Fawzi should have got credit for getting the shot off Okafor committed a foul big nurse wishes he had his challenge back because if you look at that plate again and again everything is fast motion we have the luxury to see that in slow motion but it looks like he went up right away as soon as it was contact Lowry but again no challenge so two shots there was a hesitation before the shot was mistaken you can watch serge ibaka grill his celebrity friends on his pillory web series how hungry are you new episodes exclusively on Bleacher Report have you seen what they’ve been eating more I have seen clips I would I’d love to hang out with him going to show and watch it but I would not be taking part yeah that’s that’s a nice way to put it coming up on a better to go first quarter four makes his move he’s found by Gasol for the Toronto Raptors missed the start of their 25th season and they open up as the champs coming off the six-game victory over the gold state warriors in the finals last season looking for the shot Williams before second plus it went off and a final snow heart was hit from behind walk off and just not think about anything he knows that it looked like it’s twisted his ankle just about how he landed let’s see here if that’s right yep you can always tell when a player does that and number-one rule and you do that keep moving do not sit still and let it get stiff parts tough you’ll get through it foul committed by a nobodies Josh Hart acquired from the lay cruising that package deal for Anthony Davis three-year man out of Villanova first-round pick of Utah 30th overall and then transplant traded to the Lakers [Applause] some are jumping too quickly yes it’s a lane violation on the Raptors it is on Gasol and if your aquifer good job that is your assist when a big man does that he anticipates he’s going to be met with force and has to get in there early to block out just your willingness to go after the rebound Mesa Kassar jump in there a little bit early you get another shot for your team Josh Hart 65% free throw to the last season when you consider that David Griffin was not exactly holding all the card into the executive vice president for the pelicans a long time Vienna Cavaliers what Anthony Davis demanded a Trekkie yes of the Lakers he did an awesome job I mean of course you get lucky with the number one bitch anybody’s number one kinky lefty but what about the pieces he put around Zion and these young players Payne Lee Alexander Walker they are trying to let it fly and again I look at this as the island of misfit toys that you have a second chance maybe people didn’t seem to want you before you’re only 23 if you are all prefer and you’ve been talked about is not being in the league anymore maybe not and if you’re all you’ve been questioned because you’ve been hurting and I look at this as an opportunity to have fun excitement it’s an establish your own identity you know this team has a lot of great young players and all you have to do is play hard a three part attack piscis all [Applause] fifteen seconds to go in the quarters each one more [Music] Alexander Wolcott pretty fast for okra for Donna mama hop a couple seconds remaining and the quarter so what what a complete opening night in the NBA publicans up by three Haley pass please leave us back check out his favorite players show-stopping almost live on at the a late pass for no cost at all this publicans Albert gently coach emotions run high on a ring night but you wanted your team to be out here to see it what the was the key to setting those emotions aside and to establishing the pace early on well first of all I thought it was great to see the ceremony you know that’s what we aspire to be also secondly when the game started I told them we just gotta play I thought we started the game great the pace of the game was really good we took a couple of tough shots in that but we have to keep the pace of the game what where it is right now you did though establish an early double-digit lead as the Raptors eliminated that deficit what was the difference in your team’s energy for execution oh we got to do a better job execution but I thought we started a game with a lot of energy we got good spacing and we got to continue to have the face thank you guys all right Kristin eleven to run by the pelicans the last three and a half minutes of that first quarter drive the tipless by Gasol tap tap Powell’s fires go through and Williams with the rebound for New Orleans there’s a rafters right now you must keep the pelicans off the glass and as you see right there they got a good stop but that’s their ninth offensive rebound and they have 11 total Alexander Walker’s how attempted seven shots what four seven he is fluff to la Paix here’s our example again on the drive the board here in Toronto played for Team Canada under each team back in 2016 while we asked the Turner High School how he’s using his body inside not suddenly for the jump shot using the strength around the post gotta love that it’s one more backing it up [Applause] [Music] and it is a tall fences all 30 friends and family here 40 kill Alexander Walker Toronto native attended port secondary school located in Bolton Toronto before playing couple of seasons at Virginia Tech you know what let it fly young man let it fly your family’s here this is a dream come true congratulations let’s get your feet set knock down a couple enjoy the ride not shy here we toss the foul bottles called on Nicole old mare who just checked it he’s a 28 year old rookie board and Italy was playing overseas and Germany’s Turkey remember of championship teams in Germany and Turkey play very well a preseason although Alvin Gentry said he’d like to see him shoot more frequently coach said he told him listen I need you to shoot he said coach I shot at four times he says shoot at four more times and then I’ll be happy miss talking good yeah yeah he heard the conversation coach that you need to be me right traveling violation Mulligan’s by one early second quarter Marv Albert Chris Webber Kristen Ledlow from Scotiabank arena in Toronto [Applause] [Music] that’s it Lulu Lowry this is Mel for three yes tomorrow he’s gonna get that shot all night pelicans trying to get in that shot earlier because cut Stahl is on him is it’s all his own of him can’t move maybe as well as the small guys so he can get that open look the soul with a series of teams rebounded by heart so the pelicans back to the offense it’s not a dutchman team yet but if they are they would go to the same play with a pickup bowl the move could sawed off the ball reach-in is called on young team sometimes have trouble with understanding what just worked sometimes young teams go away from what this work that the veteran is no wait a minute let’s exploit this mismatch until these team make some adjustments it downloads all because of the pick-and-roll play you took us all in a pick-and-roll with a guy that can shoot like now what happens you get penetration great passes open look from the corner they’ll defend God Gasol now they switched the sole as doubles got it down low OD Roby with the rebound every gentle fight Miller Alexander Wofford high speed family please break down the link of the scoop it counts in the foul [Applause] strong move by Fred Radley who went through a series of injuries last season and came back strong he’s about to head to the line Saxons call Wow the Raptors three from ten from the free from the three-point line so if you’re the pelicans you must understand the Raptors want to go to stop and push it even force the refs in a tough position that call and get a foul slow the pace down until they can speed it up in control the pace I told Josh Hart just went back to the locker room and just heard a moment ago this is expelling the food three once again because the plays work that the plays work penetration into the middle because the big fella that used to coming down to help you get a wide-open shot try to get it inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] as for movement by the pelicans and Jackson second year Patrick Duke with the pocket bleep a foul is called is that fleet again just children so impressed with the pelicans maybe this first of all on the knockdown shot that’s when you attack but but you want to see the ball movement you want to know what happens on the ball movement that’s 13 assists for the pelicans on 16 field goals may now that no those are Golden State type numbers if you want to talk about teamwork very impressed again I must say with the young team being that efficient foul was called on Jackson come back Fred van food off to the good start remember he began the playoffs struggling with that three-point shot at one point of these conference finals he was seated 19 who said from three and then Assad’s retirement was born at 4 tutors dad caught fire at that point from three-point range somewhere young friend his mom is saying wait and I did all the work didn’t either credit [Applause] complete also coming back hardship jute had a severe cut others his right eye [Music] that’s last touch by lot soul ball just check back here tell you what he’s young he’s exciting says you can hate on him all you want but he gets dance that’s so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he’s got to shake his hand on now that was a rainbow let’s see now ball gets back into the pick-and-roll with me and Holliday even though it Bach is in and he can move closer and get up there in traffic they control Howell they played on a switch by a pocket five on the shot clock a sauce the Barden could’ve kept alive during pasta gets to her [Applause] Bowery on the strip that’s a foul ibaka party is gonna get the call but it was an offensive foul I believe this is the toughest call to make as a referee it can be so subjective and tonight just great job yes CJ jumpy was bitten that paint but he stayed vertical and you cannot hit the defender with that offhand but that off elbow and twice tonight the refs been right on it with a good call the wall moves up by 8 the bench has done a 25 zeros the pelicans against the Raptors bench the salvage actually has done a lot of shuffling in this first half [Music] [Music] [Applause] wait short by eight put stuff like wall [Applause] this is when Brandon Ingram can grow and develop we saw him last year with the Lakers playing a game in which he didn’t score and had 11 assists and I saw his development and growth happened there if he lets the game come to him he will be so explosive and exciting as he has the lip the athletic ability in the heart to finish inside just let the game come to you and I think that’s when we’ll see him grow by leaps and bounds foul committed by Seattle so two shots here for Ingram the NBA on TNT is brought to you by Burger King get for cheesy tots for just a buck for a limited time only at Burger King and by the Killians ideas official automotive partner of the NBA pelicans up by 12 just under 6 to go in this first clip see I can understand nicely see actively Nana’s 10 points lost control but he proved a foul pelicans 5 and OH in pre-season for what that is worth as a souvenir of our call the best players that I’ve played with and watched over my career have been the best decoys as well understanding when to set yourself up understanding window set others up if you like Redick understand you have a green light your job is catch and shoot every time Davis is just check they’re looking for all this Paul Sutter rates reflected what goes on [Applause] that’s why you want to attack let your big man’s come behind you and clean it up don’t worry about the percentage attacks the basket took the reps in a tough position and give your bigs a chance to clean up [Applause] if the pelicans you must build the wall being in the sea Aachen has a size advantage you can go right into the post first light up where that controls the foul half of this patch [Applause] their natural positions that we’ve seen coach Nick nurse encourage his guys attack attack attack and if they don’t what difference does it make if they get a steal or a stop on the other end but they just come down and get a tough shot and a half court office tomorrow Ian SPF double-header it’s the Celtics at the six-year start at 7:30 Eastern Time followed by the Denver Nuggets Portland Trailblazers starting at 10:00 o'clock Eastern Time Marv you’ve seen a lot of basketball and then we get to talk about a long time I must ask him put you on the spot I’ve never been this excited for a basketball season wish I haven’t played and I’m sure you have context is this one of the most exciting all seniors and then maybe expected seasons that you’ve seen how I agree because of all the player moves of star yeah good dealt or situs as free agents which laced into summer boxes brother touchdown him out of three just too bad about Zion Williams yeah yes it fills for him I tell you what I just won the first mount pick first pick as a fan I feel bad you know but the one thing I hope is that he keeps his head while he’s out because you hear so many people talking and things that aren’t true and things that maybe have truths and can you eat properly can you work out it’s hard to work out when you have an injury so how do you stay engaged in lose weight how does he keep his jump shot going how do you keep the chemistry with your team so he’s gonna have a tough adjustment to get back but I’m sure that he’s looking forward to it and he’ll handle it just fine so I can’t wait to whenever he makes his appearance because we need some Zion in his leagues don’t be excited it’s true because one your recovery it’s tough to stay on a diet or yeah whatever is being prescribed yeah and you’re not burning as many calories you still want to eat you still want to workout you’re young I mean she’s only 19 when I was 19 I 20 in terms of the league I would eat pizzas before the game hamburgers like a so they didn’t matter and still run the same way you were young that you’d be your ally so hopefully even that he’ll be okay but definitely going to be a tough adjustment with him missing some time for morons I hope still to Kristin Marva you’d speak to David Griffin before this game he told me there were multiple valuations before making that decision to operate on Zions but he did speak to him earlier today and he said he’s doing well he said that Sian is only upset that he’s not here with his team that he was so looking forward to this coach Gentry said the same thing before the games that the entire team facetimed him at brunch and he’s too sad and have missed the trip [Applause] you see a bucket there I think the narrative one sign has been a little unfair about him being injured because I really don’t believe that he was injured during the preseason I think that maybe the pelicans said wait a minute why would we put him in this situation to get hurt and maybe gave a little bit time 2019 is presented by Autotrader with 337 remaining first half three point lead for the pelicans they’ve led by as many as 11 balanced going to New Orleans Raptors went by the leap to 15 Seattle with 12 showed me a lot on that play I anticipated a broken play because coach Jimmy call to play out of Bounce and what happens with most young teams they’ll come out not know what coach said it messed up the play look at this come off the pick-and-roll now you have favors going down the Baka can’t help so when you go into the pump fake you know that you have siakam one-on-one on an island Ingram again means this is Linton is wiry strange the strengthen is why I’m afraid to get the end one 10 points for Brandon Ingram and a six point lead for the lead off the pics the hops we see action and it will be Toronto boy the job by the veteran JJ reddick saying to Zell ball listen I think this play is gonna come again and when it does we must come together and communicate switch not just think we’re going since we have to communicate it finish the play [Music] Terrence Davis with that shot way off davus the looking from this star wide receiver in high school a an excellent athlete and we’ll see much Blanche time off the bench scoop [Applause] Dave Astana – he’s back up [Applause] ask about this [Applause] for point New Orleans we know Papa has her so the lead is two as we approach 2 minutes remaining in this first half holiday with a look away faster [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you’re the pelicans you have to realize listen settle down we’ve gotten to good plays by our big fellow going on the point guard we must keep the ball oh what a pass from blossom oh my goodness and the double pump finish inside and if you haven’t had a chance to watch an NBA game in person drew a holiday his size it is unassuming he doesn’t look as small in person I’ll tell you what he does not care about going in amongst the trees inside the paint sixth number five for Alonzo deflected out last touch my the Pelican is that passion we’re talking about mom and that’s what I’m saying I don’t care what anyone says he’s one of the most exciting passers that I’ve that’s in the game today and if everything else keeps approving along with this passage there’s gonna be some special display [Music] I’ve been around this league a long time 25 years and an average entry has always been a trusted coach whether it was an assistant or a head coach the keys get as easy on guys confidence and Marv you right he see it in the play of all tonight so Watson will head to the line found on the act body Davis one of the areas he has struggled it along with the outside shot which seemingly has improved the other area is at the foul line last season and the pelicans have their shooting coach Fred Vincent working with Lonzo and it has paid dividends let’s see if it does right here two shots Marv no hesitations and I tell you what having been a poor free-throw shooter and then a pretty good one later there’s no feeling like that it’s like you almost have control of the game like you’ve never had before because you can play with the freedom but you’ve never had hesitations by Lowry but did not work this pregnancy fourth turnover committed by Kyle Lowry coming up it’s the American Express time reporting live from Los Angeles with Charles Lakers players take it personally I’m Brandon Taylor just just because we’re in the NBA if I’m Brandon Eagle I’m looking at shiok I’m like no no no I’m taking you every time because I know you won one but we’re the same size we play the same game and guess what I’m Nexen obviously siakam is felt doubt aware about other players over his time here because he’s just continue to improve but you need that personal battle in my opinion to be one of the greats you have to want your team to win but you also want to win the individual battles and right now siakam in England going out so siakam to the line you know some coaches head coaches to cheating countries but there are guys who have really done a terrific job obviously thread Vincent has chip Engelland yeah with the San Antonio Spurs as Tony Parker on the test tube there’s a white Leonard there’s some great was there buzz Braman he was mine right there a lot of coaches up playing for it it didn’t want guys to lift weight so it wanted you to eat a a whole hog before a game because they heard that’s what worked back in the day so those that are stuck in a time warp those are the ones you may not want to be advised by you want the ones that always pushing the envelope in whoever JJ Redick with Redick retires when a shooting coach he’s going to be that’s his third three of the night and a foul is called it’s it is a kickball on the phone and here’s a Vincent working before the game with Alonzo ball tell you what it starts with having someone to believe on you in practicing the same way I played with a guy Kevin Martin jump shot came from his hip it’s not about where your shot comes from or where it goes it’s about the consistency of where it stays each time and they’re trying to find some consistency with the placement of all jump shot high school policy successful weathers want to deep sameen let mrs.
Cartwright Vinnie Johnson it’s fun it’s like a golf swing their own individual Gossling and the only thing that’s pretty is this nice one is it effective we’re not eight-second violation Lowery walked it up and another turnover the pile our you rarely see that call he was thinking of killing the clock with only 16 seconds remaining in the half but killing a picture yeah and I think with Van Vleet game until he didn’t realize what it was and now look at the difference or look at the substitution pattern that Coach HP put in the game he moved Derrick Favors out brought a shooter in so that he could put the saw back in the pick-and-roll and what his coach Nick nurse do say I see what she’s doing let me get the big fella out this game so we can play you guys straight up and switch everything yes the rookie Nicole Nellie who was hitting the three-pointer early on is back on the floor Millikan’s will hold for a final shot Holliday with 10 seconds to go play bike Davis five seconds left of the half-holiday ask the trouble here comes Rollins Justin said it fair that is the end of the first half pelicans lead at 61 56 we’ll take a break in that it’s on to LA for the emerge Express halftime report [Music] after as we get set for the second half how about this start line Chris 22 field goals 18 assists for the pelicans in the first half you said to go to state warriors I mean and I say that of course in jest but what I mean by that we all know about the ball movement of teams like to go to state warriors and systems like what coach Kerr has that’s why I’m so impressed with the fact that they are moving the ball and playing selfish yes his game won but it still happened in early well Alvin Gentry was an assistant leave assistant for Steve Kerr several years back Marv I spoke to coach Nick nurse at halftime and I asked him what he talked to his team about in the locker room he said it’s not about our execution but our energy he said that he started the game with very low energy statistically he said we have to give the pelicans fewer rebounds fewer second-chance points though the Raptors are winning in both of those categories so I asked him is the energy perhaps lacking after the ring ceremony he said it could be but a nap time I told those guys to decide right now whether or not they wanted to win hard buckets five and bleep and then holiday we talked about that earlier on the pregame show the possibility of team being a little hyped up and could that affect them on opening night as it has affected other teams in in recent years foul is called on a retic that is his reminded of a scene last year in the playoffs with Kawhi sitting to the tunnel and guys on the Toronto Raptors playing around trying to give him five and he doesn’t even look at the guy in points at the court the reason why I brought that up Kawhi played 60 games and siakam played 80 and Kawhi still took the most shots still had the highest field goal percentage for three-pointers and it was the culture that he brought from San Antonio and I know this is Game one have we’ve seen teams with great cultures lose game this game is not over yet but the question for the arguer for the Raptors is who’s gonna feel the void of leadership not necessarily scoring leadership we’re koala well as Charles mentioned the Ingram is able to knock down yet another shot Ingram has 14 points Charles talking about it at halftime and I I agree these these teams have very solid play yes I mean even without Zion New Orleans done a good job in terms of filling the roster as a compared to a year ago but neither has a major star and you have to have at least one in these days it seems to you were so right in charles’s right and until you get that major star you know what you need to have a major sense of urgency to heaven that’s what these teams need to start off with knowing that you don’t have that player you can rely on him for me Toronto it all starts with care mentality that was Kauai like last year there’s Lowery open yes the subject of Kyle Lowery he officially has three turnovers of collection from the official score that eight-second violation if you will with us where he did get it across the midcourt line of time was a turnover and another who’s called out up without attempt holiday now with six points so three turnovers him he’ll be happy with that as he looks at the statue two minutes gone by here in the third Marv Albert Chris Webber Kristen Ledlow siakam shoots was three we bought it by hand room fires it down but those were throws of the ball back to the Raptors the Toronto Raptors third last year in fast-break points and it was predicated on their defense and getting out so when you hear Kristen Ledlow talk about coach Nick nurse being disappointed about the energy that is something that is different and then what they’ve had yes these are special circumstances bring night at the same time she must play to your identity and regardless of who’s the star on the raptors their identity has always been effort and defense is a tripping foul if it is Ingram it is that’s his fur you’d like to see the saw get the ball in the post and played point guard we’ve seen Mark Jackson do it we had to change the rule for Charles Barkley and Mark Jackson posting in the paint so long playing point out of that and Gasol is definitely capable doing that insult is such a great passer willing passer and how about Zola willing shooter knock it down at three point eight points five assists Alonzo ball to the three from downtown what blasted hits the three glass I called it for you big fellas he shakes his hand in all counts one-point lead to New Orleans step-back by Paul this one is real here’s the torch from the crowd see Yakima the beautiful spin Ottawa who was looking for help that was going behind them talk about cold I grew up in with the kids I kind of they’re growing up like how I grew up to give them a chance to say look anything’s possible you know I’m not that tall I’m not the fastest I’m not the quickest but I’m able to bring this trophy back and you know have you guys touch it and feel it and that was my biggest sounds like yeah I wanna take pity would have to touch it fill it like you know be able to like you know appreciate it a little bit more and Chris you know following the championship season head coach Nick nurse had a bucket list tour of his own to celebrate the title what did he do well he played the guitar on stage with the art kills they are a Canadian rock band and then he sang take me out to the ball game at Wrigley Field watching his favorite team the Chicago Cubs and people celebrated everywhere he said he also coached Team Canada at FIBA World Cup said that actually he found that more relaxing than continuing to rot allowed and accepted congratulations doodle where that of foul [Applause] talk about a place that gets loud and you’re gonna learn this is a young team in the pelicans you do not give any momentum to the home team they live off the energy of this crowd and that usually plays like that get their defense goals three point lead for Toronto pelicans have led by as many as 11 they’ve led post up away picked off by Lowry the activist top comes back to Lowry active on the spin stop by Paul and it’s a kickball lot so Paul is claiming that siakam kickflip no it’s the other one you know you try yeah yeah and truthfully I’ve never seen it work one time with a straight face shot clock to six see I come out of post office [Applause] so all postings are Lowery who pokes it away pelicans in possession again Lowery undersized that what does he do pokes the ball away he wants to make sure that he doesn’t get in the position that he can’t handle because of his size that’s the toughness coach nurse was talking about I don’t know fighters went up why are we pushing it off the hesitation sent back to the other way Redick Neely picked it off bad bleep with the high school the song the food [Applause] Ingram yes it’s a free for anger who has shot the ball well stop watching players and see how they return the next year I don’t care about all the talk but what media says I’ve been there I know you get better in the summertime and I tell you what see aqua has embraced his role too and Brandon he’s trying to have a body count because he’s saying listen I’ve been working at whoever gets in front of me can get the business 17 points now for Ingram who was fouled by Lowry second artist Lowry played at him last season with the Lakers averaged 18 points five rebounds and they’re really improved his game when LeBron was injured because he had more playing time or space to operate that’s an offensive foul Derrick Favors Papa tried to charge the defense’s contagious out of nobody he knows that if he does not get to that spot that Lowry and Van Vleet will come over and say listen we’re smaller than you and we take charges more charges than that a game sacrifice for the team he already knows he’s buzzing throttle thanks to the starting lineup while we’ve been asleep on the back cortisol is up [Music] Oh sillies of fakes it counts before I remember it needs to come to the league everyone will say oh my god coming around is so skinny he should gain weight even she gained 30 pounds in the hole they should embrace the body that they haven’t been given better with their skillset and then they’re hard to check the lip of Ingram he’s the size of what Apollo for it used to be now plain somewhat a hybrid point guard at times man doing such a good job letting the game come to him foul committed by at Adobe rather they were lifted at 6:00 I’d want my key I think that’s pretty fair maybe not the 190 maybe they did something but Noah’s tell you what he makes the defenders understand his Heisman every time he catches the ball in the space see hakam’s worry about it full bellies back on the floor and a three-point barrage going in the first half Redick is off without see a key part has returned for two wallets grant lease goes his heart not to step at school and that’s what Toronto we do it until they get their feel they trying to speed it up lost them fall back to the Raptors Norman Powell Serge Ibaka getting set check back in here they come so the public comes with five turnovers here already in the third quarter that’s the worry that’s why I’ve been praising them so much so much so earlier because you look 21 assists on 28 shots but you know that with the younger teams for that bad play it’s the only constant so if you’re the pelicans make sure you communicate on defense come together for switches and then more importantly on offense recognize the hot hand got to give Redick some good shots he’s been trying to chase his own shots that’s when you need veterans to say hold on let’s slow it down and get our guy a good look pelicans sure they got 44% for the right Raptors at 43 halfway through the third quarter Toby [Applause] report Toronto lead upon or by comma floors goes cross-court to Holliday fouled by Seattle to Novi does not play the same position that’s how it should work but I tell you what their bodies are so similar that if I’m watching this game and I’m out there in Washington I’m looking and saying this is how I could spin use my big broad shoulders to ward off shot blockers and still get an easy shot inside a great job attacking the basket at all be listed at six eight a very long should say backs it up on Ibaka they clear it out and cover the shot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ibaka calling for it down low he has a smaller increments a great job by Ingram fighting to get in the front front of the post a pocke with space and rebounded by more there’s Park all the way and scores but the pace this is what coach ministry does if you don’t know teams even assistants on the players that he has he has a great context of how to get easy buckets but the young team and kind of be a decoy so you can’t see that the team can’t play hashed or overly often what Coach pinch-me does if you don’t know teams he’s been assistants all the players that he has he has a great context of how to get easy buckets with the young team and kind of be a decoy so you can’t see that the team can’t play half-court Oh [Applause] part of the foul so the pelicans with their fourth foul we are four minutes 11 seconds left in this third quarter opening night in the NBA coming up in the second of our doubleheader it’s the Lakers and the Clippers from Staples in LA and that is a clipper don’t leave me after the game I’m trying to get to the hotel to watch it’s right away I have to see this game la versus Natalie gonna be excited there’s William check back here for the wall Kevin Harlan Reggie Miller now they will force the telecast right here on TNT off the pass the entry pass to Ibaka foul is called as he threw the double Alexander Walker who adjustments checked in get rid of the flowers I’ll tell you what it’s gonna be awesome this year in LA the best part about the season is everyone making their predictions and everyone being wrong because something is going to just unfold but I tell you what it’s going to be fun watching that pick and roll with LeBron and ad the length of them is going to be so much fun watching the consistency of the I want to call it arrogance the brashness the defense of the Clippers coming through every night with can’t wait to get home and watch Game two and that’s gonna be that way for every game this season on TNT and it’s only opening height only open tonight I’m excited it was like championship the Western Conference almost every month Oh we’ll have excellent games and is here a fan of a home team you should love it because it’s going to be competitive competitive competitive now that is a over impact [Applause] call by Josh Tippin so the ball goes to New Orleans now let’s see if this second unit can play together as you sit yeah that it was not tip going back and I want to see how these guys adjust whether his heart Alexander to see if they could calm down and get settled into some type of religion it’s a three-second violation so the ball goes back to the Raptors Terrence Davis is back in for Toronto looking from Ole Miss Syfy Toronto as a as a free agent ibaka up top bad bleep deepest by the pelicans denying this for other shot clock how old 4:3 kept alive by Ibaka try to take up to the room study succeeds that flame is called since I got the rebound I don’t care how many people are around me I’m going to get to shooting he’s job dead time for Bob pass Alexander Walker throwing into a crowd here comes then complete an Adobe Capri [Applause] and a foul is called as he got entangled with Hinrich Williams officials talk it over Wilson from Alvin Gentry on this foul by interest and Williams against Serge Ibaka and the call was challenged by Alvin Gentry let’s bring that Joe bush with a senior VP of wrestling operations Joe what were your thoughts yeah Marvin say you have a loose ball foul called on Williams there so the crew chief came over looked at the video and what you see is Williams is grabbing Ibaka shorts ok so that’s where the loose ball foul came in and then they also look to see if Ibaka committed any unsportsmanlike after act afterwards which he did not so this is an unsuccessful challenge and New Orleans is charged with the timeout all right Thank You Josh tomorrow I have a question I was looking at my social media at half time people were asking me is it do you think maybe quick and that’s why we see the judgments of the coach is going for the caulk because they can’t see the instant replay now I would say from the bench area at times it’s very difficult because it depends on when they play the replay in South Jess is more tell you what he’s gonna want to see that replay a lot shooting knocking it down over balk at the top of the key I have a feeling at this stage of the season the coaches are just kind of auditioning fingering the whole challenge concept I think for the most part unless there is a third foul say in the first half called against an important player which might be challenged but watching it unfold isn’t it watching the coaches kind of get a feel for it it was just used in summer league the d-league and I don’t G League and those quote the coaches want to use it as much have to go in this third [Music] [Applause] I come back bleep please Kenneth dosha he’s way downtown it got about a six nine belly goes right out of splits through nobody goes shot clock is out of five new pakka [Applause] Alexander Walker on the drive Williams keeps it alive le for prettiest he has been on fire four for four from downtown his new name is melly-mel I don’t know why I just like the sound of that and I’m gonna give him that name after the rhyming great book man now let’s come inside he’s just stretched the floor knock it down it’s 20 year old rookie who’s played strictly internationally side of the free agent well slap the side off the miss two seconds remaining on the shot blocker was last touched by the father pelicans see Van Vliet take his share of hard falls in his League all and you just hope that his right ankle is okay he steps on a cameraman [Applause] you know he’s limping and – kyle lowery off the bench [Applause] leaders favors that ankle and you hate is a player to be hurt by anything that wasn’t true contact especially incidental contact out of bounds 11 points in this third quarter 11 it was 26 he’s the high point man of the game [Applause] his second differential shot blocking Dean front Alexander Walker working off the pick picks to the ribs and sit out [Applause] kept alive his hoppers it up and a foul is called with two point one remaining in this third quarter [Applause] [Applause] smart play by heart do not know if it is a foul or not what his job is to make you assume it in his one right there with the shot clock running out twisted his body whose ables of maybe sneak one in here get in Alana Josh Hart out three four three at the line see that start line with six rebounds [Applause] two seconds left in the third here’s Lowry from the backcourt that’s the end of the third quarter two-point lead for the Raptors now earlier tonight TNT celebrated the start of the season taking ability of the young pelicans ball getting into the lane five assists holiday five assists why is this so important to a fan like myself well because it’s awesome anytime you can see a young team our Feb 23 assists on thirty-one makes to me that says team has great chemistry great coaching and even though they’re gonna make mistakes are playing the right way and the major question for Toronto is the physical status of sled their leaders have a hot hand high point man with 26 bucks each to up interest ankle just moments ago in late third quarter and if you’re Toronto you’re gonna have to find a way to manufacture points in the paint as fred was doing attacking the guards pelicans in possessions fourth quarter on the way how do they the spires Lowry comes across see ya backs his way and he’ll go to the line that’s that power forward point guard facilitating spot the pelicans were so as it said look no one’s gonna come down wide because he has three point shooters all across the board and this is what she wanted the he’s a 25 attacking the user energy to get that nice second jump how about the stat line to see a can 28 cheap rebounds five assists tomorrow what’s so impressive about what you just said is I did not even think that he was playing that type of game and coach Nick nurses he misses his first free-throw siakam said today I said coach what do you want to see from siakam with the new contract and he said is he still gonna let the game come to him and yes he’s seen he’s not been selfish not had a bunch eternal has tonight been efficient that’s letting the game come to that’s a very happy time for Pascal inside that the four-year 130 billion dollar maximum extension that’s us the exchange rate versus it gets inside and draws the foul just so you’re aware it’s one u.
dollar people today but see Atkins certainly a breakout player last season voted the league’s most improved player averaging just under 17 points 7 rebounds and 3 assists I tell you what his work ethic was incredible watching him works before the games you love seeing players being rewarded congratulations and then now I would tell them where am I going to see you improve what play are you going to become because you’ve already put into work now continue it whether were financial matters involved we like to go to Kristin so let’s check in Marva I did sit down with Kyle Lowry yesterday and when I mentioned Pascal and he called him his rich beloved he said my money’s old money you’ve got that new money he’s exactly what Messiah dreamed of when he drafted him but I went on to say the hard work the continuous growth the evolution of his game he went from the skinny kid running up and down the floor Kyle’s words not mine – G League champion G League MVP the benchmark the most improved player and a max player now he was discovered by the Masai at the NBA’s basketball Without Borders program bathroom actually in his boot boot a player who first spotted he was able to hit Jews along with with threes massage [Music] rousing ovation during the championship ring ceremony when he came out of the court together was it because he won a championship or he didn’t go to Washington to take yes that’s a possibility definitely show their appreciation I even saw interview atomically let’s one go from the top of the key Dover Ibaka but I saw interview with Kawhi Leonard saying that as he goes around the country or goes around the world he has fans from Canada saying hey we love you thank you for what you did for us good luck next season and tell you what those are some special fans because I would be mad like man we’re never gonna win again without 701 for the pelicans [Applause] two-point lead for New Orleans were early fourth quarter hearts grabbed by Seattle puts the speed on his block balls knocked out of bounds last touched by Gotham pelicans I would say the pelicans get the ball upcourt from my court to front court as fast this is any team of the NBA yes this has been coach entry style they did this with a D last year will be played when he didn’t play and I asked coach why I said listen it’s the only way to simplify the games we can get easier buckets when the deepest isn’t looking part upset he feels it Ibaka was moving on that screen and our were told Kristen Ledlow just checking out Fred vanvleet status with the ankle injury he is being we taped he’s back in the Raptor locker room in that little band there is a friend of mine and you just want to keep it moving using that system worked at an equal ups and downs do not let us down I’ve been able to still smaller E is all without it by heart [Music] [Applause] your point mom a were attached the opposite three-point line with 19 the Paul fighting an open heart and more best but you could do when you played play fast pace you don’t have to shoot it the first 10 seconds but he ended up to have coordinated kid a great shot like they did that time with 10 seconds left on the clock we quantify a heart Davis right back with a flurry [Applause] [Music] it’s the downtown so far judges has to time step ball back to belly mill right away look at this color cheese ball moving it was 19 when they got shot just play with pace pants with these young players of the pelicans a good lunch so can you imagine how often playing at this place but what will make you assume they’re going to be effective my disability can jump 44 inches dumped on anyone if one of the fastest runners it illegally that’s all you’re going on part with the rebound Josh Hart is that an outstanding game gets you to Holloway they swagger off the shot attempt by Kent rich Williams which I saw a little Reggie Miller on that play right there and if you know what I mean that’s the kickstand and that right leg seemed to come out come on a foul and it’s learning for the grace let’s look here [Music] that is number four on C a cup a three-point attempt so three shots here for Kendrick Williams second-year man from TCU TCC they call them Kenny hustle undrafted side as a free agent played in the G League and appeared in 46 games for the pelicans season 29 starts inside [Music] Kelly will sit down quite a shooting performance and his NBA debut 15 minutes youko belly hitting 5 for 5 from the field [Applause] how old yes that’s a three for morbid power [Applause] pelicans but the two-point lead holiday gets the screen from goofy Jackson [Applause] Williams going for that rebound deflected it out of Bounce Italy to alibagh here comes Fred vanvleet taped-up back in the locker over give it a shot hears it from the crowd as he checks in and this is again it’s so great to be a fan of his basketball players out here and he showed us his hard to last last season and during the regular season and doing their championship run you knew he was going to be back out here at all [Applause] Jackson comes to the front court backfire and bleep Okafor [Applause] [Music] – got the good wallet or restrictions were lost kept alive our holiday for the quality [Music] [Applause] Powell let’s build the wall again if you the Pelican sees no their attacks siakam for food – if I would say I can his first three-pointer of the night mark gets inside [Applause] phyto almonds we need to settle down if you talked about don’t have that superstar but you do have great teammates that cannot get down this shot right here by the pelicans as long as you here to keep in the flow of golf to Toronto he presented by Auto Trader Kyle Lowry this joyous happy to bring as the Raptors have their fans celebrated earlier tonight and just knowing who Kyle Lowry is and he’s already mentioned taking his trophy back to Philadelphia it was a dream of a lifetime to show the kids in a 4.
2 Auto Lee they have reeled off nine unanswered points to stall committing the foul his second he said what would you say to people like myself and he said you have to play every game and all we can do Maxon at the basket counts is interference on the play and I feel that Kyle Lowry statement summarizes the will of this team whether you believe in us or not our child Frank Jackson the caddie guess it was gold here’s Lowry on the drive beautiful took a shot to the head I think if it was a ring light he may have had a technical in the first quarter on the other his team he was coming in behind the philosophy of lack of respect [Music] I think the referees have been patient tonight mark knowing that the first game of the season over gestures done by players of the direction of officials and other players so they’re not going to accept make sure we keep the integrity of the game the only thing is that again this is the first reality show and the gesture is something you have to have emotion in this game or you can’t be the best player that you want to be and I think the reps have done a great job out tonight letting players VIN letting players have their say and now they’re like shut up last five minutes is on to control the game this ball foul all the pelicans Seminole run by New Orleans they had hit 15 straight up the line before the two free throws with the refs to get across court and he just lived this yeah I’m like you were supposed to be right there jump 30 feet high [Applause] [Music] [Applause] before raptures looking for travels the balls knocked away knocked out of bounds it’ll be Nauticus Paul with 13 on the shot clock you can tell who a coach really trust right now and having harden Jackson in the game not that he doesn’t trust the other players it just shows what they’ve been doing in practice for him to have this confidence and it’s 4:30 lesson again final Wallace JJ ready for the best shooters in our game is over there Sam yeah I do he could knock that down it out I don’t want one so ball who’ve been playing very well early on seeing her little time in the second half yeah and a lot of times it’s not because of the play of the player per se that’s on the bench but maybe eat the play for the combinations that is found on the court right now party Jackson is such a good job as Okafor gyaku to take an extra step inside turnover and a timeout taken by Toronto 409 remaining fourth quarter it’s easy [Music] coming up on four minutes to play in the fourth period Toronto opening night in the NBA the pelicans with a runner of a 4th have a six-point lead our Raptors New Orleans in possession the small comes outside harder than I thought it Mike Jackson just checked the screen and leaked so hard to stop and he keeps attacking this young pelicans team when you talk about the youth of the pelicans again just think about how exciting they are going to be as you see Eddie Griffin there on the side tonight 27 assists on thirty eight shots him at the end of desire you want him to get healthy at home that’s somehow try to find the rhythm the back to my point earlier I just thought that the narrative on his arm was so unfair that he was always hurt where he saw him injure his self in college with in the summer league I didn’t want to play him in the summer league there’s no point to plan into something he wasn’t hurting to someone and of course now we know that he’s happy right knee surgery on this time until you can get to prove yourself on the court [Music] [Applause] before I show it to 240k with create team deploy good job I see Akamai fortunate but the pump fake always work almost got to stay vertical they’re open for did which so hard not to go with your instincts just stick your hand over and go in the cookie jar yeah come neutral that took advantage inside both teams are in the penalty 31 point 17 rebounds method 32 at 17 for siakam nice way to start the new season it is he’s gonna say don’t forget those five assists I’m trying to get people involved just under 3:00 to go here at the fort [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] during the season and he found out that he was allergic to white meat mark I know that’s crazy I told you to Scott I’m not gonna be the one to tell us or even though he did the great reporting but you can tell her okra for his body that there’s a difference in that he is concentrated and he’s concentrated yet in the gym and take care everybody as well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow that would be the worst food and it’s 303 one territory so funny shots coming up have to let the offensive player land I gotta check out if it is in fact a three-point attempt Oh another let’s check it to see if it’s a flavor oh so I think we would call that bizarro maybe Zaza Pachulia specifically on Kawhi Leonard in the corner at Golden State rule you want to get that specific word even though it doesn’t look like it can be flavored and I’m not saying that this play is I’ve seen a lot of dirty not but he is cheap players not that he is they can’t guard guard by putting their foot under you and anybody that does that never was a true player of the game but I don’t think Oprah did that on purpose – we’ll wait and see incidentally Pascal yakking for 34 points 18 rebounds one of only four Raptors who have had 30 points plus and 50-plus rebound Chris Bosh next quarter Hawaiian runner that’s pretty good company and again he did it effortlessly which means he didn’t wave 15 people off you didn’t shoot the ball 10 times in a row and take 8 bad shots he’s let the game come to him and he’s been energy hitting those second jumps those second possessions extra possessions for his team on the offensive board Tony Brown Josh pivot Eric Taylor over at the scorer’s table check out the extent of that foul on what appeared to be a three-point attempt by Lowry right yes no question now they are looking as to whether it was a flavor [Music] they say hopefully gram you can’t really judge of God’s intentions but at the same time your body just takes you that momentum takes you toward that shooter especially as a big part about them I guess more action of sticking your foot way out up under you know really hard to tell so Kyle Lowry 5 for 6 at the line at the game tied at 110 and he has three free throws last time that Kyle Lowry was in uniform for Toronto was at Oracle Arena in Oakland had that magnificent yes twenty six point game six well the 10 assists seven rebounds and knocked off the state title the two more shots Holly G genuine opening week 2019 Thursday with the Bucks of the Rockets o'clock Eastern thought about the Clippers or the Warriors at Houston Rockets debut of James Harden devil also Westbrook facing the honest and the box I cannot wait you’ve seen what have you heard with hardness in the offseason which definitely players some players agree with and reigning MVP coming in they’re all fans high schools to fight holiday to tie the game could you come on small and wanna see you Kabakov want to take advantage of male inside not you must use the defense and pace to get savant over disabilities budget got out of four with a clutch three-pointer the pelicans take a quarter opening night of the NCAA here TMG come on now we right there okay I have everybody rebound we got to be able to contain the ball we got to do a better job of containing the ball where are we going with it those on defense this season as head coach of the pelicans Alvin Gentry his team is up by three 125 where we’re going to win it is on defense pelicans make sure you listen to that more on your speech Elly kicks it out yes Loretta could wanna get that shot off the foot tough jump shot yeah bodies hanging all over him they were so close they just didn’t follow him but young kids it was the footwork and his concentration and knock down the shot [Applause] [Applause] these teams may not have a star but these teams have veterans and look with the veteran JJ Redick guards you can agree with the call or not but he puts his self in a position to have the ref make a tough call JJ Redick if he can knock down the shot that he can get it done on the other end as well and this is one of those situations where perhaps yes Nick nurse might think maybe I should have held the challenge yes yes and this is fun watching the evolution of this rule and how coach is handling marvelous but I agree with you unless it’s a foul maybe an extra file and excessive foul on your star players you may be smart to say that’s in a wait a minute so the icon fouls out it has been a batter night for Pascal see back in 34 points eight rebounds five assists [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] salad diva Toronto but they were helped out by the pelicans whose listen wide open middle at the top but it does not matter that this may be the smallest backcourt in the game with Lowry and bam bleep they may also be one of the toughest Lowry 7 of 9 from the line his fourth and it’s a one-point game Raptors have one timeout left pelicans have two both teams in the bonus well you always want to keep things simple with the younger team and so I wouldn’t go to the one here I would take the best shot available according to the philosophy of coach Gentry 9 Toronto you just want to make sure you get a stop and if I am the pelicans I am looking at the mismatch going to the pick-and-roll at the saw trying to get mail and open shot Pascal the active has fouled out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so the Raptors have a chance to pull it out here at the final second the pelicans got the play they wanted but not a shot they missed it so if you look here they want to get the consultant to the picker more watch them go right away Gasol does a great job of coming out hedging that means he does not let his man get a wide-open look now that they cannot go to the original play they’re looking trying to figure something out not enough covers and the spacing is it right at the end they got the mismatch they wanted they did not get the play they want to execute at the end it’s the final timeout for the Raptors elegance do have a timeout left what are you looking for from Nick knows what I’m looking for from Nick nurses now that you don’t have see Aquaman bleeding then your best penetrator all night but Van Vleet either in a clear-out role it’s called a14 where you put them feet at the top and all other four players on the baseline to give him space if he has tile and others on the floor that means he could be a great decoy either attacked foot score or attack to draw the defense kicked out to one of the shooters [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that’s been attacking the bat could you have shooters around you do not want a 50-footer the last second unless his name becomes 5 117 Toronto without Pascal see I can be fouled out after scoring 34 holding down 18 rebounds behind the pelicans Brandon a trip with 22-fret back pleat has put up pretty rewarding for the Raptors that’s why I thought that bleep would take the last shot but don’t understand that but I bet you that Van Vleet will take it upon herself next time to try to get that ball in and now it’s very important if your consol the saw can you stay in guarding the perimeter shooter will Toronto use you in the post to score and to facilitate the Lakers of the Clippers from Los Angeles coming up on TNT after this game is over but it is starting out on NBA TV with Kevin Harlan and Reggie Miller his towel to the rim that’s what you want to get that amuses have led a fertility get inside locked Oh ball back on the fourth hot plate of some time ready fire so impressive its footwork yes is shot we know about this shot for this three-point attempt but now with four threes 16 points at all beside an excellent game gets into the lane ricotta pie Gasol Gentry changed his lineup again you have ball in with all four starters and mail shows you coach Jimmy he’s getting his rhythm is the closest to your two shot partially deflected a possible deflection actually was deflected off the front rim rebounded by Powell the coaches at there in the first game as well so they’re taking time to find the new chemistry to find new units that played together guys are showing different phases of their games tonight so an adjustment for everybody the first couple of weeks the sole for free this all is just 1 of 8 from the field pelicans by water and in possession as we talked three minutes to play him his five headed over time Kelly is fouled by Gasol there are favors we’ll check it those are looking for the Lakers the Clippers you can to to md80 the start of the game while we try to take it away but a foul is called all the lectures it’s on lalalina perform so lots of ball will put it in play like tightly by Powell [Music] eager we want that back so you can shoot it favors is actually trying to get position to get the rebuttal this all up top how old how you get your rhythm and know you’re allowed to shoot three-pointers on this team which is the lefty use your size your strength inside such a great pass which always makes you dual threat finish it inside strong Gasol to foul off Derrick Favors [Applause] play from Marc Gasol who has had a quiet hide on the offensive to play off the dribble into the lair tied at 122 he got bailed out ahead he had no shot at a shot wondering what comes in to be jumped up from over there foul ball is almost saying that he was fouled on the shot I’m wondering how does that happen but Kyle Lowry being aggressively Mauri mention dude and last time he played and go to state 26 points and he’s been a player of the jollies to talk about where is he shown up in the playoffs in last year he’s shown that you know he’s gonna be steady on the defensive end and now I think he has even more confidence in his offensive game Kyle coming back from a series of injuries back from surgery repairing a torn he’ll showed up for training camp for the u.
Raptors up by 2 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sigh we gotta buy powell what up tough didn’t know that time he should trust favors again in pasadena kind of got stuck and hesitated in the air little junk shop Wow [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] welcome back to Toronto where the Raptors are up now check this out he was assaulted such a good shooter he puts holiday in a tough position how they didn’t know whether to stun him or to get back at VanFleet and it’s all because the sock is space the floor up there no matter what his shooting percentage is tonight and such a good passer he makes the right decision hits the bland beat he knocks it down better 27 remaining it over time come against us now with one timeout remaining and you have a foul to give Toronto also has a foul to give and they have their two timeouts left and if you’re the pelicans do you want the best shot available first you don’t want to force it three or force it to the rim you want to play within your office and get the best look that you can right away before it’s off for four points here about the stretch of overtime [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up to that point Bali will head to the line that’s what you understand about Lowry not only is going to be consistent in effort but consistent in being aggressive check that foul to give so now they’ll be on the bonus five on the shot clock [Applause] with 14 points three to go and at eight-point lead for the Raptors so I saw picks up number five the Raptor is the start of their 25th season they open up as the champions celebrated championship backer and win by his huddle a supply [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Kristen Ledlow so long well the Scotiabank Arita it it like this that’s a way as we said it kept it Harlem [Applause].
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/us/toronto-raptors-vs-new-orleans-pelicans-full-game-22102019/ from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.tumblr.com/post/629434420035796993 from Best IPTV Channels https://reneturgeon.tumblr.com/post/629435473738301440
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Toronto Raptors vs New Orleans Pelicans Full Game 22.10.2019
welcome you back to Toronto our opening night comfort continues file 53 degree evening thousands watching on the big screen at Jurassic Park and inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everybody I’m Marv Albert along with five five a star crisp weather Kristen Ledlow join us just a couple of its work from the sidelines so 60 Raptors without the sensational one adult Kawhi Leonard so what are your expectations for these two teams well my expectations at any time you have Kyle Lowry as your captain is you’re going to play hard and you’re gonna defend and protect the home court and I expect the Raptors to come out and play that way how about Pascal siakam I want to see his growth and improvement as well against Toronto with the third best home record last year and if you’re on the pelicans man you should look at this like this is the land of opportunity coach Gentry this style of play is fast fast fast and you will have an opportunity to establish your identity just play hard and play selfless but regardless this young team should be excited take a look at these starting fives presented by AT&T the pelicans with JJ Redick with the Zion out of action relative the starting lineup so Alvin Gentry going with a three guard set Redick ball and holiday parameters up front of Pascal siakam og at Adobe Marc Gasol and at the guards present leap and Kyle Lowry officiating crew Tony Brown and Courtney her Twitter’s in Secaucus in the replay Center to our Raptors 32 advise till at home last year second vets in the East behind being for walking pucks they went 58 and 24 second at the East with the second-best record heat Orlando at 5-1 at 7 over Philly on that dirt hole shot by Kawhi Leonard and Pete the Walker at 6 and what the NBA final defeating Golden State six let’s check in with Krista Marv as you know on opening nights the NBA champions are given their rings and their opponent is given the option to leave for to stay now you may have noticed that tonight the Pelican state coach Alvin Gentry told me I’ve been involved in a ring night madam there’s anything like it in the league I hope it serves as inspiration I also want them to see that these guys are bonded for life David Griffin also told me I want them to want those it’s a cool thing to be as young as you are to be present for ring night what Toronto did to get their ring was victory several years of refusing to bow down guys hard Thank You Kristin yes alvin wanted his club the young players to get a taste of what it’s like to receive a championship ring helicanus control ball puts it up at stip tall won’t count it is called no they say it does count the basket counts Hebert says wait a minute you sure enough come on now give me those two points and as you see here the battle inside and how about that basalt knocked that in but favors should get the credit he was the closest to the mantle tip the ball so what is current papers with the pocket to get things going van fleet second gets it into the corner [Applause] and back come the Pelican last season’s 33 and 59 same revenues battleships and Memphis off the steel Van Vleet to Lowry pulling up for the three his crowd ready to explode so Paul with that a groove touch during pre-season favors [Applause] just put these foul hit bike favors when you look at both these teams one thing you’re gonna see similar they they both like to get out and run and if you look at the pelicans you may be surprised at this but points per game last year they were number three coach Gentry loves to get his team out and run and that’s what they will if you try to sneak Toronto get some easy baskets Toronto one of the best defensive teams especially at home when Chris pick nerves telling us earlier that means the major concern of his team the fact that the pelicans are one of the fastest teams in the league needle mark one of the things that concerns me and again you know we’re in the game of speculations there is Lowry this is a second free throw is that now with the addition to one of my favorite players in the league badly I do not like him necessarily being the starter because it makes this team have such a small backcourt will be interesting to see how they figure it out during the season as it goes along it’s all for the little to the toughest and leave ice touched by Ingram rather they grow they do form Loker his weight of the pelicans and that deals and any day this kickball is called [Music] we’ve seen this young man improve seems like each year and I like the fact that he took massage in the ball a bond that played one dribble jump shot he has handles these wiry that can get to the coat badly got it by Redick [Applause] Oceana roti seasons back showing us let me show you shouldn’t talk how about that mark what I love about it is that he caught and shot the ball right away no hesitation one of the tough things about working on your shot and then implementing it in a game is can you shoot it with no hesitation no doubt in that time pulled up during the three holiday the free Lowery Peck sit down see active at the lead Jennifer Gasol and it’ll be New Orleans ball Redick looking for a shot ball get this download ice ball both hit Ingram yes it’s a ¾ knock it down it’s cornered we’ve not used to seeing that a game guys are trying to show us how they improved in the offseason I suppose even tear the pissed I’m an Adobe is way off favored set the pick here’s Ingram affiliate rebound Lowen [Applause] the past too deep save by holiday that comes Redick looking for the shot and gets from downtown talk about a quick hold right there Redick knows that his jumper is wet anytime it goes in shoots with confidence by not answered by a New Orleans timeout Toronto [Music] love you man big time Big Town big time Raptors enjoying the championship the sailboat is just a moment ago Norman Powell and planted Inc repairing the Mike’s tonight State Farm audio assist both turnovers now to Toronto their last five trips final road by the Orleans Fire virtue of three pointers by three different players here’s Redick hitting once again that’s cool that’s where he made his name last year using his height this size that time ridic Reddick did not get away trying to draw a foul but how about this ciacco using his limp that Y reframed to get it easy with the cup instead a travel called on run a good play by that leave soon yeah come at three ball pops it down Ingram let by siakam off the spin gives it back up Holliday whoa faithless puts it home I like this young team the potential did you see the trust rule Holliday had in yong-hwa he moved the ball back to ball saying shoot the three but the most dangerous part of balls game is his penetration if you’re a big fella had your hands ready he’s gonna get the ball to you let’s hope all played so well before he went down with the injury last season with the Lakers who can see the confidence that we shall drop this is a nice comeback [Applause] we one of the heroes but the championship run a year ago able to pop down a free there’s ball four three no hesitation rims out rebound seventy-nine lead for the pelicans the trust of these rafters not offensive Lowry penetrated something fun to watch Ingram with a catch up here see active rebounds first quarter being played at a very fast pace back to the pelicans and the Raptors cloud of magic Seattle is pushed and a foul is call that was on ball that leach showed us his heart last year not only in college how tough he was on both ends taking bumps taking hits going through droughts what I loved is that his confidence never wavered he continued to play with effort consistent effort at home and on the road he’s game one of his biggest fans a news serge ibaka checking in for the Raptors remark who saw Serge very emotional during the championship chatter and the rents of only ice remember when Ibaka told his team after being two down in Milwaukee no one believed but him saying listen we can do this great finish by favors inside the Bacchus should be emotional because he gave his heart and soul to his team last year they came to him awarded city good start here by Derrick Favors first season with New Orleans coming over from Utah that’s what he can do travel is called fall back to the rafters the pelicans right now I was getting ready could shoot a dribble handoff getting him an easy busca so he doesn’t have to force his way in stop the person watching the earth it’s a tip to run here by grottoes mentos flooring back after that I know screwed by the politics favors he’s off and bleep went to the cross against humble bed siakam on a step battle for the rebound and a loose ball foul is called it was against New Orleans Seattle was quite favorite and that’s what I’m interested to see in Seattle he just signed a new contract extension and with players you don’t worry about the effort they’ve been dreaming about this game their whole life but what you do wonder is can they take that next step in that next step for Sayaka is to continue playing with his energy level [Music] the console guys to get fallen guys he has to make sure that he speaks with this actions in not just his words VanFleet doesn’t he do that all the time boredom going in amongst the Giants Fred plant late hit a sport NBA season out of the wichita state bringing gelato with it a point as well [Applause] Howl’s come on for the lapis for the first time at a foul on Paul the FDA of GMT is murky by Geico 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car occurrence and by that telluride from Kia official or navona partner of the NBA’s correction how the last file it’s holiday on Paul Pott holiday to stop us five remaining in the first [Music] skel siakam coming off a breakout season Most Improved Player Award he averaged better than 17 a game she was a first-round pick 27th overall out of New Mexico State four years ago log on really quick Pete has evolved into a terrific all-around player looks like a future all-star NBA tickets.
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com where tickets are always authentic and always about Ramar fees first nights we usually see a lot of turnovers ugly play super teams haven’t been together and this is one of the better post corners and starts it seems like both teams getting shots that they like I know it’s just one quarter flirt hug the pelicans doesn’t they don’t look like the team that has so many new players attention to 14th to run here by the Raptors they lead for the first time last touched by fouled of Toronto substitutions [Music] [Applause] firstly to timeout calls 4:16 left in the first jet retelling us early he was going to try to cut down on the rotation well enough set five new players out of the court Jahlil Okafor each marble Josh from part the rookie Nikhil Alexander Worple head of a compressor preseason at Frank Jackson this is Alexander Walker has been hitting a shot he must have the super green he has the curry green line any time you come in and coach cause of playing new cool step back three from the top of the key I can’t wait to see him just get a wide open Lee on the turnover the ball back [Music] okhla for [Music] Alexander Walker out the hole to the running one-hander kept alive [Applause] Williams is off [Applause] just like an takubo of course not as good as answer the Koopa the reigning MVP but just as you have to go in the fast break or when he’s attacking the basket you must build a wall his height athletic ability and his speed gets into the cup back to the most and if you don’t have help defend his back there he’s gonna get to the line foul committed by Josh apart Pelican soon as we have of discussing without Zion Williams and the out six to eight weeks after undergoing surgery we’re premiering that to talk right meniscus those who have missed season openers due to injury include fella by the name of Chris Webber those who have missed who have been number one overall graphics the last thirty years some pretty good names on that list yeah a little more fortunate than say of the late Griffin it had to sit out the whole your even though I don’t know if he Minds that too much and still got that Rookie of the Year trophy jumped over a few cars on his way this adult chopped to take his [Applause] two games and luckily for me it was an appendectomy and not [Applause] we gets the role and he will go to the line Alexander Walker picks up the foul for the pelicans I told coach nurse before the game I said you have a small backcourt don’t you think teams are gonna exploit it they are so small he said yeah Chris but you know they play humongous and that’s the type of player just shows me talk to them now I’m assuming these are the accurate heights that have been measured my lead source has been leading is listed at 6-foot and Lowry at 6 1 ok if I would have had to guess I would say vans lead it’s probably 510 but Alexander Walker’s yes ok Walker I’m a fan already rookie rookie that comes it it takes a shot 2 seconds into the game and then fires another one knocks a three now you have my attention I don’t Virginia Tech first round pick 17 overall the salt try to pitch it back [Applause] well hot come defense I mean look at how heart stays vertical he earned that when he got popped in the mouth for it but he doesn’t care as he got the charge look at this he goes straight up no no no no you can’t get upset Baptist fans you can’t get upset on that one because he got hit in the face they got a coach’s challenge right here okay here we go each team permitted to a challenge once again you must have a timeout remaining to make the challenge when we come back we’ll see the result of their challenge basketball is a very human game everybody comes together to create an atmosphere that makes this the greatest game in the world we’re all part of the same team and when the game was at its best it teaches us respect which is pretty fundamental please be sure to respect the players officials and your fellow fans remember this is our game we’re in this together by 1901 major Taylor was considered the greatest athlete in the world but he was still searching for something else we never stop never settle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to Toronto we’re going to have our first coaches challenge look how Powell attacks now the rule is defensively you must stay vertical do not reach over your man it looks like Hart has done that he looks like he’s also a little worse for the wear [Applause] great looks at that and the call stands it is an offensive foul on Powell so the play does stand let’s put on Joe boy sure they give us his explanation hi Marv how you don’t do it so this was the first challenge we’ve ever had in an NBA regular-season game and as you could see pal did lead with an unnatural elbow to the face therefore that that was confirmed to be a foul so the call stands there was no clear and conclusive evidence to overturn senior VP of officiating Joe Bourget drove thanks polka for with the chip 26:25 pelicans by one as we approach two minutes to go in this opening quarter his Maori on the drive he took a shot [Applause] Walker thyroids just the tip mark is still out at heart try to chase it down it’s kicked out about last touch final Wallace one thing you want to see from the other teams that have a burden of expectations and I believe with Zion and these young guys that they do have expectations that may be unfair maybe not they computed to us but you always want to judge their energy and effort level and tonight so far doing a great job for colorful maka head position but the saw how am I going to take a chance [Applause] [Music] the foul committed Maori Fawzi should have got credit for getting the shot off Okafor committed a foul big nurse wishes he had his challenge back because if you look at that plate again and again everything is fast motion we have the luxury to see that in slow motion but it looks like he went up right away as soon as it was contact Lowry but again no challenge so two shots there was a hesitation before the shot was mistaken you can watch serge ibaka grill his celebrity friends on his pillory web series how hungry are you new episodes exclusively on Bleacher Report have you seen what they’ve been eating more I have seen clips I would I’d love to hang out with him going to show and watch it but I would not be taking part yeah that’s that’s a nice way to put it coming up on a better to go first quarter four makes his move he’s found by Gasol for the Toronto Raptors missed the start of their 25th season and they open up as the champs coming off the six-game victory over the gold state warriors in the finals last season looking for the shot Williams before second plus it went off and a final snow heart was hit from behind walk off and just not think about anything he knows that it looked like it’s twisted his ankle just about how he landed let’s see here if that’s right yep you can always tell when a player does that and number-one rule and you do that keep moving do not sit still and let it get stiff parts tough you’ll get through it foul committed by a nobodies Josh Hart acquired from the lay cruising that package deal for Anthony Davis three-year man out of Villanova first-round pick of Utah 30th overall and then transplant traded to the Lakers [Applause] some are jumping too quickly yes it’s a lane violation on the Raptors it is on Gasol and if your aquifer good job that is your assist when a big man does that he anticipates he’s going to be met with force and has to get in there early to block out just your willingness to go after the rebound Mesa Kassar jump in there a little bit early you get another shot for your team Josh Hart 65% free throw to the last season when you consider that David Griffin was not exactly holding all the card into the executive vice president for the pelicans a long time Vienna Cavaliers what Anthony Davis demanded a Trekkie yes of the Lakers he did an awesome job I mean of course you get lucky with the number one bitch anybody’s number one kinky lefty but what about the pieces he put around Zion and these young players Payne Lee Alexander Walker they are trying to let it fly and again I look at this as the island of misfit toys that you have a second chance maybe people didn’t seem to want you before you’re only 23 if you are all prefer and you’ve been talked about is not being in the league anymore maybe not and if you’re all you’ve been questioned because you’ve been hurting and I look at this as an opportunity to have fun excitement it’s an establish your own identity you know this team has a lot of great young players and all you have to do is play hard a three part attack piscis all [Applause] fifteen seconds to go in the quarters each one more [Music] Alexander Wolcott pretty fast for okra for Donna mama hop a couple seconds remaining and the quarter so what what a complete opening night in the NBA publicans up by three Haley pass please leave us back check out his favorite players show-stopping almost live on at the a late pass for no cost at all this publicans Albert gently coach emotions run high on a ring night but you wanted your team to be out here to see it what the was the key to setting those emotions aside and to establishing the pace early on well first of all I thought it was great to see the ceremony you know that’s what we aspire to be also secondly when the game started I told them we just gotta play I thought we started the game great the pace of the game was really good we took a couple of tough shots in that but we have to keep the pace of the game what where it is right now you did though establish an early double-digit lead as the Raptors eliminated that deficit what was the difference in your team’s energy for execution oh we got to do a better job execution but I thought we started a game with a lot of energy we got good spacing and we got to continue to have the face thank you guys all right Kristin eleven to run by the pelicans the last three and a half minutes of that first quarter drive the tipless by Gasol tap tap Powell’s fires go through and Williams with the rebound for New Orleans there’s a rafters right now you must keep the pelicans off the glass and as you see right there they got a good stop but that’s their ninth offensive rebound and they have 11 total Alexander Walker’s how attempted seven shots what four seven he is fluff to la Paix here’s our example again on the drive the board here in Toronto played for Team Canada under each team back in 2016 while we asked the Turner High School how he’s using his body inside not suddenly for the jump shot using the strength around the post gotta love that it’s one more backing it up [Applause] [Music] and it is a tall fences all 30 friends and family here 40 kill Alexander Walker Toronto native attended port secondary school located in Bolton Toronto before playing couple of seasons at Virginia Tech you know what let it fly young man let it fly your family’s here this is a dream come true congratulations let’s get your feet set knock down a couple enjoy the ride not shy here we toss the foul bottles called on Nicole old mare who just checked it he’s a 28 year old rookie board and Italy was playing overseas and Germany’s Turkey remember of championship teams in Germany and Turkey play very well a preseason although Alvin Gentry said he’d like to see him shoot more frequently coach said he told him listen I need you to shoot he said coach I shot at four times he says shoot at four more times and then I’ll be happy miss talking good yeah yeah he heard the conversation coach that you need to be me right traveling violation Mulligan’s by one early second quarter Marv Albert Chris Webber Kristen Ledlow from Scotiabank arena in Toronto [Applause] [Music] that’s it Lulu Lowry this is Mel for three yes tomorrow he’s gonna get that shot all night pelicans trying to get in that shot earlier because cut Stahl is on him is it’s all his own of him can’t move maybe as well as the small guys so he can get that open look the soul with a series of teams rebounded by heart so the pelicans back to the offense it’s not a dutchman team yet but if they are they would go to the same play with a pickup bowl the move could sawed off the ball reach-in is called on young team sometimes have trouble with understanding what just worked sometimes young teams go away from what this work that the veteran is no wait a minute let’s exploit this mismatch until these team make some adjustments it downloads all because of the pick-and-roll play you took us all in a pick-and-roll with a guy that can shoot like now what happens you get penetration great passes open look from the corner they’ll defend God Gasol now they switched the sole as doubles got it down low OD Roby with the rebound every gentle fight Miller Alexander Wofford high speed family please break down the link of the scoop it counts in the foul [Applause] strong move by Fred Radley who went through a series of injuries last season and came back strong he’s about to head to the line Saxons call Wow the Raptors three from ten from the free from the three-point line so if you’re the pelicans you must understand the Raptors want to go to stop and push it even force the refs in a tough position that call and get a foul slow the pace down until they can speed it up in control the pace I told Josh Hart just went back to the locker room and just heard a moment ago this is expelling the food three once again because the plays work that the plays work penetration into the middle because the big fella that used to coming down to help you get a wide-open shot try to get it inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] as for movement by the pelicans and Jackson second year Patrick Duke with the pocket bleep a foul is called is that fleet again just children so impressed with the pelicans maybe this first of all on the knockdown shot that’s when you attack but but you want to see the ball movement you want to know what happens on the ball movement that’s 13 assists for the pelicans on 16 field goals may now that no those are Golden State type numbers if you want to talk about teamwork very impressed again I must say with the young team being that efficient foul was called on Jackson come back Fred van food off to the good start remember he began the playoffs struggling with that three-point shot at one point of these conference finals he was seated 19 who said from three and then Assad’s retirement was born at 4 tutors dad caught fire at that point from three-point range somewhere young friend his mom is saying wait and I did all the work didn’t either credit [Applause] complete also coming back hardship jute had a severe cut others his right eye [Music] that’s last touch by lot soul ball just check back here tell you what he’s young he’s exciting says you can hate on him all you want but he gets dance that’s so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he’s got to shake his hand on now that was a rainbow let’s see now ball gets back into the pick-and-roll with me and Holliday even though it Bach is in and he can move closer and get up there in traffic they control Howell they played on a switch by a pocket five on the shot clock a sauce the Barden could’ve kept alive during pasta gets to her [Applause] Bowery on the strip that’s a foul ibaka party is gonna get the call but it was an offensive foul I believe this is the toughest call to make as a referee it can be so subjective and tonight just great job yes CJ jumpy was bitten that paint but he stayed vertical and you cannot hit the defender with that offhand but that off elbow and twice tonight the refs been right on it with a good call the wall moves up by 8 the bench has done a 25 zeros the pelicans against the Raptors bench the salvage actually has done a lot of shuffling in this first half [Music] [Music] [Applause] wait short by eight put stuff like wall [Applause] this is when Brandon Ingram can grow and develop we saw him last year with the Lakers playing a game in which he didn’t score and had 11 assists and I saw his development and growth happened there if he lets the game come to him he will be so explosive and exciting as he has the lip the athletic ability in the heart to finish inside just let the game come to you and I think that’s when we’ll see him grow by leaps and bounds foul committed by Seattle so two shots here for Ingram the NBA on TNT is brought to you by Burger King get for cheesy tots for just a buck for a limited time only at Burger King and by the Killians ideas official automotive partner of the NBA pelicans up by 12 just under 6 to go in this first clip see I can understand nicely see actively Nana’s 10 points lost control but he proved a foul pelicans 5 and OH in pre-season for what that is worth as a souvenir of our call the best players that I’ve played with and watched over my career have been the best decoys as well understanding when to set yourself up understanding window set others up if you like Redick understand you have a green light your job is catch and shoot every time Davis is just check they’re looking for all this Paul Sutter rates reflected what goes on [Applause] that’s why you want to attack let your big man’s come behind you and clean it up don’t worry about the percentage attacks the basket took the reps in a tough position and give your bigs a chance to clean up [Applause] if the pelicans you must build the wall being in the sea Aachen has a size advantage you can go right into the post first light up where that controls the foul half of this patch [Applause] their natural positions that we’ve seen coach Nick nurse encourage his guys attack attack attack and if they don’t what difference does it make if they get a steal or a stop on the other end but they just come down and get a tough shot and a half court office tomorrow Ian SPF double-header it’s the Celtics at the six-year start at 7:30 Eastern Time followed by the Denver Nuggets Portland Trailblazers starting at 10:00 o'clock Eastern Time Marv you’ve seen a lot of basketball and then we get to talk about a long time I must ask him put you on the spot I’ve never been this excited for a basketball season wish I haven’t played and I’m sure you have context is this one of the most exciting all seniors and then maybe expected seasons that you’ve seen how I agree because of all the player moves of star yeah good dealt or situs as free agents which laced into summer boxes brother touchdown him out of three just too bad about Zion Williams yeah yes it fills for him I tell you what I just won the first mount pick first pick as a fan I feel bad you know but the one thing I hope is that he keeps his head while he’s out because you hear so many people talking and things that aren’t true and things that maybe have truths and can you eat properly can you work out it’s hard to work out when you have an injury so how do you stay engaged in lose weight how does he keep his jump shot going how do you keep the chemistry with your team so he’s gonna have a tough adjustment to get back but I’m sure that he’s looking forward to it and he’ll handle it just fine so I can’t wait to whenever he makes his appearance because we need some Zion in his leagues don’t be excited it’s true because one your recovery it’s tough to stay on a diet or yeah whatever is being prescribed yeah and you’re not burning as many calories you still want to eat you still want to workout you’re young I mean she’s only 19 when I was 19 I 20 in terms of the league I would eat pizzas before the game hamburgers like a so they didn’t matter and still run the same way you were young that you’d be your ally so hopefully even that he’ll be okay but definitely going to be a tough adjustment with him missing some time for morons I hope still to Kristin Marva you’d speak to David Griffin before this game he told me there were multiple valuations before making that decision to operate on Zions but he did speak to him earlier today and he said he’s doing well he said that Sian is only upset that he’s not here with his team that he was so looking forward to this coach Gentry said the same thing before the games that the entire team facetimed him at brunch and he’s too sad and have missed the trip [Applause] you see a bucket there I think the narrative one sign has been a little unfair about him being injured because I really don’t believe that he was injured during the preseason I think that maybe the pelicans said wait a minute why would we put him in this situation to get hurt and maybe gave a little bit time 2019 is presented by Autotrader with 337 remaining first half three point lead for the pelicans they’ve led by as many as 11 balanced going to New Orleans Raptors went by the leap to 15 Seattle with 12 showed me a lot on that play I anticipated a broken play because coach Jimmy call to play out of Bounce and what happens with most young teams they’ll come out not know what coach said it messed up the play look at this come off the pick-and-roll now you have favors going down the Baka can’t help so when you go into the pump fake you know that you have siakam one-on-one on an island Ingram again means this is Linton is wiry strange the strengthen is why I’m afraid to get the end one 10 points for Brandon Ingram and a six point lead for the lead off the pics the hops we see action and it will be Toronto boy the job by the veteran JJ reddick saying to Zell ball listen I think this play is gonna come again and when it does we must come together and communicate switch not just think we’re going since we have to communicate it finish the play [Music] Terrence Davis with that shot way off davus the looking from this star wide receiver in high school a an excellent athlete and we’ll see much Blanche time off the bench scoop [Applause] Dave Astana – he’s back up [Applause] ask about this [Applause] for point New Orleans we know Papa has her so the lead is two as we approach 2 minutes remaining in this first half holiday with a look away faster [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you’re the pelicans you have to realize listen settle down we’ve gotten to good plays by our big fellow going on the point guard we must keep the ball oh what a pass from blossom oh my goodness and the double pump finish inside and if you haven’t had a chance to watch an NBA game in person drew a holiday his size it is unassuming he doesn’t look as small in person I’ll tell you what he does not care about going in amongst the trees inside the paint sixth number five for Alonzo deflected out last touch my the Pelican is that passion we’re talking about mom and that’s what I’m saying I don’t care what anyone says he’s one of the most exciting passers that I’ve that’s in the game today and if everything else keeps approving along with this passage there’s gonna be some special display [Music] I’ve been around this league a long time 25 years and an average entry has always been a trusted coach whether it was an assistant or a head coach the keys get as easy on guys confidence and Marv you right he see it in the play of all tonight so Watson will head to the line found on the act body Davis one of the areas he has struggled it along with the outside shot which seemingly has improved the other area is at the foul line last season and the pelicans have their shooting coach Fred Vincent working with Lonzo and it has paid dividends let’s see if it does right here two shots Marv no hesitations and I tell you what having been a poor free-throw shooter and then a pretty good one later there’s no feeling like that it’s like you almost have control of the game like you’ve never had before because you can play with the freedom but you’ve never had hesitations by Lowry but did not work this pregnancy fourth turnover committed by Kyle Lowry coming up it’s the American Express time reporting live from Los Angeles with Charles Lakers players take it personally I’m Brandon Taylor just just because we’re in the NBA if I’m Brandon Eagle I’m looking at shiok I’m like no no no I’m taking you every time because I know you won one but we’re the same size we play the same game and guess what I’m Nexen obviously siakam is felt doubt aware about other players over his time here because he’s just continue to improve but you need that personal battle in my opinion to be one of the greats you have to want your team to win but you also want to win the individual battles and right now siakam in England going out so siakam to the line you know some coaches head coaches to cheating countries but there are guys who have really done a terrific job obviously thread Vincent has chip Engelland yeah with the San Antonio Spurs as Tony Parker on the test tube there’s a white Leonard there’s some great was there buzz Braman he was mine right there a lot of coaches up playing for it it didn’t want guys to lift weight so it wanted you to eat a a whole hog before a game because they heard that’s what worked back in the day so those that are stuck in a time warp those are the ones you may not want to be advised by you want the ones that always pushing the envelope in whoever JJ Redick with Redick retires when a shooting coach he’s going to be that’s his third three of the night and a foul is called it’s it is a kickball on the phone and here’s a Vincent working before the game with Alonzo ball tell you what it starts with having someone to believe on you in practicing the same way I played with a guy Kevin Martin jump shot came from his hip it’s not about where your shot comes from or where it goes it’s about the consistency of where it stays each time and they’re trying to find some consistency with the placement of all jump shot high school policy successful weathers want to deep sameen let mrs.
Cartwright Vinnie Johnson it’s fun it’s like a golf swing their own individual Gossling and the only thing that’s pretty is this nice one is it effective we’re not eight-second violation Lowery walked it up and another turnover the pile our you rarely see that call he was thinking of killing the clock with only 16 seconds remaining in the half but killing a picture yeah and I think with Van Vleet game until he didn’t realize what it was and now look at the difference or look at the substitution pattern that Coach HP put in the game he moved Derrick Favors out brought a shooter in so that he could put the saw back in the pick-and-roll and what his coach Nick nurse do say I see what she’s doing let me get the big fella out this game so we can play you guys straight up and switch everything yes the rookie Nicole Nellie who was hitting the three-pointer early on is back on the floor Millikan’s will hold for a final shot Holliday with 10 seconds to go play bike Davis five seconds left of the half-holiday ask the trouble here comes Rollins Justin said it fair that is the end of the first half pelicans lead at 61 56 we’ll take a break in that it’s on to LA for the emerge Express halftime report [Music] after as we get set for the second half how about this start line Chris 22 field goals 18 assists for the pelicans in the first half you said to go to state warriors I mean and I say that of course in jest but what I mean by that we all know about the ball movement of teams like to go to state warriors and systems like what coach Kerr has that’s why I’m so impressed with the fact that they are moving the ball and playing selfish yes his game won but it still happened in early well Alvin Gentry was an assistant leave assistant for Steve Kerr several years back Marv I spoke to coach Nick nurse at halftime and I asked him what he talked to his team about in the locker room he said it’s not about our execution but our energy he said that he started the game with very low energy statistically he said we have to give the pelicans fewer rebounds fewer second-chance points though the Raptors are winning in both of those categories so I asked him is the energy perhaps lacking after the ring ceremony he said it could be but a nap time I told those guys to decide right now whether or not they wanted to win hard buckets five and bleep and then holiday we talked about that earlier on the pregame show the possibility of team being a little hyped up and could that affect them on opening night as it has affected other teams in in recent years foul is called on a retic that is his reminded of a scene last year in the playoffs with Kawhi sitting to the tunnel and guys on the Toronto Raptors playing around trying to give him five and he doesn’t even look at the guy in points at the court the reason why I brought that up Kawhi played 60 games and siakam played 80 and Kawhi still took the most shots still had the highest field goal percentage for three-pointers and it was the culture that he brought from San Antonio and I know this is Game one have we’ve seen teams with great cultures lose game this game is not over yet but the question for the arguer for the Raptors is who’s gonna feel the void of leadership not necessarily scoring leadership we’re koala well as Charles mentioned the Ingram is able to knock down yet another shot Ingram has 14 points Charles talking about it at halftime and I I agree these these teams have very solid play yes I mean even without Zion New Orleans done a good job in terms of filling the roster as a compared to a year ago but neither has a major star and you have to have at least one in these days it seems to you were so right in charles’s right and until you get that major star you know what you need to have a major sense of urgency to heaven that’s what these teams need to start off with knowing that you don’t have that player you can rely on him for me Toronto it all starts with care mentality that was Kauai like last year there’s Lowery open yes the subject of Kyle Lowery he officially has three turnovers of collection from the official score that eight-second violation if you will with us where he did get it across the midcourt line of time was a turnover and another who’s called out up without attempt holiday now with six points so three turnovers him he’ll be happy with that as he looks at the statue two minutes gone by here in the third Marv Albert Chris Webber Kristen Ledlow siakam shoots was three we bought it by hand room fires it down but those were throws of the ball back to the Raptors the Toronto Raptors third last year in fast-break points and it was predicated on their defense and getting out so when you hear Kristen Ledlow talk about coach Nick nurse being disappointed about the energy that is something that is different and then what they’ve had yes these are special circumstances bring night at the same time she must play to your identity and regardless of who’s the star on the raptors their identity has always been effort and defense is a tripping foul if it is Ingram it is that’s his fur you’d like to see the saw get the ball in the post and played point guard we’ve seen Mark Jackson do it we had to change the rule for Charles Barkley and Mark Jackson posting in the paint so long playing point out of that and Gasol is definitely capable doing that insult is such a great passer willing passer and how about Zola willing shooter knock it down at three point eight points five assists Alonzo ball to the three from downtown what blasted hits the three glass I called it for you big fellas he shakes his hand in all counts one-point lead to New Orleans step-back by Paul this one is real here’s the torch from the crowd see Yakima the beautiful spin Ottawa who was looking for help that was going behind them talk about cold I grew up in with the kids I kind of they’re growing up like how I grew up to give them a chance to say look anything’s possible you know I’m not that tall I’m not the fastest I’m not the quickest but I’m able to bring this trophy back and you know have you guys touch it and feel it and that was my biggest sounds like yeah I wanna take pity would have to touch it fill it like you know be able to like you know appreciate it a little bit more and Chris you know following the championship season head coach Nick nurse had a bucket list tour of his own to celebrate the title what did he do well he played the guitar on stage with the art kills they are a Canadian rock band and then he sang take me out to the ball game at Wrigley Field watching his favorite team the Chicago Cubs and people celebrated everywhere he said he also coached Team Canada at FIBA World Cup said that actually he found that more relaxing than continuing to rot allowed and accepted congratulations doodle where that of foul [Applause] talk about a place that gets loud and you’re gonna learn this is a young team in the pelicans you do not give any momentum to the home team they live off the energy of this crowd and that usually plays like that get their defense goals three point lead for Toronto pelicans have led by as many as 11 they’ve led post up away picked off by Lowry the activist top comes back to Lowry active on the spin stop by Paul and it’s a kickball lot so Paul is claiming that siakam kickflip no it’s the other one you know you try yeah yeah and truthfully I’ve never seen it work one time with a straight face shot clock to six see I come out of post office [Applause] so all postings are Lowery who pokes it away pelicans in possession again Lowery undersized that what does he do pokes the ball away he wants to make sure that he doesn’t get in the position that he can’t handle because of his size that’s the toughness coach nurse was talking about I don’t know fighters went up why are we pushing it off the hesitation sent back to the other way Redick Neely picked it off bad bleep with the high school the song the food [Applause] Ingram yes it’s a free for anger who has shot the ball well stop watching players and see how they return the next year I don’t care about all the talk but what media says I’ve been there I know you get better in the summertime and I tell you what see aqua has embraced his role too and Brandon he’s trying to have a body count because he’s saying listen I’ve been working at whoever gets in front of me can get the business 17 points now for Ingram who was fouled by Lowry second artist Lowry played at him last season with the Lakers averaged 18 points five rebounds and they’re really improved his game when LeBron was injured because he had more playing time or space to operate that’s an offensive foul Derrick Favors Papa tried to charge the defense’s contagious out of nobody he knows that if he does not get to that spot that Lowry and Van Vleet will come over and say listen we’re smaller than you and we take charges more charges than that a game sacrifice for the team he already knows he’s buzzing throttle thanks to the starting lineup while we’ve been asleep on the back cortisol is up [Music] Oh sillies of fakes it counts before I remember it needs to come to the league everyone will say oh my god coming around is so skinny he should gain weight even she gained 30 pounds in the hole they should embrace the body that they haven’t been given better with their skillset and then they’re hard to check the lip of Ingram he’s the size of what Apollo for it used to be now plain somewhat a hybrid point guard at times man doing such a good job letting the game come to him foul committed by at Adobe rather they were lifted at 6:00 I’d want my key I think that’s pretty fair maybe not the 190 maybe they did something but Noah’s tell you what he makes the defenders understand his Heisman every time he catches the ball in the space see hakam’s worry about it full bellies back on the floor and a three-point barrage going in the first half Redick is off without see a key part has returned for two wallets grant lease goes his heart not to step at school and that’s what Toronto we do it until they get their feel they trying to speed it up lost them fall back to the Raptors Norman Powell Serge Ibaka getting set check back in here they come so the public comes with five turnovers here already in the third quarter that’s the worry that’s why I’ve been praising them so much so much so earlier because you look 21 assists on 28 shots but you know that with the younger teams for that bad play it’s the only constant so if you’re the pelicans make sure you communicate on defense come together for switches and then more importantly on offense recognize the hot hand got to give Redick some good shots he’s been trying to chase his own shots that’s when you need veterans to say hold on let’s slow it down and get our guy a good look pelicans sure they got 44% for the right Raptors at 43 halfway through the third quarter Toby [Applause] report Toronto lead upon or by comma floors goes cross-court to Holliday fouled by Seattle to Novi does not play the same position that’s how it should work but I tell you what their bodies are so similar that if I’m watching this game and I’m out there in Washington I’m looking and saying this is how I could spin use my big broad shoulders to ward off shot blockers and still get an easy shot inside a great job attacking the basket at all be listed at six eight a very long should say backs it up on Ibaka they clear it out and cover the shot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ibaka calling for it down low he has a smaller increments a great job by Ingram fighting to get in the front front of the post a pocke with space and rebounded by more there’s Park all the way and scores but the pace this is what coach ministry does if you don’t know teams even assistants on the players that he has he has a great context of how to get easy buckets but the young team and kind of be a decoy so you can’t see that the team can’t play hashed or overly often what Coach pinch-me does if you don’t know teams he’s been assistants all the players that he has he has a great context of how to get easy buckets with the young team and kind of be a decoy so you can’t see that the team can’t play half-court Oh [Applause] part of the foul so the pelicans with their fourth foul we are four minutes 11 seconds left in this third quarter opening night in the NBA coming up in the second of our doubleheader it’s the Lakers and the Clippers from Staples in LA and that is a clipper don’t leave me after the game I’m trying to get to the hotel to watch it’s right away I have to see this game la versus Natalie gonna be excited there’s William check back here for the wall Kevin Harlan Reggie Miller now they will force the telecast right here on TNT off the pass the entry pass to Ibaka foul is called as he threw the double Alexander Walker who adjustments checked in get rid of the flowers I’ll tell you what it’s gonna be awesome this year in LA the best part about the season is everyone making their predictions and everyone being wrong because something is going to just unfold but I tell you what it’s going to be fun watching that pick and roll with LeBron and ad the length of them is going to be so much fun watching the consistency of the I want to call it arrogance the brashness the defense of the Clippers coming through every night with can’t wait to get home and watch Game two and that’s gonna be that way for every game this season on TNT and it’s only opening height only open tonight I’m excited it was like championship the Western Conference almost every month Oh we’ll have excellent games and is here a fan of a home team you should love it because it’s going to be competitive competitive competitive now that is a over impact [Applause] call by Josh Tippin so the ball goes to New Orleans now let’s see if this second unit can play together as you sit yeah that it was not tip going back and I want to see how these guys adjust whether his heart Alexander to see if they could calm down and get settled into some type of religion it’s a three-second violation so the ball goes back to the Raptors Terrence Davis is back in for Toronto looking from Ole Miss Syfy Toronto as a as a free agent ibaka up top bad bleep deepest by the pelicans denying this for other shot clock how old 4:3 kept alive by Ibaka try to take up to the room study succeeds that flame is called since I got the rebound I don’t care how many people are around me I’m going to get to shooting he’s job dead time for Bob pass Alexander Walker throwing into a crowd here comes then complete an Adobe Capri [Applause] and a foul is called as he got entangled with Hinrich Williams officials talk it over Wilson from Alvin Gentry on this foul by interest and Williams against Serge Ibaka and the call was challenged by Alvin Gentry let’s bring that Joe bush with a senior VP of wrestling operations Joe what were your thoughts yeah Marvin say you have a loose ball foul called on Williams there so the crew chief came over looked at the video and what you see is Williams is grabbing Ibaka shorts ok so that’s where the loose ball foul came in and then they also look to see if Ibaka committed any unsportsmanlike after act afterwards which he did not so this is an unsuccessful challenge and New Orleans is charged with the timeout all right Thank You Josh tomorrow I have a question I was looking at my social media at half time people were asking me is it do you think maybe quick and that’s why we see the judgments of the coach is going for the caulk because they can’t see the instant replay now I would say from the bench area at times it’s very difficult because it depends on when they play the replay in South Jess is more tell you what he’s gonna want to see that replay a lot shooting knocking it down over balk at the top of the key I have a feeling at this stage of the season the coaches are just kind of auditioning fingering the whole challenge concept I think for the most part unless there is a third foul say in the first half called against an important player which might be challenged but watching it unfold isn’t it watching the coaches kind of get a feel for it it was just used in summer league the d-league and I don’t G League and those quote the coaches want to use it as much have to go in this third [Music] [Applause] I come back bleep please Kenneth dosha he’s way downtown it got about a six nine belly goes right out of splits through nobody goes shot clock is out of five new pakka [Applause] Alexander Walker on the drive Williams keeps it alive le for prettiest he has been on fire four for four from downtown his new name is melly-mel I don’t know why I just like the sound of that and I’m gonna give him that name after the rhyming great book man now let’s come inside he’s just stretched the floor knock it down it’s 20 year old rookie who’s played strictly internationally side of the free agent well slap the side off the miss two seconds remaining on the shot blocker was last touched by the father pelicans see Van Vliet take his share of hard falls in his League all and you just hope that his right ankle is okay he steps on a cameraman [Applause] you know he’s limping and – kyle lowery off the bench [Applause] leaders favors that ankle and you hate is a player to be hurt by anything that wasn’t true contact especially incidental contact out of bounds 11 points in this third quarter 11 it was 26 he’s the high point man of the game [Applause] his second differential shot blocking Dean front Alexander Walker working off the pick picks to the ribs and sit out [Applause] kept alive his hoppers it up and a foul is called with two point one remaining in this third quarter [Applause] [Applause] smart play by heart do not know if it is a foul or not what his job is to make you assume it in his one right there with the shot clock running out twisted his body whose ables of maybe sneak one in here get in Alana Josh Hart out three four three at the line see that start line with six rebounds [Applause] two seconds left in the third here’s Lowry from the backcourt that’s the end of the third quarter two-point lead for the Raptors now earlier tonight TNT celebrated the start of the season taking ability of the young pelicans ball getting into the lane five assists holiday five assists why is this so important to a fan like myself well because it’s awesome anytime you can see a young team our Feb 23 assists on thirty-one makes to me that says team has great chemistry great coaching and even though they’re gonna make mistakes are playing the right way and the major question for Toronto is the physical status of sled their leaders have a hot hand high point man with 26 bucks each to up interest ankle just moments ago in late third quarter and if you’re Toronto you’re gonna have to find a way to manufacture points in the paint as fred was doing attacking the guards pelicans in possessions fourth quarter on the way how do they the spires Lowry comes across see ya backs his way and he’ll go to the line that’s that power forward point guard facilitating spot the pelicans were so as it said look no one’s gonna come down wide because he has three point shooters all across the board and this is what she wanted the he’s a 25 attacking the user energy to get that nice second jump how about the stat line to see a can 28 cheap rebounds five assists tomorrow what’s so impressive about what you just said is I did not even think that he was playing that type of game and coach Nick nurses he misses his first free-throw siakam said today I said coach what do you want to see from siakam with the new contract and he said is he still gonna let the game come to him and yes he’s seen he’s not been selfish not had a bunch eternal has tonight been efficient that’s letting the game come to that’s a very happy time for Pascal inside that the four-year 130 billion dollar maximum extension that’s us the exchange rate versus it gets inside and draws the foul just so you’re aware it’s one u.
dollar people today but see Atkins certainly a breakout player last season voted the league’s most improved player averaging just under 17 points 7 rebounds and 3 assists I tell you what his work ethic was incredible watching him works before the games you love seeing players being rewarded congratulations and then now I would tell them where am I going to see you improve what play are you going to become because you’ve already put into work now continue it whether were financial matters involved we like to go to Kristin so let’s check in Marva I did sit down with Kyle Lowry yesterday and when I mentioned Pascal and he called him his rich beloved he said my money’s old money you’ve got that new money he’s exactly what Messiah dreamed of when he drafted him but I went on to say the hard work the continuous growth the evolution of his game he went from the skinny kid running up and down the floor Kyle’s words not mine – G League champion G League MVP the benchmark the most improved player and a max player now he was discovered by the Masai at the NBA’s basketball Without Borders program bathroom actually in his boot boot a player who first spotted he was able to hit Jews along with with threes massage [Music] rousing ovation during the championship ring ceremony when he came out of the court together was it because he won a championship or he didn’t go to Washington to take yes that’s a possibility definitely show their appreciation I even saw interview atomically let’s one go from the top of the key Dover Ibaka but I saw interview with Kawhi Leonard saying that as he goes around the country or goes around the world he has fans from Canada saying hey we love you thank you for what you did for us good luck next season and tell you what those are some special fans because I would be mad like man we’re never gonna win again without 701 for the pelicans [Applause] two-point lead for New Orleans were early fourth quarter hearts grabbed by Seattle puts the speed on his block balls knocked out of bounds last touched by Gotham pelicans I would say the pelicans get the ball upcourt from my court to front court as fast this is any team of the NBA yes this has been coach entry style they did this with a D last year will be played when he didn’t play and I asked coach why I said listen it’s the only way to simplify the games we can get easier buckets when the deepest isn’t looking part upset he feels it Ibaka was moving on that screen and our were told Kristen Ledlow just checking out Fred vanvleet status with the ankle injury he is being we taped he’s back in the Raptor locker room in that little band there is a friend of mine and you just want to keep it moving using that system worked at an equal ups and downs do not let us down I’ve been able to still smaller E is all without it by heart [Music] [Applause] your point mom a were attached the opposite three-point line with 19 the Paul fighting an open heart and more best but you could do when you played play fast pace you don’t have to shoot it the first 10 seconds but he ended up to have coordinated kid a great shot like they did that time with 10 seconds left on the clock we quantify a heart Davis right back with a flurry [Applause] [Music] it’s the downtown so far judges has to time step ball back to belly mill right away look at this color cheese ball moving it was 19 when they got shot just play with pace pants with these young players of the pelicans a good lunch so can you imagine how often playing at this place but what will make you assume they’re going to be effective my disability can jump 44 inches dumped on anyone if one of the fastest runners it illegally that’s all you’re going on part with the rebound Josh Hart is that an outstanding game gets you to Holloway they swagger off the shot attempt by Kent rich Williams which I saw a little Reggie Miller on that play right there and if you know what I mean that’s the kickstand and that right leg seemed to come out come on a foul and it’s learning for the grace let’s look here [Music] that is number four on C a cup a three-point attempt so three shots here for Kendrick Williams second-year man from TCU TCC they call them Kenny hustle undrafted side as a free agent played in the G League and appeared in 46 games for the pelicans season 29 starts inside [Music] Kelly will sit down quite a shooting performance and his NBA debut 15 minutes youko belly hitting 5 for 5 from the field [Applause] how old yes that’s a three for morbid power [Applause] pelicans but the two-point lead holiday gets the screen from goofy Jackson [Applause] Williams going for that rebound deflected it out of Bounce Italy to alibagh here comes Fred vanvleet taped-up back in the locker over give it a shot hears it from the crowd as he checks in and this is again it’s so great to be a fan of his basketball players out here and he showed us his hard to last last season and during the regular season and doing their championship run you knew he was going to be back out here at all [Applause] Jackson comes to the front court backfire and bleep Okafor [Applause] [Music] – got the good wallet or restrictions were lost kept alive our holiday for the quality [Music] [Applause] Powell let’s build the wall again if you the Pelican sees no their attacks siakam for food – if I would say I can his first three-pointer of the night mark gets inside [Applause] phyto almonds we need to settle down if you talked about don’t have that superstar but you do have great teammates that cannot get down this shot right here by the pelicans as long as you here to keep in the flow of golf to Toronto he presented by Auto Trader Kyle Lowry this joyous happy to bring as the Raptors have their fans celebrated earlier tonight and just knowing who Kyle Lowry is and he’s already mentioned taking his trophy back to Philadelphia it was a dream of a lifetime to show the kids in a 4.
2 Auto Lee they have reeled off nine unanswered points to stall committing the foul his second he said what would you say to people like myself and he said you have to play every game and all we can do Maxon at the basket counts is interference on the play and I feel that Kyle Lowry statement summarizes the will of this team whether you believe in us or not our child Frank Jackson the caddie guess it was gold here’s Lowry on the drive beautiful took a shot to the head I think if it was a ring light he may have had a technical in the first quarter on the other his team he was coming in behind the philosophy of lack of respect [Music] I think the referees have been patient tonight mark knowing that the first game of the season over gestures done by players of the direction of officials and other players so they’re not going to accept make sure we keep the integrity of the game the only thing is that again this is the first reality show and the gesture is something you have to have emotion in this game or you can’t be the best player that you want to be and I think the reps have done a great job out tonight letting players VIN letting players have their say and now they’re like shut up last five minutes is on to control the game this ball foul all the pelicans Seminole run by New Orleans they had hit 15 straight up the line before the two free throws with the refs to get across court and he just lived this yeah I’m like you were supposed to be right there jump 30 feet high [Applause] [Music] [Applause] before raptures looking for travels the balls knocked away knocked out of bounds it’ll be Nauticus Paul with 13 on the shot clock you can tell who a coach really trust right now and having harden Jackson in the game not that he doesn’t trust the other players it just shows what they’ve been doing in practice for him to have this confidence and it’s 4:30 lesson again final Wallace JJ ready for the best shooters in our game is over there Sam yeah I do he could knock that down it out I don’t want one so ball who’ve been playing very well early on seeing her little time in the second half yeah and a lot of times it’s not because of the play of the player per se that’s on the bench but maybe eat the play for the combinations that is found on the court right now party Jackson is such a good job as Okafor gyaku to take an extra step inside turnover and a timeout taken by Toronto 409 remaining fourth quarter it’s easy [Music] coming up on four minutes to play in the fourth period Toronto opening night in the NBA the pelicans with a runner of a 4th have a six-point lead our Raptors New Orleans in possession the small comes outside harder than I thought it Mike Jackson just checked the screen and leaked so hard to stop and he keeps attacking this young pelicans team when you talk about the youth of the pelicans again just think about how exciting they are going to be as you see Eddie Griffin there on the side tonight 27 assists on thirty eight shots him at the end of desire you want him to get healthy at home that’s somehow try to find the rhythm the back to my point earlier I just thought that the narrative on his arm was so unfair that he was always hurt where he saw him injure his self in college with in the summer league I didn’t want to play him in the summer league there’s no point to plan into something he wasn’t hurting to someone and of course now we know that he’s happy right knee surgery on this time until you can get to prove yourself on the court [Music] [Applause] before I show it to 240k with create team deploy good job I see Akamai fortunate but the pump fake always work almost got to stay vertical they’re open for did which so hard not to go with your instincts just stick your hand over and go in the cookie jar yeah come neutral that took advantage inside both teams are in the penalty 31 point 17 rebounds method 32 at 17 for siakam nice way to start the new season it is he’s gonna say don’t forget those five assists I’m trying to get people involved just under 3:00 to go here at the fort [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] during the season and he found out that he was allergic to white meat mark I know that’s crazy I told you to Scott I’m not gonna be the one to tell us or even though he did the great reporting but you can tell her okra for his body that there’s a difference in that he is concentrated and he’s concentrated yet in the gym and take care everybody as well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow that would be the worst food and it’s 303 one territory so funny shots coming up have to let the offensive player land I gotta check out if it is in fact a three-point attempt Oh another let’s check it to see if it’s a flavor oh so I think we would call that bizarro maybe Zaza Pachulia specifically on Kawhi Leonard in the corner at Golden State rule you want to get that specific word even though it doesn’t look like it can be flavored and I’m not saying that this play is I’ve seen a lot of dirty not but he is cheap players not that he is they can’t guard guard by putting their foot under you and anybody that does that never was a true player of the game but I don’t think Oprah did that on purpose – we’ll wait and see incidentally Pascal yakking for 34 points 18 rebounds one of only four Raptors who have had 30 points plus and 50-plus rebound Chris Bosh next quarter Hawaiian runner that’s pretty good company and again he did it effortlessly which means he didn’t wave 15 people off you didn’t shoot the ball 10 times in a row and take 8 bad shots he’s let the game come to him and he’s been energy hitting those second jumps those second possessions extra possessions for his team on the offensive board Tony Brown Josh pivot Eric Taylor over at the scorer’s table check out the extent of that foul on what appeared to be a three-point attempt by Lowry right yes no question now they are looking as to whether it was a flavor [Music] they say hopefully gram you can’t really judge of God’s intentions but at the same time your body just takes you that momentum takes you toward that shooter especially as a big part about them I guess more action of sticking your foot way out up under you know really hard to tell so Kyle Lowry 5 for 6 at the line at the game tied at 110 and he has three free throws last time that Kyle Lowry was in uniform for Toronto was at Oracle Arena in Oakland had that magnificent yes twenty six point game six well the 10 assists seven rebounds and knocked off the state title the two more shots Holly G genuine opening week 2019 Thursday with the Bucks of the Rockets o'clock Eastern thought about the Clippers or the Warriors at Houston Rockets debut of James Harden devil also Westbrook facing the honest and the box I cannot wait you’ve seen what have you heard with hardness in the offseason which definitely players some players agree with and reigning MVP coming in they’re all fans high schools to fight holiday to tie the game could you come on small and wanna see you Kabakov want to take advantage of male inside not you must use the defense and pace to get savant over disabilities budget got out of four with a clutch three-pointer the pelicans take a quarter opening night of the NCAA here TMG come on now we right there okay I have everybody rebound we got to be able to contain the ball we got to do a better job of containing the ball where are we going with it those on defense this season as head coach of the pelicans Alvin Gentry his team is up by three 125 where we’re going to win it is on defense pelicans make sure you listen to that more on your speech Elly kicks it out yes Loretta could wanna get that shot off the foot tough jump shot yeah bodies hanging all over him they were so close they just didn’t follow him but young kids it was the footwork and his concentration and knock down the shot [Applause] [Applause] these teams may not have a star but these teams have veterans and look with the veteran JJ Redick guards you can agree with the call or not but he puts his self in a position to have the ref make a tough call JJ Redick if he can knock down the shot that he can get it done on the other end as well and this is one of those situations where perhaps yes Nick nurse might think maybe I should have held the challenge yes yes and this is fun watching the evolution of this rule and how coach is handling marvelous but I agree with you unless it’s a foul maybe an extra file and excessive foul on your star players you may be smart to say that’s in a wait a minute so the icon fouls out it has been a batter night for Pascal see back in 34 points eight rebounds five assists [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] salad diva Toronto but they were helped out by the pelicans whose listen wide open middle at the top but it does not matter that this may be the smallest backcourt in the game with Lowry and bam bleep they may also be one of the toughest Lowry 7 of 9 from the line his fourth and it’s a one-point game Raptors have one timeout left pelicans have two both teams in the bonus well you always want to keep things simple with the younger team and so I wouldn’t go to the one here I would take the best shot available according to the philosophy of coach Gentry 9 Toronto you just want to make sure you get a stop and if I am the pelicans I am looking at the mismatch going to the pick-and-roll at the saw trying to get mail and open shot Pascal the active has fouled out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so the Raptors have a chance to pull it out here at the final second the pelicans got the play they wanted but not a shot they missed it so if you look here they want to get the consultant to the picker more watch them go right away Gasol does a great job of coming out hedging that means he does not let his man get a wide-open look now that they cannot go to the original play they’re looking trying to figure something out not enough covers and the spacing is it right at the end they got the mismatch they wanted they did not get the play they want to execute at the end it’s the final timeout for the Raptors elegance do have a timeout left what are you looking for from Nick knows what I’m looking for from Nick nurses now that you don’t have see Aquaman bleeding then your best penetrator all night but Van Vleet either in a clear-out role it’s called a14 where you put them feet at the top and all other four players on the baseline to give him space if he has tile and others on the floor that means he could be a great decoy either attacked foot score or attack to draw the defense kicked out to one of the shooters [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that’s been attacking the bat could you have shooters around you do not want a 50-footer the last second unless his name becomes 5 117 Toronto without Pascal see I can be fouled out after scoring 34 holding down 18 rebounds behind the pelicans Brandon a trip with 22-fret back pleat has put up pretty rewarding for the Raptors that’s why I thought that bleep would take the last shot but don’t understand that but I bet you that Van Vleet will take it upon herself next time to try to get that ball in and now it’s very important if your consol the saw can you stay in guarding the perimeter shooter will Toronto use you in the post to score and to facilitate the Lakers of the Clippers from Los Angeles coming up on TNT after this game is over but it is starting out on NBA TV with Kevin Harlan and Reggie Miller his towel to the rim that’s what you want to get that amuses have led a fertility get inside locked Oh ball back on the fourth hot plate of some time ready fire so impressive its footwork yes is shot we know about this shot for this three-point attempt but now with four threes 16 points at all beside an excellent game gets into the lane ricotta pie Gasol Gentry changed his lineup again you have ball in with all four starters and mail shows you coach Jimmy he’s getting his rhythm is the closest to your two shot partially deflected a possible deflection actually was deflected off the front rim rebounded by Powell the coaches at there in the first game as well so they’re taking time to find the new chemistry to find new units that played together guys are showing different phases of their games tonight so an adjustment for everybody the first couple of weeks the sole for free this all is just 1 of 8 from the field pelicans by water and in possession as we talked three minutes to play him his five headed over time Kelly is fouled by Gasol there are favors we’ll check it those are looking for the Lakers the Clippers you can to to md80 the start of the game while we try to take it away but a foul is called all the lectures it’s on lalalina perform so lots of ball will put it in play like tightly by Powell [Music] eager we want that back so you can shoot it favors is actually trying to get position to get the rebuttal this all up top how old how you get your rhythm and know you’re allowed to shoot three-pointers on this team which is the lefty use your size your strength inside such a great pass which always makes you dual threat finish it inside strong Gasol to foul off Derrick Favors [Applause] play from Marc Gasol who has had a quiet hide on the offensive to play off the dribble into the lair tied at 122 he got bailed out ahead he had no shot at a shot wondering what comes in to be jumped up from over there foul ball is almost saying that he was fouled on the shot I’m wondering how does that happen but Kyle Lowry being aggressively Mauri mention dude and last time he played and go to state 26 points and he’s been a player of the jollies to talk about where is he shown up in the playoffs in last year he’s shown that you know he’s gonna be steady on the defensive end and now I think he has even more confidence in his offensive game Kyle coming back from a series of injuries back from surgery repairing a torn he’ll showed up for training camp for the u.
Raptors up by 2 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sigh we gotta buy powell what up tough didn’t know that time he should trust favors again in pasadena kind of got stuck and hesitated in the air little junk shop Wow [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] welcome back to Toronto where the Raptors are up now check this out he was assaulted such a good shooter he puts holiday in a tough position how they didn’t know whether to stun him or to get back at VanFleet and it’s all because the sock is space the floor up there no matter what his shooting percentage is tonight and such a good passer he makes the right decision hits the bland beat he knocks it down better 27 remaining it over time come against us now with one timeout remaining and you have a foul to give Toronto also has a foul to give and they have their two timeouts left and if you’re the pelicans do you want the best shot available first you don’t want to force it three or force it to the rim you want to play within your office and get the best look that you can right away before it’s off for four points here about the stretch of overtime [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up to that point Bali will head to the line that’s what you understand about Lowry not only is going to be consistent in effort but consistent in being aggressive check that foul to give so now they’ll be on the bonus five on the shot clock [Applause] with 14 points three to go and at eight-point lead for the Raptors so I saw picks up number five the Raptor is the start of their 25th season they open up as the champions celebrated championship backer and win by his huddle a supply [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Kristen Ledlow so long well the Scotiabank Arita it it like this that’s a way as we said it kept it Harlem [Applause].
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Toronto Raptors vs New Orleans Pelicans Full Game 22.10.2019
welcome you back to Toronto our opening night comfort continues file 53 degree evening thousands watching on the big screen at Jurassic Park and inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everybody I'm Marv Albert along with five five a star crisp weather Kristen Ledlow join us just a couple of its work from the sidelines so 60 Raptors without the sensational one adult Kawhi Leonard so what are your expectations for these two teams well my expectations at any time you have Kyle Lowry as your captain is you're going to play hard and you're gonna defend and protect the home court and I expect the Raptors to come out and play that way how about Pascal siakam I want to see his growth and improvement as well against Toronto with the third best home record last year and if you're on the pelicans man you should look at this like this is the land of opportunity coach Gentry this style of play is fast fast fast and you will have an opportunity to establish your identity just play hard and play selfless but regardless this young team should be excited take a look at these starting fives presented by AT&T the pelicans with JJ Redick with the Zion out of action relative the starting lineup so Alvin Gentry going with a three guard set Redick ball and holiday parameters up front of Pascal siakam og at Adobe Marc Gasol and at the guards present leap and Kyle Lowry officiating crew Tony Brown and Courtney her Twitter's in Secaucus in the replay Center to our Raptors 32 advise till at home last year second vets in the East behind being for walking pucks they went 58 and 24 second at the East with the second-best record heat Orlando at 5-1 at 7 over Philly on that dirt hole shot by Kawhi Leonard and Pete the Walker at 6 and what the NBA final defeating Golden State six let's check in with Krista Marv as you know on opening nights the NBA champions are given their rings and their opponent is given the option to leave for to stay now you may have noticed that tonight the Pelican state coach Alvin Gentry told me I've been involved in a ring night madam there's anything like it in the league I hope it serves as inspiration I also want them to see that these guys are bonded for life David Griffin also told me I want them to want those it's a cool thing to be as young as you are to be present for ring night what Toronto did to get their ring was victory several years of refusing to bow down guys hard Thank You Kristin yes alvin wanted his club the young players to get a taste of what it's like to receive a championship ring helicanus control ball puts it up at stip tall won't count it is called no they say it does count the basket counts Hebert says wait a minute you sure enough come on now give me those two points and as you see here the battle inside and how about that basalt knocked that in but favors should get the credit he was the closest to the mantle tip the ball so what is current papers with the pocket to get things going van fleet second gets it into the corner [Applause] and back come the Pelican last season's 33 and 59 same revenues battleships and Memphis off the steel Van Vleet to Lowry pulling up for the three his crowd ready to explode so Paul with that a groove touch during pre-season favors [Applause] just put these foul hit bike favors when you look at both these teams one thing you're gonna see similar they they both like to get out and run and if you look at the pelicans you may be surprised at this but points per game last year they were number three coach Gentry loves to get his team out and run and that's what they will if you try to sneak Toronto get some easy baskets Toronto one of the best defensive teams especially at home when Chris pick nerves telling us earlier that means the major concern of his team the fact that the pelicans are one of the fastest teams in the league needle mark one of the things that concerns me and again you know we're in the game of speculations there is Lowry this is a second free throw is that now with the addition to one of my favorite players in the league badly I do not like him necessarily being the starter because it makes this team have such a small backcourt will be interesting to see how they figure it out during the season as it goes along it's all for the little to the toughest and leave ice touched by Ingram rather they grow they do form Loker his weight of the pelicans and that deals and any day this kickball is called [Music] we've seen this young man improve seems like each year and I like the fact that he took massage in the ball a bond that played one dribble jump shot he has handles these wiry that can get to the coat badly got it by Redick [Applause] Oceana roti seasons back showing us let me show you shouldn't talk how about that mark what I love about it is that he caught and shot the ball right away no hesitation one of the tough things about working on your shot and then implementing it in a game is can you shoot it with no hesitation no doubt in that time pulled up during the three holiday the free Lowery Peck sit down see active at the lead Jennifer Gasol and it'll be New Orleans ball Redick looking for a shot ball get this download ice ball both hit Ingram yes it's a 3/4 knock it down it's cornered we've not used to seeing that a game guys are trying to show us how they improved in the offseason I suppose even tear the pissed I'm an Adobe is way off favored set the pick here's Ingram affiliate rebound Lowen [Applause] the past too deep save by holiday that comes Redick looking for the shot and gets from downtown talk about a quick hold right there Redick knows that his jumper is wet anytime it goes in shoots with confidence by not answered by a New Orleans timeout Toronto [Music] love you man big time Big Town big time Raptors enjoying the championship the sailboat is just a moment ago Norman Powell and planted Inc repairing the Mike's tonight State Farm audio assist both turnovers now to Toronto their last five trips final road by the Orleans Fire virtue of three pointers by three different players here's Redick hitting once again that's cool that's where he made his name last year using his height this size that time ridic Reddick did not get away trying to draw a foul but how about this ciacco using his limp that Y reframed to get it easy with the cup instead a travel called on run a good play by that leave soon yeah come at three ball pops it down Ingram let by siakam off the spin gives it back up Holliday whoa faithless puts it home I like this young team the potential did you see the trust rule Holliday had in yong-hwa he moved the ball back to ball saying shoot the three but the most dangerous part of balls game is his penetration if you're a big fella had your hands ready he's gonna get the ball to you let's hope all played so well before he went down with the injury last season with the Lakers who can see the confidence that we shall drop this is a nice comeback [Applause] we one of the heroes but the championship run a year ago able to pop down a free there's ball four three no hesitation rims out rebound seventy-nine lead for the pelicans the trust of these rafters not offensive Lowry penetrated something fun to watch Ingram with a catch up here see active rebounds first quarter being played at a very fast pace back to the pelicans and the Raptors cloud of magic Seattle is pushed and a foul is call that was on ball that leach showed us his heart last year not only in college how tough he was on both ends taking bumps taking hits going through droughts what I loved is that his confidence never wavered he continued to play with effort consistent effort at home and on the road he's game one of his biggest fans a news serge ibaka checking in for the Raptors remark who saw Serge very emotional during the championship chatter and the rents of only ice remember when Ibaka told his team after being two down in Milwaukee no one believed but him saying listen we can do this great finish by favors inside the Bacchus should be emotional because he gave his heart and soul to his team last year they came to him awarded city good start here by Derrick Favors first season with New Orleans coming over from Utah that's what he can do travel is called fall back to the rafters the pelicans right now I was getting ready could shoot a dribble handoff getting him an easy busca so he doesn't have to force his way in stop the person watching the earth it's a tip to run here by grottoes mentos flooring back after that I know screwed by the politics favors he's off and bleep went to the cross against humble bed siakam on a step battle for the rebound and a loose ball foul is called it was against New Orleans Seattle was quite favorite and that's what I'm interested to see in Seattle he just signed a new contract extension and with players you don't worry about the effort they've been dreaming about this game their whole life but what you do wonder is can they take that next step in that next step for Sayaka is to continue playing with his energy level [Music] the console guys to get fallen guys he has to make sure that he speaks with this actions in not just his words VanFleet doesn't he do that all the time boredom going in amongst the Giants Fred plant late hit a sport NBA season out of the wichita state bringing gelato with it a point as well [Applause] Howl's come on for the lapis for the first time at a foul on Paul the FDA of GMT is murky by Geico 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car occurrence and by that telluride from Kia official or navona partner of the NBA's correction how the last file it's holiday on Paul Pott holiday to stop us five remaining in the first [Music] skel siakam coming off a breakout season Most Improved Player Award he averaged better than 17 a game she was a first-round pick 27th overall out of New Mexico State four years ago log on really quick Pete has evolved into a terrific all-around player looks like a future all-star NBA tickets.
com is the official source for all NBA Tickets even for sold-out game start research now at NBA tickets.
com where tickets are always authentic and always about Ramar fees first nights we usually see a lot of turnovers ugly play super teams haven't been together and this is one of the better post corners and starts it seems like both teams getting shots that they like I know it's just one quarter flirt hug the pelicans doesn't they don't look like the team that has so many new players attention to 14th to run here by the Raptors they lead for the first time last touched by fouled of Toronto substitutions [Music] [Applause] firstly to timeout calls 4:16 left in the first jet retelling us early he was going to try to cut down on the rotation well enough set five new players out of the court Jahlil Okafor each marble Josh from part the rookie Nikhil Alexander Worple head of a compressor preseason at Frank Jackson this is Alexander Walker has been hitting a shot he must have the super green he has the curry green line any time you come in and coach cause of playing new cool step back three from the top of the key I can't wait to see him just get a wide open Lee on the turnover the ball back [Music] okhla for [Music] Alexander Walker out the hole to the running one-hander kept alive [Applause] Williams is off [Applause] just like an takubo of course not as good as answer the Koopa the reigning MVP but just as you have to go in the fast break or when he's attacking the basket you must build a wall his height athletic ability and his speed gets into the cup back to the most and if you don't have help defend his back there he's gonna get to the line foul committed by Josh apart Pelican soon as we have of discussing without Zion Williams and the out six to eight weeks after undergoing surgery we're premiering that to talk right meniscus those who have missed season openers due to injury include fella by the name of Chris Webber those who have missed who have been number one overall graphics the last thirty years some pretty good names on that list yeah a little more fortunate than say of the late Griffin it had to sit out the whole your even though I don't know if he Minds that too much and still got that Rookie of the Year trophy jumped over a few cars on his way this adult chopped to take his [Applause] two games and luckily for me it was an appendectomy and not [Applause] we gets the role and he will go to the line Alexander Walker picks up the foul for the pelicans I told coach nurse before the game I said you have a small backcourt don't you think teams are gonna exploit it they are so small he said yeah Chris but you know they play humongous and that's the type of player just shows me talk to them now I'm assuming these are the accurate heights that have been measured my lead source has been leading is listed at 6-foot and Lowry at 6 1 ok if I would have had to guess I would say vans lead it's probably 510 but Alexander Walker's yes ok Walker I'm a fan already rookie rookie that comes it it takes a shot 2 seconds into the game and then fires another one knocks a three now you have my attention I don't Virginia Tech first round pick 17 overall the salt try to pitch it back [Applause] well hot come defense I mean look at how heart stays vertical he earned that when he got popped in the mouth for it but he doesn't care as he got the charge look at this he goes straight up no no no no you can't get upset Baptist fans you can't get upset on that one because he got hit in the face they got a coach's challenge right here okay here we go each team permitted to a challenge once again you must have a timeout remaining to make the challenge when we come back we'll see the result of their challenge basketball is a very human game everybody comes together to create an atmosphere that makes this the greatest game in the world we're all part of the same team and when the game was at its best it teaches us respect which is pretty fundamental please be sure to respect the players officials and your fellow fans remember this is our game we're in this together by 1901 major Taylor was considered the greatest athlete in the world but he was still searching for something else we never stop never settle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to Toronto we're going to have our first coaches challenge look how Powell attacks now the rule is defensively you must stay vertical do not reach over your man it looks like Hart has done that he looks like he's also a little worse for the wear [Applause] great looks at that and the call stands it is an offensive foul on Powell so the play does stand let's put on Joe boy sure they give us his explanation hi Marv how you don't do it so this was the first challenge we've ever had in an NBA regular-season game and as you could see pal did lead with an unnatural elbow to the face therefore that that was confirmed to be a foul so the call stands there was no clear and conclusive evidence to overturn senior VP of officiating Joe Bourget drove thanks polka for with the chip 26:25 pelicans by one as we approach two minutes to go in this opening quarter his Maori on the drive he took a shot [Applause] Walker thyroids just the tip mark is still out at heart try to chase it down it's kicked out about last touch final Wallace one thing you want to see from the other teams that have a burden of expectations and I believe with Zion and these young guys that they do have expectations that may be unfair maybe not they computed to us but you always want to judge their energy and effort level and tonight so far doing a great job for colorful maka head position but the saw how am I going to take a chance [Applause] [Music] the foul committed Maori Fawzi should have got credit for getting the shot off Okafor committed a foul big nurse wishes he had his challenge back because if you look at that plate again and again everything is fast motion we have the luxury to see that in slow motion but it looks like he went up right away as soon as it was contact Lowry but again no challenge so two shots there was a hesitation before the shot was mistaken you can watch serge ibaka grill his celebrity friends on his pillory web series how hungry are you new episodes exclusively on Bleacher Report have you seen what they've been eating more I have seen clips I would I'd love to hang out with him going to show and watch it but I would not be taking part yeah that's that's a nice way to put it coming up on a better to go first quarter four makes his move he's found by Gasol for the Toronto Raptors missed the start of their 25th season and they open up as the champs coming off the six-game victory over the gold state warriors in the finals last season looking for the shot Williams before second plus it went off and a final snow heart was hit from behind walk off and just not think about anything he knows that it looked like it's twisted his ankle just about how he landed let's see here if that's right yep you can always tell when a player does that and number-one rule and you do that keep moving do not sit still and let it get stiff parts tough you'll get through it foul committed by a nobodies Josh Hart acquired from the lay cruising that package deal for Anthony Davis three-year man out of Villanova first-round pick of Utah 30th overall and then transplant traded to the Lakers [Applause] some are jumping too quickly yes it's a lane violation on the Raptors it is on Gasol and if your aquifer good job that is your assist when a big man does that he anticipates he's going to be met with force and has to get in there early to block out just your willingness to go after the rebound Mesa Kassar jump in there a little bit early you get another shot for your team Josh Hart 65% free throw to the last season when you consider that David Griffin was not exactly holding all the card into the executive vice president for the pelicans a long time Vienna Cavaliers what Anthony Davis demanded a Trekkie yes of the Lakers he did an awesome job I mean of course you get lucky with the number one bitch anybody's number one kinky lefty but what about the pieces he put around Zion and these young players Payne Lee Alexander Walker they are trying to let it fly and again I look at this as the island of misfit toys that you have a second chance maybe people didn't seem to want you before you're only 23 if you are all prefer and you've been talked about is not being in the league anymore maybe not and if you're all you've been questioned because you've been hurting and I look at this as an opportunity to have fun excitement it's an establish your own identity you know this team has a lot of great young players and all you have to do is play hard a three part attack piscis all [Applause] fifteen seconds to go in the quarters each one more [Music] Alexander Wolcott pretty fast for okra for Donna mama hop a couple seconds remaining and the quarter so what what a complete opening night in the NBA publicans up by three Haley pass please leave us back check out his favorite players show-stopping almost live on at the a late pass for no cost at all this publicans Albert gently coach emotions run high on a ring night but you wanted your team to be out here to see it what the was the key to setting those emotions aside and to establishing the pace early on well first of all I thought it was great to see the ceremony you know that's what we aspire to be also secondly when the game started I told them we just gotta play I thought we started the game great the pace of the game was really good we took a couple of tough shots in that but we have to keep the pace of the game what where it is right now you did though establish an early double-digit lead as the Raptors eliminated that deficit what was the difference in your team's energy for execution oh we got to do a better job execution but I thought we started a game with a lot of energy we got good spacing and we got to continue to have the face thank you guys all right Kristin eleven to run by the pelicans the last three and a half minutes of that first quarter drive the tipless by Gasol tap tap Powell's fires go through and Williams with the rebound for New Orleans there's a rafters right now you must keep the pelicans off the glass and as you see right there they got a good stop but that's their ninth offensive rebound and they have 11 total Alexander Walker's how attempted seven shots what four seven he is fluff to la Paix here's our example again on the drive the board here in Toronto played for Team Canada under each team back in 2016 while we asked the Turner High School how he's using his body inside not suddenly for the jump shot using the strength around the post gotta love that it's one more backing it up [Applause] [Music] and it is a tall fences all 30 friends and family here 40 kill Alexander Walker Toronto native attended port secondary school located in Bolton Toronto before playing couple of seasons at Virginia Tech you know what let it fly young man let it fly your family's here this is a dream come true congratulations let's get your feet set knock down a couple enjoy the ride not shy here we toss the foul bottles called on Nicole old mare who just checked it he's a 28 year old rookie board and Italy was playing overseas and Germany's Turkey remember of championship teams in Germany and Turkey play very well a preseason although Alvin Gentry said he'd like to see him shoot more frequently coach said he told him listen I need you to shoot he said coach I shot at four times he says shoot at four more times and then I'll be happy miss talking good yeah yeah he heard the conversation coach that you need to be me right traveling violation Mulligan's by one early second quarter Marv Albert Chris Webber Kristen Ledlow from Scotiabank arena in Toronto [Applause] [Music] that's it Lulu Lowry this is Mel for three yes tomorrow he's gonna get that shot all night pelicans trying to get in that shot earlier because cut Stahl is on him is it's all his own of him can't move maybe as well as the small guys so he can get that open look the soul with a series of teams rebounded by heart so the pelicans back to the offense it's not a dutchman team yet but if they are they would go to the same play with a pickup bowl the move could sawed off the ball reach-in is called on young team sometimes have trouble with understanding what just worked sometimes young teams go away from what this work that the veteran is no wait a minute let's exploit this mismatch until these team make some adjustments it downloads all because of the pick-and-roll play you took us all in a pick-and-roll with a guy that can shoot like now what happens you get penetration great passes open look from the corner they'll defend God Gasol now they switched the sole as doubles got it down low OD Roby with the rebound every gentle fight Miller Alexander Wofford high speed family please break down the link of the scoop it counts in the foul [Applause] strong move by Fred Radley who went through a series of injuries last season and came back strong he's about to head to the line Saxons call Wow the Raptors three from ten from the free from the three-point line so if you're the pelicans you must understand the Raptors want to go to stop and push it even force the refs in a tough position that call and get a foul slow the pace down until they can speed it up in control the pace I told Josh Hart just went back to the locker room and just heard a moment ago this is expelling the food three once again because the plays work that the plays work penetration into the middle because the big fella that used to coming down to help you get a wide-open shot try to get it inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] as for movement by the pelicans and Jackson second year Patrick Duke with the pocket bleep a foul is called is that fleet again just children so impressed with the pelicans maybe this first of all on the knockdown shot that's when you attack but but you want to see the ball movement you want to know what happens on the ball movement that's 13 assists for the pelicans on 16 field goals may now that no those are Golden State type numbers if you want to talk about teamwork very impressed again I must say with the young team being that efficient foul was called on Jackson come back Fred van food off to the good start remember he began the playoffs struggling with that three-point shot at one point of these conference finals he was seated 19 who said from three and then Assad's retirement was born at 4 tutors dad caught fire at that point from three-point range somewhere young friend his mom is saying wait and I did all the work didn't either credit [Applause] complete also coming back hardship jute had a severe cut others his right eye [Music] that's last touch by lot soul ball just check back here tell you what he's young he's exciting says you can hate on him all you want but he gets dance that's so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's got to shake his hand on now that was a rainbow let's see now ball gets back into the pick-and-roll with me and Holliday even though it Bach is in and he can move closer and get up there in traffic they control Howell they played on a switch by a pocket five on the shot clock a sauce the Barden could've kept alive during pasta gets to her [Applause] Bowery on the strip that's a foul ibaka party is gonna get the call but it was an offensive foul I believe this is the toughest call to make as a referee it can be so subjective and tonight just great job yes CJ jumpy was bitten that paint but he stayed vertical and you cannot hit the defender with that offhand but that off elbow and twice tonight the refs been right on it with a good call the wall moves up by 8 the bench has done a 25 zeros the pelicans against the Raptors bench the salvage actually has done a lot of shuffling in this first half [Music] [Music] [Applause] wait short by eight put stuff like wall [Applause] this is when Brandon Ingram can grow and develop we saw him last year with the Lakers playing a game in which he didn't score and had 11 assists and I saw his development and growth happened there if he lets the game come to him he will be so explosive and exciting as he has the lip the athletic ability in the heart to finish inside just let the game come to you and I think that's when we'll see him grow by leaps and bounds foul committed by Seattle so two shots here for Ingram the NBA on TNT is brought to you by Burger King get for cheesy tots for just a buck for a limited time only at Burger King and by the Killians ideas official automotive partner of the NBA pelicans up by 12 just under 6 to go in this first clip see I can understand nicely see actively Nana's 10 points lost control but he proved a foul pelicans 5 and OH in pre-season for what that is worth as a souvenir of our call the best players that I've played with and watched over my career have been the best decoys as well understanding when to set yourself up understanding window set others up if you like Redick understand you have a green light your job is catch and shoot every time Davis is just check they're looking for all this Paul Sutter rates reflected what goes on [Applause] that's why you want to attack let your big man's come behind you and clean it up don't worry about the percentage attacks the basket took the reps in a tough position and give your bigs a chance to clean up [Applause] if the pelicans you must build the wall being in the sea Aachen has a size advantage you can go right into the post first light up where that controls the foul half of this patch [Applause] their natural positions that we've seen coach Nick nurse encourage his guys attack attack attack and if they don't what difference does it make if they get a steal or a stop on the other end but they just come down and get a tough shot and a half court office tomorrow Ian SPF double-header it's the Celtics at the six-year start at 7:30 Eastern Time followed by the Denver Nuggets Portland Trailblazers starting at 10:00 o'clock Eastern Time Marv you've seen a lot of basketball and then we get to talk about a long time I must ask him put you on the spot I've never been this excited for a basketball season wish I haven't played and I'm sure you have context is this one of the most exciting all seniors and then maybe expected seasons that you've seen how I agree because of all the player moves of star yeah good dealt or situs as free agents which laced into summer boxes brother touchdown him out of three just too bad about Zion Williams yeah yes it fills for him I tell you what I just won the first mount pick first pick as a fan I feel bad you know but the one thing I hope is that he keeps his head while he's out because you hear so many people talking and things that aren't true and things that maybe have truths and can you eat properly can you work out it's hard to work out when you have an injury so how do you stay engaged in lose weight how does he keep his jump shot going how do you keep the chemistry with your team so he's gonna have a tough adjustment to get back but I'm sure that he's looking forward to it and he'll handle it just fine so I can't wait to whenever he makes his appearance because we need some Zion in his leagues don't be excited it's true because one your recovery it's tough to stay on a diet or yeah whatever is being prescribed yeah and you're not burning as many calories you still want to eat you still want to workout you're young I mean she's only 19 when I was 19 I 20 in terms of the league I would eat pizzas before the game hamburgers like a so they didn't matter and still run the same way you were young that you'd be your ally so hopefully even that he'll be okay but definitely going to be a tough adjustment with him missing some time for morons I hope still to Kristin Marva you'd speak to David Griffin before this game he told me there were multiple valuations before making that decision to operate on Zions but he did speak to him earlier today and he said he's doing well he said that Sian is only upset that he's not here with his team that he was so looking forward to this coach Gentry said the same thing before the games that the entire team facetimed him at brunch and he's too sad and have missed the trip [Applause] you see a bucket there I think the narrative one sign has been a little unfair about him being injured because I really don't believe that he was injured during the preseason I think that maybe the pelicans said wait a minute why would we put him in this situation to get hurt and maybe gave a little bit time 2019 is presented by Autotrader with 337 remaining first half three point lead for the pelicans they've led by as many as 11 balanced going to New Orleans Raptors went by the leap to 15 Seattle with 12 showed me a lot on that play I anticipated a broken play because coach Jimmy call to play out of Bounce and what happens with most young teams they'll come out not know what coach said it messed up the play look at this come off the pick-and-roll now you have favors going down the Baka can't help so when you go into the pump fake you know that you have siakam one-on-one on an island Ingram again means this is Linton is wiry strange the strengthen is why I'm afraid to get the end one 10 points for Brandon Ingram and a six point lead for the lead off the pics the hops we see action and it will be Toronto boy the job by the veteran JJ reddick saying to Zell ball listen I think this play is gonna come again and when it does we must come together and communicate switch not just think we're going since we have to communicate it finish the play [Music] Terrence Davis with that shot way off davus the looking from this star wide receiver in high school a an excellent athlete and we'll see much Blanche time off the bench scoop [Applause] Dave Astana – he's back up [Applause] ask about this [Applause] for point New Orleans we know Papa has her so the lead is two as we approach 2 minutes remaining in this first half holiday with a look away faster [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you're the pelicans you have to realize listen settle down we've gotten to good plays by our big fellow going on the point guard we must keep the ball oh what a pass from blossom oh my goodness and the double pump finish inside and if you haven't had a chance to watch an NBA game in person drew a holiday his size it is unassuming he doesn't look as small in person I'll tell you what he does not care about going in amongst the trees inside the paint sixth number five for Alonzo deflected out last touch my the Pelican is that passion we're talking about mom and that's what I'm saying I don't care what anyone says he's one of the most exciting passers that I've that's in the game today and if everything else keeps approving along with this passage there's gonna be some special display [Music] I've been around this league a long time 25 years and an average entry has always been a trusted coach whether it was an assistant or a head coach the keys get as easy on guys confidence and Marv you right he see it in the play of all tonight so Watson will head to the line found on the act body Davis one of the areas he has struggled it along with the outside shot which seemingly has improved the other area is at the foul line last season and the pelicans have their shooting coach Fred Vincent working with Lonzo and it has paid dividends let's see if it does right here two shots Marv no hesitations and I tell you what having been a poor free-throw shooter and then a pretty good one later there's no feeling like that it's like you almost have control of the game like you've never had before because you can play with the freedom but you've never had hesitations by Lowry but did not work this pregnancy fourth turnover committed by Kyle Lowry coming up it's the American Express time reporting live from Los Angeles with Charles Lakers players take it personally I'm Brandon Taylor just just because we're in the NBA if I'm Brandon Eagle I'm looking at shiok I'm like no no no I'm taking you every time because I know you won one but we're the same size we play the same game and guess what I'm Nexen obviously siakam is felt doubt aware about other players over his time here because he's just continue to improve but you need that personal battle in my opinion to be one of the greats you have to want your team to win but you also want to win the individual battles and right now siakam in England going out so siakam to the line you know some coaches head coaches to cheating countries but there are guys who have really done a terrific job obviously thread Vincent has chip Engelland yeah with the San Antonio Spurs as Tony Parker on the test tube there's a white Leonard there's some great was there buzz Braman he was mine right there a lot of coaches up playing for it it didn't want guys to lift weight so it wanted you to eat a a whole hog before a game because they heard that's what worked back in the day so those that are stuck in a time warp those are the ones you may not want to be advised by you want the ones that always pushing the envelope in whoever JJ Redick with Redick retires when a shooting coach he's going to be that's his third three of the night and a foul is called it's it is a kickball on the phone and here's a Vincent working before the game with Alonzo ball tell you what it starts with having someone to believe on you in practicing the same way I played with a guy Kevin Martin jump shot came from his hip it's not about where your shot comes from or where it goes it's about the consistency of where it stays each time and they're trying to find some consistency with the placement of all jump shot high school policy successful weathers want to deep sameen let mrs.
Cartwright Vinnie Johnson it's fun it's like a golf swing their own individual Gossling and the only thing that's pretty is this nice one is it effective we're not eight-second violation Lowery walked it up and another turnover the pile our you rarely see that call he was thinking of killing the clock with only 16 seconds remaining in the half but killing a picture yeah and I think with Van Vleet game until he didn't realize what it was and now look at the difference or look at the substitution pattern that Coach HP put in the game he moved Derrick Favors out brought a shooter in so that he could put the saw back in the pick-and-roll and what his coach Nick nurse do say I see what she's doing let me get the big fella out this game so we can play you guys straight up and switch everything yes the rookie Nicole Nellie who was hitting the three-pointer early on is back on the floor Millikan's will hold for a final shot Holliday with 10 seconds to go play bike Davis five seconds left of the half-holiday ask the trouble here comes Rollins Justin said it fair that is the end of the first half pelicans lead at 61 56 we'll take a break in that it's on to LA for the emerge Express halftime report [Music] after as we get set for the second half how about this start line Chris 22 field goals 18 assists for the pelicans in the first half you said to go to state warriors I mean and I say that of course in jest but what I mean by that we all know about the ball movement of teams like to go to state warriors and systems like what coach Kerr has that's why I'm so impressed with the fact that they are moving the ball and playing selfish yes his game won but it still happened in early well Alvin Gentry was an assistant leave assistant for Steve Kerr several years back Marv I spoke to coach Nick nurse at halftime and I asked him what he talked to his team about in the locker room he said it's not about our execution but our energy he said that he started the game with very low energy statistically he said we have to give the pelicans fewer rebounds fewer second-chance points though the Raptors are winning in both of those categories so I asked him is the energy perhaps lacking after the ring ceremony he said it could be but a nap time I told those guys to decide right now whether or not they wanted to win hard buckets five and bleep and then holiday we talked about that earlier on the pregame show the possibility of team being a little hyped up and could that affect them on opening night as it has affected other teams in in recent years foul is called on a retic that is his reminded of a scene last year in the playoffs with Kawhi sitting to the tunnel and guys on the Toronto Raptors playing around trying to give him five and he doesn't even look at the guy in points at the court the reason why I brought that up Kawhi played 60 games and siakam played 80 and Kawhi still took the most shots still had the highest field goal percentage for three-pointers and it was the culture that he brought from San Antonio and I know this is Game one have we've seen teams with great cultures lose game this game is not over yet but the question for the arguer for the Raptors is who's gonna feel the void of leadership not necessarily scoring leadership we're koala well as Charles mentioned the Ingram is able to knock down yet another shot Ingram has 14 points Charles talking about it at halftime and I I agree these these teams have very solid play yes I mean even without Zion New Orleans done a good job in terms of filling the roster as a compared to a year ago but neither has a major star and you have to have at least one in these days it seems to you were so right in charles's right and until you get that major star you know what you need to have a major sense of urgency to heaven that's what these teams need to start off with knowing that you don't have that player you can rely on him for me Toronto it all starts with care mentality that was Kauai like last year there's Lowery open yes the subject of Kyle Lowery he officially has three turnovers of collection from the official score that eight-second violation if you will with us where he did get it across the midcourt line of time was a turnover and another who's called out up without attempt holiday now with six points so three turnovers him he'll be happy with that as he looks at the statue two minutes gone by here in the third Marv Albert Chris Webber Kristen Ledlow siakam shoots was three we bought it by hand room fires it down but those were throws of the ball back to the Raptors the Toronto Raptors third last year in fast-break points and it was predicated on their defense and getting out so when you hear Kristen Ledlow talk about coach Nick nurse being disappointed about the energy that is something that is different and then what they've had yes these are special circumstances bring night at the same time she must play to your identity and regardless of who's the star on the raptors their identity has always been effort and defense is a tripping foul if it is Ingram it is that's his fur you'd like to see the saw get the ball in the post and played point guard we've seen Mark Jackson do it we had to change the rule for Charles Barkley and Mark Jackson posting in the paint so long playing point out of that and Gasol is definitely capable doing that insult is such a great passer willing passer and how about Zola willing shooter knock it down at three point eight points five assists Alonzo ball to the three from downtown what blasted hits the three glass I called it for you big fellas he shakes his hand in all counts one-point lead to New Orleans step-back by Paul this one is real here's the torch from the crowd see Yakima the beautiful spin Ottawa who was looking for help that was going behind them talk about cold I grew up in with the kids I kind of they're growing up like how I grew up to give them a chance to say look anything's possible you know I'm not that tall I'm not the fastest I'm not the quickest but I'm able to bring this trophy back and you know have you guys touch it and feel it and that was my biggest sounds like yeah I wanna take pity would have to touch it fill it like you know be able to like you know appreciate it a little bit more and Chris you know following the championship season head coach Nick nurse had a bucket list tour of his own to celebrate the title what did he do well he played the guitar on stage with the art kills they are a Canadian rock band and then he sang take me out to the ball game at Wrigley Field watching his favorite team the Chicago Cubs and people celebrated everywhere he said he also coached Team Canada at FIBA World Cup said that actually he found that more relaxing than continuing to rot allowed and accepted congratulations doodle where that of foul [Applause] talk about a place that gets loud and you're gonna learn this is a young team in the pelicans you do not give any momentum to the home team they live off the energy of this crowd and that usually plays like that get their defense goals three point lead for Toronto pelicans have led by as many as 11 they've led post up away picked off by Lowry the activist top comes back to Lowry active on the spin stop by Paul and it's a kickball lot so Paul is claiming that siakam kickflip no it's the other one you know you try yeah yeah and truthfully I've never seen it work one time with a straight face shot clock to six see I come out of post office [Applause] so all postings are Lowery who pokes it away pelicans in possession again Lowery undersized that what does he do pokes the ball away he wants to make sure that he doesn't get in the position that he can't handle because of his size that's the toughness coach nurse was talking about I don't know fighters went up why are we pushing it off the hesitation sent back to the other way Redick Neely picked it off bad bleep with the high school the song the food [Applause] Ingram yes it's a free for anger who has shot the ball well stop watching players and see how they return the next year I don't care about all the talk but what media says I've been there I know you get better in the summertime and I tell you what see aqua has embraced his role too and Brandon he's trying to have a body count because he's saying listen I've been working at whoever gets in front of me can get the business 17 points now for Ingram who was fouled by Lowry second artist Lowry played at him last season with the Lakers averaged 18 points five rebounds and they're really improved his game when LeBron was injured because he had more playing time or space to operate that's an offensive foul Derrick Favors Papa tried to charge the defense's contagious out of nobody he knows that if he does not get to that spot that Lowry and Van Vleet will come over and say listen we're smaller than you and we take charges more charges than that a game sacrifice for the team he already knows he's buzzing throttle thanks to the starting lineup while we've been asleep on the back cortisol is up [Music] Oh sillies of fakes it counts before I remember it needs to come to the league everyone will say oh my god coming around is so skinny he should gain weight even she gained 30 pounds in the hole they should embrace the body that they haven't been given better with their skillset and then they're hard to check the lip of Ingram he's the size of what Apollo for it used to be now plain somewhat a hybrid point guard at times man doing such a good job letting the game come to him foul committed by at Adobe rather they were lifted at 6:00 I'd want my key I think that's pretty fair maybe not the 190 maybe they did something but Noah's tell you what he makes the defenders understand his Heisman every time he catches the ball in the space see hakam's worry about it full bellies back on the floor and a three-point barrage going in the first half Redick is off without see a key part has returned for two wallets grant lease goes his heart not to step at school and that's what Toronto we do it until they get their feel they trying to speed it up lost them fall back to the Raptors Norman Powell Serge Ibaka getting set check back in here they come so the public comes with five turnovers here already in the third quarter that's the worry that's why I've been praising them so much so much so earlier because you look 21 assists on 28 shots but you know that with the younger teams for that bad play it's the only constant so if you're the pelicans make sure you communicate on defense come together for switches and then more importantly on offense recognize the hot hand got to give Redick some good shots he's been trying to chase his own shots that's when you need veterans to say hold on let's slow it down and get our guy a good look pelicans sure they got 44% for the right Raptors at 43 halfway through the third quarter Toby [Applause] report Toronto lead upon or by comma floors goes cross-court to Holliday fouled by Seattle to Novi does not play the same position that's how it should work but I tell you what their bodies are so similar that if I'm watching this game and I'm out there in Washington I'm looking and saying this is how I could spin use my big broad shoulders to ward off shot blockers and still get an easy shot inside a great job attacking the basket at all be listed at six eight a very long should say backs it up on Ibaka they clear it out and cover the shot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ibaka calling for it down low he has a smaller increments a great job by Ingram fighting to get in the front front of the post a pocke with space and rebounded by more there's Park all the way and scores but the pace this is what coach ministry does if you don't know teams even assistants on the players that he has he has a great context of how to get easy buckets but the young team and kind of be a decoy so you can't see that the team can't play hashed or overly often what Coach pinch-me does if you don't know teams he's been assistants all the players that he has he has a great context of how to get easy buckets with the young team and kind of be a decoy so you can't see that the team can't play half-court Oh [Applause] part of the foul so the pelicans with their fourth foul we are four minutes 11 seconds left in this third quarter opening night in the NBA coming up in the second of our doubleheader it's the Lakers and the Clippers from Staples in LA and that is a clipper don't leave me after the game I'm trying to get to the hotel to watch it's right away I have to see this game la versus Natalie gonna be excited there's William check back here for the wall Kevin Harlan Reggie Miller now they will force the telecast right here on TNT off the pass the entry pass to Ibaka foul is called as he threw the double Alexander Walker who adjustments checked in get rid of the flowers I'll tell you what it's gonna be awesome this year in LA the best part about the season is everyone making their predictions and everyone being wrong because something is going to just unfold but I tell you what it's going to be fun watching that pick and roll with LeBron and ad the length of them is going to be so much fun watching the consistency of the I want to call it arrogance the brashness the defense of the Clippers coming through every night with can't wait to get home and watch Game two and that's gonna be that way for every game this season on TNT and it's only opening height only open tonight I'm excited it was like championship the Western Conference almost every month Oh we'll have excellent games and is here a fan of a home team you should love it because it's going to be competitive competitive competitive now that is a over impact [Applause] call by Josh Tippin so the ball goes to New Orleans now let's see if this second unit can play together as you sit yeah that it was not tip going back and I want to see how these guys adjust whether his heart Alexander to see if they could calm down and get settled into some type of religion it's a three-second violation so the ball goes back to the Raptors Terrence Davis is back in for Toronto looking from Ole Miss Syfy Toronto as a as a free agent ibaka up top bad bleep deepest by the pelicans denying this for other shot clock how old 4:3 kept alive by Ibaka try to take up to the room study succeeds that flame is called since I got the rebound I don't care how many people are around me I'm going to get to shooting he's job dead time for Bob pass Alexander Walker throwing into a crowd here comes then complete an Adobe Capri [Applause] and a foul is called as he got entangled with Hinrich Williams officials talk it over Wilson from Alvin Gentry on this foul by interest and Williams against Serge Ibaka and the call was challenged by Alvin Gentry let's bring that Joe bush with a senior VP of wrestling operations Joe what were your thoughts yeah Marvin say you have a loose ball foul called on Williams there so the crew chief came over looked at the video and what you see is Williams is grabbing Ibaka shorts ok so that's where the loose ball foul came in and then they also look to see if Ibaka committed any unsportsmanlike after act afterwards which he did not so this is an unsuccessful challenge and New Orleans is charged with the timeout all right Thank You Josh tomorrow I have a question I was looking at my social media at half time people were asking me is it do you think maybe quick and that's why we see the judgments of the coach is going for the caulk because they can't see the instant replay now I would say from the bench area at times it's very difficult because it depends on when they play the replay in South Jess is more tell you what he's gonna want to see that replay a lot shooting knocking it down over balk at the top of the key I have a feeling at this stage of the season the coaches are just kind of auditioning fingering the whole challenge concept I think for the most part unless there is a third foul say in the first half called against an important player which might be challenged but watching it unfold isn't it watching the coaches kind of get a feel for it it was just used in summer league the d-league and I don't G League and those quote the coaches want to use it as much have to go in this third [Music] [Applause] I come back bleep please Kenneth dosha he's way downtown it got about a six nine belly goes right out of splits through nobody goes shot clock is out of five new pakka [Applause] Alexander Walker on the drive Williams keeps it alive le for prettiest he has been on fire four for four from downtown his new name is melly-mel I don't know why I just like the sound of that and I'm gonna give him that name after the rhyming great book man now let's come inside he's just stretched the floor knock it down it's 20 year old rookie who's played strictly internationally side of the free agent well slap the side off the miss two seconds remaining on the shot blocker was last touched by the father pelicans see Van Vliet take his share of hard falls in his League all and you just hope that his right ankle is okay he steps on a cameraman [Applause] you know he's limping and – kyle lowery off the bench [Applause] leaders favors that ankle and you hate is a player to be hurt by anything that wasn't true contact especially incidental contact out of bounds 11 points in this third quarter 11 it was 26 he's the high point man of the game [Applause] his second differential shot blocking Dean front Alexander Walker working off the pick picks to the ribs and sit out [Applause] kept alive his hoppers it up and a foul is called with two point one remaining in this third quarter [Applause] [Applause] smart play by heart do not know if it is a foul or not what his job is to make you assume it in his one right there with the shot clock running out twisted his body whose ables of maybe sneak one in here get in Alana Josh Hart out three four three at the line see that start line with six rebounds [Applause] two seconds left in the third here's Lowry from the backcourt that's the end of the third quarter two-point lead for the Raptors now earlier tonight TNT celebrated the start of the season taking ability of the young pelicans ball getting into the lane five assists holiday five assists why is this so important to a fan like myself well because it's awesome anytime you can see a young team our Feb 23 assists on thirty-one makes to me that says team has great chemistry great coaching and even though they're gonna make mistakes are playing the right way and the major question for Toronto is the physical status of sled their leaders have a hot hand high point man with 26 bucks each to up interest ankle just moments ago in late third quarter and if you're Toronto you're gonna have to find a way to manufacture points in the paint as fred was doing attacking the guards pelicans in possessions fourth quarter on the way how do they the spires Lowry comes across see ya backs his way and he'll go to the line that's that power forward point guard facilitating spot the pelicans were so as it said look no one's gonna come down wide because he has three point shooters all across the board and this is what she wanted the he's a 25 attacking the user energy to get that nice second jump how about the stat line to see a can 28 cheap rebounds five assists tomorrow what's so impressive about what you just said is I did not even think that he was playing that type of game and coach Nick nurses he misses his first free-throw siakam said today I said coach what do you want to see from siakam with the new contract and he said is he still gonna let the game come to him and yes he's seen he's not been selfish not had a bunch eternal has tonight been efficient that's letting the game come to that's a very happy time for Pascal inside that the four-year 130 billion dollar maximum extension that's us the exchange rate versus it gets inside and draws the foul just so you're aware it's one u.
dollar people today but see Atkins certainly a breakout player last season voted the league's most improved player averaging just under 17 points 7 rebounds and 3 assists I tell you what his work ethic was incredible watching him works before the games you love seeing players being rewarded congratulations and then now I would tell them where am I going to see you improve what play are you going to become because you've already put into work now continue it whether were financial matters involved we like to go to Kristin so let's check in Marva I did sit down with Kyle Lowry yesterday and when I mentioned Pascal and he called him his rich beloved he said my money's old money you've got that new money he's exactly what Messiah dreamed of when he drafted him but I went on to say the hard work the continuous growth the evolution of his game he went from the skinny kid running up and down the floor Kyle's words not mine – G League champion G League MVP the benchmark the most improved player and a max player now he was discovered by the Masai at the NBA's basketball Without Borders program bathroom actually in his boot boot a player who first spotted he was able to hit Jews along with with threes massage [Music] rousing ovation during the championship ring ceremony when he came out of the court together was it because he won a championship or he didn't go to Washington to take yes that's a possibility definitely show their appreciation I even saw interview atomically let's one go from the top of the key Dover Ibaka but I saw interview with Kawhi Leonard saying that as he goes around the country or goes around the world he has fans from Canada saying hey we love you thank you for what you did for us good luck next season and tell you what those are some special fans because I would be mad like man we're never gonna win again without 701 for the pelicans [Applause] two-point lead for New Orleans were early fourth quarter hearts grabbed by Seattle puts the speed on his block balls knocked out of bounds last touched by Gotham pelicans I would say the pelicans get the ball upcourt from my court to front court as fast this is any team of the NBA yes this has been coach entry style they did this with a D last year will be played when he didn't play and I asked coach why I said listen it's the only way to simplify the games we can get easier buckets when the deepest isn't looking part upset he feels it Ibaka was moving on that screen and our were told Kristen Ledlow just checking out Fred vanvleet status with the ankle injury he is being we taped he's back in the Raptor locker room in that little band there is a friend of mine and you just want to keep it moving using that system worked at an equal ups and downs do not let us down I've been able to still smaller E is all without it by heart [Music] [Applause] your point mom a were attached the opposite three-point line with 19 the Paul fighting an open heart and more best but you could do when you played play fast pace you don't have to shoot it the first 10 seconds but he ended up to have coordinated kid a great shot like they did that time with 10 seconds left on the clock we quantify a heart Davis right back with a flurry [Applause] [Music] it's the downtown so far judges has to time step ball back to belly mill right away look at this color cheese ball moving it was 19 when they got shot just play with pace pants with these young players of the pelicans a good lunch so can you imagine how often playing at this place but what will make you assume they're going to be effective my disability can jump 44 inches dumped on anyone if one of the fastest runners it illegally that's all you're going on part with the rebound Josh Hart is that an outstanding game gets you to Holloway they swagger off the shot attempt by Kent rich Williams which I saw a little Reggie Miller on that play right there and if you know what I mean that's the kickstand and that right leg seemed to come out come on a foul and it's learning for the grace let's look here [Music] that is number four on C a cup a three-point attempt so three shots here for Kendrick Williams second-year man from TCU TCC they call them Kenny hustle undrafted side as a free agent played in the G League and appeared in 46 games for the pelicans season 29 starts inside [Music] Kelly will sit down quite a shooting performance and his NBA debut 15 minutes youko belly hitting 5 for 5 from the field [Applause] how old yes that's a three for morbid power [Applause] pelicans but the two-point lead holiday gets the screen from goofy Jackson [Applause] Williams going for that rebound deflected it out of Bounce Italy to alibagh here comes Fred vanvleet taped-up back in the locker over give it a shot hears it from the crowd as he checks in and this is again it's so great to be a fan of his basketball players out here and he showed us his hard to last last season and during the regular season and doing their championship run you knew he was going to be back out here at all [Applause] Jackson comes to the front court backfire and bleep Okafor [Applause] [Music] – got the good wallet or restrictions were lost kept alive our holiday for the quality [Music] [Applause] Powell let's build the wall again if you the Pelican sees no their attacks siakam for food – if I would say I can his first three-pointer of the night mark gets inside [Applause] phyto almonds we need to settle down if you talked about don't have that superstar but you do have great teammates that cannot get down this shot right here by the pelicans as long as you here to keep in the flow of golf to Toronto he presented by Auto Trader Kyle Lowry this joyous happy to bring as the Raptors have their fans celebrated earlier tonight and just knowing who Kyle Lowry is and he's already mentioned taking his trophy back to Philadelphia it was a dream of a lifetime to show the kids in a 4.
2 Auto Lee they have reeled off nine unanswered points to stall committing the foul his second he said what would you say to people like myself and he said you have to play every game and all we can do Maxon at the basket counts is interference on the play and I feel that Kyle Lowry statement summarizes the will of this team whether you believe in us or not our child Frank Jackson the caddie guess it was gold here's Lowry on the drive beautiful took a shot to the head I think if it was a ring light he may have had a technical in the first quarter on the other his team he was coming in behind the philosophy of lack of respect [Music] I think the referees have been patient tonight mark knowing that the first game of the season over gestures done by players of the direction of officials and other players so they're not going to accept make sure we keep the integrity of the game the only thing is that again this is the first reality show and the gesture is something you have to have emotion in this game or you can't be the best player that you want to be and I think the reps have done a great job out tonight letting players VIN letting players have their say and now they're like shut up last five minutes is on to control the game this ball foul all the pelicans Seminole run by New Orleans they had hit 15 straight up the line before the two free throws with the refs to get across court and he just lived this yeah I'm like you were supposed to be right there jump 30 feet high [Applause] [Music] [Applause] before raptures looking for travels the balls knocked away knocked out of bounds it'll be Nauticus Paul with 13 on the shot clock you can tell who a coach really trust right now and having harden Jackson in the game not that he doesn't trust the other players it just shows what they've been doing in practice for him to have this confidence and it's 4:30 lesson again final Wallace JJ ready for the best shooters in our game is over there Sam yeah I do he could knock that down it out I don't want one so ball who've been playing very well early on seeing her little time in the second half yeah and a lot of times it's not because of the play of the player per se that's on the bench but maybe eat the play for the combinations that is found on the court right now party Jackson is such a good job as Okafor gyaku to take an extra step inside turnover and a timeout taken by Toronto 409 remaining fourth quarter it's easy [Music] coming up on four minutes to play in the fourth period Toronto opening night in the NBA the pelicans with a runner of a 4th have a six-point lead our Raptors New Orleans in possession the small comes outside harder than I thought it Mike Jackson just checked the screen and leaked so hard to stop and he keeps attacking this young pelicans team when you talk about the youth of the pelicans again just think about how exciting they are going to be as you see Eddie Griffin there on the side tonight 27 assists on thirty eight shots him at the end of desire you want him to get healthy at home that's somehow try to find the rhythm the back to my point earlier I just thought that the narrative on his arm was so unfair that he was always hurt where he saw him injure his self in college with in the summer league I didn't want to play him in the summer league there's no point to plan into something he wasn't hurting to someone and of course now we know that he's happy right knee surgery on this time until you can get to prove yourself on the court [Music] [Applause] before I show it to 240k with create team deploy good job I see Akamai fortunate but the pump fake always work almost got to stay vertical they're open for did which so hard not to go with your instincts just stick your hand over and go in the cookie jar yeah come neutral that took advantage inside both teams are in the penalty 31 point 17 rebounds method 32 at 17 for siakam nice way to start the new season it is he's gonna say don't forget those five assists I'm trying to get people involved just under 3:00 to go here at the fort [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] during the season and he found out that he was allergic to white meat mark I know that's crazy I told you to Scott I'm not gonna be the one to tell us or even though he did the great reporting but you can tell her okra for his body that there's a difference in that he is concentrated and he's concentrated yet in the gym and take care everybody as well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow that would be the worst food and it's 303 one territory so funny shots coming up have to let the offensive player land I gotta check out if it is in fact a three-point attempt Oh another let's check it to see if it's a flavor oh so I think we would call that bizarro maybe Zaza Pachulia specifically on Kawhi Leonard in the corner at Golden State rule you want to get that specific word even though it doesn't look like it can be flavored and I'm not saying that this play is I've seen a lot of dirty not but he is cheap players not that he is they can't guard guard by putting their foot under you and anybody that does that never was a true player of the game but I don't think Oprah did that on purpose – we'll wait and see incidentally Pascal yakking for 34 points 18 rebounds one of only four Raptors who have had 30 points plus and 50-plus rebound Chris Bosh next quarter Hawaiian runner that's pretty good company and again he did it effortlessly which means he didn't wave 15 people off you didn't shoot the ball 10 times in a row and take 8 bad shots he's let the game come to him and he's been energy hitting those second jumps those second possessions extra possessions for his team on the offensive board Tony Brown Josh pivot Eric Taylor over at the scorer's table check out the extent of that foul on what appeared to be a three-point attempt by Lowry right yes no question now they are looking as to whether it was a flavor [Music] they say hopefully gram you can't really judge of God's intentions but at the same time your body just takes you that momentum takes you toward that shooter especially as a big part about them I guess more action of sticking your foot way out up under you know really hard to tell so Kyle Lowry 5 for 6 at the line at the game tied at 110 and he has three free throws last time that Kyle Lowry was in uniform for Toronto was at Oracle Arena in Oakland had that magnificent yes twenty six point game six well the 10 assists seven rebounds and knocked off the state title the two more shots Holly G genuine opening week 2019 Thursday with the Bucks of the Rockets o'clock Eastern thought about the Clippers or the Warriors at Houston Rockets debut of James Harden devil also Westbrook facing the honest and the box I cannot wait you've seen what have you heard with hardness in the offseason which definitely players some players agree with and reigning MVP coming in they're all fans high schools to fight holiday to tie the game could you come on small and wanna see you Kabakov want to take advantage of male inside not you must use the defense and pace to get savant over disabilities budget got out of four with a clutch three-pointer the pelicans take a quarter opening night of the NCAA here TMG come on now we right there okay I have everybody rebound we got to be able to contain the ball we got to do a better job of containing the ball where are we going with it those on defense this season as head coach of the pelicans Alvin Gentry his team is up by three 125 where we're going to win it is on defense pelicans make sure you listen to that more on your speech Elly kicks it out yes Loretta could wanna get that shot off the foot tough jump shot yeah bodies hanging all over him they were so close they just didn't follow him but young kids it was the footwork and his concentration and knock down the shot [Applause] [Applause] these teams may not have a star but these teams have veterans and look with the veteran JJ Redick guards you can agree with the call or not but he puts his self in a position to have the ref make a tough call JJ Redick if he can knock down the shot that he can get it done on the other end as well and this is one of those situations where perhaps yes Nick nurse might think maybe I should have held the challenge yes yes and this is fun watching the evolution of this rule and how coach is handling marvelous but I agree with you unless it's a foul maybe an extra file and excessive foul on your star players you may be smart to say that's in a wait a minute so the icon fouls out it has been a batter night for Pascal see back in 34 points eight rebounds five assists [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] salad diva Toronto but they were helped out by the pelicans whose listen wide open middle at the top but it does not matter that this may be the smallest backcourt in the game with Lowry and bam bleep they may also be one of the toughest Lowry 7 of 9 from the line his fourth and it's a one-point game Raptors have one timeout left pelicans have two both teams in the bonus well you always want to keep things simple with the younger team and so I wouldn't go to the one here I would take the best shot available according to the philosophy of coach Gentry 9 Toronto you just want to make sure you get a stop and if I am the pelicans I am looking at the mismatch going to the pick-and-roll at the saw trying to get mail and open shot Pascal the active has fouled out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so the Raptors have a chance to pull it out here at the final second the pelicans got the play they wanted but not a shot they missed it so if you look here they want to get the consultant to the picker more watch them go right away Gasol does a great job of coming out hedging that means he does not let his man get a wide-open look now that they cannot go to the original play they're looking trying to figure something out not enough covers and the spacing is it right at the end they got the mismatch they wanted they did not get the play they want to execute at the end it's the final timeout for the Raptors elegance do have a timeout left what are you looking for from Nick knows what I'm looking for from Nick nurses now that you don't have see Aquaman bleeding then your best penetrator all night but Van Vleet either in a clear-out role it's called a14 where you put them feet at the top and all other four players on the baseline to give him space if he has tile and others on the floor that means he could be a great decoy either attacked foot score or attack to draw the defense kicked out to one of the shooters [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that's been attacking the bat could you have shooters around you do not want a 50-footer the last second unless his name becomes 5 117 Toronto without Pascal see I can be fouled out after scoring 34 holding down 18 rebounds behind the pelicans Brandon a trip with 22-fret back pleat has put up pretty rewarding for the Raptors that's why I thought that bleep would take the last shot but don't understand that but I bet you that Van Vleet will take it upon herself next time to try to get that ball in and now it's very important if your consol the saw can you stay in guarding the perimeter shooter will Toronto use you in the post to score and to facilitate the Lakers of the Clippers from Los Angeles coming up on TNT after this game is over but it is starting out on NBA TV with Kevin Harlan and Reggie Miller his towel to the rim that's what you want to get that amuses have led a fertility get inside locked Oh ball back on the fourth hot plate of some time ready fire so impressive its footwork yes is shot we know about this shot for this three-point attempt but now with four threes 16 points at all beside an excellent game gets into the lane ricotta pie Gasol Gentry changed his lineup again you have ball in with all four starters and mail shows you coach Jimmy he's getting his rhythm is the closest to your two shot partially deflected a possible deflection actually was deflected off the front rim rebounded by Powell the coaches at there in the first game as well so they're taking time to find the new chemistry to find new units that played together guys are showing different phases of their games tonight so an adjustment for everybody the first couple of weeks the sole for free this all is just 1 of 8 from the field pelicans by water and in possession as we talked three minutes to play him his five headed over time Kelly is fouled by Gasol there are favors we'll check it those are looking for the Lakers the Clippers you can to to md80 the start of the game while we try to take it away but a foul is called all the lectures it's on lalalina perform so lots of ball will put it in play like tightly by Powell [Music] eager we want that back so you can shoot it favors is actually trying to get position to get the rebuttal this all up top how old how you get your rhythm and know you're allowed to shoot three-pointers on this team which is the lefty use your size your strength inside such a great pass which always makes you dual threat finish it inside strong Gasol to foul off Derrick Favors [Applause] play from Marc Gasol who has had a quiet hide on the offensive to play off the dribble into the lair tied at 122 he got bailed out ahead he had no shot at a shot wondering what comes in to be jumped up from over there foul ball is almost saying that he was fouled on the shot I'm wondering how does that happen but Kyle Lowry being aggressively Mauri mention dude and last time he played and go to state 26 points and he's been a player of the jollies to talk about where is he shown up in the playoffs in last year he's shown that you know he's gonna be steady on the defensive end and now I think he has even more confidence in his offensive game Kyle coming back from a series of injuries back from surgery repairing a torn he'll showed up for training camp for the u.
Raptors up by 2 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sigh we gotta buy powell what up tough didn't know that time he should trust favors again in pasadena kind of got stuck and hesitated in the air little junk shop Wow [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] welcome back to Toronto where the Raptors are up now check this out he was assaulted such a good shooter he puts holiday in a tough position how they didn't know whether to stun him or to get back at VanFleet and it's all because the sock is space the floor up there no matter what his shooting percentage is tonight and such a good passer he makes the right decision hits the bland beat he knocks it down better 27 remaining it over time come against us now with one timeout remaining and you have a foul to give Toronto also has a foul to give and they have their two timeouts left and if you're the pelicans do you want the best shot available first you don't want to force it three or force it to the rim you want to play within your office and get the best look that you can right away before it's off for four points here about the stretch of overtime [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up to that point Bali will head to the line that's what you understand about Lowry not only is going to be consistent in effort but consistent in being aggressive check that foul to give so now they'll be on the bonus five on the shot clock [Applause] with 14 points three to go and at eight-point lead for the Raptors so I saw picks up number five the Raptor is the start of their 25th season they open up as the champions celebrated championship backer and win by his huddle a supply [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Kristen Ledlow so long well the Scotiabank Arita it it like this that's a way as we said it kept it Harlem [Applause].
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/us/toronto-raptors-vs-new-orleans-pelicans-full-game-22102019/
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buddyrabrahams · 7 years
Angels will use six-man rotation to accommodate Ohtani
The Angels will change the dynamic of their starting rotation to accommodate their new two-way star.
While in Japan, Shohei Ohtani pitched once per week. With five-man rotations the norm in Major League Baseball, there are occasions where a starter may pitch twice during a seven-day span. For the Angels, that doesn’t appear to be an occurrence we should expect.
On Tuesday, manager Mike Scioscia confirmed the Angels will start the season with a six-man rotation.
“We’re gonna be flexible, but right now that’s how we’re gonna map things out,” Scioscia said, via the Los Angeles Times. “With a six-man, it will take a little bit of the burden off guys to have to bounce back. It will not only pay dividends for Shohei but for the rest of our staff to hopefully keep them effective and strong through the whole season.”
Garrett Richards, one of the team’s projected starters, is on board with the idea. He cited an extra day of rest being beneficial.
“If it’s a way for everybody to stay healthy and we can win ballgames, then I’m all for it,” said Richards. “Theoretically, you would think an extra day of rest would be a beneficial thing.”
There will be adjustments that will need to be made by those involved, and it will some time to get acclimated to the new system. However, the addition of a guy who was named Pacific League MVP in 2016 and has Scioscia excited about what he brings to the mound should be worth the experiment.
from Larry Brown Sports http://ift.tt/2BV95pr
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ok so first of all i am sorry for not participating in the challenge !! i had fall break vaca and was super busy but anyways ~ hi im loving this cast so far and i am so glad that i get to play with some new faces! & also some old ones too. im just going to do a brief cast assessment rn so i can record my thoughts on everyone initially:
emily - i love her so much! she is super sweet and i think she is going to be super invested and great at this game which means she could be a potentially strong ally for me moving forward! we have chatted a lot and i really like her andreas - literally havent spoken a word to him yet so we will see .... ian - pharmaCY KING! i was able to bond with him a lot and i think that we have the potential to have a very good dynamic, but it needs to grow organically jordan pines - i have played a few games with him before and he is such an amazing ally as long as he thinks he can beat you in the end. with him i always try to play dumb and act like im bobo the fool [even tho like 50% of the time i actually am bobo the fool so it isnt a full on act] and let him think that he controls my votes so im hoping that works in my favor again lily - no comment honestly i don't care for her and would love to vote her out but idk if i am going to get a wise opportunity for that madeline - she seems super sweet and also she has a really strong personality which i like but we haven't been good about replying to eachother so far so we will see what happens moving forward, id really like to work w her and get to know her better kai - i literally love kai he is so sweet and kind and perfect and i hope we finally get the chance to work together in this game bc we have tried and failed so many times in a row so fingers crossed! rhone - rhone is so fun! i have wanted to play a game w them for the longest time bc they are so iconic and smart strategically. i have hosted and played with them before so i think i have a good insight as to how they play the game. i'd love to work with rhone moving forward toph - toph,,,,ok so coming into this game i was nervous about toph because he is such a crackedt and forward player from past experiences but in my last game i was kind of mean to him so i genuinely apologized to him bc i do feel bad bc im p sure he is much younger than me and honestly i was a little shit when i was his age so if he does decide to forgive me id love to work something out with him the bottom line is that i am down for anything with this game. i always make it my thing to work with people i have never worked with before so hopefully that can happen woo! also i feel like now im an easy vote off since i didnt participate in the challenge so hopefully i can work that to my advantage and make people think im a person who is just a number and a sheep for now. until next time!
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I'm SO ready for a tribe swap.  I like my tribe mates but I'm just wondering how hard they are going to try to go in the future ughhhh
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Alrighty! Im way to tired ro film anything and im watching the office so whoops not my problem! Im just kidding lol! So right now as per usual i feel like my game is going to be extremely paranoid which I learned to from my queen Emily in azore I SEE YOU QUEEN. The last time me and her played together i was way to ott and now im more calm and reserved. I feel paranoid right now as to what the hell this dang twist could be!! And i feel like im at the bottom of the totem pool here on this tribe. I’ve been chatting with everyone which is good but jordan pines scares me so much and i know we have to keep him for awhile, I really don’t know how to feel about other people right now. I like nicholas and i can actually talk to him now since ff but i think if ruthie from there tribe survivers and me and emily survive we could be a killer squad. I think jordan pines is the most scariest things on this tribe every because he is so intense and in your face if  you like it or not and its scary. I feel like there already are alliances formed and im scared as fuck by that. Im just going to keep my foot tapping and praying to the jesus that there are no majority alliances former already. Jordan pines can lead an army and that scares me so if I don’t get close with him im screwed man! Rhone dosnt really respond to me so I kinda feel like he might not like me. Lily seems cool and i really Like madelin but Tophily is here to play and float a bloody way to the end lol! Lying isn’t a strong suit of mine so im going to not lie unless im talking to the person going home. I glad we won immunity because I won’t be going anywhere and not be a first boot. My goal Right now is jury but i have to go one day at a a time and take It SLOWWW! Lol!! With this immunity challenge no one can do it so i think i will have to and im okay with that but if we lose and they start blaming me for losing im sorry I actually don’t have a life to live while you guys do! So im just gonna bite my tongue because i have a shit ton of liquids in my fridge which is a plus for us lol!! My family of 6 is now a blessing? Like what the heck!! So there's my thoughts for today and the past day. Im just going to relax watch the office and wait for my Prince Charming to come out! Lol! Whatever happens in this game. Oh fuck wait! i have some tea to spill and you will be quaking in your loafers! So i was doing the puzzle for the idol ajd Someone already found it! I was shook! And Emily is now getting an advantage while ill be snuggled up like a bug in log that’s being tugged on by a slug! That made no sense LOL! Okay now i think all my thoughts are out for now but who knows ill be screaming in my head about not saying something soon lol! And with that and my future boyfriend goodnight and farwell!
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https://m.popkey.co/8a68bf/Ao9Xg_s-200x150.gif It's probably a good thing that I have the super idol. Literally no one is talking to me. I'm a little annoyed because I've done pretty much nothing wrong, except not submit for the challenge?? I guess Jack's influence that not doing a challenge is pretty strong over this tribe. Hm. Although I have this idol, there's no guarantee that I'll ever have to use it, and honestly if I go to tribal it's probably best for me that it doesn't become a priority to play it. I really don't want to play it if I don't have to, because the tribe could easily just vote me out the next chance they get. I also told Raymond about the "regular" idol hunt I did today, where he could jump off the cliff and get a number or whatever it was that I did exactly, and he was like "LETS GO ON CALL" but like... I was playing Roblox so Skype 10/10 wasn't gonna let me do a call properly. So I was like... sorry bud but just go search anyways! And he never messaged me back, so I have no clue whether he did or not. Right now, I trust Raymond a lot. I don't know how I feel about Madison or Dan. Amanda is a nice woman, I really wish I had a better relationship with her though. I don't trust Logan (and I know Logan doesn't trust me) and I don't like Jack all that much, unfortunately. I figure that someone is gonna go after me -- potentially Logan. Logan and I have a history of playing games together and while I never once wronged him (at least not by my knowledge?!) he doesn't ever want to trust me in games. There's literally no point in even bothering playing with him because he doesn't like playing with me all that much. But I know Logan would be united against players that I don't get along with, like Nicholas and Jordan Pines. Those two would be my most desired boots from the other tribe just because there's no chance I'd ever align with or trust either of them, plus Jordan has made the end of this series so many damn times already and it's maddening. My personal goal this season is to make it to 9th place. I got 11th last time but I want to break into single digits, a very rare occurrence for me. Like obviously I'm winning this season, but I wanna set some small goals just to make the journey to finals a little less treacherous. Anywho, I think this confessional is long and boring enough. I'm gonna go talk to Jack and see if anything happens. Maybe I can try to understand him a little better, lol
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Sorry I've been a bit quiet so far uni took over but it's the weekend and I can catch up. The tribe seem ok, really quiet though not really what I am used to. I found the challenge hard as I didn't really have any time and there was like nothing DC around, guess the UK is a marvel fan! I'm shocked that JG had to go, I love him to bits and was looking forward to working with him but he has his reasons. Hopefully the next challenge will be better for us
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Heyyyy sunshines~~~ Just a quick one. I still don't know a bunch of people on my tribe, but I got to chat a bit with Madeline and Tosh. Life is good. I'm pretty sure that somebody already found an idol inside a library book, but I can't tell who it was so whatever :) I can't participate in the next challenge sadly, but that's life. I am taking the social game a lot slower this time around and I feel much better as well now. There's no need to try too hard. I am a bit concerned that I am in touch with too few people, but we shall see about that. JG got eliminated, which makes me sad. Not much to talk about rn. Cya soon!
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This game has been pretty exciting so far! It hasn't been like most survivor games where I'm in a rush to talk with everyone in case they decide to murder me in cold blood, so that's nice. I still feel like I'm going to get murdered in cold blood, but it's whatever. My tribe is pretty nice so far, though I'm not the biggest Toph fan and Nicholas seems to be nonexistent. Everything's great otherwise, though. My one idol search had me getting caught by the guards, and I'm honestly not too eager to go out and search again. It'd arouse too much suspicion towards me.
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I hate you Charlotte for what you made me do. Not drink those drinks, but that was my last snack pack! You owe me pudding. My fellow competitors Madeline and Toph have earned so much of my respect for doing that challenge too!
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If someone has already submitted this then just ignore me It’s the anti-antilopes vs the lit hippos
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Okay, real confession. I think Billy might come for me, but he won't if he's smart. I'm good at contributing to challenges in the tribal phase. Don't fucking touch me. That being said, I don't want billy out. I think Jaiden should go. He won't be helpful, he's not social, I'm not into it. I love him, I do, but as long as he's here, we might as well keep losing. The other option is Amanda. While she's sweet, she's never online, which is understandable, you know? She has kids, she has uni, etc, but that's... not valuable to me at this point in the game. I need to win, I need to escape this tribe alive, I need to not be seeing the VL again ANYTIME soon.
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Okay so here’s the deal, I like everyone on our tribe. I guess. Billy can be annoying but he’s going through a lot so I can’t ask people to vote him out. Idfk, all I know is these basic hoes couldn’t win this damn challenge? Worse has been in my mouth than honey, bbq sauce, and water and I wasn’t complaining!!!!
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I’m Logan talking in the tribe chat but flat out ignoring my messages. Yeah, I think I might get votes tomorrow, but the only way it’ll come out is if myself or Billy receive the majority. The reason why I’d play it on Billy is simply because I feel like I can trust the guy, and not to mention he also has been preoccupied with a freaking funeral, like... what heartless monster votes him out after that? Hopefully I DON’T have to play it, but I’m ready and willing to play it if I have to.
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thanks JAIDEN for saying you didn't know I was in this game why would you do that. You make me look either inactive or like I'm stuck up or something UGHHHHSDFJSLDF
can i just...idol abbey out of this CHAT?
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We Hippos won immunity, Yay. It's good because I haven't quite found my footing in this tribe, I didn't want to compete but everyone was asking to not compete so I might as well step up and do it, I'm not one to shy away from a good challenge, especially when people are, should give me staying power right? At least I did it. I digress, A swap is coming in the next round or two, I can feel it. I need to continue to play as my sweet friendly self, cause deep down I am that guy. My main worry is that when the swap happens I might get targeted buy members of that damn Antelope tribe. My plan to remain consistent but not over the top in challenges might have gotten a little hindered by this on since I did compete. Raymond needs to be premerge booted, the guy killed it in this challenge and we don't need a comp beast going forward. I'll cross my finger he gets got soon. As for life on the Hippo Tribe, I have still kept my clue to the idol secret, if I happen to find it then I might share the clue with someone. If I find it, I sooo want to idol out the person I shared the clue with, this hero archetype player can be a villain given the opportunity. Madeline is cool, she's nice, but she is a talker. Talkers make me hungry, I think my game can benefit by keeping her close and dropping her when I need to. Rhone is cool, started talking to me about sports but I'd vote him out. Nicholas is probably on the menu for our first boot at tribal cause he's MIA at the moment but I want to keep us immune until I have a chance to work with him. Toph, I could take or leave, same with Emily. They don't impress me much. Kai and Andreas, I love ya dudes but you do seem like sheep for the slaughter this game, Andreas less so. JORDAN PINES PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER 1. I am curious to see how far this snake can go or if I'm a mounted trophy on his wall or if I can mount him on my wall.
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OHHHHHH FUCK ME SIDEWISE, I accidentally sent the real clue to Madeline instead of the fake one I had written up.
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Oh god I'm making meninist moves and a meninist alliance. The VL is going to hate me
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Okay this is a proper quiet tribe you've got here, so not used to this! So I am going to have to do what I didn't want to do and take control of tonights vote... wish me luck.
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Amanda about to get her ass beat by this vote. I'm a rat, I'm a snake, I'm a roach. But her ass is grass WHEW. I just don't want Jaiden to go because I actually talk to him. This is MENINISM, but *SHRUGS this is TRUMP'S AMERICA
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Okay Amanda got to go tho, this hoe is messaging me saying all this shit about how Jaiden isn't going home because of some advantage he has. Bitch you're the one going home so I'm confused. I'm just gonna sit here with Cheetoh dust on my fingers and watch this all go down. I mean I could for sure go home, which would be so fucking funny, but like I'm just gonna be #Confident, thanks Demi Lovato
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OKAY I KNOW THIS IS LIKE THE THIRD ONE IN 15 MINUTES BUT AMANDA IS ON TO ME, AND NOW I'M SHOOK. I talked to way too many people about this plan and I think it's backfiring lol Oh well, I think she'll be going tonight regardless, if not it's been real lmao
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So my name has come up, but I also have a little trick up my sleeve called the Themyscira Oasis! Basically, I’m telling Amanda that I’m going to be playing my Oasis on myself tonight in order to avoid being voted out. Then she spills literally all the insight behind alliances, inner workings of multiple relationships, and so on, just so she can blow her game up on her way out the door. However, I don’t WANT Amanda to go home. In fact, I’d rather blow up my own game in order to ensure that someone in my corner stays in the game. Amanda is actually trying to save me, regardless of if I use the oasis or not tonight. I’m telling her that I’m using it no matter what, when in actuality I don’t have it to begin with. My target right now is actually slowly shifting from Logan to Dan, because I just don’t have a whole ton of trust with him just yet. I’d rather keep the devil I know (Logan) around because I can always prepare for what he’s gonna do next. I can’t predict anything with Dan because I’ve never met him before. As Amanda pointed out, Dan herself and Ruthie are clearly working together because they had a “group think” moment where they came up with my name as the vote to go home. She didn’t say specifically who brought my name up, but that it was a process of elimination which makes sense imo. Anyways I was mid-way writing everything and Logan and Dan called me stupid and crazy, and that’s the story of how I told Amanda they were gunning for her. So now I’m going to blow everything up, publicly, because I have nothing left to lose. I said I wasn’t gonna be a mess this season but I’m back into my old habits, I suppose 🤷🏼‍♂️ Sound the alarm, Hurricane Jaiden has made landfall!
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me after that blow up made absolutely no sense but I’m still working it https://78.media.tumblr.com/5d766478fb350acbddd66160284749ba/tumblr_o7887f1gRR1sdmszbo1_400.gif
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Apparently Logan thinks he's in danger? And so does Jaiden? But everyone's voting Amanda? God I hate premerge.
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today has been so wild all I know is that this ENTIRE TRIBE is full of snakes and I have to watch what I tell ANYONE cause it will get back to the other people.  Amanda told Jaiden that Dan and I said his name but UMM, she gave us TWO OPTIONS. but now things I'm telling Jaiden are getting back to LOGAN and Dan is going around telling Billy everything I say and this is just wild these people are crazy and no one knows how to keep their freaking mouth SHUT! I want to find a ride or die I can tell anything too but that can't happen if they're going to keep comparing notes.
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So I trusted Jaiden and voted Dan. Is that a bad thing? Probably not considering I heard he was throwing my name out there. I'm kind of glad he's gone, he always does well and then never wants to work with me. So bye :* time to get serious, I need to prove to everyone I'm here to play this time.
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NOW THAT'S A FUCKIN' TRIBAL! Super good for my game, even though I would've kind of liked to work with Dan, because Amanda still remains a major target, and now Jaiden has made himself a much bigger target. Combine that with me getting closer to Raymond and Logan because of this? A big win in my book.
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"Actually, wait... I am gonna play my super idol on Amanda" https://thumbs.gfycat.com/SnarlingDarkLarva-max-1mb.gif Oops, sorry Dan
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WHAT THE FUCK, JAIDEN?  WHAT? WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT. I keep telling him 'ooooh hehe it's fine, it's fine' but like WHAT now Amanda is going to hate me, and just ugh I hope the announcement is a tribe swap get me away from these people they talk about what each other say too much. I can see why he wanted to use it but WHY DAN?
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Jaiden has thrown that shade stick out and I'm very cautious about him now. Tho he tells me that it wasn't an attack to me or anything but like...if we're close why wouldn't you tell me what you're going to do. Low key just bummed out. That bastard.
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caredogstips · 7 years
6 Far-famed Rooms From Movies( That Spoilt The Owners’ Lives)
When love get super into a movie or Tv establish, they typically dress up as their favorite personas and hit up their neighbourhood convening — in which client, the only martyr of Hollywood’s seductive siren song is said fan’s wallet. But that’s merely the ordinary rank of infatuation. When fandom reaches Single White Female ranks, on the other hand, we get entertaining and/ or depressing yarns like these …
# 6. The Breaking Bad Creator Asks Follower To Stop Throwing Pizza On Walt’s Roof
” Breaking Bad followers remain hurling pizza on someone’s roof” is a bizarre sentence to type, but a bunch of you know exactly what we’re talking about. If you don’t, there’s a far-famed background in the show in which Walter White goes “re pissed at” his wife and throws a pizza over his own roof.
Toss a pizza in the air, and Emmys rain from the sky. It’s the law of television .
Hilariously, the pizza stayed there for various chapters, essentially becoming a brand-new character in the demonstrate. You know what’s not humorous, though? When literally anybody else does it. When a bunch of drink frat boys roll up to the very real New Mexico home and lob red-hot cheese pies at the roof, it’s not a joke; it’s trespassing and vandalism. If you do this, Breaking Bad developer Vince Gilligan personally thinks you’re a prick, pizza-slinging guy.
“Aw drivel, what am I gonna do with a pizza now? ” — a demon
This “joke” got so out of control that actor Jonathan Banks( who plays the sexagenarian hitman Mike) threatened to “hunt down” those who did this. That’s an outcome the home’s owner is frantic to experience, judging from this clue TAGEND Although that’s precisely what person privately cooking meth would say .
At least some followers seem to have gotten the message and are learning less invasive ways to get their damn pizza ceiling photos.
“Thanks, but maybe you should do some other situation, like going dissolved in acid maybe.”
# 5. The Owner Of The Goonies House Becomes A Reluctant Hermit
You grab your Wheaties container and sit down to breakfast. You gaze out the window at the clearly defined and sunny morning … and then you see it. A man, his shirt pulled up to his chin, shaking his flabby belly all over your front ground. He is, without a doubt, 30 years old. Throughout the day, more souls start, of all sizes and conditions, all pulling their shirts up and waggling their guts. All of them, indisputably, 30.
This, all day, every day .
This was the existence of the owner of the Goonies house. When she originally obtained the home over 10 years ago, visits were few and far between, so she was more than happy to invite beings inside for a speedy tour at the time. But with the coming into effect of Twitter and the upcoming remake of the 1980 s classic, unannounced calls increased substantially — to the tune of thousands of belly-dancing 30 -somethings a daytime. To represent questions worse, the city officials themselves supported this awkward behavior, to the chagrin of the unhappy homeowner.
Tired of the endless ocean of tourists, the owner ultimately walled herself away from “the worlds”, putting up whale blue tarps to hide her famous house and setting up clues trying to convey her pathetic surface of the story.
“Please, pectin now fetches me to tears.”
Apparently, overgrown children with an undying passion for ‘8 0s nostalgia usurped it was their advantage — nay, their right — to have unlimited access to this poor woman’s residence. Above all, Goonies never say “re growing up” and stop watching kids’ movies.
# 4. Beings Keep Ghost-Hunting At The Conjuring House
Everybody enjoys a good terrifying floor, but nothing am willing to live in one. Regrettably for the recipients of the members of this house put forward in The Conjuring , that’s exactly what happened to them when their home unexpectedly became far-famed for being full of haunts( according to a “based on real events” movie about two uncovered fraudsters, regardless ).
For months, the poorest of the poor elderly duet endured trespassers traipsing through their ground searching for the souls of the dead they presupposed must inhabit this peaceful British dwelling, simply since they are determined it in a movie once. The detail that the people who’ve lived there for decades say that they’ve never seen a soul didn’t seem to deter them. It’s not like they shot the movie there; the real neighbourhood doesn’t even look like the create they used.
“Holy shit, it’s a reptilian shapeshifter very! ”
The real fear here is being in your 70 s and constantly having flashlights glint through your spaces at three in the morning. That’s heart-attack-inducingly panicking at any age, which is a potentially huge problem, to review the gentleman who is resident in the members of this house actually has a center health . If there isn’t a specter there now, there might be at some detail because of these assholes. The harried pair regularly had to break the news to hopeful devotees that The Conjuring was just a movie and their home is just a room, merely to have brand-new visitors show up the following week. That’s worse than any curse Hollywood could think up.
When people weren’t peeping in the couple’s spaces, the latter are announcing the couple on the phone and uploading YouTube videos of their illegal tours of the home. Often, the poorest of the poor homeowners had no idea the interlopers had been present on their grounds until the videos demo up online.
Thankfully, The Cumjuring porn lampoon was filmed elsewhere .
But at least the elderly duo doesn’t have any gullible young children … unlike the inhabitants of the Haunting In Connecticut dwelling. In their occurrence, beings would barge up to the front doorway in order to tell the young ones living inside that their live was entirely recurred, because they’re not the ones who are gonna “re going to have to” calm down the calling little critters afterward.
“That’s claim, supernatural occasions prevail. Except Santa. He’s forgery as hell.”
# 3. Copulation And The City Devotees Have Destroyed All Happiness
Despite all the hate spewed at Sarah Jessica Parker every time an Internet angel gets its fedora, Sex And The City was and still is a hugely popular TV see. The first follow-up movie obliged $57 million in its first weekend, while the show’s initial sale into syndication guided TBS $ 700,000 per chapter . That’s enough to actually have sex with everyone in the city, we’re pretty sure.
Clearly, Carrie Bradshaw and her gal buddies are a hot commodity. So it only constitutes sense that Carrie’s swanky townhouse would be a piece of prime belonging unless it is real. Which, of course, it wholly is TAGEND Unfortunately for the also-real people who live there .
After the film’s release in 2008, throngs of rabid devotees traveled to Perry Street to plow an average vicinity like it was a Disney World attraction. While the tours facilitated boost sales in neighbourhood stores and bakeries, love were so rude that they would litter wall street with cupcake liners after recreating that iconic background in which Carrie and Miranda gobble cupcakes on a bench. You know the one. No? Neither do we, but something tells us it was both fornication and municipality as all fuck.
Practical use for a butt pack #37: portable trashcan
This blatant disregard for Mother Earth get so out of hand that one neighborhood occupant described wall street as a “hellhole, ” while another took to sitting outside her apartment and hollering “Idiot! ” at anyone who would listen, because she is the hero we deserve. Seriously, if she was digitally inserted into every escapade, we’d actually watch this show.
Eventually, the Perry Street holders won their hard-fought combat and had their street collected from the show’s tours. The cupcake zombies moved on to infect other regions of New York, eventually committing those people some armistice. That is, until SJP started a new shoe text, and guess where she decided to promote it?
We’re no manner experts, but a line of single shoes seems kinda stupid. You usually necessary at the least two .
Just when they conceived “peoples lives” were back to normal, Parker waltzed right back into them for the purposes of an unauthorized photo shoot on the steps of the place she formerly announced pretend-home — discounting a “do NOT go on staircase please” clue the owners had to install. Perhaps she didn’t see it? Yeah, that’s perhaps it. She absolutely missed the signed while taking a picture of it.
Putting a chain around a lieu typically represents “please come here and mess up all our shit.”
# 2. The Person Who Preserve The Jersey Shore House Had To Repaint It On A Weekly Basis
This might come as a surprise to you, but it is about to change that die-hard followers of Jersey Shore are various kinds of douchey. Not satisfied with simply taking ghastly selfies in front of the members of this house where Snookie slept, these super devotees wanted to leave a part of themselves behind, celebrating up the walls with memoes to the shed. The casting that only lived there for two months a year.
That’s what you get for unleashing “The Situation” on an gullible commonwealth .
They even took pieces of the house home with them, rending off chunks of the ceiling, walls, and whatever they could get their grubby fingers on to ensure they had a permanent slouse of video disaster record forever in their homes.That’s about as stylish as taking some goop from the Chernobyl nuclear plant, and possibly about as toxic.
The owneds have clarified that they’re not liable for any bacterial warfare agents these parties might catch as a result .
The house was meant to be rented out in the off-season, but the realty firm had to pay for weekly upkeep and repainting in order to keep the place searching respectable. They also had to hire protection to prevent away the multitudes of coconut-oil-smelling vandals. While the display was in make, upkeep tariffs fell to the show’s producers, but that gravy train derailed years ago. Then again, the owners charge $ 2,500 for a one-night stand in this perfectly median residence, so perhaps they’ll manage to get ahead after all.
# 1. The Mrs. Doubtfire House Had A Unending Shrine To Robin Williams In Its Yard
The world was dazed when we lost the paragon of childhood slapstick last year. And naturally, followers seemed the need to gather together to comfort one another through their shared loss. Unfortunately for one 79 -year-old man, hundreds of them decided to band together outside his San Francisco home — the house stimulated eternally famed for being visible for a few minutes in Mrs. Doubtfire .
On the report of Robin Williams’ passing, fans gathered outside the residence to pile stacks of heydays, slides, and movie memorabilia in affection reminiscence of their favorite wacky performer. The problem is that the piles originated so high-pitched that it became literally impossible to leave the house via the figurehead door.
Built-in zombie/ Jehovah’s Witness/ Avon Lady deterrent, though. So, upside .
This year, the front doorway remained accessible, but heartbroken followers are still coming to scribble all over the sidewalk and rock-and-roll garden-variety instead.
Even the Smurfs were sad about Williams .
In spite of it all, the homeowner( who is a retired surgeon) “ve never” mentioned a single disparaging observe about the commemorations and never-ending sea of love. But how could he, right? You can’t be the person who alleges, “Walking out my entrance to a enshrine for a beloved dead performer various kinds of blows sometimes, you guys” without immediately being branded an asshole for life. On surface of everything, he had to deal with a disgruntled ex-patient of his setting fire to his garage, which is like the plan of one of the more upsetting Williams movies( you know, like Old Dogs ).
By comparison, the Mork And Mindy mansion, and even Williams’ own home, are left nearly completely alone.
Vietnam remains largely unchanged, more .
The obvious respect for the Williams family’s privacy is a wonderful thing to see. Maybe the same courtesy should be extended to the person in the Mrs. Doubtfire residence. There’s always that bench in Boston.
Read more: www.cracked.com
The post 6 Far-famed Rooms From Movies( That Spoilt The Owners’ Lives) appeared first on caredogstips.com.
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junker-town · 7 years
‘Game of Thrones’ Scorecard: Episode 7.01, ‘Dragonstone’
In the show’s long-awaited return, one queen returns home while another looks to make new alliances. Also featured: a short feast with a big body count, a sexy insane pirate king, and a poop montage.
This "Game of Thrones" discussion is written by someone who has read George R.R. Martin's books (as well as the occasional fan theory on message boards), but the column will usually only discuss events that have happened on HBO's televised version. Please respect these boundaries should you choose to participate in the comments section.
Episode 7.01, ‘Dragonstone’
FINAL SCORE: Violence 35, Sex 1
(Scoring is typically one point per killing or instance of nudity, though the reviewer reserves the right to award bonus points for style.)
BRIEF nudity? MILD violence? BOOOOOOOOO
Totals: Dozens of Frey heirs poisoned in the room that held the Red Wedding; some light sparring in Winterfell.
Notes: It’s unclear exactly how many Freys died at Arya Stark’s wine mixer; no camera angle shows a definitive shot of all the men in the room. But there appear to be eight tables with approximately five men per table. (I rounded down in my scoring because I prefer to be conservative in my death estimates. I’m a blogger, not a staff officer in Vietnam.)
As for whether Arya killed ALL of the Freys, we may just have to take the show’s word for it. According to nerd databases, Walder Frey had 29 children and over 100 descendants, many of whom are still children (here’s a dizzying list of them). I won’t speculate about what’s canon from George R.R. Martin and what’s creative liberty exercised by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, because that’s a waste of perfectly good time we should use fist-pumping to Arya’s revenge tour.
Totals: One cadaver’s limp penis. You may have missed it if your attention was on the scarred and inflamed liver that the archmaester was pulling out of the open abdominal cavity. SEXY.
Notes: My scoring system is flawed, okay? But what am I gonna do, freak out and change the rules because of one fluke occurrence? No thanks, this isn’t the NFL.
More Like Draggin’ Stone
Five minutes, thirty-three seconds. That’s how much time elapses from the moment we see Dany’s face until she speaks her lone line, and the final one of the episode: “Shall we begin?”
The scarcity of dialogue highlights the import of the moment: Varys smuggled Daenerys overseas at a young age to avoid King Robert’s assassins; over the course of six seasons, she has been married and widowed, witnessed the murder of her brother, hatched three dragons, crossed the Red Waste on foot, freed thousands of slaves, gotten marooned in the Great Grass Sea, and immolated just about every enemy who seemed to have her dead to rights. And throughout it all, she just wanted to come home to a land she barely remembered.
Even without context, it’s a pleasure to watch: dragons flap over the black-sailed armada; Dany makes an unopposed landing in sensibly heeled boots; dramatic wide shots show a gorgeous slab of rocky wilds that will soon experience a ten thousand percent increase in nerd tourism.
But — and yes, I know that everything before the word “but” is horseshit — why is the castle empty? Stannis left with his family and his army, but did he not leave behind a castellan to lead general upkeep of the building and grounds? Or, assuming that the castellan deserted after learning of Stannis’s loss in the North, why wouldn’t other residents of the island move into the stronghold? I don’t pretend to understand the mind of a medieval fantasy commoner, but it seems like unlocked, unoccupied castles would invite squatters.
Also: Tyrion is just following Dany silently through the castle? Six seasons of relentless quips, and suddenly he’s mute for the long trek from boat to beachhead to throne room? I get it: he’s being respectful to his queen. But I’m allowed some disappointment when the show presents Dinklage without any of the dinkling we’ve come to know and love.
Subtweet of the Week
Longtime readers of the Scorecard will remember Euron Greyjoy as Joshua Jackson on the Russell Crowe diet, but the only thing he’s chewing in this episode is scenery. In a visit to King’s Landing, Euron moves to take everything that Jaime has made his own: Cersei, one-liners, a penchant for kinslaying, even the hottest motorcycle jacket in Westeros (from Episode 5.02, “The House of Black and White”).
I’ve gotten so used to Game of Thrones villains being merciless, sadistic, jerk-faced sociopaths (King Joffrey, Ramsay Bolton) that I’d almost forgotten how enjoyable a charming antagonist can be. Go get Cersei that priceless present, you swaggering, seagoing psychopath.
Ed Sheeran Cooked a Rabbit For You, Girl
Ed Sheeran and Maisie Williams, seen here making the “looking at Ed Sheeran” face
I’m sorry, Internet: I do not have a hot Ed Sheeran take for you. His music is his music, and you either like it or you don’t. We can squabble about his acting (not great, but not a complete distraction) or his looks (more Hobbit than Lannister), but roasting him for the mere sin of being Ed Sheeran feels like an enervating and pointless detour, especially given Game of Thrones’ long history of incorporating (more interesting) musicians into the show.
However you feel about Ed Sheeran is fine. Your opinion is good.
Worst. Montage. Ever.
(hears Ed Sheeran singing to afrobeats)
As long stretches of wordless action go, the 90-plus seconds of Sam carrying books, emptying bedpans, and serving slop at the Citadel packed more storytelling punch than Dany arriving at Dragonstone. Stomach-turning drudgery: EFFECTIVELY CONVEYED.
It was also an excellent time to turn on closed captioning. A sampling:
(farts, groans)
(flies buzzing)
‘Think you’re fooling anyone with that top knot?’
I could quibble with the unlikelihood that “top knot” would be in the Westerosi parlance, but seeing as how I was making fun of Thoros of Myr’s medieval combover as recently as Episode 6.08, I’ll merely offer the Hound a respectful fist-bump.
Other lines in the running for top Sandor Clegane-ism:
“Why are you always in such a foul mood?” “Experience.”
“You’re not bad. I don’t hate you. I don’t like you, but you’re not bad.”
Can you beautiful idiots talk before a meeting JUST ONCE?
There’s not much this column can do with scenes of political intrigue. There’s no violence, there’s no sex, there’s not even plunging cleavage or the hint of sexual tension (although when the players are siblings, that’s a pleasant change of pace).
So what does the North have to offer this week?
Lady Mormont stuntin’ on old chumps.
Tormund Giantsbane, still lusting openly for Brienne. I’d happily watch a one-off episode that was only them going on their first date (heavy sparring).
“No need to seize the last word, Lord Baelish. I’ll assume it was something clever.”
Alternate One-Liners for Emerging Action Stars
“The North remembers.” “Winter has come for House Frey.” Like, okay, those are fine. They’re on-brand for House Stark. But they’re not one-liners that will establish Arya alongside the greats of 1980s action movies. Here are some ideas:
(last body topples over) “That’s the end of the line.”
“Walder? I hardly knew her.”
(Steps over dead body) “I guess you could say I’m ... above the Freys.”
(after the Freys drink, to the tune of “Poison”) “That wine was poisonnnnnnnnned!”
(still singing) “Can’t get revenge out of my heaaaaad, that’s why you’re all going to be dead. Can’t get it out of my minnnnnd, your deaths I’ve carefully designed.”
(extended dance break where Arya does the Running Man over the bodies) “Poisoned! P-p-p-poisoned! Poisoned!”
Learn a Tertiary Character’s Name: Edd
Oh hey, it’s Jon’s friend. No, not Sam, the other guy. You know, he’s always around when stuff happens but never says anything memorable? I think he maybe took over the Night’s Watch? Yeah, him. Did you know he was at Hardhome? I didn’t remember him being in that episode, either. But Bran says he was, and that sledge-bound warg sees everything.
Anyway, his name is Edd. May we all learn his name before he inevitably gets killed by White Walkers.
Zombie giants in the army of the undead: 3
Bodies buried in a coda to a forgotten plot point: 2
Length of the “previously on” primer following more than a year without a new episode: 2 minutes, 21 seconds
Dead Starks Jon needs to be smarter than: 2 (at least 2)
“Rocks, bird shit, and a lot of unattractive people.” But enough about Maine!
Shots of maps depicting Dragonstone before Dany returns to Dragonstone (including credits): 3
Pay attention, there are only so many chances to slip maps into exposition.
DNP, Coach’s Decision
Future smoochers Yara Greyjoy and Ellaria Sand; Olenna Tyrell and the sick burns of Highgarden; direwolves; Tyrion’s voice; Lord Robin the Breastfed; Theon Greyjoy; Daario Naharis, ruling Meereen to the sounds of emo; the parts of Jorah Mormont that don’t have greyscale.
0 notes
jeanettethibodeau · 4 years
Toronto Raptors vs New Orleans Pelicans Full Game 22.10.2019
welcome you back to Toronto our opening night comfort continues file 53 degree evening thousands watching on the big screen at Jurassic Park and inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everybody I’m Marv Albert along with five five a star crisp weather Kristen Ledlow join us just a couple of its work from the sidelines so 60 Raptors without the sensational one adult Kawhi Leonard so what are your expectations for these two teams well my expectations at any time you have Kyle Lowry as your captain is you’re going to play hard and you’re gonna defend and protect the home court and I expect the Raptors to come out and play that way how about Pascal siakam I want to see his growth and improvement as well against Toronto with the third best home record last year and if you’re on the pelicans man you should look at this like this is the land of opportunity coach Gentry this style of play is fast fast fast and you will have an opportunity to establish your identity just play hard and play selfless but regardless this young team should be excited take a look at these starting fives presented by AT&T the pelicans with JJ Redick with the Zion out of action relative the starting lineup so Alvin Gentry going with a three guard set Redick ball and holiday parameters up front of Pascal siakam og at Adobe Marc Gasol and at the guards present leap and Kyle Lowry officiating crew Tony Brown and Courtney her Twitter’s in Secaucus in the replay Center to our Raptors 32 advise till at home last year second vets in the East behind being for walking pucks they went 58 and 24 second at the East with the second-best record heat Orlando at 5-1 at 7 over Philly on that dirt hole shot by Kawhi Leonard and Pete the Walker at 6 and what the NBA final defeating Golden State six let’s check in with Krista Marv as you know on opening nights the NBA champions are given their rings and their opponent is given the option to leave for to stay now you may have noticed that tonight the Pelican state coach Alvin Gentry told me I’ve been involved in a ring night madam there’s anything like it in the league I hope it serves as inspiration I also want them to see that these guys are bonded for life David Griffin also told me I want them to want those it’s a cool thing to be as young as you are to be present for ring night what Toronto did to get their ring was victory several years of refusing to bow down guys hard Thank You Kristin yes alvin wanted his club the young players to get a taste of what it’s like to receive a championship ring helicanus control ball puts it up at stip tall won’t count it is called no they say it does count the basket counts Hebert says wait a minute you sure enough come on now give me those two points and as you see here the battle inside and how about that basalt knocked that in but favors should get the credit he was the closest to the mantle tip the ball so what is current papers with the pocket to get things going van fleet second gets it into the corner [Applause] and back come the Pelican last season’s 33 and 59 same revenues battleships and Memphis off the steel Van Vleet to Lowry pulling up for the three his crowd ready to explode so Paul with that a groove touch during pre-season favors [Applause] just put these foul hit bike favors when you look at both these teams one thing you’re gonna see similar they they both like to get out and run and if you look at the pelicans you may be surprised at this but points per game last year they were number three coach Gentry loves to get his team out and run and that’s what they will if you try to sneak Toronto get some easy baskets Toronto one of the best defensive teams especially at home when Chris pick nerves telling us earlier that means the major concern of his team the fact that the pelicans are one of the fastest teams in the league needle mark one of the things that concerns me and again you know we’re in the game of speculations there is Lowry this is a second free throw is that now with the addition to one of my favorite players in the league badly I do not like him necessarily being the starter because it makes this team have such a small backcourt will be interesting to see how they figure it out during the season as it goes along it’s all for the little to the toughest and leave ice touched by Ingram rather they grow they do form Loker his weight of the pelicans and that deals and any day this kickball is called [Music] we’ve seen this young man improve seems like each year and I like the fact that he took massage in the ball a bond that played one dribble jump shot he has handles these wiry that can get to the coat badly got it by Redick [Applause] Oceana roti seasons back showing us let me show you shouldn’t talk how about that mark what I love about it is that he caught and shot the ball right away no hesitation one of the tough things about working on your shot and then implementing it in a game is can you shoot it with no hesitation no doubt in that time pulled up during the three holiday the free Lowery Peck sit down see active at the lead Jennifer Gasol and it’ll be New Orleans ball Redick looking for a shot ball get this download ice ball both hit Ingram yes it’s a ¾ knock it down it’s cornered we’ve not used to seeing that a game guys are trying to show us how they improved in the offseason I suppose even tear the pissed I’m an Adobe is way off favored set the pick here’s Ingram affiliate rebound Lowen [Applause] the past too deep save by holiday that comes Redick looking for the shot and gets from downtown talk about a quick hold right there Redick knows that his jumper is wet anytime it goes in shoots with confidence by not answered by a New Orleans timeout Toronto [Music] love you man big time Big Town big time Raptors enjoying the championship the sailboat is just a moment ago Norman Powell and planted Inc repairing the Mike’s tonight State Farm audio assist both turnovers now to Toronto their last five trips final road by the Orleans Fire virtue of three pointers by three different players here’s Redick hitting once again that’s cool that’s where he made his name last year using his height this size that time ridic Reddick did not get away trying to draw a foul but how about this ciacco using his limp that Y reframed to get it easy with the cup instead a travel called on run a good play by that leave soon yeah come at three ball pops it down Ingram let by siakam off the spin gives it back up Holliday whoa faithless puts it home I like this young team the potential did you see the trust rule Holliday had in yong-hwa he moved the ball back to ball saying shoot the three but the most dangerous part of balls game is his penetration if you’re a big fella had your hands ready he’s gonna get the ball to you let’s hope all played so well before he went down with the injury last season with the Lakers who can see the confidence that we shall drop this is a nice comeback [Applause] we one of the heroes but the championship run a year ago able to pop down a free there’s ball four three no hesitation rims out rebound seventy-nine lead for the pelicans the trust of these rafters not offensive Lowry penetrated something fun to watch Ingram with a catch up here see active rebounds first quarter being played at a very fast pace back to the pelicans and the Raptors cloud of magic Seattle is pushed and a foul is call that was on ball that leach showed us his heart last year not only in college how tough he was on both ends taking bumps taking hits going through droughts what I loved is that his confidence never wavered he continued to play with effort consistent effort at home and on the road he’s game one of his biggest fans a news serge ibaka checking in for the Raptors remark who saw Serge very emotional during the championship chatter and the rents of only ice remember when Ibaka told his team after being two down in Milwaukee no one believed but him saying listen we can do this great finish by favors inside the Bacchus should be emotional because he gave his heart and soul to his team last year they came to him awarded city good start here by Derrick Favors first season with New Orleans coming over from Utah that’s what he can do travel is called fall back to the rafters the pelicans right now I was getting ready could shoot a dribble handoff getting him an easy busca so he doesn’t have to force his way in stop the person watching the earth it’s a tip to run here by grottoes mentos flooring back after that I know screwed by the politics favors he’s off and bleep went to the cross against humble bed siakam on a step battle for the rebound and a loose ball foul is called it was against New Orleans Seattle was quite favorite and that’s what I’m interested to see in Seattle he just signed a new contract extension and with players you don’t worry about the effort they’ve been dreaming about this game their whole life but what you do wonder is can they take that next step in that next step for Sayaka is to continue playing with his energy level [Music] the console guys to get fallen guys he has to make sure that he speaks with this actions in not just his words VanFleet doesn’t he do that all the time boredom going in amongst the Giants Fred plant late hit a sport NBA season out of the wichita state bringing gelato with it a point as well [Applause] Howl’s come on for the lapis for the first time at a foul on Paul the FDA of GMT is murky by Geico 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car occurrence and by that telluride from Kia official or navona partner of the NBA’s correction how the last file it’s holiday on Paul Pott holiday to stop us five remaining in the first [Music] skel siakam coming off a breakout season Most Improved Player Award he averaged better than 17 a game she was a first-round pick 27th overall out of New Mexico State four years ago log on really quick Pete has evolved into a terrific all-around player looks like a future all-star NBA tickets.
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com where tickets are always authentic and always about Ramar fees first nights we usually see a lot of turnovers ugly play super teams haven’t been together and this is one of the better post corners and starts it seems like both teams getting shots that they like I know it’s just one quarter flirt hug the pelicans doesn’t they don’t look like the team that has so many new players attention to 14th to run here by the Raptors they lead for the first time last touched by fouled of Toronto substitutions [Music] [Applause] firstly to timeout calls 4:16 left in the first jet retelling us early he was going to try to cut down on the rotation well enough set five new players out of the court Jahlil Okafor each marble Josh from part the rookie Nikhil Alexander Worple head of a compressor preseason at Frank Jackson this is Alexander Walker has been hitting a shot he must have the super green he has the curry green line any time you come in and coach cause of playing new cool step back three from the top of the key I can’t wait to see him just get a wide open Lee on the turnover the ball back [Music] okhla for [Music] Alexander Walker out the hole to the running one-hander kept alive [Applause] Williams is off [Applause] just like an takubo of course not as good as answer the Koopa the reigning MVP but just as you have to go in the fast break or when he’s attacking the basket you must build a wall his height athletic ability and his speed gets into the cup back to the most and if you don’t have help defend his back there he’s gonna get to the line foul committed by Josh apart Pelican soon as we have of discussing without Zion Williams and the out six to eight weeks after undergoing surgery we’re premiering that to talk right meniscus those who have missed season openers due to injury include fella by the name of Chris Webber those who have missed who have been number one overall graphics the last thirty years some pretty good names on that list yeah a little more fortunate than say of the late Griffin it had to sit out the whole your even though I don’t know if he Minds that too much and still got that Rookie of the Year trophy jumped over a few cars on his way this adult chopped to take his [Applause] two games and luckily for me it was an appendectomy and not [Applause] we gets the role and he will go to the line Alexander Walker picks up the foul for the pelicans I told coach nurse before the game I said you have a small backcourt don’t you think teams are gonna exploit it they are so small he said yeah Chris but you know they play humongous and that’s the type of player just shows me talk to them now I’m assuming these are the accurate heights that have been measured my lead source has been leading is listed at 6-foot and Lowry at 6 1 ok if I would have had to guess I would say vans lead it’s probably 510 but Alexander Walker’s yes ok Walker I’m a fan already rookie rookie that comes it it takes a shot 2 seconds into the game and then fires another one knocks a three now you have my attention I don’t Virginia Tech first round pick 17 overall the salt try to pitch it back [Applause] well hot come defense I mean look at how heart stays vertical he earned that when he got popped in the mouth for it but he doesn’t care as he got the charge look at this he goes straight up no no no no you can’t get upset Baptist fans you can’t get upset on that one because he got hit in the face they got a coach’s challenge right here okay here we go each team permitted to a challenge once again you must have a timeout remaining to make the challenge when we come back we’ll see the result of their challenge basketball is a very human game everybody comes together to create an atmosphere that makes this the greatest game in the world we’re all part of the same team and when the game was at its best it teaches us respect which is pretty fundamental please be sure to respect the players officials and your fellow fans remember this is our game we’re in this together by 1901 major Taylor was considered the greatest athlete in the world but he was still searching for something else we never stop never settle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to Toronto we’re going to have our first coaches challenge look how Powell attacks now the rule is defensively you must stay vertical do not reach over your man it looks like Hart has done that he looks like he’s also a little worse for the wear [Applause] great looks at that and the call stands it is an offensive foul on Powell so the play does stand let’s put on Joe boy sure they give us his explanation hi Marv how you don’t do it so this was the first challenge we’ve ever had in an NBA regular-season game and as you could see pal did lead with an unnatural elbow to the face therefore that that was confirmed to be a foul so the call stands there was no clear and conclusive evidence to overturn senior VP of officiating Joe Bourget drove thanks polka for with the chip 26:25 pelicans by one as we approach two minutes to go in this opening quarter his Maori on the drive he took a shot [Applause] Walker thyroids just the tip mark is still out at heart try to chase it down it’s kicked out about last touch final Wallace one thing you want to see from the other teams that have a burden of expectations and I believe with Zion and these young guys that they do have expectations that may be unfair maybe not they computed to us but you always want to judge their energy and effort level and tonight so far doing a great job for colorful maka head position but the saw how am I going to take a chance [Applause] [Music] the foul committed Maori Fawzi should have got credit for getting the shot off Okafor committed a foul big nurse wishes he had his challenge back because if you look at that plate again and again everything is fast motion we have the luxury to see that in slow motion but it looks like he went up right away as soon as it was contact Lowry but again no challenge so two shots there was a hesitation before the shot was mistaken you can watch serge ibaka grill his celebrity friends on his pillory web series how hungry are you new episodes exclusively on Bleacher Report have you seen what they’ve been eating more I have seen clips I would I’d love to hang out with him going to show and watch it but I would not be taking part yeah that’s that’s a nice way to put it coming up on a better to go first quarter four makes his move he’s found by Gasol for the Toronto Raptors missed the start of their 25th season and they open up as the champs coming off the six-game victory over the gold state warriors in the finals last season looking for the shot Williams before second plus it went off and a final snow heart was hit from behind walk off and just not think about anything he knows that it looked like it’s twisted his ankle just about how he landed let’s see here if that’s right yep you can always tell when a player does that and number-one rule and you do that keep moving do not sit still and let it get stiff parts tough you’ll get through it foul committed by a nobodies Josh Hart acquired from the lay cruising that package deal for Anthony Davis three-year man out of Villanova first-round pick of Utah 30th overall and then transplant traded to the Lakers [Applause] some are jumping too quickly yes it’s a lane violation on the Raptors it is on Gasol and if your aquifer good job that is your assist when a big man does that he anticipates he’s going to be met with force and has to get in there early to block out just your willingness to go after the rebound Mesa Kassar jump in there a little bit early you get another shot for your team Josh Hart 65% free throw to the last season when you consider that David Griffin was not exactly holding all the card into the executive vice president for the pelicans a long time Vienna Cavaliers what Anthony Davis demanded a Trekkie yes of the Lakers he did an awesome job I mean of course you get lucky with the number one bitch anybody’s number one kinky lefty but what about the pieces he put around Zion and these young players Payne Lee Alexander Walker they are trying to let it fly and again I look at this as the island of misfit toys that you have a second chance maybe people didn’t seem to want you before you’re only 23 if you are all prefer and you’ve been talked about is not being in the league anymore maybe not and if you’re all you’ve been questioned because you’ve been hurting and I look at this as an opportunity to have fun excitement it’s an establish your own identity you know this team has a lot of great young players and all you have to do is play hard a three part attack piscis all [Applause] fifteen seconds to go in the quarters each one more [Music] Alexander Wolcott pretty fast for okra for Donna mama hop a couple seconds remaining and the quarter so what what a complete opening night in the NBA publicans up by three Haley pass please leave us back check out his favorite players show-stopping almost live on at the a late pass for no cost at all this publicans Albert gently coach emotions run high on a ring night but you wanted your team to be out here to see it what the was the key to setting those emotions aside and to establishing the pace early on well first of all I thought it was great to see the ceremony you know that’s what we aspire to be also secondly when the game started I told them we just gotta play I thought we started the game great the pace of the game was really good we took a couple of tough shots in that but we have to keep the pace of the game what where it is right now you did though establish an early double-digit lead as the Raptors eliminated that deficit what was the difference in your team’s energy for execution oh we got to do a better job execution but I thought we started a game with a lot of energy we got good spacing and we got to continue to have the face thank you guys all right Kristin eleven to run by the pelicans the last three and a half minutes of that first quarter drive the tipless by Gasol tap tap Powell’s fires go through and Williams with the rebound for New Orleans there’s a rafters right now you must keep the pelicans off the glass and as you see right there they got a good stop but that’s their ninth offensive rebound and they have 11 total Alexander Walker’s how attempted seven shots what four seven he is fluff to la Paix here’s our example again on the drive the board here in Toronto played for Team Canada under each team back in 2016 while we asked the Turner High School how he’s using his body inside not suddenly for the jump shot using the strength around the post gotta love that it’s one more backing it up [Applause] [Music] and it is a tall fences all 30 friends and family here 40 kill Alexander Walker Toronto native attended port secondary school located in Bolton Toronto before playing couple of seasons at Virginia Tech you know what let it fly young man let it fly your family’s here this is a dream come true congratulations let’s get your feet set knock down a couple enjoy the ride not shy here we toss the foul bottles called on Nicole old mare who just checked it he’s a 28 year old rookie board and Italy was playing overseas and Germany’s Turkey remember of championship teams in Germany and Turkey play very well a preseason although Alvin Gentry said he’d like to see him shoot more frequently coach said he told him listen I need you to shoot he said coach I shot at four times he says shoot at four more times and then I’ll be happy miss talking good yeah yeah he heard the conversation coach that you need to be me right traveling violation Mulligan’s by one early second quarter Marv Albert Chris Webber Kristen Ledlow from Scotiabank arena in Toronto [Applause] [Music] that’s it Lulu Lowry this is Mel for three yes tomorrow he’s gonna get that shot all night pelicans trying to get in that shot earlier because cut Stahl is on him is it’s all his own of him can’t move maybe as well as the small guys so he can get that open look the soul with a series of teams rebounded by heart so the pelicans back to the offense it’s not a dutchman team yet but if they are they would go to the same play with a pickup bowl the move could sawed off the ball reach-in is called on young team sometimes have trouble with understanding what just worked sometimes young teams go away from what this work that the veteran is no wait a minute let’s exploit this mismatch until these team make some adjustments it downloads all because of the pick-and-roll play you took us all in a pick-and-roll with a guy that can shoot like now what happens you get penetration great passes open look from the corner they’ll defend God Gasol now they switched the sole as doubles got it down low OD Roby with the rebound every gentle fight Miller Alexander Wofford high speed family please break down the link of the scoop it counts in the foul [Applause] strong move by Fred Radley who went through a series of injuries last season and came back strong he’s about to head to the line Saxons call Wow the Raptors three from ten from the free from the three-point line so if you’re the pelicans you must understand the Raptors want to go to stop and push it even force the refs in a tough position that call and get a foul slow the pace down until they can speed it up in control the pace I told Josh Hart just went back to the locker room and just heard a moment ago this is expelling the food three once again because the plays work that the plays work penetration into the middle because the big fella that used to coming down to help you get a wide-open shot try to get it inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] as for movement by the pelicans and Jackson second year Patrick Duke with the pocket bleep a foul is called is that fleet again just children so impressed with the pelicans maybe this first of all on the knockdown shot that’s when you attack but but you want to see the ball movement you want to know what happens on the ball movement that’s 13 assists for the pelicans on 16 field goals may now that no those are Golden State type numbers if you want to talk about teamwork very impressed again I must say with the young team being that efficient foul was called on Jackson come back Fred van food off to the good start remember he began the playoffs struggling with that three-point shot at one point of these conference finals he was seated 19 who said from three and then Assad’s retirement was born at 4 tutors dad caught fire at that point from three-point range somewhere young friend his mom is saying wait and I did all the work didn’t either credit [Applause] complete also coming back hardship jute had a severe cut others his right eye [Music] that’s last touch by lot soul ball just check back here tell you what he’s young he’s exciting says you can hate on him all you want but he gets dance that’s so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he’s got to shake his hand on now that was a rainbow let’s see now ball gets back into the pick-and-roll with me and Holliday even though it Bach is in and he can move closer and get up there in traffic they control Howell they played on a switch by a pocket five on the shot clock a sauce the Barden could’ve kept alive during pasta gets to her [Applause] Bowery on the strip that’s a foul ibaka party is gonna get the call but it was an offensive foul I believe this is the toughest call to make as a referee it can be so subjective and tonight just great job yes CJ jumpy was bitten that paint but he stayed vertical and you cannot hit the defender with that offhand but that off elbow and twice tonight the refs been right on it with a good call the wall moves up by 8 the bench has done a 25 zeros the pelicans against the Raptors bench the salvage actually has done a lot of shuffling in this first half [Music] [Music] [Applause] wait short by eight put stuff like wall [Applause] this is when Brandon Ingram can grow and develop we saw him last year with the Lakers playing a game in which he didn’t score and had 11 assists and I saw his development and growth happened there if he lets the game come to him he will be so explosive and exciting as he has the lip the athletic ability in the heart to finish inside just let the game come to you and I think that’s when we’ll see him grow by leaps and bounds foul committed by Seattle so two shots here for Ingram the NBA on TNT is brought to you by Burger King get for cheesy tots for just a buck for a limited time only at Burger King and by the Killians ideas official automotive partner of the NBA pelicans up by 12 just under 6 to go in this first clip see I can understand nicely see actively Nana’s 10 points lost control but he proved a foul pelicans 5 and OH in pre-season for what that is worth as a souvenir of our call the best players that I’ve played with and watched over my career have been the best decoys as well understanding when to set yourself up understanding window set others up if you like Redick understand you have a green light your job is catch and shoot every time Davis is just check they’re looking for all this Paul Sutter rates reflected what goes on [Applause] that’s why you want to attack let your big man’s come behind you and clean it up don’t worry about the percentage attacks the basket took the reps in a tough position and give your bigs a chance to clean up [Applause] if the pelicans you must build the wall being in the sea Aachen has a size advantage you can go right into the post first light up where that controls the foul half of this patch [Applause] their natural positions that we’ve seen coach Nick nurse encourage his guys attack attack attack and if they don’t what difference does it make if they get a steal or a stop on the other end but they just come down and get a tough shot and a half court office tomorrow Ian SPF double-header it’s the Celtics at the six-year start at 7:30 Eastern Time followed by the Denver Nuggets Portland Trailblazers starting at 10:00 o'clock Eastern Time Marv you’ve seen a lot of basketball and then we get to talk about a long time I must ask him put you on the spot I’ve never been this excited for a basketball season wish I haven’t played and I’m sure you have context is this one of the most exciting all seniors and then maybe expected seasons that you’ve seen how I agree because of all the player moves of star yeah good dealt or situs as free agents which laced into summer boxes brother touchdown him out of three just too bad about Zion Williams yeah yes it fills for him I tell you what I just won the first mount pick first pick as a fan I feel bad you know but the one thing I hope is that he keeps his head while he’s out because you hear so many people talking and things that aren’t true and things that maybe have truths and can you eat properly can you work out it’s hard to work out when you have an injury so how do you stay engaged in lose weight how does he keep his jump shot going how do you keep the chemistry with your team so he’s gonna have a tough adjustment to get back but I’m sure that he’s looking forward to it and he’ll handle it just fine so I can’t wait to whenever he makes his appearance because we need some Zion in his leagues don’t be excited it’s true because one your recovery it’s tough to stay on a diet or yeah whatever is being prescribed yeah and you’re not burning as many calories you still want to eat you still want to workout you’re young I mean she’s only 19 when I was 19 I 20 in terms of the league I would eat pizzas before the game hamburgers like a so they didn’t matter and still run the same way you were young that you’d be your ally so hopefully even that he’ll be okay but definitely going to be a tough adjustment with him missing some time for morons I hope still to Kristin Marva you’d speak to David Griffin before this game he told me there were multiple valuations before making that decision to operate on Zions but he did speak to him earlier today and he said he’s doing well he said that Sian is only upset that he’s not here with his team that he was so looking forward to this coach Gentry said the same thing before the games that the entire team facetimed him at brunch and he’s too sad and have missed the trip [Applause] you see a bucket there I think the narrative one sign has been a little unfair about him being injured because I really don’t believe that he was injured during the preseason I think that maybe the pelicans said wait a minute why would we put him in this situation to get hurt and maybe gave a little bit time 2019 is presented by Autotrader with 337 remaining first half three point lead for the pelicans they’ve led by as many as 11 balanced going to New Orleans Raptors went by the leap to 15 Seattle with 12 showed me a lot on that play I anticipated a broken play because coach Jimmy call to play out of Bounce and what happens with most young teams they’ll come out not know what coach said it messed up the play look at this come off the pick-and-roll now you have favors going down the Baka can’t help so when you go into the pump fake you know that you have siakam one-on-one on an island Ingram again means this is Linton is wiry strange the strengthen is why I’m afraid to get the end one 10 points for Brandon Ingram and a six point lead for the lead off the pics the hops we see action and it will be Toronto boy the job by the veteran JJ reddick saying to Zell ball listen I think this play is gonna come again and when it does we must come together and communicate switch not just think we’re going since we have to communicate it finish the play [Music] Terrence Davis with that shot way off davus the looking from this star wide receiver in high school a an excellent athlete and we’ll see much Blanche time off the bench scoop [Applause] Dave Astana – he’s back up [Applause] ask about this [Applause] for point New Orleans we know Papa has her so the lead is two as we approach 2 minutes remaining in this first half holiday with a look away faster [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you’re the pelicans you have to realize listen settle down we’ve gotten to good plays by our big fellow going on the point guard we must keep the ball oh what a pass from blossom oh my goodness and the double pump finish inside and if you haven’t had a chance to watch an NBA game in person drew a holiday his size it is unassuming he doesn’t look as small in person I’ll tell you what he does not care about going in amongst the trees inside the paint sixth number five for Alonzo deflected out last touch my the Pelican is that passion we’re talking about mom and that’s what I’m saying I don’t care what anyone says he’s one of the most exciting passers that I’ve that’s in the game today and if everything else keeps approving along with this passage there’s gonna be some special display [Music] I’ve been around this league a long time 25 years and an average entry has always been a trusted coach whether it was an assistant or a head coach the keys get as easy on guys confidence and Marv you right he see it in the play of all tonight so Watson will head to the line found on the act body Davis one of the areas he has struggled it along with the outside shot which seemingly has improved the other area is at the foul line last season and the pelicans have their shooting coach Fred Vincent working with Lonzo and it has paid dividends let’s see if it does right here two shots Marv no hesitations and I tell you what having been a poor free-throw shooter and then a pretty good one later there’s no feeling like that it’s like you almost have control of the game like you’ve never had before because you can play with the freedom but you’ve never had hesitations by Lowry but did not work this pregnancy fourth turnover committed by Kyle Lowry coming up it’s the American Express time reporting live from Los Angeles with Charles Lakers players take it personally I’m Brandon Taylor just just because we’re in the NBA if I’m Brandon Eagle I’m looking at shiok I’m like no no no I’m taking you every time because I know you won one but we’re the same size we play the same game and guess what I’m Nexen obviously siakam is felt doubt aware about other players over his time here because he’s just continue to improve but you need that personal battle in my opinion to be one of the greats you have to want your team to win but you also want to win the individual battles and right now siakam in England going out so siakam to the line you know some coaches head coaches to cheating countries but there are guys who have really done a terrific job obviously thread Vincent has chip Engelland yeah with the San Antonio Spurs as Tony Parker on the test tube there’s a white Leonard there’s some great was there buzz Braman he was mine right there a lot of coaches up playing for it it didn’t want guys to lift weight so it wanted you to eat a a whole hog before a game because they heard that’s what worked back in the day so those that are stuck in a time warp those are the ones you may not want to be advised by you want the ones that always pushing the envelope in whoever JJ Redick with Redick retires when a shooting coach he’s going to be that’s his third three of the night and a foul is called it’s it is a kickball on the phone and here’s a Vincent working before the game with Alonzo ball tell you what it starts with having someone to believe on you in practicing the same way I played with a guy Kevin Martin jump shot came from his hip it’s not about where your shot comes from or where it goes it’s about the consistency of where it stays each time and they’re trying to find some consistency with the placement of all jump shot high school policy successful weathers want to deep sameen let mrs.
Cartwright Vinnie Johnson it’s fun it’s like a golf swing their own individual Gossling and the only thing that’s pretty is this nice one is it effective we’re not eight-second violation Lowery walked it up and another turnover the pile our you rarely see that call he was thinking of killing the clock with only 16 seconds remaining in the half but killing a picture yeah and I think with Van Vleet game until he didn’t realize what it was and now look at the difference or look at the substitution pattern that Coach HP put in the game he moved Derrick Favors out brought a shooter in so that he could put the saw back in the pick-and-roll and what his coach Nick nurse do say I see what she’s doing let me get the big fella out this game so we can play you guys straight up and switch everything yes the rookie Nicole Nellie who was hitting the three-pointer early on is back on the floor Millikan’s will hold for a final shot Holliday with 10 seconds to go play bike Davis five seconds left of the half-holiday ask the trouble here comes Rollins Justin said it fair that is the end of the first half pelicans lead at 61 56 we’ll take a break in that it’s on to LA for the emerge Express halftime report [Music] after as we get set for the second half how about this start line Chris 22 field goals 18 assists for the pelicans in the first half you said to go to state warriors I mean and I say that of course in jest but what I mean by that we all know about the ball movement of teams like to go to state warriors and systems like what coach Kerr has that’s why I’m so impressed with the fact that they are moving the ball and playing selfish yes his game won but it still happened in early well Alvin Gentry was an assistant leave assistant for Steve Kerr several years back Marv I spoke to coach Nick nurse at halftime and I asked him what he talked to his team about in the locker room he said it’s not about our execution but our energy he said that he started the game with very low energy statistically he said we have to give the pelicans fewer rebounds fewer second-chance points though the Raptors are winning in both of those categories so I asked him is the energy perhaps lacking after the ring ceremony he said it could be but a nap time I told those guys to decide right now whether or not they wanted to win hard buckets five and bleep and then holiday we talked about that earlier on the pregame show the possibility of team being a little hyped up and could that affect them on opening night as it has affected other teams in in recent years foul is called on a retic that is his reminded of a scene last year in the playoffs with Kawhi sitting to the tunnel and guys on the Toronto Raptors playing around trying to give him five and he doesn’t even look at the guy in points at the court the reason why I brought that up Kawhi played 60 games and siakam played 80 and Kawhi still took the most shots still had the highest field goal percentage for three-pointers and it was the culture that he brought from San Antonio and I know this is Game one have we’ve seen teams with great cultures lose game this game is not over yet but the question for the arguer for the Raptors is who’s gonna feel the void of leadership not necessarily scoring leadership we’re koala well as Charles mentioned the Ingram is able to knock down yet another shot Ingram has 14 points Charles talking about it at halftime and I I agree these these teams have very solid play yes I mean even without Zion New Orleans done a good job in terms of filling the roster as a compared to a year ago but neither has a major star and you have to have at least one in these days it seems to you were so right in charles’s right and until you get that major star you know what you need to have a major sense of urgency to heaven that’s what these teams need to start off with knowing that you don’t have that player you can rely on him for me Toronto it all starts with care mentality that was Kauai like last year there’s Lowery open yes the subject of Kyle Lowery he officially has three turnovers of collection from the official score that eight-second violation if you will with us where he did get it across the midcourt line of time was a turnover and another who’s called out up without attempt holiday now with six points so three turnovers him he’ll be happy with that as he looks at the statue two minutes gone by here in the third Marv Albert Chris Webber Kristen Ledlow siakam shoots was three we bought it by hand room fires it down but those were throws of the ball back to the Raptors the Toronto Raptors third last year in fast-break points and it was predicated on their defense and getting out so when you hear Kristen Ledlow talk about coach Nick nurse being disappointed about the energy that is something that is different and then what they’ve had yes these are special circumstances bring night at the same time she must play to your identity and regardless of who’s the star on the raptors their identity has always been effort and defense is a tripping foul if it is Ingram it is that’s his fur you’d like to see the saw get the ball in the post and played point guard we’ve seen Mark Jackson do it we had to change the rule for Charles Barkley and Mark Jackson posting in the paint so long playing point out of that and Gasol is definitely capable doing that insult is such a great passer willing passer and how about Zola willing shooter knock it down at three point eight points five assists Alonzo ball to the three from downtown what blasted hits the three glass I called it for you big fellas he shakes his hand in all counts one-point lead to New Orleans step-back by Paul this one is real here’s the torch from the crowd see Yakima the beautiful spin Ottawa who was looking for help that was going behind them talk about cold I grew up in with the kids I kind of they’re growing up like how I grew up to give them a chance to say look anything’s possible you know I’m not that tall I’m not the fastest I’m not the quickest but I’m able to bring this trophy back and you know have you guys touch it and feel it and that was my biggest sounds like yeah I wanna take pity would have to touch it fill it like you know be able to like you know appreciate it a little bit more and Chris you know following the championship season head coach Nick nurse had a bucket list tour of his own to celebrate the title what did he do well he played the guitar on stage with the art kills they are a Canadian rock band and then he sang take me out to the ball game at Wrigley Field watching his favorite team the Chicago Cubs and people celebrated everywhere he said he also coached Team Canada at FIBA World Cup said that actually he found that more relaxing than continuing to rot allowed and accepted congratulations doodle where that of foul [Applause] talk about a place that gets loud and you’re gonna learn this is a young team in the pelicans you do not give any momentum to the home team they live off the energy of this crowd and that usually plays like that get their defense goals three point lead for Toronto pelicans have led by as many as 11 they’ve led post up away picked off by Lowry the activist top comes back to Lowry active on the spin stop by Paul and it’s a kickball lot so Paul is claiming that siakam kickflip no it’s the other one you know you try yeah yeah and truthfully I’ve never seen it work one time with a straight face shot clock to six see I come out of post office [Applause] so all postings are Lowery who pokes it away pelicans in possession again Lowery undersized that what does he do pokes the ball away he wants to make sure that he doesn’t get in the position that he can’t handle because of his size that’s the toughness coach nurse was talking about I don’t know fighters went up why are we pushing it off the hesitation sent back to the other way Redick Neely picked it off bad bleep with the high school the song the food [Applause] Ingram yes it’s a free for anger who has shot the ball well stop watching players and see how they return the next year I don’t care about all the talk but what media says I’ve been there I know you get better in the summertime and I tell you what see aqua has embraced his role too and Brandon he’s trying to have a body count because he’s saying listen I’ve been working at whoever gets in front of me can get the business 17 points now for Ingram who was fouled by Lowry second artist Lowry played at him last season with the Lakers averaged 18 points five rebounds and they’re really improved his game when LeBron was injured because he had more playing time or space to operate that’s an offensive foul Derrick Favors Papa tried to charge the defense’s contagious out of nobody he knows that if he does not get to that spot that Lowry and Van Vleet will come over and say listen we’re smaller than you and we take charges more charges than that a game sacrifice for the team he already knows he’s buzzing throttle thanks to the starting lineup while we’ve been asleep on the back cortisol is up [Music] Oh sillies of fakes it counts before I remember it needs to come to the league everyone will say oh my god coming around is so skinny he should gain weight even she gained 30 pounds in the hole they should embrace the body that they haven’t been given better with their skillset and then they’re hard to check the lip of Ingram he’s the size of what Apollo for it used to be now plain somewhat a hybrid point guard at times man doing such a good job letting the game come to him foul committed by at Adobe rather they were lifted at 6:00 I’d want my key I think that’s pretty fair maybe not the 190 maybe they did something but Noah’s tell you what he makes the defenders understand his Heisman every time he catches the ball in the space see hakam’s worry about it full bellies back on the floor and a three-point barrage going in the first half Redick is off without see a key part has returned for two wallets grant lease goes his heart not to step at school and that’s what Toronto we do it until they get their feel they trying to speed it up lost them fall back to the Raptors Norman Powell Serge Ibaka getting set check back in here they come so the public comes with five turnovers here already in the third quarter that’s the worry that’s why I’ve been praising them so much so much so earlier because you look 21 assists on 28 shots but you know that with the younger teams for that bad play it’s the only constant so if you’re the pelicans make sure you communicate on defense come together for switches and then more importantly on offense recognize the hot hand got to give Redick some good shots he’s been trying to chase his own shots that’s when you need veterans to say hold on let’s slow it down and get our guy a good look pelicans sure they got 44% for the right Raptors at 43 halfway through the third quarter Toby [Applause] report Toronto lead upon or by comma floors goes cross-court to Holliday fouled by Seattle to Novi does not play the same position that’s how it should work but I tell you what their bodies are so similar that if I’m watching this game and I’m out there in Washington I’m looking and saying this is how I could spin use my big broad shoulders to ward off shot blockers and still get an easy shot inside a great job attacking the basket at all be listed at six eight a very long should say backs it up on Ibaka they clear it out and cover the shot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ibaka calling for it down low he has a smaller increments a great job by Ingram fighting to get in the front front of the post a pocke with space and rebounded by more there’s Park all the way and scores but the pace this is what coach ministry does if you don’t know teams even assistants on the players that he has he has a great context of how to get easy buckets but the young team and kind of be a decoy so you can’t see that the team can’t play hashed or overly often what Coach pinch-me does if you don’t know teams he’s been assistants all the players that he has he has a great context of how to get easy buckets with the young team and kind of be a decoy so you can’t see that the team can’t play half-court Oh [Applause] part of the foul so the pelicans with their fourth foul we are four minutes 11 seconds left in this third quarter opening night in the NBA coming up in the second of our doubleheader it’s the Lakers and the Clippers from Staples in LA and that is a clipper don’t leave me after the game I’m trying to get to the hotel to watch it’s right away I have to see this game la versus Natalie gonna be excited there’s William check back here for the wall Kevin Harlan Reggie Miller now they will force the telecast right here on TNT off the pass the entry pass to Ibaka foul is called as he threw the double Alexander Walker who adjustments checked in get rid of the flowers I’ll tell you what it’s gonna be awesome this year in LA the best part about the season is everyone making their predictions and everyone being wrong because something is going to just unfold but I tell you what it’s going to be fun watching that pick and roll with LeBron and ad the length of them is going to be so much fun watching the consistency of the I want to call it arrogance the brashness the defense of the Clippers coming through every night with can’t wait to get home and watch Game two and that’s gonna be that way for every game this season on TNT and it’s only opening height only open tonight I’m excited it was like championship the Western Conference almost every month Oh we’ll have excellent games and is here a fan of a home team you should love it because it’s going to be competitive competitive competitive now that is a over impact [Applause] call by Josh Tippin so the ball goes to New Orleans now let’s see if this second unit can play together as you sit yeah that it was not tip going back and I want to see how these guys adjust whether his heart Alexander to see if they could calm down and get settled into some type of religion it’s a three-second violation so the ball goes back to the Raptors Terrence Davis is back in for Toronto looking from Ole Miss Syfy Toronto as a as a free agent ibaka up top bad bleep deepest by the pelicans denying this for other shot clock how old 4:3 kept alive by Ibaka try to take up to the room study succeeds that flame is called since I got the rebound I don’t care how many people are around me I’m going to get to shooting he’s job dead time for Bob pass Alexander Walker throwing into a crowd here comes then complete an Adobe Capri [Applause] and a foul is called as he got entangled with Hinrich Williams officials talk it over Wilson from Alvin Gentry on this foul by interest and Williams against Serge Ibaka and the call was challenged by Alvin Gentry let’s bring that Joe bush with a senior VP of wrestling operations Joe what were your thoughts yeah Marvin say you have a loose ball foul called on Williams there so the crew chief came over looked at the video and what you see is Williams is grabbing Ibaka shorts ok so that’s where the loose ball foul came in and then they also look to see if Ibaka committed any unsportsmanlike after act afterwards which he did not so this is an unsuccessful challenge and New Orleans is charged with the timeout all right Thank You Josh tomorrow I have a question I was looking at my social media at half time people were asking me is it do you think maybe quick and that’s why we see the judgments of the coach is going for the caulk because they can’t see the instant replay now I would say from the bench area at times it’s very difficult because it depends on when they play the replay in South Jess is more tell you what he’s gonna want to see that replay a lot shooting knocking it down over balk at the top of the key I have a feeling at this stage of the season the coaches are just kind of auditioning fingering the whole challenge concept I think for the most part unless there is a third foul say in the first half called against an important player which might be challenged but watching it unfold isn’t it watching the coaches kind of get a feel for it it was just used in summer league the d-league and I don’t G League and those quote the coaches want to use it as much have to go in this third [Music] [Applause] I come back bleep please Kenneth dosha he’s way downtown it got about a six nine belly goes right out of splits through nobody goes shot clock is out of five new pakka [Applause] Alexander Walker on the drive Williams keeps it alive le for prettiest he has been on fire four for four from downtown his new name is melly-mel I don’t know why I just like the sound of that and I’m gonna give him that name after the rhyming great book man now let’s come inside he’s just stretched the floor knock it down it’s 20 year old rookie who’s played strictly internationally side of the free agent well slap the side off the miss two seconds remaining on the shot blocker was last touched by the father pelicans see Van Vliet take his share of hard falls in his League all and you just hope that his right ankle is okay he steps on a cameraman [Applause] you know he’s limping and – kyle lowery off the bench [Applause] leaders favors that ankle and you hate is a player to be hurt by anything that wasn’t true contact especially incidental contact out of bounds 11 points in this third quarter 11 it was 26 he’s the high point man of the game [Applause] his second differential shot blocking Dean front Alexander Walker working off the pick picks to the ribs and sit out [Applause] kept alive his hoppers it up and a foul is called with two point one remaining in this third quarter [Applause] [Applause] smart play by heart do not know if it is a foul or not what his job is to make you assume it in his one right there with the shot clock running out twisted his body whose ables of maybe sneak one in here get in Alana Josh Hart out three four three at the line see that start line with six rebounds [Applause] two seconds left in the third here’s Lowry from the backcourt that’s the end of the third quarter two-point lead for the Raptors now earlier tonight TNT celebrated the start of the season taking ability of the young pelicans ball getting into the lane five assists holiday five assists why is this so important to a fan like myself well because it’s awesome anytime you can see a young team our Feb 23 assists on thirty-one makes to me that says team has great chemistry great coaching and even though they’re gonna make mistakes are playing the right way and the major question for Toronto is the physical status of sled their leaders have a hot hand high point man with 26 bucks each to up interest ankle just moments ago in late third quarter and if you’re Toronto you’re gonna have to find a way to manufacture points in the paint as fred was doing attacking the guards pelicans in possessions fourth quarter on the way how do they the spires Lowry comes across see ya backs his way and he’ll go to the line that’s that power forward point guard facilitating spot the pelicans were so as it said look no one’s gonna come down wide because he has three point shooters all across the board and this is what she wanted the he’s a 25 attacking the user energy to get that nice second jump how about the stat line to see a can 28 cheap rebounds five assists tomorrow what’s so impressive about what you just said is I did not even think that he was playing that type of game and coach Nick nurses he misses his first free-throw siakam said today I said coach what do you want to see from siakam with the new contract and he said is he still gonna let the game come to him and yes he’s seen he’s not been selfish not had a bunch eternal has tonight been efficient that’s letting the game come to that’s a very happy time for Pascal inside that the four-year 130 billion dollar maximum extension that’s us the exchange rate versus it gets inside and draws the foul just so you’re aware it’s one u.
dollar people today but see Atkins certainly a breakout player last season voted the league’s most improved player averaging just under 17 points 7 rebounds and 3 assists I tell you what his work ethic was incredible watching him works before the games you love seeing players being rewarded congratulations and then now I would tell them where am I going to see you improve what play are you going to become because you’ve already put into work now continue it whether were financial matters involved we like to go to Kristin so let’s check in Marva I did sit down with Kyle Lowry yesterday and when I mentioned Pascal and he called him his rich beloved he said my money’s old money you’ve got that new money he’s exactly what Messiah dreamed of when he drafted him but I went on to say the hard work the continuous growth the evolution of his game he went from the skinny kid running up and down the floor Kyle’s words not mine – G League champion G League MVP the benchmark the most improved player and a max player now he was discovered by the Masai at the NBA’s basketball Without Borders program bathroom actually in his boot boot a player who first spotted he was able to hit Jews along with with threes massage [Music] rousing ovation during the championship ring ceremony when he came out of the court together was it because he won a championship or he didn’t go to Washington to take yes that’s a possibility definitely show their appreciation I even saw interview atomically let’s one go from the top of the key Dover Ibaka but I saw interview with Kawhi Leonard saying that as he goes around the country or goes around the world he has fans from Canada saying hey we love you thank you for what you did for us good luck next season and tell you what those are some special fans because I would be mad like man we’re never gonna win again without 701 for the pelicans [Applause] two-point lead for New Orleans were early fourth quarter hearts grabbed by Seattle puts the speed on his block balls knocked out of bounds last touched by Gotham pelicans I would say the pelicans get the ball upcourt from my court to front court as fast this is any team of the NBA yes this has been coach entry style they did this with a D last year will be played when he didn’t play and I asked coach why I said listen it’s the only way to simplify the games we can get easier buckets when the deepest isn’t looking part upset he feels it Ibaka was moving on that screen and our were told Kristen Ledlow just checking out Fred vanvleet status with the ankle injury he is being we taped he’s back in the Raptor locker room in that little band there is a friend of mine and you just want to keep it moving using that system worked at an equal ups and downs do not let us down I’ve been able to still smaller E is all without it by heart [Music] [Applause] your point mom a were attached the opposite three-point line with 19 the Paul fighting an open heart and more best but you could do when you played play fast pace you don’t have to shoot it the first 10 seconds but he ended up to have coordinated kid a great shot like they did that time with 10 seconds left on the clock we quantify a heart Davis right back with a flurry [Applause] [Music] it’s the downtown so far judges has to time step ball back to belly mill right away look at this color cheese ball moving it was 19 when they got shot just play with pace pants with these young players of the pelicans a good lunch so can you imagine how often playing at this place but what will make you assume they’re going to be effective my disability can jump 44 inches dumped on anyone if one of the fastest runners it illegally that’s all you’re going on part with the rebound Josh Hart is that an outstanding game gets you to Holloway they swagger off the shot attempt by Kent rich Williams which I saw a little Reggie Miller on that play right there and if you know what I mean that’s the kickstand and that right leg seemed to come out come on a foul and it’s learning for the grace let’s look here [Music] that is number four on C a cup a three-point attempt so three shots here for Kendrick Williams second-year man from TCU TCC they call them Kenny hustle undrafted side as a free agent played in the G League and appeared in 46 games for the pelicans season 29 starts inside [Music] Kelly will sit down quite a shooting performance and his NBA debut 15 minutes youko belly hitting 5 for 5 from the field [Applause] how old yes that’s a three for morbid power [Applause] pelicans but the two-point lead holiday gets the screen from goofy Jackson [Applause] Williams going for that rebound deflected it out of Bounce Italy to alibagh here comes Fred vanvleet taped-up back in the locker over give it a shot hears it from the crowd as he checks in and this is again it’s so great to be a fan of his basketball players out here and he showed us his hard to last last season and during the regular season and doing their championship run you knew he was going to be back out here at all [Applause] Jackson comes to the front court backfire and bleep Okafor [Applause] [Music] – got the good wallet or restrictions were lost kept alive our holiday for the quality [Music] [Applause] Powell let’s build the wall again if you the Pelican sees no their attacks siakam for food – if I would say I can his first three-pointer of the night mark gets inside [Applause] phyto almonds we need to settle down if you talked about don’t have that superstar but you do have great teammates that cannot get down this shot right here by the pelicans as long as you here to keep in the flow of golf to Toronto he presented by Auto Trader Kyle Lowry this joyous happy to bring as the Raptors have their fans celebrated earlier tonight and just knowing who Kyle Lowry is and he’s already mentioned taking his trophy back to Philadelphia it was a dream of a lifetime to show the kids in a 4.
2 Auto Lee they have reeled off nine unanswered points to stall committing the foul his second he said what would you say to people like myself and he said you have to play every game and all we can do Maxon at the basket counts is interference on the play and I feel that Kyle Lowry statement summarizes the will of this team whether you believe in us or not our child Frank Jackson the caddie guess it was gold here’s Lowry on the drive beautiful took a shot to the head I think if it was a ring light he may have had a technical in the first quarter on the other his team he was coming in behind the philosophy of lack of respect [Music] I think the referees have been patient tonight mark knowing that the first game of the season over gestures done by players of the direction of officials and other players so they’re not going to accept make sure we keep the integrity of the game the only thing is that again this is the first reality show and the gesture is something you have to have emotion in this game or you can’t be the best player that you want to be and I think the reps have done a great job out tonight letting players VIN letting players have their say and now they’re like shut up last five minutes is on to control the game this ball foul all the pelicans Seminole run by New Orleans they had hit 15 straight up the line before the two free throws with the refs to get across court and he just lived this yeah I’m like you were supposed to be right there jump 30 feet high [Applause] [Music] [Applause] before raptures looking for travels the balls knocked away knocked out of bounds it’ll be Nauticus Paul with 13 on the shot clock you can tell who a coach really trust right now and having harden Jackson in the game not that he doesn’t trust the other players it just shows what they’ve been doing in practice for him to have this confidence and it’s 4:30 lesson again final Wallace JJ ready for the best shooters in our game is over there Sam yeah I do he could knock that down it out I don’t want one so ball who’ve been playing very well early on seeing her little time in the second half yeah and a lot of times it’s not because of the play of the player per se that’s on the bench but maybe eat the play for the combinations that is found on the court right now party Jackson is such a good job as Okafor gyaku to take an extra step inside turnover and a timeout taken by Toronto 409 remaining fourth quarter it’s easy [Music] coming up on four minutes to play in the fourth period Toronto opening night in the NBA the pelicans with a runner of a 4th have a six-point lead our Raptors New Orleans in possession the small comes outside harder than I thought it Mike Jackson just checked the screen and leaked so hard to stop and he keeps attacking this young pelicans team when you talk about the youth of the pelicans again just think about how exciting they are going to be as you see Eddie Griffin there on the side tonight 27 assists on thirty eight shots him at the end of desire you want him to get healthy at home that’s somehow try to find the rhythm the back to my point earlier I just thought that the narrative on his arm was so unfair that he was always hurt where he saw him injure his self in college with in the summer league I didn’t want to play him in the summer league there’s no point to plan into something he wasn’t hurting to someone and of course now we know that he’s happy right knee surgery on this time until you can get to prove yourself on the court [Music] [Applause] before I show it to 240k with create team deploy good job I see Akamai fortunate but the pump fake always work almost got to stay vertical they’re open for did which so hard not to go with your instincts just stick your hand over and go in the cookie jar yeah come neutral that took advantage inside both teams are in the penalty 31 point 17 rebounds method 32 at 17 for siakam nice way to start the new season it is he’s gonna say don’t forget those five assists I’m trying to get people involved just under 3:00 to go here at the fort [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] during the season and he found out that he was allergic to white meat mark I know that’s crazy I told you to Scott I’m not gonna be the one to tell us or even though he did the great reporting but you can tell her okra for his body that there’s a difference in that he is concentrated and he’s concentrated yet in the gym and take care everybody as well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow that would be the worst food and it’s 303 one territory so funny shots coming up have to let the offensive player land I gotta check out if it is in fact a three-point attempt Oh another let’s check it to see if it’s a flavor oh so I think we would call that bizarro maybe Zaza Pachulia specifically on Kawhi Leonard in the corner at Golden State rule you want to get that specific word even though it doesn’t look like it can be flavored and I’m not saying that this play is I’ve seen a lot of dirty not but he is cheap players not that he is they can’t guard guard by putting their foot under you and anybody that does that never was a true player of the game but I don’t think Oprah did that on purpose – we’ll wait and see incidentally Pascal yakking for 34 points 18 rebounds one of only four Raptors who have had 30 points plus and 50-plus rebound Chris Bosh next quarter Hawaiian runner that’s pretty good company and again he did it effortlessly which means he didn’t wave 15 people off you didn’t shoot the ball 10 times in a row and take 8 bad shots he’s let the game come to him and he’s been energy hitting those second jumps those second possessions extra possessions for his team on the offensive board Tony Brown Josh pivot Eric Taylor over at the scorer’s table check out the extent of that foul on what appeared to be a three-point attempt by Lowry right yes no question now they are looking as to whether it was a flavor [Music] they say hopefully gram you can’t really judge of God’s intentions but at the same time your body just takes you that momentum takes you toward that shooter especially as a big part about them I guess more action of sticking your foot way out up under you know really hard to tell so Kyle Lowry 5 for 6 at the line at the game tied at 110 and he has three free throws last time that Kyle Lowry was in uniform for Toronto was at Oracle Arena in Oakland had that magnificent yes twenty six point game six well the 10 assists seven rebounds and knocked off the state title the two more shots Holly G genuine opening week 2019 Thursday with the Bucks of the Rockets o'clock Eastern thought about the Clippers or the Warriors at Houston Rockets debut of James Harden devil also Westbrook facing the honest and the box I cannot wait you’ve seen what have you heard with hardness in the offseason which definitely players some players agree with and reigning MVP coming in they’re all fans high schools to fight holiday to tie the game could you come on small and wanna see you Kabakov want to take advantage of male inside not you must use the defense and pace to get savant over disabilities budget got out of four with a clutch three-pointer the pelicans take a quarter opening night of the NCAA here TMG come on now we right there okay I have everybody rebound we got to be able to contain the ball we got to do a better job of containing the ball where are we going with it those on defense this season as head coach of the pelicans Alvin Gentry his team is up by three 125 where we’re going to win it is on defense pelicans make sure you listen to that more on your speech Elly kicks it out yes Loretta could wanna get that shot off the foot tough jump shot yeah bodies hanging all over him they were so close they just didn’t follow him but young kids it was the footwork and his concentration and knock down the shot [Applause] [Applause] these teams may not have a star but these teams have veterans and look with the veteran JJ Redick guards you can agree with the call or not but he puts his self in a position to have the ref make a tough call JJ Redick if he can knock down the shot that he can get it done on the other end as well and this is one of those situations where perhaps yes Nick nurse might think maybe I should have held the challenge yes yes and this is fun watching the evolution of this rule and how coach is handling marvelous but I agree with you unless it’s a foul maybe an extra file and excessive foul on your star players you may be smart to say that’s in a wait a minute so the icon fouls out it has been a batter night for Pascal see back in 34 points eight rebounds five assists [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] salad diva Toronto but they were helped out by the pelicans whose listen wide open middle at the top but it does not matter that this may be the smallest backcourt in the game with Lowry and bam bleep they may also be one of the toughest Lowry 7 of 9 from the line his fourth and it’s a one-point game Raptors have one timeout left pelicans have two both teams in the bonus well you always want to keep things simple with the younger team and so I wouldn’t go to the one here I would take the best shot available according to the philosophy of coach Gentry 9 Toronto you just want to make sure you get a stop and if I am the pelicans I am looking at the mismatch going to the pick-and-roll at the saw trying to get mail and open shot Pascal the active has fouled out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so the Raptors have a chance to pull it out here at the final second the pelicans got the play they wanted but not a shot they missed it so if you look here they want to get the consultant to the picker more watch them go right away Gasol does a great job of coming out hedging that means he does not let his man get a wide-open look now that they cannot go to the original play they’re looking trying to figure something out not enough covers and the spacing is it right at the end they got the mismatch they wanted they did not get the play they want to execute at the end it’s the final timeout for the Raptors elegance do have a timeout left what are you looking for from Nick knows what I’m looking for from Nick nurses now that you don’t have see Aquaman bleeding then your best penetrator all night but Van Vleet either in a clear-out role it’s called a14 where you put them feet at the top and all other four players on the baseline to give him space if he has tile and others on the floor that means he could be a great decoy either attacked foot score or attack to draw the defense kicked out to one of the shooters [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that’s been attacking the bat could you have shooters around you do not want a 50-footer the last second unless his name becomes 5 117 Toronto without Pascal see I can be fouled out after scoring 34 holding down 18 rebounds behind the pelicans Brandon a trip with 22-fret back pleat has put up pretty rewarding for the Raptors that’s why I thought that bleep would take the last shot but don’t understand that but I bet you that Van Vleet will take it upon herself next time to try to get that ball in and now it’s very important if your consol the saw can you stay in guarding the perimeter shooter will Toronto use you in the post to score and to facilitate the Lakers of the Clippers from Los Angeles coming up on TNT after this game is over but it is starting out on NBA TV with Kevin Harlan and Reggie Miller his towel to the rim that’s what you want to get that amuses have led a fertility get inside locked Oh ball back on the fourth hot plate of some time ready fire so impressive its footwork yes is shot we know about this shot for this three-point attempt but now with four threes 16 points at all beside an excellent game gets into the lane ricotta pie Gasol Gentry changed his lineup again you have ball in with all four starters and mail shows you coach Jimmy he’s getting his rhythm is the closest to your two shot partially deflected a possible deflection actually was deflected off the front rim rebounded by Powell the coaches at there in the first game as well so they’re taking time to find the new chemistry to find new units that played together guys are showing different phases of their games tonight so an adjustment for everybody the first couple of weeks the sole for free this all is just 1 of 8 from the field pelicans by water and in possession as we talked three minutes to play him his five headed over time Kelly is fouled by Gasol there are favors we’ll check it those are looking for the Lakers the Clippers you can to to md80 the start of the game while we try to take it away but a foul is called all the lectures it’s on lalalina perform so lots of ball will put it in play like tightly by Powell [Music] eager we want that back so you can shoot it favors is actually trying to get position to get the rebuttal this all up top how old how you get your rhythm and know you’re allowed to shoot three-pointers on this team which is the lefty use your size your strength inside such a great pass which always makes you dual threat finish it inside strong Gasol to foul off Derrick Favors [Applause] play from Marc Gasol who has had a quiet hide on the offensive to play off the dribble into the lair tied at 122 he got bailed out ahead he had no shot at a shot wondering what comes in to be jumped up from over there foul ball is almost saying that he was fouled on the shot I’m wondering how does that happen but Kyle Lowry being aggressively Mauri mention dude and last time he played and go to state 26 points and he’s been a player of the jollies to talk about where is he shown up in the playoffs in last year he’s shown that you know he’s gonna be steady on the defensive end and now I think he has even more confidence in his offensive game Kyle coming back from a series of injuries back from surgery repairing a torn he’ll showed up for training camp for the u.
Raptors up by 2 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sigh we gotta buy powell what up tough didn’t know that time he should trust favors again in pasadena kind of got stuck and hesitated in the air little junk shop Wow [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] welcome back to Toronto where the Raptors are up now check this out he was assaulted such a good shooter he puts holiday in a tough position how they didn’t know whether to stun him or to get back at VanFleet and it’s all because the sock is space the floor up there no matter what his shooting percentage is tonight and such a good passer he makes the right decision hits the bland beat he knocks it down better 27 remaining it over time come against us now with one timeout remaining and you have a foul to give Toronto also has a foul to give and they have their two timeouts left and if you’re the pelicans do you want the best shot available first you don’t want to force it three or force it to the rim you want to play within your office and get the best look that you can right away before it’s off for four points here about the stretch of overtime [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up to that point Bali will head to the line that’s what you understand about Lowry not only is going to be consistent in effort but consistent in being aggressive check that foul to give so now they’ll be on the bonus five on the shot clock [Applause] with 14 points three to go and at eight-point lead for the Raptors so I saw picks up number five the Raptor is the start of their 25th season they open up as the champions celebrated championship backer and win by his huddle a supply [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Kristen Ledlow so long well the Scotiabank Arita it it like this that’s a way as we said it kept it Harlem [Applause].
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