#is there more info about the prophecy?
the-owl-tree · 11 months
unintentional (perhaps) but i do like moments like these as they make me sort of get why goldenflower and tigerclaw got together. fighters at heart & ear nick buddies
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shmowder · 2 months
That doesn’t sound like a dream that sounds like of a vision of things to come
me discovering my entire life has just been a prolonged dream that over-stayed its welcome or the doxing arc?
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percabeth4life · 1 year
Question, I’ve seen references to this in a few fics but I haven’t seen any sources and I haven’t done a deep dive yet, but do you know if Poseidon used to rule prophecy?
So, I talked about this with someone not too long ago (was an interesting conversation but-) anyways!
The oracle that most use to claim Poseidon was a true God of prophecy is the Oracle of Delphi, but it's an understandable mix up.
Pausanias, Description of Greece 10. 5. 5 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : In it the poet states that the oracle belonged to Poseidon and Ge (Earth) in common; that Ge (Earth) gave her oracles herself, but Poseidon used Pyrkon (Pyrcon) as his mouthpiece in giving responses. The verses are these:--‘Forthwith the voice of Khthonie (Chthonia) uttered a wise word, And with her Pyrkon, servant of the renown Earthshaker.’
So, first off, this is literally all that we have regarding Poseidon being oracular in any way. And even there, he is said to use his oracle as a literal mouthpiece, less of giving prophecies and more literal answers through a mouthpiece. He had claim to the territory/land from what we can understand but there is little showing he ruled prophecy there, simply had an oracle of his own.
Additionally, all of what Pausanias writes is written years after the actual events and writings. He had no first hand reports, he was working off of second, third, and even fourth hand reports. So while it's helpful what he wrote, it isn't something I consider reliable. And as he is the only source of this information and the information itself is vague and brief... I do not consider Poseidon in any way a Prophetic deity, simply one who had a figure that he spoke through at a prophetic site.
So no, he was not a God of Prophecy. Despite this, the sea does have many deities associated with prophecy or oracular abilities. So in this manner I do associate the sea with oracular abilities.
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tanaor · 6 months
Want to worldbuild like a pro??
(📖 Master tips and everything I know📖)
Hello writers! You don't know how to worldbuild? Don't know where to start explaining the world you have created? Don't worry, you are in the right place! I have been there myself, and after many research (and even more trial and error) I have put together a list of the best worldbuilding tips I have encountered, and also created some of my own. (I know the first one is kind of overheard, but trust me).
Don't start right away with worldbuilding. A long paragraph about how your world works and its history might overwhelm new readers. A lot of other writers suggest waiting and learning about the world at the same time the protagonist does, or if that doesn't work for your story, dropping bits of information while the story moves forward. However, if you want to give a sense of how your world works from the start...
Exposition through action. This is my favorite method, and it helps a lot if you don't want to pause your story to info dump about the world you have created. Instead, this method relies on explaining the world and its dynamics while you continue with the narrative, briefly. For example: "As always, you couldn't see any trees in the meadow. The king had ordered years ago to cut each one of them because of a prophecy that foretold that the last dragon egg would lay in an oak."
Use expressions that reference normality or routines. In the last point, we used "as always", but there are tons of expressions you could use in your writing. This helps the reader understand what is the norm in this new world and what things are common, to later detect something that is not within that norm (or sometimes just to understand the world and its traditions better).
Use flashbacks when necessary. If you need to explain a very specific or detailed topic, I suggest using a flashback scene, that will help the reader understand with the narration and dialogue, instead of just explaining it to them. It makes for a more dynamic learning experience. But, at the end...
Do whatever will intrigue you. Some readers even like info dumps, and there is not one correct way to show your world. If it would make you curious, go and do it, wether people say it's correct or not. There are a lot of successful books that randomly stop to explain something about the world, and there is nothing wrong with that if you like it.
Hope you find this list useful, and as always happy writing :)
Also, if you are interested in tips or more examples of a specific topic, you can always leave a question in my ask. I'd be glad to answer it!!
Other tips for writers: previous | next
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confusedraven1 · 1 year
my favorite thing so far about season 2 is how, no matter what, the crew of the revenge actively chooses their found family, over and over again
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• swede loves and is married to jackie, but double crosses her anyway because of his love and “life debt” for his family
• stede leaves ricky at jackie’z, despite ricky being inexperienced, because he’s fucking around and they all need to leave. stede’s not gonna risk his family just because ricky wants some sort of recognition for something he barely helped with
• oluwande leaves zheng yi sao because he’ll be damned if he leaves jim, who he’s reiterated that they’re family for him
• frenchie and jim disobeys ed’s orders and save izzy’s life because, as jim says, “he’s THEIR dick.” archie follows along cause she knows it’s fucked up and wants to stay by jim’s side
• izzy has chosen ed over and over again, and would’ve continued to if ed had accepted the help he desperately needed, but ed isolates himself and pushes izzy to the point where he HAS to choose the rest of the crew instead
• roach, wee john, and pete all get jobs on the red flag that play to their strengths and they enjoy IMMENSELY, but they go back to the revenge cause there’s no world where they wouldn’t. buttons had the opportunity to probably get more sea witch info and tools from auntie, but he also wouldn’t ever choose that over the crew
• lucius is PISSED at stede, and has a ton of ptsd to work through. i imagine he probably felt somewhat safe finally on the red flag. but after talking things through with stede and pete, i know that it was a no brainer for him as well. he’d never give pete up again after that kind of separation
• even though stede is loving the experience of seeing zheng yi sao doing what she does best and the (seemingly) warm and comforting environment on the red flag, he chooses to rescue the crew, even izzy, and take back their ship. because he knows they would choose him (and did during the act of grace, minus izzy). he’s bringing their family back together despite everything else
• i would say that the crew still with ed DID choose him, constantly. any other crew would’ve mutinied WAY before they did, but they love ed and hoped things would get better despite his behavior saying otherwise. the only times they didn’t choose him was out of self-preservation
• ed became a self-fulfilling prophecy and isolated himself. i would argue that he’s the one exception here. he actively chooses to disregard his family because of his self-loathing and deluded himself into thinking they wouldn’t choose him. BUT, in the end, he finally does because stede cast him that line. he chose to live for himself, of course, but i like to think that that decision was also to come back to the one person that truly felt like family for him
i am so fucking excited to see all of the other ways they’re going to choose each other, yet also keep each other accountable for the things they do. because they’re family
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Tim Ruler of worlds
In my head i think that the brucequest was way faster in this AU, when he realized that no one believed him about Bruce being alive Tim felt hopeless for half an hour before he remembered that he has a lot of planets under his rule and surely someone there could help him.
the only reason it took a month to get a team ready, was that there needed to be a competition for the honor of being on a team working directly under red robin, despite the time it took it was a great festival for his planets and a boost to tourism and trade, so Tim didn't complain.
Thanks to that + an spaceship, the Brucequest was over in less than a month, before Ra's even noticed that something was happening Tim was done.
but i'm not sure if i remember right but i think that in canon by the time Tim ends his quest the league had also realized that Bruce was alive, so here the only reason Tim ends up CEO of WI despite speedrunning the Brucequest is because the JL still didn't do anything even with a step-by-step slideshow on how to save Bruce, Tim is pissed but he has other things to do, so he just decides to try again later, but the one who is really pissed is Bruce when he discovers he could have been saved months earlier, but not a single person of the JL bothered to watch Tim's slideshow.
Also i called Tim red robin in this but i'm not sure if Tim would even be red robin in this AU, because having planets do competitions for the honor of working with you is very good for a person's confidence, i'm thinking that he was heading for a depressive spiral before the competition, but then seeing all the monuments the people of his planets built in his honor, the good he did for those planets, and the love they have for him as leader, really helped him grieve for his friends, rest a bit from all the stress from home and find hope in himself as more than robin, i think at this point since he's no longer Robin he reveals himself as Tim Drake for his subjects, the competion/festival lasts even longer because of that.
Also it really says something about Tim and his family that he considers ruling a multi-planetary empire more relaxing than being at home.
Oof! This has a great mixture of fix-it, fluff, and angst. You're right that maybe Tim would utilize the resources he has as a planetary ruler to aid him in the BruceQuest. Perhaps one of the reasons the JL refused to listen to Tim is because he managed to finish the BQ so quickly and refused to list his resources. I'm not sure exactly why, but perhaps this meant they didn't quite trust the info (not to mention all of the rumors of Tim not being mentally stable).
I'm not sure if Tim would release his civilian identity to these planets. However, I could see him creating an identity just for the plants to have a name to call him. He considers it like a royalty name or something. I do agree that with this AU, it makes sense for Tim to never take up the Red Robin mantle. I like Cardinal for him, but maybe he gets inspired by some myth by the planets.
A really funny and cool take would be the different planets having a prophecy about the hero that unites their planets and bring them prosperity. They start referring to Tim by this name (out of appreciation, love, and admiration). After repeatedly being referred to by this mantle, he decides to make it his vigilante name as well. I don't know what the name would be. Perhaps it means a significant amount in the aliens' language and gets roughly translated to English for Tim to use (like Superman's "S").
Honestly, Patron could also be a cool name for him.
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hoetao · 3 months
sooo sort of a masterpost of info about Wriothesley.
about his character:
hes basically incorruptible, is said to be "low profile and dependable"
‌mostly just cares about the peace and tranquility of the inmates (he's a protector at heart!!)
treats everyone equally and generally prefers to be "reasonable" rather than use more forceful methods
‌doesn't really like cruelty and violence but if the need comes, he will use it
‌he thinks of himself as "neither a good person or a villain, just another soul still living on in this world"
‌hes basically just interested in every bit of knowledge any person shares and in their unique talents
he says that he himself doesn't have many abilities, but he "knows how to find people who do and get them to work for him"
his past:
‌wanted to be convicted and spilled everything about how he killed his adopted parents (cough cough child traffickers), even though some wanted to treat him with leniency
‌learned to lockpick and create small gadgets as a child
gained Coupons in the arena of the Fortress (while injuring himself considerably)
‌when he got his vision after going to prison he just. hid it between the fabric of his clothes so that no one would know and/or steal it. and then he kinda just hid it some more, for years, until he went to the Palais to receive his title.
‌how he actually became the Administrator:
accumulated a fuckton of Coupons
got everyone's respect by being so rich, "observant, persuasive, humble and reasonable"
got his account emptied in retribution by the former administrator
‌convinced other ppl to protest and challenged the previous administrator to a duel
the former administrator run away from the fight, leaving Wriothesley on the last day of his sentence without anyone to sign his exit papers
‌"so he walked into the office and took over all relevant duties"
about his role as a Fortress Administrator:
‌has a private information network and many connections
‌rejected having a ceremony for his title of the Duke. no spotlight for good old duke.
‌basically his management style just helps the Fortress make money (with one of its main clients being the Palais); he even jokes that his title was basically bought because he's a leading tax contributor
‌after dealing with the Fatui spies he went for a swim. near primordial water. and he didn't say shit after realizing that the prophecy may be coming to pass, he just started preparing his funky ship.
relationships with others:
‌Clorinde actually admits that no one really knows all of the methods he uses to keep the Fortress up and running; it is stated that "very few people know him in his entirety"
he seems to think of Neuvillette as some sort of a. higher power that cannot show concern (BUT HE DOES OH HE DOES)
‌he indeed held out the umbrella for Neuvillette in the rain. the Iudex was polite, but distressed.
‌gifts a lot of tea to Furina.
‌got Neuvillettes trust (i think what he implies is that he got it by his actions, not words?) and the Iudex "fought hard for the title and reputation he now has"
‌when he went to prison Neuvillette told Sigewinne to take care of him and they frequently exchanged letters about his progress (and Wriothesley called her Neuvillettes spy…)
info that i find especially funky:
he's a big softie when it comes to animals and kids
‌may or may not go outside the Fortress incognito to buy snacks sometimes. he's actually too incognito to know really
‌doesnt treat boxing like a hobby, "more like a necessity"
‌melusines put stickers on him and he rarely notices them do so. they are just too good. and besides, it doesn't bother him. they also have bets on who will pit more stickers on him.
‌he would like to have a happy childhood and maybe the ability to trust people (i am BAWLING)
‌might be "a bit taller than Neuvillette"
drinks coffee with milk and tea with two cubes of sugar
‌he thinks Sigewinnes milkshakes taste of desolation
Sigewinne spiked his tea with anaesthetics when he was younger because he always refused them out of fear that they would fog his brain
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mrghostrat · 7 months
Hello and good morning/day/night :]
I was wondering, in BNF, we’ve gotten tiny little bits of information about the ‘Nice and Accurate Prophecies’ (not sure if that’s the correct title, sorry) book and TV series, if there was anything else you could tell us about it?
Character names, storylines, plots, any fun details you may have made up or otherwise, etc, etc.
I just think it’s sweet how interested both Aziraphale and Crowley are in the series, and if you might be as interested, if not more, in it too.
Thank you, and have a lovely Sunday. 🫶
this is it, my leash has snapped, i'm wild in the streets, thank u for asking; i'm gonna go be insufferable now
(hi @neil-gaiman if you see this, i think it's safe to read, but it does border on being fan fic. i'm writing a fic where crowley and aziraphale are an artist + writer in an online fandom, much like we are for good omens, and this is the fake story i've made for them to be fans of 💛)
The Nice and Accurate Prophecy
info dump of the fake 5 book series by Agnes Nutter (1985-1992) and its fake fandom:
The Nice and Accurate Prophecy
The Strange and Improbable Prophecy
The Vague and Perfidious Prophecy
The Tense and Harrowing Prophecy
The Faint and Ineffable Prophecy
a dramatic, layered story with a bizarre and unexpectedly lovable cast of characters, humour that hits you out of nowhere, and a lot of attitude from the narrator. a la Good Omens, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
fantasy/historical fantasy and mildly action & romance
a la good omens, a witch and a witchfinder become friends and help each other throughout history, despite being on opposite sides. they get closer as they fight against the immoral plays from their prospective sides (the witchfinder army and a demonic cult the witch was born into) that each lose sight of their core values in a bid to hold more power over the world.
the story is set primarily in a medieval fantasy era, but suddenly jumps to the present in the later books, catching everyone off guard and giving a whole new context to enjoy the story. the challenges they face parallel the earlier story but in a modern take with modern technological twists. the modern era is the late 80s, since that's when it was written.
the witch reincarnates, similar to doctor who, due to a high class black magic ritual they performed in their arrogant youth (which they were NOT supposed to have access to). they've had long lifetimes where they die of old age, and others where they've barely managed to live a year. their reincarnations aren't entirely random; they will reincarnate according to their growth and preferences as a person (a la Magical Boy's magical outfit generations), which includes fluctuation in gender identity. their pronouns fluctuate depending on each "face" they wear, but have canonically been a "they" before. the good side of the fandom (crowley & aziraphale) default to they/them as an overall rule. they do have a name, but they like to change that too, so the fandom almost exclusively calls them witch, or witchy.
the witchfinder also has a name, but the fandom have taken to calling him witchfinder to match the fact that witchy is called by their role. it also helps that a lot of the witchfinder narration refers to him by role instead of name. he is human, 30ish in appearance, but at the end of the first book, the witch fears to lose him and curses him with immortality against his knowledge to try and keep him safe.
witch is crowley-coded, witchfinder is aziraphale-coded. my to-do list includes an illustration of the two of them played by michael and david :') but i picture them being kind of like newt and anathema for the most part.
ship names include witch/finder, witchwitch, w² or witch², and witchfound.
at the start of the first book, they meet and become friends without knowing each other is a witch & finder. the witchfinder is a bit bumbly, like newt, and the witch is cool and suave but neurotic and insecure like many human au variations of crowley (major overcompensation vibes). witch is male at the start of the first book. their friendship is secure when witch finds out he's a witchfinder, so there's less "oh my god i'm friends with the enemy, is he going to kill me in my sleep?" and more "ah fuck, Lets Drink About This"
there's battles, horseback riding, camping out in dark woods, disappearing and losing each other for months at a time, and many missed connections as they try to work together against two common enemies, whilst keeping up the facade that they're on their respective team's sides.
there's charged chemistry in the first book, but it's more plot heavy. there's hints of shippy moments in the 2nd book that fall in between the plot. there's a Moment of almost confession in the 3rd book, and a non romantic kiss towards the end (we gotta, for neil). they're pretty much married in the 4th book, securely at each other's side, but never actually talk about it until the end, and there's a more explicitly stated shippy connection in the 5th book.
agnes herself is a total recluse who drops books out of nowhere then goes back to existing somewhere in the english countryside (people presume). she's happy to supply signed copies to fundraisers and conventions, and sometimes random bookshops across the country will be vandalised with genuine autographs on the inside covers. she's notoriously pedantic about being involved with adaptions behind the scenes, but she has no social media and isn't ~around~. she once did a talk when she was presented with an honorary doctorate, and did a single book signing when the first Prophecy book came out, but beyond that she keeps to herself.
there are a small handful of quotes from her in behind-the-scenes footage talking vaguely about character intensions and clarifying world building, but she likes to leave things up to interpretation like neil does. it's in these few snippets of interaction we've seen from her that she's steadfastly supportive of intersectionality and lgbt rights, like staring dead-eyed at an interviewer when they ask her a ridiculously heteronormative question about the characters (like "have you read my books?")
adaptions include:
(most adaptions start like the book, with a male witch at the beginning that turns into a female witch when they first regenerate. the early ones usually change the pacing by switching to a female actor by the time they realise witchfinder is a witchfinder, unlike in the book where he's male for this scene, and there's way less Charged™ chemistry between the m/m witch/finder.)
Feature Film: late 90s, kind of cheesy, but good spirited fantasy (a la Indiana Jones). focuses on the first book alone, with hints to a sequel that never happened.
Abandoned TV Pilot: early 2000s, a little too dramatic but still a good time (a la the Dungeons and Dragons 2000, ASOUE 2004). good source of gifs and Moments™ but the fandom is generally Fine with it being abandoned.
Stage Performance: late 2000s-early 2010s, a stellar stage adaption of the first book with elements of the 90s movie. f/m witch/finder the whole way through. one cast used m/m actors but it was a short run and only a handful of fans were lucky enough to catch or remember it. crowley would give his left arm (or someone's, anyway) to have experienced it, so a fan sent him some flip phone camera footage of it that he keeps on a harddrive in his safe.
HBO Streaming Series: late 2010s-present, high quality, highly revered, resurged the fandom's popularity and spread the series further overseas. made in america, but doesn't try to americanise the series. extremely respectful to the books, with easter eggs to the film, and is working its way through the entire book series (a la The Witcher netflix series). f/m witch/finder, but has had one episode that included some flash backs/montages of different witch faces. probably like 15 minutes total screentime of a male witch played by a ncuti gatwa level/style of actor, which the fandom has giffed, edited, and screencapped to oblivion.
Several bonus books: Agnes has written a few extra books (a la The Unauthorized Autobiography of Lemony Snicket and The Beatrice Letters), as well as curated some anthologies from other authors (a la A Study In Sherlock). there are a total of 3 anthologies so far, in which other authors have written stories about the characters in their own tellings. basically like canonised, published fan fiction, curated and authorised by agnes herself. There's also an unfinished graphic novel that retells the book series (a la The Adventure Zone comic), but has been WIP/unheard of since the 3rd book.
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stargalaxxy · 3 months
⋆˚࿔ Boyfriend Scenarios 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ - Ninja Boys - Your Feelings ⋆˚ʚɞ
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ This is a continuation of my first Boyfriend Scenario, thank you so much for your support ૮⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ ა
𝜗𝜚Now Playing: From the Start by, Laufey𝜗𝜚 (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) *
♡‧₊˚You Find Your Special Someone♡‧₊˚
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♡‧₊˚Lloyd Garmadon♡‧₊˚
Tw. Reader Has Dark Thoughts
‧₊˚ ⋅He Helps You‧₊˚ ⋅
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  Growing up with a prophecy on your back has never been easy, up to now you have been trained under Master Wu to harness your element of Shadow. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  When your mother found out about your abilities she pushed you into his teachings when he came to your village at the request of training you. Much to her hesitance, It was like sending your child off to war.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  Your mother knew of Master Wu as they had history together before your birth as she was friends with Misako and mutual with Garmadon before succumbing to evil.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  She trusted his wisdom and decided to push you along into his teachings, making sure to promise to write her and tell her how much you’ve grown and your adventures.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  That did not mean that she wasn’t fearful, she knew of your strengths and capabilities. It was the world that she was scared of.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  However, as time moved on you found yourself in a new home with friends who you call family that support each other and their struggles. But being little was no walk in the park.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  And being forced to grow up wasn’t a breeze either. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  But at least you weren’t doing it alone.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  You knew of Llyod’s forced path to becoming the Green Ninja, defeating his father, and soon become a leader of a team.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  However, that never seem to stop him. When Llyod grew up from the tomorrow’s tea he’s been working harder to become stronger for his team, it was inspiring to you. He wasn’t that little boy anymore that you used to tease, 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  He’s now at your level, in height and in power.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  But you were no fool, you knew of his fears and hesitation to complete the tasks that he is to commit.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  Lloyd just seemed to hide it so well with that determined grin and spark of hope. 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  You started paying attention to Lloyd more, more than usual, as you would find yourself staring at him and admiring his growth.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  When Lloyd would push you as well to become the best version of yourselves. The times of when you felt like giving up his hand would be right there to pick you up.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  You wondered if he ever noticed the light pink blush on your cheeks.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  His determination is what is drawing you to be by his side and stand strong not only for him but for yourself, also so you could knock him down a peg.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  Every hero has room to grow after all~ 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪  But maybe this is when you started falling for him?
୧ ‧₊˚ 🎀 ⋅ ☆ ˖°
You lean back your arms being the only thing supporting you as you sit panting, completely exhausted.
Was training ever this hard as a kid?
Sweat runs down your face as Kai walks to you a hand on his hip, “c’mon (y/n), how do you expect to be Garmadon in the final battle if you can’t even beat me?” Kai tilts his head as you glare at him.
“You were going rough on purpose!” you gasped out as your head falls back hating the heat.
“Duh, just because your new body is probably still adjusting, doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on you” Kai was right,
“Five minutes, alright?” he walks away giving you a short break as you stare up at the sky the clouds giving grace as they cover the sun.
Maybe being a kid wasn’t so bad, you close your eyes the sun coming back.
Your bottom lip starts to tremble out, your new body was a joke, Nya gave you a run-down of what to expect since your mom couldn’t.
All the info dump of hormones, body pains, and rollercoaster of emotions was a lot.
Don’t get started on periods…
You’ve been thinking more about your purpose, about missions, how stress seemed to build up on the daily as you thought about your purpose on the team. Did you even matter? Was there really a purpose for you? How can you beat enemies in your way if you can’t even beat teenage life.
Were you even good enough to stand next to Lloyd. 
Before your tears could fall you notice a shadow looming over you blocking the sun, you huff as your brows twitch in annoyance.
“Kai, you said five more minutes” you whine,
“Geez was it that bad with Kai?”
You open your eyes immediately, seeing Lloyd blocking your sun, it made him look like your personal angle,  
You smile looking away as you playfully scoff, “it was lightwork honestly~” grinning as the dark thoughts retreats into your mind. Maybe Lloyd was an angle look. 
His arched brow being covered by his cowlick. “Yea, no it was hell” your honesty made Lloyd laugh as he holds out his hand for you to take.
Your face was hot again, 
“Cole, Zane, and Jay aren’t going easy on me if that makes you feel better” Llyod rubs the back of his neck as he lifts you with no effort.  “Three against one should never be easy” you sigh, “is it getting any easier?” you ask knowing that Llyod has been doing a bit more training than you.
“Meh, it’s gotten…bearable” he trails off not sounding so sure of himself, “I wish I got to bearable” you stretch as Llyod smiles placing a hand on your head. A new thing he’s been doing since you both grew up. 
“I’m sure you’ll get there, (y/n) don’t give up, okay?” his eyes look to yours with sincerity, your breathing stops as if wanting to freeze this moment to remember it forever. Can he see your red face right now, had he always looked handsome? Is this what puberty is?!
Before you could have an existential crisis Llyod karate chops your head, 
“Who knows maybe I can show you a thing or two~” he winks with a toothy grin.
You finally come back to earth as you let at a breathy laugh, giving a teasing glare as you would when you were younger.
“Oh, yea green ninja please show me your, Ninja Kick, hiya!” you chop his hand away teasingly as Lloyd’s face goes red. 
“Let that go!” he yells embarrassed as he starts chasing you, you were laughing like a maniac. 
♡‧₊˚Kai Smith♡‧₊˚
Tw. Talk of Pass Bullying/Implied Sexual Harassment
‧₊˚ ⋅His Protective Nature ‧₊˚ ⋅
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ Kai was always protective of you during your guy’s childhood together, you would come home crying with Kai’s hand in yours and his face beaten up with a proud scowl. 
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ You always seemed to get into trouble not voluntarily ofc… It was a reason why Kai always stayed close to you as kids. 
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ When Kai had new bandages, he absolutely adored them saying how cool he looked as he viewed himself in the mirror especially when they turned into scars, as three-year-old Nya clapped for him excitedly enjoying the presence of you two. You however did not like to see him hurt.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ You would cry and sniffle as you sat on his tiny bed, finally looking to you when he was done admiring himself.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ Why are you crying?
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “I protect you so I can see you smile, so stop crying” Kai’s little voice spoke as he huffs crossing his arm a gap in his mouth from a missing tooth.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “You got hurt” you look away as you fiddle with your sleeveless blouse as your eyes began to blur with more tears.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “So, I’ll take on a whole snake army for you! I hate it when you get hurt!” Kai’s fist clench showing his anger. He looks to see your eyes on him, seeing your face made him smile as he grabs your tiny hands in his.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “I’ll always protect you (y/n)! No matter what!” Kai smiles as Nya laughs happily as she hugs you.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ Your eyes sparkle at a thought that instantly pops into your head, a thought that would carry on to your current day as an adult.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “You’re my knight!” You smile.
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ What…
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “You be the knight, I’ll be the princess, Nya is a fairy!”
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “Fairy! Fairy!” Nya screams as you grab her hand and you both race out laughing,
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ “H-hold on! (y/n)! Nya!” Kai goes running after you, soon smiling, and laughing along. You all are forgetting the sad moment thanks to your quick recover child brain. 
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ The memory of you and Kai lived in your head as you remember fondly of him chasing away the big scary monsters…
✩˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩ That is when you started falling for Kai Smith…
✧˖°.🍒ֶָ֢⊹ ࣪ ˖🍓₊ ⊹✧
“No way! You fought snakes! That’s insane!” you were sitting on Kai’s bed as he was catching you up on things that had happen in his life while you were gone.
“Believe it, but that’s not all I’ve fought~” Kai starts as he smirks, allowing Kai to talk about his accomplishments is a mistake for anybody, as it was just filling his already big-headed ego. But you didn’t mind hearing him talk felt calming, it made you wind down and relax your beating heart.
Was it because you were sitting on his bed?
Kai suddenly stops talking as he stares at you for a second, did he notice your dazed face? “So, what happened at your fancy private school~” Kai leans closer jokingly as you chuckle pushing him away.
“It was nice…” you hadn’t meant for that to sound so unsure, Kai seemed to have picked up on that trail. “But?” Kai’s eyebrow arched a smile on his face coaxing you to continue. 
“It was nice at first…but I got into some drama with this girl. I was friends with her ex-boyfriend, and she thought it would be nice to spread rumors that I was a boyfriend stealing hussie-“ you blush at the name embarrassed at the stories that were passed around. 
You look away ashamed as you start digging into Kai’s comforter hoping his stare wasn’t one a judgement. “S-so, I spent the first year dealing with girls pushing and guys coming to me for ‘favors’” you scratch the back of your head, “b-but everything turned out fine, eventually people forgot and I made friends!-“
“Is that why you moved back?” Kai’s voice was low, threatening even. Was he mad at you?
“N-no! I graduated, and now I transferred to New Ninjago University!” You quickly explain you felt a pit in your stomach as your eyes trail away too nervous to look a Kai, you place your feet on the floor about to leave. 
“I’m so sor-“ you gasp as you feel the bed dip Kai had reached for you. You felt the crook of Kai’s elbow wrap around your neck as he pulls you into his body. He was so warm, his hand cups the side of your face as the other side laid onto his chest. It was a tight hold but comforting. “I’m so sorry, I should’ve been there” he says quietly as if he was holding in building anger.
You smile as quiet tears fall from your eyes, “Oh Kai, it’s not like you could have known-“
“But I should have, I should have kept in touch with you-“
“You were busy-“
“That’s no excuse” Kai cuts you off as his grip gets tighter still not enough to hurt you but you could tell there was internal frustration. Was Kai blaming himself?
You pull away as you grab Kai’s face cupping your hands as you hold him, making sure you had his attention. “Kai, none of this is your fault, everything turned out fine, I’m okay.” You smile as you reassure him. Missing the pink blush on the fire ninja cheeks. 
“I know, I just hate hearing you get hurt, in any way.” Kai places his chin on your shoulder as you embrace him, “But, if anything happens lemme know” Kai mumbles as he knew you could hear. His breath ticking your ear as you blush smiling at the feeling.
“Okay, thank you my knight~” you tease as you hear him scoff playfully earning an erupt of quiet laughter from you both. 
♡‧₊˚Cole Brookstone♡‧₊˚
‧₊˚ ⋅He’s Always There‧₊˚ ⋅
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 After meeting Cole and building a connection with him, Cole has come around more often. Less for the food and more for you. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 He would first hang out beside the counter talking to you until busy customers come, much to your sadness. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 Soon you got comfortable enough to invite him to come during closing so you two had more one on one time to hang out and talk without being interrupted by customers.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 Much to your father’s disapproval but he could never say no to you, so when Cole could come you would invite him into the kitchen for a chat.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 You would discuss about interests and home life, your dreams and aspirations, ups and downs of the day, and Cole would be there. Listening.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 It helped let out tension and emotions before you exploded, you can’t help but thank him every day for listening to you ramble.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 And he would smile with a relaxed face and say, “it’s no problem.” 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 In return you did the same, his voice was like your music you’d turn on when baking. A good mix that gave you a feel-good vibe.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 You’re thankful for Cole and his patience whenever you felt as though things were going crazy, he felt like your rock keeping you grounded from anxiety, much like a weighted blanket.
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 When he would wrap his thick muscley arms around you it felt like heaven. His arms strong and comforting closing your eyes as you lean into his touch. 
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。You never felt so safe and sure of someone, this is when you start falling for Cole.
✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧
“Okay, powder sugar…” you read an old recipe left by your mom, The Bakery was celebrating your mothers’ 18thanniversary. The shops opening day was a month after your birth, before your mothers passing, she would make a once a time treat for the special day. 
She worked on the recipe for days perfecting measurements for the perfect taste, but after her passing and when your father took over managing the special day. The treats were never the same,
But then when you started helping the shop you made the treats following the same recipe and like magic people came over once again on the special day just to get a bite of your mothers treats. 
Now that you were older and with your passion of baking, your father asked you would like to take over managing the special day this year instead of him.
You felt so honored to be a part of the special day, not that you never were, but you always felt that you had to prove yourself.
And being a perfectionist did not help much with that feeling.
“s-sift carefully…” you lightly shake the tool as you were facing the crinkled sheet, as it had seen better days. 
“uhm (y/n)-“ you hear Coles voice as he holds out his hand to stop you however you weren’t concerned with what he was saying.  “Hold on Cole” you then look back into the bowl having finished sifting the powder sugar, however it looked more sandy than powdery…
“D-did I just put salt in there?” you tilt the bowl to get a closer, as you look to the bag beside the bowl. It indeed said ‘Salt’. 
You groan as you shove the bowl away frustrated at the silly mix up, “Hey, cut yourself some slack (y/n)” Cole places a hand on your shoulder. Your apron was covered in flour your hair a mess and a tired expression laced your face as you stare at the bowl with hatred.
“But I need to get this done! This is my first-time managing mom’s anniversary and I’m blowing it!” you squeak completely exhausted. 
“I get it… but taking a break won’t kill you, you have three days to get the desserts ready, the decorations are done right?” You nod your head,
“Good so now-“ Cole unwraps your apron you hadn’t realized until you felt it fall. 
“Cole” you blush as he takes your hand, “I’ll walk you home and take a break with you, when you’re up for it we’ll come back, okay?” 
You couldn’t fight him as your shoulders slump following him, “okay” you look to see his smile, it was warm and kind.
Leaving the ingredients you both walk out of the Bakery locking the door behind you. “Hey if it’s alright, could I help you? Maybe it’ll ease some stress” Cole grins, “are you actually gonna help or are you just gonna taste everything!” you tease as you poke an accusing finger. “Helping, tasting what’s the difference~” Cole mocks as you glare at him playfully, “it is when you eat all the supplies!” you laugh as Cole smiles.
“There’s that pretty smile” your laughter stops as you look to him blushing, as Cole just smiles admiring the blush on your face. 
Your heart beating fast, this man is gonna be the death of you.
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ
♡‧₊˚Zane Julien♡‧₊˚
⋆。°·☁️He’s Kind to You⋆。°·☁️
⋆˚🐾˖   Zane has been kind to you since the day you two met, growing up you had a hard time trusting people and their intentions however you never found yourself questioning Zane’s motive to hang out with you. 
⋆˚🐾˖   Despite his formal way of talk and his struggle to understand jokes, or idioms or glowing eyes and smooth skin that felt a little weird-
⋆˚🐾˖   and-omg is this guy real?!
⋆˚🐾˖   Despite the strangeness of whatever Zane was, that never mattered to you as every time you saw him, and he saw you his face would light up with excitement to come and talk to you. You!
⋆˚🐾˖   It made you happy to know that someone was excited to see you, to talk to you and, be with you, for you.
⋆˚🐾˖   Your heart would flutter when he would say your name with such joy. 
⋆˚🐾˖   Whenever he would ask, “are you alright?” whenever your face showed even an inch of sadness.
⋆˚🐾˖   He would ask for you to teach him things, such as phrases, emotions, or people.
⋆˚🐾˖   Stating that he never truly understood how to connect with others that he felt comfortable with, or how others struggled to understand him.
⋆˚🐾˖   You could somewhat relate as you too struggled to connect with others, you smile as you agree to help him.
⋆˚🐾˖    You felt that it was the least you could do for him, since he helped you realize your true feelings for him.
Summer was coming to an end as the park hosted an outside movie theater event, it was last minute but luckily you and Zane got to go. There were many movies to choose from at different times, as Zane did not have a preference, he asked for you to pick.
“Why is she crying?” Zane asks as he sits on your blanket you had brought from home. He looked to the screen projector as if studying a rare fossil, it was amusing to you to say the least.
“Because she has to choose between her career or the man that she fell in love with” you explain simply as you take a bite from you brightly colored snow cone.
Zane hums as if finally understanding, even though you knew he would ask another question, 
The scene plays with an intimate moment as the man holds the women in his arms.
“You, I choose you!” the women dramatically burst into tears from her emotional confession, “I thought I lost you, darling” the man spoke dramatically a heavy accent laced his voice. 
It sucked that this was the only romance playing…
Suddenly a burst of laughter coming from the person next to you, you gave a shocked expression to Zane at his sudden unfitting emotion to the scene. 
You squeak as you blush shushing him; however, he didn’t seem to catch on so doing the only thing you thought of.
You leap on top of him, hands over his mouth as hiss came from people around you shushing Zane. After a few seconds of silence, the crowd seemed pleased as glares moved back to the screen.
“Zane what was that?!” you whisper yell, slowly moving your hands for Zane to explain himself for loudly laughing during a movie.
“Was that not appropriate?” The man under you seemed genuinely confused as you stop for a second. You soon recover and shook your head, 
“Well laughing loudly during a movie with strangers isn’t really appropriate… But what was so funny about the scene?” You weren’t upset or accusing you just wanted to know. Zane pointed out that no seemed to understand the things he does, so asking the source was the best way for you to understand. 
Zane processes your words as he looks to the sky as if it would give him an answer, “The characters in the film, they were joyful, I displayed the action that is typically seen during joyful episodes. Laughter is a joyful response to a scenario such as that.”
“Oooh, I get it, you’re happy for them.” You connected as you smile, Zane nods happy that you understood his logical reason, you absentmindedly lay your head under your arms over his chest.
“I get it… just next maybe not so loud, okay?” you wink playfully as you smile at him,
Zane’s gears start working again as his fan goes off, his face was hot again. 
♡‧₊˚Jay Walker♡‧₊˚
⋆˚✿˖°❀You Love When He Touches You⋆˚✿˖°❀
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊   Hanging out with jay helps you forget outside worries; you were sure if an outsider saw your dynamic, they’d think you were a bully for enjoying the man’s awkward struggles to communicate with you. 
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊   However every time he would stutter a response or trip on his words. Biting the bottom of his lip as his fingers anxiously tugging the bottom of his shirt wrinkling the edges every time you caught him staring at you made your heart soar. 
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊   A grin danced on your lips as you stare at Jay making his freckled face explode even more soaking up the cute expression. 
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ The thought of being the reason as to why Jay was nervous made you happy, it made happy scenarios in your head of you two together in love. If he was like this, how would he be if you two were together. 
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊. However, you weren’t completely off the hook as those little moments of when you and Jay were close together during video games or walks in the park. Or devouring plates of food together, a simple subtle touch from his hand, or a bump of the shoulders. Hands that linger on your arm, knees close together, or cheek touches. 
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ Made you feel as though you were trapped in a field of flowers. Each graze of soft petals filled your senses as you fought the urge to succumb and lay in their gentle touches.
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊. You knew that you could fall in love with Jay Walker every time you touched.
You and Jay sat on the edge of a sidewalk right outside the park gate, a bag of jelly fruit being shared between you two,
“Eye spy, uhhh, blue!” Jay quickly comes up with a clue for an object that you had to guess before thinking for too long. You roll your eyes playfully holding a strawberry flavor jelly, “is it your shoes again?” you answer in a snarky tone. Jay goes quiet as he rolls his eyes taking a bite of the orange jelly fruit as you both hear a pop making him jump. You start laughing as Jay quickly moves his pants to avoid the jelly that was seeping out from the mold.
“Alright your turn~” Jay sucks out the juice before directing his attention to you waiting for your response, you think for a moment as your eyes scan every possible object. 
“Eye spy… something, pink~” you grin as you were sure that you had stumped Jay with your clue to the object you chose.
Jay looks around as he tries to find anything pink, “where is pink, I see nothing” you giggle as you look away from him. Jay chuckles as he looks to your failed poker face, “is this object even outside? You chose from one of the stores didn’t you!” Jay accuses as his smiles grows bigger as you cackle. 
“You did, you cheater!” Jay screamed as you double down in laughter, “don’t hate the player hate the game, blue jay~” you grin as you look to the object you chose being a cake on displayed in a bakery.
Jay huffs as he looks, the only stores in front were the Bakery, the Post office, and the Deli. All had windows though,
Jay squints as he leans closer, “times ticking Jay~” you tease as you float the jelly fruit to Jay’s mouth implying his punishment of being soaked in jelly fruit. 
“I never timed you- H-hold on!” Jay frantically looks finally settling on a guess as his finger finally points to an object.
“The cake in the Bakery!” there was a silence for dramatic effect as you tsk retracting the strawberry jelly fruit back. 
“Hmph, good job, lightning bug~” you sigh as you bring the fruit to your mouth as Jay shouts in victory, you squeak at the pop of the mold as the jelly luckily squeezed into your mouth. However, some coated your cheek.
You sigh in relief as you lick the remains, you look to Jay to continue playing however he stares at you with an expression you couldn’t read.
“What? Is there something on my face?” you ask wiping your face of any jelly fruit, but Jay laughed as you missed continuously. 
“Hahaaa, almost there-haha!” Jay wheezes as you start getting annoyed, as you lightly shove him playfully, “you suck, tell me where it is!” you whine a smile growing as your cheeks turned warm at Jays enjoyment of your embarrassment.
“haha, here-“ Jay leans over his hand on your cheek as he swipes the jelly off, the moment was quick. But if felt as though the world was moving in slow motion just to mess with you, the evening sun rested on Jay’s face making him look so handsome. Jay tilts his head as if getting a better look at him, with a relaxed expression you both wished for the moment to last forever.
But of course, Jay soon comes to his senses and reels back forcing his hand down to his side as his face erupts with blush and heavy sweat. 
“S-sorry, I totally, didn’t mean that! I-I mean I did I just wanted to help y’know?” you giggle as his goes higher as he tries to explain himself. Your tiny giggles seemed to spare his anxious mind,
“I know” you smile as you grab another jelly fruit looking to continue the game as you bask in the ghost touch that Jay left on your cheek.
Unknowing to you that Jay was staring at his hand, the strawberry jelly stained his hand as he brought it to his lips licking what was left as soft pink dusted his cheeks. 
(ㅅ´ ˘ `) ♡
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OML, I finished!! I was so excited to write my second Boyfriend Scenario, but it was a struggleeee But I had so much fun with these scenarios especially Zane's story ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა I'm so happy that people liked my first Boyfriend Scenario story which is why I got so excited to write this one. If anyone would like to make requests on these characters or others in the series totally ask, I could use the practice in writing, hehe ᯓᡣ𐭩 ˚ 𝜗𝜚˚⋆。☆ P.s. TUMBLR IM COMMIN FOR YOUR BUTT FOR MAKING ME REPOST THIS!!!!! Love, ⋆˚࿔ Karrots 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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valacirya · 10 months
Indis appreciation post!
Disclaimer: All the canon info is taken from Morgoth's Ring and Peoples of Middle Earth. Also, this isn't a character analysis/meta. It's just a list of stuff I love (plus some headcanons) about one of my favorite characters in the legendarium.
1. She's athletic and outdoorsy. We're told that Indis is "exceedingly swift of foot" and that "she walked often alone in the fields and friths of the Valar, turning her thought to things that grow untended." When Finwe sees her, she's chilling on a mountainside. I love that she's associated with nature, specifically the wilderness. She parallels Feanor in her exploration of Aman and interest in the imperfect. Also, this is purely self-indulgent but ever since reading HoME for the first time, I've pictured Indis as tall and broad, and muscular beneath a layer of fat.
2. She doesn't let her unrequited love affect her life. "There was ever light and mirth about her." She's not the pining, languishing princess stereotype. She goes on. She doesn't let it make her bitter or depressed, and she is so restrained that only Mandos and possibly Ingwe are aware of her feelings.
3. Part of her attraction to Finwe is intellectual. In HoME we're told that his "mastery of words delighted her." Considering that Indis is also a poet/composer ("wove words into song") and that the Vanyar enjoy linguistics, it makes sense. It's also just really cute.
4. She's politically minded. Her reasoning for pronouncing 's' instead of 'th' is: "I have joined the Noldor, and I will speak as they do." This is the right thing to do to gain the respect of the Noldor and their acceptance of her authority. I also think she makes a statement with Fingolfin and Finarfin's mother-names. Arakano ("high chieftain") and Ingoldo ("the Noldo, eminent among the kindred") are not only powerful, prophetic names, they're also strikingly similar to Ingwe ("chief of chieftains") who is the High King not just of the Vanyar, but all Eldar. What a power move.
5. She's able to balance her own culture with the culture she marries into. Indis integrates into Noldorin society easily while remaining Vanyarin at her core, as is evidenced by Finwe saying that "above all her heart now yearns for the halls of Ingwe and the peace of the Vanyar." Her sons also respect and are proud of their mixed heritage; Finarfin "loved the Vanyar, his mother's people" and is said to be like them (as are Finrod and Galadriel), and Fingolfin's daughter-in-law is Vanyarin (plus the Nolofinweans have a special connection to Manwe).
6. She gets an awesome prophecy about her line. "But I say unto you that the children of Indis shall also be great, and the Tale of Arda more glorious because of their coming. And from them shall spring things so fair that no tears shall dim their beauty; in whose being the Valar, and the Kindreds both of Elves and of Men that are to come shall all have part, and in whose deeds they shall rejoice. So that, long hence when all that here is, and seemeth yet fair and impregnable, shall nonetheless have faded and passed away, the Light of Aman shall not wholly cease among the free peoples of Arda until the end." Fuck yeah.
7. Her name means "valiant woman." This is the only definition given in Morgoth's Ring, I believe. I highly prefer it over the "bride" meaning because it's a badass name and is similar to Artanis ("noble woman") and Astaldo ("the valiant"). A headcanon that I'm particularly attached to is that Indis's mother-name is Indome, meaning "will of Eru."
8. She's popular with most of the Noldor. We're told that "Finwe, King of the Noldor, wedded Indis, sister of Ingwe; and the Vanyar and Noldor for the most part rejoiced." The majority of the Noldor also follow Fingolfin and Finarfin instead of Feanor.
9. She's friends with Nerdanel. HoME states that Nerdanel went to "abide with Indis, whom she had ever esteemed."
10. She gets pissed off at Finwe when he sides with Feanor. So much so that he thinks she won't want to see him if he's re-embodied. I know this is from his perspective but I'm inclined to agree. [However, this is still very presumptive of him, and his comment that "Indis parted from me without death" is super shitty. Eugh.]
11. She's close to her kids. Finarfin takes after her, Fingolfin passes on the name she gave him, Findis lives with her, Lalwen goes by the name she gave her. Finwe also says that "she hath dear children to comfort her."
So there we have it! What little info we get about Indis is pretty awesome. And this is just a list; I could write a whole essay on her fortitude and unconventionality and my numerous headcanons about her.
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pinacoladamatata · 3 months
I am once again thinking about Solas and how his potential arc this game could go regarding the Veil being up or down and I'm gnawing at the bars of my enclosure [spoilers obviously] I don't like being intelligent/thoughtful on here I prefer to be stupid but here we go
In [yet another] article that came out, idk? today? Mark Darrah says the story "allows us to, hopefully, give a good conclusion to all the varied attitudes toward Solas that are going to be coming from people who love Solas, who agree with Solas, who hate Solas, people who want to kick Solas off of a building – I think that we give you the opportunity to bring that to a close, but then tell a greater story about The Veilguard and about the world as a whole."
and I don't know what to fucking think about this? They obviously know people's opinions are varied and I think it should be obvious that this is not a case where 'one ending fits all'
Because like, he is such a tragic character and I know there's gonna be an option to kill him, calm down, before you start in my inbox with "I WANT TO KILL HIM" like, you will be able to, that's kind of...almost a certainty. Especially for low approval Inquisitor/swore to stop him at all costs. Because if he Won't agree to stop trying to tear down the veil and causing mass destruction, (even after dealing with Elgarnan and Ghilly) then you'll have to kill him. Even trapping him forever isn't really an option because he created the fucking veil, man's crafty, he'd eventually find a way out. Like, If he will not and cannot see reason, then you, the protagonist, will have to end him.
It's the OTHER option that has me spinning because, you could, maybe, potentially, hopefully, talk him out of it. And if you did that, either as a romanced or friendly Inquisitor, or apparenty? Rook? based on this new info that Solas and Rook are going to have a lot of interaction, then he doesn't NEED to die. If he stops wanting to tear down the veil, he could potentially just disappear and do whatever he wants, like nerd out over magic.
And honestly, having him die on both paths is such a slap in the face for "your choices matter" because like clearly they do not if that happens; like what was the point of making me choose at the end of trespasser? If the only difference is 'stop Solas at all costs' leads to a boss fight where you kill him and 'redeem Solas' leads to ? him dying anyway somehow? Like I'm sorry but that is lazy and boring. His redemption should not end in death, he should have to live and deal with the consequences, because that could be so much more interesting.
[because I'll be real, I don't think they're going to let us have the option to tear down the veil/side with him AND have the option to keep the veil up. I think it will be one or the other no matter your choices; Simply because there is too much of a massive difference between world states of 'killed Solas to prevent him taking down the veil Thedas remains status quo' VS 'let Solas take down the veil, Thedas is now fundamentally different in an almost inconceivable way'. Like the setting for any future games depend on this; you would have to create 2 very different games. There has to be some uniformness to the world state, like; the veil remains, but it's thinned or whatever and the people of Thedas are living life more or less as usual if they ever want to make DA5. Would be wild of them do go the route of no matter what you do the veil comes down anyway. Which would be annoying if you swore to stop Solas at all costs and he just... succeeds anyway, even if he dies? Of course, there is Sandals prophecy, which I think is about the events of DA4. And devs have said in the past they had 'something' planned since Origins. "One day the magic will come back - all of it. Everyone will be just like they were" - The veil coming down and everyone gaining magic? Not just elves but humans, dwarves and qunari too? "The shadows will part and the skies will open wide" - Talking about the veil coming down?? Do shadows represent the abyss? "When he rises, everyone will see" - I'm actually convinced this is about Elgar'nan, or, something even worse; like the 'thing' that Mythal locked away, that the "evanuris in their greed could unleash" that "would destroy us all". So I think the end of DA:TV will be either the veil stays in place no matter what, or the veil comes down no matter what, which is, idk, interesting? Because again, they can't have both- that just gets too messy for the setting for the next game. They could have the veil come down no matter what, but, you would need to have a "better option" as Varric and Solas put it. Which, let's say for narrative purposes, this option exists and we tell it to Solas and he goes "Okay let's do that instead" and it results in a world state where the veil is 'down' but not in a catastrophic mega-calamity way. Even then though, some players are just not going to pick that and also if the veil comes down; what the fuck are we guarding it for???? I think it might come down temporarily. Maybe we have to make a new one? a better one? we have our fade tamagotchi fen'harel who happens to be the only fucker who knows how to make a veil too. Could this 'better veil' alleviate some of the problems Solas had with the old one? If there was like a set door way that allowed people and spirits to pass safely? One that didn't cause so much discord between spirits/people? Is our Veilguard a Fade TSA? I can dream. But who knows. Either way, I think we're only getting one endgame worldstate regarding the veil.
So; OK, back to Solas and how the fuck that could end. Harking back to that Varric/Solas conversation about the old man living alone. Solas is clearly speaking as though he is the old man, and he can't fathom just living a quiet life when there are literal world ending gods waiting for a weak moment to bust free. He Will not, Cannot stand by and do nothing while he knows his prison is failing. He HAS to at least deal with the 2 evanuris before tearing down the veil bc he doesn't want them to cause harm. He didn't want that before (hence locking them away) and he doesn't want it now, even for modern day Thedas (hence him helping Rook). He's got such a fucking heart under all that armor. He cares about people, he demonstrates it again and again. But my god what if, he finally *sees* that the veil may not have been a mistake, it doesn't need to be torn down, (maybe it has to be remade, better?or just altered?) and then us the protag, no longer has to kill him to stop him from tearing it down?
Like, I am very partial to the "what if love changes everything" trope especially for such a tragic character. Bc he's got death flags left and right; "I walk the dinanshiral" "there is only death on this journey" "this does not end in my downfall" his "dying alone" fear tombstone, and he's lonely he's miserable he's afraid. I'm so worried they'll kill him off anyway bc 'he was always doomed' trope and it would be easier to write, but motherfuck it would just, be SO so satisfying if, instead, there was a path where he wasn't doomed; whether it's bc of Rook or the Inquisitor or a combo of both. I feel like what if, either platonic or romantic; if there was just at least one path where love changes everything.
ofc this is massive amounts of copium and I don't expect bioware to give me anything so cool as "the veil starts to come down anyway and you, Rook, have to rebuild it with Solas' and the Inquisitor's help and at the end you can either kill him or convince him that this world is worth living in"
but hey, i can dream ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sydnieminty · 1 year
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☀️ Apollo ☀️
His wrathful/true form takes on an appearance similar to Leto
Info ☀️
- Since Leto is their mother, Hera is particularly resentful of Artemis and Apollo. Hera is not happy about any of Zeus's affairs obviously but this one was particularly angering because it was with an immortal (and titaness) instead of a mortal.
- Apollo knows about how Hera tormented his mother during her pregnancy and is resentful of Hera in return.
- He's very busy, since he is the god of many, many things (prophecy, music, poetry, archery, healing, protection of the young. There's more than this btw)
- He is very much loved by mortals and he enjoys it. He often visits the many temples built for him, giving gifts and prophecies to his worshippers
☀️ Artemis and Apollo
- Like I said on Artemis's post, Apollo and Artemis are twins but they aren't similar in appearance (plus that's not how opposite-gender twins work anyways lol) There's very contrasting appearance between them along with pretty opposite personalities.
- They have a great relationship between each other and are both pretty competitive, especially when it comes to archery
- They're always trying to do things for Leto, who is ostracized for being the last titan not locked up in Tartarus or forced into servitude, along with being hated by Hera.
I probably might as well do a Leto post sometime since I've done Artemis and Apollo lol
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piracytheorist · 9 months
Season Finale, woe is me T_T
Where did time go. It feels like yesterday that the first trailer for the season dropped.
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How dare they. Did I ask to be emotionally destroyed like this Yes I did
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Bond is so happy to go for a walk with Loid! And Loid isn't exactly reserved with petting his huge dog is he.
I love how heartbroken Bond was over Anya saying she wasn't coming. He even looked back at her as Loid walked him to the exit.
It actually impresses me that Loid is training Bond right out in public, talking to him about where to bite and how much to make sure the target doesn't get too injured. I guess he doesn't expect the SSS to frequent a dog park?
I love the little pat Loid did on his leg to call Bond back. And then of course pet his head :)
Poor Franky's putting up with so much from Twilight, and he doesn't have to. I hope Twilight appreciates that at some point. I'm sure he hasn't developed feelings just for his family.
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Sweet cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
Franky talks about how Bond may have associated training with his trauma from getting experimented on, and it sounds like brand new info to Twilight. I guess, despite how much his spy training has scarred him, Twilight has a hard time connecting "having bad memories about something" with "not wanting to engage with that something". After all, he'd spent who knows how long telling himself that he hated children because they're incomprehensible to him, and not because children crying reminded him of his own desperate times. After all, it's easier to do his job and keep training hard if he refuses to accept how soul-crushing that job is, right?
Damn, I got sad again. Because I imagine post-reveal Loid and Yor asking Anya why she chose them, and she says that she thought they were cool, and Loid has a RealizationTM that no he's actually very messed up and it's very sad that this little girl imagined that this devastating way of life could actually look cool to someone from the outside.
Not to worry, there's more angst I'll pull out of nowhere down the road!
Franky calling Loid out for not knowing how to relax and have fun >>>>
I love how after Franky left, Loid and Bond looked at each other like idiots. Old habits die hard, and an entire cruise of Loid trying to relax and have fun wouldn't be enough to break them, I guess XD
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She's like "If I can't get real stars might as well fake some" Poor Yor continuing to clap happily even while Anya's origami star fell from her chest XD it taught her how to properly apply tape I guess, for later...
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Pretty much everyone around them is wearing winter clothes, even Loid is wearing a turtleneck and a heavy coat. Why are those children in such light clothes eating ice cream? The boy on the left we even see later is wearing shorts
Guess an ice cream was an easy kind of snack for a kid to feel bad about dropping XD
Sweet Bond! He's imagining Loid praising him and telling him he's glad they adopted him, and all while Bond is wagging his tail 😭😭
This family is just four lonely creatures desperate to be wanted (even if Twilight is very far from accepting that) aren't they ;_;
Ice cream goes RIP and Bond has his (probably) first experience of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Look at him he's so 🥺
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Later in the episode, Twilight goes all strict with himself for a laugh. Here though, he actually expresses distress and guilt for Bond ruining the kid's ice cream. He could have gone for a simple "I'll buy you a new one" without showing that much emotion in his expression and voice. In the manga he even has a typical "cold sweat lines" expression.
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Or however you call that.
I don't know, maybe it circles back to any "starving war orphan" trauma he may be trying to tell himself he doesn't have...
I'm just saying, he was very expressive here, and he didn't have to. It wasn't a conscious choice.
Bond is really such a good boy. Every time he acts on his visions is to help someone else. From something as trivial as dropping a snack to something as important as saving someone's life, whether they're a kid, an old man, or a puppy, Bond is truly a very empathetic and caring creature.
However, the silly music playing over the vision of the old man getting hit was... a choice XD
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Yet another example of the anime putting details to help the narrative: the old man is hunched, making him short enough that the corner of the wall/fence to his side is actually covering him. Which makes the biker not seeing him make sense, since he was behind the fence and appeared at the last second.
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I actually felt shivers with the tone Twilight used here. Bond's behaviour is making no sense and is actually a first.
But also, Bond is probably only now realizing that unlike Anya, Loid cannot read his mind and cannot see his good intentions. He knows Anya would jump for joy for what he did, but since two of his efforts to help were met with reprimands, he's hesitant to try again because his trauma rears its ugly head and he fears he'll get kicked out. He probably doesn't understand that Loid doesn't know anything about his special powers, and so he can't let Loid's reprimands pass by him unaffected.
It's a bit similar to how he probably connects bad food with bad intentions, and thus fears that Yor will be mean to him, since she makes such horrible meals.
And so he allows the woman to get bird poop on her, but he jumps to action when he realizes someone's life may be in danger of the fire.
And first, I know we talk about how strong Yor is, but can we for a moment talk about how Loid held back this absolute beast of a dog?
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Like, Loid allowed him to carry him around twice, but when he felt things got serious, he actually had no issue holding him back. It was only when Bond looked legitimately scary that he let go.
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And that was... a shock. Have we ever seen Twilight like that before? Cause he genuinely looks like he hesitated out of fear... and maybe realizing that no, this time Bond is actually dead serious.
Bond probably didn't know what he would be looking for once he stepped inside the burning building. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who thought that that "Daisy" was a child... but maybe Bond is more attuned to scents of other dogs, especially little ones that need help, so he could find the puppy amidst all the burning smells.
Badass Loid saving his doggo!
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Loid doesn't hesitate to run in after him, either. Even the idea that Bond could be rescuing someone is enough for him to take that risk. I love how, after two attempts of what Loid thought was Bond attacking innocent people, he still believes Bond would have a good reason to run into a burning building and runs after him to help.
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I mean, you also ran into that building to save your - for all you know, disobedient - dog, so maybe it's the pot calling the kettle black XD
How sweet is he, though. He really doesn't believe in reprimanding someone after the fact - Bond running into fire was dangerous, but it helped save an innocent life... and Twilight's priorities are very clearly shown in that reaction!
I love how man saves dog, dog saves man, and then Twilight is like "Wow your nose is incredible" because of course he can't think of another explanation, and Bond's affirmative borf there sounds like "Yeah sure, buddy. It's my "nose" alright."
Even though it's only Bond with him, Twilight uses "Twilight voice" as he assesses the situation, and "Loid voice" when he talks to Bond. Is this him putting on a mask... or feeling a little more comfortable around Bond?
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That was so badass! But then!
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Miserable creature
Exactly how much water was in that bucket to make Bond's entire massive fur soaking wet XD
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This is both so wholesome and, me being me, so fucking heartbreaking at the same time. Like, the other guy let himself laugh his heart out at how Bond looked, but Twilight barely allowed a single sound out of his mouth that he couldn't control. And again, angst is my wont, so it really ruins me that he's not even letting himself laugh over something ridiculous, because he can't let his emotions show... even if it would be totally understandable for him to laugh at that moment.
I mean, as I said, he showed genuine distress when Bond caused the boy to drop his ice cream, but he stopped himself from laughing even when the other guy next to him was laughing too. As in, he allows negative expressions when it's appropriate, but not positive even when it's appropriate and understandable.
I mean, he has been smiling at his family and looking at Yor like the besotted simp he is... but he doesn't realize just how much of his real feelings pour through his face, exactly because he hasn't realized said feelings. Wet Bond was a much clearer example of something funny, so he knew that laughing would be a loss of control...
Anyway what I'm saying is it's sad. He shouldn't feel he has to repress his own laugh like that.
Kinda sad the anime omitted this still-trying-not-to-laugh expression Loid has as he sees Bond sniff around.
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Bond's voice adafhgdsfdgfdgd
Arsonist guy is watching sneakily from a corner while wearing a hat that has "Fire" written on it.
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Dude couldn't have been more suspicious if he tried.
Pretty sick how he got even more excited at the idea of someone dying from the fire, when he heard the woman say how Daisy was still trapped inside.
Vigilante Bond! Arsonist guy takes out his knife and tells Bond to not be disrespectful of humans and my dude you're the one setting people's lives at risk and having a blast about it
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We haven't seen Twilight in such action in a while, have we! Ngl it was kinda, uhm... 😳😳
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LOOK AT HIM! So proud of his doggo 😭😭
He then says how it would be bad if either of them were in the news... and you're reminded that this is fictional but still pretty accurate 60s-70s so Twilight has really avoided getting any picture of him published. But also Bond could indeed be recognized by any of the scientists... and it's actually sweet how Twilight cares for Bond's secret not getting out. He helped Bond with his "revenge" and now he's acting to protect him from getting targeted again.
I love how Bond fears he'll get reprimanded for biting the arsonist's leg and not arm... when in the beginning Twilight very clearly said he can bite either a leg or an arm XD
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He tells Bond how "someone" will be sad if anything happens to him (Bond), (and we get a sweet af montage of Anya and Bond having fun together), how Bond is first and foremost a part of the family, how his working duties should come second and he should look after himself...
Oh it's gonna hit him like a brick wall when he realizes the exact same things apply to him 😭
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He's not gonna tell anyone, promise 🥺
And he ends with a promise to go to the dog park the next day so that Bond can have some long overdue fun. Yeah definitely a very detached, cool-headed spy who only cares about the mission not destabilizing. Sure.
The anime did offer us some extra stuff, though!
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I love one (1) gremlin
I actually saw it as a knife, too XD
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I love her.
I fully expected to see the paper puppets (or whatever you call those) fall apart like Yor's victims' bodies do XD I was not disappointed XD
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Anya is still working on accepting that her mother is not very capable of not sprinkling "murder" on anything in her life XD
Loid isn't wearing his coat when they return...
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I am amazed that they've had Bond for, how many months has it been now? And yet neither Loid nor Anya had ever seen him wet.
Anyway, Loid appeared back without his coat because his excuse was that someone had sprayed water all over them, so he took it off XD
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But where is his coat even XD
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Her heroes!
And of course Loid doesn't know Anya knows about the puppy rescue, so he's not that affected by the "Stella" and is instead going like "Yo but could you get going with earning those stars already". He's not used to getting recognition for his hard work and he's not about to start... yet...
The closing montage was so sweet! Especially with the holidays around the corner, it was very fitting to see the children having fun and relaxing, Yuri being very NormalTM, Nightfall and Franky having dreams for the future, and the Forger family having their celebrating dinner!
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I love them so much.
And thus, the season has ended, and this anime only will start wondering how her Saturdays will pass from now on :')
I am thinking of doing more crack recaps, finishing my character screen time project, and probably starting on some fics... but for a very specific reason, the completion of those will have to wait until the next season ;)
This was a wonderful season! I may have rewatched every episode almost three times, but I do wanna do a "recap" full rewatch of the season at some point, and share my overall thoughts. I certainly have a lot of time on my hands for that XD
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sunhowler-art · 9 months
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was inspired by this post to design some hlvrai warrior cats!! i'm honestly shocked it took me 2 years to make a warriors au for it, i love making warriors aus...
some basic info below the cut!
sooo my general idea (it's pretty hazy right now. forgive me) for this au is that songfoot (benrey), nectarbrook (darnold), goldenberry (tommy), galeheart (coomer), scorchtail (bubby), and snakestar (gman) are all from the same clan... i'm between plain ol' thunderclan or a custom clan called mesaclan. i'm probably gonna go with thunderclan because i don't wanna bother with making other clans and lore and stuff LOL. there's some kind of threat outside of the clans that's affecting the environment a la the beavers in arc 4. it's something that starclan definitely caused, whether deliberately or accidentally, i dunno. main point is that snakestar sends songfoot, nectarbrook, goldenberry, galeheart, and scorchtail off on a journey to track down the problem and take care of it. while they're gone, the external threat kills snakestar and he spends all his time being a textbook unhelpful and cryptic starclan cat who just kind of makes things worse. as per a snakestar prophecy, the gang picks up gordon along the way, a kittypet whose owners abandoned her and she's been mostly unsuccessfully fending for herself since. oh and frostpaw (forzen) is part of bloodclan. bloodclan tries and fails to kill the gang, despite frostpaw's best efforts (he kidnapped goldenberry's bird friend, sunny).
some lil character facts and such:
gordon is an ex kittypet. she had a very very cozy and spoiled life up until her twolegs got evicted or something and tossed her out onto the streets. she wasn't out there long before the clan cats found her, and thank god for that, because she sucks at being a survivalist. she is fairly smart though, bringing a fresh perspective and problem solving skills to the group. she is consistently freaked the fuck out by clan cat culture, and the clan cats have fun gaslighting her about it. the only cat who doesn't play along with that is goldenberry, mostly because he doesn't really think its that funny. gordon picks up survival skills from the clan cats fairly quickly, but they still call her soft all the time. classic clan cat anti-kittypet prejudice.
songfoot is the warrior code's biggest fan. not because he really fully believes in its utility, mostly because he loves bossing people around. you can find him stalking around thunderclan camp looking out for anyone doing minor infractions. god forbid you take too much fresh kill from the pile, you'll never hear the end of it. he can't really do much about it though, because snakestar finds him vaguely offputting. his signature stare doesn't help much. his fellow warriors generally like him despite all his strange quirks. songfoot has some kind of starclan-given power a la The Three... my thought is that his vocalizations have supernatural mind-altering properties. it's kinda like sweet voice, but a hiss can make others mad, a purr can make others calm, a screech can stun them, etc. without fail. he's vaguely aware of this power, and he doesn't really use it for things starclan would like him to. he kinda does his own thing.
he's a fairly competent hunter and fighter, but he's generally physically non-confrontational. during battle, he prefers to slink along in the shadows and wait to strike.
during the journey, he loves following gordon along. initially it's because of his deeply embedded distrust of kittypets, but he realizes pretty quickly that he's interested in her in a different sense, one that really frustrates and confuses him... a warrior shouldn't wanna be mates with a kittypet. that's so beyond wrong. he's gotta do everything he can to annoy gordon into leaving the group so he doesn't have to confront his feelings about her (one of these tactics involves him insisting on calling her "gordie," saying it sounds much more suitable for a kittypet). unfortunately for the both of them, that doesn't work. what's worse-- his powers don't seem to work on her for whatever reason. they continue to butt heads for far too long before either of them opens up about how they actually feel. (it takes gordon far longer to admit to herself that she's feeling that way than it does for songfoot, but eventually it clicks for her.)
("song" comes from sweet voice, and "foot" comes from... y'know. but i imagine the in-universe explanation is that he spends a lot of time padding around and watching people. the name from the post that inspired this one-- sweetsong-- is perfect but i didn't wanna copy it. i really like the name songfoot though, i think it's really cute.)
nectarbrook is thunderclan's beloved medicine cat. sweet and silly, she has an affinity for collecting and mixing herbs to create new tinctures. they don't always work exactly how she wants them to, but they never have strictly negative effects, so... not too bad! she spends most of her time on the journey trying and failing to be a mediator, and cowering in fear while everyone else does the scary (and often stupid) work. she's got an intelligence to rival gordon's, and she's one of the only cats gordon fully gets along with.
("nectar" is about the closest warrior cats prefix to "soda," and "brook" just kinda sounds nice as a suffix to nectar. it's another liquid-related word too.)
frostpaw is a bloodclan apprentice. he's well beyond apprentice age, but he's pretty incompetent at warrior duties and such, so it's taking him a while. he just wants to graduate.
i imagine he used to be a cushy kittypet with dreams of being one of those cool cat gang members he sees outside every now and again. he's way in over his head.
("frost" comes from forzen. obviously. i initially envisioned him as a warrior named frostjaw. i don't know why i chose that suffix other than it sounding nice. but then i remembered the "i just wanna graduate" thing, and thought it would be funny to make him an apprentice.)
goldenberry is a highly skilled warrior and one of snakestar's kits. he has a very unassuming demeanor, often appearing clumsy or head-in-the-clouds, but he's one of thunderclan's most precise and deadly fighters. his long windclan-like limbs allow for quick movement. like his father, he strikes like a snake. despite his prowess, he doesn't like fighting at all, and he would much rather hang around camp with his friend songfoot and take care of menial tasks like an apprentice or test out new herb tinctures for nectarbrook. he's very helpful and kind, if not a bit blunt. before snakestar died, he had goldenberry in mind as the next deputy as soon as galeheart finally kicked the bucket. he only didn't make him the deputy in the first place because he was an apprentice at the time.
("golden" comes from tommy's signature yellow, as well as his father's perception of him as highly important. "berry" comes from his general sillyness and his affinity for nectarbrook's various little treats.)
galeheart is a gregarious senior warrior and thunderclan's beloved deputy. despite his small stature, he's incredibly strong and overzealous. he loves his clan to death and he loves fighting even more, often dragging everyone into unnecessary squabbles just for the thrill of it. his loud, booming voice commands everyone's attention. he's quite old and really should be in the elders' den at this point, but his love for the warrior life keeps him going despite it all, and he's still in great shape. snakestar isn't quite so satisfied with galeheart's behavior, but there's not much he can do about that, given everyone else loves galeheart to bits. snakestar partially send him on that journey in hopes he would die already, but he has an unwavering spirit and he can and will outlive snakestar.
galeheart and gordon get along for the most part, but gordon is a little scared of him.
("gale" comes from coomer's general energy. he is a strong gust of wind to me. it also brings to mind the color white, which... is what galeheart is! "heart" also comes from his Vibes, mostly his fighting spirit.)
scorchtail is yet another old coot who should be getting ticks picked off of him by apprentices, but his stubbornness keeps him in his warrior position. he's not even particularly good at being a warrior-- he's cowardly and his battle strategy can best be described as the real life version of button-mashing. still, he's far too prideful to retire to the elders' den. he tends to follow galeheart around, since they grew up together and share similar positions in the clan. he's very antagonistic towards gordon, even moreso than songfoot. he has a special hatred of kittypets, seeing their lifestyle as an embarrassment.
("scorch" comes from bubby's association with fire as well as his sassy disposition, and "tail" comes from the tip of his tail looking burnt.)
snakestar is a starclan cat who was previously thunderclan's leader. he's generally cold and and analytical, and not much of a fighter, preferring to make others do his bidding. this behavior carried over very well to starclan, where he spends all his time being appropriately cryptic and unhelpful. he holds a lot of love for his one son, goldenberry, who he's always watching over. he doesn't care much for his other previous clanmates. he visits gordon in her dreams often to tell her vague things about her "part to play" and how important she is and all that. he arbitrarily decided that she was the subject of a prophecy, for the most part. i like to think starclan just makes shit up for fun. i think maybe one of his ancestors visited gordon when she was a kitten and made some kind of deal with her. i dunno. i'm in the very early stages of this au.
("snake" comes from gman's general vibes, but it's also an allusion to snakes in mythology [particularly abrahamic myth] being sleazy dealmakers with ill intent. before he was a leader, his suffix was "sight," alluding to his tendency to sit back and watch rather than run into battle.)
thanks for reading my long-ass ramblings, if you did! :-P idk if i'll actually do anything with any of this, but it's fun to think about...
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la-pheacienne · 2 months
How do you interpret Daenerys IV, A clash of kings? There must be one more, the dragon has three heads. Or Daenerys I, A storm of swords? Until one day Prince Rhaegar found something in his scrolls that changed him.
ACOK: that's Dany's vision, Rhaegar was looking at Dany through space and time, letting Dany know of the prophecy, inside her vision. He wasn't seeking the three heads of the dragon himself when he was alive. We know that anyone can be "head of the dragon", Aemon wished he could be by Dany's side to do precisely that, we know that Tyrion will probably be one of the heads. It has never been established that the three heads of the dragon have to be siblings nor that Rhaegar thought as much. So why would he exclusively want his kids to be the three heads? Based on what? The only real info we have of his mindset (outside Dany's vision) is that he believed his son was TPTWP, and that's because of a specific reason aka the comet that he saw on the night his son was conceived, that he took for the bleeding star of the prophecy.
ASOS: that's Rhaegar finding out about the prophecy that coincidentally is the title of the book series. That's him being a prophet type of character, an idealist looking far ahead, beyond political interests and rivalries, while the rest of the characters of his time were busy being petty political players. Of course that was Rhaegar's downfall because Rhaegar's idealism was crushed under the ruthless and unforgiving necessities of his present time. It was also his biggest redeeming quality and the reason why I personally find him special and I hold onto him even though he's a minor dead side character. This tragedy will be corrected by Dany and Jon who perfectly encapsulate Rhaegar's idealism while also enriching it with their important ruling experience and pragmatism.
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mephitidae · 5 months
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Aight this drawing has been sitting on my computer for months and the idea has been on my head for like a year or so and finally I'm rambling about this here, so more info under the cut.
Alright so, I have been working on this thing I call "The chimera AU" basically the three are not only special because of their powers but they are also special because they are chimeras.
I know a lot of people knows "chimeras" as cats with a split face but there's a lot more, please check out this blog, has a lot of very interesting info about chimeras and literally inspired me to create this AU.
A little bit of context
In this AU, Leafpool is in a poly relationship with Crowfeather and Mothwing, everything goes just like canon but this time Leafpool is pregnant by both Crowfeather and Mothwing(cats can have litters from different fathers).
Initially she was going to have a litter of 5 kittens but something goes wrong during her pregnancy and two pairs get "merged" in one cat, so we end up with the classic three.
Jayfeather is one of the "merged" kits and therefore a chimera, he is a calico male with the mix of blue and red genes (also literally son of both Crowfeather and Mothwing because)
Lionblaze is the other chimera kit, he's also a calico male and exhibits a mix of red and lilac genes (he's also son of Crow and Moth)
Finally we have Hollyleaf, who at first glance can pass as a chimera thanks to her split face but she is a fake chimera, she is just a tortie (Also the daughter of just Crowfeather since she's not "merged").
I also wanted to link the chimerism to the fact that Lionblaze and Jayfeather are reincarnations, they are literally two cats in one body.
How the story goes
This is literally barebones but here's what I have so far!
Just like canon, Holly and her brothers think she's part of the prophecy thanks to their chimerism (cats somehow know what a chimera is).
Of course later she ends up discovering that she's not part of the prophecy, I'm planing to tie this to Sol who is going to be another fake chimera just like Hollyleaf. Sol uses his chimerism to gain the trust of the clans and of course the trust of the three, specially Holly, when Sol disappear from the clans, Holly starts to question her place in the prophecy because "If he was fake, maybe I'm also fake".
Dovewing is of course also a chimera (I need to draw her) she also has a split face marking but she is a real chimera, this enrages Hollyleaf because how can Dovewing be a real chimera (and part of the prophecy and she don't?).
Ivypool gets the same treatment as Hollyleaf, she also has a split face marking thanks to her vitiligo but she's not a chimera, this of course makes her super angry and starts compare with her sister.
And I thinks that's all I have for now, maybe later I'll come back with designs for Sol, Dovewing and Ivypool!
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