#is there also a chrisginny week??
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expectris-patronum · 2 years ago
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they’re hugging.
+ neil doesn’t have legs because i forgot to draw them
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lesbicosmos · 2 years ago
day 7 of @chrisginnyweek !!
day 7 prompt: together
my interpretation: fluff. just pure fluff.
summary: the day after the play chris and ginny decide to go for a walk in the snow together
on ao3!!
i'll crawl home to her
“I always forget how pretty the snow is,” said Chris, her smile as sparkling as the apparent winter wonderland that surrounded them.
“Yeah, it really looks like something out of a fairy-tale,” replied Ginny, looking around.
It was the day after the performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream (and the evening the girls had spent in the forest with Neil and his friends) and they had decided to go for a walk in the park and enjoy the gorgeous wintry weather. The snow had fallen even more overnight, so the park they always went to was covered in a thick blanket of gleaming white, reflecting all light that hit it and making the surroundings glow. The trees looked like something from a painting, and it made Ginny wish she had brought her camera with her to capture the moment.
There were very few people outside due to the below freezing temperatures, so the two of them were comfortably walking through the park hand in hand. Well, they could barely feel the other’s hand due to the thick gloves they were both wearing, but the idea was there. The lower half of Ginny’s face was covered by a thick light blue knitted scarf, which Chris had definitely not laughed at when she first saw her wearing it. Chris didn’t have a scarf; the fur on the inside of her brown coat seemed to be doing a good enough job at keeping her warm.
“You know,” Ginny sighed softly, her breath visible in front of her as she exhaled. “I originally felt bad turning Neil down on his offer to go somewhere with him and his friends today, but as much as I love him, I’d rather be here with you. Just you.” She turned her head so she and Chris locked eyes for a moment.
“Really? You know I wouldn’t mind hanging out with those guys instead if you wanted to go and meet them.”
“No, I mean it.” Ginny squeezed Chris’s hand. “I love spending time with you. Besides, I think we had enough of the boys last night with their cave poetry.”
Chris laughed, shaking her head slightly in amusement. “Yeah, that was pure chaos. Todd’s poem was really good though!”
“It was, actually. Did you see Neil’s face as he read it, though? That boy is smitten, I swear.”
“Literally. That cave was so dark, but I could just sense the pining.”
They both knew that was a bit hypocritical given the two of them had been pining after one another for months before finally admitting their feelings. Ginny had probably spent more time staring at Chris with a lovestruck glint in her eyes than she’d spent looking at her any other way.
Ginny hadn’t noticed she’d zoned out, she was too busy thinking about all the time she had spent worrying alone in her room that Chris might never feel the same way she did about her, that she might not want to be friends anymore if she ever found out. She knew that realistically that would never happen - Chris was probably the least prejudiced person she knew - but there was always that dark part of her mind that kept asking what if?
She was pulled out of her imagination by Chris’s voice, but she was further away than Ginny remembered her being.
“Hey, Gin!” she called.
Ginny didn’t even have chance to fully turn around or reply before she was hit in the chest with a snowball, stepping backwards with the impact. She hadn’t noticed Chris had stepped off the path and onto the grass and was busying herself with the snow, apparently collecting ammunition.
“Hey!” Ginny replied, crouching down to make her own snowball to throw back at her girlfriend.
Chris shrieked as Ginny hurled it at her, but just managed to dodge it.
What was originally a playful moment eventually escalated into a full-blown snowball fight, the two girls constantly picking up snow to toss at one another, giggling away to themselves like schoolchildren. It was the first time in a while that they’d been able to just let go and enjoy themselves, and both of them were loving it.
However, in trying to throw a rather large clump of snow at Ginny, Chris lost her balance and fell over, landing on her back.
“Ow…” she groaned as Ginny walked over to her, laughing.
Ginny stood next to her, looking down. “You know, for someone who ice skates you really do have the worst balance sometimes,” she teased.
Chris scoffed, faux-offended.
“I’ll show you bad balance.”
Within a second, Chris had reached up, took both ends of Ginny’s scarf in her hands and pulled her down so that she fell practically on top of her. Their noses crashed together, leaving their lips barely even an inch apart. Chris pulled the scarf again, bringing their mouths together. The feeling of their lips on each other’s was comforting and warm compared to the crisp, cold air surrounding them, and it made both of them never want to move…for about thirty seconds, at least.
“Wanna go home?” Ginny asked. “I’d love to keep doing this, but someone will see us eventually. And also my hands are numb, even with the gloves.”
“Yeah. This was so fun, but I don’t think I’m gonna be able to feel my feet for much longer.”
Ginny rolled off Chris and slowly stood up, regaining her balance.
“Come on,” she said, offering her hand out to Chris to help her up.
She took it, and they continued to hold hands all the way back to Ginny’s house. They walked even closer together than they had before, desperate for the warmth of the other.
When they entered Ginny’s house, they both wordlessly went up to her room to change out of their cold, wet clothes and into their pyjamas. Within ten minutes, they were sat on the couch in the living room, curled up together with a blanket and hot chocolates. Their legs gradually tangled together beneath the covers until eventually it became difficult to tell whose limbs were whose. Chris was lying with her head on Ginny’s shoulder, both hands on her mug of hot chocolate, and Ginny had one hand carding through short blonde hair while the other was busy propping a book open on her lap.
“What are you reading?” Chris asked after taking a sip of her drink.
“The Poems of Emily Dickinson, it’s an anthology of all her works. Neil bought it for me.”
Neil and Ginny had both bought each other presents for the night of the play. Neil had found the poetry book in one of the local bookstores and bought it, knowing Ginny had once borrowed a different Dickinson collection from the library and loved it.
“She writes about women the way you talk about Chris,” he’d sad after she’d opened it, and Ginny felt a a wave of joy wash over her, so intense she nearly forgot to give Neil his own gift.
Ginny hadn’t known what to get him so had decided on something with more sentimental value instead – she’d torn out the page of her A Midsummer Night’s Dream script that featured Puck’s final monologue and framed it for him. He got really excited after opening it, saying it was going to go up on the wall in his and Todd’s dorm, right next to the original auditions poster and a collection of photos of himself and the other poets with the Polaroid camera Meeks got for his last birthday.
Ginny had been far too tired to start reading the night before, and had only flicked through and marked the ones she remembered were her favourites by folding the corner of the page, but curled up under a blanket with Chris had felt like the perfect moment to get inside the head of a 19th century woman who had a way with words about life, death, nature and women.
“Read one to me,” Chris said, tucking her head further into the crook of Ginny’s neck and getting somehow even more comfortable.
Ginny seemed to hum in contemplation, flicking through her book, finally turning to a page that she’d folded the corner of and reading:
“To see her is a Picture,
To hear her is a Tune,
To know her an Intemperance
As innocent as June
To know her not – Affliction,
To own her for a Friend
A warmth as near as if the Sun
Were shining in your Hand.”
“It’s beautiful,” Chris said quietly. “Read another.”
And so Ginny did. She read Chris her favourite Dickinson poems, all the ones where she talked most beautifully about a woman – her best friend, but also clearly something more. She had just finished reciting Sue – forevermore! when she noticed Chris had fallen asleep on her shoulder. She laughed quietly to herself, then took the mug from Chris’s hands and placed it and her book on the small table beside her. She leaned down to press a soft kiss to Chris’s head before getting comfier herself, following her girlfriend into a warm, restful sleep on the couch.
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chrisginnyweek · 2 months ago
hey everyone! a bit of an update:
chrisginny week will probably NOT be held in 2025.
it's been really fun running this event the past couple of years, but it's also incredibly difficult to get people interested in it (that weren't already). plus, not that this is a huge deal, but in the past, i've found that it's hard to please everybody -- especially regarding the prompts.
this isn't goodbye to CGW forever, though. i would love to return to running it in 2026 with a fresh perspective, and maybe with some new people in the fandom! additionally, if there's enough support for it this year, i'd definitely consider deleting this post and holding the event in june like usual. but as of right now -- and the last six or so months -- i don't want to burn myself out on an event that not many people take interest in.
love you guys! see you in 2026 ♡
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chrisginny · 2 years ago
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♡ chrisginny week 2023 ♡
a valentine's confession fic for day 3: happiness & day 5: celebration
read it on ao3!
divider credit: yokaidisarray
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February 14th, 1960
Chris was enjoying a peaceful Sunday breakfast with her mother when the doorbell rang suddenly. 
“I’ll get it”, said Chris. She rose from her chair, shuffling lazily towards the front door. She gazed through the peephole, noting the lack of any person on the front porch, which was unusual. Confused, she swung the door open, stepping past the entrance and into the outdoors. 
Something out of place caught Chris’ eye, and she looked down. A lilac-colored envelope sat on top of the wooden platform. Beside it was a small bouquet of hand-picked crocuses. How strange, Chris thought. Certainly no boy she’d ever received a valentine from — and there had been quite a few since the onset of her adolescence — had given her crocuses. It was always red roses, perhaps a couple of white ones scattered into the mix; and never a fancy, purple envelope with elegant cursive on its front. 
Chris bent over, reaching delicately for the envelope. A kind of intense curiosity had taken hold of her brain; she was desperate to know who this secret admirer was, and what made him – her? – so different. Her slender fingers tore open the material, revealing an off-white sheet of paper with the same slanted handwriting in thick strokes of ink.
My dearest Chris,
“To love thee Year by Year —
May less appear
Than sacrifice, and cease —
However, dear,
Forever might be short, I thought to show —
And so I pieced it, with a flower, now.” (Emily Dickinson)
Be my Valentine?
Predictably, neither the envelope or the letter of affection bore a signature or return address; so Chris, while flattered, was also mystified. She held the letter to her heart for a while, rifling through her memories for any familiar faces. Chet was out of the question, of course. Knox was almost as unlikely a suspect, given his and Chris’ splitting up a few weeks prior. Chris couldn’t think of any other boys that were interested in her, at least not ones she could name… 
That did leave one other possibility, one that Chris had barely given thought to, which was the likelihood of a girl courting her. Just as she stumbled onto that tentative conclusion, an image of Ginny crept into her mind’s eye – no, it couldn’t be – causing scarlet to bloom from her cheeks. It made sense. Ginny loved poetry and, from what Chris gathered in their daily conversations, was particularly passionate about Dickinson. Could it be?
Something rustled in the background, and Chris could have sworn she caught human movement in her peripheral vision. Alas, by the time she had angled her head towards the sound, the area was empty once more. 
February 15th, 1960
School was insufferable, to say the least. Passing through Ridgeway High’s unsupervised, crowded hallways was especially egregious this time of year; by the end of the day, Chris had been met with five different couples kissing out in the open (yes, she was counting). To add insult to injury, she had also found a love note in her locker, the lined paper and sloppy penmanship incomparable to the letter she had received the day before. All said and done, she was more than relieved to finish her last class – well, until she frantically remembered her plans to meet up with Ginny at their favorite park. 
When Chris arrived, Ginny was sitting on a wooden bench facing away from the other girl, absentmindedly fidgeting with a twig. Chris, suddenly hyper-aware of her appearance, adjusted her jacket and tucked a few stray wisps of hair behind her ears before presenting herself to her friend. 
Ginny soon spotted Chris and waved, beckoning the other girl to settle beside her. She was dressed in her usual winter uniform – a navy blue jumper and a plaid skirt, paired with woolen tights for warmth. A discarded set of gloves sat on top of her backpack, and woven into her brown curls was a dainty white flower, the same that grew in patches on the ground each February. 
“Hi”, said Ginny. Chris’ heart skipped a beat. 
“Hi, Gin”. Chris gestured towards Ginny’s hair. “I like the flower”. 
“Thanks. It’s a snowdrop.” Ginny lightly touched the blossom, feeling for its presence. 
Chris hadn’t thought it would take a simple exchange about wildflowers to confirm Ginny’s culpability in the letter incident the day before, but at that moment, everything clicked in her mind. 
“I’m sorry, correct me if I’m wrong”, Chris pried gently, “but you’re the person who left me that letter yesterday, aren’t you?”
Ginny blushed, ducking her head and averting her gaze away from Chris; her hand, however, had a will of its own, and remained impossibly close to Chris’ own. 
“Um”, she stalled. “Yeah. That was me.” She didn’t deny being the culprit, which was something that Chris found utterly endearing, despite the intense timidness of their conversation. 
Neither girl knew what to say next. The silence between them was tense, almost palpable, clinging to the air like humidity after a rainstorm. 
“Well”, Chris was the first to break the stillness. “To answer your question – the one in the letter, I mean… yes. I’d love to”. She nudged Ginny’s hand, and the latter girl, who had been listening with bated breath, relaxed into Chris’ soft touch. 
“You’re sure?” Ginny raised an eyebrow. 
Chris laced their fingers together, nodding in confirmation. “I know it’s a bit late, but I like you a lot, and…” She paused, not used to taking such a confident role in a relationship. 
“And?” Ginny’s smile was faint but coy. Chris batted her eyelashes, admiring the brunette’s picturesque features. 
“I just don’t think we should let something as silly as Valentine’s Day determine how or when we… love each other”. The word felt thick in Chris’ mouth, but Ginny appeared to agree, her smile growing wider while Chris watched with adoration. 
“You’re sharp”, complimented Ginny. “So, love, huh?”
Chris was far too happy to care that she’d been caught, even though love had weight to it. She squeezed Ginny’s hand, then: “Sure. I think I might love you a little.” A lot. 
Ginny squeezed back, the pressure sending miniature sparks up through Chris’ forearm. 
“Then we’re right back to where we’ve always been. And”, Ginny added, “for the record, I think I might love you too. More than just a little, if that’s okay”. 
Chris was practically on cloud nine as she responded with “It’s perfect, Gin.” 
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lesbicosmos · 2 years ago
@giolovesyousm IM GONNA CRY OMG ILYSM 😭 literally exactly the same back at u, ur so cool and i love talking to u, ur literally one of the only people i know who's as insane about good omens as i am <333 can't wait to go just as insane over doctor who with you too
@latin-8-o-clock-my-room u were like my first proper mutual on here and the first person i spoke to outside of just reblogs and other post interactions. you're the coolest and meeting u irl was actually one of my favourite days ever. i also still have the first ask you ever sent me in my inbox, the dps fic idea, partially so i don't forget to write it at some point but also because im a sentimental bitch and that was the first main interaction we had <33
@73647e you're insane and i love you for it. you're so cool and always have the best and most hilarious posts and i was originally scared to talk to you but im so glad i did because you're awesome and also if i hadn't, the group discord probably wouldn't exist <3
@phobos-deimos-cosmos first of all we are so similar it's actually crazy. you're way cooler than me though and i love talking to u sm!! i treasure the one ring i have even more now i know you have exactly the same one <3 also you're actually insane on piano im in awe of you
@chrisginny when i first started on dpsblr i thought you were an actual fandom celebrity and i still think you are. your blog is one of my favourites on the whole app, all your posts make me smile and especially your fics too!! and thank you again for organising chrisginny week back in june, i had so much fun with it <333
+ everyone on the discord server i haven't directly tagged, i love all of you and talking to u on there makes me so happy u don't understand <333
I wanna try and start a new thing. You can’t see anyone’s followers counts, so I just have a few mutuals that I, based on nothing, assume are just famous. Let’s start a chain to just show people how cool we think they are.
My favourite celebrities are: @when-emma-falls-in-love13 @sugarfoodie @allegory-buried @sharpasanaro and @finleycannotdraw
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chrisginnyweek · 11 months ago
Request - prompt suggestions
hey all! on the survey i sent out after last year's chrisginny week, i asked how y'all would like the prompts to be chosen. the majority said they'd like to vote on prompts, while many also said that they'd like to suggest prompts themselves. so: i'll combine the two!
please send in prompt ideas via asks to this blog (@chrisginnyweek) (can be anon if needed)! then, we can vote on them as a community via polls. i haven't figured out exactly how that's gonna work, but i'll work that out soon. in total, we'll end up with seven prompts for seven days of the week.
also: if you want to send in prompts, please do so before april 15th, 2024. this is to give me time to figure out the voting, and the community time to prepare creations.
thank you :)
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chrisginny · 2 years ago
hey dpsblr mutuals! i will be trying to take a break from tumblr (at the very least be much less active) until mittsie may and chrisginny week. i have a few queued posts coming up, so if you see #queue tag it means i’m still probably inactive. i want the upcoming ship events to be refreshing and not feel like i have to produce content, bc i feel very burnt out right now.
i also wanted to say thanks for nearly 190 followers :) i may hit 200 while i’m inactive, so just putting that out there in case that happens.
ok, byeee <3
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