#is the most personal one bc i finally dumbly realized after too long that the majority if not all of the characters are me in some way
carcarrot · 4 months
ok i think im actually going to have to make a checklist for all the references i want to get into my screenplay
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neoraso · 4 years
royal guard!minho
requested | some gender neutral hc for how he starts to wish he was maybe more than just a guard to you 
to put things lightly, minho was the ace of your entire guard
like he was better than anyone …at everything
so originally he was on (your father) the king’s immediate guard
he was nothing but professional and saved the king too many times to count even from like stepping on rocks idk 
when you turned like 17 and had to do more public appearances obv u were in a lot more danger so ur father jumped at having minho reassigned to u as the head of your personal guard “nothing but the best for his child”
the first time you met him… he only nodded or said yes or no to everything u asked him n ur jus like ok not much of a talker that’s not so bad ig haha ʕʘ‿ʘʔ
he was so quiet and “polite” for months despite you constantly trying to get something out of him
ur other guards always tried not to laugh bc if only u knew he had like two friends and was generally a pretty serious guy
but one day there was a festival in your kingdom’s central city so obv you had to make an appearance which u were very excited abt bc you only get to go into town like twice a year and THIS was one of those times
being “of age” and that much closer to taking the throne you might as well have painted a big red target on your head to signal people against the throne
everything was going fine, everyone was having fun and you decided to visit some of the booths and musicians around the square
minho was already suspicious of the situation and tightens the rest of your guard without u evenn rlly noticing but like
just as you turned to show these cute little candies to minho to maybe get a reaction for once -
the second he looks at you, someone moves to grab you but the flash of a knife in his other hand causes minho to jump immediately into action
honestly who knows what rlly happened minho moved so damn fast but the next thing you know, ur in the middle of your whole guard squad
looking through the gaps of their shoulders you see minho pinning down your assailant with a blade against his neck waiting for someone to arrest him even though he rlly wanted to just execute the guy right there 
the festivities were kind of killed for u after that bc you and your family were rushed back home which u might’ve been more sad abt if u werent in so much shock :<
obv minho was the one to escort you back but like all he said was “you’re okay?” and after u dumbly nodded with wide eyes he walked with you but kept a hand around your shoulder
no one really talked after that which wasn’t unusual for him but in his mind he was rlly like 
“?? ok i know its literally my job to protect this family but?? hm whyyyy do i seem to care sm more rnnn??//?” help him sdhskjd
u just looked so shaken up and disappointed and suddenly he was like damn </3 they rlly have no fun in their life and this one time they could was ruined :///
u had to stay inside for weeks after that bc it turns out there was a whole conspiracy to “eliminate” your family line so you waited in safety until the criminals were “taken care of” 
minho had everything triple checked around the castle for your safety and secretly made sure you had extra treats and warm drinks sent to your room sometimes with little notes that he had the cook pretend to have sent because lately he’d heard you had trouble sleeping sometimes he’s shy boy aw
he started to realize how much he had gotten used to your smile and your little jokes and the way you sometimes tripped on the corners of rugs. and he thought maybe it was a good thing you guys didnt have many interactions lately because he was way too attached
you on the other hand, couldnt even rlly complain about having to stay inside so much bc you had everything you needed and- you knew it was for ur safety but- it wassss kind of suffocating at times
u tried sneaking out at first ((just to the garden!!)) which obviously was a bad idea bc it’s impossible to get past minhos fcking hawk eyes lmao
he STILL didnt say anything like he would just follow right behind you
n like u kinda huffed but whatever honestly at least it was just him and not 15 other guards like everyone acted like you needed
plus it was somewhat comforting to have someone so solid around even if he never talked smh
one night you sat near the little pond and tried to calm your mind by watching how the moonlight rippled in the water
you can feel him behind you so u just turn around and look at him ignoring how he was already looking at you
 “would you at least sit with me?”
he kind of hesitates bc …what if someone tried to come up behind you? but with the sad look on your face he cant help but give in and sits on the stone bench at the opposite end of you
it becomes actually somewhat peaceful until you just decide to ask everything you’ve been wondering n u just blurt out-
“would it kill you to talk with me once in a while? i mean, talk like a normal person and not a machine? i dont bite i promise..”
he furrows his brow bc he’s shocked you cared at all and also he doesnt rlly know how to respond without being like “its not really in my job description to make conversation” but he honestly just thought you were being talkative out of niceties.
 before he could even form a sentence you continued,
“i mean- i’m always trying to get your attention. i dont get to meet many people for obvious reasons but my guards are the closest people to me-literally, and i dont want there to be a big gap between us just because of my status..”
he cuts you off before you ramble yourself to death 
“i didn’t know you were this troubled by it… i just take my job very seriously and i dont want to risk anyone’s safety for the sake of conversation”
u almost roll ur eyes but not wanting to be rude ur just like “even at home? i know you’re serious about your duties, believe me, i just… i get lonely.”
smthing inside him literally breakkkssss when you say that like u are such a pure and sweet person that deserves to have all the love and friends and fun in the world so he just gets quiet for a second and looks down
“im sorry.” he said it so softly you almost didnt hear him “i’ll be there for you more- if thats what you need. im essentially in charge of your safety and care and i’ll do anything to fulfill that responsibility.”
well this was good right? so why did you still feel unsatisfied?
“i dont want to just be a responsibility, cant we just be like friends? or…”
you cut yourself off before talking too much again
you had to admit to yourself you had developed a bit of a liking for minho, not just because he was probably the most handsome person in your kingdom, not even just because he saved your life, but he had really been a pillar of security in your life and you respected his loyalty and ambition.
he was more than admirable and everything you wanted as a standard for your kingdom
sometimes you let your mind wander to him getting on one knee and leading alongside you..
no, now youre getting sidetracked and delusional and he can practically hear the gears turning in your head so he stands up and reaches his hand out for you to grab 
“of course you’re more than a responsibility to me, come on, lets go inside it’s getting cold.’
taking his hand and realizing the conversation was over, you moved to link arms instead  as he walked you all the way to your bedroom door 
u slept a lot better that night 
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from that point on you could not get rid of minho 
like everyone was borderline uncomfortable with how jarring his change in attitude was 
like he was constantly behind you looking right over your shoulder or grabbing your arm to stop you from bumping into things
even when he wasnt technically on duty he had taken it upon himself to give you little lessons in archery and even some defensive moves to help you protect yourself in case someone wasnt fast enough to help you 
your tried not to get flustered every time he adjusted your form and the way you could feel his breath behind your ear
or the head pats when he walked you to your room at night
or his hand on your back when you guys would take walks in the garden
honestly it did not take long until one night you were sat next to your pond and after some comfortable small talk you noticed how close his face was to yours
but he noticed you didn’t pull away even as he leaned in closer and finally just kissed you
when he pulled away and saw your eyes still closed and how soft you looked his heart almost exploded
“i didnt mean to make things weird i just,, couldnt help myself, sorry”
his rushed confession pulls you out of your daze and you’re so happy (a little shocked) but you’re quick to reassure him
“it’s ok, i’ve been wanting you to do that for a while …”
he’s jus like “rlly?😳”
obviously this complicates things a lot and you aren’t really sure if you would even be allowed to have a relationship with minho bc of ur position
or if he would get in trouble for breaking the rules of attachment to u
all of this is kind of racing thru both of ur minds as you look at each other but you laugh after u both start talking at the same time
you prod him to go first so he grabs your hands and says like
“look i care about you a lot, and i know we’re not really supposed to be doing this but if i can be by your side … beyond my duties…i would really love to. but if we can’t, i can survive with just being here to protect and serve you in anyway i can”
he’s so honest and genuine and earnest it shocked u a little
even tho you were uncertain abt the situation as well you knew you had grown a little too fond and dependent on minho that you would do anything to make it work
luckily an arranged marriage was not required for you so that wasnt really the issue, but falling in love with someone not at all royal..? it was a daunting thought how the idea would be perceived 
you wouldnt have said anything if you both weren’t completely sure of your feelings;  but you really could not imagine being content or safe spending your life with anyone else so you mustered up the courage to ask the king and queen…
when you brought it up to your parents they looked pretty concerned
minho went on the whole “i’ll do anything to protect them and this kingdom” speech and your father just waved him off and was like
“i know u would …. i’ll allow it because there’s really no one better to represent the kingdom and because i want only the best for my child ;)”
u and minho were literally in shock but just quietly said thank u and left the room
when you had privacy he immediately pulled you in for a kiss (maybe several all over ur face)
you had a lot to figure out and many responsibilities but now you had an amazing person by your side to help you through it :.) <3
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yinxiong · 4 years
tonight, we’re catching fire
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muse: lee juyeon x reader (2nd person perspective)
genre: revolution! au, angst + fluff
word count: 1315
warnings: none
summary: what kind of revolution had room for love?
notes: should be self explanatory, but this was inspired by tbz’s reveal (catching fire) performance bc i am so fucking gone for it !!! also lowkey inspired by this post here lol . hope y’all enjoy <3
“It’s almost time,” Juyeon whispers the moment you two meet in the middle of the dance floor. His face is hidden behind a beautiful mask of midnight, the black velvet decorated with glossy raven feathers and golden thread that matched the trim on his costume. You had spent days on the entire ensemble, making sure he would blend in with the aristocrats seamlessly, though looking at his bedazzled figure now you wonder if you had done your job a little too well (your quickening heart certainly thinks so). Grateful for your own mask to hide the rising blush in your cheeks, you nod, curtsying briefly before taking the outstretched hand he offers.
“I know,” you reply, settling your fingers on his upper arm as he slides his own around your waist, pulling you close. The hand that holds yours gives a light squeeze, and at the start of the violins, the two of you are gliding away in a flawless waltz, one taught by Changmin and practiced every night for the past month. “I’ve been watching the clock.”
Hanging on the far side of the ballroom, the giant golden disc in question glimmers idly, its hands moving tortuously slow on its journey to midnight. You and Juyeon have been waiting hours for that final strike, the cadence that signaled the end of a day and the start of another. Somewhere in the castle, the other Phantoms were waiting for it too— the strike that will determine the fate of the world.
Yet a part of you wishes it would never come. A selfish desire, considering all the work and planning everyone had put into tonight, to ensure that not a single thing would go wrong. There were lives at stake, after all. Except it really hadn’t occurred to you until now— spinning around a room that sparkled as if it were from a dream, held so delicately by Juyeon like you were a pair of noble lovers who didn’t have sharpened blades hidden within your gilded clothing, didn’t have a mission sitting heavy on your shoulders— that maybe you wanted this moment to last.
“What’s on your mind?” His voice is soft in your ear, a lyrical lilt that blends right into the orchestra playing in the distance. It’s familiar, one you have come to know like a dear friend over the years of working together, and right now it has never felt more comforting. Taking a breath, you allow yourself to relax a bit, to enjoy this dance that neither of you were actually invited to in the first place.
“Well, besides the dread that I might mess up and cause the entire mission to fail,” you laugh deprecatingly just before he twirls you, “I’m wondering how I managed to make you look so good.”
When you return to his arms, you find yourself pressed flush against his chest, his gaze peering curiously into your own through that mask so rudely concealing his flawless features. His tongue darts out briefly to wet his lips, and you’re suddenly hyper-aware of how close your faces are. “How do you mean that?”
“I— I’m admiring how well your costume turned out,” you manage, hoping your painfully red cheeks aren’t too evident beneath the glow of chandeliers.
“And not the person wearing it?” There’s a gleam in his eyes, one you haven’t encountered before. While you felt unnerved, something about it made him even more endearing. Made you want to cross the borders you hadn’t ever dared cross.
Scoffing, you reach up and flick him in the forehead. “I didn’t realize you were such a narcissist, Juyeon. Maybe you should’ve been born a prince after all.”
He smirks, “Well, that might become reality soon enough.”
It was thrilling, talking about the downfall of the royal family in their very own ballroom. Their lavish lifestyles and selfish rule were heard of by many across the kingdom, but known most of all by those that worked in the palace. After years of witnessing their incompetence to save or even care about the dying country, a number of you finally decided that it was time to end their reign. With the help of some nobles like Changmin and Sunwoo, the band crafted an elaborate plan to expose the royal family’s crimes and steal the crown, to be carried out over the period of a year. The months had passed by quickly, and soon the preparations were finished. But your jobs weren’t complete yet— even if the people were now festering with anger, the fuse that would spark everything was still unlit.
And time was running out.
“For the record, you should have more confidence in yourself.” Juyeon is still staring down at you when you come back to your senses, hands falling to rest on your waist as you slowly sway to the final measures of the song. “Everything is going to go well, you’re not going to mess anything up.”
You raise an eyebrow. “And why should I believe that?”
He bites his lip, nervous for a reason you cannot decipher. “Because you have me?”
“And you’re enough?”
“I mean, I should hope so.”
The violins have faded and everyone around you is bustling to join in on the next dance, but neither of you dare move, suspended in your own little bubble at the edge of the ballroom.
“You know,” he says, breath soft on yours, “You look really good in your dress too.”
“Sunwoo is watching,” you blurt dumbly, as if the duke’s son could do anything to stop the two of you right now. Juyeon pauses, eyes falling to your mouth. “I don’t care,” he declares, and before you know it his lips are warm against yours, gentle and sweet and tasting like the strawberry champagne you had passed off to him earlier.
Not once has it ever crossed your mind that something in this world could be described as perfect, because your entire life has been full of flaws up until now. But then Juyeon tilts his head for a better angle and curls his fingers into your hair and you might just pass out from how utterly right this feels. When you tug at his bottom lip, he lets out a soft moan, and that’s all it takes for you to cup his face and press closer, closer so there’s no longer a distance between that leaves your heart wrenching.
You don’t want this to end, you don’t want him to pull away, you don’t want to return to the quiet stares and awkward smiles and unfulfilled longing. Both of you have been wanting this for a while now, you realize with a jolt, and at once you kiss him harder.
Unfortunately, even the sweetest of dreams will cease, come morning.
“It’s time,” you whisper the moment you two separate. Juyeon’s eyes look pained, with a hint of regret, and you almost kiss him again. However, you both know there are far more pressing matters at hand.
There are five minutes until the clock strikes midnight. Five minutes for you to move into position. Five minutes before the country gets completely turned on its head.
Juyeon grasps your hands once more, lacing your fingers together as he memorizes your eyes. “We’re going to come out of this alive, alright?”
You nod, not daring to show any weakness in your final moments together. “Of course. Who else would wear the crown other than you?”
He laughs, pure and bright. It’s enough to light up the sky, you’re certain.
“Ready to catch fire?”
The revolution was starting. Tomorrow, the king will be no longer. Tomorrow, your blade will be stained with blood.
“I have always been ready.”
Tonight, the world will be covered in flames.
“Then let’s go reveal the true king.”
And when the day breaks, Juyeon will still be standing by your side.
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
"There are tick marks on your dominant arm. Red marks represent how many people you’ve fallen in love with. These marks turn black if the person has died. You gain a white tick mark when you’ve met your soulmate, and it turns golden when you’ve fallen in love with them." You know what's up. Give my some of that 👌 good Giyuu content.
Heyyy, Biz!!! I hope this is alright. 😭 Maybe it’s just me but it feels too... iffy. Or maybe it’s bc it took an entirely new direction than what I wanted last night. 😂
Giyuu x F!S/O: There are tick marks on your dominant arm. Red marks represent how many people you’ve fallen in love with. These marks turn black if the person has died. You gain a white tick mark when you’ve met your soulmate, and it turns golden when you’ve fallen in love with them (Modern AU, SFW Scenario):
Warning: Slight Angst with Happy Ending, Mentions of Sabigiyuu
The black tick mark on (Y/n)’s right wrist hurt her to look at it; not only because it was a permanent stain on her skin, but also because it was a constant reminder of what she could never have.
No matter how much she cried herself to sleep, or how horribly she cursed at the world, she knew she would never have a taste of what it was like to be loved by the person who was meant for her.
Ever since she was born the tick mark had been the same black color, so every single person she’d met always looked at her with pity in their eyes. At that point, their pity towards her felt so inevitable.
Hell, their pity felt like something akin to clockwork for her. She had become so used to it that she’d successfully mastered the art of ignoring them.
But, really, she wasn’t resilient enough to keep up her impassive looks whenever she tried to ignore the ‘i’m so sorry for your loss’ lines that were hurled at her. It was starting to get irritating, and that was how she found herself packing up her things and moving to Tokyo.
She never would have considered a fresh start, had she not been offered a job as an office worker in Akasaka. And with her sister living there, and in need of someone to watch over her daughter from time to time, she didn’t hesitate to grab the opportunity to move.
But she was sincerely regretting her decision at that moment because, as she scampered out of the train station, she was hit with the realization that someone like her was not a good fit for the big, bad city.
Or maybe that had more to do with the fact that her boss had saddled her with so many tasks due the next week; all because she had to go on an emergency leave to attend to her niece.
With a heavy sigh, (Y/n) hitched her bag higher on her shoulder, then began the short walk to Kimetsu Gakuen.
Once she was there by the gates, a man in a blue track suit greeted her with a nod. “I’m Tomioka Giyuu. Are you (L/n) Misaki’s mother?”
She had to blink twice and clear her head, because all that was in it was how pretty the raven-haired man’s entire face looked. His eyes, especially, were what drew her to him— as they were a pretty shade of blue that contrasted nicely with his hair.
“I- I’m her aunt. (L/n) (Y/n). My sister’s away on a business trip.” There was a brief silence between them, with both of them merely staring at the other— seemingly in a trance, until (Y/n) added, “Do you need any form of ID to verify if it’s the truth?”
“Huh? Yeah, an ID would be good,” Giyuu answered quickly, as if he was shaken from his reverie when she began to reach into her purse; only to notice that she didn’t have any tick marks on either of her wrists.
That fact dampened his spirits, and he didn’t even know why. Because she was essentially a stranger, aside from the fact that she was one of his students’ guardians.
He immediately shook the thought off, instead focusing on accepting the card she held out to him.
However, just as he took the ID from her, the hem of his sleeve rid up his arms. The move exposed more of his wrists to their gazes, which had Giyuu’s own eyes widening at the sight of the white tick mark that had appeared on his skin.
There used to be two black tick marks on his right wrist, which had saddened him immensely; but at that moment, there was a black one as well as a white one there. And he could think of only one explanation for it...
However, as he looked between the ID in his hands, as well as the woman in front of him— most notably her wrists— he didn’t see even the tiniest sliver of a white mark along her skin. So, with a quiet sigh, he handed the item back to her.
It couldn’t have been her if she didn’t have a mark. But she was the only new factor in his life, which would explain why one of his own marks had turned white.
But the fact remained: she didn’t have one to prove that she was his soulmate.
Every ounce of his being wanted to ask her if she received any; maybe in some other parts of her arm— like the inside of her elbow, which was being covered by her rolled up sleeve— yet shyness took over the forefront of his mind and he was left staring intently at her sleeve-clad right arm.
“Is there something wrong, sensei?” The young woman asked softly, as she blinked almost owlishly at him.
And in response, Giyuu shook his head before motioning for her to follow him. He was more than willing to bring up the front of their short walk, if only to hide the blush that tinted his cheeks.
She was too adorable for words, and he would be lying if he didn’t say just how fast the mere sight of her made his heart beat.
“Is Misaki in any sort of trouble? I spoke to Uzui sensei over the phone, but all he told me that Misaki had made something explode in the art room,” (Y/n) began softly, trying really hard to ignore the way that his back muscles moved beneath his clothes. When really, she couldn’t take her eyes off of them— she was so enamored with a stranger that she felt so ashamed of herself.
It didn’t help that the concealer she had put on top of her mark was beginning to feel so thick and sludgy along her skin. She wanted to rub it off, if it would help alleviate some of the discomfort that she felt.
But she didn’t have tissues; nor was it really wasn’t the time to do that, what with her being summoned to the principal’s office.
“No, I don’t think she is,” The young man answered quietly, as he made an effort not to give in to his urges and look at her over his shoulder.
Meanwhile, (Y/n) trudged along behind him, going up the stairs and never letting her gaze drift away from him. The feeling she had inside of her felt so unexplainable; she was so attracted to Tomioka-sensei that it was raising alarms inside her head.
She listened to him drone on and on about how Uzui-sensei was an eccentric teacher who had a way with exaggerated words, but she could absorb none of them; as all she could focus on was the calming sound of his voice caressing her ears.
Her feet followed him up each step, until her heel got caught in a chipped tile— which caused her to grab on to the hem of his jacket.
Immediately, Giyuu turned around to face her, quickly— but hesitantly— grabbing her hand on his jacket...
And it was as if he had been transported back in time.
Flashes of years long past played in his mind; some with images of a peach-haired boy with him, while others were with someone who looked uncannily like her.
Every flicker of a new image in his mind had his head reeling even further. He felt all of the things that the person with the memories felt back then— especially when the said person looked down at their wrist and saw two golden tick marks, right before looking up and finding the same peach-haired boy and the same young woman he’d just met at the present time.
Before Giyuu knew it, he had tears streaming down his face, as his mind slowly went down from the onslaught of memories that barraged him mere seconds before.
His heart simultaneously felt so broken and whole at the same time because, for one: he finally understood what the other black tick mark meant, and the other reason being that he’d finally found one of the people his soul had been looking for after all these years.
All the while, (Y/n) could only look dumbly up at her niece’s teacher, with tears brimming in her own eyes as she tried not to wrap her arms around him— in fear that he had not experienced the barrage of memories that she’d just had.
However, judging by the way his tear-filled gaze softened when it focused right on her, she knew that he had seen the things she had.
And slowly, Giyuu pulled her up into his arms— wrapping her tightly within his embrace as he buried his face into the crook of her neck. His hands, no matter how much he willed them to stop shaking, never ceased to do so— even has he cradled the back of her head and neck with them.
“It’s you. I’ve finally found you, (Y/n).”
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pikapeppa · 6 years
Fenris/f!Hawke modern AU: Love
Chapter 7 of Damned Spot is up on AO3! Find the previous chapters here on Tumblr. 
In which Fenris and Rynne deal with the aftermath of their impromptu night together. Beware le texting and le angst... 😞
8:52am - hey so 8:52am - you just went to get coffee right? 8:52am - bc you should know i dont like it lol 8:52am - chai for me plz~
10:11am - seriously though are you coming back?
1:08pm - honestly what the fuck 1:08pm - i didn't take YOU for a fuckboy 1:09pm - i mean i’m an idiot but i didn’t think i was that stupid
1:35pm - i take that back 1:35pm - i just realized you might have gotten hit by a car or sth 1:36pm - which i RELLY hope didn’t happen 1:36pm - really*** 1:36pm - just let me know if you need blood bc i’m a universal donor lol
2:46pm - Fenris. please. just talk to me
Rynne tossed her phone on the coffee table and dragged her hands through her hair, then nervously patted it back into place. She picked up the half-eaten piece of toast she’d made this morning and took a bite, then listlessly rose from the couch and carried the cold toast back to the kitchen to throw it out.
She just couldn’t understand it. Fenris was so wonderful last night, sexy and slow and attentive, holding her close until she fell asleep. And the words he’d said, those gorgeous tender words that he’d poured in her ear…
Rynne couldn’t reconcile that man with the one who had left her alone at some unspecified hour of the morning and who was now ghosting her so brutally.
She flicked the kettle on and toyed idly with her earrings as she waited for it to boil. Then, unable to resist the horrible temptation, she went back to the living room and picked up her phone.
She tapped into her messages and stared at the increasingly desperate string of unanswered texts she’d sent to him, then closed the app and slumped onto the couch. She really wished someone else was home right now. Rynne had never been particularly good at sitting alone with her feelings, and the feelings she was having now… Maker’s balls, they were fucking painful. It felt like a cold, heavy rock had been shoved right behind her sternum, and she could really use a friendly distraction.
Maybe he really did just get held up, she thought. Ran into someone he knew in Lowtown, or… or got arrested for being too sexy, or… Shit, she was really grasping at straws here to find an excuse for him. Any complicated excuse would do, because any excuse was better than the simple and likely truth.
It was a one-night stand. He doesn’t really want you.
She tugged at her ear until it started to hurt. Then she heard the click of the kettle turning off. She rose to her feet and went to pour herself some tea, but before she could do more than pick out a teabag, the intercom chimed.
Rynne dropped the teabag and ran to the intercom, then slammed her finger on the button. “Hello?”
There was a brief moment of silence, then his voice grumbled through the speaker. “Hawke? It’s… it’s me.”
“Come on up,” she replied, and she hit the buzzer. “Thank fuck,” she exclaimed out loud to the empty condo, then she ran to the bathroom to make sure she didn’t look as much of a wreck as she felt.
A minute later, the doorbell rang, and Rynne pulled open the door.
Fenris was frowning.
Her stomach instantly plummeted. Fuck, she thought. She laughed nervously as she let him in. “You’re just in time!” she said. “I was making tea. I’m glad you’re not dead, by the way. I was about to call the emergency room at Andraste General and see if the most handsome man in Thedas happened to have been admitted-”
“Hawke,” he said quietly.
She froze for a moment at the gravity of his tone, then breezed into the kitchen. “Do you want tea?” she asked. “Or maybe coffee instead? You take it black with a little sugar, right?”
“That’s - yes, that’s right. But no thank you. Hawke-”
She looked up at him with an empty mug in her hands. “You sure? It’s no trouble. I can make approximately five things in the kitchen and coffee is one of-”
He placed one tattooed palm on the kitchen counter. “Hawke, I… I cannot do this. It should never have happened in the first place. Forgive me.”
She stared at him dumbly, unable to breathe around the foolish hopes that were clogging her lungs and her throat.
Finally she drew a painful breath peeled her tongue from the roof of her mouth. “You came back here just to tell me that? That this is over?”
He tucked his hand back into his pocket and took a small step back. “Yes. I’m sorry-”
“Bullshit,” she exclaimed. “I don’t believe you.” She put the mug down and made her way around the kitchen counter to approach him.
He backed away from her with his hands in his pockets, and Rynne tried hard to ignore the fresh lance of hurt that speared her in the chest. She took another deep breath and folded her arms. “Come on, Fenris, what’s really going on here?”
“Nothing is going on,” he said. “I was drunk. We both were. It was a mistake, and it cannot happen again.”
A painful lump appeared in her throat, but she swallowed it down. His words were classic brush-off fuckboy fodder, and if Piper were here, she would have cheerfully told him to fuck off and take his tiny prick with him.
But Pipes wasn’t here. And somehow, for some reason, Rynne didn’t believe that Fenris was just using her for sex. She might be an overly optimistic idiot, but the things he’d said last night were still ringing in her ears.
I didn’t think I needed anyone or wanted anyone. Until now. Fenris didn’t speak idle words, and he wasn’t the kind of man who would say such things lightly. Rynne would never forget it, and she was absolutely certain he hadn’t forgotten it either.
“Alcohol is no excuse,” she said, as matter-of-factly as she could. “By the time you had me naked, you weren’t drunk anymore. And I wasn’t either.” She peered at him. “You can talk to me without blowing me off, you know. Listening and fucking aren’t mutually exclusive.”
His expression crumpled with discomfort as she spoke. He scratched the back of his neck and darted a glance at the door, and Rynne held her breath as she waited for him to respond. Maybe she’d come on too strong. Was this going to drive him away for good?
Finally he blew out a breath and rubbed a hand over his snowy hair. “Are we alone?” he asked.
She relaxed slightly. That was a good sign. “Yes, it’s just us,” she said. “What’s going on?”
He gripped his hair for a moment longer, then lifted his gaze to her face. “I have not been entirely honest with you,” he said. “I… I have not left the world of Tevinter crime behind.”
A jolt of horror made her widen her eyes. “Y-you mean… you’re still working as a-?”
“No,” Fenris said hastily. “No, it is not that. I…” He sighed and seated himself gingerly on the arm of the couch. “I didn’t come to Kirkwall to start a new life. I came here to bide my time.”
She took a tentative step closer to him. “What does that mean?”
“I was... well-known, shall we say, in the more disreputable circles in Tevinter,” he said slowly. “My departure was not as tidy as I made it sound. Danarius has not stopped hunting me. And I will not be hounded by him any longer.”
His expression was cold and fierce. Rynne took a deep breath. Her chest was jangling with anxiety at what he was implying, but she needed him to spell it out.
She rubbed her chilly arms. “What exactly does that mean?” she whispered.
Fenris continued to gaze steadily at her. “It means that I will kill him,” he said baldly. “When the time is right, I will lure Danarius out of Tevinter, and I will kill him, and any men he brings along with him.”
Rynne gaped at him, speechless and dumb with shock at the starkness of his words. Perhaps she shouldn’t be so shocked; he had told her he’d worked as an enforcer, after all. But somehow, Rynne hadn’t really seen it.
This wasn’t to say she didn’t believe him. She absolutely believed he was capable of incapacitating someone who deserved it. She would never forget the sight of him holding his knife to the throat of that guy who’s attacked her behind the Hanged Man. But somehow, in her naive little mind, she’d managed to separate that cold, brutal fighter from the smart, smirking, sympathetic man who worked with her at the pub.
Multifaceted indeed, she thought numbly. He was intelligent, well-spoken, polite… and a self-proclaimed killer who was planning to kill more people still.
She realized her silence had stretched on too long when Fenris nodded sharply and rose from the couch. “You understand the problem,” he said. “This… liaison can go no further. There is no future for you in all of this.”
He took a purposeful step toward the door. Before she could stop to think, Rynne darted in front of him. “Why don’t you just not kill Danarius?” she blurted.
He stared at her as though she’d said something absurd. “What?”
“Don’t kill him,” Rynne said urgently. “Just go on with your life. You know what they say: the best revenge is a life well lived.”
Fenris scowled. “Spoken like a person who has never been truly wronged,” he said acidly. “I will not wait passively to be found. There always comes a time when you must stop running - when you turn and face the tiger.”
“And there are times when you have to reconsider your plans so you don’t go to jail!” Rynne exclaimed. “What in the Void are you thinking will happen after you kill Danarius?”
Fenris shrugged and glanced at the door. “It doesn’t matter. I will be gone by then.”
Rynne raised her eyebrows. “So after you… after you carry out this plan of yours, you’re just going to leave. That’s it?”
Fenris finally seemed to lose his patience: he glared at her so fiercely that she took an instinctive step away from him. “Yes,” he snapped. “When this is done, I will leave this place and I will be satisfied that I’ve removed at least a scrap of miserable darkness from this world.”
Rynne’s heart was beating an anxious rhythm in her throat. She’d never seen him look so angry. She reached tremulously for his hand. “Fenris-”
He jerked his hand away from her touch. “You don’t understand,” he hissed. “You don’t know what they’ve done to me. The duplicity and the tattoos, the - the lyrium and the fucking lies-”
Rynne took a step forward and boldly grabbed his hand. He tried to pull away, but she squeezed his hand firmly in both of hers. “Fenris,” she said breathlessly, “I want to understand. Just - help me understa-”
“They set me up, all right?” he shouted. “I attempted to leave when they tried to bring Varania into the business. Danarius said one last job, and I would be free. But they set me up. Beat me to within an inch of my life, killed my mother and my sister, and told me it was a rival gang who did the job. I couldn’t remember what had happened, so I believed them.”
His fingers were cold and clenched, and Rynne’s chest felt just as clenched, tight with an aching and horrified sympathy. “And the tattoos?” she whispered.
He bowed his head and ran his free hand through his hair. “When I healed from my wounds, they… encouraged me to get the tattoos. Show my fealty to Danarius. And I agreed. I thought I had nothing left to live for, with my family dead and gone. And…” He swallowed hard, then lifted his face once more, and Rynne’s throat swelled at the distress in his face.
“I asked for lyrium,” he rasped. “While the tattoos were healing. I requested it. I… I demanded it.”
“Oh, Fenris,” Rynne breathed. She squeezed his forearm, then reached up and cradled his neck. “It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t ask for any of this-”
He reached up and pulled her hands away. “Are you not listening?” he demanded. “I asked for lyrium. I begged them to rub that filthy salve on my skin while the tattoos were healing. Then the salve became the shots, and…” He rubbed his face tiredly. “I was addicted to it for years, Hawke. That was a curse of my own making.”
Rynne frowned. He’d become an addict via lyrium salve? That didn’t seem right. Rynne wasn’t a doctor by any means, but she knew quite a bit about how lyrium was absorbed, and lyrium salve was the least potent form. It could even be used on children in small doses.
But this didn’t seem the time to point it out. And Fenris wasn’t finished talking. “You are right about one thing,” he said. “This is not entirely my fault. It’s Danarius’s fault: Danarius and his entire snivelling, power-hungry clan of criminals. And I won’t find a moment’s peace until he is dead.”
Rynne forced herself to breathe calmly. All this talk of death, of Fenris killing someone, and the thought of him getting caught and locked away for something that could so easily be avoided… It was almost enough to make her panic.
She forced another careful inhale. “How long has it been since you were in Tevinter?” she asked.
His scowl lessened somewhat. “Two years and nine months, give or take. Why do you ask?”
“And you’ve been running from Danarius ever since?” she asked.
He narrowed his eyes. “Yes. Why else do you think I only just arrived in Kirkwall?”
Rynne took a deep breath. This next question was crucial. “Did you ever… did you kill any of his people in that time?”
“No,” he said tersely. “I avoided them. I have been trying to keep a low profile, as you well know.”
His response was accusatory, but Rynne didn’t mind; she released a little sigh of relief. “So let’s go to the police,” she said. “The Kirkwall police are very fair. Aveline Vallen, the police captain, she’s a friend - not that that would make her go easy on anyone or anything, she’s so scrupulous it’s nearly annoying, but - and Cullen! Cullen would absolutely be willing to help. We can just-”
“No,” Fenris said loudly. “No police, and no lawyers. I will - this is not your problem.” He edged around her and moved toward the door. “I have already told you far more than you should know. I will deal with this on my own.”
Rynne planted herself firmly in front of the door. “Fenris, you can’t do this,” she said desperately. “It’s too dangerous, and if you get caught-”
He took an angry step closer to her. “And what would you have me do?” he snarled. “Hawke, I have never had the option to simply walk away. They chased me every step of the way. I’ve settled nowhere for longer than five months. Am I supposed to forgive, no matter how many times they hunt me down? Am I supposed to forget all the things they’ve done to me?”
“That’s not what I’m suggesting,” Rynne retorted. She tried hard to keep the tremor from her voice. “I’m just saying you don’t have to kill him! There has to be another way to make them get what they-”
“Stop trying to change my mind!” he shouted suddenly. “You don’t know what it is to live under the weight of such ghosts!”
Rynne snapped her mouth shut and raised her eyebrows. After what she’d told him, what he knew about her life, he was going to tell her she knew nothing about living with ghosts?
Fenris glared at her for a moment, but his expression seemed to melt as he stared at her face. He scraped his hands through his hair. “I do not mean that,” he said quietly. “I… that was thoughtless of me. It was not my intention to minimize-”
“There has to be something else we can do,” Rynne interrupted. Her throat was aching from his verbal onslaught, but that wasn’t important now. Stopping him from committing murder was more important than her hurt feelings. “You talk like you don’t have a choice, but you do. You don’t have to be the guy who - who kills people to solve problems,” she insisted. She reached out and gently squeezed his bicep. “You’re more than just the most handsome enforcer the Tevinter mob ever had,” she said, with a tiny hopeful smile. “You aren’t that person anymore. I know that can’t be what you want.”
He gazed at her in silence, and the softness in his eyes made her heart beat with hope.
Then his words dashed it all away. “You’re wrong,” he said softly. “There is nothing I want more than to see Danarius dead.”
His gently spoken words were like a punch to her gut. Rynne stared at him with rising misery, at his savage and beautiful face with those brilliant green eyes of his, and the way they seemed to shine more brightly than usual.
He dropped his gaze and peeled her fingers from his arm, then carefully pushed her away from the door.
“Don’t go,” she blurted. She impatiently wiped a stupid, desperate tear from her cheek. “Please don’t go.”
He opened the door, then turned back to face her once more. “If you decide to go to the police-”
“I’m not going to the fucking police behind your back,” Rynne interrupted. She reached for him again. “Fenris, please…”
He pulled away and put his hands in his pockets. “If you do, I would not blame you. You did not ask to get involved in this. I would ask only that you tell me when you do. Give me a head start, at the very least.”
She shook her head and wiped her face. She could feel her face getting puffy and swollen already. “I’m not going to the police,” she repeated fiercely. “I’m not going anywhere, okay? When you come to your fucking senses, I’m going to be right here.”
Fenris stared at her for a moment longer. Then he pulled up his hood and left.
Rynne stepped into the doorway and watched as he strode toward the elevator with his shoulders hunched and his hands hidden in his pockets. He stepped into the elevator without looking back.
Once he was gone, Rynne went back inside. She closed the door quietly behind her, then went to the kitchen and turned the kettle on. She stood frozen in the kitchen while the kettle boiled, and when the switch flicked off, she picked up her abandoned teabag and her abandoned mug and poured the water over the tea.
She leaned woodenly against the counter and waited dumbly for the tea to steep. Then she heard the click of the front door lock.
“Hey bitches! Anybody home?” Piper’s chipper voice drifted into the condo, followed a moment later by Piper herself. Her tattooed face was wreathed in a smile, but it disappeared instantly when she stepped into the kitchen.
Piper dropped her phone and her purse on the kitchen counter and grabbed Rynne’s arm. “What’s wrong?” she demanded.
Rynne looked at her. “Do you want to watch The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo with me?”
Piper’s face fell even more. “Oh fuck. What did he do?” She glared toward the living room as though Fenris might be hiding there. “Where is he? I’ll shank him. I’ll cut him a new asshole if you want.”
Rynne laughed. The sentiment would have made her laugh no matter what, but the irony of it - the idea of anyone trying to cut Fenris, knowing now what Rynne knew of his past…
She snorted with amusement, and a hot tear rolled down her cheek. She wiped it away and burst out another hysterical snicker, and all of a sudden she was crying, crying like a fucking baby, and all she could hope was that her face wouldn’t be all ugly and swollen by the time they had to go to work tonight.
Piper’s wiry little arms wrapped tightly around her shoulders, and Rynne sobbed grossly into Piper’s wild mass of hair. Within minutes, Piper had her ensconced on the couch with a cup of tea in her hands and a warm throw blanket wrapped around her shoulders, and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was playing while Piper cheerfully suggested fast-forwarding to the bit where Lisbeth got her revenge on the vile corrupt caseworker.
Rynne leaned her head on Piper’s shoulder as Piper offered her a bag of popcorn and chattered happily about doing a David Fincher movie marathon tomorrow. I love you, Rynne thought fondly to her friend.
If only love was always so easy.
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LAMP Soulmate AU Bc I'm Original
Warnings for minor character death (only mentioned in the little backstory part), past foster homes, and a very tiny mention of blood.
For a little background, Logan and Virgil are both foster kids who grew out of the system, Patton lived with only his mom before he moved out, and Roman’s parents are a happily married mother and father (although Roman didn't see it that way; he thought that soulmates were the only way to be happy) who still live together with Roman off doing his own thing.
Logan's parents were killed by a drunk driver and Virgil's mom was killed by a mugger. Virgil's father abandoned him in favor of uselessly looking for another soulmate (that didn't exist) for the rest of his life.
More backstory for the Soulmate au here! I recommend you read it before reading this, but it isn't required!
You couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming. Spring sweetness rested comfortably in the air, just waiting to be taken in with a huge breath with closed eyes.
Everyone was enjoying the beautiful weather. Exect...
Virgil had a meeting with his boss. He was late, of course he was. He only set one alarm. Virgil knew perfectly well he needed at least three to get him up in the morning, but in a pure moment of genius last night he decided that he would only set one so he could “turn his life around” or some bullshit like that. Now he was really paying the price. Running through the park (a shortcut to the office, he hoped) with his phone, keys, and coffee in one hand; his conference papers and data sheets in the other; and a bagel stuffed in his mouth from the coffee place; Virgil looked down to check his phone. Not late yet.
Patton woke up feeling crappy. Nothing was inherently wrong, he was just sort of sad. His mood obviously couldn't last, so he set out to fix it. He made a healthy breakfast and made his way out into the misty morning air. His mother once told him the park was a perfect place for calming down, so he made his way to stop and smell the flowers. “I need this,” Patton decided in a whisper as he bent over to inspect a dew covered daisy with a melancholy smile.
Another day, another date - for Roman at least. Searching for one's true love every day gets tiresome, but he couldn't help but hope. Would this be the one? The handsome man destiny finally would bestow upon him?
In all honesty, he probably wasn't going to meet his soulmate today. He had been on so many dates this year it wasn't even funny. People looking for their soulmate, people trying to move on without one. Not every date ended in goodbyes (he even has gained his some of his most valued friends from matches on soulmatch.love.com), but more often than not the date will start out with disappointment at not finding their soulmate then polite small talk for the duration of the date.
Regardless of past experiences, Roman was determined to keep trying. He couldn't expect his soulmate to fall out of the sky. Sheepishly, he looked up at the clouds just in case. You could never be too sure about your soulmate’s whereabouts, after all.
Logan had to go grocery shopping today. If he didn't go today, he would put it off until next week and it would never get done. It was a struggle, living alone and trying to find a better job after growing out of the foster system, but nothing that Logan couldn't handle. If he was being honest with himself, what he hated most about his current situation (besides the crippling loneliness he needed someone to talk to-) was grocery shopping. It was mundane and he found it embarrassing having to count out his money in front of everyone to see if he could afford something remotely nutritious like some fruit.
Obviously, he had the contents of his wallet memorized to the dime, but when he found himself wanting that head of lettuce this week instead of the shitty ramen he somehow pulled out his wallet every time.
In fact, Logan was bringing it out now. If he checked for the fourth time now he might be able to resist doing it in the store. Yep. Still six dollars and twenty cents.
Patton's eyes on the daisies, Roman's face turned towards the sky, Logan’s hands fingering through his few dollars, and Virgil's focus on his phone. Each heading towards each other at various speeds from different directions.
They collided.
Papers and dollars fly up. Phones and pens fall to the ground. Coffee spills. Hands are thrust out to catch their falls. Knees scrape against the pavement. Limbs collide and smash against each other.
It was like one of those action movies where the hero is dodging bullets in slow motion minus “coming out unscathed”.
Logan was the first to make a move. He extracted his legs from the the heap of bodies and uttered a, “Terribly sorry.”
This snapped Patton out of his daze, smiling his brightest smile. “You're completely fine. I'm sorry! I should have looked where I was going.”
"No, I was checking my phone and was rushing. I totally fell into you.” Virgil piped up with a grimace, clambering to his feet in the process.
Roman stayed on the ground surrounded by ruined paper and coffee. He didn't seem to care that said liquid was all down his shirt. He was staring at his side, exposed by the crop top he wore to impress guys.
“Who is it?” Roman said in awe.
Patton fell to his knees next to Roman, wondering if he was hurt. “Who is what?”
Roman turned his head away, then back to himself like his eyes might be deceiving him. Then, grinning like a mad man, he shifted so the others could see the elaborate swirl wrapping his stomach on one side. “Who's my soulmate?”
Patton rolled up his left sleeve at the exact moment Virgil shifted the rip in his jeans on his lower thigh and Logan pulled up his right pants leg. Like a foot recovering from falling asleep, their tattoos demanded to be recognized. They were making moves to see them even before Roman had said anything.
Slowly looking from each tattoo to the next, they all realized that the tattoo was the same on each of them (though it varied in size, placement, and hue). “It appears that we are all soulmates.” Logan stated dumbly.
“Oh.” Roman said, not quite grasping the situation. After a second, Logan's words began to sink in. “Oh! Oh my god!”
Roman couldn't believe his flipping fantastic luck. After years of searching far and wide he, by chance, bumps into three wonderfully good looking people who are all his soulmate. He didn't have one person to love and cherish and spend eternity with, he had three!
Patton was just as delighted. Three soulmates! Who had even heard of such a thing! Looking at each of them with the same love and interest, Patton began to forget there was a such thing as bad days. These people were the missing pieces of the puzzle that he had forgotten were missing in the first place. He had never pegged too much of his heart in soulmates, but now he was sure he needed his soulmates more than he needed air or food or anything that he thought was important before. He can't believe he survived this long without them.
Virgil forgot everything he had ever thought about soulmates when he lay eyes on his beautiful entanglement of vines and swirls. In that moment he no longer cared about risks and consequences and his trashy past. Suddenly life seemed to roll out in front of him like a red carpet, waiting for the first steps that lead to a utopian life. His father was the farthest from Virgil's mind than it had ever been.
Logan could not have been more bewildered. The statistics were astronomically small that Logan would have two soulmates, let alone three! Heck, he didn't even think he would get one. Loan crouched on the ground next to Roman to inspect his tattoo. It was indeed the same as the one wrapping his own ankle. Who would have thought that someone like Logan with so little hope for a soulmate would receive such an experience as three.
They all felt wonderful. Surprised and confused and a little scared, maybe. But with each of them standing in front of the other with the promise of forever love was too good of a feeling to experience anything negative.
Besides, it just felt right. And wasn't that reason enough to feel like everything in the world was perfect?
Thank you for reading!
Tag list: General-> @punsterterry @kameraishere @jemthebookworm @sympathetic-deceit-trash @moist-astronaut @mamongo-sama
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roslin · 7 years
okay then how about top ten characters? also if you want, talk about them. also include extras if you can't decide. fangirl at me. i think i owe you one after the janet thing :DDD
what have u done.. i cant be trusted to talk about stuff i like. this will be LONG
i’ll try to be somewhat coherent tho………  jk no i won’t
Laura Roslin (battlestar galactica)ok so Laura will always be my number one bc Laura is the one i relate to the most. like… on a deep dark messed up personal level, also i feel like my whole life is a big messy rant about Laura and theres not much left to say: i would throw myself out of an airlock for her. she’s strong, she’s a fighter, she’s in charge, she’s the one that always has to make the hard decisions bc all the men around her talk the talk but when the time comes and they are faced with a moral dilemma and there’s no way of knowing what the right choice is, suddenly they’re all like ‘i know i said the military should be in charge, and that you’re just a schoolteacher and im the Big Macho Man™ but this is too hard 😭😭😭 and i dont want people to hate me’…. ok that might be more specific that i intended…..she steps up to the plate and she takes whatever its thrown her way. i goddamn fucking love laura roslin
Kathryn Janeway (star trek voyager)janeway is a fucking boss. she just is. she’s also the best captain, sorry boysnerves of steel, authoritative af, listen to others but always trusts her instincts, diplomatic, kickass, avid coffee drinker, takes care of her people. 10/10 would drink neelix’s coffee substitute for her……….. ok maybe 8/10 that thing looked nasty
Briony Tallis (atonement)she’s been my favorite literature character (apart from hp universe) for years. really messed up, trying very hard to atone for her past mistakes and finally realizing thats not always possible
Minerva McGonagall (harry potter)i dont have to say anything, everyone loves Minnie McGee and so they should. BAMF
Albus Dumbledore (harry potter)listen, i grew up with harry potter and just like it happened with harry, dumble was the only father figure i had. unlike the snape discourse (where im 100% with calling him an asshole bc he was) i have some issues dealing with people who think dumbledore was a bad person. i remember looking up to him as a child, he was kind and accepting of others and he had that omniscient thing about him. if something was scary (bear in mind i started reading the hp books at age 9) the moment dumbledore showed up i felt safe, and it felt like i didn’t have to worry anymore bc dumbles was there. as i grew up i started to realize he wasn’t infallible, but although he made mistakes his heart was always in the right place. im a little pragmatic so i understand the necessity of making questionable decisions for ‘the greater good’, and it also made me feel for him to see how much it troubled him. i could go on and on about this tho, and im fighting the urge to give examples and analyse every one of them. i just have a lot of feels about dumbledore….
Severus Snape (harry potter)oh boy oh boy, i’ll keep this one short because this one is a handful.
i love snape as a character
i think snape is an asshole
i 100% accept when people hate snape
snape was a bully
BUT i hate when people hate on him for the wrong reasons
here’s the thing: snape represents redemption. he’s someone who made terrible mistakes in his youth (mmm, theres a theme here somewhere) and committed himself to spend the rest of his life trying to make up for it (again, not always possible). so it bothers me when people crucify snape for what he did in his youth, but never have anything to say about james potter.so again, snape was an asshole who used his position as an authority figure to bully children. he was the worst. you have plenty to hate on him there (rightfully so)
Theresa Cullen (westworld)god this was such a good character, i started calling her a future roslin bc i had such hopes for her in the future. she was complex, smart, sassy, and even had her own gaius baltar…. but ……………… SPOILERS………………………….. she dead. 
Birgitte Nyborg (borgen)now i cant say much about birgitte bc im still on season two and i have a feeling we’re gonna get a lot of character development soon. here’s someone who got into politics bc she wanted to do the right thing and soon realized politics is the devil’s playground. it’s very interesting for me to watch birgitte navigating her way through the intricacies of modern politics and trying to preserve her morals and idealismalso her husband is a jerk
Sharon Raydor (the closer)now i make a pretty big distinction between the closer’s sharon raydor and major crimes’ sharon raydor. not that i dont adore the later but its not the same character. i LOVED sassy, quirky, awkward sharon okay? i love sharon’s raised eyebrow and low hums when faced with brenda’s chaotic methods. i love how awkward and out of place she was in social situations. I LOVE HER STUPID LITTLE WAVE AT THE CAMERA WHEN BRENDA IS UNDERCOVER I LOVE WHEN SHE KEEPS BEING HIT BY DOORS BC THIS IDIOT IS TOO UNCOMFORTABLE TO ACTUALLY STAND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM, shes an adorable little turtle and i love her
Chrisjen Avasarala (the expanse)my youngest, came in like a wrecking ball.this is the HOLY GRAIL OF ALL BADASS LADIES okay? she’s the most unapologetic sass queen ive ever encountered. she looks AMAZING sari game on point. owns every single person in the roomshe’s laura roslin if laura roslin was fire instead of ice. IM IN LOVE
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