#is the callout in the room with us rn
krea2re · 3 months
"trying to make you paranoid" bro the callout is right there no shit people know youre a disgusting piece of shit
this is from january when that one person was harassing me on here/twitter but im so genuinely curious about this. if theres a callout post on me lmk and show me cause ive always wondered if this person was bullshitting me or not
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askshivanulegacy · 6 months
Hey this isn't like me yelling-callout-post-NOW or anything but I was scrolling through replies on the trolley-problem-palestine post and I do want to say that I have to unfortunately be invested in US Politics as a non-US citizen because of the way these elections affect the rest of the world, culturally and politically. The US is one of the richest and most influential countries in the world and the way it decides to interact with the rest of us, where it sends money and military to, and the conversations people in the US are having even about domestic issues end up shaping the conversations that happen outside of it (trans and immigration issues for example). It's horribly unfair and I'm fuming about it always why can y'all veto shit ❤️ but uh yeah, just a minor nitpick with the influence of the elections on everyone else. I could be entirely wrong in my perception of the way things are but that's how it seems to me rn.
That post was a long time ago, so I can't remember specifically what I said about it, but I don't disagree with your ask.
My big beef (and what I typically rant about) with most of the chatter about the US elections and Palestine isn't that the elections influence other countries. They definitely do.
My beef is that all the US tumblrites are making Palestine into the one single issue ever, in the world and in the US, and they're putting on blinders to everything else.
Palestine isn't even CLOSE to being the single issue or even the most major issue. It simply is not.
And in a US election, Americans NEED to take a look at OUR issues. The issues that affect everyday life. Affordable and accessible education, housing, healthcare, LGBTQ+ issues, rights to bodily autonomy, etc., etc.
In a US election, those are the things that are the most important. In a lot of ways, those are the only issues that functionally exist, within the context of the election bubble. Yes, you can and should consider foreign policy as a factor, but it should NEVER be the only factor ... not when there are so many raw and bleeding gaps at home, and clear, obvious, and impending threats to the very lives of the people these sjw tumblrites claim to care about.
I'm saying that election time is the time for Americans to focus on America for just a minute. And when all I hear is Palestine to the exclusion of all else - all rational thought, all sense - with the conclusion being "punish Biden because he happened to be president when Israel was being a little shit," then that's when I say none of that matters.
Because the US election is not about Palestine or any other country. It's about the US.
People desperately need to remember that.
No, I don't want to put America first, and I care a lot about how we interact in the world. But by God, you don't put your own country LAST in the election that is specifically for your country and will determine how you survive ... and IF you survive. You don't throw your country and everyone in it under the bus.
We have the right to be a little selfish for our election. Not Trump-selfish, but selfish enough to have some sense for the things happening here. It's time to set Palestine on the shelf for a while - at least long enough to realize that "punishing Biden" is idiocy.
Also that Biden is not only America's best strategic option, but he ALSO happens to be Palestine's and the rest of the world's.
Honestly, I've seen more of that perspective from non-Americans, and I hugely appreciate it. I just need the actual Americans in the room to realize that 1) they need to take off their fucking blinders, and 2) their stupid little short-sighted Biden-punishment stunt will not only harm themselves but also all the other countries they seem to care about more than their own.
And I want them to start giving a fuck about the country they currently live in.
#asks#answers#sorry if i took your ask as an excuse to rant a bit#i hope everyone can recognize what I'm trying to say: the election is a multi-dimensional issue#many things can be important and true at the same time#if all you think about is Palestine you're wrong#it's terrible and we should help AND we need to make good strategic choices for the future of the US that are based on issues in the US#AND those good strategic choices ALSO happen to align with the most helpful choice for Palestine and everyone else#for people worried about their 'conscience' and 'morality'#FUCK your conscience and FUCK your morality#i don't give a DAMN#about your little whiny baby feelings#i DO give a damn about logical and strategic choices in this election chess game#that is the only thing that matters#go make a strong strategic vote and then go cry into your pillow about it. if you must.#i don't care so long as you vote very deliberately FOR someone and not merely weakly and ineffectually AGAINST someone#because you have the character of a wet noodle#buck up#go vote!#i know somebody is going to read this and think I'm saying 'Palestine doesn't matter'#if you do I'm sorry for you#this whole thing is about the context of the US election and ONLY about that#Americans are sometimes the worst honestly#like they're SO PERFORMATIVE and APOLOGETIC about being American but at the same time they have zero concept about identifying as a citizen#OF THE WORLD#their whole identity is to reject America wholesale but they don't ascend to any other identity and they fail to use their very real ties#to America to actually act in a beneficial strategic fashion#you can be a citizen of the world but you also have a responsibility to steer your country#Americans don't even realize what America HAS#do you even realize what a gd GEM this country is. it's imperfect but there's so so so much potential.
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sapphicsaro · 3 years
24, 14, and 6 for the writing asks!!
6. What character do I have the most fun writing?
oh man this is a toughhhhhh one. i think my favorite thing i’ve gotten to write is olivia on the edible because we never get to see her just unhinged (literally every other fic i write is just so introspective bc she’s such a thiiiiiinker)
but overall character? it depends. i absolutely love writing flirty elliot, like xmas episode style bc that man is a frat boy who just really wants to makeout with olivia
olivia is great to write when im having a day because i feel similar to her character (or at least my version of her) so i get to spend the day processing her thoughts and it’s kind of cathartic
currently have a WIP thats a loooooong oneshot about noah and he’s fun to write as a lil sweetie
ig what i’m saying is each fic i have a diff fave to focus on depending on the story? if it’s happy, then it’s usually elliot bc i like him being all touchy and lovey towards olivia — if it’s angsty, i love me some olivia has to think about this and her “do i love elliot idk if i’m ready for this but he looks at me like that and i just wish he’d talk to me” phases.
guess i have no faves lmfao
14. At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
oooooohhhh boy. right as i’m about to publish, and sometimes it’s the reason i don’t post right away lol
35 steps, a delectable disaster, trapped in an elevator, at her door, come home with me, three strikes, damaging the sun, here at the park… all popped in my head before clicking post! i don’t really have a method, just try to pick out something important in the fic that is the overall takeaway or theme
so 35 steps was a callout to the quote “35. It would take 35 steps for him to be in his (he likes to call it their) bedroom, open up the drawer where he kept all his gym clothes, find the red shirt that was torn, unravel it, and reveal the hidden ring he knew she did not want (yet).”
but something like “delectable disaster” is just fun because olivia is a flirty, but mess high lol
come home with me was SO hard to name for no reason (it was almost named clementine? but that’s being used for a oneshot i’m writing now!) — in my google docs it was called “kissy kissy” and trapped in an elevator was called “mom and dad hotbox their hearts rip”
so moral of the story, i just use a goofy name, write it until i know exactly what i want the reader to feel or remember about it, then try my best to make it fun lol
24. Would you say your writing has changed over time?
YUPPPPPPP. gd every single fic i change. that’s why fanfic is here! (well for some people)
it’s a great avenue for me to learn my voice and play around. fuck, i’m a script writer so the dialogue only ones are my faves but they’re hard fics to be read by people bc it’s such a different format. i literally think in forms of acting, so when it gets to narrative i legit have to write something, sit on it, reread it, fix it, and keep changing it until the picture in my head is painted in the words i feel the action as.
its fucking hard ngl. some people have this beautiful ability to describe things but it takes me time. i’m a visual person. i wish i could hook up a wire to my brain to depict things sometimes, bc i’ve legit had to act out the scene in my room to figure out how tf two people hold each other and a baseball bat lol
i love writing fanfiction, and i hope my writing gets stronger with each new fic. i never would say i was a bad writer, but i think everyone can improve!!
also not to get preachy, but im in a slump rn with writing and i need to hear this — write what’s ready to write and the rest will follow!! just get it down and you can play with it when you’re ready to!!
ask me anything (i have four WIPs and idk what to do with em lol)
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dracosollicitus · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
Name: dracosollicitus
Fandoms: Love fandom. I write mainly for Star Wars, MCU, ATLA, The Old Guard; but, I've also written some Good Omens, some GOT (Gendrya exclusively) some SPN, etc. I'm a huge Star Trek nerd (Spirk forever/Data my Beloved, etc), and I also geek out over Battlestar, Stargate (SG-1), West Wing, Lord of the Rings, FMA/FMAB, and anything Miyazaki.
Two-shot: I've written a few two-shots in my day. One of my favorite fics I've ever written was a two-shot (I think each chapter was 20K shhhh): I Will Show You Fear in a Handful of Dust (Modern!Bucky, doesn't meet Cap until after the Snap)
Most popular multi-chapter: let not time deceive you (you cannot conquer time)
Actual worst part of writing: On the one hand, it's the ADHD and the issues I have starting a task! That's usually my biggest roadblock to writing: If I can start typing, I can usually slam out 4-5k words in a few hours. On the other hand, it's the overwhelming anxiety I have whenever I post anything thanks to a series of really crappy experiences I had in a fandom I wrote a lot for; I'm sitting on a lot of unpublished fic rn to be honest!
How you choose your titles: No.1 Rule: If it's horny, it's Hozier!
(I also do a Lot of Modern Poetry - not contemporary poetry, Modern 20th Century Poetry, because I am basic)
Do you outline: Uhhhh if it's a long fic, I have a bullet point of things I'd like to do/scenes I'd like to see. If it's a one shot, I usually insert scene transition suggestions, but generally it's Maladaptive Daydreaming and then pedal to the metal, baybee.
Ideas I probably won’t get around to but wouldn’t it be nice: (Insert list of WIPs I sort of abandoned here). I was a little sad because I had this massive, fun Stucky fic planned where it was revealed Steve was in Time Jail and Loki was Old!Steve all along, but then it became a pretty common fandom theory and I didn't think it would be fun to explore anymore because better writers than myself had already written cool headcanons for it (also, see: crappy fandom experiences above).
I had a SUPER fun set of Marvel fics planned, like a Loki/Darcy fic that involved time-hopping, and a Kastle fic set in Westview.
Callouts @ me: Write your damn Steve/Scott fic you promised @aimmyarrowshigh two months ago, Draco, Jesus Christ, just finish it.
Best writing traits: I used to be able to say that I could write a lot, and write often, but ... no one's really seen a Fic from me in a hot minute. So.
I guess I'm decent at action scenes. People usually tell me that, at least!
Spicy tangential opinion: I'm three tangents stacked on top of each other in a room full of regular conversation (@bebeocho). I couldn't say anything too Spicy because it would 100% be subtweeting (subtumblring?), lol.
No pressure tagging: @ashabellanars and anyone else who wants to do it!
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amorremanet · 7 years
fandom drinking game: take a shot any time you encounter any variation on the sentiment, “omg what about [fave character or ship] + [a song by the mountain goats] tho, so many feels”
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miniyrds · 4 years
As long as they don’t follow your blog, you could outline it anyways. Venting can be scary but it can also be healthy and provide some catharsis in the midst of all of this. You know, get the metaphorical weight of your chest
I've tried writing this a few times bc my brain is annoying and I keep forgetting things and then over explaining lol
thank u for the excuse to write out my problems on the internet
side note: I tell this humorously now and I know that I could've done things a lot differently, but it still messed me up quite a bit
this can pretty much be broken into several instance so to speak
incident one:
me and my ex-roommate and our two suitemates moved into an on campus apartment in the spring of our 2nd year. I am in my 4th year now. The semester started and we were all really excited to live together with a kitchen. ex-roommate proposed that we alternate cooking for everyone (this only lasted one month). but... ex-roommate’s bf was always over eating our food. this became more of an issue to one of my suite mates but I was fairly annoyed by him being constantly around. anyway, we decide to tell my ex-roommate that we didn’t think he should be over as often etc etc
ex-roommate left for a few hours and came back only to sit us all down and cry about how having her bf over made her feel better bc adjusting to living in an apartment was really hard and there was nowhere else for them to go (he lived in his own room in a different dorm on campus)
we dropped the situation
incident two:
in like February/early march I had gone to bed early while my ex-roommate, her bf, and our suitemates watched a movie until like 2 am. one of my suitemates shouted goodnight and woke me up and I couldn't get back to sleep. ex-roommate and bf then decide to spend the night together...intimately...while I am right there.
I send her a message the following Monday bc I debated for so long whether or not to tell her that I heard. I told her that I really didn't want her bf staying the night after I had already gone to bed (basically I just wanted a heads up. I didn’t phrase this well)
I ended up getting really paranoid that she was sneaking him in and I confided in my suite mate about this (bad move)
incident three:
a week after spring break, we are getting back from a late showing of Us. It’s after midnight and we can’t find close parking. My suitemates and I offer to walk with her and she says that her bf is gonna walk her back so she’s okay
I say “oh, is [bf] coming over?” (I swear. that’s it)
wrong thing to say apparently. when we get back into the room she starts tearing into me. I don’t remember everything that was said but it started with “do you hate [bf]” and went to
we all hate your boyfriend. he makes us all feel really uncomfortable and he has for the past two years. we just never said anything
you say a lot of hurtful things. if you even think that you said something mean, apologize no matter how much later it is
you hurt [suitemates] feelings by joking about [something]. do u think she doesnt tell me? we tell each other everything
is [ex boyfriend] abusing you? because it seems like he is *never brings it up again or checks on me* (he was slightly toxic but it wasn't thanks to them that I realized it)
“im shocked im not crying rn. im just so mad” (as im sobbing)
I spent the rest of the semester on eggshells around them. I left every weekend I could but that was difficult because I didn't have a car. my ex never stepped foot in my apartment again (cant say the same about her bf)
my ex broke up with me that summer and that hit me really hard because we were co-dependent on each other in the worst way and he said a lot of mean things. ex-roommate hung out with me one time and claimed she was ‘there for me’ and got me thru my breakup. (that award goes to my mom, thanks)
I didn’t move back in with them in the fall. that honestly changed my life
incident four:
I am now in a much better place but I still feel the need to apologize to my new group of friends when I think I said something wrong. (they constantly assure me that I don’t have to) (I apologized to my current roommate for joking about how she cooks ramen and she was like "nat I do not hate u for ramen”)
I am also constantly prepared for another callout. I know I wasn't perfect and I couldve been better about boundaries. I know what to do now should that ever happen again. I feel bad about how it went down
I was not prepared for ex-roommate to turn on one of our suitemates in a me-style callout
I don’t have the full story from both sides but from what I gathered they were all joking in their normal fashion (”___ is my favorite! no ___ is my favorite!”) when ex-roommate took it to heart. this led to suitemate being excluded the moment they were walking out the door etc etc
needless to say, she moved out
ex-roommate took to social media to say “those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. friendship applications closed forever!” after she blocked my suitemate.
this is when I learned that ex-roommate sees nothing wrong with how she treated me. like 0 empathy. I have 2 sources that believe she doesnt feel any at all
a few nights ago she tweeted about my old suitemate and I sent it to her (like a good friend lol). this is when I learned that ex-roommate was always mad that I hung out with other people
this was kinda cathartic. It was more timeline than venting but I have no more real venting thoughts I realized. I've exhausted them. but I do take smug comfort in the random instances that bothered my ex-roommate. we didn’t work as friends or roommates and im still messed up from everything but at least I have really good new friends now :))
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lbat1901 · 4 years
Rantception S1•E1 - princeofmints exposed | ft. TatSquirp
(I am about a month late on posting this here)
Welcome to the first episode of my brand new series titled Rantception where I talk about a topic or some unfortunate soul who became a total jerk as of recently. I am starting this series off by talking about the user by the name of princeofmints.
princeofmints is apart of the Eddsworld community and they are apart of the official EW Amino, Tumblr, and Instagram. Unfortunately princeofmints is in some hot water right now.
Oh and before I get to that, I just want to make this clear, the princeofmints that I am referring to isn't the one who made tomtord p*rn. This princeofmints is actually accused of tracing and being a total d*ck.
Also they got banned from Amino, but they are still going strong on both Tumblr and Instagram.
One more thing: don't harass them. Instead I want you to stop supporting them. Don't not praise them.
With that out the way, let's get into the news.
I unfortunately didn't know any of this drama that happened till seeing callout posts about it. But I used to like princeofmints's posts until what happened recently.
I decided to to take a look at their wall after seeing a few callout posts on them before they got taken down.
Annnnnd yeah.....they are such an arsehole. Just...just look at these screenshots....
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(the third one is my favorite in terms of arsehole energy that's being radiated from it)
I'll be honest with you, the third is the one that show the bitterness of princeofmints. Trying to guilt trip you. I'm sorry to say this, but it's not working. Nice try.
Now I'll handing the rest of this over to the one and only Squirp/TatSquirp who've agreed to be on the show and I certainly didn't kidnap them.
Squirp: ...Why am I here? Why am I tied u-
Lbat1901(me): Shhhh! Just give the audience your side on this
Squirp: Ok, fine...*clears throat*....so a week ago, I've made a callout post exposing princeofmints titled "Dethroning a Prince". It took me awhile to everything and not too soon after posting it on Animo, I've also posted it on Instagram.
Oh boy...it got taken down. No actually I got told by a model on Animo to take it down which I did while on Instagram it got flagged for harassment. I eventually reposted it.
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princeofmints (or what I like to call her, Prince) is a 15 year old artist who mostly draws Tom, Tord, and the ship TomTord. She was on the EW Amino since January 13th of this year before getting banned. S
Alright with that out of the way, I'll try to make this brief
She also has been known to cause quite the trouble.
I have been caught up to speed on what Prince has done even learning th as t she had actually scammed someone.
I believe that Lbat told you this already, but Prince's name was stolen by someone who has the same name, but let's dwell on this.
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Part 1 - Tracing:
Squirp: Ok so, a few days ago some of my friends and I looked at one of Prince's art and discovered that it was traced from an already existing drawing made by P-Nim. Of course Prince denied this and claimed that it was her own art.
Ok I'll make this clear, Prince didn't draw it for a DTIYS. If Prince didn't trace it then she shouldn't be claiming it as her own.
Also if you want to compare posts or have a look for yourself, you can't cause she deleted it. So much for being reasonable which goes into this next part....
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Part 2 - Blocking those who've cornered you for being unreasonable:
Squirp: Oh yes, just like TBATF, Prince also blocks people for calling her out. Unlike TBATF who only block people for giving them criticism and calling them out on their behavior, Prince blocks people for many reasons.
One of them being totally unreasonable. She blocked one of my friends who called her out for tracing. Prince even deleted several comments when trying to defend herself for being called out before deciding to hit the block button.
She even blocked me after I tried to call her out on her wall. I did PM her a few days later about and guess what her response was. The reason why she blocked me was because she didn't like me.
My god....that has to be most stupidest as all hell reason to block someone and folks, we're on the second part on this and things are already getting heated.
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Part 3 - Being a b*ch isn't all that cool:
Squirp: Hold on a minute, why is b*ch censored?
(Editor: that's because it's Lbat's show and I am meant to help with anything that Lbat puts out for everyone to see)
Squirp: Yeah, but why? Who cares anyway?
(Editor: well you're probably have a point, but it's my job. Now are you going to continue to argue or are you going to keep going with your side of the story?)
Squirp: I am...geez! I've never meant an editor that's who picky. This isn't YouTube with the whole COPPA thing you know.
Anyway..... pt 3....Prince has to be one of the biggest d*cks that I have ever talked to and- oh my god, why would you censor the word- forget it. Forget it...
Erm...yeah....she cursed at some many people that it's just mindboggling. She's not the most pleasant person to talk to on Amino or anywhere else.
Before you say that she probably has some mental health issues, don't even bother. Well I know she does has some issues, but it doesn't give her the excuse to not be a total d*ck. People who do have issues are at least well spoken and are respectful to others.
But Prince on the other hand, not a freaking single chance.
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Part 4 - Stop acting sad:
Squirp: You're probably thinking to yourself, "Wow, Prince is a jerk" and you'd be right. But to make matters worse, she likes to guilt trip people.
How? Well she tries to make you feel sorry for her by giving you a sad sad tale before deciding to cuss you out.
That's right, it's pretty low for her. I don't need to explain why this is bad just because it is. It's really scummy especially when she's in the wrong here. Next!
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Part 5 - Don't let Prince do commissions. EVER:
Oh yeah, she actually did this. I did found the person who got scammed and they are a person known as BadBoy.
You see BadBoy commissioned Prince to do a drawing for 92 coins. Unfortunately for BadBoy, Prince said that the price was actually lower than that. But it gets much much worse than that.
Prince got wicked with them and refused to give other pieces of art to BadBoy. Eventually BadBoy had enough and asked for a refund. That's when things started to escalate really fast.
Prince told BadBoy to piss off. After a long battle, Prince gave BadBoy 72 coins back when BadBoy asked for a full refund.
Squirp: I have been saving this part for last and it gave me a reason to make a callout on Prince in the first place. She literally scammed someone over 72 coins.
In summary, Prince just stole BadBoy's money and was a total d*ck towards them.
And that should do it for now, but I one final message to Prince. If you're reading this now while getting harassed for being callout for your crap: none of this, and I stress this a lot, none of this wouldn't have happened if you were to just act a tad bit kinder and a whole bit wiser.
Oh and maybe if you would've just listened. Also running away from your problems, lying, and pretending that they didn't happen makes you look like the bad guy here.
You know, I wouldn't mind you being on Animo at all if you just shallow your pride and try to do better by apologizing to everyone.
I didn't mean to make my callout post to hurt you in a way. In fact, I still believe that you can change. But atlas, your problems need to be addressed to make that happen.
All you need to do is try. That's it. That's all I ask for.
Lbat1901(me): *claps* Nicely done, Squirp. Nicely done.
Squirp: Thanks Lbat. It's been a pleasure being on here. Now can I go home now?
Lbat1901(me): Uhh.....*walks away from Squirp and walks out of the room before shutting the door*
Squirp: Lbat? Uh Lbat? Lbat? This isn't funny! Untie me! Hey cameraman, you're still here. Untie me, please
Camraman: *shrugs before shaking their head*
Squirp: What do you mean no? Ugh!
{screen cuts to Lbat sitting in a chair}
Lbat1901(me): Well that's the end of the first episode of Rantception. I want to thank TatSquirp for coming on and helping me out. Please check them out on the EW Amino and possibly their Instagram as well while you're at it.
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himbo-the-clown · 4 years
Every time I see someone reblog a post by this one popular (and very performative) social justice blog I remember the time they came onto my post about being intersex and how the sex binary is fake and we shouldn’t classify people by sex and
1) Told me my post was pointless because they’d seen a post about it before and their friends already knew the information
2) Told me my experiences as an intersex person in the trans community weren’t real or valid and that only TERFs believe in the sex binary
3) Suggested I check out their tag about intersex people to learn more, because clearly as a perisex person their tag about intersex people will be much more useful to me than my own lived experiences
4) Accused me of trying to make trans women say their sex is “male” and then stopped responding after I told them that I didn’t say that, that I actually argued for no one talking about sex at all, and that it was also intersexist of them to assume that trans women can’t be intersex (I feel like it’s important to note that they’re not transfem either, they were just using trans women as a prop to defend their intersexism)
Like their blog is filled with high-note posts about social justice and I see their posts on my dash all the time and it just fills me with the desire to laugh and also cry because like... every other post of theirs is about listening to marginalised people, and yet their actions literally don’t even come close to what they’re preaching. All they do is spend their time yelling at people on the internet, and that includes yelling at marginalised people for talking about their own oppression.
And here’s the thing, this is just one experience I’ve had. It really makes me wonder how many of those Loud Social Justice blogs are actually for social justice and how many just want everyone to think they’re the most progressive person in the room. Idk I don’t wanna like... make a callout post or whatever, I really have no desire to get into an online fight with some fake-progressive with a massive following because they’re really not that important to me rn in the grand scheme of things. I’m just tired of seeing so many big social justice blogs that, when you scratch the surface at all, are clearly just in it for the clout and are actively talking over the people they’re claiming to help.
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faunusrights · 6 years
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when will one of these chapters start with ‘wow murphy’s gonna love this and rly enjoy themself’ WHEN IT IS. I HAVE TO KNOW.
okay i am Recognising this chapter so we’re not quite yet in untouched, completely Feral territory which is. nice. thats nice. i like it when i know what im working w/ but who the kell hnows.
Something nagged at her. A forgotten thing. She thought hard, but even so, it took a long moment for her to remember.
me when i go to my room to fetch my dishes for the washing machine but i get sidetracked by my dog being cute and then i forget and go back downstairs and remember the dishes and then i come back up but my dog is still there and i forget again-
Glynda’s hunting instincts were primed, the only part of her that worked with absolute clarity, even now.
this is why she hasn’t noticed cinder’s flirting, the fool, the blithering idiot,
In the split second before she faded from consciousness, she smelled ash, the foreign Aura within her flaring until she could taste it: burning flesh and steady decay. Then it disappeared, fizzling out.
hm. is it a callout to say this is. romantic. this is kinda romantic. hey is this? gay? i think its gay. im gonna settle on it.
its gay.
When she awoke the next morning, it was like pulling herself from some great void,
for some reason THAT was the fingergun that made me spill juice all over my keyboard i see how it is
Then she remembered that at Beacon, her blood usually stayed inside her body.
im thriving for this weird observation. you know when you wake up somewhere new like a hotel or smthng and for a moment yr like ‘where am i’ and u figure it out thru like. normal fucking means. like oh thats not my duvet oh thats not my ceiling oh thats not where my window is-
and then glynda has to judge her location by how much blood of hers is spilled in it. this bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE GOT ONE BRAINCELL AND OFFAL HUNT IS THE THESIS TO PROVE IT-
It was the room she’d all but dissembled in after getting her ass kicked and then saved by Cinder Fall.
sorry im going HOG WILD on quotes but these new lines r SO GOOD and im LIVING for them....................... like until now we’ve had glynda goodwitch, terrifying unstoppable woman and occasional dipshit. now shes all dipshit. just 100% pure dipshit. spread her on a field and you couldnt tell her from the manure. a complete buffoon.
that said its nice to see glynda using her Brainmess for once... i mean she still wont be able to put an otherwise fuck-ton of clues together still because that requires, the ability to multitask, which is surely does not have, but finally she’s taking five fuckin minutes to let herself go ‘well THATS weird’.
There had only been a stirring of life along those red-vein tattoos, swirling just along the cut of Cinder’s dress.
im enjoying the new ‘sexey tattoos’ slant we’re seein in this remaster it was a real shame they didnt get primetime attention last time.
also glynda Why Ya Lookin,
she’d be a heretic to the Law of Semblances twice-over,
I May Not Know My Semblances, But I Know A Bitch When I See One!
For the first time in years, Glynda wanted to set everything aside and rest.
we stan a sleepy bitch................ ugh im so glad she’s finally realising she needs 2 give herself some mfing slack!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because as much as im enjoying the Dragfest she rly needs to. chill.
When she finally emerged from the bathroom, a towel around her waist and her dirty clothes balled in her hands,
look i didnt make this blog to lie that my first reaction to this was tilting my head and going ‘tiddy out? tiddy? is the tiddy out? tiddy?’
look women look hotter doing all the things guys do and this is fact i wont sit down and i Wont Shut Up
No more rushing ahead and getting herself torn up for nothing.
thats a Good One, Glynda,
Winter Schnee had the pale white hair of her bloodline, and the sharp features of the famously reclusive Willow Schnee.
As Ozpin had said, she was twice the age of the younger Schnee daughter, and her blue eyes held all the acuity that age had brought her.
i made a Sound at this i CAN SEE WHAT YOU DID. I SEE IT. I SEE IT,
A single photo hung on the wall next to a placard detailing some kind of award. Glynda pushed her glasses up on her nose to get a better look. Though it had the appearance of a family photo, only the women of the Schnee family were present, Willow and Weiss flanking a newly ranked Winter.
why am i being targeted directly anyway
safdjhgfsdajgh WINTER,....... im still. im Love w/ this main bitch finally... Finally.... i love winter in offal hunt so fuckign much and im so glad she’s here and that we’re getting more details because AAAAAAAAAAAAAA i love her!!!!!!!!!
also i cant.... say anything because spoilers..... but also............. NNNNNNN this convo has just. so much behind it. SO MUCH CONTEXT. its Killing Me,
A strange expression crossed Winter’s expression. It looked like how bruises felt.
im losing my fucking mind rn diesel and kc are going right to hell and they know it but do they care???????????? no. they already are the devil,
okay i went silent for ages and read ahead because i screamed in discord for like ten minutes and it looked like this
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so YEAH theres that, i guess,
Instead, it only filled her with deep unease. Glynda didn't know what Cinder’s game was, but it was becoming clear that it did not align with her own. And the more she thought about it, the less she understood. The less she understood, the more wary she became.
cinder: i wanted to tell this girl i liked her so i wrote her a note that said get out of my desert,
im rly thrivin in this chap i already said it but we’re rly jumping into the meat n bones of the Plot now and its a Good Plot so im excited!!!!!!!!!
“Yes, I think you’ll like her!”
“she’s a lesbian, like you, so maybe her distinguished energy will chill your dysfunctional energies out-”
Glynda pressed her lips; she needed a delicate hand here, needed to carefully choose a response which would divert Ozpin away from the topic. “No reason.”
YES MY FAV LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is Big Me and literally this is MAYBE the best and also funniest line in this entire shitshow remembers the Pasta Bit and /sweats
i also rly enjoy glynda n ozs friendship... i mean im out here remembering the glynda/ozpin/cinder fic so i was already sold on all their interactions but its rly good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GLYNDAS BEST FRIEND MAY BE 200 YEARS OLD BUT GOD DAMN IT WHEN WILL YR BFF EVER BE THERE FOR U LIKE THAT,
theres a Bit here im not gonna go into but. honestly once u kno how offal hunt basically ends? Its Sad and Im Sad. i hate how knowing this whole thing just inflects on everything else and everything glynda wants and honestly this whole fic sucks. why am i reading this AGAIN.
“I have faith in you, Glynda. But there are terrible things that can be done to a person even without killing them.”
we’ve popped the first sad fingerguns but also What The Literal Fuck, Oz,
“Come and catch me, then.”  
im LAUGHING this is much better than the first version because this is SUCH a cinder-brand of shit to say dsfjhgfds she’s SUCH A SHIT-STIRRER but i love her,
“She’s just sent me something. My Scroll is working fine, but I think it’s safe to assume she knows what we’re discussing.”
“What did she send you?”
“An invitation.”
oh finally glynda works out the whole CCT business JHGDSFSDF i wonder if cinder knew shed figure it out or saw her msgs to oz and went ‘ah shit well’
BUT YEAH..... DATE! DATE! DATE! HOT DATE WITH CINDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am. VERY excited as many of u will remember i made a prime shitpost abt That Chap back in the day and ill have 2 REDRAW IT!!!!!!!!! POPPIN BOTTLES!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway this chapter sucked and was also very good in equal measure. as it is Wont,
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CC Scene Compilation!!!
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Okay so this has all been a lot, but I finally have the CC scene compilation ready!!! Thank you to those who sent suggestions about how to upload it because it was a challenge, and it is available here as well as the link above. It is quite lengthy, and like I said, there are some serious stretches so below the cut (bc it’s literally five pages in a doc and I’m 10/10 not gonna take up your feed with it) is a commentary of sorts that sorta resembles my old snapchat recaps. Anyway I had a lot of fun doing this and I hope you enjoy watching it!
0:00 - how fucking dARE THEY delete this scene
0:21 - you can’t tell me he isn’t checking her out aLSO birth of killer, klepto, and pyro
0:44 - walk walk fashion baby
1:00 - OKAY i have so much to say about this scene here we go
          1) captain canary song
          2) len and mick’s expressions
                2a) mick already knows len’s in trouble
          3) can we talk about how fuckin dramatic len is like mick paid two whole dollars for those beers you did not need to throw them onto   the ground with such passion
2:40 - i know people have said this before but when ray says “whats the point of us even giving this a second thought” hE LOOKS RIGHT AT SARA
3:01 - the way i cut these scenes makes it look like it’s not cut at all whoops but also len is saying a wedding thing cOINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT
3:28 - i’m laughing so hard look at how his expression changes when he’s talking to sara vs carter
3:48 - in sync
3:57 - look at rip’s expression when len leans down to sara he knows somethings up
5:10 - i literally just put this in bc it’s super badass
5:24 - prison break reference #687574848 also their fckn expressions at *5:59* like subtlety is not their strong suit
6:03 - it took until 1x5 to get a one-on-one CC scene like wtf is up with that also *7:10* THE WAY HE SAYS HER NAME also *7:11* birth of crook/assassin
7:23 - what a good husband trying to stop her from killing one of their teammates #relationshipgoals
8:00 - Sara is backseat driving as a fuckn corpse and I can’t handle it
8:52 - gimme a second this scene will make sense here i swear
9:29 - to continue WHAT A FCKN HYPOCRITE he wanted mick to leave ray in a whole russian gulag but he’s super chill about leaving mick in the middle of rampaging prisoners to find sara yes this is indeed a callout post
9:40 - what a good husband pt. 2 also absent rip ex machina
10:26 - the way len looks at her literally destroys me
10:35 - acknowledging the husband’s achievements
10:51 - i put more of the scene in than i needed to bc the convo between rip/mick makes me laugh every time aLSO len and sara are talking about the in-laws
11:15 - len is all chill and then when not-slade mentions sara he’s like dafuq did you say
11:35 - the way sara looks at him i can’t handle it
11:58 - first of all, everything mick does is mood, second of all look at them playing cards
12:35 - eYE SEX 
13:23 - once again i cut two scenes to look like-ish one but the way she looks at him i can’t handle it
13:51 - okay so i’m not a doctor or anything involving medical anything but why are they gonna die? hypothermia? this is a lot of drama about a room that’s uncomfortably cold also if gideon knows that two team people are gonna die if the door doesn’t open, she should be able to open the doors. she says that “the bulkhead is designed to stay shut” but isn’t she the “designer”? like can’t she just change or override the code or whatever? okay rant over
14:16 - aww look at them bonding also *15:00* Sara you’re lYING
15:53 - okay i feel like they’re dragging this out a long time but aLSO SOMEONE tell me there’s a fic of when Len gives sara his jacket ALSO isn’t this about when Len switches over to wearing just a normal leather jacket cOINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT
16:43 - Sara’s expression i literally can’t aLSO *17:00* nOBODY can tell me he looked back at aNYBODY except Sara
17:11 - once again this will make sense in just a moment alSO note that at the end of the scene *17:39* captain out-cold is still lying in a fckn heap on the floor
17:40 - this means that Leonard somehow dragged himself to wherever the fuck mick and sara are to help her i mean like when i fall up the stairs i always have to take a second and be like am i okay? did i survive this? and literally seconds ago he was unconscious or something yet here he is and if that isn’t love idk what is
17:51 - okay i swear len and sara are looking at each other over the holo table
18:07 - i literally just put this in because of how he says her name
18:16 - aww he did the thing where you’re looking at someone and then they look over and you pretend you weren’t checking them out
18:20 - first of all why the fUCK is rip putting in those eye things FIVE FEET AWAY FROM THE GUARD HE DID NOT COME PREPARED also that look between len and sara like are they married or what
19:04 - this banter i can’t handle it also rip is so done with them
19:40 - they’re finishing each other’s sentences
19:52 - she’s talking about her husband
20:22 - guys this is probably my favorite cc scene no joke
20:25 - okay so i don’t remember why i put this scene in but they’re standing really close to each other and i’m here for it
21:34 -  look at them fighting this is relationship goals
21:45 - captain “let’s all just calm down” my ass this is another of my favorite scenes like he’s normally so chilled out (pun intended) but then he sees sara in danger and he’s like uh fuck no
23:04 - first of all the cut at 23:12 is the worst editing i’ve ever seen like how did they get away with that they’re literally standing in completely different places but also LOOK AT LEN’S SMILE AT SARA PLAYING WITH THE GUN
23:37 - is this not the most badass thing you’ve ever seen
23:49 - sara crossing her fingers is fckn adorable and also len looks over to her don’t even argue with me about it
23:55 - the banter i can’t handle it
24:04 - okay so this might be a biiiit of a stretch BUT i sWEAR len is checking out sara’s ass look out i’m gonna get scientific here but considering how far he had to look over to watch stein there is no way he was looking at the holo table just sayin
24:18 - kendra knows things also this whole scene is adorable
25:06 - i don’t remember why i thought this was a cc scene but they’re together and i’m 10/10 here for it
25:12 - they’re talking about the in-laws again
25:20 - height difference
25:33 - i spy a bit of jealousy
25:46 - listen to the marital banter
25:55 - someone save me from this scene there’s like nine seats around them and sara chose to sit on the ground where she’s closer to len and also they’re passing the bottle back and forth and they look like a goddamned married couple and i cAN’T HANDLE IT
27:19 - killer klepto and pyro back at it again
28:16 - this implies that he’s tried to distract her in the past and all i can say is where’s the fic?
28:36 - guys i have so much to say about this scene and i already have here but i sWEAR TO GOD its the scene sara realizes she’s in love with len you can fight me on this aLSO gideon is an asshole
30:32 - banter game real strong
31:00 - this is starting to make me so sad bc i just feel like there’s a such a strong connection between the two of them here and then it all blows up (too soon) but also their little smiles at the end of the scene is so freakin cute i can’t handle it
32:08 - sara keeps looking over at len also he’s finishing her sentences and also ray came here to have a good time and honestly he’s feeling so attacked rn (although tbh nobody is hitting him that hard) also sara’s smile at the end in conclusion this scene is hella underrated
34:08 - okay this scene is too much for me but also to all the people who said “it came out of nowhere” like first of all wtf were you even watching the last 14 episodes? but also i think len’s line “it’s the things i didn’t do that keep me up at night” is the perfect way to be like hey so this was going on but len doesn’t like to talk about his feelings okay so this scene is too much for me and his smile at the end is hurting me
35:25 - guys i’m not ready
35:43 - guys i’m actually crying like it’s so not fair that we got to see len become such a good person and i know i’m biased but i truly believe that captain canary was the best developed ship we’ve ever had on the show and it sucks so hard that we never got to see them in an actual relationship like i really feel like it would have been so good but it literally never got mentioned again after this episode like even in 1x16 like wtf is up with that anyway sorry i’m ending this on such a sad note but literally all i want in life is just a bit more CC before the show eventually ends like is that too much to ask for
also i didn’t put in the scene where the oculus blows up bc look did it actually ever happen idk
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le-amewzing · 6 years
tagged a million yrs ago by @risquetendencies - tyvm! c: i’mma just do a buttload of tag games tonight orz
1. You’re in your kitchen trying to secure yourself some delicious cuisine when you hear IT. That song that’s totally your jam, that laces through your soul and inspires in you this irresistible urge to dance your heart out. What is the name of this song?
These days, it’s absolutely “Hangang” by HOODY. (ノ´▽`)ノ♪ 
2. Describe how you think Haikyuu!! will end vs. how you would end it if you had control of the series. Feel free to go as detailed as possible. (✧ω✧)
OH JFC. Um. I feel it’s gonna end after Nationals, and Hinata may or may not ever meet the Little Giant. I would LIKE IT to end (even with timeskips) at the end of Hinata and co.’s third year, with glimpses of how the older and other charries have grown, and have the Little Giant do a subtle reveal legit in the last few pages and I wanna be fucking blown away. *lol*
3. Preferred scents for room spray/candles?
I hate candles and am affected by scents, so they have to be very light and airy. I usually use fresh laundry or gentle breeze scents. My one exception is apples & cinnamon, tho I usually save that for the holidays.
4. Earbuds or headphones?
5. Something you liked as a child that you’re not into now?
Donuts. Idk why I ate them as a kid. I can’t eat them now; even the smell of them grosses me now. I haven’t eaten any in over 15 yrs I think, *lol*.
6. If you had to write a callout post to yourself, what would you call yourself out for not doing/doing badly?
Deffo for taking forever to finish projects (art and writing). ;w;
7. If your face was going to be on some form of currency (bills/coins), what amount would you want it to be on, and why? (ex. $0.01 vs $100)
Put me on the $20. You can’t go wrong with a $20. I always have $20 on me so I can take a cab in an emergency.
8. Thing you want most right now, and thing you need most right now? (can be objects, can be less tangible too)
Want: To figure out how to reach the ending of the current oneshot I’m writing. Need: A fucking job. people need to hire me already & stop leading me on after multiple interviews
9. If you have/are going to have a roommate living with you, what would be your number one house rule?
Pick up after yourself. I enjoy cleaning, but I am not your goddamn maid.
10. Do you mostly smile with your lips open or closed?
Closed. :c
11. Write the summary of the fanfiction you wish existed out there for you to read! (any series/fandom your heart desires, do multiple if you wish)
Hmm... Rn I’m crying bc of the lack of Kurokai content, so I’d love to see a fic where Yaku meddles with them, tryna get them together. Kuroo and Kai are clearly aware of his efforts, Kai ignoring them while Kuroo grumbles to Yaku to quit it. Yaku tries to enlist the kouhai’s help, but the only ones who come close to being useful are Fukunaga and Shibayama. In the end, some dumb thing Lev? (prolly Lev) does provides Kurokai with an opening...but the surprise twist is that they’re already dating, just v early into the relationship. Only Kai’s been sure of it bc Kuroo honestly was like “lol wait then that first date we had...was our...first date...?” bc Kuroo thinks he’s a lot more with it than he actually is. Kai’s too damn smooth. B)
Y’know, I actually rly enjoyed these questions, so I’mma just pass it on to @gilrael, @the-untalented-teenager, @starcrossedsomething, @ennotanafuta, @karasunovolleygays, & @crollalanzaa, if ya wanna answer ’em~
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flexmains · 7 years
i was invited to join a gold/plat team for hunters of artemis and i’m actually so excited 0:
a) cool fckin’ concept and discord
b) i have literally wanted to zen so much, but when i play with the dead inside server, i hate to say that there was literally no one i trusted to tank when we did placements except for fromaj on dva, which was a godsend, so i ended up playing winston and orisa a lot. 
but now i’m a starter on the roster for one of the teams and i’m locked into support only and they actually WANT me to play zen bc they said i was fragging out sometimes during tryouts and...........
that makes me... feel happy, actually nndbmmndmnm ; v; 
and now i’m gonna have a plat 2-2-2 team ALL the time when i practice and i’m just genuinely so excited?? 
one of the gm coaches watched us during tryouts and gave us all feedback, and ????? oh my god, it was super insightful and it all made sense as good advice that i’d never particularly worded in my mind before and i was....... so glad T 3T
i also joined w.ow (women in ovw), and they’re gonna practice less as structured comp teams maybe and more like “practicing doing callouts and coordinating and working as a team” practice, so i’m. basically ready for the next few months of life. all i need is for one of these legal assistant applications to go through and i will. be set for the next month. and if the pay is good enough, i’ll pay my mother back for the polisci class i dropped after graduation last year and then...... i’ll save up a fund....... to get a cat.
but tmrw i start practice with hunters and next week with w.ow and i’m.............. super excited i wanna GIT GUD at my favorite game
tryouts were rough bc we were trying out for specific roles, so we always ran 1 healer 1 tank 3 dps and one rando. a hanzo was throwing during our dive comp test round, so the coaches flamed him in match chat and told us to requeue, which was immensely funny, actually. i kind of tanked, but i........ messed up ALL MY DVA BOOSTS and winston leaps and it was....... bad. 
but tbh, i love playing zen so much and i’m so glad this team wants me to practice with them T ___T there are literally so many admins of the server on this team too dbfndbfnmbd I GUESS MURDERING THEM IN FFA BEFORE TRYOUTS WORKED? i feel.... warm and fuzzy. this is exactly what i was hoping to rekindle my interest in overwatch and help me divest it from weird old memories and i dbfndbnfdbfb i recognize why i placed in gold, but i do think with practice i can earn a plat sr, and i finally found a team that’s even more into comp and mechanics and everything than i am and i’m :’D
i also went back again to my school for a pre-law dinner thing, which was...... horrific, but in a good way, i guess. i talked to all those lawyerly alums after standing awkwardly in a corner upon realizing i knew not a single person in that dining room... and it was fine... it was definitely nice talking to them about their specific paths, and it definitely settled my nerves about applications, but i still wonder..... what i’m gonna do with it... 
i feel like i believe that if i fell in love with what i could do, i’d really make myself learn public speaking to finally get to shout all these pent-up frustrations and thoughts as coherent sentences... and i’d love it. it’s dumb, but i also wanted to do this ovw team thing because of the communication thing and speaking up and knowing when to listen and when maybe it’s okay for me to bark something with the intention of getting someone else to listen to me and help me out :’D
how malleable is my personality? i like when i kind of dissociate myself from my fears and decide sometimes that there are some people whose opinions of me i just don’t care about, and i try to mold myself into presenting my personality differently...... but i guess rn i still err on the side of sitting aside and listening rather than speaking B’)
i just feel like i don’t know enough to talk, you know? i don’t deserve that voice yet... but if i just edjumacate myself enough...... the right time to share what little i do  know will come up. hopefully.
this is all because i saw a shelter profile for a cat named jude who has the sweetest face and most beautiful photos and i want to adopt him so badly, but the time...... is not now...... ; ___; and that fucking breaks my heart, because he sounds and looks like my dream cat.......
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