#is the WORST
frenzyarts · 10 months
Why is the snooze tumblr live button broken…? @staff @support please help fix this bug! Nobody likes tumblr live and we don’t want to see it. Thank you!
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"We should welcome twitter users coming to tumblr" yeah okay but have you ever had to interact with twitter fandom people? They're some of the nastiest beings to ever exist on this fucking planet.
They're the same who stalked Joseph Quinn wherever he went after season 4 of Stranger Things dropped and Eddie Munson became a fan favourite, leaking his dating app profile and his private cellphone number. (They also leaked Gaten Matarazzo’s cellphone number from what I got.)
They’re the same who harassed the Heartstopper cast so much that one of the main actors deactivated his twitter profile and the other was forced into coming out as bi.
And god forbid if you DARE criticizing the show they like, even if you’re a fan of it yourself. Just this morning I got a load of shit thrown at me on twitter because I dared pointing out how netflix acts in different ways towards wlw shows than mlm shows. I went about it logically looking at stats, and used First Kill and Young Royals as an example, because I watched both and the stats were very different in terms of budget, of views, etc. so overall, an easier comparison to make than between two shows who had almost identical stats.
Somehow (considering I usually get, at most 10 interactions under a tweet on a good day), my tweet blew up among Young Royals fans and I got 1000+ among replies and qrts of people who disagreed and I thought okay, not everybody has the same opinion right? Conctructive criticism is a thing right?
Well, on the goddamn blue bird app it is not.
People just said stuff like “it’s just because that First Kill sucks ass” and I tried explaining why (aka the tanking starting budget), so they went on to straight up calling me stupid, dumb, ignorant, they said I did not understand that one is Netflix USA and the other is from Netflix Nordic, mixed with a lot of swearwords in the crassest display ever.
And like. The fun thing is, I’m completing a master’s degree in Swedish. With my main faculty being media criticism. It will literally be my job, one day, to translate and criticize Swedish-speaking and English-speaking media.
Plus, though it’s not one of my favourites, I’m a fan of Young Royals myself because I started watching it to practice my Swedish language skills, and actually worked with its subtitles for a project of translation I had to do for class.
Tumblr may be a hellsite (affectionate) bit it’s really chill now, and kind of a safe heaven for me where I can interact with any kind of fandom and talk freely about which shows, characters and ships/pairings I love (i.e. apparently everyone on twitter is a Billy Hargrove anti. Seriously. Went to see if there were some fanarts, hcs, or other pieces of fanon really, but there was nothing except for hate tweets against both the characters and fans who like him), even when it comes to more serious and technical stuff like why netflix dooms certain shows from the start (cough cough First Kill cough cough) and I would hate to see it become full of hate just like twitter is.
Soooo, tl;dr: Like hell am I welcoming people you can’t have a civil discussion over anything with here.
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thatrainylife · 8 months
just finished merlin
i am dead
i am finished
there is nothing you can do to help me
"hold me"
"thank you"
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Just so we’re absolutely crystal clear:
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Fuck this guy in particular.
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secretcherimaybe · 2 months
What kind of absolute asshole would want to marry the sister but not be willing to be around the brother (who is incredibly exactly like the sister)
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parachutingkitten · 8 months
I dunno if this counts, because I know who you ship is subjective but... this is something that will likely haunt me forever.
When I was 13, I was young and stupid, and I wrote a fanfiction involving an incredibly controversial Lloyd ship (Lloyd x one of the Ninja, I refuse to say which one). It featured some rather distasteful jokes that I cannot beLIEVE I wrote.
When I was 14 I started to deeply dislike the ship (I now cannot stand the ship at all) and the abominable story which I had wrote. I panicked, and instead of deleting it, I orphaned it on Ao3. I didn't realize that this would immortalize it on the internet forever.
The story now has 200 kudos and over 2,000 hits, and due to the fact I orphaned it, I can never edit or delete it.
TLDR; I wrote a bad fanfiction one time
Please, tell me how I may attain for this.
I... idk that this is a sin. It's just incredibly embarrassing. Although the fact that you inadvertently cursed us with eternal cringe fanfiction maybe accounts for something.
Have you written anything that's gotten more attention than that fic? Cuz until you do that, I don't think you can properly live this down.
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loonylooly · 4 months
Im gonna be running around in heels for 3 days carrying chairs and music stands then playing my ass off on my viola then carrying chairs and stands then running around relaying information then playing my ass off then carrying more shit
Pray for me guys
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
The Times Women Don’t Know Their Hearts
I was thinking about my proposal analysis and it occured to me that there are two instances in Jane Austen’s novels where women don’t know how to respond to a proposal, and in both, cases, the problem is actually the influence of other women.
Emma has already been trying to turn Harriet off the Martins and on to “real gentlemen” by the time Harriet gets the proposal from Robert Martin. She ends up not knowing her own mind:
She [Harriet] was so surprized she did not know what to do. Yes, quite a proposal of marriage; and a very good letter, at least she thought so. And he wrote as if he really loved her very much—but she did not know—and so, she was come as fast as she could to ask Miss Woodhouse what she should do.—” Emma was half-ashamed of her friend for seeming so pleased and so doubtful.
Emma then clearly influences Harriet’s decision and it is implied that she also supplies her with the words of refusal. (One high point of Emma 1972 is that she actually begins to dictate Harriet’s response). So Harriet’s inability to know her own heart was Emma’s doing. It’s pretty clear by the end that if Harriet had not been led astray by Emma, she’d have accepted.
We also have Janet Ross in Mansfield Park (a friend of Mary’s):
Poor Janet has been sadly taken in, and yet there was nothing improper on her side: she did not run into the match inconsiderately; there was no want of foresight. She took three days to consider of his proposals, and during those three days asked the advice of everybody connected with her whose opinion was worth having, and especially applied to my late dear aunt, whose knowledge of the world made her judgment very generally and deservedly looked up to by all the young people of her acquaintance, and she was decidedly in favour of Mr. Fraser.
From Mary’s overall behaviour (the wish to marry for wealth and consequence), we can infer that the late Mrs. Crawford said from Mary’s words: “We were all delighted. She could not do otherwise than accept him, for he was rich, and she had nothing” What Mary doesn’t seem to grasp is that Janet must have known on some level before accepting the proposal that she wouldn’t have been happy with Mr. Fraser. Yet, she is able to be influenced and all her friends assured her it was a good idea so she went for it.
And then we have Anne Elliot, who does accept Wentworth’s first proposal, but then on the advice of Lady Russell (we know that Sir Walter didn’t have a huge hand in this), was convinced to break it off. This decision is a little trickier because in all honesty, I think Lady Russell was giving good advice. Like, maybe don’t marry a penniless sailor at 19, you might be a widowed mother in the next year... but it is ultimately a decision that Anne regrets. In hindsight, we know she would have been happier if she married him.
I also want to mention Maria Bertram, who raised by aunt Norris, has been taught to value wealth above her own happiness. We are not directly told that Mrs. Norris influenced the match, but she was instructed by Sir Thomas to conceal the engagement until he returned and then did the opposite, making it harder for Maria to call it off the marriage if that was her preference.
The only man who influences a marriage decision is Mr. Brandon Sr., who locks Eliza Brandon away until she agrees to marry his eldest son (Colonel Brandon's older brother). Jane Austen never really shows a heroine father manipulate their daughter/ward so directly, forcefully, and obviously. The closest is Sir Thomas with Fanny but even he isn't ruthless. The bigger danger for women in these novels is much more subtle influence.
I feel like the overall message here is that you need to be careful who you let influence your decisions. Or who you befriend. Anne is able to reject her father’s disapprobation, but she has more trouble with her mother figure. She forgets, perhaps, that Lady Russell is also a little too conscious of rank. Harriet and Janet both have friends who lead them down the wrong path. Fortunately Harriet gets back on track, but Janet ends up in a very unhappy marriage. 
And the worst part is, all of these influencers, Emma, Mrs. Crawford, and Lady Russell (and even Mrs. Norris), think they are doing the best thing for their friend. They cannot see their own folly.
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yeesiine · 1 year
the disappointment you feel after being done so wrong by the person you genuinely loved is the worst.
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greatwyrmgold · 2 years
I've seen a bunch of people say that Wildbow's really bad at writing gay characters, sometimes with the caveat that he's gotten better or that he's good when he does it by accident.
But the most complete explanation I ever get is a gesture in the direction of Amy Dallon, which...okay, yeah, if that was the only gay character he ever wrote that would be a pretty bad look, but her sexuality didn't come up until after Parian and Flechette were introduced, so she's not. And she's far from the last gay character Wildbow introduced, and she's the only Amy he's ever written.
I assume it can't just be one character tainting Wildbow's reputation for writing gay characters for years, but I've never come across an explanation. So I'm wondering if anyone has an explanation, either in the sense of writing one or linking to one.
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daddyjackfrost · 2 years
you say the ocean's rising like i give a shit you say the whole world's ending, honey it already did you're not gonna slow it, heaven knows you tried
all eyes on me, bo burnhum
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heyabbyhello · 9 months
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Bad endo day means staying cozy in bed with my heating pad and a good book 📚
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kieren-fucking-walker · 4 months
I am so tired and so sad.
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simseez · 2 months
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This country is finished
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waywardangel-13 · 1 year
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bignasty001 · 4 months
i'm heated cus i was gonna post some art but. my iPad died. and i cannot find the charger
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