#is that a betta fish??? idk man
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kirexa · 1 year ago
Obsessed with this color of animal
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thechilliestleaf · 6 months ago
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Made some more pressure OC’s. They are my bbs. The quality is s-it and I don’t know how to fix that so deal with it. :)
they will get clothes, I think, I just dk what to put on them yet, so.. ye.
On the left is Eyeris, also known as Z-136B (I chose that number on a whim and I’m sticking to it) and on the right is Z-136A
I shortened it to A and B for description here, and their lore isn’t 100% finished yet, but the gist is that they were identical twins, who were experimented on together but “merged” due to an oversight. But they didn’t really merge, they just kinda… gave each other/took each other’s body parts..? Idk, it seemed like a cool prompt and it is. i wanted to make sure that the A’s parts would stand out on B and likewise, in a way of showing that they cannot escape that horrible experience or the guilt that they carry from mutilating each other’s bodies essentially, even though it’s not their fault.
Also, Do give guesses to where A’s mouth went. Cause it’s been largely replaced with B’s second eye.. I just think it would be fun! ^^
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chipped-chimera · 1 year ago
Goldfish post got me looking up Betta genetics more seriously this time and ughhhhh it's HAPPENING AGAIN I WILL BITE A GOD
If I ever get into breeding it's 120% going to have a health focus FIRST because at the current rate we're breeding them into the floor, we won't have anything livable left.
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thymeandmint · 2 years ago
im lowkey a little desperate to set up a little nano shrimp tank so im not feeling so AOUGH about the main tank,, also i just think a nano shrimp tank would be SOOO pretty but i also know i could be moving house again before the end of the year and i dont want to set up the tank only to then have to rehome the shrimp in 2 months
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loremaster · 9 months ago
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happy belated mermay! i drew that final pic after i went with my family to the new england aquarium recently, and picked out something they had there for each of the nocturnal detectives - plus kurumi! more description (spoilers) under the cut:
kurumi - piranha! it fits her color scheme, and her little freckles… and well, you know *bites you*
yuma - emperor tetra. actually i lied this one wasn’t at the aquarium i had to look it up
yakou - anemone man. ouughhh so sillyyyy
desuhiko - tried to ID the guy I took a picture of and it looked closest to the crosshatch butterflyfish. could be wrong though.
halara, fubuki - i could not find the labels for either of these fish unfortunately
vivia - electric eel (yeah he’s there, look again)
the mermaids were kinda based off these species, except fubuki changed to a betta fish. bred for glamour, not for function. she is out there living her best life tho!!! nothin gets this mermaid princess down!!!!
obviously squid shinigami (squidigami) is based off ursula. but also i liked her having squid tentacle hair. woomy!
i imagine it would actually be kind of a reverse ursula situation though (reversula?). poor unfortunate amnesiac yuma would go up to sea witch shinigami asking her for his memories back, but she reveals she was the one who took his memories in the first place, and they’ve actually already made a deal. which she’s not going back on, sorrynotsorry lol!!! of course he’s actually not a mermaid at all but a human under a spell to go investigate…. something underwater. idk. maybe the mystery labyrinths are still a thing in this universe?
vivia, i’m sorry to say, would be a hundred times more miserable than we ever see him in canon, because guess what. no books. he’d still have some sort of coping mechanisms like watching other fish, watching stuff above the surface of the water, wanting nothing more to join them and fly someday. (the dragonflies, of course, are a reference to the famous water bugs and dragonflies story.) he’d still find something to get distracted by… although if he had his forte he probably would ghost up to the surface and read whatever the humans are reading up above. i guess this would make him the real ariel of the story.
kurumi of course is still based on a piranha, because it’s cute. of course these fish shouldn’t all live together but whatever. it’s mermaids. she probably is still some kind of informant, and probably hangs out near yakou’s place a bunch.
i could see yakou running some sort of shop. or if he’s still into detective work, he’d probably need kurumi as an assistant since he’s uh. not much of a swimmer. (he claims he can too swim, but it’s really silly looking. google swimming anemone. you’ll thank me.) he considers those little teeny fish to be pests (or at least claims they are. they’re probably helping him hide some sort of secret in there.)
desuhiko is a wandering trader with a keen sense of fashion. he’s great at repurposing sunken sails into mer-clothing, not so great at making sales. also the fact that his hair is gelled is way more obvious when everything is underwater. he’s basically got a helmet.
halara of course puts up an intimidating front, but has a secret soft spot for cute sea creatures. i asked my irl friend what she’d consider ‘the cat of the sea’ and she said pufferfish. i do think they are very cute and make a lot of sense as an allergen. but i don’t think halara’s taste is limited to pufferfish only, no no no. they like anything cute.
fubuki has got to have been kept captive before the story - by humans? or other mermaids? but either way, now she’s free and having a blast exploring the deep blue ocean. she really wants to know what kind of exciting creatures live in the deep!!!
and that’s it. hopefully all this description makes up for being 2 days late to mermay LMAO. i guess now it’s merGAY
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 6 months ago
HI. GOOD EVENIBG. WE SHOULD TALK ABT TIDALWAVE!!!! we should talk about tidalwave. im thinking about them so hard & also pingponging btwn nebulous Them Thoughts & nhw virion (trying so hard 2 work on this damn fic!!!)...... we r in the centrifuge together. idk what it is abt sunday nights what do they put in them. anyway. holds microphone up. tidalwave..............
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👉 go here. go in the centrifuge.
GOD. man. I'm like. i don't even know what to SAY about them. I'm just Thinking About Them u know?!?!?!?! like. they're in my mind. whats betta than this. guys bein dudes.
idfk I guess I will talk about nhw bc that's the context I've been thinking abt them the most in lately. god. not 2 talk abt my own fic forever and ever but smth that I'm rlly proud of/rlly hits me is like... the Moment where mark realizes the extent of what happened to him? like. he looks down at his hand and realizes he basically just stabbed himself with claws he didn't realize he had and his hand is too big and is scales and the reason he hasn't been able to stand is because he has like 10 lbs of extra tail weight and I think that all hits him like a truck and just. takes the fight out of him for a second . and that's the ONLY reason he lets tide sit him back down and bandage his hand. he doesn't Really need that, the cuts are shallow and by the time he sits down they've stopped bleeding anyway but he still sits through it bc it gives them both something solid and physical to focus on that isn't the billion other terrible things going on. I never think of tidalwave as being soft that feels too out of character for either of them but like. this is the closest they get to that. to me. Just like a second of quiet where . they're not talking about things they should be talking about but there's some sort of physicality nonetheless.... man.
also bc i love 2 talk about the unethical human experimentation. I love love love love giving tide the entire range of reactions to overlords shit. he gets to see Marie who seems to have basically lost all of her humanity and behaves more like an animal. to Marlon who is unresponsive and shut off and needs to be in basically a glorified fish bowl to function. to Ollie who is completely there mentally and very willing to cooperate and seems to be dealing with everything okay... but he can't communicate because of freak bug mouth. and i think he absorbs all of this information and internalizes it and when he looks at mark he can't help but wonder where he falls on that range . Mark doesn't seem like he's lashing out like a scared animal backed into a corner (at least. no more than usual) but the physical changes are There and Obvious and sometimes when he gets worked up his voice sounds like an alligator hissing (these videos are extremely good btw) so it's like.... what else changed. tide doesn't even KNOW about his vision yet. (<< authors note here like. I do think marks mannerisms will be different. not in huge ways. but the sensitivity to cold affects him wayyy more than he lets on. makes it harder to do things. which is not great for a guy who needs to be doing things constantly or else he'll explode! which makes him irritated by things more easily. I feel like he will have more of a tendency to snap at things whereas before he'd be content to just fume about them in silence. like when u see a snake call coiled up with its head back and u know it could either strike really fast or it's just trying to threaten you. or how like alligators seem like they should be really slow but then they can death roll and lunge and snap their heads around really fast. sorry i need 2 make that man animalistic or ill die)
canon tidalwave i need 2 know desperately how they got tides powers back. i know the most likely thing is that like. the depowering was just a mental block tide had to get over . but in my heart they went on a roadtrip. bizly please. i know you said tidalwave would never get married but that's okay they dont have to. they're already divorced. give me the road trip.
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xxkilla-krisxx · 2 months ago
Punch Out!! Characters in Splatoon
Okay guys, I know this is kinda cringe and not gonna get many likes… but I was listening to Splatoon music and kept thinking about this idea, so I wanted to write it all down before I forgot :D
Note: This isn’t a speculation on what ink weapons they would use or how they’d play in Turf Wars, but instead just me spitting out ideas if Punch Out!! Wii took place in the Splatoon universe
Added images are not exact portrayals of how they look and are instead just to give you an idea of what they look like.
Little Mac - He’s a kid from the Bronx, so I think he’d be an Inkling from Splatsville rather than Inkopolis. his ink is green ofc, but his tentacles are black fading to green
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Doc Louis - Also an Inkling! :) Idk why I put Cuttlefish here LOL
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Glass Joe - He has Octoling eyes in PO!!W, but he feels like an Inkling to me…? I have no idea how to explain that lol. His tentacles change from orange to red to yellow to reference the differences in his versions over the years.
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Von Kaiser - He is an ex-Octoling soldier, and I feel like he would keep his soldier goggles and seaweed even after joining Inkling society. I also like to think he would have green scleras like some Octarian soldiers do. His tentacles are a color a bit darker than the regular Octoling red found in the first game.
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Disco Kid - Since he’s new to the franchise (From the game timeline pov… 2009 was, like, 16 years ago) and the WVBA, I think he’d be one of the escaped Octolings and would denounce Octoling society in favor of Inkling music, but would add an Octoling spin to his dancing. Tentacles are blonde but fade to either blue or purple.
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King Hippo - Boss Salmonid, probably a Cohozuna or a Ball-Launcher™(I forgot what they’re called). Not much else to say other than he uses pink ink.
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Piston Hondo - Also an Octoling, was about to join the army but decided against it and instead joined Inkling society. Tentacles are dark purple with little red spots at the ends.
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Bear Hugger - He’s an Urchin in my mind :D I just imagine him with a big spiky beard. Don’t even try to tell me he would be an actual bear Mr. Grizz is the only living mammal do NOT fuck with me…
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I ran out of room for images here [cry], but I’ll reblog it with more example images in a second! ^_^
Great Tiger - Inkling with powers similar to Frye’s! What does he summon? Tiger Sharks!! Still uses clones in the WVBA but has a bunch of Tiger Shark pals. He has dark purple tentacles fading to magenta then orange.
Don Flamenco - He’s an Inkling. He wears fake extra tentacles like some Splatoon ocs, he claims they’re real but they’re not. Secretly an OTH enjoyer.
Aran Ryan - This one was a bit tough, I originally thought about making him a Salmonid but thought that should only be for King Hippo. Then I looked at the band Bottom Feeders from Splatoon 2 and decided to make him a Crowntail Betta Fish like Finn Feeder. His fins are orange, of course.
Soda Popinski - Oh boy, this ones a toughie. I honestly can’t see him as an Inkling OR an Octoling, and I can’t think of a fish species that would fit him. Can you guys help me out with this one please? >_<;
Bald Bull - Bull Shark, duh. His scales have a green tint to them but turn a reddish-brown when he does the bull charge.
Super Macho Man - Inkling with white tentacles fading to light blue. Not much else to say lol, he’s not my favorite character 😓 Maybe vaguely related to Pearl because I find that funny.
Mr. Sandman - He is an Inkling to parallel Little Mac. Black tentacles with a very slight yellowish-orange fade.
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theskeletoninthegarden · 1 year ago
Reblogging this to say that I've told one person and their lack of enthusiasm astounded me. How can you not be interested in this particular subject I keep binging videos for?
Current Intense Desire to Buy: A Betta Tank Setup
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mysimsyuri · 8 months ago
you should drop the whole fish list my friend
btw in any universe im a whale shark . itd be silly if i was a catfish but those arent real cats and im sharkcoded and whael sahrks are cute . i refuse to fix my typos what you see is what you get (just a guy that loves adventure)
raven - betta fish,,, call me basic but those things are a little mean (raven) and sooo so pretty (raven) .
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candy - COMB JELLY. those things have lights that look like theyre raving and theyre soooo cool candy would absolutely be one of those !!!
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str.ong sad - cuttlefish. i have no idea why but she seems very cuttlefish to me.... like theyre so silly and cute and idk just look into this things eyes and tell me its not str.ong sad
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shawn - mimic octopus !! wait hang on ocean man just came on shuffle thats funny. anyway dfghdkj cuz he loves to tell lies for funsies and like the entire premise of the show (being that he lies to the police abt being psychic . hes just smart.) i thought smth thats known for camouflage would be silly and also octopuses (i refuse to say octopi . i also dont like cacti) are clever !!! i like them !!! either that or a dolphin but only cuz theres an entire episode abt how he wants to ride a dolhpin
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gus - oooh gus is a little hard.... im gonna say hermit crab :] i could talk abt how hes usually very grounded and is himself a synoynm for the word home (for shawn, especially). but i wanted to make him a nudibranch before realizing that gus would Not have himself exposed like that his ass is Hiding any chance he can get (nudibraches have exposed gills ! theyre sea slugs :]])
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bodoramzap · 10 months ago
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ❤️
Oh fun, an ask game! It's a little difficult to answer. But thank you!
A storm on a day you can stay cozy at home with a good book
2. When it's the middle of winter and your blanket is fresh from the dryer to bundle up with
3. Baking or cooking with my toddler
4. Betta fish tanks- idk man, I'm just obsessed right now
5. Sitting down to write and actually managing to have the words flow out, without any interruptions
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So over the past while I’ve had a number of different TMNT AU ideas of my own (they just won't stop.) Due to the fact that I’m not sure which one I want to work on first I have decided to post some summaries of them here in the hopes that someone would respond and give me something to talk about. IDK man :/ Also, these are all based in Rise! unless explicitly stated.Anyways, here have a list:
Teenage mutant turtle fish: Inspired by @quewp1’s Mertles AU (I am still working on redesigning my ideas for it.) In short, the earth got completely flooded after some weird event about 50 years ago. The yokai decided to be nice and helped many of the humans out before they could be washed away. Hidden yokai cities all around the world took in hundreds of humans, providing them with the safety of the magically protected underground caverns. The yokai and humans then work together to integrate the humans into the yokai world as well as figure out a way to either expand the cities or to reclaim the flooded surface. Jump forward a number of years and we find a yokai scientist, employed by the Progressions council, named Barry Draxum and his husband, a young actor named Hamato Yoshi AKA: Lou Jutisu. Barry and Yoshi want kids but they're not about to go about it the easy way. Barry’s job for the Progressions council (a group of humans and yokai tasked with figuring out how this new society is going to progress in a way that will let every being thrive in their very rapidly shrunk world) is to think up, and test out possible ideas to reclaiming the flooded topside. An idea that he had been meaning to test out was to mutate humanoides to give them fish features that would allow them to survive underwater. So yeah, instead of just going out and adopting some kids, Barry and Yoshi decide to create their own in a test tube. In order of age there’s Jennika, a yellow bellied slider and armored catfish, Raph, a snapper and nurse shark, Leo and Donnie, a red eared slider and betta fish, and a softshell and betta fish respectively, Mikey, a box turtle and mandarin fish, lastly Venus, a smooth softshell and flying fish.
Lost to the void: Your classic Mikey ends up being unable to save Leo from the prison dimension but with a twist. While he had been able to open the portal it closes just as Leo reaches it, or at least it seems that way for his brothers. Instead, when Leo reaches the portal it zaps him into a black void and he passes out for a bit. He wakes up to a pair of glowing eyes that blink at him and the sound of a voice saying something about him not belonging there. Everything goes fuzzy and then he wakes up in pain and an alleyway in a version of the 2003 dimension. He meets Lord Simultaneous who tells him about the multiverse and agrees to help him get home. When they try though, it doesn't work. Lord Sims (because I cannot be bothered) informs Leo that getting him home will take a bit more doing than he thought. There's not much that Leo can do about it and he starts to get really bored after about a month of waiting around in Lord Sims main palace. Lord Sims offers him some odd jobs around the multiverse, which Leo is happy to comply with. The way I have things set in my head is that alternate dimensions are the different Tmnt cannons, ie: Rise!, 2003, 2012, etc. And parallel universes are offshoots of that, ie: a fanfiction of Rise! that changes the cannon. Lord Sims can travel between these realities and now so can LV!Leo. (This is the one that I’m the most excited about right now. I wanted to get a design for LV!Leo before posting anything about it but whatever.)
Hundred year war: My own version of the turtles. (BTW: this idea came from a dream so please bear with me if it sounds a bit weird.) Yokai were never driven underground and ended up being the dominant species of earth alongside humans. At some point, for unrelated reasons, the world devolved into a world war that has lasted for nearly a hundred years. Before it began someone gave a prophecy that one of the sides would create their own destruction. During the war one side tests out a bio-mystic bomb on a small town across the border of the other side. The military of that side decides to quarantine the town due to the fact that it and the people have been giving off weird radiation. They also force the soldiers that first responded to the blast to stay there as well. First Lieutenant Hamato Yoshi finds four baby turtle eggs in one of the houses destroyed by the blast, their mother dead. He decides to raise (really co-parent) them along with a goat yokai scientist named Barry Draxum sent to study the effects of the blast before the quarantine was decided. So basically everyone that was there within two days of the blast going off were now stuck there for the foreseeable future. Over time the village and its inhabitants are forgotten about. The turtles grow up running around the compound that was set up for research and the village itself. At some point some of the young children that had been near the blast start exhibiting weird powers, which Draxum decides to study more thoroughly. I actually started writing a scene for this so let me know if you want to see that finished at some point.
Dryad donnie: At one am several weeks ago I whispered to myself ‘Treeatello’ and thought that it would be a really funny idea. By the next morning I had no idea what I had ment, but then about a week after that I had an actual idea. Partially inspired by @tangledinink’s Swannatello au in the sense that Donnie gets magically influenced to protect something and gets kinda magical-girled in the process. The turtles fight and kill a dryad that they had thought was just another mutant. The kill part was an accident on Donnie’s part. The grove the dryad had been protecting is now in sore need of a new protector so it calls Donnie, forcing him to go to the glade and becoming its new dryad protector. He gets to be a willow maiden.
Separated AU: All the cool creators have one so here's mine. Lou doesn't get mutated but he’s only able to grab Raph and Mikey. Before he leaves the hidden city he's also able to snag a pair of cloaking broaches. Once back in New York he gets in contact with his old manager who helps him get set up in a large apartment. He teaches Mikey and Raph to never take off the broaches when out of the house and sends them off to school once they're old enough. Meanwhile, Draxum has Donnie, Leo, a blown up lab, and an angry Big Mama to contend with. Big M makes a deal with him that if he gives her Leo and Donnie that she’ll forgive his poor business practices. Draxum doesn't like the idea that he has to give up the things that he spent his entire life working for. The two of them decide that they can share them, Big M gets them to raise for publicity and later her Battle Nexus pits, Draxum gets to see them once a month for testing and samples. Eventually Donnie starts begging Big M to give him a cloaking broach and let him go to human school, eventually after a lot of pestering she gives in and gets cloaking broaches for both him and Leo. At this point Raph and Mikey are both in highschool and have made quite a name for themselves in all the different extracurriculars they participate in. Out of nowhere these two kids show up and start beating them at everything.
I lack motivation right now, please ask me things so that I can talk about these.
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despondent-beauty · 10 months ago
Cory catfish <3
They killed my Betta.
Should I have housed them together? No. Should I have put them in quarantine? Yes. Should they have been cleaner and not toxic cesspools of fish diseases and parasites before entering MY house and affiliating with MY sweet Flippy? Maybe? They're fish, man.
Also, Flippy was like 4 years old at that point, so he may have died of natural causes (weakening immune system unable to cope with the otherwise safe environment, heart attack, idk).
Also, the first two Cory catfish that I got were fine and happy with Flippy. They didn't fight or anything. Still a little irresponsible of me to house them together, I think? I was assured by PetSmart that they'd be fine, but whatever.
It was the THIRD that I got (like two years later) that seemed to trigger the death of my poor Flippy boy.
Ugh, the way he'd aggressively flare whenever he saw my finger. Murderous thoughts. Loved that guy.
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cimmerian1275 · 15 days ago
APRIL AS AN OIRAON! Unplanned, inspiration hit me at midnight and i decided to make THIS! MUAHAH.
Couldnt for the life of me find a cool different name to give them in the AU so... Shes gonna stay as "April" (unless name inspo hits me again, but *shrugs*)
Colors and markings based on a European Bee-eater, so bright. The fish tail is based on a Betta fish, felt like it matched. Kept the original green/yellow/grey from the shows reference :)
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I feel like this does but also doesnt say "this is April" because wow the colors are bright and chaotic and crazy and that doesnt seem right, but then again ROTTMNT April is literally that??? Shes bright and chaotic and colorful and noticeable when she wants to be.
I think here, i kinda took her inner confidence, life and spirit and showed that with the bold colors/markings, and i love it.
Speaking of colors, eye color?? Idk man, eye color is so hard to figure out. I went with something similar to the glasses because i ran out of ideas (I tried green, didnt feel right, brown was ehhhh)
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Unlike Ant and Morado she doesnt have any in-world professions that she fits in. As i said earlier i did not plan on turning April into an Oiraon so... i dont rlly have any ideas apart from "Shes def Morado's best friend, those 2 r ride or die together besties" (no romance, blech romance, sorry)
Hmm... Whatever water-y themed biome April and Morado live in i like to imagine is close to a forest/jungle or somewhere heavily vegetated, that way Tzaoul lives nearby aswell. I can see Tzaoul meeting April one day and quickly becoming great friends despite the species/biome difference (and thats how he eventually meets Morado)
Speaking of others, i reckon April's the one to nickname Tzaoul "Zee" or "Blue", and in turn hes the one to nickname her smth funny like "Apples", "Apes", "Crepes" (the funnier the better) or something relating to her personality, both of them have a similar sense of humor and love making up nicknames. Both of them dont rlly have many other friends so before their encounter there wasnt exactly anyone else to give them nicknames! (other than a parental figure or whatever, and Morado doesnt see a reason for nicknames unless that persons name is super long).
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hulknussen · 4 months ago
yup that age swap and nico’s nose anon is me lol i’m glad to not be alone cause i’m literally 6 minutes into this ship. like I found out about it 3 days ago and can’t stop thinking about them… also what animals do you associate with kmag and nico? i always think about nico as wolf but idk about kmag
Oh well welcome in then whatt! I hope you like it here, it's a bit like my bible studies at school used to be odd comparison but I swear it'll make sense where it was just the same 13 students in a course with the same teacher for 10 years straight because we were the only catholics in the school lol.
To be honest I haven't thought about what animals they might be. Can definitely see Nico as wolf like you said though (thinking of like, Eurasian grey wolf because these are the only ones I'm a little familiar with haha). But I can also see a dog, like a golden retriever or a husky. Sausage dog jk
And yeah Kevin I'm not sure about either. Maybe just the same options as above, if it's not too boring? Might be blanking on animals a bit here. Though if they were fish Nico would be a Betta and Kevin a guppy. And Nico would have a like, black and white pattern on the fin and he flares super easily & will take to being taught tricks easily. He is however also a bit of a pussy, despite all the flaring. Kevin is that survivor guppy I had in my aquarium that ate everything and was the last man standing. I'm pretty sure he killed the entire ecosystem. And he basically never swims to the top of the tank (whereas Nico does all the time--Nico is also a jumper) and likes hiding in the caves and foliage that was put there for Nico
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mars-ipan · 3 years ago
ok if i were to make a fursona i would have 2 options:
1- rodent (likely either a rat or a possum)
2- weird canine (likely either a maned wolf or a bat-eared fox)
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lightboundpunkz · 10 months ago
ok maybe i dont need a vet for a betta fish? idk man
what to do when you want a betta fish but the closest vet that does aquatics is over 60 miles away 🙃
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