hystericfae · 29 days
My grandpa acted scared to ask me a question and that's so real men should always be scared of me
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dipplinduo · 8 months
I have no idea what you have planned in your devious little mind (compliment), but i have a fluffy image that I like to HC happens after the regular DLC story and lowkey hoping itd fit after whatever the heucking angsty shenanigans youve got planned.
Basically, like right after the climax of ID but before Keiran and Carmine go have a break, ornin SSD's case sometime after Peachy-runt is booted to the moon, Keiran's out sitting out in the Terrarium. Hes feeling guilty and selfshamey, dosnt really know what to do, is just wallowing.
By coincidence, Juliana is out in the Terarium conviniently nearby, probably having a picnic bc part of this idea relys on her pokemon being out, but she hasnt noticed Kerian presence yet. Idk, hes on the other side of a small hill, he foind a lil spot where its intentionally hard to see him, hes just not in Jules' eyeline, whateber reason, she dosnt see him from where shes making sandwiches. But one of her Pokemon dose see him.
Now, I may be projecting, but after what shes been through Id suspect Ogerpon is pretty good at reading someone's emotional state based off of body language. And she get to just stare at Keiran for a while, and is able to get a better read on the kid rather than 'lowkey obsessed guy who took the answer of No poorly'.
Keiran is spaced out, trying to process everything that happened, when he feels a gentle weight on his side. Ogerpon has come up, sat down, and is leaning against his shoulder bc she recognises that this kid needs to be grounded to help fight the thoughts. Even if shes still not a fan of him, she recognises that noone should fight those kinds of things alone. So she sits with him as he starts to shed tears.
(Ok im defo projecting, but moving on,)
That scene is the main bit of fluff i like to hc, but its could also continue to Jules' other pokemon take note that Ogerpon has wandered off, sees Keiran too. And they all make their way over one by one as Jules is still making sandwiches (either shes not getting the effect she wanted and starting over, she is meticulusly placing ingredients, or is actually making enough for all of her pokemon to have one)
By the time Jules is done with the sandwich, all of her pokemon are gone (except Koridon/Miridon bc they focused on Sammich), and she finally moves and sees them all huddled around something.
She approches and gets pulled into the cuddle pile on the other side of Keiran, who is now silently crying due to overwhelm, he did not expect this level of care from her pokemon and is able to get a bit of cathartic realease rather than bottling it all up.
Im imagaining it like an animation, and it closes out with Jules taking Keirans hand and squeezing it as she leans more into his shoulder, showing her own quiet support.
God this is some good fluff, projection or no. Immaculately good.
I promise I'm gonna do ya good with end end ending/epilogue.
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(sketches + other stuff under cut)
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sketches . little wendy was originally a warm up sketch for me to figure out how to draw her and figure out her colours, but i liked her enough to fully finish her, yay. you can kinda see my struggle to figure out what eye colour to do but. i finished drawing wendy and jusr gave up so no eye colour for her ^_^ or any sp character i may draw. probably. dont have much to say, i did kinda struggle for a bit with them tho
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bg stuff. the first wendyls were originally warm up sketches, like the little wendy but i liked them. but now enough to finish them so i snuck them in the bg. phone is meant to reference call girl, she's also te picture on the phone wowwwwww. i originally wanted to fully draw call girl like how i did with wendy and wendyl, but her outfit was just too confusing for my brain at the time so. phone bg . nothing to say about the little tiny wendys and the dont fuck with wendy testaburger, i think the wendyl is funny to see like this. you can tell i just. idk how to word it, you know what i did right
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finished character art. or whateber you call it. i dont habe anything to say, these are pretty. basic for me but i dont think i've ever done anything in the same style as the little wendy? there's a few flaws i can see with the wendy and wendyl but i think those are just. things no one else will notice, so i'm not gonna lose my mind trying to fix it. i am overall happy with all of these though, and this piece in general.
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this art is now the one that took me the longest to draw, the last one's time being like. 11 hours? 12 hours? god. this one also definitely took me slightly longer than this time as i had to start on a new canvas. i don't think the last one is posted here, it could honestly be lost to time?? unless i have it in my archival discord server... idk.
anyways, hi hello. i am watching south park with my brother rn, but i have been a weird little freak and watching a bunch of video essays about it too so. i'm Not going in spoiler free, neither is my brother ithink? idk he's watched a bit of it, he's played the games i know that for sure. this weird fixation i'm having is rtgame's fault (joke) because i was watching nothing but his sot and fbw vods for weeks :') i feel somewhat guilty about it but. i enjoyed what i saw. idk man. wendy is one of my favourites rn. that could change. idk. a. i dont really have much to say, i am just. here. this took me ages to draw wtf. uhhhh bg. blame my brother if you hate me now because i posted this, he told me to post this ^_^ his fault. fuck him (joke)
sorry this was so long, thanks for lookign at it if you did :) bye
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nohriantomatoes · 2 years
Lil bit of goncharov meta posting bc Im not really great at being able to keep up the bit 100% but I am a human with ideas.
I've seen some music written for this movie and think its time someone puts a trailer together. Full blown trailer, not just the gif sets. (EDIT: I have seen a few trailers floating around now)
There are a few ways this could break down:
1) in the style of re-enactment: the "2022" or modern trailer (or whateber year your high school project on Goncharov was). This trailer would be mediocre quality at best, the music overlayed a bit sloppy in the way someone fresh to film was, with people very obviously not the main cast filling in for the roles. Whether or not the original time piece of the movie is kept in tact is up to the director, as you could go with "this is a modern take on Goncharov" or "we are but 4 highschoolers with no budget but I promise its 1973"
2) in the same sort of re-enactment style: a commitment to a "lost 1972 trailer", the first evidence of the film or something like that. This would likely be handled by a crew of people who have filmed videos before and could better try to match the actors who have been cast in our beloved fever dream of a movie. This would likely be a project that takes a little time but for people who know how to do some digging and out together a bit, a "true" 1973 recreation could be made. Depends on the director whether or not the joke is once more "oh this was a college project" or if they want to stick with the "this is the real lost tapes, they used film for the trailer thats why its so bad"
3) in a more electronic style: those gifs and pics are coming from somewhere. Somewhere a tech genius could sit down and watch through clips of DeNiro's movies (along with other cast) to pull together enough material and slap the main theme over it. In this case the only extra acting I could see is if someone did a voice-over in the annoucers voice, but idk how common that was in the 70s and if a movie trailer would have done so.
Anyways this is one of those moments when I wish I knew how to do anything related to the bit but I am shit with film and acting, so I figured I would at least spew my ideas into the ether.
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beangods · 1 year
4 to 8 and 38 to 40 for the homestuck questions.
4. Ever made your own chumhandle?
gallantArcher. i used it on pesterchum for about 2 days and continue to use it whenever the need arises, which is almost never
5. Ever made a trollsona?
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his name is dhanus deixis and i periodically redraw him to match his hairstyle to mine. he's a prospit-bound breath player, not that he would know what to do with that information if he knew it. he's also a cuspblood between indigo and cerulean, but close enough to indigo for a pegasus lusus to bond with him. once he exited the caverns, a book scorpion lusus also bonded to him, so he spent most of his childhood trying to prevent his lusii from seeing each other and attempting to kill each other on sight. when he was 6 sweeps old his pegasus lusus did crush the book scorpion to death with its hooves, but injured itself so badly in a fit of equavian rage that dhanus had no choice but to put it out of its misery. with his crossbow strife specibus. right now as a subadult he's in Space Uni about to become the highest ranking official on a primarily agrarian colony. the only quadrants he's ever filled are pale, though he had an unrequited blackrom crush in his youth.
6. Ever made a kidsona?
no 😔 my kidsona's name would have to be dirk [PATERNAL SURNAME REDACTED] to fit the letter schema because many people in my life have thought my name WAS dirk because that's what it sounds like when you say derek kind of fast and mumbly in my accent.
7. Ever cosplayed a HS character?
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never took it to cons but i did cosplay vriska at school at least once and i of course had some closet dave cosplays i simply cannot post here. no idea what happened to the red converse but i do still have all other components of this cosplay.
8. Ever bought HS merch?
BOY HOWDY HAVE I. my entire room is plastered with hs posters (including 2 at my dad's place i snagged right before wlf nuked the homestuck collection) and i have several shirts and collectibles as well. my white whale is the terezi scalemate boxers though.
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one of my first ever online purchases and i sent it to the wrong fucking address. never received them and didn't know about order numbers so to this day i am kept awake at night by what could have been.
theres actually some scalemate fabric available online so i may eventually just make a pair myself. how hard could it be?
38. OTP?
im always feral for rosemary like if you dont ship my other favorite ships then whateber i guess i could see why someone would do that but every time i run into someone who ships in a way that actively breaks up rosemary i kill them with my mind. i'm going to have a nice traditional rosemary themed wedding when i (a gay man) get married. assuming [meticulous details of my wedding plans that involve contacting renegade cells within the catholic church bc i dont want to bother converting to episcopalianism as an adult]
39. NOTP?
vriska x any man. also any wlw ship where john is inserted for no reason (vrisjohnrezi being the exception bc we all know that's a lesbian-centric semi-nonsexual throuple). johnrose/junerose. pb&j. i cant think of any others (apart from the incest ones) that provoke a sense of visceral wrongness atm
40. BROTP?
johnrose and dirkjane. they are simply best friends. vrisjohn is like. pitch moirails to me.
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immyyoung · 5 years
Went to a therapy sessions yesterday for the first time in about 5 years (used to regularly see school councillor, until he left and we got a new guy and I didn’t like the new guy) and I honestly missed having some one to talk to, who wouldn’t judge me and would just listen to it all.
He gave me some really good advice for anxiety and my sleep amnesia, I often find myself lying awake in bed unable to sleep because my mind and body are both just racing and won’t slow down long enough for me to sleep. He said every night before bed take 10 deep breaths this will slow your breathing down and inevitable your body as well. He also gave me two journals so that every morning when I wake up I’m too write what is initially on my mind when pen hits paper and to write as much as I want or as little as I want depending on what’s in my mind. The other journal is for throughout the day and of a nighttime to write anything that has happened that I’m not particularly happy about or need to get off my mind for a while. The good thing is it’s all written down so in a week or so, he said to go back over what I’ve written and see if these things are still on my mind or if I have basically forgotten about it. He explained that when we have something on our mind it stays there until there basically is a physical copy of it, something we can go back to and remember it when we really need to remember it rather than it being in the back of our minds all the time, this frees up space basically in our mind for newer things good and bad, and allows us to cope with things better, we get something again good or bad, we deal with it in our Bodies and our own way then we write it down and come back to it later if need be or just completely forget about it and never think about it again.
I’ve only been doing this for like 2 days now but today was honestly one of the best days I’ve had in a long time and I didn’t really even do very much, I woke up and got everything off my chest including all the things that I had to or wanted to do today and then on a sticky note write the things that needed to be down down, the things I wanted to do were rewards basically so for doing the laundry(I hate house chores,but they must be done) I then sat down and watch a video on YouTube and then I washed my car so I sat down and read a few chapters out of a book and drew a picture. And reading over my journal I realised that the things that I was stressing about this morning aren’t directly on my mind anymore, yeah there in the back still there hidden in a storage box for when I need it, but I didn’t spend all day fretting about an assignment that’s due in three weeks or the fact that I have a doctors appointment in two days.
Just simply getting it off my chest was good, like having someone to talk to but it just slowed everything down and made my day feel longer, I got a lot more done today than I usually do just because I wasn’t rushing and my Brain wasn’t moving at a thousand miles a minute. I even almost completely finished two University assignments today I did two full rough drafts of university assignments which usually take a week for me to write the opening paragraph.
So if anyone is looking for a way to jus slow down get a line book any size and however many pages you want and in the morning or night I whateber write down what’s on your mind and then forget about it for a minute and enjoy the day or night whichever you prefer.
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tumblunni · 5 years
Man that post is so depressing too cos it shows off how cis people are so obsessed with heavily gendering baby clothes even when the kid is like two months old and barely even has any hair yet. Ive legit seen a goddamn advert for 'little princess stick-ems' or whateber the damn name was, a brand of temporary sticky-back plastic bows and flowers and stuff you can glue to thr head of your bald daughter to make sure everyone knows shes a daughter because HEAVEN FORBID! And its so fuckin creepy how the heteronormativity bullshit for these kids clashes with this 'how dare a baby with no tertiary gender characteristics not have any tertiary gender characteristics' thing to give those gross ass situations where those strangers were sexualizing a young boy under the assumption he's a girl. Like the same damn people who are all 'two male children having crushes on each other is horrible and sexual' were literally SAYING EXACTLY THAT about those two boys who showed zero interest in each other, just because if one of them was a girl it wouod SOMEHOW be okay?? And oh god the extra sexualized coments that creepy person was saying about the presumed-female kid, oh GOD! Why are you conplimenting someone on having a toddler with well defined thighs??? How in the actual fuck. And i bet that creepy person probably left the room thinking that the other parent was the pervert for simply letting their kid wear some generic comfy baby clothes that werent Super Heterosexual In Every Way. Like "how dare they trick me into imposing my creepy pedophilia for literal two day old girls onto a BOY too!" How in the fuck do these people exist and manage to get away with all this shit. Heteronormative stereotypes i guess...
Also i've gotta give a thumbs up to that nice parent in the conversation who was trying to raise their kid neutrally and make sure that when they became old enough to talk theyd know that their family would accept them if they came out as not cis. Its just a shame that its so hard to do stuff like that when society is the way it is, it gets seen as forcing transness onto a child to just..not force cisness onto a child. *sigh* i really fuckin hate how any time any famous celebrity kid makes any sort of non straight decision in their life their parents get slandered by the press as if they forced the kid to be trans by NOT PUNISHING THEM FOR BEING TRANS. So many horrible 'oh what a dangerous mom you should take her kids away eww look she forced her poor son to wear a dress' type tabloids and then wheb you get to the actual source of the original interview uts always "my daughter says she's my daughter and i went out to support her by buying her new gender affirming clothes." Or 'yes my son still identofies as male but i want to be a good parent who doesnt push gender stereotypes, so i'm letting him know its okay to have 'girly' fashion sense if thats what he likes best'. Its always a roulette between 'is this an actual trans person who's beibg misgendered or just some kid who was caught wearing eyeliner once and everyone is assumibg he's trans?" And either way its just so horrible and degrading, i feel so bad for those kids who confessed to their parents about something thet were really worried about and then their parents were open and welcoming and helped cheer them up by buying some nice new fashion and then a fuckin tabloid comes along like 'fuck u that kid SHOULD be ashamed, we're gonna not only throw them back into the pit of self hatred but call child protection services on you for daring to be a good mother!'
Can we just fuckin ban cis straight people from forcibg any sort of opinion onto kids. "Wah but if a kid even sees a trans thing even once its somehow forcing them to be trans yet me following them around yelling YOU ARE A CIS GIRL YOUR BUTT IS SEXY UR GONNA BE FUCKED BY SO MANY MEN at a goddamn toddler is somehow completely okay'
God the internet pisses me off sometimes
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peekaboo-parker · 7 years
My Medicine- Luke Skywalker x Sick!Reader
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Requested By: Just me again. I love writing one shots! Prompt: Nothing Warnings: None, except that I don’t really edit, so there could be a few missing words or letters.
Worst. Timing. Ever. Out of all the days you could be sick, you became sick right when you knew Luke would be out to destroy the Death Star for the Battle of Yavin. Anything could happen to him, but you wouldn’t know because you were in a bed, sick out of your mind. 
You could hear some muffled voices as you weren’t too far from the base’s, ground-control area. You pleaded for Leia to let listen in and stand by as a potential nurse, but she declined all your pleads and lead you to the med bay to lie down and rest.
“How are you holdin’ up, dear?” A nurse came through and held a pen and clipboard. 
You sighed and managed to straighten yourself up in a seating position before letting out a loud sneeze, causing your abdomen to feel a little sore and your head rung with pain. “Ugh, I should be helbing eberyone righ’ now. We’re in banger and we neeb eberyone we can to helb ou’...”
The nurse shook her head as she wrote something down, before leaning forward to touch your head. “I truly appreciate your dedication to the Rebels, but it’s only right if we all stay calm and hold onto our hopes. The force is with everyone and that’s all we need. Easier said than done, I know my dear, but we just have to believe.”
You groaned a little and felt your throat tighten up a little as your vision began to blur. “I feel so useless...” 
“Well,” The nurse, knelt down to your level and smiled softly, “I’ve got a favour for you then.”
You perked up a little, knowing that you would be of some help.
“Keep resting. Keep your hopes up. And keep believing,” She stood up straight and patted down her skirt for any creases. “I will be back soon to check up on you again, and maybe next time I’ll have some good news for you.” 
You opened your mouth to beg her to let you go, but she had already left. Tears began to fall and slide down your cheeks, you couldn’t stop now. 
“Y/N... Hey,” A soft voice and a small shake to your shoulder caused you to stir for a moment before you rubbed your eyes. You then opened them, but immediately shut them again from the sudden blinding light of the room. 
“Ugh, are we beab yet? Is Luke back yet? Can I ge’ ou’ of beb now?” You mumbled, placing your hand over your eyes before sitting up, leaning up against the headboard. 
A small, familiar chuckle from your side caught your attention. Though the light was still bright you turned around and found the only person that truly makes you happy. Luke. 
“Ah!” You squealed, “LUKE!” With yet another squeal, swung you whole body over to Luke’s, wrapping your arms around his neck in a tight hug. He stumbled a little from your enthusiastic embrace, but returned the gesture with an even tighter grip. “I can’t believe you mabe it!”
You felt Luke’s chest rise before falling back down in a large breath, “I missed you too. We’re all safe now, Y/N.”
You pulled away and looked him over in his orange pilot’s uniform. 
“You don’t sound good at all and you look bad too,” Luke laughed as you gave him a shocked expression. Though you knew he was teasing, it hurt a little to know that you looked like crap.
“Hey! Anodder commen’ like da’, anb you won’t be seeing deh ligh’ of bay!” You threatened. You wanted to sound angry, like really angry, but Luke’s own smile, caused you to break your facade and you, too, smiled. 
“Sure, sure. I heard you were sick and so straight after I landed, I made sure to pay you a visit first,” He grinned, before looking up at the ceiling with another thought, “Well after a few victory hugs and screams, I came here.”
“You’re a hero now, Luke,” You said softly, while you leaned up against the headboard with drowsiness taking you over.  He flashed you another smile, before taking your hand into his own. It still held a bit of sweat, but it was warm none the less. You both looked at each other for a moment before you decided to break the mood, “I probably hab a bi’ of mucus, bacteria and snot all ober my hanbs, so you bedder wash dem, so you bon’t catch my -uhh- whateber I hab.” 
“Great,” Luke made an exaggerated disgusted face, “Thanks for letting me now. What a nice gift.” 
His face caused you to giggle. A sound that only Luke cherished and constantly yearned for. When he ever did manage to make you laugh, he’d feel so good about it. 
“Y/N, do you want me to bring you anything that’ll make you feel better?” His baby-blue eyes held sincerity, and he squeezed your hand a little. 
You shook your head and squeezed his hand back with a small tired smile, “Jus’ you being here is a goob enough mebicine for me.” 
His face seemed to brighten up at your comment and he shuffled his chair in closer to your bed. “You should get some more rest, okay?” Luke brought a hand up to your head and pat your hair softly as you lay down in the bed. 
“Hey Luke?” You wheezed, before coughing a little. 
Your cough sounded quite harsh to your throat, so Luke cringed at the sound, but looked to you with sympathy. “Yeah, Y/N?”
“If you go ou’ while I sleep. Can you tell Chewie, Han and Leia I saib ‘hi, and congrats... WE WON!’?” 
Luke’s laugh broke out as your enthusiasm was still there even though you were so fatigued and sick, “Of course I can. Sleep well, you.” He clutched your hand tightly before standing up from his chair. 
His eyes never left yours as he walked out of the room. His smile remained on his face as did yours. And just before he closed the door, he peeked in and saw your eyes were finally shut. 
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gweyson · 6 years
how much would u hate me if i asked u to do every single uncommon question for an oc of ur choice?
the absolute madman he actually did it
im gonna put this under the cut sdjkfhsdjfsjkl also im answering for pascal because. Thats My Boy
1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
he’s gotten really good at it since he had to start hiding from murder robots... but even before then he was never a super fidgety person so he could sit very still !
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
he’s good at pretending everything’s fine when it’s all actually Rather Shit so. yeah pretty easy
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
thinking mostly.... sometimes he’ll talk to someone and drift off from there but it depends on who’s on lookout or how quiet the group has to stay
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
he tries to remain suspicious of people he meets but at heart he’s too trusting for his own good tbh.... he does try to hold off on trusting stangers these days but hes still a little soft
5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
yeah pretty easy. like it’s easy enough to get him to trust you in the first place but once you do something to fuck that up then good luck getting it back lmao
6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
laws arent really. a thing anymore djkfhdljk but when they were he’d like... say laws are immovable and very needed and then do stuff that completely contradicted that view
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
cooking !! it reminds him of when he used to help his mum out with houseowrk/cooking. he. doesnt really like the feeling because it reminds him that he has no idea if his family is actually still alive or not :(
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child
“stop playing in the dirt”
9. Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
he doesnt swear heaps but he does enough that it’s not super shocking whenever he does. he sweras more the angrier/more agitated he gets
10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
he’d regularly lie to his mum just so he could get out of the house and go to parties lol. he’s not super haunted by it or anything (& he was a pretty good kid otherwise so he figures he was allowed at least this one not great thing)
11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
he’ll try to play along until he can figure stuff out but if he cant he’ll just go “what tf is happening”
12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
either gets someone to scratch it or uses like. a ruler or smth
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
he thinks he looks best in green but it’s... not his best colour
14. What animal do they fear most?
big dogs... scarey :(
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
he usually just says whatever comes to his mind tbh. idk how to properly descrive it but like... the way he talks makes him sound smart but not arrogant about it yknow. like you hear him talk and youre like “yeah this is a guy who knows what hes doing”
16. What makes their stomach turn?
not much tbh?? like before everything turned Awful he was studying forensic entomology so like. hes got a bit of an iron stomach lmao. the smell of rotting meat maybe
17. Are they easily embarrassed?
not really? if he does get embarrassed he’s pretty decent at hiding it
18. What embarrasses them?
when he’s the centre of attention in a big group and he can feel everyone staring at him and his face goes all red and aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA
19. What is their favorite number?
7 !!
20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
he’d go on a really long tangent about it and possibly not even answer the question at hand tbh
21. Why do they get up in the morning? 
to not die, mostly
22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
he’ll become pretty aloof and just. not wanna talk. he’ll avoid the target of jealousy a bit as well oops
23. How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? 
he’ll do everything in his power to one-up whatever’s making him envious. it rarely works
24. Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? 
he is comfortable talking about it !! really the only thing that ever stops him talking about it is if someone else is uncomfortable with it
25. What are their thoughts on marriage? 
he likes the idea ! if he does get married though he wants to do it wayyyyy in the future he’s not ready to settle down
26. What is their preferred mode of transportation? 
before everything went shit he preferred driving, now he walks everywhere
27. What causes them to feel dread?
robots. or when astrid is pissed
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
he says he’d prefer an unpleasant truth but when it actually comes time to deal with it he doesnt go too great lol
29. Do they usually live up to their own ideals? 
he tries... whether he succeeds is another question 
30. Who do they most regret meeting? 
[redacted for spoilers]
31. Who are they the most glad to have met? 
astrid !! as much as he loves everyine else in the group she’s the only one who could realistically protect him if something were to go wrong. shes just more secure
32. Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? 
not really ??
33. Could they be considered lazy? 
nah not really !! he’s always been a hard worker
34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
it follows him around for a loooooong time. whether it goes away or just fades into background noise really depends on the situation but it’s not easy for him
35. How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? 
he always tries to be supportive !! unless it’s something like. morally disgusting then No but he tries to support his friends even if he thinks whateber theyre talking about is kinda dumb
36. Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap? 
he just kinda waits it out !! when the world was Not Shit his friends would be regularly trying to set him up with people so he never had to work super hard for it :’)
37. Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? 
i cant remember the name for it but he does the thing where like. he’ll associate thing a with thing b by finding something that connects them togehter? like a syllable in thing a sounds like thing b so. yeah. im good at explaining
38. What memory do they revisit the most often? 
either when astrid helped him bust out of the factory he was trapped working in or just miscellaneous memories of his mum & siblings
39. How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people? 
he tends to ignore people’s flaws which can lead to issues
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
he tries to be self critical but he’s not really self critical enough for it to make a solid difference. usually he has to be told what he’s doing before he consciously realises it
41. How do they feel about children? 
he likes them !! he was the oldest of a lot of siblings so he knows how to handle them & he’s pretty good with them
42. How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
his end goal is to stop robots killing everything & for everything to go back to normal so id say he wants that pretty fuckin bad
43. If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?
“hey pascal are you into--” “yes”
QUESTIONS FOR CREATORS (I wasnt sure if you wanted me to do these ones too so. shrug emoji)
A) Why are you excited about this character?
i made him for my comic which. i will start one day fdklgjdlkjgd..... also hes just fun to develop ! i gave him a bunch of traits i rlly like and also i made him like bugs a lot so. i am biased
B) What inspired you to create them?
uh. needed characters for the comic hehe.....i cant remember the exact process i went thru when making him?? i wanted someone who was close to astrid/who she could trust, plus i had the idea for a backstory (i think. like i said i cant remember my exact process)
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
not really, i came up with the concept before i actually made his character
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
he’s always had the same appearance !! even though i should probably change it a little because he looks different every time i try drawing him but shhhhh
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
hes someone i would think is super cool but then. would never actually talk to jkdsfhsdjkhfsdjk. he’d be nice to my face but i’m....not sure what he’d genuinely think of me oops
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
THATS MY FACKING BOY BABEYEYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also excited bc i have angst planned ^____^
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
he’s too gullible and willing to trust strangers. he should know better but he’s too much of an optimist for his own good !!
H) What trait do you admire most?
he’s always able to put on a happy face when he’s feeling awful because he doesnt want anyone to worry & he doesnt wanna bring anyone down !! he’s always thinking ahout everyone else before himself
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
i dont know what this means..... yes??
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
uhh technically not ?? in his original concept he was gonna be in a poly relationship with 2 others but i cut the other members of the relationship. not because of pascal it’s because i thought the group would get too big and like. they value stealth and sneakiness. plus it’s harder for big groups to travel undetected
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