#is so much
toothsalad · 1 year
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Front and back of the Ace of Wands from a hypothetical Sailor’s Tarot deck with scrimshaw inspired designs. It was created for the @publishinggoblin’s upcoming project the Alleyway Oracles.
EDIT: A full Sailor’s Tarot deck will be available for preorder on kickstarter in March, 2025! Check the Sailor’s Tarot tag on my blog for updates!
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bylertruther · 1 year
oh fack.... just had my biweekly reminder that jonathan has only ever wanted to protect will from harm, offer him a safe space, and encourage him to love what he loves without shame, and it's all of that which literally saves will's life and keeps him safe when he's in the upside down and later in the shed scene.... will singing "should i stay or should i go" his favorite song which jonathan first showed him... will hiding out in castle byers which jonathan built with/for him.... the song then helping to give will an opening to take back enough control for him to speak to his family in morse code... the shadow monster + vecna + lonnie all symbolizing forced conformity vs jonathan protecting will from that time and time again by being there for him, seeing him, and loving him as he is... jonathan carries so much guilt because he feels like he's never there when will needs it most, but it's his love for will that kept will alive.... he feels like it's his fault that will was kidnapped, that he should've been there for him that night and onward, but he was there for him! he was with him the whole time, helping and protecting him as he always has!!! when stranded alone in a world so dark and so cold and full of monsters, will used the tools his brother had given him to protect himself... i just... they're so... 🥺 THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUUUUUCH 😭😭😭😭
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turtleinsoup · 7 days
Howwww does the shit I do work??? By all means it shouldn’t, I‘m not qualified in the slightest for this job but people think I am??
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crinkle-eyed-boo · 2 years
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Presenting Ben Barnes cuddling a therapy dog at New York Comic Con today.
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marysong-mp3 · 5 months
i gave you all my BEST ME'S my endless EMPATHY and all i did was BLEED as i tried to be the BRAVEST SOLDIER
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wyrddogs · 1 year
Babydog had a really rough Fourth of July. He was totally happy to sleep through my neighborhood's "Let's Go Insane and Try to Burn Everything Down for Seven Hours" party, but had to pee in the middle of it. He was looking around at the display with interest when my next-door neighbors set off several of those illegal mortars basically on top of us. Zaku got really scared (me too! those are fucking loud!) and spent the few hours curled up in the very back of his crate, panting and shaking.
@millenniallust4death, @molosseraptor, and Zaku's breeder were all extremely kind to respond to my panicked texts literally in the middle of the night, and all gave me some very good advice. They also assured me that he will probably be okay.
Laura, especially, was extremely kind to sit through me completely freaking out. My sister turned off an overhead fan when Bindi was a puppy and that ruined her on overhead fans for twelve years. Fireworks are much louder than an overhead fan, so I was basically convinced I'd ruined him forever.
Zaku was a bit subdued Wednesday morning, but was basically back to his old self by the evening. We had fireworks again, and I covered his crate and put on some music and he went right to sleep. This morning he was bright and chipper and full of energy.
I'm going to keep an eye on him and make sure he has a predictable week so he has time to process and move on. If he needs counterconditioning, I'll start it in a few weeks.
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angelnumber27 · 8 months
Hi my sweet loves 😇
I need another $40 for the rest of the prescriptions I need to order/pick up as soon as possible. $20 a piece. One will be out completely in 3 days, the other will be out in 5 and it takes 3-5 business days from ordering (which excludes weekends) for them to arrive via mail. If anybody can spare anything even just a couple dollars thank you so so so much 🥺❤️‍🩹🙏🏻 I appreciate you all a lot. If you can’t help out a reblog would be much appreciated :)
I am also selling hot content :) if that’s something you’re interested in please DM me! ❤️‍🔥 every bit helps more than you know and I promise it’s worth it lol
I need to be able to somehow scrounge up enough to pay for my orders as soon as possible. So I don’t withdrawal
Thank y’all for everything!
I have PayPal as well as cash app! DM me for my PayPal! ❤️😇
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three-headed-monster · 2 months
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wjc 2021 usa vs canada | carry on by 5 seconds of summer
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playerkingsley · 9 months
an hour and a half into the episode: remember that small matter of someone being ripped in twain?
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angstandcaffeine · 7 months
finally playing ace attorney and LOSING IT
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potahun · 1 year
NZND Verse Timeline
 A long story about love, hate, murders, and carrying each other’s woks ....
(carrying wok = taking the blame - voluntarily or not. keikaku means plan.)
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The whacky shit is later. This part is just an idol romance drama plot:
He Meinan has been a diehard fan of Bai Rap for God knows how long.
At this point in time, Bai Rap is a positive influence. He participates in a music competition and is disqualified. He Meinan cries a river in the audience and is personally noticed and comforted by Bai Rap.
Bai Rap is accepted as a trainee in MG Entertainment. While cheering for him outside the MG building, He Meinan gets scouted too (for his “one-in-4000-years” good looks).
Bai Rap takes He Meinan by the hand, guiding him through their training days
(Season 4, Ep. 4)
Sa Weixiao joins MG Entertainment as trainee because he has nothing to do. His family owned 500+ crayfish restaurants. No money problems, no life goals. 
Sa Weixiao thinks he joined the company because of his talents. His mum actually bought his way in.
Sa Weixiao is very supportive of He Meinan. He Meinan is all about Bai Rap.
(Season 4, Ep. 4)
Late 2014
November 2014: He Meinan is 18, Sa Weixiao is 22, Bai Rap is 21.
Sa Weixiao encounters Wei Yi (NPC), who encourages him to act as a positive influence. She subsequently commits suicide after a misunderstanding. He’s devastated.
Sa Weixiao kills Zhen Cwei (NPC, a co-trainee), because Zhen was indirectly responsible for Wei Yi’s death. Murder method: Drowning.
Bai Rap goes to prison instead of Sa Weixiao (lmao how did he debut, then - no one knows)
The NZND group debuts with 5 members under MG Entertainment in November.
(Season 4, Ep. 4)
More idol romance drama: He Meinan gets into a car accident just after debut and is hospitalized in the US. His twin sister He Meinv takes his place temporarily.
Sa Weixiao falls in love with He Meinv in August.
(Season 1, Ep 3)
Bai Rap tries to kill He Meinan’s pet corgi and buys poison online. In the end, he can’t bring himself to commit doggycide.
(He Meinan is allowed to have a room for himself, because of the dog. Sa Weixiao kindly advises that if Bai Rap wanted a single room, maybe he could  have poisoned his own roommate instead.)
The poison is subsequently used by fellow NZND member Chen Wudao to kill their manager.
Bai Rap’s song (their hottest single) was found to be plagiarised.
Other fellow member, Da Zhuchang (main vocal) is officially alive at this point in time. Has gone through 8 years of plastic surgery and is fed up.
NZND’s contract is found out to be dogshit exploitative.
Sa Weixiao goes to jail instead of Chen Wudao.
NZND’s activities are frozen after the scandal(s).
(Season 1, Ep 3)
Late 2016
NZND has just been disbanded. He Meinan is 19. Bai Rap is 22. Sa Weixiao, 23.
He Meinan’s popularity is on the rise, and he has established HE Beauty fashion brand. However, he is in huge financial difficulties and sells counterfeit goods.
September 2016: Bai Rap struggles to find work, gets a drama script in September, is under such pressure to perform that he gets too immersed and becomes mentally unstable, believing the script to be real.
December 2016: He Meinan lets a person die - the dealer who sold him counterfeit goods - because he was afraid that, if he helped the dealer (who’d been attacked and left bleeding), the truth behind HE Beauty would be exposed and his reputation would be ruined.
Bai Rap blackmails He Meinan for money. Turns out he did it due to his “believing the script was real” thing (He Meinan also had a role in the script, and this was part of the plot). But He Meinan is taken to extremes by this.
December 2016: MG entertainment organises an “ice-breaker” concert, including the return of He Meinan, Sa Weixiao and Bai Rap, and a lot of new artists.
New girlgroup member Zhen Wanmei (NPC) gets murdered on stage. Murder weapon: poison needle.
Bai Rap thought he was in love and dating the murder victim, but that too was part of the script. He is very confused.
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Meanwhile, everyone involved in this case wants to kill Bai Rap.
This includes HE MEINAN. He Meinan tells Bai Rap he “LOVED BAI RAP SO MUCH THAT HE COULD NOT ACCEPT BEING HURT BY HIM” and that at worst they could “PERISH TOGETHER” (christ)
Turns out Bai Rap was also framed, the murder victim was using his mental instability to pile the blame of a lot of murders onto him.
Murderer is none of the main three NZND members. But He Meinan and Bai Rap are so much
(Season 5, Ep 6)
Sa Weixiao, He Meinan and Bai Rap are now all active in solo. Sa Weixiao and He Meinan are doing very well. Bai Rap is crawling under debts.
Introduction of character Wang Bagua. (play on words on wang ba dan, which means “bastard” and Bagua means “gossip”.) when they discover the corpse of He Meinan’s manager, completely burnt.
He Meinan is found out to have dated said manager in the past
Sa Weixiao is revealed to still love He Meinv, but lost contact with her since she “went abroad to study”. The truth is that He Meinv is severely ill with depression, and hospitalized abroad.
Sa Weixiao disovers his real dad is Jia Tianwang (dead NPC) and the scum of scums. He also discovers a whole flurry of half-brothers and a half-sister: Qiao Anti, Wang Bagua, Ou Jizhe.
The murderer is none of the main three NZND members. Real murder method: Asphyxiation.
(Season 2, Ep 5)
Sometime in 2022, He Meinan also kills a staff member in a drama he was filming, by accidentally running him over in his car.
(Season 3, Ep 5)
Sa Weixiao and He Meinv started dating again and all is well.
July 3rd: He Meinan and He Meinv have a car accident. He Meinv dies. Sa Weixiao is unaware at first.
After losing contact with her, Sa Weixiao is informed that He Meinv could have been kidnapped (she is actually dead). He believes the kidnapper is the Future Murder Victim.
Bai Rap, who is still struggling, tries to debut again. He gets into a deal with the future murder victim, who promised by contract that Bai Rap would win in a rap competition (the contract actually said “win 2nd place” in such small print that Rap fails to read it). Wang Bagua wins the rap competition.
November 2024: He Meinan, Sa Weixiao and Bai Rap organise a reunion NZND concert. This concert was the last wish of He Meinv and was thus very important for both Sa Weixiao and He Meinan.
The future murder victim is murdered in the backstage. He is now a murder victim.
He Meinan discovers his car accident with his sister was caused by the murder victim, who was the brother of the staff He Meinan accidentally killed 2 years ago.
Sa Weixiao is the murderer this time. Murder method: poison needle, shot while hugging his half-brother Wang Bagua (damn)
He Meinan goes to jail instead.
Why does Sa Weixiao murder so much?
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(Season 3, Ep 5)
Late 2025
With “age”, Sa Weixiao, He Meinan and Bai Rap are all doing so-so, popularity-wise.
Bai Rap struggles the most. At the lowest point in his life, Sa Weixiao chooses to give him a hand. Bai Rap becomes determined to protect Sa Weixiao.
One of their most fervent NZND fan “Zhen Jinhua” (NPC, future Murder Victim) has turned into their most fervent anti, who wants to kill them.
Sa Weixiao gets into a suspicious car accident. He comes out of it feeling weak, and the subsequent tests reveal he needs a kidney transplant.
Bai Rap gets medical tests to see if he can give Sa Weixiao his kidney, but there was no match. He scribbles “I hate this! Why can’t it be me?” on said medical test.
He Meinan gives the kidney to Sa Weixiao and this sends them to the top of the industry again due to the ship it creates. Sa Weixiao is determined to protect He Meinan for personal feelings.
Sa Weixiao continues to help Bai Rap. Helps erase the nasty rumors on him, and genuinely tries to give him opportunities to show his talents and debut again.
One time, he makes Bai Rap wear his own Little Lobster/Crayfish costume - the only one in the world - so he can rap at an event. The plan was to have Bai Rap reveal his face at the after-party so that people could see he was worthy of a 2nd chance w/o prejudice. However, Bai Rap never shows at the after-party, thus missing the golden chance.
The reason Bai Rap never shows is because he had been too nervous before the performance, drunk too much, threw up in a back alley, and accidentally pushed someone else in a goat costume too hard, killing them by accident, and ran away.
The next day, no murder is announced. Bai Rap is confused because he really thinks he killed someone.
Bai Rap looks online and finds, however, that someone is searching for the “Little Lobster/Crayfish”.
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(Season 6, Ep 10)
He Meinan is 29, Sa Weixiao is 33, and Bai Rap 32.
He Meinan and Sa Weixiao are trying to produce a 2nd generation boyband, NBCS, and open a singing show for that purpose. Bai Rap is included as a guest, but doesn’t show up in rehearsals. Sa Weixiao is aggravated by this.
Sa Weixiao, during rehearsals, overhears Zhen Jinhua threatening to expose He Meinan and ruin his reputation with something. Despite not knowing what the thing is, Sa Weixiao becomes determined to kill her to protect He Meinan.
Zhen Jinhua is murdered backstage. Murder method: trick with ice to strangle her when the time is right.
It’s revealed that Sa Weixiao never got a kidney transplant, that he never NEEDED one, and that all the medical records were forged by He Meinan and his doctor cousin. He got sliced on the operation table for nothing. Sa Weixiao has a mental breakdown.
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(He Meinan: “ But I said the truth! I told you the kidney you now have is the one that matches you the most!”) 
It’s also revealed that this is what Zhen Jinhua was threatening He Meinan with. He Meinan just wanted to get to the top of the popularity ranks.
Meanwhile, Bai Rap had not attended rehearsals because he had finally traced the IP of the person looking for the Little Lobster/Crayfish back to Zhen Jinhua. During rehearsals, he investigated and discovered that Zhen Jinhua thought the lobster was Sa Weixiao. She was plotting to kill him. To protect Sa Weixiao, Bai Rap resolves to kill her first.
It’s also revealed that the person in the Goat Costume that Bai Rap “killed” was actually a super cyborg owned by Zhen Jinhua. (hence, why no murder was announced in the news. the cyborg was just sent for repairs)
Note that the cyborg is acted by the same man who played Da Zhuchang (fellow NZND member) in season 1. But Da Zhuchang who was believed to have been dead by fire many years ago, is actually alive, did plastic surgery (again) and is now acted by Zhang XinCheng.
Da Zhuchang’s identity is revealed by Zhen Jinhua through the “curves of his perfect calves”. Her discovery that he had faked his death so many years ago is a big part of why she became a murderous anti.
The murderer for Zhen Jinhua was actually He Meinan, who knew his reputation was being threatened. Bai Rap is the one who goes to jail. (again)
(Season 6, Ep 10)
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After season 6, neither Sa Beining nor Bai Jingting returned to the show “Who’s the Murderer?”, so the timeline for NZND, the group that spread murder wherever they go, stopped here.
Side note: Who’s the Murderer? (or MXDZT) is a Chinese murder mystery show (based on Korean Show Crime Scene, but took a scale and style of its own) where, each episode, the semi-regular cast takes up roles, find a murder, and have to solve the case. One role among the cast is that of the murderer each time, and one is the detective. The rest are suspects. Only the murderer is allowed to lie. The cast unravels the plot through evidence-search and group discussions. Some verses are recurrent across seasons. NZND is one of them.
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sunnie-808 · 2 years
I wonder how much the fandom would excommunicate me if I said that one of my favorite Spones moments comes from Amok Time
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fella-lovin-fella · 1 year
i wish i was a functioning person but i did like 10 dishes and almost broke down crying
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whiteshipnightjar · 5 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Knowledge Revenge.
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hojlundaise · 7 months
the transition im crying
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