#is not the dream under capitalism to have enough money that you can enable your friends to be weird and unemployed
beneathsilverstars · 1 month
thinkign about odile with fangies,,
au where odile is a vampire and siffrin "donates blood" for money (classic occupation for someone lonely and hopeless) and siffrin says something funny while woozily recovering and odile did NOT expect that from him and laughs and siffrin is like. oh fuck yes i'm getting a good grade in being vampire food.
it's not even a purposeful dumb joke he's just a little out of it and saying things. which odile usually gets annoyed when people go all no-filter and say things to her that she is not interested in hearing or god forbid having to respond to. but siffrin is just being cute and earnest and still not too chatty!
and then siffrin is like I MADE HER LSUGH I HAVE TO KEEP BEING FUNNY and his actual attempts at jokes are so weak that they wrap back around to being entertaining. odiles like mhm im sure there was a joke in there somewhere maybe try again in twenty minutes.
they're going through an agency at first, but odile gets annoyed at how large of a cut the agency takes, but it's easier and safer than trying to arrange something with a stranger independently. but she really likes siffrin so after a couple times she's like. no pressure but if you'd rather get paid a little more we could just continue doing this informally. and siffrin is like YES PLEASE bc they really need the money and they like odile too!
but then siffrin starts donating too much blood bc he's still going through the agency as often as allowed And going to odile independently. it's pretty obvious pretty quickly though, and as soon as she catches on odile lectures them and says she won't keep doing this if siffrin won't take care of themself, and siffrin gets all sad (<- hates to be rejected) and is like oh.. ok.. guess i'll leave... and odile is like oh my god no you still have to drink your orange juice first and you should not have even driven HERE in the first place. *i* will drive you home. which has siffrin all ?? bc wow mixed messages (<- has never been cared about before). but odile finds out that siffrin lives in the shittiest apartment ever and is always this close away from getting evicted and long story short siffrin ends up moving in with odile.
odile is like. well. this is kind of a problematic setup but definitely better than the alternative.
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Easy Steps to Getting a Commercial Revolving Line of Credit
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Your Path to Business Success: A Commercial Revolving Line of Credit
As a small business owner, you know that uncertainty is a constant companion on the path to success. From making tough decisions about inventory to navigating unexpected cash flow fluctuations, it can be hard to find peace in the midst of it all. That's why having suitable financing options can make all the difference in achieving your goals. Enter the commercial revolving line of credit, a financial tool that offers freedom and flexibility while managing debt. It's like having a loyal lender in your back pocket, ready to help weather any storm. In this blog post, we'll explore the ins and outs of commercial revolving lines of credit and how they can benefit small businesses like yours, whether running a bustling cafe or a growing online store. So please grab a coffee, sit, and dive into small business finance.
Importance of Commercial Revolving Line of Credit for Small Businesses
Making money can be challenging. Every small business needs access to capital to ensure success in the long run. A revolving line of credit gives them the breathing room to cover their costs, pay for the unexpected, and pursue growth and innovation. It's a flexible solution tailored according to a business' specific financial needs - from investing in new technology, launching marketing campaigns, or stocking up on inventory while they wait to receive payment. A credit line also helps businesses manage their cash flow, allowing them to keep up with expenses and build rapport with suppliers who may require payments. It protects against potential risks and keeps them ahead of competitors who don't have access to extra funds. Short- and long-term goals are essential for any small business seeking a successful future. Securing a commercial revolving line of credit can give them enough advantage to make those dreams a reality.
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Commercial Revolving Line Of Credit Loan
Understanding Commercial Credit
Accessing funds can present a challenge for small businesses. To understand commercial credit, it's essential to differentiate it from personal credit. Business credit enables companies to obtain funds while holding their owners liable for the loan. Creditworthiness is based on several factors, such as business size, customer base, and time in operation. Business plans and financial statements demonstrate a company's ability to repay loans. Common reasons for denial may include insufficient collateral, no history of paying debts, and weak business performance. Ultimately, showing good intentions and preparedness gives businesses the best chance of obtaining loans when needed. Having a solid virtual paper trail is critical to increasing creditworthiness. Companies must provide detailed records demonstrating sufficient finances to be generated to make all payments when due. No entrepreneur should neglect their finances and seek financing when necessary, as this could leave their business vulnerable under challenging times. Being prepared with reliable documents helps ensure commercial credit applications are successful when they matter most.
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Commercial Real Estate Revolving Line Of Credit Types of Commercial Credit Revolving credit is a go-to option for businesses of all sizes. Its flexibility and continued access to funds make it a popular choice – with some caveats. It offers easy access to money as needed and no prepayment penalty. Interest is paid only on the amount used, but rates may be higher than other types of financing available to small businesses. Secured credit ties funds to certain assets owned by a company, while unsecured debt is not collateralized. Trade credit involves using suppliers as lenders to purchase goods with terms made available by the supplier that require repayment over time. For large purchases, term loans provide critical financing through the high-interest rates. Commercial real estate loans are optional but require detailed documentation, so funding isn't instantaneous. When seeking commercial credit, assessing current needs is essential for choosing the right type for your company's unique circumstances and goals. Do your research and know what potential compromises may be required if opting for more traditional loan options.
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Commercial Revolving Line Of Credit Loans In Virginia
How a Commercial Revolving Line of Credit Differs from Other Forms of Credit
A commercial revolving line of credit is an excellent tool for running a business. It unlocks access to funds as needed and makes managing cash flow easier. First, the key distinction with a line of credit is that you're not required to redeem all the funds you're approved for—instead, you can draw anywhere from minimum payments to the total approved balance at any given time. Accessing such a loan requires meeting specific criteria set by lenders. To qualify, companies must provide evidence with financial documentation, including sales projections, accounts receivables, and other reports like balance sheets and profit/loss statements. The revolving asset allows entrepreneurs to fund many things, from business expansion and equipment purchases to payroll expenses and inventory stocking up. You can repay those costs over time without extra fees or prepayment charges. Making sound choices when using this type of loan is essential, though. Keep it just above the needed amount so greater flexibility in repaying loans on time is possible while maintaining good standing with creditors to gain more favorable future terms. To sum up: have a comprehensive program in place before submitting requests for more capital, so peace of mind comes down to knowing that potential cash-flow issues won't hold you back in reaching more tremendous success faster than ever meant before!
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Commercial Revolving Line Of Credit Loans For Bad Credit
Advantages and Disadvantages of Commercial Revolving Line of Credit
Flexibility, convenience, and quick access to cash can make a commercial revolving line of credit tempting for entrepreneurs. But beware: higher interest rates and fees can come with the package. Evaluating different offers before you sign on the dotted line is essential. Consider the types of payments you'll need to make to repay the debt. Some lenders require fixed payment schedules, while others may be more open-ended. Calculate the loan length you want and any applicable fees or late penalties incorporated into the agreement. Know your collateral and how it may impact your risk. Meet with lenders face-to-face and discuss your options thoroughly. Ensure they've correctly assessed your credit profile before making a decision - that could mean waiting until an annual review once your financial situation has improved or clarified. Compare APRs (annual percentage rate) across institutions and consider their ratings beforehand; this will help protect against potential risks associated with overborrowing or unrealistic promises from irresponsible lenders.
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Commercial Revolving Line Of Credit Loans
Qualifying for a Commercial Revolving Line of Credit
Securing a commercial revolving line of credit requires careful consideration. Creditors will assess a business owner's history, revenues, and security to ensure it meets the qualifications. Here's what entrepreneurs need to know to maximize their chances of getting approved for this type of loan. - Analyze: Before approaching lenders for a loan, reviewing your small business's financial data is essential, and it helps establish credibility that demonstrates you can effectively manage your finances. Look at factors, including recent trends in sales projections and cash flow. - Develop: Next up is creating a strategic business plan. This provides an overview of the company's goals and expectations and details how the funds would be used. It also shows lenders that there is thought behind the possible use of the loan proceeds. - Market: A thorough marketing strategy highlighting growth areas and targeted buyer profiles give more weight to your application when negotiating terms with lenders, as they can be confident that resources are going towards productive initiatives. - Refine: Fine-tune customer relations, product delivery, and cash flow management processes to improve operations and streamline costs associated with financial debt repayment. It may qualify for lower interest rates or longer payment timelines on a commercial revolving line of credit. - Secure: Secure documentation showing business ownership or capital investments needed for contractional obligations, such as buying equipment or real estate properties, can help further strengthen your application. All these items will help substantiate the claim that you can handle more extensive lines of credit responsibly.
Managing a Commercial Revolving Line of Credit
Navigate cash flow with ease. Revisit your line of credit regularly to calculate costs and evaluate progress. Monitor closely for potential pitfalls and maintain strategic use of the capital you borrow. Secure timely payments; late fees can damage profits and lower your credit score. Make a note of due dates, set up automated prices, or establish reminders early in the cycle to meet deadlines. Growth aims require tailored strategies. Track improvement opportunities and prioritize initiatives accordingly to ensure business objectives are realistic, fiscally viable, and executed methodically — we don't want to over-commit wages while undershooting expectations. Tackle risks by diversifying sources and structuring contracts thoughtfully — consider building in wiggle room where you can consider market fluctuations, economic activity, weather conditions, personnel needs, etc., that might put more pressure on profitability than initially anticipated. Reduce costs through partnerships, resource swaps, technological upgrades, or other economically savvy ways of running your business that maximize productivity without breaking the budget or overwhelming staff. Finally, articulate goals promptly so everyone is aligned from the get-go — mutually agreed upon standards protect both parties from disappointment down the line should resources not be managed sufficiently enough to reach those targets on time.
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Commercial Revolving Line Of Credit Loan Calculator
Final Thoughts
A commercial revolving line of credit can be a powerful tool for small business owners looking to manage cash flow, access funds, and grow their businesses. By understanding the pros and cons of revolving credit and working with lenders to find the right fit, you can gain peace of mind and the financial freedom to pursue your goals. But it's also important to remember that a commercial revolving line of credit is not a one-size-fits-all solution nor a substitute for sound decision-making and financial planning. As you navigate the world of small business finance, it's crucial to stay informed, ask questions, and seek expert guidance when needed. We're here to help you make sense of the many financing options available to you and find the right solution for your unique needs. Whether you're interested in learning more about commercial revolving lines of credit, term loans, or other forms of business financing, our team is here to answer your questions and provide the support you need to thrive. Don't let financial uncertainty hold you back from achieving your dreams. Call us at 888-653-0124 to learn how we can help you take your small business to the next level. With the right resources and the right mindset, anything is possible.
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- "Why Embracing Uncertainty Is Critical To Your Success - Forbes." 21 Jul. 2015, https://www.forbes.com/sites/margiewarrell/2015/07/21/why-embracing-uncertainty-is-critical-to-your-success/. Accessed 21 Feb. 2023. ↑ - "Access to Capital - Senate Small Business Committee." https://www.sbc.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/accesstocapital. Accessed 21 Feb. 2023. ↑ - "The 4 Most Common Reasons a Small Business Fails - Investopedia." https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/120815/4-most-common-reasons-small-business-fails.asp. Accessed 21 Feb. 2023. ↑ Read the full article
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yespoetry · 7 years
Here's What Resonated With You in 2017
While we don't believe in best of lists, we went through our content over the past year and saw what resonated most with you, our readers, across our different genres and sections. Here's what you loved:
Photography: Christine Stoddard - Mortem et Virginiana 
“Mortem et Virginiana” is a small set of still photos from the pre-production stage of the documentary, “Richmond’s Dead and Buried.” Virginia is a land of vampires, a land of ghosts, and a land of the myths that shaped America. It, like the rest of the Western world, is also changing its attitudes towards death and dying as it attempts to reconcile its past with its present and future. While some tombstones stand resplendent, many more crumble or become enveloped in vegetation, dirt, and other coverings. What will the cemeteries of Richmond, Charlottesville, and Arlington look like in years to come?
Fiction: Leah Johnson - What Surrounds
I cried once and it was 49. No bestseller, same shadows, and a story in the business section of the paper that said he sold the firm to a tech company. And rumor had it he made enough money to retire early. That his Starbucks wife and three kids: two boys and a girl, the oldest, with a name after a constellation, would never have to want for anything. I heard the two boys, twins, as it turned out, were headed to Harvard that fall.
It’s 52 and I’m drowning. I Googled the best ways to go and no search result tells you that underwater is a different type of darkness, but darkness all the same. And the impact when you hit is different, but impact just as well. They don’t tell you. They don’t tell you. They don’t tell you. They don’t-
#NotTrump Series: Angie Sijun Lou
Amerika is a swimming pool filled with spit, a pile of puke on the nativity scene, a limp dick on Snapchat, an artificial plant dying under a depression lamp & I have been instructed to build a synthetic ontology in all the holy spaces left behind.
  #MeToo Series: Catherine Chambers
What I remember: Orion
the hunter, (it was winter) the joint
in my hand (I was high), the name
of his son (whose mother was being
cheated on), the fact that at least
this way the dying thing in him
wouldn’t get inside me, looking up
at the rain gutter (help me), wondering
which one of us would cry first. (Me again.)
Chapbook: Time Doesn't Exist: Poems for 2017
Essay: Claire Rudy Foster - Mother Said, Nobody Becomes an Artist Unless They Have To
He didn’t answer. He hauled me on top of him and continued, although I pushed him back and turned my face away from his kisses. He put his mouth on my breasts. He smelled like leather that has been soaked in speed and salt, dried in the sun. I knew he was injecting - I tried to think about HIV transmission, Hep C, how the barriers of my body had been breached without my knowledge. I could be dying, right now. This could be the thing that killed me.
My voice shrank in my throat. This is my friend, Scott, I said to myself. What had I done to deserve this?
When he was finished, he said, “Be grateful I didn’t cum.”
Poetry: katixa espinoza - detached
all that would be left are abandoned thumbs /  to remind   to keep sucking
a relic from trauma / oral to phallic obsessions /  use      teeth     
chew on thumbs rather suck / inflict the pain ridden in    body   
thumbs remind me of your body  /  i chew on them until they bleed
a defense mechanism  
Art: Poem by Lisa Marie Basile & illustration by Ted Chevalier 
Interview: Karolina Manko
 I think the internet is definitely the New Age art capital. This is great, because it enables anyone to participate. This can also make finding that specific aesthetic niche even harder. Regardless, I think it’s still important for artists to participate in a physical way: to go to galleries and poetry readings and the opera. I think it’s important to retain a physical space as well as a virtual one.
 Writing Prompts: Focus on Structure, Not Just Content
Review: Joanna C. Valente - What Lady Bird Got Wrong - And What It Got Right
The film is still portraying ideas of privilege and whiteness, with room for little else. While Lady Bird is definitely not rich, and often mentions how she’s the “poor one” who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, she is still much more privileged than most: She’s white, in a middle class family who is sending her to a private Catholic high school. Beyond that, she’s also conventionally attractive, talented, and smart. While she is struggling like any teenager struggles with sex and identity, her struggle is also not unique. The American Dream (one of whiteness, wealth, desire) is there, but the film is not exactly a commentary on its toxicity either.
And really, the film, in a lot of ways, can be boiled down to this: She’s an attractive middle class white person who gets into college. And whose parents refinance their home to make that happen in a private New York City school, nonetheless. Going to college at all is a privilege, but an expensive one even more so.
And that’s where I felt disappointed. What about kids like Miguel or Julie or even Danny? What about the kids who aren’t privileged in the same way Lady Bird is? 
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fapangel · 7 years
What are your thoughts regarding Elon Musk?
A great question. Long story short, I alternate between wanting to love Elon Musk as one of the few venture capitalists on Earth with a fucking brain, and wanting to drown him in a scummy pond for being such a fucking West-coast weenie retard. 
Elon’s Genius
Waitbutwhy.com got a series of exclusive interviews with Elon, and while the star-struck explorations of the author might be of questionable objectivity, he did a great job of summarizing how Elon thinks. And the single most important thing about Elon was expressed in a verbatim quote from the man himself:  
Like look at Galileo. He engineered the telescope—that’s what allowed him to see that Jupiter had moons. The limiting factor, if you will, is the engineering. And if you want to advance civilization, you must address the limiting factor. Therefore, you must address the engineering.
Yeah. You’re sitting there saying “no shit, Sherlock, who doesn’t understand that?” But the shit some journalists say will just blow your fucking mind. Yes, this is an actual journalist, in one of the few semi-respectable, mostly-sane publications left on earth (by dint of catering to people who have to make sums add up at the end of the day,) saying that Trump should make space-based solar power satellites a priority. Not talking it up as a nice theoretical tech, not wondering about it, but pushing this as a serious short-term policy priority. 
Incidentally, this is how Elon Musk feels about that bullshit. Yes. Being a sane, intelligent human fucking being, he’s capable of understanding basic opportunity costs, and since he’s aware that hair-brained pie-in-the-literal-sky schemes must be constrained by the actual ability to fucking build this shit (i.e. engineering,) he’s capable of stopping long enough to realize that building and orbiting a vast fleet of satellites designed to blast the Earth with microwave lasers is fucking retarded compared to just building more solar panels right here on Earth. 
This ties into the second massive, massive thing that makes Elon Musk unique - he’s a venture capitalist that knows what the fuck a BUSINESS CASE is. Despite being a save-the-world-I-want-to-build-unicorns idealist, he actually understands the basic principles of economics and markets. To wit, nobody’s going to give him eleventy trillion dollars for free to do decades of R&D to realize his Big Dream, so it has to fund itself, and furthermore, major advances in technology and the human condition don’t spring from individual genius companies, but from entire industries. This nice diagram produced by Waitbutwhy’s eloquently fawning author expresses the same with more colored boxes and less exasperated fucking invective, if that’s your thing. 
What you’re looking at - especially the box at the very bottom that says SUSTAINABLE FUCKING BUSINESS MODEL - is the concept that any gormless asshole on the street can grasp (business gotta make money) but the multi-millionaire masters of the universe that gave Juicero ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY MOTHERFUCKING MILLION DOLLARS TO BUILD A WI-FI ENABLED JUICER COULDN’T FIGURE OUT. 
Yeah. Some of his businesses don’t make money, like Tesla. They release glowing reports that retards eat up, while anyone who worked in the actual 100+ year old auto industry look at these sillicon valley nerds who think they know fucking everything after a few years of research and just wait for the inevitable explosion. (Despite their cheery PR, people who know what they’re looking at see nothing but trouble in their business. To say nothing of how the Ultimate Dream of Everyone Driving Electric is flawed by the basic resource limitations of PLANET FUCKING EARTH. And then there’s shady shit. When they discovered that the established automakers have hundreds of acres and tens of millions of dollars worth of suspension torture-testing facilities for a goddamn reason, instead of repairing their janky suspensions under warranty, they offered to pay half the repair cost if the customer would sign a fucking nondisclosure agreement. Tucker Torpedo this motherfucker ain’t, is all I’m saying.)
But ya know what? I can forgive that, because SpaceX. SpaceX forgives a lot. And there is a business case there - there’s enough rich virtue signalling fuckheads to support a small car company, at the very least - so the premise itself isn’t just pissing up a suspension bridge cable on a bridge to nowhere, like most venture capital bullshit. Even the Hyperloop isn’t that bad, because even though it’s fucking retarded, Elon’s probably only looking at it because of his “Boring Company” project. He looked at the ongoing clusterfucked abortion of a high-speed rail line that California’s doggedly carrying to term, and correctly surmised that digging fucking tunnels the length of a huge earthquake zone would be cheaper, in the long run, than trying to navigate the political clusterfuck of buying contiguous right-of-way for the whole damn length. A tunnel is a tube, and as long as it’s a tube, you may as well use the damn Hyperloop thingy, right? There is thinking, there. A brain, is working. And hey, at one point SpaceX was an idea just like this - the Great Ones of industry often leave a trail of dead and dying projects behind them while the One Great Success just climbs higher and higher. It’s worth it, and it’s why Trump’s “six bankruptcies” don’t mean jack shit compared to his dozens and dozens of successful businesses.
And yet - despite that amazing presence of a god damned brain in his skull - he still manages to go full fucking retard sometimes to a degree that makes me want to catch his tongue with a vise-grip to make the stupid noises stop. 
Elon’s dumb-fuck bullshit
This slashdot article neatly sums up the problem. The short version is that lots of very rich people in Sillicon Valley were going around acting very serious about the possibility that our entire world and universe is just a huge computer simulation and we gotta try to break out of it somehow. 
Billionaires. These people are fucking billionaires. And this is how they spend their time. This quote from Business Insider sums up the reason why: 
The piece doesn’t give any clue as to who those two billionaires are – although it’s easy to hazard a few guesses at who they might be, like Musk himself or Altman’s friend Peter Thiel – but it’s fascinating to see how seriously people are taking this theory. According to Musk, it’s the most popular topic of conversation right now.
“The most popular topic of conversation right now.” If ever you doubted that there’s a vast wealth discrepency in the United States, look no further - not only is the West Coast rolling in economic opportunity for the right people - especially with the right connections - but there’s so many multi-zillionares out there that their entire social circle can consist of nothing but. This is some zany philosophical fad that caught on and percolated around, like memes and fads do, via usual social interaction - except for these people, their friends consist mainly or only of multimillionare tech CEOs. 
And that, in a nutshell, is why obviously intelligent people who’s words can make stock prices in multiple huge companies employing many thousands of people do a damn jig feel no reservations at all about saying things in public that make them sound like fucking idiots. When you contemplate the sheer distance between the world of us ordinary humans and these privileged Coastal Gods, it’s enough to fill you with an almost instinctive rage. As a good seal-clubbing communist-hating rabid frothing conservative bigot bastard from Soviet Mordor, I wouldn’t give a shit if these Masters of Industry at least bore passing resemblance to the Randian ideal. I’d be down with that. Even if their huge underwater cities did spring a leak and a massacre or two, that’s life, you know? 
But this shit? This!? No. I draw the fucking line here, pal. There’s some floof-ass hair-brained bullshit I’m not going to stomach. 
But entirely aside from my impassioned-downtrodden-country-boy-rage-at-the-coasties-grapes-of-ree, there is the simple fact that people idolize, hero-worship and generally LISTEN to this man, and that imparts some level of responsibility on him to not say fucking stupid shit. The reason I’ve resisted making a Paetron for so long (aside from my crippling depression, self-doubt and general talent for self-sabotage) is that it’d impinge, ever so slightly, on my total freedom to say any stupid shit I want, because I’m not beholden to anyone, at all, to sound sane or coherent. (My fiction writing is a testament to this.) So I’m keenly aware of the decorum and care a public speaker ought to have - it relates directly to how big an impact his words are liable to have on people, and for Musk, that’s a lot.
Elon’s latest shtick - which is also popular with all his millionaire friends - is screaming and crying about how AI is going to replace all of us. Well, no, that’s just the luddite screeching of Sillicon Valley in general now, Musk is actually claiming that AI will rise up and fucking kill us or some bullshit. His newest company, OpenAI, has a great business model and all - developing mind-machine interfaces, which is a thing and will be a much bigger thing in short order - but he’s still going around telling everyone that AI is some evil terrible scary thing, and that’s causing actual goddamn harm. It’s all fine and good to loathe “science deniers” if they’re arguing against climate change, food pasteurization, the Health Dangers of GMO Crops and childhood vaccinations, but when it’s bullshit like the health effects of radio waves and the coming AI apocalypse, suddenly these fucking geeks are all ears. And here they have a successful CEO who’s Made Science Things Fly and has half the world sucking him off repeating this chicken-little fear-mongering bullshit. In ten to twenty years the anti-vaccers are gonna be screaming NO AI NO DRIVERLESS WHATEVERS REEEEE AND IT’S GOING TO BE THE FAULT OF PEOPLE LIKE ELON FUCKING MUSK. 
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aicelab · 5 years
Limits of an ingenious concept: For whom is DropShipping not suitable?
DropShipping is on everyone’s lips today when it comes to the question of how to become self-employed in online trading in a particularly successful and secure way. The trading model has so many clear advantages that no one can question its potential. But are there limits to this particular form of business and is DropShipping really suitable for every founder? We will follow up these and other questions for you and provide the answers.
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DropShipping as the e-commerce concept of the future
Do you believe that online trading in Germany still enjoys good opportunities for the future or do you rather assume that we are dealing with a sinking star that has long since left its zenith behind? If your assessment in this area is rather pessimistic, then it is probably because you have dealt a lot with the publications of the more critically minded observers. They often compare the percentage increases in e-commerce revenue from the very first years with today’s and this is a serious mistake.
Let’s take a brief look at the time when the first online shops were established and when there was talk of a real boom in Internet trade. If we assume that the online economy at that time in a first year could achieve perhaps a conversion at a value of 200,000 euro and shone in the year after with 2 million, then we had to deal with fabulous percentage increases, which caused the breath of each humans at first to falter. After all, we are talking about a tenfold increase in volume and thus an increase of 1,000 percent.
In the meantime, the growth trend in e-commerce has levelled off. In Germany alone, we have long since landed in a multi-billion volume. Let’s look at a simple example. In 2012, the total turnover in the German online trade amounted to 24.6 billion euros. In the following year, the industry achieved a volume of 34.3 billion euros. Of course, there is no more increase of hundreds of percent. However, we are still faced with a growth rate of almost 40 percent.
Try to find another industry with such values. You will quickly notice that the annual growth rates in e-commerce are still considerable and leave a lot of room for new start-ups. This clearly makes online retailing one of the future-proof industries, and of course this also applies to drop shipping, as we will see below.
These features make DropShipping unbeatable
As one of the largest and most important platforms for DropShipping, we are of course asked again and again what the concrete advantages of this particular form of trading are. It is not difficult for us to give the appropriate answers to these questions. After all, the features of DropShipping are really convincing and impressive.
For most founders, it is certainly very important that setting up a company on the basis of DropShipping requires almost no seed capital. You don’t need any pre-financed inventory, no warehouse and not even real office space. Especially in the beginning a quiet corner in your apartment is sufficient. Before you start your business, you only have to think about financing your business very carefully and can usually start immediately.
DropShipping to dramatically reduce risk
It is felt to be almost as important that a start-up in the field of drop shipping is associated with a particularly good relationship between opportunities and risks. This is, of course, due to the fact that no capital is required and therefore no repayments are required. On the other hand, low running costs also play an important role. Since you do not have to pay for high rents or personnel costs, current expenses are limited to smaller items, which are also predominantly revenue-dependent.
In other words: If you do not receive any orders, you will incur almost no costs and you will not get into a dangerous downward spiral. Another advantage relates to the specific requirements placed on the founder of a drop shipping company. This is because they are much more moderate than is the case with a classic shop operator. You work comfortably from home, share your already short working hours freely and never come under an unpleasant pressure to perform.
Instead, you take advantage of the opportunities offered by the comparatively low workload and invest the time saved, at least in part, in customer care and marketing. This has a direct effect on your business volume and ensures stable sales and a good positioning in comparison to the competition.
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Whoever uses the advantages of DropShipping wins
We therefore quickly and convincingly establish that an entrepreneur can benefit from the positive characteristics of drop shipping. The extent to which this happens depends largely on the extent to which the various benefits are exploited. An example of this to make our statement more comprehensible. As we have seen, DropShipping can be started with a minimum of effort. All you need is a quiet corner in your apartment, a computer and an internet connection. We are pretty sure that you already have these resources and that you don’t have to spend any money to be ready to go.
But now one could imagine a new DropShipping entrepreneur who does not make consistent use of these advantages. This would be the case, for example, if someone were to believe that he would have to experience his start in self-employment in specific business premises with top equipment and on an expensive computer of the latest generation. Basically, there is nothing wrong with this and it is of course up to each founder to decide which set-up he chooses for the beginning.
However, those who incur high expenses and running costs reduce the advantages that DropShipping actually offers. He no longer benefits fully from the advantages of this trading model and also loses the good relationship between opportunities and risks. One should therefore always consider very carefully whether one is prepared to hand over concrete advantages lightly, only to be able to allow oneself a luxury directly at the beginning of independence, which is completely irrelevant for the functioning of the business model itself.
Is the DropShipping concept suitable for everyone?
So when we look at the question of whether DropShipping is really suitable for everyone, we first have to make the reservation that this trading model is only the optimal solution if the founder and prospective entrepreneur is really able to maximize the existing benefits and opportunities. Those who are unable or unwilling to do so will have to bear risks even when deciding in favour of drop shipping, which can quickly make their professional life more difficult.
So before you really start building your own business based on DropShipping, you need to look closely at the various benefits and their wider implications. It is equally important to check one’s own personality with regard to general suitability for entrepreneurship. In this respect, DropShipping is not very different from other forms of self-employment.
There are certain personal characteristics and strengths that make it much easier for the prospective entrepreneur to meet the demands placed on him confidently. And on the other hand, there are characteristics and weaknesses that make it difficult to fulfil the tasks that arise. So it’s up to you to figure out what your skills as a DropShipping company manager are, and it’s not easy for most of us.
The systematic path to self-knowledge
If we want to find out something about our potentials, strengths, weaknesses, abilities and also our mistakes, then we are dealing with a discipline that is called self-knowledge. It’s about getting insights about our own person. This is difficult for us simply because we have become accustomed within society at an early stage to emphasising certain characteristics and to keeping others quiet.
For example, who would like to admit that they are fundamentally particularly lazy? Society expects a certain amount of diligence from us, and most of us behave at least outwardly as if they meet this requirement. But those who have to permanently play a certain role for their environment will no longer know exactly which characteristics they really have and which they merely pretend to have.
The process of self-knowledge demands that you really get to grips with your potential and honestly recognize both strengths and weaknesses. This is best achieved in a very systematic way. So take some time and think about the following five questions. If you find that you answer “Yes” to most of these questions, then you do not need to worry about your suitability as a DropShipping entrepreneur.
If you have to answer “No” to some questions, then this is not yet an insoluble problem. However, you have to make a little effort to be successful as an independent entrepreneur. If you answer predominantly “No”, then you should think again whether you should really start your own business. It could be very difficult for you to be successful.
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Are you an entrepreneur?
The question of whether you are an entrepreneur in type or not is not so easy to answer. There is, in fact, no basic aptitude or certain concrete characteristics that are absolutely necessary. On the one hand, it is the combination of different characteristics that enable a person to run a company.
And it is on the other hand the fundamental willingness to “do something” in the truest sense of the word. Whoever only dreams of projects and in the end is never prepared to actually take the initiative and start something, will have a hard time as an entrepreneur.
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Do you have enough self-discipline?
Self-discipline in this sense means that you are able to get yourself to do a strenuous job without outside pressure. So what about you if you don’t get instructions and nobody gives you trouble if you don’t do anything? Can you find enough motivation on your own to still achieve something?
Or do you not succeed without this pressure to get up and take things into your own hands? Self-discipline is an important prerequisite for entrepreneurial success. So take your time to check how you feel about this property.
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Are you good with trouble?
Problems are there to be solved. That’s how a successful entrepreneur would probably put it. However, we humans deal with difficulties in very different ways. While one group actually confronts the problems and actively tackles them, even if this is often rather unpleasant, the other group tries to avoid the difficulties or even deny them.
As an entrepreneur, this also applies to drop shipping, you have to deal offensively with problems and be successful in finding suitable solutions. If you stick your head in the sand instead, you’ll have a hard time.
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Do you pursue long-term goals?
Some people live from day to day and do not rely on far-reaching plans. The other people basically set themselves medium- and long-term goals and consistently put their strength at their service. It is very important for an entrepreneur to be able to think in terms of goals and visions. Those who do not do this quickly lose themselves in the exhausting day-to-day business and are unable to realise their real wishes and ideas.
Check how you deal with this topic in your private life and draw appropriate conclusions. Planlessness and aimlessness can quickly become a problem for entrepreneurs.
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Are you good with money?
Finally, there is the question of how well you can handle money. Here it is quite easy to draw conclusions about your general abilities in this area from observations of your private life. Do you get along well with your money, plan your expenses and only invest when you can really afford it?
Or do you spend most of your money at the beginning of the month and don’t pay attention to what amounts you will need in the next few weeks? Keep in mind that responsible and conscious handling of money is an important prerequisite for successful entrepreneurship.
Are you the DropShipping type? Do you want to use DropShipping as a springboard to become financially independent? That’s a good idea. But despite all its advantages, this concept of course also harbours certain risks. Even if these are clearly inferior to the advantages, you should keep an eye on them. In this article you will learnHow to skilfully eliminate the risks in the DropShipping business and thus significantly improve your chances of success.
from Drop It! Studio https://dropit.studio/business/limits-of-an-ingenious-concept-for-whom-is-dropshipping-not-suitable/ via IFTTT
from WordPress https://aicelab.wordpress.com/2019/08/28/limits-of-an-ingenious-concept-for-whom-is-dropshipping-not-suitable-2/ via IFTTT
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Oil And Gas Companies In Singapore - Oil And Gas Operate. A Delve Into The Industry
By : Yogita Yadav
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The company, which slashed its 2015 capital expenditure budget by a quarter last month, raised its full-year dividend by 3 cents to 36 cents per share.
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Oil & Gas Jobs
 Oil And Gas Recruitment Agencies - Quick Guidelines Getting Coal And Oil Jobs
 No - anyone in a position work (hard) will make relatively high income in North Dakota. The jobless rates are under 4%, so if you can fog a mirror, you'll find some achieve. Making hamburgers pays around $15 an hour, to get an excellent incentive of $300 to $500 by signing utility. Pipe welding is near the the most notable highest paying jobs successful,Want To Oil & Gas Recruitment Agencies because pipe moves petrol, and people may well weld television. However, conduit fitters, structural welders, roust abouts, simply about any trade including general laborer is busy.
 It appears that oil and gas companies are finding new places where they will drill throughout the day. Production in the Mexico Gulf become back into swing in the near future. Even countries like Australia are making use of their natural reserve with emerging markets coming into play it looks like there will be a regarding jobs for everyone for time still.
 Money being asked for - The sender of this email will, very soon, ask for different types of processing charge. This is especially not easy to discern especially if you are not in the know of these scams. The first email may ask for $25 much better you have paid, there may be an extra email asking for $50. When don't stop paying, the demand will keep on increasing as well as will end up losing significant chunk of your hard earned money.
 They do care that there is never been arrested. That you won't get hired because you will get a record, but aren't quite having an increasing is a sort of "skill," it's really?
 As mentioned earlier, you can begin as a roughneck also known as manual laborer, but you can improve yourself and have something increased. Some oil companies offer employees training and schooling opportunities, so advancing your career by adding more skills to your resume isn't impossible. Some cases, these training programs are sponsored or compensated by the company. If you work hard enough, growing in the market is reassured.
 Don't have enough money for expensive resume writing products. Anyone can call themselves a "professional resume writer". In our experience these services sound good but often make minimum difference. We give you hints and tips a person you produce a powerful resume yourself Complimentary. It's no wonder that all of us the number one choice for oil and gas recruitment.
 Your profile, once dress in a good recruitment site will be visible towards the employers and they'll contact to be able to offer you suitable job openings. A recruitment portal that promises you the best openings is constantly your info secret it will only be visible into the companies if you need. As the jobs get uploaded here, you always be notified and you could then surf through options to find your dream job. If for example the employers a few opening, they will see your profile can easily contact you for the further discussions and interviews. This is the easiest and an effective way to look for a job which always had.
 What might be more frightening than fire will be the nature with the work on an offshore oil platform. You'll to are employed in both fair weather and foul weather, and needs to work night shifts as suitably. The work is no easy task and involves a lot of heavy lifting and dangerous equipment. Specialists are encouraging the kind of environment that triggers an associated with industrial accidents and acute wounds. It is think why there is continuous hiring for offshore oil jobs - to switch losses from injured construction personnel. Do you contain guts for this?
 For thousands of planning to try for a project in Dubai or need a job in the emirate, involved with advisable in order to complete a beforehand study among the place nicely the sector that wish to apply because of. While the common perception usually that all jobs in Dubai are lucrative and pay well, in the area not particularly so. The jobs that require special skill sets and expertise pay probably the most. In other menial jobs, the salaries are a perfect same as anywhere besides you. However, the best benefit about earning in Dubai is that certain gets in order to up a lot. Also, that can a highly enjoyable self confidence to enjoy in Dubai. These reasons combine together to make Dubai a frequent destination for expatriates.
 Another point is to trim out any inclusion which spoils the exhibit to. Never forget consist of relevant experiences, trainings and seminars which you have attended for the enhancement of your skills.
 Anyone can be capable of running a machine can the task. As long as in order to smart enough to rule the machines used in mining, want one doesn't have to be physically as strong to be the miners until now. Knowledge can definitely move mountains.
 Becoming a landman is a large profession the best places to earn wages of over one hundred thousand dollars per year with no previous past experience. I can't think of any other business which you could earn that money with out worked in the industry ever. But, now that the prices are rising daily, there is nobody test the work and companies are spending money on the landmen whatever it takes. You can take advantage of this lack of skilled landmen and start earning $500+ per day along with the expenses shelled out. I don't know of any other business that enables you to earn this type of money from the beginning. And, this book will highlight all you need to know to have a jump start to earning the income you have earned.
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 So task then, is to make contact with as a lot of people within the company you only desire to work for. Even if they aren't hiring at present they end up being doing so in the time to come. Try to get permission their own store to stay in touch. You will send your CV or resume but also make contact and talk with a supervisor about career prospects with business. Also find out what qualifications may help you to improve your chances of obtaining a career in that is a.
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antifatalism · 7 years
i’m so terrified of my life. This morning I thought, “decaf season”. I also thought, “there is too much red and green. that’s it. if there was more blue then it would be more easy and comfortable. There’s already a lot of blue, but it’s less intense than all the reds and greens, so it’s relatively little in effect. If there was more yellow it would be more terrifying or crazy in some way.” 
I also thought, “i wished i was less manic and paranoid in high school, and that i’d focused more on art and gone to art school and had a personal-production-oriented community.” 
People talk so much about gender dysphoria these days and I get it, i really do, there hasn’t been a day in my life i felt comfortable with my assigned gender, and the “anatomical” and otherwise prescriptive ideas of body-sex have only ever made me feel more confused and alienated from my body. and alternatively, being separated from the sisters i grew up with, by gender, was disorienting, and sexually trained with ideas of what I was supposed to, or will eventually, be into, only ever made me feel terrible and disbelieving. i’m substantially happier now, as an adult, with popular leftish politics re trans/gender issues being what they are, to be able to dress as i like, and feel like i can release myself from any residual genderings i had to adopt to survive, and speak openly about the bullshit of it all. 
but dysphoria about other stuff. p much every facet of identity. all the rewards in gamified society people have to seek in order to feel satisfied enough with their ideas of themselves and other people to stay engaged and, maybe, not want to die?
there’s not been a day in my life i’ve felt comfortable with “making achievements” to “gain rewards” of status or identity-attributes
i think playing video games when i was really young made me more critical of game-aspects of /real life
how do people do things like be in groups of friends in which they are aware of a role they play in some kind of micro-status-economy, or go to college and be forced to accept the relative adjustment in social respect and probably some kind of assigned reward of status like a degree or credential, or basically, how can people do anything social at all and keep their head?
I’ve been thinking a lot about agoraphobia for many years. About “agora” meaning market, market meaning big open place, but not just that, big open place that attracts a lot of people and is generally open to the public, but not just that, big open public people-attracting place where the mode of social activity is a GAME (rewards/punishments, capital achievement measurement, total abstraction) of resource and status exchange? and then yeah, your society drives you through that market every day of your life, you’re to some extent born in that market, you’re sexualized through that market? And you’re tagged in every stupid way, and even when people do their best to recognize the alienating, abusing game of it all, of how your body is abstracted and commodified, they still have the nerve to believe in “sex” as concretely typical (in the sense of type-d)? They still have positivistic ideas that use science words like “biology” to refer to the material which that field of science studies, rather than the science itself, as if biology is the nature of bodies, not the artifices of studies of those bodies that serve only as means to get closer to understanding them, understanding being a matter of object relationship, not consumption and definition? What is that, a metonymous misidentification? 
Anyway, it carries on. And we have homes to hide in. Beds to hide in, in the homes. Sleep to hide in, in the beds, or zoning out when we can’t quite sleep. Dreams to stop hiding in, in the sleep, where we can’t hide from the released mind, our self expanded over as context, contracted internally as an identity-fluid viewer. And all the fears and confusions continue to elaborate, but it least here it’s less of /the market. And however scary and unsettling dreams might be, waking up and remembering the dreams are smaller, less complicated, albeit more tangled, but otherwise small projections of the woken world, is fucking terrifying sometimes. 
hence we need to make communism yada yada yada --
and then, to look back on a bunch of shit i wrote days ago when i felt panicked, worthless and vaguely guilty, and to see what read now a view of the alienation of capitalism, not having mentioned WHY the gamification of economy is alienating: because the real basis of it all is Slavery and Starvation. These are the real fuels to the semiotic value of money, to the worship of abstract value. To feel totally crazy, without remembering the years of, mostly able-bodied, not being able to find or adapt to working conditions, therefore not having to resources to buy food or my own space. And to realize, just as billions are in or below that position, I can very easily lose part of the physical or mental functionality I currently have which is crucial to my success under capitalism. Like, i could get injured, or the stress and chaos of shit could break me for a while, and then I would even more fucked than I am now. I could fall from my access to sub-living-wage work, and not be able to help pay for the room I share. I could lose control over my behavior, fuck up my relationships and get criminalized. And same for everyone I care about. And I might not have the resources to help them, or they to help me.
I only hope that the veins of sentiment and cooperation that exist in Capitalism, as the anemic, farmed-to-scarcity life-blood that enables a workforce the petty health in needs to work, will surprise me with their power, and that everyone will manage to keep themselves alive and together, and at the same time, to resist and rob their oppressors and support themselves without the economy of legalism, in with they currently are mollified and threatened out of resistance.
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Das Bullshit
Late last year/early this year I was fortunate enough to open my eyes and really find myself/my beliefs in regards to politics and socioeconomics. Until recently, I barely had any idea about what capitalism and socialism/communism were besides boring systems created to run the stupid economy/society that I had learned about in dumbass high school and didn’t give a shit about, and why would I have cared? I was just a young girl whose priorities were placed on partying and having fun. I loosely followed the election up until the final months when it all set in. I saw that Donald Trump had a real chance of winning, and that was enough for me to dive into politics and all the things I had ignored in high school. This is real life, and I wanted to understand the gravity of what may(/is) happen(ing) in America because of this election. Upon studying further into politics and socioeconomics I started to see all the problems that my mom had always talked about such as the poor being forced to stay poor while the rich get richer, and the government slowly but surely showing the people that it doesn’t care about them. Once I started to see these problems it became apparent to me that many of them are caused by our capitalist form of government. Which got me thinking.. Capitalism is such a toxic (and slowly failing) concept. Its growth killed the American Dream, all the while pretending to emulate it. Capitalists are well aware that the odds of an American Dream success story in today’s society are very slim, which is exactly why they publicize any and all American Dream, rags-to-riches stories, so that others may look to those people and remain hopeful for themselves. Capitalism depends on keeping the majority enslaved and ignorant. That means making the people believe that they can have it all, that they need things which they don’t, and finally (and most importantly), that no other socioeconomic reform model could work in its place. This last point is important because you may be thinking to yourself, well that’s not true I was never told that another system couldn’t work I can just logically tell you that it wouldn’t work. And that is where the problem is, logically socialism/communism CAN work (their past exploitation and implementation in totalitarian/dictatorship ruled countries doesn’t bode well either for the ideologies but I digress). In school when I was educated about communism it was brief and it was negative toned. I was taught to believe that communism was the red scare and dictatorship controlled China, and that Karl Marx was a bad, bad man. There were always really smart kids ahead of their time who would talk about how they supported communism but the schools teachings about communism warranted a quick, nationalist response from most class mates “COMMIE!!!! YOU’RE UNAMERICAN YOU HATE FREEDOM” because that was what we were conditioned to feel by the American education system (controlled by capitalists, mind you). Capitalism doesn’t care about you. It doesn’t care what your passions are. Capitalism doesn’t even care about the nation itself. It is a socioeconomic system whose only purpose is to maximize CAPITAL (a bit obvious from the name, but some people really don’t see this). Capitalism depends on people adapting its ideology because when the only motivator in a society is to make as much money as possible it creates a never-ending cycle of capitalism, and not to mention a divide in the human race. Capitalism forces you to either ignore reality (reality being that not everyone can have all the money, if you have all the money someone else doesn’t have any) or decide to put their morals and their compassion for others after their love of money. If you were born poor capitalism forces you to pursue money in order to enjoy the quality of your life based on its own principles and the life that it creates in society. Capitalist advertising purposefully exploits those who can’t afford their products (which for the most part are not necessities) by making them feel like they need these things, so that this is what drives them to work to buy these products even if they should use their money for other actual necessities, i.e. welfare recipients who buy brand name clothes, Iphones, makeup, etc. These people often fall under scrutiny because capitalism forces them to choose comfort and pleasure over survival, because of the divide it creates. For examples of oppressive capitalist advertisements look here and to read more about it look here. Another toxic characteristic of capitalism is that its unequal distribution of wealth forces a majority of people (middle/lower class, AKA not the 1% of people who control most of the wealth in this country) to stay in their socioeconomic class. It places a heavier emphasis on “prestigious”, powerful positions, thus denouncing and creating a sense of disdain for blue collar jobs such as janitorial services and educational occupations. Everyone living in capitalist society is aware that not everyone can be a powerful, billionaire CEO but, because capitalism perpetuates the American Dream, people still believe that if they work hard enough for it they could be that CEO one day. Capitalism in today’s society is actually destroying jobs in America because it is so cheap to move companies overseas and to outsource jobs. But the American people don’t care because capitalism made them look down on factory jobs by keeping wages so low (even though CEOs typically make about 275 times what their company workers make). Some of you might be saying “Sam wot n’ tarnation?! I care that our jobs are being outsourced! Thats why DT is gunna bring em back baby!!!” Ah ha! What a brilliant idea you have there! We can force our companies to stay in America and either 1. work for the unlivable, inhumane wages companies pay foreign workers or 2. raise the wages of factory workers to a livable wage. If you’re not an immigrant willing to work for nothing just to support your family by any means that you can, you probably picked option #2. An important factor to consider though, is that option requires the public to agree to a wage raise for work they have been conditioned to believe is menial. Capitalism creates a competitive society in order to make people feel threatened by others and their jobs. This is why you have people opposing wage raises because “someone who flips burgers doesn’t deserve to make as much money as an EMT!!!!!!” ($15/hr) To this I resist the urge to say “so fuckin pay the EMTs more and people who don’t do jack shit besides sit behind a desk and manage others less” and I ask “what makes you think that because one person requires more education/skill for their job that the other one who works just as long, dedicates just as much time to their job, and has just as many basic life needs as the other doesn't deserve to be paid enough to live off of? What gives you the audacity to say that one should receive a livable wage and one should not?” There are two arguments that result from this. One is that the EMT had to go to college and thus has much more debt to pay and deserves more money, but the problem therein lays that in capitalist society education is not a basic right, it is a privilege because as I said earlier it aims to oppress and keep the people ignorant/uneducated. The other argument is that wage raises for occupations like factory work and food service would cause the consumers to pay much higher prices for goods that are (for the most part) fairly inexpensive right now. So you don’t want to pay $10 for a small happy meal right? What’s so wrong with that? I don’t wanna give those burger flippers $15/hr because I’m not payin no $20 for a large double big mac order!!! This is true, along with wage raises come inflation. But what most people fail to realize is that if we lowered CEO wages and raised worker wages in all fields of occupation then the resulting inflation wouldn’t be as drastic and the raise in middle class wages would enable us (the proletariat) to afford the price changes. But for that to happen people need to wake up. We need to revolt against our capitalist oppressors and desert our love of money. Capitalism is the reason why most people are forced to give up their dreams, their aspirations, their passions, to chase money at a job they don’t even like to buy things they don’t even need because capitalism tells them thats what they must do. But it’s not.
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filosofilagucom · 4 years
The Roots – undun Review
The Roots – undun Review -
The Roots undun Review
The Roots undun
undun is unlike any rap album I’ve ever heard before. It’s made up of 14 tracks with a running time amounting to only about 39 minutes, and of those 14 tracks, only nine actually feature any rapping. It’s also a hip-hop concept album, which is one of those things that you read about and wonder, “why don’t people make these more often?” until you realize it’s…
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filosofilagu · 4 years
The Roots – undun Review
The Roots – undun Review -
The Roots undun Review
The Roots undun
undun is unlike any rap album I’ve ever heard before. It’s made up of 14 tracks with a running time amounting to only about 39 minutes, and of those 14 tracks, only nine actually feature any rapping. It’s also a hip-hop concept album, which is one of those things that you read about and wonder, “why don’t people make these more often?” until you realize it’s…
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sciencespies · 4 years
Op-ed | Space startups, Darwin and the coronavirus
Op-ed | Space startups, Darwin and the coronavirus
Survival of the fittest?
COVID-19 is a global Darwinian event for businesses around the world, including space development. Just as a revolution was underway in the space field that was destined to transform all aspects of our relationship to the heavens, the hand of nature has knocked down many of the very dreamers making it happen.
Up and down the supply chain, every aspect of the space business has been affected. Stay at home orders, sickness, shifts in investment priorities — all will contribute to the contraction. Even those companies deemed strategic are feeling the impact, and for many months to come, all will be playing catch-up. Of course the billionaires will be fine, and most large companies and government contractors will weather the storm based on their substantial reserves, contractual relationships and insider status. In fact, given their ability to lobby and work the Washington machine, some may actually thrive as trillions in bailouts flow — much of it to those with political influence.
 Unfortunately, for many smaller space startups and entrepreneurial enterprises, COVID-19 is a potential deathblow. As in many other industries, the hard fact is that many space startups are simply going to go away in the next few months. While in some overly lush sectors such as launch companies this weeding of the garden is a good thing, in others we may be losing potentially important technologies or services.
Certainly, congressionally backed Small Business Administration (SBA) loans and financial assistance will help some. Yet legislative nuances and legal hurdles may block others. One example is the issue of VC funding levels and control. While still in flux, the current rules essentially pit venture capital companies investing in startups against the startups themselves. For example, if a VC owns above a certain percentage of a startup, it is counted as part of the investing firm and cannot apply for itself. Another issue is permissible levels of foreign investment. While U.S. security regulators like to see ownership of a company by a single non-US investor at less than 25 percent, the recent SBA loan forms explicitly declare that if a non-US citizen owns more than 20 percent of the company, they are out of luck.
Also, given its Byzantine nature and the overall slowness of almost any government interaction — especially when it comes to giving out money — it is quite possible that a small space business owner could find herself waiting for months for the promised relief, or even an answer to their application. 
Thus, on top of the normal questions faced by startups, COVID-19 adds a crushing weight of uncertainty — even as the government tries to help. What relief do they apply for? Will they qualify? If so, what can they get and for what purpose? And most important, how long will it take? Keep in mind that most startups have very little if any reserves, and what little they have is usually pre-allocated to technology and product development. So what should they do? Lay off their workers so they are at least drawing unemployment funds in case it doesn’t work out? If they do, how will that affect their chances of getting support? And what if the support isn’t in time or enough to hire back their team?
Speaking of their teams, keep in mind that most space tech startups are composed of young teams, many of whom are already buried in creativity-choking student debt, often with young families. The company’s runway is one thing, their team’s personal runway is another. Even if a company navigates through this period, by the time they emerge, they may quite possibly have lost some of their best people to other, more certain employment.
As engineer-dominated as they are, these tiny shops have neither the staff, available time nor in many cases in-house understanding of the complicated processes needed to file the paperwork to find the right money. Unlike larger companies, day-to-day financial work in many startups is often carried out by the founders or another non-specialized team member. While they may list a CFO on their website, many are either fractional (working part-time) or called in only on high-end issues due to their high cost per hour.
 Given the nature of startups, most exist to introduce a new product or “disrupt” an existing business or way of doing things. Ironically, in a disaster like COVID-19 a tiny few ingenious companies with relevant technology or the ability to refocus or retool may actually be able to dive into the breach and do great things. However, it is far more likely that in uncertain times like these most potential customers are not interested in an opportunity to reinvent themselves or try the unknown.
  The Problem with Short Runways
In startup land the “runway” is everything. This is how much money is in the bank or believed to be on the way to fund the company’s operations until they reach profitability. Many startups have at most one or two months of runway, and usually executives and founders are in a constant state of frenetic fundraising to stay ahead of the company’s forward motion, lest they run off the end of the pavement before they take off. Even in normal times, this constant foraging and pitching to investors is the number one cause of sleeplessness for founders.
 Then there is the Catch-22 relationship between entrepreneurs and investors. Contrary to their image as risk takers, most investors are conservative. Investors like sure things, which most startups decidedly are not. They prefer to invest when things are stable, when they are confident, when they feel good, and when everyone else is investing. In uncertain times, they hold their money, building their own reserves and liquidity to weather whatever perceived storms are ahead. Obviously, one does not take risks in a risky environment, and COVID-19 has created the poster child of maximum risk in every conceivable area of finance and business. Just look at the non-space markets and business news.
Thus, like the rest of the planet, by the end of this year the space field will be a different place. From the outside it will look the same, with the accomplishments of governments, aerospace giants and billionaires filling the pages of journals such as this one. But many of the little players will be gone. Our ecosystem will have been decimated at the ground level, and what emerges next is unknown. Those that do survive will be leaner, meaner, and eventually stronger, but all will be set back and slowed in their progress. 
What Can We Do?
I wish I could offer a simple remedy or vaccine that might save some of these great companies right now. But to badly paraphrase the noted Dr. Anthony Fauci: the virus determines what will happen here — not us.
Yet there are some things that can be done, by the government, investors and customers. If you run programs at NASA or DoD or are on the right congressional staff, try to look past the D.C.-based aerospace lobbyists in your waiting room to understand and work from the perspective of these embryonic companies who can’t fly in to make their case.
There are already many innovation-oriented programs out there that can be expanded. Other long discussed, pro-enterprise ideas should be reconsidered. First, begin now to enable targeted space technology grants and loans, simplify paperwork requirements, or even create post — virus support packages to assist those firms with provable good ideas to survive and thrive. Create service or data purchase opportunities, simplify requirements below traditional aerospace levels while keeping standards high to reduce paperwork. Try grants, prizes, debt relief, investment incentives — just get creative. But move fast, as those not already dead on the vine will soon be gone.
 Importantly, don’t delay or stretch current programs initially designed to enable smaller players, knowing their coffers are empty now. This was happening already in some cases, and while big companies can afford the time and ink, the very entrepreneurial companies these programs might most enable cannot simply bide their time while Congress, the White House, and NASA shift this way and that. Again, you’re killing the garden you hoped to grow. 
If you are an investor, use this time to discover areas that are underinvested. As I mentioned, COVID-19 will certainly cull the heavily overpopulated space launch field, which has been sucking investment from other areas. Many other sectors that are needed to create a space industrial infrastructure are underfunded, or under populated with providers, as can be seen in online listings such as the SpaceFund Reality Ratings. And frankly, as harsh as it may be to mention, there are excellent deals to be had with hungry entrepreneurs by those with vision and boldness. It is time to buy!
If you are an entrepreneur or dream of starting your own space company, don’t give up. It is inevitable that this will pass, and things will not just improve, but in many cases far surpass where they were headed before. Often it is exactly in such times as these, when life and cultural courses are forced to change that great ideas are born. For my part, I am convinced coming through a world-threatening event such as COVID-19 will create a hunger in people to look upward for rainbows, and we who offer the stars can provide that hope.
If you have survived, if your tenacity and stubbornness is still strong, then you will rise again. After all, the fall is not as important as the ability to get up afterward. We need you. Earth needs you. Rise.
Rick Tumlinson is a founding board member of the X Prize who led the commercial takeover of the Russian MIR space station. He has testified before the U.S. Congress six times, and won the World Technology Award in 2015. His company Spacefund is a VC firm investing in space startups. Follow him on Twitter: @rocketrick
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sweta171 · 5 years
Role of Cloud Computing in Accounting Industry - Sagenext
With cloud computing came the revolutionary surge of new technological advances that had seemed like a distant dream to many. The shift to cloud computing, a rather novice step, is rapidly bringing about change in the business world. It has a galore of features to boast about, reduced IT outlay and undenied data access to name a few.
There ceases to be any department or ward of business that remains unaffected by the Midas touch of cloud computing. The accounting and finance industry isn’t an exception either when it comes to the benefit deliverance that has been brought about by the cloud. In fact, I would rather podium up to say that the accounting and finance sector is one of the most fast-evolving divisions under the new cloud technology as it has stood to simultaneously present new opportunities and has opened up new imperatives.
The increment in value has been witnessed whilst adapting to new technology. If you have been around for a couple of decades, you would agree with me here when I say that financial innovations have faced apprehension in some way or the other. Even tools like ERP or spreadsheets faced rigorous tests and frowns before they were accepted as a daily tool by the business masses. It is only human to get hard-wired by the new changes and it is understandable we have our fair share of doubts. Having said that, a fact that can’t be overlooked is that the accounting professionals who were ready to take the plunge and migrated their working to the cloud ended up increasing the value of their organization and their value to the organization as well.
According to an independent survey conducted by Floqast, about 85% of accounting firms have a hard time hiring and retaining talent for their firms and more than half of these folks have resolved to technology to overcome this boulder. Adopting modern tech Fastracks your business processes and enables your staff to be more efficient. This survey witnessed higher job satisfaction and less work stress upon adopting the latest technology.
An overview of cloud and it’s uses
The benefits of cloud computing are in direct compliance with the functioning of the cloud. The cloud is an IT infrastructure that lets the user have access to information via the internet, thus eliminating the need for dedicated staff and budgeting for maintenance of the on-premise server and IT infrastructure. This, in turn, helps in saving big numbers on the investment and liability of the balance sheet.
Cloud is tri-natured- Dedicated, Shared, and Hybrid. The cloud system allows the accounting team, other employees, and clients to connect using a wide variety of applications and software like QuickBooks, Lacerte, etc.
Different businesses choose a different type of cloud server based on their size and budget, some go for dedicated cloud hosting, while some prefer the shared route. Either way, it stands to be highly beneficial.
Cloud, infact has given rise to a completely new generation of applications that are relatively more intuitive, productive, and quick to deliver.
During the onset of cloud computing, it was the smaller companies that found abode in this technology as they had budget constraints and lacked to afford their very own robust computing system. To them, the cloud was the ultimate answer, as it was way cheaper and required just an internet-enabled device to access data, helping these companies save on space and money.
This technological revolution spread across in what seemed like a jiffy and even bigger organizations adapted the change brought about by cloud computing. Today, as we see it, the pursuit of the latest tech has both small as well as big companies storing their data on the cloud and hosting their favorite software on the cloud, giving rise to a whole new genre of the industry- the cloud hosting providers. Thus, all that has been brought about by cloud computing is a positive change and increased employment opportunities. While choosing the hosting provider, be sure to check their reviews on a reliable source like serchen, as you do not want to end up committing to something that is not competent enough.
Accountants have always been expected to be versatile and work their way around non-conventional business practices in order to successfully do what they do. They are to understand various stratum that their clientele is based of off. To retain the sanity of accountants while they do all of this and more, tolerant and delivering IT solutions are a must. In my opinion, the core of any business work is a robust network.
With cloud computing, a client can have his accountant virtually, anytime they want, and the same goes for accountants. With cloud technology, they can have the latest advancements, so much so like up to an hour lead financial information. With the feature of mobility and multiple user access, data input can be done by the sales department, logistics department, and of course by accountants as well. All of this leads to accountants being pulled out of the archaic book-keeping pit and out in the fresh stance where they are of integral importance in financial advising and more into real management accounting.
Nonetheless, it’s safe to say that the accounting industry likes the idea of the cloud, well it saves money and that is the language that the accountants speak. The benefits of cloud computing far outdo the initial apprehension that it faced. Significant downsizing in parked capital, energy bills, physical IT support, and physical backup system to name a few amongst the handful of benefits that the cloud bestows. It gives automatic updates, server security, scheduled backups, easy maintenance, and user compatibility.
When I say this, I’ll just be stating the very obvious, that when an accountant has cloud computing/cloud hosting, they don’t have to leave their office in order to deal with a minuscule data change and update on the client’s part. A lot of time and energy is saved, as the client, as well as the accountant, have undenied, 24×7 remote access to the data. What all of this does is increase productivity and turn bigger profits.
A reliable and good server network is becoming seemingly important for running the accounting industry.
Outcomes like increased work efficiency because of automation, flexibility to work from any location, and less physical paperwork have proven the fact that cloud computing is the much-awaited ‘apple of the eye’ for the accounting industry.
Furthermore, apart from adding transactional value, cloud computing is also a  pro-environment move as it prevents unnecessary use of paper, minimizes the e-waste accumulation by rendering decreased use of wires and storage hardware. It also induces emotional well-being by increasing job satisfaction due to decreased work pressure. All of this converts into a healthy thought process, better mental and emotional health, and elevated happiness quotient. A happy mind is a productive mind.
The introduction of cloud technology has provided the accounting industry the opportunity to be set apart while simultaneously making work enjoyable. I stand by the fact when I say that the cloud has offered a galore, while this is just the start and a lot is yet to come.
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thecardlogin-blog · 5 years
Recommended Net Worth Allocation By Age And Work Experience (Part 2)
Suggested Net Worth Allocation By Age - BASE CASE FRAMEWORK
* All rates are based off a positive total assets. In the event that you have understudy advances ideal out of school, or a negative total assets because of negative value, utilize these outlines for the benefit side of the accounting report condition. Efficiently hope to pay off non-contract obligation as you fabricate your riches building resources.
* Stocks incorporate individual stocks, file reserves, common assets, ETFs, organized notes. Securities incorporate government treasuries, corporate securities, civil securities, high return securities, and TIPs.
* For the initial eight years of work, most of your total assets is in stocks and hazard free resources, for example, CDs, higher yielding on the web investment accounts, and currency market reserves. Internet banking is the best spot to stop your money and it's extremely advantageous to store or pull back cash. Try not to give conventional banks a chance to pull off paying you nothing in enthusiasm as you fall route behind because of swelling! At 30 years old, you ought to have some thought of where you need to live, and what you need to accomplish professionally. With this certainty, you move a noteworthy segment of your total assets into purchasing your first home.
* Risk Free resources likewise begin off high given you've originally got the chance to set aside cash to manufacture a budgetary establishment. It's not insightful to dump every one of your reserve funds in the securities exchange on the off chance that you don't have the foggiest idea what you're doing. Step by step leg in the more agreeable you become with contributing. Stocks have demonstrated to be the most clear approach to develop one's total assets as time goes on. You're likewise not unreasonably intrigued by securities on the grounds that your hazard resilience is high and loan costs are so low. The Risk Free segment can likewise be known as the "Rainy day account" section in the event that you like.
* The arrival on lease is dependably - 100%. Following 40 years of leasing, you don't have anything to pass on, nor do you have a spot to live lease free in retirement. For whatever length of time that the legislature is sponsoring homeownership, and insofar as individuals don't have the control to spare and contribute the extraordinary, leasing is debilitated on the off chance that you can stand to possess. On the off chance that you simply would prefer not to possess property, at that point you ought to consider increasing land introduction through REITs or land crowdfunding crosswise over lower esteem, higher yield portions of America. I've by and by put $8100,000 in land crowdfunding to pick up introduction to the heartland of America.
* Alternative ventures remain at 0% given it's hard enough to get individuals to spare over 20% of their pay, think of a downpayment for a home, reliably put resources into stocks and bonds, and pay off obligation.
* a definitive objective is to have a generally equivalent equalization blend between stocks, bonds, and land with a 10% hazard free support in the event that the world arrives at an end. In a troublesome monetary condition, stocks and land will decay (60% of total assets), however in any event 30% of your total assets (securities) will increment, while your 10% rainy day account stays flawless.
Prescribed Net Worth By Age NEW LIFE FRAMEWORK
* After five years of investment funds, you buy your first property and diminish your Risk Free rate down to 10% from 30%. In the event that you possess the property you live in, you are nonpartisan land. The main way you can profit in land is on the off chance that you purchase more than one property. On the off chance that you are a tenant, you are short land.
* After 13 years of sparing and contributing, your total assets increments liberally. The decrease in stocks as a level of total assets doesn't mean a decrease in the estimation of your stock portfolio. Or maybe, because of the expansion in your general total assets, the total estimation of your stock part increments notwithstanding an abatement in the level of aggregate.
* With a bigger total assets, you put a portion of your reserve funds into Alternative resource classes by age 35. Elective resource classes may include: private value, funding/blessed messenger contributing, or beginning your own organization. You have stocks, bonds, and land under control. With free liquidity, you dable into the obscure in light of the fact that you never need to think back and state, "consider the possibility that.
* After the age of 40, you're searching for an increasingly adjusted blend in your total assets. Accordingly, you deliberately put less in stocks and more into securities and elective speculations. Your land value additionally holds enduring, advertise willing.
* By the time you're 60, you have a superb total assets balance that is for all intents and purposes implosion confirmation. Your Risk Free rate increments alongside your Bond rate since you appreciate the sentiment of solidness and security as you intend to live until 110 years of age.
* I'm right now following the New Life system, yet plan to progress in the direction of the Self Belief structure underneath. So as to do as such, I have to forcefully grow a business.
Prescribed Net Worth By Age - SELF BELIEF
* The Self Belief Framework expect you have better control your very own money related future than different ventures. When you put resources into stocks, securities, and land, you are relying upon another person and great large scale conditions to profit. When you put resources into You, you trust you have a better capacity than manufacture riches.
* The Alternative section's name changes to the X Factor. The X Factor expect you never again put most of your investment funds in stocks, securities, and land, however in structure a business that may one day develop to be a huge level of your total assets. The X Factor can likewise incorporate making anything of monetary worth.
* You don't need to claim land in the Self Belief Framework given you'd preferably utilize the downpayment capital all alone business. Don't hesitate to build the X Factor segment rate by the Real Estate section rate if this better accommodates your objectives.
* After many years of structure your X Factor, you forget about some hazard and increment your Risk Free rate. At this point, your total assets has developed enormous enough where you can live off financing costs as low as 2-4%.
* If you are uncontrollably fruitful in structure your very own business, the X Factor section can without much of a stretch diminutive person every single other segment.
As we talked about in the Mental Framework bit of this post, monetary returns are not ensured. Given there are no certain things, it's ideal to keep an enhanced total assets blend that can withstand the hits of serious monetary downturns, while profiting by multi-year bull runs.
With regards to building riches, I urge everybody to concentrate on a practical most dire outcome imaginable where all advantages aside from the hazard free part goes to zero. Thusly, you've tended to your greatest feelings of dread so you can proceed onward with your journey. Envisioning a practical most ideal situation is fine as it's in every case great to dream. There simply must be an offset with your riches building approach as to not miss the mark when you can never again work.
I'm sure that on the off chance that you pursue any of these total assets portion suggestion outlines, you'll do fine and dandy and accomplish a better than expected total assets. Keep in mind, the normal American has over 90% of their ~$100,000 total assets in land. This is completely incredible on the grounds that it implies that the normal American either is purchasing more house than they can bear, is never again sparing after they purchase a house since they think a house is bank account, or isn't effectively putting resources into other resource classes. Be careful with having the vast dominant part of your total assets in any single resource class.
I will probably enable each peruser to accomplish money related true serenity so as to do whatever your heart wants. Good karma everybody! If it's not too much trouble share your present total assets blend and your ideal blend whenever intrigued.
Proposal To Build Your Wealth
The most ideal approach to assemble riches is to understand your accounts by joining with Personal Capital. They are a free online apparatus which totals all your monetary records on their Dashboard so you can see where you can streamline. Prior to Personal Capital, I needed to sign into eight unique frameworks to follow 28 distinct records (financier, different banks, 401K, and so forth) to follow my accounts. Presently, I can simply sign into Personal Capital to perceive how my stock records are getting along, how my total assets is advancing, and where my spending is going.
A standout amongst their best apparatuses is the 401K Fee Analyzer which has helped me spare over $1,700 in yearly portfolio expenses I had no clue I was paying. Their Investment Checkup device is likewise extraordinary in light of the fact that it graphically demonstrates whether your speculation portfolios are property assigned dependent on your hazard profile.
At long last, use their Retirement Planning Calculator, which uses genuine information to concoct different money related situations dependent on Monte Carlo reproductions. You can enter various costs to think of as reasonable an appraisal of your funds as could be expected under the circumstances.
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canadastartupblog · 5 years
5 Ways to Start a Business with Cheap or Free Money
You’ve got the next billion-dollar idea. Or million dollar, or whatever it is. The point is it’s good, and you want to prove its value. This is the stage where most startups die — which is to say before they even get started. Because the most daunting obstacle to seeding the next big idea is capital.
Most first-time entrepreneurs have heard of venture capitalist firms and angel investors. That’s how Facebook got started, right? So why shouldn’t it be you? The truth is it’s extremely difficult and rare for first timers to receive funding this way. In fact, by some estimates, less than one percent of startups are funded by angel investors and a fraction of one percent by VCs.
Problems finding funding to start a business
When looking for outside funding, many entrepreneurs look to friends and family. But do you really have friends and family that are able and willing to shell out $50,000, $100,000 or more to see if your idea is worthwhile? And getting a loan from the bank is a tedious prospect where you may have to put your house or other personal assets at risk. Not to mention there’s the other problem even if you do get funding: giving up too much of your company too early.  You see a big check, give up 50 percent of the company, and end up regretting it for the rest of your life.
These are problems that are unfortunately preventing many good, innovative ideas from ever sprouting beyond the back of a napkin. But what many entrepreneurs don’t know, especially if it’s their first time around, is that there is capital to be had without any strings attached. Here are five ways you can seed your company on the cheap, or even for free:
1. Government grants
Did you know that you can find grant money to fund your startup on the federal, state, regional and even city government level? And they won’t even ask for equity. While what’s offered will vary by geographic location, investing in startups has become an emerging model of how government is enacting economic development. Invest in the next unicorn in the region, and it will create jobs and attract talent to the area.
For example, manufacturing is important to the state of Ohio, wich is why it established the Advanced Manufacturing Program, offering grants of up to $500,000 to promote innovation in manufacturing. Louisiana, a state with a major international port and shipping center, provides grants to small businesses to help increase exports.
These types of focused grants exist in individual states and across industrial sectors, and at both the state and Federal levels. The National Science Foundation, for example, funds about 11,000 proposals a year spanning everything from biosciences to climate-related ventures.
And Louisiana Economic Development’s STEP export program offers reimbursement for small businesses that are either new to exporting or primed for market expansion. Eligible businesses can receive over $6,000 for things like exhibition booth fees, travel, and even business-related meals.
Finally, Connecticut’s Manufacturing Innovation Fund Voucher Program offers grants of up to $50,000 to help pay for new technology, expertise, and prototype development.
However much money you need, and whichever sector you’re in, there’s likely a grant out there that could provide seed money to move your idea forward. And while there will sometimes be certain stipulations you’ll have to meet (for example, extensive reporting and forms to submit), you’ll never have to give up equity or pay back the grant.
2. Crowdfunding
You’ve probably heard of Kickstarter or GoFundMe, but maybe they just seemed like cute platforms for artists. Turns out, Kickstarter has seen over $4.3 billion in pledges. If you need seed money, let’s say $20,000 to develop your app, crowdsourcing could be the answer. In exchange, you offer products or services, but you don’t have to give up equity, you don’t have to pay interest and you’ve already developed a community of potential customers.
Some crowdfunding platforms have taken the step of specifically funding startups, while others are simply open to raising money for any purpose. Fundable, founded by former entrepreneurs and focused on raising crowdsourced capital for startups, generated over $80 million in funding commitments in just its first year. And Indiegogo, another platform with entrepreneurs specifically in mind, has raised over $1 billion in funding for over 650,000 projects.
Hey, if crowdfunding was good enough for Oculus, the virtual reality headset maker that was eventually acquired by Facebook, it might work for you, too.
3. Accelerators
While you might think that accelerators only accept you if you give them equity, that’s not actually true. There are many programs that offer the same intensive coaching and resources that equity-play accelerators do, but minus the whole equity part.
The reSET Impact Accelerator, out of Hartford, Conn., offers a 4-month, intensive program designed to equip entrepreneurs with the skills and resources needed to scale their startups. There is no cost, and no equity is taken. The only catch is you have to live in Hartford.
MassChallenge out of Boston, is a zero-equity, zero-cost accelerator for early-stage companies across multiple sectors. And not only does it cost participants nothing, but MassChallenge also hands out $1 million in cash prizes. Alumni of the program have been able to verify their products, learn critical skills, build important networks, and have gone on to raise over $2.5 billion in funding.
Take a look in your own backyard and you might be surprised at the programs out there that will help you take your idea to proof of concept at little to no cost.
4. Pitch competitions
Since Shark Tank debuted, pitch competitions have sprung up throughout the country with different prize opportunities. And unlike on Shark Tank, many of them don’t result with entrepreneurs having to give up equity or paying back the so-called Mr. Wonderful a bunch of interest. Take the Urban Future Prize Competition out of New York City. Two winners receive a $50,000 cash prize each year, plus automatic entry into an incubator program. While this competition is focused on cleantech, there’s likely one in your sector, too, with prizes ranging from $10,000 up to $1 million in some cases.
On the other side of the country, San Diego Startup Week offers multiple pitch competitions for companies at an idea or seed stages, with cash prizes starting at $1,000. San Diego’s premier startup event also offers pitch workshops so entrepreneurs can hone their chops before taking the stage. Entrepreneur magazine’s Elevator Pitch show offers a wide variety of deal structures for winning pitches.
5. Universities
Universities offer grants and awards for students, faculty, and alumni, as well as offer up resources that startups could otherwise only dream of. It doesn’t matter if you’re a freshman or a tenured professor if you have a connection to a university that could be your ticket to raising the capital you need without the usual drawbacks.
Life sciences have an extremely expensive barrier to entry for startups, but universities offer the research facilities and can match entrepreneurs with researchers to push their ideas forward. The University of South Carolina even offers its own pitch competition, The Proving Ground, where students and alumni can receive up to $17,500 in cash to fund their idea.
In fact, it seems almost every school in the country these days has its own pitch competition — from big names like Harvard and MIT to state schools like the University of Georgia.
But universities are doing more than just giving out prizes for pitches — many of them offer full-fledged startup support. The University of Virginia’s iLab, for example, provides direct grants, mentorship, an incubator, and even co-working spaces. And Yale University’s Office of Cooperative Research has given 18 startups grants of $100,000 each to bridge the gap from early-stage research to the creation of successful biomedical products (which enabled them to leverage an additional $103 million from other funding sources).
Entrepreneurs aren’t wired to think about the government seeding their startup, or to consider receiving no-strings-attached money. Their first instinct is to seek out VCs or angel investors, and when that doesn’t work, to take on debt with big interest payments attached. These economic development tools can be the key to bringing to life that idea you’ve been sitting on for a while. After all, with free money, what is there to lose?
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The post 5 Ways to Start a Business with Cheap or Free Money appeared first on Ecompanies Canada.
from Ecompanies Canada http://bit.ly/2ZxlmYX via ECOMPANIES CANADA
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aicelab · 5 years
Limits of an ingenious concept: For whom is DropShipping not suitable?
DropShipping is on everyone’s lips today when it comes to the question of how to become self-employed in online trading in a particularly successful and secure way. The trading model has so many clear advantages that no one can question its potential. But are there limits to this particular form of business and is DropShipping really suitable for every founder? We will follow up these and other questions for you and provide the answers.
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DropShipping as the e-commerce concept of the future
Do you believe that online trading in Germany still enjoys good opportunities for the future or do you rather assume that we are dealing with a sinking star that has long since left its zenith behind? If your assessment in this area is rather pessimistic, then it is probably because you have dealt a lot with the publications of the more critically minded observers. They often compare the percentage increases in e-commerce revenue from the very first years with today’s and this is a serious mistake.
Let’s take a brief look at the time when the first online shops were established and when there was talk of a real boom in Internet trade. If we assume that the online economy at that time in a first year could achieve perhaps a conversion at a value of 200,000 euro and shone in the year after with 2 million, then we had to deal with fabulous percentage increases, which caused the breath of each humans at first to falter. After all, we are talking about a tenfold increase in volume and thus an increase of 1,000 percent.
In the meantime, the growth trend in e-commerce has levelled off. In Germany alone, we have long since landed in a multi-billion volume. Let’s look at a simple example. In 2012, the total turnover in the German online trade amounted to 24.6 billion euros. In the following year, the industry achieved a volume of 34.3 billion euros. Of course, there is no more increase of hundreds of percent. However, we are still faced with a growth rate of almost 40 percent.
Try to find another industry with such values. You will quickly notice that the annual growth rates in e-commerce are still considerable and leave a lot of room for new start-ups. This clearly makes online retailing one of the future-proof industries, and of course this also applies to drop shipping, as we will see below.
These features make DropShipping unbeatable
As one of the largest and most important platforms for DropShipping, we are of course asked again and again what the concrete advantages of this particular form of trading are. It is not difficult for us to give the appropriate answers to these questions. After all, the features of DropShipping are really convincing and impressive.
For most founders, it is certainly very important that setting up a company on the basis of DropShipping requires almost no seed capital. You don’t need any pre-financed inventory, no warehouse and not even real office space. Especially in the beginning a quiet corner in your apartment is sufficient. Before you start your business, you only have to think about financing your business very carefully and can usually start immediately.
DropShipping to dramatically reduce risk
It is felt to be almost as important that a start-up in the field of drop shipping is associated with a particularly good relationship between opportunities and risks. This is, of course, due to the fact that no capital is required and therefore no repayments are required. On the other hand, low running costs also play an important role. Since you do not have to pay for high rents or personnel costs, current expenses are limited to smaller items, which are also predominantly revenue-dependent.
In other words: If you do not receive any orders, you will incur almost no costs and you will not get into a dangerous downward spiral. Another advantage relates to the specific requirements placed on the founder of a drop shipping company. This is because they are much more moderate than is the case with a classic shop operator. You work comfortably from home, share your already short working hours freely and never come under an unpleasant pressure to perform.
Instead, you take advantage of the opportunities offered by the comparatively low workload and invest the time saved, at least in part, in customer care and marketing. This has a direct effect on your business volume and ensures stable sales and a good positioning in comparison to the competition.
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Whoever uses the advantages of DropShipping wins
We therefore quickly and convincingly establish that an entrepreneur can benefit from the positive characteristics of drop shipping. The extent to which this happens depends largely on the extent to which the various benefits are exploited. An example of this to make our statement more comprehensible. As we have seen, DropShipping can be started with a minimum of effort. All you need is a quiet corner in your apartment, a computer and an internet connection. We are pretty sure that you already have these resources and that you don’t have to spend any money to be ready to go.
But now one could imagine a new DropShipping entrepreneur who does not make consistent use of these advantages. This would be the case, for example, if someone were to believe that he would have to experience his start in self-employment in specific business premises with top equipment and on an expensive computer of the latest generation. Basically, there is nothing wrong with this and it is of course up to each founder to decide which set-up he chooses for the beginning.
However, those who incur high expenses and running costs reduce the advantages that DropShipping actually offers. He no longer benefits fully from the advantages of this trading model and also loses the good relationship between opportunities and risks. One should therefore always consider very carefully whether one is prepared to hand over concrete advantages lightly, only to be able to allow oneself a luxury directly at the beginning of independence, which is completely irrelevant for the functioning of the business model itself.
Is the DropShipping concept suitable for everyone?
So when we look at the question of whether DropShipping is really suitable for everyone, we first have to make the reservation that this trading model is only the optimal solution if the founder and prospective entrepreneur is really able to maximize the existing benefits and opportunities. Those who are unable or unwilling to do so will have to bear risks even when deciding in favour of drop shipping, which can quickly make their professional life more difficult.
So before you really start building your own business based on DropShipping, you need to look closely at the various benefits and their wider implications. It is equally important to check one’s own personality with regard to general suitability for entrepreneurship. In this respect, DropShipping is not very different from other forms of self-employment.
There are certain personal characteristics and strengths that make it much easier for the prospective entrepreneur to meet the demands placed on him confidently. And on the other hand, there are characteristics and weaknesses that make it difficult to fulfil the tasks that arise. So it’s up to you to figure out what your skills as a DropShipping company manager are, and it’s not easy for most of us.
The systematic path to self-knowledge
If we want to find out something about our potentials, strengths, weaknesses, abilities and also our mistakes, then we are dealing with a discipline that is called self-knowledge. It’s about getting insights about our own person. This is difficult for us simply because we have become accustomed within society at an early stage to emphasising certain characteristics and to keeping others quiet.
For example, who would like to admit that they are fundamentally particularly lazy? Society expects a certain amount of diligence from us, and most of us behave at least outwardly as if they meet this requirement. But those who have to permanently play a certain role for their environment will no longer know exactly which characteristics they really have and which they merely pretend to have.
The process of self-knowledge demands that you really get to grips with your potential and honestly recognize both strengths and weaknesses. This is best achieved in a very systematic way. So take some time and think about the following five questions. If you find that you answer “Yes” to most of these questions, then you do not need to worry about your suitability as a DropShipping entrepreneur.
If you have to answer “No” to some questions, then this is not yet an insoluble problem. However, you have to make a little effort to be successful as an independent entrepreneur. If you answer predominantly “No”, then you should think again whether you should really start your own business. It could be very difficult for you to be successful.
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Are you an entrepreneur?
The question of whether you are an entrepreneur in type or not is not so easy to answer. There is, in fact, no basic aptitude or certain concrete characteristics that are absolutely necessary. On the one hand, it is the combination of different characteristics that enable a person to run a company.
And it is on the other hand the fundamental willingness to “do something” in the truest sense of the word. Whoever only dreams of projects and in the end is never prepared to actually take the initiative and start something, will have a hard time as an entrepreneur.
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Do you have enough self-discipline?
Self-discipline in this sense means that you are able to get yourself to do a strenuous job without outside pressure. So what about you if you don’t get instructions and nobody gives you trouble if you don’t do anything? Can you find enough motivation on your own to still achieve something?
Or do you not succeed without this pressure to get up and take things into your own hands? Self-discipline is an important prerequisite for entrepreneurial success. So take your time to check how you feel about this property.
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Are you good with trouble?
Problems are there to be solved. That’s how a successful entrepreneur would probably put it. However, we humans deal with difficulties in very different ways. While one group actually confronts the problems and actively tackles them, even if this is often rather unpleasant, the other group tries to avoid the difficulties or even deny them.
As an entrepreneur, this also applies to drop shipping, you have to deal offensively with problems and be successful in finding suitable solutions. If you stick your head in the sand instead, you’ll have a hard time.
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Do you pursue long-term goals?
Some people live from day to day and do not rely on far-reaching plans. The other people basically set themselves medium- and long-term goals and consistently put their strength at their service. It is very important for an entrepreneur to be able to think in terms of goals and visions. Those who do not do this quickly lose themselves in the exhausting day-to-day business and are unable to realise their real wishes and ideas.
Check how you deal with this topic in your private life and draw appropriate conclusions. Planlessness and aimlessness can quickly become a problem for entrepreneurs.
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Are you good with money?
Finally, there is the question of how well you can handle money. Here it is quite easy to draw conclusions about your general abilities in this area from observations of your private life. Do you get along well with your money, plan your expenses and only invest when you can really afford it?
Or do you spend most of your money at the beginning of the month and don’t pay attention to what amounts you will need in the next few weeks? Keep in mind that responsible and conscious handling of money is an important prerequisite for successful entrepreneurship.
Are you the DropShipping type? Do you want to use DropShipping as a springboard to become financially independent? That’s a good idea. But despite all its advantages, this concept of course also harbours certain risks. Even if these are clearly inferior to the advantages, you should keep an eye on them. In this article you will learnHow to skilfully eliminate the risks in the DropShipping business and thus significantly improve your chances of success.
source https://dropit.studio/business/limits-of-an-ingenious-concept-for-whom-is-dropshipping-not-suitable/
from WordPress https://aicelab.wordpress.com/2019/08/28/limits-of-an-ingenious-concept-for-whom-is-dropshipping-not-suitable/ via IFTTT
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Things to Remember While Making a Good Residential Investment
Buying a home is a dream for many of us and some lucky ones are able to purchase one with their hard earned money. The generation, between 18 to 35 age group are the new young professionals. If you consider yourself to be a part of this generation, be sure that your home search goes with much ease and smooth.
Sometimes the people of this generation are also first-time house buyers. It means they have the potential to make mistakes in the home buying process. The investment in real estate is always likely to be the largest and most complicated transaction of your life. At this point in time, a number of millennial are entering this industry because of the increasing amount of debt, wage growth and some of the economic and demographic factor. But the difficulties they are facing are even greater and much complicated than previous generations. Buying and owning property can be a lot more stressful than investing money in stocks and bonds. You can invest in many Dda l zone projects to grab some better deals.
Here are some common mistakes every home buyer does -
Picking the Wrong Type of Mortgage
Choosing the wrong mortgage can be more disastrous than you think. There are many homeowners who somehow lost their budget and can’t afford rate mortgages once interest rates are being reset. Some L zone projects can be a better option for you. Make sure you understand all your mortgage terms and condition that can help you get the loan that’s right for your situation and avoid any potentially expensive mortgage mistake. It’s not like mortgages are bad or a trap. No, it’s not. Some smart young buyers get a mortgage on adjustable rates, with a low-interest rate.
You only have to do proper research before rushing into things. You can buy property in some good price range in Dwarka. For those who have just started their career usually don’t have much money saved that the buyers who are older than them. For younger ones paying less for a mortgage is not only a priority but it is a necessity for them.
Not Sticking to the Budget
The first step to buy a home is not preparing a budget but to stick on it. Buy your first home only when you really know that you’re at a financially stable win-win situation. Only buy the house you can afford. Invest in some L zone projects. And if not, you may need to start looking at homes in some lower price range. If you don’t know how much you can spend, you might waste your time. Don’t end up looking at houses and properties that you can’t afford. As you are buying it for the first time, the main goal is to buy which is comfortable and affordable at the same time. Even if you are buying it on loan, make sure the monthly payment you are paying won’t keep you awake and sleepless at night. There are times when a good idea is to always aim low.
Not Taking Enough Advice
No matter the age or life stage, everyone makes mistakes when it comes to buying a home. There are times when we think that we are right and we are doing everything fine. But the truth is, before spending the amount in millions, it is necessary to take advice from real estate agents. Sometimes the whole session with an agent can be paid but it will definitely go to help you in not getting involved in a wrong deal. If not a property deal, get advice from the people who are involved in this property buying thing. Do proper research about the property and the seller before signing the documents.
Here you have it, the three mistakes you can now combat as you buy a new home for the very first time. Use and share these tips to ensure that your home-buying experience goes as smoothly and profitable as possible. Because in real estate you can’t afford to take any type of risk!
Delhi Heights Housing Society proudly presents Royal Homes, in L Zone, Dwarka Smart City, the biggest smart city in Delhi, the capital of India. Delhi Heights is a Multistate Cooperative Group Housing Society Limited registered with the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies and Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India under our Registration Certificate No. is MSCS/CR/1095/2014. Under CGHS housing scheme, the members of the society will enjoy benefits like share money, certificates, annual general meetings, voting rights, which enables the residents greater control over the construction phase and maintenance phase. We provide quality and affordable homes in Delhi NCR, located in Delhi Zone- L, close to south Delhi, Gurgaon, Dwarka and next upcoming Diplomatic Enclave 2, financial hub, international football stadium and Asia’s biggest golf course.
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