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Das Bullshit
Late last year/early this year I was fortunate enough to open my eyes and really find myself/my beliefs in regards to politics and socioeconomics. Until recently, I barely had any idea about what capitalism and socialism/communism were besides boring systems created to run the stupid economy/society that I had learned about in dumbass high school and didn’t give a shit about, and why would I have cared? I was just a young girl whose priorities were placed on partying and having fun. I loosely followed the election up until the final months when it all set in. I saw that Donald Trump had a real chance of winning, and that was enough for me to dive into politics and all the things I had ignored in high school. This is real life, and I wanted to understand the gravity of what may(/is) happen(ing) in America because of this election. Upon studying further into politics and socioeconomics I started to see all the problems that my mom had always talked about such as the poor being forced to stay poor while the rich get richer, and the government slowly but surely showing the people that it doesn’t care about them. Once I started to see these problems it became apparent to me that many of them are caused by our capitalist form of government. Which got me thinking.. Capitalism is such a toxic (and slowly failing) concept. Its growth killed the American Dream, all the while pretending to emulate it. Capitalists are well aware that the odds of an American Dream success story in today’s society are very slim, which is exactly why they publicize any and all American Dream, rags-to-riches stories, so that others may look to those people and remain hopeful for themselves. Capitalism depends on keeping the majority enslaved and ignorant. That means making the people believe that they can have it all, that they need things which they don’t, and finally (and most importantly), that no other socioeconomic reform model could work in its place. This last point is important because you may be thinking to yourself, well that’s not true I was never told that another system couldn’t work I can just logically tell you that it wouldn’t work. And that is where the problem is, logically socialism/communism CAN work (their past exploitation and implementation in totalitarian/dictatorship ruled countries doesn’t bode well either for the ideologies but I digress). In school when I was educated about communism it was brief and it was negative toned. I was taught to believe that communism was the red scare and dictatorship controlled China, and that Karl Marx was a bad, bad man. There were always really smart kids ahead of their time who would talk about how they supported communism but the schools teachings about communism warranted a quick, nationalist response from most class mates “COMMIE!!!! YOU’RE UNAMERICAN YOU HATE FREEDOM” because that was what we were conditioned to feel by the American education system (controlled by capitalists, mind you). Capitalism doesn’t care about you. It doesn’t care what your passions are. Capitalism doesn’t even care about the nation itself. It is a socioeconomic system whose only purpose is to maximize CAPITAL (a bit obvious from the name, but some people really don’t see this). Capitalism depends on people adapting its ideology because when the only motivator in a society is to make as much money as possible it creates a never-ending cycle of capitalism, and not to mention a divide in the human race. Capitalism forces you to either ignore reality (reality being that not everyone can have all the money, if you have all the money someone else doesn’t have any) or decide to put their morals and their compassion for others after their love of money. If you were born poor capitalism forces you to pursue money in order to enjoy the quality of your life based on its own principles and the life that it creates in society. Capitalist advertising purposefully exploits those who can’t afford their products (which for the most part are not necessities) by making them feel like they need these things, so that this is what drives them to work to buy these products even if they should use their money for other actual necessities, i.e. welfare recipients who buy brand name clothes, Iphones, makeup, etc. These people often fall under scrutiny because capitalism forces them to choose comfort and pleasure over survival, because of the divide it creates. For examples of oppressive capitalist advertisements look here and to read more about it look here. Another toxic characteristic of capitalism is that its unequal distribution of wealth forces a majority of people (middle/lower class, AKA not the 1% of people who control most of the wealth in this country) to stay in their socioeconomic class. It places a heavier emphasis on “prestigious”, powerful positions, thus denouncing and creating a sense of disdain for blue collar jobs such as janitorial services and educational occupations. Everyone living in capitalist society is aware that not everyone can be a powerful, billionaire CEO but, because capitalism perpetuates the American Dream, people still believe that if they work hard enough for it they could be that CEO one day. Capitalism in today’s society is actually destroying jobs in America because it is so cheap to move companies overseas and to outsource jobs. But the American people don’t care because capitalism made them look down on factory jobs by keeping wages so low (even though CEOs typically make about 275 times what their company workers make). Some of you might be saying “Sam wot n’ tarnation?! I care that our jobs are being outsourced! Thats why DT is gunna bring em back baby!!!” Ah ha! What a brilliant idea you have there! We can force our companies to stay in America and either 1. work for the unlivable, inhumane wages companies pay foreign workers or 2. raise the wages of factory workers to a livable wage. If you’re not an immigrant willing to work for nothing just to support your family by any means that you can, you probably picked option #2. An important factor to consider though, is that option requires the public to agree to a wage raise for work they have been conditioned to believe is menial. Capitalism creates a competitive society in order to make people feel threatened by others and their jobs. This is why you have people opposing wage raises because “someone who flips burgers doesn’t deserve to make as much money as an EMT!!!!!!” ($15/hr) To this I resist the urge to say “so fuckin pay the EMTs more and people who don’t do jack shit besides sit behind a desk and manage others less” and I ask “what makes you think that because one person requires more education/skill for their job that the other one who works just as long, dedicates just as much time to their job, and has just as many basic life needs as the other doesn't deserve to be paid enough to live off of? What gives you the audacity to say that one should receive a livable wage and one should not?” There are two arguments that result from this. One is that the EMT had to go to college and thus has much more debt to pay and deserves more money, but the problem therein lays that in capitalist society education is not a basic right, it is a privilege because as I said earlier it aims to oppress and keep the people ignorant/uneducated. The other argument is that wage raises for occupations like factory work and food service would cause the consumers to pay much higher prices for goods that are (for the most part) fairly inexpensive right now. So you don’t want to pay $10 for a small happy meal right? What’s so wrong with that? I don’t wanna give those burger flippers $15/hr because I’m not payin no $20 for a large double big mac order!!! This is true, along with wage raises come inflation. But what most people fail to realize is that if we lowered CEO wages and raised worker wages in all fields of occupation then the resulting inflation wouldn’t be as drastic and the raise in middle class wages would enable us (the proletariat) to afford the price changes. But for that to happen people need to wake up. We need to revolt against our capitalist oppressors and desert our love of money. Capitalism is the reason why most people are forced to give up their dreams, their aspirations, their passions, to chase money at a job they don’t even like to buy things they don’t even need because capitalism tells them thats what they must do. But it’s not.
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