#is my pvp main
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serennes-art · 1 month ago
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wyrmwind thrust 🔱🔥🐲
color variations from the csp artistic filter (that just posterizes/flattens color) but i thought they were neat w/ the limited palette 5, 8, and 11 color in order:
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triflingshadows · 1 year ago
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my ESO characters <3
screenshot comparison:
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edible-emerald · 2 months ago
every time a ls!kaboodle hater posts in the "justkaboodle" tag an angel looses its wings
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fatedroses · 6 months ago
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Zenos, but he uses his grandfather's name and imagery for his new armor so he can actually feel like a hero.
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dailytabimc · 1 month ago
My transmasc daughter? I really should have saved the arkansas daughter peak today honestly considering its been one month since daily tabi started and honestly I think i've been pretty ontop of it
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kaiserouo · 1 year ago
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I'm playing way too much pvp with my warlock someone please save me
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ghostace · 22 days ago
fénire lore rambles
this is for posterity not for reading u can skip this
- given to the Jedi at a very young age. Jedi named him, has no surname. no idea where he's from (more on this later)
- doesn't know his birthdate. doesn't celebrate it either. knows approximately how old he is but doesn't really think about it
- has always been unnaturally attuned to people's emotions, but the Jedi helped him to learn to control it and keep his own emotions in check. this doesn't extend to detecting lies, but he can pick up on hidden emotion
- doesn't like to lie even when it's for someone's benefit, though he sometimes has his own interpretation of what a lie is. very much "from a certain point of view"
- treats everyone as a friend first, and is quick to trust even when presented with evidence to the contrary. some might call him gullible but he always wants to believe the best of people
- the dark side gives him a tummy ache
- never took to any particular Jedi discipline. he has picked up certain skills like Jedi shadow-esque stealth, it's not to the degree or power level as in game
- primarily uses a saber pike, and trains with just a plain staff. stylistically he would train like a lot of modern wushu— specifically gunshu with a bo staff, using the force to enhance leaps and spins but otherwise very similarly. and like a lot of modern martial arts, his skills fall short in an actual combat situation
- muscular but not a bodybuilder. while he enjoys exercise and working out a great deal, his body is still soft and doesn't have that cut, overdone musculature
- tall. somewhere around 6'2 or 6'3
- his control of the force isn't particularly strong, either, struggling with nearly all basic aspects of the force so that many younglings have outpaced his control and strength
- good thing he loves children and tries to spend as much time as possible playing and teaching them. if anyone was to be a boy scout Jedi, that's fénire
- along with that, he also loves the outdoors. constantly tanned and sun freckled, he spends a lot of time swimming, surfing, hiking, camping— if it's outdoors, he wants to be doing it
- unless it's cold. he's a summer boy only
- when the jedi aren't putting up with him unofficially "training" younglings (taking them on camping trips or teaching them stick fighting) he's often assigned to quieter planets and colonies, small farms that need a pair of strong arms and a can do attitude. nominally he's assigned as protection and a mediator, but he's got a talent for soothing tensions and cheering people up
- his hair is dyed rather than sun-bleached, his natural brown in a permanent state of blonde, though the shade can vary. it also unintentionally hides his age, as he is older than his baby face implies. he's never cut his hair shorter than his chin, and usually it's near shoulder length
- he also keeps his entire body hairless except his long hair, simply due to disliking the sensation on his skin. even if he didn't he's got fairly thin and minimal natural body hair
- part of the reason he's assigned to smaller, quieter outposts is that due to his force empathy he finds crowded planets such as coruscant or nar shaddaa very overwhelming from the sheer amount of emotion he can pick up. he gets easily overwhelmed and can't function in those environments without assistance
- he also has a special interest in "plants and rocks" in his words, and it's one of the few areas he can actually bring himself to truly study— showing himself to be shockingly knowledgeable about all types of dangerous and edible plants. the rocks he just thinks are cool and collects far too many of them on his hikes
- he was never particularly book smart, struggling with anything that involves reading and memorising. he's very dyslexic, but he loves to read to kids so he struggles through it anyway and listens to audio books outside of that
- along with his reading issues, he was just never particularly good at learning to be a Jedi. he didn't take to combat or negotiations or healing or leadership or any of those things Jedi are typically known for
- loves to cook and bake. not particularly adept at it as a skill but he enjoys making food for people, and he will diligently follow a recipe to the best of his ability, and loves to learn about what foods all different species like to eat. just double check that he read the measurements correctly
- because he was raised as a Jedi and never particularly applied himself to learning practical things, he has extremely poor money sense and will lose or spend all of it unnecessarily. very easy to take advantage of in that sense
- he was never super close to mirialan culture, but he did go as far as getting the tattoos on his chin. he liked learning about it but felt no significant connection to that culture over any other. at the end of the day he thinks of himself as a Jedi first
- he met idrix, a chiss, in their youngling creche and became fast friends. both of them energetic and outdoorsy, but she took to being a Jedi a lot more than him and eventually ended up as a healer. fénire refers to her as his sister and does not explain when they are clearly not the same species
- fénire had many masters as a Padawan, many of whom (privately) gave up on him due to his wanderlust and lack of attention for actual studies. while he loves to learn new things, he doesn't have the typical discipline that Jedi require
- he was still a Padawan in his late 20s, and the Jedi council had decided to encourage him to leave the Jedi and try another path— he was considered a low risk for falling to the dark side, but he also isn't strong enough to be concerned about if he did. he'd failed his trials more times than he can remember, but never tried any less hard after each failure
- summoned to coruscant, already overwhelmed by the population and density there, he was unlucky enough to be present during the sacking. faced with the sith and knowing his own capabilities, he trusted his instincts and helped defend the younglings from the attacking force. it remains the only time he killed anyone and the memory of how terrible it felt still lingers
- given that the sudden return of the sith decimated the Jedi, and given his performance in helping other Jedi escape, the decision was made to allow him to become a knight— but keep him away from any serious responsibility by sending him to the quieter, safer planets, often places where just seeing a Jedi calms and assures people and is unlikely to have to deal with any sort of imperial or sith invasion
- which is a good thing because he barely carries his lightsaber, frequently forgetting or leaving it behind when he goes out
- his preferred style of dress is "none", though he's learned to behave himself around others— it's a casual comfortable nudism, not anything intentionally improper. he chooses soft, loose clothing in natural undyed fabrics, typically neutral browns and beiges, nearly always with his arms exposed— adjacent to Jedi fashion, even if he rarely wears robes
- he got separated from idrix when zakuul invaded and ended up following some other Jedi to join the alliance. he's not the most helpful, but he's taken it upon himself to help with any of the children on base— and defends them fiercely when odessen is atracked
- when it comes to romance and attachment, fénire is an enigma. he's at once very good at being laissez-faire and moving on from people quickly if they don't follow up with him, and also good at getting attached quickly if they do keep in contact
- extremely bisexual, and even beyond that he is open to most any kind of alien in the galaxy. not particular to just humanoids
- he's notorious for sending shirtless thirst traps to people and feels no shame even if it's been a long time. he does ask first, at least
- because the Jedi noticed his tendency to get attached quickly, that was another point of concern when he was going through his trials. because the council essentially granted him an exception, idrix is very fierce about protecting him from himself and trying to dissuade him from his attachments, even to the point of contacting and mildly threatening his potential partners. she means well— she's concerned he'll get kicked out of the order and he won't know how to survive without Jedi assistance
- lucky for fénire, she was a little late in joining the alliance, and by the time she arrived he was already dating Zahied, who was not at all put off by her threats
- they spend most of the alliance era together, and afterwards they each kind of retire together. fénire tells the new Jedi council, who are entirely clueless, that he's going to marry this guy and they just kind of nod and accept it because who even is this guy
- during their nice retirement it gets found out where fénire comes from— when czerka comes looking to claim their "property"
- turns out he was a genetic experiment, an attempt by czerka to make a living weapon and using the DNA of some of their lead scientists on the project had a mild success with fénire
- the goal was to create a force void bomb in a person— and there is a strange hole in fénire's force presence that most people miss, due to his warm nature and Jedi training. while patched over from all the years with the Jedi, the danger is still there, and in other AUs it comes to the forefront much sooner, especially when he uses the dark side
- the hole in the force is part of why he's so weak as a Jedi, since it sucks in the force, but he was entirely unaware of it or his status as an experiment for decades. the Jedi put some effort in to close and heal the force wound so that the risk to him and others is gone
- and then they get rid of that czerka operation, by whatever means necessary. in particular, they remove his "father", the primary scientist who contributed the most to fénire's genetics
- after looking into it, fénire finds out he isn't entirely mirialan— he has some zeltron and zabrak ancestry as well
- and only then can fénire and zahied truly retire, with all the mysteries solved. maybe
- and there's AUs but that's neither here nor there. don't worry about it
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sparring-spirals · 11 months ago
me in tags of posts i am reblogging with no context: haha delilah being ominous? sure. go for it
me, glancing at other posts in the CR tag immediately after that reblog: OH. OH SO LAUDNA DID GO FOR IT. IT BEING. ORYM.
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attyrocious · 2 years ago
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unintentionally saying serial killer one-liners in overwatch
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leodanbrock · 6 months ago
fav ffxiv role you like to play?
I’d say tank (WAR) at the moment? I only just returned so I’m figuring out what role to pick for this expac (grieving monk as usual) 🤣
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blackomen · 9 months ago
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arcanista real
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blackbirdffxiv · 1 year ago
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Look imma rant a second: this is why I hate queueing up with random people (but I also don't like using NPCs as a DPS because it sucks).
For further context, MY NAME is blocked out in the blue block, but I blurred everyone elses, while leaving the numbers showing to indicate who is speaking. Other DPS is marked with the (4), the healer a (3)
I just ran a quick dungeon so I could get arcanist to 30 so I could finally just unlock SCH and make my leveling journey on my alt easier. I had a queue for Thousand Maws.
We got a newbie tank, never tanked before, an astro, and a dragoon. Tank was not even level 30 yet, dragoon was dragooning, and the astro from another DC. Tank and dragoon? Wonderful, did their job; run was a bit slow but I was expecting it the second they said "hey there new to tanking".
I was fully prepared to be a minute or two longer.
The astro though? Kept running ahead, and not even pulling mobs, were just STANDING THERE. Not DPSing, not healing, legit just running ahead to stand there, as if they were waiting for the rest of us to hurry up and get to them.
And then when called out on their laziness, whined about me "pointlessly healing for them" when they weren't even healing to begin with.
If you queue as a healer? Then heal. Do your job. If you want fast dungeon runs? Queue with friends next time.
Don't make your impatience everyone else's problem.
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tu-es-gegg · 1 year ago
i think the reason im enjoying myself in purgatory is just acitvely being optimistic and also i watched a lot of mcc tryhards before, im used to fandom just being like this in general i used to be guilt of it but ive grown i think
i love tryhards but i love it better when tryahrds are able to banter fuck around and just go insane. people being obsessed with "fairness" and being so incredibly toxic
im enjoying myself by not caring about who wins and any sort of rule following, its purgatory fuck it all we all about who is the most funny ass team as they break down cryign <3
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herooflions · 1 year ago
This is like a silly thing to be proud of but I beat my first invaders in Elden Ring today!!
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tabiclown · 22 days ago
pvpciv!clown with tabi: i love her soooo much omg she's the best ^_^ my only friend. can't wait to kill her <3
pkexv!clown with seawatt: i need to break this thing in every way imaginable and watch him come crawling back every time. I Need To Break Every Bone In His Body
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dailytabimc · 1 month ago
Addressing the controversy. - by TABIMC
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