#is kinda wild to me but he doesnt seem to mind.
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casswrath · 2 years ago
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Eldest Sibling Tournament — Quarterfinals
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#love dean but he only had one sibling to deal with#dicks had at least 10-15 siblings (conservatively guessing) not to mention lead his own team#AND took over the entire batfamily clan when bruce went missing#AND kept them pretty uncodependent all things considered#AND his baby brother also died when he was ≈20 and he managed to handle an entire new sibling on top of his elderly grandfather#and incredibly emotionally unstable father#AND he is able to leave his siblings and let them move on/let himself move on from the family and not drag them back into their life#AND he took his fathers (incredibly stressful) place as the head of the family and helped to lead the justice league while grieving said#father despite the fact that he never wanted the role#look i love dean. i do i swear. but as good of a brother/parent he is. objectively that whole relationship was toxic as fuck.#like deans entire life is pinned on sam. despite being incredibly meaningful that puts so much pressure on sam#and i agree that sam was probably happier hunting than not but dean has shown to#disregard sams opinions and choices when he disagrees with him. and granted often times i agree that sams decisions have a tendency to#be shit he should be allowed to make them and be trusted to know what he wants#all in all as much as i love dean he simply does not trust sam to make good choices which is an issue when hes a fully grown adult#dick however is able and willing to trust his siblings to make their own choices and mistakes (granted i probably would have kicked up#a bit more of a fuss when it came to kid robin after jason died)#but he can trust his siblings to be smart and have his back.#and he did help train tim so that probably helped him w/ the whole robin post-jason situation#hes also willing to let his younger brother (17-18) who albeit is a genius take charge of the families entire company which ya know#is kinda wild to me but he doesnt seem to mind.#batfamily#supernatural
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freaksun · 8 months ago
eddie doesnt let anyone touch his hair. ever.
it reminds him of his late mother, who had the same gorgeous untamed curls. She used to comb his hair when he was little, being ever so gentle and taking her time brushing out the knots.
his father made him feel less-than for just about everything about him, including his gorgeous mane. Called him awful names and always told him to ‘cut that fairy shit’ when it grew too long.
so, ever since she passed, and his father went to jail, hes been growing it.
unfortunately, she never taught him how to take care of it, she’d always just do it herself. So, he doesnt put product in it, he doesnt cut it, he doesnt even brush it. And, stubborn as his mama, he doesnt let anyone else touch it either.
then you come along, happy and sweet, always loving to everyone. he falls in love with you so fast he hardly even notices. you certainly dont either.
one hot summer day you’re both in his room, you on his bed, him pacing, frantically explaining some sort of nerdy campaign idea. you dont know, you havent been listening for a while, too distracted by the way he keeps wiping sweat from the back of his neck. you cut him off rudely, he doesnt mind
“hey eddie?”
“whens the last time you got a haircut?”
he freezes, silent, which is very out of character, dude never shuts up.
“uhh. like a few years ago. why?”
its your turn to be quiet, suddenly all coy. he finds you absolutely adorable as you stare at his floor, trying to find a way to ask him without startling him. as if he were some wild animal, which, he basically is.
“just.. immm noticinggg its kinda matted in the back…”
you try to sound the least accusing as you can. he doesnt seem offended but you can tell hes thinking.
“well, yeah, i. i guess i just havent touched it since. well my mom used to do it for me”
you feel like an ass, touching on something you shouldnt have, making him all quiet and sad. you backtrack.
“jesus, eddie, im sorry i didnt mean to-“
“its okay angel, i know”
he sits next to you. you give him a nervous smile, still sweet, hesitantly reaching for his curls. you can tell he’s hesitant too, but he nods, granting you permission. you take a single strand between your fingers, twirling it.
“Its so pretty, eds. ..would you let me? take care of it, i mean?”
hes scared. but youre so sweet and youre asking so nicely. a part of him is scared if he lets you, he loses another part of his mom. but the other part is staring into your eyes and seeing nothing but genuine affection.
“i.. i guess you could.. try.”
his heart pounds in his chest. You absolutely beam, thanking him immediately and bouncing around the room, looking for a brush. he laughs, shaking his head. you watch as he rummages through his closet, before handing you a light pink brush. you think about teasing him for it but he already looks vulnerable. you smile sweetly instead, taking it from him.
“sit” you point with the brush. he does as you say, running his hands up and down his thighs in a self soothing motion.
“its okay eds, you dont have to be nervous.. ill be gentle i promise” he gives you an unconvincing smile. you return with a guilty one, downturned. you kneel in front of him, in between his knees, brushing his bangs with your fingers.
“we can stop whenever you want, okay?” his cheeks are bright red as he nods timidly
you move to sit behind him, and run your hands through his curls gently, admiring it. you take a part, hold it at the root, and brush gently.
“that feel okay? tell me if it hurts” ever so sweet.
“mm-hm” you can feel his nervousness. “you- you remind me of her, y’know”
youre pretty taken aback, but honoured nonetheless. you keep brushing through the mattes in his hair as you talk.
“Yeah? Wanna tell be about her?” youre not sure if its the right thing to say, but you figure he probably hasnt talked about her in a long time. you can practically feel his energy shift.
“she was sweet. loving and kind to everyone, like you.” you both smile. “and she was pretty. beautiful. i really miss her.” you stop, rub his back a little.
“i can only imagine.. im sorry eddie.” he turns to face you, smiling.
“s’alright sweetheart. thanks for letting me talk about her” he hugs you. you hug him back, tight.
“hows the ole hair going?” He asks when he pulls back, a joking tone to lighten the mood.
“good!!! ive gotten the mattes outta this chunk here, it looks good. your hair is really beautiful, eds” youre ecstatic and it travels to him.
“thank you. my mom had the same hair.” he smiles, turning back around to let you continue.
“i bet she was really gorgeous.” youre extra-extra gentle. He keeps talking and you keep working. He tells you about how she smelled, the softness of her voice, his favourite memories with her. he tells you about the last time he saw her. he tells you all the things hes been holding inside, everything he never got to tell anyone, never trusted anyone enough. and when hes done, his hair is untangled and soft.
you smile proudly, running your hands through his hair, marveling at your work.
“its done” he whips around, looking at you with wide excited eyes
“really??” you nod, smiling wide. he runs over to the bathroom to see for himself. You stand behind him, peeking over his shoulder in the mirror. Hes surprised, looks like he might even cry. you wrap your arms around him, leaning your head against his arm.
“do you like it? Its a little poofy, but you can wash it out and it’ll look be-“ he cuts you off by turning around and hugging you. he hugs you tight, lifting you up.
“thank you.” you can tell he really means it.
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notebooks-and-laptops · 19 days ago
Okay so. It seems I'm in the minority about not liking the Spike-With-A-Soul plot. I've not really interacted with the Buffy fandom before this so its wild to me this is how people view it. Because the thing is...
Buffy is at its best, always, when it rejects the concept of ontological evil Vs good and of all the shows from that era (charmed is a big one that comes to mind) I think Buffy when it got a few seasons under its belt was one of the best shows at rejecting the ontological evil Vs ontological good mindset despite the fact that it's a monster of the week show. Oz, Buffy, Faith, Spike, Buffy, Willow, Harmony, Xander, Riley, Anya, Warren, Jonathan, Andrew - all of these characters are continuously used to show moral complexity, particularly that goodness is a choice and what does it mean to be a harm to others?
And spike epitomises that. He is the monster who suddenly had to deal with not being allowed to kill people; which led him to form bonds (particularly with Buffy and Dawn, but I'd argue he makes bonds with the rest of the Scoobies bar maybe Xander too) which led him into empathy and trying to do good even when it came at his own expense. There is this lingering question by season 6 with spike; if you removed his chip would he go back to how he was in season 2? Would he kill and maime and torture, or would he make the choice to be good just like the rest of the Scoobies have to do daily even when giving in would be easier.
And I think spike would have a wobble sure, very Anya esque in that regard, but I think he'd ultimately just like Anya NOT find it easy to go back to being 'evil' after having his chip removed even without a soul. And the lore implications to that are FACINATING and way cooler to explore than like. Soul = good, not soul = bad.
And also...I know people are like 'he was irredmiable after seeing red so it had to happen so we could like him again' but uhhhh that's actually one of the reasons I DONT like spike getting a soul. It really feels like the writers wanted a cop out, a way for us to go on shipping and engaging with Spuffy and absolve Spike. See he did a terrible thing but he can still be your pathetic little favourite wet man because we gave him a get out of jail free card! And that's just...kinda nothing to me? I mean sure he worked for that soul, did the trials, but it's not the same as actively having to deal with doing a terrible, unforgivable thing and where you go from there. It's just. It feels so cheap. Like they wanted the 'edgy, brutal' scene but they didn't ACTUALLY want the consequences so oops he's got a soul now don't worry about it he can still be your fav little guy. (And yeah, I mean. I do think the writers would have struggled with spike after seeing red if they didn't do something drastic - but if they weren't willing to grapple with it they shouldn't have done it, otherwise it just feels even more ick to me ya know.)
Idk I like season 7 for what it is but I think ultimately it was a backslide from so many interesting things set up in season 6, even willow kinda goes back to having good Vs bad sides rather than just being a complex individual with capacity for both. And spike is the Biggie for me because I'd have MUCH rather had the plot of 'buffy removes spikes chip and trusts that he's become a better person and doesn't need it anymore' than 'spike has a soul now so he's chill'. Also I think it would have made his plot with the first and potential killing waaaaay more engaging if they hadn't been able to write it off with 'but he has a SOUL now'.
(I think a really interesting plot would have been everyone THINKS spike has a soul even spike but it turns out he DOESNT and what the fuck does THAT mean?)
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newrhys · 4 months ago
im insane and a nigel defender for life so heres my theory/take on like minds
i truely think that its likely Alex was the manipulator and nigel was the victim (to a degree).
this is kinda all over the place and just my thoughts so take everything with a grain of salt im just bored
we all agree that Alex is an unreliable narrator, and when it comes to the interrogation, it would but likely that Alex changed the story for a “solid” alibi to seem at least not guilty, which is very common behavior for people, especially younger people who have committed a crime to do.
most of my reasoning for this comes from the fact that he makes sure to include the detail that *somehow* nigel got into his room in the middle of night (assumably) and put a bloody knife and playing card on his desk.
it could be very likely that he had this whole alibi, that he "missed" his date with susan was entirely made up, that he made it seem like nigel was the one who planted the knife for "for fingerprint insurance” making nigel seem like this criminal mastermind to a degree.
that and also the hand that nigel “gifted him” could have also been a cover up for (maybe) that alex could have very likely been the reason why his friend let go of the train, by messing with his hand. idk on this one tho for sure honestly, though i feel like nigel care a lot about anatomy and dissection that it would be out of character for him to sever a hand.
AND that when alex was asked “how he was sure it was his friends” he said that it wouldnt make sense otherwise (or something along those lines) which honestly is kinda strange bc i would rather rationalize that its not my dead friends hand and just some fucked up prank but maybe thats just me.
you can look into real interrogations and its not unusual for people to make up these crazy complex and wild stories to victimize themselves to seem innocent, even when the story is strange or off putting or has holes.
especially because this is a time when the attention is all on them and what better way to ganer sympathy and attention that alex could have possibly lacked in his childhood then now in the interrogation. with someone who alex could have possibly seen as some sort of mother figure, because she listened to him, and embraced him when alex talked about nigel.
“well susans body was “disected” it had to be nigel” it could have also been alex copying in the way of something that nigel would have done to again, make the evidence point at nigel.
now, this theory is a bit spotty and honestly its not great I KNOW its just my thoughts ive had that ive wanted to share, because honestly i dont have a great reason for why nigel would have invited alex over to his house if not for nigel being a little shit, but who knows, that could have also been made up, and alex really was planning on killing nigel, and just happened to show up at that time
but that being said, im also not saying nigel has never killed anyone, i am just saying alex’s series of events is a bit weird, i do think nigel has some issues, but those probably due to the obvious abuse he as suffered as a kid, and his weird interest could be a symptom of that and his curious for dead things, i wouldnt be surprised if he had witnessed death early as a child seems how it was mentioned in the show that it can result in mental illness.
which kinda leads me to my next point, at the end, when alex totally doesnt kill nigel, and nigel kills himself, alex has a sort of smile at the end, that either he was happy nigel died or that he, really *did* kill nigel and he “enjoyed” it.
to add onto this, alex never really cried when he talked about his friends dying, he cried when he talked about how it made *him* feel and how when nigel had wanted him to get “freaky” per say with susan, he was crying in the interigation because it upset *him* and it was something bad that happened to *him*. im not a professional at all and i only know a little bit about mental illnesses but in certain personaility disorders,, its not uncommon for people to have intense feelings when it comes to something that effects themselves, and apathy towards other people.
and at the very end of the show, it shows that alex clearly has a pattern of this behavior, of manipulating people in certain ways. that its not something unusual for him to do, when he asks the teacher if it’s possible to get into someones head, its likely because hes the one who, atleast thinks, he has control of nigel.
anyways thats kinda just my collection of thoughts ive had about this movie for a long time so i thought id throw them out here, do with this as you wish. dont be too mean tho i am dyslexic and not the smartest lmfao. i just like yapping. obviously i dont know everything and i likely got information wrong which like whatever.
anyways im sick and bored and wanted to yap so maybe someone actually read this
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candy8448 · 1 year ago
Nothing like opening my eyes to a new linked universe update
Dawn pt8
My occasional source of dopamine XD
Its very satisfying seeing how all the traveling layers are put on. You can really imagine this scene animated
So a lot of important things were discussed, stuff the fandom have noticed before but its good that jojo finally mentioned them herself:
Shadow is the only this associated with the portals (pg1)
I LOVE how so many traits and experiences of the characters are shown here!!
Wild taking the blame first, he's got one heck a guilt complex (pg2)
We are just hit with everyone's emotions right off the bat and i love that!
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I kinda like how blunt Time is
Wars talking about how "helping the wound isn't an option," things they must consider during war (pg3)
Legend trying to lighten the mood again like he always does (pg4)
I like to see how what they think of wolfie has changed now that they know it was twilight. Wars thinking its fine if the animal goes off alone cuz it doesnt understand but now making it clear that he doesn't like it
Secrets are getting in the way (such as wolfie) and hindering their process. Maybe it wouldn't have been so clunky if tgey knew exactly who wolfie is
WARS' SCARF IS BACK BABY! I got so excited when i saw it that page, dont worry guys, he has it back now!
Legend with his puzzle mind :))) my legend-centric brain is happy (pg5)
But his teasing almost boastfullness ("it just got lucky") but then turning in to actual contemplation, i love that he is also taking things seriously
Its actively seeking them out, Hyrule is wary that it will find them, like in his adventure (pg6)
They need to get better at teamwork
Four bringing in the joke about friendly fire. He definetly knows a lot about that (im reading the four swords manga for the first time and am near the begining sooo)
They need to use their arsenal
I just gotta say that i love this shot, very pleasing to my eye for some reason. But im so excited to see how everything goes with this! Im guessing in the near future, they will be taking these but to the extreme that it hinders them so they need to practice or something
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Oof poor hyrule so tired of strong monsters, his games were HARD (pg7)
The power up on the sword! Ive seen a post about it before so its cool that they are noticing it, very important too!
I like the firmness with sky and time's ideas of the sword. Even though time says nothing about her we can see it, and the fact that she still sees him as her master (obviously!) It seems like they both need to sort out this dissagreement in order to not impact them even more (Pg8)
I love this especially because i just made a fic about exploring sky's and others' relationship with the master sword
I can't help but think that sky is thinking about more than just this quest in this update and back to his own adventure and maybe ghirahim. More bits in this update also make me think that ("he wants to fight" "yeah, 'cause he wont")
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Wind being the one most eagre to fight! And Hyrule being the one most ready to go! I love that!
I was just thinking a few bays ago about what happened to those letters, i guess we get to see now! It seems like it might be one more update before we set off properly again (pg9)
Sky looking so happy about the mail at the end :)))
We really do get a piece of everyone and their personalities in this one
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Im so excited for them to be on the road again!
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misstodorokifreelance · 2 years ago
Saw your Boku No Hybrid Academia headcanons and wanted to know if you'd do something for Shinsou and Dabi (if that's possible; if not, just Shinsou).
Hey there Anon! Hybrid Headcanons for Dabi and Shinsou? Well you must have read my mind cause I just thinking about that recently. Both of these gorgeous men are a new territory for me, but I'm super happy you've given me reason to write more of these, so lets get right into some headcanons (I also added Iida and Hawks cause they were in my drafts.) And cause I keep forgetting, if you havent checked out the rest of my lil blog here's the link for you all; https://misstodorokifreelance.tumblr.com/
TW: Non/con, definitely a little smutty when mentioning ruts and stuff along those lines, oral, mentions of choking, degradation, breeding kink, and all my stuff is 18+.
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🔹Hybrid: Leopard (or another big wild cat)
General Headcanons:
🔹 Dabi is touch starved to the extreme, and quite often doesnt exactly know how to handle it, coming off as a hissing, biting yet oh so regal person. He knows he's handsome, but nobody who has ever touched him has been kind, so it'll take a while for him to get used to it. 🔹 Once he's gotten used to your touch, you best believe he'll find excuses to be near you. He'll be stalking up to you like a predator and gently closing in on you until you have no choice but to give him attention and affection, and you best believe the entire time he'll be acting like you're just doing his bidding but definitely secretly like it. 🔹 He loves lounging around watching you work about the house or do whatever it is you do. He surveys everything, smugly content that in this house he's the king. 🔹 He's VERY proud of his tail, and often carries it over one arm as if it's an accessory and not his actual tail with an air of smugness. 🔹Secretly he also LOVES and I mean LOOOOOVES you washing his hair. He'll lounge back in a bath against you, purring ever so slightly as he feels for nails against his scalp while you lather and rinse his wild hair. It`s the only time he seems actually relaxed. 🔹 Dabi is super super protective of you, to the point he just kinda hates other hybrids and other humans that come near you. After enough times of you telling him not to be so aggressive, he instead will get a wicked expression on his face and push you into the bedroom as soon as any guests are gone. Whether that's just him holding you as tightly in his arms (plus his tail wrapped around you) as he can, or him going straight for wanting to claim you and put you in your place really depends on the mood he's in that day. 🔹 He's very rough in showing any affection back to you, and he has a hard time not wording everything as if he owns you. Cause that's how it feels to him; he owns you now. He'll have you backed against a wall with his teeth at your neck, or a hand ready to choke you in a moment. 🔹 He has pet names for you, when you're good, but mostly even in casual conversation with him it's a little degrading; everything from 'Little Mouse' to 'Darling' will all have a tone that makes it sound like he's above you.
🔹 He would slaughter anyone who even looked at you funny, he doesn`t care. He's even more protective of you when you're in public with him, and he will definitely spoil you rotten in front of every passer by. 🔹 Some of leopard Dabi's favourite things include; Luxurious couches to lounge on, getting his hair washed, lazy nights, leather clothes (on both him and you 😉). Spicy Head-canons 🌶🌶🌶:
🔹 Oh boy oh BOY, you do not want to be near Dabi when he's in a rut. From day one he'll be almost feral, and he wont take no for an answer, grabbing you and dragging you to the nearest soft surface so he can rut against you till you're a sobbing, sloppy mess for him. 🔹 He doesn't care what you have to do that day or where you have to be, he's going to have you on your back or on your knees and he's going to be rough and feral with you until he's claimed you over and over and over. He loves seeing you filled up, it makes him feel so smugly proud of himself. 🔹 His degradation will be at maximum here, roughly slamming against you as hard as he can and purring out little praises here and there but mostly it's all degrading. He likes it when you cry, or beg him, and he goes rougher when you do it makes him even hornier. 🔹 He's finishing inside you everytime, you better be ready for that. He's a Todoroki after all, the breeding kink is right at the forefront of his mind and he's getting you full and him milked dry at every opportunity.
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🔸Hybrid: Cat
General Headcanons:
🔸 Hitoshi is a pretty laid back, if antisocial hybrid. He'd much rather just nap in your company, but he definitely appreciates his own space too. 🔸 He's very grateful whenever you bring him new blankets or cushions, setting them up wherever looks like a good place to take a quick nap, and quite often if you're not busy he may ask if you'll play with his hair while he sleeps. 🔸 Hitoshi actually quite likes helping with little chores around the house, especially sweeping or putting away groceries. It makes him feel productive, and he'll stand there quietly hoping you'll give him some affection for all the work he did just for you.
🔸 Not a massive fan of other hybrids, he at least tolerates some of them, though its from a distance. He'd prefer to not have to talk much, leaving his more conversational side for when he's with you and there's a bad reality or game show on TV you both can both judge heavily.
🔸 At night though, if you're going to bed he's going to be at your side no matter how he feels. He can't help but feel much more lonely at night, and he needs your warmth to remind him that he's got someone who loves him right there next to him. 🔸 He hates how running water feels on him, so he'll jump in a bath but he's avoiding the shower at all costs, but perhaps if you can convince him with many many MANY cuddles afterwards he'll at least sit with you while you shower and converse sleepily, and maybe dampen his hair under the splashes.
🔸 He`s luckily not a very picky eater, but he prefers to eat alone most nights, but he'll eat fast so as not to be away from you that long.
Spicy Head-canons 🌶🌶🌶:
🔸 Shinso in a rut isnt that much different than normal. He'd rather sleep through it than force you to humour his needs. He definitely feels it though, a sort of desperation to be touched, but he has a hard time explaining that so just tries to sleep. 🔸 Its a very different when he actually goes to sleep however, he's restless, tossing and turning and making quiet yowls until finally when you go to help him he wakes up, grateful for the touch and the relief. 🔸 He's rather be serviced than anything else, and likes watching you ride him in particular. He's also very into oral, it's probably one of his favourite ways to handle his ruts and he won't feel like he isn't both too restless, and too sleepy to return the favour. 🔸 One the few particularly rough days of his rut he's more awake, prowling around and just wanting to feel you against him. On these days, he has the energy to not only reciprocate but dominate you in his own way, probably wanting to be behind you and feel you on your knees backing into him. 🔸The days you aren`t there during his rut are a nightmare for him, and he'll be going around your things, especially clothes, underwear or pillows searching for where your scent is strongest and rub himself against it in a desperate attempt to relieve himself. Turns out he really does need to you to help him out, he can't exactly handle not having that as an outlet.
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🔹 Hybrid: Snake (some sorta python probably, that makes the most sense to me at least)
General Head-canons: 🔹 Tenya is the epitome of traditional and mature, always one to open the door for you, but he's not big on PDA, unless it's the odd hand holding. 🔹 You wouldn't know he's a hybrid unless you saw him without a shirt on, and he's insecure about that at the best of times, worried the scales down his back and neck are unattractive. Whenever you tell him he's handsome, he'll blush profusely and shower you in compliments of your own. 🔹 He has an uncanny ability to slip into impossible spaces (snakey boi be like.) 🔹 Tenya's calm and quiet on his own, and loves nothing more than studying quietly with you in the library or in his room with some classical music playing in the background. If it's raining even better, cause its the only time he'll pull his shirt off and let you watch the rain drip from his iridescent scales. 🔹 He likes things orderly and neat, including his own person. He'll shudder if he accidentally hisses when lecturing the more boisterous students, so be prepared to give him a tight hug when you next get a moment with him! 🔹 He keeps his bed more like a nest, curling up with cushions and blankets, all meticulously picked out, and he'll enthusiastically show it to you, wanting to hear your opinions and making any adjustments you feel are necessary. Don`t worry about thinking he needs approval, he just wants an excuse to hear your voice for a few moments more. 🔹 You're not just his Princess, his Star...you're his equal in everything. He wants you and everyone else to know that, so if anybody treats you wrong or makes fun of you they better watch out cause Tenya won't go easy on them. In fact, he'll get a bit worked up about it and won't even care if he's hissing or his irises become slits. Nobody can say shit about you and get away with it in front of Tenya. 🔹 Some of Snake Tenya's favourite things; classical music, rainy mornings, a little plushie snake Deku gave him, trips to the market or temples when he's feeling particularly traditional.
Spicy Head-canons 🌶🌶🌶:
🔹 Tenya doesn't enjoy being in a rut at all. It feels debaucherous, and he can't stand you feeling like you have to indulge him. Especially being what he is, he could get too in the mood and want to constrict you. 🔹 When he's really in the mood he won't be able to sit still, he'll be on edge, leaning up against you, wanting to twist his body around you and get his hands around your waist. He'll pull you against his body, kiss your neck and whisper sweet nothings to you.
🔹 Surprisingly, Tenya would be up to switching, he doesn't necessarily want to be dominant, merely charming. He wants you to make the first moves, to touch him where only he and you can bond as one. It's like a ritual, proof of his devotion to your well being. He also is up to try new things, provided you explain it to him first and he's sure you won't be in any negative pain. 🔹 First few days of spring, when his rut gets so bad he can't even focus in class is when he finally gives up, and is writhing and tense and unable to contain how badly he NEEDS it. Needs you. He'll steal you away for a day, try to be as gentle as he can. Want to share a bath first? Want to cuddle in his nest? He'll try not to seems as desperate as he is, but once it starts be prepared for HOURS cause he's still a master of self control....in that way. It'll be long and hella hypnotic!
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🔸 Hybrid: Hawk (duh)
General Head-canons: 🔸 Hawks likes wearing baggy clothes when he's with you, whether or not you're taller or shorter than him it's all the same. He has hidden platforms in his boots, and whenever you're out with him he'll be fluffing up his wings to appear as big as he can.
🔸He's just naturally good with people, and they're drawn to his casual laid back nature (also the fact he gets everyone hot under the collar), but he needs a recharge every once in a while. At the end of the day all he wants is to cuddle up with you and wrap his wing around you so he can keep you safe. Maybe he'll get out a bottle of wine to share as well. 🔸 Usually such a smooth talker, he'd be surprise you have him flustered. From the first stutter, you'd have him obsessed, and he'd be perching on a rooftop if you were going out somewhere new just to make sure you're safe. If anything goes down he'll take care of it and then leave you too it, unless you want him to hang around of course. 🔸 He's gonna show you off! PDA? Yeah and? He doesn't care, you're his baby bird and the whole world is gonna know it! Kisses on the cheek, nose, forehead, lips. Holding your hand or waist in front of the swooning fans gives him a little rush every time you blush cause of it. 🔸 Unless you can fly, he'll take great pride in lifting you into the heavens so you can see the world how he does. It's almost as beautiful as you from up here.
🔸He's not all laidback and chill though. If he's in the mood then you'll know about it within minutes. He's more than up for games of cat and mouse (bird and mouse?), happy to chase you down with a hungry grin on his face before scooping you into the bedroom.
🔸He's a bit restless, flapping his wings or whistling little tunes whenever it gets too silent, hoping to catch your attention. Either you'll come over at cuddle him or start humming and he'll join in. He LOVES singing with you, if that's your thing. 🔸Some of Birdy Bois fave things include; sunset flying, baggy clothes, ironically watching bad dating shows, over the top public flirting with you.
Spicy Head-canons 🌶🌶🌶: 🔸 Hawks is a dom, and not just that but he's game to get out some handcuffs or other toys to play with. You'll be tied up with your legs wide and he'll be proud parading in front of you before stalking up to give you all his love. 🔸 He's very vocal, especially if he's in a rut. The odd chirp of pleasure here and there, but mostly just really really loud moaning to the point you better hope the neighbours aren't home! 🔸 Don't feel bad if he IS in a rut, because you're so gorgeous he could just get off to you standing in front of him in pretty red lingerie. Red gets him even more turned on, its his fave colour on you. He'll be open and honest about what he needs, and he'll sweep you off your feet and shower you in affection.
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tame-a-messenger · 10 months ago
i enjoy damien and angela together in videos (mostly because im a fan of either of them seperately) but i really cannot see them romanticaly together lol, or being that tight with each other even as friends. is that a cmon thing in the damngela ''ship'' here? i cannot decide if damngela is as big of a thing some twitter users make it out to be or if they are just exagerating because of how much they hate it? one of the first things that comes to my mind when i try to picture them romanticaly/or that close is in the video ''why we are bad at first dates'' with angela and courtney, angela talks about how she doesnt like it when his date has a lot of selfies with cringy faces etc. just in general cringe factor gives her the ick. and i love my boy damien but he is so unapologetically cringe on social media while also posting a lot, his instagram presence reminds me of older instagram where people whould post random selfies with bad lighting or just post random stuff that now mostly go on stories, most other people now (esp famous people but even non-famous people have the tendency of posting like they are lol) use insta as this curation of really well picked pics while dam just posts whatever and loove making those dumb faces lol. this is small but it reminded me of him when i first heard that and it made me giggle thinking about the possiblity of her cringing to those
I really enjoy them as a duo!
Damangela definitely isn't as big as Twitter makes it out to be, ESPECIALLY with shipping them. I have only come across a small handful that actually romantically ship them, and even then they aren't being weird about it (opposed to Shourtney shippers or Ianthony shippers, some of those guys go a little wild)(Referring to invasive shippers)
Personally I can see why someone WOULD ship them, they both are big theater kids (they have stuff in common), they are both very attractive, they do a lot of 'flirtatious' things to each other sometimes so I don't find it too weird for people to see that and say "They like each other!" especially since I know what it's like being a teen and seeing two people that you like (and maybe crush on) and want them to be together.
It's a totally natural process that I've experienced before, no shame, IT'S FUN. (being young and figuring out what you like and who you like is a big part of growing up).
I do think a lot of people that are really aggressive towards Damangela is coming from not liking Damien or just being hyper focused on other Angela ships? a lot of the accounts that I've seen not liking them are big Amangela and Courtgela shippers (it quite honestly looks like shipping wars from back in the day lol) Which again, no shame in shipping! I find those ships fun too! it just seems really weird to be attacking another ship because you don't like them. (anytime I've perused twitter looking for edits or content of Damangela I mostly see people hating on it, it's weird)(I don't post about ships I dislike? but freedom of speech <3)
"angela talks about how she doesnt like it when her date has a lot of selfies with cringy faces etc"
I think this is hilarious considering whenever Damien makes stupid faces Angela is ALWAYS pointing and laughing at him, and saying she loves it when he does it lol. I really don't think that's a reaction of cringe, if anything she thinks he looks lame and wants to bother him about it BECAUSE IT'S FUN. (does she not realize she does stupid faces too? "waitress in a small town" face anyone?)
I have things that I get the 'ick' from too, but if I really liked other aspects of a person it wouldn't bother me as much, if at all. I'd probably (and have) ended up really liking the thing that gave me the ick if the right person was the one doing it. (thin line between love and hate kinda thing)
I can see why people would be acting weird about Damangela because they want male/female relationships to not always be seen as romantic. That makes sense to me, but I still think it's weird to be hating on shipping at all. Unless it's incredibly invasive. (Personally I think it's weird to say shipping Amangela is fine and Damangela isn't, because Amanda is married and not into women, I could make the argument that that's also weird and invasive to be shipping them going by some of the logic I've seen)(just some food for thought)
Regardless of shipping, Angela and Damien have really good chemistry, so it's not a big wonder people would like them together!
They way they make fun of each other in particular is something that I find different to every other duo at Smosh. They just feel like they're on equal ground? like Angela really looks up to Shayne as like a bigger funnier brother, and Chanse like a knucklehead little brother.
Every other relationship Angela has at Smosh feels like she's trying to garner favor, whereas with Damien she is already in his favor, (by virtue of him being extremely kind and her being awesome) so they get into this cycle of picking on each other over things that don't really matter to them. Like Damien being a nerd, she doesn't actually dislike him for it she just likes to rile him up about it, and because he gets riled up he makes fun of her and calls her names back!
They both seem to be people that love to debate and argue! (I love debating so no wonder I love their dynamic <3 those that get it get it, those that don't don't)
So to wrap up, it's totally fine not to like a pairing! but it is weird to put other people down for something you are also doing. There are a PLETHORA of reasons why someone would ship something and unless they are being extremely invasive about it they aren't doing anything wrong.
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green-alien-turdz · 11 months ago
started autistically vibrating the second i read your answer lmfao. i was thinking cartman or tweek myself tbh, those bitches are both just PRIMED for it imo. i tend to lean towards a lot of abduction experiences being some kind of extreme reaction to other earthly trauma, but that really doesnt seem to fit every account so idk what the fuck is going on. god though dude *puts on homemade MUFON lanyard* i am SO SO SO CURIOUS to hear about your/your fam's weird experiences if you ever wanna share, i saw some questionable shit when i briefly lived out in Ohio myself. gone back and forth on the legitimacy of it all over the years, one of those things that's like, the more you research the less you Know.
Okay bro, I gotchu. I NEVER get to talk about this shit so imma fuckin go wild
Ight, so legit everybody in my mfin family got some shit to say- I tried to pry my brother's experiences outta him, but he is dogshit about answerin questions. Just know that he got some stories from when he would go campin n shit (even though he has funny ass stories from when he was outta his mind fucked up, there's still a lotta sober experiences he's got too)
1st, my dad: his stories are kinda vague too bcuz we don't talk, but from what he has told me in the past, he has 2 moments in his life he was certain was alien activity. Both of these take place in Texas (but when he was still livin in Ohio, he did say he'd seen some weird shit). The first is when he was movin to Oregon, n he was drivin late at night through Texas. Not a soul on the mfin road n he's in buttfuck nowhere. He said that there was this huge fuckin flash of light from above n his truck completely shut off. Like, the mf was still rollin at the same speed, but nothin it was like the car itself just kinda switched off (no engine, no lights, no music, nothin). He's tryin to start it up over n over, not really sure what the hell was goin on- so he's tryna pop the clutch seein as he was still movin. But this shit would NOT turn the fuck over. Until after he was gonna give up, slowly brake n just pull off to the side, but before he even attempted, the truck starts up again n continues on like nothin even happened.
His second experience I don't remember as well, so sorry about that. If I fuckin recall my dad n his band were just finishin up a show n were just chillin behind the bar smokin. One mf points out that there's this weird fuckin plane over some buildings on the horizon. Like, it just wasn't movin right? He said it seemed to be movin in a really slow zig zag pattern (but it wasn't like a drone, this this was way too big n it was the mid-90s). They kinda brush it off bcuz it's late as hell n they're all pretty shitfaced. But he said that it lasted in that area for about 10 more minutes, just movin back n forth until he looked away for a minute n it was just gone.
He's also told me about how on his late night drives in dead places, he's seen a shit load of random light infront of him shootin into the ground, n this is especially fuckin freaky to me bcuz I got a very similar thing that happened not that long ago. It's explained in my individual experience.
My mom n grandma: My gma might have some more, I feel like she had told me somethin. This one is backed by both my mom n my gma (although my uncle was here too, he just doesn't associate w/ the family so maybe he'd have some input). My gma used to drive from across the whole U.S. ALL the fuckin time when my mom was growin up, like they always had these roadtrips bcuz my gpa was an abusive pos n they'd escape back to my greatgrandparents place. So they're in the more of the desert states (like New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, I just can't remember which). My mom is probably about 10 or so. It's full on daylight, unlike every other story I got, this is the only one where it is broad fuckin daylight out. There's nothin but desert for miles, it's just a long beige stretch. So when my mom saw somethin just hoverin in the sky, it stuck out like a sore thumb. My mom calls it out, which causes everyone in the car to just watch it. My gma doesn't stop drivin, but she slowed down quite a bit, n she says that thing just fuckin sat there. Like, no movement whatsoever. It didn't look all that much like a plane, but they couldn't make out defined details. All they knew is that there is this plane adjacent aircraft just hoverin in the middle of the desert. They'd never seen anythin like it, despite all of them bein raised on military bases n seein a lot of kinds of military aircrafts (which is why this was ruled out). They kept drivin off but my mom said she just watched it through the window as it became smaller n smaller until it got too far away to see- but that shit never moved. It just remained hoverin in that same place.
Ight, Imma get into my experiences now, I got two with people n one that's on my own (that one is long as SHIT).
The first one is with me n my sisters (home in Oregon): This is around 2015-2016. It's the middle of the night in late April. We were chillin bcuz it was one of my sisters bdays n we were just talkin n watchin the stars. Now we live right next to an airport, so there are a shit ton of planes that go over, even late at night- but you can always tell those bcuz of the red lights n they're usually not that high up yet. We were just talkin tryin to find constellations bcuz it was a clear ass night. At some point we see these two lights. They're contained in these circular shadows WELL into the sky, but we could still make out a vessel that the light were on. 4 light on each circle. They're goin up n down the night sky back n forth completely parallel, so it seems like they're together. At first we were losin our shit, not able to explain what we were watchin. After some rational thought, we were like 'mfer we see satellites in the sky all the time, that's probably what these are' bcuz they were fuckin zoomin through the sky. We even see satellites pass over, but we kinda notice that they move n look a LOT different than the lights we were watchin. But every satellite's different yknow? That is until these mfs, the completely parallel movin in tandem lights all of a sudden both separate n go fuckin zoomin away from one another in the opposite direction. No longer up n down, but left n right. And then they're just fuckin GONE. Like, they sped off n never returned to the place they'd been for like 20 or so minutes. (Now I am willin to admit, that very well could be satellites, but it's still weird as fuck).
Here's one with me n my dad: This is around 2019. We were out in Utah, middle of the desert. This time it's probably closer to like 10-11pm. We were kinda just doin our own thing, sittin, thinkin about shit. When outta the fuckin blue, we notice this weird ass aircraft. Like, it low flying, large enough to be a fuckin cargo plane (doesn't look like one though), n movin super slow with a BRIGHT fuckin light slowly phasin in n out, illuminatin the craft. We're both losin our shit watchin this bcuz neither of us know what the fuck we're lookin at. Now this this was low enough that, if it were a plane, we would've heard it. But it was movin at the same speed which planes always appear to be when they're thousands of feet into the sky. But this was maybe 200 or less feet up. It was a really thick, aircraft that was slightly triangular in shape, but still pretty bulky. We couldn't see any engine or shit like that. We are legit fuckin shoutin like mad men, chasin this thing. At some point we try to call over the rest of the family, but we're slowly losin our visual on this thing. Everyone else is tryna look in the sky as my dad n I make a mad dash tryna keep an eye on it as it went behind some structure. But the second we got to a place where it should've been seen on the other side, based on its flight path, this thing was fuckin gone. Like, nowhere in the sky. It was like it was never there. To this day not sure what the fuck we were watchin bcuz we followed it for a good while, just for it to vanish.
Okay, now onto my final encounter (warning, this is a LONG mf bcuz it just happened in January, so it's fresh on my mind): I had decided to drive out to Sauvi island at like 1 am because I really wanted to go out and watch the water. But it was like the foggiest night in existence. It was during that period in January where every night was covered in this thick, heavy fog. I wasn't gonna let that stop me though. Even if I could barely see the road and almost crashed like 5 different times, I was determined. The drive itself was kinda ominous, but shit didn't start gettin weird until I actually reached Sauvi's. The second I reach the island, something just feels off instantly. I mean, no one's on the road of course, it's late, it's foggy. But I mean, it was DEAD. There was an alarming amount of roadkill everywhere (like fresh roadkill), and the entire island reeked of fuckin death, skunk, and mold. So I keep fuckin driving and just get the sense that someone was following me, like on my ass tailing me, but there wasn't any other cars or nothing. But I had the window down and swear I could hear some shit close to me. I'm driving and manage to miss my turn off to the beach. Here's where shit genuinely starts getting weird. Lights. Unexplainable lights ALL over. Now if this was a more populated area, I would assume some of this was street lamps, but the island doesn't really have that many (they have them in front of some buildings, but the roads are lightless). I kept seein "headlights" coming around turns that didn't exist. And when I should've been passing them, there was nothing there and the lights were gone. Okay, weird, but maybe it was my headlights reflection on the fog. Then I see fuckin taillights. I get confused because it looks like a car going up a hill, and I brushed it off before realizing that it was a wide open, flat road, and there was no hill or car in sight. I watched the lights turn into nothing and they were gone. At this point, I'm freaked out, but I'm still finding my way back to the beach. I manage to loop back around to the entrance of Sauvi's so I can take the right turn this time. When I tell you that the smell is worse and I even notice more roadkill. I would've seen any other cars on the road, but there was fuckin no one. And I know damn well that I wasn't the one who hit them. But I brush that off because I'm every white person in a horror movie. Not too long after, I saw the final unexplainable light I'd see that night. There was this small-ish, but abnormally bright light just kinda bobbing up and down infront of this post. I assumed it was some weird reflective thing, but as I approached it, it went up and then shot into the ground- the light completely disappearin into the ground. After I saw this, the feelin of bein chased was at a 100%, like I was stressin. I finally took the right turn, and there's this one fuckin shadow in the fog that I'm TELLING you looked like this tall fucking figure walking about. I legit stopped dead in my tracks to watch it, but this feeling of dread came over me, and I sped off. I finally make it to the beach, but I think I stayed for maybe 5 minutes or less? There was an extremely menacing feeling. Like it was THICK. I couldn't see the water it was so fogged out. I mean, it was beautiful. But it truly felt like I was being watched. There was little to no sound until I heard coyotes fucking EVERYWHERE. Like an insane amount. I head back to the car and they seem to shut up. I absolutely dipped the fuck outta there.
Now it is important to note with Sauvi's that there is maybe a supernatural element into that. Seein as Sauvi's, like most of Oregon n the U.S. was home to Native Americans (Chinook Indians specifically) n as we know, mfs just weren't allowed catch a break (to put things lightly). So there is more than likely some unrest in the energies n life of the island.
But yeah, there's a small collection of experiences in my family. I'd LOVE to hear your shit from Ohio. That place has some strange shit goin on there, like genuinely. Everytime I went to vist my dad's mom, that place just feels like somethins goin on there
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infernothechaosgod · 4 months ago
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@scummiezzz thank you for asking 6ezuxfux! Hope you dont mind me answearing in a post since when I talk about fanny i yap for hours and it would make too big of a comment ToT (sorry for all the typo's)
for her accual faults
I think she's very socially akward but not in a adorkable way and more of shes answears very directly and shortly to avoid any conversations and sometimes she doesnt answear at all and just sits there, from her perspective she takes alot to think about what to Say and panics a little but from outsiders perspective she sees herself as too good to talk to them (in my notes i have it checked to have her talk to strangers the same way spartan letters were written lol)
She's got alot of walls around herself, she doesnt like to let people in, to a certain level she thinks "if they'll wanna get close they will have to try a bit" but "a bit" is accualy a lot LOT, shes not really a people person, the only people i would say shes friendly with are the ones she knows arent gonna try to be too close to her for examples people at a swing club she goes, there all there for short dances, drinks and music and most of them know their distance but not eachothers names lol
Also she doesnt take anything personaly witch is a good thing for mean patients and little jabs people can send to her it slides right off, but so do the good things like i said lots and lots of walls
What she thinks her faults are is just being mean like awful mean
To certain level shes right because she is mean lol but not in a way that really stings you or stays on your mind, in reality shes a little rude and a bit too direct but in her own mind she thinks everyone views her as this awful never letting go of anything cartoon villian, thats not the case at all people dont like her but they don't dislike her either, she always sees herself as watching the game but not a player ya know?
For people she hates?
Id say she hates patients who cant work with her and the medical staff, they really annoy her she of course still aids and helps them but also curses under her breath the entire time doing so lol
She also hates people who are a bit too optimistic (wild since shes best friends with one) she thinks that their happy views are unrealistic and any suggestion of theirs gets shot down by her easily...a bit out of her pity, she tries making too much logical sense while at the same time not beliving in that people might just wanna help them out on their own without nothing in return
As for the main cast, shes one of them in my ver :D
She's best friends with mickey, she brings out a bit of his sassy side and he brings out her more optimistic side (she wont admin that ever though) at first she wanted to be there for him "when his happy worldview shatters, so it'll be easier for him to accept lifes not a fairytale" but in the process she almost forgot about that goal and geniuenly became very close friends with him
For minerva (aka minnie) id say she likes her a little but doesnt spend time that much with her, she seems nice and very sweet but that sweetness gets on her nerves a bit after talking with her too much, she'd say shes pals with her if you'd ask her for their relationship, sometimes they chat over the cup of coffe
She absolutley loves pete (platonicly!) He's her favorite patient a "kitty cat" he lisens to what she tells him to do during check ups and is very nice. to her that is. They have a bit of that "he asked for no pickles" dynamic exept he did ask for the pickles! He just wanted to get you in trouble! she does know he's not a Saint and doesnt turn blind eye to his evil actions though! she gives him the cold shoulder anytime he does something she doesnt like too much, friends! exept he's enemies with all of her friends and she probably sent a pipe bomb to his friends at least 5 times
As for oswald there dating :D!
They had that rivals to lovers dynamic, she got on his nerves, he got on hers, but over time they kinda realized there into someone standing up to them and geniuenly making good arguments and they also figured out they had the same goal in a certain situation (oh 100th birthday oswald project how I cant wait for you to be done) they had to apologize to eachother and work together because they had the same cause and realized they've got alot in common and what one disliked in the other the most was a flaw they themself had, after swollowing their own pride and letting go of their stubbornness for once they geniuenly apologized to eachother and got closer...realllllllly closer iykwim
For some funfact's abt her, she's trans mtf 💙🩷🤍🩷💙, she and oswald buy eachother gifts at the same time alot, i think of giving her a little dog since in her last apperance she had one running around her she's autistic and her main love language is quality time but she buys her close ones gifts alot
Thank you for letting me yap about fanny! I love her so so much T♡T! ❤️....I just realized I didnt write in her strenghts as accual seperate points aw dang it
Some other relationships for her i havent fleshed out that much yet are-!
Felix! She switches between being rivals and friends with him, ultimately there more of friends that rivals
kitty white/kitty kat shes friends with her too usualy they hang out in calm places and share some hobbies like reading and have alike fasion sense
Ortensia she doesnt know her too well but does see her around a bit usualy staring at her the same way L stared at light in that one scene from deathnote, she thinks ortensia's pretty and from what she heard nice so she doesnt mind, ortensias got a bit of one sided beef with her ToT (its not bc of oswald though)
Bimbo the dog owns her so much money from lost poker games to her-
Sylvester shyster and her have a very personal beef (she folds him like a chair on tuesdays) (Also she threw him off A building once spoilers for something coming out in 3 years ig)
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 9 months ago
Really interesting quirk of toshiros is hes prone to splitting. eg saying hes always hated laios and threatening to kill him and then swinging to ill do anything to help u out of ur situation come to the east w me mwah and then almost throwing the bell away in anger and then going to gonna go back to hell to get my man laios out 🫡. And then going im so glad ur alive and what u did was wild and impressive to Have U Lost Ur Damn Mind. I initially thought it was just hanger but it goes beyond that huh…
Swinging between viewing maizuru as his teacher who he respects and he should defer to to wanting nothing to do with her bc shes overbearing n doesnt let him be independent and fucked his dad and apparently just hasnt resolved these two lines of thought in his head abt her for years to the point she cries when he lets her do stuff for him and says hes grateful for her.
Tries to share something important to him (his crush on falin) to hien which is a show of trust from him after years of drifting apart. Seems to have gotten mad she shared it to benichidori (who pretty much took his place as hiens bestie yeesh.) and proceeded to be distant w her again rather than going hey. That wasnt cool.
Goes between no expression to only expressing in the extremes like a metronome. Incredibly funny that he tries hard to be conscientious of other ppls feelings but seems to have no patience when ppl dont respond to his feelings the way he wants. U gotta communicate man. What an incredible mix of a terrible explicitly described as traumatic upbringing and just kinda being a spoiled brat.
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pixiecaps · 1 year ago
roier doesnt actively seek out social interactions much cus he doesnt wanna speak a lot of english so he keeps conversations short.
This makes a lot of sense, has roier ever talked about it before? I've wondered how he feels about being one of the only regularly active Hispanic ccs on the server
well i have bad memory but FROM WHAT I REMEMBER hes never directly said anything about it. after some observation ive noticed he’s one of the qsmp creators that sticks the most to speaking their native language. its rarer to see him speak english on the qsmp than spanish. which is why purgatory was so wild. he was speaking english 24/7. though he didnt stream most of it. (due to being sick. i have a feeling if he streamed it he would’ve spoken spanish more) regularly on the qsmp he tends to chill on his own especially when he was building bobby city he talks to chat and donos a lot.
ik he’s makes jokes about being one of the only active hispanics like when he saw pepitos certificate for the first time he was like oh come on im basically a single parent none of these people log on😭 but he’s never outright said This is how i feel about it. he doesnt seem to mind. he always reminds his chat to not go into other cc’s chats telling them to log on the qsmp cus thats weird and disrespectful. so theres that. i do give roier so many props because he and pol and occasionally quackity are the only active spanish speakers. i would imagine thats kinda tough if you’re making spanish content and lack people to make the content with but roier makes it work really well and genuinely seems to enjoy playing on the server. plus he has the admins and cellbit. MASSIVE SHOUTOUT TO CELLBIT TBH. he also carries the spanish spoken percentile on the server.
ig thats why im so spiderbit heavy on my blog. i love the ship and dynamic but what really pulls me towards them is the fact. they actually are the few people on the server that make the effort to speak my language
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liamthemailman · 1 year ago
yuo have 4 hoc characters right. ,,,..... what if joker card (probably would be the side characters of side characters)
when i first read this the image of a tactical jester appeared in my mind and im. kinda not liking it
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okay but like. this? the joker card in HoC? i saw this ask come in and i keep thinking about it... i hope you don't mind if i ramble
i can't really think of an OC based on the Joker because i already wrote Jack's character to be a wild card, i.e. being chaotic in personality, unpredictable, little to no regard for rules. he fits the role if you think about it
that and i based the characters off the suitmarks first before assigning them what face they got, rather than the alternative. and i know the joker card doesnt have a suitmark but i also dont really wanna draw a jester emblem when the others are so easy lol
then i left it out because i had no idea how to fit in a comedy character into the House of Cards yk? i'm already not funny and i'm not about to add the Joker into the AU and the callsign Joker seems really mean considering there's a callsign that's like 'King'
and i don't know how to write like, a side character well (i struggled writing Price as just a passing figure(i struggle writing in general))
back when House of Cards were in it's first drafts, all the way back when i even considered drawing out a comic for it (Act 1 alone would have taken me half a year to produce), i wanted to put in a background character that would appear just before a catastrophe happens. sort of like an omen
hell, i wanted to put my sona in the background to act as an omen/easter egg/4th wall break or whatever but thought against it since i think it would immediately take away all the seriousness in the scene (and its lowkey cringe lets be fr)
i soon settled to just fics and the idea of adding said background character was tossed aside
i suppose the joker card position remains unfilled? we'll see how things go but i'm curious how a joker character would fit in
a more rowdy and chaotic version of Jack? a funny guy who cracks jokes over comms to alleviate tensions? or maybe just a passing person who disrupts the storyline like a butterfly effect? a random person for any of the existing HoC characters to interact with like a confidant? or maybe a friend for Jack, someone young and fun like him who she can relate to.
maybe it doesn't have to be just the one joker too. maybe it's how Queen views useless soldiers or King referring to FNGs that make fools out of themselves. people in the background with no real value to even be worth mentioning.. not a lot of positive connotations with jokers really,,
i'd like to hear your ideas too anon. ramble with me.
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demonicintegrity · 1 year ago
Got around to watching the new Helluva Boss and I’m pleasantly surprised at the turn around. Season two has had a wild flux in writing quality imo but I think this episode is arguably one of the strongest ones yet (outta both seasons.)
It also seems to be the longest episode so far, surprising considering it’s not a finale, but they make good use of the time.
Honestly a lot of the episode reminds me of how season one was set up. With a center clearly around Blitzø but still checking up on Stolas. And it’s very episodic and self contained again, which is great because that appears to be the crew’s strong spot.
Speaking of which, this is the first we’ve seen of Stolas since s2e4. I’m surprised it took until e6 of this season to circle back to him, but at least we’re not ignoring him. I personally would’ve at least teased how Stolas was doing after such a big blow, especially considering how the s2 is set up to be extremely focused on him and Blitzø’s relationship, but this works well too.
It works because we’re getting a little insight on Stolas’ frame of mind without causing pacing issues. He’s clearly recovered but focused on getting Blitzø out of his life again. He’s trying to distance himself from Blitzø still. Likely still in that “this was never going to work he doesn’t deserve to be tied to me” type mindset after the season opening.
But we see him briefly really appreciate what Ozzie and Fizz have. He seems genuinely happy for them, and likely is because Stolas has always been a hopeless romantic and a decent person despite things.
Speaking of Fizz, delightfully surprised out how his character is. I didn’t go in with anything specific in mind for him besides knowing he genuinely loved Ozzie but we have a really rounded out character with depth in a very short amount of time. I genuinely like his character.
(And someone’s made a separate post on this, but how Fizzy’s disability is treated is both done well and a bit of fresh air from the usual rep we see. He never denies that being disabled pained him greatly, but the tragedy in his past isn’t being disabled but being betrayed and heartbroken. Nor is he helpless because of it or overpowered because of his prosthetics. It’s not explicitly ignored I think the crew handled this really really well.)
But along with his character, my biggest interest is in how Fizz is now set up to be a foil to Blitzo. Like it's pretty obvs what he and Ozzie has is meant to parallel what Stolas/Blitzo could or even want to have. (Which in turn could mean Stolas/Blitzo is the kinda reputation Ozzie/Blitzo were trying so hard to avoid. A weird power dynamic and piss poor communication on top of the general perception those two have from outsiders.) They're in very similar boats but how each character addresses it that makes the circumstances so different.
And I think we have something really interesting being set up between Fizz and Blitzo. Both of them got enough closure for Fizz to genuinely want to let go some of the grudge. And I think theyre are some options on where to go with them, cuz I doubt this is the end of Fizz we're seeing.
I could see Fizz getting bored one day and reaching out in curiosity to see whats become of Blitz. Maybe the two can piece together the more correct timeline of events of the old circus since the fire. I can also see a potential plotline of Fizz getting I.M.P to be his bodyguards if he has to go out again for this or that reason.
I would also love more Ozzie and Stolas interacting. It would be good for Stolas to have Literally Just A Singular Friend. Cuz he doesnt seem to have any, and Ozzie doesn't seem to have anything personal against Stolas. He could probably be a good rational neutral voice for Stolas to bounce off of. He also just needs a friend if he ever wants a hope of his mental health improving. He seems to be trying to improve himself, but thats also the kinda thing you need a support system for.
Overall, I like this episode. The pacing and story itself was contained nicely and was a good watch. The humor stuck. And we have great leads to pick back up on later.
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visionthefox · 6 months ago
gotta take this out my head,shhh Rant! Puppet and Eclipse are too harsh on Sun im watching puppets and eclipse show, because idk,reasons, I was staring to like puppet more, they are quite nicer than I recall but.. flaws.. idk exactly whats up, but I know the two are in a dimention thats just staring ,Sun and Moon have been awake for weeks, for what is been said around.. Eclipse is clearly having a hard time separating his own issues and is worring me a bit see, I love the idea Eclipse is watching and hoping to not interviene too much into anyone's development, but Moon's situation clearly touched a nerve on him.. he was moon indeed but something I think they are forgetting is that..Eclipse here doesnt have his original memories, if Moon actually got rid of all copies left, means Ruin had to recreate most of the memories left in the show or he re wrote it all what makes him acting so angry and offended at Sun's fears the less understandable, since he's taking things too personal from memories installed on him, most likely what the show had showed us and the more he talks over his memories the more I worry he's gonna end up forgetting things relevant to his character, his hatred on Sun..
the Sun we know was unable to know he was there and when he did he tried to talk sense into Eclipse! offer him a body! HE refused it! when the take over happened ,OG eclipse only played mind tricks but never reactivated the pain like he did on Moon.. so it has me a bit confused on why Eclipse hates Sun so much here.. then again I can assume he's just still trying to adjust to the change, having to face the two people that killed him, and pretty much grew to hate would make things tense..
(here's the part I wanted to writte)
but that has me confused and a bit annoyed? is that both Puppet and Eclipse,without even knowing any of the two long enough,judge too fast and clearly dislike Sun from what they view as a selfish act of control how I see it, the two woke up, this Moon is clearly more calm than the one we know, they never actually had a chance to talk like the ones we know! and when the lights go out suddently one of the two is in pain now this had to happend maybe for a week for Sun to develop a fear so high it had him avoiding even shadows of objects, that aside, is often forgotten sun is a stress ball, and a people pleaser, it so clear to see his AI is in development as he doesnt know that Kids bleed and they cant be lifted too high.. yet he is aware adults do bleed... so what they view as "selfish" is actually only the way he had to ensure not only his safety but others! as Moon is not even hiding his lack of worry over hurting someone! kiddos! when he meet FC he was clearly ready to harm him! now, Moon is also too calm,respecfull and even a bit childish by the way he talked to Eclipse, asking to play games and what he's done , adorable! so having him killing seems way too wild yet again, Sun is unable to actually know what his other do, all he knows is to fear the one he cant talk to.. and when Moon does talk to him? is still too much for him to handle, deleting the video is not an act of "not caring" is trying to avoid comfrotation, he simply havent been able to come to terms how he's feeling over Moon enough to feel safe talking to him! I cant just go along the protagonist that simply walked into his home, boss him around and stared to force him into situations he's terrified of idk I feel for Both and is good Eclipse is aware they are messing things up a bit.. (side rant, I find adorable that Moon got too pissy over Eclipse talking him down, its kinda having me thinking Moon admires Eclipse due to his smartness and he's still thansksfull for the help, he clearly wants to be friends and Eclipse here is just an ass, Moon didn swear until he meet Eclipse, hope they hang out!!)
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laymedowntorest · 2 years ago
Any OC or multiple, go wild~
Gonna use my main hooman ones for now bar one question which will have one very special rude person- I will consider my main humans Ronnie, Hel and Teu :D
🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos? Ronnie: Yes! He has wing tattoos! He also has a sun, moon and eclipse tattoo on his chest but they were only designed a few months ago so I havent added them to his ref pft. I think he may want more! Hel: None! I think she may be tempted. Teu: Now that's actually up to whoever draws them. In my opinion? I always imagine they'd have one on one of their arms...
🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events? Ronnie: He drinks on occasion or special events drinks. But he is a heavy weight pfft It's hard to get him drunk. Hel: Drinks for special events! Teu: Used to drink a lot. They've controlled it for the most part.
💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits? Ronnie: Insomniac so his habits is terrible. Once he does crash I imagine he may be a heavy sleeper? Just out. He just doesnt stay out for too long. Hel: Heavy sleeper and her habit isnt great but it's okay! It seems more she just doesnt get enough sleep pft. Teu: Ohhhh boy atrocious. Terrible. Up for days then collapses. Apart from that day though they are a light sleeper, so if you ever spotted them asleep you'd have to be soooo careful or they'll just wake right back up pfft.
🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons? Ronnie: He knows how to fight and has a family switchblade (I believe they're called??? the blade slips out when you press a button.) Hel: No, she doesnt. She doesnt know how to fight. Protect her 😭 Teu: Teu knows how to fight, but they use hand held stuff as they have a fantastic swing! When they hit, it fucking hurts 😂
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits? Teu specific question here!
They're skilled and talented imo, in a lot of factors externally. Internally? They're a fucking emotional mess. An absolute, complete disaster. They will never tell you how they feel, and it makes them so closed off. (I imagine if you work at them a bit though you can figure out little signs to guess how they're doing)
They come across as so, so cold. Even when they're helping. If you're like me you're going to overthink that to hell and back and come to the assumption they think you're annoying. It can kinda makes them an unwelcoming figure to approach. They're friendless for a reason pfft
Apathetic as Heellllll. They'll care about you, but life? themselves? Nah. Not a single bit of concern or care.
💙 BLUE HEART — does your oc have any cool/special powers and/or abilities? how are they with magic, if it exists in their world? Ronnie: Nothing comes to minnnddd? Hel: In the fantasy au she's got magic! Just general magic...energy? Ig, she can push people back and levitate stuff pffft. A decent user! Teu: Shaallllll we say, they're very very hard to kill. Very, very, very, very, verryyy hard. By hard, I might mean impossible. Might explain their apathy tbh 😂 And lets be fair, staying up for like 4 days without sleep and not getting hallucinations is an ability in on itself pffft. Also they can see in the dark quite well. Not sharp sensed but they can see a good space in front of them in even the darkest areas without light.
😓 DOWNCAST FACE WITH SWEAT — is your oc open-minded or stubborn? are they inquisitive or do they prefer to keep to their bubble of knowledge? Ronnie: Hard headed so kinda stubborn, though I imagine this depends on context. Hel: Open minded! She likes to know and learn things! Teu: They prefer their own bubble of knowledge as it's quite important to help people out. They focus on their work. That said, if they feel something needs to be known, they will get inquisitive.
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer? Ronnie: Fantastic cooker! He isn't good at baking though. Hel: Great baker, good cooker! Teu: You think they e a t tbh their cooking is eh. Nothing special. They do just enough.
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mouthsfullofsharpteeth · 2 years ago
I am here to add onto your mh animal headcannons because I love that kinda stuff. I think they are all pretty spot on, but consider this:
I really like your hawk idea for Brian but I have always seen him as a Coyote. Kind of a scraggly animal but they are known tricksters in media almost like a fox but more gruff and wild. He also just has dog energy. Like bro was probably a golden retriever kinda man before shit went down. Him as a cackling Coyote just mmmm. Makes sense.
Tim is hard, but i always stray away from bears for him. It just doesn't fit to me or make sense. He would be either a Black Wolf, a Wild Boar, or something along the lines of a Badger. Black Wolf because he is predatory and mysterious and all that jazz. Also if he was a Wolf it would make the main totheark guys a nice pack of dogs to tie it together. Boar or Badger because of his aggressiveness and his tackle everything mindset as Masky and his leave me alone demeanor. I could go on and on but I won't.
Jay is so much a little slinky rodent but also a blue Jay because uhh. Jay. BLUE JAY. GET IT AHAHAH. But like legitimately because it just fits him. Especially the curiosity they have. Also since blue Jays are in the corvid family it makes sense since those birds usually are known to follow wolves.
Alex as a buck is great. Love it. Same with Amy.
Mouse Jessica is on par with Mousely. We love it.
Sarah I can also see as a rabbit but honestly owl is great.
Seth as a white wolf is great but for him I imagine a smaller dog such as a fox. If we are to all agree on the seth is the third totheark member then its fitting because He's very intelligent and misleading and also a trickster. Also foxes are in many legends and stories so it just adds to the mystery.
And buh buh buh buh
New animal headcannon
The Operator!
This one is not at all well thought out in my head and I really want to see what other people think for it.
My first thought is a bald eagle just because they are bid symbols and because of the white face. But something along the lines of a vulture could make sense as well. Or even a big ass snake. Idk. Some sort of large predator that seems like the rest but is just wrong. Trying to think of animals that are tall and blend in with the woods. Deer come to mind cause the antlers look like branches but we already have two deer. Maybe an elk? Too bulky tho. And then the obvious answer. A swarm of white hornets. That would be a cool way to tie in the name. Idk. Help me out here.
If you read this then kudos to you. Thank you for listening to my ramblings. Enjoy. :)
OHHHH YES i love these. now that you mention it, coyote brian is such a good idea, i do really like that. I also like your idea of totheark being a little dog trio lolol, tho idk i just love tim being a bear so much i cant help it. big and fluffy, looks so cute and huggable. but could kill and maim. And jay as a blue jay is also one i considered lolol. but omggg i love your idea for the operator being a vulture, but i also get what you mean about something that just doesnt fit with the others. hmmm. I know @mersei47 had the idea of the operator being a hunter which is FUN and i do love, but if we're making them all animals.... hm. i also considered a moose or an elk because i really like the antler imagery. maybe a moose? or vulture? unsure...
but yes, i definitely enjoyed!!! loved reading this
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