#is it really a spoiler that izzy swears in season two though??
justanerd · 1 year
If only one person could say the word "fuck" for the rest of eternity, I'd have to vote for Conn O'Neill.
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murkystarlight · 4 months
Screw it.
Dreamzzz season2 spoilers pt.1
(And my personal comments)
Alright. Starting from episode 1
I didn't realize that Cooper having a sudden interest in chips would be a hint to something later(it probably isn't but it seems like it to me). Cooper apperantly had a full list of things to fix and make... also the Night Bureau really can't do their job done properly can they. How does Cooper go to school? And study? And get good grades?? Also love how everyone names their cars
It was cool seeing Sneak working with them. And Nova, too bad they... uh- dissapear after like... episode 4? I think
Mateo trying to find a way to get z-blob back, and the Nightmare king... why is he such an icon all of a sudden?? Like-
Also, I like that how Mateo got the kid show treatment. Might as well sing 'we're all in this together'
And Dallas joining the knitting club!!
It was pretty nice. Just a simple small detail, but I like stuff like that so... Looks like he's not going to be bullying anyone now
It was very fun watching the crows(ravens? Don't remember) snatch their memories. When I saw what the memories that was stolen were about I started screaming like-
I actually think they all have a good reasoning. Logan always loved his music(would've been better if he forgot how to sing entirely) , Cooper... well he's the tech guy, and for Izzie, she was the who accepted the dream world the fastest. Who liked it the most in the first season right? There are more cool and amazing reasons than this but my stupid brain can't think of anything else right now
Episode 2
Apperantly there's a lava realm? Cool
Mr. Oz being angry, Logan being.. well, Logan. And Cooper is just adorable. He's having so much trouble. His purpose in life kinda snap
And when everyone else just jumps into the castle, Izzie takes her time to take the stairs
And Izzie having trouble with "dont open your mouth" she's so funnn
I had trouble understanding Astrid-
Royce guy has a weird whistle.
Cooper looks so happy until his mind went blank and his face is just- 'dude wait, what was I doing?' I thought he lost his tech skills?? Why did he become... dumber? It's cute though
"Sorry-" _ Izzie
Also, Logan said a lot of smart stuff in this episode. One of my favorites was
"If I forgot it, how would I know?"
Mr. Oz trying SO hard not to swear. I could see the struggle-
And the flash cards 😭 when did they get a rule book?!!(first ep)
Also, how many eggs do you think Cooper cracked. How does he not remember how to not but a bolt and screw together?? Just- stick it in! Learn to do it again? Poor thing
And the Night Hunter! +Susan and Snivel. They're a bunch of sillies
Cooper getting pressured by his family again- (is it just me or does he get his character development after like... two episodes and be the one stable guy holding the team together? He's useful. Like actually useful) Cooper's voice also wouldn't stop cracking
"Do you ever get sand in your eyes? Or your shorts?" (The Sandman had legs?? Yes, had. He... he gone now.)
Also kinda funny how all of Mateo's dreamcrafting gets blob-ified
"The one time! I actually want to hear your beats, and you forget?!"
Zoey! Why would you randomly jump into a cauldron!! (Also, the Night Hunters memory being Zoey- I already had a feel)
Mrs Castillo is the best
I'm also very curious of... what or who the Never Witch is??
There is a lot of pushing and shoving people. And it's only the second episode
"So you're not the tech genius you used to be. You still got- ....uh.... what other talents do you have?"
Oh godddd noooooooooooo he said it- Oh god........
"I'm gonna go drown my troubles in the candy realm" (kids. Too much sugar isn't good for you)
(He can't even figure out how to put his phone on silent anymore) he got an A+ in a science project, by cooking?? I thought it was a SCIENCE PROGECT??
Imagine a kid suddenly pulling out an apron and asking for a kitchen to work in. During a science project (he's a chef now), he also just... kept the flan? Thing, in his locker-.... is that... okay?
I mean... I did watch this science show on Netflix about these super smart girls and their names being mc². And one of them bakes. Using science. I mean... science works in everything... and I guess if the teachers said okay then its.. okay?
Sandman and Never Witch fighting, he will be remembered. It was pretty cool actually. I wonder if they have any history
Next part
Bonus(also the reason of why I said screw it)
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bluemoose86 · 3 years
Characters I Adore Despite Never Having Seen a Minute of Their Shows
DISCLAIMER: As it says in the title, I’ve never seen any of the shows I talk about in this post. Because of this, some plot points/character traits/etc. that I talk about might not be accurate. I do plan on watching these shows at some point so I’m trying to avoid too much spoilery content, which is why I haven’t done much extra research. I apologize if I offend anyone somehow, this is just something I thought would be fun :)
Hey all! My name is Moose, and for no reason in particular, I thought I would compile a list of characters whom I really like yet know next to nothing about. Does anyone else ever feel connected to/intrigued by a character without having seen the show or movie they appear in? Let me know! Also, please bear in mind that all I know about these characters/shows is what I’ve seen from fan posts on Instagram, and there will be slight spoilers. Without further ado, enjoy the post!
Dani Clayton and Jamie Taylor – The Haunting of Bly Manor
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Their love is something that can actually be so personal. I know Bly manor is a horror show, or at least has prominent horror elements (which is something I don’t enjoy), but seeing them together makes me want to watch it anyways. Even if you don’t believe in soulmates, you can’t see even one screenshot of them together and tell me they aren’t meant to be together. Even in this gif they have heart eyes for each other. Dani is an American au pair–a live-in nanny, basically–who was hired to take care of the children living at Bly Manor, and Jamie is the manor’s gardener. They were both intrigued by each other when they first met, and their relationship progressed very naturally. They’re so comfortable with each other–Dani goes through some rough times as far as I can tell, but Jamie is always there by her side to comfort her. I also love how attracted Dani is to Jamie, no matter how much time has passed (the “you could...come back 🥺” scene kills me). And I KNOW what happens to them already but please,,,,let me live with the illusion of their perfect love story.
Clarke and Lexa – The 100
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Yet ANOTHER tragic love story. The gays really can’t get a break, huh? Clarke and Lexa are from very different worlds, yet they work perfectly together as allies and lovers. The 100 takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, where Earth is no longer inhabitable and the rest of humanity lives on a space station called the Ark. Because of reasons, 100 teens from the Ark, including Clarke, are sent down to Earth and have to fight to survive on the ruined planet. Later, they meet Lexa, who leads one of the Grounder clans–people who survived the apocalypse and still live on Earth. There’s immediate tension between both groups, but circumstances require them to work together. Clarke and Lexa become closer as a result and eventually fall in love. Even though they’re only together briefly because #buryyourgays, what I love most about them is how enduring their love is. Clarke has other partners, but no one ever makes her feel the way Lexa did. Lexa really was Clarke’s whole universe; I think one of the other characters even says that Lexa was the greatest love of her life. And Lexa was so smitten with Clarke that she literally went against all her training and customs of her people just so she could make a pretty girl happy. We stan. Their relationship is only onscreen for like a season but I know that Lexa comes back later so I swear I will watch all 6 seasons of this show just for them. I will do it.
Quinn Fabray – Glee
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Ok I know that’s not what she normally looks like but that look makes me so gay Jesus Christ 🥵🥵 Anyways, I know the Glee writers really did her dirty even though I haven’t made it past bitchy Quinn from season one. The fact that she was supposed to be a flat, mean antagonist for the whole show but was only saved because of Dianna Agron’s brilliant acting astounds me. She has particularly erratic moments (especially in the season where she gets this haircut), but for the most part she seems like a sweet person. She starts off as a very troubled girl who is under a lot of pressure from her cheer team, her parents, and herself, but after joining the Glee club she becomes more confident and learns how to accept who she is. She comes to care for the other club members as friends and relies on them. I love her development, and I love how Dianna portrayed her despite the writers trying to shove her back in the “stereotypical evil cheerleader” box multiple times. Also, her smile is so cute and so pure 🥺 I’m in love.
Izzie No-Last-name – Atypical
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Your Honor, I love her. I clearly have a soft spot for troubled characters, as Izzie starts off much the same as Quinn does. She’s confrontational and just downright mean to Casey Gardener, one of the main characters, after Casey transfers to her school. The two eventually find a way to get along and become friends, and Casey finds out that Izzie struggles with balancing her grades, running track, and taking care of her three (?) younger siblings in lieu of her unreliable mother and absent father. Izzie’s better traits also come to light: she’s strong, independent, and fun-loving, if a bit wild at times, as well as incredibly loyal to Casey. She loves Casey’s autistic brother, Sam, whom most people do not understand or try to get along with. And she’s utterly in love with Casey, which is apparent by their immediate chemistry. She seems like such a fun and complex character. Plus, cute girls smiling is one of my greatest weaknesses and her smile is absolutely adorable.
Waverly Earp and Nicole Haught – Wynonna Earp
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Finally a relationship on here that has a happy ending–and a wedding, no less! I love them both, but I feel more connected to Waverly than Nicole. Maybe I’ve just seen more content of her. Waverly is the younger sister of the titular Wynonna Earp, and she helps her defeat supernatural threats to their town of Purgatory (yes, that’s actually the name of their town). That’s all I know about the actual plot of the show lol. Nicole Haught is the deputy and later sheriff of Purgatory and has a crush on Waverly right out of the gate. However, Waverly was dating a man (ew) at the time and somehow thought she was straight. Nicole, of course, was very respectful of Waverly and never tried to pressure her into anything. Even though she knew she might never have a chance, that never stopped her from helping Waverly or Wynonna when they needed it. And they needed it a lot. Of course they eventually fall in love, and while their relationship does have its ups and downs, they always come back to each other. They are also the definition of soulmates: they go through a lot together and are always there to support each other through fights, near-death experiences, and shocking revelations. They utterly adore each other and that adoration never fades no matter what. And I love how they get their happy ending! It’s quite a welcome change from most wlw relationships in media.
And there you go! Sorry this post was so long lol, I didn’t intend for it to be. I hope you all enjoyed, and let me know what you think of these characters. Much love, and stay safe 💙
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staarshines · 4 years
adhjdjs yesss!! very happy that i found smone else writing for karev haha. could you do number 6 from the frozen prompts with him :’))
Surprises, Surprises, & More Surprises || A.K.
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 1.6k
After a sleepless night, Alex decides you’ve had enough and pulls off a surprise for you, which surprisingly leads to feelings being revealed.
[A/N]: I’m only on season 14 of Grey’s, so if you want to send me a request with a specific scene that happens in the show, please make sure it’s not a spoiler!
Disney Prompts | Nat’s 500
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“Hey, wake up.” Your head snaps up and you blink a couple of times, finding yourself standing over a nurse’s station desk. Groaning, you rub your eyes, checking the time and finding that you hadn’t even been asleep for one full minute. “You okay?” You turn to Alex, finding him with raised eyebrows and a concerned look on his face.
“I’m fine,” you yawn, pressing the save button on your file and placing the tablet that you had been working on before you fell asleep on a charger stand.
“You were literally asleep standing up. We have on-call rooms for a reason.”
“The mattresses in there are shit. I still gotta pester Webber to replace those,” you mutter, sighing.
“Were you up studying for a surgery or something?” You shake your head, running a tired hand through your hair to tame it as best you could.
“Meredith and Derek were at it all night. I should’ve known to not take the room under hers intern year,” you state solemnly, sticking out your tongue playfully when Alex laughs at you.
“I told you that you can come sleep with me if that ever happens.”
“What a very tempting offer, Karev, but I’m just not interested. Must be hard for you to face rejection?” you tell him sarcastically, flipping your hair exaggeratedly. 
Honestly? That was the furthest one could get from the truth. You’d had a crush on him since intern year, and you knew you loved him the second year of residency. Those feelings had failed to dissipate, and they haunted you every day. Watching him get with Izzie, then Olivia, next came Addison, then Rebecca, Callie, Lexie; the point is evident. He’d gotten with all of them, but he couldn’t see that the person who’d loved him for years was right in front of his face.
“Oh, shut up. But really. I don’t want you falling asleep on the job when you can just get a good night’s sleep next to me.” For some reason, his last sentence makes butterflies go crazy in your stomach, which is probably the millionth time that’s happened. You wished there was something under those words, you really did, but you’d come to terms with the fact that he didn’t like you a while ago.
“I’m not falling asleep!”
“Oh, please. You were literally asleep standing up.”
“I was resting my eyes,” you defend yourself. “I was just giving my spine a break from supporting my head for a bit.” 
“Yeah, right,” he chuckles, making you push his shoulder.
“I actually went up to your room. You were asleep and I didn’t want to wake you, though,” you lie with a straight face. 
You had gone up to his room and even sat down on the edge of the bed, watching his chest rise and fall with every breath. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. Not stressed or snappy like he’d be on most days, but genuinely peaceful. Eventually, you’d left because you knew you’d get more sleep in your own room than Alex’s; you’d just be staring at him the entire night. 
God, you really could never get enough of that face.
“We both know damn well that I’m a heavy sleeper. Just don’t steal the duvet, yeah?” You laugh with a nod. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“What’s this, the fourth time this has happened?”
“Sixth,” you correct with another yawn. “Or seventh. I honestly don’t know.” He tilts his head, and you can practically see the gears turning in his head. “Whatcha thinking, evil spawn?”
“That’s Cristina’s thing. And I’m thinking…” he trails off, prompting you to raise your eyebrows and wave a hand in front of his face. “You know what? I have a surprise for you. You get off at nine today, right?”
“I do, but why? What’s the surprise?” you question, genuinely intrigued as to what he was gonna pull off. 
“If I told you, then it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?” You pout, watching him wink at you and walk off. “I’ll pick you up at the ER entrance once you’re done!” he calls out to you. You nod and realize there’s a patient you need to get to, but you’re deep in your thoughts as you walk the hallway to the Cardiac ICU.
What the hell was he gonna pull off?
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“Put this on.” Alex hands you a blindfold and you look at him with a disbelieving expression, slapping it out of his hand and raising an eyebrow.
“I should’ve known there was something wrong when you sent me that text to meet you in your car,” you laugh, watching him huff.
“If you don’t put on the blindfold, then the surprise is gonna be ruined. You’re gonna know as soon as we pull into the damn lot, so just put it on?” You give him a weary look and pick it up from where you slapped it onto the dash of his car, slowly wrapping it around your head. Hearing him start the car, you sigh and bite your lip.
“I swear, if you’re playing some kind of joke, I’ll land you in the E.R., and not even by accident.” He chuckles before reversing the car and driving out of Grey-Sloan’s parking lot.
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“Can I take this thing off now?” you whine, holding his hands and steadily walking—well, you don’t really know where. He’d just led you up a flight of stairs, so you’re pretty sure you’re walking down a hallway now.
“Just a couple more steps and we’ll be there,” he mutters, holding both of your hands and guiding you—again, you don’t have a clue where. “All right, stop. I gotta open this door.” You can hear keys jangle and you’re even more confused. “Okay, come on.” He leads you into the room, presumably, and puts his hands on the back of your blindfold, untying it. “Voilà!”
You flinch at the sudden change of light, putting a hand over your eyes and slowly blinking until you can open your eyes without any pain. An apartment—maybe a loft?—meets your gaze, and your jaw drops at how beautiful it is. Perfectly catered to your and Alex’s tastes, almost of like he had it custom-made.
“This—Holy shit. This is beautiful. What—How? Wait, why’d you bring me here?” You turn around to find him with a proud grin on his face, and you can read everything just from that. “This is ours?”
“Remember when we went apartment hunting because you started having the same problem with Derek and Mer and we came across that really musty loft that you said you wouldn’t move into in a million years?” He waves around, and your eyes widen.
“That’s this?” You walk slowly further into the loft, still awed by how much it had changed. What once used to look like a place where druggies would go to hang out now looked like a dream apartment. “How the hell did you manage this?”
“Well,” he walks up right next to you, admiring the loft, “you know I don’t like being told I can’t do something.”
“You did this? By yourself?” The surprises keep coming and coming, and you’re pretty sure your jaw is permanently unhinged because of how wide your mouth is open in shock. He nods proudly, putting his hands on his hips. “Let me get this straight. You renovated this by yourself?”
“Not too bad, huh?” You scoff disbelievingly, still not believing what you were seeing. “What? Do you not like it?”
“Are you serious? ‘Not too bad’?”
“We can find a different—”
“No! God, you can be such an idiot at times,” you laugh, pulling him into a hug. “It’s perfect.” He pushes you back by your shoulders but so much so that your arms are still around his torso, eyes darting all over your face to see if you’re kidding.
“You really like it?” You fight back a grin—and fail—at how cute he can be at times, nodding your head eagerly.
“I love it! I could kiss you! I could. I mean, I’d like to. I. May I? We me? I mean, may we? Wait, what?” The gravity of what you just said slaps you right in the face, and you remove your hands from his figure and start to let your mind race for an excuse. “I didn’t mean to say that—”
“You want to kiss me?” he asks in a soft whisper with the smallest smile on his face. You get lost in how awed he looks, nodding slightly.
“I’ve wanted to. Since intern year…” you trail off, thinking it won’t hurt if you tell him a bit more. You’ve already caused enough damage.
You realize it’s definitely not damage when his lips come crashing down into yours and he pulls you into him, hands gently cupping your face.
It’s not a soft kiss, but it’s not a rough kiss, either. It’s a kiss that’s full of longing, emotions, and “I’ve wanted to do this for so long”. You’re so in shock that you don’t actually register when he pulls away, so your eyes stay closed for a couple seconds longer than they should. When you open them, you’re taken aback again by all the adoration swimming in his eyes. Your eyes are having their own conversation with his, silently telling each other everything you two couldn’t communicate verbally.
“You like me?” You’re almost sorry his words break the nearly magical moment, giving him a light slap upside the head.
“No, I just kissed you for the hell of it. Of course I like you, dumbass!”
“And you’ve liked me since intern year.” Even the insufferable grin on his face isn’t enough to make you regret kissing him, which is a first.
“Oh, shut up about it and kiss me again.”
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All taglists are open! Send me an ask or a message :)
Permanent: @becausewhyknotme, @criminal-cookies, @theladyoffangorn, @officialtonystarkprotectionsquad, @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam, @fantasticcopeaglepasta, @talk-geek-to-me, @letsmellowjello, @thescarletknight2014, @wemisshim3000, @arabellathorne, @brooklynsmorales, @marvel-dameron
Grey’s Anatomy: @arkofblake, @asianravenpuff
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bytheangell · 6 years
Support System - Chapter 5
When Alec's favorite show gets cancelled and he takes to messaging customer service repeatedly to show his support, he doesn't expect to connect so well with the support representative he keeps getting paired off with.  (Read it from the start on AO3!)
Alec feels the heat in his face as he stutters something out - he isn’t even sure what at this point because his brain shut down entirely in his flustered panic. But the attractive man he spilled coffee on like a total klutz is still smiling, laughing and shrugging and disappearing into the coffee shop with a wink. The thought occurs to him to follow - to buy him a coffee, at least. But he remembers how late he’s already running, and it’s the easiest excuse to cling to as he turns to leave.
Still, his thoughts linger on the man - those dark brown eyes that seemed to flash with flecks of gold when the light caught them (though he never make eye contact long enough to tell if it was just the light playing tricks on him), the way the sleeves of his dress shirt clung to his impressively large biceps, and how the tailored plum vest he wore over it suited him so perfectly. And those maroon highlights in his hair…
...the blush was back on Alec’s face even though he is now an entire block away. He needs to stop. It isn’t like he can go out for drinks in the city his entire family lives in! He didn’t have a choice but to say no; what if someone sees him? Izzy is the only one who knows he’s gay, and if his brothe,r or parents, or even any of his parent’s friend’s see him out and say something… he just isn’t ready for that. But it still feels nice to be hit on, even if he did chicken out on the follow-through.
So he forces the thoughts from his mind the best he can as he steps through the door of the shop. Or at least he thinks he does.
“...what happened?” Izzy asks immediately.
“What?” He asks, confused, placing his coffee and bag down on the nearest counter.
“Your face is right red and you have a dopey grin on your face.”
“Oh, I ran into someone at the coffee shop. Literally. I spilled coffee on them and it was embarrassing and we’re going to pretend it never happened now.”
“And on a scale of 1 to 10, how hot was he?”
“Izzy.” He chastises, rolling his eyes, but when he’s met with nothing more than crossed arms and a defiant stare he sighs. “11.” And since he knows she won’t let it go that easily he pauses only briefly before adding (and not without a hint of satisfaction). “I offered to pay to have his shirt cleaned and he said I could pay him back with a drink instead.”  
“You got a date?” Isabelle asks incredulously, but Alec shakes his head quickly before she can get her hopes up too high.
“No. I said I couldn’t and left.” He sees the disappointment all over her face. “You know I can’t, Iz. If someone saw-” “I know, I know.” And her tone is understanding but laced with sadness. “I can’t tell you how to live your life, big brother, but I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand more times if I have to - you deserve to be happy. No one who matters is going to judge you for that. And if they do, I’ll kick their asses.”
“I know you will,” he says with a fond smile. “Thanks.” He braces himself for more but Isabelle drops it there and the Lightwood siblings get to work opening the store.
The day passes by slowly and uneventfully after that, and Alec is back home and falling into what is quickly becoming a new routine. Eat, sleep, wake up to a midnight alarm so he can catch a chat or two with Magnus, universe willing. The queues are down to 3 or so minutes each time now, still holding strong, and he passes the time in between by sending out tweets and e-mails, and writing brief exchanges with the first two support reps he gets connected to who aren’t Magnus, until:
Support: You are Chatting with Magnus B. Magnus: Just the name I wanted to see.   Alec: Hello again to you, too. Magnus: One of these times I’m going to come across another Alec L. and things are going to get hilariously awkward. Alec: You could always use a regular greeting, you know. Magnus: Where’s the fun in that? I like living on the edge. Alec: I wish I had some of that mentality. Magnus: You can take some of mine. I have plenty to go around.   Alec: Heh, thanks. Alec: Any word on the show? Magnus: Unfortunately, nothing new on my end. Same old blanket statement. Alec: Damn. Alec: Sorry, can I curse in here? Probably not. Magnus: If you think you’re the first person to swear in a customer service chat, boy do I have news for you. Alec: Good point. So where are you in Season 2 now?
They chat about the show for a few minutes before Alec realizes he’s still far too tired for this right now. Every time he blinks his eyes stay shut for longer and longer, and it isn’t like Magnus doesn’t have an actual job to do here. Alec: Well, I should let you get back to work. Maybe I’ll try and pop back in later. Magnus: I hope you do. This chat has ended.
Alec decides to try and sleep the rest of the night and wake up early enough to catch Magnus before the end of his shift in the morning. A plan that would’ve worked great if a massive rumble of thunder followed by a tremor that rattled his entire apartment didn’t wake him up at 2:34 am, and try as he might he just can’t fall back asleep. He pulls his laptop off of the bedside table and boots it up, browsing through the #SaveTheHunt tags for a few minutes before donating to a fundraiser set up in the campaign’s name for an amazing LGBTQ+ Nonprofit. And then, when it becomes clear he isn’t about to fall asleep any time soon, he decides to try the support chat again.
This time there is no queue, which is good, because it takes three tries to get to Magnus.
Support: You are Chatting with Magnus B. Magnus: Welcome back. Alec: I couldn’t sleep, and this seemed better than tossing and turning for another hour. Magnus: Not that I’m glad you can’t sleep, but it’s been an uncharacteristically quiet night here. I thought I’d be glad to see things die down but I kinda miss it. Alec: I’m sure it’ll pick back up. We’re far from giving up - in fact, there was a new fundraising campaign started today in the show’s name, benefitting LGBTQ+ youth in honor of all the representation and impact the show has in the community. Magnus: That’s amazing! I’ll have to check that out after work. I’d be remiss not to give back in honor of the positive bisexual showing so far. It isn’t often you find something in pop culture that goes out of its way to give us such a good rep.  Alec: Oh, you’re bi? Magnus: Sorry, tmi. Alec: No, it’s cool. Alec: That’s cool.
Alec hesitates, hands hovering over the keyboard as he thinks back to earlier at his desire to live on the edge a little more. To the missed opportunity at the coffee shop. To Isabelle telling him that he deserves to be himself. His pulse is racing, but that’s stupid, because it’s just a word. It’s just a word to a person who doesn’t even know him. A person he’ll never meet. And there’s a certain safety in the anonymity of the internet, isn’t there? He’s just a name here, and not an uncommon one at that. He can be anyone, anywhere. And if he can’t bring himself to type the words to a stranger on the internet how will he ever say them out loud to the people around him? It seems like the perfect starting point.
What does he really have to lose?
He takes a deep breath and starts to type.
Alec: I told my sister I was gay after watching the first two seasons with her, so I get it. It’s important. Seeing the support the everyone gave, even after the whole wedding fiasco, had a huge impact on me. I’m not sure I ever would’ve done it otherwise. Magnus: Oh wow. That is big. Congratulations! Alec: Thanks, but it isn’t that impressive. I’m 22 and she’s the only one I ever told. Magnus: Everyone moves at their own pace. I’m sure you’ll get there.
Alex exhales the breath he didn’t realize he’s holding. Admitting that truth about himself to someone other than Isabelle is so freeing, no matter what the context, and Alec feels a small sense of peace settle over him. Nothing as intense as what he felt talking to Isabelle, but nice in its own way.
The conversation seems to flow so easily after that, and Alec forgets his nerves almost entirely. They talk about a mixture of personal anecdotes and things from the show (with Alec carefully treading around spoilers from things beyond the point Magnus stopped at in his reactions and replies) for much longer than Alec realizes, both of them losing track of time. It starts to feel like he’s talking to a close friend rather than some faceless stranger across the internet when the tone of Magnus’ text takes a sudden, abrupt turn.
Magnus: I need you to end this chat right now, but I promise I’ll explain later. Alec: What? Magnus: Please. This chat has ended.
And Alec sits there, feeling a bit lost and more than a little confused, staring at the blank screen of the ended conversation. It is difficult to pick up on intonations through written word, but he could sense the urgency behind Magnus’ request enough to not question it. But something uneasy sits in the pit of his stomach as he wonders if he said something wrong. They talked a lot more this time, and about personal things, not just the show. But it all seemed alright at the time. So what happened? What changed?
Alec wonders exactly when ‘later’ is -  if he’s supposed to try to talk to him again right away, or in an hour, or maybe not for the rest of the night?  He has nothing to go off of. He resolves to wait at least an hour but before the time is up he dozes off, and doesn’t wake back up until the sunlight is already pouring in through the window. What time is it? Maybe he can still catch--
But the clock reads 8:05, and Alec’s heart drops. Magnus’ shift is over, and if he’s going to get any answers he’ll have to wait for them now.
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poemsfromthealley · 6 years
“What Lies Beneath” first impressions
*ten seconds of high-pitched joyful screaming*
Okay. Let's talk about this episode. I'll try not to dissolve into too much keysmash.
Fuck, show, who gave you permission to get good? You're my favourite hot mess of feels and drama, and now you suddenly grow into quality? This episode was filled to the brim, yet it never felt overstuffed. The A plot proceeds at a clip and we linger on Simon and Maia, Luke and Ollie, and the Lightwood family dinner (with a side of Bane, and what a side it is) in the interstices. Bullet points:
--- this is Amanda Row's second episode, yes? It cements what a deft hand she has with character interactions. All the actors have grown, but she gets such good stuff out of them: subtle expressions and emotions in an ep that hinges on them.
--- on that note: body language, across the whole cast! There's so many little gestures---Clary taking Jace by the shoulders, Magnus taking Alec's hand, Maryse moving around the table to sit closer to Alec, Isabelle hugging Raphael without reserve, all the hands on shoulders in moments where a character needs support. All these build up the scenes in a way that most directors don't bother with, but they feel organic and heartfelt as a result.
--- Magnus and Alec being an epic team on all fronts! Purifying ley lines, fixing communication issues, navigating family dinners, oh my heart. I need to pull out that "there's OTPs and then there's these assholes" tag because I just. Cannot. With them. Reader, I swooned. Cooking! Alec with his strict measurements! (I'm still not convinced he can't cook at all, maybe that recipe is terrible).
--- Magnus being in good spirits and sauntering about being the world's best boyfriend, just, I'm done, bury me with this episode.
--- it is fantastic to see this new give and take in their dynamic: in the first two eps, it was Alec supporting Magnus, and the gentle role reversal here is just as well done. This is what I was missing in season 2, as delightful as all the angst and turmoil was---this sense that they're growing fast into each other, a unit of two in balance.
--- I may have sniffled at Maia's insistence to help Simon, at that: she's one werewolf up against the queen of all Faerie but fuck if she's gonna let that stop her!! She's going to sit here and wring his jacket dry, goddamn it!! Simon, I swear, if you don't keep her like the apple of your eye, I'll---(why can't they be endgame, why)!
--- overall, support in dire straits was one enduring theme in this episode: Alec facing Maryse's visit with Magnus's help, then trying to defend Maryse when she reveals the charges against her; Isabelle going to Raphael even with their fraught relationship fresh in memory; Isabelle opting to go with Jace and Clary to find the owl demon; Maia standing by Simon; them going to Clary for rune advice; Clary trying to reach Jace. There's a feeling of overwhelming forces rising so it's heartening to see the characters closing ranks against them.
--- against that, it's telling that Jace is so alone right now, with Clary as his one lifeline. I really, really hope they---or something---bring Alec into the secret sooner rather than later. Clary's overtures to Izzy give me hope, but come on, Alec knows Jace died and came back and I'll be goddamn disappointed if he's surprised by the inevitable reveal that An Angel Did It.
--- Clary's dress looks like a lampshade but it's just about the world's most attractive lampshade.
--- Izzy is killing it on the wardrobe front this episode (and I love the unified look she and Maryse have going on). I hope she at least bangs the hot doctor before it turns out he's evil or supernatural or both. Those cheekbones should be illegal.
--- Luke and Ollie continue to get to me! His admission that he feels like he failed Simon is such a gut punch, and I love that the show's bringing in the mundane view of the Shadow World (via both Ollie and Heidi in this episode, though the latter's a vampire now).
--- I also love the contrasts between the different leaders in this series: Raphael, who's always, adamantly, on the side of his clan even when their welfare forces him down ill-advised paths. In contrast, Luke never wanted to be alpha, and the brutally straightforward werewolf code doesn't sit with his modus operandi of diplomacy and compromise. Magnus tried to ensure the warlocks' safety and essentially earned a vote of no confidence for his troubles (one wonders how much glad-handing Lorenzo had to do to secure his position). Then there's Alec.
--- Alec, whose conversation with Maryse may just be the high point of this episode. There's so much there. I love that this reveal about Maryse comes now: it adds depth and punch to her redemption arc, though I also love the glints of critique in her. The admission that her generation had good intentions, but they soured in practice, and how she holds that up to Alec as a warning: reform, but never forget yourself. Fanatics can always find a justification for their actions. Her acceptance of her fate is bitter but also somehow admirable: she doesn't try to hide or excuse the wrongs she committed.
--- even so, I wouldn't be surprised if Alec rose to the occasion and tried to help her somehow. A part of me really wants him to.
--- "Thank you for loving my boy"---reader, I swooned. Again. I love how delicate Maryse and Magnus are around each other, even though she clearly had a few shots of Dutch courage before showing up at the door. [Actually, no, I redact my reading on this. As @faejilly points out here she’s way too in control for the rest of the dinner to be drunk.] It wasn't a long time ago that she scorned him and all that he stood for, but here they are, agreeing that if nothing else, they both love Alec enough to find common ground in that. It seems fragile but also so honest. I want more of them. Like really soon.
--- you can apparently give David Castro the cheesiest lines and he will make beauty and grief out of them. Damn, he's good.
--- the reveal at the end was honestly startling. Well done, show, well done. I'm starting to feel Lilith as a proper villain.
--- did I get everything? I probably missed about half of it. I need to meta more on the weekend.
--- oh! Clary x Izzy Truther Watch: action girlfriends strike again! I love them being cool and competent and puzzling out the truth about the owl aspect by aspect. And Izzy admiring Clary's dress, that was, thank you for my life. You're making this too easy for me, show.
--- in conclusion: asertgrewefghnjhyt!!!! Is it next week yet?
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spoilers for episode two “a door into the dark”!
main seven thoughts on season two, episode two “a door into the dark” spoilers! spoilers! spoilers! spoilers! I really hope I properly warned everyone! SPOILERS!
JACE - I said it before but it bears repeating, Dom is doing a phenomenal job making me feel everything Jace is feeling. Jace’s struggle against Valentine’s manipulation is so tangible, you can feel it in your gut. Standout scenes - Him trying to get through to the young Circle member apparently lost his father (I wouldn’t put it past Valentine to lie about that). Jace protecting Clary from a dangerous ‘mission’ of Valentine’s by going in her place. Defying Valentine yet again, with help and strength from Clary showing him Valentine’s manipulations, that fight scene during their escape. I honestly believe Jace wasn’t fighting to free himself, he was fighting to get Clary away from Valentine. Wholeheartedly believe that.  CLARY - I really enjoyed Clary’s journey this episode. She had the rug pulled out from under her, thrown into a world no one could imagine. Not just that, her mother lied to her about an important part of her life and she’s trying to come to terms with it while trying to find herself in the world she’s been thrown into. I love how human it is to wish things were the same as they were before something big or a life change happened. Standout scenes - Her alone in her room at the Institute was so powerful, Kat has really grown into this character and I’m glad to be able to see her shine. Her drawing at the Art Instittue, just listening to music, forgetting everything, demons and shadowhunters and the clave. The scene afterward when Luke and Jocelyn arrived, it shows how young Clary is. It really makes you think how Shadowhunters are raised, from birth to be warriors and solders. Now that Clary knows the truth, she believes she should immediately be a Shadowhunter and when it becomes clear she isn’t quite there yet, she feels she’s on the outside of both lives now.  ALEC - Even though there was a brief moment of levity with watching Izzy kick some knuckledragger’s ass, you can see Alec feel Jace’s lost. Of course, he was a dick to Clary and there’s no excuse but I feel Izzy’s right when she tells Clary Alec is a different without Jace. Standout scenes - of course, Alec telling the asshat that he’d put him down if he didn’t shut up about his sister was pure big brother mode. When they got back to the Institute and Alec just had to stop and lean against the wall for a moment because the pressure of the loss that he’s fighting is winning. The whole stone tracking scene was phenomenal and the “I can’t live without him” really, just, stab me in the heart already.  IZZY - What can I say about Izzy that everyone isn’t already saying and knows. She’s pure gold. A goddess. An angel. She’s a shining light in the darkness going on around them and her support of Clary and Alec is so amazing to see. She’s also a fucking badass and her taking that asshat down was what saved my soul, I swear to God. Standout scenes - of course, the fight scene. Her scene with Clary when she assured her that she’ll always be there for her was, for me, one of my favorite scenes this episode. Her worry for Alec before the stone tracking and when she yelled Alec’s name when he starting seizing struck me so hard, you guys.  SIMON - Simon’ was searching for his own identity and place as well this episode. I love his humor and it doesn’t feel like comic relief, which he could have easily fallen into that trope if not for Alberto’s acting. It’s just who Simon is. He’s his own character on his own - no sidekick, no love interest, no stuck as a best friend guy. And Raphael is back! Simon, you got to think before you speak to Victor Aldertree, bud! (Raph called him bud, or was I hearing things?!) Standout scenes - when he asked why the white haired wolf was so angry, the fleas or the ticks, at first you see it as a funny dig but if you think about it, he’s just freaking frustrated how he’s treated. “I encantoed him, no big deal.” The whole encanto snake scene was perfect. It showed him growing but also kept him Simon, if I’m making sense at all, idk, I’m probably not.  MAGNUS - Can we take a moment to appreciate Magnus here? We know helping Simon is who he is, but we discover why he’s that way: that he didn’t have anyone when he was discovering his powers and he can’t let someone go through what he did. What is the knife about? It may have been addressed in the books but I don’t remember and anyway, I’m interested in finding out. Standout scenes - of course, the backstory scene - then the humor afterwards when Simon said he’d be his downworld sponsor. I love their dynamic, especially those scenes of them in India. I adored when he came in and saw the snake and got all gooey over it, it was glorious. Him taking all the things that Camille didn’t return was great as well! LUKE - Luke, Luke, Luke, I feel you are the only level headed one directly involved in all the hoopla. Can we appreciate him standing up for Simon and going Alpha!Dad on Alaric? I love that he make sure Clary knows there are no sides with him. I’m also having feels about that stone, how many times has Luke thought about it, thought about using it to contact Valentine, even knowing that his parabatai, the one he knew and loved, is no longer there? I know the stone probably has more uses but can you imagine him keeping it as a connection to Valentine? Ugh. Standout scenes - Standing up for Simon. His anger at Jocelyn for being lied to about Jace and then melting when she told him the truth, that it was because she didn’t want to lose him. The Lucelyn hug!
I’m probably missing some things but here’s everything that came to mind! I would ADORE anyone who’d like to chat with me about this episode!
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