#is it obvious that i have a soft spot for albedo
elysianeclipxe · 1 year
How they react to seeing you sleep on the couch
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genre: fluff and a little crack?? (just stupid parts)
summary: how these genshin men react to coming home and seeing you asleep on the couch while waiting for them to come home
word count: >800 words
sidenote: just note that you might not agree with the characters in that section, this is just how i see them as. OH YEAH, uhmm navigation is in the works so after that y'all can start requesting if you want
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picks you up bridal style and brings you over to the bed
To them this is the quickest way to get you into bed. They don't want to bother you by waking you up since you're probably in a deep sleep at that point, but they also don't want to let you continue sleeping on the couch since the chances of you waking up with a stiff neck are extremely high. They’re such caring partners to the point I’m jealous. Some of them are pretty nonchalant about their love for you though, but if they’re sweet enough to do this then I think it’s pretty obvious they’re real into you. Will get really close to your face to either peck your lips or rub their nose against yours, just another reason why they prefer carrying you to bed. I can see them whispering a light “thank you” to your sleeping figure in their arms since they appreciate you trying to stay up for them. Excuse me, I did not ask for this sweetness, ughh.
— al haitham, diluc, gorou, kaeya, ZHONGLI
gently wakes you up and tells you to sleep in the bed
All of them are surprised that you stayed up and feel their hearts clench at the image of you sleeping, you’re so cute to them. Would try their best to be as quiet as possible and gently shake you awake. You deserve to get some proper sleep… in their arms. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I can easily confirm that when you wake up still half asleep their eyes would get so soft at the sight in front of them, a smile crawling up their lips cause omg how are they so lucky to have you. Will guide you to bed and tuck you in again before joining you in. Lets you lay your head on their chest and will stroke your hair or run their fingers through it to ease you to sleep. It’s so cute how smitten they are for you.
— ayato, baizhu, THOMA, tighnari
drapes a blanket over you and kisses you goodnight
I can spot sweethearts from a mile away, and these men are it! I’m only like 27% joking rn. HEAR ME OUT!! Yes you’ll probably have a stiff neck in the morning cause of this but they are so sweet when you’re asleep. Really doesn’t want to wake you up so they just let you sleep there, will cover you with a blanket so you don’t get cold. Sighs cause they find you so pretty, one of them for sure has a blush on his cheeks seeing you look so soft *cough* cyno. ANYWAYS, leans down and cups your cheek with his hand and stokes it with his thumb. Kisses you goodnight on the forehead, lets their lips linger there for a bit before pulling away with a smile. Aww, they’re so whipped.
— aether, albedo, cyno, KAZUHA
tries to fit themselves on the couch to cuddle and sleep with you
THESE MFS!!!! Does not give the slightest fuck if you are sleeping on a couch half their size THEY WILL MAKE IT WORK. Just like breathing = living, sleeping will always equal cuddles, it’s just a given. The idea of y’all sleeping in a proper bed just goes over their head, plus this seems more fun. They’ll whisper for you to move a bit so they can fit in. Just saying, these idiots are probably gonna wake you up in the process. Don’t worry tho, they’ll bring you close to their body and give you enough body warmth for you to fall back into sleep. Is the type to bury their head in the crook of your neck, mumbling a soft goodnight that you instantly relax to.
— childe, ITTO, venti, kaveh, heizou
leaves you on the couch, might check up on you here and there
I don’t wanna make them look anti-romantic but y’all I cannot even sugarcoat the fact that they would not care if you were sleeping on the couch or not. I'M SORRY!! But like they probably think you slept there on purpose so the idea of moving you to the bed would not even be there. They think you’re weird for sleeping there, for sure will ask you about it the next day. As much as I want to make them seem like the most unromantic person ever (jk) they will check on you ever like 10 minutes minimum. At one point they get so tired of walking back and forth from the living room and the bedroom that they decide to just sit on the floor beside the couch and sleep there. You’ll probably wake up and see your hand intertwined with theirs, they’re soft boys in disguise.
— dainsleif, WANDERER, xiao
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nothing much left to say other then thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed the little scenario i made <3 let's hope i can actually be more consistent with posting, mwah
© elysianeclipxe. all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my content onto other platforms.
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aibloomie · 1 year
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✧ featuring — venti, diluc, kaeya, albedo, childe, zhongli, xiao, kazuha, thoma, itto, and gorou x gn!reader
I desperately wanted to add sumeru characters to this but </3 I simply do not know enough about them so maybe in the future. this was my first time writing for some characters so I hope they aren't too occ. it's 1 am i will now be going to sleep 😭 or trying
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venti lulls you to sleep with his melodious words every chance he gets. he is not fond of routines, but this act is one that he wishes to never avoid. he smiles when he catches wind of your drowsy self, and takes it as his cue to guide you to bed. his voice is quiet so as to not alarm you, so quiet that only you would be able to hear it even if the room were rowdy and full of people. it is a gesture reserved only for you, as his voice is usually loud when he is with other people. when you are away and unable to see him, memories of his honey dripping tunes are your exit ticket into a sweet and peaceful slumber with visions of your one and only lover.
diluc does not hide his growing and everlasting attachment to you. he has a tendency to discard items that he no longer needs or uses, but he is unable to fall into that habit when it comes to you. instead, every gift you give him is displayed on his shelves, or some place in his residence that is visible. he cleans the shelves and gifts every day so that his valuable possessions are not tainted with dust. he even places some of them in the bar (behind glass or in a place none of his customers would dare to touch) and his heart flutters every time he glances at the gifts. his regular customers are used to him zoning out with a sweet smile on his face whenever he does so. you are his soft spot, and he makes it very known to you and the entire town without even meaning to be so obvious about it. he would gladly keep and store everything you give him  </3
kaeya finds himself reaching out to you whenever you turn your back on him. before you, he was in a pit of loneliness and you pulled him out of it. because of that, his main comfort is spending quality time with you. so whenever you try rolling out of bed you are met with kaeya's longing gaze, and an arm that extends in an effort to pull you back in—yet he never actually touches you unless you willingly come back to him. and when you do, his arms will wrap around you and he'll place gentles kisses down your neck, and he manages to whisper against your skin, "can you stay for a while longer, love?"
albedo would drop all his work and cast aside his progress on any research for you. the minute you express you crave his touch or attention, he will immediately grant it to you, all of his thoughts would turn to you and you alone. he once believed that relationships were too demanding, but is constantly proved wrong when he's with you because he's filled with so much happiness when offered the chance to give you his love and attend to your every need. 
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childe tells his entire family about you through letters before they even meet you in person. so the first time you come to his house, his siblings are all over you and they already know your name. childe goes beet red and bashfully pulls his siblings off of you before introducing all of them. and his mom !! she made an entire grand meal for you with all your favorite food (that childe mentioned to her a long time ago) because her son is head over heels for you and she wants to treat you right.
zhongli tries his best to spoil you, despite not being the most financially responsible. he wants you to have the best there is, and wants you to get a taste of the finest products in liyue. he likes setting up beautiful dates, in which your favorite flowers decorate the table. he has your favorite floral scent as an essence so all of your senses are satisfied. your favorite cuisine will always be set on the table, along with wine (or a non-alcoholic drink if you prefer) so the two of you can talk the moonlit night away.
xiao cannot help but indulge himself when it comes to his curiosities with you. a relationship with him takes patience, he needs time to sort his feelings out and be okay with the urges he has when it comes to you. it'll take him a while to be comfortable with rubbing his thumb against your hand when his fingers are interlaced with yours. but through such actions, he is showing you that he treasures you. he gets flustered when he pulls you closer to him as the two of you kiss, because his body acts before his mind and he cannot fathom that he has the ability to desire such a thing. 
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kazuha has notebooks after notebooks filled with poems and portions of writings about his longing for you. most are sweet and loving, describing you as if you were more fascinating and eye-catching than the unknowns of the ocean and space combined. he thinks of you as the calming sounds of leaves blowing through the air after a storm, one that puts his soul at home. he quite simply cannot drive you away from consuming his each and every thought, nor does he want to. he is a bit bashful when you find the poems, watching as your eyes oh so carefully read each word he has written about you. his cheeks are rosy and he is unable to stutter even a sentence out because those notebooks reflect all of his heartfelt feelings for you, some of which he is not brave enough to voice aloud.
thoma finds himself copying your mannerisms and phrases without even intending to. he's around you so often that he cannot help but start humming the same songs you always do, or even laugh the same way as you. he'll pick up on some of your catchphrases and become flustered at the realization. he carries a part of you no matter where he is <3
itto has no limit when it comes to verbally expressing his adoration for you. his sentences are filled with compliments for you, and they revolve around each and every aspect of you; your clothes, personality, appearance, humor, hobbies, interests, habits, and the list goes on and on. he doesn't allow any insecurities to run free in your mind, because he is constantly reminding you of how amazing you are. he enjoys competitions, but admits that you are the only person who could beat him at anything <3
gorou cannot contain his feelings around you, no matter how hard he tries to. you are his lover, yet he seems to have never left the crushing phase. his cheeks still get adorned with a lovely shade of red whenever you inch closer to him and kiss him. he is left speechless whenever you make eye contact with him, even more when you tease him about being so easy to fluster. he still tries to look his best for you, and gets a little embarrassed when you see his messy bed hair. and of course, his wagging tail whenever he so much as thinks about you is a dead give away on how infatuated he is with you.
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anantaru · 2 years
˖˚˳⊹ clothed sex feat. albedo : pantalone : childe : zhongli : kazuha : cyno x fem! reader from the 5.5k event special
˖˚˳⊹ warnings: nsfw
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you‘re slowly kissing albedo’s jawline, pressing soft pecks on his sensitive skin before he advanced his hands towards your skirt, —that was so sinfully hugging the natural curves of your ass—. He couldn’t wait today— has been way too busy with research those past two weeks and was deprived of both your warmth and touch. Albedo never found it for possible to actually crave human interactions that much, it was impossible for him to wait any longer as he flipped up your skirt to see those downright pornographically drenched panties of yours, hooking his fingers into the flimsy fabric to expose your clit to him.
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he swiped his thumb over your wet bundle of nerves for good measure before you unbuckled his belt, his leaking cock springing free and resting over his clothed stomach. You held onto the material of his jacket around his shoulders while he lined himself up with your hole, hands springing to your hips to drop your whole weight down onto him, sheathing himself so fucking deep inside of your warm pussy. He moaned out whiningly at the feeling, throwing his head back lightly as you set up a steady pace for the both of you, slowly grinding yourself deeper into him while also simultaneously circling your hips every time you had him fully inside of you for some extra attention.
you knew he adored it that way, —by the way his cheeks were flushing red it was obvious—, not to mention how he has been holding onto your skirt for his dear life while practically moving you on his own against his length now, —meeting your pace halfway and generally inceasing every second—, albedo is truly far gone right now and knows he‘d become addicted of the feelings you inflicted on him right this moment.
beneath all the dusty materials on pantalone’s desk, he had you spread up, fully clothed and not caring about making a mess on your garments. You shivered at the sound of various things falling on the floor once he swatted them away from his table to have more space. Your shirt was loosely hanging over your shoulders while your bra was still covering your breasts. The natural curve of your body was so incredibly erotic to him, his rough hands, —that were covered with his gloves— tracing over your soft flesh and pinching every so little corner of you.
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he‘s laughing breathlessly at your reactions, almost belittling if anything, wasn’t able to comprehend how quick it was for you to fall against his touches. Pantalone didn’t have much time today either, quickly reaching over to his leather belt to unbuckle it hastily in front of your clothed cunt. It was a sight to behold— hard and leaking pre-cum while also fading a dark shade of red. His fingers hooked up the waistband of your pants to push them down until they reached right under your knees, holding your legs against his chest so he’d be able to line himself up quick and efficiently.
"I simply cannot," sharing a moment of silence and heavy breathing before he exhales through gritted teeth, pulling you closer and sheathing his heavy cock into your tight hole, "simply cannot wait today." pantalone’s grin wider than before while your lips pursed at his length, it was so warm inside of you, grazing over every sweet-spot with his tip while pantalone hooked his digits into your bra for additional support, almost ripping it in half and surely ripping it by the end of your little session.
it was a busy day for ajax, he has been out all night long working his job but couldn’t shake off the feeling of being so unbelievably horny for you. It wasn’t going away and only bothered him in the long run, had to fuck you out of his system for once, you held way too much power over him and he did not know what exactly to think of it. You watched him as he quickly unbuckled his belt, cock springing out before resting on his clothed stomach before he took it in his hold, lazily fisting it in front of your ass that was still very much hidden with those tight pants of yours.
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you knew childe didn‘t have much time and quickly opened your jeans yourself and pushed them down until they hit your knees, slowly grinding yourself against his cock with a quiet moan, head dropping back in ecstasy. It felt surreal for him, he has been thinking about this all day long! Hips snapping forward before being completely sheathed into your warmth, tight cunt grabbing him like a vice.
his hands were resting over your hips and holding onto your shirt that was messily hiding half of your behind while fucking you silly in a slow yet hard pace. You could feel his fat vein graze over your walls so fucking sinfully, hitting all those right sweets spots while you voiced him to go faster, coaxing yet another moan out of childe once you clenched down on him uncontrollably. He could feel you tense, cunt throbbing around his cock when his hands held tighter in your shirt, giving you the feeling that he’ll probably rip it in half by the end of this.
you whined from his cold hands as zhongli unbuttoned your shirt, sliding his fingers under the fabric and letting the loose clothing hang lazily over your shoulders. There was no need to fully expose of it and he would lie if he said he didn’t find it arousing in a way. He hummed as though he was in a deep though of some sort, brushing his digits over your breasts that were still hidden by your bra. You were currently straddling him in his leather chair, breathlessly trying to compose yourself while zhongli teased you with that one grin— which was painted around the corners of his mouth.
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your heart was pounding hard against your chest, whimpering once zhongli pushed his hips forward, his cock laying flat against his clothed stomach and staining both his shirt and dress pants with pre-cum. "Be good." You’re circling your arms around his neck, breathing heavily against him, "go on it then." you understood what he meant and didn‘t waste any more time, lowering your body against his cock while his hands found their way to your naturally curved hips, digging his fingers into your soft flesh and leaving crescent formed marks. Once you fully took him in he gave you a playful peck on your lips before thrusting upwards to meet your pace halfway, both your juices and his cum staining your clothes but he didn‘t seem to care while you’re wondering how the both of you were supposed to leave the room looking like this.
what started out as a lazy make out session, has now become a grinding onto each other and grabbing onto every curve of your body, or better: playing with each other like some horny teenagers who just didn‘t know any better. Kazuha couldn’t remember the last time he was this horny for you before, even being too lazy to expose himself of his clothes, thrusting harder against your clothed plush ass while you were pressed against the wall in whatever room the both of you were in.
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"need you now." he‘s whining, almost begging with that soothing voice of his, his breath coating the back of your neck so fucking sinfully while he looped one arm around your waist, holding onto your shirt— which was still completely buttoned up. You smirked at the thought of kazuha being so needy for you, pushing your ass against his throbbing cock harder which made the man behind you release a chorus of tiny moans and soft whispers of praises.
his rough tongue licked a straight line behind your ear before he set a harsh pace for the both of you, cock head now viewable from over his waistband while he was cut off by his own movements, moaning out whiningly against the shell of your ear. Your desperate sobbing noises fell to deaf ears once the both of you came from only grinding against each other, his cum staining both your garments when he finally decided to get rid of those clothes of yours to fuck you properly now, already hard again from simply looking at the mess he made.
˖˚˳⊹ 𝗖𝗬𝗡𝗢
only a second, then a minute, now it has been almost half an hour of desperate clenching against each other, harsh panting noises bouncing off the walls while the both of you made out starvingly. Cyno was needy, needy for your touch and your soft kissies, but more so fucking needy to feel your cunt suck him in. It has been so long :( so long without you making him feel good that’s why he needed this right now, —trying to justify not working— since normally he’d be incredibly busy this time around.
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his fingers hooked up around your skirt to flick it up, the flimsy fabric resting on your stomach while being exposed to his eyes, panties soaking wet from his small performances. "Fuck." He couldn’t help himself, really. You didn‘t hear him swear often but when he did, it was always while fucking you silly, pounding into your messy hole just made him lose his mind completely. You weren’t able to wait any longer either, straddling him and grinding onto his clothed cock just wasn’t enough anymore once you slid his pants down his knees, eyes closed tightly while you lined yourself up with him.
Cyno loosely gripped onto your waist, the fabric of your skirt giving him additional support— while being still clothed made it somehow hotter for the both of you. There was just something about staining each others clothes that was in a way perverted. You lowered yourself gently onto his length which made the man underneath you loll his head back in ecstasy, finally guiding you up and down his length while you pulled him by his collar to kiss and show him just how good he felt right now. <3
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5.5k event special
do not! share, copy or repost my work. ✎ ©ANANTARU 2022
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xiaomainlmao · 2 years
Genshin characters and S/Os with similar personality - Xiao and Albedo
Xiao and his darling literally having the same personality in front of others but what ppl don't know is that they are both softies for the ones the love. They show this side either directly (literally being lovey-dovey or very appreciative when they are alone) or show it indirectly (unnoticing-ly tries to help others).
That's why ppl don't assume that they even talk to each other but one day Xiao and his darling walk in, hand-in-hand bc it's cold and no one can dare to speak a word bc they are like the most intimidatingly cute couple they've seen.
Similarly, Albedo and his darling are both the nerdy and extremely busy, self absorbed kind of ppl, so many assumed that they don't even talk to others and have friends, let alone a lover. Both may have a soft spot for some ppl and that is visible but the ppl they have a soft spot for are very obvious (like Klee is to Albedo).
But then, while working together and finally managing to crack a difficult task (whether it be an experiment, case or question), they end up smiling at each other so goofily and with such softness for each other (that they don't show to others) that ppl just know that they have something going. But bc of their personalities, they can't quiet place what they have going on.
I just might make this a series with different characters.
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exphhoria · 2 years
hi , do you mind writing xiao and albedo with a doting gn s/o who tends to check up on and take care of them ? ty !! -🎠
With a Doting S/O
Character(s): Xiao and Albedo
Format: Headcanon and Drabble
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1246
Note: Okay so I know it's been a year or something but I could never figure out how to add more to the headcanon portion of Xiao's. Plus I kinda stopped writing for a long while. Anyway I rewrote a lot of it but I really like how it turned out. Chances are, you won't see this since it's been so long but thank you for requesting either way ! I hope I portrayed them (reader included) well.
Note: Albedo's part took 12 hours bc I kept getting distacted and falling asleep
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Xiao's one of those people who takes max 5 sips of water a day and sleeps twice every week and thinks it's fine.
Newsflash : it's not fine.
Thankfully, you're there to force gently remind him to hydrate and rest.
Additionally, you're a safe space to him. With all the violence in his life, spending time with you is like a breath of fresh air.
When he's with you, his karmic debt seems to lighten and time almost slows down its leisurely pace.
Although he doesn't tell you directly, the adeptus really does appreciate you visiting him often — even if he doesn’t see the point of those ‘pointless mortal activities’ like needing to drink water and eat regularly
Nevertheless, it’s still nice to have your company. Centuries of loneliness and suffering does that to you.
As you scaled the stairs of Wangshu Inn, you spotted Verr, otherwise known as the boss lady, standing at her usual post. Since you often visited Xiao, you were well acquainted. "How is he?" you asked as you peeked your head out from behind the doorway.
"Out right now; though I do believe he should be back soon," she sighed.
Nodding, you gave a curt smile before heading down the stairs to the kitchen. Since he was going to return soon, you thought you might as well whip up some his favorite dessert for him. You quietly treaded over to the pantry, trying not to disturb Chef Mao. However, the floorboards decided to betray you, creaking to announce your obvious arrival.
"Ah, Y/n, good to see you. I assume you're here for the usual?"
You nodded, taking out a weaved basket of fresh tofu and another bowl filled to the brim with almonds. You hummed along the tune to a song you couldn't quite remember the name of as you gathered the other ingredients and got to work.
It wasn't long before you finished. After all, you had the recipe memorized by heart by now. Smiling at your creation, you took the plate in one hand and strolled up the stairs until you reached the balcony. From there, you could see all of Dihua marsh, even the small blurs of color you assumed to be wandering hilichurls.
Setting the meal on the sturdy fencing of the inn, you pondered whether or not to call his name. You decided on the latter, not wanting to disturb him. No matter what, he never missed your visits. And you didn't have to wait long either.
While your focus lay on the lakes below, you failed to notice a lean figure sneaking up on you. He rested his arms on the railing next to you, murmuring a soft 'hello'.
"Xiao!" you yelped. Half of you was frightened, but the other half was surprisingly used to his odd entrances. The adeptus always managed to somehow appear soundlessly, leading you to begin anticipating it.
If you expect the unexpected then is it really unexpected?
"Why, look what the cat dragged in," you quipped.
He gave you a puzzled glance, "I did not meet any cats today."
You let out a small chuckle at this, shifting to cup his face in your hand, "Xiao, my love, have you eaten today?"
You sighed, retracting your hands and pushing the warm plate of almond tofu towards him. He pouted at the loss of contact but accepted the food nevertheless. While he ate, you talked about your day and recent adventures. Hearing your voice lifted his spirits in a way nothing else could and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
"I love you," he blurted out before quickly looking away.
"I love you too, but where did that come from?" you giggled.
He huffed, placing his elbow next to the empty plate of almond tofu on the railing and resting his face in his hand.
"Do I need a reason to love you?"
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Because the alchemist often became so immersed in his work to the point of forgetting about basic needs, you took it upon yourself to check up on him everyday.
Eventually, it became a daily routine. Around late morning, you would make lunch and coffee, leaving the comfort of your home to visit Albedo at his workshop in Dragonspine. Since he commonly ended up skipping breakfast and dinner, the lunches you prepared were particularly large to compensate for the missed meals.
The food you brought had a wide range of variety to keep from becoming repetitive, yet they were always well thought out and contained much nutritional value. Often, you even took the time to decorate what you brought. Be it with fruit or even the placement of the assorted food, it never failed to taste just as wonderful as it looked.
Your favorite accents were smiley faces or hearts made of chocolate or slices of fruit. Although he didn't blatantly smile at this, Albedo's mood always seemed to brighten after opening a meal with your designs. This was usually accompanied by an attack of forehead kisses.
You generally ended up staying for a while after delivering his nutrition for the day; assisting in various experiments and the like.
Albedo most likely would've either died from starvation, dehydration, or both if not for you. Plus, he enjoys your company, even if he doesn't openly display it.
Before your daily visits started, Sucrose had visited every so often to check up on him. However, he much rather preferred your comforting and familiar presence since his assistant tended to view him more as her superior.
As you finished packing up the meal you prepared, you grabbed your coat and exited your house in Mondstadt. The trek from the city to Dragonspine was by no means a short one, but it was a journey became used to after making it everyday. You jogged at a quick pace, determined to make it to your boyfriend before noon.
By the time you traversed all the way up the mountain and turned the corner to arrive at his laboratory, it was about midday. Walking inside, you uttered a small greeting and placed the lunch boxes on a nearby wooden crate. Albedo, lost in his thoughts, didn't seem to notice your entrance.
Deciding to take advantage of the opportunity, you snuck over and surprised him with a hug from behind and a kiss in the crook of his neck. His head swiveled up in alert but soon calmed when he realized it was you. "Good morning," he mumbled.
"It's already noon, silly. I brought you lunch," you giggled, picking up your cooking and giving it to him.
"So, did you have breakfast?" you inquired.
He tilted his head, "do spiders count as breakfast?"
"Archons, Albedo, I will never understand your infatuation with eating spiders... and no I don't think that counts— although they are rather high in protein..."
He chuckled and rose from his chair to face you while slightly resting his weight against the desk, "I didn't think so."
"Tada !! I brought pancakes and coffee," you declared proudly.
"Intriguing. Thank you, Y/n."
He smiled faintly, then leaned in to leave a featherlight kiss on your forehead. His expression dosen't quite portray his thoughts, but his eyes are soft and full of adoration for you and his chalky complexion seemed to be dusted with a light blush. Even if Albedo isn't the best at managing his health, he doesn't have to worry. After all, you're there with him.
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beechbloom · 2 years
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Platinum Blonde
Character: Albedo
Word count: 0,4k
Playing with Albedos hairr hnnggghh I want to pat hair pleaseeE
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His hair had always been so beautiful. It was one of the first things you noticed about him. Shoulder length, platinum blonde, and almost always styled with two braids tied into a small ponytail at the back.
The closer you got to him, the more you’d get urges to touch it. You’d want to pet it, run your hands through it, ruffle it on occasion. It looked so soft and you thought it would feel wonderful in your hands.
You first asked him for permission to play with it a couple of days after the two of you had become official. He seemed a little confused, but let you regardless, pulling out his braids and sitting on the floor with his head resting on the couch cushion between your thighs. As soon as you touched his skull, he stiffened a little, but the more you ran your hands through the strands, the more he seemed to relax into your touch. By the end of it he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it, leaning into your touch and sighing with bliss.
The next time you’d asked him, he’d almost seemed eager to comply. It wouldn’t have been too obvious to someone who hadn’t known him for a while, but you had seen the way his eyes brightened just slightly, and how he found his spot on the floor rather quickly. Perhaps he was touch starved. Either way, the fact that he seemed to enjoy it just as much as you made your heart flutter.
One morning you had attempted to braid it. The braids turned out nowhere near as good as he usually made them, somewhat loose and untidy. Still, he kept them like that for the rest of the day, consequently showing everyone at the Favonius Headquarters your work. You had been a little embarrassed once you realized everyone had seen him looking less put together than he usually did because of you, but at that he simply kissed your cheek and said that he much preferred your braids to the ones he made. From that day onward you would start regularly dropping by his residence early in the mornings to braid his hair.
The sun shining through the leaves of a tree graces his image one day as you and him are lazing in the grass. He has his head in your lap as you play with his platinum blonde strands. It does not take long before you spot a nearby cecilia, and while his eyes are closed, you gently pick the flower. As you weave it into his hair his eyes flutter open. You watch realization come to him as he looks up at what your hands are doing. His eyes go to your face, a soft smile on his lips.
The smile is returned. “Your hair is so pretty,” you say, gently petting it.
You see him sigh through his nose; own smile still present. “All because of you.”
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theinnerunderrain · 2 years
Are there any writers you like/admire?
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Yes! I'm so glad you asked, so here are some writers I greatly appreciate and admire (I didn't proofread this bc I was ranting a lot):
@ddarker-dreams @shumidehiro @bye-bye-sunbird @yandere-daydreams
To be honest, @ddarker-dreams has been such a huge inspiration for me and I've been reading her writings for a while now. I believe I've been reading her writings since 2021 or maybe even 2020 (?) since I remember reading her earlier works for Diluc and Childe. I honestly can't express how much I love her writing, it's just so well written and the way the characters are composed is so - beautifully done. Their personality isn't that drastically different from their game counterparts, and I love how she still incorporates elements of their true character into her writing so it feels like you're actually reading into the character, since I find that many people tend to write a totally different character even though they're writing for a certain person. The writings are just so descriptive and it feels like you're actually diving deep into the character's heart, as if you're truly involved within their world, as if you can vividly see their perspective through her writings. Her writings are just so - beautiful. I've reread certain of her works for a hundredth time already, since they're just so fun to read and I don't think I could ever get bored of them or whatsoever. I really love the way she writes Kazuha and Albedo, the way Kazuha is just so soft makes my chest a bit warm whenever I read any of her works surrounding him. Same goes to Albedo, although he isn't as romantic as Kazuha, it's still great to see his interactions and soft spots for the reader.
Now I could go on and on about how much I adore @ddarker-dreams but I'm going to end up repeating the same thing and accidentally turn it into an essay. But she's a really wonderful writer! Anyone should go check her blog out (even though you should have already or if not, what have you been doing with your life?).
As for @shumidehiro @bye-bye-sunbird @yandere-daydreams, they are very wonderful writers and I would highly recommend for you to check them out if you haven't. Personally I really love the way @shumidehiro writes Capitano and Pantalone, I would even say that her writings are what really got me into them. I honestly never thought I would be captivated by NPCs with screen time less than 45 seconds, but her writings made me fall in love with them. And I mean by as in I'm obsessed with them kinda thing, it's amazing how she's able to get the audience to like two characters that haven't even officially appeared in the game. It's honestly amazing how she builds their characters and makes them unique and charming to read, despite us not having much information on either of them besides the speculated lore from the artifacts. Again, her writings are beautiful and deserve more recognition, and she's a very lovely person too!
@bye-bye-sunbird @yandere-daydreams, they are another pair of phenomenal writers that I greatly love and admire. I don't know if it's obvious but Albedo is one of my favorite characters, or even arguably is my favorite character of all time. But back to the point, the way these lovely writers portrayed him is so - bewitching (?) I was never a personal fan of when writers portrayed Albedo as being a completely emotionless and cold being, when he's more capable of that. Albedo is even implied to be a kind individual within Mondstadt, and we all saw that during the quest where he didn't hesitate to jump after Bennett after the avalanche. Another note, @bye-bye-sunbird's Capitano Agenda is one of my favorite series. Thanks to farafella's writings acting as an introduction to my love for Capitano (!) The way Capitano is portrayed in the Capitano Agenda got me blushing and gushing on a daily basis, and I'm always giggling whenever I read them, it's beautifully composed and makes your heart beat faster so I would highly recommend to anyone who is interested in Capitano x reader writings!
@teabutmakeitazure is another writer that I greatly appreciate and love, and I feel like she should be more appreciated and loved for her Childe writing contributions. The way she portrayed Childe makes me want to completely punch him in the face, but I still somehow like him enough to keep reading about him. It's almost like a love and hate relationships (?) And her writing makes you feel like you're actually interacting with him in a sort of way. Tainted is probably one of my favorite writings from her, the way Pantalone is portrayed in this is very unsettling. But you also want to punch him much similar to Childe, but something about him just seems more -smug (?) Then Childe? But you should really check her out for yourself and especially her series involving Childe.
Now, I could literally go on and on about each writer but I had to put a limit on myself so I don't end up writing the same thing over and over again. Because I'll keep saying that their writings are beautiful because I really am obsessed, it would turn into a 2k word essay on how I dearly love them. They are all wonderful writers and I would highly recommend them (!) Especially for Genshin fanfictions since that is my preference but I know that some of them do write for other fandoms as well!
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pertinasities · 1 year
kaeya's words give diluc pause; he hesitates for a moment before reaching for the next ingredient in kaeya's drink. he supposes it's not an ... incorrect assertion ( and the glaringly obvious implication makes his heart heave painfully in his chest. ... he's been so cruel to his little brother. so unfathomably, unforgivably cruel. ) " ... just because they fall into it ... doesn't mean they have to stay there. resentment is a trap ... forgiveness is a choice." his gaze is searching when he meet's kaeya's, posing a silent question: what about you ? do you still hate me for all i put you through ? or could you ever find it in your heart to forgive me --- to call me 'brother' again ? " ... is ... everything all right, kaeya ? you're always cryptic, but you're being ... especially so tonight." | @dilucisms
Kaeya tips back on the barstool just a touch further than is safe - the way Crepus always used to scold him for. It will ruin the integrity of the chair - he'll fall and hit his head. Any number of cautionary tales. But he hasn't heard that lecture in years, and he'll never hear it again. Funny how that works.
"How very well spoken of you, Master Diluc," Kaeya drawls, sure to sound as shitty as possible. He may have started them down this road, but he can feel every wall he's built around himself doubling rapidly as they grow dangerously close to a genuine conversation.
But of course, Diluc has always had a way of slamming a battering ram into the weakest point, leaving Kaeya exposed and defenseless.
"Careful now, I might start to think you care." It's a deflection, but he knows Diluc will see right through it. But it's also an out. Diluc can turn now, leave Kaeya to mortar his walls and lick his wounds. Or, the more frightening option, he can double down. Can press a conversation they've both been avoiding for years. If only Kaeya had kept his mouth shut.
Still, his finger traces the rim of his empty glass as Diluc prepares his next. He could leave now, but his options would be the Cat's Tail, or making a drink at home. It's never as good as when Diluc makes it (just like hot chocolate when they were younger, he thinks).
"I've had a lot on my mind as of late." His voice turns softer, just a touch. And no one to talk about it to goes unsaid. Ever since he got back from Sumeru he's felt... detached, almost. More than usual. Like the loyalty he's built means nothing, could crumble in the face of something as simple as his lineage. It's like he's 18 again, a ticking time bomb that can't tell anyone what he really is. And the vision hanging at his hip is a constant reminder.
"Forgiveness is a funny thing. We think we choose it, but I don't think I agree." He'd tried, for a time, not to forgive Diluc. It would be easier that way. The less ties the better, anyway, and he had more than enough reason. Yet he couldn't even maintain the resentment properly until Diluc returned. "We can try, of course, but sometimes the grudge doesn't die. And sometimes, we fail to stoke it."
An unusual bout of honesty leaves him unsteady, unsure, and faintly uncomfortable. Maybe it's the alcohol, maybe it's the hour, maybe it's the strange concoction he volunteered to test for Albedo and Sucrose. Or maybe it's one too many burdens, and a soft spot he's never managed to snuff out.
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Lily gasped in surprise as Kazuha started counting "Angel~, Purple~, Blue~, let's hurry up and find a places to hide~" she told them in hurry and started to look around for a good place to hide letting the Electro one free to be.
She walked to a big tree and tried to climb it carefully, but she wasn't strong enough to hold on tight on the tree trunk, so she moved to hide behind the tree, it was an obvious spot and not well hidden but she hoped he would not find her, sitting under a big branch that was closer to the ground with a lot of fresh leaf on it to hide the little girl as much as possible.
The little girl covered her eyes and smiled with excitement waiting for Kazuha to look for her.
"Dain was the first? What of Mr. Durin? He was treating you like a little human brother, which he still do 'til today or am I mixing things up? " Vincent asked in wonder.
Hearing what they said about branding them as only tools or some items made his heart twist a little, although he knows that now they don't even think of it and not care about the alchemist anymore, it's still bothers him seeing or hearing them talk about it that way sometimes 'I wish I can help you guys' he made a small wish but let it out of his mind with a sigh calming his mind as they proceed.
Leading the two towards the location, there was surly few hounds scattered here and there "we're close" he told them calmly, feeling riftwolves watching the researchers quietly as if Nigredo's presence made them stunned or something let alone Albedo "can they tell your scent, Nigredo? You know, Like wolves. They are familiar with you after all" the youngest researcher asked the oldest of the group of that normal sort of possibility.
“Lily, here! I have an idea! Kazuha is about to learn why I’m the Windtrace champion!” Rubedo said. Finding a sizeable shrub, the whopperflower took on its appearance, concealing the girl, and the two specters took refuge in different trees.
“Three… Two… One~!” Maple red eyes fluttered open as the game began. Kazuha surveyed the area, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. Nevertheless, a smirk lit up his face. “Even if you are a skilled shapeshifter, Rubedo, the strength of your Cryo energy and the scent of Dragonspine that runs through your veins is unmistakeable.” He shut his eyes again and focused on the sensation of a raging mountain blizzard, each snowflake carrying a sense of foreboding with it.
“Got you~” He opened his eyes again and followed the source of the vision.
“W-well, I mean, yeah but—” Nigredo struggled to find the words. “With Dain, it was different…” His cheeks went pink as he averted his eyes. “Durin provided warmth on the outside, but Dain…he made me feel warm on the inside. If that makes sense.”
“I think I understand,” Albedo said. “Klee and Mother made me feel more human, but when I met Kaeya, I felt human in an entirely different way.” A soft smile graced the younger alchemist’s face. “Even thinking about him now… It’s as if the impact he’s had on me is acting as a shield against all the negative energy on this island.”
Nigredo suddenly grimaced as he felt a familiar presence. “Well, that won’t last long,” he mumbled bitterly. “Hey!” he shouted. “We’re not in the lab anymore, y’know! You don’t have to surveil me like prison guards keeping the princess in the tower!”
A pair of small rifthounds rounded a boulder, one brown, and one a dull shade of purple, bewildered.
“Aster?” said the Geo hound. “Little brother Aster? Is that really you??”
“We thought you were dead!” cried the Electro hound.
“You thought correctly,” Nigredo said, standing tall. “I was dead. And so was Durin.” He gestured to Festering Desire, strapped tightly to his belt.
“Hello again, Freki and Geri,” said Durin from within the sword.
“That voice!” said the Geo hound, Geri. “It really is him! It really is Big Brother Durin!”
“But why is he in the sword?” asked Freki.
“His body has succumbed to erosion,” Nigredo explained, “but his consciousness remains in this world. I simply put into something a bit more portable.”
“How are you alive?” asked Freki.
“And who is this other one?” inquired Geri. “Why does he feel just like you?”
“That’s because he is like me. Geri, Freki, meet our youngest brother, Albedo. He was created after our homeland was rended to nothing by Celestia and has been staying in Mondstadt with me.”
“So Master lives!” Geri cheered.
“But how do you live, Aster?” Freki asked again.
Nigredo merely shrugged. “Dunno, don’t care. I’m here, and that’s all that matters. Anyway, I’m here to see your boss. Where is the overgrown mutt?”
“Stuck, Lord Garmr is,” said Freki.
“The human does not belong,” said Geri, glaring at Vincent. “Be rid of him!”
“I will do no such thing!” Nigredo said firmly. “He’s a friend.”
“Always so soft-hearted,” said Geri. “Mushy heart baby brother!”
“If you will not dispose of him, we will!”
Before either of the hounds could teleport, they found themselves literally frozen in place, Cryo energy encasing their bodies.
“Cryo?!” Geri roared. “Who—” The Geo hound was stunned into silence when he saw pale blue energy concentrated around Lunar Resurrection as it hovered beside Nigredo.
“Aster wields Cryo?!” said Freki. “But you were not affected by Yggdrasil!”
“You’re right,” Nigredo said, reaching into his pocket. “I earned this element fair and square!” He flashed his Vision at the two hounds.
“A Vision!”
“Aster has accepted a blessing from the gods?!”
“Traitor! Traitor!”
“What are you gonna do? Fight me? Albedo and Vincent wield Visions as well, you know~ You’re outnumbered and outclassed!” The ice shattered, leaving the two hounds shivering in fear of this new side of their brother. “Now go and tell everyone that Aster is back, and he’s not afraid of you anymore! Anyone who dares to test me will know the hell I suffered for 500 years!”
Whimpering, Geri and Freki tore open rifts in space and retreated through them.
As soon as they were gone, Nigredo turned toward the others with a shaky, half-panicked smile. “Did everyone see that?? Because I will not be doing it again!”
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mqnasluvr · 3 years
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skinship headcanons | genshin impact
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pairings; jean x gn!reader, amber x gn!reader, albedo x gn!reader
mentioned; kaeya, lisa, huffman, sucrose
warnings; suggestive themes ( jean ), all lowercase, not proofread
word count; 1.7k but half of it is albedo
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jean is not the touchiest person out there, but she does enjoy holding you. not too big on pda either; the most you’ll get out of her in public is maybe a quick smooch on the cheek and hand holding🛐 other than that, shes quite reserved.
her hugs are very comforting, but the first couple of times it was awkward on her part. she was used to giving barbara and klee hugs, but this was different. she wasn’t sure where to put her arms, and if anything she got more frustrated the more she hesitated.
once she grows accustomed to it, she’ll be fine. she enjoys the warmth and innocence of hugs, especially if you’re taller than her.
like i said, in public she isnt very touchy. while running errands she does keep you close though, and enjoys holding your hand more and anything.
behind closed doors shes a little bit bolder, but still shy overall. she’s not sure if she’s moving too fast for you so she waits until you initiate any type of physical contact, then takes it from there herself. it took her a long time before she managed to get the courage to kiss you tbh
one time when you two were in her office, amber walked in on you “distracting” jean from her work.
“y/n, i have to get back to work, please,” jean adverted her eyes from your gaze, embarrassed. she kept looking at the door, mentally asking herself if the door was locked or not and getting more nervous as the seconds passed.
you sat straddled on the young womans lap, her hands loosely placed on your hips. holding her face in your hands, you guided her face back to yours. “you work for way too long,” you frowned. “and i’m bored. there’s nothing to do in here.”
“the library is just across the hall—“
“if i read another book my brain will implode.” jean sighed and shook her head.
“please indulge in me just this once? please jean?” she stared at you blankly, her resolve quickly deteriorating. a couple of kisses couldn’t hurt, could it? she looked up at the clock in the corner of the room, then back at you.
sighing for the umpteenth time that day, she nodded. “just for a little while-“
before she could finish speaking, you pressed your lips to hers hurriedly, not wanting to waste any time. jean barely ever separated herself from her work, and refused to accept help from anyone else. you almost never had time alone with the acting grand master— you weren’t going to miss your chance now.
the kiss was not heated whatsoever, just very.. clumsy. and needy. on your part, at least. jean tried her best to slow you down, gripping your hips as her face heated up.
“jean, lisa needs you for somethi- oh,” amber nearly dropped the papers in her hands, immediately covering her eyes with it instead. you whipped your head around and stared at the girl wide-eyed before she spoke up again. “d-did i come at a bad time? i am so sorry, i’ll um. i’ll go now.”
jean couldnt look her in the eyes for WEEKS
it was painful
but overall, she likes physical affection, shes just nervous :,)
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amber LOVES touching you!! she’s 100% okay with pda. she isnt as forward as maybe kaeya or lisa, but she’s still rather bold. sometimes she forgets youre in public too, which ends up drawing a lot of attention to the both of you.
when you two go out on dates she is always touching you. hand in hand, arm around waist, whatever. theres always some type of physical contact, no matter what.
it’s so PAINFULLY obvious that you two are dating but for some reason she didn’t think that anyone knew ?? one time huffman saw yall kissing in an alleyway u really aren’t slick🤨
she loves cheek and forehead kisses, but likes receiving them more than giving really. shes a hyper one, and these kisses fluster her enough to make her quiet down. ( it’s so cute )
she often picks you up to hug you, spinning you both around in circles in an almost bone crushing hug. other than those times her hugs are really soft, but the energy is still there. ^^
have i mentioned that she is affectionate?? because she really is. she does respect your boundaries though, but if you feel uncomfortable you’re going to have to speak up on it because she won’t notice.
in private her clinginess is amplified by 10.
“i’m trying to cook, amber,” you mumbled, struggling to stir the paste sauce in the pot. all you were trying to do was make dinner for the two of you, but around 5 minutes ago she came up behind you and wrapped her arms around your arms and torso. you could feel her bury her face further into your back.
“mhm, and it smells really good too,” she hummed. you groaned, and she just giggled.
“i’ll be done in like, 20 minutes, amber. you can hug barron bunny in the meantime,” you tried to pry her arms off of you but she started whining.
“that’s too long.”
“no, it isnt,” you turned around with a spoonful of pasta sauce, motioning for her to open her mouth. she slurped the sauce and gave you a thumbs up.
“see? its good, right? well it wont get much better if you keep clinging to me so much,” she stayed quiet, but at least loosened her arms around you so that it was easier to move. you lightly patted her hand. “thank you.”
“whateverrr,” she drawled, and you couldnt help but laugh.
the pasta was in fact very good
in the end, shes the exact opposite of jean, and youll need to slow her down a lot :,)
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as far as physical contact goes, it’s literally the last thing you will ever find on his mind. he’s too caught up with other things to think about physical affection
he does love you yes, but he doesnt show it through physical means. he does more gift giving, like when he sees a pretty flower that reminds him of you while going out to find starsilver shards.
if you want a hug or anything out of him you’re going to have to initiate it first— it’s foreign territory, and it’s not something he’s particularly interested in, so he doesnt feel the need to indulge in it
however the first time you two cuddle you can tell that he’s hooked. and he does a terrible job at hiding it.
now, he insists that you sit in his lap while he is taking notes because it “helps him focus better” and because “he’s so lonely”
we all know that aint true lmfao
he also really likes it when you play with his hair. please play with his hair, especially when you want him to get away from his studies. physical contact is completely foreign to him so something as simple as a scalp massage will make him melt 🛐
whenever he refuses to get away from his work, sucrose always asks you to step in because he wont listen to her
“y/n,” sucrose quietly approached you as you conversed with kaeya. you turned to her and nodded, albiet a bit concerned. sucrose never really needed you for anything, what did she need now that she couldn’t do herself?
kaeya took this as his sign to leave, but not before giving you a quick pat on the head. “yes, sucrose?” you said. “did something happen?”
she nodded meekly, watching kaeya walk off. a little bubble of guilt formed in her stomach from interrupting. “ah, i need your help with something. you see, mr albedo has been doing research non-stop on a new thing that has caught his eye since yesterday afternoon. i’ve tried to get him to put his research on pause, but,” she adjusted her glasses. “he doesn’t listen to me. i was hoping if you could maybe convince him to take care of himself?”
you pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. he was doing it again. but you couldnt really blame him, he was terrible at keeping his hyperfixations under control. “i’ll take care of him, sucrose. don’t worry.”
she visibly relaxed at your words. sucrose flashed you a smile of gratitude, then waved and walked off to finish her errands in mondstadt.
it didn’t take him very long to notice your presence behind him. you were practically glaring at him, but there was no true anger behind it. wordlessly, albedo turned around in his chair and looked up at you.
you crossed your arms. “albedo,” you started, and it took everything in him not to sigh at the inevitable lecture.
“sucrose sent you, did she not?” he propped his arm up on the armrest of his chair, leaning his face into his hand as he gazed at you nonchalantly.
“of course she did. why aren’t you taking breaks?” he turned his chair back around, but you sat on the desk he was working at. you placed your hand on top of his papers and he shot a glare at you. it didnt phase you in the slightest.
“i have work to do. it’s much easier to do it all at once than stop inbetween.”
“have you at least been taking care of your basic needs? when was the last time you ate, or drank water?”
your eyes softened when he looked away.
hopping off of the desk, you grabbed his hand and pulled him away from his work ( gently, of course ). he barely protested.
you started muttering about how he needs to take better care of himself while pouring him a cup of water and making him a simple sandwich. he was a bit disappointed in himself for making you worry, and ate the food you gave him guiltily.
you pinched his cheek as he ate, giving it a light tug. he slapped your hand away playfully and a bit of the guilt he felt lifted when he heard your laugh. “i’m sorry you have to go through this for me.”
you shook your head. “you just need to learn how to stop yourself. you’re smart albedo, i’m sure you’ll figure it out in no time.”
he finished eating his food and, uncharacteristically, pulled you in for a hug. albedo rested his forehead against your shoulder, relaxing even further when you weaved your fingers through his hair.
“...i’m sorry, y/n.”
“stop apologizing.”
“okay. sorry. oh-”
you laughed.
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lovetals · 2 years
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to extend time
synopsis: their (somewhat) subtle ways of spending more time with you
characters: diluc, kaeya, jean, venti
deets: gn! reader, fluff
notes: was gonna add on albedo and rosaria but my brain decided to take a nap when i got to venti’s 😵‍💫 they’re all rather short, too, but hopefully i managed to capture enough fluff ^^
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❀ nobody likes to do work, but for some reason you never felt that way when it came to diluc asking you for help at the tavern
❀ it might be because of how simple the tasks were, majority of them just putting stuff away in their proper places or helping him clean up when it’s late and the place is getting empty. you’ve noticed how he only asks you that when there isn’t as many people, something you greatly appreciated since it was uncomfortable to be surrounded by so many intoxicated people
❀ they’re rather simple tasks by itself, but they’re somehow easier with diluc. he takes notice of how you struggle with something and will immediately step in. don’t worry about that stain that you can’t seem to clean, just move on and let him handle it
❀ or maybe it was because of the time you got to spend with the redhead. sure, it was spent with you walking around and cleaning and stuff, but it was filled with moments that made the two of you laugh and grow excited the next time you were asked to help out
❀ you were sure diluc liked these moments as well, never before have you seen him smile so fondly until those nights
❀ as your back is turned towards the man while wiping down a table you don’t get to see the soft blush on his cheek as he stares at you much like a lover would. he lets out a sigh of content as he’s just so happy to be with you for a second longer
❀ if only time could stand still, he thinks
❀ he doesn’t really do anything or ask anything of you, he just slides his way to you and is suddenly accompanying you throughout the day
❀ you’re getting food at good hunter? what a coincidence, he’s hungry, too! meals are best eaten together, wouldn’t you say?
❀ buying some flowers from flora? he’s there as well, saying he was helping the little girl with her commission to help preserve the flowers! shush, flora, don’t rat him out to his crush >:(
❀ simply walking around town? he could use a break!
❀ don’t bring up his job and remind him of whatever task jean gave him, he’ll drag you along to “keep the party going” as he says
❀ you don’t really realize how often you spend time with the cavalry captain until someone asks where he is when they don’t spot him at your side, remarking that’s it strange to not see the two of you together
❀ …was that why you felt so down today?
❀ you think that it’s just you that feels this way as you walk around town aimlessly with an obvious frown for practically the whole day until you spot kaeya walking down the bridge by the end of it
❀ he acts exactly like you—a frown on his face and sluggish movements, his shoulders slouched just slightly as he keeps his eyes down; an obvious contrast to his usual demeanor
❀ you don’t notice that you call out his name, a smile finally forming on your face
❀ his head snaps up and very quickly does his whole disposition change. his facial expression mirrors your own and he picks up his pace, eager to be at your side once again
❀ the joy in kaeya’s voice as he calls out your name makes you think he missed you just as much, if not, more
❀ everyone needs to eat, it’s not something you can skip out on whenever you wish to. too many missed meals and soon you’ll find yourself collapsing to the floor due to the lack of nutrients. even the busiest of people can’t afford to let this happen so they schedule times to eat
❀ but it's not very fun to eat alone, so why not invite a friend to join you? or in jean's case, a crush?
❀ jean doesn’t eat her lunch while continuing work, she actually lets herself have a short break to be able to enjoy her meal. she takes this as an opportunity to relax and spend time with you, letting her mind and mouth run free. it's something that she doesn't even seem to notice doing
❀ the amount of relief she feels whenever you pop into her office is exhilarating; her shoulders ease up and she can lean back into her chair, nearly sliding off it from exhaustion. she thought she was just happy to be given a break but soon learns that it was you who gave her such a feeling (she found out when lisa came in and reminded her about her break instead of you and ate her lunch wondering why she felt so sad)
❀ sometimes, the mere mention of you is enough to spark life into her eyes after hours of work
❀ personally, jean prefers to eat inside her office rather than out in public with you. sure, the sunny weather and gentle breeze is nice to feel, but there was so much she wanted to do with you that she couldn’t bring herself to do in front of others
❀ she loved feeding you something from her dish (a move she learned from one of her favorite romance novels), but she could never do it in front of those that loved to gossip. imagine how much more stress that would cause for not only her, but for you as well
❀ though to have a day out with you somewhere outside would be something she hopes to do one day. she’s found a private spot, she’s bought a picnic basket, all she needs to do now is to find the courage to ask you
❀ there’s always a reason to celebrate according to the bard
❀ he earned more mora by performing in front of a crowd than yesterday? obviously this calls for a feast!
❀ last night, he managed to stay for 10 minutes in diluc’s bar before getting kicked out, so why not get a drink to commemorate this! …and to try to set a new record, ehe~
❀ everyday venti seeks you out, asking you to join him for this “momentous occasion!” but never seems to want a crowd to follow along. in fact, he gets all pouty when someone else joins in on the fun, wanting this moment to be spent with you alone
❀ it’s sometimes why the two of you like to hangout on the hands of the statue in front of the church; nobody is able to interfere on your “celebration”
❀ venti doesn’t limit himself to only spend time together at night, oh, no. he’s creative enough to find ways to spend out in the warm sun with you (alone, preferably)
❀ as rowdy as he may get during the night this personality of his doesn’t carry over to the mornings. instead, he acts much more calm and finds something more relaxing to do
❀ it’s become common to find yourself spending the day by resting on the bard’s lap as he plays a song on his lyre as his way of celebrating at the fact that he’s finally grown closer to the one he loves
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bluexiao · 3 years
#come fish with me!
—different situations where you take him fishing with you
CHARACTERS. Albedo, Childe, Diluc, Gorou, Kaeya, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Zhongli
THEMES. mostly fluff but a few of them have angst pls i tried it to be purely fluff but i can’t help it
NOTES. i have had this idea ever since i just fish for fun (which i still do) in liyue. i needed the achievement by buying the rod and i tried my hardest to get the liyue one haha. i usually fish while the voice audio is off so it’s rather relaxing for me since i don’t have paimon screaming in my ear all the time. also i’ll probably do another version of this one next time but with most of the charas
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ALBEDO was also in the area when you asked him to go to the only fishing area in Dragonspine. At first, he was quite confused as to why you’d ask for him to accompany you considering that you usually fish on your own all around Teyvat. However, when you two were already settled with your baits on the water, awaiting for a Snow Strider to take the bait, that was when he slowly realized the answer to his question.
“Darling?” he calls, and when you hummed as you turned to face him, his cold hand was on your cheek, caressing them gently with a soft look on his eyes.
“What is it, Bedo? Is something wrong?”
“I must be neglecting you lately, have I?” he questions straightforwardly, but before you could deny him, he adds on, “That must be the reason why you’d want us to get together today, I apologize, for being such a bad significant other to you.”
Holding onto his hand, you shake your head and smile reassuringly to him, “I may have asked you because of the same reason, but you are not a bad significant other, Albedo. I just miss you, that’s all. Klee was the one who suggested that I should go fishing with you.”
He’s hesitant, but he merely whispers and “I love you too,” before landing a chaste kiss on your lips and momentarily leaned his forehead to yours, promising to himself to hold occasional fishing trips with you and Klee someday.
It’s quite difficult if you brought CHILDE with you since he’d usually beat up monsters first even if you both will just pass by them. He obliterates them easily however it’s quite a hassle, nonetheless. Although, it’s expected of him, anyway; any plain activity with him will evolve into one with an exciteming and thrilling turn so suddenly.
“Y/n, stand back for a sec, yeah?” “Let me beat them up for a bit,” “Hey, do you need some Stained Masks? Want me to get them for you?”
You’d actually have to get him to stop since it’s hindering your supposed “peaceful” day with him, and you’d have to explain this as well.
Despite this though, he lets out a hearty laugh and takes a hold of your hand, “Alright then, I won’t go fighting monsters anymore,” his smile then curls into a smirk as he adds with a wink, “But just so you know, I’m fairly experienced at fishing, how about a match and see who has the most caught fishes?”
There is a fishing spot near the Dawn Winery and DILUC knows about it. He was silent at first about it but when you asked, he hesitatingly replied “We used to fish here too before.”
He doesn’t talk about it but it was fairly obvious that he was reminiscing about something—silent as he could ever be as he fished with you and helped you with both of your catches.
Unable to contain it, you suddenly uttered an apology to him—hesitant, you were. Turning to face you, you were faced with a confused look of your boyfriend before a gentle smile breaks on his lips, his free gloved-hand reaching to take yours. You could feel his thumb softly caress the back of your hand as he begins to say, “Thank you for bringing me here, my love. Being here brings back memories, yes, but with you here, I find that there is no way I will feel displeased by it,” and as if he knew you needed more reassurance, he leans to press a kiss on the top of your forehead, “Come now, let us put our catch into good use.”
You would think that GOROU is good at fishing, but he’s actually not. He only has knowledge about it but… he never tried fishing since he usually just tells someone to do it. Be patient with him because he does learn quite fast, nonetheless. He looks very cute while he focuses on his very first baited fish, and you’ll absolutely smile yourself when his face brightens when he gets his first catch.
“Honey look! Look! I got it! I got a Medaka! Aren’t I good?”
Your hand finds itself on the middle of his ears and began to caress one of them, “You did good, honey, now, can you help me catch a Crystalfish, yeah?”
Praising him is very important, you’ll get to see his face flushed if you do<3
KAEYA would probably be the most chill out of everyone, no pun intended. The moment you asked him, he’ll be accepting the offer, to your surprise, since don’t he have work? Truth be told, he’ll accept it since he finds this as a way of “exploring” and knowing more about Mondstadt; and you.
“So this is what you do in your free time,” he says as he struggles on a Pufferfish that he baited, “I could say, this is a great exercise.”
He’s probably trying to act cool but the fight with the Pufferfish was quite intense, but of course knowing him, he won’t complain about it and would continue helping you out for the rest of the day.
Above everyone, it is KAZUHA who is the best Fishing Buddy.
He knows how to fish, he has experience in fishing, and he’s also a great company since he will provide you with tips and advice on the activity in general.
“My, you are doing quite well, my dove, you must be a professional at this,” he chuckles as he brings in his—probably—tenth catch for the last five minutes. Even if he was doing far better than you, he still doesn’t forget to praise you for your achievements. Furthermore, he also knows a lot of fish meals and he might even cook one for you with an Adepti Seeker’s Stove. And his cooking are superb, I tell you.
“Excuse me, what?” SCARAMOUCHE hisses and raises a brow. “You want me to fish with you? Why can’t you ask other-“ he pauses, and he turns away suddenly, leaving you without an answer.
“Alright, I’ll just ask Childe if he’s free-”
His eyes pierced your soul in an instant, glaring at you with a visible frown mixed with a pout on his lips, his arms crossed as if he was hiding something so obvious already, “Who said you’re going with him? Come on, stand up, I thought you were going to fish right now? Well then? Don’t make me want to change my mind.”
THOMA is good at everything, including fishing. Definitely a rival to Kazuha, but he’s more of an expert only at the ones in Inazuma since they’re the ones that he’s used to catching.
“Now, where shall we go next, we’ve cleared this area already for now,” he pauses, “Do you need the ones in the Shipwreck? Raimei Angelfish, was it? Stay here, I’ll go get them for you, it’s dangerous there and I don’t want you to get hurt, baby,”
You were hesitant to ask VENTI to accompany you in Stormterror’s Lair, since it was part of your fishing spots, after all. He appears like he doesn't mind though but every once in awhile, he gets silent and stares off in the distance, only snapping off when his bait captures a fish or if you call his name.
You were about to say an apology to him when he suddenly beamed at you and grab a hold of another rod, “I’m not really good at fishing, so would you mind if you could teach me, windblume?”
He may not say any of his problems now but it was because he didn’t want to ruin the day by thinking of negative thoughts. He wishes that you won’t worry about him thus he shows his bright smile—but behind it is a self that he doesn’t want you to see, for now, that is.
XIAO knew that the fishing spot in Dihua Marsh has enemies near it, thus he did not bother much that you asked him to fish with you. What he did not expect is that you needed to go to various places to accompany you in the fishes that you needed to for a certain polearm that you wanted to obtain.
“Humans and their desires… all of these just for a fishing rod and a polearm… am I correct? I don’t understand how such creatures would be needed in exchange for a weapon.”
Despite this long complaint, he never did so afterwards, merely following you all day long and even carrying all your catches back to Wangshu Inn then going back to you in an instant.
“Finished?” he asks when you’ve cleared an area, and when you nod at him, he wordlessly slips his arms on your waist and teleports you both to another fishing spot.
He obviously did not memorize each one of them just for you.
It has been awhile since ZHONGLI stepped foot on the top of Mt. Aocang and when you suggested that he accompany you to fish, he was delighted at it, nonetheless. He’s probably the most thoughtful above everyone since he may be the only one who will pack snacks for both of your journeys and immediately assumes that the activity is a bonding time for the two of you.
“Here, dearest, have some of these,” he brings a sandwich near you, not expecting you to merely turn your face and bite on it since you were preoccupied with having your focus on the beautiful hues of the Abiding Angelfish that you had been eyeing at early on.
ZHONGLI smiles to himself as he watches you with your focused gaze, admiring you and your beauty in the middle of such a peaceful place.
If he’s asked, he’ll say that he’ll definitely go back here with you someday to fish again.
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TAGLIST (send an ask to be added~)
@softlybeloved @rim0na @icecappa @cozykaii @scaraslover @beastielevi @cursedraiden @thesatanofpizza @izayanna @stellumi @coco-goat-milk @nonniechan
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bunniislvt · 3 years
Hi *tremble* i saw you want someone to ask so i want to ask for kazuha or albedo 👉🏻👈🏻 the teasing soft dom kazuha/albedo and f!reader if you can. But maybe can you make him being so mean for playing with reader's nipple. It's fine if you want to write one of them or both 😳 thank you!
title : nipple play
characters : kazuha , albedo
notes : this is adorable <3 soft dom kazuha lives in my mind 24/7
cw : smut -- f!reader -- nipple play -- teasing -- sub!reader -- soft dom!kazuha + albedo
(not proofread)
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kazuha( ´∀`)☆
feel like soft dom kazuha wouldnt get too mean ykwim
but if he finds a spot youre sensitive in, then he cant help but tease you a little bit <3
he would be running his hands down you body when he notices how your breath hitches everytime he touches your nipple
his hands were almost both rough and smooth as he runs them down your body. eyes wandering over your figure, he observed every detail about you and paid close attention to your reactions.
since he's in tune with his senses, its pretty easy for him to notice when you find something particularly arousing. like when his fingers grace over your nipples, slightly touching them and watching how they bud up just from that short interaction.
"oh? look at what happened when i barely touched them." he coos, a smile splayed on his lips. "i wonder what would happen.."
he leaned over your body, the distance between his lips and your skin closing. his breath fanned across your chest, causing you to shiver with anticipation. gently, his tongue made contact with your breast and dragged up your nipple. your back lifted off the bed and a small squeak left your mouth before you could bite your lip to hold it back. it was obvious to kazuha how sensitive your nipples are.
"how cute~" he mewls, doing the same to the other side.
he adored watching how your body trembled and squirmed when his tongue lapped at your buds ever so slowly, the smallest whimpers escaping your lips urged him on.
"dont-- dont tease," you squeak, your words becoming muffled as you covered your mouth with your palm.
"tease? why, i dont know what you mean."
with that, he took your nipple into his mouth, sucking on it gently as he watched you squirm under him.
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albedo( ´∀`)☆
like kazuha, he loves to watch for your reactions so he knows what makes you feel the best
the genuine curiosity drives him to tease you
once he knows how sensitive your nipples are, it becomes a habit for him to tease them <3
he tilts his head to the side after hearing you squeak from him touching your nipples. his gaze dropped from your eyes to your chest, almost examining you and taking in everything he can about your body.
"here?" he hums, running his finger over your nipple, pinching it softly between his index and thumb.
based on the way your body twitched and a gasp left your mouth, he confidently came to the conclusion that he was going to focus on your nipples, seeing how many different reactions you have.
"i see." he coos, kissing your lips.
he squeezes your nipple, catching your gasp in his mouth as he kissed you. his other hand came up to toy with your other nipple, rubbing and pinching at it. rolling it with his fingers, he parted from your lips and dipped his head down to meet your chest, peppering kisses over your breasts and to your nipples.
"this place here is sensitive," he says, licking you to pull out a moan.
"how curious,"
"albedo-- " you whimper, picking up on his change in demeanor.
he's studying you, learning all of your weaknesses so he'll be able to make you putty in his hands. fleeting kisses to your nipples did just that.
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zensharks · 3 years
genshin boys - how they hug you
summary: how six of the genshin men would give hugs ^^
characters: diluc, childe, albedo, kaeya, zhongli, venti
a/n: veeery happy with this one!! especially kaeya and venti ehe
warnings: swearing, maybe a little angst for zhongli if you squint a little
wc: 1.5k
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before diluc can consider himself close with someone, any physical touch is very stiff and regulated; he’s known for his rigid, pat-on-the-back hugs
he’ll furrow his brow in an attempt to remain composed, despite how uncomfortable physical affection is with most people
when diluc is close with you, though, expect the warmest hugs ^^
he’ll practically envelop you in his arms, one wrapped around the middle of your back and the other holding the back of your head near his neck, combing his hands through your hair
he keeps you held tight into his chest so you can feel his breathing slow as you relax into his touch
if the quiet allows for it you may be able to hear his heartbeat; it’s a comforting sound, a very slow rhythm with a deep sort of tone to it
diluc’s hugs are tight but never suffocating, he always holds you with a sort of gentle nature about him
he also lingers slightly - very rarely in an overly persistent manner - you can often feel his fingertips lightly brush against you when you pull away from him
he also tolerates cuddles (okay maybe more than tolerates)
most of the time, diluc prefers to be the big spoon
you can feel the heat from his chest as he holds your back pressed against his chest, one arm resting on top of yours as he strokes the back of your hand with his thumb
with his face laying on the pillow just behind yours, you swear you can feel the corners of his mouth turning up as his eyes fall closed
(very soft smiles when your eyes are turned away from him ehe)
he loves to feel you near him, the fact that he can physically know your closeness makes diluc feel safe with you
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he pulls you in so quickly that before you can take a second to think, childe already has you tight up against him
he hugs you with his arms hooked under your shoulders and his hands resting on your shoulder blades, maybe one reaching up to hold the back of your neck right where your hairline ends
he’ll often shoot you some snide remark like “glad to see you’re finally back, you sure took your time” with a smirk hiding at the corner of his mouth, but he continues to hold you as if, in his arms, you are right where you belong
his hugs are tight. i mean very tight
sometimes to the extent that you have to remind childe that, yes, you will in fact need to breathe at some point
he also hugs you from behind ,, like all the time
you can be doing anything - cleaning, looking for something on a shelf, doing the dishes, even just walking from one spot to another when you feel a pair of arms snake around you
he’s got you in his grasp hehehhehe >:)
his back hugs are more gentle, but his brazenness is still very much obvious in the way that he brings his head down to where his nose slightly brushes against the corner of your jaw and softly whispers next to your ear
(“hm, do tell, where were you going just now?”)
there’s that mf smirk again.
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albedo still struggles to master the formula to hugs, hopeless little alchemist </3
he often finds himself stuck between too gentle and too rigid
(as in he either holds you as if you are a thin sheet of glass, or as if his joints had suddenly become locked in place)
he was wary at first, not knowing the appropriate times for a hug let alone if he was doing it right; over time though, he learned from you and you came to find that he’s very gentle in his affections
he’s the type to let his arms rest under yours, wrapped around the middle of your back, often nestling his head into the crook of your neck
he lets his breathing relax a little when he realizes that you aren’t pulling away
pet his hair ……..
comb your hands through his hair or even just rest your hand on the back of his head to hold him closer, he’ll melt
as he became more comfortable with you, albedo realized that maybe, just maybe he can stand a hug or two :)
in public, don’t expect much - any pda, if not nonexistent, is very chaste
he hugs you so quickly that it almost seems like he sets a time limit - if you blink you’ll miss it
if the room is empty, though, albedo will let you rest your head on his shoulder as he works, sometimes holding you closer to him with an arm around your back while still keeping his eyes fixed on the materials in front of him
(he’ll also often try to explain his process to you if he sees your expression turn slightly confused, doing his best to help you understand)
in short, albedo appears quite distant, but gaining his trust opens up a new side of him that he keeps away from most others
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in a comparable manner to childe, kaeya is very clingy
depending on the day, he either falls apart under your touch, or he decides to be the one to make you fall
in the first case, he’ll keep himself pressed close against you with his arms under yours and wrapped around your middle, his hands placed just above the small of your back to keep himself as near to you as possible
he keeps his face settled into the crook of your neck, and if you were to brush a hand through his hair or trace your thumb along the nape of his neck he would simply melt ^^
no. more. cryo!! 
in the latter situation though, kaeya becomes very forward and bold in his actions
he’d still have one hand at the small of your back, but the other would be holding the back of your neck or resting on the side of your face, softly tracing your jawline
contrary to the prior, kaeya often wants to be able to see you directly in moments like this
he’ll tip your face up so your eyes meet his, letting out a slight chuckle at your expression
“do you always look at me like that?”
get that mf smile off your face kaeya
despite his brash attitude he’ll still shower you with affection, placing soft kisses at your temple to your cheekbone, down your jawline and neck, and finally to your lips
of course, he has to follow it up with some sort of remark - “oh? was that not enough?”
i said stop smirkING U DUMBASS
tl;dr: either way, kaeya gets what he wants
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at first, zhongli kept up a very professional and respectful nature in your company
it took a lot of time to break through his layer of formality, starting slowly with smaller gestures of affection
over time, as he became more comfortable, he grew to appreciate being able to hold you so close to him
zhongli’s touch is very gentle, almost reverent
his movements are slow - not calculated but rather gentle
his hugs are heavy but soft; you can feel one hand resting on the back of your shoulder opposite it and the weight of the other pressed flat into the middle of your back, keeping you tight to his chest with your arms wrapped around his torso
he’ll most likely be the last to let go 
his touch always lingers; zhongli, more than most, understands the fleeting nature of human life, so he is sure to make his moments with you last
after you try to pull away, he would pull you back up against him with his hands at your waist before placing a chaste kiss on your forehead and smoothing his hand over your hair
every touch lasts slightly longer than the one before, but zhongli still feels a pang of loss when he can no longer feel you near
he tries to distract himself from the thought that keeps pushing through, the thought that someday he won’t be able to hold you as he does now, but when you leave his reach it often persists
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puuuuuure adoration for you from this man
venti definitely gives the over-the-shoulders type of hugs, crossing his arms up by your neck and resting his chin near the crook of your neck
(reaching slightly, if necessary lmaooo)
as an almost involuntary reaction, his eyes drift closed and he lightens a little under your touch
venti, like zhongli, makes his moments with you last
his hugs are long and drawn out, looking at you with pleading eyes when you say that you need to go
“pleeeeeeease? a little longer?”
venti is very gentle and is never forceful with you, always having a very light touch 
he’ll often pull his head away from yours just to meet your eyes, a wide smile spreading across his face and an expression brimming with admiration and warmth
“what…?” you would ask, quizzically, not sure why the bard can’t seem to take his eyes away from you
expect some straight mf poetry as this man’s reply. he gets all sappy when you hold him ^^
you’d laugh and pull him back against you, the smile not leaving his face
basically just a sucker for physical affection, he loves to feel wrapped up in your arms like a blanket
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dewdrop-writes · 3 years
Hello luv 💞 Thank you for your kind words but I really am more of a plot maker rather than a writer, but I make attempts HAHAHA From your additional brainrots I continued a bit,,, please excuse my amateur writing 😌
Albedo and reader have been teaching Rubedo how certain things worked, like something as simple as currency, utensils, chores, and proper interactions with others before descending Dragonspine to be introduced. It was finally time, the three of them descended the mountain, Rubedo's hair had been cut short to distinguish them. Whispers were made by the townsfolk as they walked to the plaza, curious as to who exactly was the man accompanying Albedo and reader, despite it glaringly obvious that he was related to the chief Alchemist. As they walked, reader saw Klee at the Plaza's higher ground, she called the little spark knight who looked delighted at reader's return, it had been quite some time since they last came down from Dragonspine. Klee came rushing down the stairs and wrapping her arms around reader who returned the action eagerly, however, she noticed the third person in reader's party, Rubedo. Klee gasped and hid behind reader, uncharacteristically shy for some reason. "reader! there's two big brothers! " she whisper yells at reader, oblivious to the fact that said men had heard her. Bedo let out a rare chuckle, "Klee, this is my twin brother Rubedo, he has been travelling around for a long while but finally decided on settling down here with us." he explains. "so Klee has another big brother? Yay!" Klee cheers, coming out from behind reader to properly stand in front of Rubedo. "ah, I almost forgot! I'm Klee!" Rubedo hesitantly replies, "I... I'm Rubedo.. it's nice to meet you too Klee." he looked towards reader in hopes of an assurance he replied correctly. Reader smiles at him and the tension on his shoulders ease up a bit, although he was still visibly stiff. "Let's go home, shall we?" reader asks with a gentle smile, Bedo extends a hand for Klee to hold out of habit, his other holding reader's . Klee reaches out to take it but stops midway, turning to Rubedo and taking his hand, "Klee will walk with big brother Rubedo!" she exclaims.
Nsncjfjcjdxz I have a soft spot for Rubedo 😭Man's just want to experience living like Albedo, surrounded by family, friends, and loved ones, but goes about it the wrong way canonically 😔
- Zhongli brainrot anon 🐉
I love Rubedo too!!! He has so much potential!!! I WANTED MORE ABT HIM IN CANON WEEPS
Also picture:
Klee walking on the streets with both of her big brothers holding her hands and lifting her up by the arms on occasion and being SO CUTE SADFGHJKL
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bunny-rambles · 3 years
May I request a building a snowman with aether , albedo , kazuha ?
Btw this is my first time requesting
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Notes: hello dear new anon, I hope you stick around~ I’m not too familiar with aether if I’m being honest? But I’ll try him out anyway, apologies if his turns out to be out of character. The format is a little different as it’s more than 2 characters, so it may be a little shorter? Ahh, I love the snow, I was very happy about this request. I hope you enjoy!
CW/TW: Aethers is a little sad if you squint
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“Do you wanna build a snowman?”
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Snowman Paimon? Snowman Paimon
She would be so angry hjhigffcf did you see her reaction to Aethers drawing she would expect a masterpiece and nothing less
Aether with snowflakes in his hair is just,,, wow. He’s definitely from ‘another world’ because no one looks as good as he does in this one. Prince vibes!!
I do have a feeling that the snowman snowpaimon would look very lopsided but Aether would have that proud little smile on his face and you just,,, how could you tell him it looked like a disaster? You don’t. You can’t. it’s impossible
Also is Aether affected by the cold? He wears a crop top in Dragonspine. That scarf is not going to keep the rest of your body warm sir. iknowyoucan’tchangeoutfitsshh
After you two have finished, he decorates it with some twigs and stones, which makes it look even more like a train wreck but you don’t comment on that
But there’s this… Sad smile on his face. You know what he’s thinking about
Your hand reaches out towards his own, cradling it and intertwining your fingers.
“I’m sure Lumine would like it, too…”
He’s so grateful for you in that moment, that he doesn’t have to pretend he’s not affected by losing his sister
He gently squeezes your hand, a silent ‘thank you’ for being there for him
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There’s no ifs, ands or buts about it, Klee is definitely with you guys when you make one
It probably happens because Albedo had to babysit Klee, but was busy with his experiments, and you were assisting him. So, the poor baby was obviously very bored. her bombs were probably confiscated
So, while you two were finally taking a break after hours of non stop experimenting, Klee asks if you guys could make a snowman with her.
As diligent and dedicated to his work as the alchemist is, it’s obvious that he has a soft spot for her, and so he agrees.
He glanced towards you, of course, and asked if you’d like to join. And who are you to say no to two giant pairs of puppy eyes staring back at you? It’s not like you’d refuse anyway.
So here the three of you were, entertaining the little arsonist by building multiple snow-dodocos.
Albedo probably uses a little Alchemy trick to make them come to life for a time, a small smile on his face once he realises how happy Klee was when her snow-dodoco’s started bouncing around.
You three don’t stay out there long though, since you and the young spark knight were beginning to shiver. Since Albedo is used to these temperatures, when he notices you two trembling he’s immediate in his actions in taking your hand in one of his and Klee’s in his other, shuffling back up to his camp quickly.
All three of you definitely snuggle against one another once you get back with some hot cocoa to warm you up. Yeah, snow days with Klee and Albedo are definitely some of the best
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Does it even snow in Inazuma?
well he is a traveller so
Crafting a snowman with Kazuha is like crafting a work of art
His gentle hands move gracefully, but with purpose. They scoop up mounds of snow and sculpt it in place, smoothing out the edges by sliding them over the already perfect circle.
He’s only building a snowman, and yet it is like he is creating the most beautiful ornament that has ever graced the universe.
You almost feel intimidated to contribute.
But Kazuha is nothing but kind and gentle, so he takes your hand and pulls you down carefully to kneel at his level.
“I sense your hesitation, dove. No need. For it to be truly beautiful, it needs to have your touch.” There’s a soft smile on his face, those rubies in place of his eyes looking at you with nothing but adoration.
It’s just a stupid snowman why are you being so angelic sTOPMYHEARTCAN’TTAKEIT
So, after his reassurance, you placed the small pebbles in your hand on its head to resemble a smiley face, placing the largest one in the middle for its nose, while he placed some on its body for buttons.
When you stepped back, you couldn't help but smile at your little creation.
Kazuha had added some maple leaves on its cheeks for decoration, and you had to admit it looked absolutely adorable.
Snuggles in front of a campfire after yes please
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Extra notes: formatting this was a nightmare,,, But this whole prompt made me very soft yesyes.
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