#is it love? drogo
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lalunanymph · 6 months ago
oughhh based on sylus's tribal tattoos and the jewelry he wears, i think he's some sort of tribe leader and like just imagine him bringing us back to his people, declaring us as his chosen one 🥹
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greycloudsinwinter · 11 months ago
This is more of a concept question do you think yandere khal drogo would submit to reader publicly or privately regardless of gender do you think if reader what to dominate drogo in bed would he allow it and what would his reaction would. Could you imagine male reader wanting drogo to bottom when they have sex it would be so funny to see drogo reaction 😂. What do you think 🤔 ?
Omg yes I love this 😂😌
⚔️I think he would do it publicly like would go down on his knees for his darling as long as you love him.
⚔️He would allow reader to dominate in bed privately but he wouldn’t let reader do it all the time cause it might hurt his ego .
⚔️at first he was against being bottom like really really against it but after some pursuing on readers behalf he would do it . And it would become one of his favourite positions he won’t admit it though. He just loves his darling so SO much.
Thank you so much for this question ❤️❤️
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tategaminu · 27 days ago
Callum calling Rayla "moon of my life" 🥺🥺🥺 imagine.
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postmail · 4 months ago
i lovvveee the drogo and primula that exist in my head. like its like they are the twisted and weird as hell versions of bungo and belladonna except infinitely less stable and mature like. one of relationship is a reliable, comfortable hearth and the other is a star that burns hard and fast and dies even faster
if you looked at these pairs from a distance they would look like very similiar couples, dynamic wise. you’ve got the ~wild~ took (or tookish brandybuck) girl and the stuffy baggins boy. but once you actually look you would realize they are completely different
bungo was a needed sense of home in belladonna’s life. he gave her something to actually come back to, a reason to come home and stay there. a reason to want to be in the shire. he literally built her a house. he loved all her weirdness and her tookishness, of course, even if it scared him a little sometimes. but mostly he just loved her. i think once everyone else got used to them being together they regarded belladonna and bungo as like... the couple. ultimate hobbit couple goals. they were madly in love and they knew how to handle it. they were normal about it, ya know? like a cute elderly couple or something.
but drogo and primula... uhhh...
lets just say, this was a match made in hell in eyes of their families.
drogo was a perfectly good hobbit before primula. fussy, stuffy, a little stuck up and a lot a coward - guy was the quintessential baggins. probably never even kissed a girl. and then primula happened.
primula is a firestorm. widely regarded as a hell-raiser, trouble-maker and disturber of the peace. often pictured standing on top of the burning corpse of respectability and good hobbit sense. not much of an adventurer per se, but definitely a little manic. somebody that definitely needs to be kept away from alcohol at all costs. takes pleasure in causing other people mental anguish and is total adrenaline junky. everything about her screams unstable, unrespectable. seriously, shes had like seven boyfriends, even a girlfriend or two
and then she starts flirting with drogo. and to everyone’s horror, he’s kinda into it.
whats worse is that she only becomes more insane, all to impress drogo. and. it fucking works.
primula is wild. probably a little deranged. and shes the most fun drogo has ever had in his life:
being the perfect baggins is boring, okay? there, he admitted it! he doesnt like being stuffy and fussy, locked up in his little hobbit hole stuck officiating mind-numbingly boring tea parties with distant relatives pretending to be interested in doilies, wondering about all the fun hes too scared to find.
but primula. primula.
she doesnt mind that hes a squeaky little coward who whines about unnecessary dangers and stained shirts. its like she sees through him, sees through all his toothless simpering that feels more like a force of habit than actual protests. shes exciting, shes fun, shes actually insane,
oh, and drogo! the flirting didnt really mean anything to primula, not at first. she flirts with a lot of hobbits, just because its fun. little primula motto for you: if its fun, why hold back?
but drogo is different. she didnt notice it at first, but once she did she was hooked.
he looks like the perfect baggins, acts like the perfect baggins. but its all an act, and shes the first one to see through it. he whines about danger and irrespectability, and hes not actually pretending to be scared. but theres a spark in his eyes when she steals a cart and takes them on a wild joy ride through hobbiton. hes screaming, but hes also laughing, she knows that look he has:
like he just started living for the first time in his life.
drogo was coaxed and eased into love. primula fell into it full force and with bang when she realized that this stuffy little baggins who cares about table arrangements and handkerchiefs is the first hobbit to also know thats it not just about being a menace for menace sake, thats its not about causing chaos. its about feeling alive. and he feels it too.
bungo and belladonna fell in love as equal and opposite forces, coming together like two puzzle pieces that somehow complemented each other perfectly. primula and drogo didnt fall in love with their opposites. they fell in love with the first hobbit in their lives that actually understood them. that actually got it. they fell in love because they were, at heart, the same. and yeah they burned so damn bright and died like a supernova but god, it was amazing while it lasted, wasn’t it?
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 17 days ago
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winterprince601 · 8 months ago
hi so does anyone think it means anything that azor ahai's swords kept breaking like brittle stone until lightbringer was forged glowing in the heart of his wife nissa nissa and that dany placed her stone eggs on the body of her dead husband only to arise from the flames of his funeral pyre with living, fire-breathing dragons? because i do.
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starry-eyer · 9 months ago
danys marriage to drogo is the story of a teenage girl losing her autonomy after she was sold to an older man by her brother
in asoiaf, there are two versions of rhaegar and lyanna’s relationship
the first is the one robert baratheon (the man the starks were trying to sell lyanna to) tells us readers. the one where rhaegar kidnapped and raped lyanna.
the second is the one hinted at, the one readers slowly uncover. the one where lyanna ran off with rhaegar willingly. in this version, lyanna daringly takes back her autonomy. in this version, there was love.
robert baratheons version of events is reminiscent of dany and drogos relationship. the second (and likely the real) version of events is the complete opposite.
i do headcanon that there’s more to rhaegar and lyanna’s relationship than meets the eye, but even if the truth is that lyanna simply wanted to flee her arranged marriage and rhaegar provided her with the means to do so, then i’ll still look positively on their relationship as i’ll always root for women when they try to take back their bodily autonomy :)
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melsilurian · 10 months ago
i genuinely believe that people who ship dany and khal drogo are incredibly weird, especially in the books. "o-oh but she loved him! even if it was stockholm syndrome" that is a 13 year old child molested by an adult. case and point this passage. "Every night, some time before the dawn, Drogo would come to her tent and wake her in the dark, to ride her as relentlessly as he rode his stallion. He always took her from behind, Dothraki fashion, for which Dany was grateful; that way her lord husband could not see the tears that wet her face, and she could use her pillow to muffle her cries of pain. When he was done, he would close his eyes and begin to snore softly and Dany would lie beside him, her body bruised and sore, hurting too much for sleep. Day followed day, and night followed night, until Dany knew she could not endure a moment longer. She would kill herself rather" dany would rather commit suicide than continue being with drogo. there was no love in their relationship. she did not deserve that at all.
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ladyminaofcamelot · 1 year ago
I was looking for medieval names for a story and-
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I see you Tolkien. I see you. (Also good on the author of this list on familyeducation for putting these names right next to each other. I realize it's just alphabetical, but still, they choose the names on those lists and you wonder if they also knew.)
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saintgoths · 3 months ago
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰɪᴠᴇ
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WORDS - 2,693.
RATING - 18+
previous chapter
SUMMARY - Drogo crashes the kickback Scarlett was invited to.
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Scarlett had immediately regretted her decision on joining Loan’s kickback in the woods, she had taken a deep breath as she dragged herself to where the party had been in and pulled out her phone to inform Loan that she had arrived---but was unsure where the actual party had been in.
He had been kind, had told Scarlett that he would come get her and after a couple of moments of waiting, Scarlett had heard Loan’s footsteps increase, and it had made Scarlett wonder if neutralising her Vampiric side was necessary.
“Scarlett,” Loan breathily smiled as he pulled her into a warm hug. “Genuinely thought you wouldn’t come.”
As she wrapped her arms around him, Scarlett gently appreciated his vehemence. “Thank you for inviting me,” Scarlett kindly replied as she pulled away from him. “Why did you think I wouldn’t have come?”
“The Bartholys,” Loan mumbled as he slowly scratched the back of his head.
Humoured, Scarlett gently pulled her head back. “Oh---you definitely need to tell me the beef you have with them,” she joked and as a response Loan jokingly rolled his eyes.
He had wanted to tell her everything, but there had been a gut feeling inside of his stomach that made him unsure. “It’s nothing of the sort,” Loan shrugged and unmoved Scarlett lightly sucked in her teeth.
“I’ll find out somehow,” Scarlett said.
“Good luck,” Loan smiled ere they resumed to walk down to where the main event was.
It had been a prominent event, Scarlett had been able to recognise most people in the forest as she had been the new girl, she still had a task to connect the names to their faces. Though there was one person she had known that had not been here, and due to that, she turned to look at Loan. “Where is Samantha?” She asked and with a nonchalant shrug, Loan half-heartedly scanned the area.
“I don’t know if she’s coming, nor do I care,” he bluntly said.
“That’s no way to treat a girlfriend,” Scarlett scoffed and with annoyed look, Loan turned to look at Scarlett.
“I told you,” Loan gritted. “She is not my girlfriend,” he reminded in irritation and as kickback, Scarlett hid a laughter with her palm.
Intrigued with the conversation Loan shared with Scarlett, Ezra, appeared between the two of them. “Actually,” he smiled. “I’m pretty sure Loan broke up with Samantha ever since he laid his eyes on you,” he truthfully joked and surprised, Scarlett twisted her gaze towards Loan, both hands on her hips as she had readied herself to make fun of him.
Defensive, Loan frowned. “Excuse me?” He began. “Who invited you?”
“We don’t need any invite,” Drogo smiled as he walked towards the rest of the group. “It’s the woods, it’s a public place.”
Entertained, Scarlett focused her gaze on Ezra. She had taken in that he had looked extremely beautiful under the moonlight, his skin had almost shimmered, as if he was a missing piece of the moon itself.
Scarlett had wondered if he dyed his hair to the shade that it is was, but the colour of his hair had been the same shade as his eyelashes, long and full and had emphasised the greenness of his orbs. He was so breath-taking she couldn’t understand it, her immense attraction to the boy, and once he smiled, she felt her heart clench in liaison but once she realised that he had smiled at her, Scarlett blinked herself back into reality.
“Guess I stole Bloody Scarlett’s attention,” Ezra smiled and entertained, Drogo coughed out a laugh.
Embarrassed, Scarlett folded her arms as she turned her sight away from both Drogo and Ezra. “I’m going to get a drink,” she wistfully whispered fore she walked away from them.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
As she laid her back against a body of a tree, Scarlett softly sipped the beverage that had been displayed almost everywhere the party had been in, her eyes soft as she admired the nature that had been beneath her feet, Scarlett softly hummed to the lyrics that had been playing through the portable speakers Loan had brought.
She hadn’t mined the circumstance she had been in, she had brief conversations with some students from the University and others who came from other educational areas, though, Scarlett had felt her night had become better when she recognised the arrival of her newest friend, Sarah Osborne.
With a smile, Scarlett lowered her drink. “I’m glad there’s a female friendly face here now,” Scarlett said before she brought herself to hug Sarah.  
“Nice to see you,” Sarah greeted and once she let go of Scarlett, she looked around the party to see who else had been here. “Though, it’s not nice to see Drogo and his gang here.”
Scarlett had then snorted. “I thought Drogo wouldn’t be here since he doesn’t like Loan,” Scarlett shared as she had then hugged herself. Ever since she died, she had never liked the woods, each scent and feeling of the field had almost triggered her every time. “I hate the woods.”
Eyes curious, Sarah gently sagged her shoulders. “Why?” She asked and with a sad smile, Scarlett had lifted her drink to her mouth.
“That’s a story for another day,” Scarlett whispered before she took another drink---and compassionate, Sarah beckoned her head as she had then begun to join drinking with her new friend.
Their brief parley had been sweet and warm hearted, but per usual, all good things must come to an end, and the entity that had brought the bad had been Samantha Gautier; and her presence had disrupted the converses from many students, their whispers had almost covered the music with how much people had been speaking and surprised, Scarlett could not help but laugh.
Samantha who had then walked to Loan, her face stuck and angry had pointed her slim finger towards Scarlett, eyes dark and raged once she realised the presence of her enemy. “Why is she here?” She rudely seethed her comment which had immediately caused everyone to stop speaking and watch in anticipation.
“Didn’t know you had authority over the invitation list,” Loan frowned and upset, Samantha clenched her fists before she continued to complain about Scarlett’s invite; unbothered, Scarlett passed her drink to Sarah.
“I’m going to go take a piss,” Scarlett said as she picked up her handbag.
“Go piss girl,” Sarah smiled and humoured Scarlett snorted at the silly reference before she left to go to a private area to relieve herself.
When she had finished, she had taken out the water bottle she had in her bag and used it to wash her hands. As she got back to her feet, there had been a strange wind that had pushed passed her, the pressure had hastily thrown Scarlett into a spin of memories of the time she had first turned into a Vampire.
Anxious, Scarlett had attempted to walk away, as if the further she’d use her feet the faster she’d return to reality, but it had appeared as if life had been against her at this very moment, the morbid details of her turn, her fear of not seeing her parents again and the true feeling of loss and being chased by the very thing that had turned her---
Surprised, Scarlett turned to look at Drogo’s friend who had seemed just as surprised to see her. Awkward, Scarlett stood up straight while Ezra had then sent the curly-haired girl a welcoming smile. On the defence, Scarlett crossed her arms while she had then furrowed her eyebrows. “Ezra,” she rudely mumbled as she had not wanted to hear another word from him, Scarlett aimed to return to the party.
“Wait no—” Ezra desperately called out and without thinking he had grabbed Scarlett’s wrist as she attempted to walk by him.
“Let go of me!” Scarlett hissed and apologetic, Ezra let go of her.
“I’m sorry,” he atoned. “I’m sorry for calling you Bloody Scarlett.”
Unmoved, Scarlett rolled her eyes before she pushed out a sarcastic chuckle. “Sure.”
“I’ve always found you pretty,” Ezra exposed and as she arched her right eyebrow, Scarlett looked up at him.
She had found him unbelievable, had he found her pathetic? An easy target? “Always?” Scarlett repeated as she rudely looked him up and down. “You’ve only met me a day ago.”
In response, Ezra sheepishly laughed. “You’re right, good point,” he smiled, his smile enough to set her in a good mood but Scarlett clenched her fist, she didn’t want to allow Ezra to easily pierce through her walls. “I still think you’re really beautiful, and I want to get to know you more, and I promise, I’ll make people stop calling you Bloody Scarlett.”
“In exchange to have people stop calling me that, I’ll have to date you?” Scarlett said, now both eyebrows raised.
As he laughed, Ezra leaned closer to her, truthfully tempted to hold and stroke her hair. “No, but if you do agree to be with me, I’ll try my best to make you the happiest woman.”
With a smile, Scarlett looked into his green eyes, slightly lifted by his statement. “Well, you’re already doing what you had promised,” she giggled. “I’ll be a happier woman if you kissed me.”
“My pleasure,” he gently whispered before he took Scarlett within his arms, softly he had closed his mouth against hers, eyes shut as he easily fell into her sweet embrace, he had been first to moan as he slowly traced her jaw with his fingers as he slid his thigh between her legs, tight, Scarlett briefly tucked in her stomach in surprise, her tongue had smoothly licked against his as she could feel Ezra wrap his free arm around the lower of her waist, as he pulled Scarlett further up his thigh, Scarlett lightly yelped as she could feel the soft friction rub against her sex.
Hands against his chest, Scarlett gently pushed Ezra away, Ezra who had looked at Scarlett with a flustered and embarrassed expression had quickly atoned for his heated actions, yet before Scarlett could forgive him, a soft snap of a twig had gained their attention.
Drogo had stood close to them, a dark look on his face that had quickly been replaced by a neutral expression. “It’s time to go home,” he said and surprised, Scarlett pulled the rest of her body away from Ezra.
“Didn’t know I had a curfew,” Scarlett frowned and immobile, Drogo shoved his hands into his pockets, his amber eyes that had wanted to express his dire disappointment hidden with an impish flair.
“Well, if you had better behaviour in school, maybe you wouldn’t have one,” Drogo said and with the curve of her eyes, Scarlett softly turned to look at Ezra.
With an apologetic expression, Scarlett softly stroked Ezra’s hand. “I’ll see you soon,” she said and with a smile, Ezra had winked at her, significantly aware of the cloudy expression Drogo had sent towards him before she had joined with the Bartholy to their route back home.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
The walk to her car had been silent, which had been a surprise to Scarlett as Drogo always found a reason to speak and annoy anyone he interacted with. As she had noted that the blonde boy hadn’t arrived to the woods with his car, she furrowed her eyebrows, arms folded as she returned her sight towards him.
“You like taking walks, don’t you?” Scarlett inquired as she unlocked her car with the button on her key.
As he had smirked, Drogo walked over to the passenger seat beside Scarlett’s chair. “Sure do,” he said as he ducked under and crept into the vehicle. “Well, enough about me,” he said. “You always find yourself to be under the limelight, starting to think you’re an attention seeker.”
Both eyebrows raised, Scarlett sighed at his statement before she spoke. “I promise,” she began with her faux sentence. “I won’t get into any more fights,” she said and while Drogo laughed in response, he leaned his head against the head of the seat.
“Now, you’re dating one of my friends,” Drogo listed and confused, Scarlett looked at Drogo with the side of her eyes.
Judgmental, Scarlett gripped the steering wheel as she quickly drove down the empty town road. “I now need your permission to start seeing him?” Scarlett rudely asked, and with a snort, Drogo bounced his shoulders.
“Of course not,” Drogo said but as his eyes sparkled in mischief, Drogo turned his head towards her. “But when he breaks your heart, don’t come crying to me.”
Eyebrows scrunched in disapproval; Scarlett screwed her face as kickback she responded. “I will never go to you whenever it comes to my connection with him,” she clarified and with a side smile Drogo turned to look out the window and relaxed throughout the rest of the trip.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Once again, Nicolae had been in the foyer the second Scarlett stepped into the manor. Compared to before, Nicolae had a kinder look which had reassured Scarlett that she wasn’t going to be berated by him. “How was the party?” Nicolae questioned and as she quickly wiped her bottom feet against the welcome mat, Scarlett softly shrugged her shoulders.
“The party was okay,” Scarlett responded before she looked back at Drogo who made his way to stand next to her. “But I believe you made Drogo be my nanny.”
Nicolae had then laughed; his response had made Scarlett suspiciously perk her right eyebrow. “So, I am correct?” She judgmentally asked and as she copied Nicolae and folded her arms, she sent Drogo a side-look, aware of the proud expression he had on his face.
“Half-truth,” Nicolae corrected and taken aback, Scarlett leaned her weight onto her left foot.
She had then responded. “I don’t need a baby-sitter,” she said. “Last time I checked, I’m the nanny, and for your sister.”
“You have been causing trouble the second you’ve come here,” Nicolae responded and offended, Scarlett moved her hands to her hips. “I just wanted to know if you’d be okay.”
Half-humoured, Scarlett released a breathy chuckle. “All I did was have a bloody nose and punch Samantha in the face,” she stated. “I don’t need a nanny.”
“I’m being cautious,” Nicolae straight-forwardly replied and with clenched teeth, Scarlett had then licked her lips.
She had comprehended she wouldn’t win this argument so she had given Nicolae a faux smile. “Thank you,” she had then said ere she had walked past him and went to walk up the stairs.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
With the back of her head against her pillows, Scarlett had tried many times to fall asleep, but it had seemed like the Night Goddess had been against her, the harsh and loud whispers that would crawl and drag through her head had caused Scarlett to become uncomfortable.
She had never had this circumstance occur to her before, but her first night she had spent under the Bartholy Manor, she had barely dreamed but had been terrorised by lucid images and persistent whispers that had attempted to encourage Scarlett to leave, but like the whispers, Scarlett had been stubborn to exit.
“Get out!”
“Leave here!”
Bothered, Scarlett had screwed her eyes shut, hands at the side of her head as she whimpered and groaned at how the voices began to increase in volume. “Why?” Scarlett inquired and adamant, the voices continued.
“Leave this home!”
“Leave Mystery Spell!”
“Scarlett, go!”
“He’s coming for you…”
“The strange man…he’s coming for you!”
Startled, Scarlett had shot awake, hands gripped and dug into her bed sheets as she had begun to pant and fearfully looked around her dark bedroom, carefully as reached for her collarbone and slowly stroked her skin to calm herself, Scarlett gently furrowed her eyebrows before she spoke. “The strange man?” Scarlett muttered under her breath ere her mind pierced into an old memory, aiding her to remember who they had meant, the strange man, the man who turned her.
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sigilsins · 18 days ago
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meme, #15. @reinerose + drogo
Margaery  leaves  his  side  earlier  than  expected,  her  attendant  informing  him  that  his  new  bride  is  tired.  Leaving  her  to  rest,  the  khal  remains  and  enjoys  the  nightly  feast,  taking  in  the  vast  span  of  his  khalasar  before  him,  there  is  little  mingling  between  his  people  and  the  Reachmen...  their  shared  enemy  and  the  battles  ahead  will  change  that.  Tomorrow  he  will  speak  with  Garlan  and  decide  what  next  steps  will  be  taken  with  their  forces,  his  bloodriders  will  begin  fighting  with  the  western  commanders.  Tonight,  however,  the  khal  has  no  mind  for  the  battlefield.  It  is  some  time  after  Margaery  departs  that  Drogo  enters  the  tent,  it's  quiet  and  smells  lingeringly  sweet  and  floral  ━━━  in  the  corner  he  can  spot  a  bath,  at  a  touch  the  water  is  cool  now  and  he  realises  that  his  khaleesi  has  bathed  and  is  now  asleep,  resting  on  her  side,  atop  their  bed.
He  unfastens  his  belt  and  lightly  drops  his  clothes  on  the  rug-covered  floor,  standing  nude  as  he  approaches  Margaery.  The  bed  creaks  under  his  weight  as  he  settles  behind  her  sleeping  form,  Drogo's  calloused  hands  slide  up  her  legs  and  pull  the  light  fabric  of  her  nightwear  up  to  her  waist,  prompting  her  legs  to  part  a  little  further  for  him.  He  wakes  her  slowly  with  the  sensation  of  his  saliva-moistened  fingers  teasing  against  her  cunt,  and  the  pressing  of  his  growing  hardness  against  the  curve  of  her  ass.  "Wake  for  me,"  Drogo's  gravel-textured  voice  is  soft  against  her  ear,  "pretty  rose,"  her  body  responds  to  his  attention,  blossoming  with  arousal  and  delicate  wetness  as  he  slides  the  first  knuckle  of  his  finger  into  her.  Margaery's  hair  is  still  slightly  damp  from  bathing,  despite  the  warm  evening  air  of  Essos.  She  tells  him  it  is  also  warm  in  The  Reach  and  he  intends  to  have  her  under  those  stars  too,  once  she  becomes  accustomed  to  the  Dothraki  ways.  Margaery  is  part  of  his  world  now,  as  he  is  learning  to  be  in  hers.
When  she  is  wet  enough  for  him,  a  second  finger  is  pressed  into  her  as  he  firmly  grinds  his  cock  against  her  thigh.  In  his  harsh  tongue,  he  whispers  how  good  her  cunt  feels  and  bites  at  her  shoulder,  the  weighted  press  of  his  chest  against  her  back  prompts  his  bride  to  roll  from  her  side  onto  her  stomach,  his  large  hand  between  her  thighs  thrusting  fingers  deep  almost  rough.  He's  not  a  particularly  patient  man,  not  when  she  grips  his  fingers  so  snugly,  it's  not  long  before  Drogo  wraps  his  hand  around  his  hardness  and  replaces  his  fingers  with  the  weeping  head  of  his  cock, driving half his length inside her with a fluid roll of his hips.  The  khal  groans  in  pleasurable  surprise  and  immense approval,  pushing  Margaery's  leg further  open  and  nearly  off  the  bed  as  he  feels  her  grind  herself  back,  almost  bouncing  up  take  him  further,  deeper  inside  her. "Such a good girl . . . my khaleesi."
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 4 months ago
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15-lizards · 2 years ago
GRRM’s idea of what qualifies as pedophilia/grooming and what qualifies as romance needs to be studied under a microscope
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therealslimstrider · 3 months ago
John was so excited to start Game of Thrones.
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saintgoths · 6 months ago
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ
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WORDS - 3,003.
RATING - 18+.
SUMMARY - Scarlett Venura moves into Mystery Spell in order to become an au pair for a little girl who belongs to a mysterious and feared family of three brothers and their father, aware that their family consists of ground-breaking secrets---one of them being Night Children, Vampires, but as they try their utmost to keep their secret from the world they become apprised that their au pair has also some herself.
i also cross-post this fic on wattpad and ao3.
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Scarlett has forgotten how long she has pretended to be a nine-teen year-old just to fit into society, but when it came to finding her parents, the young Vampire was willing to do anything, and the “anything”; had included her parking her car outside of the Bartholy Mansion. A lit cigarette in her hand that she had just previously dragged from her lips, gently influenced by her own mind to throw the piece against the floor, but the addiction to feel the hot smoke in her throat had won over her.
She had previously moved from Virginia, a state that had all types of Supernatural beings crawling over and when Scarlett had driven from Virginia to the town of Mystery Spell to take part of her job of being an Au Pair for the daughter of the house. She had been aware that the members had been Archfiends, creature of the nights, just like her.
Though, Scarlett had pondered would they be able to tell what she was? Or that something about her was different, that she wasn’t only a Vampire, but also a Witch.
Scarlett had been hired by their father, Viktor Bartholy, to take care of his daughter Lorie, and Scarlett had been aware that the family had been alerted by her presence, due to her music that had once boomed from her vehicle now currently being lowered by a twist.
For her own defence, Scarlett had believed that being around the Bartholy family would make it easy for her to blend in, so when she had removed herself out of her vehicle, with most of her properties in her hands, the long-haired girl had walked towards the sealed front door of the Manor---intrigued by how they had a gargoyle’s head as a knocker ring and had wondered how apparent they had wanted it to appear that they weren’t as normal as the people in the town speculated.
When Scarlett had placed her luggage down and aimed to ring the bell, she had assumed she had waited at least more than five minutes until she rang for them again, and for a couple of minutes, the girl had waited in the cold for the entrance to be unsealed, and when it had eventually been peeled open, she had been exposed to a young man, a blonde one at that.
He appeared to be the same age as her, and bored a handsome face with a devilish glint that flashed in his light brown eyes, orbs that didn’t seem to care that she had been waiting long for the Manor’s door to open. “Is it mandatory to leave a woman outside in the dark for too long?” Scarlett asked and with a smile, the blonde boy had widened the gap between the door frame and the door.
“Where is your patience?” He had asked and with a rude stare, Scarlett had clenched her jaw.
“On thin ice,” she responded, since there had been more than three people living in the house, Scarlett had expected for someone to be thoughtful enough to not want to leave the new Au Pair in the night cold.
“Maybe with that attitude I’ll make you wait outside longer,” he said and as his rudeness had been hushed by a quick figure who had stepped into the conversation. Scarlett had then turned her vision towards a brown-haired man who had carried long locks, lavish looking, stunning and had dressed in an odd manner, not in a circumstance where someone would say his dressing was bad, but he carried his essence and style in a demeanour that it had been evident he was a Victorian Vampire.
“Apologies for the lateness,” he smiled. “I’m Nicolae and this is Drogo, my youngest brother, don’t mind his attitude,” he reassured and with her lips pressed into a thin line she had watched Nicolae get down to his feet and pick up her luggage. “Pick up the rest,” Nicolae said to his brother who had clicked his tongue in response, alas, had followed his brother’s call.
Drogo had exited the manor and guided himself to her vehicle to collect the rest of her property, leaving Nicolae and Scarlett alone with each other, as the two walked down the Victorian home, Nicolae had sent Scarlett one last embarrassed look. “My father couldn’t make it to introduce himself to you since he’s on a trip right now.”
“It’s fine,” Scarlett smiled and the further she had walked up the steps, the more she had taken in the vintage décor that had been finely decorated in the home, as much as she had liked the atmosphere, she couldn’t help but laugh and observe how they didn’t try to make the suspicious claims any less. Though, somehow it had made the dark-haired girl admire their nonchalance.
Nicolae had guided Scarlett down the corridor she had assumed most of their bedrooms had been in, and when he had stopped in front of a door, Scarlett had quickly been aware that this must’ve been her bedroom for the time being. “I’ll give you time to settle,” he said before opening the door and gently taking her inside of the room.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Scarlett had pondered what had made her drawn to Mystery Spell, each previous town she had found herself in had aided the girl to become closer to finding out what happened to her parents, and presently, Scarlett had believed that Mystery Spell had to be the last place that could tell her what had happened to them, there had been an intuitive tug in her stomach that had informed her that this was the turning point.
Along with how the town being more supernatural than the previous towns she had been in; Scarlett had felt at home here. Each town Scarlett had lived in had magically lured her and aided her to learn clues to why her parents had disappeared, along with the vivid dreams she had been having.
Scarlett hadn’t interacted with people that are like her specifically, she has met Vampires with unique skills and Witches with immense power, but Scarlett had never met anyone who had been both Witch and Vampire. Scarlett doesn’t know how she came to be, but she knows that she was born a Witch with Vampire blood in her system which had activated once she had died.
Her death, a circumstance she had not liked to remember, thus to help her to forget, Scarlett would aid herself to push through with her mission, the previous towns she had been in had magically lured her to clues to why her parents had disappeared and coming to Mystery Spell had made Scarlett conclude that her parents that she had lost also had been in this town.
 ·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
It had been the next day and Scarlett had accompanied herself in the dining room, typing on her phone, she had already missed her friends from her last town; and had discussed with them when it’ll be the next time they would meet. Though her short ambience being interrupted by a red-haired girl who Scarlett correctly assumed to be Lorie.
Lorie who had quietly examined Scarlett, Lorie who had long hair with a full fringe, her hair styled in an odango with two matching bows on each side, her eyes were big and hazel and she had been dressed in an outfit Scarlett had believed to be her school uniform.
“Hi,” Scarlett smiled and with a judgemental tone, Lorie arched her left eyebrow.
“Hi,” she dryly greeted. “Are you going to be my new babysitter?”
Humoured, Scarlett placed her phone against her lap. “Well, what other reason would I be here?” She smiled, “Either way, I just know the both of us are going to have so much fun together,” she said as she pulled back, aware of the quick scrunch Lorie played on her face when those words fell from Scarlett’s lips, it didn’t bother the curly-haired girl, the girl who had then silently speculated what might’ve caused Lorie to die at such an early age, being a Vampire and all.
Scarlett had wondered if their father had just wanted a young daughter in his make-shift family, or if Lorie had been a poor girl, he had felt sympathy for.
“Scarlett,” Nicolae smiled as he stepped into the room, Drogo behind him with his hands shoved into his pockets, Drogo smiled at his younger sister before pulling her into a bear hug. “Peter isn’t here to welcome you,” Nicolae apologised, “He wanted to leave early, but I’m sure you’ll see him.”
With her eyebrows furrowed, Scarlett tightly nodded at Nicolae’s statement before she pushed her phone back into her pocket. The University had been a very private educational space, expensive and pompous enough to make the students wear uniforms, even though the Bartholy family had aided Scarlett to pay for the expenses of the University, Scarlett had been thankful that her parents had loaned her great money, which had made the girl believe that her parents’ disappearance was planned.
“Are you not going to eat breakfast?” Drogo asked and with a short look at the plate of sandwich Nicolae had made for Scarlett earlier on, Scarlett forced a smile before gently poking the fare.
He had made her an awful sandwich; he had spread one side with butter and the other side with mayonnaise, and sandwiched between the two breads, had been frozen peas that had tasted frost burnt from the time it had spent in the freezer they had in their home. It was the thought that had counted, but Scarlett had reticently begged for Nicolae to never think of making her food ever again.
“I’m going to buy food on my way to the University,” Scarlett said.
“You didn’t like the food?” Nicolae asked and caught red-handed; Scarlett slowly crossed her arms.
“Uh—I wasn’t in the mood for a sandwich,” Scarlett replied while she pulled herself to her feet she had reached towards Lorie. “Come on, let me take you to school.” Scarlett said, purposely wanting to leave the house to hide away from Nicolae’s questions.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Once Scarlett had taken Lorie to school, she had used her car to go to her local café shop to get  coffee, and during her drive, the idea of her biting down on a Belgian Waffle had chased around in her mind, Scarlett loved Belgian Waffles, and tasting that would  for sure make up for the rancid frozen sandwich Nicolae had made for her earlier on.
As she had patiently waited in line, Scarlett had wondered how obvious Nicolae had made it seem like he was not of the Human race, for her argument, Scarlett would’ve thought anyone who doesn’t know how to make a simple sandwich is not of the Human Race.
Aside from the food, Scarlett had pondered about the university, and how the people who studied in the building would treat her. With the uniform, Scarlett had comprehended that it was a prestige school, and in time Scarlett had hoped to get used of the rule of having to represent the place, though, when Scarlett had gotten her tour, she was informed that the dean was into imagery, so she had let it go.
While Scarlett had paid for her items, she had been content to learn that they did have Belgian Waffles and when she had pushed the rest of the commodities in her bag, she had immediately put herself to a stop, the second she had felt someone gaze wash all over her, she had turned around and locked eyes with a handsome man, who appeared to study in the same university as her, hence the uniform.
“New girl,” he greeted and with a smile, Scarlett had pushed the left handle of her backpack up her shoulder.
“People are already speaking about me?” Scarlett questioned and with a flirtatious wink, the man replied to her.
“Of course,” he responded. “They’ll speak about you more when they realise the new girl is beautiful.”
Awkward, Scarlett gently pulled backwards, uncaring about the expression she had on her face, he gently directed his body away from her. “Do you have a ride to the university?”
“I do,” Scarlett smiled, “I have my own car,” Scarlett said and by the corner of her eye, she quickly captured the blonde man that had entered the café with his group of friends behind him, and when Scarlett had recognised it had been Drogo, she had used all her might to not groan.
“Scarlett,” Drogo called out, his voice being laced with tease. “I’m deeply disappointed that you decided to spend your morning around this loser,” he sneered.
“I didn’t know the university had social ranks like a bunch of pre-teens,” Scarlett replied and with a twisted face that had caused Loan to laugh, Scarlett pressed the curve of the coffee against her lip before taking a sip.
Quickly moving over what she had said, Drogo’s ambers eyes fell on the waffle she had held in her other hand. “Waffles in the morning?”
“Better than the sandwich Nicolae made for me in the manor,” Scarlett replied and as Loan quickly exchanged looks with the two people who stood in front of him, he couldn’t help himself but slowly scrunch his face in disapproval.
“You live with him?” Loan slowly asked and uninterested Scarlett briefly looked him up and down.
“Yes,” Scarlett hastily responded, attentive of the look Loan still had on his face.
“You could’ve done better,” he gritted and moved by his bitterness, Scarlett raised the both of her eyebrows.
Mayhap, Loan had known of what Drogo had been considering his acerbity. “What is better?” Drogo slowly questioned, his inquire stoned with dare. “Your home?”
“Well, if Scarlett is desperate enough to cage herself in your Manor, perhaps my home is,” Loan bit and with a huge sigh, Scarlett slipped through the two of them.
“I’ll be going to my car now,” Scarlett muttered ere she pushed the entrance of the café door open, aware of the stalking shadow of Drogo remaining behind her. Put off by their track, Scarlett looked over her shoulder. “You should return to your friends Drogo.”
‘They can make it to the university themselves,” Drogo replied and with a humoured look on her face, Scarlett turned to the entrance of her car.
“Oh, so not only are you annoying, you are a bad friend and leaving them for a girl,” Scarlett judgmentally hummed as she unlocked her car door.
As kickback, Drogo pushed out a breathy laugh as he looked her up and down. “I believe they will understand me,” he winked fore he entered the vehicle with her.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
“You have a nice car,” Drogo complimented and with a short look with the side of her eyes, Scarlett lightly rested against her seat.
Her hands softly spread against the object, taking in the texture of her steering wheel, the vehicle that the two had currently sat in, a gift given by one of Scarlett’s previous lovers. “Thank you,” Scarlett smiled before she started driving the car.
The moment Drogo felt the vehicle move, he gently pushed himself forward, pointing towards a path he had wanted to advise Scarlett to drive. “Go left—”
“I know where it is,” Scarlett cut off, her swift comment had earned her a scoff by the blond-haired man.
“Alright,” Drogo shrugged his liking immobile to Scarlett’s back talk. “I was just trying to be kind.”
With her eyebrow cocked, Scarlett gently hummed as kickback. “To make up for that behaviour of yours yesterday?” She had asked and humoured, Drogo gently chuckled at her inquire.
“No,” he retorted, his silliness gathering an annoyed look from the dark-haired girl beside him, who aside who found his pettiness irritating, had actually been humoured by his smart mouth.
“How charming,” Scarlett said.
“I’m the most charming person I know,” Drogo smiled, his hand pushing to unwind the window he was next to.
With a quick thought, Scarlett furrowed her eyebrows in fast disagreement of Drogo’s statement. “Actually, I think Nicolae is more charming than you.”
Insulted by her account Drogo dramatically choked at her response. “I believe everyone who says that to me is just trying to humble me,” he argued and with a laugh through her nose, Scarlett simply shook her head. “I don’t know how anyone finds his Victorian Style charming.”
“He has couth, and knows how to treat women,” Scarlett shared and by the click of his tongue, Drogo shuffled on his seat.
“I know how to treat women well,” he lightly argued. “I know how to treat women really well actually.”
“If that’s what you believe,” Scarlett whispered and as he crossed his arms, Drogo had kept himself to remain silent throughout the rest of the drive.
Though, his reticent fought by his talkative character, Drogo briefly glanced at Scarlett, his honey-like eyes briefly examining the woman behind the steering-wheel. “You’ve barely known me for a week,” he brought up and with a small smile, Scarlett responded, her light eyes still on the road.
“I have good judgement,” Scarlett said.
“Good judgement to be around Loan,” he smirked and with a judgmental arched eyebrow, Scarlett gently leaned back on her seat.
“Jealous of me finding Loan to be of better company?” Scarlett had asked and with a screwed expression, Drogo looked at the window beside him.
“You’ll soon regret your choice of words,” Drogo muttered, his statement loud enough for Scarlett to still hear with her Superhuman hearing.
“I can’t wait,” Scarlett smiled as she had finally parked her car in the University Parking Lot, aware of the dark look Drogo had on his face which had internally pushed Scarlett to wonder what had been the true root of the dispute the two men had for each other, their rivalry furthering Scarlett’s excitement to remain in Mystery Spell.
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merrilark · 10 months ago
The tragedy of Daenerys' marriage and overall relationship with Drogo is not lost on me, I get it, I see the red flags and the issues and the glaring sexism and inherent abuse of it all.
But consider: They're not real and the way they look at each other is cute as heck, Your Honor.
#sgldgkslgk#the way he's so protective of her??? and the way she's so protective of him????#and the way when he's dying???? and she touches his face his brow softens?????? hello???????????????????????? i'm unwell#likewise there are obvious ''this is survival'' problems with daenerys becoming khaleesi. she clearly had no choice in the matter.#but like?? idk i find her story extremely comforting and empowering actually.#the fact that she flipped a horrific fate on its head and reclaimed power not only over drogo but his entire khalasar AND#AND!!!!!! used the power she earned to show mercy toward others even those who she owed no mercy (lookin at u viserys).#i don't precisely know how her writing gets ruined i just know it happens so i get that saying this is prob gonna bite me#but as it stands now just finishing s1... i really adore daenerys and i think this is an interesting way to write a strong female character#it's not perfect obv but idk. i just. i think she's great. i love her resilience and i love watching her find her footing.#fate gave her a bad hand and she said ''alright. but i will do it my way.'' and she DID. she refused to break. she's getting her agency bac#i suppose it's yet to be seen if she succeeds but i am watching her v closely and i love her i love her i love her.#i also love her and drogo but i'm willing to accept that as my problematic otp skgslgkslksdl they're just. so soft. he's so proud of her an#idk man don't look at me. i like them a lot. they are my guilty pleasure and i'm sad drogo is dead.#there's no love between them at first but no one can convince me that there was no love by the end.#merri watches game of thrones
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