#is it lore? if i can even call it that lol
yuri-is-online · 2 days
Episode 9 Thoughts
I actually really liked this episode TᴖT I wasn't expecting much lore or plot building? But this was surprisingly light on filler.
Not Super Spoilery Facts:
Zenji says Romeo comes from "the famous House of Lucci." I made a joke about it, but basing Romeo's family off of the Gucci family actually makes a lot of sense. The Gucci brand is no longer controlled by the Gucci family for a variety of reasons, including financial problems and that murder they recently (?) made a movie about. I think this is really neat and a fantastic idea for his character, there's so much drama you can work with in high fashion and it makes just that much more sense about why he would be mad that he's not in Frostheim. He should be, they're all wearing clothes with his family name on it, but he can't be because he doesn't own the company.
Zenji does watch over Jiro constantly. That's not a super confirmed thing but between his attitude in this Episode and the campus event it's safe to say he probably follows Jiro around as much as he does Haku.
I promise I paid attention to more people than just Zenji (even though the mission never would have succeeded without him, everyone praise best boy NOW). Here let me prove it:
This is mostly just for me but Romeo's nicknames/his "personal network" he references when calling for help are: Kurossa (Leo), Harry (Haru, wonder if he picked that up from Taiga or Taiga picked it up from him), and Mickey (Rui). I think he probably also considered Kaito one of his "network" because of how much he stalks him but that's just me lol.
Speaking of which lets talk about Kaito for a second. He says he doesn't remember much about the clash "because he was doing his own thing" but the timeline between when Romeo started stalking him and the events of the clash line up perfectly. To me it looks like there are two elements to Romeo's obsession, the first is obviously the pendant but the second... probably still has something to do with the pendant if we are being honest but since everything in the story has to do with the Clash probably that too. There is a piece of blackmail Romeo shows him that Kaito screams about:
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My initial thought was that it was a picture of him in his underwear trapped in one of Romi's cages, but we saw that in Episode 4 or something related to his debts and to be fair? That's probably the most likely scenario. Kaito has a gambling problem (call 180-GAMBLING please bby) so there's probably no end to the dirt Romeo has on him. I do wonder if it's a bit more sensitive though but that's just me. Anyway Kaito mentions he never saw Romeo in the Casino until he started chasing him around... which makes me think the likely timeline for Romeo and Taiga's falling out can be placed somewhere around the same time. If they were working together and projecting a united front there would be no need for Romeo to do so much damage control.
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That pendant is clearly important, we get a closer look of the insignia on it because Romeo finds a bracelet with the same insignia after he digs up a grave in the cemetery:
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To me, this is still not enough detail and I want more but I feel fairly confident in saying this is a Heraldic symbol of some sort. As outlined here the Frostheim ghouls appear to have a sort of chess theme to their names with Kaito being the pawn. In chess pawns can become Queens if it reaches the end of the chess board, which I bring up because the insignia itself, at this point to me, appears to depict an eagle with a crown above it's head. Eagles are symbols of power and the favorite of many real world royal families, as is combining them with crowns to form a royal insignia. I need to do more research before I make concrete claims? But my initial searches have suggested that crowns are only ever used to symbolize royalty or important religious figures, and that eagles are usually double headed. A single headed eagle with a crown has been the symbol of countries like Germany, Austria, and Poland, but this eagle lacks the shield at the center for the first two and the polish eagle actually wears it's crown. I could also be reading waaaaaaay too much into this? But I'd like to think I am being perfectly normal.
Speaking of which we are told in the chapter that the graveyard plays host to "long term foreign residents." The bodies there are not cremated and it is very likely that, assuming Kaito got his pendant from a relative, that Romeo literally dug up and stole from Fuji's great great great grandparent. What a girlboss:
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This person has been dead for so long they are only bones, and the only other object in their coffin is the metal bracelet. That's an old ass body, and it doesn't belong to a native Japanese person if we take what Romeo said earlier seriously. This is someone who moved to Japan and maintained enough wealth to be buried with an expensive tombstone. So why no name on the stone and where did they move from?
In less detailed? News Jiro has an extreme reaction to the crying child ghost encountered near the start of the chapter. Specifically he has a reaction to him saying "it hurts." Zenji also reacts to this, he scoops up the boy and takes him away. Later he regrets not attempting to "soothe the boy with a fairy tale." Jiro's memory loss is a side effect "of a certain tragedy that befell him." The timeline of whatever happened to the Kirisaki siblings is vague... but I think it goes something like this:
The brothers make their deal with their demons. They might do this together? Personally I lean towards Zenji doing it first in an effort to do something that will get him and Jiro out of whatever bad situation they are in and Jiro, not wanting to be babied and prove he can take care of himself, does the same thing. The reverse is also possible where Jiro makes his deal and Zenji follows suit because he feels responsible for protecting him, but either way Zenji does or says something he later comes to regret. This causes a rift between the brothers that remains unresolved through the Clash, and makes ghost Zenji reluctant to reveal himself to his brother. I lean towards them being injured around the same time? Either in the same incident or Jiro being injured first and the reason why Zenji was able to stick around. He says he wants to be an illustrious author, but really I think he just wants to make sure Jiro doesn't die. And now he also wants to cure the MC's curse, what a swell fella.
While Jiro clearly doesn't remember Zenji in detail, I don't think his memory is less fried than it first appeared. When MC attempts to get Jiro to go back to the others this happens:
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I don't know how this reads in Japanese, but in English it's a really odd sentence. It's a mix up of two common phrases referring to team work: two hearts beating as one + team work makes the dream work. It's a very unique mixed metaphor, and exactly the sort of silly thing Zenji is saying all of the time so if Jiro remembered his brother... he'd probably remember him saying something like that.
... this chapter really did make me scream I'm going to miss Zenji so much.
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majoruyeda · 3 days
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[ LORE Migi ]
"Even with words, touches, and gestures of comfort and love, Miguel still struggles to accept his new reality. Not because he finds it bad, dull, or anything negative of that sort; on the contrary, having Gio in his life has been one of the few good things that happened to him. However, the fear of not being enough for her weighs on his mind and heart when insecurity haunts him. For Miguel, while moments of quiet and comfort bring him feelings of peace and protection, doubts also arise about being deserving and worthy of such tranquility, after the traumas he has endured and the responsibilities he has taken on. He still fears hurting his beloved wife and not being able to lead the Spider Society in the best way. But despite all the insecurity, Miguel can no longer imagine his life without Gio and his Spider friends."
🕸 The frog plushie wasn't a gift from Miguel; Gio already had it long before, back when she lived in the lower city (I'll call it the lower city, but in the comics, they call it the Underworld), and it's her favorite plushie. The frog doesn't have a name; they just call it frog. 🕸 When Gio leaves the house and Miguel stays at home, he sleeps hugging the frog. He keeps the frog under his arm when he's relaxing, like sitting on the couch watching something on TV, reading, etc. 🕸 Miguel sleeps without underwear most nights, even if they're not getting intimate. 🕸 In this art, I drew his phone, and he uses a picture of her as both his lock screen and wallpaper. His favorite picture is one he took of Gio at the park. (I used the same image of her from another artwork lol). 🕸 He loves being the big spoon. But do you think he would ever let her be the big spoon one day? 🕸 Many times, Miguel wakes up with Gio stuck to his body because she has the spider power to stick to any surface (Like Peter, gwen, Miles...). She's usually stuck to his chest or back.
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ryuichirou · 1 day
Some replies + info about the Nun AU ~
Anonymous asked:
would you be willing to put the hi-res for that idia/ortho you drew recently (with the megara quote) in your store, if it's not too much trouble! thank you!!
Yes, of course, Anon! Here you go <3 I am happy you liked it!! Sometimes I wonder whether I should keep updating the shop with hi-res stuff or not, so thank you for letting me know. I’ll upload more of our recent stuff there soon…
hipsterteller asked:
Its 12:49am and when I saw Azul in nun, I had to grab this
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LOL THANK YOU!! Yeah, this is one hell of a nun lol
Rollo would’ve been disgusted… or not? Just kidding, he is not a part of this AU.
thestarlightfae asked:
A new AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please give us more details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YES!!! Ahhh first of all, thank you so much for being so excited for it! This really is our newest AU, it’s pretty recent, and we got so excited over nun!Azul that we actually have a lore for it this time lol
Azul, Jade, and Floyd are a part of the Underwater mafia/criminal world, and as a part of Azul’s plan to spread their involvement/power on land, they infiltrate a small and secluded monastery in an isolated island: Azul got a tip that this particular place would be perfect to gain access to important people through religion. All he has to do is to rise in ranks and gain more influence, but for that to happen, he and the boys have to hide their true identity: the merpeople are very demonised in this world and this religion in particular.
No one knows for certain if merpeople exist, so there are a lot of rumors and legends, a lot of which have nothing to do with reality, but the main consensus on land and in the church is that merpeople are spawns of the devil, and the depths of the ocean are the very depths of Hell. So Azul and the tweels have to really keep it together while listening to other nuns talk about mermaids seducing poor men and drowning them, literally dragging them to the underworld for their souls to suffer for eternity.
But our merboys do a very good job, and no one suspects them, in fact, they became rather popular very quickly. Nuns adore sister Floyd and consider him to be a very bright innocent soul, a little childish, but only closer to God for that; and sister Jade is like a saint that takes care of the older nuns and sick ones, selflessly spending hours at the infirmary. And of course, sister Azul is an absolute angel that is always here to support and help anyone who needs it.
(by the way yeah, everyone here is a boy, but they are still called sisters – don’t worry too much about it, we just really wanted them to be nuns…)
But even though Azul, as per usual, just acts nice and in actuality dislikes pretty much everyone around him, there is one person he got genuinely close with – it’s sister Idia, a mysterious shut-in that really stands out from the rest of the nuns. You can rarely see him around, he prefers to stay alone and he is excused from some events. Azul is intrigued by Idia, but also genuinely enjoys their chats and playing little board games (which they’re not really allowed to play) with him whenever they get a chance to spend some free time together.
And this accidental gamble of spending time with a loner weirdo really pays off when Azul finds out that Idia is, in fact, a son of a very rich and influential family, and that he is probably even the biggest golden ticket for Azul than any other fat-cat Azul could’ve gained access to through his way up the ranks.
This changes Azul’s plans: now he wants to take Idia back with them, when it’s time for him and the Tweels to leave…
One day, he invites Idia to talk alone in a private room, and as sister Idia arrives, he witnesses something otherworldly and horrifying: long and slimy tentacles crawling from under Azul’s robes. Not only did poor Idia not know that merpeople even existed, he sure as hell didn’t expect to see one among the nuns AND with tentacles lol
But aside from utter shock, confusion and fear, Idia also feels like he is getting something that he deserves. If merpeople exist and he is witnessing one with his own eyes, maybe it has come to drag him to Hell where he belongs. Because you see, Idia also has a secret… and a reason why he got pretty much disowned from his family and sent to live here in isolation.
Gee I wonder what’s going to happen next :3c
(lots of sex)
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sammyluvr · 2 days
literary parallels — sam winchester
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cw : gn!reader, light angst, fluff, small injuries, few seconds of physical fighting (self-defense), no use of y/n, you have a dad and i gave him a name (rick lol), mentions of death of loved ones, sort of case fic, kinda ignores canon timeline in terms of a few minor things but canon doesn’t matter much in this fic lol, poorly edited most likely, 3.6K words. requested !
summary : sam is someone from your past at stanford university, and the last place you expect to see him again is on a case. that’s exactly where you find him.
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today is one of those days where the reality of your life feels strange, unwelcome, and somewhat foreign. it’s not as if you’re new to the hunting life; it’s just the opposite, and yet, you often feel removed from it, especially after having lived normally at college for a few years. but you were ripped back into hunting without being able to finish your degree by your father after the death of your closest cousin. 
so now you’re cooped up in a crappy motel room searching endlessly through detailed lore websites and the few books you have on you, trying to make sense of the odd patterns of killings in the small california town. that’s part of the pit in your stomach for today; the beach town, cayucos, is only three hours from stanford. 
being so close to your former university after almost a whole year brings back a whole lot of mixed feelings. mostly longing for the normalcy that you loved and lost, but also a renewed urgency to find what killed your cousin. she had been studying at a different college just an hour inland from you. when she died, you had wanted to salt and burn her body and move on. but when your father showed up with proof of odd circumstances, he pursuaded you to rejoin him in the hunting life.
the deaths in cayucos are certainly odd, but they lack the defining features that would allow you to identify the creature at fault. so, you’re searching for anything with a grudge against hot men and a killing cycle of seven years since those are about the only patterns so far. your dad is at the coroner’s office, meeting with an old hunter friend to check out the body of the latest victim.
that’s been another reminder of your brief time at a normal school with normal friends and normal hobbies. when your dad first told you he called in a friend to help, he’d asked you, “d’you remember john winchester? you met him once when you were a kid, he’s an old buddy of mine.” you shook your head and he shrugged, saying something about how it makes sense; you were young and only met him once. but the name stuck in your mind as he left, and it had nothing to do with hunting or when you were a kid on the road, stuck in motels, school if you were there long enough, or the town library if you were lucky.
that name, or the last name anyway, comes from the stanford part of your life, the one you keep cherished in the most protected corners of your heart. sam winchester was one of your few friends during your time there, and after hearing his family name spoken aloud, he’s floating through your mind all day.
he disappeared after jess, his girlfriend and one of your other few friends, died, mere weeks before your own cousin died and you left standford as well. you’ve always wondered what happened to him, the best conclusion you could come to being that he couldn’t bear her death. they were absolutely in love with each other, but you know jess would have wanted him to finish at stanford, then head to that law school he was bound to get that full-ride to. sam always had an air of strength about him, so it surprised you when you never saw him again. he wasn’t even at her funeral, and to this day, that’s your singular bone to pick with him. 
but, you can’t afford to think about him too much as you search for answers about the case. abandoning the lore websites for the meantime, you look over the police records of all the deaths that you can find, hoping to draw together any more patterns that you can use to narrow down your research. you’re jotting down a few notes, thinking you may have found something regarding accounts of a few of the men being last seen with a woman, when your train of thought is interrupted by an unexpected knock on the door.
on instinct, you draw your gun as you cross the room, looking through the peephole and silently cursing when you realize the light out front has gone out. all you can make out is the tall, broad silluete of a man thanks to the dimness of the twighlight sky.
you wait for a moment at the door, hoping he’ll just walk away after he doesn’t get an answer. but you’re unlucky, and he knocks again before calling out, “hello? rick sent me here to … help with the case, he said his kid was here. i’m john winchester’s son, sam.”
if you were in an old-timey cartoon, your jaw would’ve dropped to the floor. sam … sam winchester. it sounds just like him. trying to keep your head, you swap your gun for a nearby canteen of holy water and slip a silver knife into your pocket for accessibility. it’s too much of a coincidence for you to believe it.
you crack the door, just enough for him to hear you a bit better. “sam winchester? like stanford full-ride, lawyboy sam winchester?”
“i– how do you–” there’s a moment of silence, and you know that he’s piecing together the few clues he has; your voice and the last name you must share with your dad, the man he knows as rick. his voice is just as cautious as yours as he says your name like he can’t really believe it.
for a moment, you stop thinking when you hear his voice saying your name after so long, and you throw open the door and let him in. the light from the motel room finally illuminates his face, and it’s him, it’s really him. and the moment you think that is the moment you realize that could absolutely not be the case.
the second he turns to you from closing the door, you’re splashing holy water in his face so fast you barely catch the look he was about to give you; eyes so full of surprise and wonder and confusion and something akin to joy. you react quickly to his lack of reaction besides the normal surprise at getting splashed in the face, slashing at his arm with your silver knife to finish testing him. but he reacts just as fast as you, grabbing both of your wrists, spinning you around and pinning you to the flat surface of the door.
his hold is quite strong, but he doesn’t have the time to bear his full weight into holding you down before you react, so you’re able to manuever out of his hold with practiced ease. you lift one arm up as you yank the other down to make it so you’re able to slip down and to the side, out of his hold. then you’ve got a strong hand to his back, shoving him face-first against the door and your other arm bringing your knife to his throat.
the thought that his profile view with his pulled-taut eyebrows and the grimace on his mouth looks pretty has the audacity to float up to the forefront of your mind before you can squash it down. the whole struggle had taken mere seconds, and he resigns the minute you’ve got him pinned down.
“it’s me,” he pants, “i swear. ‘m not a shapeshifter or ghoul or anything, it was just instinct. sorry,” he explains quickly, “go ahead, test me.”
you debate saying “don’t mind if i do,” but decide that you don’t have to be teasing or snarky about it. instead, you tamp down your hesitance to hurt him, even a little bit because he still sort of feels like innocent, regular, lawboy sam to you, and you draw a thin line of blood at the spot where his neck slopes into his broad shoulder. there’s no burning, just a normal wince from his mouth, so you loosen your hold on him and step back, internally cringing at the small bit of blood beginning to slip down towards his collarbone.
“sorry,” you say, far more sincere than you would be if it’d been anybody else. this is the norm for hunters, but you haven’t quite wrapped your mind around the fact that sam is a hunter. you’d never once would have guessed, though you suppose that was the point. you had done everything you could to hide that part of your life during your time at stanford.
“it’s fine,” he gives you an awkward half-smile, just as sincere as you. “just, y’know, your turn.” you’d been so busy taking in the sight of him standing there, looking almost exactly the same, but not quite, as he had in college, that you forgot about the courtesy of testing yourself too.
“right,” you clear your throat, “of course.” without the hesitance any normal person would have, you take the knife to your forearm and splash a bit of holy water on your skin. “there we go. no demons or shapeshifters or the like. that’s good.” you feel incredibly awkward all of the sudden, still so bewildered and thrown off balance by the collision of your two words. it feels like too much of a coincidence for you to be this close to your old school, be thinking about sam winchester, a symbol of that old life, then for him to show up and flip your whole entire understanding of him. there’s just about a million things running through your mind at just about a million miles per hour and it’s starting to make your head hurt.
the movement of his hand, reaching up to hold the small cut you gave him is what brings you out of your short lived reverie.
“god, i’m sorry. let me get you something for that.” you don’t give him the time to politely tell you, “no, it’s okay,” like you know he would before you’ve turned your back and crossed the room to grab a first aid kit from your bag and some rubbing alcohol from the bathroom. “sit down,” you urge him when you turn back to him, motioning towards the table you’d been seated at when he arrived.
he complies and once again, you’re thinking about the strangeness of sharing this sort of space with him. you’re used to seeing him in libraries so big that they’re almost grand for quiet study sessions or in the dining hall with his nose buried in a book or in the lecture hall where you first met him in a gen-ed class. you’re used to seeing him on one of the grassy quads with jess by his side or him in the big, open, and fancy old university buildings. now he looks right at home in the dingy motel room, so small it feels like his tall, broad frame shouldn’t fit in here, so dim that his sometimes blue or green eyes look sort of muddy. they’re pretty, nonetheless.
you set the first aid kit on the table and pull out a large bandaid and a bit of gauze. you reasses the cut to be sure he doesn’t need any other sort of bandaging and almost sigh in relief when you see how shallow it is. sam doesn’t speak or protest that he’s fine to do it himself as you pull the collar of his t-shirt aside just a bit. you’re sure his mind’s busy with a whole load of questions for you, just like you for him. the brush of your knuckles against his skin suddenly makes his presence feel more real. whatever contact you’d had during the short-lived fight you’d had was completely surreal; you weren’t sure he was really even sam, and if he was, it would feel like a lie anyways, for his hands to be rough or so quick in a fight.
he doesn’t so much as wince when you press alcohol soaked gauze to the cut, and though the wound is small and shallow enough that you’re sure it barely stings, it still feels like a sign of his being a hunter, being used to pain. you don’t like that thought; sweet, sincere, and ever so smart sam being used to pain. as you take care of the cut, he lets his eyes wander around the room, probably taking in how familiar it is, and how weird that it’s your motel room and all of your belongings packed into a single bag and your computer screen displaying hacked into police reports and the very same lore websites he frequents to solve a tricky case.
when you’re done he thanks you with a small smile and you take the seat across from him. as your fingers had brushed over his bare skin and felt a whisper of his strong shoulders, you’d gotten the strong urge to hug him. you missed him even more than you thought. that urge doesn’t leave when you move away from him.
you make a confused face at sam when he reaches for the first aid kit and pulls out another set of bandaids and gauze. he just hands you a gauze now soaked with alcohol and nods at you.
“for your arm,” he explains, because you’ve already forgotten about that as you accept it with a questioning brow.
“right,” you chuckle softly, swiping over the cut with the gauze, then taking and applying the bandaid that sam opened for you. when you’re done you have to drag your eyes up to meet sam’s gaze. there’s tension in the room, and though it’s not bad per se, it’s begging to be addressed and you’re not sure how to even start. it seems like sam’s not sure either.
so, you choose to jump right into the fire.
“it’s so good to see you, sam,” you confess, pushing all your sincerity into your voice, “i mean, this is absolutely insane and i can’t quite wrap my mind around it, but i guess i don’t really care because it’s so good to see you. i worried about you so much after … after jess died, i mean, you just dissappeared and … and i can imagine that has something to do with the fact that you’re a hunter, which is sort of incomprehensible to me, but–,” suddenly you’re hit with a new realization. if sam’s disappearance had to do with the supernatural, you wonder if jess’s death did too. but you don’t want to ask, not right now. “oh, god, and i never got to tell you how sorry i am. i– i mean. i can’t imagine.” there’s where your voice trails off and you look to sam to be the one to say something now.
“thanks,” he answers simply, voice gentle but a little pained, rightfully so. “she was your friend, too. i mean, we were all friends. and i’m sorry i disappeared like that. i, um, well, you’re right. hunting dragged me away. it’s complicated and i’ll explain it to you later. you deserve to know what happened to jess, but– but it’s a lot.” a moment of silence allows that to sink in; so something did happen to her, something more than just faulty electrical wiring in her apartment. sam’s genuine as he goes on, “and it’s great to see you too, really. it’s so strange, i mean all of this, obviously, but it’s even stranger how close we are to stanford. i was already thinking about it, about you all on the way over, and the next thing i know, you’re the suspicious hunter throwing holy water in my face.” 
you cringe a little at that, but sam smiles a little wider than he has all night. “that’s a good thing,” he half-laughs, “i don’t care how weird this coincidence is, i’m glad for it.” his hand twitches, almost as if he’d wanted to reach over and grab your hand, but thought better of it before it could happen. “i gotta ask, did you finish your degree?” the way he asks is so hopeful, and you immediately know how much he wants the answer to be yes. he’s thinking, if i couldn’t finish, please tell me at least one of us could. that one of us poor and foolish hunter kids who thought we could escape managed to long enough to finish a degree, prove that we could make something of ourselves in the normal world. it would be so nice to see that, if it couldn’t be me, it could be somebody, it could be you.
his face falls a little when he registers the sad smile on your face. your expression is more than enough of an answer, and the fact that he wanted so badly for you to have made it makes your heart break a little, for both him and you. we deserved better, you think.
“just about the same thing happened to me,” you begin to explain, “you remember my cousin, bex?” sam nods, recalling the way the two of you acted like siblings the few times he met her, how much you liked alike when you smiled, already sad for what he suspects he might hear. “she died a few weeks after jess. she and i both grew up hunting, and we both thought we got out of it, at least for a little while. we almost lasted all four years … i didn’t think there was anything weird with her death, but … my dad showed me proof of just that at her funeral, convinced me to come back to hunting with him. she was– she was hiding something, and, honestly i’m still not sure what happened. progress on her case has been slow. real slow, so we’ve been working on others in the meantime. keeping busy, you know.”
“oh, i know,” sam sighs, and you completely believe him. you wonder for a moment what bigger things he’s digging into before deciding it’s best if the two of you stick to what’s in front of you. if you go too deep, having each other, a new kind of steady presence from better times, might start feeling too unreal again. 
you want to preserve this delicate balance, where sam is still stanford sam and you’re still stanford you, but now there’s just a deeper understanding of each other. a knowing of what it’s like to grow up with a hunter for a father, to want to get away from it all, to want a sense of normalcy, and to want to learn and become something more and say “screw you!” to all of the expections. and on top of that, knowing how it feels to get so close to the finish line, only to have it ripped out of your hands like you’re a child who’s parents think they’ve had too much candy. only it’s far worse than a half eaten lollipop in the trash because people that you love died, and it was all so much more than just chasing after a momentary sugar high. 
“i’m sorry about bex,” sam says, this time actually reaching out and placing his hand on yours for a moment. his voice is as full of empathy and sincerity as ever. “she was amazing the few times i met her. i could see how close you two were.”
“thanks, sam.” you give him a small smile because those words feel so much better coming from him than just about anyone else. with that, the air seems to settle a little, and it’s far more bearable. you’ve still got a hundred and one questions to ask and a hundred and one more things to say to each other, but to find out you have this near-exact shared experience is like having so much of the weight of loneliness lifted from your chest. and it all feels even better because you know sam. you know him already. 
sure, there’s a whole lot you missed before, but you don’t doubt for a second that the sam sitting in front of you is as kind, funny, smart, witty, sincere, adorably awkward, and good as the sam you met and came to know at stanford. in fact, knowing he grew up the way he did just reaffirms his goodness to you. it’s not easy to live like that and continue choosing to be kind and well-meaning and true to yourself. then there’s this feeling of admiration for sam, just blooming in your chest and you hold back a wide grin because the timing’s not quite right. you still can’t shake the urge to hug him.
“well,” you smile casually, if not a little rueful as you say your next words, “i think our dads will go all hunter-dad-crazy on us if we keep playing catch up. i’ll give you a run down of everything i’ve got, then we can do what dropouts from the west coast’s most prestigious school’s do best; research.”
sam’s smile matches your own, and it’s achingly familiar. “well, we can’t have those asses ruin our not-quite-stanford-alumni reuinion. let’s get to work. we can pretend it’s like the good old days, spring freshman year, all of us cramming for the way-er exam at the back of the library and getting shushed by the librarians. we can pretend john and rick are the librarians.”
for the first time in a long time, you let out a loud laugh, surprised and pulled right out of you without warning. he smiles wide at the sound and finally, without restraint, you grin back. god, you missed him.
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star3synth · 4 months
may I ask about your bandori ocs??? :0 they look so cool
:0 i’m glad you like them!!! all four of them are part of an idol group! (i have not determined a name for said idol group, or backstory, or outfits even though i made these ocs nearly two whole years ago lol)
here’s some general info about them and fun facts:
yuki (they/them pronouns, the one with the green hair) was the one that started the group. they are generally a reserved person but are more open and laid-back with their friends. they are in the same class as ako and are pretty close friends with her, and they are also pretty good friends with saaya. they usually wear pastel clothing that is a bit more on the feminine side when they’re not in their uniform. nobody knows how they got the scar on their face besides the other members of the group and every time they are asked about it, they proceed to make up the most ludicrous/ impossible story of how they got it. maeko got them to do this because she insisted the real story was way too boring and yuki was tired of explaining it every time anyway.
maeko (any pronouns, blue hair) is probably the most chaotic and loud person in the group by a lot. they are also a second-year, but they go to hanasakigawa. she is also related to the hikawa sisters (they are cousins) but since they look pretty different compared to them and have a different last name, not a lot of people suspect the relation. they have a cat named soup that he mentions a lot and has a ton of pictures of. in exchange for yuki telling ridiculous stories about how they got their scar, maeko agreed to give equally ridiculous responses whenever somebody asks him about his gender at school or in public.
hana (she/her pronouns, split dyed hair) is the oldest in the group, and is a third year at tsukinomori. no one expects that she’s the oldest because she is also the shortest of the group. she also is the frequent target of short person jokes courtesy of maeko. she also has a cat named mina but doesn’t talk about her much. hana is a generally serious and strict person and only shows emotion and goofs off occaisonally. she has a pretty casual style that still comes off as fashionable.
miriko (she/they, pink coily hair) is the youngest of the group and is a first year at haneoka. she is friends with himari, and they are both in the tennis club. miriko is an outgoing person that always tries their hardest, and is also pretty good at sports. they just started playing tennis, so they aren’t that great at it, but she is learning rather quickly and putting a lot of effort in. there was one incident during club after school where she was practicing receives with himari and tomoe showed up near the end of practice to walk himari home, and as miriko was receiving, she didn’t see that tomoe was on the court and ended up returning the ball so hard that it missed himari’s side of the court and whacked tomoe in the face. (tomoe ended up with a small bruise but was otherwise completely fine. however, the other members of miriko’s group think that that was really funny and won’t let them live it down and tease them about it quite a bit.) she also shares an interest in fashion with yuki and they both talk about that frequently. she tries pretty hard at school despite not wanting to pursue an academic-heavy career.
here’s the link to the original post so people can see what oc’s i’m referencing and talking about! :)
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pagesofkenna · 3 months
anyway my favorite mormon joke made by a nonmormon was in an episode of Skyjacks, wish i could remember which one; someone says something like 'we need more men here' and JPC in-character responds something like 'uh, i think they prefer to be called church of jesus christ of latter-day saints' and its my favorite joke because a) i was so ready for that to be a belittling jab that it actually took me a second to realize it was actually very funny, b) i learned recently that my best friend who studied comparative religions didn't even know what the deal was with 'mormon' vs 'lds' so the fact that JPC knew enough mormon lore to make an informed joke and he stuck to an actual funny one is a delight, and c) i'm pretty sure no one else in the scene even clocked the joke
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98chao · 3 months
truly i love all of you and i'm so grateful for all the support i get on my vanilla milkshake posts here because i've just seen the way people talk about vanilla milkshake and mysticao on twitter and its genuinely taken 50 years off my life. now i've been reminded as to why i should never join the crk fandom on twitter
#its not even just twitter but the comments i get on tiktok all the time make me want to blow myself up genuinely#on twitter i just saw a thread about mysticao going like Oh durr how can u ship it after reading ep 4#and then proceeds to post a reply saying “enemies to lovers is really good if its done well!! but theyre just torturing each other here” ??#so you dont like enemies to lovers then . what do you think enemies to lovers means ??? they just argue sometimes? lol#also wdym “if its done well” we haven't gotten the full lore of the beasts#and its implied that they only turned this way because they were wronged somehow#that + the amount of power and responsibility that having the full soul jam put on them it was literally a recipe for corruption#its not even as if dark cacao thinks mystic flour was just evil to be evil he literally CALLS HER OUT on being insecure#she wanted to create a world without individuality and without personal interests that could lead to harm of others#which i think is heavily tied to her backstory we havent seen yet#imo. this would in fact be enemies to lovers done well#i dont even ship them btw. but i feel obligated to defend it since i just hate ppl who take this stuff at face value#its such a shame that twitter people have the literacy skills of a 1st grader because i would love to post my crk art on there#and make some friends#but if ppl would be like Erm you cant ship shadowvanilla its hashtag toxic and a red flag!!#then like oookay lol whatever man#sorry for the yappathon#txt#not art#discourse
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solradguy · 9 months
I am so easily distracted by sad monster men with beautiful hair and claws and perhaps a large sword
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gen-is-gone · 2 months
hrgh every time I think I've come close to forgiving lance fucking parkin I skim the gallifrey chronicles. and then I remember the Horrors.
#listen bc when I read through and play around with AHistory I'm inclined to enjoy and respect his work as a curatative fan historian#but his actual prose writing#it. it beggars belief it truly does it's just atrocious#megan whines into the empty abyss of cyberspace#everyone in the EDA discord who thinks father time is the worst of it oh boy babes the worst is absolutely yet to come#like I get *why* they gave him the last book of the line because he does (mostly) know his lore extremely well#so it kind of makes sense that he'd be picked to wrap up all the myriad loose ends#and also he's well liked and afaik pretty personable unlike some fuckers I could name and didn't spend years burning bridges#but oh my god oh my god literally everything to do with Fitz and Trix is just. awful. terrible.#guy who absolutely does not understand or respect any of the three of that team TARDIS but especially Fitz#also The Thing With Sam#never happened fuck you lance#also given just how many asspats he gives himself over his command of the lore he fucking got Sam's middle name wrong?!#also it's soooo obvious how much he loves Anji because she's a Capitalist GirlbossTM#he really does not grasp her character development or personal arcs but he thinks he's killing it#like she *is* a Capitalist GirlbossTM but that's not all she is but he's not actually interested in her interiority at all#he just enjoys that she's a fiscal conservative#god the fact that trading futures is the literal very next book after Anachrophobia#one of the best books in the series that explicitly calls out Anji's pro-capitalism stance using time-war-for-profit played for utter horro#immediately followed by...almost the exact same premise but Zany RompTM#it's not that capitalists misusing time travel for profit is inherently bad it's just *these guys* who suck#no lesson is learned! then you fucking get to the fucking gallifrey chronicles and Fitz actually deciding that this very same scheme#'wasn't perhaps unethical' just because it's Trix and Anji doing it#like yeah sure Anji and Trix can have a little insider trading. as a treat. but that is literally the definition of unethical lol#the only reason time traveling to acquire stock tips isn't massively illegal is because it's not fucking real like??#of-fucking-course it's unethical you walnut#parkin you smug annoying self-obsessed lore-obsessed pregnancy-obsessed just barely-plausibly deniably not homophobic asshole#I'm avoiding even bringing up the actual beef with TGC because first of all everyone fucking knows but also it's just.#it's such a goddamn shit awful trainwreck#if parkin wasn't a Fitz-hating homophobic coward he would've ended the gallifrey chronicles the same way he ended the dying days. wink.
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skrunksthatwunk · 9 months
sometimes you need to go back and listen to the music you liked when you were 13 because it's good for you. and no im not talking about like emo nostalgia in this case we have enough posts about that. im talking about dad rock. actually im just talking about barenaked ladies
#idk if i'd call barenaked ladies dad rock per se but every once in a while i'll hear a song and go MAN. I REMEMBER THAT#i had so many oc animatics in my head about this one....#anyway skrunk lore moment but i had a really intense bnl phase for like 8 months in early middle school which explains a lot about 13 y/o me#in a neutral way but like. yeah. anyway go listen to box set for me.#you don't have to listen to anything else even though i still have a great fondness for a lot of it bc it's one of those things where it's#so familiar to me that i don't even know if i think it's good or not. but box set goes hard and i'll stand by that#in the car and hello city and i'll be that girl and spider in my room AND CALL ME CALMLY and blame it on me and alternative girlfriend and#the flag and when i fall and the king of bedside manor and am i the only one.... ohgh#AND YES IT'S BASIC BUT IF I HAD $1000000 IS COZY. IT'S CUTE OK#OH and it's all been done for all your immortal/reincarnation ship needs. well. a certain vibe anyway#and alcohol. and OH MY GOD I FORGOT JANE. AND INTERMITTENTLY and break your heart.... waaaaaaa#man they have way way more albums than i thought they had#i can only really speak for gordon born on a pirate ship and maybe you should drive actually but. i like those#or i Did like them. havent relistened but even looking at the titles is making me giggly like... i forgot some of these#ALSO SHOEBOX IS A FRIENDS SONG?? WHUH?#or maybe it was used in friends? idk. no thoughts on friends but they did music for just the dumbest shit. ignore that for me please#ANYWAY. going to go listen to all of that now bc im having a moment. if you listen to it and don't like it um. don't think less of me lol <3
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Who knows what Gerudo culture or fashion would have evolved into by 'Rule's time but it's nice to think about him getting to experience a bit more of it in another universe... Before BLYGanon sours it for him... Also been thinking about that Great Fairy of the desert...
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#the more i think about Rulie details and lore. the more fun little bits i find about if he were indeed Gerudo#walks death mountain without fear of the heat. no thought for swimming but can sail#that spark of magic- fire like koume. lightning like urbosa#the red Triforce mark. an attunement to Power even if he's got courage in spades too....#lu hyrule#or. blood like yours! lu Hyrule. BLYrule if you would.#my art#alt text#first picture is more first game rulie. second is more post sequel i feel#pulled from the game sprites and then the guidebooks art for the first one#which was interesting#since the first couple of players guides were made years before any games with the Gerudo planned#id honestly want to describe the aesthetic of Impa and the Sages- what we'd later assume to be Sheikah#to learn more... Gerudo tbh. colors and drapes. which would have interesting implications to what happens to them in the downfall timeline#as opposed to them in ww tp or fsa#but here i gave impa more sheikah colors to contrast with Rulie's#anyway. hypnotizing nin10do to give us a Gerudo link..... any day now....#none of these designs are set in stone or anything. im just thinking out loud... spinning this idea around because i guess i didn't enough#already lol.......... pls make 'Gerudo!Hyrule (Linked Universe)' a tag..... pls look into it's potential.......#also yeah. been calling him BLYrule in my head but! once other aus use it it too! will have more options and branches and nicknames#gerule? no i dont like that#someone give a better name than that#huh. these colors look different on my computer from phone.#these were not all drawn the same day. or even week. so inconsistency yeah...
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asteria7fics · 7 months
Seeing people give their ocs my actual legal name is wild. Like tf you mean I did all that?? Oh no you're talking about your self-insert okay that's cool.
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hiemaldesirae · 9 months
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since the death of god, there's been a vacancy open.
okay. more of my horsemen themed lil guys! here's lacri/ the guardian: the keeper of the end, she who watches, lady conquest; our lady of regrets
-> lacris name is taken from the lacrimosa, part of the dies irae in the requiem mass. her titles are based slightly off of the virgin mary.
(open tags for rambling and persona lore ig)
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yewphoric · 1 year
i should rlly make textposts abt my ocs and just post more here in general lol. ive delegated a lot of shit to my sideblog so this one gets abandoned AND i spend most of my time talking on discord but idk i want to actually engage ppl on here??
if i post shit abt my ocs thats not just art promise not to be mean to me ok <3
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didn't know there was a new frictional games / amnesia release....until now (that i do)
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darth-caillic · 6 months
👀 — @xoteajays
Gonna take the chance to explain how time travel works in Power of Love:
warning for doctor who references lol
So in the og movie Doc describes time as a straight line that can have more lines added to it if you change something in the past.
I prefer to think of time as (to quote the tenth doctor) "like a big ball"
So think of time as like a piece of glue tac. the DeLorean and anyone who has used it to travel in time is like a solid piece of pebble that's just stuck in the glue tac.
If time gets altered the world will shift and morph like someone playing with the tac, but the pebbles (aka the time travellers) will stay the same. Which is why they keep their memories from past timelines.
"but CT! What about when Marty nearly disappeared or when future Biff disappeared?"
Ah see, that's where I'll admit my interruption gets a little bit iffy.
The Marty one I could explain that altering the timeline so much just resulted in the pebble getting pushed out of the tac maybe?
The Biff one is a little complicated. Mostly because arguably you don't know why Biff disappeared. Like on a surface level...
oh my god I'm putting way too much thought into this lol
ANYWAY, future Biff disappeared because he changed his timeline is the most common answer, but I've also heard theories that Biff might have gotten shot and killed by Lorraine sometime between 1985 and 2015, resulting in the future version him disappearing. So that would put him in the same camp as Marty.
I'm gonna leave it there cuz this post is at risk of just becoming me rambling lol
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Send 👀 and I'll tell you some OC Lore
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