#is it dived or dove
snotbuggle · 6 months
Today we found out that Crosshair is so much more overprotective than I ever thought and I’m thoroughly enjoying it.
“You’re as bad as Hunter”
“I’m worse.”
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Crosshair fell down the “I hate you” to “you are my child” pipeline so fast, he might as well’ve dived down it. He fell ten times harder and faster than Hunter, and it’s so fucking funny.
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ashipiko · 28 days
🫶 herro to my v small percent of a3! followers nowadays and my even smaller percent of fellow skypaul enjoyers. i got back into my btab sky pirates skypaul au
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there is a whole 7k google doc about this AU. the beauty and the beast soundtrack changed me 😔
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googleitlol · 7 months
As serious as Dove likes to pretend to be, I also want to show just how slightly unhinged her actions can seem to others. What she does may make sense in her mind, but sometimes all the others can do is watch as they struggle to comprehend her train of thought. She can also just be plain petty, but that's already very obvious.
Anyway, a good example of her behaviour is when the group meets Sandy!
Dove Masterlist:
“These Flowing-Sand metes, eight hundred wide; These Weak Waters, three thousand deep. A goose feather cannot stay afloat; A rush petal will sink to the bottom.”
Tripitaka reads aloud the stone slab on the shore of the river. Is this really the Flowing-Sand river? You thought it’d take you longer to get here, though not much has happened since your group’s encounter with that tiger and wind demon about a month ago. “I remember this place, from when I last travelled with my own master, Guan Yin.”
“Really?” Tripitaka turns to you. “Do you know of any way to cros–”
Just as he spoke, a figure leapt from the waters, a recognizable blur of indigo and red charging towards the group. Before you can mumble a word, you feel yourself being tugged back alongside Tripitaka. Zhu Bajie runs to meet the challenger, raising his rake high before bringing it down on the newcomer but before you can see anything else, Wukong drags you and Tripitaka away from the confrontation.
The moment he drops the two of you, you slap his hand away. “What do you think you’re doing?!”
“Saving your life. Keep Master safe, we’ll be right back.” The Monkey King didn’t give you time to retort before taking his needle-sized staff and extending it in his hands.
“Wait! That demon…!” The sage is already bounding towards the fight before you can trail off. Is it so hard to just listen?! With a quick exhale, you turn to the monk instead. “Follow me.”
“…Pardon?” Tripitaka frowns, more out of confusement than anything else. “But that’s where Sun WUkong and Zhu Bajie are fighting the demon.”
“I can explain everything in a moment but for now, I just ask that you trust me.” Tripitaka could stay further back and wait as well, though there was no real danger at the riverside.
With how quickly Sun Wukong sped you away, it took a bit of time to return to the riverbank. It was just as you reached the waters that the two disciples came into view, their opponent nowhere to be found. The closer you get, the more you can hear the two as they bicker.
“If you just waited, I could have worn him down enough to deliver the final blow!” Pigsy huffs, pointing accusingly with his rake to the Monkey King.
The King rolls his eyes, his arms crossed as he argues back. “How could you have expected me to wait? It isn’t my fault he was so intimidated by me.” As you approach the two with their master, the sage quickly straightens his posture, turning before you can even announce your presence. You’ve noticed him do this quite often, him and Pigsy both. Though, the latter never reacts to your presence in the same way. Perhaps it has less to do with them being demons that can feel your power and more that you could manage to get along with one and the other, well…. “What are you doing back here?! I told you to keep Master safe.”
“That is what I’m doing, now where is the river demon?” You question, looking between the two disciples.
“The moment he saw Brother Sun charging at us, he turned and fled back into the river.” Bajie explains, and you sigh in frustration. This could have been easier if that demon didn’t announce his presence by charging at your group. What did he have to gain by attacking anyone that passed by the river?!
The Monkey King quickly steps in before Tripitaka has the chance to voice any of his concerns. “You don’t have to worry, Master. We were just devising a plan to finish the demon off quickly so we can cross the river. You see, despite my skill, I am not the best at combat in the water. Fortunately though, Bajie is adequate enough to pull off what we want to do…”  
You don’t wait for him to finish. You don’t even bother interrupting, it would just waste time to argue with him. Instead, as the sage explains his plan with Pigsy to their master, you set your bow and quiver down on the ground. Transforming, you begin to ascend, flying over the stretch of water. It only takes you a few moments before you find yourself at an appropriate height above the river.
Zhu Bajie is the first to look back and spot you, his eyes narrowed and confused. “Brother Sun?” The demon nudges his fellow disciple, gaze focused on the sight before him.
Wukong is quick to give him an irritated glance. “What is it, Idiot?”
“The woman is about to dive.”
It’s almost as if the pebble of realisation skips over his mind for a moment before sinking in. “What?!”
“Sha Wujing! Surface and face your master!” By the time the other two men turn around to join Pigsy in looking upwards, you’ve already transformed back, shouting before plunging into the river’s murky depths.
The three can only stand there, staring at where their companion had been just a fraction of a moment ago. Even the dragon-horse stares at the point where you disappeared into the water. However, your absence isn’t long, and when resurfacing, they find you with the very demon who had attacked just a few minutes before. Sun Wukong is the first to move, ready to jump into action. 
That is, until the demon lets out a hearty laugh. “Ah, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me! You really are the dove that accompanied the Bodhisattva Guan Yin.”
“Yes, I am glad you remember me.” You nod before nodding in gesture to your fellow travellers ashore. “However, I am now travelling with your master and his other disciples, the one you were instructed to wait for. The same men you so shamelessly tried to attack earlier.”
The demon looks back to the others on the shoreline, their confusion shared amongst their expressions, his brows shooting up in worry. “Oh! I see. Forgive me, young one. I hadn’t realised you were all so close, I’ve been waiting for so long.” He chuckles, almost bashfully, like the misunderstanding was nothing more than a simple mistake.
“Why don’t we go back and you can apologise to the monk yourself.” You suggest, and the sand-demon nods.
Together, you swim back towards your companions waiting on the shore. As you hobble back onto land, looking like a drowned rat, you’re greeted by the other men with silence. Now, finally holding their attention captive, you explain. “Tripitaka, I would like you to meet your fourth and final disciple, Sha Wujing.”
“Fourth?” Pigsy echoes, and with the silence broken, Monkey interjects.
“Why in the world would you attack us?! Why didn’t you say anything??” He points to you, twisting and squeezing the water from your clothes.
You laugh at his almost exasperated tone. “I’d explain that I tried, but you are the one person in the world incapable of understanding how frustrating it can be to get through to that thick skull of yours.” A semblance of a chuckle comes from Tripitaka, and it takes a good amount of self control not to laugh aloud at the outright look of offence on Wukong’s face when he turns to face his master.
Wujing clears his throat to grab hold of their attention once more. “I would like to apologise, Master. If I had known you were the scripture pilgrim, I would not have attacked you.”
“Wait a moment, why would you say fourth?” Bajie interjects, still stuck on your earlier statement.. “Sun Wukong and I are master’s only other disciples.”
Tripitaka is the one to answer in your place, patting the side of the horse gently. “You forget Ao Lie, he joined us just before you did.”
“…The horse?!”
“Actually, he’s a dragon.”
“…” He doesn’t say anything, though the expression of unfiltered befuddlement says all you need to know.
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lunarrolls · 1 year
also i feel like fearne jumping in was really sweet because. she doesn’t want the fuckin shard. she clearly could not care less about it. she jumped in because she was the only one in the group who had something that could maybe help ashton, and when it completely did not, she tried something else, completely off the cuff, and it worked! they tried to hand her the shard after getting out, trying to see if she would take to it, and she decided she didn’t like it because it burned her hand. meanwhile ashton’s taken like 22 points of fire damage because he’s so determined to keep it near him. ashton wants that damn shard. fearne doesn’t. but she went in after him anyway. because she was the only one who could. and i am just so :’^) fearne calloway the woman that you are
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fieriframes · 11 months
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[Off of my hand. Flew a snow white dove. Watch it disappear into the sun. Your's a halo. For dreams that sounded does. Words are all on the page. And tears and blood.]
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Broke: the banter lodge is probably a fanmade podcast because it’s wordplay on a location in TDP and banter which means talking
woke: let’s go in depth with 30 pieces of evidence on why exactly the banter lodge is a fan made podcast
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Yes yes fire imagery with belos but american witch trials never burned witches at the stake. European trials did that. American witch trials hanged them. (Except for a few fringe cases lmao i think a dude was pressed to death with stones)
Drowning was used as evidence to prove someone was a witch. People would tie you to a chair weighed down with rocks and if you drowned then you were innocent, but if you survived you would be deemed a witch and probably executed. It was a situation where youd die either way and that was kind of the point because a lot of these accusations really were just people trying to get rid of social outcasts.
Hunter almost definitely didnt know any of this but the scene where he tries to drown himself was. So thematically appropriate. Identity crisis aside, he was a witch in everything but biology. And by now he is even a wild witch, the exact kind that phillip despised the most. But phillip is no longer human. No longer a good puritan man, even if he still believes he is.
So a wild witch tries to drown himself to bring down a not-human. Both of them, in belos's eyes, an abomination of god and the natural order. hunter didnt know but given how easily belos left his body later belos could have avoided drowning at any time. But he keeps possessing hunter to hold him underwater and kill his brother (who had fallen in with the witches and was now no better than one himself) once and for all.
But hunter doesnt drown. Not because he has witch powers to save him but because camilla, his new mother figure, dives in to save him. Because unlike the "witches" of phillips time, hunter is no longer a social outcast. He has a family now. He is loved. Something that belos no longer has
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dindjarindiaries · 1 year
The place where Din dove through the window to take down the B2-series battle droid is literally called the "dive bar" in Aurebesh. That's absolutely sending me
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trigun98watchparty · 7 months
Guys, we are FOUR weeks away from April!!! Can you feel the excitement? Even if you're going to watch for the first time or if you're watching again for nostalgia, I'm super excited to see what everyone thinks and feels!
I'll be joining in as well and will try to have at least a little blurb to write each day. Will I follow the prompts that I set up for everyone? That's a mystery even to me!
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the-wine-dark-sea · 10 months
On resurrecting doves
Okay wait so I just had a thought.
(This is about something really minor, but it's honestly been bothering me since 2019, so I need to get this out.)
I've seen speculations about s3 saying, what if Crowley dies/almost dies at some point and Aziraphale has to save/resurrect him? Metaphorical or literal death and rebirth are common in storytelling and sure would fit some of the themes we can expect in s3.
Now the thing is, if this were to be the case, it might actually explain a detail from s1 that I never understood.
After leaving Warlock's birthday party, Aziraphale discovers that the dove he had hidden up his sleeve for a magic trick is dead. This also happens in the novel, where Crowley resurrects the animal for him. But on the show, Aziraphale does it himself. And I've never understood why that change was made.
There are no other changes here which would necessitate this, if anything it would even fit Crowley's characterisation in the show better than in the book, we see him doing stuff for Aziraphale all the time. So why have Aziraphale perform this miracle instead?
What if, and this is admittedly a very big if, but I find it a fun thought, we were supposed to know that Aziraphale CAN do something like that? I mean, outlines for more possible story already existed, so why not go for it and hope for the best? It might pay off later.
Even though this train of thought came from the speculations surrounding Crowley, I don't even think it would necessarily have anything to do with him (I do like that idea, though).
Especially since it is a DOVE that Aziraphale brings back to life. A pretty important animal in Christianity. It is a symbol for the Holy Spirit, for peace and new beginnings (an also speculated overhaul/end of the whole system would definitely count as a new beginning and work towards peace). According to the internet, there are also several scenes in the New Testament dealing with various stages of the life of Jesus that feature doves.
So this scene of Aziraphale resurrecting a dove could fit in with possible plot and themes in s3 in many ways. If and how exactly it does obviously remains to be seen. But for the first time I feel like I might understand why this scene was changed from the novel the way it was.
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consumeroflemoans · 10 months
I love when media combines my two favorite things: Fish and trauma-based capitalism
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tennessoui · 11 months
Have you ever watched the show Bones? Lots of good banter. It definitely reminds me of my two favorite idiots. I'm finally watching it all in order and just saw the episode where the main characters have to see a therapist. It's work mandated; they're not together yet. And all I can see is the couples counseling au. They even get a questionnaire for homework. This was me when that bad boy came out. I was like I saw this in a fanfic!
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Omg I’ve seen a few seasons of Bones, but I don’t think I’ve seen the season that episode is in but yesss absolute vibes but also only if the therapist was then like so now you guys need to hold hands when you’re not holding your government issued weapons
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Traintober Day 8: Bird
“Two birds on a wire One tries to fly away And the other watches him close from that wire He says he wants to as well But he is a liar
I'll believe it all There's nothing I won't understand
I'll believe (I'll believe) it all I won't let go of your hand”
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Two birds on a wire totally fits Stanley x Kyle/OrangeChai angst: Out of both, only one survives, broken and with clipped wings….
I…I like to believe that Kyle still attempts to communicate with Stanley, not just with the fireflies but perhaps other ways? I’ve been rereading stories of people’s loved ones coming back to them in the form of animals and I know for sure Kyle would come back to him to keep him company, slowly help him heal and give a sense of security..
After all, the dove has many symbols as someone in mourning is often viewed as a visitation from the deceased loved one. The person in mourning senses a message of hope or encouragement from their deceased loved one.…
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hopeofitalll · 3 months
Okay music homework continued. Finished my first listen of Purple Rain by Prince. Of course it’s an instant classic. I love that synthy 80s sound, and it’s done exceptionally on this album, which has obviously been crafted with a lot of care for the art. Anyway, nothing people don’t already know, but the world is better for having had Prince in it
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fieriframes · 4 months
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[I give it all up in laughter. The sign of the cross awaiting disaster. Dove flew to me like a vision of paranoia. Dove flew to me like a vision of paranoia.]
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carbonateddelusion · 1 year
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here have all the AF stuff I've made so far TAKE IT !!!
an Ellie for @xxmourningdove666xx , a Nate for @robscalamander , a Lia for @/nebularoura.art , a Bea for @draw-n-vent-with-imani , a Berry for @pinkieglitterheart , a Viv for @catlover4536 , a Carmen (and Dew!) for @/Noodlewingsqq, and a Jr (and Owen!) for @peapod20001 .
A link to my Art Fight profile is below!
(There's no pressure to reblog, reply, or like if I've @'d you. :])
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