#is it almost......... done? is it almost ready for agents? oh god..........
raineandsky · 12 days
The lock on the door is an easy pick, and with one final touch the door clicks open and allows the villain inside.
Now, the villain is usually well above petty crime. He’s done his fair share of thieving. He’s pick-pocketed, he’s robbed, and yeah, sure, he’s broken into places here and there. But his life is actually fun now, thanks to a villainous promotion and some less of the dirty work, and so stealing ended up rather low on his list of fun weekend activities.
It’s not a weekend, though, and it sure as hell isn’t fun either. This is business, and goddamn if the villain isn’t a professional.
He glances at the screen of the phone in his hand, checking and rechecking the picture he took of the supervillain’s instructions. If only the supervillain wasn’t trained to be a doctor, his handwriting might be somewhat legible. He is though, unfortunately, and the villain is wishing he’d just typed up the words when he had the time before.
I’ve had a ‘tip’ on [Hero]’s address. The villain can just about make the words out. It’s like a word puzzle, which he is notoriously bad at already. I have reason to believe she’s got some important documents in there. Infiltrate, find her stash of secrets, and bring it in.
Easy enough. The fun part of stealing was usually finding the most expensive object, though, and the villain has an inkling that some paperwork won’t exactly make him a millionaire. He tucks the phone into his pocket, taking a moment to adjust his eyes to the darkness before shutting the door behind him and exploring.
He finds a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen, the fridge, ooh she has good taste. The villain plucks a punnet of grapes from the fridge and tosses one into his mouth. The supervillain has him on late nights—he doesn’t have time for dinner at the moment. The hero will have to survive without her grapes.
The office feels like stumbling across a mine of incredibly boring, inexpensive gold. The villain takes to rooting through the piles of papers mounting on the desk. All plain, civilian problems—bills, taxes, a newsletter from the mayor. Nothing exactly incriminating.
“What are you doing in my house?”
Who the hell is awake at three in the morning? The villain wasn’t that loud coming in. He turns dramatically, expecting to make his first introduction to the hero, but he isn’t faced with the hero. He isn’t faced with a hero at all.
An old lady is standing in the doorway, her glasses perched wonkily on her nose and a baseball bat in her hands. The bat is kind of menacing, at first, but then she has to awkwardly adjust her glasses and the illusion is gone.
The villain’s mind is short-circuiting. That’s not a goddamn hero. What the hell has the superhero gotten him into? What the hell is he meant to do with a bat-wielding civilian?
“You’re deaf as well as unlawful,” she adds drily.
“No, no.” The villain's cool demeanour is slipping too fast. “No, I can hear just fine, thank you.”
“You haven’t answered my question.”
“What question?”
The bat taps pointedly against the woman’s palm. She’d probably injure herself trying to swing it at him. That thought alone is vaguely comforting. Only vaguely, though—she’s still wielding a baseball bat.
“What are you doing in my house?”
“I am here,” the villain starts slowly, “to rob you blind.”
He doesn’t know what else to say. He didn’t expect to run into anyone, much less a civilian, much much less a little old lady. He’s running on a bank of prewritten sentences he used in his thieving days, and for some reason the least helpful one is the one that wants to be said.
The woman’s face scrunches up in an emotion the villain can’t read. At first he thinks it might be distress, or perhaps fear, but then she raises the bat and he realises that, oh, no, that’s actually unbridled rage.
She brings it down in an arc and the villain just about dodges to the side. She doesn’t seem to mind the fact the bat absolutely annihilates her desk in his stead. Jesus Christ, is that thing made of steel?
He may be a villain, and villainy may require a certain amount of balls, but this is where he draws the line. The old lady swings again, crashing into the glass cabinet a hair’s width away from the villain’s face, and he decides that no, he’s not dealing with this shit tonight.
He scrambles for the window, throwing himself out onto the fire escape stairs with his new nemesis in tow. She makes one last swipe at him as he takes the stairs down two at a time.
“I’ll bash your head in next time!” she shrieks after him.
It’s only when the villain is safely on the other side of the building that he slows down. He pulls his phone out, sucking in a deep breath, and unlocks it to look at the superhero’s note again. Really scrutinises it. Then it clicks. He sees the problem.
That’s not a 6. It’s an 8. He was on the wrong goddamn floor.
He stares blankly at the screen for a moment. He’s too old to be putting up with this shit.
He shoves his phone back in his pocket, heaves a age-old sigh, and lets himself back into the building for round two.
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discotitsposts · 5 months
Just Ecstasy
18+ bdsm, bondage, kinks, etc so mdni
she her pronouns used
me: i’m not gonna write smut for a while probably
also me: makes this fic
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You loved your boyfriend. Really loved him. You would do anything. Well, almost anything.
The idea had seemed fun at first. A kinky little game only you two could know about.
When Spencer had held your wrists together waiting for your permission, you took a breath and said “Go ahead.”
However, the second he clicked the metal cuffs around your wrists you freaked out and tried to pull them off. You hated the feeling. It wasn’t that you didn’t feel safe with Spencer. That was one of the strongest feelings you felt with him.
In one quick motion he had unlocked the cuffs and held you saying over and over again, “It’s alright, they’re off, you’re ok.”
You two hadn’t spoken of this again.
Until you thought about it. You had wanted that so badly you had just been nervous. Of what exactly? You didn’t know. You wanted to try again.
A week later when Spencer gets home, you’re waiting in your sexiest lingerie smiling, holding up a pair of handcuffs that may work better for you. They had a soft padding on the inside. Not as harsh as just metal. You had picked them up at a sex shop earlier that day just for the occasion.
Spencer walks over to you and kisses you. “What’s all this?” He asks.
“You should know smarty pants.” You tease handing him the cuffs.
“I thought you were nervous. I just don’t want to upset you.”
“No no, we should have started with these. The metal ones just freaked me out.”
“Are you sure? Like are you surely sure?”
“I’m so sure, that I hid the key.” You laugh.
“YOU WHAT?!” Spencer yells.
“I didn’t want to chicken out again!” You shrug.
“Tell me where it is now.”
“Sorry you’re going to have to force it out of me mister agent.” You smirk.
“That’s Doctor agent to you missy.”
You turn around and shake your ass a little, “Come get me and force a confession out of me mister doctor sir.”
That’s just what he did.
Before he handcuffed your hands behind your back, he made sure you were alright. “Ready?” He asked.
“Yes.” You nod confidently.
He yet again put the cuffs on you. The click of the cuffs made a shiver run down your spine in anticipation.
He breaks character to ask, “Feel okay?”
“Yes. I’m alright.” You weren’t lying. It felt much better this time. You felt no anxiety. Just ecstasy. You practically moan at his hands roaming your body. Then his next move shocks you. Quickly getting back into character, he bends you over the table and spanks you.
“Wanna tell me where that key is young lady?” He threatens dominantly.
“Nope. My lips are sealed.”
“Hmm she’s stubborn.” He grabs your favorite vibrator and a paddle. “We’ll soon fix that.”
He presses the button on the vibrator. Nothing. “How the hell do you turn this on.” He asks.
You giggle. “Shut up.” He sneers. You stop laughing.
“Here let me.” You click and hold the button with your arms behind you. You hear the BZZZZZ immediately after.
“Thanks. Ok now, tell me where you hid it. Or I’ll be forced to use harsher methods.” He rubs the vibrator along your most sensitive spot. It feels amazing.
Moaning, you say, “Never.”
“Oh really?” He turns off the vibrator. You hear the buzzing stop and try to look behind you but you can’t see anything.
Spencer’s hands go up your waist and he starts tickling you. Your weakness. You scream-laugh.
“Tell me.” He says firmly.
“Thank you.” He picks you up brings you to the bedroom. He lays you on the bed and leaves you there with the vibrator pressed against you.
He comes back holding the key. You think he’s going to uncuff you so you try to lift your hands.
He walks closer to you until his crotch is near your face. He runs his hand along your hair and says,“Oh I’m not done with you yet sweetheart. We’re just getting started!”
writing this had me 😫💗
this is probably the most sexy time i’ve ever written so hopefully it’s alright for like the first one
literally wrote this in like 20 minutes. how?!
hope anyone who reads this enjoys!! I love feedback!! 💗💗
(if anyone else would like to be tagged in future works don’t hesitate to lmk!)
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reidsqlick · 7 months
You’ll be back, right? || (S.R)
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pairing(s): Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
summary: Spencer and you had been close friends, but due to an unexpected, sudden reason that friendship had fallen through, and led to what seems to be a rivalry.. what happens when you confront him of this?
warning(s): (MDNI 18+), softdom!spencer, unprotected sex, p in v, swearing, I don’t believe there’s any more but if there is please enlighten me 💔💔.
word count: 3,7k
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Working for the FBI was a challenge, everyone who looked into the FBI, or had been an agent would tell you the same. As an agent, you’ve definitely come close to death many times throughout your career, you had known that’s what came with the job, and you more than ready for that. You were quite honestly ready for whatever this job could bring your way. Ready to tackle each obstacle with such ease, so much to the point you didn’t even care what could be thrown your way.
That’s what you thought until you had met Dr. Spencer Reid. Being transferred to this unit of yours was something you had no issue doing. Ready for whatever it brought you, whatever new challenges this career brought you. Nothing, and I mean nothing was going to get in the way of that mindset of yours you were so, ultimately set on.
Unfortunately, that mindset hadn’t met Spencer Walter Reid. The genius of the BAU. Mr. “187 IQ”. Once a twenty-four year old kid prodigy who knew more than most at that age. Now, obviously not twenty-four, and not quite a ‘kid prodigy’ anymore.
The man had gotten on your nerves since the day he chose his ego over you. Not cause he was necessarily a bad guy, he was actually friends with you. However, the shit that got on your nerves was the fact he was open about disliking you, his ego slowly becoming more important than your friendship sometime during your duration of working there.
Forever you thought about what you had done. At first, you two were oh so close, as close as one can get with Reid, at the time he at least could have tolerate saying more than at minimum, five word sentences to you in passing, or because Hotch had asked you two to pair up to go check things out.
He always teased you at work. Either making some snide comment about your intelligence, or critiquing the way you had gotten your part of the job done. God, it was aggravating to say the least. With each snide comment that was said in passing, the more he pissed you off.
You really hadn’t hated him. You had hated the way he was so rude towards you. You truly never got it, never understood how he could be so nice to you when you had joined, talking to you more than a friend should, but, hey.. he probably talked to everyone like that, right?
One day it snapped. He just… started being an absolute piss poor son of a bitch who couldn’t get enough of himself. Wafting in every comment of some girl on a case in passing, it stroking his ego. God, the man was so aggravating in every way possible. You just couldn’t understand what changed with him.
Yeah, okay. If we’re being honest with one another, I liked him, okay? I more than liked him. I kind of slightly loved him. When I first joined the unit, I had clicked with him the most. It was almost instant. Your shared love for ‘Doctor who’, and books. Most of all, you listened to him ramble. Not many do that, and when they do they always tease him for it.
Now he’s teasing you? Jesus, you couldn’t get over it. The man you once let into your heart, expressed your interests to him, let you be yourself around him, becoming such an asshat. That was beyond what you could’ve expected. Especially since it was so out of the blue.
Life is very against you as of late. You and the team are out on a case in Boston, where you’ll have to be staying in one of the “lovely” hotels there. The issue is that the team actually had gotten done with the case early. The hotel had been booked for a whole extra day.
So, due to Penelope Nagging Hotch so much to the point he actually gave in, you’re all going drinking. The hotel bar, obviously. Can’t stray too far from one another, yes we’re all FBI agents, but… safety first, always.
You weren’t one for drinking if you were honest, but it was a team thing, so you’d go. This case had ended up being much more stressful than it let off, and you kind of needed to cool off, and with the people you considered family.
You hadn’t dressed up, Jesus, no. Never. You aren’t one for dressing up. Yeah, you’re feminine.. just, sometimes dresses aren’t the comfiest, that’s one. Two, for fucks sake.. this is a hotel bar. It’s truly not serious enough to dress up for.
Just your leisure wear you brought, jeans, and a t-shirt. Don’t even get me started on the “Pick me” or “You’re so basic” shit, it’s just leisure wear, at a hotel bar. Fuck if I care, I’ll dress how I please.
Leaving your hotel room, you walk up to the elevator, pressing the ‘down’ arrow. Awaiting the elevator, to your surprise the one and only Spencer Walter Reid decided to waltz to catch it as well. Jesus Christ. He’s really not one for drinking. I know I’m not one for drinking, but he isn’t last time I checked.
The elevator dung open, and you stepped in, Spencer walking in behind you. You click the ‘one’, and wait for this ride to be over. You look around, trying to ignore the fact he was here. You look over at him for, what? A split second, and he catches your eyes.
Fuck. That was accidental… oh, what? He’s still wearing his suit. Jesus, you’d think the man would get into something more comfortable, yet… he’s Spencer Reid. He’s not getting more comfy than this.
Shit, this elevator ride is longer than you remembered it being. Yeah, you were on the twelveth floor, but why is it taking so long. You speak up, hating the silence. Might as well embarrass yourself more than you already had, mhm. Great fucking idea!
“Didn’t take you as much of a drinker, Boygenius.” You said, loud enough for him to hear you, but not quite loud at all. “You don’t know me, (Y/LN). You can’t ‘take’ me as much of anything.” He said, obviously annoyed. Shit.. why’d he have to be such an asswipe about everything he did. Jesus Christ you can’t say anything anymore, can you?
“Actually I do-“ he cut you off, “You do not know me. You think you know me, and I hate to break it to you, but you don’t know me. Don’t know why you somehow think cause we were close years ago when you first started working here, that you know anything. You don’t know me enough to classify me as a drinker, that’s one. Even if I wasn’t before, people change (Y/LN).”
Before you could even add, you were disrupted by the ding of the elevator. Thank god. But, seriously? Where does he think he gets off? You both leave the elevator, him in-front of you now. Walking to the bar, you were greeted by the rest of your team. Penelope enveloping you in one of her hugs.
Chatter between the team had went on for an hour or two, you hadn’t gotten drunk, but you were… tipsy to say the least. You really, seriously weren’t one for drinking, but Spencer being there, and his snarky ass comments from earlier truly set you off. You decide it’s better to go to your room before you get shit-faced drunk, so you say your ‘goodbyes’ to the rest of the team.
Pen pulled you aside, “Hun.. what’s up? You’ve barely spoken a word tonight. You’re just away from us, the group. Did we.. do something on the case that we missed? I can make someone apologize, cause (Y/LN)… I’m not gonna let stuff like that slide-“ you just sit silent. Giving her that look.
She looked confused. “(Y/N).. who,” you cut her off “Spencer. It’s nothing. Just.. we got on the elevator together and it got awkward again. Pen, you’re so lucky I love the rest of you cause I’d have already left cause of Spencer ‘I’ve got a stick in my ass’ Reid.” She and I chuckled.
She nodded, waving you goodbye. Telling the rest of the team about your departure for the night. You left the bar, walking towards the elevator, and clicking the ‘up’ arrow. It dinged not too long after, you entered, and clicked number twelve. As the doors were close to shutting, a hand came between them, forcing them to open back up.
Cause life hates me, who else could it possibly be except Spencer goddamn Reid? Jesus. Why’d we have to leave at the same time, why’d we have to get stuck in the same elevator again!? The ride was silent, well… for a while it was, until he decided it was just lovely to open his mouth, yeah this is just what you needed right now after your previous six drinks.
“Didn’t take you for much of a drinker, either (Y/L/N).” He chuckled, opening up the topic of conversation started just hours ago. “Hah, very funny Reid, I’m really not one.” He shrugged. “No? You didn’t sit at the bar and consume six too many drinks? That wasn’t you? Guess I’m imagining someone else as you.”
You sighed, staying silent. Not wanting to speak to him anymore than you already have tonight. You’re intoxicated, scratch that, you were more than intoxicated, and this really is NOT the proper setting for this. “Don’t wanna talk? Oh, wait.. you don’t want to speak to my face? That’s right. Okay, (Y/LN). I see, you can easily just tell people I have a “stick in my ass” and yet, won’t respond to me? That’s fine with me..”
Those words lingered.. oh they’re pissing you off. You looked at him, he was already looking down at you with the most aggravating smirk on his face. “You do have a stick up your ass. There? What do you want me to tell you!? What can I tell you? Last I remember I ‘don’t know you’ so how will I speak to you if I don’t even know you. Oh, and what can I say? Hmmm? Enlighten me, Spencer. Every time I do something you don’t like, you start running your mouth. Last time I checked, that’s the only time I’ve spoken about you behind your back, so you obviously need to get a grip, Reid.”
“You need me to enlighten you, do you?” He began, “Let me enlighten you, (Y/LN). You can say whatever you want, that’s fine with me, you simply just don’t bring me into it. We got that clear? I don’t need my coworkers thinking im some sort of dick cause you’re butthurt,” he looked at your eyes carefully “and intoxicated.”
“Why don’t you like me anymore,” I let out quietly. “Hm?” He said, clearing his throat. “Why. Don’t. You. Like. Me. Anymore!?” I said, louder. Tears violently threatening to spill. “What’re you talking about?” A tear rolled down your face “What am I talking about!? Jesus, how many times do I have to say it. We were friends, Reid. I liked you,” he was taken aback “I loved you. Jesus, did you forget about our friendship? I know it’s been a while.. but how many girls have to flirt with you to forget your friend? God, Spencer.”
He didn’t even say anything. You stood there, unaware of what was happening, obviously intoxicated. Tears spilling out of your eyes slowly. He looked over at you, looking at you, reading your expressions. He took two steps, making you two mere inches apart. He then leaned down, putting his forehead on yours.
You sniffled, “Reid, what’re you doing-“ “Can I kiss you, (Y/N)? Please say yes..” you nodded. “I need you to tell me I can kiss you, need you to tell me you want me to kiss you.” “Yes, Reid,” before you could even finish he grabbed the sides of your face, pushing his lips onto yours.
You kissed him back, with just as much eagerness as confusion. Don’t you hate him? What’s happening? Before you could even think properly the elevator dinged, you’ve made it to your floor.
He then moved his hands to your waist, leading you out of the elevator, lips still on yours, you pulled away. “Reid. What’re you doing?” Then, it came out. The years you wanted to know what happened, and he’s about to tell you. “I love you, too.” Your response? You pulled his lips back onto yours, walking backwards, finding your room.
You broke the kiss for a second, turning around to unlock the door, reaching for the keycard in your pocket, as Spencer wrapped his hands around your waist. When the door unlocked you basically ran into the room, closing the door behind you two. Once you turned around, your lips were already back on his.
You might be asking, why aren’t you talking this out? Why aren’t you asking what this is? His lips are telling you all you need to know, and you weren’t mad at all. Stumbling around the room, you made it to the bedroom and closed that door, as well. His hands still firm on your waist, he then pushed you against the bedroom door.
His mouth moved from your lips to peppering kisses on your jaw, to then sucking down onto your neck. You were letting out small whimpers, nothing too loud, but it was making him absolutely crazy. As he was marking your neck with visible bruises that weren’t going to be gone anytime soon, he moved his knee between your legs.
You began to grind down on this knee to create some form of friction. Fuck, you were getting louder. Seriously, (Y/N). I mean… seriously? You hate him. You hate how snarky he gets, hate how he makes snide comments, hate how good his lips feel traveling down your neck, hate how good his knee feels against your already aching cunt.
He then started to move his leg with the movements of your hips against him. Jesus. You’re putty in his hands, aren’t you? You’re done for. He then moved his hands under your shirt, starting to ride it up, asking you a question “Can I take it off,” he asked, all you could do was let out sorry whimpers as you were essentially getting yourself off on him, he stopped the movements of his leg, his grip on your hips tightening again “Hm?” All you did was nod, giving him your approval.
Once that was gone, he went back to working on your neck, sucking small bruises, moving down to your collarbone, receiving whimpers and low moans from you. He then moved his hands to the buttons of your jeans. “Can I?” He asked, you nodded again. “Can I?” He repeated. You speak up, “Mhm-“ he nodded, beginning to unbutton your jeans, and then unzipping the zip on them, causing them to fall to the floor.
There wasn’t much light in the room, only a lamp in the corner illuminating the dark room. Enough light for him to be able to see the wet spot in your underwear. He smiled, “You’re already so wet.” He said, circling small circles on your clothed clit, making whimpers fall from your mouth so desperately.
“You know,” he said, pushing your panties to the side, gathering up your arousal on two of his fingers “I love you. It’s why I ignored you so much,” he said, bringing his fingers up and down your slit, “too distracted to do my job sometimes, you know.” He said, inserting one finger into you, causing a breathily gasp leaving your mouth with such ease.
“Just thought if I ignored you, it’d help me from getting distracted with my job.” He said, moving his finger at a slower pace, curling it so every so often to get a reaction out of you. “It didn’t help much, though-“ he said, “I was still getting distracted, all the time. Couldn’t even focus on work, princess.” He added another finger, stretching you out even more. “You know what happens when I can’t focus on work? I get upset, love. Wasn’t even you I was mad at, I was mad at myself, for getting so fucking pent up over you.” He said as he continued his pace, curling his fingers every so often.
He then pulled them out, a soft, disappointing whimper leaving your lips. “Shh, I know. Let’s get you comfy, yeah?” He said, moving you onto the bed, beginning to fully undress you, leaving you exposed. “What about you…” you chimed in nervously. He chuckled. “Oh, right. Sorry, princess. Let me just,” he said as he begun to rid himself of his own garments.
When he rid himself of his prior clothing, all but his boxers, he then hovered over top of you, beginning to gather up more of your slick, rubbing your clit in small, tight circles leaving you an absolute mess. You then began to grip the hand he was using to prop himself up with, needy with greed, your eyes practically begging.
“You close already, princess?” He asked in that cocky tone of his, smirking. If he hadn’t been making you feel this good, bringing you this close to release, making you feel better than you could ever do yourself, you would’ve already hit him upside the head. You then nodded, moans leaving your mouth the easiest they ever had. He had then removed himself of his boxers, his cock springing up and hitting his chest, glistening with all his pre-cum.
Your mouth all but fell to the ground in shock, it was so pretty, he was so pretty. Looking down at you, he had begun alligning himself with your glistening cunt, gathering your slick, finally positioning himself at your entrance, “You ready for me, princess?” You bucked your hips, nodding quickly, “Are you ready?” He asked again, the need to be in you was strong, but the need for your consent was stronger. “Yes, please Spencer—“ He smiled, “Good,” he said, slowly sinking into you, disappearing into you inch, by inch.
He fully sunk into you with a low groan, and slowly begun thrusting into you, warming you up for him, he had then moved his hand between your bodies, and began rubbing your clit in painfully slow circles, watching your face contort with a dumbfound smile on his face. He had then began to move faster, causing you to get even louder than before, and then he finally found his pace, the perfect pace, the pace that hit that spot of yours so well, the spot you were sure never existed, as the men before him were never able to find it, let alone you.
But, fuck. You had to admit, it felt so good. “Spencer— fuck… keep, keep going,” you were putty in his hands, you were his to mold, “yes— like that! Fuck…” he couldn’t help but let out small grunts, and groans. He never knew he could have such an effect on you, he had played this moment so many times in his head, but he’s so, so thankful for his eidetic memory so he can actually remember this moment exactly.
“Feel good doesn’t it, Angel?” He groaned, “Hits where it’s supposed to,” your whimpers got needier, his thrusts got sloppier, “ts’ like this cock was made just for you.” that was it, that was truly it, drunk off his words, his every moment, “Spencer, I’m—“ he got even sloppier, faster, rubbing your clit with such speed you could explode right then and there, your legs began to shake around him.
“Let go, princess. I know you can, ‘know you want to, let it all out for me,” he said, groans getting louder, getting close to his own release himself, two more strokes and you were a dead woman, your orgasm hitting you like a tidal wave, head thrown back, moans louder than ever.
“Fuck, Angel..” he said, pulling out, stroking himself fast, needing his own release, and seeing you like this, cum dripping out of you, it’s just what he needed, it’s the prettiest thing he had ever seen, and now it was ingrained in his mind forever. “Where do you want me, I—“ you whimpered, he was so pretty like this, fucking his hand, head cocked back, groans leaving him.. “T-tummy’s fine—“ and there it was, leaving his cock just seconds later.
His body plopped next to you, hand finding your cheek, caressing it softly. “You did so good for me, Angel..” he smiled softly, you giggled at his compliment, words more innocent than the action you had shared just moments earlier. “Hey, hey let’s get you cleaned up, don’t need you a mess, now do we?” He chucked, leaving the room to grab a washcloth, and coming back with it, wiping his cum off your stomach.
Once you were cleaned up, he had grabbed clothes from your go bag, dressing you slowly, not wanting to overworked your already tired self, “Thank you, Spencer—“ you said softly, almost a whisper, he smiled with pride, “No need to thank me, princess. It wasn’t a favor.” You couldn’t help but giggle, “Mhm, I know— just thought I should thank you, mm never felt that good before, thought that was worth a thanks.”
Once you were in comfy clothes, he had lied next to you, caressing your face, “Angel..” he started, “I’ve gotta go back to my room..” he trailed off, not wanting to leave you like this, sleepy, and alone..
Before he could even finish what he wanted to say, you interrupted him “Don’t—!” He chuckled softly, “I don’t want to, I promise you.. I just need to grab something, okay?” You nodded, but a low groan left your tired lips.
He had gotten up from the mattress, it springing up due to the loss of his weight. Once he reached the handle of the door you yelled out to him, “You’ll be back, right?” your voice drowsy, dripping with tiredness.
He looked back for a moment, smiling softly, “Right.”
A/N: oh my god this is my first published smut my teeth are jittering, hands shaking… please please PLEASE tell me how I did if you could cause I actually can’t tell how bad or good this is. but yeah, I tried. P.S: this smut has been sitting in my drafts for over a MONTH.
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mischiefmaker615 · 3 months
Not This Time
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Summary: Being one of Loki's mindless puppets comes with benefits.. for him 
Requester: @eleniblue
Rating: *DARK* R, buckle up cause.. god damn 
Song Inspired: For You by HIM
‘Trembling.. throbbing.. pain.. I see what’s happening but.. my body betrays me.. how could I have done such things? His bidding.. his.. I would have never stolen.. hacked.. backstabbed.. killed.. not them.. not my friends.. not SHIELD..’
My body tensed, the more I would fight to gain control, the more my head would hurt. Move damn it! all I could do was stand there, ready on call or to take orders. We all still wore our uniforms. But he’s taken away our reason for wearing them.. all for his sick, twisted bidding for this plan of his.. I’m not sure what he has all of them building, but I know it’s not good. They’re all just his puppets, holding a bright, blue hue to their eyes as they mindlessly went about his orders, just as I did whenever I was given one.
Was I special? Everyone else would slave away but most of the time all I was told to do was stand there.. ready and waiting, but hardly given an order other than to move to the next room where he would resign next.. him… Loki..
Perhaps its his own way to torture me? To just stand there and watch while my coworkers- my friends, would slave away going against what we all believe in, to help him destroy this world. The more I thought, the more I thought but the pain of a headache would make it nearly impossible to keep trying as I would flinch back into an emotionless state.
Today was different.. at least, according to him.
He stared more than usual, he normally did when you were in his presence, seeming like he was half listening to whomever he was speaking with while his eyes seemed to study my body. Gods..
He talked a lot with Barton, selecting him as a right hand man to do his bidding, and it practically broke my heart to see my friend not being able to do a damn thing about it. just as we all couldn’t..
A hand rubbed against my hip, a long slender hand that pulled me out of my thoughts and I felt my body stand better at attention against my wishes as I lock eyes with Loki. ‘’sir?’’ my mouth responded, yet my mind screamed at wanting his hand off of me.
He would merely smirk and walk away, his lingering hand being removed at the last minute as he would walk away. Not today. ‘’agent Y/N,’’ he spoke, my name rolling off his tongue as I held my breath. ‘’I need you to come with me.’’ He says and begins to walk off, his hand waiting to the last minute to leave my body before joining his side while I felt my legs begin to follow.
What did he want? He hardly ever gave me a job- half the time I felt like a decoration as I watched the others work.. and there were hardly other female ‘puppets’ if you will. I couldn’t even ask him what he wanted, my body just responded by “doing” without a question or pause to it. my mind screamed countless times to halt, very much so in the beginning to the point of mental exhaustion until now I just held my breath and expected it to be simple things such as “have you see agent this or that following orders?” “what file permits so and so?” such things like that to bid his plans.
Not this time.
My heart felt like it stopped as I followed him through a few halls before we got to a room in which he usually slept- a simple, almost prison like room where there was dim light, blank walls and the only piece of furniture there was a bed.
‘’after you,’’ he smirked, standing to the side as I felt my lips pull to a smile and gave him a thank you nod before he followed me in.
My body shuddered, feeling how any interaction I had with him, my body would be polite, smiley, almost flirtatious if people would have taken a guess. That wasn’t me? That’s not who I was..
‘’oh but it is Agent Y/N.’’
His voice was amused, and my mind stopped and so did my heart as I turned to face him just as he had closed the door. ‘’you have very loud thoughts, you seem to be the only one I can here where all the others seem quiet. How interesting..’’ he raised a brow with a grin, staring at me, intrigued as I stood at attention with my body beginning to tense again.
‘so.. you can read my mind?’ I thought, my body still and my face blank as he chuckled and gave a nod.
‘’I can my darling, and have kept you around for my own amusement while I’ve had to tend to a few things. But now I have a task for you finally.’’ His voice got dangerously low at the last part.
‘’of course sir,’’ I hated myself while I was like this, never would have thought I’d betray.. myself.
‘’your not darling, this is your true self. You mind stops you from acting upon certain things because humans have..’’ his hand waved slightly to search for a word. ‘’morals. What your body does and how it responds, is your true self.’’
‘’yes sir.’’ my mouth responded but my heart felt rage surging. ‘fuck you! humans have always been free will creatures- knowing what’s good and bad and acting upon that. I would never-‘
‘’no? touch me. If your human mind is so strong and sure of free will, I guarantee this little spell of mine will instantly break. If your mind is strong enough.’’ He smirked ‘’if it’s not, perhaps it’s because this is the good that your body wants to act upon.’’
‘no- no no no-‘’ my mind screamed, feeling my body move towards him as my hips seemed to take on a sultry pace, as if I was some type of flirt in another life. This isn’t me- stop! My mind screamed to stop myself as I stood close enough so our shoes could touch. The heels on my knee-high boots gave the advantage of height for his and I felt my hands resting at his stomach, his cold metal and leather running against my finger tips as my hands moved up to his chest and to his shoulders.
An amused look on his face pierced into my eyes, knowing he was loving and entertained with the fact that I was his puppet, that I just proved his point that I wasn’t strong enough to break his spell. My heart rate quickened as he bends down ever so slightly for my height, his hands running at my sides, my body suit feeling paper thin in that moment as he buried his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent while his hands suddenly gripped my ass.
‘your sick- you fucking bastard- I hate you-‘ I screamed in my mind, feeling my eyes closed as my head tilted back, exposing my throat to him as he began leaving slow, open mouth kisses against my flesh while he smirked against me.
‘’if you didn’t want it, then you’d be free right now darling.. this is the chance at freedom I provide, do not deny yourself the pleasures your body desperately crazes’’ he purrs against my skin, nipping at it that seemed to pull light gasps from my lips while he kneaded and pulled my ass more towards him, his bulge pressed up against my clothed center while my fingers gripped into his hair, earning a growl from him.
‘please don’t do this.. anything but this..’ I yelled in my head, sounding as though I was choking back tears while my eyes remained completely content and dry while he began grinding himself against me.
‘’I do believe I brought you in here for an order,’’ he seemed to think out loud, as if trying to remember but the smirk on his face showed how he could never possibly forget as he suddenly released me and I stood, catching my breath while he looked me over.
‘’it’s been quite busy lately, and having been going through hell to get to this realm can be quite stressful; so I am in need of some relief finally, now that we have some time..’’ he smirked, his body drinking in my covered curves while I stood obediently still for my next order.
‘go to hell-‘
‘’you have been quite the woman on this realm, serving on the wrong side. Needless to say, I’ve know about you far longer than you know..’’ he said with his voice quiet, beginning to circle me while I held still.
‘what are you talking abou-‘
‘’you think this spell really just gives me the ability to control your body? It’s given me your thoughts, desires.. memories.. i first laid my eyes on you.. back when my brother came here first.. although I wasn’t worthy enough to pick up his hammer, it wasn’t a total waste of coming there.’’ He smirked, my eyes raising to look at him as every once and awhile he would pass my front, standing behind me where my mind would tense at his whereabouts until he would full circle again.
‘’I’ve watched you since, fully anticipating this moment where not only will I have a kingdom, but someone to rule beside me with it.’’ he said gently, his expression and voice genuinely honest as if he were straight up proposing to me now.
‘you’re a murderer!’
‘’and I’ve done it all for you in the end.. so we could be together.. as much as I’ve hated having you like this.. but I promise it won’t be forever.. you’ll choose me willingly in the end..’’ he whispered, finding himself behind me now as his hands stroked my waist and hips, his bulge pressed firmly to my ass again while his chin rested at my shoulder.
“I love you and I hope you feel the same..’’ he breathed ‘’even if it’s.. not right now. There is so much to focus on but we’ll get there..’’ he sighed, almost not hearing my screaming thoughts anymore as his head tilts towards mine to begin kissing my neck and behind my ear. ‘’I’m for you.. you may not realize it now, but your body as responded honestly, it’s only a matter of time before you rid of your denial.. I saw how you looked at me, those many years ago..’’
If I could glare and shove him I would. ‘you mean of pity, how you could never be worthy of anything, not even picking up a hammer?’ I thought it, there was truly no real way of not thinking it and that seemed to piss him off as he gripped my hips, spun me enough to where he could shove me back to I could hit the wall before his hands gripped my wrists, pinning them above my head where his face leaned dangerously close with his own piercing blue eyes.
“I will make you love me, even if it kills you..’’ he breathed, his hand moving my wrist so he had both in only one, while his gripped the zipper of my jumpsuit.
My body didn’t even struggle, he just applied pressure to my wrists so I could squirm in pain and I almost appreciated my nature response I knew I would have done no matter what.. not everything else..
‘you’ll spend a life time then of unsatisfaction.. my body may respond, but my mind still is mine’ I shout at him, even as my lips stayed perfectly still, other than the small gasps that would leave my mouth as he slowly moved a hand into my suit and down my pelvis, his finger tips ghosting over my panties where my clit was.
‘’my heaven is wherever you are..’’ he breathed, as if touching me instantly sooths his mood as he begins kissing at my exposed skin at my best and my cleavage now that my zipper is down.
“I love you 'til my death do us part..’’ he murmured against my skin and his hand dips into my panties now, my back arches at the feeling of his hand now finding my pleasure spot. ‘’I’ve waited for so long.. how could you ask for me to wait more..’’ he practically begs, feeling his finger ghost in and out of your tight entrance and the feeling of your arousal has him shiver.
‘I’m not yours to have bastard! Get off of-‘
‘’I’m killing myself for your love..’’ he breaths and slowly pulls back, releasing me as I stood back with undone clothes, awaiting like a good little puppet while my head throbs at trying to fight. ‘’I am here for you..’’ he breaths and his hands draw down to his leather and armor, not even sure how you go about putting it on but somehow he now has freed his cock that has a mere size that made my heart jump in freight.
‘’and like it or not, you are mine. Body and soul, I just need to break that little mind of yours.. you’ve been abused and in denial for to long, it’s time to let go’’ he breaths and I scream eternally scream when I feel myself sink down to my knees.
His eyes follow me with desperate breaths while he strokes himself and I move my hands against his thighs.
‘p-please stop- d-don’t do this..’ I scream while a hand comes to pet my hair, my eyes looking up at him with almost excitement that just has him give a smirk.
‘’I am doing this for us darling, I promise you will enjoy yourself’’ he whispered and as my mind screamed, my head moved forward while I supported myself on my knees and heels.
My tongue sticks out and strokes his tip, tasting his pre-cum already as I feel the arousal beginning to intensify between my legs. ‘I hate you.. I hate you I hate you I hate you..’ I yell as I take him into my mouth, squeezing my eyes shut as I concentrate on swirling my tongue and moaning against his cock, the mere vibration sending him to rest a hand against the wall behind me for support.
‘’you mean.. you love me..’’ he breathed as a smile could he heard with his words. ‘’you body betrays you darling, it wants me and soon your mind won’t be to far behind.. as much as I love your alluring, stubborn wit..’’
I tried to keep my mind blank, to think of mindless things that words as I fought to try to break the spell. It was almost as if he knew and did subtle things such as now and again, push his hips forward, wanting more of himself into my mouth before he would let me set the pace again when I would show small signs of chocking. His other hand sound itself in my hair now, keeping still but the grip was enough to rid of any thoughts I might be having on breaking out of this mindless puppet illusion.
My hands had to move to stroke the rest of his cock I couldn’t get into my mouth, hearing a pleased moan leave his lips as my eyes stole a peak. His head was leaned back, eyes closed with his mouth open a little as he took shallow breaths and his body shuddered now and again.
If this wasn’t some twisted fate, I would have thought that he looked beautiful right now. And just the mere thought of that, had his lips twitching up to a smirk while I feel his fingers grip more hair now as his hips began to thrust slightly into my mouth. He tried to be gentle, but I could feel him hit the back of my throat as I gripped his thighs and he moved both hands into my hair.
He was getting close, and I cursed my body for moaning against him, which only seemed to spur him on more as he seemed to be loosing himself. Tears pricked my eyes as I kept begging him in my mind to stop this, how he seemed to ignore my please all together and just focused on that one tiny, sliver of a thought that had flashed in my mind he just so managed to catch before I got rid of it.
I was turned on.
His thrusts now became sharper to the point where even my body curled my fingers against his thighs, getting a little uncomfortable as I struggled to breath properly and that seemed to dull my thoughts that just forced me to feel instead. Just as I let out a small whimper, Loki used his grip in my hair to pull me forward and backward repeatedly as he stilled his hips, having the manipulation of my head do the work before he shoved himself deep, causing my to gag around him, only in resulting at squeezing around his cock before I could feel him cum.
Hot spurts of his seed went right down my throat, giving rare chances at even tasting him when it went right down my throat directly. He shivered and gasped, his grip holding tight in my hair as he gave small thrusts and pull him to a slow halt of his high before he took an inhale.
With a small smile, he used my hair to pull me up to my feet, my hands at his to try to pry it off as pain began to sting and I froze as he looked upon me in amusement, using his other hand to grip my chin while few tears finally fell.
‘’I lessened the spell about 5 minutes ago darling. You could have bite, fought and struggled. But all you did was take me.. and you took me so well, how could you possibly expect for me to let you go now?’’ he tsked as he looked upon my face lovingly while my eyes widened.
Just before my muscles could flex or a single thought of fighting him could happen, I was shoved back, feeling the mattress come in contact with my back as I bounced and leaned on my elbows as I looked up at him with wide eyes. ‘’how.. y-you cant-‘’
‘’I’ll leave you as you are just this one time darling. So go ahead and fight, struggle, scratch,’’ he smirked, his hands slowly resting onto the mattress before his knees joined, slowly crawling his way towards me with a hand shooting out to grip my ankle.
‘’it only turns me on, and I need your mind properly whipped into shape if I am to have you rule this world beside me.. so lets get started.’’
•DM me for your own Musical Mischief One Shot ♥
Tag List: @foxherder  @asgards-princess-of-mischief @fire-in-her-veinz
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star-xxx1 · 1 year
Their words and touch hurt like hell pt. 2
Wandanat x Avenger!reader
Carol x reader
Summary: Now that they have you back in their loving chokehold, they must secure you down with a lot of love.
Warnings: a lot of fluff, angst, thigh ridding, sexual acts, break ups...
Part one here
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Today was the day, the dreaded Revist.
Your eyes fluttered opened only soon to close tightly, grimacing at the ray of sunshine that gleamed directly onto your subtle features, peaking through the black blinds.
Clasped tightly in the arms of the two women drowning you with so much love and affection.
You felt different, you felt truly happy, once back in there arms, since the play out of the women's damaging actions against you. Though, you really didn't want to, you had to leave the addicting pleasure that surged through your body when the two redheads held you close.
You were sandwiched in between the two Avengers, your leg was draped over Wanda's waist, her head planted firmly on your boobs, Natasha had her left arm snaked under your body placing her hand on your soft stomach for some very needed skin to skin touch, her right arm thrown over your hip reaching out for Wanda's hand to hold. You gawked at the site of the two redheads being so sweet.
You slowly and carefully moved out of their iron- like hold, freezing like a deer In headlights whenever they made the of smallest movements or noises. After you had succeed, you gently tiptoed to the bathroom to have a shower and get ready for the day.
After undressing and stepping into the shower letting the lukewarm water cascade down your tense muscles, you let at a sigh of relief, happy that today you would get a sense of closure from the revist, maybe poor girls screams would stop haunting you and your dreams.
Stepping out you reached for a towel, wrapping it tightly around your now cold body. You moved over to the marbel sink and stared in the mirror, thoughts rushed through your mind, we're you going to succeed? Was everything and everyone be okay? How many Hydra agents were they going to be?. Taking a deep breath you took out your skincare, and started your daily routine.
When finished you took a last quick glance over yourself. Opening the door you were startled by your two girlfriends standing there in very formal stances a silly grin set on both there faces.
"Fuck! Jeez, Don't do that!"
"Morning dekta" Natasha purred.
"Morning hunny! " Wanda quickly added.
"Morning" you mumble out while walking passed them, Stress levels starting to build up again.
Wanda let out a little frown at your reaction towards them. Both women followed you towards the walk in closest, since you didn't have anything to wear you had to chose out off their selection.
Running your hands through the many clothes, you selected a soft grey top, Upon finding black sweatpants you also found some of your underwear and bras that Carol must have missed while packing, You thanked God because you really didn't know what you would have done.
"Do you mind if I wear this?" You asked, showing them the selected outfit.
"Nope, not at all" Wanda replied whilst Natasha shook her head, not minding. Pleased with there respone you dropped your towel not caring if the to redheads left or not.
Natasha and Wanda's knees almost buckled at the sight of there oh so beautiful girlfriend naked. They missed you and your body and especially your whorish moans they only could unleash within you and this scene definitely did help there growing members.
The two redheads had to step out the room before fainting. After Slipping the fuzzy t-shirt on, you trekked out to see the Natasha and Wanda wrestling and laughing on the bed, making you playfully roll your y/e/c, alluring eyes.
Before you could pull open a the oak door, a raspy voice sounded.
"Hey where are you going dekta?" Natasha asked.
"Um I'm just going to the kitchen?"
"Stay with us please! We can cuddle?" Wanda tried her best to get you to stay, they wanted you at all times, plus they didn't want you to run into Carol.
"But I'm really hungry, I also need to go talk to the group about the revist." you visibly cringed at the thought of talking to Carol especially after finding out what she had done to sabotage the tough relationship you had sustained between the two redheads.
"N-uh" The Ex-spy tutted while shaking her head no, still straddling the witches hips. "I talked to Fury and convinced him to switch Carol over with Wanda, since he owns me a few favours, and I can grab food for the three of us."
"Really, Wanda is coming with me ?!" You squealed out in excitement.
"Yes, hunny" Wanda confirmed.
"Ah, Thank you!" You ran to the bed and threw yourself into your lovers.
Warm arms developed you into a tight embrace, humming at that pleasurable feeling that shot down your spine, your stomach grumbled filling the comfortable silence.
"Okay that's my sign to go get food" Nat chuckled while getting up. You and Wanda whined at the loss of her but quickly tangled up in each other trying to find the warmth that you both so desperately sought out.
Once that warmth finally returned, you let out a deep content sigh.
"Wanda, we have to go in three hours, are you sure your ready?"
"Yes sweetheart, I tried harder in training so when we got you back I would be the most obvious choice over Carol for the mission" Wanda explained pulling you more closer possessively. You were so thankful that Wanda was powered, before the whole false cheating scenario Wanda wasn't as powerful as she is now clearly over powering Carol. Since fury need a powered Avenger on this mission to overpower any inhumans that may go haywire.
"Okay, I just want to make sure that you would be safe" you replied back.
"I will, how about you try go back to sleep I will be here when you wake up baby" you nodded, your head against the witches neck. Soon you close your eyes and fell into peaceful slumber.
The sound of plates being set down Awoke you from your light nap.
"I'm sorry dekta, but I have food!" Natasha said as she passed one of the plates to Wanda then another to you. Your mouth watered from the sight and smell of beautiful pancakes, You grabbed your knife and fork and dug right in, moaning at the taste.
"Is it good?" Nat asked, you answered by aggressively nodding your head yes.
The redhead head gave you that warm smile that you missed so dearly, that action of hers made your heart flutter. You gobbled up the rest of the plate, finishing every bite letting out a satisfied hum.
Wanda and Natasha soon finished there food. The witch got up and took each of your plates and headed down to the kitchen leaving both of with a caring kiss on the cheek.
Nat had a idea spring into mind, she wanted you right now, she was getting impatient from waiting so long. She pulled your form into a straddling position, each leg in-trapped her right thigh, hands firmly holding your waist, she leaned back on to headboard.
"Natasha what are you doing?"
"Shhh it's okay detka just trust me" the redhead whispered, moving you against her beefy thigh, you grabbed her arms letting out a small moan. You would be lying if you said you didn't miss her in a sexual way, you loved when her animalistic grunts and moans boomed across the room as she pounded away at you or when she filled you to the brim with her hot loads of cum.
The woman beneath you let out low grunts at the simulation of your knee rubbing against her clothed cock making her grind your hips harder down, making you moan.
"Natty" you stated quitely that hot feeling heating up more at your core.
Her eyes shot up from your clothed core, locking in with yours.
"What did you just call me?" She asked in shock, a hint of happiness laid in her tone, moving you faster.
"Natty" you moaned out at the increase of speed.
Her heart lit up in glee at the confirmed name, you only called her 'Natty' and Wanda 'Wands" when completely on good terms with them, after agurments it took you a while to start calling them the sweet Nicknames again. She was absolutely dumbfounded by how quick you came around. Her left hand came up to the back of your neck, pulling you into a deep kiss filled with loved and passion. Only pulling away when you started gasping for air, a cat like grin spreaded across her face.
"Natasha Romanoff" you said in a serious tone looking straight into her eyes, making her movements come to a halt.
"Yes, dekta?" Her tone of voice came out unsure.
"I have a mission, I can't go out if you give me jelly legs because you decided to destroy me, I promise you we can have sex when I get back from the revist, plus Wands isn't here that not very fair is it" You said while giving her a cheeky look.
"But I miss you, I miss you so much" she answered back, putting her face in the crook of your soft neck, pulling you into an embrace that you happily returned.
"I miss you to but you don't have to wait that long" you tried to make her feel better, holding the avenger in her more vulnerable state.
"Promise?" She inquired.
"Promise Natty"
Your head whipped around to the door as it slowly opened.
"It's just me" The witch reassured you.
"Wands!" You shouted out happy to see one of your loves. Nat met Wanda's shocked gaze laughing at the face she was making.
"What? Wait what did you just call me?" She questioned.
"Wands?" You were clearly confused. A big smile now present on her face as she made her way to the bed to snuggle up against Nat.
"How about we watch some netflix, mabye y/f/s" asked wanda.
"Yes!" You cheerfully called out. Nat re-positioned you so that you were in between her legs laid back against her front, her strong but careful hands arms wrapped your waist, Wanda cuddle into both of your sides, holding your hand.
Once set and comfortable you grabbed the sleek remote, opened Netflix and selected y/f/s, happy to be in presence of your two girlfriends.
Time flew by fast, you three were only broken out of the hypnotic trance the tv pulled you into by F.R.I.D.A.Y speaking through the speakers.
"Agent Y/l/n and Miss Maxioff, Director Fury would like you down at the quinjet bay in 15 minutes".
"Okay, thank you F.R.I.DA.Y" You replied back to the AI.
You wined as you crawled off the bed, almost screaming at the realization that your mission suit was in Yours and Carol's room.
"Guy's, my suit is with Carol." You sheepishly said turning back, hands on knees, to meet there eye's. Once your words hit them those love filled pupils turned pools of frustration. They really didn't want you near that 'bitch'.
"You can go get it dekta but we're coming with you" Nat announced, eyes dark.
"Okay, Thank you!" You ushered out, getting off the bed and onto your feet, clearly in a rush.
You looked back to see your two redheads still lying there. There's eyes darting from you back to each to each other's gaze, a mischievous look on both there faces.
"please can we hurry? " you asked hoping to get a reaction from the women.
But they just continued staring at each other, still that stupid look on there face. You were confused, the only conclusion you could come up with was that Wanda was using her powers to communicate with Natasha mentally.
'We should, I think it we be a good idea' Wanda agreed with Nat.
'Okay, witch' she teased, making wands chuckle.
Both soon joined your standing form, each beside you.
"Umm okay why are you so quite?" You whimpered out, sightly threaten by their eyes which burned into you.
All the sudden two pair of lips crashed down either side of your neck, roughly sucking and nipping, you moaned at the sudden sensation.
"Guys" you tried to warn them but it only came out quite.
Slightly they upped there aggressiveness against your smooth skin, wanting to leave dark hickeys for Carol to see, causing you to wince slightly. Around 30 seconds later the two redheads finally unlatched off your poor skin, steping back to analyse there masterpiece. Two huge angry, redish-purple marks showed on your skin, both made noise of approval and Nat handed you the spare hair band on her wrist.
"Here dekta, put your hair up" she said so softly causing your stomach to erupt with butterfly's. They wanted everyone to see the marks they had inflicted on you, they couldn't risk your hair covering them. Taking the hair band, you pulled your sliky hair into a high ponytail leaving two sections of hair at the front.
"Thanks Natty" you smiled at her.
"No problem, let's go get your suit". Nat replied. You grabbed both hands of your lovers and made your out the door and down the hall.
"We'll stay outside" they did not want to go near her "If anything happends just call us and we'll coming run" Wanda stated.
"Okay, thanks guys!" Their words ressured you since Carol can get very possessive at times. You stole one last kiss from each women either side of you guarded you like a it was a life and death situation.
You Knocked.
No response.
Knocked again.
No response. You placed your hand on the cold steal handle and hesitating at first, you soon opened the door. Upon entering you found Carol curled up on your and her's her bed fast asleep, in a large hoodie and shorts, hugging your old pillow tightly. As you moved closer to her sleeping frame your noticed the tear stains on her red cheeks.
Strangely no love rose when you saw her just pure hatred for her.
she did this to you.
She put everyone in this situation.
It's her fault.
You quickly walked to the closet and grabbed all your clothes, including your suit and stuffed it into your lagre backpack, which you found laying on the floor and threw it over your shoulder.
Happy that you had got every item of clothing back, you rushed out the closet and into the room. Every thing was going smooth until the closet door slammed shut.'Shit' you thought to yourself, you didn't mean to use that much strength.
She started stirring as you stood there in pure fear.
"Y/n/n?" She questioned out loud, but you kept your mouth shut, hoping she would go back to sleep. "Baby?" She asked again rubbing her eyes and sitting up, her vision was a bit blurry but soon her eyes adjusted and she saw you.
"Y/n!" she sprung off the bed and ran to you, pulling you into a tight hug, your head landing right on her chest.
Nat and Wanda heard the blonde scream out your name in excitement. The two women bodies boiled with anger. Both decided to peak through the little crack the door made from you not shutting it fully.
"My princess I missed you, so much, I was worried sick all night!" She pulled away at looked down at you, noticing your hickeys.
"Did they hurt you more? Are you okay? What happened? Did you-" She stopped as she noticed tears roll down your cheeks. These tears aren't sadness, no these were tears of fustration and anger. How could someone that you loved so much do this this to you.
"Hey, princess what's wrong?" she asked with a love filled tone. Both her hands now cupping your cheeks wiping away your tears.
"Carol" you paused, her heartbeat picks up at the lost of the nickname 'Care bare'.
"I want to break up, I know what you did, Carol you accused me for cheating, you did all this, you're the reason I got hurt" Your voice laced so much anger.
Everything stopped as soon as you finished your sentence, her heart plunged In to the depths of her body. It was like time froze only to be replaced with true terror, she felt truly sick to her stomach, her head becoming dizzy. The world started spinning.
"No..." She whispered hands falling besides her body.
"No" a increase In her tone appear, tears now swelling up in her eyes.
"No" she shook her head, trying to deny this brutal reality.
"No no no no" she held her head like she was going crazy, almost shouting at you.
"Carol I have to-" You were cut of by the blonde.
"No! Your not going anywhere!" She shouted at you. Her tears now free falling, noticing that you had flinched at her big reaction, she tried to calm herself down.
Taking a big breath she shut her eyes and ran through her opinions. She knew she had to get you back.
Her hands came up to your face, once again cupping your cheeks. She looked you dead in the eyes and started..
"Y/n, baby your just having a bad day, you need me, you love me, I love you so much baby please don't go, don't I make you feel good?, we can work this out together, please I love you so much, what can I do baby so you don't go?, please..." She started sobbing when she ended her devotion of love to you.
You really just wanted this done with, you didn't love her anymore.
"Please... I'll make you feel good"
"Carol" you said firmly.
"Please, y/n I love you so much! " she begged.
"Carol, I don't love you anymore, stop this".
Carol wasn't giving up this easily. In her mind it was universe laws for you two to be together.
She crashed her lips into yours, you tried to pull away but her grip on your face was to strong.
Carol suddenly flew back, Red mist surrounding her body.
"She ours" Natasha said in a dark tone, storming in with the witch behind her, magic surrounding her hand. The ex- assassin wrapped her arm around your waist, leading you out the room.
With a flick of Wanda wrist the blonde was silenced and pain started surging throughout her body.
"Are you okay, dekta?" she asked as she led you back to your room.
"Yes, Natty" you gave her a kind, ressuring smile.
She kindly opened the door and delicately sat you on the bed and got your mission suit out for your bag.
"Here you go dekta" she said in the warmest tone, handing you the. In your two girlfriends eyes you were strong but sensitive soul, knowing that you don't like being shouted out from past traumatic experiences. When you didn't respond but just continued staring into the distance Natasha started to get worried.
"Dekta?" Her hand on now your shoulder, breaking you out of the small trance.
"Yeah?" You questioned, now looking her at.
"Are you okay love?" Her concern building up.
"Yeah Natty" takng the suit and standing up to get dress.
Wanda finally came in gentley shuting the door.
"Hi love's" she announced.
"Hi baby" Natasha replied.
Wanda went to the closet and grabbed her mission suit, joining you, changing into it.
When done you grabbed Natasha with all you might and pulled her into a big hug.
"Bye Natty I love you so much" you said, so much Kindness in your voice. Before she could even speak you stood up on your tiptoes and smashed your lips into hers shoving your tounge to her mouth. A moan escaped her lips which you happily swallowed, before she could deepen the kiss you pulled away with a dumb smirk on your face. Quickly moving a hand down to her crotch grabbing it, you narrowed your eyes and met her gaze.
"Mabye you can use this on me later ?" You asked in seductive tone, then you pulled away, going to find your shield badge. She was shocked at your boldness usally it was her or Wanda who made the first move never you. The witch pulled Natasha out her shock induced trance with a peck to the lips and a tight hug.
"Bye nat, love you" Wanda pressed a warm kiss onto her check before going to your waiting form, grabbing your hand and interlocking fingers.
"Bye guys I love you too" Nat blowed a kiss over to you guys.
"Bye Natasha, we will be home soon" Wanda smiled, so did you.
You and Wanda finally reached the quintet bay after passing through large marble hallways, many public sitting rooms, the Avengers library and a few elevators, during all of this Wanda never let go of your hand.
Stepping out side you took a deep breath of air, basking in the feeling of freshness. Taking in all the beautiful scenery that you passed, sometimes you even wondered how you ended up here, The compound was truly a breathtaking place, you were especially lucky that you got to live here.
Finally reaching the steps of the bay, you breath hitched In your throat, anxiety building up in your stomach.
"Ah My favorite agent and My favorite sorcerer, Maxioff, welcome" Fury greeted you and your girlfriend. A smile spread across you face at the mans comment, helping ease your nerves.
He was like a dad to you, he took you under his wing once finding you all black and blue from the hands of Hydra.
"I hope you have a safe journey there and back" the director told you.
"Thank you" Wanda gleamed at the man before her.
Before you could even register what was going on she was dragging you into the quinjet.
Your whole day lighten up when seeing Maria sitting up at the control panel for flying the jet.
"Mia!" You sprinted up behind her chair wrapping your arms around her neck, pushing the side of your face into hers.
"Hi y/n/n! how are you?" She asked, moving her hands up to hold your arms, happy to see you.
"Good just a bit nervous, you? " you laughed out.
"Aww you'll be alright I promise and I'm okay thank you" she responsed trying to comfort you. Wanda watch this scene unfold In front of her with a cold glare. She didn't mind Maria at all, she was good friends with her but she just wished that your attention would be on her right now. You walked back to Wanda leaving maira to prepare for take off, not wanting g to distract her further.
Seeing that she had sat down you moved to sit next to her only to be blocked by her hand and a disproving tut.
"Sit here instead sweetheart" Wanda demanded patting her lap. She craved your touch constantly. To her it was like a precious drug that was heavily addicting. Humming in acknowledgment you plopped yourself down on her lap, wrapping your arms around her neck, digging your face into the crook of her neck. As soon you were situated she wrapped her arms around your body.
"Ready, guys?" Maria's questioned.
"Yes" Wanda answered.
Maria pressed the start button for the engine. You felt the grumbling from the jet, your heart was pounding, you really did hope that you wouldn't fail this time, but with Wanda but your side you felt more confident.
Hiii sorry this took so long!
Pt. 3 here
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fluffyprettykitty · 1 year
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Pairing: Sam Wilson x shield agent female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: 1300 words
Outline: Former shield agent now working in secret for the nomad team so why is your heart flattering when you have to take care of your former flame?
Warnings: tiny angst, reunion sex, swearing, pet names, food mention, movie inaccuracies, breast worship, biting, male ejaculation. if I missed anything major please let me know!
Author’s Note: infinity war! sam au is here! Loved the angsty emotional angle very much. sam thots and especially about aus are always welcome :) next on the to be written list are 1st bf!, sugardaddy!, samnat & the alphabet.
PS: dividers & banners by @saradika
Main Masterlist ・❥・ Sam Wilson Masterlist
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A year after the whole airport Avengers scene has left you scattered broken and unemployed. Working a few odd jobs here and there as a former shield agent and an expert skillful agent have you picking jobs from the black market and trying your best to help and protect the nomad team.
Your base right now is on a small island in the pacific ocean and when in the middle of the night you receive a red alert for immediate excavation you are more than ready to help. What you didn't expect was your former flame, Sam Wilson to be the recipient of the help. He looked injured & bloody as he was walking out of the quinjet, getting invincible behind him.
"Sam!" You exclaim running to him. He shrugs his shoulders and smiles softly. "Aliens." He stops you before you could even speak. "The rest of the team are elsewhere, safe. And I am hoping to be now. As long..." he gestures around. "You got a nice meal and a warm bed for me to lay on."
"Of course, Sam. I got everything." Your heart is warming up, you never expected to see him like this, on his own, looking charming as ever even though you could tell the impact was severe.
You bring him to your small house and allow him to shower as you put his suit in a basket letting it soak with soap hopefully, that will wash off the blue alien blood. Then you decide to cook something simple, rice and meatballs, by the time you're done and setting the table he's coming around with just a towel around his lower body.
"So...you don't do clothes in this house?" You laugh even if you try to avert your gaze from staring at his body too much. He looks uninjured, the only visible scars now were on his face. Looks like he needs better head protection.
"I forgot!" You shake your shoulders and head for the closet. "Oh really, did something distract you?"
"No, I was focused on cooking."
"Ah-huh. I believe that." He smiles and sniffs up the air. "Meatballs?"
"The only good thing I know how to make."
"Hmm, you did also make amazing boiled eggs."
You snort as you pick up a pillow and throw it at him. He doesn't catch it as he lets it fall on the floor.
"I know you wanna see me naked, baby."
You scoff in response and throw at him the clothes you picked for him. "Nu huh." You place your hands over your eyes and smile. "Not one bit."
"Ah sure. I see you peeking."
And that's how the rest of the night, now early morning went, Sam got dressed had some food, recited stories to you, described very vividly how alien-y the aliens were, and in the end fell asleep. The rest of the three days went on like this, with the flirtations and the teasing getting more and more psychical until you knew it was time for him to leave again and you almost felt your heart sinking in your chest.
You watch him as he sleeps, breathing slowly in and out, shirtless with just a blanket around his legs, looking more peaceful than ever.
"Ya know you can tell when someone stares at you."
You scoff and cross your arms rolling your eyes.
"I just wanted to see if you had fallen asleep."
"Sounds like something that takes no more than one second. You've been sitting there for more than five minutes." He finally opens his eyes and rolls over looking at you and crossing his arms. God his muscular arms looked delicious like that. You wanted nothing more than to curl up there with him. Safe and secure inside his embrace.
Second instincts kick in and you roll your eyes again before turning around to leave. You only make it a few steps before he grabs you by your arm and turns you around pushing you against the wall. He doesn't speak, just stares deeply into your eyes as you are breathing short and heavily, your body responding to him in an extreme way. You needed him, you loved him.
"Sam." You mumble trying to regain your composure. His arm stays tauntingly above your head his other hand still holding your wrist, checking your heart pulses.
"I like clear answers."
"Sam, don't make this any harder than it has to be."
"I'm not doing anything. I was sleeping."
You scoff and close your eyes in frustration. What's the point of this? He has to leave, he has to help the world. You needed to stay here, act as a safe haven.
"I should pack your essentials." You say directly looking at him.
"No." He retorts and then crushes his lips against yours, leaving you both surprised and ridiculously drenched for him. He only kisses you once before pulling away to watch your reaction again.
"Sam." You repeat, his breath hot on your tongue, your chest finally filling with air. Your hand is on his chest caressing it, he seems to be getting calmer. "I...please, don't regret me."
"Never." He shakes his head. "Never. I've missed you, I could never regret you." His lips land on yours again, soft and velvety, with the utmost sweetness full of life and adoration.
You remember these lips, memories come alive in your head as his hands begin to wander on your body. He needs to touch you everywhere at once as your hands respond in the same way. He engulfs with his body, his kisses turning to bites on your jaw and further down your neck, as a moan escapes you, filling the air of the small room. Suddenly, you are sure of every little thing in the world and you allow him to take control.
And he wastes no time, tearing your clothes apart with his arms and teeth, biting your breasts, pulling your nipples, kissing your chest as your hand stays stroking his hard-on over his sweatpants until he cursed and pulled his pants down himself. And he almost hissed when you touched his cock, his teeth still playing with your nipples, one hand moving to your core, rubbing it slowly.
"Shit, baby, looks like a job for a plumber down here." You giggle at his line which quickly changed to a gasp as the cold air hit you when he undressed you followed by a moan as he pushed a curled finger inside.
"Oh looks like we need to do a lot of work down here." You let your head hit the wall. "Looks like we gonna need a tool." He nods his head and replaces his finger with his cockhead which has you dropping to a low sound.
"Oh, looks good." He pushes inside, stretching your walls, your hands wrapping around his neck. "Oh, such a tight hole, think that's the problem here, need some good fucking to get properly fixed." You giggled at his goofiness as he started doing what he was best at - screwing you silly.
A couple of minutes later and in many different sex positions he has you on the couch, laying under him as his hands cup your face, his thrusts slow and sensual and even though he has already drawn orgasm after orgasm of you, he still remains full. You know he has planned something. Something hella corny.
So when he finally orgasms, he does it looking deep inside your eyes, shooting his seed down your stomach as he repeats your name almost like a chant, resting his forehead against yours.
And when the morning comes, he doesn't leave your home.
Because you are his home.
His safe haven.
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If you want to be notified about my future stories please follow my library blog @fluffyprettykittylibrary and turn on notifications!
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blair-s-world · 16 days
Piledriver Waltz
Alex Turner x y/n
Angst, Fluff, Smut Slow burn & in parts
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You were the few last to be sitting in the room. Tapping your feet. Portfolio on lap. Biting the lower lip. Girls would go in a room under the name - AUDITIONS. What’s the audition for, you ask? The new Arctic Monkeys music video. Supposedly, it is about the feeling of longing. As your agent said, there’s a bit of erotica in there. You were more than okay as it paid fuckload. Enough to pay a few installments for your mortgage.
The prep note said : Wear black lingerie
So you did.
Beneath your jeans and striped sweater was a new cord set. You didn’t buy it, it was given for sponsorship and today is the day you are wearing it for the second time. “Miss Y/N? Be ready in 10.” said the girl w generic intern face. After receiving a nod from the same intern, you went inside and changed. You removed your clothings one by one and you shoved them in your bag. The temperature of the room was on the chiller side. Something you’d expect out of this place.
You went to the area outside and waited for your name to be called. “Miss Y/N? Go.” said the intern. “God she’s a robot, innit” you said to yourself. Chuckling you went to the room and smiled at 3 people sitting at the desk, all dressed very professional. You were not able to recognize anyone.
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You met your trial model today. A short, lean body guy. He is the guy you have to move around and act sexy to grab this roll you registered. He gives you a smile. The coordinator asked you to give your basic details, and you did. You stood in front of the camera, all ready. Before the coordinator could speak, the side door flew open and entered a guy the same height and build as the trial model wearing a linen shirt and sunglasses. Your eyes moved as he did. You noticed his flared jeans and Rockstar boots and that’s when you realised it is him, he is going to be the main guy in the music video. He sat hurriedly, coughed a bit, cleared his throat, smiled at his partners and looked at you. “ Apologies. I went out for a smoke,” he said. You nodded absentmindedly. He smiled at you.
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The coordinator asks you to begin the audition on her command.
First take : smile and laugh
Second take: trying to tie your hair in a bun and getting frustrated
Third: after sleep stretch and neck movements
Then came in the trial model. You were asked to do move around him. Give him a little kiss on the corner in his lips. Let him move his hands on your body. React to his movements.
This wasn’t an audition to see how good or sexy you were but how comfortable.
15 minutes into it you see the same man wave his wrist as a dismissal. The coordinator asks you to stop. Confused you frowned a bit. And went inside the changing rooms to get your clothes back on.
The moment you come out, you are asked to meet the producers again. “ Hi. You've been selected to be the main lead in the music video. We need you to be available for the next few days for practice runs, setting a few scenes, and getting things done. I’ll send the email to your agent,” said one of the women sitting. You nodded, smiled, and thanked them.
As you left the building, you walked towards your car. You notice the same guy who walked in later near a pole. " Uhm, hi? " you almost whispered. " Oh, hi, Miss Y/N. Heading home? " he asked as he lit a cigarette. " Yes. Yes. It is pretty late, you know? I live a bit far. The traffic's gonna be a state. " you said hurriedly. I did not realize that you referenced one of his songs. It left you dumbfounded. He chuckled. " Oh, where about you? " he asked, coming a bit near you. " ah, Quarryside," you responded. "It's far," he whispered. You nodded. You start to walk you mouth a bye to him. " Miss, you know... " he trailed off. " You are welcome to stay in my guest room. I have a rental home there," he said, squinting and pointing to a big building behind you. You do a 180 to see where he's telling, look at him, and nod. " let's see how the prep days go. " you say and leave.
You couldn't wait for the tomorrow to come.
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Season Two Episode Nine
Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader (Aaron Hotchner’s Sister)
Words: 4574
Series Masterlist
Summary: Based on season four episode 24. Y/N breaks protocol when Spencer is infected with a deadly virus. 
Notes: Like usual, I’m going to be using some scenes from the episode (Amplification) and making some up for the story. I know that this definitely isn’t super realistic and that Y/N would definitely just be arrested or something, but it’s all *for the plot.* 
You focused on the twirl of your spoon in the mug while several expectant gazes wore you down from across the table. The spring morning filled the air with a slight breeze, but you felt heat rise in your face under the three agent’s stares. 
“What?” You asked innocently. 
Emily raised a brow, JJ gave you a knowing smile, and Penelope looked ready to burst. 
You took a sip of your coffee. “Have I mentioned how much I hate profilers?” 
“It’s not our fault that loverboy has a terrible poker face,” Emily said. 
Penelope beamed. “He’s been over the moon for weeks now and I can think of one specific reason that would make him act that way.” 
You blushed, shaking your head but couldn’t hide your smile. 
“So you are back together!” Penelope squealed, earning a few glances from other cafe patrons. 
“We’re still figuring things out,” you said. You held your coffee in your hands, letting the warmth meet your palms as you rolled it back and forth nervously. “It’s not as simple as it used to be.” 
“You love him. He loves you. That seems pretty simple to me,” she said. JJ and Emily gave her a look. “What? Don’t tell me you haven’t been heartbroken for them for the past six months.”
“Y/N’s right,” JJ said. “Things like this aren’t easy in a relationship. It takes time.” 
Emily nodded in agreement, though Penelope couldn’t stop grinning at you. You decided to throw her a little bit of a bone, so to speak. 
“We started reading again, which has been nice,” you started. You felt a little like a schoolgirl describing her first date, but maybe a little juvenile lightness was what you all needed. “Sherlock Holmes. I think it helps us sleep better.” 
“Does this mean you’re moving back in?” Emily wondered. 
“And miss out on sleeping on my brother’s air mattress? Why would I ever do that?” You snarked.
She chuckled. “Fair enough.”  
“That is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard,” Penelope gushed. “I love love.” 
“Speaking of which, enough about me,” you said. “What about you and Kevin?” 
While she went into an excited ramble about her boyfriend not moving across seas on a new job, the final member of your coffee date- and your sometimes roommate- walked up to the table. 
“Sorry I’m late,” Haley grimaced. “I had to take Jack to school and the parking lot there is a nightmare.” 
“Oh my god, that reminds me,” JJ said, turning to you. “How is Hotch? He went for a bit of a spin on our last case.”
You rolled your eyes. “He’s fine. Or at least that’s what he says every time I ask, which I wouldn’t have to do if he didn’t use his SVU as a battering ram.” 
“He does have a knack for head injuries, doesn’t he?” Haley laughed. 
“Good thing he has a thick skull,” Emily teased. 
“Har har.” You took another drink of coffee. “All I’m saying is that I would love to go one week without one of you guys doing something stupidly heroic and almost dying.” 
JJ laughed, shaking her head. “Good luck with that.” 
Whatever light mood was left from that morning quickly evaporated as the team stood around the table, a container of pills in each hand. They didn’t even know if the Cipro would be effective. A new strain, Dr. Kimura said. Men in military uniforms bustled around the bullpen. 
The weight of what was going on settled into everyone’s minds.
“This is really happening?” Prentiss uttered. 
Hotch nodded. “We knew this could happen,” he said gravely. “We’ve done our homework. We’ve prepared for this. This is it.” He dumped the pills into his mouth. 
Rossi held up his cup. 
“Jin dan,” he toasted. “May you live a hundred years.” 
The rest of the team took the medicine and tried not to imagine what would happen if it didn’t work. With their assignments in mind, everyone started to disperse, but Reid stayed toward the back. Dr. Kimura gave him a grim nod as she left with the others. He hid the fear that was clouding his mind. 
He pulled Hotch aside as they walked out. 
“Y/N has an interview with an inmate awaiting trial at JRDC,” he whispered. “That’s in Annapolis.” 
Hotch swallowed. “I know.”
“And you don’t think we should tell her not to go?” Reid exclaimed. 
“We can’t.”
“We have no idea where the unsub will strike next. What if she goes out for lunch in a crowded area and-”
“Reid.” Hotch stared at him intensely. “We can’t. The media blackout order means nobody can know. If this gets out, people will panic.”
He knew he was right. Reid wanted to remain detached and logical, but all he could think about was the image of the woman he loved choking on her own blood. 
“I’m just getting her back, Hotch,” he pleaded. “I can’t risk losing her again.” 
Hotch put a hand on his shoulder. “Then we focus on solving this as quickly as possible.” He hid his own terror behind a mask. Inside, he was just as worried as the younger agent and wanted nothing more than to tell Y/N not to leave the apartment. He wanted to call Haley and tell her to pick up Jack from school. He wanted to protect his team from the danger they were facing. But he couldn’t. “Now let’s get started.” 
While Hotch stayed at the office-turned-base of operations, Reid went with Dr. Kimura to speak with the surviving victims of the attack in the park. All the while, both had you in the back of their mind. 
Unaware of the situation, you drove into Annapolis with Sir Arthur Conan Doyal in your head. Spencer’s voice reading the words of the brilliant detective made you smile. The sun streamed into your windows and traffic couldn't even seem to bother you. It was a perfect morning. 
You were about to pull into the Jennifer Road Detention Center parking lot when your phone rang. It was Sonia. 
“Hey, I know you’ve already driven out, but I just got a call from the warden. Apparently, Sergio Marks got into a fight this morning and is in critical condition,” she explained. 
“You’re kidding,” you sighed. “And here I was looking forward to being stuck in a room with an accused wife killer.”
Despite your sarcasm, you were actually kind of bummed to miss out on the interview. With Marks’ court date coming up, you’d been hoping to compare his behavior before and during the trial. 
“I’ll head back then,” you said. “I’ve got some other cases I can look into today.”
“The other studies can wait,” Sonia said. “Why don’t you take the day off?” Before you could argue, she continued. “You’ve been working like a dog ever since you got back. Don’t think I haven’t noticed. You don’t have to prove anything to me, sweetie. You could spend some time with that cute FBI boyfriend of yours.”
“I think they’re on a case,” you laughed. 
“Then take some time to just breathe, honey. I know Maryland isn’t exactly a vacation spot, but I’m sure you’ll find something there. I heard there’s a nice bookstore in town,” she said. “Your work will be here when you get back.” 
“I guess I can go shopping or something,” you shrugged. She was right. Annapolis wasn’t a big city, but you should be able to find something to entertain yourself. Besides, you’d probably just go home and worry about the BAU while they were on whatever case they had now. 
“I’ll sort things out with Marks. Have a nice time.” Sonia hung up, leaving you with the rest of the day to relax. 
Prentiss stood amongst the bustle of people, staring into the bookstore as the men in hazmat suits closed the blinds. If they found evidence of the virus, it was proof that the bookstore was the site of the unsub’s test run. 
The victims had died within three hours of being admitted to the hospital. 
Morgan hung up the phone with JJ. Prentiss looked at all of the civilians surrounding them. 
“Look at all these people just going about their lives,” she said. “If they only knew what we were doing here.”
Morgan scowled. “It’s better that they don’t.” He said something else, but Prentiss couldn’t hear him. Her scanning eyes settled on a familiar face across the street. 
“Oh my god,” she muttered. “Is that Y/N?” 
Morgan turned his head just as you noticed them. To both of their dread, you crossed the street, a beaming smile spread across your face. 
“Hey strangers,” you greeted, seeming more chipper than Derek had seen you in a while. “What are you guys doing here?” From their serious expressions, it only took you a moment to understand. “Oh.”
“Why are you here?” Derek asked. 
“I was going to look at some books, but the store owner apparently got really sick and died a few days ago…” You trailed off, making more connections in your mind. “Is that why the team is here?” 
The two exchanged a look. 
It didn’t take your degree in psychology to realize that they were scared. 
“Derek, talk to me.” 
They both seemed to receive a message through their earpieces. Derek pulled you aside, weary of the attention of bystanders picking up on the tension in your tone. 
“Everything’s fine,” he said. “We just can’t talk about the case.”
The firmness in his tone and the tightness of his grip told you everything and nothing at the same time. 
“Okay,” you nodded. Your eyes went to the bookstore behind him and it’s closed blinds. Something was going on. “Be careful, okay?”
“Always am.” He faked his usual smirk, hoping to calm you down. 
“I guess I’ll see you back in D.C.” You smiled to convince him he had.
If you weren’t going to interview a murderer, then maybe you could figure out what the hell had two of the toughest people you knew terrified. 
Whatever it was, no one would answer their phone. Aaron was radio silence and you hadn’t heard from Spencer since earlier in the morning. You checked the news every couple of minutes to see if anything had leaked, but all you could find was something about a park being shut down for methane in the sewers. 
“That must be connected,” you muttered to yourself. You kept racking your brain for something that made sense. If it were a bomb threat, Derek and Emily wouldn't have just been standing around waiting for it to explode. A shooter, they probably wouldn’t have kept it under wraps as intensely as they were. 
The only thing that you could think of was chemical or biowarfare. If someone was going after people with some kind of poisonous gas or airborne antigen, it might explain why everything had to be kept such a secret. And the government could have called in the BAU to help them find who was responsible before they struck again. 
You tried your brother again, but there was still no answer. Something was definitely wrong. 
“If no one is going to help me,” you said, pulling up to the library, “then I am going to help myself.” 
Morgan and Reid observed the house with an uneasy air between them. It looked so normal, but inside more agents and scientists were tirelessly searching for traces of the disease or mediums to transport it. So far, they hadn’t turned up anything. 
“This guy just had people over for a charity event last month,” Morgan noted. Something about all of this felt off. Too simple. 
“We should probably take a look around anyway,” Reid said. 
The two agents started down the driveway to the other side of the house. So focused on the matter at hand, Reid caught his hand on a rose bush along the path. The thorn scratched the back of his hand, creating a gash he chose to ignore. 
“So Y/N’s in the area,” Morgan said grimly. “Prentiss and I saw her when we were checking out the bookstore.” He shook his head, eyebrow quirked in a mildly impressed expression. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she figures all this out even with the media blackout.” 
“She’s taught a course on bio-terrorism, so I’m sure she’ll pick up on something,” Reid shrugged. He’d been trying not to think about you and had been unsuccessful. Just knowing you could get caught up in all this made it hard to focus on anything else. But Hotch was right. The sooner this was solved, the sooner you’d be out of harm’s way. “But the higher-ups seem to have this pretty locked down. I’m sure she’s just going about her day like any other.” 
Morgan eyed him. “Right.” 
The older agent’s phone rang and he answered, listening as Prentiss told him what they’d figured out at the lab. 
Reid continued on through the garden, jumping as a sprinkler spouted to life. The sound of the water covered whatever Morgan was saying. The sliding door to the garden led into what he quickly recognized as Dr. Nichols’ office. From there, he saw two things and processed them in the same thought. 
The first was the body of Dr. Lawrence Nichols. A large head wound and a pool of drying blood signaled that the scientist had been dead for a while. 
The second was a broken vial spilling white powder onto the floor. 
“Reid?” Morgan called after him. 
He didn’t think of anything after that. He just rushed to the door and slid it closed just as Morgan caught up with him. 
“Morgan get back,” he exclaimed. “Get back!” 
“What are you doing?” 
“Get out of here. Believe me. Get back.” All he could think about was keeping Morgan away from the substance he was sure had already infected himself. 
“What’s wrong?” Morgan asked, panic rising in his tone. “Reid, open the door.” 
Reid just looked at him, locking the door with eyes that betrayed his distress. “I’m sorry.” His voice cracked with the toppling realization of what this really meant. 
He breathed in the substance. He contracted this new, terrifying strand of anthrax. 
He was going to die. 
No. Reid ran a shaking hand down his face. He could figure this out. There had to be a cure. He could do this.
“I’m calling Hotch,” Morgan said, pacing hurriedly in front of the glass. 
“I’ll be fine,” Reid lied. “I have all of Nichols’ notes. I can find the cure.”
“We’re getting you to the hospital.”
Reid shook his head. “You need to get away. I don’t know if any of the powder got into the air.” 
“I’m not going anywhere-”
“Morgan, now!” The firmness in the younger agent’s voice took Morgan by surprise. 
He moved out to the garden, making sure Reid was still in view, and made the call. 
By the time Hotch and the others arrived, Reid had made up his mind. And, despite Morgan’s protests, their unit chief agreed that the best thing for Reid to do was to work to find the cure somewhere in the lab. 
Until a car pulled up across the street, having followed the sirens after spending most of the afternoon researching locals in the library. 
You spotted the dark hair and neat suit as you came up the sidewalk. People in hazmat suits hurried in and out of the house your brother stood in front of. He bore a similar expression to what you’d seen on the other BAU members earlier, only now Morgan looked even worse standing beside him. 
“Ma’am, I’m sorry this is a restricted area.” A man in uniform stepped in front of you. 
“I know them,” you muttered, trying to look over his shoulder. 
He grabbed your arm. “If you won’t leave voluntarily, I’ll have to remove you.”
“What’s going on?” 
Your brother’s head whipped around at the sound of his name and his expression went from controlled worry to a furious glare in no time. 
“Okay so this is bad,” you said to yourself. 
“I’m going to have to take you back to your car,” the man in uniform sighed, starting to pull you away. 
“Get off of me.” You tried to yank away, but his grip was firm. “Aaron! See, I know them.” 
The man kept pulling you backward until another voice shouted at him.
“Hey, let her go!” Agent Morgan ordered, darting across the lawn over to you. 
Aaron walked slowly, but you could tell by the tension in his movements that he was anything but calm. 
“Y/N, what the hell are you doing here?” Derek snapped. 
“I knew something was wrong so I did some digging and then I followed the sirens,” you said, still trying to free your arm from the soldier. “What the hell is going on?”
“I told her she had to leave-” The soldier tried pulling again. 
Derek put a hand on his arm. “I said let her go.” 
The man hesitated, but eventually released you and went to join one of his superiors. 
“This clearly isn’t a normal case,” you said, crossing your arms. “What’s happening?” 
“If I could tell you, I would have, but you really can’t be here.” His jaw tensed and his eyes flicked down to the necklace you always wore. A locket in the shape of a book. The present you’d gotten from Spencer. 
A shock of icy fear rushed through you. “Derek, where’s Spence?” 
“You can’t be here.”
“Where is he?”
“He’s inside,” Aaron said. From the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice, you knew. 
“This is Dr. Lawrence Nichols’ house,” you said. 
“He wrote studies on anthrax.”
Aaron sighed. “Yes.” 
“How did you know that?” Derek asked. 
“You're not the only ones who know how to investigate something,” you said. You pushed past them, following the trail of panicked people in hazmat suits around the house, just where you could see a glass door. 
Aaron caught you before you could get any closer. 
“I have to see him.” You fought against his arms as they locked around you. “Let me go, Aaron.”
“We don’t know if there are still traces of the substance outside of the lab. Even if it’s sealed we can’t-”
“I don’t care. I can’t just leave him in there. Do you know what this will do to his body? I’ve studied anthrax, Aaron. I can’t just… I can’t…” 
“The best thing you can do for Reid is let him work.” Your brother turned you around, keeping his hands on your arms so you couldn’t get away. “He’ll find the cure and he’ll be fine.” 
“If you believed that, you wouldn’t still be here, waiting for him to die,” you snapped. 
Aaron swallowed, closed his eyes, and didn’t say anything else. 
“Keep an eye on her,” he told Derek. “We still have to find the apprentice.” 
He stormed off and Derek gave you a look that said he’d stop you before you even thought of taking another step. 
Inside, Spencer held his cell phone with a trembling hand and coughed in between his words. 
On the other end, a saddened voice greeted him, lacking her usual pep.
“Hey, Reid.”
“Reid, wow,” he teased. “No witty Garcia greeting for me?” 
Garcia grimaced, trying to laugh for him. “I can’t be my sparkly self when you are where you are.” 
He took a deep breath. While part of his brain was scrambling to figure out where Nichols might have the cure that could save him, the other side was plaguing his thoughts of who he was leaving behind. 
What would happen to his mom? How many times would the nurses have to tell her that her only son was dead before her brain allowed her to realize it? And even if she did, how long before she would forget and have to go through the grief all over again? 
And then there was Y/N. 
Just when things started looking better…
“Garcia,” he said, holding back a fit of coughing, “do you think you could do something for me?” 
You didn’t know how long you sat there, waiting to hear whether or not the area had been cleared. Derek stayed with you and you explained how you figured out what was going on. 
“You scare me sometimes, you know that?” He teased. 
He was on and off the phone. You could tell it was with Spence by the way Derek’s eyes kept slipping over to you as he talked. But telling Spencer you were there before they figured anything out would only distract him. At least, that’s what Derek kept telling you. 
After a while, Dr. Kimura called Derek back and said he could talk to Spencer. Despite your protests, he told you to wait and so you stood back while he went inside. You could hear Spencer’s voice, but your brain wouldn’t focus on what they were saying. You just wished you could hold him again. 
His coughing may as well have been a flatline in your ears. 
“Go help Hotch,” he told Derek. 
Spencer stood with his arms at his side as he was sprayed down. His hair hung limply around his face and his purple shirt now clung to his chest. 
Morgan shook his head. “Hotch has plenty of people helping him.
“He needs you more than I do.” 
“Reid, I’m gonna see you off to the hospital.” Derek caught you in the corner of his eye, stepping closer to the doorway. 
“I’m about to get naked,” Spencer said, leveling an irritated stare on the other agent’s face. “So they can scrub me down. Is that something you really want to see?” 
Derek looked from you to Spencer to Dr. Kimura. He waved his hand, motioning for you to come in.
“Can she stay with him?” 
Spencer’s eyes widened. “Y/N? What are you doing here?”
“Who is this?” Kimura asked. “Is she another member of your team?”
Derek scoffed, giving you a small smirk. “She may as well be.” He nodded at the scientist. “Take care of him.”
He hurried off, patting your back as he went. 
Your eyes didn’t leave Spencer. In other circumstances, you might have laughed. He looked like a wet puppy with his dripping hair and soaked clothes. But another cough escaped his lips and his hazel stare burned into you.
“What are you doing here?” He asked again. 
“Would you believe me if I said I was in the neighborhood?” 
“This isn’t funny. You can’t be here,” he said. “Protocol aside, do you have any idea how dangerous this situation is?” His shoulders jerked with another cough. He unbuttoned his shirt and kicked off his shoes. 
“I don’t care how many rules I’m breaking, I’m not leaving you.” You held up a hand. “I’m safer here than out there waiting for this guy to strike again.” 
His frown deepened, but he didn’t argue. Instead, he shifted uncomfortably, hands reaching for his belt. 
“Can you…?” He trailed off.
“Oh,” you blinked. “Right. Yeah.” You turned away, listening to the water against his now bear skin. 
He felt ridiculous, being self-conscious now when you’d seen him without his clothes on plenty of times. But this felt different. He’d let himself fall into this problem and somehow, shielding you from seeing him this way, seeing him so weak, made it easier in his head. He could face it as long as you didn’t have to. 
Dr. Kimura allowed you to ride with them to the hospital as long as you stayed out of the way. But now, seeing him in the hospital shirt with sweat glistening on his forehead, you knew you couldn’t just sit there. 
“Is there anything I can do?” You begged.
“We’re going to test Nichols’ inhaler to see if he hid the cure there like Dr. Reid suggested,” Dr. Kimura explained. She put a stethoscope to Spencer’s chest as he continued coughing. You didn’t need to have a medical degree to know he was getting worse. “How are you feeling Dr. Reid?” 
“My throat’s a little dry.” He kept his eyes screwed shut, focusing on what he was saying. “But other than that I feel… fin. Feel fin.” He opened his eyes as nonsense fell from his lips. His brows furrowed in frustration while his irises widened with panic. 
Your eyes scanned his shaking form, bile rising in your throat. He reached up for you. On his hand, you spotted the cut. 
Not good. Definitely not good. 
When he coughed this time, a trickle of blood dripped out of his mouth. 
“Driver, faster,” Dr. Kimura ordered. 
“Re-,” Spencer stammered, gripping your hand as tight as his muscles allowed. “Ret.”
“I don’t understand.” 
“Reel. Rem. R-Read.” He used his other hand to point to his bag, left by Morgan when he took it out of the car. 
You reached into it and retrieved the leather-bound volume you’d spent the last week reading together. It made your breath catch in your throat. You opened to the page he’d left off on the night before. 
The Final Problem.
 With your eyes trained on the page in front of you, the scene of Sherlock Holmes’s death struck a little too close for comfort. 
What if this was it? What if you’d wasted all of the time you had left with him in these past few months? 
Your hands shook. You wanted a drink. 
Derek sat beside you, distracting himself with the hospital jello and a magazine. 
You reached the end of the story, but the words caught in your throat, drowned out by threatening cries. 
“...and if I have now been compelled to make a clear statement of his career it is due to those injudicious champions who have endeavored to clear his memory by attacks upon him whom I shall ever regard as the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known,” Spencer said groggily. His eyes peered open, landing on Morgan. “Are you eating Jell-O?” 
You let out a sob of relief and restrained yourself from throwing your arms around him. 
Derek smiled. “Hey doc, look who’s back,” he said to Dr. Kimura, who was speaking to another doctor in the doorway. 
“Is there any more Jell-O?” Spence asked, his thoughts still hazy from waking up. 
While Derek and the doctor informed Spencer of everything that had happened- including the recovery of the other victims thanks to him knowing where the cure was hidden- you just watched on with awe tightening in your chest, turning to regret. 
You’d taken so much for granted and it took almost losing him to see it. 
Spencer turned his head toward you, a small smile playing on his lips when he saw your face. 
“I could hear you,” he said. “Reading, I mean.” 
“You should have picked a happier story,” you teased through your tears. 
He chuckled weakly. “Sorry.” 
Derek ushered Dr. Kimura out, giving the two of you a little more privacy.
You leaned over, pressing your lips to Spencer’s forehead. “I’m sorry,” you cried. 
Spence lifted a hand, wiping away your tears with all the energy he could muster. 
“For what?” 
Setting the book aside, you took his hand in yours. 
“For not coming home sooner.”
The In-Betweens series: @amywright; shesoperfectt;  hereforsmutbcicantgetenough;  violetbossler;  hyper-half-blood;  i-bitch-you-bitch; xcastawayherosx; preciousbabypeter; @jori21; @sol-48;  @murdermornings ; @ staygoldsquatchling02; @ ara-a-bird
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antoine-triplett · 1 year
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... covinsky + undercover agent au ... “Peter?!” Lara Jean exclaimed, ushering him inside. “Oh my god, look at you! What happened?”
Her boyfriend was wearing an expensive silk suit, but it was ripped in places and spotted with dirt. The tie had been discarded, the shirt creased. He was panting from exertion and beads of sweat glistened on his skin and flattened his curly hair to his forehead. What alarmed her most, however, were the angry red gashes running along one side of his face, like he’d been hit with a spray of broken glass. Blood caked his face and stained the collar of his crisp white shirt, suggesting he hadn’t done a single thing to tend to the wounds or staunch the flow. She winced and cradled his other cheek in her hand while examining the cuts. Some of them would likely need stitches. 
“Lara Jean, there’s something I have to tell you. I’m an undercover agent with the CIA.” he said, all in a panicked rush, eyes wild with fear. 
She almost laughed, arm dropping limply to her side. It was his eyes above all else that convinced her to pay attention. Peter Kavinsky, always so easy-going and ready with a joke, was dead serious. 
“Are you saying that you’re a… spy?” 
Peter took her hands, fixing her with a steady, imploring gaze. “I promise I will explain everything the second I can, but for now I need you to trust me. Please?” 
“Why? What’s going on?” she asked.
Before he could answer, a sudden bang followed by the rip of splintering wood cut through the air. Pieces of the front door exploded inward and landed at their feet. 
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mirza-majoris · 1 month
Chapter 2 : The man on the motorbike
Desmond was upstairs, in his room, reading a book he had borrowed to his father about archaeology and Azran stuff. Donald Rutledge was the only well-known expert as it seemed that had written a book so detailed and so complete about this civilisation, and it was incredibly thin regarding how advanced such people must have been. However, every information about them was good to take, and when he would grow up, he would be helpful to his father, he would find back his brother and his mother, and he would make sure his family would be complete again. So, while his father was out for groceries, he could borrow his books and look at his research a bit without worrying him too much.
However, the more the time was passing by and the more Desmond was beginning to worry since his father hadn’t come home yet. Each time he would go to London, the boy was always worried he would be caught by some undercover agents, or spotted, or lost, or worst, and since his father was the only family he had left, he was more than worried in fact, he was terrified that someone could take him away from him one more time.
Just when he thought he would go to the shop down the street, too afraid to stay alone again, he heard the sound of a motorbike running outside and then stop near the house, while two people seemed to be bickering about something.
–For God’s sake, you truly are insane when you ride that… that… that machine !
It was his father’s voice ! Without thinking twice, he quickly put the book back on the shelf in his father’s working room and he quickly came down the stairs to go to the hall, hearing things more clearly and suddenly pausing in front of the door. Wait, if his father was speaking to someone… then who would it be ? And why were they so angry at each other ?
–Oh, shet up, sassenach, A’m perfec’ly able to drive that beauty anywhere, with or without yer commentary !
Without waiting much longer, Leon sighed, got down the motorbike and quickly entered the house to look for his son… almost falling on him when he saw the youngest behind the door, anxiously looking at it.
–Hershel- !
He kneeled and took his son in his arms before hugging him tight, relieved to see that he was doing fine. Since Targent first came to their house, he has had some sleepless nights making sure they were never around their location, and the whole event left him almost paranoid about it. Losing his son would be the last strike of a dagger inside his poor broken heart.
–I’m sorry, I was so worried… Everything is alright my boy ?
Desmond was getting more worried himself since his father’s behaviour was everything but normal.
–Dad ?… What happened ?
But, as soon as he saw the other man getting down the motorbike, he took a few steps back and looked less of a child all of the sudden, completely analysing the manners of this new face. The same age his father, approximatively, not so tall, not a friend, a perfect stranger, strong Scottish accent, not really serious right now, and too much at ease. How could he be so relaxed and how on earth could his father be coming home with such an individual ?
–Who is he, dad ?
The Scottish man looked at the young boy, with a puzzled expression engraved on his face. He didn’t know exactly why but he had been driving this strange English man to his home because he heard him called his son. He had done it because of the light tremolo in his voice, because of the worry of this man for his child, because Targent was everything but merciful with children, and because somehow this man seemed truly pathetic. Of course.
–Hey, balach beag, how’s yer day ?
–Who are you ?
Desmond snapped before getting in front of his father, between both men, not ready to let anyone enter their home to take anyone away. His little hands were trembling like crazy but he stood his ground and was trying to look as intimidating as possible.
–I-If you’re there to hurt my dad, t-then you’ll have to go… to go through me f-first !
Leon sighed and his expression grew more guilty. It was because of him if Hershel was behaving like this, trying to put all that pressure on his shoulder rather than just letting his father bear it. It was because he hadn’t been able to protect either Rachel nor Theodore. Because of Targent, they were forced to live like outcasts, always hiding, never trusting anyone but themselves, and moving from place to place to make sure never to be caught since that bloody organisation knew he was the archaeologist with the most extended comprehension of this bloody Azran civilisation. All of this, it was because of him.
Slowly, he took Hershel’s arm and stood up to ask him silently to do or say nothing too harsh.
–It’s fine, my boy, he helped me coming home.
–Aye, and we met at-
–We met at the grocery shop, interrupted Leon before the lad could finish his sentence.
It was not necessary to worry Hershel more than he already was. But the boy looked at his father, then stared at the man and at his motorbike. Then she shook his head with a very sad expression.
–Dad, you brought no groceries… And you were way too shaken when you hugged me. Please, tell me the truth… Do we have to move out again ?
This was also a subtle way to ask, in front of that stranger, if Targent had found them again. Leon sighed again, deeply ashamed of himself and how bad of a father he was.
–I… I think so… But it would just be a precaution, to be sure-
The Scottish man, however, was still there and he was a bit embarrassed, because it was somehow a very good delusion if the English man would hope to stay near London while having been spotted so close to his location.
–Hum, A don’t mean to int’rupt ye but… Ye better go far from London. In the deep countryside, mate. Because they’ve found ye around, and they won’t give up. It's as braid as it's lang, ye can’t stay here.
Leon stared at the man and his dark red eyes seemed even darker.
–I think we had an agreement. I thank you for the help but as you remember, you have to go back to your place already.
The man in leather jacket raised an eyebrow, then sighed and rolled his eyes.
–A've no jist come up the Clyde on a bike, ye know ? Targent never gives up, do they ?
Desmond opened wide eyes.
–Wait- you know about them ? Dad, what’s going on here ?
–Nothing Hershel, our friend was on the departure anyway, right, « mate » ?
The man sighed again. They were off their heid, no doubt, but anyway he couldn’t get involved with them. For how much he would hate a child to get into troubles, he couldn’t allow himself to be close to people. He almost paid it too highly years ago. But for now he had at least to spend the night in this little town since it was beginning to be late and his motorbike had run out of gas.
–Ok, ok… A’ll leave, but… at least, do ye know where A can take some rest ? A didna get a blink o sleep last nicht. Is there an inn ? a hotel ? something ? where A can spend the nicht ?
Despite not being very fund of the idea to help a total stranger, Leon gave him an address down the street of a very good inn ready to find him a room for the night. However, the salutations were short and quick. Once alone in their house, Hershel and his father were staring at each other with guilty frowns, knowing perfectly well that tomorrow they would have to move out again, as soon as possible. Even if Leon didn’t know nor like that Ray guy, he was right at some point. They couldn’t stay here and certainly not so close to London if some agents have had spotted them. Without another word, they went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat, but the silence filling up the air was way heavier than a lead ceiling.
In town, “Ray” had found the address of the inn the “legal grave-digger” had told him about, and once he was certain his motorbike was already full of gas, he parked it somewhere in the street -just below the window of the room he had been given for the night- and finally sit in front of a desk on which there were a bottle of single malt whiskey, a pen and a blank sheet of paper. He looked at it for a few minutes while taking a pipe out of his jacket inner pocket, filling it with tobacco before lighting it up and taking a few puffs. After some other long minutes during which he wasn't certain to agree wih his own mind, he finally decided to take the pen to write something down but, as soon as he wrote the name of a person on the top of it, he stopped and let go of the pen with an upset little snappy move of the wrist.
He dropped his head back and closed his eyes, reflecting on the past few years and on his choices. Things were hardly nice these days. First, he had thought he could win over a bunch of idiots a few amount of money by cheating at card games and drinking a bit in a town he wasn't supposed to be. But then that man came here in a Scottish pub to get wasted even though he was supposed to... go get some groceries ? for his little boy ? How was it even possible that such coincidence and such ill omen were disposed to be put like this on his way ? And now Targent was back. And they have noticed someone, and now no matter whoever it was, him or the sassenach, now they were both involved because they had fled together. This was suspect enough, and when these assholes would look into their archives, they would remember those faces. His, and the sassenach's.
He sighed and took another puff from his pipe before folding the paper and make it come closer to a lighten match before looking at the paper burn to ashes into the ashtray. When the name on it disappeared, he stood up, went to his window and opened it to lean on the threshold and look at the starsky while smoking. The night wouldn't be long...
Or maybe not.
What were these shadows running behind the houses and in the streets ?
The Scottish man frowned. A few years ago he would never have noticed this kind of details but now he was more than aware this was everything but a nice thing and even more... it was a very worrying thing. He looked at them crawling in the shadows and then opened wide eyes.
-Oh feck !
He grabbed his jacket, turned off his pipe in a hurry and rushed out of the Inn. These people were heading to the sassenach's house.
-> First chapter
-> Next chapter
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the-astral-idiot · 3 months
Voice Lines for Timepiece
Pick Agent:
“Don’t worry, bạn. We’ve got all the time in the world.” (friend.)
C (Just A Moment):
“The clock ticks forward.”
“Seconds to moments.”
“If I may…”
Q (Wind Up):
“Away we go!” 
“Let’s go!”
“Try this out!”
E (Waste Of Time):
“Slowing them down!”
“Slowing them!”
X (Beat The Clock):
“Need a break?” (Ally)
“Your time’s run out.” (Enemy)
“I’ve still got time, haha.”
Match Start:
“I’m not used to working in a team… Hope this works out.”
“Sorry in advance. Time distortion can be… disorienting.”
“We’re going? Already? Sigh… Chờ một chút…” (Wait a bit…)
“Let’s get our plans in motion.”
“Mệt quá… We just started? Huh.” (So tired…)
“Bit of a change of pace, I’m not usually the one guarding stuff.” (Defenders)
“They won’t get too far. They won’t have the time.” (Defenders)
“Time for one hell of a heist.” (Attackers)
“Don’t worry, I’ve got experience in taking things.” (Attackers)
Round Start:
“Normally, I’m in and out. I’m not used to this much action, haha.”
“Focus, guys. Bullets still hurt when they’re slowed.”
“Keep an eye on your stuff. I’m not responsible if things end up in my pockets, haha.”
“Let’s make this quick… Though, I guess I should be telling myself that.”
“You’d better be using the openings I make. Phí quá…” (So wasteful…)
“Let’s try something new. Old plans are predictable plans.”
“Time does not heal all wounds. I am not a doctor.”
“Check your magazines. Maybe a few rounds go missing when I skip time, who knows.”
“This job is intense! Haha, I like it.” 
“I could use a nap right now… Nap done! Let’s move.” 
“Everything feels so fast when time resumes…”
Last Round Won:
“Let’s keep this going!” 
“Let’s do this a couple more times, haha.” 
“They didn’t see us coming.” 
“It’s our golden hour!” 
“Keep up the good work! It’s all about momentum.” 
Last Round Won, In The Lead:
“Time and time again.”
“A string of successes. Wonderful!”
“It’s about time. …No pun intended.” 
“It was only a matter of time, haha.”
Last Round:
“Spend it all. We can’t take anything with us.”
“Buy whatever. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.”
Match Point:
“Almost done! This has been a wonderful job.”
“Just a little further. Or should I cut to the end?”
Spike Forgotten:
“…Anyone gonna get the spike?”
“Grab the spike! We can’t afford sloppiness.”
“Spend your money.” (Call for buy)
“Save your money.” (Call for save.)
“Anyone want something?” (Offer to buy)
“Can someone get me this? Cảm ơn.” (Thank you.) (Requesting)
Barrier Down:
“Here we go.” 
“Một, hai, ba…” (1, 2, 3…)
“It’s time.” 
“Let’s get this done.” 
“And the heist begins.” 
“Time to focus.” 
“And the clock starts…” 
“Tick, tock…” 
“They won’t see us coming.”
“What to do, what to do…” 
“Let’s see what they’ve got.” 
“Time for some action.” 
“What will I get my hands on…” 
“Hope you’re all set.” 
“No backing out.” 
“The clock ticks forward.” 
“Time’s up!” 
“One down.” 
“Got you.” 
“See you!” 
“Tạm biệt.” (Bye.)
“Một chết.” (One dead.)
“Dễ.” (Easy.)
“Target down.” 
“The clock strikes midnight.” 
“Ouch, must’ve hurt.”
“Đau đầu?” (Headache?)
“Back up!” 
“Sneaky, aren’t I?”
“Ba chết.” (Three dead.)
“Bốn chết!” (Four dead.)
Last Kill:
“Hết chết rồi!” (All dead already!)
“And that’s that.” 
“Làm tuyệt vời lắm!” (Great job!)
“Good job, everyone!” 
“Now, anyone want to go kill some time? Haha.” 
“Pfft- Hahahahaha! Sorry, sorry…” (Melee)
“Even the best can’t beat time.” (Killed MVP)
One Kill Left (Deathmatch):
“Một cái nữa.” (One more.)
Defuse Resumed:
“I can do this all day.” 
“No. Bad.” 
Defuse Running Out:
“I’ve got time. I’ve got time.” 
“Chết rồi…” (Literally “Already dead”, used as “oh god”, “oh shit”, etc)
Defuse Successful:
“Done and dusted!” 
“And that’s time!” 
“Time claims all.” 
“A job well executed.”
“I’m an expert. This is what I do.”
“Guess it wasn’t my time.” 
“No witnesses, then…”
“Next time, I’ll just skip that mess...” 
“Effortless, damn!” 
“Haha, hay quá!” (so good!)
Low HP:
“Now, I take my leave…”
“Wish I could wind back my wounds…”
“A job done cheap!”
Match Win:
“And that’s a wrap!” 
“Tạm biệt, các bạn! Have a nice afterlife!” (Goodbye, you all!)
“Now, for our grand exit!”
“I guess time just wasn’t on your side.” 
Match MVP:
“What else from a master at his craft?” 
“Now, where to leave my calling card?”
“Thanks for the help, các bạn!” (you all!)
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platonic-activity · 6 months
Ignis Fatuus (Foolish Flame)
Chapter 4
Read here on AO3
Her visit with Mulder was a blur. He was irritable and tired. Mulder isn’t the type of person who is comfortable sitting still and resting. She knows this from his prolonged rehabilitation after taking a slug to the femoral artery during their first year working together. She had played a naive Clarice Starling to a psychopath and it had ended with Mulder nearly bleeding to death on a dock. She remembers that feeling of dread when she couldn’t assess his blood loss because it was pouring through the decking into the water below. 
He had overextended himself today. Of that she is certain. It is a sobering thought. That a short walk to purchase some groceries is still too much for him in his current state. Open brain surgery is brutal requiring a six-week minimum recovery. That is when they know exactly what was done. The upside is there appeared to be minimal violence to his parietal bone considering he had endured an unscheduled craniotomy. 
His vitals were normal. Blood pressure and pulse textbook but a little higher than normal for a man in his level of physical fitness. He tersely answered her uncomfortable questions. His breath sounds were normal. Her fears of a pulmonary embolism or massive infection were allayed. 
It wasn’t until she removed his bandage that she began to worry again. Of course, this was itchy. He has the beginnings of a localized infection around his sutures. She had slammed her eyes closed worried that getting him to agree to another hospital visit would be nearly impossible. 
When she opened her eyes he was watching her face intently. 
“It looks like you have a small infection starting around your sutures. If this surgical site were anywhere else I would bring you oral antibiotics. I don’t want to take any chances with this. I think you need IV vancomycin.” She said in the calmest voice she could produce. 
To his credit, he didn't argue but disappointment and frustration were written on his face. She would have been more comforted if he had lodged a campaign to avoid the hospital. It took a few minutes to get a fresh bandage applied and they were out the door, Mulder in sweats and a ripped Brooklyn Dodgers T-shirt. Her stomach is sour with worry. 
It’s 2 am by the time she leaves him sleeping, doped to the gills with Benzos and fluids going into one arm and full-strength Vanco into the other. She is almost as punch drunk as he is having flown a badly routed connecting flight from Chicago less than 24 hours ago. She takes a moment to close her eyes, jolting awake when headlights fly past her in the Georgetown medical parking garage. 
She urges herself into action and pulls her car out onto the empty streets of Georgetown pointing towards the Richmond suburbs yet again with a piece of Mulder’s bandage securely in her pocket.  
She wakes up slowly on a thread-bare couch. She smells garlic and coffee and sees a sunbeam traveling from a high transom window to the wall above her. She stretches and sits up slowly. One of the gunmen has delivered her coffee and next to it sits a bakery bag bulging with bagels.
Thank god for these wonderful nerds
She is finishing adding cream to her coffee when she hears a quiet knock on the door a pause and then Byers sneaking a look around the door to see if she is awake. 
“Oh hi, Agent Scully. I took a guess and toasted an everything bagel for you.” He says politely as he sets a plate down on the coffee table. He is already in a suit and she wonders if he slept in it or if it's just later in the morning than she had intended to rest. “Frohike is ready to talk with you in the lab.” 
“Thank you.” She sighs trying to pull herself together a bit. 
She meets Frohike in an alcove towards the back of their offices. She can see the rest of the space from where she sits. Byers has started to fidget with some hardware, glancing up at her every few minutes looking like an overgrown owl. She is fairly certain she can’t be heard from where they are. 
Frohike wastes no time before launching into their reason for meeting. 
“Anna Walsh…  thought to be 35 years old. Her birthdate is listed as September 17th, 1965. Her fingerprints are on record in the state of Illinois as a requirement for employment working with kids. The earliest records I can find of her is that she passed a GED exam in 1984, after that I have a lot of work history. The state of Illinois Department of Revenue has two unclaimed paychecks on file totaling $367, one from an after-school coordinator job at the YMCA and the other from a bar in the Polish downtown area of Chicago. She has no arrest record that I can find; however, there are two incidents where she was detained briefly and released. I would guess that she was involved in some way with the guilty party in both cases, either riding in the car or sharing a living space. Both instances were drug-related.” 
He pauses to see Scully’s reaction to that. Scully listens intently, sipping her coffee. Her expression is tight, mulling over each bit of detail Frohike supplies.
“She moves to the suburbs at some point. The first address tied to her that I can find is a small apartment near a mall in Naperville in 1989. The lease was in her name only. After that, I didn’t see any rental records until the past two years in Mount Carol where she cosigned on a house rental with a woman named Maya Williams who appears to have also been in foster care and is close to the same age as Anna. 
When Frohike pauses she waits. 
“That’s what I have. She doesn’t appear to have a driver's license. The DNA was difficult. My lab contact says that the sample is degraded. He hopes it will be enough to show a relationship but he isn’t confident.”
Scully stands and looks around. Byers seems to have found a task interesting enough to occupy him. Langly is sitting on the couch playing a video game with headphones on. It’s all so overwhelming, each tidbit of information swirling in her mind to create an image of who this woman is. It’s also quite underwhelming. This will not be definitive. There is so much more information she will need before going to Mulder. 
She feels herself sag, the emotions of the past two days catching up with her. It must be evident on her face. Frohike looks apologetic and concerned. 
“I hate to admit this but I would know a lot more if I could widen our circle a bit here. Langly could get into the adoption records. I fear that if I try I will send up a flag on our activity. Don't ever tell him that I said that.”
Scully chuffs a small laugh and reluctantly agrees. “Her juvenile files must be sealed,” She says. 
“I believe it’s the case for all members of the foster care system in this state. Without any idea of how she came to be in Chicago and at what age we really can’t make any headway. We need to know how this happened to gauge whether she is safe.” He levels her with a serious look. “Let me bring Byers and Langly in to find her childhood records. I won't tell them your suspicions or the DNA tests.” 
She thanks Byers for the bagel and takes what is left of her coffee with her into the early morning air. The circle is widening. The wider it gets before she talks to Mulder the more uncomfortable she gets. 
When he wakes up she is there beside him, dozing in a chair with her head on the bed next to his hip. She has changed and showered. He can smell her fresh flowery shampoo. It seems that she has brought him coffee. 
Despite his recent discontent with being infirm and dependent, Mulder feels better than he has in the two weeks since he last woke up in a hospital. The difference between waking up to her then versus now is heartening. She isn’t radiating fear for his life. He isn’t in any pain. This was only a precaution she had assured him. The doctors had been in at the crack of dawn to inform him that his blood tests looked good and that the antibiotics were doing their job.
She looks peaceful in her uncomfortable position just like the million times she's fallen asleep on planes, in cars on stakeouts… just like this waiting on him to wake up in the hospital. Her hand is slightly curved and he thinks she might have been holding his hand at some point. He marvels at how she manages to sleep anywhere as he starts in on the coffee she brought. It's from a cafe near her apartment that she knows he likes. It’s not fully cooled so he figures she must have gotten here recently. He squints at her watch. It’s already 9:30 in the morning.  
A nurse bustles in and halts when she sees Scully asleep. She quietly goes about her tasks placing discharge paperwork on his table and removing his IVs. He holds his right arm over his body so she can take out both from one side of the bed. “I’ll come back for those papers after the neurologist comes and gives you your instructions. You should be able to leave within the hour.” She says in a hushed warm tone and leaves with a friendly smile. 
He doesn’t want to wake her. He tries to remember the last time she has been at peace in his presence and struggles to do so. It must have been Vegas. By the time he had arrived, she had already roundly shamed the Lone Gunmen for luring her under false pretenses. She had been nursing a protracted but manageable medication-induced hangover and let him treat her to lunch at a burger stand loved by the locals and a walk through an old graveyard of historic neon signs. He had been in such a good mood he even dropped a 10 into the collection tin with the sign saying “Help us get plugged in, Donations Encouraged.” 
Something about watching her eat unreserved always puts him in a better mood, especially in the past 2 years. She had scarfed down a huge burger and almost all of their shared fries. “I don’t get why they didn’t just ask for my help.” She stated around a mouth full of French fries. She washed them down with a swig of beer. “I’m not that difficult to approach. Why all the subterfuge?” She said leaning forward on her elbows and regarding him seriously. 
He had thought it better to keep his response to himself and chose that moment to take a long pull from his beer. “Hhm, the guys just prefer to operate on subterfuge. I think they get off on it.” He said following it up with the most charming smile he could come up with. 
He could tell she had been feeling better and her eyes sparkled with a bit of mischief. The tilt of her lips had him suspecting that she was considering pushing the issue further but instead, she surprised him by suggesting they try their hands at some poker before catching their flight that evening. 
Then the next two months happened. They had quarreled in a way they hadn’t since right before their unexpected trip to Antarctica. Only this time it was he who suggested that her contribution to their work was trivial. He regretted it and she knew that. They had barely gotten their feet under them when the artifact showed up. 
In the space of two weeks, she had been to Africa and the American Southwest in search of answers to save his life. When she arrived at his side desperate to communicate with him she was still fighting for his life. There was nothing trivial about what this woman adds to his life. 
Now months later she is dozing peacefully. He hopes that he can figure out a way to allow her to keep this peace for a little while. It’s the least he could do. Finally, he reaches out and tucks her hair behind her ear and she stirs, waking slowly and then suddenly all at once. When she fixes her eyes on him she gives him a warm sleepy smile. He swallows what feels like a giant lump in his chest as she reaches for his arm turning it over and running her fingers over the bandage left behind from his recently removed IV. She glances at his other arm and then into his eyes. 
“It looks like I’m ok to go home.” He says his voice slightly thick. He clears his throat. “Just waiting on a final visit from the doctor.” 
“Good.” She says, still holding his arm. Her fingers are rubbing a light circle around the underside of his forearm. “I’ll get the paperwork to the nurse,” she says reluctantly letting him go.”
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theol1-2 · 1 year
Barney Miller 101: The Squad
Barney: In charge of this chaos. Practical, kind, patient, protective of his people, worries about them and does his best to help them. Dad In Charge. Jewish. Morals are more important than the letter of the law because sometimes the law, and bureaucracy, is stupid. All-around good guy. Deserves better.
Fish: Been there done that got the aches and pains to show for it. Old and going to complain about it because he damn well deserves it. 120% done with this shit. Reluctantly married and 50% prunes and painkillers by weight.
Yemana: The most unlucky gambler ever to walk this earth, and yet he continues, undaunted. Once got his sideburn shot off. Worst coffee maker the planet has yet seen. Japanese. Sentenced to 25 to life in Filing in 1960 and hasn’t escaped yet.
Harris: Dapper As Fuck. Writer, spends more of his time trying to make money than almost anything else, and annoyed by all this crap. Does Not Care until he really does. Makes a shockingly good looking woman. Black and proud. Best Hair Award 45 yrs running.
Wojo: His full name is unspellable unless you’re Polish, accept it. Built like a brick house and eats like a horse. Former Marine and proud of it. A straightforward, nice boy who has the most character growth by a country mile and is trying really hard even if he doesn’t always understand. Squad Slut, total himbo. Also plays the flute and faints at needles.
Dietrich: 90% of his personality is Fun Facts, Dramatic Effect, and feeding off other people feeling awkward. Pedantic as hell, wit dry as fuck, puns always. His jokes are terrible. Obsessed with Goethe for some reason. Grows his own wheat in his apartment. Always has a definition ready. Intellectual Asshole but cute about it (it’s probably the glasses).
Chano: Passionate af. Dancer, Puerto Rican, loves his country, a silly boy. Once had to write a burglary report and had to write his own name under ‘Victim’. Loves playing secret agent. Broke down sobbing when he had to shoot a guy and needed a week off to recover. Loved wearing a dress for mugging detail completely unironically.
Wentworth: Gets combat fever like CRAZY oh my god do not get in her way. Survived a relationship with Wojo, sanity intact. Does not care what people think about her and focuses like a laser. Protective af, tiny and will fite you. (and you will lose.)
Batista: Don’t fuck with her. Even tinier than Wentworth and even more determined. More arrests than everyone else combined. Gets Shit Done.
Levitt: He’s short and he’s angry about it. Fluent in ASL, determined to make detective no matter what it takes. Frequently misunderstands because he is convinced that there is a trick to getting this damn promotion and there isn’t. Has the worst suits, bless him.
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beezleberry-breakie · 2 years
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After another successful mission, Jacki decided to celebrate by bringing his adopted work sister to a pizza joint that just opened up in town.
Spider monkey: Hey Fred, know whats better than a burger and sex
Bubble butt (Fred): WTF Daisy. This is suppose to be a secure group comm line
Spider monkey: 🍕 🍕
Secret agent man (Jacki): *video sent*
Bubble butt: …you’re not fucking serious? Did you just deep throat a slice of pizza again Daisy?!
Secret agent man: My congrats to you Fred boi, she had to roll it a few times just so it’d fit in her mouth
Bubble butt: omg
Secret agent man: oh wait. brb she actually started choking
Bubble butt: *long drawn out sigh* tell my idiot when she’s done being dramatic to come home with dog food. We’re out. Fucking third time this week with this shit
Secret agent man: ?!!
Know what’s harder than drawing bodies. God damn clothes. Literally almost threw my tablet out in the ocean alone cause the eyes wouldn’t set right. Was ready to fight god on allllll this shit.
Disclaimer: I do not own Fred, Jacki, or the VN: Heart Hunted. They belong to @heart-hunted. My hats off to you my liege as your drawings are flawless and I almost cried just from trying to shape the clothes. I only own Daisy and this shitty drawing >3<
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your-littlesecret · 1 year
oh my GOSH secret agent au please please please ❤️
SO, they're secret agents on a mission together, against Charles' ex boyfriend (who tried to kill them before). He's being accused of white collar crimes (hehe) and they reach the wife for intel.
there's not exactly a twist bc it's a given that they'll complete the mission but I put them wearing very extravagant clothes and being domestic and dangerous together, so best combo EVER!!
I'm still not done with this one because I think it could have SO MUCH MORE!!!!!!! but I don't know exactly what so I'm waiting for my brain to decide to be my friend again.
here's the very first line of this 💙💙
Charles knows this mission depends solely on him, so he picks the blue eyeliner and draws a ‘cat eye’ so sharp that he wishes he could replicate it into his knives. He’s appropriate for the place, and even though he needs to draw the least attention possible, he knows he’ll fit in just right.
“You ready?” Pierre whistles from where he’s leaning against the doorframe, holding his shining jacket. “Wow, if I knew you would be this dressed up I would have taken you there before.”
He’s got his signature smirk, contrasting well with the almost transparent button down shirt with fancy embroidery on the shoulders and part of the back. He looks good. Better than good, if Charles has a saying in this. He spells pleasure but also trouble, even if they are on an official mission.
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count-a-w-k · 3 months
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Later that evening, Helen was walking back to her apartment, struggling with a big bag of groceries on her right arm, when a beautiful blonde-haired woman stepped right out in front of her. Stopping Helen in her tracks, this woman, 5ft’4” in height, with ruby red lips and blue eyes, looked like she was an angel sent from heaven. But she had a really angry expression, gazing at Helen as if Helen had done something wrong.
“Excuse me, do you know a man called Hawken?” she demanded.
“Hawken? Sorry I don’t know anyone by that name,” Helen lied.
“Are you sure? I am looking for him. He belongs to a group I’m with, and we’re very worried about him,” the woman replied knowing that Helen was lying.
“I’m very sorry” said Helen. “I’ve had a very busy day at work and my apartment is just two blocks up the street. So, can I go home please?”
“I’m very sorry to detain you madam, my apologies.” Stepping out of the way to let Helen continue. Helen walked about five feet, then turned around. To her surprise, the woman had vanished! Helen just shrugged and continued heading to her apartment. As she approached, she noticed a black Mercedes-Benz parked across the street. She could see the car was empty but thought to herself that she had seen that car somewhere before. So, she just walked straight into her apartment building, thinking it was nothing. Agent 71 & 72 straightened up their front seats.
“That was close,” said agent 71.
“Tell me about it. If she saw us, then the game would be up!” replied agent 72.
In the hallway of Helen’s apartment building, she passed one of her neighbours and after exchanging greetings, approached her front door, from behind which she could hear music. The song playing was “On Days Likes These” by Matt Monro. She opened the door to find Hawken in the kitchen making dinner for her, while miming to the song. He saw Helen standing by her door with a stunned look on her face.
“Oh, hello Helen. I decided to make dinner for you, and I have cleaned your apartment,” he said to Helen as she dropped her bag of groceries onto the floor.
“Hawken, you are unbelievable, you are a man of many talents!” she replied.
“Well, as I said. I do have a lot of skills,” he said with a joyful grin on his face.
Helen picked up her bag of groceries and walked into her apartment, closing the door behind her.
“I hope you like Italian food. I am making a vintage Italian pizza for us to share.”
“Vintage Italian pizza? That sounds delicious,” she replied from across the room.
“Well, it’s almost ready, but how was your day?” he said, bending down looking for a couple of dinner plates.
“It was OK. I was asked a lot of questions about where you had disappeared to. Also, we had a man in who committed suicide last night.”
 “Oh, OK. Well did you tell your colleagues that you kidnapped me?” he asked.
“All I said was that your body was collected by someone who took you away,” she replied.
“OK,” he said with a curious expression.
“Anyway, are you going to tell me what happened next? After you and your brother defeated the Flamerites?” she asked.
“Sure, come and sit down at the kitchen counter and I will prepare dinner while I tell you more of my life story,” he said. Helen walked over to the kitchen counter and put her bag of groceries on to it. She pulled out a stool from under the counter and sat down, while Hawken, took the pizza out of the oven.
“OK Helen. This is what happened after Andros, and I defeated the Flamerites.”
We returned to Ramses’ kingdom as heroes. He wanted to treat me and Andros as gods in appreciation for our defeating the Flamerite menace and saving his army. We were rewarded with treasures from far and wide, and actually learned to read and write in hieroglyphs. He even tried to reward us with women. I refused kindly, but Andros, trying to take on the serious role of being a god literally, accepted.
We continued on like that, helping Ramses, and then his successors, stopping their enemies in their tracks and showing the workforce how to build structures properly.
Eventually, some eighty-odd years later in what we now call 1000BC, Andros and I were eating dinner in our private chambers, enjoying our evening meal. We were discussing how much longer we were going to live this high life, when we started to sense something coming from the south. Somehow, we knew that there was another Guziluman being born.
“Hawken, you can sense that?” asked Andros with a curious expression.
“Yes, I wonder who the father could be,” I replied.
“I don’t know, but judging by what we are sensing, I don’t think this new Guziluman’s father is Deston or Terton,” he said to me. “Deston headed north and Terton stayed in Italy.”
Getting up from my chair, I asked. “Shall we leave this kingdom and head south?”
“Even now, further down south is still unchartered territory. No Hawken, this new Guziluman has only just been born. We must wait for them to get older before we go to meet them. We don’t want to scare the poor thing,” he said to me. “Anyway, we’ve got more work to do here first.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Just a thought,” I replied sitting back down in my chair at the table while continuing to eat my meal.
Another two decades went by. One evening, we were having an evening meal with the current Pharaoh, Siamun, when I again felt a familiar disturbance in the force.
“Really? A ‘disturbance in the Force’?” Helen laughed.
“Best way I can think of to describe it. Now, if I can continue?”
“…Sorry to interrupt your conversation,” I said, turning to my brother, “but can you sense the other Guziluman?” Andros turned to me with a pale look, he turned his head to his right and reached out with his senses.
“Yes, I can feel them. And whoever it is, they can feel us. It is time for us to leave brother,” Andros replied.
“I’m very sorry Siamun, but me and my brother must leave your kingdom now.”
“I can perfectly understand Andros,” Siamun replied. “How far do you think you must travel to find this other of your kind?”
“I have no idea, but I think he or she might meet us halfway,” said Andros about to stand up from his seat.
“Andros, I think we must get some food and water for our journey. It could be days, weeks, or months before we meet this new Guziluman.” I suggested.
“I will call my servants to help you pack and get you the best camels for your journey. Horses won’t get you to where you want to go,�� Siamun said to us both.
“Thank you, Siamun, I can’t wait to meet this other Guziluman, whoever he or she is.” Andros replied.
True to his word, Siamun summoned one of his servants, instructing them to help Andros and I prepare for our journey.
Later, that evening we entered Siamun’s throne room to say our goodbyes, as we had a feeling we might never see him again. Siamun sat there on his throne with a sad expression knowing he would lose his advisors. As we started walking towards him, his servants, guards, and some of his counsellors were shaking our hands and as we approached the throne. We knelt in front of Siamun with our faces looking directly at him. He got up from his throne, and looking down at us, he smiled as he gave his farewell speech to us.
“Long ago, you two came to this kingdom and helped to defeat the greatest enemy our army had ever faced in battle. You both risked your lives to stop them, which you did. And then you taught my people how to build properly without risking their lives and even learned to read and write in our language. But now it is time for you to leave us and journey on to meet another member of your own kind. For this I will give you both a gift,” he said loudly to everyone in the room. He called over one of his servants, who was carrying a paper scroll on a white pillow. “This scroll was handed to one of my predecessors by one of your own kind a very long time ago. It is part of your history and now it is for you both to take on your journey south. May it bring you luck where you are going,” Siamun said to us both. Me and Andros stood up and looked at him directly. I picked up the scroll from the pillow and placed it in my satchel. Andros and I both shook his hand.
“I just have to say, Siamun, I’m glad your people let us stay with you here for all these years. But, as you say, this is our goodbye.” Andros said, while I just gave Siamun a nod while smiling at him. Then Andros and I turned around and walked straight out of the throne room waving goodbye to everyone. Siamun slowly followed us to the entrance of his palace. Me and Andros walked down the steps to see two camels sitting down waiting for us to mount. They both had saddles and bags to carry our food and water for the long journey south. Me and Andros, each got on camel and leaned backward while the animals stood up, then we both leaned forwards as the camels moved off. We waved goodbye to the kingdom.
“What a nice end to your stay in Egypt,” said Helen.
“Well, it was nice being there, but me and Andros had to go and meet this other Guziluman,” Hawken replied. “What I’m about to tell you next Helen, is that you will like the other Guziluman that me and my brother met.”
“Go on,” she said to Hawken.
Five days further south of the capital, me and Andros were lost in the desert. We both started to sense the other Guziluman moving towards us from the south. It was like he or she knew we were there. Andros looked at me and said, “How far away do you think they are?”
“I don’t know, but I have this feeling they’re picking up speed. They could be running or riding,” I replied.
“Well, knowing we are still lost, we may as well wait here,” said Andros.
“Why don’t we start walking towards them?” I replied.
“Good point, but depending how far they are, we could miss them by a mile. We don’t know how many high dunes there are. It’s like walking round a hill in circles,” he said to me.
“Well, we can sense them; shall we wait until they get closer?” I replied.
“Yes, we might as well set up a tent here,” he said trying to get his camel to sit.
We both got off our camels and started to set up a camp.
Later in the evening, as we sat round a fire discussing how far we had travelled to find this other Guziluman, me and Andros could still sense them, heading towards us.
“So, Hawken, how far do you think he or she is?”
“No idea Andros, they could be here by the morning or the next day. But they must be determined for them to be travelling overnight towards us.”
“Yeah, but what worries me, is what type of Guzilkion abilities they will have compared to me, you, Deston and Terton,” Andros said to me with a curious look.
“Yes, it scares me too Andros. But whoever it could be, we must be prepared for them. Don’t forget the Flamerites live that far south from where he or she is coming from?”
“Ah yes, the Flamerites. I forgot about them. Do you think that this Guziluman has been taken over by them?”
“Not sure Andros, we have to wait until they arrive. I think we should get some sleep now, don’t you?”
“Yes Hawken, goodnight.” Andros said to me as he lay down on his blanket. So, I said goodnight too and lay down on my blanket and fell asleep.
Early next morning, I awoke to see two figures on the horizon approaching us from the south. I rubbed my eyes to focus in on them. They were walking slowly, so I woke Andros by tapping him on the shoulder.
“Andros wake up.”
“What wrong Hawken?”
“Look, I can see them,”
“Them? Them who?”
Andros looked up and gazed at the two figures approaching. As they got closer, we could make out more detail. One of them was a man with a dark skin colour, similar to the Nubians we had seen before. Next to him was large, fur-covered animal. It was walking on all fours. As they got closer still, we could see that rather than having four legs, it was similar to a human walking on hands and knees. The arms, however, were much longer than the legs, so that its shoulders were much higher than its hips.
We went out to meet them, both parties stopping several yards apart. I noticed the man was staring at us. He started speaking to this animal next to him in a strange language. The animal acknowledged him and started charging towards us. Without hesitation Andros and I adopted defensive positions. We waited for the animal to attack, but then it came to a complete stop right in front of us. Looking us over, he turned around and headed back towards the man. It whispered something to him, and the man knelt and placed his right hand on the ground. I knew what he was about to do next, as the stranger looked like he shared the same Guzilkion abilities as me. So, I knelt and placed my left hand on the ground, waiting to counter his attack.
“Hawken, you can sense that can’t you?”
“Shh Andros, I am waiting for him to attack us.”
I looked around and noticed that suddenly the sand was towering up behind us. I blinked my eyes and activated my Guzilkion abilities. I summoned the sand under him to pull him down into it, which sucked him in, preventing his attack. The towering sand fell behind us and the attacker, his entire body buried except for his head, shouted to us.
“I give up!”
“Can you hear that, Andros?”
“Yes, Hawken, he speaks our own language!”
I got up and started to walk over to him, with Andros following behind me. As we approached him, the animal became hysterical, like it didn’t want me and Andros to get any closer. It was trying to protect him. Then he told it to calm down in that strange language that he spoke. Looking up at me and Andros, he started to smile.
“Greetings, could you free me from this, as you were the ones who dropped me in it.”
I replied in a curious voice, “If you want to get free, do it yourself.”
“Ah, OK then,” he replied. He closed his eyes and started to free himself from the sand. He rose and opened his eyes; His showed the same eyes that me and Andros’ have when we use our Guzilkion abilities. He blinked again, and his eyes reverted to their normal state.
“So, you are Guzilumans also?” he asked.
“Yes, we are,” Andros replied.
“That’s good, my name is Zilstarr,” he introduced himself.
“Nice to meet you Zilstarr, I’m Andros and this is my brother Hawken.”
“Ah, you’re the one who has the same powers as me,” he said to me with a happy expression.
 “Yes, that is true,” I replied, “Tell me, have you discovered how to use them properly yet?”
“No, I haven’t. I’m still learning,” he said to me.
“Ok, Zilstarr. So, you’re still trying to figure them out then?” I replied.
“Yes, but I sense you have more powerful Guzilkion abilities, as you call them,” he said.
“Well, Zilstarr, whatever I’m holding back, it’s yet to be revealed to me.” I replied. “Anyway, would you like me to teach you?”
“That would be an honour,” he said.
Andros looked at us both, then looked at the animal next to Zilstarr.
“Tell me Zilstarr, is that your pet?” Andros said to him quizzically.
“No, no, no. He is my friend,” said Zilstarr, looking down at the animal.
“What is the name of this animal?” I asked.
“It’s called a gorilla. I rescued it when we were both young and now, he’s my best friend” said Zilstarr smiling. Me and Andros looked at each other, confused, as we’d never seen a gorilla before.
“You are telling me Zilstarr had a gorilla as a best friend?” said Helen looking puzzled.
“Yes, Zilstarr is a very strange man,” Hawken replied.
“So, tell me more about Zilstarr.” she said to Hawken.
Anyway, me and Andros started asking Zilstarr if he knew any other Guzilumans. He told us that his mother must have been one. She’d had to leave him when he was very young because Guzilumans must find out about their powers on their own. So, his father had raised him instead. Zilstarr also told us that he met his mother not long ago, in much the same way that we had met our father. She ascended the same way our father did. But me and Andros were puzzled when he also said that he inherited the title ‘History Keeper of the Guzilumans.’
“History Keeper?” Andros asked.
“Yes, History Keeper. All of the Guzilumans groups have to remember what they do throughout their journeys as watchers. So, I have to remember what we are going to do and see on our journeys,” Zilstarr explained.
“Well, we have got a lot to tell you then.” I said to Zilstarr. “But should we have something to eat first?”
“That would be very nice, my friends,” he replied.
“Well come back to our little camp and let’s share the stories of what we have been up too,” said Andros.
So, we headed back only to notice that the camels had gone, with all our food and water supplies still on the saddles. Andros’ jaw dropped, while my eyes were wide open thinking; what are we going to do now?
“Oh, I’m very sorry my friends. I think I might have scared your animals away, due to me trying to cover you with the wall of sand I created,” Zilstarr realised.
“Andros, what now?” I asked.
“I don’t know Hawken. We can survive without food and water. But with no camels to transport us, it looks like we are going to have to walk again for a long time,” Andros replied.
“My friends, don’t you worry. There is an oasis not far south from here. I passed it yesterday,” Zilstarr explained.
“So, what you’re telling us Zilstarr, is that we have a day’s walk to this oasis?” said Andros looking a bit angry.
“Yes, but if we run, we could make it in half a day.” replied Zilstarr.
Me and Andros looked at each other, knowing we had no choice. I asked Zilstarr whether his gorilla friend would be able to survive the journey.
“Well, my friend, he has survived the journey here with me with no trouble at all. He will be OK for the journey back,” Zilstarr assured me.
“OK. What are we waiting for then? Let’s go!” said Andros, eager to get moving.
So, we ran south for the oasis. As we ran, the gorilla kept overtaking me and Andros. Zilstarr could not stop laughing, knowing how fast his friend really was. Then we finally reached the oasis, just before the sun set on the horizon. Andros dived straight into the small lake of water, trying to cool himself down after all that running. I simply lay down at the waters’ edge and submerged my entire head. Zilstarr stood there laughing, as did his gorilla friend. In the evening, we made a fire from one of the palm trees and we all sat around it, Andros and I telling Zilstarr what we had seen and done over the last thousand years. Zilstarr was intrigued. Then we asked him about the Flamerite problems further south. He told us that he knew about them, but his people never went anywhere near where Flamerites lived, as their home was on a mountain next to the mighty ocean. But then he asked us if we were going to wipe them out, as the problem was getting worse.
“Zilstarr, even if we do kill all the Flamerites, how do we know there aren’t more out there? Because when we took out the Flamerites back in Egypt, there was one who got away,” said Andros.
“That is a very good point, but there are three of us. Still, I think I might need to learn more of my powers first before we enter their domain,” Zilstarr replied.
 “It is going to be very dangerous for us,” I explained to Andros and Zilstarr. “But before we do, may I suggest that we set up a new home not far from the Flamerites’ so we can watch them as we train?”
“Good idea Hawken,” said Andros. “At least we can look from afar and see what they are up too.”
“So, it is settled then. We head to their homeland and study them while we train,” Zilstarr replied.
“Agreed,” said me and Andros in unison.
So that evening we got some sleep and headed for the Flamerites’ homeland the next day.
“So, what happened next?” asked Helen finishing her dinner.
“I will tell you tomorrow,” Hawken replied smiling.
Outside, the two agents are still monitoring Helen’s building. They notice another black Mercedes-Benz pulling up behind them. Two tall white men wearing the same suits get out of their car and walk towards Agents 72 and 71. 72 winds down his window.
“Agent 73 and 74, glad you are here.”
“We’ve been assigned to assist you,” replies Agent 73.
“Yes, we need to start bugging her apartment and taking up surveillance in one of these buildings,” Agent 71 leans over to explain.
“OK. When do we get started then?” asks Agent 74.
“Soon as we arrange a fake evacuation of her apartment building,” 72 smiles.
All the agents start to laugh loudly, like they know what they have planned.
“WILL YOU SHUT UP DOWN THERE, I’M TRYING TO GET SOME SLEEP!” shouts one of the residents from the floor below Helen’s apartment.
“Sorry to disturb you sir,” shouts Agent 74 to the resident.
Agent 73 kneels and quietly whispers into Agent 72’s ear.
“I think we have found the place to set up the surveillance!”
Agent 72 smiles wickedly.
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