#is because he let her see inside him and she found nothing of value or worth loving there...
thelostgirl21 · 10 months
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Are you trying to hurt my feelings?
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theprettynosferatu · 2 months
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CW: covert hypno, misogyny, step-sibling stuff.
Claire was in a foul mood, stomping like a toddler through the hallway of her childhood home. Ah yes, coming back home from College was always a mixed bag. On the one hand, she loved spending time with (and being pampered by) her mom and Rick, her step-dad. But on the other hand, it meant dealing with The Asshole.
He hadn’t always been The Asshole, and that just hurt even more. Somewhere beneath his alpha male bullshit were the remains of her step-brother John. Surely that sweet, shy boy had to be inside this new, incredibly annoying person… but no matter how hard she tried, Claire couldn’t make the person she had loved as a brother emerge from the armor of pick-up artistry and right-wing bastardry John had built around himself. 
It had started during his senior year of high-school, her first one away in college. Maybe he got bullied too much, maybe he listened to too many podcasts and influencers… who knew? The point was that John started hitting the gym, spouting sexist bullshit, bragging about his sexual conquests. And little by little, in her mind, John started to disappear. Now, three years later, she could only think of him as The Asshole. And so, she tried to avoid him as much as humanly possible when she was back home.
It soured the experience for her. It seemed impossible that The Asshole was Rick’s son- after all, Rick was a good man. He had treated Claire like a daughter, with a respect and kindness her biological father had never shown; that was, when that deadbeat had even been around. Claire never called Rick “dad”, but she did feel him as a dad in her heart, and the memories of her “real” father were hazy and growing more and more faint with the years. With horror she realized her memories of John were fading as well, devoured by The Asshole. She fought to remember that The Asshole had once been a decent kid.
The Asshole, for his part, made that task incredibly hard. His off-hand comment that she’d be happier dropping out of college and being a “proper wife” had made her storm off the dinner table. Hence her stomping in that hallway, going to her room. She slammed the door. It would be a long summer. 
Pathetic. She couldn’t think of a better word for it. She should feel violated, perhaps- after all, she had caught The Asshole using her laptop- but she found it hard to even muster up anger. She felt disgusted, and also a bit sorry for him. His explanation was as ridiculous as she could have expected from him.
“I just wanted to make sure you weren’t being a low value whore, chatting with a bunch of dudes.”
Sure, Asshole. That’s what I need: you as the guardian of my virtue, she thought. Still, it was an excuse, and she would hold on to it. The alternative explanation was worse and even contemplating it felt abominable. And yet a little part of her, a voice deep inside her head couldn’t help but feel relief.
I’m glad my nudes are on my phone.
No. Better to not go there. John was her step-brother. Even after becoming the prick he had turned into, he wouldn’t see her… like that.
Would he?
She knew he saw her friends like sex toys, given that two of them had confessed to being somehow persuaded by his alleged charms. Needless to say, those girls were now former friends- not so much because they slept with The Asshole and more because they had given him ammo: it made it harder to argue that his toxic manosphere crap was repulsive when he could throw such conquests in Claire’s face. But not even the world’s biggest douchebag would cross the line that separated family and attraction. And they had been family, once. God, it hurt to remember.
She had screamed at him like a fucking teenager, but what was she expected to do? And he had walked away like nothing had happened, like she didn’t catch him red handed. Claire took a deep breath. Fuck it. Let it go. Don’t let him ruin your break. She sat down for an evening of happy, mindless Youtube binging.
Huh. Was the screen acting up? She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but every now and then something felt… off. Well, it was no big deal; certainly not annoying enough to warrant an expensive trip to get the laptop checked out.
Shit. She figured the fight had left her more upset than she had thought: she had watched a two hour video essay on feminism and media representation and she couldn’t remember a second of it. A wave of fear came over her. Spacing out for two hours wasn’t normal. Maybe she was just tired. Yeah, that seemed right. Dealing with The Asshole was exhausting. She needed to sleep.
Relaxing ended up being easier than she had expected. She spent long hours in front of her laptop, whiling the time away, floating in a blissful state of pure peace. So what if she couldn’t always remember what she had watched? The effect was soothing, like soaking her brain in a nice hot tub. And she had at long last found a way to deal with The Asshole.
The key was so simple she felt dumb as a rock for not figuring out sooner. The way to avoid a fight was, simply, to avoid the fight. Why spend precious energy fighting a man who was incapable of changing his mind? So she didn’t. Whatever inane bullshit came out of his mouth, she let slide. Maybe give him a polite smile and nod so he would think she was actually paying attention, and daydream about her next laptop session. This was exactly what she needed: a full vacation for her overworked brain.
Around the end of the first week the benefits of Claire’s new regiment became evident. She felt less irritable, giddier, somehow… lighter. And even her libido, long buried under a pile of stress was coming back with a vengeance. Why else would she emerge from her laptop dives soaking wet, needing to pleasure herself as intensely as she needed to breathe? And the way her body felt! Before, her… playing was quick, almost as if doing maintenance on some needed but almost forgotten piece of machinery. Now every time she played with herself was a celebration. She caressed her breasts, took her time, toyed with herself… it was no longer a race to orgasm. Her own body was the greatest show on Earth.
The effects of regular self-pleasuring, long documented in scientific literature, hit her like a train. She was relaxed, energetic- and hell, even The Asshole didn’t seem so annoying anymore. Just smile and nod at him and ignore his misogynistic ramblings. And, if she was being honest, even The Asshole was right, every now and then. Broken clocks and all that. 
You really should show off your legs more. Advertise your sexual value to high-status males.
Okay, so half of that was idiotic. But the legs thing? Right on the money. Claire twirled, letting her new, short sundress flutter and fly, and giggled. It felt light. She felt light. Radiant.
Every now and then her mind went back to the laptop. The screen was acting funny. Maybe she should do something about it, but it seemed like work, and she was home to relax. The laptop thing could wait.
Do you think men would be so nice to you if you didn’t have great tits?
Those words struck a chord inside her. She pondered them after a few hours of mindless laptop time. Sure, she knew she had large-ish breasts, and she wasn’t a complete idiot: men had been extremely fucking obvious about them since she had been a teen. But were tits -breasts- that important? Surely not. Her professors valued her for her intellect.
Didn’t they?
Then why had every professor that had mentored her and helped her out been a man? 
My big tits.
No, that was ridiculous. Silly. And yet, she barely noticed her hand sliding between her legs as she thought about it. My tits matter. My tits are what’s important.
She came almost instantly, and a wave of shame washed over her. She needed to escape it. Dodge it somehow. Laptop. Watch something on the laptop. Let it relax her.
Claire’s low-cut top didn’t go unnoticed at dinner. She wasn’t really sure why she had put it on. It just felt right. Rick obviously kept quiet, but The Asshole made no effort to hide his glances and his smug smile. She should be angry, something inside her told her; but it was a distant voice, faint and growing smaller. If anything she felt… valued. Desired. Worthy. Fuck it, even if it was The Asshole, she had to admit a bit of male attention now and then wasn’t so bad. She found herself blushing at first. Eventually, it was all too much. Claire excused herself and dashed to the bathroom. She fell on her knees, rubbing her pussy -vagina- with a desperation she had never felt before. She needed to cum. The Asshole’s eyes, and his sneer of superiority, and his hateful words… she had to bite her hand to stop herself from screaming.
Claire came back to the table, flustered but okay. Or so she thought.
“Pour me a Coke”, The Asshole said. It wasn’t polite. It wasn’t a request. He had just treated her like a fucking servant.
And yet, she walked to the kitchen and made sure she poured the most perfect glass of Coke possible. She leaned in a bit while she placed it by his plate, giving him a beautiful view of her big, dumb tits. Breasts! Her breasts! What the fuck was wrong with her?
“Thank you, cunt”, The Asshole whispered.
Claire froze. She should… what? Slap him? Scream at him? Lecture him? What would be the point? No, it was better to let it slide. Smile and nod.
Smile? Smile after that? What the fuck was she thinking? Claire was mortified. Turning in bed, she wished she could take that stupid smile back and… fucking punch The Asshole for calling her a…
Why? Why, why, why? Why was she so fucking wet? It was disgusting! He was disgusting! 
…She was disgusting, getting soaked at being called a…
It was too strong. She tried to fight it, she truly did, but her pussy, her traitorous fucking pussy refused to give up, driving her insane. A cunt. He had called her a cunt. Her fingers went into her body. She wasn’t gentle with herself. No, she fucked herself without mercy, like she imagined he would use her if he had a chance. Her mind was a vortex, a mess of words and images and shame and pleasure.
Cunt. Cunt. Big-titty cunt. I’m just a stupid cunt. My tits are all that matters. I’m just a cunt. I’m just holes and tits. I don’t need to make choices. I need to do as men tell me. Men know best. Men are superior. I’m just holes…
She woke up covered in sweat. Fuck. Had she passed out? What… what was wrong with her? She was an excellent college student…
She wanted to throw up. College. All that work. Thinking. And then what? A job? Stress? She couldn’t do it. No way. She was…
I’m too stupid and weak.
It felt so fucking good to think it. It was liberating. Relaxing. It felt like the universe was simple, and she was simple, and now her place in the world was simple. It was light and fresh and it made her want to burst out in giggles. 
A shower of images and words flooded her mind. Women on their knees. Women cooking in traditional aprons while wearing chokers. Women kissing, putting on shows for men. She had no idea when she had seen all that, and suddenly she couldn’t even care enough to fight the feeling. It all just felt… right. Sexy. Natural. It was her place. It was her purpose as a woman. As a cunt. As an inferior fleshlight. She moaned at the idea of sharing this new wonderful bliss with her stuck-up college friends, and making them see the light…
She didn’t even get mad when The Asshole got into her room without knocking. She didn’t even consider covering up. In fact, she felt happy when his eyes focused on her body.
I’m useful. My body makes me useful.
“What are you doing?”, He asked. Suddenly He wasn’t The Asshole anymore. He was a He, and He was always right, and she was meant to do as He said. Simple. Sexy. Fun.
“I just rubbed my dumb pussy until I passed out”, she blurted out before exploding in a symphony of delighted giggling. 
“You know, I know how you call me. Your cunt friends told me. So I’m The Asshole, huh?”
Claire looked at him with fuzzy, unfocused eyes. She’d never think that of a Man!
“What are you?” He asked.
“Holes!”, she replied excitedly. “And tits! And porn!”
“And what do you serve?”
She blanked for a moment. Serve? She did what Men told her, but that wasn’t serving, that was just… being herself. Being a good little cunt. It was natural. Then, as if to help her out, he let his trousers fall.
“Cock!” she yelped. “I serve cock!”
“Then serve”
Duh. Of course she served cock. How could she have forgotten? As she licked and wonderful, conquering cock in front of her, she realized how silly she had been. That was why Men did the thinking. She took in its smell, its smooth texture on her tongue, the way He looked down at her and she looked up at Him. It was just natural.
She was happy, she thought as she relaxed her throat and let that cock slide deeper and deeper inside her.
In the end, she never found out what, exactly, had happened with her laptop. 
Did you enjoy the story? You can support my work at patreon.com/prettynosferatu !
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chimychoo · 2 months
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Where do i begin?
So heres the thing, I watched TPOT 12 then took a shower right after. While taking said shower i took a moment to think about everything that went down. And thought of the wildest theory ever..
One and Three, right?
These two fellas have FINALLY appeared after 15 years! Why is that?
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Here is the scene when X found out their value: 7!
Four, Seven, and X are celebrating and generally very happy. Who isnt happy?
Three and one.
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Theyre clearly angered by this whole situation, but why? Who are they angry at?
Theres three possible options:
1. Seven. But that wouldnt make sense, huh? Basically every algebralien has SOME sort of grudge held against him, so its nothing new. Scratch that!
2. Four. Its possible, four has done alot of things. But thats not who im personally going to focus on. Well, partially at least.
That leaves one more person!
3. X. But why them?
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"Theyre just a little silly dude, they did nothing wrong!" And youre right. Thats exactly why theyre a target.
Youre probably wondering, why am i focusing on X, and not four? Four is more of a suspect, after all.
Think about it this way,
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Three is trapped in a prison inside of Four's school, so four put him there! (They are the only one with control over that place anyway.)
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One is trapped inside of the moon. There isnt really any solid proof to prove my theory with this one, but she came out during TPOT. She clearly had the ability to escape and didnt seem tired out and/or surprised that she finally left her prison. One actually seems happy and collected, even going as far as "greeting everyone" once she's out. She chose to come out at this time, just like how she chose to mess with Two's show.
One also confirmed that shes an "old friend of Two's." If One is suddenly against Two after all the years of them knowing each other, Two clearly did something to her.
And youre STILL probably wondering, "Chim! You still didnt explain what X has to do with all of this!"
Four and Two hate eachother, this hatred being caused by Two when they stole more than HALF of the bfb cast.
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(They seem to not be familiar with eachother when they "first" meet. Im not exactly sure why here HELP.)
But anyway!
Who does Four have a good friendship with? X!
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Who does Two have a good friendship with? Also X!
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X is what keeps them sane around eachother, the only main reason why they stick around.
If anything bad were to happen to X, Four and Two clearly have the power and ability to get back at whatever or WHOever caused this harm.
One and Three did something to X, and it resulted in Two and Four snapping.
Three has basically ZERO information on himself, we know nothing about the guy. But what we do know, is that hes agressive.
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In the Number Playground Chronicles, we get an article that explains an event that takes place, Three being apart of it. The article reads:
(To reduce confusion, ill be adding the names for you guys to differenciate whos who.)
"(Five)Integer did not pick up the ball when dropped, and Three Integer, the person playing with him, became impatient. (Five)Integer was angry at (Three)Integer because, Three Integer could simply pick up the ball and throw it to (Five)Integer, and (Three)Integer and (Five)Integer could keep playing.
The horrible, tragic incident happened at 10:13 AM. Three Integer became Upset.
Three Integer at 10:16, Angry.
Three Integer at 10:31, Furious.
Three Integer at 10:24, and "Foaming."
Three Integer at 10:39, when he started to produce smoke.
(Five)Integer picked up the ball at 6:17 PM."
This event did truly happen, we can see the beginning of it play out in the first few seconds of XFOHV:
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Three was so angry and REFUSED to even touch the ball. Five had to go pick it up themself HOURS after the incident.
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Three also WILLINGLY closed the cell door after it was opened. He couldve escaped, yet he didnt. I have two possible reasons for this:
1. He's afraid of Four catching him, so he followed orders and stayed put.
2. Three's gone insane after a decade and a half of being all alone, to the point that he WANTS to stay inside.
One seems like a friendly character, shes smiling in basically the ENTIRETY of her screentime, (minus the part when she conversed with Fanny.)
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But something about her smile isnt right, its almost disturbing. The way she grins in the oddest situations,
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She is seen with a list during the post-credits scene, with four names on it that are all crossed out, meaning they are "completed."
□ Bell.
□ Bomby.
□ Fanny.
□ Ice Cube.
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Notice how all four of these contestants were in some sort of distress during that moment, and One helped them out! In exchange for a "favor."
1. She helped Bell escape elimination by removing her string (something that annoyed Bell constantly due to contestants activley climbing it.) And hiding her.
2. She helped Bomby escape elimination by hiding him.
3. She gave Fanny a new mouth, discarding the need to spend hours at a time searching for it in the ocean.
4. She gave Ice Cube a new pair of legs, allowing her to walk again.
What exactly does One need these favors for? Revenge against Two, of course!
Theres a popular theory stating that Two was kicked out of the equation playground, this would clear up the confusion as to why they basically NEVER appear in the subscriber specials.
Maybe this is because Two hates math! They said it to Gaty in one of the episodes.
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I also believe that One was also kicked out. Why, you may ask?
Take a look at this scene in the beginning of TPOT 11:
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One's picture was hidden underneath Seven's. As if nobody(COUGH COUGH. Espcially four) wanted her to be mentioned so they simply hid her.
Maybe this is how One and Two became friends, two rejects.
1. How the HELL did One get a mouth and... legs?
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2. Judging by One's little room, she probably really likes space and astronomy, maybe thats way the moon was where she was sent.
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3. Kinda freaky to think that One was there in the moon the ENTIRE time. Throughout every single episode of the series from BFDI 1A to TPOT9, and we never knew.
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Yeah tbh idk what else to say this was just a little info dump cause my mind was PACKED. anyways yeah tell me if i missed anything anf let me know about your little theories and opinions on mine! :3
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tbgkaru-woh · 8 months
100 Dialogue prompts
Trying this out (feel free to tweak out any grammatical errors) so writers who are bored, have at it! ♥ Mix of Fluff, Angst and Smut
“I don’t see you that way”
“I will just do as I’m told. As I’ve always done”
“Have you never ridden a bike/horse before?”
“You don’t have to be so…formal”
“What happened to us?”
“Good things don’t happen to me”
“Interested in palm reading?”
“Bowing to you felt right”
“There, let me help you.”
“Next time, listen to yourself and not me”
“Why do you want to get in trouble so badly?”
“It’s him/her…isn’t it?”
“Are you keeping it?”
“Good to see a familiar face”
“You never had to ask me anything, let alone beg”
“Oh you again?!”
“I need to take you somewhere”
“With you gone, everything went wrong”
“Insufferable, see you at dinner”
“I wasn’t kissing you, I was saving your life!”
“You did all this already, why not finish the job?”
“I will look for you”
“I couldn’t see anything, I couldn’t breathe”
“You knew about it?”
“I will atone for what he/she did”
“You need to start having some faith.”
“Say what you want, I know what I’m feeling is right”
“It’s okay, you will move on. We will move on.”
“How much do you miss him/her? And what if you didn’t have to?”
“Focus on my hands, on my voice…”
“Perhaps you need to be reminded where you belong”
“I was fine having a non-sexual relationship with you, but instead I’m having non-relationship sex with him/her.”
“I wanted to do it for you and in hindsight it was a terrible idea”
“I’ve been inside him/her more than outside him/her”
“Don’t ask me with ‘please’, you’re paying me”
“Oh why won’t you just die already”
“Sometimes I wonder for how long have you wanted his/her heart and if you will ever stop”
“Filthy cheater, we go again!”
“Didn’t you pay your debt already?”
“I can’t get sick/injured.”
“You act like you’ve never been defeated”
“Diamond thrown into the trash still has the value of a diamond”
“I got engaged”
“All this was decided for me, I had no choice”
“I’m beginning to think not even the jail guards/cops want you around, given how many times they’ve let me bail you out”
“You, sir/madam, should watch your alcohol intake”
“I’ve been denying everyone, you’re not special”
“I’m not looking for a romance”
“Isn’t that immoral enough to tempt you?”
“We’re two sides of the same fucked up coin”
“That’s what I like to see, you are your parents’ best indeed!”
“You have nothing to lose right?”
“Oh I can’t wait to hear you sing”
“Anything you’d like to add to the conversation?”
“You need to stop making me pick you up in places someone may see”
“I thought I was a puppeteer pulling the strings but instead I was a back seat audience”
“I want names, I want addresses, I’m gonna make them pay.”
“You know where to find me if you ever want me again.”
“My mother is visiting in like 5 minutes”
“Is it that, or is it because you’re in love with me?”
“Not being able to reciprocate has been the hardest part of my life”
“Did you kill someone?”
“Envious of my youth, are we?”
“The others may have gotten away…”
“I found you. Found you looking like you didn’t want to be found”
“Did we use to be a thing?”
“I can fix this. I can fix this…”
“Weird question, are you a supernatural being? Be honest”
“We should have never played Gods”
“Must you be so harsh with me all the time?”
“What did all these men/women do to deserve you?”
“We have a reputation to uphold”
“May I have this dance?”
“I am a bad influence on you!”
“Let’s make history”
“Who the hell wants to live forever.”
“Feeling any different?”
“Time waits for no one”
“You got your happy-ever-after. And for all I know, it’s because I didn’t.”
“Try that again and you’re gonna lose it”
“Didn’t I say one of these days you’re gonna be the death of me?”
“Do you know what my answer was?”
“You look pathetic.”
“Almost didn’t recognize your voice when it’s not yelling at me”
“I often find myself talking to those no longer here as well”
“Excuse me, this is not a buffet”
“I don’t suspect you because I’m the one who put him/her in the ground”
“You look like someone who likes a good gamble”
“I am poison”
“Feel free to stay as long as you need”
“You don’t need to understand, just be a good little thing”
“I’m gonna need your driver’s license, your ID and your phone number please~”
“Say my name”
“You…are telling the truth”
“Is that why you did that? Back there?”
“Stop reading my mind”
“I can teach you”
“How can you laugh?”
“Pretty pictures. I don’t have any”
“Heaven may fall, but __ can’t die.”
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nochukoo97 · 1 year
i will never not think about you
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Pairing: Soccer Player!Jungkook x Reader
Summary: req: “May I request something, please? I'd like it to be a JK x reader enemies to lovers fic, when he hears you defending him when someone badmouths about him” alsoo JK PLAYS THE GUITAR HERE for reader 🥺🥺
Word Count: 1.3k+
a/n: this was a request sent to me and i turned out to really like it so i made it a fic to put on my main masterlist HAHAHA ❤️
You and Jungkook were notoriously known for despising each other, he often found ways to pick at you and annoy you, to which you retaliate back twice the amount.
Everytime he would see you, Jungkook always had something irritating to say, the type that would make you roll your eyes at his endless teasing.
But yet Jungkook seemed too perfect for you to find anything to tease him about, he was the school’s star soccer player, had top grades, and he had his values and morals straight. The only downside to this boy was that he could not leave you alone for the life of him.
As much as you “hated” him and envied his perfect conduct, there was this small feeling inside that you constantly pushed away: The sparks you felt in your chest when Jungkook was around you.
You would never let yourself even begin to think about that. It didn’t make sense to you, both you and Jungkook despised each other, so you pushed away those feelings, embarrassed that they had even come about.
The canteen is bustling with noise and chaos as students walk into the area, rushing to reserve their seats and buying their food.
Luckily for you and Chaeyong, you had been dismissed early from class and managed to get there before the huge crowd appeared.
You listen to the conversations being carried out at the table with Chaeyong and some of her other friends, of which you weren’t too familiar with, but you gave you input here and there, finding their gossip quite hilarious.
“Oh my gosh~” Mina says, “And then she literally- wait shit that’s Jungkook coming this way!” She squeals as you internally cringe at her reaction.
Another thing about Jungkook was that he was popular amongst the girls, which was what you assumed gave him his ego.
“Hi ___” Jungkook sends you a boyish grin as he slides into the empty seat next to you. You frown at him as you also hear Chaeyong’s friends squeal amongst themselves.
“What?” You grumble as you look back at your plate of food, not in the mood to put up with a fight with him.
But you don’t have time to react when Jungkook slides out of the seat, grabbing his tray, but also using his chopsticks to grab a piece of meat from your plate.
“Jeon Jungkook!” You shout as he walks away grinning from ear to ear with his tray, heading to another table where his teammates sat. You groan as Chaeyong attempts to console you.
“___ why do you even bother to interact with him? He’s such a douchebag and I’m pretty sure he’s a dick, I don’t even think he’s that good at soccer and honestly he’s only popular because of his looks, nothing else,” One of Chaeyong’s friends, Jisu, mocks.
You immediately frown at her words, upset at what she had blatantly just said. “First of all, who are you to say that? Jungkook is literally the top player of our school’s soccer team and he obviously has the skill. If he heard you say that I can guarantee he will not be happy,” You say back at her.
Jisu isn’t quite the happiest at your response either, “Well my boyfriend, Chanyeol, can easily pick a fight with him if he dares to do anything, Jungkook won’t stand a chance,” She scoffs, clearly agitated.
“I can tell you one thing, Jungkook will not lose a fight with anyone here, he’s so strong your boyfriend won’t even be able to stand if they got into a fight, don’t try to use you boyfriend to defend yourself because it’ll never work,” And with that you stand up and take your tray to another table, not wanting to be around Jisu anymore.
Little did you know Jungkook had been standing behind the pillar next to your table and listening to every word you had said.
Fast forward a week later, you find yourself stuck with being partners with guess who? Jeon Jungkook.
Your chemistry teacher must have played a sick prank on you both for pairing the two of you up for a project.
So that’s how you’re currently sitting on the floor of Jungkook’s bedroom, as he furiously types away on his laptop.
“Are you just going to sit there and stare into blank space or actually help me over here?” Jungkook looks up at you from his laptop, frowning slightly.
“You play guitar?” You ignore his question as you point to the guitar sitting on a stand in the corner of his room.
“Yeah, okay now back to the project,” Jungkook hastily replies, pushing your laptop towards you in hopes of getting you back on track.
Instead you frown as you push the laptop back, clearly uninterested in the project at the moment.
“Can you play a song for me?” You softly ask, not recognising your own voice. It was as if your underlying feelings for him had suddenly taken over your consciousness.
Jungkook slightly raises his eyebrow, surprised at your tone and your request but complies, as he puts his laptop aside and walks to get the guitar.
“What song do you want me to play?” Jungkook asks, after he expertly tunes the guitar.
“Never Not by Lauv, that’s my favourite,” You giggle as Jungkook playfully rolls his eyes, knowing that he’s heard the same song so many times before.
When Jungkook starts to strum and sing the song, you begin to gaze at him with admiration, heart thumping loudly in your chest as you listen to his honey-like voice ring throughout the room.
And when he finishes, your eyes light up as you praise him, “Oh my gosh that was so good Gguk, thank god you’re at least good at one thing,” You tease him towards the end, not noticing the pet name slipping out of your mouth.
Jungkook looks at you in amusement, not commenting how your “Gguk” made his heart almost explode in his chest.
“I’m pretty good at other things you know, Miss ‘Jungkook is good at soccer and he can beat your boyfriend up’ ” Jungkook laughs, seeing your shocked face.
“I- How- Wait! How do you-” You stutter through words as your jaw drops, “And that’s not what I said anyways!” You whine as you slap his arm.
“Well I just rephrased whatever you said because it seemed like you had a lot of good things to say about me,” Jungkook smirks at you as he puts down the guitar and walks towards your seated figure.
He approaches you and closes the gap between you two, causing you to panic and inch back further, only to be restricted by his bed behind you.
Now the only thing you could feel was Jungkook’s bed frame against your back and his whispering in your ear,
“Didn’t know Miss ‘I hate Jungkook’ loved me so much, hmm?” His breath hits your ear as he whispers, your cheeks turning to a horrible shade of red, breathing staggered.
Jungkook pulls back to stare at your reaction, but you can’t bring yourself to even look at him, letting your gaze fall to your fidgeting hands on your lap.
But the boy has other plans, when he lifts your chin with his fingers, connecting your lips together as you gasp at the sudden move.
“Relax baby,” Jungkook mumbles through the kiss, taking your hands and bringing them up to wrap around his neck.
You slowly began to relax into the kiss, unable to process how unimaginable this was.
When Jungkook breaks away from the kiss, you both look at each other, slightly panting.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered,” Jungkook coos as he laughs when you frown and slap his chest.
“Okay now sit here,” He pats the ground next to him, “I need to teach my girlfriend how to play my guitar”
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bones4thecats · 7 days
➸ Death v. Life; Eliza / Idia Shroud × S/O
Character: Eliza and Idia Shroud (separate, but in same part) A/N: The ending was kind of rushed, but I hope it's a good read for you Idia Shroud simps! Disclaimer(s): In this timeline, Eliza kidnaps the Reader and not Idia. This means she 'loves' the Reader and not our favorite flame-headed introvert. Btw; Reader's Outfit and Brooch
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╚═════ Eliza vs. Idia Shroud ═══════════════════════╝
💍🎮 You walked around the campus with your headphones blaring the playlist that Yuu had made you the day prior. It was very energetic, which you appreciated
💍🎮 The announcement of a Ghost Bride coming by was shown to everyone in the vicinity, but you believed you would be far from her taste. You were far from the average person, from a young age you got intro trouble, which became to much for your body to handle
💍🎮 You had run through the nearby forest when you were young and ended up getting your body extremely injured during your little 'quest'. Thankfully, a passerby found you and brought you to the hospital where they had to give you multiple surgeries to amputate the right arm, both legs, and left eye of yours replaced or enhanced
💍🎮 Because of the enhancements made, you had a full tech-based pair of legs, single arm, and parts of it inside of your eye. Growing up was hard after that, as you grew fearful of the outside world and became a recluse, but you were growing out of your shell since you met Yuu and they began helping you talk to others again
💍🎮 You adored the magic-less human, while many found him annoying and a waste of space at the school, you thought they fit in perfectly. After all, what human of no value could handle things like overblots multiple times without dying?
💍🎮 As your mind raced with the thoughts of your human companion and his cat, Grim, you failed to hear the sounds of movement behind you. Only when you felt something rush past you that you took your headphones off and readied your magic wand, veins starting to glow as your magical energy charged for a spell
"Who's there? Reveal yourself!" You ordered, looking at the nearby bushes.
💍🎮 The next thing you knew, you were seeing nothing but the darkness that matched the halls of Ignihyde before passing out cold and being wrapped in a sack
💍🎮 Groaning as your eyes slowly opened, you were shocked to see you being bound by your wrists as a ghost busied himself with your hair, styling the long-locks into a long ponytail with a lace-braid. You furrowed your eyebrows as you tried focusing on your surroundings
"Where... ugh... where am I?" You asked.
"In your dressing room, Lord/Lady L/N." He answered, adding a tiny brooch on the lapel of the suit jacket.
💍🎮 The ghost then floated to the door and nodded at two ghost knights, causing them to come inside and begin dragging you out of the room and down the halls. You yelled, trying to get out of their grasp, but you kept failing. Despite being dead, they were extremely strong with their grip
"Let me go, you sick assholes!"
"I recommend you stay silent unless you wish to disrespect your future wife."
"My future what?!"
🎮 Ortho rushed through the halls at full-speed. Ignihyde dorm members were all balled up in their rooms while he dashed by, they all knew that it was the little robot who was going by, but they could care less about the entire issue at the moment
🎮 As he approached his brother's room, he checked the Night Raven College's camera footage and his eyes widened even more as he saw you being practically dragged down the aisle to where that ghost bride stood, awaiting your presence across from her
"Big brother! Y/N needs help!" He yelled.
🎮 Idia jumped and screamed, clinging onto a nearby blanket as his heart pounded quickly in fear. He then stood up with a small shake as he asked what was going on with Ortho
"Y/N needs help, Idia!"
"What do you mean? Did their arms or something start glitching? They've fixed it before..."
"No, big brother... you remember the announcement about the Ghost Bride?"
"She has Y/N! They're all dressed up and everything so the bride can marry them!"
"WHAT?!" He yelled, hair going from a calm, almost ocean-like blue, to a vibrant orange and red, matching the fire it looked like.
🎮 Ortho nodded and began to recant everything he heard from the other first years. As the third-year listened to the boys telling him everything that happened, from being kicked out for trying to save you from your dressing room to making their plan to get back inside to get you back safe
"Idia, you need to help save them."
"Do I need too?"
💍 Eliza smiled as you were walked down the aisle to where you would stand across from her. She always wanted this, the perfect spouse. She always believed she was to marry a prince that fit her description down to the dot, but now she wanted you, not that old dream instilled in her
💍 You kept struggling against the guards as the other NRC students watched with slight fear and guilt for you being in this situation. Everyone knew you had some issues with being forced in things, but this was a whole other level
"My future spouse, you look amazing." Eliza said as you stood across from her, arms still bound behind your back.
"Please... let me go." You said.
"I'm sorry, but no. You'll understand after a while."
💍 As the Minister opened his book to speak the whole story to you both, the doors were slammed open and there revealed Ortho, eyes overwhelmed with anger, the other first years (including Yuu and Grim), with matching expressions, and Idia, who's hair was erupted in complete rage
"Let Y/N go."
"Yeah! They asked nicely more times than necessary!" Yuu yelled.
💍🎮 The Ghost Bride narrowed her eyes in anger as she began yelling about how inconsiderate they were of her special day
"I'll give you one last warning, you blue brat. Let my S/O go, or I'll open the gates of the Underworld and throw you from your neck back to the pits where you deserve to be!"
💍🎮 Eliza flinched and screamed, sending her many guards after the group while everyone else watched in shock. You began to struggle again, making a guard look at you and grab your arm, twisting it backwards more to hurt you
"Sucks for you, buddy. My right arm isn't even real." You said, sending your head back to bash him backwards.
💍🎮 The guard when flying as the other boys saw you fight back with your arms pulled backwards. You then heard Epel yell your name, he ran up and pulled out a knife. How he had that without Vil knowing, you really could care less, if it got you out, it got you out
"Thanks, Epel." You said, taking your body and throwing it to get some of the guards down.
💍🎮 A scream was the thing that burst everyone out of their fights. You looked backwards and saw Idia standing above the princess, anger ever so present on his face. He glared at her and gave her one of the most horrifying threats you ever heard leave his mouth
"If you touch my S/O again, I'll take my magic pen and make you fall so many times down into the Underworld that you'll wish you died a second time, got me?"
💍🎮 You sighed and ran up to them, pushing them farther apart. Idia snapped out of his anger and looked at you closer. He was shocked. You look absolutely amazing in your outfit. Those ghosts may have kidnapped you, but they knew how to dress you
"Idia, I'm fine now. Let the Ghost Bride lady go."
"Princess Eliza, are you alright?!" A guard yelled as he helped her up from the ground.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine."
💍🎮 Idia looked at you and sighed, hugging you. It was obvious that he blocked everyone else out and only saw you there at the moment, as he was being very bold at the moment
"Eliza, is it?" You asked.
"Do you know what consent is?" You asked again, making her eyes slightly widen.
"Do you know what consent is?"
"It's the permission to do something with someone, why?"
"Do you think you had my consent to do this wedding with me being the one betrothed to you?"
"Then why would you proceed with this idea?"
"I don't... I don't know..."
"If you want love this badly, just look behind you. He obviously cares about you more than anyone I've ever seen. What guard looks at their princess with so much care that they would risk everything for them? Certainly not one that views them platonically, that's for sure."
💍🎮 Eliza looked at the guard, whom was named Puffy, with a shocked expression and they spoke. Confronting one another and their possible feelings and future
💍🎮 You just smiled as Puffy confessed and took your good arm and grabbed Idia's hand, pulling him gently away from the crowd to a more secluded area to speak by yourselves
"I can't believe you came in here with so much confidence. I always thought I'd only see you look like that by yourself playing a video game." You joked, making Idia fluster and look away.
"But. Thank you so much for doing this for me. I love you, Idia."
"I love you more, player two."
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xetlynn · 5 months
Twilight- Unknown: Chapter Seven, The Battle
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[six] [seven, end of The Eclipse]
Later that night, Bella asked for a sleepover like old times. It shocked me at first. I was expecting her to ask more questions about my past lives but surprisingly she didn't.
We just watched movies together, eating popcorn. Maybe a random question about what it was like being a vampire.
She was sound asleep after the second movie. I decided to watch a few others but in the middle of the night she swings her fist, hitting me right in the arm. "Bella? What happened?" I woke her up, she breathed heavily, her heart racing.
"The intruder... The newborn army. They're all her puppets. Victoria." She says out of order and I raise a brow. "Alice or I would've seen if she wanted to make an army." I argue. "Unless she's hiding behind them, and she's letting someone else decide. Maybe she found out how you guy's visions work." She explains, I sit a little straight. Considering it.
"Trust me, I hope what you're saying is true and that it's her. I'll speak to the Cullen's about it, go back to sleep." I tell her, she nods her head. "We'll talk more about it tomorrow." I assured her since she seemed like she wanted more from the conversation.
I told Edward about it over the phone, now he's changed his mind about Bella being allowed to be even near the fight. Knowing she's a huge target. He's so serious about it he wants Jacob to help him with his idea.
We stand in the woods together. Jasper, Edward, Bella, Jacob, and I. Jacob goes away with Bella in his arms. Us three wait here.
"Okay, go ahead." Edward nods to us. Jasper and I take each other's hands and smell for my sister. Nothing comes about, only Jacob's wolf smell.
"All we picked up was wolf stench. No Bella. This will work." Jasper tells his brother who seems relieved. "Great."
"Okay, Alice, don't be a stranger." My dad waves to my girlfriend as Bella gets out of her truck, confused. "Okay." Alice grins. I see Bella's surprised face.
"Your alibis for the battle is all arranged." She says, pulling me into a small kiss. Holding onto my waist. "Really?" Bella asks.
"I told your guy's father that our whole family's going camping this weekend. So you two are having a sleepover with me. Charlie is going fishing anyway." Alice simply tells us.
I'm surprised he went for it since I am dating Alice but it's probably because Bella will be there and he doesn't think I would do that around my sister. Which I wouldn't... Just in the woods...
"Charlie? You guys are on the same name basis now?" Bella questions. "Yeah, that's crazy." I add in with a little chuckle.
"Me, he likes. Actually, you and Edward will have the house to yourself tonight." Alice smirks at my sister. "Like alone?" "We're all going hunting. Powering up for the battle. You're welcome." She smiles, walking me to her car and we stand there.
"I'm going hunting?" I raise a brow.
"Well, we can go away from the others, of course." She flirts, pulling me closer by my neck to kiss my lips. "Mm, I guess so." I kissed her once more.
"I'll see you later, lovebug." She tells me, opening her car door. "Can't wait." I wink, walking away to join Bella again, going inside our house.
"Hey. Do either of you want a sandwich?" Charlie asks us. "No, I'm good." Bella says. "I'll take one." I yawn.
"Well, the sister. [Name]'s girlfriend. I like." He points to me and I smile, Bella playfully rolls her eyes.
"Alice, yeah. She's great." My sister agrees. She moves over to the sink to start washing the dishes. "Hey, dad. I was wondering. Why didn't you get remarried, after mom?" She asks him suddenly. I look over to him, he seems a little stunned by the question but nonetheless he answers it.
"I don't know... Guess I still haven't met the right gal. Why?"
"I don't know. I thought you just... Maybe you gave up on the whole institution of it. Of marriage. But do you think there's any value in it?" She rambles a little bit. I scrunch my face in where she's going with this.
"Yeah, yeah marriage has value. When you're older. Much older. Like your mother. It seems to work out fine for her the second time around. Later in life." He says.
"Yeah, I guess." She shrugs.
"You definitely don't wanna have to get married because you weren't careful." He tells her and I snort out a laugh, getting a small glare from both of them. "What?" She huffs.
"Look, you know what I'm talking about. Both of you should listen. There's things that you need to think about if you're gonna be physically intimate." He begins, both Bella and I groan.
"Not the talk." I complain. "Oh don't, it's just as embarrassing for me as it is for you two." He tells us. "I doubt that. And don't bother because mom beat you to it like ten years ago." Bella tries to stop him.
"Well, you two didn't have partners ten years ago." Charlie defends.
"I'm sure things work the same way." Bella shakes her head. "Alright, so you guys are taking precautions and-"
"Okay, dad. Please don't worry about that with me. Edward is old school." Bella admits to him. I see my dad perk up a bit.
"Old school, great. What's that? Like code for something?" He questions her. "Oh my God. Dad. I'm a virgin." She blurts out.
"Okay, good. Glad we covered that." He sighs. "Me too."
"Virgin...Liking Edward a little bit more now." He says and that makes a mortified Bella bolt for the door. I laugh quietly.
"I wouldn't laugh [Name] I still gotta talk to you." He points to me and I smirk.
"I'm a virgin too." I lied to him, why would I tell my dad I've had sex? Do I look stupid to you?
"Good, Cullens are getting on my good side today." He mutters and I shake my head, leaving the room.
Later that night Bella had left to go to the Cullen's house as I was joining the others during their hunting.
The whole time my mind was away from everything. Thinking about how the fight is going to go down. How I have to use my wolf form during it. I've been practicing with Sam but it hasn't been easy. It's been the complete opposite.
I can't get used to using it. It doesn't feel right.
I want to let the others know I don't think I'm going to turn but I know that would only upset them. They're busy hunting right now though so I've just been climbing through the trees.
Watching the view above. It's a scene I don't think I could fully appreciate as a human. I mean I can see further so there's that.
"[Name], darling." I heard Jasper speak, startling me since I wasn't paying attention. I jumped down from the tree.
"Yes?" I innocently ask, smiling at him. "I have something to talk to you about." He admits, I tilt my head. Not saying anything, just letting him continue on. "So, the battle." He starts then immediately pauses. "Mhm." I hum out.
"We've come to the conclusion that you should be with Bella. Away from the fight. Edward thinks it's best that it's another person protecting Bella up on the mountain. And then he and Jacob will be-" "Pause." I laugh out loud.
"I'm getting put with the weird love triangle?" I question, a little offended that they're making me do this. "I don't want to but yes." He nods his head shamefully.
I stare at him for a moment. Calming myself before I speak. I understand where they're coming from and it won't hurt to be up there. I'm confident in my family to get it done without even getting hurt. They're strong.
"Okay, I'll do it. Only because it does help me make sure my sister is safe. The only thing is I won't know if you and Alice are." I frown, grabbing his hand.
"Alice thought of that. You're a hybrid, you can hear everything from a distance." He tells me. "If one of us gets hurt you'll hear it and you can come a runnin." He smiles. I shrug my shoulders letting out a long breath.
"I guess, if I hear anything of your two's distress I will be there." I warned him. "Understandable, darlin." He kisses my lips shortly.
In the morning I'm waiting for Bella and Edward as Bella spread little drops of blood around the woods. "You're going overboard." I heard Edward say.
"If this is all I can contribute, I want to be thorough." My sister tells him. "The newborns will be frantic. Now let me put a bandage on that." He tells her. "It doesn't bother me anymore." He adds and I'm a little confused on why he said that. "Since when?" My sister asks.
"Since I spent 24 hours thinking you were dead." "You're not wearing your ring." Mm now I understand. "Well, I didn't want to risk losing it." She simply says. "Or risk Jacob seeing?"
"I think we should wait to tell him. I mean, at least till after the fight." I can't believe I found out they were engaged this way. "If you're having second thoughts..."
"I'm not. I just want him to have a clear head." Bella assures him. I hear Jacob come into play so I walk towards them as well.
"Whose head is unclear?" Jake asks. "Nobody's I hope." My sister says. "Alice says there's a storm coming." Edward announces.
"I can feel it." I stare up at the sky. "Me too, we should get going." Jacob says. "I'll take the longer route. But I'll get there first. Set up camp." Edward tells Jacob and I who nod our heads in understanding. He turns to my sister and kisses her before leaving.
"I have to turn. I'm not getting carried by you, sorry Jake." I apologize unsincerely. "Understandable." He waves me off. "Here. So I have something to change into." I hand a small bag to Bella.
I go off into the woods, taking off my shirt and pants before transforming into my wolf form.
I meet them up at the mountain, beating Jacob and Bella by a few minutes. Edward covers me in a blanket as I transform back into my regular form.
"Jesus, I'm glad I have the wolf heat." I let out a small shiver. He laughs. "Here." Bella hands me my bag and I thank her before going into the tent.
I quickly changed. I hear them talking but I don't pay much mind to it. Not really caring enough to do so. "You guys can come in now."
Late in the night the storm gets worse and worse meaning it's only colder. Bella's freezing, her teeth chattering can be heard miles away.
"I should have chosen a site lower down." Edward frowns. "No, it's fine. I'm okay." Bella assures him. "What can I do?" He asks. She only shakes her head. The zipper opens, revealing Jacob.
"I can't sleep with all that teeth chattering going on." He chuckles. "Forget  it." Edward stops him. "She may need her toes someday and let's face it. I'm hotter than you and [Name] here." He begins to crawl to Bella's side but Edward's hand is suddenly hard on his shoulder.
"Get your hand off me." Jacob warns him. "Get your hands off her."
"Don't fight." Bella says, still shivering. Edward notices how cold she looks and pulls his hand away. "Ashe gets sick, it's on you." Jacob tells him. Edward glances at me and I nod my head.
"Just let him, it will help her." He closes his eyes, letting Jacob do it. "Why, You're freezing, Bella. relax , you'll warm up soon. Faster if you took your clothes off." He jokes around. I make a disgusted expression.
"Jake." Bella warns him to stop. "Survival one oh one."  He sighs. Edward glares at him. This is going to be a long night.
I lay in the corner of the tent in my own sleeping bag. I slowly fall asleep, luckily just missing the conversation Jacob and Edward have.
In the morning Bella and I climbed out of the tent. We're met with the young wolf, Seth sitting there. Staring at us. "Hi, Seth." Bella waves to him. I give the boy a small smile who huffs in response as a little hello.
"Where's Jacob? Did he already..." "Not yet." Edward cuts off her sentence. "He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes." He tells her, wrapping an arm around her and that makes Seth job off.
"I'm really sorry about last night. That couldn't have been easy for you." Bella begins and that's my cue to leave the scene.
I joined Seth up above from where he was. It's boring up here. I wish I argued with Jasper and stayed to fight but I knew it would've made way more problems than what it's worth. I don't want to argue with them anymore.
After a while passes I know that Jacob joined them. I listen to the fighting down below. I focus on Jasper and Alice's voices, their grunts and orders to each other. I wish I could be there with them. I hear Alice and Jasper fighting one of the same newborns.
"Jasper- back off- you can't be everywhere at- watch out!" I hear Edward shout to the air, knowing they couldn't hear him. I hear Alice tell Jasper she can handle themselves.
I stand up to go join but Edward's already at my side stopping me. "He's alright. She is too. You can't join." He tells me and I glare up at him.
"Like hell I can't." I push past him but he only speeds in front of me once again. "Not yet." He tells me. Then we both stop. We share a look with Seth.
"Someone's hurt?" Bella asks us. "Seth, go." I ordered him. He bolts away from the campsite. "Is it Jasper?" She asks another question.
"She's close. I can hear her thoughts. She knew we weren't there but she caught mine and [Name]'s scent." He explains. I stand close to Bella, he stands in front of her. "She knew Bella would be with me. She thinks she's lucky with [Name]." He translated her thoughts out loud to us.
"She found us." Bella whispers.
"She's not alone." I add in. Then a boy, the missing one from the papers, steps out of the woods.
"Riley, listen to me. Victoria's just using you, to distract me, But she knows I'll kill you." Edward tells the boy who looks shocked at first. He hesitates. "In fact, she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore." He tries to convince the boy, knowing it's the truth but he of course doesn't know that. Victoria emerges out of the woods.
"Don't listen, Riley. I told you about their mind tricks." She tells the boy, who is obviously easily influenced. "I can read her mind, so I know what she thinks about you." Edward tells him.
"He's lying." Victoria argues. "She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. It's the only thing she cares about. Not you." Edward says.
"There's only you. You know that." Victoria says after seeing the hesitation in Riley. He focuses back on us. Positioning to attack. Victoria's eyes meet with Bella's, filled with bloodlust and revenge.
"Think about it. You're from Forks. You know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you." Edward was a bit more harsh with his choice of words. Riley falters slightly. "Riley, don't let him do this to us. You know I love you." Victoria forms her face to be more emotional. Somehow convincing the boy.
"You're dead." Riley attacks Edward.
Seth leaps from the cliff above and lands on Riley taking a chunk out of hus hand. He screams in pain. Seth circles back for another attack. Edward starts toward Victoria as I hold onto Bella making sure she's not able to be touched. Victoria goes to escape but Edward darts in her path.
"You can escape. You always do. But you won't get another chance like this again." Edward threatens her choices. She hisses back at him, backing further away.
"You want her. You want [Name]. You want me, Jasper and Alice to feel the pain you felt when we killed James. When we tore him into pieces. Then turned him into ash. When I turned him into nothing." Edward edges her on. Which it works. She erupts and charges toward Bella and I.
I hold onto Bella before running out of the way. Edward intercepts her plan and they roll down the hill.
We watch Seth get kicked down the cliff. Riley spins toward us. To help Edward I push Bella back and grab Riley myself.  As we fought together he got me into a headlock. Edward fighting with Victoria seemed a little hopeless.
That was until Bella stabs her arm with a shard of some rock slate.
They stop going towards the smell. I take the arm that was around my neck and rip it off. A loud screeching noise because of it.
I toss the arm to the side and Seth leaps up, tackling Riley. Dragging him into the woods. "Victoria! Victoria!" Riley screams but the redhead does nothing, not even giving him another glance. We hear the screeching of his head getting torn off by Seth.
Edward charges towards Victoria, the two clash and begin to fight. It was fast.
He pummels her down and has himself behind her, holding her in a death grip. She struggles glaring at Bella and I. I ripped my shirt and tied it around Bella's wound tightly. Edward bares his teeth and bites a chunk from her neck, ripping her head off.
"Edward." Bella says, going towards him as she tries to touch him but he turns away. "I didn't want you to see that."
"I'll get some bandages for your arm." He starts for the tent but Seth lets out a small howl.
"Something's wrong." Bella says. "Alice needs us." I tell them. "And now." Edward agrees. "Why? What's happening?" Bella asks.
A massive fire burns when we show up. The Cullens and the wolves drag what's left of the newborns into the fire. "How long?" Edward asks.
"A few minutes. Maybe ten." Alice tells us. "They timed their arrival well." Rosalie joins in. "Probably hoping the newborns took a few of us out." Emmett spits.
"What's she doing here?" Edward points to the newborn girl behind them.
"We offered her safe haven if she stopped fighting. She took it." Esme tells him. "The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves." Carlisle speaks up.
"Where's Jacob?" Bella asks. "There." Edward points to the large world but then he hears a vampire behind him. Leah charges.
"Leah, don't!" Edward shuts but it's too late. The newborn grabs her ruff, yanking her off of her paws but Jacob leaps onto him tackling him. He tries to bite the newborn but it gets its arms around Jacob, crushing him. Jacob howls in agony. I wince at the sight.
"Jacob!" Bella screams. The other wolves pounce on the newborn, pulling him apart.
Edward and Carlisle appear to Jacob's side. Jacob is back to his human form. His face contorted and looked like he could barely breathe.
"Hold on, carlisle is gonna take care of you." Edward tells the boy. "The bones on the right half of his body are shattered." Carlisle tells everyone. Jacob squeezes Edward's hand. Bella reaches them, dropping to her knees and she strokes his face. "Bella." He huffs out. "Jake, I'm right here." She says.
"Jacob, you idiot. I had it." Leah tells him, saddened by what happened and obviously feeling guilt. "Leah." Sam states, basically telling her not now.
"I need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting." Carlisle says. "We need to get him out of here. We;re not gonna win in a fight with the Volturi." Edward orders,
"We'll take him back to Billy's." Sam nods. "I'll be there as soon as I can." Carlisle assures them. "Hand in there, Jake. We got you." Bella touches him one last time.
Jacob cries out in pain as the pack lifts him.
"They're here." Alice speaks up. I stand between Jasper and her.  "It appears you've done our work for us." Jane comes into view out of the smoke.
"Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." Jane raises a brow. "We were lucky." Carlisle smiles.
"I doubt that." Jane hums. "It appears we missed an entertaining fight." Alec frowns in disappointment. "Yes, it's not often rendered unnecessary."
"If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose." Edward hostilely tells her.
She then looks behind us, spotting the young girl. "You missed one." Jane points.
"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender." Carlisle informs her. "That wasn't yours to offer." Jane moves towards the young one. Esme shoots Carlisle a concerned look.
"Why did you come?" But before the girl can answer the question she uses her power on the girl. She screams in pain.
"They came to destroy us. To kill Bella and [Name]." Esme speaks but Jane ignores her. Enjoying the pain. "Who created you?"
"You don't need to do that. She'll tell you anything you want to know." Esme pleads with the blonde vampire. "I know."
Carlisle puts a hand on his wife's shoulder. The girl's screams stop. "I don't know, Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe." She tells Jane, who only zaps her again.
"Her name was Victoria. Perhaps you knew her." Edward says.
"Jane faces Edward with an unnerving smile. The other three positions behind Jane. "Edward. If the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would've stopped her. Isn't that right, Jane?" Carlisle makes eye contact with the girl who just stares at him.
"Of course. Felix." She suddenly says and the brunette male moves to the girl.
"She didn't know what she was doing. We'll take responsibility for her. Give her a chance." Esme begs with Jane and the other members.
"The volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know that she's still human." Jane looks over to Bella. "The date is set." Bella spits out.
"Take care of that Felix. I'd like to go home." She ignores my sister.
The male does it and we all wince at the noises. "Thank you, Felix. Until next time." They all leave.
Later that day I sat in my room. On my bed more specifically. Alice and Jasper at the foot of it.
"Edward and Bella are engaged." I suddenly tell them with my lips pursed out stuck in thought.
"Mhm, that's huge. Are you excited for them?" Alice asks me and I nod. "Of course."
"Why are you bringing it up, darlin '?" Jasper asks with a small smirk on his lips.
"Oh no reason." I lay back in my bed. I hear them snicker at me. Joining me in laying on either side of me.
"Is there something you're hinting at?" Alice pokes my side. "I don't know, am I?" I stay strong with a stern straight facial expression.
"Well polyamory isn't exactly legal in most states." Jasper points out to me.
"Let's move to another country." I simply shrug my shoulders causing them both to laugh.
"We'll get married." Alice hums. "Someday."
"Why not now." I offer. "Are you proposing to us?" She asks and I raise a brow. "Mmm, why do I have to be the one to propose?" I huff.
"You brought it up." Jasper reminds me and I chuckle.
"Fair, fair." I kiss his lips then face Alice to do the same.
"Let's let them have their moment then right after steal their thunder." I exclaim, closing my eyes.
"Sounds fair to me, lovebug." Alice lays her head on my chest.
"Yeah, very smart, darlin." Jasper agrees.
Taglist: if you want to be added lmk!
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thejujvtsupost · 11 months
Hello! This is my first time ever asking for a request 😭 I’m pretty shy but id like to request GetoxF!reader with smut where the reader is a new student/strong sorcerer and catches Getos attention
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Weak to Sunshine
Hi anon! I love this idea sm 😌 okay technically I like anything with Geto but that’s beside the point.
Notes: F!reader, both Geto and reader are teachers and oblivious, Geto is mean at first but dw it’s just because he’s a little dumb, smut, oral (f receiving), light fluff, cocky attitudes lead to porn.
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Geto wasn’t easy to surprise, but your sheer power was amazing. He’d prefer not to be on the receiving end of it ever again.
He was aware there was a new teacher and he didn’t go out of his way to welcome you the way others Gojo did.
When you tried to say hello to him in the hallway he acknowledged you with a grunt and nothing else. Gojo told you he was too grumpy all the time, that it probably wasn’t anything you did. So you still made sure to include him, inviting him to the activities you often did with Shoko and Gojo, saving space for him at lunch.
It wasn’t that he hated you or anything- quite the opposite. You had a sunshine personality, a soft demeanor and made students feel good about themselves, you were naturally caring. He valued people like that and found it adorable admirable.
But he didn’t understand why you were there. He had yet to see you spar (if he went outside once in a while he would see you training the kids every day) and you didn’t exude power the way other sorcerers did. If he wasn’t aware ahead of time, he would never have thought you were a sorcerer. So Geto, as nice as you seem and pretty as you were (wait, pretty?), didn’t think you could teach the students enough to be helpful- do you really belong there? And when Shoko was telling him he should be nicer to you, that every time you were around he grew quiet, he voiced his concerns. After all it was only Shoko.
Or he thought it was.
You went looking for her, intending to see if she wanted to get lunch together and you heard her voice down the hall.
You swear you weren’t eavesdropping. You knocked on the door frame but the pair didn’t acknowledge you, and when you walked inside you immediately wished you hadn’t.
“All I’m saying is if she can’t be valuable to the kids or the school then she shouldn’t be here. Her energy is so weak, she couldn’t overpower a first year. Seems pretty reliant on Gojo too. What use does the school have for someone that can’t train them? All she ever does is smile like a puppy, she makes the kids happy but do they even take her seriously?”
“She goes out just as often as Gojo for the hard curses. She picks up your slack and your missions, always saying she doesn’t mind helping out since you refuse to go anywhere. She can repress her energy dipshit. That’s mean Suguru, even for-” Shoko didn’t get to finish her sentence.
“So that’s what you think of me?” You could hear your voice crack. “You hate me because you think I’m weak? You really think I’m nice because I can’t do anything else?”
“Look I’m just trying to say…”
“I fucking heard what you said, you got your panties in a bunch because I know how to repress my energy! That’s pathetic. It’s not your job to evaluate my attitude or my work performance when I’m the one doing your shit on top of mine you lazy ass. What do you do all day while I risk my life to do your job for you?” Shoko decided it would be best to back away slowly. Standing in the doorway behind you was safer than between two angry sorcerers.
Gojo ended up standing beside her when he heard the commotion- you were both lucky the students weren’t around right now.
Geto’s fists clenched at his sides where he stood in an attempt to calm himself, “You have no idea what Gojo and I have done for this school, you have no right to call me-”
“Heyyy buddy maybe you shouldn’t-” Gojo went unheard and Shoko just put a hand in front of him to let you two work it out. If he intervened it only made you look like you couldn’t handle yourself.
“Oh fuck Gojo, you know he has nothing to do with this! You’re using him as a crutch for your excuses-”
“Oh so that’s it? It makes sense now. You’re fucking Gojo, no wonder he thinks so highly of you, or maybe lowly of you, I’m not in your bedroom.”
That’s when all hell broke loose. You made a strangled noise in the back of your throat and tried to hold back your tears. You wanted to hit him, it would’ve been more satisfying.
“Fuck you, Geto.” Instead, you raised your hand out from your body and blasted him through the wall of his classroom and into the courtyard. For the first time in a long time, you were happy it was pouring rain.
Once again Gojo and Shoko were ignored, you stomped past them and left for your office. You were gone before Geto could see your tears. You were sick of everyone treating you like that; being able to control your energy output was an advanced skill that most people didn’t have. You were strong. There was more to your life than being a sorcerer, being in control was an advantage to maintaining that.
And more than anything you were hurt. A little humiliated that the person you really liked thought you were a floozy and not to mention it was more than obvious he didn’t care to know you. What he actually thought of you hurt the most. You didn’t expect him to like you the way you liked him, but you at least wanted to be friends.
Shoko shook her head and went back to work, “Karma.”
“Oof- that’s gonna hurt for a few days!” Gojo approached Geto sitting in the rain and mud.
“Shut up Satoru.”
“Hmm nope! That was kinda mean of you but damnnnn she threw you like thirty feet. For someone so short she’s got a lot of fire in her.” Gojo wasn’t one to contain his teasing, this wasn’t an exception. If anything it was a golden opportunity to make fun of him for years to come. He took several selfies, some with a peace sign and they all had Geto’s soaked, irritated face. “Oh by the way, we’re not fucking. She’s cute buuuut not my type, and I’m not her type either. She has feelings for, well maybe not now, someone else; it’s much more of a brother/sister type of thing. So there’s no need to be jealous.”
Jealous? “I’m not jealous!” But who the hell did you have feelings for?
“That’s exactly what a jealous person would say! You should probably apologize if you want her to talk to you ever again, though you’ll be lucky is she does.” He waved and left Geto on his own, he’d be fine.
Since then you’ve avoided him. When you couldn’t, you ignored him. When you had to speak of him you were back to calling him Geto. You no longer tried to say hello or talk to him (it was nice of you, though he always gave you vague responses). You didn’t invite him to things. Actually, you didn’t go out or eat lunch with your friends at all these days. Always saying you felt sick or tired, letting them drag you places but staying home otherwise. Your insecurities were getting the best of you because even though you had no proof, what if the others didn’t actually see you as a teacher? What if they thought you were as weak as Geto did? Maybe not Shoko or Gojo, but you were careful with your own cursed energy, had been since you were a teenager. Much like Gojo’s infinity, it was second nature.
At first he thought you were being ridiculous. By week nine he was trying to actively engage with you. To no avail.
The break room was cold, the spaces you used to be were empty and he found himself missing your warm disposition, who’d thought he’d miss you calling his first name excitedly inviting him to sit with you guys. His friends didn’t mention you and when he tried to ask why you weren’t sitting with them, they gave him a dirty look. Gojo sighed, “Ah. She doesn’t really do lunch these days, at all anymore.”
Shoko enjoyed adding some guilt, rubbing salt into the wound. “She chose to step back so you could hang out with your best friends because ‘you were here first.’ She sits in her office alone and refuses to let us take her out after work unless we drag her. The students know she’s unhappy too, you should be grateful she hasn’t said anything like a professional because those kids would eat you alive- especially the first years. If they found out you’re the reason she’s putting in a transfer request for Kyoto they’d be devastated. All she’s said to us is that she wants to start fresh and act more professional- that she wants to be someone taken seriously like everyone else- except for Gojo. No one takes him seriously.” Gojo’s protest was background noise to Geto. “She looked up to you Suguru, she tried to be your friend and get to know you. Still she doesn’t bad mouth you even though it’s justified, she hasn’t even blamed you- she’s serious about it.”
“I figured she was just busy…” You looked up to him? He thought you were friendly but he must not have been paying enough attention, you wanted to know him. Him. Guilt flooded him like a tsunami.
“Clearly you thought wrong.” Shoko snapped at him and the rest of their lunch was silent.
Enough was enough, he needed to find a way to make it up to you. Fuck, he missed you.
So he tried to say hi to you every day.
You only nodded at him to be polite in front of others, professional.
He brought you fresh coffee to your now dreary classroom before you ran off to your office. When had you taken your colorful posters down? Where did your little desk ornaments go?
it went untouched.
Every attempt was denied.
It wasn’t until you were stuck in your office far past after hours, waiting out the rain that just wasn’t letting up- that he was able to talk to you.
He was finally able to leave and he was happy to but he noticed your office light was on.
Right, you don’t drive and everyone, including Ijichi already left; you wouldn’t bother him even though he’d happily come get you. (You happened to be one of his favorites.)
He knocked on your door and got no response, so he opened the door to check if you were actually there.
Oh god, you were. But you were asleep at your desk. He closed the door behind him and crouched down at your side. He knew he was tall, waking you up standing over you wasn’t a good way to start a conversation. “Hey, c’mon you can’t sleep here.” He kept his voice low and was gentle when he nudged your shoulder and rubbed your arm.
You mumbled something he couldn’t understand before blinking your eyes open and looking at him. “You gotta go home, your desk can’t be comfortable.” It was the first time you looked at him in weeks, he hated the dark circles under your eyes that weren’t as bright as they used to be- how they should be.
“Whatever. You can’t tell me what to do. And not that’s it’s any of your business since we’re professionals, but I am staying here.” You hid a yawn behind your hand and sat upright, rubbing the crick in your neck did little to soothe the ache.
Geto wasn’t good at apologizing but with the way you avoided him like it plague it was now or never. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said any of that. Everyone thinks you’re a great teacher. Shoko said you’re trying to transfer to Kyoto, but you just got here.”
You wanted to ignore him again, you wanted to throw him out of your office and sleep on your couch with the throw blanket you were grateful you kept on the back cushions. But he struck a nerve and your lip wobbled, “Doesn’t matter. You said it yourself people don’t take me seriously here, if I go to Kyoto they won’t think I’m a pushover there. It’ll open up a job for someone else who can help better than I can.” You were doing everything you could to hold yourself together, going as far as wrapping your arms around your midsection for comfort. “Thanks for apologizing but you said your piece and I said mine so can you go? I really just want to sleep right now.”
“I was wrong. You’re not a pushover. I don’t let people in easily and I took you for granted and then I got jealous and lashed out.” Ah shit, he said too much. But if being honest might get you to stay then he might as well go for it.
“Jealous?” You sounded so small and tired- it hurt his heart.
“I thought…” he tipped his head back with a groan. “You can make fun of me if you want after this, it’s dumb and not my business anyway. But I thought you were interested in Gojo and it irritated me. The more I saw you two together the more I wanted to block you out-” he stopped when we started giggling. Your tears spilled over and he didn’t know if you were crying because you were laughing or not. “You could’ve at least waited until I left I room to laugh but I suppose I deserve it.”
You shook your head and tried to get yourself under control. “No- no it’s not that. You’re just an idiot, I was-” you had to take another few breaths before you started giggling again. “I was hanging out with Shoko and Gojo so much because we’re friends and they knew I had feelings for you. Oh god this is hilarious.”
He pulled your hand into his, “You really mean that?”
You nodded and finally regulated your breathing. It was enough for him. He leaned up and kissed you.
Your surprised squeak made him smile against your lips and then you were kissing him back. You wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned into him more- when you broke apart he was holding your face in his hands and wiping away your remaining tears. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for being an ass. I’m sorry you were the one picking up my slack and I’m sorry I made you stop smiling- I really miss your smile.”
“Really?” The upturn of your lips, though not a full smile, already made him feel warmer than he had in weeks.
“Really, it’s like sunshine. You look like you haven’t been sleeping for a while though, you’re a little zombie.”
You snorted a little laugh, it made him smile. “I’ve been working on ways to improve my teaching and looking for apartments in Kyoto. Do you know how hard it is to find an apartment in Kyoto on a teacher’s salary? It’s hard to relax.”
“Poor baby,” you could tell he wasn’t mocking you, he really felt bad and wanted to make it better. He stood and lifted you onto your desk- the change of position made you dizzy. How did he do that so fast? “How about you stop looking for apartments and I’ll make it up to you.” He kissed both of your cheeks before trailing them down your jaw and neck.
It lit you on fire, “Make it up to me?”
“Yeah baby, I’ll make it up to you good.” His hand laid on your upper thigh and gently started pushing your skirt up. “This okay? I’ll stop no problem if you want.”
You were already squirming for him. A tall, strong man you had feelings for, who you just made up with, who could crush you like a grape was between your legs and wanted to make it up to you. Why would you ever say no? “Please don’t stop?” You sounded more desperate than you’d like but it spurred him on.
“Hold on to me.” You did as he asked; he picked you up, sat you on the couch and got on his knees in front of you.
“What’re you doing I thought-” oh god.
He lifted your skirt to your waist and massaged along your thighs until he reached the edge of your panties, he played with the lace and looked up at you for permission with his blown pupils, he needed you so badly.
You nodded at him to continue and he was fast. You barely had to lift your hips before you were bare, Geto spread your legs and you had a flash of insecurity.
“Fuck you’re so pretty down here, so wet f’me.” He looked entranced by the sight of you. Insecurity waved.
He didn’t hesitate to hold your thighs in place and duck his head to give the first hint of pleasure to your clit, he moaned almost louder than you did. You heard him mutter something like “fuck” before he attacked himself to your cunt, eating like he’d been starved his entire life.
It was embarrassing how fast you were on the edge, you tried to push his head back but he growled. “God, m’already worked up. Gonna cum too soon.” Your face was red from the stimulation and the mortification.
“Not too soon-” he got distracted and went back to eating you out until you nudged him again. “I want it, s’mine, let me have it. Need to feel you cum- fuck ya later I just need to taste you so bad fuck…”
You didn’t disturb him again, he held onto you tighter when you started shaking. He slipped a finger into you and found your sensitive spot. You were so tight and wet for him it was driving him crazy.
“Suguru! Gonna- gonna!”
He didn’t let up at all, insistently licking and sucking your clit, rubbing you perfectly from the inside- you clamped your thighs around his head and came harder than you could ever remember.
The finger withdrew after a minute, letting you ride your orgasm out with something to clench on. His mouth however, didn’t stop. Careful to avoid overstimulating you, he cleaned you up with his own tongue.
Your body was boneless, dead weight and ready to fucking sleep but that wouldn’t be fair. You reached out for him and he held your hand in his clean one. “What’s wrong?”
Your eyes were closed but you just knew he was looking at you concerned. “W’about you?”
It took him a minute to realize what you meant and he chuckled, “No baby, I was making it up to you remember?” You were too tired to remember.
You shook your head and he adjusted your skirt to pull it down. “Let me clean up and I’ll take you home, yeah?”
“Too tired, don’t want y’too leave.”
“I wasn’t gonna leave you alone, you’re coming with me. I got a comfortable bed and a big tub for a soak with your name on it. Hold onto me again, I’ll carry you.”
You held onto him like a koala while he grabbed your purse and coat, draping it over you to keep you warm. The rain finally came to a drizzle, it was good timing on Mother Nature’s part.
After he grabbed his own keys he had you buckled in the passenger seat with the seat heater on blast. He didn’t like that you were shivering.
Geto was more than happy. Not only were you canceling your transfer, you were his now.
In his heart, he knew deep down Gojo was going to tease him relentlessly.
Worth it.
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Thinking about making a request? Check my bio to see if they’re open! <3
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Tbf i wish we could see ffxvi in the age of myths. Ultima deep asleep, and gods not yet gods. I like the whole process of how gods actually become divine, and a big fan of humans doing it not through some kind prophecy, or a creator ascending them, or some grand destiny or fate, but through their own means
It would be real fun to see bow Barnabas rose from being a young genius swordsman to truly a man whose slash you can’t counter or block. Training so much, seeking stronger opponents, until his skills reach the heavens. Until his sword can slash the cruel world, the injustice, the demons, the evil
Imagine how Joshua, a sickly child in a cruel world, with a loving older brother and a vehement desire to live and also to help his brother, dies and comes back to life time and time again. A miracle, they say. But this is his spirit, will to live. Reborn through fire
Imagine Clive, his wild urge to protect, the fire that burned his fingers when he touched Joshua, and yet he never let go. Imagine Clive dropped in a heart of a volcano, burning alive, until magma became his skin, until lava poured into his chest and made him more fire than human. All ragged, sharp edges, unsuited for protection, but doing his best anyway. Shaped into the sharpest weapon to survive
Imagine Jill, the last survivor of an expedition up north. All alone, between the snow and ice, giving up on seeking warmth. Embracing the cold, going further and further until suddenly she doesn’t squint against the biting wind. Until ice starts flowing in her veins and she leaves behind her warm wool and thick scarves, until cold fills her lungs
Can you see Benedicta, climbing the highests of cliffs because there is nothing more intoxicating than looking at the world from the top? Than breathing in the highly energised air in the clouds? And someday she can’t bear it anymore, can’t keep being bound to earth, where everyone puts their hands on her trying to tie her down, and then she flies
Or Kupka, whose people found their place beneath the earth? Living there, cultivating food, unearthing preacious stones? What if he rock was always more stable than humans to him? More reliable, constant, nothing like the wind he tries to grasp between his hands and fails miserably every time? What if the stone heard him and accepted him as his heart?
Dion, the brave Dion, son of the skyes, dragoon, the dragon slayer. Bathed in their blood without knowing its properties? Their doom but also their strongest? They give their blessing when they lose, they value only strenght, only purity of soul. He collects swords, protects what he holds dear and someday scales appear on his skin. Black, silver, pale blue, sparkling, until someday he ascends as the king of dragons
And Cid, Cid. The sword, the shield, the arbiter, the researcher. There are questions he can’t get answers to, can’t save his people, doesnt have enough power for his machines to mke them work. Lightning doesn’t hit the same spot twice, they say, but he begs to differ. He will make it hit as much as he needs, in their land of rain and storm, it should amount to something. No matter how much it hits him with it. And the more it does, the more Cid himself sparks. It gets easier, nature bending to his will. He only asks what he’s due, after all
Can you see the water cradling an infant? If doesn’t want to kill, but people are stupid, they can’t resist the tide. But this small child, precious existense, born in the water and raised by it, doesn’t drown. He floats steadily, wailing, a temperament as foul as the ocean itself
An age of myth, the time of legends, the birth of gods, when elements ran so wild they found home inside people
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ragingstillness · 3 months
The Boys thoughts 4x5:
Homelander’s conversation with Ryan: felt realistic to his character but also yikes (as always). Acknowledgement of his manipulation of Ryan +1 Acknowledgement of his own trauma +1 Equivalence of his experience as a deeply privileged white man to slavery -100
Ryan getting the PA to slap the Snyder parody: one of those delightful moments that The Boys does so well where I feel both positive and negative emotions about it. Do I think the Snyder dude deserved to be slapped by his PA? Absolutely. Do I think it’s a good thing that Ryan thinks the ultimate penance is receiving corporal punishment? No I don’t. I do like that Ryan actually let the victim do the punishment and receive the apology rather than white knighting about it. And of course I am deeply aware of how ironic it is that Homelander is helping Ryan stand up for sexual harassment victims when Homelander raped Ryan’s mom in a similar power imbalance situation.
Genuinely feel sad for Ashley that she lost her Ben Shapiro parody submissive (at least partially because I found it hilarious), but she got him back and that felt very earned.
I knew that Ashley and A-Train did more to Homelander’s apartment! Haha I can’t wait to find out what it is.
Man no one is having a great time or talking about it this episode.
Always happy to see more Esposito, love him as the ultimate traitor. Just betraying everyone left and right.
Not super fond of how they’re making it seem like Annie was wrong morally for beating up Firecracker. For falling for it? Sure. For reacting with anger? No.
Big fan of the V-ed up animals. Hysterical and very fun.
“Do you even know who Annie is anymore?” Um has more time passed that they’re showing? Because didn’t Annie decide to use the Starlight name again like two episodes ago?
I like that we got to see Hughie solve a bad situation on his own this time. He’s really coming into his own. Also, I like that we got another chance to say goodbye to his dad. Still sus that Hughie’s mom knows what V is.
Finally we got to see some of Simon Pegg’s comedic chops too. Him spinning around inside that guy had me laughing like nothing else.
Butcher taking that scientist captive? Honestly that doesn’t feel so much like a return to the dark side as just something his character would always be willing to do. Lest we forget he kidnapped Translucent, tortured him, pumped him for information, and would have killed him if Hughie didn’t get there first. I do feel like he’s relying less on other people which is a backslide from his character development but true to where his character was in the first season too.
Not a lot of sister sage the episode, glad to see she saw through firecracker’s fake inclusion attitude. I do feel like she’s growing closer and closer to dropping Homelander as an ally, something I suspected she would do from the minute they teamed up.
No Colin but I’m sure that’s gonna bite them in the ass.
What are the rules of Victoria’s headpopping? We saw her do it a little but there were many more opportunities. Does she need to charge up? Line of sight? Eye contact?
I agree that Victoria turned her daughter into a monster but only because she taught her not to value human lives and also because she turned her into some version of Parasyte: The Maxim.
Not a fan of Frenchie turning himself in. That’s not going to do anything, now they’re gonna have to break him out, and this show’s morality was never black and white enough that it could look at his actions and be like “you finally did the right thing”
Man when they all meet up with Hughie again he’s gonna have some stories to tell.
Side note: I am utterly amazed that now the secret of Compound V is out that no other country is sending like every spy in their arsenal to steal some. Considering how easily Hughie and the Boys can get it, it isn’t very difficult. Take one look at the nuclear arms race and tell me that every country in the world wouldn’t be quietly declaring all out war on Vought to get their hands on some.
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cursedcola · 2 years
Synopsis: After attending NRC, our beloved characters suddenly find themselves transported to your world! The thing is, they have no idea where you are and have to make a life for themselves in the meantime. How would they adapt to life on earth? Characters: Everyone! Mix of Sentient AU! and Modern AU! Warnings: None lol. This is for my own enjoyment. Part(s): Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasmonia You are here!: Ignihyde
Note: Spoilers for Idia’s background.
Nothing could have prepared the students of NRC for what lied beyond the mirror. A world unlike any of them ever known with magic being virtually non-existent ( or so it appears to the general public). With nothing but the clothes on their backs, falsified basic identification, personal items, and the small bits of knowledge gathered from your vessel Yuu; these young adults have one mission-find the player and stay out of prison. It was time to split up, cover as much ground as possible, and make a life in this unknown world.
Let us see how these fresh minds conform to life on earth, yes?
Ignihyde Residence: Greece!
(I have an obvious bias for this as it is my heritage. No, I don't feel bad about it)
Idia Shroud
Residence: Lipsi, Greece
Owns multiple small properties across the Greek islands. He has a preference for the locations with less tourism and more agricultural life.
Hence why his favorite place to stay is in Lipsi. A small island where at most he has the comfort of seeing the same faces every week when grabbing groceries. His diet has also improved immensely from all the locally produced goods. Well, disregarding all the junk food he sources on his own.
On the island, Idia owns a small "farmhouse" that he built himself. To the average person, it blends in perfectly with the rest of the local homes. He's buried himself deep into the island as well, so his home cannot be found by tourists. No, you physically have to go looking for it.
The outside has the traditional blue and white exterior, but inside? Decked out with the most advanced technological gear. Do NOT underestimate this man's ability to get what he needs. He has his own WIFI service up and running. Everything from the Heating/Cooling system to the stairs that automatically fold inward (to save space) were built and programmed by him. Even his trashcan!
Secluded Island? Check. Best tech? Check. Ortho is happy? Checkaroo. Idia has everything he needs to survive happily.
His house is not the tidiest though. It's not like anyone ever visits him, but still. What if you appear at his door one day? Sucks to suck, because you will be walking over so much sand that he has dragged in yet not cleaned. Also energy drinks, clothes, etc. It's horrible. One time one of the local Yiayia's came to deliver him some baked bread and spanokopita. He nearly had a heart attack when she saw the hovel known as his home and started to lecture him as if he was her own grandson
Something he learned to deal with over time. Ortho was not kidding when he said that Greece values community
Idia wasn't on board with going to Greece in the beginning. Heat? Beaches? Community? Pah. Why couldn't he be placed somewhere more westernized, where he could hide away in a high-rise building somewhere and never come out. If anyone should be surrounded by saltwater it should be the Octavinelle trio - not him!
Which...is exactly why Idia was sent to Greece. Ortho thought this would be the perfect opportunity for his big brother to get out of his shell, and the internet shows that countries in the Mediterranean are highly community oriented! Idia wouldn't be caught dead dancing zorba at a festival or having wine with the local theos and theas as they gossip. But? Perhaps seeing him do his work on the terrace while sipping frappe isn't far out of reach?
Occupation: Software Developer
There is another reason Idia agreed to go to Greece. Out of everyone, he is the best suited to do remote work. The nitty gritty of trying to use technology to locate you. Things that could get him put in jail if caught for privacy violations and data theft. To do this he needs absolute privacy.
He tries to make things quick and track the phone you used to play Twisted Wonderland with. Sadly, life is not that easy and your data is unreachable. Almost like some unspoken force (me. the one writing this) is keeping him from reaching his goal for the sake of their entertainment
There is also the matter of his and Ortho's...'special' features. Crowded places likely will not accept someone with flames for hair. Even if he passes it off as cosplay, what if something is set on fire? Or an idiot tries to touch his hair thinking it is fake? He could be denied access to facilities in highly populated places from the risk. It simply isn't worth it. Not when he can go somewhere tucked away and still be helpful.
Idia blows all tech gurus on earth away. He becomes one of the most sought after hackers, and no one is able to trace his location. To make a living, he only does short-term contract work. He only communicates through warped audio and no one knows of his identity. In all honesty, he becomes filthy rich from the amount of employers throwing contracts at him despite his strict terms. The hush-hush market is strong with this one.
When he first moved into his "farmhouse," he planned on doing his job and never socializing. Food can be ordered in bulk online, and he could pay off one of the locals to leave the packages at his doorstep. He wanted Ortho to stay home with him as well, since the chances of villagers running away and screaming in terror were high. Then the island church would likely get involved and y'know...evil demons yada yada yada because they have pointy teeth and can use their hair to roast a lamb. He watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Froyo man convinced him that everyone is close minded.
This does not work out. At all. Unfortunately, people become curious about the new residents that never seem to leave their secluded house to greet their neighbors. It's unheard of! Then they begin to talk, the local children grow curious, and Ortho gets spotted while he's tending to the goat he insisted on keeping as a pet
Surprisingly, they aren't outcasted. The people just view their hair as a weird costume, and label the brothers as interesting foreigners. It's the 21st century, and it takes more than that to frighten someone here. Not the worst outcome? And now they can go walk around the outdoor shops (I.E Ortho drags Idia)
Idia doesn't know when it exactly happened, but he became the island's handy man. It might have been when he installed security cameras for one of the local shops? Anyways, he is always getting requests and accepting them since Ortho insists on being a good neighbor. Yadayada ‘they welcomed us with open arms’ yadayada ‘we have to play nice’ yadayada
Deep down, Idia has begun to like this way of life. He gets is peace, and the people aren't too bad. He becomes a favorite of the elders and is always being sent home with baskets of food whenever he steps into town. It's nice...in moderation
He still dresses very conservatively despite the hot weather, which normally earns him a resounding "what's the matter with you? are you crazy?". He has a large collection of turtle necks, gaming t-shirts, blue jeans, and a singular pair of worn out sneakers. On rare occasions he'll swap the sneakers for sandals (like Birkenstocks) , but that's only if Ortho drags him to walk the coast at night. One of the blacksmiths in the area welds him a metal hairband; which is concerning because don't they think his hair is a costume? He uses it regardless and occasionally ties his hair back.
While living in your world, he takes the opportunity to play all the games you might have experienced growing up. He sources all of the retro systems in attempt to try things that aren't similar to what he sees back in Twisted Wonderland. At one point he notices Ortho start to invite his new friends over. He actually doesn't mind since his brother is beginning to adjust to this new way of living, and he has an entire collection of consoles, board games, etc for them to choose from when hanging out in his home.
It’s easy being in your world. Magicless. It’s boring, but with no magical energy to eat at then his curse is essentially null. Believe it, he has spent so many nights trying to use his magestone with out any luck. Everyone here is equal (at least in being human y’know. No one can fly on a broom) - a normie. He is a normie.
And it’s not as bad as he thought it would be. It’s dull but no one has expectations of him. He can do whatever he wants whenever he wants.
He wonders if things could have different if he was born here. If Ortho…yeah. It’s better that he doesn’t let the thoughts linger or else jealousy might overcome his need to see you. What matters is that his brother has never looked happier than on earth. It’s almost like the boy has found his own family and place (sparking another tinge of jealousy in his older brother)
Over time he becomes less desperate to get off the “forsaken saltwater hell,” and instead hopes that you might be open to letting himself and Ortho stay on earth. With you. As a family.
But not like one of those sickeningly cringeworthy families he’s been forced to see in those telenovas all the yiayia’s watch. Seriously. He is tired of fixing their TVs and getting yelled at if he isn’t on time for their show’s slot on cable
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
Hear me out… “can we go home?” Prompt as a part 2 to “did I do good?”
this got long and i applied to jobs and had an identity crisis in the middle of writing it, hope u enjoy LMAO
TW: discussions of the explosion from "did I do good?" and medical talk wheeeee
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You were growing tired of the hospital.
The pain meds warded off the sharp bite of pain everytime you moved, but they also kept your head in a continual fuzzy state. Sleep released its hold on you for only an hour or so before another dose of medicine sent you back under the veil of dreams.
Whenever you were awake, you found one or more of your children propped up in a chair in the corner of the room. Dick would be furiously jabbing his knitting needles into the air as a new project materialized between his fingers. Cass joined him occasionally, but sometimes she scooted her chair closer to your side, her slim fingers encased around yours, and watched whatever show played on the television. You were partial to Animal Planet so that meant she sat through hours of shark week and River Monsters.
Jason read, of course, sometimes silently and sometimes, when it was just him and you, he read aloud. His soft baritone voice was a comfort over the occasional beeps and shrieks of alarms out in the hall. Tim made sure to come by at the same time everyday so the two of you could watch Jeopardy and then Real Housewives. Although you were usually high off your ass because of the pain meds, you made sure to let him know what a fucking liar Erika Jayne was.
Stephanie, your little demonic angel, propped herself up in the chair next to your bed and played Sims, the sound of her laptop a steady thrum that helped put you to sleep. Your own personal white noise machine. Damian drew in his sketchbook, quiet as always, but he made sure to bring it to you during your moments of lucidity so you could see his art. Duke, however, was the hardest to pry away from your bedside. You understood his hesitation at leaving another parent at a medical center. So you didn’t say anything if you woke up to find him seated next to you, one of your hands in his, as he muddled over another crossword puzzle.
Alfred came by numerous times everyday. He brought treats for the nurses, creature comforts from home for you, and made sure that the children didn’t stay too long. You insisted that they lived their lives outside of the hospital, even their night jobs. Alfred checked over what foods you were receiving from the dining services, humming and marking down nutritional values and if you were getting enough calories. He always plied you with cookies every time he visited and ensured you were eating enough protein to help your wound heal faster. The vase of golden sunflowers next to your bed were always fresh and replenished so you suspected Alfred ensured that they were always replaced when they started to wilt.
But one person didn’t show.
You tried to not dwell on the fact that Bruce never once made an appearance. Even Clark and Diana had dropped by with flowers and well wishes. But your husband remained his usual disappearing act. You didn’t understand why and frankly, you didn’t care. For years you tried to remind Bruce that he wasn’t always Batman. He was a father and husband and friend, both inside and outside of the suit, yet it felt like as time went further, he forgot more of who he was.
It was fine. You had Alfred and your kids. Their love made you wish you could wrap your arms around them, but these damn IVs wouldn’t let you. You knew they were just as disappointed in Bruce as you were, but nothing anyone said would change things.
Until you turned on the news one night and saw the headlines that the perpetrators of the explosion at the Wayne Gala had been caught and the entire organization eradicated. The group had been targeting the Wayne family, reporters said, and they blamed you for the unemployment rate and food insecurity in the city. Well, hell, your family had been working to eradicate the wage gap and food deserts for years, but if anyone was to get hurt, you were glad it was you.
Three broken ribs, a punctured liver, internal bleeding, a concussion, and your body one giant bruise meant that your kids were safe. You would place yourself between them and the blast every single time.
The news cameras zoomed in on the bodies that were slumped against the front of the police headquarters. Faces bloodied and raw, the men stared back at the camera with haunted eyes and your breathing hitched just slightly when you recognized the mark carved into one man’s forehead.
A bat.
“Mrs. Wayne?” Geraldine, one of the day shift nurses, called from the door to your room. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” you replied. “I just saw the news.”
The kindly older woman bustled in with one of the new nurses on her heels. The two women had been working three nights a week for the time you had been on the floor and you appreciated their steady, comforting nature. They had both been a little thrown when the Waynes of Gotham showed up on their floor but once you asked Geraldine to treat you like a normal person, she warmed up to you like a grandmother.
“How ya feelin’, sweets?” she asked. Every few hours they checked your vitals and incision spots to ensure that you were healing well and no infection was growing.
“Listen, I love you ladies. But if I have to stay here any longer, I might snap.”
They laughed at your comment and Farah, the fledgling nurse who followed Geraldine like a baby goose after its mama, focused on checking your incisions while Geraldine marked down your vitals.
“You’re so close to being free,” Geraldine promised. “Dr. Huerta will come by later today to check everything and hopefully, you’ll be out in a day or two.”
“Am I the last one to be discharged?” While you were the most seriously injured due to your proximity to the blast, a few people were also brought into Gotham General with varying injuries.
“Yep,” Farah hummed. “They’re all home and Mr. Wayne said he would pay for their bills.”
That made you pause. Farah’s head raised the second the words came out of her mouth and Geraldine turned sharply in her direction. Farah grimaced and sighed. “Sorry, I know he told us not to say anything.”
Your lips parted in shock and you glanced between the two women. “He called the hospital?”
Geraldine sighed and approached your bed. She reached out and clasped your hand between hers and gave you a kind smile.
“He’s been here everyday, sweets. Only leaves at night before he’s back in the morning. He just sits in the waiting room, looking like death warmed over. I keep tellin’ him that he should at least come talk to you, but he refuses unless he knows you’re asleep. Who do you think keeps bringing those flowers?”
“I don’t understand.” Your brow furrowed. “Why the fuck is he here if he won’t even talk to me? Why has no one told me?”
Geraldine pursed her lips and then she patted your hands. “Sometimes, men are stupid.”
That elicited a snort from Farah but Geraldine wasn’t finished. “I think, sweets, that he blames himself and he can’t bring himself to see you when you’re awake because he’s terrified that you’ll hate him.”
You glanced between the two women and narrowed your eyes. “What else has he done?”
They launched into a list of things. Your favorite blanket that you kept in the study at home was draped across your legs because of Bruce, the nurses were now being paid more because of his meeting with the hospital executives (and subsequent buyout of the Gotham General system so that meant more paperwork for you to deal with when you got out), and many other things. Bruce, silent as he was, operated without a word to you because he was so fucking scared that you hated him.
“Is he out there? Right now?” you asked once they trailed off.
“Yeah,” Farah sighed. “The more coffee he drinks from the cafeteria, the more I think we’re going to have to admit him soon for cardiac arrest.”
“Bring my husband in, please. If he fights you on it, tell him to stop being such a fucking coward.”
Geraldine let out a delighted laugh and practically skipped out of the room, clearly excited to give Bruce Wayne a run for his money. Farah waited patiently at your bedside and you were grateful that she didn’t abandon you right now.
Light footsteps grew closer to the door and you heard the soft creak of the hinges until he was standing before you. His hair was shaggy and unkempt and a five o’clock shadow clung to his jaw. Bruce was still in his usual daytime uniform of slacks and a button down, but the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his entire ensemble was wrinkled.
“Thank you,” you said to the nurses. They vacated the room quickly, leaving you two just staring at each other. Bruce cleared his throat and glanced towards the door as if he was preparing to leave, but you pointed your finger at him and he froze midstep.
“Sit your ass down, Wayne,” you ordered. He started towards the chairs in the corner but you let out a disapproving noise and he turned to where you were pointing. Bruce sighed and trudged over to the hospital bed you were lying in. His eyes searched your face for any sign of anger or discomfort as he sat down on the edge of the bed. 
“Bruce Thomas Wayne,” you began. “You stupid man.”
Your hand curled around his and you brought it to your lips, brushing a kiss against his palm. He sucked in a tight breath and you enclosed his fingers around your love.
“I’m not mad at you, if that’s what you think.”
“I should have stopped them sooner. I should have never let this happen to you. I-”
You smoothed a hand down his forearm. “You didn’t let anything happen to me. It happened because people wanted to hurt me. You can’t stop them from their thoughts or their anger, Bruce. You can’t change the way people feel. You can only do as much as you can and you and I both know that.”
He shut his eyes and sighed. Bags cradled his eyes, shadowing the bright blue pupils you woke up to every morning. The lines on his face deepened and he looked as if he aged ten years since you last saw him.
“How can you stand to be near me?” he croaked out. You reached up and tucked some of his dark hair out of his face before cradling his jaw.
“Because I like because, Bruce, and I love despite. I love you despite how many times you make me want to tear my hair out. I love you despite your self-flagellation tendencies. I love you despite the fact that there is something deeply psychologically wrong with you.” He chuckled at your teasing remark and leaned into your touch.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed against the soft skin of your wrist.
“I know you are,” you assured him. “But you’re still going to grovel so damn much.”
“Whatever you wish for, you will get.”
You considered his words for a moment and hummed to yourself. “You have to take Damian to the art museum and cannot look at your phone once.”
“Easy.” He ghosted his lips against your wrist and you shivered at the soft touch.
“Okay. How about letting Stephanie drive the car next time?”
He grimaced, obviously knowing you meant the Batmobile and thinking about the blonde’s tendency to take wide turns. “Fine.” He kissed your brow, right over some stitches as if he could heal them with just a tender touch.
“You have to shake hands with Hal Jordan and tell him he’s doing a good job.”
“You’re a fucking menace.” Bruce dipped his head down to kiss you sweetly, but you were grinning too much to let it last.
“Can we go home now?” you whispered against his lips. “I just want to be in bed with you. I’m sick of the food here.”
He cradled your head against his chin and sighed, his breath washing across your skin. Bruce was so careful with you as to not aggravate any of your injuries. For as idiotic as he could be in the emotions department, he knew exactly what to do to comfort you physically.
“Soon, my love. And I will wait on you hand and foot. I’ll never let anything happen to you again. Ever. I swear.”
“I know.” But you didn’t take his promise to heart. Not in your line of work. He could guarantee that the sun would rise in the morning and set in the evening, but no one could promise that the scythe of death wouldn’t come calling any minute.
But you would let him hold you and make promises. It would make him feel better and that, in and of itself, was a gift.
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I'm just over here muttering to myself "I will not fall in love with König, I will not fall in love with König..." lol send help!!
But I'm super curious about something - do you think if König fully decided on an Engel being the only one for him, but then found out she was happy in a committed relationship (like there is no ~lover sneaking into her room, there's a straight-up other dude living in the house) does he try and get her to cheat? And when that doesn't work is it just straight to 'oh no, your husband's missing?? well he seemed pretty awful anyway, here let me cheer you up with some superior dick!'
Ohh I think there’s only one way this would go… (I’m so sorry everyone i should be caged)
Now. König gets absolutely torn apart inside because marriage is sacred and this woman is not his possession… And the only way to make her his is to get rid of the one who “owns” her. But how could he ever live with himself after that? It would be hell.
So at first, he does nothing. He even tries to leave her alone, leave them alone.
König bites his nails in the shadows and suffers in silence, heart aching and dick hard, raging on missions like an angered bear, trying to get over the one woman who he has in his delusional mind deemed to be the One and Only for him. In his heart he knows they belong together.
And any blind man can see that she's not truly happy with this man. So wouldn't it be a kindness and a grace to set her free...?
Engel is of course devastated, perhaps the marriage wasn’t exactly everything she has ever hoped for and the man was far too normal and lukewarm for her taste, but she was happy in her own way. His death ignites an even stronger love, now born of sorrow: every injustice in the world makes her heart big and heavy from bittersweet compassion, and she mourns his dead husband, gone far too soon, visits the fresh grave every day and cries without knowing that there is a man in the woods, watching her intently.
In the end, the selfish greed and what König calls love (c’mon man you haven’t even talked to this girl yet...) wins the battle of good and evil in his heart, and he does indeed get rid of the husband, as cleanly as possible. It’s his most merciful kill: no pain at all, just a few seconds before it’s over. He treats the corpse with the utmost respect and knows that from this day forward, he’s not only a monster; he’s pure evil.
Then he starts the hunt for his beloved… because if he can’t have her, then it has all been for nothing.
König sees what a devoted, sweet little widow Engel is, mourning her late husband as a good wife should. Her value only soars to the highest heights in his eyes, and when he finally approaches her in the graveyard, saying he likes long walks and sometimes wanders to this graveyard because it’s a pretty, quiet little place, his heart is already full of painful love for her.
One day she breaks into tears in front of him, and that’s his chance: he takes a step and closes her in a sturdy hug. Her big, wet eyes and helpless looks have already made his savior instinct go haywire, but as she quivers and cries there in his embrace, trying to hold on to him like she’s drowning in a sea of sorrow, it’s insanely challenging not to get a demanding erection that leaves him bloodless and faint in the head.
All he wants to do in this life is console her...
“My place is not far,” he offers her while stroking her hair gently, and she goes tense in his arms – a woman turned prey, sensing she’s in grave danger.
No no no, she’s getting away…
“It’s not good for you to be alone,” he adds, knowing he has blown it already with his enthusiasm.
“I… I don’t know…” the widow in his arms mutters through sniffles and tears. Then she tries to withdraw. “Is that… Do you have a knife in your pocket…?”
Think of something. Anything.
“Ja… I always carry a knife. It’s a, uh, big Austrian one. Would you like to see it?”
Scheisse… Women don’t want to see knives, you idiot—
“Um, yes... Yes I would. This may sound odd but... I love knives,” she withdraws, but only to look up at him with yearning and curiosity. Her soft little hands are still around him, and her eyes are sparkling… and this time not from tears.
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askmemenoquestions · 5 months
Slay the Princess Starter Sentences
*Contains spoilers
"You have a job to do here. Just get in there and do what needs to be done."
"While I appreciate the mental exercise, we are running up against a bit of a ticking clock."
"It's no use arguing semantics over a metaphorical chicken-or-egg, because the egg is hatched and it's about to ruin everything."
"If anything, slaying a princess is better than slaying a seamstress. Seamstresses contribute something of value to society."
"You're playing a dangerous game by coming here unarmed."
"We could have gotten out of here together. Were you just lying to me this whole time?"
"If I have to kill you, I'll kill you. Do you think I need both of my arms to do that?"
"This vessel is full of you. I need something empty I can crawl inside of. I need something shaped like me."
"This world is broken beyond repair. We must weave something new."
"Do you want to linger here, entwined with a creature you taught to hate you forever? Eternity never ends."
"You shouldn't have let that fear creep into your heart. You had the upper hand, and now look at you."
"Don't think that just because I'm the one in chains it means you have a right to interrogate me."
"You poor thing. I'll go ahead and put you out of your misery."
"This was fun. You put up more of a fight than I thought you would."
"You have made a decision. It is the wrong one. I love you."
"Please, shake yourself out of it. We have to get out of here."
"No... this is the beginning of eternity. Your reward."
"And then you locked us away in an empty void for eternity."
"Like I've been saying. She's dead. We killed her already."
"Why are you even here? Just making sure you finished the job or what?"
"I was willing to ignore everything you did to me so we could get out of here. Together."
"But I guess violence is the only language you speak."
"On second thought, let's not kill him. Let's throw him someplace that never ends. I'd like to see what that does to him."
"You are familiar, but you are not me. I feel sadness, longing, hope as I witness you."
"I'm sorry. There are some changes that can never be undone, there are some tears that can never be unshed."
"I have not lived. I am not afraid to die."
"If you need time, then I'll wait with you."
"What textures will you weave for yourself to occupy forever? Will you place 'You' and 'I' into a box for safekeeping?"
"I will be here waiting by your side until you're ready to return to mine."
"She asks that I tell you to remember her. You won't."
"You've made a terrible enemy, and there's nothing in the world that can possibly save you from me."
"After all this time alone, I thought I'd finally found a friend. But you were just another monster, weren't you?"
"I know who you are, and I remember what you've done."
"We don't have to make things better. We can't make things better."
"We're just meant to chase each other in the dark until one of us catches the other."
"I'm glad to die horribly if it means you die with me. I wouldn't have it any other way."
"The thing that sits beyond our edge speaks his logic into us. He tries to grasp at things that cannot be grasped."
"It was a fitting end. I'm sorry if it hurt. But doesn't this make it all seem so small?"
"Whenever you are ready, I will wipe your slate clean once again."
"Words are... difficult for me. They never fully weave what I wish to say."
"There is nowhere for you to be but here."
"You have already committed to my completion. You cannot go further astray."
"What you're seeing here is obviously real. Just accept it and go with the flow."
"You are like me, even if you have chosen not to look at the corners of you that do not fit, even if you have chosen to ignore the brilliant contours of your soul."
"The desires of my multitudes thrive in endless competition with themselves, but none of them rise above their dance to influence me."
"You've brought that knife again, even though you know it's useless. Such charming audacity."
"Oh? Are you still trying to defy me? I. Said. Kneel."
"What a pitiful display. A wounded little bird thinking it can defy a god."
"Was severing the tendons of my ascension not enough for you? Was it not enough to rend my divine heart?"
"I hope you weren't planning on dying. We're going to make this last forever."
"These gifts are a conversation, and each one shows me the contours of your heart."
"I'm going to have fun breaking you into little pieces."
"You and I are always going to end in violence, so why bother to run?"
"I never wanted to fight you. So how do we leave?"
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legitalicat · 3 months
Power is Power - chapter 2
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AN: The inspiration for the council scene, and truly this fic as a whole, is when Cersei is exhibiting to Littlefinger that she has the power.
Masterlist here!
Songs for the chapter:
Would That I by Hozier
Power is Power by SZA, Travis Scott, The Weeknd
Summary: Rhaenyra's return to King's Landing brings together her choice of the Small Council.
CW: Language probably, exertion of power, Daemon, the Velaryon Boys don't play about their sister
Pairings: Aegon Targaryen ii x Alisanne Velaryon
Word Count: 2.2k
Previous Chapter
There was no denying Aegon was a dutiful husband. Everyone who bothered to watch them as they walked from their room could see that. He stood close to her, at her side but one step back, allowing her to lead him. His hand rested on the pommel of his sword he insisted he needed to protect her.
As Alisanne walked, the people parted. Some, those who had planned to usurp her mother’s throne from her, wanted to avoid her at all costs. Others respected her, bowing as she walked by. She gave them all smiles, rushed greetings and apologies for not being able to stay and talk.
“Oh my love, no time to talk?” Aegon teased, his smile evident without her even needing to look. ( 1 )
“No, because you would not let me dress in a timely manner,” she responded. Her voice was just as teasing, just as light.
Memories of his lips ghosting over every part of her, of his hands desperately grabbing at her flesh, flooded through her. They were memories she could feel as though it were happening in that moment. Alisanne could only ever attempt to deny Aegon, her own desire for him clouding her mind. Her own need to prove to him how loved he was would win, always.
They passed by a window that overlooked the gardens when he grabbed her by the waist. When he turned her to face him, he could see the eagerness in her. And as she looked deep into his eyes, a wistful sort of color that hovered between purple and blue, her expression softened into gratefulness.
“You have no much it means to me, for you to do what you did,” she whispered. “You could have kept the crown. Yet, you did not.”
“It would hurt you if I had,” he said softly. He rested his forehead against hers. “I must admit though, it was tempting. The way my mother looked at me for those few days...”
Alisanne’s heart broke with those words. She could not imagine the pain, to know her mother only found value in what she offered. To not feel her love without questioning if it was true.
She wondered how Alicent reacted the day before, when Aegon informed his small council that he was standing aside and giving the crown to her mother. He had asked her to stay in their rooms. It was a smart decision, if she were honest.
“I know, ñuha jorrāeliaryz,” she said quietly. “You deserve better.”
“I have you. That is enough,” he said.
She willed time to stop in this moment. To feel his love encompass her so completely for every moment of the rest her life. She wished she could do nothing but stay in his arms, feeling how he loved her.
Alisanne knew, without a doubt, Aegon loved her. He loved her more than anything. Every day of their marriage in this first year, he had tried to move the Heavens to prove to her that he was the right man for her. He loved her so completely, so selflessly, everything he did he did for her.
She remembered, one night, he spoke in High Valyrian to her when they laid together. He said he had to show her he was the perfect Targaryen husband for her. That she was just as well off with him as she would have been with Jacaerys, or even Aemond.
Alisanne and Aegon began walking again after a few moments. She knew already her family had waited too long. Her husband had maintained order far better than expected. Even so, she had a gut feeling that her mother’s arrival was only the beginning.
When they arrived to the Council Room, she stopped. “Aegon, my love, I want you to know something before I go inside, I need to tell you,” she said. She grabbed his arm and looked at him.
“What is it?” he asked her. His brow furrowed as he looked at her. His concern for her was palpable.
“I love you,” she whispered. “I know our marriage was a bargain for peace. But there has never been a moment since we married that I would have asked for another husband.”
Aegon smiled softly at her. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to her forehead for a moment. And when he pulled away, he gave her hand a squeeze.
“I love you,” he said to her. “And I would never trade this life for another.” He stepped away and began walking back to their rooms, knowing if he stood there any longer, he would not be able to leave.
Alisanne walked into the council chamber. Her mother stood proud at the head of the table, wearing Jaehaerys’ crown. She had been Queen a week, and already she wore it as though it had been twenty years.
Along one side of the table stood Daemon, then Baela, Rhaena, and ending with Corlys and Rhaenys. On the other stood Jacaerys, Luke, and Joffrey, an empty spot waiting for her between her elder brother and twin. Silently, she took her place in the line. The small smile on her mother’s face went near unnoticed. Jace and Luke each taking one of Alisanne’s hands in their own, however, was noted by everyone.
The three of them, since she could remember, stood as a unit. During their early years in the Red Keep, they could only count on each other. Ser Criston did everything he could to further the divide between her brothers and Aegon and Aemond. Alicent, despite seeming to adore Alisanne, kept her from Helaena. King Viserys had always pretended that the problems did not exist until they exploded in front of his face. And for all her effort, Rhaenyra could not keep them from the vitriol their mere existence brought. No distance or time changed the way they felt about each other.
“What do you know of the Small Council? “ Daemon asked Alisanne. No hellos, no form of love. The first private moment as a family for the first time in years, and he was right to business.
“Lord Beesbury is the only one who would remain loyal,” Alisanne answered him. This was her duty, the only reason Rhaenyra allowed the marriage of her and Aegon to continue. “Tyland Lannister will follow riches and power, wherever it lay, but his brother can be made to fall in line. Larys Strong is a coward who will do what he can to manipulate the game. They would do better taking The Black as an example.” ( 2 )
“Or fed to our dragons,” Baela said simply.
“No. The people of King’s Landing will not follow Mother if she proves to be cruel,” Alisanne said quickly. “Jaehaerys and Viserys both had peaceful reigns, as far as they are concerned. The people will follow peace.”
“They will follow the crown,” Daemon said dismissively.
“Says the one who ordered the massacre of any one guilty of so much as a sneeze in your direction,” Alisanne said firmly, beginning to lean forward.
Luke squeezed her hand. With a deep breath, she straightened herself. She glanced to her brothers before looking to her mother. She knew if Rhaenyra had any hope of ruling the kingdom successfully, she needed to ignore the advice of men who would only serve their own interests.
She watched as Rhaenyra’s hand moved to her stomach, wanting to feel close to the babe she had been carrying. But the distress of Viserys’ death left her babeless and, according to Jace, crying in agony for hours. She wondered if he mother should even be on her feet.
Before Alisanne could speak again, Daemon spoke once more. “The best solution would be to remove any threat to your claim. Alicent and her children will never rest.”
Her head snapped towards Daemon. “That is my husband you are speaking of,” she reminded him.
“We have dragons, they will not be able to stop us if we do it now,” Daemon said to Rhaenyra, completely ignoring Alisanne.
Her mouth became weighed down in her concern, a fire setting place in her heart and soul. Daemon spoke of it as though none of them could be trusted. He spoke as though they were automatically all enemies.
“They have dragons,” Jacaerys pointed out. He and Luke could be seen glancing towards one another as they felt Alisanne shift and tense. “We cannot afford what this fight would cost.”
“We have Syrax, Caraxes, and Meleys. Your children have Vermax, Arrax, Vermithor, and Tyraxes. Baela has Moondancer. They have Vhagar, Dreamfyre, Sunfyre, and Tessarion,” Daemon told Rhaenyra.
“No!” Alisanne shouted. Every face turned to her. “If you will not stop suggesting my husband die I will remove your tongue!”
“Your husband is the greatest opposition your mother has!” Daemon said loudly. His voice was a bellowing command, whereas Alisanne’s was a panicked plea.
“Aegon is loyal to me! Aegon loves me! He will not fight against me,” she said to her mother. She removed her hands from her brothers’ grasps. “I have done everything you have ever asked of me, I have done everything expected of me. I bonded with Vermithor! I have earned the right to have my husband protected.”
She was about to move towards Rhaenyra when Daemon removed Dark Sister from its sheathe. The Velaryon boys, all three, removed their own swords. None of them truly could stand against Daemon, but it was clear Daemon did not think clearly.
Alisanne, however, did not flinch. She looked at the few guards in the room, the ones she knew and ones she trusted. The men who watched either her or Aegon, maybe both, grow. And in the distance, Vermithor could be heard calling out to her, feeling her fear and uncertainty.
“Restrain Daemon,” Alisanne commanded the guards as she stared at her stepfather.
For a moment, there was no movement. Then Ser Erryk moved forward, his own sword being drawn. Vermithor’s anger boomed through the sky as he felt Alisanne’s own anger and fear.
“I’ve changed my mind. Vermithor sounds hungry,” she said simply. Ser Erryk stopped in half step, looking to her. “Ser Erryk, how many guards remain in the Keep who would follow me?”
It was not a question he was able to shy away from. Ser Erryk had long since been sworn specifically to Alisanne, just as his brother has been sworn to Aegon.
“All but Ser Criston, Princess,” he said simply.
“How many city guard?” she asked him.
“None would stand opposed to you, Princess. Not even what remains of the Gold Cloaks,” he said.
“Who will the people of King’s Landing follow if my mother were not an option, given the choice?” Her words were laced with venom as she did not move an inch.
“You, Princess.”
“And who among the Small Council would prefer me over my brothers, Aegon, or even Aemond?” she asked finally. Though her gaze never moved from Daemon, as he began shifting in his stance.
“I believe all would, Princess, save for Otto Hightower. The people of the Keep and in the city regard you as Jaehaerys reborn.”
“Then perhaps you shall strike me down, if my mother commands it. As I appear to be a larger threat to her reign than my husband ever could,” she said to him, her attention finally turning to Rhaenyra. “Men have determined for far too long what happens to us. We all know it should not be our line that sits the Throne, but that of my grandmother Rhaenys. Yet, men are stupid in their fear, and they fear what women can do. They fear that you will bring instability. So, either you prove to them that they are right, or you show them that you are smarter than Viserys and Jaehaerys and you do what is best for Westeros. It is better your brothers and sister remain living, it is better that Viserys’ Small Council be left living examples of where disloyalty leads.”
She turned back to Daemon, chuckling a bit. Vermithor let out another resounding roar.
“I am king! You will not speak to me this way,” he shouted.
“You are Prince Consort and you will bow to my mother’s word as your Queen!” she shouted.
Luke smirked beside her. Jace was the perfect prince, Joffrey a knight in the making. He and Alisanne were considered Rhaenyra’s chaotic children by those closest to them. While most saw her as perfect, just as Jace. She was merely the quiet persuasion, urging Luke to steal sweets and tell innocent lies. Luke was all the happier to create the chaos. He was loud, sarcastic, quick on his feet, his fingers lifted what he wanted easily, and unlocked doors as if they did not exist. All he ever wanted was to cause confusion and bring humor.
“Power is power, Daemon. Dragons, gold, it does not matter. The people are what give the Crown it’s power,” Alisanne said quietly as she walked around the table. Her eyes never left him, even when she stood face to face him. “The next time you suggest we murder my husband, or you attempt to use my mother for your own gain, will be the last suggestion you have. The world will burn if I command it. And gods know, for him? I would use you to light the flame.”
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xxbookdrunkdemigodxx · 9 months
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Gator Tillman X Reader
Warning: Smut, Minors DNI, dom/sub dynamic, old fashioned values are mentioned, spanking, soap eating. You’ve been warned.
If looks could kill, Gator Tillman would be a dead man right now.
He had promised you a calm lunch date, said that he found this really cute diner that he thought you would love and wanted to take you out on an old-fashioned date. Because of how well behaved you’ve been, and because he wanted to see a smile on your face.
You had been together for two years now, despite the protest of his father. you had even convinced him to move out, getting a little place with you. Providing the two of you so much-needed independence. But unfortunately, as a punishment, his father had been bombarding him with Monday assignments and medial task to keep him busy and away from you. Which is why he proposed the date to try to ease some of the tension that had formed.
Of course, when he said this, he didn’t happen to mention the waitress that was currently fawning all over him. he was in his uniform, wearing a black polo with his bulletproof vest that read sheriff across the chest.
She was blonde, petite, had her tits pushed out and in YOUR boyfriend’s face. And while he wasn’t paying her any mind, you trusted him, it still made you angry. He was currently looking over the menu, asking a question about something that he wanted to order and she had her hand on his shoulder far too close for your comfort and he said nothing about it.
Gator wasn’t a big fan of public displays of affection. He liked with the two of you shared to be kept behind closed doors special just for the two of you, and you didn’t mind that, but for some reason he had no issue with this hussy who was clearly into him having her hands on him.
“So, that comes with two sides? Can I get just two orders of the bacon fries?” he asked simply.
“Oh sheriff, for you? I'll make anything you want to happen.” the waitress smirked and squeezed his shoulder
“I've lost my appetite Gator. Let's go.” you snarled. Still glaring at the woman and her hand on Gator shoulder.
“Huh? But she just took our order.” he said finally looking up at you. His eyes wide, and when he saw the expression on your face, his eyes following your gaze to her hand on his shoulder.
“Sweet cheeks come on, you need to eat.” he said taking your hand under the table. Normally him being that soft on you would make you melt and give in to whatever it is that he wants but not this time it wasn’t going to work you were too mad.
“Fine why don't you and your fuckin’ new friend stay and have lunch.” you spit and get up from the table leaving a stunned Gator at the table, walking out into the parking lot you get into his truck and slam the door watching him for a second as he stands up going over to the counter and asking for a bag when your food comes. He was still gonna make you eat, even if you knew you had it coming for making a scene.
About 20 minutes later, he comes out to the truck with a bag containing both of your orders. He gets in and doesn't say a word. You begin to worry.
“I hope you're not mad at me. It's your fault for lettin’ that fucking slut feel you up and drool over you in front of me.”
“That’s three, keep going darlin’ see where that gets ya.” he growled not even looking at you. You had your answer he was mad.
“You tell me all the time to keep my paws off you like that in public but some bitch who we don't even know gets to!” you cry out in protest
“Oh, four, goin’ for a record.” he exclaimed with a dark chuckle.
“Fuck you gator!” you all but yelled.
The car lurched as he pulled into the driveway way faster than he probably should of. Him getting out and stomping all the way to the passenger's side door and yanked it open. You weighed almost nothing to him, he throws you over his shoulder and walks inside. Immediately making his way to the bathroom sitting you down on the edge of the tub. You knew what he was about to do.
“Gator, please?” you exclaimed as the reasliztion hit you that you had really done it now.
“Is that how you adress me in MY house?” he spat at you. Gator was gone.
“N-No Sir.” you responded quietly.
“That’s more like it, now, let’s talk about the attitude you had with me at lunch today. Not one time but five times, is that any way for a young lady to talk?” he spoke lowly, like someone would to a child.
“No, but Sir I was mad!” you cried
“ And that’s another thing, you are not a child, is that how you communicate to me when you’re upset?” he condescendingly asked.
“No…” your eyes locked onto the floor. there was disappointment written across his face, and you didn’t wanna look at him anymore.
“ I don’t have a lot of rules, but you know that I hate when you swear. it hurts me to hear dirty words like that, come out of such a sweet girl. You need a reminder huh sugar? Need Sir to remind you of how to behave?”
“Y-yes.” you teared up at the knowledge that sitting would be difficult for you tomorrow.
“You know how I want you. Get into position and Sir will be right back.” he stroked your jaw lovingly, a stark contrast to what was behind his words, what was coming.
You sniffled and brought yourself over to the bed pulling your pants and underwear down your waist and bending over the plush surface. You knew if you protested or didn't listen it would only get worse.
“So she can listen!” gator mocks you as he Re-enters the room running his hand across your bare bottom and giving it a squeeze for good measure.
“Heres how this will go, Five times for all five nasty words that came out of your mouth today. Understood?” he asked, a hand on your back.
“Yes sir.” you respond voice still shaky from crying, that was a light sentence. Odd? Normally he's a bit rougher.
“Good Girl, what's our safe word?” he asked, no matter what, even if you were in trouble, he always made sure to ask you and communicate with you. it was extremely important to him that your relationship be healthy, unlike what he saw growing up in his own home.
“Winner.” you keep your eyes trained forward.
“That right baby. You know how this works, count or I start over.” he states and you feel the first smack with the wooden paddle he had purchased for occasions just like this come down swiftly.
“O-One.” you choke out.
Another smack follows
“Such a good girl taking it so well.” he rubs your back for a moment.
Not even a second after soothing you two harsh smacks come down in a row.
“T-THREE, FOUR.” you cry out gripping the sheets tightly.
“One more baby.” he reassured you. “ you understand why I’m doing this, right? it hurts that you don’t trust me you know that I would never do anything like that to you. and you know better than to cause scene over some girl that we’re never gonna see again.” he punctuates that last word with one final smack to your behind.
“I’m a-sorry Sir.” you sob out. Gator sits you up and sits you on the soft surface of the bed.
“Don’t move, sir isn't done with you yet darlin’. I really don’t like the way that you spoke to me today and I don’t think you’re really sorry just yet but don’t worry you will be.” he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a white bar of Dove soap, your soap.
You looked up at him in confusion not sure why he had this in his pocket.
“This isn’t the first time that I’ve had to punish you for using harsh nasty language with me and obviously the message isn't getting across because you keep doing it, so we’re gonna try something a little different I’m gonna wash that filthy mouth out.” he kneels down in front of you as your eyes widen in horror.
“Sir please don't.” you beg sweetly
“Open, now.” he states clearly not impressed with your attempt.
your mouth closes tightly in an attempt to keep him from doing what it is that he wants. He sits there waiting for a moment.
“Baby Girl, don't do that. Make this worse than it has to be.” he says condescendingly punctuating his sentence with a light smack to your face.
You realize he isn’t going to relent and open your mouth slightly, he sticks a finger in and forces it open before taking a the bar of soap and forcing it past your lips. you spit and choke on the taste in your mouth bubbles begin to form on your tongue making you gag.
“Good Girl, you're gonna sit there while Sir runs our bath, don't even think about takin’ that out before I come and get it understood?” he stands and watches you
You nod, tears still running down your face.
“I’m really sorry about this sugar, but you need to understand that you’re not only doing something that I hate, but you also embarrassed me in public. Word of what happened today is going to get around. And you know that’s not gonna bring anything but trouble, you need to learn to watch that mouth when you’re with me.” He petted your hair gently before going into the bathroom and you could hear the bath running.
You sat patiently waiting for him to come back, your face red with embarrassment. Simply because of the fact that you could feel wetness pooling between your legs and you knew this wouldn't be the last time you lashed out at him, if it brought this out of him. You felt extremely lucky in that moment, to be Gators girl.
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