#irshad hussein
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spbpassion · 3 months ago
Добавляем последний кусочек пазла на полотно публикаций Irshad Hussein @ m_division. Наслаждайтесь с удовольствием, сет загружен на soundcloud
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Syrian Prime Minister Hussein Arnous meeting Indian Ambassador Irshad Ahmed in Damascus today, 18 February 2024
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karballa · 7 months ago
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لا وَاللّهِ لا أُعْطِيهِمْ بِيَدِيْ إعْطَاءَ الدَّليلِ وَ لا أَفِرُّ فِرارَ الْعَبِيْد... إنِّىْ لا أَرَىَ الْمَوْتَ إلاّ سَعادَةً و الحَياةَ مَعَ الظّالِمِينَ إلاّ بَرَما
Imam Husayn (a.s.) said:
I swear by God that I shall never join hands with them like those humbled, nor escape like the slaves. I consider death as nothing but prosperity, and life with the unjust as nothing but a source of blame and misfortune
1. Naqtalel Hussein, page 246 & 256. Al-Irshad, vol2, page 97. Aalamu Alwara, page 242. Al-Manaqib, vol 4, page 86.
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 7 months ago
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◾▪️Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, said: Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return. Praise be to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. He repeated this two or three times. His son, Ali ibn Hussein, peace be upon him, approached him on a horse and asked, "Why did you praise Allah and recite the verse of return?" He replied, "My son, I had a brief nap and saw a horseman saying, 'The people are moving, and death is moving towards them'. I understood it was a message of our impending demise. He then said, "O father, may Allah never show you any harm. Are we not on the side of the truth?" Imam replied, "Indeed, by Him to whom all servants return". He then said, "If so, then we don't care about dying while being in the right". Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, responded, "May Allah reward you with the best reward a son can receive from his father."
📚Al-Irshad, vol.2, p.82.
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beardedmrbean · 3 years ago
A powerful bomb exploded inside a Shiite Muslim mosque in Pakistan's northwestern city of Peshawar on Friday, killing at least 56 people and wounding 194 others, according to a hospital official.
Peshawar Police Chief Muhammed Ejaz Khan said the violence started when two armed attackers opened fire on police outside the mosque in Peshawar��s old city. One attacker and one policeman were killed in the gunfight, and another police official was wounded. The remaining attacker then ran inside the mosque and detonated a bomb.
Local police official Waheed Khan said the explosion occurred as worshippers had gathered in the Kucha Risaldar mosque for Friday prayers.
Ambulances rushed through congested narrow streets carrying the wounded to Lady Reading Hospital, where doctors worked feverishly.
The attack came  on the first day of a cricket test match in Rawalpindi – around 190 kilometres (120 miles) to the east – between Pakistan and Australia, who haven't toured Pakistan in nearly a quarter of a century because of security concerns.
No one immediately claimed responsibility for the blast, but both the Islamic State (IS) group and the Pakistani Taliban have carried out similar attacks in the region, located near the border with neighbouring Afghanistan.
'Dust and bodies everywhere'
Shayan Haider, a witness, had been preparing to enter the mosque when a powerful explosion threw him to the street.
“I opened my eyes and there was dust and bodies everywhere,” he said.
At the Lady Reading Hospital emergency department, there was chaos as doctors struggled to move the many wounded into operating theatres. Hundreds of relatives gathered outside the emergency department, many of them wailing and beating their chests, pleading for information about their loved ones.
Outside the mosque, Shiite Muslims pressed through the cordoned-off streets. The Kucha Risaldar mosque is one of the oldest in the area, predating the creation of Pakistan in 1947 as a separate homeland for the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent.
The prayer leader, Allama Irshad Hussein Khalil, a prominent young Shiite leader, was among the dead. Throughout the city, ambulance sirens could be heard.
Prime Minister Imran Khan condemned the bombing.
'Aren't we citizens?'
Retired army officer Sher Ali who had been inside the mosque at the time of the explosion was injured by flying shrapnel. He made a impassioned plea to the Pakistani government for better protection of the country's minority Shiite Muslims.
“What is our sin? What have we done? Aren't we citizens of this country?” he said from within the emergency department, his white clothes splattered with blood.
In majority Sunni Muslim Pakistan, minority Shiite Muslims have come under repeated attacks.
In recent months Pakistan has experienced a broad increase of violence. Dozens of military personnel have been killed in scores of attacks on army outposts along the border with Afghanistan. Much has been claimed by the Pakistani Taliban, which analysts say have been emboldened by the Afghan Taliban's return to power last August.
Pakistan has urged Afghanistan's new rulers to hand over Pakistani Taliban insurgents who have been staging their attacks from Afghanistan. Afghanistan's Taliban say their territory will not be used to stage attacks against anyone, but until now they have not handed over any Pakistani insurgents.
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yourdailyqueer · 5 years ago
Indian queer people
I’m adding a lot more Indian folk to drafts right now, but for those who have missed out - here are the queer Indian people added to this blog already:
I’m trying to find more Indian trans men.
Total: 69
Manabi Bandyopadhyay - Trans woman
Gopi Shankar Madurai - Non binary & Intersex
Grace Tandon (Daya) - Bisexual
AzMarie Livingston - Non binary lesbian Hoshang Merchant - Gay
Shiva Raichandani - Non binary
Kalki Subramaniam - Trans woman
Rajee Narinesingh - Trans woman
Elena Genevinne - Trans woman
Nakshatra Bagwe - Gay
Riyad Vinci Wadia - Gay
Alok Vaid-Menon - Non binary
Sushant Divgikar - Gay
Wendell Rodricks - Gay
Rose Venkatesan - Trans woman
Freddie Mercury - Bisexual
Shaleen Rakesh - Gay
Apsara Reddy - Trans woman
Parvez Sharma - Gay
Gazal Dhaliwal - Trans woman 
Shals Mahajan - Non binary
Sumathi Murthy - Queer
Dr Ranj Singh - Gay
Agniva Lahiri - Third gender 
Madhu Kinnar - Trans woman
Vasu Primlani - Lesbian
Shonali Bose - Bisexual
Vivek Shraya - Trans woman
Jessica Clark - Lesbian
Urvashi Vaid - Lesbian
Radhika Vaz - Lesbian
Rupert Raj - Trans man
Harish Iyer - Gay
Karpaga - Trans woman
K. Prithika Yashini - Trans woman
Adam Bainbridge - Non binary
Ashok Row Kavi - Gay
Nergis Mavalvala  - Lesbian
Sushant Divgikar - Gay
Bobby Darling - Trans woman
Firdaus Kanga - Gay
Jameela Jamil - Queer
Gregory Gray - Gay
Tharika Banu - Trans woman
Apurva Asrani - Gay
Nitasha Biswas - Trans woman
Waris Hussein - Gay
Aneesh Sheth - Trans woman
Dutee Chand - Lesbian
Ayesha Kapur - Queer
Farzana Doctor - Lesbian
Nisha Ganatra - Lesbian
Pragati Singh - Gray Asexual 
Rohit Khosla - Bisexual
Sunny Leone - Bisexual
Navtej Johar - Gay
Naaz Joshi - Trans woman 
Irshad Manji - Lesbian
Karan Johar - Gay
Rahul Mehta - Gay
Vikas Gupta - Bisexual
Grace Banu - Trans woman
Lilly Singh - Bisexual
S. Swapna - Trans woman
R. Raj Rao - Gay
Tamal Ray - Gay
Tista Das - Trans woman
VJ Andy - Gay
Lakshmi - Third gender
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shiaat · 5 years ago
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فلما لم يبق مع الحسين عليه السلام أحد إلا ثلاثة رهط من أهله، أقبل على القوم يدفعهم عن نفسه والثلاثة يحمونه، حتى قتل الثلاثة وبقي وحده وقد أثخن بالجراح في رأسه وبدنه، فجعل يضاربهم بسيفه وهم يتفرقون عنه يمينا وشمالا.
فقال حميد بن مسلم: فوالله ما رأيت مكثورا قط قد قتل ولده وأهل بيته وأصحابه أربط جأشا ولا أمضى جنانا منه عليه السلام، إن كانت الرجالة لتشد عليه فيشد عليها بسيفه، فتنكشف عن يمينه وشماله انكشاف المعزى إذا شد فيها الذئب.
فلما رأى ذلك شمر بن ذي الجوشن استدعى الفرسان فصاروا في ظهور الرجالة، وأمر الرماة أن يرموه، فرشقوه بالسهام حتى صار كالقنفذ فأحجم عنهم، فوقفوا بإزائه، وخرجت أخته زينب إلى باب الفسطاط فنادت عمر بن سعد بن أبي وقاص: ويحك يا عمر! أيقتل أبو عبد الله وأنت تنظر إليه؟ فلم يجبها عمر بشئ، فنادت: ويحكم أما فيكم مسلم؟! فلم يجبها أحد بشئ: ونادى شمر بن ذي الجوشن الفرسان والرجالة فقال: ويحكم ما تنتظرون بالرجل؟
ثكلتكم أمهاتكم! فحمل عليه من كل جانب فضربه زرعة بن شريك على كفه اليسرى فقطعها، وضربه آخر منهم على عاتقه فكبا منها لوجهه، وطعنه سنان بن أنس بالرمح فصرعه، ويدر إليه خولي بن يزيد الأصبحي لعنه الله فنزل ليحتز رأسه فأرعد، فقال له شمر: فت الله في عضدك، ما لك ترعد؟
ونزل شمر إليه فذبحه ثم دفع في رأسه إلى خولي بن يزيد فقال: أحمله إلى الأمير عمر بن سعد، ثم أقبلوا على سلب الحسين عليه السلام فأخذ قميصه إسحاق بن حياة الحضرمي، وأخذ سراويله أبجر بن كعب، وأخذ عمامته أخنس بن مرثد، وأخذ سيفه رجل من بني دارم، وانتهبوا رحله وإبله وأثقاله وسلبوا نساءه.
When nobody except a group of three members of his family was left with al-Hussain(asws), He moved against the people while three protected him until(all) three were killed. Al-Hussain(asws) was left alone. Despite being weighed down by wonds in his head and body, he began to strike against them with His sword and they scattered to right and left , away from Him(asws).
Humayd bin Muslim said: "By God, I have never seen such persistence. His sons have been killed, and the members of His household and his followers, yet He is still as brave as ever and he has not allowed his spirit  to leave him. When the soldiers attack him, He fights back with his swords and scattered them to right and left of him like goats when a wolf comes upon them."
When shamir bin dil al-jawshan(lanaAllah) realised(the position) he called for cavalry and they came up at the rear of the foot soldiers. He ordered the archers to shoot [al-Hussain(asws)] and they showered him with arrows until he became(quilted with arrows) like a hedgehog(is with spikes).
He(asws) drew back from them and they stood facing him. His sister[Zaynab(saws)] came to the door of the tent and called out to umar bin sa'd b. abi waqqas(lanaAllah): "Woe upon you, o umar. Is Abu Abd Allah(asws) being killed while you(said by and) watch?" but umar did not answer. Then She called out: "Woe upon you(all), is there not a Muslim among you?" no one answered.
Then shamir(lanaAllah) shouted at the foot soldiers and the cavalry : "Why are you waiting for the man? may your mothers be deprived of you!" so they attacked Him(asws) from every side.
zur'a bin sharik(la) struck him on left shoulder-blade and cut into it. Another of them struck him on the shoulder. He fell postrate on his face. Sinan bin anas al-nakha'i(la) stabbed him with spear and killed him. khawali bin yazid al-asbah(la)i hurried to him and bent down  down to cut off his head but he trembled(to much). shamir(la)(Sinan according to tabari) said to him: "May God crush your arm why are you tremling?" Then shamir(lanaAllah) bent down and decapitated him(asws). he(la) lifted the head (and handed it) to khawali(la) saying "take it to commander umar bin sa'd."
Then they plunder(the body of) Hussein(asws). ishaq bin al-hayat al-hadrami(la) took his shirt. abjar bin ka'b(la) took his trousers. akhnas bin marthad(la) took his turban. One of the banu darim(la) took his sword. They plundered his saddle and his camel and they looted his (asws) womenfolk[the names of plunderers and the plundered objects are different in Tabari].
[Al-Irshad, vol 2, pg 111]
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thekultofo · 3 years ago
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Deep spacy #techno, sometimes easy going and on other times a bit more stomping.
Hope you enjoy! If you do please share, comment, favorite, you know the drill!
Take care!
I'd like to thank my Patreons who supported this show: Dafreeze, Strayd0g & ivan.
If you also want to support The Kult of O, and get more content, then consider becoming a Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/oneirich
Bleim01 - Dynamic Theory Of Gravity Pfirter - Roundabout Draag - Flower Of Evil Tim Williams - Lost Tim Tama - Sepulchre Szmer - Avarice Kinetic KNTC - Indefinite Irshad Hussein - Obastan 2 HMRH - Massive Das - Voraus Drvg Cvltvre - Stellar Remnant (Millhouse Remix) Rubbish TC - Les Meandres De Samara Part III Odrorir - As i watch the forest burning Axel Sohns & Duellist - Obsolete Meta Level Ivo Garavaglia - Oblivion Ataxia Lab - VII Razeed - Khole (Start Mix) H. Paul - Conspiracies Juan Trujillo - Bermuda Amby Iguous - Meteor
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houselanguageupdate · 6 years ago
FLAC / MP3: Irshad Hussein – We are iN (CIR072)
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erfunden · 8 years ago
ERFUNDEN | Pod 085 | Blackdual.
Bio /
Born and raised in Spain, Blackdual is a DJ-producer and owner of ‘Tetrao' record label who is constantly updating and has been influenced from the beginning by Birgmingham’s techno (with Ruskin and O’Connor among others). He soon demonstrated his extreme versatile ability and his desire to experiment with different genres, combining the most sophisticated and fresh electronic with the most abstract and complex techno; his style favours industrial sounds and obscure atmospheres.
He got full support from Abstract Division, Arnaud Le Texier, Milton Bradley, Benjamin Damage, Mental Resonance, Antonio de Angelis, Datura Dilema, Dave Clarke, Chris Liebing, Takaaki Itoh, Michael Pullmann, Joseph Capriati, Dj Warp, Juho Kusti, Wirrwarr, Corvum, LISS C., Anthony Jimenez, Forest People as well as participating in the radio program "White noise" by Dave Clarke and in Laurent Garnier’s ‘PBB Radio online (24/7)’.
He has recently incorporated to Rxxistance, Stoned Babys’s Brand, in 2017 (on his 17th anniversary) due to the good critics received in production launchs from Tetrao and several performances made, reaching 4every1 festival, concept festival, Siroco Club, Family Club, Sakog Club (in Austria), among other renowned places.
Tracklist /
01. Blackdual - Intro 02. Jon Hopkins - Distant Fire / How I Live Now 03. Polar Inertia - Kinematic Optics/Kinematic Optics EP [Dement3d] 04. Assalti Industriali - Sei Minuti E Ventitre Secondi [Otto Minuti Mrt] 05. Broken English Club - Godless / Suburban Hunting [Cititrax] 06. Voiski - Marble Sadness / Marble Saadness [Dement3d] 07. Homo-Ambiens - Nubes / Memorandun 08. PEG - Critical Response 09. Cleric - Unwanted Arrival (Beatless Mix) / Rules of Reality EP [Clergy] 10. Küjuu - Ksati 11. Claudio PRC - Segmento / Semantica 87 [Semantica Records] 12. Black Merlin - Tanksport / Issue N. Fourteen [Jealous God] 13. Beyond - Resurrection 14. PTU - Taorak / When I Was [Trip] 15. Uron - Leda (Repressed Mind & Escape To Mars Remix) 16. Radial - We scare / Bona Fide [Mord] 17. Neel - Souls On The Run [Semantica Records] 18. Svreca - Sleepless (Voices From The Lake Remix) / Narita Remixed Terminal 2 [Semantica Records] 19. Zenker Brothers - Ebbman / Inmersion [Illan Tape] 20. Irshad Hussein - Obastan 3 / Obastan EP [Circular Limited] 21. Oscar Mulero - Subterranean [Semantica Record] 22. Blackdual - Polarity Diode / Tetrao 004 - Real Steel EP [Tetrao Records]
Links /
Facebook: www.facebook.com/blackdualofficial/ Soundcloud: @blackdual Label: www.facebook.com/tetraorecords Rxxstance: www.rxxistance.com RA: www.residentadvisor.net/dj/blackdual Bandcamp: tetraorecords.bandcamp.com
Release date | 21.05.2017
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spbpassion · 3 months ago
При подготовке поста заметили, везде вирусится один видос Irshad Hussein с Boiler room. Хочется поконкурировать!
Записали выступление Иршада на m_division XV. Чтож, попробуем переплюнуть гиганта ) Задача тяжелая, вектор понятен. Ваше главное оружие — активность.
Красоту в кадре гарантируем.
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karballa · 2 years ago
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لا وَاللّهِ لا أُعْطِيهِمْ بِيَدِيْ إعْطَاءَ الدَّليلِ وَ لا أَفِرُّ فِرارَ الْعَبِيْد... إنِّىْ لا أَرَىَ الْمَوْتَ إلاّ سَعادَةً و الحَياةَ مَعَ الظّالِمِينَ إلاّ بَرَما
Imam Husayn (a.s.) said:
I swear by God that I shall never join hands with them like those humbled, nor escape like the slaves. I consider death as nothing but prosperity, and life with the unjust as nothing but a source of blame and misfortune
1. Naqtalel Hussein, page 246 & 256. Al-Irshad, vol2, page 97. Aalamu Alwara, page 242. Al-Manaqib, vol 4, page 86.
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 years ago
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🏴Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, said to Abi Al-Fadel Al-Abbas, peace be upom him on Ashura Day: “O Abbas, ride! May my soul be sacrificed for your sake my brother”.
📚Al-Irshad, vol.2, p.90.
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decoderrecordings · 8 years ago
Tracklist: 01 Jeff Derringer - Departure (Shifted Version) 02 Irshad Hussein - Obastan 2 03 Architectural - Cubismo 8.3 04 Wirrwarr - Floating Seals Era (Reggy Van Oers Remix) 05 Subtraum - Implosion, Pt. 02 06 Svarog - Khidi (Aleja Sanchez Remix) 07 Depthon - Last Train 08 Saam - Reform 09 Sine Metu - Retorta 10 2000 And One - Space Thang 11 James Bong - Cerber 12 Jeff Rushin & Nicole Rosie - Stingray 13 LPZ - Camera 14 Marla Singer - Materialisation 15 Arnaud le Texier - Control Freak 16 Wirrwarr - Void The C Stem (VSK Remix) 17 Celya - Mosaic
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 years ago
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◾▪️Aqba bin Sama'n said: We moved with him (Imam Hussein, peace be upon him) an hour, he saw a vision and after it he said: “To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return. Praise be to Allah lord of all realms”. He said it twice or trice. Then his son Ali bin Al-Hussein, peace be upon him, came and asked him: “Why did you say that?” He said: “My son, I had a vision of a knight on his stallion who was saying: “They are walking and deaths are walking towards them”. So, I realized that he meant us. Ali said: “My father, may Allah not show you any evil. Aren’t we right?” He said: “Yes, I swear by to whom we shall return”. He then said: “Then we don’t care if we die being right”. Then Hussein, peace be upon him, said: "May Allah reward you with the greatest reward given to a son dealing with his father".
📚Al-Irshad, vol.2, p.82.
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karballa · 3 years ago
لا وَاللّهِ لا أُعْطِيهِمْ بِيَدِيْ إعْطَاءَ الدَّليلِ وَ لا أَفِرُّ فِرارَ الْعَبِيْد... إنِّىْ لا أَرَىَ الْمَوْتَ إلاّ سَعادَةً و الحَياةَ مَعَ الظّالِمِينَ إلاّ بَرَما
Imam Husayn (a.s.) said:
I swear by God that I shall never join hands with them like those humbled, nor escape like the slaves. I consider death as nothing but prosperity, and life with the unjust as nothing but a source of blame and misfortune
—Imam Hussain ibne Ali (a.s) 1. Naqtalel Hussein, page 246 & 256. Al-Irshad, vol2, page 97. Aalamu Alwara, page 242. Al-Manaqib, vol 4, page 86.
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