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theelderhazelnut · 10 months ago
So if I may ask, what is this IronVenom ship? 👉👈
Oh! It’s the ship of Ombra and @onehornedbeast ‘s oc, Valerie Watson ^_^)/
Val is a COD/r6 OC, so it’s a crossover!
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lifeinbrick · 4 years ago
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“You know these are pork, right?” #lego #spiderman #venom #porkgrind #ironvenom #avengers #peterparker #marvel #legomarvel #legoavengers #legospiderman #legostagram #instalego #toystagram #legophotography #legominifigures #minifigures #afol #toy #toys #toyphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CN8o2WPp-kn/?igshid=q4a85625cyof
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smallbutmighty01 · 5 years ago
Ironvenom edit!!
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dracusfyre · 6 years ago
For you, @feelingsinwinter, based on this prompt by @puppy-bitch24
Yessss, we are going to see Tony, Venom hissed happily, which was lifting Eddie's mood from being stuck in this line at the airport. We like Tony. He has such nice things.
He was squirming on and under Eddie's skin like an overexcited octopus, which all in all was not a terribly pleasant sensation but his excitement was contagious. "Wait, whaddya mean 'he has nice things'?"
Planes. Towers. Cars. Explosives. Each word was accompanied by a mental image, with a final one a picture of Tony in his Iron Man suit blowing up a tank.
"I have nice things," and he said, feeling a little insulted. He was no Tony Stark, but he made enough money to live nicely in San Francisco and that wasn't nothing.
Of course you do, Venom said. You have me. Eddie rolled his eyes and stepped into the scatter x-ray machine before the TSA agent noticed he was talking to himself.
Eddie had been a bit worried about the flight, wondering how Venom would do in such a closed environment, but after 30 minutes, Venom got bored, slithered through an access panel, and spent the rest of the flight on the roof of the plane, pleased by the lack of air and unfazed by the wind and the cold. As the plane descended, he slithered back up Eddie's sleeve, happy as a clam. The sensation of having an alien parasite hum tunes in your own head was.. indescribable.
The driver Tony sent was holding up a sign that said "Eddie Brock and Venom," which of course was the kind of thoughtful thing that Tony would do and made Venom chuckle gleefully inside Eddie's head. The real surprise, though, was that Tony himself was waiting in the car; as Eddie climbed in and slid across the seat to give him a kiss, Venom oozed out to slither over him, a short term infestation being its version of a hug.
"Hey, babe. Babes," Tony corrected when Venom raised its head to scowl at him. "Nice flight?"
"No one got eaten," Eddie said cheerfully, which was actually a sentence he said often enough that it had actually lost it's "what the hell is my life" factor.
"Poor Venom," Tony said when Venom raised his head to sigh melodramatically. "I've got sushi at the tower. Nagiri for you, Venom. It's already dead, my charming little homicidal symbiote, but it is raw." He smiled when he could feel Venom's pleasure before it climbed back into Eddie.
Eddie squeezed Tony's hand gratefully, always surprised at how easily Tony had accepted Venom into his life, treating him like a welcome member of their relationship instead of a bizarre, occasionally terrifying third wheel. Eddie knew that Venom didn't so much appreciate it as expect it as his due, but Eddie knew how rare it was.
Good mate, Venom agreed, though Eddie had the sneaking suspicion Venom was thinking more of the “planes, towers, cars” from earlier than anything else. 
“We’re going to stop by Avenger’s compound first, I’ve got a little bit of work to do but then I’m yours for the rest of the weekend,” Tony said. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Rough week?”
“Rough year,” he said with a sigh, so Eddie squeezed his hand again.  
As Eddie followed Tony into the compound, his first clue that something was wrong was when he saw Tony’s shoulders stiffen. 
“Well, hello Tony, kind of you to grace us with your presence,” a voice drawled.  “Long time no see. It’s almost like you get to go out there and have a life while the rest of us are stuck here.”
“Better than the Raft, Clint,” Tony said, voice flat.  Eddie came around to see who Tony was talking to and recognized him from all the news about the Accords and the showdown in Germany. 
“Is it?” Clint said as he came closer, curling his lip at Tony.  “The Raft had better quality food. And company.”
As Tony clenched his jaw against what was clearly an old argument, inside Eddie's head Venom went ominously still. What did he say?
"Come on, buddy," Eddie said under his breath. "Don't pick any fights here, you're not going to be doing me or Tony any favors by picking fights with his, uh...friends." Of course, Eddie may as well have been talking to the wall. 
It manifested a head through the neck of Eddie's shirt so it could cast a baleful eye on the offender. "Friends," Venom growled, like rocks grinding together, "should show respect."
“Holy shit!” Clint said, stumbling backwards.  He would have fallen over the coffee table had Venom not formed a talon and hooked the front of his clothes, holding him off the floor by his shirt.
Venom dragged him closer, his shoes squeaking on the tile floor. “Eddie,” it said, black lips pulling back over its sharp, needle-like teeth. “What did you say I could do to mean people? Eat them? While their heart is pumping so fast, so fast, like a little rabbit? I can bite their hands and their feet and their legs and their arms while they fill the air with their screams? Is that what I can do?”
“Well,” Eddie said mildly, pretending to look at his phone while Clint was frozen in terror and Tony was staring at the drama with wide eyes, “first you gotta give them time to apologize.”
“Right,” Venom said, sounding disappointed. He leaned in close, licking a stripe up Clint’s neck. Eddie winced at the phantom taste of Clint’s skin.  “Well? Do you apologize?”
“Yes! I’m sorry!”
“I don’t think that’s good enough.” Venom opened his jaws wide, like a snake, and started to close them over Clint’s head while he made a high-pitched noise like a tea kettle. 
“I accept the apology,” Tony said, having to raise his voice to be heard over Clint’s distress. “You can let him go, Venom.”
Venom stopped with his teeth inches from the bottom of Clint’s jaw. Slowly, reluctantly, he withdrew and set Clint down, who sagged right to the floor, hair damp with Venom’s saliva. “Strike one,” he said, as he crawled back under Eddie’s skin.  “Three strikes, and you’re out.”
“Oh, by the way, Clint, this is my boyfriend Eddie and his symbiote, Venom,” Tony said over his shoulder as he led Eddie deeper into the compound.  “I’m sure you’ll treat them with the same respect you treat me.”
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tony-luvv · 6 years ago
Shi-Toyu Called Me Out
since @shi-toyu came at me with this post I decided to steal a section and write it for them. Hope you like it Love, we’re too far down the rabbit hole now. Also I really hope you get to see the movie, you’re going to love them even more after you do.
“Sir! There’s an intruder!”
Tony nearly fell of his chair at JARVIS’s frantic voice. It’s been so quite lately…
“What do you–” Tony stood up and felt something move beside him. But that shouldn’t be possible, “–mean?
As if he was stuck in a dramatic movie scene, he turned to see this – this thing standing right next to him. It’s jet black, ink-like body stood at least a meter taller than him. The eyes were cloudy grey slits and held no expression. Rows of teeth, sharp and huge opened to reveal a slimy red tongue that twisted in front of him.
“hELlo ToNy.”
As soon as the creature spoke his name his hands moved to call his suit using his bracelets.
…His wrist are bare. Panicked he looked down to see his greatest fear. His iron man bracelets weren’t there.
Right now he was alone with an alien creature and no protection.
He couldn’t breathe.
It reached for him, giant claw like hands moving to grab him.
It’s almost funny how well gravity and panic worked together because as soon as it touched him he was falling back and scrambling away.
Everything was moving too fast and not moving at all. His body moved on its own yet he couldn’t get his breath back.
His back connected with something and he turned, were there more aliens? Did they come back?
He killed them! With the nuke, he hit the mother ship and stopped the army.
You know there’s more out there.
But he did it, they won. Steve said so.
Just because you ‘won’ the battle doesn’t mean you won the war.
They’ll come back.
No – NO!
“–ony! Listen to–”
You’ll lose.
They’ll die. All of them.
“–breathe, come on! Ton–”
You let them die.
Familiar hands grabbed his shoulders, snapping him out of his panicked state.
“Tony breathe!” Right that’s a thing humans do. Tony choked and coughed as his body tried to remember how to function properly. Eyes watering and fumbling to hold on to the person in front of him. It took him a moment to calm down and even then he was still shaking.
“God Tony, I’m so sorry. I knew something like this would happen! Fuck, this is all my fault.”
Tony should be excused for not getting it right away but then again…he is a genius.
“Wait a minute, are you trying to tell me you’re that – that…” He couldn’t even give a name to what he saw.
But Eddie, his boyfriend – are they even still together? – just hung his head guiltily.
Quite honestly Tony didn’t know what to think but he needed answers now before he end up having another panic attack.
It’s complicated. Eddie Brock was Eddie fucking Brock and found himself as a permanent hose to this alien symbiote – thing.
“I can’t believe this happened to you…”
“You can’t blame me, I mean I am dating Iron Man.” Tony couldn’t help the feeling of relief at hearing Eddie say they’re still a couple. But it was short lived and instead he decided to glare down his reckless reporter boyfriend. “Too soon for jokes?”
Tony agreed, nodding his head, “Too soon.”
The air filled with silent awkward tension and Eddie tentatively asked, “…Should I leave?
Tony looked past Eddie at the far wall behind him, “I wish you wouldn’t.” He hated doing this, being weak. But he already had a full panic attack so he might as well go for broke. Looking down at his hands and seeing little indentations from squeezing his hands into fists, he tried again. “I…” God why was this so hard to say? His throat closed up and made it hard to speak past the sudden lump there, “missed you…and I thought – I thought you didn’t want me anymore. That maybe you moved on and didn’t know how to let me down.”
“Please don’t leave.”
Eddie didn’t leave.
And neither did Venom.
“You’ve been eating a lot.”
“Venom has high metabolism so I’m hungry almost all the time.”
Tony watched Eddie ravage the kitchen for food. “…Does he have a preference?”
“Tater tots.” Tony blinked in surprised as Brock paused in his search to tell him how serious Venom’s addiction to tater tots is. “Oh yes! Peaches!”
The following week the kitchen had a large supply of tater tots and canned peaches. Eddie felt Venom buzz with happiness under his skin.
“WhAT iS this?”
“He’s trying.”
Tony sat in his lab looking over his notes over the past few months. With the help of JARVIS, the genius had been – gathering information on Venom.
From what he could tell of Eddie explaining things, Venom had a twisted innocence about him. Of course there is nothing innocent about wanting to eat people but when your alien to a human’s moral code…it changes things.
So far, from what Tony could tell, Venom is nothing like what he faced in the Battle of New York.
He didn’t destroy stuff. Surprisingly the few times Eddie let him out Venom was careful not to destroy his home (the rest of the city, not so much) With the guidance of Eddie and JARVIS – those videos were still a surprise to watch, Venom was good about only eating hurting ‘bad’ people. For the most part, it seemed that the symbiote was content with learning and being ‘let out to play’ every other night.
Tony’s still not sure of what to make of his boyfriend new addition.
“Why don’t you try talking to him Sir?”
“Don’t rush me I’m getting there.”
He pulled up a picture of Venom and really looked at him. The symbiote in his full form, all tall and encompassing Eddie body and turning them into this giant being. Then he turned and looked at the little snake head that formed out of Eddie’s back so that the symbiote could physically as well as verbally tease his boyfriend. The scene they made reminded him of Johnny Knoxville in the Men in Black movie and made him laugh. He checked his hands, no shaking.
“Power down for me?”
“As you wish Sir.”
Taking a calming breath Tony pulled away from his desk and went to find his boyfriend.
Eddie was passed out on the couch…perfect.
Sitting down on the couch beside the sleeping man Tony took a chance, “Venom…can we talk?”
Almost as soon as he finished speaking Venom’s black inky matter started to form over Eddie’s chest. “hi toNY.”
“H-Hi.” It was surreal sitting here talking to the symbiote. Since their first “meeting” and Eddie’s explanation they never talked about the alien. “Is Eddie hearing this?”
Venom’s snake head turned briefly to look at the slumbering man, “No hE Is slEepiNG.”
“Okay, um good.” He had no idea what to say.
“toNy?” He looked at the mini Venom, “Are yoU aFRaID of ME?”
“No I – I don’t think so…” Tony swallowed around the lump in his throat and tried again, “I was but I don’t think I am anymore.” His hands are still steady in his lap so he pushes on, “Venom you’re not hurting Eddie right? You’ll protect him?”
“i NEEd hIM, goOd HOsT. hE’s…nICE And I PRoTecT mY huMAn.”
“Good, he needs it.” Tony smiled fondly looking past Venom at Eddie.
“…TOny My hUmAN?”
Tony was shocked and surprisingly not terrified by the alien trying to claim him. “Oh – I mean yeah, sure, if you need an endless supply of tater tots – I’m your guy.”
Venom’s snake head form stretched further up to nuzzle against his cheek, “MiNE.”
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nathanmcraye · 7 years ago
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It's not my worst. That much I can say #ironvenom #ironman #venom #art #digitalart #inkart #marvel
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loveispainfulbliss · 6 years ago
Lmao I can’t believe I like this. I actually really like this idea
Ay, tell me more about the Eddie/Tony? Like full history/headcanon. Please! Pretty please with a multitude of cherries on top
Yessss, of course
Eddie, in all his self-righteous “I’m a reporter who must find the truth and take down barons” self, goes after Tony post-Iron Man, falsely assuming Iron Man is a cover-up for something bigger. Tony’s expected reporters like Eddie Brock to question him, so he lets Eddie to a complete investigation of literally every aspect of Tony’s life. 
When Eddie comes up empty-handed, he apologizes to Tony for assuming the worst and Tony pulls the classic line of “how about you make it up to me with dinner?” and Tony honestly meant for it to be a one night stand, but somehow he ended up really falling for this reporter guy. 
Flash to Eddie losing his entire job and rep from his fail at trying to take down Life Foundation, and he’s in a deep depression that even Tony has trouble knocking him out of. 
Then the whole Venom thing happens and Eddie desperately avoids Tony because fuck, Tony cannot see him like this, hell no. 
We’ll assume that chick in the movie is just Eddie’s really good friend and was never anything more.
Once Eddie and Venom finally beat Riot, Tony convinces the chick to tell him what the hell is going on, and he’s royally pissed at Eddie, but also makes damn sure Eddie knows that Tony still loves and supports him, and is sticking with him through this.
So of course, shenanigans ensue of Tony and Eddie adjusting to living with a third party. And once Eddie convinces Venom that Tony is not edible, Venom slowly starts to tolerate Tony too.
Oh, and their sex life definitely gets more interesting.
Per Eddie’s request, Tony keeps their relationship and Eddie’s Venom status under wrap. It’s not until an absolutely dire situation in which Eddie has to run in full Venom mode to save the Avenger’s asses that Tony finally admits “Yeah, this is my boyfriend. He has a bit of a parasite problem- VENOM DON’T YOU DARE EAT CAPTAIN AMERICA, I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE THINKING, AND NO YOU MAY NOT. GIVE EDDIE CONTROL BACK, PLEASE”
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theelderhazelnut · 9 months ago
🕯for Ombra and Falkus 👀
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
Warning: a little bit of language
Actually, in their first meeting Ombra didn’t pay much attention to Gorgon. I imagine Gorgon and some of the other task force 141 members met Ombra while receiving their instructions, and Ombra just took a brief look at them, and then gestured them to leave lmaooo (I think Price did the talking). Then after a few days Argen came to Ombra and was like. “Yoo that new operator is so cool.”
“Which one?”
“That one with curly hair and so many scars on her face.”
“Oh, I wasn’t paying attention.”
THEN she learned about Gorgon’s specialty in toxicology, and oh was she impressed. THEN she saw Val’s wild and energetic personality. She more IMPRESSED. However, given the fact she’s reserved and withdrawn, it took while for her to show Val that she’s interested in her. After a few months, she took her time to visit her lab and observe her work, and to psychoanalyze her 👁️.
“I could convince her to work for me.”
“Oh, unlike other humans, she’s not boring.”
Ombra began initiating conversations with her 👁️. And THEN went like, “I like this one.”
And THEN Val became the love of her life ^_^)/
He has met many badass humans in his entire life, so when he met Val for the first time, he was just feeling neutral. But he vibes with her. I imagine Val and him would just joke around and be two idiots together ( if Val is willing to). BUT then:
Falkus: “Valerie is a strong soldier. We can use her as a weapon. I know you’re thinking the same.”
Ombra (before catching feelings): “Yes. She can be pretty useful.”
Ombra (after catching feelings): “No. I won’t let you do that.”
Falkus: “Fuck off.”
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pwnyta · 6 years ago
Unpopular opinion- I think Tony and venom could be an interesting ship. Idk like if venom suggest eating someone's head Tony would question it but be down with it because who isn't curious what people taste like
I agree IronVenom could be interesting but IDK if I see Tony being cool with eating someones head! LMAO
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smallbutmighty01 · 6 years ago
this ship/crossover is so random but I fell in love with it almost immediately wtf
“Rhodey, why do we have to fly all the way to San Francisco again?” Tony asks through the mics in their suits, swerving through the clouds lazily.
Rhodey sighs irritably, flying low under Tony. “S.H.I.E.L.D. apparently discovered some creature that keeps escaping their sights. Fury wants us to figure out what is going on.”
“Couldn’t he send Mr. America over here instead?” Tony complains, his GPS showing they’re just five miles away from their target city.
“We could get here faster,” Rhodey huffs, dipping forward to fly out of the clouds. “Come on, let’s just get this over with so we can make it home for dinner.”
Tony dips and follows him down, the clouds falling away to show the bright lights of San Francisco. The sun was just about set, the sky a deep orange glow above them. Tony hums, following Rhodey’s lead as he takes in the view. “Haven’t been here in a while.”
Rhodey hums in agreement, looking down at the city’s buildings. “The report says the creature was last seen near the Golden Gate Bridge, heading East.”
“Do we have a picture? I don’t even know what we’re looking for,” Tony points out, turning in the direction Rhodey said.
“Something big and black,” Rhodey says. Tony snorts, making his friend scowl. “They described it as alien looking, so it shouldn’t be hard to spot.”
Tony shakes his head with a chuckle. “Alright, looking for a big, black alien. Shouldn’t be too hard.”
And it wasn’t too hard at all. Rhodey spotted something moving along the rooftops of the buildings in North Beach, the two immediately flying in to observe. However, the creature seemed to notice them and fled for the coast.
“What the hell is that thing?” Tony says as they fly after it. The creature really was huge, muscles huge and black, making it difficult to find it in the shadows. The scans find it easily, the two flying after it quickly.
“Hell if I know!” Rhodey dips lower, blasting forward. “Come on!”
Tony shoots forward, watching the creature in his scans continue to flee. However, when it grabs onto the side of the building, it suddenly shoots back, snatching Rhodey out of the air and crashing down with him into the empty streets. Tony and Rhodey both shout in surprise, Rhodey groaning in pain at the landing while Tony quickly turns back around, firing at the alien pinning Rhodey down.
The alien snarls, turning to look at the approaching man. “Holy shit!” Tony yelps when he sees the large teeth snarling at him, large white eyes narrowing as a tongue slides out to lick its teeth. He blasts back when the creature jumps to grab him, just barely missing the large claws. Rhodey gets back into the air, suit dented where the claws struck.
“No wonder S.H.I.E.L.D. called,” Tony huffs, chasing after the alien and firing again. The black mase shrieks, leaping onto a building to get away. Rhodey fires as well, nailing the creature’s shoulder. The two watch in shock as the shoulder burst open, black tendrils flailing before linking back together, completely healed.
The chase continues, coming closer and closer to the coast. Tony grits his teeth in frustration, powering up his next shot just a tad longer before firing, smirking when he hits the creature. The alien screeches in pain, stumbling and falling flat on its face. Rhodey fires another shot, the black mass splitting open again.
When the creature doesn’t move, Rhodey lets out a breath of relief. “I’ll call Fury. This is way above my paycheck.”
Tony snorts, slowly lowering down closer to the black mass lying still on the ground. “Banner might want to see this thing. Nothing we’ve encountered before.”
Whatever Rhodey was going to say was interrupted by Tony’s shout of surprise, his foot snatched by a mass of black tendrils coming from the creature below him. He’s suddenly lunged, body colliding with Rhodey’s in the air. The two steady themselves, turning back to see the alien gone. “What just happened?!”
“It grabbed me!” Tony growls, shooting forward. “Come on!”
He scans run, trying to locate the alien. Nothing comes up, making him frown in confusion. Rhodey flies closer to the coast, fearing the alien escaped into the water. Tony hovers over the alleyways nearby, scanning for any movement in the shadows.
“See anything?” Rhodey asks, looking over the water.
Tony pauses when he picks up on movement, carefully lowering closer to the alleyway. “Maybe.” Through his scans, he can see the figure shift, pausing again when he sees the figure grow smaller. He shines a light from his hand into the alleyway, peering through the buildings from above. “Holy shit.”
“What is it?” Rhodey asks, the sound of his blasters kicking on. Probably flying back over.
Tony lowers down onto the ground, walking closer to the shivering form huddled against the wall. “I think this became a bigger problem…”
Rhodey lands on the rooftop above him, peering down at Tony. The man kneels down, examining the figure closer. “Who is that?”
Tony inhales sharply, his mask sliding open. “Eddie Brock.”
“Eddie Brock?”
“Someone I knew,” Tony answers, his other hand reaching out carefully. The man - Eddie - peeks his eyes open, flinching away from his hand. His chest heaves as he tries to take deep breathes, looking completely exhausted. “Hey, it’s okay. I won’t hurt you. Do you remember me, Eddie?”
Eddie blinks slowly, eyes dazed. Rhodey lowers down next to them, frowning down at the shivering man. “Don’t tell me…”
“I think he was the creature,” Tony mumbles, setting a hand on his shoulder. Eddie’s eyes slide shut, shaking under Tony’s hand. “Did you get a hold of Fury?”
“They’ll be here in two,” Rhodey kneels down, tilting his head. “This doesn’t make sense.”
“No kidding,” Tony lets out a dry laugh, carefully pulling Eddie away from the wall into his arms. Eddie doesn’t fight back, probably too out of it to realize what’s going on. “Aliens… why is it always aliens?”
Rhodey shrugs, getting to his feet. Tony follows suit, holding Eddie up in his arms. When Rhodey flies up into the air at the sound of an approaching ship, Tony looks down at the man he once knew, shaking his head in disbelief. “What the hell happened to you, Eddie…?”
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dracusfyre · 6 years ago
Fancy Meeting You Here
Chapter 2: Square R4 - Date Night Fandom: Marvel Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tony Stark/Eddie Brock/Venom Characters: Tony Stark, Eddie Brock, Venom (Symbiote) Summary:  Eddie sees an unexpected person from his past and decides to give him a hand, which turns into dinner, which turns into an unexpected reunion of a different sort. 
For the @tonystarkbingo!
On AO3!
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shellheadtmarc · 6 years ago
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ironvenom (is that even a thing, it’s not even a thing) too hot for tunglr, news at 11.
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avengingphoenix · 6 years ago
Ahhhhh! This is so good i love it!
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Guys I have a prompt.
Eddie Brock is dating Tony (they got together in let’s say Iron Man 2 or 3 idk) and they were together when Captain America Civil War & Venom happened. But Tony knows about Venom and is ok with the symbiote. Venom likes Tony and is protective of him. The issue?
So Team Cap comes home blaming the accords on him and Tony lets them. Feeling like he’s getting what he deserves.
So when Eddie comes to visit him and sees how his boyfriend’s being treated, he of course sticks up for him. It wasn’t till and acid on comment from someone (preferably Wanda or Clint) and discovers what happened in Siberia. Venom come out. And. SHIT. GOES. DOWN.
Tony now has to explain how is boyfriend transformed into a alien who tries to eat someone as well as talk Venom into not eating his teammates.
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@winteriron-trash @shi-toyu @tony-luvv @hello-shellhead
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marvelcomic-fan · 7 years ago
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[ Follow: @marvelcomic_fans ] Ironvenom venomized Ironman Cosplay by @robvenomous12! What do you think? • • • 🚨Check out my other pages!🚨 ‼️Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/Zzq3kNE link also in bio‼️ Backup: @Marvel.Comic.Fans Personal: @BradofEarth Art Sharing: @Artist_Expo Cooking: @ChefBradleyHaddix Main Page: @MarvelComic_Fans • • • #marvel #marvelfan #marvelcomics #marvelcomic #marveluniverse #marvelcomicfans #marvellegends #marvelstudios #mcu #marvelposts #marvel_pics #marvelpics #marvelmovies #marvelnews #marvelheroes #marvelsuperheroes #marvelsuperhero #marvelnow #marvelentertainment #marvelcinematicuniverse #comicbook #comicbookmovies #comicbookmovie #comicbookcharacters #comicnerd #cosplaysaturday #marvelcosplay #ironman #venom
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randomflicksclips · 6 years ago
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Ironvenom by Stephen Ward https://ift.tt/2LcDUKN
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nerdcored20 · 6 years ago
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IronVenom! Reposted from @syfywire - And just like that, our heroes become our nightmares. 🎨 by @stephenward_art . . . . . . . . . . #IronMan #Venom #Marvel #MarvelComics #MCU #ComicBookArt #ComicArt #ComicArtwork #ComicBookArtwork #ComicBooks #Art #Artwork #Illustration #ArtOfTheDay #Drawing #InstaArt #nerd #wearenerdcore #geek #geeky #nerdcore https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx6MemghR5n/?igshid=w29ucrpw6yv
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