#ironqueen98 writes
greatkinglulu · 6 years
How To Dance 101 - [Ben Hardy One Shot]
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Latina!Reader
Warnings: mild smut, maybe?, some goofiness.
A/N: Hi there! Since some of you liked my Seasons one shot and the snippet from my fic, I figured I’d write this thing that just popped in my head last night.
It was another quiet Saturday night in your and Ben’s flat. Ben had been back home for two weeks now, after the press tour, and he had been trying to get his sleeping schedule back to normal, as well as spend as many hours as he could with you, his girlfriend, and Frankie.
After a few glasses of wine, the food was in the oven, Frankie was fast asleep on Ben’s lap, as he played some video games that you couldn’t quite master yet, and you decided to fold a freshly washed load of clothes, which were mostly your boyfriend’s. You made your way to your bedroom, put the basket that contained everything on the bed, and started to fold item of clothing after item of clothing. In the process you managed to steal a couple of Ben’s old shirts that you loved. He wouldn’t mind, they looked better on you anyway, he’d say.
After a few minutes, you decided the silence was too loud and so you grabbed your phone from the bedside table to play some music out loud. By that time, the wine had made its way to the top of your head, and not thinking too much about it, you opened Spotify and played the first Reggaetón playlist that you could find. It brought back memories from your hometown, your friends and family. You had moved all the way from an Spanish-speaking country to London, England with Ben less than six months ago. So you usually found yourself missing your loved ones and skyping them almost everyday.
As the memories twirled around your head, you couldn’t help it but dance a bit clumsily to the rhythm of the songs, while you kept folding piles of clothes.
From the lounge, Ben could hear something, but he couldn’t make out what it exactly was. He paused the game he was playing and slowly removed Frankie from his lap, laying her on the sofa. He slowly made his way down the hallway, and as he aproached the half closed door, he could hear that sound getting louder. It was music. But nothing he had listened to before. He could catch a glimpse of you moving around the bed as he got closer, so before completely opening the door and stepping in, he decided to spy on you for a few moments. He was biting a smile as his eyes scanned your body that was swaying to the beat of the music. He felt something flickering inside him. He was slightly aroused. Ben couldn’t believe his luck; he had hit the jackpot.
He licked his lips before opening the door and entering the room. “What are you doing?” He eyed you once again, only that this time you were aware of it.
Your back was facing him, so when you heard his deep voice, you jumped out of your body. “Ben! You nearly killed me!” You abruptly stopped moving while you tightly clutched one of your shirts. He calmly sat down on the bed. “I-I was just... you know putting this away.” 
You grabbed your phone again to pause the music, when Ben grabbed your wrist softly. “No. Keep playing that. I like to see you dance. I actually didn’t know you could do that with your body...” He trailed off, voice huskier than usual. You noticed the wine from earlier had started to affect his behaviour.
You raised your eyebrows at him, slighly amused still folding stuff. It seemed like it’d never end. “Well, you have a lot to learn yet, pretty boy.“ You laughed. 
“Is that so?“ Ben replyed from his spot, not taking his eyes off of you for a second, since you had started to swing your hips again without noticing. It was something that ran in your blood.
“Yeah...“ You paused for a moment what you were doing and walked over to him. “In fact, get up.“ You offered Ben your hand. “I’m gonna teach you how we do it back home.“
Your boyfriend looked up at you, startled. “You what...?”
“C’moooon.“ You insisted. “You don’t get to be the only one who can see me dance like that when I’m slightly tipsy. I wanna teach you a thing or two so I can look at you dancing to this, too. It wouldn’t be fair otherwise.“ You took both his hands in yours and got him up, now moving even more, deliberatly.
“But Y/N, you know I can’t dance.“ Ben whined and pouted.
“Don’t worry, babe. I won’t tell anyone. What happens here, stays here.“ You laughed a bit and gave him a smile. “I promise.“ You whispered near his ear, sending shivers down his spine. You gave him a peck on the lips and he blinked a few times, dazed. 
“Okay...“ He huffed, not sounding too convinced, and as a new song started, you positioned both of you in the middle of the room, him behind you.
“Usually, the girl follows the guy, or they’re in sync, but now you’ll follow me.“ You instructed. You grabbed Ben’s hands and put one on each of your hips. “Now try to move to the right, and then to the left. It has to be like a flowy move, okay? Copy me, pretty boy.“ You waited for the right beat and started swaying your hips, Ben following you as best as he could. He moved a bit stiff, but you were impressed nonetheless.
“Am I doing it right?“ He whispered a bit embarrassed, still focused on being coordinated. He was aroused, but he wanted to impress you, so he tried to restrain himself a bit.
“You’re perfect.“ You looked at him sideways and gave him a reassuring smile. As another song with more sexual lyrics that you could understand came on, you started to grind against him, as you should have done right from the start. His fingers now making his way under your shirt just to touch the skin of your hips and his grip got stronger.
He let out a low groan, and you giggled. You turned in your place, now facing Ben, and you could see in his eyes how hungry he was, but not precisely for food. Eyes darker, pupils blown with excitement. You put your arms around his neck for support and his hands wandered from your hips to your ass. He held onto it for dear life. You didn’t mind, you liked it. “Wow, we’re handsy now, aren’t we?”
“You’re driving me fucking insane, baby.“ Ben squeezed your ass a bit as his eyes moved from your eyes to your mouth a few times. You kept grinding on him and you could start feeling something growing now. Without giving it too much thought, he crashed your lips with his in a slow, heated up kiss. He might not be a great dancer, but he definitlely knew how to work with his mouth.
Soon enough, his tongue was dancing with yours, and you took advantange of that to walk Ben backwards till his legs hit the bed and he fell. Without breaking the kiss, you both crawled onto the bed and now he was laying on it with you straddling him. The kiss kept getting heated by the minute and you could feel Ben was completely hard now as you grinded purposely on him this time.
He moaned your name from the back of his throath as he broke the kiss gasping for air, you were panting, too. “You have to stop doing that.” He grabbed your tighs harshly trying to make you come to a halt.
“Stop doing what?“ You asked innocently, a smirk glued to you face as you tried to keep moving.
“You know. Stop grinding on me. Now.“ You’ve never seen Ben like this, and you liked it.
“Yes, sir.“ You saluted him, laughing.
Now that both of you were breathing more steadily, he took off your shirt, discarded it somewhere and dragged your face back to his and he kept kissing you. He moved his lips to your jaw and he grinned against your skin, as you moaned after he had found one of your sweet spots. He kept trailing sloppy kisses down your neck, biting sofly from time to time, your fingers tangling on his soft curls.
You moaned his name a few times in pleasure, til the smell of roasted chicken hit your nostrils and your eyes shot open. “Ben... Ben... Ben!”
He knew your tone had changed to a worried one, and he stopped working the base of your neck. “Did I hurt you, love?”
“No,“ you tried to move from him, but his hands were glued to your butt firmly. “but the dinner’s gonna burn. Let me go get it out of the oven.“ You patted his chest softly with one hand.
“No!“ Ben protested. “Let it burn. We’ll order something...“ He went back to your swollen lips. 
You giggled and spoke against his lips, “Ben! Let me and my ass go! I’m not wasting that after all the effort.” His grip loosened and he sighted frustrated, rolling his eyes. “We’ll resume this after dinner, pretty boy.”
“But, Y/N,“ he whined like a little boy. “I have a problem down here, I can’t even walk!”
“You know how to solve it. I’ll be in the kitchen.“ You retrieved your shirt and put it back on.
“Oh, c’mon! It’s not fair!“
“I’ll make it up to you.“ You winked at him and dissappeared into the hallway that led to the kitchen, letting your boyfriend alone.
Tag list: @rogerandhishair @drowsyroger @wereallkillerqueens @roger-taylor-owns-my-wigg @apinkwhisperscollector @16wiishes @wolverinesbeer @i-am-sarah @lizgarxo @royalrhaposdy @70srogertaylor @lfcbvb @thelottiebook @rogerbuttersmyeggroll @mclfanatic @stanrogertaylor @notmejustmymind @yeah-its-cooper
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benhardyisdaddy · 6 years
Dinner Date - Part 1 - BxRxR
(HELLO this is a 2 pt smut series for bxrxr and i hope yall like the 1st part, 2nd part is gonna be fun to write oml OKAY SO if this confuses anyone, the era is set in our present time and like queen is a big band still just in 2019 instead, that way ben can be in it lol does that even make sense ?? and borhap doesn’t exist yet obvi, so ben knows the other boys from like another movie they all did okay this was 2 long ily BYEEE) 
Word Count: 1,540
“What time is dinner at again?”
You finish putting on your earrings and reach over to grab your lip gloss from your vanity. You swipe it over your lips and smack them together. Ben walks out from the closet and is messing with his tie, trying to get it to be straight.
“At eight.” he says, putting his tongue between his teeth in concentration.
You smile as you watch his brows furrowed in frustration. You were about to walk over and help him out, but Roger beat you to it.
“Here,” he says, bringing his hand to Ben’s tie.
Ben smirks and holds his head up higher so Rog can get a better grip on it. He finally fixes it for Ben and quickly pecks his lips. You smile at the two of them as you turn to look at yourself in the mirror again. You were nervous for this dinner and couldn’t stop fidgeting. The dinner was for Ben’s cast and crew in a new movie he had just joined. You finally get to meet them all, so you wanted to look your best. You push a piece of hair behind your ear when Ben walks up behind you. He leans his chest against your back and rests his chin on your shoulder. His hands slide down to grip your hips and you smirk as you look at him in the mirror.
“You look beautiful.” he says, pressing a kiss to your neck.
You giggle and slowly turn to face him. He grabs your hips again and looks you up and down. He leans forward and gently kisses you.
“Now this is a sight for sore eyes.” says Roger, as he leans against the door frame, watching you two.
You break away from Ben and smirk as Roger walks to you and kisses you as well. Your heart is so full of love at this moment. You feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Roger kisses you back harder and his hand runs down your back and stops on your butt. You smile against him and pull your head back.
“What’s with the two of you tonight, huh?” you ask, looking between the two men.
Their eyes were dark and hungry, like two raging animals. You felt a shiver run down your spine as they stared at you and lick their lips in unison. Ben raises a brow and brings his bottom lip between his teeth.
“We, uh, got you a gift.” he says, fast.
You open your eyes wide, almost shocked. You weren’t expecting them to get you a gift. Besides, this was Ben’s big night. It should be you getting him a gift.
“A gift?” you ask, furrowing your brows. Then all of a sudden your eyes open wide and you slightly gasp. “Did I miss our anniversary?” you whisper.
The two boys look at each other and laugh while shaking their heads.
“No, baby,” says Roger, pulling you close to him. “Ben and I saw something at a store the other day, and it made us think of you.” he says, mischievously.
Ben smirks at you before he turns away and walks back to the closet. You look at Roger confused yet excited.
“What is it?” you whisper. He laughs at your eagerness.
“Something I think you’ll like.” he whispers back as he kisses you.
You break away and look over to have your eyes meet Ben’s as he exits the closet with his hands behind his back. He gets closer and gives Rog a questioning look. Roger nods his head and Ben holds out his hands, revealing a tiny red gift bag with black lace all over it. You look to the bag then back to Ben. You go to reach for it and he quickly pulls it back. You let out a groan and Roger laughs while squeezing your hip.
“First,” starts Ben, enjoying this a little too much. “You have to make a promise.”
You raise your brows and nod your head, telling him to continue.
“You have to promise that you’ll use this gift tonight. At dinner.” says Rog.
You look over to him and purse your lips.
“At dinner? Okay, what is it?”
“You have to promise.” says Ben again, more stern.
You roll your eyes and bounce on your heels, holding your hand out for him.
“Okay, okay! I promise that I’ll use whatever is in the bag! Just lemme see it!”
Ben and Roger both give each other a smirking glance before he slowly hands you the bag. You hurriedly take out the red wrapping paper inside and slowly pull out your gift.
“Um… Panties?” you ask, holding them in front of you.
It’s a black thong with lace all over. It looked like a normal sexy pair of panties you would usually wear for the boys, except for one part. You glide your fingers over the fabric that covers your crotch and you look confused.
“What’s this?” you ask.
A black plastic piece covers the crotch area. It’s soft yet firm and you shake your head looking up to Roger and Ben. They’re both smiling at your reaction.
“You’ve never seen a pair of vibrating panties before?” asks Ben.
Your eyes open wide as you look back to them.
“You got me vibrating panties!?”
“Yes, and you promised you would use them tonight.” says Rog, raising a brow.
“Wait, but-”
“No, no.” says Rog, shaking his head.
“You promised.” says Ben, in a stern tone.
You take in a deep breath and make a pouting face.
“How do they even work?” you ask.
“Well you see, obviously this piece is what vibrates. And this,” says Ben, reaching into his pocket. “Is what turns it on.”
He pulls out a tiny black remote control. He presses the on button and sets the speed. The panties begin to vibrate and you flinch your arm, shocked. It was a strong sensation and you were surprised. Roger walks up next to you and kisses your neck.
“Lie on the bed.” he whispers.
You look to him and shake your head as butterflies fill your stomach.
“You can’t possibly think I’m wearing these to Ben’s dinner par-”
“Bed. Now.” he says, his voice almost growling.
Something deep in your stomach flip flops at the look in Roger’s eyes. You bite your lip and slowly walk over the bed and lie down just like he said.
“Good girl.” he says, walking up to you.
 He runs his hands up your legs and slowly hitches your dress up. His fingers loop in the band on your underwear and slowly peels them off. The cold air against your now wet core makes you shiver. Roger notices and smirks. He spreads your legs open as you look over to watch Ben as he stares intensely at the two of you. He’s biting his lip and you can tell how badly he wants to palm himself right now. 
Roger slowly runs a finger between your slick folds and you let out a slight moan. He smirks and brings his finger to his mouth to taste you. Your eyes are wide at his actions. You close your legs and squeeze them to give yourself some kind of friction.
“Here,” he says, bringing the new pair of underwear to your ankles and slowly pulling them up. You lift your hips up to allow them to cover your bum.
“No matter what, you can’t take those off tonight.” says Ben, his voice deeper than usual. You can practically see the arousal in his eyes.
Roger pulls down your dress as you sit up. He leans forward to kiss you and helps you stand. You situate yourself and awkwardly move your hips at the weird sensation between your legs. You waited for a moment trying to get use to the feeling of it. The boys watched as you moved around. The odd feeling started to wear off and you look up to them.
“Shall we try it? Make sure it works?” asks Ben, smirking.
But before you could protest, he holds up the remote and clicks a button. The panties begin buzzing and you can feel everything. Your eyes squeeze close, as do your legs. Your knees almost give out as you grab the bed for support.
“Shit!” you harshly whisper.
You grip the sheets and let out a quiet whimper. Ben and Roger both chuckle as they watch you become a withering mess in front of them. The vibration hit everything perfectly and the feeling was amazing. All of a sudden, Ben clicks the button again and the buzzing stops. You stand up and catch your breath, bringing your hand between your legs.
“This will be fun.” says Roger, not taking his eyes off of you.
“Shall we head out now?” asks Ben, smiling.
You look up to them and frown. They both walk up to you and kiss your temple. Roger walks away, but not before slapping your butt harshly. You squeal as they walk out into the living room. You take in a deep breath and walk over to look at yourself once more in the mirror, glancing down at your now throbbing core.
Tonight will be interesting.
Tag List: @ironqueen98 @caterinaborgia @secretsweetscollectionblog @mautand @seven-seas-of-hi @ramimalekrp-roleplayerpage @peter-parkersbb @rogertayolr @mothermercuryy @basics-andthesimplelife @discodeakyjazzyjoe
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sam-writes · 6 years
I’m headed to work and I’ve got two fics to write already but give me a prompt for a God!Ben Hardy fic cause,,
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He’s a god and I’m gonna write a fic or maybe draw smth idk
@siriuslymooned @ironqueen98 @angrylizardjacket @rogerandhishair
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drowsyroger · 6 years
The Break-Up.
pairing: Roger Taylor x reader warning(s): A trial of writing in first person. might delete this in few hours.
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You scared me that night, Roger.
You went home to me like a normal and decent person you should have been. You don’t reek of alcohol or Freddie’s parties, only cigarettes. I remembered the excitement I felt as I hugged you, welcoming you back. I even kissed your lips but the way you fought it back and your hands getting mine off of you worried me.
“Is there something wrong, Rog?” I asked. You said my name in an unflattering way and my stomach turned. “I guess we’re better off as friends” you said, unembellished.
You just suggested a sugarcoated break-up and it slipped through your mouth like it’s easy for us—for me—to do that.
“Friends?” I repeated and you nodded your head. “I… I can’t do that, Rog. I wouldn’t be with you if I wanted to be just friends in the first place” I scoffed, fighting back my tears.
“I don’t want to lose you” that’s bullshit.
“So I think it’s better to at least try to stay friends with each other” another bullshit thing to say.
“Get the fuck out, Taylor. Get out.” “But—” “Get out” “This is my place too!” “I said, get out!”
And you did.
You’re the same with your idea: Horrible, bad, garbage, terrible, doomed, idiotic, ridiculous and poisonous.
I went to Anne’s the next day with my eyes swollen from crying and my voice hoarse. I looked like a mess.
Of course she was the first one to know about the situation.
“He did what?” it was evident from Anne’s reaction of how villainy it was for you to decide on something like that. “He wants us to be just friends, Anne. Friends.” I confirmed and she gasped.
Nothing says “Drama!” like gasping it. I’d give her bonus points if she did actually shout “GASP!”.
“How are you holding up?” I shrugged in reply, sipping on the hot chocolate she made. She frowned at my sight and sighed, “I’m sorry dear but you deserve better than him” then she patted my back, offering her arms after for a hug.
“I should have listened to you, Anne…” I told her and she shook her head, hugging me tighter. “It’s okay, we all learn from our mistakes” then I cried again the moment I heard that.
Funny how we ended up like this when everyone was really excited for me to date someone like you, a proper rock star. A few warned me about you but I took the risk of dating you because I like you.
And four years in, you gave up on me.
I called it a day and went back, loneliness engulfed me as soon as I entered the shared flat we had.
It was the second night that I was alone.
All I did was to contemplate about going back to my mum’s so I packed my things and decided to go back home in the morning.
That morning, I found myself in front of you as I was about to go out.
You removed your sunnies and fuck you, you still looked good.
My grip on my luggage bag tightened as I saw you wanting to speak while you removed your sunnies and fuck you, you still look good.
A thought ran inside my head: are you going to break my heart even more?
I soon felt the urge to speak also and I’ve decided to wait for you to start instead.
And that silence was killing me.
“Where are you heading to?” you asked. “I don’t know, Rog” I looked at my trolley “mum’s?” “Can we talk?”
You are the last person I wanted to talk to for now. For a lifetime, even.
I never wanted to waste four years on someone like you who suddenlywants to be just friends.
“About being friends?” I shifted my weight on my other leg as I crossed my arms “No, Rog. I don’t want that.” I heard you sigh then you scratched your head “No, about this” you pointed at the interior around us “I think I should be the one to move out” you insisted. My attention turned to you as my eyebrows raise in curiosity “And where do you plan staying in?” I know you Roger, you can’t go anywhere.
Too bad, your nostrils enlarge whenever you lie.
“Whatever,” I shrugged it off, getting ready to go out. You blocked my way, insisting “You’re the one in need of the flat” I let out an annoyed groan as I roll my eyes.
That’s it. I’m done with all your shit.
“There’s a job waiting for me back home. Just sell this or whatever. You do you, I’m really done” I put the trolley back on its wheels again “Now if you’ll excuse me,” I cleared my throat and you made way.
I went home to my mother with my things and a broken heart. My mum hugged me as soon as I am in front of her door and damn it felt so different, it felt home.
Slowly, realizations started creeping in.
That maybe you were never the home I thought you were.
friends who might want to read this: @ironqueen98, @secretsweetscollectionblog, @tanya-is-dead, @flick-of-the-wrist, @duvetsandpillows, @wsllaw
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somekindofroger · 6 years
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I had this idea for a fanfic, but I am quite unsure about it if it’s a good one or not.I wrote some short of synopsis of it to see if anyone likes it. If yes, I may write the chapter one. PLEASE, I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK ABOUT IT! I am open for suggestions or critics (no hate pls).
I am tagging a few people I know and blogs I like so maybe you guys could give your opinion out of it? (My first language isn’t english so sorry for any grammar mistakes)
Plus the gif is my face @ u all reading it
You have a friend that is obsessed over Queen, you also liked them, but not much as a groupie that she was. Once you two decided to go to a Queen concert together and she being a groupie she got you two into the backstage, you didn’t really want to go for the same reasons as her, you were thinking about getting an autograph or something like that. Once you got there, you joined along with the other groupies at the door of the room of where the boys were. Brian opens the door and say that they couldn’t really chat with anyone that night, Roger shows up behind him and take a look at you, but before you could notice, after listening to Brian’s words you decided to get out of there as soon as possible, but your friend stayed, Roger noticed that you apparently wasn’t interested and then looked at your friend who showed interest. While the other girls were leaving, Roger talked to your friend and she stayed, she didn’t even talked to you before disappearing with the drummer. You were lost in there at the backstage and then you bumped into Deaky. You recognized him, he asked you if you were with the groupies, you said no, that was just following a friend and got lost. You two started to talk for a long time. After a while Freddie shows up looking for Deaky and he has to go. In a next concert you two meet again, your friend met Roger again and you and Deaky seemed like good friends. You two decided to exchange phone numbers so you could call each other. After becoming really good friends you met the other guys and Roger recognized you from the first meeting. He still thought that you weren’t that interested. Suddenly your friend became to show up on private gigs aside Roger, which was weird since he clearly wasn’t looking for a relationship with her – even though she thought otherwise. But actually, he was doing that to make you jealous and see you more often, without Deaky bringing you. You and Deaky had no interest on each other, you were just really good friends, but Roger didn’t believe that. At some point, after getting to know Roger better you started to feel jealous of him and also mad at him for making your friend to believe that he liked her while he was also seeing other girls. During an argumentation you two had your first kiss and Deaky saw it.
I hope that it’s good... please please guys give me a feedback about it. Thanks to you all about it. Sending love to y’all.
@deacytits @ironqueen98 @i-got-no-rhythm @ksqueenie @rogerinatrash @hermajestyborhap @rogerinascigarette @theinvisible-men @rogertaylcr @scaramouchee @allhailthedeakydo @curlyclogs @year-39
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pastelkunoichi · 6 years
If You Love Me, Let Me Go (Joe!John Deacon x Olivia May) Teaser
A/N: Well well well, my procrastinating ass has finally gotten down to putting SOMETHING on paper for this new fic I’m going to be writing. Here we have my cute lil girl Olivia Charlotte May, whom is two years younger than her brother, making her the same age as Roger and two years older than John. You get to see a bit of her friendship with Roger here, and that’s about it. Hope y’all enjoy. 
Chewing on her bottom lip, Olivia let her eyes wander around the tiny recording studio. The youngest May was pretty much attached at the hip with anything to do with Queen, being Brian’s baby sister and Roger’s best friend.
The boys were doing a bit of recording and Liv was supposed to be paging through a magazine Mary gave her, but instead she was definitely distracted. By what? Well, for some reason, her eyes were glued to the bassist. John had always been a wonder to Olivia, ever since he’d joined the band. Mary constantly teased her about the fact that it always seemed like she couldn’t keep her eyes off the man, but she’d just swat at her and tell her to fuck off, going back to whatever she was doing. This time, however, Mary wasn’t there to remind her that she was indeed staring.
When they wrapped up the song they were working on, John’s eyes immediately met hers and she almost fell out of her seat at the fact that he caught her staring. She shuffled quickly and as smoothly as possibly to be looking back down at her magazine, but the fact of the matter was that she had indeed been found out.
John had a small blush settle onto his cheeks as Olivia looked away, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit flattered. Liv was a pretty girl, and she chose to stare at him over, say, Roger? That was definitely a win in his book.
Speaking of Roger, the drummer slunk over to Liv and slid down onto the armrest next to her, draping an arm over the back of the couch as his eyes flickered over her magazine. He offered her a drag of the cigarette between his lips, which she took and looked up at him with a raised brow. “How did we sound?” Rog asked, playing with a few strands of her hair.
“Shit, like always.” It was a joke, but it made Roger swat at her shoulder and roll his eyes in response.
“Oh piss off, Liv. How did we really sound?” He took the cigarette back from her huffily.
“Clearly you sounded good, you prick.”
“Only good?” He looked almost offended.
“Don’t push it, Taylor.” Liv shoved his legs from off the armrest and grinned at him, standing up to grab a bottle of water. As she walked away, she blew a playful kiss his way, in which he caught and jokingly put in his pocket.
John never knew what to think of the playful banter between the two, and that was why he didn’t get his hopes up after he caught Liv staring at him. Every day was different, and he was honestly wondering how much longer it was going to take before Liv and Rog were officially together.
If only John knew that it wasn’t Roger that she was interested in.
@rogerandhishair @ironqueen98 @deakydeaky
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rogerscupboard · 6 years
thank you 2018!
warning: this is going to get mushy.
this year has been amazing for me on tumblr!! i finally started writing creatively again, and i feel so much more confident in my writing skills than i have in years. i also made this blog, and i couldn’t be more happy with the way things have turned out in the past month and a half. i have met some of the most amazing people through this fandom and this blog, and i just want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of this year for me, because you all helped make 2018 something so, so special.
my amazing friends, in no particular order!! i’m so, so glad we all started talking this year. i feel so close to all of you and each and every one of you helped make this year something beautiful. thank you 💖
@benhardyroger // @deacydeacy // @rogers-wristbands // @overcastskeleton7 // @peachydeacy
// @hodgepodge-of-rog // @princessleiaqueen // @yeehawbicth // @rogerinatrash // @hysterical-qween // @sweet-ladyy // @deacytits // @hastrix // @perriwiinkle // @discodeakky // and of course my main bitch who still follows this sideblog despite not being into queen @hewlettjamie, u a real one
mutuals AND other queen blogs that i would absolutely love to start talking with more!! i’m always so happy to see your posts on my dash and my messages are always open if y’all ever want to chat 💖
@siriuslymooned // @the-disco-deaky // @angrylizardjacket // @yourealegendfred // @hoe4joemazz // @freddiesstache // @ironqueen98 // @roger-bang-the-drum // @old-fashioned-roger-boy // @roger-taylor-stole-my-heart // @roger-drummerboy-taylor // @rogers-sweatbands and genuinely so many others!!!
i hope you all have the most incredible 2019 filled with love, happiness, peace, and beautiful memories. thank you for being a part of mine. even if i didn’t mention you here, i’m genuinely thankful for every single person that follows this blog. you all make my day on a daily basis, and i am so incredibly grateful. so much love for all of you. 🥰 happy new year!! 💖
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selfie tag!!
tagged by @deakydeakydeakysaltpitdeaky thank you🧡🧡
Rules: Post 2 photos of yourself and write 3 facts. Tag 5 people.
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one on the right is me and @tea-whoree at homecoming hey beeeeech
3 facts!!:
1. i have extremely low blood pressure and shitty circulation!!! what a blast
2. i’m addicted to gum. if i’m not chewing gum it’s bc i’m eating or sleeping
3. when i was a little kid i thought when you swallowed gum it made a life preserver to help a little guy in your stomach stay floating,,,,so i swallowed all of the gum i chewed
tagging: @dont-you-hear-my-call @ironqueen98 @sheerhardyttack @rodgepodge906 and this is cheating but whoever wants to do it !! just tag me pls pls ajskalsj
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the-killer-queenie · 6 years
New Year✨
It’s been like 3 hours since new year lol but I wanted to mention some of my mutuals that really brighten my life :3
@roger-taylor-owns-my-wigg was the first person I spoke since I re-enter the Queen fandom and you’re so sweet and I can’t believe all the coincidences we encounter (? TE QUIEROO💕
@i-got-no-rhythm you’re so cool and I really enjoy talking to you! You’re an awesome person and I love you❤️
@dusty-red the most talented person I know; you know so much about music and astrology it blows my mind. Te quiero wacha ah💖
And I also wanted to mention @ironqueen98 @rogerinatrash @barullera @sunnnymercury @yourealegendfred @sam-writes @sweet-ladyy @purplesfinx bc I love seeing your posts and I’m sorry I don’t talk too much to you but I really love you all💜
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notmejustmymind · 6 years
28 Questions Tag
I was tagged by one of my favs here, I think we’re both crazy in love with one Benny. @fvkyeahbenhardy
Rules: tag the person who tagged you, answer the questions, tag 20 people
1. How tall are you?
5′ 4′’
2. What color and what style is your hair?
It’s a natural dark brown, but it’s really close to black. And it’s curly, I think? It’s really a mystery what style is, because sometimes looks kinda straight lol
3. What color are your eyes?
4. Do you wear glasses?
Yes, I can’t see a thing without them :(
5. Do you wear braces?
6. What is your fashion style?
I suppose it’s like... rock and roll style? (I don’t even know if that’s a thing) I wear a lot of rock t-shirts and black clothes, but sometimes I choose girly clothes. Anyway, I love black.
7. Full name?
Mariana Leal 
8. When were you born?
March, 27. 1997
9. Where are you from and where do you live now?
I’m a proud Mexican Girl. I live in Puebla City since I was born, 21 years here. It’s a cool city.
10. What school do you go to?
I’m in my last year of college :) 
11. What kind of student are you?
People used to think I was a kind of nerd? So I guess, I’m really responsible and  maybe a little nerdy.
12. Do you like school?
Sometimes, if I’m in the mood lol
13. What are your favorite school subjects?
I’m studying Biotechnology, so everything’s about science, but I’m into Inmunology and Medical Sciences
14. Favorite TV shows?
Skins (I love it), Degrassi, American Horror Story, Gossip Girl, Black Mirror, Glow, 
15. Favorite Movies?
I love musicals. So, Mamma Mia, Almost Famous, A Hard Day’s Night, maybe all Beatles movies, Bohemian Rhapsody (obviously), Starstruck lol,  10 Things I hate about you, Across the Universe
16. Favorite Books
The Eternal Ones, Travesuras de la niña mala, I think I’m in love with Lonely Hearts Club
17. Favorite pastime?
Writing and listening music. 
18. Do you have any regrets?
19. Dream job?
I’d love to become a screenwriter or film director.
20. Would you like to get married someday?
I don’t think so. 
21. Would you like to have kids someday?
22. How many?
No, never lol
23. Do you like shopping?
24. What countries have you visited?
I have never left my country :( 
25. What is the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
I couldn’t find my sister and it was the worst feeling ever.
26. Do you have any enemies?
I don’t think so
27. Do you have a s/o?
28. Do you believe in miracles?
Yes, sometimes.
tag. @benhardyorbust @im-inlovewithmycar @mybritishstyle @thebomb-diggity @benhardyispretty @ramiandfreddie @wearethechampionsblog @coup-de-blues @gwilymbenjoerami @rogerlad @theinvisible-men @benhardyismyangel @mercurybulsara @mercurymeddows @ironqueen98 @catharsisfalls @rogertaylorx @70srogertaylor
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drowsyroger · 6 years
Against All Odds
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Pairing: Roger Taylor x OC Word Count: 2.2k words Author’s notes: This started as a short fic (600+ words) while listening to Phil Collin’s “Against All Odds” then this happened last night... me sleep deprived trying to re-write it. Thank you so much for bearing with my ass, @secretsweetscollectionblog, @ironqueen98 and @duvetsandpillows and thank you for all those who’s gonna read this mess of a fic. @wsllaw, hun, this one’s also for you. Hope you enjoy it! (And English is not my first language... please bear with me)
It was the first time that the couple spent their Christmas away from each other due to Vivienne’s extended stay in Italy and Queen’s release of ‘A Day at The Races’, but fortunately, they had time after the 25th to spend time with everyone and celebrate a post-Christmas dinner party. Of course, Freddie being a party-lover himself, decided to host the celebration in the flat he shared with Mary. Everyone agreed on attending with their wives while Roger was thinking about spending the Christmas alone with Vivienne.
Of course, Roger was excited about what he had in his sleeves. He was so decided to pop the question to Vivienne, but his plan was put into a halt when she told Freddie that she would want to spend the post-Christmas celebration with them since she haven’t seen them in months. He reluctantly agreed about the idea, but it seems like she really wanted to spend it with them and devised another plan. He’s going to propose to her after the dinner party in front of everyone.
Instead of surprising her, it was Vivienne that surprised him that night.
It was the night she dreaded, the one that Vivienne thought it was a mistake of letting him into her life. On the way to Freddie’s place, Roger started to worry about her behaviour. It was evident that her mood contrasted his as he talked about his new Ferrari and that he would like to cruise to France with her after their upcoming tour for ‘A Day at The Races’ for the next year. “Don’t worry love, it’s only you and I when the tour finishes,” he reassured as he assumed that it was the reason why she is in a bad mood. She just stayed silent, looking outside the window, he shrugged it off thinking that it might be her time of the year.
Vivienne knew she was acting strange, it was about Freddie’s call three months ago. It started with little hello’s but with Freddie’s excitement, he continued talking about what’s happening with the boys and how stressful it is to be handling kids. She chuckled at the comment because she knew how much of a kid Roger was alone but then it all stopped when Freddie said, ‘I’m glad that you’re finally visiting Rog. Why don’t you drop by and say hello to us? Rog has been a naughty man, escaping from our after-parties just to see you—Oh, I’ve got to go, darling! Talk to you some time!’ she felt her insides sank as she knew she wasn’t the one Roger was meeting up with. She cannot blame Freddie, he didn’t know that she was about to leave for Italy that time but Roger telling him that she visited him? She knew something was wrong. When they arrived, Freddie welcomed them both with a warm hug as he chirped about how he missed seeing them both together once again. Brian hid a little scoff and fortunately no one noticed except for Chrissie who was beside him, she nudged him and gave him a little glare on the side of her eyes. “I hope we didn’t make everyone wait for that long” Vivienne said as she gave everyone hugs while Roger got them both wines, handing it to her after. She was acting as if she didn’t ignore Roger on the drive to Freddie’s, she was back to her normal self, she communicated as if she had no problem. 
It was odd.
After dinner, everyone got their own things to do. Chrissie and Brian chatting up with Freddie about their future plans for a family while Mary and Veronica talking about how adorable it would be to have a vacation in Hawaii. Roger and John were casually talking about their fair share of cars while puffing on cigarettes. She excused herself from the two and sat in front of the fireplace, helping herself with the heat it emitted. 
Looking at John and Brian, Vivienne couldn’t help but wonder how they got their lives right. Freddie was the same, but he was still finding himself, he was still exploring. Then she diverted her attention to Roger who was still talking to John and felt a pang in her heart, she was thinking if it would still be right if she’ll give him another chance or if she’s ready to let him go. It would probably the best if they should talk about it, but she’ll have to wait for more and it’s killing her slowly. She was cut in her senses when Brian approached her and asked her if it’s okay to talk to her about something, Vivienne agreed that what she was feeling was heavy and maybe talking to someone about it would be great. 
They ended up in the bathroom with Vivienne sitting on the covered toilet seat and Brian on the edge of the bath tub. At first, she asked if Chrissie knew about this and Brian reassured that it’s fine and that it was actually Chrissie who told him to talk to her. Vivienne sighed and started, “I don’t know anymore, Bri” she shook her head a little as she looked at him “There’s definitely something wrong” Brian just nodded at her, still hesitating if he should tell her or not. Vivienne held his hand, her eyes begging him to tell her what he knows about what’s happening to Roger, he sighed and looked back at her.
“I’m so sorry Viv, I don’t think I can do this—”  “You do know something, don’t you? Please Bri? Please? Enlighten me… please tell me that what I’m thinking is wrong”
She was desperate to know for she felt that Brian knew something. His eyes warily looked at hers, sighing once more as her grip tightened on his hand. “It all started when we were recording for the new album, he started leaving earlier than usual telling us that he had to do something until he ran out of excuses. I was the first one to notice but I decided to confront him about it” hearing this, Vivienne��s tears welled up on her eyes as they threatened to fall down “It was a woman named Dominique, they met in Hyde Park when we were planning about the free concert. It all made sense when I remembered Roger trying to flirt with her… I’m so sorry Viv, I tried to convince him but—” “I... It’s okay Bri, you’ve already done your job as a good friend” she let go of his hand and ran her hands through her hair in frustration, Brian only watched her and patted her back in comfort.
Roger was waiting for Vivienne to go out of the bathroom when Brian was the first one to flee the room, he quickly hid the box inside his pocket as soon as Brian landed eyes on it. Roger’s brows furrowed at the sight of the tall man and then went to open the door showing Vivienne wash her face on the sink. “Are you alright, love?” he asked her, leaning to check on her. Vivienne wiped her face gently with the face towel available and nodded her head in reply to Roger, looking at him back. “Is there something that you want to share to me—” “If you two love birds want to shag, we have a bedroom! Mary and I don’t mind sharing the couch!” Freddie chirped outside. Vivienne groaned and went out of the bathroom leaving Roger inside.
As soon as the party was done, Vivienne was the first one to get out, telling everyone that she was not feeling well and that she has to go home. She started walking as Roger ran after her. “Viv? Can we talk?” he grabbed her arm but she pulled her arm away from him. “Al’s going to pick me up,” she said “If you want to talk we have the whole day tomorrow” Roger shook his head and sighed, “Let’s talk now Viv, I can feel that something is wrong ever since you were acting cold on the way here” he said.
“What’s with Brian?” Roger opened up the conversation as he drove back to Vivienne’s place. She was trying to hold back but she couldn’t, “So why don’t you introduce me to your little friend?” she blurted out. Roger gave her a confused look then back at the road. Vivienne scoffed at his reaction “Don’t act like you don’t know who i’m referring to, Roger” anger was slowly creeping out of her. Roger stopped the car to the side to take a good look at her, “I-I don’t know who you’re talking about, Viv!” he replied, his voice slightly raising in a defensive tone.
She gave him silence as she hugged herself, leaning on the window. “I can’t believe you Rog...” she sighed “Is that how you think of me? Do I look that stupid?” she asked him, her tears threatening to fall. “Freddie called me, he told me that he was glad I started visiting you and that you escaped because you were going to meet me— Brian confirmed all of my hunches back at Fred’s” guilt was all over his face as he heard pain from her voice. “You don’t know how crushed I was when I heard it all from Bri” her tears now fell down and her heart was hurting more.
It was Roger’s turn to remain silent as Vivienne poured everything what she’s been hiding the whole time, “Whenever I call, you were out doing something, you’ll tell me that you’re gonna call me after but sometimes I would wait for days and you won’t still call, only the rest of the boys would bother to call me back” she heavily sighed “You’ll tell sorry for not calling then I’ll just forgive you because I was too excited to tell you about what happened to my day... You don’t know how much I wanted to spend time with you in Italy” Roger could only look at her as she cry. “I’m so tired, Rog…” she shook her head, looking away “I’m so tired of always forgiving you for everything” she wiped her tears. 
Roger couldn’t say a thing, “It took me a long time because this is what I was afraid of” she sighed and looked outside the window. Her voice broken, “It turns out what I’ve been avoiding the whole time was really unavoidable”.
“I love you Viv, I really do” he whispered, she shook her head upon hearing that. “Now you’re saying that you love me” she mocked as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand.
Roger decided to try to explain, “You were always away Viv, with all that art stuff you’ve got for you. I am really happy for you but…” he trailed off as he unconsciously taps on the steering wheel, “But I think you were forgetting me whenever you’re in your little bubble” he continued. “I met Dominique when I needed you. She was just like you, She didn’t like me at the beginning but eventually she got my back whenever I needed someone” Vivienne couldn’t figure out what to feel after she heard what he said. “Rog, I guess that there won’t be any problem if we’re not together anymore” it felt heavy when she said that, and it was supposed to lift the feeling off of her chest, but it did the opposite.
Sighing, “I hate myself for letting you do this to me” she leaned her head against the headrest of her seat, “I shouldn’t have listened to Al, to give you a chance, to let you destroy the wall I’ve built for years” Roger slowly grabbed her hand, putting the back of her hand on his lips. Vivienne’s body ached for his kisses and the contact of his lips didn’t help at all. “It was very stupid of me for letting you in and destroy me…” defeatedly sighing once more.
The next thing she knew, they were both on his bed without clothes on. Roger was still hers that night, his skin against hers gave her warmth, his lips trailing on her softest spots was a bliss, and him whispering things on her ear was sweet. Everything felt so wrong yet so right. It felt home on his sheets, his scent lingered in them and she never had a problem with it. 
“Are you still mine, Rog?” she whispered on his ear, he pulled back and smiled at her “Of course Viv, I’ll always be yours” he replied. Vivienne ran her hand through his hair “I love you” Roger said as he kissed her forehead and she just nodded her head, looking back at his eyes. Her fingertip trailed from his forehead down to his lips in which he kissed lightly as soon as it made contact with his lips. 
When morning came, Roger woke up. His heart fell when he felt the space beside him. He swiftly put his pants on and desperately looked for her around his flat. “Viv?” he called her out, but no one replied. That’s when he knew he lost her. He sat on his couch defeated with a sigh escaping his mouth as he looked at the ceiling. It’s done and there’s no one to come back home to.
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softscholasticism · 6 years
phone wallpaper game:)
i was tagged by my bub @ironqueen98 to do this:) and @softrosyqueen 🖤
rules: put your lockscreen, homescreen, and the last song you listened to!
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here y’all go🖤
i tag: @queenie-aus @rogerandhishair @sam-writes @deacydeacy @ayomercury and anyone else who would like to do this!
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patroclsachlles · 6 years
tagged by the lovely @rogershamsandwich  
rules: bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people
I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends// I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors// I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities// I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift //I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs // I am lgbtq+
tagging: @muriendodeplena @ironqueen98 @hanilecter @cinturasincensura @lilbasthet @iifandomii @charoncarro @caricatureoftradingmistakes @deakys-chesthair @avengersbarnes @d-r-e-a-m-catchme @husbandpirates @pleasedtomeetmyself @allthe-queens-men @conduition
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istill-loveyou39 · 6 years
Selfie Tag
I was tagged by @hystericalroger (thank you darling, I appreciate it!!!)
Rules: Post 2 photos of yourself and write 3 facts. Tag 5 people.
Ok... I’m super self conscious and I have major self esteem issues but imma do this.
Here I am!!
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Ok three random facts
I love powerlifting and lifting heavy things!
I’m afraid of clowns.
My favorite bands are Queen, AFI, Jukeboz the Ghost, and Blaqk Audio
I tag @whowantedtoliveforever @radio-ha-ha @blogbykate @ironqueen98 @brianmay-be
Sorry if you’ve already done this! ❤️
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greatkinglulu · 6 years
Seasons [Ben Hardy One Shot - Part II]
Pairing: Ben Hardy x fem!Reader
[Part I]
Warnings: probably a little bit of angst? But that’s pretty much it I think.
Next Fall
The constant warmth and the sunny skies had worn off, and with that, the romance and love.
She was too angry to cry right then and there, standing still by the french doors that led to the garden.
He zipped up his bags. Not daring to look her in the eyes, after a heavy sigh he said, “I can’t do this anymore.” He closed the door softly behind him, and then it hit her. And then the leaves started to fall to the grass the same way her tears fell on her shirt.
Next Winter
Saying that the next winter was hard would be an understatement. It wasn’t just hard because it was one of the coldest ones in a long time, no. She wished that was the reason. It was hard because he wasn’t there with her anymore. And it hurt.
It got even harder when she heard the news. He would be getting married in a few months. Not that she was invited, of course. “Wishing you and the soon to be Mrs. Hardy nothing but the best in this new chapter in your life. I’m happy for you, Ben. I really am. -Y/N.” She wrote and sent, after having to work like an FBI agent to get his new phone number.
He got the message and read it, but he never wrote back.
Next Spring
She decided she had spent enough time mourning and crying and it was time to pick herself up and go about her life again. And so she did. She even started to go out with friends at night again. She still had bad days, though. But that was okay. She was blossoming at her own pace, and that was beautiful.
 She got a little dog to have an excuse to buy herself some coffee every morning, and take her boy out for a walk at the local park. That really made her happy.
“Hades, come here!“, she was chasing like crazy after her dog. Thanfully some guy that happened to be there caught him, stopping the little boy from running any further, and giving her time to approach them. Oh, no. “Is he yours?“ She’d recognise that voice and those eyes anywhere. “Yeah...“, she nodded, unsure of what to say next. “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?“ He half smiled, voice soft as a pillow. She mumbled something in agreement, and then he gave the dog back; he didn’t want to, because he knew the moment she got Hades back, the little meeting would be over. He was wrong, though. “We should catch up sometime.“ She suggested. “I’d love that,“ His smile grew wider, “text me.“ He added and for the first time he looked her in the eyes. "Text me back.“ A small laugh escaped her lips and they split paths.
Next Summer
“You know?“ She spoke lowering her cup of coffee. Having coffee and taking their dogs for a walk a few times a week had become part of their routines now. “I missed this.“, a soft laugh left her lips as she shook her head slightly. “I missed us.“ She admited and Ben’s eyes sported a confused look. “Y/N...“, he started but she didn’t let him finish his sentence. “Not like that, you silly!“, she clarified before it got too awkward. “I missed sharing a coffee and some laughs with my friend.“ He relaxed after that, giving her an understanding smile, and this time he even dared to caress her hand over the table.
They made their way to the park, enjoying each other’s company and dogs, who by the way had grown closer together, and just walked around their usual circuit until they were done and ready to go back home, each one to their own.
“I’m glad we're back on talking terms, Ben.“, she smiled as they came to a stop. “Hmmm... I guess I could say the same.”, he teased. They both laughed.
They hugged each other and made their sepated ways. That would be until the next week.
He will never know how happy she is to have him back in her life, how happy she wakes up every morning she's supposed to meet him and Frankie. She will never know that those calls, or even the shortest, simplest texts from her when they are oceans away from each other, fill him up with indescribable joy.
They will never know.
However, that's okay because seasons may change, but people don't.
People who hopefully won't get mad if I tag them: @rogerandhishair @operaticmercury @drowsyroger @deacydeacy @roger-taylor-owns-my-wigg @wereallkillerqueens @sam-writes @apinkwhisperscollector
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greatkinglulu · 6 years
Ironqueen98′s Masterlist
So, here’s my masterlist in case you guys get super bored and wanna read my shit!
Anyway, I have all this in my blog’s menu as well.
Seasons - Ben Hardy x fem!reader One Shot
         Part I - Part II
How To Dance 101 - Ben Hardy x latina!reader One Shot
Claire de Lune - Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor x fem!reader Fanfic
         Snippet - One. - Two.
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