feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
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“No, Mac, I’m not reading your carrd. I don’t care who your “kins” are or who’s in your “do not interact” - you can’t choose who you get to interact with, Mac, life’s not that simple. And furthermore, why is it spelled “carrd” anyway? The second r is extraneous. I can’t deal with extraneous things in my life, Mac.“
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
Phineas and Doofenshmirtz are simultaneously the same person and polar opposites. They’re both geniuses in their own right, with a grasp of science and engineering that no one else, except maybe Ferb, would even aspire to. They’re both loud and excitable and constantly motivated not just to build something physically build, but something metaphorically big, too. They both want to change Danville, just in different ways, and that might be why it tends to cancel out. 
Phineas wants to make everything better. Since day one, he’s been building not just for himself, but for everyone. He gave the city a rollercoaster and a beach and he literally gave away a soccer football stadium. He’s motivated by his love for people, and by the love those people give him in return.
Meanwhile, Heinz wants to make everything worse. Nothing he builds is to make his own life better; it’s all to make everyone else’s life worse. He’s completely motivated by revenge, not just against the people who’ve wronged him, but against the world that let them.
tl;dr: Phineas Flynn is what Heinz Doofenshmirtz would have been if he had grown up with money and a family who loved him, and together, they could 100% take over the tri-state area
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
mashed potato mashed potato
pick a The Wiggles lyric that makes you go absolutely feral:
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
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Greg and his cookies 🍪
+ Bonus
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
when you wear a sundress and one of the straps is loose so it slips off your shoulder and u feel… how shall i put this… harlotrous
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
me, blasting music that is older than both my parents: this is what’s in
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
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Christian Slater In Heathers (1988)
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
what’s cooler than talking about how seahorses defy traditional gender roles? next time try: seahorses do not have genders, they are little fish
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
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I figure out I had ADHD last year, but I didn’t seek an official diagnosis and medication until this year. I’m 30 years old, my school days are long behind me. I slipped through the cracks because I have predominately inattentive type and I was a quiet little girl. Having ADHD does not mean you have to be hyperactive and loud, it means you have a processing problem in your brain that doesn’t allow you to regulate your focus or emotions. 
Mental health even now is still taboo to talk about. People are more open now than ever about it however and that gives me hope. 
This is a profoundly personal comic and it only reflects my own experience with ADHD. It is on a spectrum with a wide range of personalities. But if my story connects with someone else and helps them, that would mean the world to me.
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
This moment in monster factory is a gem:
Justin’s memory of a nonexistent meme
Griffin’s utter confusion
Clayton captioning his thoughts
The Oscar bait cutscene of the search for the ‘how I make bread’ guy
Griffin’s lawn mower laugh
Just *chef’s kiss*
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
Raccoon dogs are incredibly cute creatures in general but I think one of their best traits is how different they look with their winter coats vs their summer coats
They go from “yeah that looks like a canid alright”
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To “not when I shift into maximum FLUFF”
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
I think the problem with Kermit is that it's really easy to reduce him to a joyless jerk because his role IS being the straight man to a cast of bozos and he IS blunt and tired, but the thing is, he's not a jerk hes a funny little frog.
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
Pros of having ADHD:
Can track prey for hours without losing focus
Special interest: basket weaving
Always fidgeting - banging rocks together and discovers flint-knabbing
Distracted by berries
Stimming by making noises, discovers the sksksk that lures out squirrels
Can’t sleep at night, great at guarding the cave while family sleeps
Sensitive senses means discovering and refusing to eat rotten/poisonous food
Sees bird eat nut - impulsively tries it too and discovers that nuts taste good
Cons of having ADHD:
Can’t do homework
Impulse buys
Can’t use a calendar
Can’t sit still in classroom
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
Hello please become Roman Catholic
no ❤️
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
Skylar Brandt was supposed to debut as Aurora today but since the season was canceled she debuted her own Rose Adagio.
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feellikeamillionaire ¡ 4 years
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Music in Film: Shrek (2001) dir. Andrew Adamson, Vicky Jenson
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