#iron fury
billykcplan · 8 months
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RECRUITMENT ↪ iron man (2008) ↪ the marvels (2023)
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thewrittenpodcast · 3 months
Peter: Grandpa!
Tony: what where
May: you don't have-
Fury, wearing a knitted sweater and scarf: me
Fury: I'm grandpa fury
May: I'm not even going to ask how that happened
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taylamaximoffstark · 2 months
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scottxlogan · 5 months
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The animation set that sat in my drafts for over a month because life kept getting in the way. After all the stops and starts this demanded to be put out into the universe so here it is after what feels like forever. Steve and Tony (with Nick Fury) in Avengers Age of Ultron.
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Marvel + text posts
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 6
Summary: Reader goes to a stark party to meet some new people.
TW: Drinking, parties (ew), minor blood
Words: 2k
A/n Sorry for the late update my life is chaos.
Looking around at all the people you felt yourself beginning to feel a little insecure. You could pick out most of the people in the room from the TV alone. These weren’t just your average everyday people, these were superhero’s. And despite having powers yourself you still felt like you didn’t belong among legends.
Without realising it you had popped out your fangs, a small habit that displayed your nerves. You did realise it when it nicked your tongue. The coppery taste of blood in your mouth for a second before it healed.
Starting to feel a little overwhelmed Wanda placed a hand on your arm. Her touch was grounding and you were slowly being pulled back out of your own head and back to the party.
“It’s alright if it’s a bit much. It was for my first time as well. Are you ok?” Wanda said quietly to you.
You swallowed and nodded. “I’m alright. Just gimme a sec.”
Steeling your nerves and swallowing down your anxiety you stood a little taller and nodded to Wanda who was silently observing you.
After giving you a moment to adjust Wanda begun shepherding you over to a small group of people. Seemingly taking it upon herself to introduce you to people knowing if it was up to you, you would stay in the corner all night.
Before you had even realised Natasha had left your side she was handing you a drink with a cute little umbrella.
“I figure you liked it a bit fruity.” She said with a wink and your cheeks heated under the glare you shot her as she sipped her vodka martini.
As you arrived in front of the group Wanda seemed to want to introduce you to first, you took a sip of the drink, finding it to be rather good.
Looking around the group Wanda begun introducing you to it was an odd bunch.
“Y/n,” Wanda begun, gesturing to a tall blonde woman in a leather jacket. “This is Carol, or captain Marvel.” Wanda said with a teasing tone as carol rolled her eyes.
“Hi.” You said and Carol smiled warmly at you.
“Nice to meet you Y/n.” Carol said extending a hand which you took. She had a firm handshake and warm but not sweaty hands. The kind but mischievous twinkle in her eyes promised a fun kind of trouble.
“This old man is Nick Fury.” Natasha said clapping a hand on the back of a dark-skinned man with an eyepatch.
“Watch yourself Romanoff.” He said but Nat just smirked. “Nice to meet you kid.” He said extending a hand. After shaking his hand Natasha introduced you to the last person in the group.
“This is Agent Maria Hill.” Nat said elbowing her in the ribs and receiving a heatless glare in response.
“Nice to meet you.” She said giving a welcoming nod to you which you returned.
“So I hear you’re the newest spider in town?” Carol asks smiling at you as she took a swig of her beer.
“Uhhh … yeah.” You said rubbing the back of your neck.
“No need to be so nervous kid, we don’t bite. Unless you want me to.” Carol winked and you smiled back shyly not realising your fangs were out.
“Wow kid. Nice teeth.” Carol said. “Is that a spider thing?” She said looking curious.
“Yeah.” You said putting them away again.
“That’s pretty cool.” Carol said.
“We’re lucky she doesn’t bite.” Wanda said teasingly.
“I dunno,” Nat said rejoining the group with Maria. “I’d let her bite me.” She said with a wink and you choked on the sip you had just taken of your drink.
Coughing as Nat burst out laughing, Wanda pounded your back while Maria was lecturing Natasha in an amused fashion. Carol simply watched with a grin which matched Nats despite being told off.
Fury simply watched with his upper lip twitching as if it wanted to smile but wasn’t allowed which would probably have some level of accuracy to it.
When you regained your composure and your voice, your cheeks were stained with a dark blush.
“So, are you an avenger now kid?” Carol asked.
“I’m not sure.” You said.
“Actually, I’ve been meaning to talk to Stark and Rogers about that one.” Fury said looking at you for a reaction. You simply blinked looking at him and only looking away when you realised, he wasn’t going to elaborate.
“Either way, welcome to our little bunch. If you ever need anything or just to escape the compound of chaos, give me a call.” Carol said and Maria agreed.
“I’ve only ever seen Nat take a liking to something this fast once before and that was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” Maria said receiving a punch from Nat in the arm replying only with a smirk.
“So, how’d the whole spider thing happen?” Carol asked looking curious.
“I should have said this is y/n Parker.” Wanda said emphasising your last name.
“Like Peter Parker?” Carol asked.
“My little brother.” You clarified with a nod.
“So does being part spider run in the family or did you both do a deal with Satan?” Maria asks and you laughed feeling a bit less anxious now the vibe had changed and there was some alcohol in your blood.
“Peter and I both ended up on the field trip where he got his powers. I was chaperoning and he was … being Peter. Anyways Parker luck and we both got bit by the dumb spider.” You said.
“So you’ve just been keeping a low profile since?” Maria asked.
“Yeah. Something like that. I mean I would take Peter’s old suits for a spin when I could but not too often. Our powers differ a little so I had to play the part and not do some things he couldn’t.” You shrugged sipping your drink again.
“Well it sounds like your well adjusted to it all.” Carol complimented.
You snorted in response. “Adjusted, maybe. Cursed, definitely. What can I say Parker luck is real. I almost got it tattooed once.” You said shrugging.
“Well, it’s been great to see you all again, but I need to take y/n to make the rounds. Learn some new names and see some fresh faces.” Wanda said saying goodbye before dragging you away with her hand clasped tightly around your own.
Natasha lingered with her friends for a little longer while wanda and you were swallowed up into another small group as wanda didn’t want to overwhelm you with too many people at once.
When she came to a stop you were stood in front of a few couches with various familiar faces lounging around talking and laughing.
“Hi honey.” A voice said and you looked over to the blue couch to see Aunt May sat next to Pepper, both holding a glass of white wine.
“Hi Aunt May.” You said feeling a little more comfortable with her around. She always made you feel safe.
“You look amazing sweetheart.” May said.
“I love the dress.” Pepper pitched in and you nodded thanking her.
Pepper patted the seat next to her and you slid into the spot beside her as Natasha appeared from nowhere and handed you a new drink, taking the glass you hadn’t realised was empty.
“Fruity.” Natasha whispered in your ear but this time you swatted her as she disappeared laughing to get herself another drink.
“How many of those have you had?” May asked.
“Not nearly enough to be drunk with my metabolism.” You said rolling your eyes.
“You your brother will drink me out of house and home, and I already feed four enhanced people with the metabolism of fifteen people.” Tony said rolling his eyes.
“Be nice Tony. Plus, Peter can’t even drink yet.” Pepper said swatting his arm.
“Oh right. Yeah, that kids never touching alcohol. I watched him trip over his own feet too many times in the past week to count. I can’t imagine he would be able to even stand if he ever got drunk.” Tony said shaking his head at the idea making you and May laugh.
“Im afraid they both are clumsy.” May said and you groaned scrubbing a hand over your face.
“Really?” Wanda asked her curiosity peaked. “Any good stories?” She asked with a mischievous smirk on her lips.
“Oh, too many to count.” May said laughing and waving a hand to indicate how many.
“Please enlighten us.” Clint said seemingly having appeared from nowhere and plopping himself down on the couch opposite pepper and may. He slung an arm around Tony who promptly shoved him off.
“Personal space birdbrain.” Tony grumbled. “But please, do spill.” He said ignoring pepper protective glare he was receiving.
“Oh, I don’t know…” May said glancing at you as you shook your head pleading with her to drop it. “What about just the flip trip one?” She asked and you swallowed pausing for a second before nodding.
“Fine.” You grumbled as Clint and Tony cheered.
“Whats got feathers and grease monkey so happy?” Nat said sitting down next to Clint.
“Story-time about the Parker’s.” Stark said. “More importantly … embarrassing story time.” He clarified and nat looked at you with a raised brow as you just shook your head and slumped over to bury your face in Wanda’s neck. The alcohol making you slightly more confident and comfortable around them.
“Alright. Well as long as I can recall they have both been clumsy. But there was one time after the spider-bite that their spider sense made it even more interesting. Peter was going into their room and Y/n was heading to the living room. They both must have sensed it because peter tripped over his own feet and before he could land flat on his face, he did a front flip and landed in a crouch with one hand on the ground. Y/n would have been in his way, but she had hopped up and stuck to the ceiling. So, she was hanging on by her fingertips and peter was standing back up as she let go of the roof and fell on top of him.” May said with a chuckle.
Tony’s face was lit up like a kid on Christmas. Pepper was stifling a smile and Nat had snorted into her drink. Wanda was trembling slightly under you as her body shook with suppressed giggles as her hand glided softly through your hair as your face was still buried in her neck hiding.
Clint whistled lowly. “Impressive … yet also not.” He said chuckling to himself.
“ok enough of that.” You whined and May smiled at you softly.
“Alright honey. How about pepper tells us some stories about stark.” May said sharing a mischievous smirk with pepper who immediately grinned at stark who grumbled to himself about betrayal.
As pepper launched into a story about the time the great Tony stark had turned up to a meeting sans pants, May pulled you aside.
“You haven’t told them have you?” She said in a low whisper.
“Told them what?” You mumbled looking at your shoes.
“Come on Y/n. I know its different now but he’s not just your brother. I know it hurts but he’s still your-“
“I know.” You said cutting May off before she could finish and say the word that brought pain to your very soul. “But he’s not May. Not anymore … its different. I had to live without him for five years. It changes you. It changed me.“ you mumbled wishing you had grabbed your drink before this impromptu sidebar.
“They’ll see your file eventually, they will connect the dots. It would be better coming from the two of you if you told them yourselves.” May said taking on a sad almost worried voice.
“I’ll talk to Petey about it.” You said and she rubbed a hand up and down your bicep and offered as small smile.
“Good.” May said before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
As the two of you rejoined the group your eyes had a little less of a glint in them. The pain still raw from things you didn’t want to remember.
The battle against Thanos had been somewhat of a sore subject around the tower and you didn’t want to bring up the avengers failure.
The rest of the party was smooth sailing as things began to die down.
@tia-thesimp @lizzielillvr @leenasayeed @justarandomreaderxoxo @sycamorelibrary754 @dorabledewdroop @redwolfqueen19 @sadlesbeansstuff @idkwhatever580
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themarysuep · 10 months
Fury: Nick Fury. Director of Shield. I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative.
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Kamala: I'm putting together a team and I want you on it.
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Kamala being Nick Fury's successor was not something I saw coming lmao.
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
The Bad Batch as Marvel quotes:
Hunter: Don't do anything I would do, and definitely don' t do anything I wouldn't do.
Crosshair: I recognize the council (Hunter) has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.
Wrecker: I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!
Tech: I understood that reference.
Echo: Language!
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lostyanting · 6 months
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Iron Man (2008) dir. Jon Favreau The Marvels (2023) dir. Nia DaCosta
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marvel-lous-guy · 11 months
Fury: Stark, you were way out of line last mission. You need to obey Rogers orders next time
Tony: I don't like being told what to do unless I'm naked
Fury: ...
Tony: And I'm assuming it's a hazard for me to be naked on a mission
Scott: I for one would be honored to be in your naked presence
Tony: ...Thank you Scott
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lukreziaaa · 5 months
“the Avengers Initiative.
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The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more.
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To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could.”
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nam-ski · 7 months
Fury doesn’t knows who Spider-Man is, so the mission for the Avengers is to take him down, Tony gives zero fuck and continues the lab days, movie nights and sleepovers.
One day after Peter designed a new suit he swung around to see how it fits. The Avengers just hanging out in the living room than Spider-Man swings in makes himself a cacao and swings out.
In the meeting after this:
Tony: Oh, I just forget too tell you
Fury: I hate you, so who is he
Tony: I’m not telling you
Fury: [so done with all] I hate my life [walks out of the room]
Tony: There it goes
Fury: [from far away] but I hate you more
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I'm laughing way too hard-
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marvelilovebucky · 23 days
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A normal sleepover in the Avengers Tower🫶🏼
📌Credit to the artist (found it on Pinterest)
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scottxlogan · 1 year
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@giftober 2023 | Day #1: "First Meeting". Tony and Bruce meet in The Avengers.
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fotibrit · 8 months
Fully convinced that the main reason Tony was never made an Avenger was because Fury did not want Tony, he wanted “Tony Stark: Iron Man”.
It says so, in the file. Iron Man was approved, Tony Stark was not. Fury knew and understood that if he accepted Tony onto the team fully, if he let Tony believe himself embraced, then Tony would be able to (eventually) drop the show. He could stop acting 100% sure of himself all the time. He could have flaws and doubts and insecurities which he openly expresses.
Tony’s biggest appeal to Fury was that he was impulsive and expendable. Tony was willing to fly into fire on a whim, and Fury had a front row seat to Tony doing so (by fighting Vanko even while his heart killed him). But the thing is, if Tony saw himself as an equal to the other Avengers, he might start feeling like he had a community, and therefore a reason not to fly into fire. He might start opening up to people he viewed as equals, which would make him more likable and less expendable.
Fury couldn’t let Tony feel like an equal to the others. Tony had to feel like he wasn’t really on the team. Still, he had to be on the team.
So Fury managed it. He told Tony, in private, that Tony would be a “consultant”. Fury knew that Tony would still help the team without the title, and Tony knew that, in the eyes of the Avengers, he was still a “textbook narcissist” and had to act as such.
And then in public, Fury introduced the idea of the Avengers Initiative by implying that Tony was the first Avenger. “There was an idea- Stark knows this- called the Avengers Initiative”. Fury managed to convey to Tony that he was still expected to act superior while implying to the others that Stark was favored.
And there you have it. The perfect situation, for Fury. Stark would act high and mighty while still feeling unsupported. The team would see him as a symbol and founder, rather than a teammate. Tony would be willing and expected to sacrifice himself whenever Fury needed.
Iron Man would be on the team. Not Tony Stark.
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