#iris cyst
isko0kris0oksi · 4 months
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Moons of Iris.
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acespace-spaceplace · 1 month
Unofficial mockup of þe Irisian system
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As seen in "Crusader Probe Mission", þe Iris is revelead to have a series of 5 moons orbiting it. As seen in order, þey are Cyst, Umbilic, Yucous, Macula, and Vitreous, wiþ Umbilic being said to be a submoon of Vitreous. Þese 5 are photographed by þe Crusader probe before it being sucked into þe Iris itself.
Now, coming up wiþ orbits was fairly simple, þe ones photographed first were likely furþer from þe Iris, as þey would be encountered first going inbound to þe Iris. But Umbilic caused a bit of a problem. Þe submoon was shown second, but þen Yucous and Macula, until finally showing its parent moon, Vitreous. I decided to solve þis problem by giving Vitreous an elliptical orbit, wiþ Umbilic trailing far behind it, which would explain how þe Crusader probe encountered it first way before Vitreous. Umbilic is shown here behaving less like a moon and more of a trojan, alþough instead of gravitational balance, it is directly linked to Vitreous. Also, þe orbits shown are likely much larger þan depicted, as þe moons were encountered in December 1992, before þe probe was pulled into þe Iris on January 1993.
Again, I am only being speculative and þeoretical, if you have any constructive criticism or þoughts, lemme know
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What we know about Deep Root disease (so far)
It is not 100% made clear how Deep Root Disease is contracted but it seems to be through coming into contact with Nature's Mockery or virtually any other byproduct of the Iris. Specifically: it is contracted by coming into contact with "Roots" which are little organisms whose main purpose is to infect humans with Deep Root Disease
Once infected, the initial root starts as a bulb somewhere under the skin (similarish to a wart or a cyst) that grows over time and gets deeper into the skin.
Once the rooting stage begins the bulb will become hard and start tunneling into the skin till it reaches bone. Once it does reach Bone the root will begin to spread rapidly throughout the body causing pain, swelling, and visible roots poking out of the person's skin. It also begins to cause issues like memory loss, muscle spasms, and strange dreams as it infects more of the body
The roots will then begin to fuse to the host's body and will convert all tissue into more of itself. This will cause organs to fuse, bones to lose their integrity, and the tissue to take on a stringy tendon-looking appearance
Despite what it may look like from the outside: people with Deep Root Disease are till fully conscious as they are being converted and seem to be suffering from a form of "locked-in syndrome" as the process happens. This also means their bodies are being controlled by an external force (probably the roots) when they are able to move at all
Deep Root Disease also does not seem to allow the victim to die. None of the tissue actually rots away nor does the person perish after a certain point. Tissue is just converted into more of the root.
This tissue-converting process is compared to tumorigenesis as it shares similarities with how tumors are formed (specifically bone cancer)
The final stage of the disease is turning into Nature's Mockery. However, it seems like Natures Mockery itself hatches/turns into something else (which could explain woodcrawlers or "the bear")
There does not seem to be a cure/way to fully stop Deep Root Disease from progressing once it is contracted or at least noticeable. The only cure seems to be prevention.
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jupiturns · 3 months
Chapter 3: zyste
hello everyone! this chapter is the chapter where we meet our first moon, Cyst! Cyst is the commander of the (now defunct) armymen of the Iris. After his mutation, he became unfeeling, cold, and calculative.
Only one other moon can truly reach his emotions and make him feel more fluidly.
Being the leader of the armymen, Cyst is plenty rich.
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So I went to the eye doctor and was told ai have a cyst in my iris…(it’s small so not too worrying but still not fun news).
I did draw these in the waiting room!
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(My sister got told she’s got pretty crooked eyes so we’re currently joking that the drawings take place after Spine was told he’s got a scratch inside his photoreceptors, that Rabbit has crooked photoreceptors and that Janet’s are in great shape.)
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totally-callisto · 5 hours
It's all fun and games until Iris fuses you with either another Jovian moon, Saturnian moon, Neptunian moon, or Uranian moon to make Cyst
*Cue Callisto crafting a cross from space debris*
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lavoiedeleau · 6 months
Utérus dis moi ce qui ne va pas !
Suite à ces derniers soins, j'ai bien compris qu'il faudrait que je me penche plus sur mon féminin sacré. Concept tant publicité, il est difficile de s'y retrouver. J'ai n'avais plus de douleur vis à vis de mon stérilet mais mon ventre restait assez douleur au touché.
Je sentais que j'avais les capacités de prendre soin de moi mais avec de l'aide. J'ai pris un rdv chez une sage-femme ( en espérant qu'elle soit aussi un peu perchée), elle m'a localisé la douleur et prescrit une écho, puis j'ai pris rdv avec une chamane spécialiste dans l'utérus via mon groupe de parole. En parallèle, j'ai décidé de me former au reiki, une discipline qui m'attire depuis longtemps. Je sens une contreverse en moi, en me disant ok je commence la mais je dois pas m'arrêter la, cela sera qu'une étape : en me disant cela je suis sereine. (affaire à suivre).
Entre temps j'ai fait pas mal de visualisation, essayé de visualisé l'eau qui nettoie. Je pense que c'est métatron, iris ou marie madeleine qui m'ont le plus aidé à vraiment apaisé et réparé, depuis mes douleurs sont vraiment amoindris. J'ai pris conscience également d'un cordon noir qui me pompais mon énergie relié à mon utérus, comme si j'avais accouché mais pas coupé le cordon. C'est alors qu'une licorne est venue m'entouré d'un arc en ciel pour protégé au maximum ce trou énergétique.
J'ai mis plusieurs jours à me séparer du placenta, j'ai vécu un gros vide après. Vide veut dire solitude chez moi ..
Sur le plan médical, il y a un kyste de 2 cm sur l'ovaire qui peut se résorbé ou non.
Le soin avec la chamane s'est décalé plusieurs fois, je le fais cette semaine normalement. J'attends de se rdv qu'elle me raconte un peu l'histoire de mon utérus (ancêtre) car c'est bien flou de mon coté.
Grâce à de nouveaux podcasts , j'ai découvert les notions d'équilibre entre notre feu intérieur et l'eau. Ce qui en découle avec le féminin et le masculin mature, j'ai longtemps eu un masculin blessé et je me suis jamais retrouvé dans la douceur de la femme. Mais qu'est-ce que cela fait du bien de s'abandonner et de lâcher prise dans cette douceur.
Je vous tiens au courant de la suite pour ce soin , sachant que je le fait également dans un but d'avoir le meilleur lit pour un futur bébé.
Je suis contente car j'ai quand même réussi à me guérir.
Following these latest treatments, I realised that I needed to look more closely at my sacred feminine. Concept so publicised, it's hard to find your way around. I no longer felt any pain from my IUD, but my stomach was still quite painful to touch.
I felt I had the ability to take care of myself, but with help. I made an appointment with a midwife (hoping she'd also be a bit perched), she pinpointed the pain and prescribed an ultrasound, then I made an appointment with a shaman specialising in the uterus via my discussion group. At the same time, I decided to train in Reiki, a discipline that has attracted me for a long time. I'm feeling the opposite inside me, saying to myself: OK, I'm starting here, but I mustn't stop here, this will only be a first step: by telling myself this, I feel serene (to be continued).
In the meantime I've been doing a lot of visualisation, trying to visualise the water that cleanses. I think it's metatron, iris and marie madeleine that have helped me the most to really soothe and repair, and since then my pain has been really reduced. I also became aware of a black cord that was pumping out my energy linked to my uterus, as if I'd given birth but hadn't cut the cord. That's when a unicorn came and surrounded me with a rainbow to protect the energy hole as much as possible.
It took me several days to separate myself from the placenta, and I felt a great emptiness afterwards. Emptiness means solitude for me.
From a medical point of view, there's a 2 cm cyst on the ovary which may or may not reabsorb.
The treatment with the shaman has been postponed several times, and I'm due to have it this week. I'm waiting for her to tell me a bit about the history of my uterus (ancestor) as it's all a bit hazy on my side.
Thanks to new podcasts, I've discovered the notions of balance between our inner fire and water. For a long time I had a wounded masculine side and I never found myself in the gentleness of a woman. But how good it feels to surrender and let go in this gentleness.
I'll keep you posted on the outcome of this treatment, knowing that I'm also doing it to make the best bed for a future baby.
I'm happy because I've still managed to heal myself.
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ukdamo · 11 months
Ruth Ellen Kocher
I have a red onion in a green bowl on my kitchen counter sprouting a green stalk that began as a little green haystack
bump, a knobby cyst, really, that broke surface, felt like what I imagine I’m feeling for when I rub my breasts in the shower,
my eyes closed as if water is a blindfold allowing me to feel within that dark any small homicide growing within me. I can’t
bring myself to use the onion, to gnash its skin, to whack off its hard-on-gooseneck like I’m suddenly death’s
scythe, death’s brindled pet, death’s dappled good-girl. Maybe, the onion believes in something, imagines itself still wild,
or holds in its layers the delusion of lilacs or iris or goldenrod or blueberry or some other rambling growth
redacting my sense of abandon, here, in this too-large house, a-lone-ly, not like a battle with silence way-of-alone-ness but
a passage. Quiet. Sometimes bright, sometimes dim, so, foreign. I am a theft waiting to happen, a rotten spell visioning
the onion’s end. Salt. Oil. Softly seared particulate endings. Oh, onion, circular cycle, joy-halo. Grow.
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luckystardust · 1 year
how to improve the quality of your life
Daily confidence affirmations
this sounds corny, but it works in getting rid of most negative self talk. I recommended to do it in the shower, and as you’re washing yourself imagine all the bad thoughts flowing with the water and falling into the drain.
If you’re insecure, your logical side might kill you. If you hate your looks but tell yourself “I’m so beautiful,” you might follow that with a “how?” You can actually use this to your benefit. Answer your question in your head. “I’m so beautiful because no matter how much I go through I still push forward, I never bring others down, my hair looks silky when I wake up, stray cats approach me..” any reason you want. Try to switch it up
Invest in a gym membership
If you’re physically able, I recommended weightlifting. It builds confidence, strength, and can also aid in mobility.
Some gyms come with a sauna or steam room. Definitely utilize these as they can improve your skin quality and overall wellbeing.
Track your water intake
Water reminder apps aren’t enough. I’ve tried them before and have the time I’ll ignore the alert. I recommend the Waterllama app. You’ll have to pay a few $$ for this feature, but you can log in drinks besides water to see how hydrated you are. The free version of the app calculates how much water you need based on temperature, level of activity, and your weight. Hydration is important, yet most people are dehydrated.
this may seem like a no-brainer, but people often misunderstand how reading can bring you peace/help you grow.
Reading fiction allows you to escape from reality. It’s perfect for when you want to relax and become sucked into a story. I recommend the vegetarian by Han kang (please look into cws before reading!) and Heaven by Meiko Kawakami. Finding prose you can connect with will give your life meaning.
Reading nonfiction can give you lots of insight on history, sociology, and/or any topic you can think of. You can easily improve the quality of your life by choosing a topic or two of interest and reading many books on the subject. You’ll feel fulfilled and intelligent after educating yourself. I’m currently reading the R*pe of Nanking by Iris Chang. I will make a list in the future of random topics you can research when you’re bored.
Self help books. Honestly these are iffy. I believe self help books tend to focus on the individual, but I believe that growth comes by interactions with others and fostering good connections. If you agree with this, you’ll love Bell Hooks. Although she focuses on feminist theory, her books can be used for personal growth (for all genders). I also recommend “the highly sensitive person” by Elaine Aron. Try to read these types of books by people with a PDH. I don’t know, I guess I just trust them more..
Invest in good hygiene
Skincare: no one needs a 10 step skincare routine, but I highly recommend 3 things. When you wake up, apply sunscreen. At night, wash your face and then moisturize. My skin used to be filled with bumps and cysts, but now I get compliments. I used witch Hazel and African black soap to clear my skin back in the day, but right now I use Korean products (with the exception of my Japanese shisedo sunscreen). It’s important to understand your skin type before you jump on trends because you might accidentally make your skin worse. If you want an honest review of a product, always check Reddit.
For hair care, as someone with almost straight hair , I recommend washing every 2-3 days. If you do it everyday you’re bound to dry out your scalp and cause breakage. Try to use fragrance free products. Learn how to make hair masks at home - I massage olive oil and an egg into my hair and wash it 30 minutes later. Indian haircare is honesty so great. I recommend Amla oil for all hair types. Just massage into your scalp and then add it to the rest of your hair, braid it up and go to sleep. Also, use a silk bonnet at night. I recommend buying them from Etsy for better quality and so you can support Black businesses. AVOID HEATED PRODUCTS AND TRYYYYY TO LIMIT DYING YOUR HAIR
And lastly, body care. I don’t have much to say except that African black soap is your best friend and always put on lotion. Always. Nivea + almond oil is a great combo.
Get a library card
Watch more video essays
Go on walks daily
People watch
Go to cat cafes
Limit your screen time
Fix your posture
Do breathing exercises
Do mobility stretches every morning
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isko0kris0oksi · 1 month
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Cat iris and moon iris! :D
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irabale · 2 years
The Importance of Brows and Lashes
The Brows and lashes are often the first things people notice when they look at you. That's why they get a lot of attention when it comes to beauty products.
When choosing a brow shape, it's important to match it with your face shape. It's also a good idea to consider your hair color and how dark or dense you want your brows to be.
Eyebrows are a distinctive feature that help frame your face. They can soften a look or overpower delicate facial features, so it is important to choose the right shape for your face.
Brows also serve an important function: they protect your eyes from water, sweat and other unwanted liquids that may drip down into the eye sockets. They can also be used as a tool to communicate with others through facial expressions, so it is important to keep them groomed and well-shaped for best results.
There are a few ways to keep your eyebrows shaped and neat, including plucking, waxing, and threading. Eyebrow threading is a popular method that uses a twisted cotton thread to pull out stray hairs at the roots of the brows. It is less painful than waxing and more precise than tweezing. It is also less likely to result in ingrown hairs than tweezing.
Eyelashes are the short strands of hair that grow at the edge of the eyelids. They have several important functions, including the protection of the eyes from dust, debris and sweat. They are also highly sensitive, much like a cat's whiskers, and they shut the eyes reflexively if an object comes too close.
They also help to make your eyes appear larger by enhancing their size and shape, and they add depth to your eyes. Darker lashes can highlight these features and make you appear more attractive.
New research suggests that the most attractive eyelash length is about one-third of the width of the eye. It's a bit shorter than scientists have thought, but this is the optimal length for both women and men.
Eye color
The color of your eyes is an incredibly important part of your appearance. It says a lot about your genetics, ancestry and health, and it’s also a reflection of the level of melanin in your irises.
Scientists used to think that eye color was determined by two genes, one for brown (a dominant gene) and one for blue (a recessive gene). But they now know that a person’s eye color is actually an expression of up to 16 different genes.
It’s also influenced by the amount of melanin in your iris and how much collagen is in your stroma, the layer that scatters light. People with lighter irises have less melanin, while those with dark irises have more.
There are many different types of eye colors, with popular options including green, hazel and grey. But no matter what your color, it’s important to protect your irises from the sun. A light-colored iris is more susceptible to damage from the sun’s UV rays than a dark one, so be sure to wear sunglasses or hats when outside in sunny weather.
Eyelids are an essential part of your appearance, affecting your eyesight and your whole facial appearance. They're also a natural defence against threats like dust, pollen and insects.
They're made up of a thin layer of skin covering the lower portion of the eyelid and a thicker layer of subcutaneous tissue beneath it. These layers protect everything below – muscles, nerves and glands – from injury and infection.
Aging tends to weaken connective tissues and elasticity in the skin, which can lead to the eyelids sagging. This is called dermatochalasis.
If you have sagging eyelids, it can cause your eyes to appear puffy or swollen, especially around your eyebrows. It may also make it hard to close your eyes and cause dryness, itching or irritation in the eyelids.
Lumps on or around the eyelids can be a simple cyst or stye, or may be a sign of something more serious such as skin cancer. It's important to see your GP if you think there might be a problem.
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iheartvmt · 4 years
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Uveal cyst
• Other names: Iris cyst, iridic cyst, epithelial iris cyst
• Brief description:
Uveal cysts are smooth, round, fluid-filled cysts arising from the iris of the eye. Their color varies from black to clear.
• Cause:
- The cause of uveal cysts is not known, but genetics probably plays a factor.
- Uveal cysts are thought to form from the caudal pigmentary epithelia of the iris, or from the epithelia of the ciliary body which produces aqueous humor, and they are comprised of a single layer of epithelium filled with aqueous fluid.
• Species:
- dogs: most common in hounds, golden retrievers, Labrador retrievers, rottweilers, German shepherds, boxers, Boston terriers, great Danes, and English bulldogs
- cats: rare; most common in Burmese cats or after trauma
- horses: more common in horses with blue eyes
• Signs:
- Black to clear (but usually pigmented) mass in the anterior chamber of the eye (in horses, mass is present in the stroma of the iris)
- Affected dogs and cats usually show no sign of discomfort, unless the cysts are caused by an underlying disorder or trauma
- Horses may show head-shaking or spooking if approached or asked to move toward the affected side if the cyst interferes with their vision, especially if the cysts are mobile.
• Diagnosis:
- Uveal cysts are grossly visible on physical exam, but can be difficult to differentiate from neoplasia.
- The most common way to distinguish between a uveal cyst and melanoma is transillumination; a uveal cyst will become transilluminated, but a melanoma will not. This is done by illuminating the structures with a strong light source placed at an oblique angle to the eye.
- If the masses are free-floating or move when the head or eye moves, it is more likely to be a uveal cyst than neoplasia.
- If the masses are transparent, it is more likely to be a uveal cyst than neoplasia.
- If the masses are smooth and round or oval, it is more likely to be a uveal cyst; uveal melanomas typically have mottled surfaces and irregular shapes.
- In some cases, such as when cysts are very heavily pigmented, ultrasound biomicroscopy may be needed to ultimately differentiate between uveal cysts, uveal melanoma, and iris atrophy.
• Treatment:
- Typically, no treatment is necessary unless the pupil is obstructed and vision is impaired.
- Cysts can be aspirated under anesthesia with a fine needle or deflated with a diode laser. While it's more invasive, the former technique may be preferable in dogs and cats as the deflated cysts are removed from the eye, preventing complications caused by the remnants adhering to other structures. However, in horses, the laser technique is preferable because FNA has higher rates of complications, including uveitis, hyphema, cataract formation, and retinal damage
- Afterwards, patients are treated with topical eye drops +/- oral anti-inflammatories because cyst deflation can generate low-grade inflammation in the eye.
- Most of the time uveal cysts are benign, but may be signs of underlying disease needing further treatment.
- In golden retrievers, uveal cysts are often an early sign of pigmentary uveitis, which is a progressive disease that eventually causes blindness. These cysts are usually transparent and numerous, and may be associated with other signs such as anterior uveitis, glaucoma, corneal edema, corneal ulceration, radial pigment deposition on the anterior lens capsule, posterior synechiae, hyperpigmentation of the iris, presentation at the iridocorneal angle, an accumulation of fibrinous material in the anterior chamber, and anterior capsular/cortical cataracts.
- In Great Danes and English bulldogs, uveal cysts have been associated with the development of glaucoma.
- Uveal cysts in golden retrievers, Great Danes, and bulldogs should be referred to an ophthalmologist for further work-up.
• Prevention: none
• Sources:
- Michael J. Blair, DVM, MS, RPh, Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, at Animal Eye Care of Richmond. Conversation and patient discharge sheets. 8/18/20 and 9/22/20.
- Uveal cysts
- Uveal cyst -- dog
[Image source]
- Uveal Cysts -- When to Worry
- Dark Mass Inside the Left Eye
[Image source]
- Intraocular Tumors in Small Animal Patients
- Anterior Uvea -- Eye Diseases and Disorders
- Equine Clinical Case Challenge – Compulsive Head-Shaking
[Image source]
- Equine Case Study: Epithelial Iris Cyst
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Random Analog Horror Fact
The Iris has a ‘moon’ called “Cyst” and it looks like this:
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southernsnowdogs · 3 years
Okay, bad news, bad news and good news about striga, the blind macaw.
Bad news: the vet said it looks like she could have iris cysts. Which is congenital, and also rare in parrots. It could be technically treated, but isn’t a permanent fix, and will likely come back and lead to complete blindness when they do eventually come back.
Second bad news: her bad wing, the one we thought was broken but healed, has actually never healed due to the location of the break, and has been just floating there for years. She’s been in immense chronic pain for years.
We have 3 options:
1.try surgery, which would end up requiring a lot of post op care and pins that could be way too stressful on a blind bird.
2. Amputation
3. Medication for life. Which is not an option because she likely has 20+ years to go and that will be a pain and it’s just a bandaid solution.
The good news: it’s possible that by treating her pain, her attitude will likely improve and she will be a lot more comfortable as her vision gradually declines more, because she’s not having to worry about bumping that wing.
So we are going with partial wing removal. I’m already dreading how much this is going to cost, but i feel like I owe it to her, to give her the best outcome on life that I can.
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Iris Publishers - World Journal of Agriculture and Soil Science (WJASS)
Growth Response of Heterobranchus Longifilis Fingerlings Fed Diets Supplemented with Moringa Oleifera Leaf Meal as Replacement of Soybean Meal
Authored by Ibiyo Lenient MO
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Aquaculture is the fastest growing sector of the world‘s animal production with an annual increase of about 10% [1]. To sustain such high rates of increase in production, a matching increase in fish feed production is imperative. Because fish meal is a limited primary source and plants are widely available and reasonably priced, the use of plant protein sources in aqua feeds should be considered [2]. Therefore, in order to attain more economically sustainable, environmentally friendly and viable production, research interest has been directed towards the evaluation and use of non-conventional sources of plant and animal protein. Soybean meal is one of the most nutritious of all plant protein sources because of its high protein content, high digestibility, and relatively well-balanced ami no acid profile [3]. Owing to its reasonable price and steady supply, soybean meal is widely used as a cost-effective feed ingredient for most aquaculture species [4]. It is currently the most commonly used plant protein source in fish feeds [5]. However, soybean meal use in animal feeds competes with human food use, and hence there is a need to identify other protein-rich plant resources that could be used in fish diets. Another potential alternative plant protein source for fish feeds is moringa (Moringa oleifera). This plant is receiving much attention because its leaves, flowers and seeds can all be used as food [6]. Moringa leaf contains crude protein (CP) with about 260g/kg of leaf, of which about 87% is true protein [7]. Essential amino acids found in moringa leaf are methionine, cyste-ine, typtophan and lysine [6]. Analyses of the leaf composition have revealed them to have significant quantities of vitamins A, B and C, calcium, iron and protein. According to Optima of Africa, Ltd., a group that has been working with the tree in Tanzania, “25 grams daily of Moringa Leaf Powder (MLP) will give a child” the following recommended daily allowances: Protein 42%, Calcium 125%, Magnesium 61%, Potassium 41%, Iron 71%, Vitamin A 272%, and Vitamin C 22%. A comparison between the amino acid composition of raw moringa leaf and that of soybean revealed an almost identical pattern of the essential amino acids [8]. There is an abundant total amount of these essential amino acids plenty in the leaf that can be used as animal feed [9]. The objective of this present experiment was to investigate the effect of different levels of dietary moringa leaf meal as a partial replacement of full fat soybean meal in the diet of Heterobranchus longifilis, (giant African catfish) fingerlings on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, hematology and liver histopathology.
Materials and Methods
Preparation of Moringa olifera leaf meal (MLM)
The M. oleifera leaves used in the diets was harvested whole in NIFFR Estate, New Bussa, Niger State and air dried under the shade. The whole leaves harvested were allowed to wilt under the shade overnight after which mere shaking it help the leaflets to drop out of the stalk before final drying. This was to avoid the stalk of the leaves mixing up with the leaflets needed and reduce fibre contribution from the MLM into the diets. The leaflets were milled to powder after they have properly dried which was used for the preparation of the experimental diets (Plate 1).
Three Hundred Heterobranchus longifilis fingerlings were acquired and acclimatized for three weeks before selection and subjection to the experiment. Completely randomized design with three replicate groups was used to study the response of 150 Heterobranchus longifilis fingerlings to diets supplemented with graded levels (0, 5, 10, 15 or 20)% of Moringa leaf meal (MLM) to replace soybean meal in a soybean and fish meal based diet together with other ingredients (Table 1). The 42 days study was carried out in an aerated aquaria using indoor at the fish nutrition laboratory in NIFFR feed mill complex. Diet 1 with a zero supplementation served as control. Chemical analysis such as phytochemicals in leaf considering tannin and phytic acid determination, proximate composition (AOAC, 2000), hematology, histopathology of feed and fish samples were carried out. Digestibility was also assessed. Fish were fed at 5% body weight at commencement of the study in the first 2 weeks but was reduced to 3% body weight when much leftover feeds were observed which could be due to Heterobranchus feed consumption nature which is poor. The daily rations were divided into two installments, supplied morning (8.00 - 9.00 am) and evening (6.00 – 7.00 pm). Siphoning of the bottom of the aquaria was carried out each morning and addition of freshwater to maintain water level before feeding the fish. Fortnight sampling was adopted for feed adjustments, fish observation and total cleaning of the aquaria. Water quality was monitored in the course of the study using easy test kit. Feed cost was calculated based on the prevailing market prices of the ingredients at the period of experimentation. Statistical analysis was carried out on the data obtained at the end of the study.
The results of this study indicated that M. olifera leaves possess the potential to partially replace soybean meal in any soybean and fishmeal base diet for giant African catfish (H. longifilis) without adversely affecting growth performance, digestibility and pathology of the fish. This is in agreement with earlier studies on Oreochromis niloticus by Richter et al. [12] and Abo-State et al. [13] who used MLM to replace fishmeal in the diets of the fish and found out that MLM could replace fishmeal up to 10% and 8% respectively in tilapia. Moringa leaf meal (MLM) could be used to reduce pressure on soybean meal. Hardy 2010 noted that soybean is currently the most commonly used plant protein sources in fish feed and there is competition with human use. Using MLM to reduce pressure on soybean will be possible because comparison between the amino acids of MLM and soybean revealed an almost identical pattern of all the essential amino acids [8]. The observation of reduced growth performance, digestibility and poorer FCR at higher inclusion level in this present study is an indication that there is a limit to the extent which MLM could be included in the diet of giant African catfish to avoid negativity in performance. This is similar to what was earlier reported on O. niloticus [12,13]. The poor performance at higher levels might not be unconnected to the antinutritional factors present in the raw moringa leaf. Although the MLM used in this study was air dried before use, the phytochemical analysis revealed that the phytic acids and tannin were still present in the diets though at low levels. The poor performance observed in the groups that fed on diets with higher inclusion levels of MLM might be related to the likely interaction of the antinutritional factors with utilization of other nutrients in the feeds [6]. The poor Hb and PCV levels obtained in the groups that fed on the highest MLM supplementation level might have been due to interactive effect of phytochemicals against the fish natural body functional ability to neutralize or suppress the deleteriousness of certain ingested chemicals. The appreciable digestibility of protein obtain in this study might be due to the drying process the leaf undergo before its use, the equal fishmeal levels and palm oil as a source of lipids in the diets with the fact that it is plant protein portion that was replaced. Palm oil has a natural tendency to neutralize the efficacy of poisonous substances like the one that could result from the antinutritional factors such as the tannins and phytic substances in the MLM. It had also been noted that antinutrients such as tannins and saponins inflicts bitterness in feeds and could results in poor consumption [2] due to reaction of the chemosensory receptors [14]. That might happen at high levels of inclusion which could result to high concentration of those antinutrients and subsequent effective bitterness since the intake in this study did not exhibit such criteria as there was no significant difference in feed intake. Although increased level resulted into poor feed conversion ratio which might not be unconnected to the carnivorous-ominivorous nature of the giant African catfish and tannins interaction with utilization of nutrients in feeds. The effective cost reduction also observed in the formulations with MLM is an indication that it could be used to replace some soybean in the diets of giant African catfish at the optimum level of 5-10% replacement.
In conclusion, MLM could be used to partially replace up to 5 - 10% of the full fat soybean meal in the diet of giant African catfish, Heterobranchus longifilis fingerlings without reduction in the growth performance of the fish. The MLM use will also lead to reduction in cost of fish feed. Using the best performing supplementation level (5%) will result to a cost reduction of 11.5% per cost of 100Kg feed base on the formulations used in this study while the 10% optimum level of supplementation will result to feed cost reduction of 23.2% per cost of 100Kg feed [15]. The cost to benefit ratio obtained in the study encourages the use of 5% level of replacement. There is need to subject moringa leaves to other processing methods for another trial to see if there could be improvement from what was obtained in this present study. There is need to evaluate the response of Clarias species to moringa leaf inclusion in the diet
 To read more about this articlehttps: //irispublishers.com/wjass/fulltext/growth-response-of-heterobranchus.ID.000601.php
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joyyywd · 3 years
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Reposted from @kniqhtfallrescuenetwork Reposted from @theteamfridaproject NYC! Posted @withregram • @mustlovecatsnyc Leela #121885 & Edge #121886 are 13 year neutered male housemates brought to the Manhattan ACC by police. LEELA 19-Jul-2021 DVM Intake BAR H pink 1 sec Relaxed and purring in the beginning but then started to hiss with restraint Objective P = 180hr R = 40rr BCS 7/9 EENT: Eyes - clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted; small thyroid nodule Oral Exam: 3/4 dental issues PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MC MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, dry dull hair coat; overweight CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment Overweight Dental disease Prognosis: Good BG- 122 mg/ml EDGE Subjective: BAR H pink 1 sec Relaxed and purring in the beginning but then started to hiss with restraint and increased stimulation Objective P = 200hr R = 40rr BCS 3/9 EENT: Eyes - iris atrophy, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted; small thyroid nodule Oral Exam: 3/4 dental issues; right lower lip- small purple growth- (apocrine cyst) PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MC MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, dry dull hair coat; superficial (1 cm x 1 cm x 3/4 cm) round nodule . Medical/behavioral details available on the Must Love Cats Facebook (see link in our Instagram bio.) . To adopt or rescue this kitty, send a message to our page or ➡️CONTACT [email protected]⬅️ . Disclaimer: Please note that MUST LOVE CATS is a volunteer run page that posts cats on death row and cats in need. We do our best to provide updates on the cats posted whenever their updates are made public, but cannot guarantee updates on all cats posted. . #cat #cats #catsofinsta #cats_of_instagram #pets #petstagram #petsofinstagram #catsofinstagram #purrfectfelines #catsagram #catlover #instagramcats #instacat #photooftheday #instakitty #love #cute #kittycat #kitty #meow #explore #mustlovecatsnyc #coicommunity #nyc #newyork #catrescue #adopt https://www.instagram.com/p/CRr9o9LhtzX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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