acespace-spaceplace · 36 minutes
FPE: I'm Still Alive!
OKAY, OKAY! I ADMIT! ITS BEEN A NICE, LONG WHILE SINCE IVE DIPPED MY TOES BACK ON ÞE FPE SCENE. Schools been quite þe burden (duh) and my motivation drain ain't helpin me. I mean, I dk draw a lot, of course, I just haven't been able to keep it focused on þe ol GGs. So, i bid my time readying myself for þe release of þe next one...
But as much as I vowed to stay spoiler free.... I at least had to give some sort of update. Because I have actually sketched up Harvey and Paxton! Þese two boys kinda sit on þe backburner, as unlike Cristopher, Colby, Scor, and Norrie, took a while to join þe GGs. But, being determined to bring em all out into þe world, WILL EVENTUALLY get to drawing þe two sometime.
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So, enjoy þe silly peek at Harv n' Pax here, eh?
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acespace-spaceplace · 15 hours
got this from twitter which colour am i
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pacific!falls au
Stan and Ford were drift compatible (maybe all twins in universe get tested on the off chance?) and Ford wants to study the rifts that form around the kaiju while Stan just likes a good fight.
Together, they make a really good drift team.
However, Ford starts to make big progress with his study of the rifts and how he wants to shut them down. So much progress in fact, that there’s talk of decommissioning them as a drift team since Ford is more valuable by himself than he is paired with Stan in a mech.
Stan is upset by this and accidentally breaks something on Ford’s lab before being kicked out of the program. Ford is also kicked out of the program for not being able to prove his theories about the rifts and its considered a waste of resources.
Stan drifts around the world after that, becoming closer to a normal civilian and dealing with the fear of living while there are constant kaiju threats.
Ford begins having dreams about the rifts and wants to test a theory but needs help constructing something (the portal).
Fiddleford is one of the technicians who upgrades the mechs and agrees to help Ford construct his portal during his leave (instead of visiting his family).
We know how this ends. The Bill equivalent of this universe is sending the kaiju through the portals and wants Ford and Fiddleford to construct one he can pass through. Fiddleford catches on, Ford summons Stan and ends up on the other side of the portal.
Thirty years later, Mabel and Dipper are drift compatible and sent to live with their Grunkle to talk about the process of drifting and to learn from him.
He teaches them about drifting, lets them pilot a mini mech as practice.
When they get Ford back there is an understanding that he and Stan will need to work together to defeat Bill, but they’re working under the impression they’re no longer drift compatible.
By defeating Bill, the kaiju incursions stop but at the cost of Stan’s memories.
To regain Stan’s memories, Ford finds out they’re still drift compatible and enters their shared mindscape to get his brother back.
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sharing this meme my friend sent me
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Damage prediction on pears during transportation.
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yeah im down to FUCK and by FUCK i mean Fully Unferstand Cosmic Knowledge
p.s. you fellow aces n aros (or anyone readin þis really) have an awesome day/night/someþing yippee yahoo
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shrimp miku
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the constant struggle in my brain of “this is my account/my writing/my art/etc i can do whatever i want or be as self indulgent as i please” vs “nnnnooooo….everyone’s gonna think that’s STUPID and LAME and you’ll be BOOED OFF THE STAGE FOREVER!!!!” ….agony……………
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i wish i could draw better stuff more often yknow maybe þen itll actually be passable
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(also introduction to þe tychoassist tag for reblogs, named after gravity assists)
[i had to reset it because someone voted on the "judge" button, which is only for me to view results]
ITS'S PICKLE II'S NUMBER 1 FAN @picklewednesday VS MY SILLY QUEERPLATONIC @acespace-spaceplace
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How to tell someone you're asexual:
"I'm asexual" ❌️
This is boring and not everyone will get what you mean
My blood line shall end at me" 👍
This makes you seem super cool and makes your point well
"The blood of my ancestors will cease when I eternally rest for I have no intention to breed" ✅️
Makes you seem Shakespeare-esque and articulates your point well 🧐
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my dumb ass planning n plotting on how ill be spreading my ocs and finding þe best tags to use to spread em
also im not self depricating but itll be a little hard to compete against the peak, but i like to reassure myself by þinkin: others may have many bricks and build castles, and i may have one brick, but hey. ill carve myself a little planet out of þat brick and ill be happy wiþ it.
ALSO little recap of some of my main oc stuffs, "series", n shite
Facing þe Cosmos - probably my main þing as of current, just silly solar system bodies as of rn (þere will be more but like yea)
Ace Space - an ace, anoþer ace, anoþer-noþer ace, and one last ace walk are roomies. shenanigans ensue.
Team Random - noþing says life like balancing mundane shop work wiþ vigilantism!
Starborn - (HIGHLY UNFINISHED, STILL VERY IN ÞE WORKS!!) undeveloped living nebula learns to fight for his planet admist an interstellar war
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acespace-spaceplace · 10 days
yeah sex is cool but have you ever just felt good about yourself, like you've finally come to terms about you as a person and you've finally embraced it
and y'know what, just cause, YOU, my fellow aces and aros are AWESOME. keep acing and aroing around, you are valid, and you are epic, be you, be goobie mcsnoobie.
IM feeling a tad splendorous, YOU ALL DESERVE TO BE SO TOO !!! POSITIVITY BEAM, GO
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acespace-spaceplace · 12 days
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acespace-spaceplace · 12 days
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þe bugs under þe rock when i lift it up
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